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Education: The Rooseveltian, 1929: Roosevelt Junior High School Yearbook: 
Altoona, Blair Co, PA
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The Rooseveltian
Published by
The Class in Journalism
Roosevelt Junior High School
Altoona, Pa.
    Five shining mirrors stand side by side - five mirrors reflecting in their 
radiant faces joys and sorrows, fun and laughter, work and play. Before them 
have come five different groups of thoughtful, jolly children.  Forth from them 
have gone five groups of thoughtful, jolly young men and young women.
    For five years boys and girls have entered the gates of Roosevelt.  For five 
years young men and young women have gone forth from those gates.
    May they all enter again, and again stand before the Mirror of Roosevelt in 
this our First Year Book.
    I pledge allegiance to the Roosevelt Junior High School and to the ideals 
and principles for which it stands - our school, the best school we can make it 
every day.
    When you play, play hard; when you work, play not at all.
    With the arrival of spring, the whole country welcomes the coming of the 
    We, the students of Roosevelt Junior High School, have been unusually 
fortunate.  In our school for five years, the whole of its existence, it has 
been spring and we trust that it ever will be.
    A "Burd" has been leading and guiding us, helping, encouraging, and urging 
us ever onward toward our goal - Success.
    We most gratefully dedicate this - our first School Annual, the Rooseveltian 
- to our principal - our friend, helper, and advisor, Mr. Burd.
W. H. Burd
They Made Junior High Possible
Superintendent of Schools
3501 Wendover Way, Mansion Park
Phones - 3384; Office, 8101
6214  James S. Fleck, 813 Seventh Ave.
9046  H. King MacFarlane, 2425 W. Chestnut Ave.
2-7418  Lynn M. Moses, 1516 Tenth St.
2-2686  J. Foster Meck, 2417 Second Ave.
2-6237  William F. Sellers, 1703 Third Ave.
7528  Dr. Guy S. Tippery, 1016 Twenty-third Ave.
3080  Samuel C. Bowen,1011 Seventh Ave.
5423  William F. Eberle, 314 Second Ave.
6816  Joseph C. McKerihan, 1719 Second Ave.
Our Superintendent's Page
    On June 1, 1922, when the present superintendent came to Altoona a number of 
houses were on the streets under way to other lots from their former location 
where the Roosevelt Building now stands.  In September, 1924, when this school 
was opened Altoona began the plan of a 6-3-3 school system.  Students of grade 
seven to eight are happier when not under the associations of the three upper 
classes.  All know that a much more complete and interesting program can be 
arranged where many groups work together in a large building.
    However, our Junior High plan has become incomplete because the ninth and 
eighth grades leave no room for the seventh.  So on the west side of the town 
the new David S. Keith building - named after a former long time superintendent 
- is going up, and in September, 1930, will enroll 1500 pupils from grades 
seven, eight and nine.  Many of these would otherwise have gone to Roosevelt 
    Juniata presents a problem.  There grades seven, eight and nine meet in one 
building but have no auditorium, no gymnasium, no shops, and no rooms for home 
economics, art or music.  Likely, the next Junior High School will be built 
there.  Then there will still be many students of these grades in outlying 
section of the city who will be unable to find a place in any of the three 
buildings mentioned.  A fourth and even a fifth school may be necessary before 
all those coming from the grade buildings within the new city limits can be 
    When that day comes Roosevelt Junior High will not need to look far to find 
ready rivals in band, orchestra, dramatics, debates, and athletics.  It is 
pleasant to realize that the students and faculty of Roosevelt Junior High in 
these five years have proven to the citizens of Altoona that all boys and girls 
should have similar opportunity.
General Manager: Harold Lauver
Managing Editor: Kenneth Heaps
Assistant Editor: Alma Gluntz
Editor-in-Chief: Helena Samuels
Business Manager: Samuel Sealfon
Assistant Business Manager: Mary Elizabeth Schlayer
Department Editors
Associate Editors: Gladys Bathgate, Anne Grimshaw
Editorial Writers: Rose Grovan, Betty Hall
Literary Editor: Paul Stewart
Sport Editor: John Lozo
Poet's Corner: Dorothy Williams
Joke Editor: Robert Epple
Treasurer: Raymond Boatman
Copy Editor: Jennie Patronik
Assistants: Josephine Keith, Sarah Louise LeVan
Art Editor: Robert Shoenfelt
Louise Lee, William Davis, Donald Shock, Rosamond States, Aaron Gendel, Malcolm 
Neuwahl, Betty Hofmann, Walter Blake, Louise Felton, Jane Findley
Faculty Advisers
Ruby Krouse, Ruth Kantner, Edna Bottorf - Art
President: Reiman Shaffer
Vice President: Rollin Van Horn
Secretary: Ruth Smith
Treasurer: Margaret Crissman
Mary Downs, Annie Crumbaker, Louse Hoover, Marguerite Bathgate, Bertha Grazier, 
Ruth Kantner, 
Carolyn Cox, Mae Harter, Ruby Krouse, Margaret Crissman, Mary Healy, Ruth Lucas
Ella B. Edgar, Mary Horning, Grace Masterson, Bess Gephart, Ruth Irwin , Sara 
Riddell, Daisy Gruver Carrie Ketler, Ruth Smith, Clara Hazard, Belle Landis
H. E. Harbaugh, Mattie Miller, Vera Sullivan, W. W. Lauver, Dorothy Morrow, E. 
W. Jaggard, Mai Marsh Grace Mosser, Bertha Obermyer
Rollin Van Horne, Nellie Grimminger, Ethel White, Minnie Carver, Olive Harlin, 
Reiman Shaffer, Sadie Cohn, Emma Kantner, Blanche Clark, Frances Dern, Mildred 
Shirk, Jane Phillips, Jean Everhart
Berger C. Baker, Alma Eberle
Edna Bottorf, Lily Lutman
Laura Walters, Beatrice Morrison
Edna Davis, Louise Schomberg, Dorothy Irwin, Mary Walters, Myrtle Gould
Zoe McGough, Margaret Moore
Elizabeth Bowles, Leroy Lewis, Frances Hicks, Benjamin Weinstein
C. G Hauser, H. H. Plummer, Robert L. Luse, R. W. Shoenfelt
Lora Wallace
Blanche Bender
    ONE expects to find Cupid any place but in a school room and aiming any one 
but a school marm.  When popular young ladies decide to enter the teaching 
profession young cupid goes right along.  He has taken thirteen of our teachers 
during the last five years.  When they know how to play the game he Mrs. them.  
Thirteen is not a lucky number and Cupid knows it.  So do some other teachers 
who are faithfully playing the game with him.  I hope he Mrs. them, don't you?
Miss Mayme Laird: Mrs. E. K. Barnard
Miss Bernadette McNelis: Mrs. Cletus Wyrock
Miss Helen Hoover: Mrs. George Grassmyer
Miss Gwendolyn Wilt: Mrs. Mitchell McCartney
Miss Helen Evans: Mrs. Charles Hack
Miss Dorothy Fluke: Mrs. Lester Mong
Miss Mildred Cole: Mrs. R. W. Shafhirt
Miss Clara Kirkpatrick: Mrs. Charles Elder
Miss Gertrude Hileman: Mrs. Harry Postem
Miss Edith Kerns: Mrs. Joseph Larsons
Miss Helen Beech: Mrs. Chester Simonton
Miss Jessie Mallory: Mrs. John Skelly
Miss Charlotte Kintzer: Mrs. Lehman Kirk
    And they lived happily ever after.
    Twenty-five other teachers have left Roosevelt during the past five years.  
They have gone to other schools in our city or have taken position in other 
cities.  A few of them have retired from the profession and are traveling.  They 
Miss Faith McKerihan,  Miss Jessie Kipp, Miss Emma Davis, Miss Sara Somerville, 
Miss Anna Krick, Miss Eleanor Shomberg, Miss Marjorie Downes, Miss Harriet 
DeHuff, Miss Esther Eberle, Miss Elizabeth Eyre, 
Miss Susan Yuhas, Mr. Herbert Sheetz, Miss Rena Lauver, Mr. Paul Brandt, Miss 
Sarah Miller, Mr. M. G. Nevin Dively, Miss Miriam Salter, Mr. Carl Lundegren, 
Miss Norma Swayne,  Mr. John Tice, Miss Ruth Brumbaugh, Mr. Robert Wolfe, Mr. 
Harold Morgart, Mr. Howard Lindaman, Mr. Harold Frantz
    THEODORE ROOSEVELT once said, "Of course, what we have a right to expect of 
every American boy is that he shall turn out to be a good American man. Now, the 
chances are great that he won't be much of a man unless he is a good deal of a 
boy. He must not be a coward, or a weakling, a bully, a shirk, or a prig. He 
must work hard. He must be clean minded and clean lived." Of course this applies 
to girls as well as boys.
    These are the ideals upon which Roosevelt Junior High School is founded. Our 
school motto is Roosevelt's motto: "When you play, play hard; when you work, 
play not at all."  Education is provided for every boy and girl not only for the 
sake of their own development and prosperity, but primarily that they may become 
good citizens, capable and desirous of rendering helpful service to others in 
both private and public life.
    The inauguration of student participation in government in our school is one 
of our outstanding achievements.
    Sometimes we have made mistakes but we have learned from these mistakes. As 
a whole the leaders we have chosen to lead us have held these standards and 
ideals high.
    This mantle symbolizes all that Roosevelt Junior High School stands for. We 
ask you, as members of the eighth grade, that as we hand it over to your keeping 
you shall not betray your trust. As you take our places, remember that if you 
are to continue to be proud of your school, your school must also be proud of 
    THE year that I have just spent in this school has been one which I shall 
never forget. It has been a pleasure to be president of a body of students that 
cooperate in everything. This school's reputation is not made by stone, but by 
its pupils. Many schools have the same name as ours. The reason for this is that 
the life of Roosevelt emphasized the characteristics of the all around American 
citizen. His life should make us feel proud that our school is named in his 
honor. Our school is a democracy. We make our own laws and regulations and we 
have student officers and teachers to help us keep them. If we have been 
studious and attentive in our classes, fair in our dealings with others we have 
been desired citizens of our school community. After we are grown up and have 
taken over civic duties we should be good citizens if we obeyed our rules in our 
own school. Years ago, law breakers were numerous but now we have only a few. We 
shall not have a prosperous, peaceful city unless we make it so. The future 
citizens of Altoona are in our schools. If we fail to become good citizens we 
will bring disgrace upon the school of which we are so proud. Roosevelt once 
said, "No one is a good American unless he is a good citizen, and every boy 
ought to train himself so that as a man he will be able to do his full duty to 
his community."
[Council Officers]
[Student Council]
    The Student Council of the Roosevelt Junior High School composed of one 
representative from each of the fifty-seven Home Room Clubs meet with the 
Faculty Adviser every Tuesday morning at 8:40 in the Social Room to discuss ways 
and means to co-operate with the faculty in any form of social service that will 
advance true Rooseveltian ideals and principles in our school.
    The Council suggests to the Home Room clubs methods by which individual 
members as well as the whole group can render service in the school community, 
and receives from the Home Room clubs recommendations for Council deliberation 
and action. All Council action is subject to the veto of the principal of the 
school. The Council hears and advises Corridor Patrols as to their duties, makes 
announcements to Home Room clubs, and carries on a variety of activities some of 
which are: Good Traffic Week, Clean-Up Campaigns, No Tardiness Drives, Ticket- 
Selling Campaigns, Christmas Seal Sales, Red Cross Membership Drives, Charity 
work, etc. Two other important branches of the Council participation in 
government plan are the Corridor Patrols and, the Ushers'. League.
MINNIE E. CARVER, Faculty Advisor 
Student Council Second Semester February, 1929
Home Room Club Presidents
Dorothy Burd 9-28, Francis Joy 9-24, Dorothy Thompson 9-32, Lois Huebres 9-19, 
Mary Helen Miller 9-30, Elizabeth Moyall 9-15, Betty Ammerman 9-27, Beatrice 
Lamboui 9-20, John Myers 9-31, Anna Rollason 9-14, Gertrude Williams 9-16, Elden 
Aumen 9-10, William Hamilton 9-3, John Boyer, Fred Datres 9-2, Sarah Jane Aaron 
8-13, Mike O. Delesck 9-9, Lila Webber 9-29, Paul Fomkes 9-12, Grace Chevalier 
8-20, Wesley Clemens 9-4, John Strayer 8-21, Evylene Cogley 9-18, Philip Geary 
8-4, Bernard Bookhammer 9-6, Kenneth Yeager 8-24, Jack Jackson 9-8, Charles 
Rupert 8-5, Aleck Joseph 8-15, Irene Bugle 8-22, John Glacken 8-3, Leroy 
Aughenbaugh 8-23, John Baker 8-16, Lillian Vallone 8-6, Robert Smith 8-12, Ruth 
Replogle 8-18, James Dodson 8-17, Antonio Rizzio 8, Tony Fusco 8-8,  Grace 
Robison 7, Edwin Green 8-14, Ralph Anske 8-1, Clyde Barnes 8-9, Grace Wilbomer 
8-19, Robert McNaughton 9-26, Harry Noll 8-2, Earl Abrahimes 8-11, Edgar Weedel 
9-1, Jane Byer 9-17, Raymond Rauchel 9-7, Howard Calderwood 9-13, Clarence 
Bingham 9-5, Irvina Rittenhouse 9-23, Hurford Hale 9-11, Louise Nelson 9-20, 
Effie Kelly 9-25
[Corridor Patrols]
    A selected group of fifty boys and girls recommended by their teachers for 
satisfactory standing in scholarship, conduct, attendance, and punctuality, give 
their services to the school by assisting the teachers in maintaining order in 
the halls in the morning before school, between classes, at lunch periods, and 
at dismissal. These patrols depend for their effectiveness upon the loyal 
support of the entire student body. They are on duty from 8:10 a. m. to 2:50 p. 
m. and are subject to call for extra service at any time. They also serve as 
ushers at school entertainments. Once a month the patrols submit their report 
cards to the faculty adviser for inspection. Any patrol found slowing up in his 
school work is warned at once to improve his grades. If grades continue 
unsatisfactory the patrol is asked to resign. This happens rarely.
    In March a group of eighth grade boys and girls recommended by their 
teachers are appointed for a probation term of service under the direction of 
the faculty adviser and the ninth grade patrols. If the new patrols prove 
satisfactory they are placed in permanent service for the next school year.
    The corridor patrol is a very popular branch of the Student Council service 
and carries credit for the Roosevelt "R's."
Edgar Weidel (Captain), Jean Seads, Jack. Coho, Robert Marshing, James Bowman, 
William Harrison, 
Ralph Robb, William Yeats, Samuel Michael, Carl Gruber, Bernard Bookhamer, 
Melvin White, Dale Kline,  Roy Goss, Kenneth Winters, Charles Morrow, Harry 
Jones, Henry Hoffman, Robert Stahl, Harry Burke, Gladys Bathgate, Harold Lauver, 
William Housely, Daniel Wilson, Donald Walker, Thomas Parkes, Alvin Dysinger, 
Alvin Hicks, Joseph Lefler, John Allison, Fred Leidy, Gladys Cummings, Frank 
Radkonski, Lynn Hildebrand, James Burgoon, Andrew Muir, Elizabeth Schlagel, John 
Kekalos, Walter Lockard, Mary McKinney, Howard Calderwood, Herman Seidel, 
Hurford Hale, Charles Sterling, John Miller, James Morris, Morgan Shute, William 
Keckler, Paul Van Diew, Don Lightner, Harry Neugabauer, Herbert Smeigh, Charles 
Nicodemus, John Davis, Gertrude Resig, Charles Mannion, James Contakos
We ain't so dumb when yuh jist consider,
  That next year we'll be ninth grade, too;
We ain't so bright and shinin now,
  An' we look awkward, I know we do.
We're just taggin' along behind,
  Preparin' for when we take the lead,
I'll let you in on a little secret,
  I'll tell you we got pep and speed.
We may be awkward, we may be dumb,
  We may be a little firefly now;
But next year in ninth grade we'll be
  An incandescent light, and how!
    We, as eighth grade pupils, realize that you have challenged us to accept a 
sacred trust. We have watched you as the year passed by. As you set an example 
for us to follow, we in turn must be the leaders of the class that follows. As 
yet they are not members of this school. We do not know them; they do not know 
us. Neither do they know the ideals and standards of this school. If we fail-but 
we will not fail. We promise never to bring disgrace upon our school; we will 
obey and reverence authority, we will pass on this mantle next year as stainless 
as we receive it from you.
    Therefore, in accepting this mantle and all it symbolizes, I call upon the 
members of the eighth grade to rise and pledge themselves to this great task.
    THE class of 9-18 greatly regrets the loss of a good and faithful school 
chum, Mary Calabrese. Mary went to her earthly home after school on Tuesday, 
April 15, 1929. That same evening she was called to her heavenly home. She had 
already prepared her work for the next day. Mary had attended school in Altoona 
for five years without missing a day. Sorry as we are to have her go we are glad 
that we can remember her as spending her last day with us in her own cheery, 
happy way. How fine it is to have our friends remember our smile.
Listen to the rippling music as it pours from silver throats, 
Listen to the humming waters as we paddle in our boats, 
Listen to the angel mother as she sings her babe to sleep, 
Listen, brother, can't you hear it when the evening shadows creep?
Soon a hundred other voices will be blended all in song, 
Soon the church-bell will be ringing out it's sweet "ding-dong, ding-dong," 
Listen, brother, can't you hear it, does it not stir your inmost soul? 
Does it not give you hope and courage, and help you onward to your goal?
That is music, brother, music; Friend, I see tears in your eyes, 
But I know it is the music, for wherever music lies, 
There is joy and there is sorrow-sorrow that may ruin your life; 
But the joy wipes out the sorrow and there is an end of strife.
That is music, brother, music, let your heart join in the song, 
Then your whole soul will be happy and will sing the whole day long. 
Join the other happy voices which are beckoning to you, 
Sing a praise to God in Heaven, who has made your soul so true.
[Orchestra 1], [Orchestra 2]
    WHAT seasoning is to food, music is to a school. One can hardly realize how 
dull and lifeless a school would be without music. One of the greatest factors 
of music in Junior High School is the band which is composed of about thirty-
five members. The band, when in parade, makes a fine appearance with its 
uniforms of blue and white. It peps up the players at various games and helps 
the enthusiastic crowd to put all they have into the school songs and cheers.
    INSTRUMENTAL music, as we know it is of comparatively modern date - about 
200 years old. We can not imagine Roosevelt Junior High School without 
instrumental music. How would we get in and out of assembly without our 
    The orchestra plays every Monday and Thursday for assembly. The special 
orchestra is true to its name and plays only for special occasions or special 
meetings. It consists of members with special ability.
    Much of the enjoyment that has been furnished us by our orchestra is due to 
Mr. Baker's faithful directing.
[Boys' Glee Club]
    THE aim of the Boys' Glee Club is to develop part singing and tone quality 
in boys' voices. The club appeared in assembly and helped in the Christmas 
chorus From the club has developed a double quartette. This quartette is 
composed of the following boys: 
Dixon Crum: First Tenor
Robert Moyer:  First Tenor
Gerald Appleby: Second Tenor
Andrew Muir: Second Tenor
Elwood Rudisill: First Bass
William Keckler: First Bass
Don Wolf: Second Bass
Hurford Hale: Second Bass
(The following was composed by a Ninth Grade Girl.)
Nita consented 
His own fair bride to be, 
Soft fell her answer 
By the murmuring sea. 
'Neath a jasmine bower 
On a summer's balmy eve, 
Airy castles building 
Fairy dreams they weave. 
Nita Jua-ni-ta! 
Never more the lovers part, 
Nita Jua-ni-ta I have won thy heart.
[Girls' Chorus]
Margaret Weimer, Marcella Trostle, Mildred Savine, Blanche Colbert, Emily 
Miller, Irene Mateer, Pauline Buckets, Bertha Boldt, Kathryn Cooper, Kathrine 
Gallagher, Sara Croft, Virginia McQuade, Martha Friedly, Thelma Sutter, Pauline 
Goss, Dorothy Meader, Ruth Ella Hauser, Dorothy Evans, Anna  Basiani, Mary 
Marelli, Mary Morrone, Genevieve Peterson, Lois Isenberg, Edith Priestly, 
Margaret Hogg, Gladys Gibson, Elizabeth Rigg, Betty Hull, Elda Prough, Louise 
Lee, Beatrice Halter, Harriet Lynch, Mildred Moore, Violet Mnsch, Minnie Vasile, 
Edith Santella, May Castrochine, Jean Scads, Mary Keith, Dorothy Snyder, Keturah 
Cubertson, Maxine Wagner, Francis Fornwalt, Margaret Anderson, Louise Gottshall, 
Erma Detwiler, Ruth Hauser, Anna Hengstler, Harriet Hiner, Sylvia Kline, Mary 
Hoffman, Bessie Lingenfelter, Helen Saracena, Dorothy Jones, Thelma Temple, Lucy 
Cumming, Viola Gladfelter, Emma Kolleger, Madeline Harvey, Rose Lasser, Dorothy 
Henshaw, Anna Verbonitz, Lois Biddle, Isabelle Maitland, Mary Fiore, Geraldine 
Adams, Doris Bollinger, Mary McKinney, Margaret Carbaugh, Ethel Fickes, Pauline 
Clapper,  Verna Fessler, Gladys Brubaker, Matilda Stein, Ruth Bretz, Mary 
Pfeffer, Maxine Collins, Rose Dey, Margaret Little, Doris Beattie, Madeline 
McClain, Renetta Heiss, Doris Meek, Carol McClure, Carrie Noland, Helen Prough, 
Marie Tobias, Marie Tilson, Margaret Treese, Ethel Howell
[Boys' Glee Club]
Douglas Allison, William Lichtenstein, Gerald Appleby, Charles Llewellyn, 
Franklin Beard, Donald Lightner, Richard Breen, Robert Moyer, Jack Brown, Andrew 
Muir, Owen Brubaker, Samuel Nessel, James Bryant, Robert Glasgow, Eddie Caum, 
Charles Lockard, William Crawford, Douglas Mellot, Dixon Crum, Ralph Robb, Jack 
Dagenhardt, Elwood Rudacille, Americo DeVincens, William Riley, Jack Douglas, 
Robert Replogle, Roger Gilmore, Donald Ickes, Wilford Helsel, Charles 
Schandelmier, David Henderson, Robert Stahl, Arthur Hite, Edward Steward, Glenn 
Hoss, Wilfred Shingler, Hurford Hale, Paul Vandrew, Richard Green, Elwood 
Wagner, George Kalb, Robert Walters, Harry Johnston, Paul Waltz, Carl Kline, 
Clarence Wolfe, Donald Wolf
When you go down to Miss Bender, 
  And you're feeling mighty blue,
She looks so well and happy, 
  That you feel better too.
And when she knows just why you're there,
  She brings out castor oil and pills,
Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia too,
  It's good for all your ills.
She's always ready to sympathize, 
  Always willing to aid,
And when you're feeling fine, you say, 
  "A better nurse was never made."
"When God conceived the world, that was poetry; He formed it, and 
that was sculpture; He colored it, and that was painting He peopled it 
with living beings and that was the grand, divine, eternal Drama."
    ROOSEVELT Junior High School, realizing that drama is life itself, soon 
found a place for the expression of this natural activity. At the very beginning 
of its history, in September, 1924, several dramatic clubs were organized, which 
met for one period each week. The first piece of work done by the clubs was a 
Columbus Day pageant presented in Assembly, in which more than a hundred 
students took part. Even though the time for work on the production was very 
sort, it showed the school the possibilities of Roosevelt boys and girls. The 
fact that the public asked for a repetition of the pageant meant encouragement 
to the new activity in the new school. From time to time various demonstrations 
in the form of plays, readings, stories, pantomines, health, art, and holiday 
programs were presented before the student body. Two outstanding events of the 
year were dramatizations of Dicken's "Christmas Carol" and "The Man Without a 
    The fall of 1925 meant the undertaking of bigger and finer things. Many 
times from patrons and teachers the Spirit of Roosevelt Dramatics heard the 
comment: "It can't be done by junior High School boys and girls." But always the 
Spirit of Dramatics said, "We'll try." And it was done. Why? Because boys and 
girls love dramatics. They love it so much they play at it; they find a real and 
profound pleasure in it. Even those who thought the new undertakings impossible 
changed their minds. That year the Dramatic clubs were asked to present a 
special feature for the Annual Demonstration of School Activities. "Six Who Pass 
While the Lentils Boil," by Stuart Walker, was produced. The sequels to this 
play, "Sir David Wears a Crown" and "The King's Great Aunt Sits on the Floor" 
were later presented in Assembly. Another outstanding event of the year was the 
dramatization of "Why the Chimes Rang."
    To go on with the work, Dramatics needed encouragement, recognition, which 
is a great thing. Encouragement, we all long for. At the beginning of the third 
year Dramatics was given a department for regular class work. Needless to say
how much encouragement that tribute meant to the work. Twice a week during 
periods otherwise assigned for study, pupils who wished to do so were permitted 
to take special work. About one hundred fifty students availed themselves of 
this opportunity. There they began a study of pantomime, public speaking, and 
storytelling; appreciation of drama, stage business, settings, makeup, lighting 
and costuming; also original sketches, plays, and pageants. "Hiawatha" and "The 
Birds' Christmas Carol" were dramatized. The Dramatic Department took an active 
part in "Yanki San," a Japanese operetta, which was presented for our annual 
demonstration of activities. It was now the custom to present each year 
Christmas and Easter Cantatas. Here the Dramatic Department assisted the Music 
Department. At the close of the school year a city enterprise was the production 
of a spectacular health pageant, "The Masque of Beauty Through the Ages," 
presented by more than four hundred students of the Junior and Senior High 
Schools. Dramatic students played important parts.
    More than three hundred students were enrolled in the Dramatic Department 
during the fourth year of Roosevelt's history. Outstanding productions were "The 
Christmas Spirit" by Franz and Lillian Rickaby, "The Dear Departed," and "Three 
Pills in a Bottle" which was presented as a part of junior High's annual 
demonstration. Special farm programs planned by the U. S. Department of 
Agriculture were broadcast over radio station WFBG by Dramatic students, as well 
as plays and special Assembly programs. Original pageants for Arbor and 
Pennsylvania Days were written and presented by students of the department. 
Dramatic students presented the original art pageant "The Melting Pot." A most 
impressive Christmas pageant, "The Birth of Christ" was presented as one of 
Junior High's holiday programs.
    Outstanding features for the fifth year of junior High's history were, "The 
Toy Shop" by Percival Wilde, a more elaborate presentation of "The Birth of 
Christ," "A Costume Show of Now and Then," "Health Tableaux," "The Boy Who 
Discovered Easter," and the school's annual production, a light opera, "The Love 
Pirates of Hawaii." The Dramatic Department has now grown to more than five 
hundred students.
    Many times during its history has the Department presented plays and 
assisted in programs for other schools, clubs and outside organizations. Its 
students have given valuable assistance in arranging and taking care of stage 
settings given in the Roosevelt auditorium. To Roosevelt's students, teachers, 
and friends, many an enjoyable program has been given; and many a beautiful and 
uplifting thought has been left, that may enrich someone's life. '
    For three years it has been the custom to hold a big Department party at the 
close of the season, each one getting bigger and finer - a delightful ending for 
a year of hard work.
    As a climax for the fifth year the Department is planning a big Dramatic. 
contest in which every student in the Department competes. The contest is to be 
in the form of character impersonations taken from books, arranged by students. 
and presented in costume. Prizes will be given for the best work by girls of the 
Department and also for the best work by boys of the Department.
    Love for the work tells the whole history of the Roosevelt Dramatic 
Department. Love built the department; love put on the plays; love guided its 
characters; love inspired its students. Love for the work will always give to 
the Department its challenge:
Give unto the world the best you have, 
And the best will come back to you."
[Love Pirates Cast, leads]
[Love Pirates Cast]
Dorothy Dear - Daughter of Plantation Manager: Viola Gladfelter
Miss Primer - Teacher of Private School of Girls: Isabelle Maitland
Daughters of Rich Plantation Owners:
Lehua: Mary McKinney
Karnlani: Doris Beattie
Lilinoe: Geraldine Adams
Maile: Dorothy Jones
Billy Wood - Lieutenant, U. S. Cruiser, Tennessee:  Richard Antes
Pirate Chief - Heartless pirate, maybe: Bernard Bookhammer
Scary - a pirate:  Andy Muir
Margaret Weimer Martha Shaw Betty Rhoades Helen Parsons, Emilie Miller, Dolores 
Mattas, Edith Priestly, Rose Lasser, Marjorie Sipes, Alwilda Keller, Edith 
Santella, Re Hilda Ryan, Thelma McGregor, Jane Brubaker, Margery Stephenson, 
Mathilda Stein, Mildred Beahm, Irma Rittenhouse, Erma Detwiler, Philene Gates, 
Minnie Vasile, Dorothy Meader, Anna Hengstler, Dorothy Dalton, Louise Gottshall, 
Dorothy Evans, Sylvia Klein, Alicebelle Musser, Mary Hoffman, Mary Morelli, 
Betty Ammerman, Helen Prough, Helen Saracena, Effie Kelly, Eva McKendree, Ethel 
Howell, Kathryn Shay, Margery Reynolds, Sarah Louise Levan, Gertrude Fields, 
Ruth Steel, Genevieve Peterson, Hazel Bohn, Lovina Grace Lois Burket, Dolly 
Snowberger, Rose Groban, Betty Straney, Marjorie Womer, Jane Hauser, Quilla 
Stout, Maxine Wagner, Lois Biddle, Dorothy Crawford, Muriel Walter, Margaret 
Anderson, Mary Fiore  
Hurford Hale, Dennis Shively, Gerald Appleby, Elden Auman, William Keckler, Lynn 
Hildebrand, Paul Vandrew, Charles Morrow, Charles Llewellyn, Lamar Berry, Leo 
Samson, Donald Wolf, Donald Lightner, Edward Rudisill Albert Colello, Raymond 
Boatman, William Harrison, George Martin, Lester March, Don Shock, Robert Stahl, 
Arthur Hite, James Contakos, Jack Bair, Ray Goss, Ralph Robb, Bernard Breslin, 
Peter Coivelli, Harry Estep, Jack Degenhart, John Davis, Lee Ziegler, Oliver 
Kensinger, Harry Johnston, MacClay Murray, Jack Bender, Charles Nicodemus, Bert 
Myers, Howard Calderwood, Gerald Hesser, Clarence Bingham, John Miller, Richard 
McCamant, Clarence Watson, William Burns, Douglas Mellott, Ralph Nothnagle, 
George O'Brien, Gerald Forsythe, Elwood Wagner, Harry Langham, Robert Lee, 
Mary Hoffman, Philene Gates, Thelma McGregor, Dorothy Dalton, Dolores Mattas, 
Doris Beattie, Margery Stephenson, Effie Kelly, Sylvia Klein, Lovina Grace, 
Margery Reynolds, Betty Straney
[38] - [39] ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929
Love Pirates: 1, 2, 3, 4
Anna Bell Gilmore, Dorothy Henshaw, Beatrice Gallagher, Helen Renninger, Rose 
Mary Stewart, Sarah Sassaman, Mary Louise Egan, Annie Grimshaw, Louise Nelson, 
Janet Hughes, Gladys Bathgate, Margaret Scholl, Kathryn Terwilliger, Eleanor 
Whiteman, Sara Jane Moses, Alma Gluntz, Betty Hinman, Fern Shroyer, Dorothy 
Burd, Lillian Ellstrom, Alice Fickes, Mary Moore, Frieda Kline, Louise 
Blackburn, Jessie Ginnicke 
Dan Dandrea, Melvin White, Edgar Weidel, Donald Minster, Morgan Shute, William 
Lichtenstein, William Ferguson, Vincent Woomer, Thomas Parks, James Nevel, Fred 
Degroos, Walter Glunt
Louis De Stephano, Melvin Piper, Vincent Smith, Robert Hoar, Curtis Edgar, 
Robert McBurney, William Dunmire, Harvey Rupert, James Berkheimer,  William 
James Dodson, Norman Jones, Garrett Kinney, Robert Hayes, Ralph Plunkett, James 
Gibson John Baker, Paul Young, William Lyons, William Former, Durwood Fleck, 
Myrtle C. Hartsock, Paul Feathers, Melvin Austin Clyde Henderson, Charles 
Trostle, Sidney Penner, Thomas Stephens, Sheldon Mallory, Robert Barclay, Robert 
Moyer, Robert Frederick, David Lukens, Charles Mannion, Charles Greely, James 
Porter, Herbert Freeman
Violin: Mario Del Bianco, Philip Stadler 
Trumpet: Richard Smith, George Schwaderer 
Clarinet: William Housley, Edwin Caum 
Flute: James Lloyd 
Saxophone: Charles Lockard 
Piano: Mary Lamonte 
Drums: Elwood Rudacille
First Violins:  Philip Stadler, Mario Del Bianco, Lewis Santopietro, Alvin Weber 
Michael Poet, Alicebelle Musser, Maxine Wagner, George Kalb, Virginia Davis,  
Antbonene Valone,  Homer Patton,  Dorothy Richards, Guy Rossman,  Eugene 
Donnelly, Thomas Andrews, John Valade 
Second Violins:  Helen Saracena, Helen Dively, Jane Hauser, Wilfred Shingler, 
Max Steinberg, Marion Hirst, Frank Acker, Robert McNaughton, Harold Lockard, 
Melvin Books, Charles Botwright, Edward Lehrer, Betty Davis, Violet Mensch, 
Marguerite Mock, Beatrice Gallagher, Ulysses Wharton, Alvin Conrad
Banjo: Dorothy Yeater  
Mandolin: Lee Ziegler
Trumpets: Richard Smith, George Schwaderer, Clyde Miller, Drexel McTavish, Harry 
Walter, Donald Garver, Meredith Bryant, John Poligone, Thaddeus Loziuski, Leo 
Samson, William Wirt, John Pross
Piano: Mary Lamonte
Flute: James Lloyd
Clarinets: William Housely, Edwin Caum, Michael Nordella, Archie Clapper, Alison 
Douglas, Jack Douglas
Saxophones: Charles Lockard, Richard Fluke, Richard Rogers, Given Lotz, Richard 
Snyder, Max Loose, Robert Replogle, Jack Rouzer, Harry Clapper
Drums: Elwood Rudacille, Charles Jones, Harold Bowman, John Miller, William 
Weber, Robert Boyer
Yanki San: Helen Reith
San Fan: Romaine Wagner
Prince Toto: James Cole
Princess Toto:  Hulda Griffith
High Chancellor: John Cochran
Prince Oto:Eugene Botteicher
Prince Ton Ton: Robert Lathero
Peach Stone: Jean Schandelmier
Peach Blossom: Joan Bates
Ambassadors: Jack Caum, Andy Moore, Philip Slep, Arthur Clark
Chief Priest Rata: Andy Moore
Maids of Peach Blossom: Dorothy Myers, Eva Fuoss
[Yanki San Cast]
Ballet Dancers
Alma Gluntz, Mary Pearce, Grace Snow, Anne Mateer,  Elaine Richards, Ruth 
Thwaits, Della Nowlen, 
Six Maids
Eva Christian, Katherine Figard, Mary Robinson, Kathryn Esterline, Mary 
McCarthy, Jane Shoemaker                    
Louise Brumbaugh, Thelma Diehl, Louise Glenn, Anna Cox, Virginia Reiley  
Poppy Dancers
Virginia Bowles, Dorthea Graham, Mary MacArthur, Grace Doak, Martha Jane 
Haggarty, Josephine McKerihan, Virginia Elder, Patty Laramy, Dorothy Powell, 
Hazel Freet, Margaret Lang, Genevieve Varley, Helen Griffiths, Ruth Williams 
Seven Roses
Hildegrade Baer, Marie Hoover, Marjorie Merritts, Mary Brumbaugh, Elanor 
McClure,Gertrude Weber, Frances Good
Howard Bonebreak, Cloyd Kerlin, Francis Schroff, Robert Best, John Lich,, Wilber 
Stitt, William Davis, Richard Loudon, Harold Thompson, Herber Ernest, Clair 
Moore, Jack Wilson, Byron Hoover, Jack Moreland, Paul Watson
Chorus of Girls
Dorothe Brede, Margaret Laramy, Terese Newhal, Catherine Tromm, Velma Civils, 
Minnie Laratonda, Emma Ritchey, Mary Twardon, Kathryn Clark, Inez Lockard, 
Vivian Ryan, Gertrude Van Allman, Roselma Dutrow, Eleanore Lower, Marjorie 
Sipes, Genevieve Varley, Helen Hartswick, Thelma Miller, Jessie Sick, Thelma 
Walls, Hester Hufnagle, Minnie Nader, Alma Stifler, Ruperta Weakland, Alice 
Kelley, Margaret Pope, Janice Tippery, Mary Weiner, Margaret Lang
Fisher Lads
Sammy Albright, Gerald Forsythe, John Keklos, Jimmy Owens, Kenneth Berry, James 
Grove, John Lozo, Herman Schmidt, Billy Davis, Raymond Hager, Thomas Mock, John 
Sturtsman, Clare Charolus, Eugene Havolin, Boy Moyer, George Walton, Ambrose 
Fiore, Richard Woodward  
A Scissors Grinder: Ty Rush   
Tony Sims: Albert Friedman       
A Scrub Woman: Mary Geib              
Tony Sims: Albert Friedman       
The Widow Sims, his mother:  Betty Rhodes 
A Middle Aged Gentleman:  Donald Dublin 
Tony Sims: Albert Friedman
Tony Sims: Albert Friedman
His Soul: Edgar Salkeld
[44] - [45] ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929
Three Pills in a Bottle: 1, 2, 3, 4
[46] - [48] ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    SHOULD the famous playwright of the sixteenth century appear at the 
Roosevelt School, no doubt a deep satisfaction would thrill his heart. For here 
he would find a new playhouse named in honor of the old-time Shakespearean Globe 
Theatre. The new theatre is the production of an enterprising and ambitious 
class reporting for English in Room 109.
    The structure measures twenty-four inches by fifteen inches by eighteen 
inches. An interesting feature is a unique stage which occupies the entire 
interior of the edifice. As a consequence the audience must needs remain on the 
outside to view the performance-a circumstance which renders the theatre 
strikingly Shakespearean in character.
    A curtain of black velvet, decorated with bright colors, hides the stage 
from view. When this is drawn aside one is transported to the forum of Ancient 
Rome where white (marble) steps lead to an imposing platform flanked by slender 
Corinthian columns.
    Tiny actors patiently retain their appointed positions suggestive of 
"portentous" events and great tragedies. There on his "pulpit," Mark Anthony 
stands ready to deliver his superb attack on the "honorable me," while below him 
lies the dead Caesar-a silent protest against the violence of Roman 
    The curtain falls to rise again on that tragic political failure, Brutus. He 
is in his tent on the eve of the battle on the plains of Philippi.
    Around him hang the somber folds of his tent. At his feet lounges the weary 
little attendant, Lucius. Brutus, scroll in hand, vainly seeks diversion for his 
overwrought mind, while nearby stands that symbol of his tortured conscience, 
the ghost of Caesar.
    This tiny, but realistic staging of the famous masterpiece was the work of 
ninth, grade English pupils with the help of the art department and manual 
training department.
[For scans any one of the literary works by Helena Samuel 8-2, Betty Hull 9-26, 
Jerome Nagel 8-21, Lois Gehrdes 8-4, Donald Kraft 9-26, Walter Blake 8-2, Jessie 
Westover 8-6, Ralph Miller 8-16, Lottie Bavarsky 8-6, Henrietta Swank 8-2, Ruth 
Berry 8-2, Kathryn Rupert 8-6, Virginia Goodman 8-2, Dorothy Williams 8-2, 
Philip Geary 8-4, Annaclare Paul 8-6, Dorothy Williams 8-2, Dale Askey 9-10, 
Ralph Miller 8-16, Marie Way 8-22, Max McCoy, Ruth Rigg 8-4, Billy Davis 9-26, 
Ethel Guyton 8-1, Dick Green 8-6, Dorothy Thompson 9-11, Dolores Bartholomew 9-
26, Lilliam Ellstrom 9-28, or Virginia Replogle, please email Judy Banja ]
    One of the most interesting features of this school is the club period on 
Tuesday morning from 8:35 to 9:20. At this time about forty different clubs are 
in session. Each club has a teacher sponsor except the Home Nursing and First 
Aid Clubs, which are directed by the school doctor and three of the school 
    Students of the eighth and ninth grades may select a club according to their 
interests from a list of clubs, or may start a new one if a sufficient number 
desire it and it meets the approval of the principal.
The purposes of the clubs are:
1. To encourage pupils to do worthy things they are interested in and to do them 
2. To help them spend their leisure time with something worth while.
3. To afford an opportunity to try out and explore desirable activities not 
otherwise provided for on the school program.
[Ushers' Club ?]


    THE Cafeteria Ushers' Club is the largest club of the Roosevelt Junior High 
School. It is made up of two representatives from each home room division and 
ten student supervisors. The ushers come to the cafeteria a few minutes be, fore 
the other pupils and remain about five minutes after lunch. It is not "all work 
and no play" with the ushers. New friendships are formed, as here the various 
grades are brought together in social groups each day. A party of all the ushers 
is held once a year. Business meetings are held once a month.
    There are two student supervisors for each lunch period. They mark the 
Record Sheets for satisfactory or unsatisfactory conditions in which the 
divisions have left the cafeteria. Contests for a perfect score of "A's" are 
held twice a year. The prize is a party for all the winning divisions. The 
Cafeteria Ushers' Club is one of great service to the school.


    THE aim of the club is to learn worth-while songs and sing them for 
enjoyment and appreciation, and sometimes to entertain others.
    At the beginning of the term the Club presented numbers for the Thanksgiving 
program. A Christmas Cantata was presented by the Boys' and the Girls' Clubs 
combined. The morning of the Christmas Pageant the girls had a Processional. The 
biggest project was the Operetta. Ninth Grade Girls are now getting ready for 
their Class Day Exercises.


    THE Nature Club meets every Tuesday morning. The work of this club is to 
study the peculiarities found in nature, and to develop an interest in the 
wonders of the world about us. The wide range of subjects we have studied 
includes the following: American nuts, fossils, skulls, wasps, tadpoles, stars, 
birds, flowers, plants, and the armadillo.


    THE purpose of the Camp Cooking Club is to give boys a knowledge of cooking 
which will be useful in camp life. In the school cookery laboratory the boys put 
into practice the actual process of cooking and serving of foods which can be 
adapted to camp life.


    ALL boys and girls, all men and women, love to read books. Reading is a help 
in vocabulary building which makes good conversationalists. In reading club the 
members bring books and exchange them among themselves. This is a place where 
you very easily forget that you are in school and go to the land of adventure. 
In reading club you read different kinds of books. Some are about adventure, 
mystery, war on land, air and sea, athletics or outdoor sports.


    THE Latin Club of the Roosevelt Junior High School meets each Tuesday 
morning in Room 103.
    The first part of the period is devoted to a program; the second part, to a 
drill on vocabulary, verbs, and translation. The programs of these meetings 
consist of the translation of Latin compositions and stories, and reports on 
Roman life and customs.


    IN the Stage Craft Club of Roosevelt Junior High School we make drawings and 
linoleum block prints for the school paper; stage settings and accessories for 
school plays; cover designs for the Blue and White; and any drawings needed for 
the year book.
    THE R. A. C., or Star Club, has interested quite a number of girls this 
    During the club period the members study about the stars, planets, and 
constellations; but the evening trips are most enjoyable, for it is then that 
the sponsor points out the beauty of the heavens. This club not only endeavors 
to give knowledge about the heavens, but also teaches the importance of living 
in harmony with God and our surroundings.
The club song is as follows: 
Mine eyes have seen the glory 
Of the glorious dawning day; 
God is speaking to His people 
Through the night and through the day; 
'Through is opening up the Heavens 
As a wondrous new highway;
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! 
Glory, glory, hallelujah! 
Glory, glory, hallelujah! 
Our God is marching on.
We have seen Him in Delphinus,
And the Milky Way of the sky;
We may find Him with the test tube,
Or the useful telescope;
As God's blessed sunshine scatters,
Then may folks begin to hope,
Yes, God is marching on.

    ONE of the interesting things our club did in the fall was to adopt this 
pledge for our club: "I will try to be kind to all harmless creatures and to 
protect them from cruel usage."
    We also read the life of Ernest Thompson Seton, for whom our club is named, 
and have read a number of his stories from books purchased by former clubs.
    The stories in these' books are especially interesting because they are 
true; all the animals are real characters.
    The author has tried to emphasize our friendship with the animals by showing 
that in them we can find the virtues most admired in man. For example, Lobo 
stands for dignity; Redruff, for obedience; Bingo, for fidelity; Molly 
Cottontail, for mother love; Pacing Mustang, for the love of liberty.
    Sometimes we read clippings from newspapers or magazines, or tell stories of 
animals we have in our homes. We feel that belonging to this club has helped us 
to believe that every living creature, brute as well as human, has a right to 
food, drink, and shelter; to work, rest, and play; to comfort and happiness; to 
freedom from fear and unnecessary pain; and to have us do all we can to help him 
get these things.
    SINCE we live in a flowery part of the United States, we should be 
interested in flowers and should protect them. In our club we study many 
flowers, and learn to love and protect them. Our aim is to learn to love and to 
protect flowers, and to recognize at least twenty-five. 
    THE Conservatory Science Club meets in Room 220 every Tuesday morning. 
    This organization has a membership of forty-four boys. During the year many 
applicants were turned away. The club deals largely with activities in which all 
boys are interested, such as collecting and identifying fossils, bird's nests, 
and Indian relics; learning how and when to study bird migrations; the study of 
plant and animal life, insects, stars, native fishes, wild flowers, and ferns; 
as well as how to build bird houses; make skiis, and skate sails, bows and 
arrows, plaster casts of animals, and leaf printing. The club is not only of 
help to the boys but it helps the school in many ways. During the year we 
delivered to home rooms one hundred thirty pots of tulips, sixty ferns, thirty-
six cyclomen, and twenty-five hyacinths. 
    THE members of the Novelty Club have made many beautiful novelties. At the 
beginning of the term dolls were dressed in a variety of costumes, ranging from 
colonial to modern costumes. The materials used included crepe paper in all 
shades, and silks in the pastel shades. 
    A few weeks preceding the presentation of "Love Pirates of Hawaii," the club 
members made several hundred flowers for members of the cast. 
    Some of the novelties made by this club are as follows: pocket books worked 
in chenille; lamp shades; beaded ornaments; red pepper trees, made of wax; 
artificial flowers; and doll costumes. 
The purpose of this club is to teach the members how to make useful and 
attractive articles for the home. 
    THIS club is open to any interested student. Its purpose is achieved through 
the outlet for creative desire. The members at first follow their own initiative 
as to the type of book they will make. New ideas are thus brought before the 
group, among which have been books for the children's ward of our hospitals, 
familiar trees and flowers, famous motion picture stars, and vacation snap 
shots. Harmony in color scheme, care, neatness, and balanced arrangement of 
pictures are incidentally taught. 
    HERE have been eight successful radio clubs since the beginning of Junior 
High School. At the beginning of this year there was an enrollment of over forty 
boys, about twenty of whom are still active members. Our program was usually 
taken up by discussing topics that were not understood by members of the radio 
club. After that we worked on a three-tube set which the club may sell. Some of 
the boys built sets ranging from crystal to three tube. One short wave set was 
also built. 
    The aim of the Radio Club has been to make its work benefit the school, as 
well as the individual boy. 
[68], ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929
    THE Modern Poetry Club meets every Tuesday morning in Room 310 under the 
guidance of Miss Healy. The aim of this club is simply to have the pupils enjoy 
Poetry, and develop the desire to read more for themselves in their leisure 
    During the year the best poems of the modern British and American poets are 
read by the teacher. Many pupils also bring in selections which they especially 
like and read them to the others. No outside work is required. Some instruction 
concerning the judging of good poetry is also given. This adds to the interest. 
Every pupil, as a project, makes an anthology of his own.
    THE purpose of the Know Your City Club is to help its members learn some 
thing of Altoona's history, government, industries, and the location of its 
important buildings. Every other week we visit the various places of interest, 
some of which are: City Hall, Altoona Mirror, Haller's Bakery, Caum's Ice Cream 
Company, Hoffman's, Harshbarger's Milk Plant, Keith's Milk Plant, Test Plant, 
Bell Telephone Offices, Logan Laundry, and the Silk Mill. On the Tuesday 
following our visit we discuss what we have seen.
    THE Advanced Reading Club, that meets in Room 109, took up the study of the 
short story. Through the stories a special study was made of types of characters 
peculiar to certain localities such as the prim New England life, the rough life 
on the Mississippi River boats, or in Western mining camps; and quaint life on 
the Southern plantations. The instruction was done entirely through reading by 
the sponsor. Many delightful hours were spent with such authors as Mrs. Freeman, 
Mark Twain, Bret Harte, George W. Cable, and Thomas Nelson Page. The club 
presented a play, a dramatization of "Seventeen"; and also purchased two books 
for next year's reading club.
    THE Camera Club contains thirty members. The first part of the year the club 
studied about the making of the camera, the taking of pictures and how to 
develop them. During the year the club visited printing companies for 
experience. During the latter half of the year the club took pictures of the 
many clubs of the school, and pictures of the presidents of Junior High for "The 
Rooseveltian", our school annual. The Camera Club is interesting and 
    THE Secretaries' Club is one of the largest clubs in the school, the 
membership being made up of the secretary from each Home Room division. 
Questions on parliamentary procedure, arising in the Home Room meetings, are 
referred to this club for discussion. Each secretary is also responsible during 
the period for writing the minutes of the previous Home Room meeting so that all 
Home Room groups have the advantage of well written minutes at their sessions on 
Wednesday morning.
    THE Basketry Club, Room 309, makes articles which are useful as well as 
ornamental. Some of the articles made by the club members are sandwich and 
serving trays; fruit, sandwich, flower, and waste paper baskets; and bud vases. 
Each member is supposed to make three articles during the term. The cost of the 
baskets ranges from ten to ninety cents.
    THE Short Story Club, sponsored by Miss Mary Downs, meets every Tuesday in 
Room 114. It has a membership of twenty-seven. Short stories are read every 
week. The following are some of the authors: Van Dyke, Twain, Poe, Andrews, 
Hawthorne, Irving, O. Henry, Cobb, Stockton, Aldrich, Grenfell, Tappan, Seton, 
Mills, Brown, and the Bible.
    THIS club has fifteen members-all ninth grade girls who are especially 
interested in their personal appearance. We think it is the duty of every girl 
to look her best on all occasions. The club was organized to help solve 
individual problems of dress.
The club helps make the costumes for the annual school entertainment. They study 
styles, design dresses for different types, as the tall or short, and the stout 
or slender types. The girls study individual self analysis charts on which they 
designate their complexion, color of hair and eyes, stature, posture and 
expression. They also indicate the colors that through actual tests they find 
are becoming.
    The club sponsor, Miss Lutman, spends one period talking on the proper use 
of cosmetics.
    THE purpose of the Boys' Social Hour and Etiquette Club is to train the boys 
in the etiquette essential in the school room, in the home, in the business and 
social world, and at the table. During this hour the different phases of 
etiquette are explained, then dramatized by members of the club. At the close of 
the year the boys plan and give a banquet. Each boy invites a girl guest; he 
sees that she is properly introduced to the other guests, and is attentive to 
her during this social function.
    THE Girls' Etiquette Club is one of the most interesting clubs of Roosevelt 
Junior High School. Etiquette teaches one the following: introductions; table 
manners; courtesy; behavior at social gatherings; cleanliness; correct usage of 
English; and good taste in the selection of one's clothing.
    THE desire of everybody is to travel and see interesting or historical 
places. During the school term the Travel Club satisfies this longing by taking 
its members on many trips. They have been privileged to visit the western part 
of our country, stopping at Yellowstone Park and the Grand Canyon of Colorado. 
Many interesting points in the eastern part of our country were also seen. With 
every slide comes a small card giving an accurate description of the picture. 
The slides give a better or fuller description than a story could give.
    TWENTY-ONE members of the Embroidery Club meet regularly in Room 216.
The greater part of the period is spent doing the work designated by the title. 
Much interest is shown. Many beautiful pieces are completed for Christmas gifts, 
and later new work is beautifully finished. The results show the effort to be 
quite worth while.
    THE members of this club have been very much interested in trading, buying, 
and selling stamps of different countries. At present the members are making a 
poster to display the different kinds of stamps. 
Division 8-2
  THIS division has certainly been a group of energetic, wide awake citizens.  
They have supported every cause 100%.  It was the first division in the school 
to have 100% for our first year book.  They have shown the true Roosevelt 
Spirit.  They do things.  Roosevelt is a better school because they are members 
of it.
Our football team's a lively set, 
    Hurrah! Hurrah! 
The boys are full of fun and pep; 
    Hurrah! Hurrah! 
They tackle, yes, both slim and stout, 
Their pals and chums stand by and shout; 
And we all feel so proud and gay 
When Roosevelt wins the fray. 
All the girls just yell for joy, 
    Hurrah! Hurrah! 
The boys keep shouting, "Atta boy." 
    Hurrah! Hurrah! 
And when they win the girls all say, 
"With roses we will strew your way." 
And all the boys "Whoopee! Hurrah!" 
When Roosevelt wins the game.
[72]  ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929
Girls' Athletics
    THE girls gym classes of this school have been a success in their very 
active work. We all feel fortunate in having provided for us the beautiful 
gymnasium and adequate apparatus.
    One of the most interesting parts of our work is the dodge ball tournament. 
During this time classes of the eighth and ninth grades play for the 
championship of the school. Great enthusiasm is shown during this time.
    Another feature of the year is when the girls who have done the best work 
are chosen to be in the annual demonstration.
    Last year was the first year that the girls ever entered the track meet. 
They won first place and received a loving cup.
    Squad Leaders
Lois Powell
Gwendolyn Nash
Margaret Mackey
Margaret Galloway
Jean Melcher
Marion Gates
Delores Mattas
Dorothy Funk
Ruth McCollum
Josephine Robertazzi
Edith Valpe
Anna Long
Leona Ricedorf
Marjorie Reynolds
Nellie Slick
Alma Gluntz
Mary Sanine
Freda Kline
Sara Jane Moses
Martha Meader
Dorothy Cassell
Martha Line
Myrtle Ralston
Margaret Scholl
Mildred Savine
Margaruite Lozo
Sara Sassaman
Lois Slutzker
Dorothy Jenkins
Dorothy Phafler
Vryle Meyers
Marcella Bolkavich
Dorothy Echels
Janet Irons
Marjorie O'Keife
Vivienne Keirn
Gwendolyn Wright
Verna Mangus
Mary Moore
Grace Weltmer
Ruth Bohn
Dorothy Stange
Pauline Goetz
Serveria Pronenzeno
Lois Foor
Winifred Weaver
Rebecca Lyons
Hazel Cochrane
Dorothy Janes
Bernice Holdeman
Mary Garber
Anna Verbanitz
Louise Blackburn
Agnes Horner
Anna Baciano
Margery Woomer
Ora Gurn
Junior High, now let us sing, 
Loyally support the team; 
We're here today with colors gay 
Ready to win the fray.
Fight, Fight, Fight, for the Blue and White,
Victory will our slogan be;
Dear Junior High, fairest of all
Thy loyal sons obey thy call,
To Fight, Fight, Fight, with all their might
Ever the goal to gain,
Into the game for junior High's fame,
Fight on to victory.
"Fight, Fight, Fight, etc."
1. Locomotive
S S S - S S S S S S S S S
Team! Team! Team!
2. Sky Rocket
J U N I O R   H I G H
Junior High
S S S - S S S S S S S S S
Ah! -----
Team! Team! Team!
3. Brackety Ax
Brackety Ax - waxed - waxed
Brackety Ax - waxed - waxed
Hulaboloo! Hulaboloo!
Junior High
Team! Team! Team!
4. Yea Team!
Yea Team!
Yea Team!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Yea Team!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Yea Team!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
    PRESENTATION was made by W. W. Lauver, faculty manager of athletics, and 
Benny Weinstein, athletic coach.
    Eight inch letters were awarded to students who participated in the required 
number of games while the students who were not members of a varsity team 
received five inch letters.
Varsity letter men are:
Samuel Merin 
Henry Wilson 
Dennis Shively 
Charles Troxell 
Ernest Fusco
Danny Dandrea
Louis De Stephano
Eugene Sipes
William Hamilton
Edward Milton
Morgan Shute
William Ferguson
William Lichtenstein
Howard Calderwood
Donald Shock
Edward Marshall 
James Berkheimer 
Robert Moyer 
Samuel Sealfon (Mgr.) 
James Contakos (Mgr.)
    Five inch letters were awarded to
Albert Colello
Jerry Watson
Melvin White
Alfred Yavasille
Sheldon Ehringer
Walter Glunt
Edgar Weidle
Carmel Perretta
John Lozo
Herbert Hartman
Don Ritts
Harold Miller
Morris Patt
Eugene Sipes
Ralph Plunkett
Paul Fowles
Samuel Merin'
Louise De Stephano
William Dillon
Edwin Marshall
James Dodson
Melvin White
Paul VanDrew
Numerals Awarded
    Numerals designating the year of promotion from the junior High school were 
awarded to
Vincent Woomer 
William Lyons
Morgan Shute 
Harvey Rupert
Kenneth Watson 
Paul Somerville
William Dunmire 
Fred Ironsides
    The numerals were presented as rewards for the display of school spirit made 
by the students.
Certificates testifying to the student's activity in sports accompanied each 
    THE year of 1927-28 was the first time in the history of Roosevelt that the 
participants in the field of sports were rewarded in a social way. In the terms 
preceding 1927-28 the boys were rewarded only by letters. The last two years, 
the boys whose records in athletics were commendable were rewarded by a banquet 
and letters.
    The entertainment was not only a time for feasting, but it was also a time 
when distinguished speakers gave helpful and interesting speeches to the boys.
    The speaker for the first social gathering was the Rev. Edward Faye, 
formerly of the Grace Reformed Church of Altoona. Rev. Faye gave the boys a very 
interesting talk on good sportsmanship.
    The speaker for this year was Professor C. E. Billheimer of the York 
Collegiate Institute. Professor Billheimer was the man who taught Coach 
Weinstein his sport tactics.
    The banquets were well earned by the boys, as strenuous training is started 
long before the season opens. Smoking or any other body-breaking habit is 
prohibited during the period of training.
    Junior High has a very capable coach, who is Mr. Benjamin Weinstein, a 
graduate of Lehigh University of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. During the time that 
Coach Weinstein has been in Junior High he has turned out many successful teams. 
Through the efforts of Mr. Lauver, a teacher of the Science Department and also 
a "Sports Promoter," Junior High has had many worthy opportunities.
    There is an assembly period set aside each year, after the seasons of major 
sports close, for the awarding of letters.
Football "R" Men - 1926-27
Joseph Clifford (Captain) 
Robert Brubaker 
Byron Hoover 
William Vonderheyden 
Donald Wilson
John Lich
Melvin Showalter
Brinton McClellan
Andrew Kubica
Beverley Gardener 
Woodrow Wauntauck 
Harold Thompson 
Cloyd Kerlin 
Leo Kutoski
Honorable Mention
Henry Hafner
Russell Bratton
Paul Love
Romeo Capodagleon 
Ray Hammond
Joseph Recigno 
Oliver Grassi 
John Green
Basketball "R" Men - 1926-27
Raymond Weld (Captain) 
John Lieb
John Russell
Edward Rush 
Tyrus Rush
Honorable Mention
Garland Hoenstine 
Thomas Campbell
Donald Wilson 
Robert Coffman
Guy Fiorie 
Meyer Klevan
Football "R" Men - 1927-28
John Hartman
Duayne Thomas
Tyrus Rush
Paul Rouzer
Donald Benton
Henry Winski
Romeo Capidoli
Edward Rush
Vance Kennedy
Vincent Valence (Mgr.)
Lawrence Semple (Mgr.)
Harold Thompson
Paul Cipriano
Cloyd Kerlin (Captain)
Grover Cunningham 28 
Robert Peters 28 
Joe Damiano 28
Clayton Hippo 28
Curtis Edgar 29
Ray Hamond 28
John Green 28
Howard Colderwood 30
Samuel Merin 30
William Lidwenstein 29
Don Minster 29
Harold Frank 29
Brubaker 29
William Crawford 29
Jack Brown 29
Fern Jones 29
Guy McLaughlin 29
Herbert Bathurst 29
Albert Bedoli 29
Nathan Parish 29
Fred Wunderlich 28
[77] - ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929
Basketball "R" Men-1927-28
Tyrus Rush
John Russell
Edward Rush (Captain)
Harold Thompson 
James Dodson 
Samuel Merin
Leo Kutoski 28
Cloyd Kerlin 28
Wallace St. John 28
Kenneth Thomas 28
Track Letter "R" Men - 1927-28
Lawrence Semple
Myer Klevan
Donald Benton
Paul Sherwin
James Shoenfelt
Edgar Rush
Carmel Peireta
Herman Kutz
Hartley Olson
Paul Rouzer
Emery Philips
Gabriel Carrol
Howard Bonebreak
Ralph Bonebreak
Frank Syznusiak
Harold Thompson
Albert Colello
Jerry Watson
Eugene Sipes
Paul Watson
    ROOSEVELT has always been successful in athletics. In five years of football 
it lost one game, to Johnstown. The teams practice faithfully, rain or shine, 
hot or cold. By constant practice the team worked up a defense like a stone wall 
and an offence like a nest of angry hornets. The discipline maintained by our 
coach was the main factor in making our teams successful. No boy could be on the 
team if he broke the training rules. Mr. Weinstein, assisted by Mr. Luse and 
Bill Morgan coached the team, giving it about a dozen plays with which to dazzle 
their opponents.
    In the 1928 season Roosevelt played five games. The first game with Tyrone, 
was one-sided, Roosevelt taking the game with ease. The following games were 
harder. Roosevelt won from Bellwood, Westmont and the Sophomores, but lost to 
Johnstown, the first football game lost in the school's history. This season 
Roosevelt made 96 points and 15 touchdowns. Six of the chances for a point after 
a touchdown were made. Their opponents made one touchdown and one point after a 
touchdown, altogether 7 points.
    The games:

Roosevelt - 30  -  Tyrone - 0
Roosevelt - 20  -  Bellwood- 0
Roosevelt - 19  -  Sophomores - 0
Roosevelt - 0  -  Johnstown - 7
Roosevelt - 27  -  Westmont - 0

    The team: 

L. E. Green (captain)
L. T. Fusco
L. G. Wilson
C. Merin
R. G. Shively
R. T. Troxell
R. E. Dandrea
Q. B. De Stefano
L. H. B. Sipes
R. H. B . Hamilton
F. B. Milton

    Some other excellent ball-toters were Marshal, Peretta and Berkheimer.
Basketball ranks second in junior High's sports. Roosevelt's basketball teams 
have always been good and they have closed some very successful seasons. They 
have had some stiff competition but have lost few games. This season they played 
seven games. They were: 

Roosevelt -  8  -  Reserves - 26
Roosevelt - 24  -  Alumni - 9
Roosevelt - 18  -  School of Commerce - 10
Roosevelt - 23  -  Tyrone - 14
Roosevelt - 14  -  Cumberland - 15
Roosevelt - 20  -  Sophomores - 13
Roosevelt - 15  -  Cumberland - 25

    The team:
F. Dodson
F. De Stefano
C. Dillon
G. Merin
G. Patt

    Each year the home rooms have a basketball tournament for the Eighth, Ninth, 
and school championship. The eighth grade had a hard time to find the winner, as 
the games were close. Division 8-21 finally won and was rewarded with the eighth 
grade banner. 9-13 won the ninth grade and school championship banners.
    Junior High has a track team which gives an annual demonstration in which 
any one may compete. They have few meets but it is excellent training for the 
students when they go to high school.
    Each year there is a baseball tournament run on the same principles as the 
basketball. The games are very interesting and exciting. Only ninth grade 
divisions may compete. Junior High's sports have always been successful. Let's 
hope they will be more so in the future.
[79] - 83] ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929 - JOKES
The Roosevelt "R"
    As an encouragement to the pupils in accomplishing the aims of the school, 
the Roosevelt "R" is awarded to those whose records are outstanding not only in 
scholarship but in all other phases of junior High activity, in physical 
fitness, school citizenship, and extracurricular activities.
    One hundred and sixty-five points are necessary to secure the "R."
Roosevelt "R" Requirements
I - Scholarship
100    1. Academic record (taken from reports.)   A majority of 90's in final 
grades for the year and no grade below 80 in final grades for the year. 
II - Personal Cleanliness
   5     1. Physical director's report on shower baths.
   5     2. Home room teacher's report on child's general daily appearance-
 hair, hands, clothing, shoes, etc.
         1. Public appearances:
   5        a. Marching in public.
  10        b. Auditorium work-dancing, drills, May Day.
         2. Teams:
   5         a. Class team.
   5         b. School team.
IV. - Citizenship
 10     1.  Satisfactory attendance.
 10     2. No tardiness (transportation difficulties not to interfere with this 
         3. Character (all points)
   5         a. Self-control. Controls temper; executes orders promptly.
   5         b. Reliability. Truthful; does his own work; prompt with required 
excuses and library books.
   5         c. Co-operation. General conduct helps good name of school.
   5         d. Courtesy. Ordinary good manners.
  10    4. Official service. Each pupil is allowed two from this list with five 
points each.
a. Student Council officer (or class officer.) 
b. Hall patrol. 
c. Orchestra leader. 
d. Cafeteria usher.
e. Squad leader in gym.
f. Captain of a team.
V. - Extra Curricular Activities
  20     Extra curricular activities. (Each pupil is allowed two from this list 
with a credit of ten points each.)
          a. Speaking alone in Assembly.
          b. Any role in dramatics.
          c. Solo work.
          d. Member of a quartette.
          e. Member of a trio.
          f. Member of a duet.
          g. Original plays.
          h. Original posters.
          i. Shop pieces for Roosevelt School.
          j. Orchestra.
          k. Chorus.
          l. Stage manager.
          m. Band member.
    The following have been the outstanding pupils in Roosevelt Junior High 
school during its five years' existence.
Letter "R" Rewards - 1925
Katherine Weil
Agnes Skiles
Helen Ritchey
Mable Jeffries
Lois Bowers
Emma Berman
Jane Balt
Kenneth Morse
Glenn Hartzell
George Greaser
Harry Getz
Jesse Delozier
Clarence Baker
John Stark
Violet Dosh
Frances Marshall
Ethel McClain
Irene Lamea
Helen Farren
Eleanor Stones
Edna Stoner
Anna Santella
Devona Miller
Mabel Pachter
Georgetta Scheffer
Ruth Amos
Dorothy Wolpert
Lois Sites
Catherine Smulling
Helen Zeek
Frances Smith
Raymond Moore
Melvin Wolfkeil
Thomas Martin
Alvin Smith
Geraldine McGuire
Josephine Rollins
Robert Hoover
Vertie Crawford
James Bricker
Ruth McCormick
Marjorie Smith
Helen Wurgler
John Carolus
Willis Fries
Balbina Kollegger
Louise Brassington
Dee Burm
Sylvester Matlock
Charles Ford
Chalmers Smith
Jerome Kimmel
Joseph Poeschle
Warren Gathers
Earnest Snowberger
Richard Boring
David Goodman
Allison Imler
John Meek
David Simpson
James Yon
Margaret Dymond
Eleanor Graham
Corrine Hamer
Elizabeth Hepner
Elizabeth Kell
Gladys Knisely
Dorothy Semple
Ruth Pheasant
Grace Whetstone
Marguerite Hardeman
Frank Marsh
Victoria Tripician
Gussie Waxler
Pauline Rhodes
Donald Vaughn
Roy Bingman
Loretta Warner
Margaret Miller
Winona Murray
Dorothy Dent
Howard Hoke
Fred Reigh
Josephine Donahue
Marguerite Cupples
Margaret Fisher
Faye Ruth Funk
Regina Bender
Leah McFarland
Mernice Andrews
Gretchen Balt
Betty Bell
Eleanor Burd
Alsumena Berkstresser
Mary Laramy
Louise McKerihan
Emily Oburn
Janet Olmes
Marian Puckey
Anna Stoltz
Elizabeth Shoenfelt
Geraldine Tregoning
Jack Hartmen
Arthur Kelly
Leopold Ringer
Ida Buck
Margaret Smouse
Marian Johnson
Cecelia Healy
Letter "R" Rewards - 1926
Caroline Behm
Dorothy Housum
Ruth Pitcairn
Alice McGarvey
Violet Cochrane
James Shoenfelt
Floy Wright
Grace Savage
Virginia Bowler
Alice Kelly
Margaret Lang
Margaret Laramy
Vivian Eichelberger
Harry Katzen
Thomas McFarland
Clinton Craig
Anna Findley
Gretta Gill
Mildred Lyon
Terese Neuwahl
Dorothy Powell
Dorothy Summers
Raymond Bowser
Mary F. Brumbaugh
Myra Evans
Ruth Harr
James Murphy
John Hurst
Adeline Whitesel
Hildegarde Baer
Mary Kaup
Mary Robinson
Eleanor Schmitt
Mary Weld
Fred Smith
Grace Doak
Helen Savitz
Jane Gruver
Ethel Knisely
Evelyn Wise
Donald Burket
Lena Stoop
Ethel McClain
Anna Santella
Helen Zeek
Hazel Gunsalus
Vera Amick
Verdie Crawford
Ethylin Norris
Elizabeth Heirs
Eleanor Dunn
Sara Anthony
Mary Elizabeth Bowler
Dorothy Field
Elizabeth Henry
Ruth McCormick
Devona Miller
Mabel Pachter
Georgetta Scheffer
Catherine Smulling
Hilda Stouffer
Hazel Yarnell
Dorothy Albright
Irma Werner
Ruth Zimmerer
Bernice Dunn
Katharine Engler
Mary Hepner
Grace Rollason
Lois Sites
Katharine Weil
Esther Watts
Bertha Wohlbruck
Hope Fleck
Gertrude Hauser
Clarence Baker
Emma Berman
John Stark
Dorothy Plempel
Caroline Behm
Martha Hogue
Dorothy Roncoroni
Mary Twardon
Eva Hill
Genevieve Varley
Raymond Bowman
Melvin Wolfkeil
Helen Fleck
Elizabeth Heirs
Letter "R" Rewards - 1927
John Lozo
John Kekolos
Lewis Lehrer
Dorothy Burd
Alma Gluntz
Hester Huffnagle
Edith Santella
Jane Boone
Lillian Ellstrom
Marguerite Sana Mar
Gertrude Williams
Ralph Frasco
Charles Cochran
Frieda Kline
Mary Rosenberger
Renetta Heirs
Rose Cornel
John Brylinsky
Raymond Hager
Thomas Mock
John Miller
Beatrice Corbin
Virginia Davenport
Mary Geib
Mary Gruber
Martha Knisely
Dorothy Lingenfelter
Jennie Waxler
Euretta Shaw
Floy Wright
Christian Selwitz
Florence Berman
Mary McCreary
Iva Jordan
Meryl Gardner
Joseph White
Dorothy Housum
Melvin Bennett
Emmert Dickson
Marit Beckman
Edith Hollingsworth
Dorothy Lantz
Martha Hogue
Josephine McKerihan
Eleanor Gainer
Robert Johnson
Susan Young
Grace Savage
Guido Prosperi
Faith Moore
Ethel Knisely
Jeanette Meyer
Martha Morris
Roberta Barclay
Helen Truax
Esther Nearhoof
Catherine Richards
Eleanor Schmitt
Emma Crawford
Mary Kaup
Jolanda Murry
Fred Smith
Fremont Croner
John Judene
Dick Fay
Clarence Baker
George Joseph
Jane Gruver
Mary Robinson
Hilda Miller
Dorothy Sweitzer
Norma McQuown
Marjorie Merritts
Anna Lindsey
Virginia Bowler
Margaret Laramy
Harry Katzen
Dorothy Powell
Dorothy Summers
Margaret Lang
Dorthea Graham
Anna Findley
Gretta Gill
Vivian Eichelberger
Jack Caum
Letter "R" Rewards - 1928
Marguerite Lozo
Lillian Valone
Dorothy Phaphler
Marguerite Jones
Mary Millig
Robert Moser
Albert Robertazzi
William Housely
John Allison
Dorothy Burd
Alma Gluntz
Kenneth Heaps
Margaret Hogg
Betty Hull
Donald Kraft
John Lozo
Jean Seads
Gladys Bathgate
Rose Groban
Rose Cornell
Lillian Ellstrom
Louise Lee
Sara Louise Levan
Madaline Logue
Harold Lauver
Sara Jane Moses
Edith Santella
Muriel Walter
Frieda Kline
John Kekolos
Lewis Lehrer
Gertrude Miller
Mae Meese
Helen Parson
Elizabeth Rhodes
Helen Renninger
John Blackburn
Donald Fritz
John Johnson
Hurford Hale
Malcolm Neuwahl
Margery Reynolds
Marguerite Santa Maria
Mary Savine
Kathryn Terwillinger
Gertrude Williams
Dorris Beattie
Mary Schlayer
Paul Stewart
Margaret Galloway
Ralph Frasco
Carol McClure
Amelia Monti
Jennie Patronik
Mary Rosenberger
Helen Saracena
Margaret Scholl
Mary Helen Miller
Sandy Disabato
John Stahl
John Miller
Ann Grimshaw
Donald Minster
Irene Johnston
Dorothy Thompson
George Kalb
Helen Loyer
Janet Graham
Anna Steffanini
Carl Gruber
Nick Caparusio
Madeline Harvey
Raymond Hager
John Maruschak
Richard Woodward
Henry Isaacson
Lloyd Greenleaf
Henry Kenner
Emery Philips
Edgar Rush
Edith Hollingsworth
Dorothy Housum
Euretta Shaw
Floy Wright
Mabel Walker
Alma Stiffler
Ortenza Smith
Elsie Zimmerer
Gladys Stoner
Jennie Waxler
Christian Selwitz
Chester Duck
Susan Young
Carolyn Behm
Florence Berman
Louise Blackburn
Eva Fuoss
Mary Gruber
Margaret Hibbs
Eva Jodon
Dorothy Lingenfelter
Josephine McKerihan
Grace Savage
Ethel Shoop
Ruth Hall
Maxine Gorsuch
George Seward
Robert Haight
Eunice McCracken
Christy Whitbred
Martha Hogue
Christian Springer
Marit Beckman
Evelyn Stiffler
Minnie Nader
Mary Keith
Marjorie Craine
Edith Brunner
Dora Palmer
Artemis Yerondidakis
Lois Robinson
Dorothy McGraw
        THE art department has helped make the Rooseveltian a success.  The 
cover design and all other art work was done in the art department under the 
supervision of Miss Edna Bottof.  Robert Schoenfelt, the Art Editor, is 
responsible for all the printing as well as the cover design.
    THE Vocational Department has many shops which prepare those who take the 
Pre-Vocational Course for a vocation in after life. There are nine shops: 
Plumbing, Machine, Auto Repairs, Printing, Sheet Metal, Pattern and Lathe, 
Electric, Woodwork, and Mechanical Drawing.
    The boys have seventeen days in each shop, except mechanical drawing in 
which they stay thirty-four days. The other studies are: Vocational English 
taken five periods a week; Science, five periods a week; Community Civics, four 
periods a week for one semester; Vocational Civics, four periods for one 
semester; and Gym, two periods a week. They do not take Art, Music, Algebra, or 
Ancient History.
    The seventh grade Vocational work begins with the use of tools in woodwork. 
After the exercises the boys make many useful and ornamental pieces of furniture 
for their homes. In the Eigth grade an advanced course in woodwork is given. In 
the Ninth grade all boys take Mechanical Drawing two periods a week for the 
term. The Pre-Vocational boys receive seventeen days of shop practise in each 
shop. The shops of the junior and Senior High schools are used by the pupils of 
both schools and are splendidly equipped for Vocational training.
    TO supplement the text, arouse interest and to encourage student self-
expression in Social Science, Roosevelt pupils are busy during the school year 
illustrating their history and civics lessons with varied forms of extra 
activities. These include: cartoons, graphs, dramatizations, informal debates, 
impersonations, biographies, floor talks, field trips, notebooks, games, 
booklets, current events, anecdotes, jokes, crossword puzzles, mock trials, 
original stories and poems, maps made on proper paper in pencil, ink, paint, 
flour and salt, and other materials, clay models of primitive pottery, writing 
tablets, books, oral and written special reports, book reports of required 
readings, and other devices.
    THE need of courts in all towns, cities, and states was brought out in a 
mock court trial, given for a Tuesday morning assembly program. The trial was a 
civics project carried out by the girls in division 9-14, with the help of Miss 
Cohn, a Civics teacher, and Mr. Perry, a prominent lawyer.
    THERE are many reasons for studying the Latin language. As we have seen, it 
teaches the life of the modern world and adds greatly to our intelligence and 
efficiency. Few studies are more practical than Latin.
    Latin was the language of the Romans, on whose civilization our own is 
based. In their writings we find the origin and the reason for many of our 
institutions. In Roman literature we find the models which modern writers have 
imitated. Our literature is full of allusions and quotations, which only a Latin 
student can fully understand. Knowledge of French, Spanish, Portugese, or 
Italian is best obtained by studying Latin first.
    It is quite an interesting story as to how the Latin words got into English. 
Britain was also conquered by the Romans and the inhabitants learned from their 
conquerors many words which have been passed down to us.
    But English was especially influenced by Latin when the Normans came over 
from France to Anglo-Saxon England under William the Conqueror and brought with 
them a language derived from Latin. The two languages intermingled with the 
result that many words of Latin origin became a part of the speech of the 
English people.
    During the centuries since the Norman Conquest a constant stream of Latin 
words has entered English-many words in almost the same form as those used by 
the Ancient Romans.
    Thousands of words have been directly imported into our language by 
scholars; others have been brought in through French and other languages as a 
result of constant intercourse between the nations.
    Over half our commonly used words are derived from Latin and we owe a very 
great debt to the ancient Romans for this language.
Anne Grimshaw, 9-32.
    WOULDN'T you like to know why the moon shines, why the grass is green, why 
and how we can hear over the telephone, and just why mother insists on spanking 
you when you put your fingers in her freshly baked cake or the fudge?
    You could answer all these questions and many more if you only knew a little 
bit of Science. The best place to gain this knowledge is right here in your own 
    It's wonderful to watch "Lindy" swim after "Ann," but! look at that. How do 
you know if its wonderful or not when you haven't the slightest idea who the two 
persons just mentioned are? If you promise not to tell another soul I will let 
you in on a big secret. "Ann" and "Lindy" are the pet gold fish of Miss Mosser's 
Science classes. We all love and admire "Ann" and "Lindy." The goldfish are not 
the only interesting things for a Science class to enjoy; there are many other 
things such as, the turtles, the butterflies and the guinea pigs, whose eyes 
would surely fall out if anyone would be so cruel as to hold them by the tail. 
We also have many beautiful flowers, trees and plants in which we take an 
    The science students like to take walks in the open, where there is plenty 
of fresh air and sunshine, and study all about the little animals, plants, and 
trees. Many interesting events occur on these trips.
    No doubt some of the Latin students, although it may prove to them an 
interesting topic, regret the fact that they cannot accompany the scientists on 
their journeys, because we do go on journeys. Sometimes we go by foot and other 
times by imagination or pictures.
When we take a trip by picture our guide always shows us the most beautiful 
spots in the country or takes us through the largest factories.
    "We can live without poetry, music, and art, We can live without conscience, 
we can live without heart, We can live without friends, we can live without 
books But a civilized man can't live without cooks." 
The little eighth graders,
Take cooking you know.
They wear aprons and bands,
As white as the snow.
They learn all about starch and sugar,
And things such as that;
And why we cook foods,
And what makes us fat.
They cook apples, make puddings,
And fry some good steaks.
Then they make white sauce;
Then they bake cakes.
These are the duties of cooks such as these,
Who later in life their husbands must please.
    POSSIBLY the most important training from a practical point of view given to 
the girls of the Ninth Grade is that of sewing. It has been the earnest endeavor 
of the teacher from the beginning to make the work agreeable to the pupils and 
to make the hours spent in sewing class as enjoyable as possible. With the 
preliminary training as much personal initiative as possible is allowed every 
pupil so as to permit freedom and ease of mental activity.
    The pupils are taken into the complexities of seams, hems and stitching. In 
order that zest may be added to the interest in the work, a choice of night 
garments is permitted as the first useful piece of work.
    Developments in construction of the garment are supervised closely and 
suggestions are tendered in order that a high grade of perfection may be 
    The teachers have taken great care that each pupil takes pride in her work, 
in order that competitive interest may be fostered among the pupils.
    These garments are then stored for the style show at the end of the second 
semester. Each girl tries hard to have a piece of her work in the selected ones.
With the beginning of the second semester the choice of a dress or a smock is 
allowed each pupil, to be made from a wide variety of color and texture of 
cotton materials.
    The economy of home sewing is brought to each class and wonders of needle 
work soon cease to be the impossible.
    The style show of the combined classes at the end of the second semester 
lends the glamour and excitement to the class which other classes cannot give. 
Each pupil adorned in her best piece of work passes in review before the entire 
school assembled in the Auditorium.
Betty Hofmann, 9-16.
[n.p.] ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929 - AUTOGRAPHS: 1, 2