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EDUCATION: The Log, 1920: Juniata High School Yearbook: Blair Co, PA
Transcribed and submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja 

Copyright January 2002.  All rights reserved.


                                      "THE LOG" 

The log is a book of friendship
  Which binds the classes four;
In it there is no hardship,
  Like it you'll see no more.

It mixes memories of the past
  With our hopes for the future,
And the doings of the class
  Wit the traits of human nature.

This is the book of plenty,
  It is simply out of sight.
The Annual of "1920,"
  The book of the Brown and White.


                                 Juniata High School



To whom this book is
respectfully dedicated.


Ruth Mattern
In Memoriam
Our friend and teacher who departed this life
April 1, 1917.


The Faculty

Miss Scherer, English
Mr. Wineland, Superintendent
Miss Pecht, Principal, Mathematics
Miss Stewart, French
Miss Heinsling, History
Mr. Dean, Latin
Mr. Walters, Science
Mr. Miller, Commercial
Miss Lucas, Music


The Senior Class

Motto: "We Build the Ladder by Which We Climb"
Class Flower: "Sweet Pea"
Class Colors" "Brown and White"


Willard Martin, President
Pauline Werner, Vice President
Beryl Ernest, Secretary
Paul Amigh, Treasurer

Staff Personnel

Kenneth Locke

Associate Editors
Martha Wherry
Saraellen Shipe
Hildegard Harstrom

Department Editors
Albert Green, Jokes
Georgiana Shadle, Art
Helen Geist, Historian
Esther Lockwood, Prophet

Business Managers
Josephine Kirkpatrick
Lawrence Nelson

Circulation Manager
Ada Kocher


Paul G. Amigh, "Judge"
Rufus J. Brungard, "Ruffus"
Hazel Cunningham, "Hazy"
Mary Marguerite Bathgate, "Peggy"
Margaret A. Detrick, "Deet"


Beryl N. Ernest, "Ernie"
Adella Eshleman, "Dadda"
Irma F. Fisher, "Irma"
Ora E. Fink, "Orie"
Helen E. Geist, "Betz"
D. Albert Greene, "Al"


Hildegarde Harstrom, "Irene"
Marie Hubert, "Reatie"
Ada Mae Kocher, "Mibbs"
Martha Hefferman, "Mart"
Josephine C. Kirkpatrick, "Jo"


Esther Lockwood, "Slim"
Kenneth D. Locke, "Ted"
Frances C. Miller, "Francey"
Clements O. McKerihan, "Clem"
Willard Martin, "Squirrel"
Lawrence Reed Nelson, "Bud"


Viola M. O'Donnel, "Oey"
Margaret Phillips, "Muggs"
Miriam E. Renninger, "Hon."
Hubert A. Russell, "Hub"
Grace E. Rice, "Tats"


Dore Irene Rhaesa, "Dot"
Mary Jane Russell, "Muz"
Saraellen Shipe, "Jiggs"
Clara G. Stevens, "Bob"
Georgiana L. Shadle, "Georgie"
Mary Jane Sayers


Martha C. Wherry, "Pat"
Pauline D. Werner, "Polly"
Grace Pearle White, "Gracie"
Estella Mary Wertz, "Stella"
Thomas C. Zerbe, "Tom"


Class History

  Come, let me take you on Memory's ship, back to October, 1916.  You will see faces
which have grown very familiar to you in the last four years; faces which you will
not forget, for, strange to say, they recall little escapades that made vivid
impressions upon the minds of our High School Faculty, as well as upon our
classmates.  And, so you will find in the History of the Class of "1920," along with
the facts and statistics, much humor and a little fiction.

Freshman Year

  It was a dark, gloomy, disagreable day in October, 1916, when a body of Freshmen
might be seen slowly wending their way to that huge mass of red bricks which
enclosed the word "Knowledge."  That day was the climax of many anxious days and
sleepless nights.  We had looked forward to the time when we would become members of
the J.H.S.  Now that grand and glorious day had come, and we were there in our full
glory to enjoy it.  We were directed to our rooms and given textbooks.  That is how
our High School career began.
  The say, "variety is the spice of life," and variety of teachers was the spice of
our Freshman year.  We scarcely got acquainted with one teacher, until we were
introduced to a new one.
  We, like all other Freshman, had to walk the straight and narrow way, until on May
15th, we were given the privilege of holding a party in the school.  We behaved so
well at our party that the Faculty condescended to let us have a picnic, which was
held at Wopsy, June 2d.  The biggest event of the day was the wreck on the Wopsy
which made no end of trouble for a few of the class who disobeyed their "mammas" and
did not come home on the first train, as they were supposed to do.  When they finally
arrived, long past the midnight hour, at the Wopsy station, they were greeted by
angry "fathers," who found no lack of words in their vocabulary to express their
pent-up feelings, caused by the hours of waiting on the Wopsy platform.
  So, with no further events of importance, our year closed and we passed on to the
safe haven of the Sophomore Class, from which we could look forward with
anticipation to the time when we could usher in a Freshman Class in their green and
callow youth.

Sophomore Year

  Mother Nature, by changing her costume from green to brown and red, proclaimed to
us that it was time to settle down to our winter's work.  So when the school bell
rang out clear and loud, it was with willing hearts we said farewell to our vacation
days and returned to the school room to greet our classmates and teachers, with the
noble desire in our hearts to be a real help (?) to the Freshmen.


  Our Sophomore year was a year of all work and no play - the only social event of
the year being a masquerade party in the Juniata Fire Hall.
  This year speaks of quality not quantity, and with fear of detracting from that
quality, I will refrain from further comment.

Junior Year

  Again vacation months swiftly passed, and on September 3 the school bell called us
again to the halls of learning.  We were somewhat older, and felt much wiser. 
However, Juniors though we were, we were treated on an equality with every one else,
for on October 6, Mr. Reed opened wide the doors and windows and "influenza," and we
had to vacate for a month.  We must admit, though, that our vacation was
appreciated, and it was with some reluctance that we again returned and took up our
work as a stern duty; but we looked forward with pleasure to the social events we
knew would be ours.
  The Seniors were the first to see our need of a little diversion from work, and,
on November 15, gave the Juniors a party in the school.  It was much enjoyed, but
made us feel we needed a little more experience in social etiquette.  So, on
December 13, the Juniors gave a party at the school.
  The next event of importance was on February 5, when the Seniors, feeling that the
Juniors were gaining too much ground and popularity, decided to show their existence
by putting their numerals and banner on the roof of the school.  However, the Junior
boys thought this showed too much boldness and quietly removed them.
  On March 4, some one showed his partiality for the Junior Class by printing their
numerals on the sidewalk.  We appreciated the compliment, but it caused our boys,
who were accused of doing it, to be suspended from school.
  On March 28, a bazar was given at the school, the proceeds of which were used to
frame pictures, which now hang in each room of the building.
  Then came the event of the season, the Junior play, "Kicked Out of College," given
in the Juniata Theatre on April 16 and 17.  The girls recovered from the shock of
facing too much powder and the boys from the shock of overwork, and all were feeling
capable of repeating it on April 21.  It was repeated for the benefit of the Memorial
Fund, and it was with great pleasure that the Juniors handed a neat little sum to the
Memorial Committee.
  The bright spring days found the boys on the athletic field at their favorite
sport - baseball.  On May 7, although younger (but of course better looking), our
boys gave the Seniors a problem in baseball they could not solve.
  May 26, we dressed in our best, and looked our prettiest, and escorted the Seniors
to their Class Day exercises.  There we received the blessings of the Seniors, also
their banner, very much worn by battles in which we were no mean participants. 
Then, with bright visions of how we would look and act when we were Seniors, we laid aside 


our work to enjoy bright vacation days.  We decided to start our vacation days
aright, and on May 28, gave a banquet to the Seniors at Caum's Cafe.  We buried the
hatchet and swore life peace with the Senior Class of 1919.

Senior Year

  We started our career as Seniors on September 2, and, realizing that we had much
to learn, since this was our last year in the public schools, we settled down to
burning the midnight oil.  This accounts for the scarcity of social events.
  The first was the return of the Alumni Orchestra on September 15.  Why did they
return?  Because of a homesick feeling, no doubt.
  On October 31, the Seniors, remembering how it feels to be little, overworked
Juniors, decided to brighten things for them a bit, and so gave them a reception in
the school.
  Nothing more of importance occurred until January 20, when the class organized and
on January 29 selected the class rings.
  From this time on things moved along quietly, to all outward appearances, but it
was with fear and trembling that we counted our credits and looked forward with
dread to the final examinations.  But, even with these dark shadows hanging over us,
the bright prospect of at last possessing our worked for and longed-for diplomas
cheered us.  We went merrily forward, "Building the Ladder by Which We Climb."

Helen E. Geist, '20.


Class Will

  We, the Class of Nineteen-twenty (most of us), being of sound mind, memory and
understanding, do hereby publish this, our last will and testament; and distribute
among our successors such things as the Fates (and we ourselves) have given us,
  To the Class of 1921 we bestow both our brown and white banner, also the blue and
white banner of the Class of 1919, with the understanding that the custom be
continued.  Also our method of "committing poetry," and our Senior privileges.
  To the Class of 1922 we bequeath such drugs as will be necessary to overcome the
fainting habit.
  Our good standing with our Principal, our ability to do mathematics, our diligence
and good behavior we bequeath to the Class of '23.
  Item: To Dot Stone, Marguerite Bathgate's seat in chapel.  (We know she would get
it anyway.)
  Item: To any girl in High School, Ted Locke's dimples.
  Item: To Dick Ferry and Merle Gates, of '23, a cake of "Magic" yeast, each, to
make them grow.
  Item: To Rex McKinney, the Sophomore hero, a medal for bravery, also a stretcher.
  Item: To Miss Scherer, relief from "Police Duty."
  Item: To next year's Sophs, the right to "lord it over" the Freshmen, tease them,
haze them, guide them, that they may be some day worth of being called "Sophomores."
  Item: To Burton Grove, some of Al Greene's excess height.
  Item: Eighty-five cents to Jimmy Lower, to buy any rag-time record he wants.
  Item: To any one who will take them, the Senior girls' ukuleles; also "The
Billboard" and "The Burglars."
  Item: To Miriam Lower, Mary Sayers' excess weight.
  Item: To Mr. dean, a better Virgil Class (poor man, he sure needs it).
  We wish to express our thanks to the School Board for the number of parties we
were allowed during the term, and for the many privileges (such as dancing).
  We bequeath to the Faculty, as a whole, many more such classes as we were.
  To Miss Pecht, for her use and benefit, we bequeath all the rest of our property,
of whatever nature, kind or quality; hoping that she may cherish our memory as a
  We do hereby appoint Miss Ruby Heller as the sole executrix of this our last will
and testament.
  In witness whereof, we, the Class of Nineteen Hundred Twenty, have set our hands
and seal, on this, the first of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine
hundred and twenty.



Senior Library

Ada Kocher, "Moods"
Helen Geist, "The Thread of Flame"
Jo Kirkpatrick, "Freckles"
Margaret Detrick, "The White Linen Nurse"
Grace Rice, "You Never Saw Such a Girl"
Herbert Russell, "The Stout Gentleman"
Paul Amigh, "The Prodigal Judge"
Frances Miller, "Vanity Fair"
Beryl Ernest, "A Woman's Woman"
Kenneth Locke, "Seventeen"
Albert Greene, "Daddy Long Legs"
Marguerite Bathgate, "Peggy Does Her Darndest"
Thomas Zerbe, "Sentimental Tommy"
Dore Rhaesa, "Mrs. Redpepper"
Miriam Renninger, "The Faerie Queene"
Willard Martin, "Long Will"
Erma Fisher, "The Silent Woman"
Clements McKerihan, "Handy Andy"
Martha Wherry, "Just Patty"
Georgie Shadle, "Georgiana of the Rainbows"
Saraellen Shipe, "John and I"
Bud Nelson, "The Furious Man"
Rufus Brungard, "Pony Boy"
Olga Cady, "The Bohemian Girl"
Viola O'Donnell, "Through the Looking Glass"
Hazel Cunningham, "The Optimist"
Esther Lockwood, "She Stoops to Conquer"
Martha Hefferman, "Martie the Joyous"
Clara Stevens, "You Never Know Your Luck"
Pauline Werner, "Polly"
Ora Fink, "Wedding Cake"
Mary Sayers, "When I Was a Little Girl"
Mary Russell, "Goody Two Shoes"
Margaret Phillips, "The Unknown"
Adella Eshleman, "Not Like Other Girls"
Grace White, "Betrothed"
Marie Hubert, "The Adventuress"
Hildegard Harstrom, "The Nut-Brown Maid"
Estella Wertz, "Prudence"




Social Events


  The first part of our Freshman year, 1916, was uneventful, except for a farewell
party held at the home of our classmate, Elizabeth Stover.  Those who were present
enjoyed themselves to the utmost and were sorry when the time came to depart.  The
class presented her with a beautiful silver purse.
  During the first part of February, '17, the white cover that winter delivered
helped us to enjoy a sledding party to Hollidaysburg.  The dainty lunches packed by
the girls, "for two," were very pleasing to the appetites of all, especially the
  The spring of '17 brought the memorable June second, our Freshman picnic,
chaperoned by Miss Irvine and Miss Robb.  We landed safely upon the top of the
mountain, "full o' pep" for the day.  Dancing and other sports were enjoyed.  One
interesting feature was the "Gypsies," who seemed very treacherous, crying: "Me
kiley you." They did not linger in our midst, however, and the good times
continued.  The first group was delayed, going home, on account of a "wreck ahead,"
causing the second group to remain upon the mountain until rather late.  They were
accompanied home by a fierce thunder storm, but were, nevertheless, jolly.


  The Sophomore year brought a few more events.  September 17 brought a greatly
enjoyed hike, chaperoned by Miss Gettig, our science teacher.  The roasted potatoes
and boiled corn were served in "hand-to-mouth" style.  The shadows began to creep
upon us and made the ghost stories very thrilling.  We reached our homes at any
early hour in the evening, extremely worn out.
  Our next event was a Hallowe'en party, November 2, '17.  Many beautiful, unique,
and comic costumes were displayed.  A dainty lunch, suiting the occasion, was
served, accompanied by "cider."  It seemed as though Father Time made the hours go
faster, for when twelve bells sounded, all were astonished, but "rules must be
  We had another hike in May, '18, to Pinecroft, under the supervision of Miss
Gettig.  The purpose was to obtain subjects for the study of Biology.  We found few
objects, but much pleasure and many varieties of beautiful flowers.  Another tired
but cheerful bunch arrived in Juniata early in the evening.


  Our class was more successful in the social events of our Junior year.  We began
the term by a moonlight hike to Ivyside on September 13, 1918.  The odor of the
wieners roasting and sputtering gave every one an appetite that was soon
satisfied.  The crowd wandered home with a slower step than was used in going to
  An event that gave some of us pleasure was the closing


of school from October 6, until November 7, on account of the "flu."
  When we returned from the "flu" vacation, we received the news that the Seniors
were to give us a party in the school building on November 15.  It was a great
success, being a masquerade affair, and brightened the beginning of work after a
vacation.  The members of both classes enjoyed the event.  The banquet was served in
the hall of the second floor, decorated to suit the occasion.
  Thinking that we needed something to break the monotony of our work, we decided to
give a party to our friends in the school building.  We proceeded, each person
inviting a friend.  The commercial room was transformed into a pleasure hall for the
evening, and the laboratory into a banquet hall.  Everybody took part in the games
and gave a sigh of regret when the hour for departure arrived.
  Work progressed through the holidays.  Every one was busy with his studies and
hadn't time to think of social events.  But "all work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy," so the Faculty announced, with pleasure, that we were to prepare for a bazaar
in the school building on March 28.  We prepared, making fancy work, candy and doing
other "odd jobs," so that we came out "on top" financially in the end.  The funds
were used to beautify the school, by purchasing pictures that now hang upon the
walls in our class rooms.
  A long-prepared-for event that gave us both pleasure and funds was a play, given
by our class at the Juniata Theatre, April 16, 17 and 21.  Our boys and girls were
camouflaged to the utmost, but looked and acted their best, nevertheless.  The first
two nights were a wonderful success, so we were asked to repeat it for the benefit of
the Memorial Fund.  The third night also proved a success, and the participants in
the play were almost living their parts, so it seemed real.
  The season for outside sports arrived on time, so the Seniors, well practiced,
challenged our boys to a game of baseball.  The Junior Class was well represented
with "rooters," as was also the Senior Class, so the boys played vigorously.  They
all played well, but the Juniors won, defeating the Seniors thoroughly.
  During this time we were preparing for our final examinations and wondering if we
could soon claim the title of "Senior" (at least we were working for it).  We had no
more parties until May 26, 1919, for were were trying to climb to the top of the
ladder.  On this date we escorted the Seniors to the I.O.O.F. Hall, in which they
held their class day exercises.  We tried to look our best, and smiled when a rebuke
came our way, but took no offense, as we wished to part in peace.  We received our
instructions for the future from the Class of '19 and also their blue and white
war-torn banner that they fought so hard to protect.  This even was enjoyed by all
the other classes as well as by the Seniors.
  The gates of the "House of Knowledge" closed on May 27, '19, and a class that
entered as Juniors were transformed by the Fates into Seniors.
  We, wishing to show our appreciation, good will and respect for the departing
Seniors, held a banquet in their honor in the Lincoln Room at Caum's.  The room was
decorated in the characteristic colors of both classes - 


blue and white, and brown and white.  Toasts were given by Mr. Ruhl, Miss Scherer,
Miss Gettig, Carroll Fink, William Knode, Willard Martin, and Kenneth Locke. 
Dancing was the main feature and was enjoyed even by those who did not participate
in it.  "Home, Sweet Home," was played by the orchestra at twelve o'clock.  then the
past Seniors of '19 and the future Seniors of '20 made a final parting, the first
group ready for their life's work, and the second group still climbing.


  The vacation passed very quickly, and instead of (as in the year of '16) a group
of green-looking boys and girls, a group of people, qualified for the Senior Class,
entered the "House of Knowledge" on September 2, 1919.
  Although some of us are glad to leave this "House of Knowledge," others are glad
to come back and think about their days passed in it.  An incident of this sort
occurred on September 15, '19, when the Alumni Orchestra returned and played some
beautiful selections in chapel.
  Being determined to win our goal, we set aside our fascination for "social events"
and turned our heads to "study."  We decided to help make the Junior's life pleasant,
so, on the 31st of October, '19, we gave them a banquet in the school building.  Both
classes were well represented in costumes of many different varieties. When the masks
were removed, the prize for the best costume, (of course) fell to one of the Junior
girls.  The amusements of the evening kept every one busy and happy.  The banquet
was daintily served in the upper hall, which was beautifully decorated.  We were
snowed in for the greater part of the winter, so we worked hard and obtained
pleasure from it.
  We are now doing our very best and looking forward to the pleasant features that
await us with the end of this term.


Class Prophecy
"What the Gods Foretold"

  It was June 28, 1935, and a perfect day to hold the nineteen hundred and twenty
class reunion at Wopsononock.  The date and place were unanimously chosen before the
class disbanded at the termination of their last year in High School.
  Stepping from the electric car at the pleasure resort, I beheld faces that bore
marks of fifteen years absence.  Among those who arrived on the preceding car was
Miss Georgiana Shadle.  Georgiana, already world-known for her works of art, was
eager to apply her skill to the beautiful Alleghenies; but Mary Jane Sayers, the
leading model for Wanamaker's, insisted that she portray her stately form as a
master piece.
  A mammoth white car soon appeared on the grounds, and who descended but Herbert
Russell, first vice president of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Lines, and four of his
old classmates that lived in the vicinity of New York.  Helen Geist and Margaret
Detrick were special nurses at Ward's Homoepathic Hospital.  Margaret Phillips was
stenographer for the East River Ferry Corporation; and Frances Miller, who sat in
the front seat with Herbert, was private secretary to the manager of Gimbel's.
  In a few moments, a humming and then a buzzing was heard overhead.  All eyes
turned toward the sky and in amazement beheld a huge biplane which circled and then
landed on the old ball grounds.  It was Ted Lock in a machine of his own design,
with his observer, Clements McKerihan.
  The class roll was called by Clara Stevens, Supervisor of Mathematics at
Dickinson, and all responded except Viola O'Donnel, government typist, and Martha
Hefferman, private tutor at Weidner's in Philadelphia.  Ada Kocher, costume designer
in Paris, was also among the missing, but the next car added all these names to the
  The greater part of the morning was spent in greetings and talk of the past.  At
the hour of twelve all assembled in the banquet room and satisfied their appetites
with a bountiful menu, provided through the earnest efforts of Estella Wertz and
Adella Eshleman, stock-holders and officers of the W. F. Gable & Co. Stores.
  Miss Pauline Werner, Clerk of the Supreme Court, was unanimously chosen as
toastmistress, and among the interesting talks was one given by Saraellen Shipe, a
very popular pharmacist of Altoona.  "History of the Old Home Town" was the subject,
and it was related in a very noteworthy manner.
  Mrs. Miriam Renninger Greene seemed much engaged in trying to keep her husband,
Albert, among his old classmates; he he and Willard Martin, both officers of the
State Mounted Police, insisted that they be let alone.  It may be here stated that
Albert and Willard wanted a 


change of steed, so the merry-go-round was well patronized throughout the day.
  A well-prepared program was arranged for the afternoon festivities by Rufus
Brungard, Clerk of the Master Mechanic in the Juniata Shops.  The program was as

  Pastor of the Evangelical Church, Los Angeles, Cal.
  Supervisor of Kindergarten Work in South America
 Of Coombs' Conservatory of Music
READING - From One of Her Novels - MARTHA WHERRY
  Prima Donna from London
  Missionary from South Africa
  Star Comedian on Broadway
  Forestry Department of the U.S. Government
"NORMA" - Instrumental, BERYL ERNEST
  Accompanist for Hildegard Harstrom
  Instructor of English at Bryn Mawr College

  During the course of the entertainment a rear row of seats collapsed, and after
the melee Mrs. Grace White Miller emerged from the mishap with some injuries. 
Doctor Josephine Kirkpatrick and Dore Rhaesa, her special nurse, were soon on the
scene and diagnosed the case.  With the exception of this misfortune, the program
was a great success.
  When the brightness of the day was slowly turning to shades of night, the class as
a whole responded to the hospitality of Mrs. Earnest Hopkins, in school days, Ora
Fink.  Ora enacted the role of hostess in her beautiful home in the "Home Town."  It
was here that Marie Hubert and Hazel Cunningham, private secretaries to officers of
large business concerns in Boston, volunteered to compile, for future reference, a
record of the events during the reunion.
  At a late hour the class was again disbanded, all declaring it the happiest event
of their lives, and hoping that each year to come would contain an affair of the
this nature and of the same success.


Can You Imagine?

Erma playing basketball?
Ted without dimples?
Bud, a minister?
Pauline, without Mary Jane?
Mary Sayers jumping rope?
Rufus not eating?
Saraellen without a date?
Herbert in love?
Miriam in a tearing rage?
Adella as Cleopatra?
Grace Rice at a funeral?
Margaret Detrick making trouble?
Jo not worried?
Ada without news from "Ann Arbor?"
Marguerite "skinning the cat?"
Martha Wherry with red hair?
Esther wearing socks?
Al, on stilts?
Beryl a "vamp?"
Clements with his Latin prepared?
Paul minus the odor of tobacco?
Hazel shooting paper wads?
Ora without her giggle?
Hildegard at the foot of the class?
Martha Hefferman as "Fat Lady in the Circus?"
Tom turning down a chance for an argument?
Margaret Phillips on time?
Willard without the "gimmies?"
Viola dressing her hair in five minutes?
Dore after a drenching?
Helen not the life of the crowd?
Marie with her nose shiny?
Clara with ear puffs?
Estelle not posing?
Frances as "Sis Hopkins?"
Grace White without a letter?
Georgiana using rouge?


Farewell "Owed" to the Senior Class

Paul Amigh dislikes "no man's land,"
But in cards he likes to hold a good hand.

Marguerite Bathgate has a case on Marguerite;
In writing other people's thoughts, she sure is hard to beat.

Rufus Brungard is crazy 'bout eating, he states;
He also is loony about making dates.

Hazel Cunningham is good natured, and so
That is the reason she never says "No."

Margaret Detrick is serious and every so quiet,
Never any danger that she'll start a riot.

Beryl Ernest is bright as a dollar, they say,
And takes care of you in a motherly way.

'Della Eshleman, a corn-fed and a very good sort,
She'll never, no never, need sue for support.

Ora Fink is a laugher, and well she may laugh,
For soon we will hear her called "my better half."

The way Erma Fisher talks is a couple of sins;
She never stops talking, 'cause she never begins.

Helen Geist, the auburn with freckles galore,
Vamps the other girls "sweeties" till the other girls roar.

Martha Hefferman is quiet as quiet can be;
You never saw any one quiet as she.

Albert Greene, the "neat," has a case on Miriam;
There surely is one girl that will never weary him.

When Hildegard Harstrom makes up her mind
There's no argument left for the rest of mankind.

Marie Hubert looks fine in her little Georgette,
All the shine off her nose, her ears captive yet.

Jo Kirkpatrick likes every mother's son.
One trouble's never over, till another one's begun.

Ada Kocher determines to have her own way.
Her mind is made up, get away! Get away!

Kenneth Locke, the dimpled, diminutive elf,
Uses yard-and-a-half words to talk of himself.

Because Esther Lockwood gets nothing but "A"
Is positive proof she's not a "J."

Clements McKerihan is bashful, oh, my!
He'll get over that in the sweet by and by.

Frances Miller looks like the High Cost of Dressing.
She dances all dances without any guessing.

Willard Martin is a bear when it comes to borrowing;
How he gets away with this is surely very harrowing.

Lawrence Nelson, the cut-up, the comical thing,
Thinks he is just fitted to rule like a king.

Little dabs of powder, little streaks of paint,
Make Viola O'Donnel look like "what she ain't."

Margaret Phillips has about as much emotion
As a painted ship on a painted ocean.


Miriam Renninger is pretty, that is so;
When she hears of a party, she says, "Oh, let's go."

Dore Rhaesa gets angry as angry can be,
And she can sew, take it from me.

Grace Rice should have her features in the funny papers,
She makes everybody laugh with her quaint and cunning capers.

Mary Jane Russell, you cannot discern her,
Unless along with her comes friend Pauline Werner.

Herbert Russell is one who doubts that he doubts,
And will argue the point till his opponent he routs.

Mary Jane Sayers is tall and stout,
And she can act like "all get out."

Georgiana Shadle can sketch and can paint;
Speaks no idle words to sinner or saint.

Saraellen Shipe, as sure as fate,
Will soon announce the closing date.

Clara Stevens is nice to you and me,
But she'll bawl you out whoever you be.

Estella Wertz is a movie queen;
See her next week in "Sweet Sixteen."

Martha Wherry is "tudarnsmart;"
Some of these days she'll lose her heart.

Grace White is a Bolshevik,
Wishes that soldiers would come home quick.

Thomas Zerbe is a lover of athletic games.
Thus endeth this roster of famous names.


The Class Opinion of:

OUR PRINCIPAL: We are lost in admiration and words fail us.
THE FACULTY: Delightful bosses. (Delight in bossing.)
OUR PRESIDENT: The best ever.
ITSELF: Mere words cannot describe our sublime feelings.
STUDIES: Necessary evils.
CHAPEL: A study period for neglected home work.
THE GLEE CLUB: Not much, till they sang that last "Amen."
DEMERITS: Bogies to scare Freshies.
CLASS PARTIES: Every one bored.
There is a young lady named Heller,
We all know she's a mighty good feller.
  She's firm in her step,
  And boundless in pep,
And in her there's no streak of "yeller."
ANNUAL STAFF: A bunch of freaks who compliment themselves and slam every other
member of the class.
Just a little bluffing,
  Lots of air quite hot,
Makes a recitation
  Seem like what it's not.
LATIN CLASS: "Equo ne credite."
FRENCH CLASS: "Misfortunes never come singly."  (Written lessons.)
ENGLISH: "Necessity knows no law." (Memorizing poems.)
"As I cleaned up the acid and zinc,
  And picked all the glass from the floor,
I decided to stick to the text,
  And use my own methods no more."
"Oh, blessed trig, the mind we pace,
  Again appears to be
An unsubstantial, shaky place,
  An unfit home for thee."

Expressions of the Faculty

MILLER: "Oi, oi, oi!"
STEWART: "For goodness sake, keep quiet!"
SCHERER: "I'm not here to do police duty."
WALTERS: "Three demerits, six - NINE - go to the office - TWELVE - FIFTEEN."
HEINSLING: "Report tonight."
PECHT: "That's better than I expected."
DEAN: "I'm going to start to - ."
WINELAND: "W-w-we can't have this."


Junior Class


Sophomore Class


Freshman Class


Advertising Introduction

  We wish to call to the attention of the members of the Juniata High School and the
ANNUAL readers the following list of reliable concerns who have helped make this
ANNUAL possible.  They deserve your patronage, as only reliable firms have been
solicited for advertisements.  We wish to take this space to thank the business
people of Juniata and Altoona who have loyally supported this ANNUAL.


J. J. Barry, J. E. Bonner, J. D. Brumbaugh, Canan-Knox, A. E. Crownover, M. B.
David, Frank Debarber, R. D. Elder, Forsht Coal Co., Sam Foust, D. H. Gilberg,
Donald Gallespie, H. R. Goss, Max Geller & Co., Harry Hatch, John Hall, Sam
Hutchison, M. & M. Store, E. F. Maeder, Mek & Rose, J. R. Meek, H. G. Mock, First
National Bank, R. B. Palmer, Roher & Mauk, G. M. Smith.


W. S. Aaron, F. Antonelli, Bendheim's Shoe Store, Brett's Dress Shop, Brook's Music
Store, Caum's Cafe, G. Casanave, Colbus' Shoe Store, Debarber Bros., Fluke & Sons,
W. L. Goodman, W. F. Gable, Dr. K. Graves, Krick & Cassidy, I. Lang, Leopold &
Bigley, Marcus' Jewelry Store, Miller's Real Estate, Neal's Hat Shop, Penn Central
Light Co., Porch Bros., Dr. Phillips, Royal Boot Shop, Shaeffer Studio, Sellers'
Jewelry Store, Sitnek's Drug Store, Schwartz Bros., L. E. Stiffler, N. A. Stevens,
Soyster's Shoe Store, Times Tribune Co., City Furniture Store, The Westfall Company,
F. A. Winter, Woolen Mills Co.
