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Allegheny County PA Archives- Military: Military Index from Pittsburgh Area Newspapers

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Members of the Allegheny County PA Mailing List 

Copyright 2010-2011.  All rights reserved.

This Military Index was last Updated:
27 Jun 2011

This index of the Military Service that appeared in Pittsburgh 
area newspapers was compiled by the members of the Allegheny County PA 
Mailing list, who used Google Archives to search the newspapers, and was 
coordinated by A. S. Eldredge.  

Dates are given in YYYY-MM-DD format

Instruction on how to use Google Archives to search for the newspaper once 
you find it in this Index, written by Norm Meinert, can be found at:

LAST NAME           FIRST NAME          RANK      BRANCH    UNIT           STATUS                        CONFLICT  PUBLISH DATE   SOURCE         PAGE

C.L                                                         Co D 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
C.M                                                         Co H 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
C.W                 Sgt                                     Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CABAUGH             Frank               1st Sgt                            Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    40
CABER               Millard J           Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CABEZAS             Augustin                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CABEZAS             Augustin                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CABEZAS             Augustin                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CABIWELL            Norman E                      Marines                  Passed Physical w/Address     WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  4
CABLE               G. L.                                                  Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-08-18     Pitts Press    32
CABLE               George L                                839 Aero       Address, Parents w/Photo      WW1       1918-07-14     Pitts Press    48
CABLE               William W                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CABLE               Clyde A                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CABLE               E.R                           Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CABLE               Clyde A                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CABLE               Benjamin                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  7
CABLE               W.M                                     110th Inf      Band Group Photo w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-17     Gazette Times  4
CABLE               Frank                         Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CABLE               George L                      Army                     Transferred to Aviation SectioWW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    11
CABNER              John Daniel         Capt                               KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-18     Pitts Press    2
CABRERA             Casario                                                Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CACESE              Anthony J           Musician                           Ill on Way Home               WW1       1919-04-20     Pitts Press    1
CACOLLA             Marks                                                  Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CACOTAKEC           Nick                Pvt                 320th Inf      KIA                           WW1       1918-09-21     Gazette Times  4
CADDA               Dominick                                330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CADDELL             Reuben E                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CADDELL             Elmer E             Cpl       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CADDELL             Reuben                        Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CADLWELL            Harry W                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CADLWELL            Fred                                                   Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-23     Pitts Press    2
CADLWELL            Cloyd T             Musician                           Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    20
CADLWELL            Arthur                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-14     Pitts Press    14
CADLWELL            William R           1st Lt    Army      110th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
CADMAN              John                          Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
CADMAN              Luke W                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CADMAN              Charles R                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    6
CADMAN              Charles R                     Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CADUGAN             Richard W                                              Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CADUGAN             Harvey                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CADUGAN             Harvey                                                 Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CADY                Charles J                     Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CADY                Clyle D             Pvt                                Convalescent Discharged w/HomeWW1       1919-05-05     Gaz Times      7
CAEMIRE             Charles                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAERDILLO           Luigi                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CAESAROP            Franseco            Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-09     Pitts Press    2
CAFF                Terrence                      Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CAFF                Terrence                      Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CAFFALL             Geoffrey A                                             Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CAFFALL             Geoffrey A                                             Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CAFFERY             Raymond P           Cpl                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-15     Gazette Times  9
CAFFREY             James                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CAFFREY             George                                  110th Inf      Band Group Photo w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-17     Gazette Times  4
CAGE                Emmett H            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CAGE                Manley E                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  14
CAGE                Robert                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CAGE                Louis N                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CAGHAGAN            J.A                 Sgt                 Co E 406th TeleRoster w/Hometown             WW1       1919-05-04     Gaz Times      16
CAHALL              Robert M                                               Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CAHALL              T.S                 Cpl                 Co G 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CAHALL              T.S                 Cpl                 Co G 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CAHEDIL             Frank                                                  Greensburg Soldiers w/Photo   WW1       1919-05-26     Pitts Press    6
CAHILL              Lawrence A                    Navy                     Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Pitts Press    5
CAHILL              John A Jr                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CAHILL              John P                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CAHILL              Edward                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-19     Pitts Press    28
CAHILL              David J                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CAHILL              David J                                                Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CAHILL              John P                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAHILL              John P                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAHILL              Edward F            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1917-12-20     Pitts Press    5
CAHILL              Edward              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1917-11-20     Gaz Times      1, 2
CAHLGREN            Carl G              Sgt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CAHN                Charles             1st Lt              Med Dept       Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      5
CAHOON              George M                                12th Batt FA   Attended wedding              WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    20
CAHOON              G.W                 Cpl                 320th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CAHSMAN             B.Z                 1st Lt                             Univ of Pitt Officers         WW1       1919-05-25     Pitts Press    82
CAILEY              Charles E           Cpl                                Aboard the Great Northern w/AdWW1       1919-03-29     Gazette Times  7
CAIMANO             Rinaldo             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  5
CAIMENS             Edward M            Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  2
CAIN                Willard J                                              Inducted w/Address            WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    6
CAIN                George T                                Co H 305th SignParents, address w/Photo      WW1       1918-07-07     Pitts Press    48
CAIN                William R                                              En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    1
CAIN                Martin P                      Tank Corps               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    5
CAIN                Charles W                     Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CAIN                George T                                               Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CAIN                Joseph H                                               Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CAIN                James                                                  Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CAIN                Martin J.F                                             Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
CAIN                Harry               Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
CAIN                J. H                Pvt                                MIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    4
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-02     Pitts Press    7
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Photo                         WW1       1918-12-02     Pitts Press    19
CAIN                Edward                                                 In Hospital Unit w/Photo      WW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    5
CAIN                James                                                  To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CAIN                Robert S            Capt      Army      111th Inf      Promoted at Camp Hancock      WW1       1918-04-09     Gazette Times  4
CAIN                John V              1st Sgt   Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CAIN                Charles W                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAIN                Ellsworth J                   Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAIN                Ellsworth J                   Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAIN                William R                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CAIN                Charles W                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAIN                Ellsworth J                   Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAIN                Ellsworth J                   Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAIN                George E                      Army                     Motor Trans. Recruits w/HometoWW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  7
CAIN                Harry               Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CAIN                J.J                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CAIN                Martin                        Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-02     Gazette Times  4
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co G 111th Inf Wounded                       WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  8
CAIN                James H                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  15
CAIN                James H                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-27     Gazette Times  13
CAIN                Robert              Capt                Co H 111th Inf Spoken Highly Of              WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  41
CAIN                James H             Pvt                                Died w/Hometown               WW1       1919-02-25     Pitts Press    10
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Awarded DSC                   WW1       1919-02-14     Gazette Times  9
CAIN                Robert              Capt                               Sent Souvenir Home            WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    102
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co H 111th Inf Guest of Honor                WW1       1919-03-15     Gazette Times  9
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co G 111th Inf Photo                         WW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    75
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Armed with Rifle              WW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    76
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co H 111th Inf To Receive DSC                WW1       1919-05-27     Pitts Press    8
CAIN                Floyd R             Pvt                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAIN                Floyd R             Cpl                 HQ Co 110th InfPhoto w/Hometown              WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      14
CAIN                James H             Pvt                 319th Inf      Missing w/Date                WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co H 111th Inf Colors Retired                WW1       1919-06-15     Gaz Times      1
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Decorated with DSC            WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                               Joint Memorial w/Photo        WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      9
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co H 111th Inf Seeks Office                  WW1       1919-05-26     Gaz Times      9
CAIN                Robert S            Capt                Co H 111thInf  Awarded DSC                   WW1       1919-05-27     Gaz Times      11
CAIN                Stanley G                               HQ 107th FA    Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CAIN                Robert S            1st Lt    Army      111th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
CAIN                Carl C                                                 Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CAIN                Hunter M                                               Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CAIN                Robert S            2nd Lt.   Army      111th Inf      Assigned                      WW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      6
CAINE               Walter J                                               Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1918-10-12     Pitts Press    13
CAINSCIONE          Frank               Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CAIRNEY             Patrick A           Pvt       Can Army                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CAIRNS              Thomas A                                               Inducted w/Address            WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    6
CAIRNS              Thomas                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CAIRNS              James               Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-07     Pitts Press    3
CAIRNS              Walter F                                               Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CAIRNS              William C           Cpl                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAIRNS              John                                    330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CAITHAMI            Merill F                                               Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAITHAML            Merrill F                     Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAJIAFAS            James                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    1
CAJIAFAS            James                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAJU                Samuel                                                 Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CAJU                Samuel                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CALA                Angelo                        Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CALABRESE           Alfonso                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CALABRESE           Alfonso                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CALABRESE           Alphones                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-20     Pitts Press    4
CALABRESE           Alphonse                      Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  13
CALABRO             Santo               Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-04-03     Pitts Press    13
CALAFIORE           Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  11
CALAHAN             John                                                   Enter Aviation Service w/PhotoWW1       1918-03-31     Pitts Press    42
CALAMBUS            John A                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-20     Pitts Press    5
CALAMBUS            John A                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-20     Gazette Times  9
CALANTI             Guiseppe                                               Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CALANTIL            Guiseppe                      Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CALASCIONE          Frank                                                  Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CALASIMO            John                Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CALAUFTI            Guiseppe                                               Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CALAUTTI            Guiseppe                                               Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CALBERT             Roy L                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CALDARONE           Benedetto                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CALDARONE           Benedetto                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CALDERARA           Carlo J             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CALDERWOOD          John B                                                 Students to Join Navy         WW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    3
CALDERWOOD          John B                        Navy                     Peabody Grads to Navy w/AddresWW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  7
CALDRON             James               Cpl                 Co E 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CALDRON             James               Cpl                 Co E           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CALDWELL            James N             Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CALDWELL            Ray Ernest                                             Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CALDWELL            Joseph R Jr.                  Marines                  Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-06-18     Pitts Press    2
CALDWELL            Daniel                                                 Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CALDWELL            David T                                                Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CALDWELL            Charles E                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    5
CALDWELL            William                                                Get Officers' Bars w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-31     Pitts Press    16
CALDWELL            V. Royal                                               Co A Members                  WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
CALDWELL            Herbert M                     Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-18     Pitts Press    2
CALDWELL            J.W                 Pvt                 28th Div       Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CALDWELL            William F           Lt                                 Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-11-20     Pitts Press    3
CALDWELL            H.C                 Lt                                 Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
CALDWELL            Max M               Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    22
CALDWELL            Charles                                                Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CALDWELL            David F                                                Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CALDWELL            william F                     Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CALDWELL            Harry M                                                Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CALDWELL            John                                                   Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CALDWELL            Harry M                                                Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CALDWELL            Washington E                                           Weddings at Camp Hancock w/HomWW1       1918-05-06     Gazette Times  5
CALDWELL            Wilbur A                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALDWELL            Joseph R. Jr.                 Marines                  Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-06-19     Gazette Times  2
CALDWELL            Robert McK                    Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
CALDWELL            Washington E                                           Weddings at Camp Hancock w/HomWW1       1918-05-06     Gazette Times  5
CALDWELL            Wilbur A                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALDWELL            Isaac                         Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CALDWELL            John H                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CALDWELL            Ray                                                    To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CALDWELL            Daniel J                                               Officer's Training Grads      WW1       1918-10-17     Gazette Times  3
CALDWELL            R.B                 Maj                 314th Inf      Enthusiastic Letters (printed)WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  32
CALDWELL            George S.S          Pvt                 Co G 28th Inf  DSC for Unusual Valor         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  16
CALDWELL            Herbert C           Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CALDWELL            Joseph R            Pvt                                Memorial Service              WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  11
CALDWELL            Max M                                                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CALDWELL            Robert R                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CALDWELL            Cloyd T                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  14
CALDWELL            John                Cpl                 319th Inf      Hit by Shrapnel               WW1       1918-11-17     Gazette Times  21
CALDWELL            John D              Sgt                 319th Inf      Died of Wounds                WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  5
CALDWELL            John D              Sgt                 319th Inf      Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  9
CALDWELL            Joseph R. Jr.                 Marines   5th Reg        KIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-11-19     Gazette Times  8
CALDWELL            Joseph R. Jr.                 Marines                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CALDWELL            William F           Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  13
CALDWELL            William Freed       Lt                  Co F 110th Inf Died in Hospital w/Bio        WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  8
CALDWELL            Atthue                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-15     Gazette Times  2
CALDWELL            Clyde               Lt                  Co E 313th Inf Invalid w/Photo               WW1       1919-01-27     Gazette Times  7
CALDWELL            James R                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  15
CALDWELL            William F           Lt        Army                     Died of Wounds w/Next of King WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
CALDWELL            William T           Lt                                 Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    3
CALDWELL            George S            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CALDWELL            S                   Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Pitts Press    4
CALDWELL            Cloyd T                                                Musician Wounded w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-03     Gazette Times  11
CALDWELL            Robert McK                                             List for Farms w/Address      WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  10
CALDWELL            Alexander H         Capt                Hosp Base 27   Warm Welcome                  WW1       1919-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CALDWELL            Ernest                                                 In Parade                     WW1       1919-05-28     Pitts Press    6
CALDWELL            J.W                 Pvt                 MP Co 111th InfArrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CALDWELL            Jacob W             Pfc                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CALDWELL            John                                    4th PA Cav     Obituary                      Civil     1919-06-06     Pitts Press    15
CALDWELL            J.G                 Cpl                 Co H 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CALDWELL            J.W                 Pvt                 MP Co          Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CALDWELL            John                                                   Obituary                      Civil     1919-06-07     Gaz Times      7
CALDWELL            Leslie G                                103rd Sanitary Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CALDWELL            Joseph R                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CALDWELL            George                                                 Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CALDWELL            Howard S                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CALDWELL            J.C                 Cpl       Army      Co A 319th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-28     Gaz Times      28
CALDWELL            John D                        Army      Co A 319th Inf Foreman in Glass Works w/HometWW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CALE                James E. Jr                                            Camp Lee AWOL w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-16     Pitts Press    2
CALEMATIANES        Constantin                                             Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CALEONE             Loreto                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CALEY               Andrew P                                               Go to Camp w/Hometown         WW1       1918-02-11     Gazette Times  3
CALFANIELLI         Luigi                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CALHOON             Adam E                                  103rd Sanitary Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CALHOUN             John D                                                 Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CALHOUN             John Caldwell       Lt                                 Engagement                    WW1       1918-02-10     Pitts Press    41
CALHOUN             John E                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CALHOUN             Harry C             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    15
CALHOUN             H.H                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CALHOUN             Milo                1st Lt              78th FA        Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
CALHOUN             John C                                                 Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CALHOUN             J.C                 1st Sgt             155th Depot    To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CALHOUN             John                Sgt       Army      105th Dep Brig To Train for Officer w/HometowWW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  12
CALHOUN             Robert C                                               Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CALHOUN             William A                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CALHOUN             John D                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CALHOUN             John                Sgt       Army      105th Dep Brig To Train for Officer w/HometowWW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  12
CALHOUN             Robert C                                               Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CALHOUN             William A                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CALHOUN             John                2nd Lt                             Received Appointment w/AddressWW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  3
CALHOUN             Harry C                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-25     Gazette Times  11
CALHOUN             Warren J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CALHOUN             Harry H             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CALHOUN             William B                                              Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CALHOUN             Franklin E          Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CALHOUN             Walter              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
CALHOUN             Warren J            Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-03-02     Gazette Times  11
CALHOUN             Warren J            Wagoner                            Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-03-02     Pitts Press    10
CALHOUN             Robert C                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CALHOUN             Miles               1st Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-28     Gaz Times      1
CALHOUN             John C                                                 Chamber Honor Flag            WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      11
CALHOUN             John C. Dr.         Lt.                                Sews Up Lung                  WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      1
CALIAGHAN           Herbert E                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALIAGHAN           Herbert E                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALIFFIE            John E              Cpl                 158th Dep Brig Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      3
CALIGIURE           Gust                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CALIGIURO           Serafino                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CALIGUIRE           Serafino                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALIGUIRE           Serafino                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALINE              Frederick                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CALL                John A                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CALL                Guy Lewis                     Red Cross Presidio       Congregation Members in ServicWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CALL                J.M                 Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CALL                William H           Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CALL                Raymond H           Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CALL                William H                               Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CALL                Joseph M                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CALL                James                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-03     Gaz Times      6
CALL                John T                                  Batt A 323rd FATransferred                   WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      6
CALLAGAN            Thomas                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALLAGAN            Arthur G                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CALLAGAN            Thomas                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CALLAGEN            John J                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CALLAGHAN           Herbert E                     Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CALLAGHAN           John L                        Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CALLAGHAN           J.B                 Pvt                 Co G 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CALLAGHAN           J.B                                     Co G 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CALLAHAN            W. J.               Pvt       Army                     Casualty List Army/w Hometown WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
CALLAHAN            John                                                   Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CALLAHAN            Herry J                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
CALLAHAN            Charles F                                              Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CALLAHAN            George              Lt        Army                     Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1916-06-07     Pitts Press    15
CALLAHAN            Herbert E                                              Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CALLAHAN            Leo J                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CALLAHAN            John H                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CALLAHAN            William E                                              Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CALLAHAN            Charles J                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    8
CALLAHAN            Charles A                                              Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CALLAHAN            Lee J                                                  Leave for Ft. Thomas          WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
CALLAHAN            William F           Pvt                                Address & Parents w/Photo     WW1       1918-10-06     Pitts Press    23
CALLAHAN            John H                                                 Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CALLAHAN            Herbert E                     Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CALLAHAN            Leo J                         Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CALLAHAN            William                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CALLAHAN            Raymond                                                Photo                         WW1       1918-08-25     Gazette Times  13
CALLAHAN            Robert                                                 Photo                         WW1       1918-08-25     Gazette Times  13
CALLAHAN            James J                                                To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CALLAHAN            John H              Sgt                                Brother's Death Notice        WW1       1918-10-29     Gazette Times  12
CALLAHAN            Leo J                         Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CALLAHAN                                          Army      319th Inf      Soccer Game                   WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  5
CALLAHAN            Sylvester W         Sgt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-03-31     Gazette Times  14
CALLAHAN            John                          Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-22     Pitts Press    9
CALLAHAN            John H                                  Field Hosp 319 Home on Rotterdam w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CALLAHAN            W.E                 Pvt                 MP 80th Div    Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CALLAHAN            John                          Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-21     Gaz Times      8
CALLAHAN            John                                                   Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CALLAHAN            P.J                 Pvt                 Co E 406th TeleRoster w/Hometown             WW1       1919-05-04     Gaz Times      16
CALLAHAN            W.E                                     MP 315th MachGuAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CALLAHAN            James F             Cpl       Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CALLAHAN            Frank W                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CALLAHAN            James                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CALLAHAN            Richrd R                      Marines                  Won Signal Honor w/Photo      WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      11
CALLAHAN            William E                     Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CALLANAN            G.S                 Cpl                 319th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CALLANT             Domnick                       Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CALLARICO           Domenico                                               Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CALLARICO           Domenico                                               Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CALLAS              Oscar J                                                Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CALLAS              Oscar J                                                Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CALLAS              Oscar J                       Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CALLAWAY            Frank                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CALLAWAY            S.A                                     Co A 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CALLAWAY            S.A                                     Co A 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CALLEN              James                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CALLEN              Raymond A                     Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CALLENDAR           James                         Marines                  On Furlough                   WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  14
CALLENDER           Thomas M                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CALLENDER           Thomas M                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CALLERY             William             Ens       Navy                     Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-05     Pitts Press    26
CALLERY             William             Ens       Navy                     Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-07     Pitts Press    17
CALLERY             William W. Jr.                                         Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CALLERY             William                                                Brother's Obituary            WW1       1918-10-10     Pitts Press    6
CALLERY             Francis                       Marines                  Brother's Obituary            WW1       1918-10-10     Pitts Press    6
CALLERY             J.D. Jr             Pvt                                Elks' Honor Roll              WW1       1918-04-26     Gazette Times  12
CALLERY             Francis                       Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CALLERY             William             Ens       Navy                     Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-04     Gazette Times  25
CALLERY             Francis                       Marines                  Brother's Death Notice        WW1       1918-10-10     Gazette Times  5
CALLERY             William                       Army                     Brother's Death Notice        WW1       1918-10-10     Gazette Times  5
CALLERY             J.D.Jr.                                                Chamber Honor Flag            WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      11
CALLETTE            H.F                                     Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CALLEWAG            Samuel A                                               Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CALLIO              John G              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CALLOPY             G.                  Sgt       Marines                  Awarded French Cross          WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  1
CALLOWAY            Charles Bowles      Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-27     Pitts Press    2
CALLOWICH           Louis C                                                Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CALLWOOD            James F             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    17
CALLWOOD            James                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CALLWOOD            J.F                 Pvt                 Co A 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CALLWOOD            J.F                                     Co A 315thMach Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CALMUS              Alexander F                                            Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CALONI              Victor              Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    17
CALONI              Victor                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CALONI              Victor                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  21
CALOPA              francisco                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  13
CALPAN              Nathan                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CALVERLEY           J.G                 Cpl                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CALVERLEY           W.R                 Cpl                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CALVERLEY           J.G                 Cpl                 Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CALVERLEY           W.R                 Cpl                 HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CALVERT             George C                                               Students to Join Navy         WW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    3
CALVERT             Charles W                     Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CALVERT             Robert J                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CALVERT             Dorf                Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-22     Pitts Press    4
CALVERT             Arden                                                  Died of Disease               WW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    2
CALVERT             George C                      Navy                     Peabody Grads to Navy w/AddresWW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  7
CALVERT             Daniel                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  14
CALVERT             Arden E                                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CALVIN              Rolland                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CALVIN              Lewis               Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    11
CAMBREN             William J                                              Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CAMERON             Duncan C            Lt                                 Killed by Fall                WW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    15
CAMERON             Logan                         Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CAMERON             Thomas D                      Navy                     Petty Officers' School w/PhotoWW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
CAMERON             M. Ralph                                107th FA       Engagement                    WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    23
CAMERON             M.Ralph                                                Engagement                    WW1       1918-02-10     Pitts Press    41
CAMERON             Frank J                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CAMERON             Charles             Pvt                 Co B 3rd Mach GDSC for Bravery               WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    1
CAMERON             D.W                                                    Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CAMERON             John C                        Br. & Can Armies         Enlisted 1918-01-05 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
CAMERON             Duncan H            Lt                                 Lost Life w/Photo             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  9
CAMERON             Charles Richard     Pvt       Army      Co B 3rd Mach GWounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-19     Gazette Times  2
CAMERON             Charles                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-10     Gazette Times  16
CAMERON             Edward              Pvt                 Co C 116tj Emg Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  7
CAMERON             Morris                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CAMERON             James                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-24     Gazette Times  2
CAMERON             Logan               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
CAMERON             Earl                                                   Arrived at Parkview w/Address WW1       1919-04-10     Pitts Press    7
CAMERON             Walter H            Musician 1st Class  111th Inf      Band Members w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-01     Gaz Times      2
CAMERON             Walter H                                111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CAMERON             Thomas M                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CAMERON             JohnH                                                  Discharge Granted w/Address   WW1       1917-10-17     Gaz Times      9
CAMESI              David                         Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-04     Gazette Times  14
CAMINO              Louis                         Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CAMINSKY            Brunno                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CAMMUSO             Andrea                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CAMMUSO             Andrea                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CAMODIA             Berso                                                  Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CAMOINE             Pasquale            Pvt                 Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CAMOINE             Pasquale                                Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CAMP                John H                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CAMP                J.G                 Cpl                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CAMP                John H              Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CAMP                James G             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CAMP                James               Cpl                 145th Inf      Serious Condition w/Bio       WW1       1918-11-30     Gazette Times  3
CAMP                Ralph                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  7
CAMP                James               Cpl                 319th Inf      Broken Jaw                    WW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  5
CAMP                George E            Sgt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAMP                Walter Jr                               110th Inf      Football Game                 WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      2
CAMPAGNA            August                        Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CAMPAGNA            Gust                                                   Army Draftees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-25     Pitts Press    1
CAMPAGNA            Gust                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CAMPANELLA          Antonio                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CAMPANELLA          Frank J             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
CAMPANELLO          Donato                                                 Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CAMPANELLO          Donato                        Army                     Draftees to Camp              WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CAMPBELL            Robert E                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CAMPBELL            Randolph                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CAMPBELL            Graham                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CAMPBELL            Isaac                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CAMPBELL            Thomas D                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CAMPBELL            Bartholomew         Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CAMPBELL            John L                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CAMPBELL            John S                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CAMPBELL            Dale W                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CAMPBELL            William             Cpl       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-11     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            William             Cpl       Army      110th Inf      Article w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-13     Pitts Press    1
CAMPBELL            Charles H                     Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            Humphrey                                               Special Training              WW1       1918-06-17     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            Onez M                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-22     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            Edward A                                               Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            William D                     Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CAMPBELL            Joseph A                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            Frank W                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            Joseph P                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            James                         Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            John McK                      Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CAMPBELL            Leon                                                   KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1916-06-11     Pitts Press    1
CAMPBELL            G. K.               Lt        Marines   11th Reg       Recruiting Campaign w/Photo   WW1       1916-06-12     Pitts Press    23
CAMPBELL            William S                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-15     Pitts Press    14
CAMPBELL            James H                       Tank Corps               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    6
CAMPBELL            Alvin E                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CAMPBELL            Chas.                                                  Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CAMPBELL            Geo.                                                   Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CAMPBELL            A.I.                                                   KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    1
CAMPBELL            John A                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-30     Pitts Press    22
CAMPBELL            Harry J             Cpl                 Co G 111th Inf Letter w/Photo                WW1       1918-09-20     Pitts Press    6
CAMPBELL            John N                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-19     Pitts Press    43
CAMPBELL            Arthur B                                               To Training Camp              WW1       1918-05-24     Pitts Press    3
CAMPBELL            Benjamin H                                             Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CAMPBELL            Charles C           Lt                  Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CAMPBELL            Clifford A                                             Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            Aerle R                                                Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            James E                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            Arthur G                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CAMPBELL            Charles B                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CAMPBELL            W. B. Dr            Lt                                 Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1918-04-22     Pitts Press    6
CAMPBELL            John W                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            Colin                         Br. & Can Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CAMPBELL            Robert H            Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-10-22     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            Roy                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
CAMPBELL            Edwin S             Sgt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-10-31     Pitts Press    1
CAMPBELL            John W              Lt                                 Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            William T           Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            F.L                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    43
CAMPBELL            W. W.               Sgt                                Dead in France                WW1       1918-11-25     Pitts Press    1
CAMPBELL            J.H                 Wagoner                            Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-25     Pitts Press    4
CAMPBELL            D.M                 Lt                                 Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-07     Pitts Press    3
CAMPBELL            J.B                                                    Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    19
CAMPBELL            Charles H           Cpl       Marines   11th FA        Photo w/Next of Kin           WW1       1918-12-09     Pitts Press    13
CAMPBELL            Dale Walker         Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
CAMPBELL            Rolland             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
CAMPBELL            J.E                 Cook      Army                     Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    9
CAMPBELL            Charles B           Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    17
CAMPBELL            Robert W            Sgt       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            Clifford A                                             Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            Aerle R                                                Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CAMPBELL            Charles Casper      1st Lt              Co C 3rd Inf   Named for Pa. Reserve Militia WW1       1918-02-14     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            F.H                 1st Lt    Army                     Get Commission w/Hometown     WW1       1918-02-15     Gazette Times  2
CAMPBELL            Adam K                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            Benjamin H                    Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            Benjamin H                    Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAMPBELL            Collin                        Army      323rd FA       Furlough Denied w/Home County WW1       1918-05-20     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            E. E. Dr.                                              Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            Frank E                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            Frank L                       Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            Harry V                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            James E             Sgt       Army      105th Dep Brig To Train for Officer w/HometowWW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            James J                       Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            John N                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            Robert                        Marines                  New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Walter J                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            Charles H                     Marines                  New Recruit                   WW1       1918-06-15     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Charles H                     Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CAMPBELL            G.K                 Lt        Marines   130th Co 11th RRecruiter                     WW1       1918-06-11     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            George K            Capt      Marines                  Recruiter                     WW1       1918-06-15     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            John S                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Omer B                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-22     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Walter                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-06-19     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Wilbert W                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            William S                                              Training at Carnegie Tech w/AdWW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CAMPBELL            Charles                       Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            George                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            George                        Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CAMPBELL            James H                       Tank Corps               New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            John A                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            W.L. Dr.            Capt                               Volunteered                   WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  16
CAMPBELL            William H           Pvt       Army                     AWOL                          WW1       1918-07-09     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Aaron F                       Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            Archibald                     Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            Dale W                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            George G                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            John C                                                 KIA                           WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            John C                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            John L                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            Joseph S                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            Robert R                      Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CAMPBELL            Thomas D                      Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
CAMPBELL            William                       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            William H                     Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            Adam K                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            Benjamin H                    Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            Benjamin H                    Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAMPBELL            Collin                        Army      323rd FA       Furlough Denied w/Home County WW1       1918-05-20     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            E. E. Dr.                                              Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            Frank E                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            Frank L                       Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            Harry V                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            James E             Sgt       Army      105th Dep Brig To Train for Officer w/HometowWW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  12
CAMPBELL            James J                       Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            John N                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            Robert                        Marines                  New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Walter J                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            Charles             Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-28     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            Charles A                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-28     Gazette Times  11
CAMPBELL            Doc H                         Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Harry               Cpl                 Co G 111th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-21     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            James E             2nd Lt                             Received Appointment w/AddressWW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            James M                                                Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            James R                                                To Camp Sherman w/Hometown    WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL                                Pvt                                Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  14 & 15
CAMPBELL            Edwin S             Sgt                 Co B 19th Inf  Recovered                     WW1       1918-11-01     Gazette Times  22
CAMPBELL            George T            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
CAMPBELL            Robert H                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  14
CAMPBELL            Roy                           Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CAMPBELL            W.M                 Capt      Army                     Officer Appointments w/HometowWW1       1918-10-25     Gazette Times  14
CAMPBELL            W.R                 1st Lt    Army                     Officers Appointed            WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  2
CAMPBELL            Brice                                                  Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CAMPBELL            Charles B                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CAMPBELL            Dale Walker                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            Hershell Glenn                                         Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CAMPBELL            James Edward                  Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CAMPBELL            John M                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CAMPBELL            John Wesley         Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CAMPBELL            Ralph S                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CAMPBELL            Raoy                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CAMPBELL            Thomas W                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CAMPBELL            Francis L                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  21
CAMPBELL            John H                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  14
CAMPBELL            Meade T                       Army                     Tank Corps Enlistee w/HometownWW1       1918-11-08     Gazette Times  3
CAMPBELL            Thomas J                      Marines                  New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  21
CAMPBELL            William T                     Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-23     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Arthur B            Lt                                 Bridal Party                  WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  38
CAMPBELL            Byrl Wayne                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-06     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Francis Albert                                         Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-06     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Francis Albert      Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-06     Pitts Press    14
CAMPBELL            Joseph P                      Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            Thomas                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-02     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            Thomas                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-06     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Thomas              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-06     Pitts Press    14
CAMPBELL            Henry J                                 111th Inf      Received at Hospital w/AddressWW1       1919-02-28     Gazette Times  2
CAMPBELL                                          Army      319th Inf      Soccer Game                   WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBELL            Henry J                                                Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-11     Gazette Times  4
CAMPBELL            John                Sgt                                Widow Died                    WW1       1919-03-12     Pitts Press    25
CAMPBELL            John M                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-06     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            John M                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    16
CAMPBELL            Wilbur C            Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CAMPBELL            C.B                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CAMPBELL            Ed.                 Cpl                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CAMPBELL            Ellsworth           Lt                                 Charge of Army Vets           WW1       1919-05-28     Pitts Press    6
CAMPBELL            F.E                 Sgt Maj             HQ Co 315th MacHome on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CAMPBELL            Harry                                   Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CAMPBELL            John P              Pvt                 15th Eng       Vets Home w/Hometown          WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CAMPBELL            Thomas              Cpl                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CAMPBELL            Willis M            Sgt                 Co B 59th Inf  Award for Bravery             WW1       1919-04-16     Pitts Press    13
CAMPBELL            C                   Wagoner             Ambulance Co 10Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            C.B                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CAMPBELL            C.C                 Lt                                 Military Ritual               WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      8
CAMPBELL            Clarence D                                             Marriage w/Photo              WW1       1919-05-19     Gaz Times      7
CAMPBELL            Ed                  Cpl                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CAMPBELL            F.E                 Sgt Maj             HQ Co 315th MacAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CAMPBELL            Finley C            Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            Harry                                   Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CAMPBELL            J.P                 Cpl                                Hometown w/Photo              WW1       1919-04-01     Gaz Times      11
CAMPBELL            James G             Sgt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            John P              Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            Leonard                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-15     Gaz Times      31
CAMPBELL            R.D                                     Ambulance Co 10Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            Ralph               Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CAMPBELL            Thomas              Cpl                 Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CAMPBELL            William M           Pvt                 Med Det 15th EnAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            Willis M            Sgt                 Co B 59thInf   Awarded Medal                 WW1       1919-05-08     Gaz Times      16
CAMPBELL            F.Y                           Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CAMPBELL            Kenneth M                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CAMPBELL            colin C                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CAMPBELL            Harry K                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CAMPBELL            Felix W                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CAMPBELL            Lloyd                                   323rd Art      Transferred                   WW1       1917-12-29     Pitts Press    7
CAMPBELL            Allen                                                  Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CAMPBELL            Roy                                                    Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CAMPBELL            Harry C                                                Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CAMPBELL            R.R                 Sgt                                Marriage                      WW1       1917-11-19     Gaz Times      2
CAMPBELL            D.W                                                    Promoted w/Address            WW1       1917-10-24     Gaz Times      6
CAMPBELL            Francis Albert                                         Accepted for Army w/Address   WW1       1917-10-26     Gaz Times      10
CAMPBELL            Harvey                                                 Obituary                      Civil     1917-10-23     Gaz Times      5
CAMPBELL            James O. C                    Army                     Training for Commission w/HomeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      5
CAMPBELL            John W                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CAMPBELL            P.A                           Army      Co A 319th Inf Worked in Coal Mine           WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CAMPBELL            R.R                 Cpl                 Co L 330th Inf Rifle Training                WW1       1917-10-18     Gaz Times      9
CAMPBELL            Richard                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-04     Gaz Times      5
CAMPBER             Elmer                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  5
CAMPBER             Elmer B             Pvt                                Wounded in Aug w/Hometown     WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  7
CAMPE               Nicholas            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  12
CAMPEN              Elmer B                                 Co C 110th Inf Discussing Food               WW1       1919-05-12     Gaz Times      2
CAMPER              Elmer                         Army      Co D 110th     KIA or Wounded w/Photo        WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1, 2
CAMPER              Elmer B                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CAMPESI             Joseph                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAMPESI             Joseph                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAMPI               Guiseppe                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-24     Gazette Times  4
CAMPI               Guiseppe            Pvt                                Returned to Duty w/Hometown   WW1       1919-02-20     Pitts Press    7
CAMPISANI           Natale                        Army                     To Camp Greenleaf w/Hometown  WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
CAMPISE             Philip                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAMPISE             Philip                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CAMPISI             Angelo                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-13     Pitts Press    18
CAMPNEY             Harry K             Supply SgtArmy      Co A 319th Inf Promoted w/Address            WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CAMPSON             N.E                 Cpl                 Batt D 323rd FAPormoted                      WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
CAMPSON             N.E                 Cpl                 Batt D 323rd FAPormoted                      WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
CAMPTALLA           Joseph                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAMPUS              John                                                   Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CAMTALLA            Joseph                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAMUTI              Giovanni            Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
CAN                 Robert J                                               Inducted w/Address            WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    6
CANADY              O.L                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-21     Pitts Press    4
CANADY              Otis L                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CANADY              Otis L                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  10
CANAFLO             Joe                 Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-01-22     Pitts Press    17
CANAVAN             Fred G                        Reserve Corp             Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-21     Pitts Press    17
CANAVAN             Thomas                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CANCELLIERO         Salvatoro                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CANCELLIERO         Salvatoro                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CANDLER             W.C                 Capt                               Quartermaster                 WW1       1919-06-08     Pitts Press    82
CANELLA             Frank                         Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CANERGE             Denton              Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-28     Pitts Press    3
CANFIELD            Miles E                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CANIELSON           Helmer                        Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CANINA              Tony                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CANINO              Francixco                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CANINO              Francixco                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CANINO              Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  16
CANN                Patrick             Sgt                 Co L 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CANN                Patrick             Sgt                 Co L 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CANNA               Joseph L            Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Address w/Photo               WW1       1918-10-13     Pitts Press    27
CANNATA             Giovanni                                               Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CANNATA             Frank                                                  Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CANNATA             Guiseppe                      Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
CANNATA             James               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  1
CANNAVINA           Pasquale                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CANNAVINA           Pasquale                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CANNERI             Joe                           Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    15
CANNEY              W.S                 Lt                                 Marriage                      WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  5
CANNING             George D                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CANNING             william P                                              Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CANNING             J.E                                                    Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CANNING             J.E                                                    Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CANNING             F.W                 Mechanic            Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CANNING             F.W                 Mechanic            Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CANNON              Claude                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CANNON              William E                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CANNON              John M                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    4
CANNON              Barnard A                                              Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CANNON              Francis D                     Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CANNON              William             Lt        Army                     Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1916-06-07     Pitts Press    15
CANNON              Joseph L                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CANNON              Thomas                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CANNON              Cornelius J                                            Listed to Enter Service w/AddrWW1       1918-02-28     Pitts Press    4
CANNON              John J                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CANNON              John F                        Army                     Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-10-17     Pitts Press    1
CANNON              W. H.               Sgt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-19     Pitts Press    2
CANNON              W. H                Sgt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    8
CANNON              Verne                                                  Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CANNON              J.F                 Pvt       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CANNON              W.A                 Sgt                 319th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CANNON              Thomas                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CANNON              Thomas                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CANNON              W. J.                         Can. Army 8th Reserve BatWounded                       WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  4
CANNON              W.J                           Can Army                 Wounded                       WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  1
CANNON              John M                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CANNON              J.J                           Army                     Training in Military Service  WW1       1918-07-18     Gazette Times  5
CANNON              John                          Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  2
CANNON              William E                     Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CANNON              Thomas                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CANNON              Thomas                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CANNON              W. J.                         Can. Army 8th Reserve BatWounded                       WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  4
CANNON              W.J                           Can Army                 Wounded                       WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  1
CANNON              John F              Sgt                 Batt F 107th FAWounded                       WW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  9
CANNON              John F              Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  14
CANNON              William H W         Sgt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-20     Gazette Times  11
CANNON              James Z                       Army                     Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  16
CANNON              William H                                              In POW Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  15
CANNON              Lawrence H          Lt                                 Arrive Aboard Minnekahda w/HomWW1       1919-01-31     Pitts Press    1
CANNON              Henry "Shorty"                Army      305th Eng      Great Struggle                WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  35
CANNON              John F              Sgt                 Batt F 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CANNON              Kenneth             Pvt                 Base Hosp 65   At Parkview Hosp w/Address    WW1       1919-05-03     Gaz Times      3
CANNON              W. A                          Army      Co A 319th Inf Civil Engineer                WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CANNON              W.A                 Sgt       Army      Co A 319th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-28     Gaz Times      28
CANO                Orazio                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CANONGE             Donton                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  11
CANOVA              Gianni                                                 Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CANOVA              Dante L                                                Leaving for Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CANOVA              David A                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-20     Gazette Times  10
CANOVA              Giovanni                                Co M 319th Inf Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CANTER              Morris D                      Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CANTON              Alfred                                                 Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CANTON              Alfred                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CANTRELL            Howard S            Lt                  109th Inf      Discharged                    WW1       1918-02-04     Pitts Press    13
CANTRESCA           Carlo                         Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CANTRESCA           Carlo                         Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CANTWELL            Thomas F                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CANTWELL            Thomas F                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CANTWELL            Thomas F                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CANTWELL            Thomas Francis      Pvt                 Co A 3rd Rng   At Camp Humphries w/Photo     WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  16
CANUTA              Carl                                                   Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CAP                 Josef                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CAPELLI             John                          Army                     Discharged w/Address          WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      8
CAPENA              John                Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-18     Pitts Press    29
CAPENKAS            John                                                   Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CAPENKAS            John                          Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAPENKAS            John                          Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAPERA              John A                                                 To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CAPERCICCHIA        Marco                                   330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CAPERS              John A                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CAPES               James                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CAPES               Robert G            Bugler                             Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-10-18     Pitts Press    1
CAPES               Joseph F                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CAPES               Robert G            Bugler              Co G 111th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  4
CAPES               Robert G                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  13
CAPES               Joseph F                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CAPES               R.G                 Bugler              Co C 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CAPES               R.G                 Bugler              Co C           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CAPETAN             James                         Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  4
CAPETON             James                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CAPEWELL            Edward R                      Army                     Enlisted                      WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  32
CAPICOTTO           Frank                         Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CAPILOWSKI          Frank                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CAPITIO             J.L                                     Batt E 323rd FAReleased from Hospital        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
CAPITIO             J.L                                     Batt E 323rd FAReleased from Hospital        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
CAPITONI            L                   Pvt                 Co C 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CAPITONI            L.                                      Co C 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CAPITONI            Loreto                                                 Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CAPLA               Patsy Louis                                            To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CAPLAN              Sam                           Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAPLAN              Hyman                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAPLAN              Louis                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAPLAN              Samuel M                                               Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    13
CAPLAN              Nathan                                                 To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
CAPLAN              Hyman                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAPLAN              Louis                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAPLAN              R.M                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
CAPLAN              Charles             Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-02-16     Gazette Times  12
CAPLAN              Louis               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CAPLAN              Samuel M            Pvt                                Marriage w/Photo              WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  27
CAPLINGER           Jesse M             Pvt                                Admitted to Hospitals w/HometoWW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      15
CAPO                Nicholas                                               Arrived in France w/Photo     WW1       1918-06-13     Pitts Press    4
CAPO                Domenick            Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CAPO                Modesto             Pfc                 330th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-30     Gaz Times      6
CAPOCETTA           Giovanni                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  13
CAPOCETTA           Giovani                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CAPONE              Carl                                                   Service Flag Raised           WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
CAPONE              Floindo                       Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CAPONE              Ralph                                                  MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
CAPONE              Ralph               Pvt       Army                     Sick w/Next of Kin            WW1       1919-02-23     Gazette Times  21
CAPONE              Ralph               Pvt       Army                     Returned to Duty w/Hometown   WW1       1919-02-23     Pitts Press    3
CAPONE              Tony                                                   Discharged w/Address          WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      9
CAPONIGRO           Tony                Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
CAPONO              Cameli              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  9
CAPORELLI           Gaetano                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CAPOSETTA           Giovani             Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CAPOSI              Ed                                                     Discharged                    WW1       1919-01-24     Mt. Wash News
CAPOTO              Alexander                               Co C 30thInf   Park View Hospital            WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
CAPOTO              Alexander           Pvt                 Co C 30th Inf  Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    48
CAPOZZI             Michels                                                Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CAPOZZI             Frank                         Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CAPPE               Miller                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CAPPER              William                       Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAPPERS             Charles A                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CAPPITOIATE         Concezlo                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAPPITOIATE         Concezlo                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAPPO               Miller              Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-21     Pitts Press    4
CAPPO               Miller                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CAPPO               Miller                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  10
CAPPUTO             Francisco                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CAPPUZZA                                Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CAPR                Louis               1st Lt    Army                     Report for Duty               WW1       1918-04-27     Gazette Times  3
CAPRETTI            Thomas                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CAPRETTI            Thomas                        Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CAPRIO              Antonio                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CAPRIO              Antonio                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CAPUANO             Guiseppe            Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-30     Pitts Press    7
CAPUANO             Guiseppe                                               In POW Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  15
CAPUANO             Guiseppe                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-30     Gazette Times  4
CAPUANO             Guiseppe                                               POW Freed w/Hometown          WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  1
CAPUANO             Guiseppe                                               POW Freed w/Hometown          WW1       1919-02-13     Gazette Times  4
CAPUTO              William F                               111th Inf      Furlough w/Photo              WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    53
CAPUTO              William F           Pvt                 111th Inf      Wounded & Recovering          WW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  9
CAPUTO              William F                               Co H 111th Inf Gassed & Wounded w/Photo      WW1       1919-03-09     Pitts Press    19
CAPUTO              Michael             Pvt                                Arrived Home w/Address        WW1       1919-04-01     Pitts Press    4
CAPUZZO             Cherubine                                              En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CAPUZZO             Cherubino                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CAPWELL             Samuel P            Sgt       Marines                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  15
CAPWELL             Samuel P            Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-12     Pitts Press    9
CARACCIA            Carl G                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-27     Pitts Press    3
CARAFINA            George                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CARAFINA            George                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CARAFOLO            James                                                  Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CARAGHAOZG          Christ                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CARAGHAOZG          Christ                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARAGHAOZG          Christ                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARALL              Lorenzo             Pvt       Army                     Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    28
CARALLINI           Armendo                       Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CARALLINI           Armendo                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CARAOCIA            Carl C                                                 Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    2
CARASENE            John                          Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CARASENE            John                          Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CARATIL             William                                                Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CARBALOFSKY         Benjamin                                Co A 315thMach Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CARBALOSKY          Benjamin            Pvt                 Co A 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CARBAT              Stanislaw           Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CARBAUGH            Frank               Sgt                 7th Mach Gun   Not Coming Back               WW1       1918-09-27     Pitts Press    4
CARBAUGH            Frank               Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    4
CARBAUGH            Frank               Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    22
CARBAUGH            Clair Monroe        Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-02     Gazette Times  4
CARBAUGH            Frank               Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CARBAUGH            Frank               Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CARBAUGH            Framl               1st Sgt             Co E 110th Reg Welcome w/Photo               WW1       1919-04-24     Gaz Times      7
CARBAUGH            Frank               Sgt                                Furlough                      WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    67
CARBEN              Carl R                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-03-16     Gazette Times  8
CARBERRY            Harry               Pvt                                Admitted to Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-05-05     Gaz Times      7
CARBON              Frank                                                  Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CARBONARO           Ferdinando                    Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CARBONE             tony                          Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    2
CARBOUGH            Calvin A            Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CARCHIC             Francesco           Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-30     Pitts Press    7
CARCHIE             Francesco                                              MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-30     Gazette Times  4
CARCHIO             Francezco                                              Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CARCHIO             Francisco                                              Departed for Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CARCIA              James P                                                Departing for Camp-4th Ward   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CARCON              Walter                        Navy                     Visited w/Photo               WW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    2
CARD                Roy A                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  14
CARDACE             Angelo                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CARDAMONE           Louis               PVt                                KIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-09     Pitts Press    4
CARDAMONE           Saverio             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CARDAMONT           Saverio                                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CARDDOCK            Raymond                       Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CARDEN              Leo                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-03-26     Pitts Press    22
CARDER              Doyle               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-18     Gazette Times  15
CARDILLO            Antonio C                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARDILLO            Luigi                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CARDOMONI           Giovanni                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARDONO             Alfonso                                                Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CARDUCCI            Gaetano                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-26     Gazette Times  13
CARE                Charles F.G                   Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    10
CAREARA             John                          Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CAREHNKE            G. A.                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CARERON             Frank J                                                To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CARESI              C                   Pvt       Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    26
CARETAKA            Herman                                                 In Same Camp                  WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  14 & 15
CAREY               George                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CAREY               Vincent L                     Army                     Wounded or MIA w/Photo        WW1       1918-08-08     Pitts Press    1
CAREY               Michael J                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CAREY               Edward                                                 Sent for Training             WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    36
CAREY               C. H.                         Marines                  Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    1
CAREY               Robert E                                               Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CAREY               Edward M                                               Service Flag Raised           WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
CAREY               E.O.                Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    2
CAREY               Edwin H             Capt                Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CAREY               Andrew P                                               Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CAREY               Earl                Pvt                 Co B 110th Inf Wounded w/Photo               WW1       1918-10-06     Pitts Press    3
CAREY               Earl                Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-11     Pitts Press    7
CAREY               Vincent L           Pvt                 Co B 110th Inf Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    19
CAREY               Earl H                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-12     Gazette Times  14
CAREY               Harry                         Army                     Enlisted 1918-01-10 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-11     Gazette Times  7
CAREY               E. M.                                                  Home                          WW1       1919-05-16     Mt. Wash News
CAREY               Charles G                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
CAREY               Michael J                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAREY               Andrew J                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Hometown    WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
CAREY               James R. Jr.        Lt                                 Aviator Killed w/Photo        WW1       1918-10-10     Gazette Times  13
CAREY               P.J                           Tank Corps               Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  3
CAREY               R. M                Lt JG                              Naval Engineer School         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  5
CAREY               William                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CAREY               Frank                                                  Charging Machine Gun          WW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  7
CAREY               Frank                                                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-18     Gazette Times  4
CAREY               Thomas                                                 Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  20
CAREY               Edward                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  5
CAREY               Frank                                                  Dead in France w/Photo        WW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    52
CAREY               Vincent L           Pvt                                Freed POW w/Hometown          WW1       1919-03-01     Pitts Press    5
CAREY               E.M                                     103rd Sanitary Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CAREY               Frank               Pfc                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CAREY               James               Cpl                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CAREY               James A             Sgt                                Elected                       WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    13
CARFAGHA            Guiseppi                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CARFOLI             George                                                 Service Flag Presented        WW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CARGHOLD            Peter                                                  Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CARGNANI            Peter                                   330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CARGO               Edward H                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARGO               Edward H                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARGO               Gordon Newman                                          MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-21     Gazette Times  3
CARGO               Gordon N            Pvt                                Escaped with Soap Bribe       WW1       1919-01-13     Pitts Pres     9
CARGO               Gordon N                                               POW Freed w/Hometown          WW1       1919-02-04     Gazette Times  13
CARGO               George                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      9
CARHELLA            Phillip                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CARIAND             T                   Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    4
CARICCHIO           John                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-04     Gazette Times  14
CARIK               Charles             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-06     Pitts Press    7
CARIK               Charles             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  5
CARINCO             Rosco               Pvt                 Co C 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CARINCO             Rosco                                   Co C 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CARION              Arthur G                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  13
CARIOTI             Nick                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CARISE              Jasper                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CARISO              Vincenco            Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-05     Pitts Press    17
CARISON             R                             Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CARL                Robert                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CARL                Augustine                     Army      10th Reg Band  Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
CARL                Thomas M                      Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CARL                John W              Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CARL                John W                                                 Captive w/Hometown & Prison CaWW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  6
CARL                John                          Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CARL                John W                                                 Released from Prison Camp w/HoWW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  7
CARL                Dave                                    110th Inf      Band Group Photo w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-17     Gazette Times  4
CARL                Fred W                                                 Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-09     Pitts Press    5
CARLACCINI          Fred                          Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CARLE               Joseph N                                               Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CARLE               Jimy                                                   Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARLE               Joseph N                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CARLES              William H           Cpl                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CARLESS             William                       Navy                     Gunners' School w/Photo       WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
CARLEY              Thomas R                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-19     Gazette Times  3
CARLIER             Maurice                                                Blue Devils                   WW1       1916-06-07     Pitts Press    1
CARLIER             E.C                 Pvt                                Family Visited                WW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  13
CARLIER             E.C                 Pvt                                Family Visited                WW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  13
CARLIER             Alex L              Pvt                 Co H 6th Inf   In Carlisle Hospital w/Next ofWW1       1919-02-04     Gazette Times  7
CARLIER             Alex L              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  5
CARLIER             Alexander L         Pvt                                Convalescent Discharged w/HomeWW1       1919-05-05     Gaz Times      7
CARLIN              collins L                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARLIN              Thomas              Pvt                 Batt C         AWOL                          WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    15
CARLIN              James Watson                            Batt F 107th FADied                          WW1       1918-10-08     Pitts Press    28
CARLIN              collins L                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CARLIN              Thomas R                      Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CARLIN              James W             Pvt                                Death Notice                  WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  31
CARLIN              John B                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  7
CARLIN              Collins L           Pvt                 56th Inf       Letter to Wife w/Photo        WW1       1919-02-23     Pitts Press    20
CARLINE             Philip                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  16
CARLING             Alfred G                                               Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-08-18     Pitts Press    32
CARLING             Alfred              Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-24     Pitts Press    4
CARLING             Alfred                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CARLINI             Oriento                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CARLINO             Oriento A           Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    43
CARLINO             Oriento A                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  21
CARLINO             Jeff                Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-10     Gazette Times  7
CARLISLE            Carl                                                   Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CARLISLE            Harry D                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-27     Pitts Press    3
CARLISLE            William R           Bugler                             KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-20     Pitts Press    14
CARLISLE            William R           Bugler                             KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-22     Pitts Press    1
CARLISLE            John G                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll            WW1       1918-05-25     Pitts Press    8
CARLISLE            J.N                                                    Refused furlough              WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    43
CARLISLE            Milton A            Lt                  Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CARLISLE            William J., Jr.                                        Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CARLISLE            John E                        Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CARLISLE            William J                                              Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CARLISLE            John G                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-25     Gazette Times  9
CARLISLE            Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARLISLE            Harry                         Br. & Can Armies         New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-30     Gazette Times  11
CARLISLE            Carl                          Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CARLISLE            Harry E                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  8
CARLISLE            John G                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-25     Gazette Times  9
CARLISLE            Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARLISLE            William R           Bugler                             KIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-09-20     Gazette Times  4
CARLISLE            William R                     Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-22     Gazette Times  16
CARLISLE            W.J                 Cpl                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CARLISLE            Harry E                                                New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      8
CARLISLE            Paris T, IV         1st Lt              319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CARLISLE            W.J                 Cpl                 Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CARLISLE            William R                                              Rookie Accepted w/Address     WW1       1917-10-21     Gaz Times      14
CARLO               Joe                                                    Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CARLO               Joe                                                    Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CARLO               L.J                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CARLO               L.J                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CARLOSS             John                                                   Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CARLOTI             N                   Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
CARLOW              P                             Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CARLOZZI            Michell                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARLOZZI            Michell                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARLSON             Harry G                                                Recruit/w Branch, Home Town   WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARLSON             Carl T.                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARLSON             August B                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CARLSON             Henry W                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARLSON             John A                        Army                     Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    19
CARLSON             George H                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CARLSON             Edwin                                                  Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CARLSON             Harold                                                 Ballplayers in Service        WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    23
CARLSON             Gustaf L                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARLSON             Frank J                                                Get Officers' Bars w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-31     Pitts Press    16
CARLSON             Oscar G                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-23     Pitts Press    3
CARLSON             Axel F                                                 Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CARLSON             Charles E                                              Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CARLSON             Arthur G                                               Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CARLSON             G.J                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    9
CARLSON             Charles E                                              Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CARLSON             Axel E                                                 Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CARLSON             Frank                                                  Student Soldier Missing       WW1       1918-05-23     Gazette Times  11
CARLSON             Frank J                                 FA             Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
CARLSON             Edwin                         Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CARLSON             August B                      Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CARLSON             Carl T                                                 Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CARLSON             Henry S                       Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CARLSON             John A                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  8
CARLSON             Frank                                                  Student Soldier Missing       WW1       1918-05-23     Gazette Times  11
CARLSON             Frank J                                 FA             Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
CARLSON             Oscar G                       Navy                     Yeoman School Group Photo     WW1       1918-09-08     Gazette Times  24
CARLSON             C.W                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CARLSON             George Robert       Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  18
CARLSON             Carl J                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  11
CARLSON             Carl John                     Army                     Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CARLSON             Fred W                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CARLSON             Charles John                                           In POW Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  15
CARLSON             Victor                                  Co C 15th Eng  Arrive at Parkview w/Hometown WW1       1919-01-01     Gazette Times  2
CARLSON             Arthur              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-11     Gazette Times  13
CARLSON             Arthur E                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-30     Gazette Times  9
CARLSON             Arthur E                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-30     Pitts Press    8
CARLSON             A.F                                     Co G 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CARLSON             Edward                                                 Greensburg Soldiers w/Photo   WW1       1919-05-26     Pitts Press    6
CARLSON             A.F                                     Co G 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARLSON             Oscar W             Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARLTON             William R                                              Leave for Ft. Thomas          WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
CARLY               August                        Army                     Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  9
CARLY               Paustine                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-01     Pitts Press    24
CARLYSLE            John R                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARLYSLE            Herman A                      Marines                  Passed Physical w/Address     WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  4
CARLYSLE            John R                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARMACK             E.E                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CARMACK             Robert E                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
CARMACK             Robert E                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CARMALD             H. G. Dr                                               Letter                        WW1       1919-01-10     Mt. Wash News
CARMALD             Horace G. Dr.                                          Letter                        WW1       1919-02-14     Mt. Wash News
CARMALT             H.G.                                                   Letter                        WW1       1919-03-14     Mt. Wash News
CARMALT             H.G. Dr.                                               Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-21     Mt. Wash News
CARMALT             H. G. Dr                                               Will speak                    WW1       1919-04-11     Mt. Wash News
CARMALT             H.G                 1st Lt    Army                     Officers Appointed            WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  2
CARMALT             H.G                 Lt                                 Will Address Students         WW1       1919-04-03     Pitts Press    7
CARMAN              Martin              Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-30     Pitts Press    7
CARMAN              Martin              Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CARMAN              Martin                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-30     Gazette Times  4
CARMAN              Charles P                     Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CARMASSI            Louis                         Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARMASSI            Louis                         Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARMELO             Ferraro                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARMELO             Ferraro                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARMIALLO           Palo                Pvt                 146th Inf      At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CARMICHAEL          Harry W                                 Co A 111th Inf Wants Active Duty w/Photo     WW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    10
CARMILLO            Antonia                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CARMILLO            Riggio              Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CARMIN              Welsh                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CARMIN              Welsh                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CARMINE             Gerard                                                 Selective to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CARMODY             Earl                                                   Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CARNACKI            Leon                                                   Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CARNAHAM            Samuel W            Cpl                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARNAHAN            Earl F                                                 Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CARNAHAN            Earl                                                   Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CARNAHAN            Lloyd               Pvt                                KIA                           WW1       1918-09-28     Pitts Press    2
CARNAHAN            Samuel                                                 At Base Hospital              WW1       1918-09-28     Pitts Press    2
CARNAHAN            Samuel R                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARNAHAN            Donald                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-09     Pitts Press    2
CARNAHAN            James Albert        Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
CARNAHAN            Charles W                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARNAHAN            Samuel R                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARNAHAN            George A                                               3 Brothers in Service w/Photo WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CARNAHAN            John L                        Army      111th Inf      3 Brothers in Service w/Photo WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CARNAHAN            Samuel                                                 3 Brothers in Service w/Photo WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CARNAHAN            Donald                        Army                     Training in Military Service  WW1       1918-07-18     Gazette Times  5
CARNAHAN            Earl                          Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CARNAHAN            Earl                          Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CARNAHAN            Charles W                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARNAHAN            Samuel R                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARNAHAN            John L              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
CARNAHAN            John Lloyd          Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  3
CARNAHAN            Lloyd               Cpl                                Fractured Jaw                 WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  32
CARNAHAN            James Albert                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CARNAHAN            Harry F             Pvt                                In Hospital                   WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CARNAHAN            Harry F                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  9
CARNAHAN            Harry F             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-08     Pitts Press    4
CARNAHAN            Carl C              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Gazette Times  11
CARNAHAN            George A            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
CARNAHAN            Harry F             Pvt                 Co M 111th Inf Award for Bravery w/Photo     WW1       1919-04-16     Pitts Press    6,13
CARNAHAN            J.A                 Supply Sgt          Reg. Supply 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CARNAHAN            George A                                111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CARNAHAN            J.A                 Supply Sgt          Supply Co 320thAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CARNAHAN            John L                                  111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CARNAHAN            Harry F                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      3
CARNALL             Luigi                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      3
CARNANO             Stefano             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CARNE               Angelo                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CARNE               Angelo                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CARNE               Angelo                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARNEGA             Frank                                                  En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CARNEGIE            Harry                         Army                     Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CARNEGIE            Charles H                                              Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CARNELLI            Gasper                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARNELLI            Gasper                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CARNES              Walter                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CARNES              George                        Br & Can. Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-19     Pitts Press    43
CARNES              Leonard             Pvt                                KIA                           WW1       1918-10-26     Pitts Press    2
CARNES              Alex B              Sgt                 315th Mach Gun Wounded                       WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    43
CARNES              George                        Br & Can Armies          New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CARNES              Walter                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CARNES              George                        Br & Can Armies          New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CARNES              Alex B              Sgt                 315th Mach Gun Leg Wound w/Next of Kin       WW1       1918-12-01     Gazette Times  24
CARNES              Alexander B         Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CARNES              Albert W            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  5
CARNES              Harold              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CARNES              Andrew                        Army                     Died of Pneumonia             WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    1
CARNETT             William                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
CARNEVAL            Domenick                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CARNEY              Thomas                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARNEY              Peter J                       Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
CARNEY              James M                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARNEY              Irvin                                                  Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CARNEY              James M                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARNEY              Peter J                                                Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
CARNEY              Francis E                     Army                     New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-06-18     Gazette Times  9
CARNEY              Raymond H                     Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-14     Gazette Times  12
CARNEY              Thomas                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CARNEY              James M                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CARNEY              Peter J                                                Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
CARNEY              Thomas                                                 To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CARNEY              Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CARNEY              Joseph Sr.                              101st Pa Cav   Death Notice w/Photo          Civil     1919-01-28     Gazette Times  11
CARNEY              Joseph Sr.                                             Death Notice                  Civil     1919-01-28     Pitts Press    6
CARNEY              Samuel N                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
CARNEY              William A           Cpl                 Co D 3rd Mach GWounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-07     Gazette Times  11
CARNEY              Lyman E             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-23     Gazette Times  21
CARNEY              Lymen E             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-23     Pitts Press    3
CARNEY              William A           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-03     Pitts Press    5
CARNEY              Harry M                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    17
CARNEY              John L              Capt                               Carrier Pigeon Award w/Photo  WW1       1919-04-18     Pitts Press    1
CARNEY              Thomas                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CARNEY              Daniel E                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CARNEY              Patrick A                     Br. & Can Armies         New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
Carnillo                                                    Co G 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CARNITO             Carmine                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CARNOCK             Michael                                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
CARNON              R.C                 Cpl                                Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-10-12     Pitts Press    3
CARNS               Andrew G            Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-03-15     Gazette Times  12
CAROCOLO            Michael                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAROCOLO            Michael                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAROL               Richard J                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CAROL               Richard J                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAROLIN             Norbert             Capt                               Broke Record                  WW1       1918-12-04     Gazette Times  9
CAROLIN             Mike J              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CAROLL              Martin L. Jr                  Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    15
CARONE              Nicholas                      Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    1
CARONE              Nicholas                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CARONE              Nicholas                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARONE              Nicholas                                               Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CARONE              Nicholas                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARONIS             Sokratis            Cook                Co I 320th Inf Thanksgiving Menu             WW1       1917-12-06     Pitts Press    3
CAROSI              Eustachio                     Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CAROSI              Eustachio                     Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CAROTHERS           John A              Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-25     Pitts Press    4
CAROTHERS           William J                     Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CAROTHERS           William                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAROTHERS           Thomas                        Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CAROTHERS           William                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAROTHERS           John A                        Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-25     Gazette Times  11
CAROTHERS           John A              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CAROTHERS           James                                                  Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CAROVELLA           dominica                                111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CAROWTHERS          Thomas                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-07     Gaz Times      10
CARPENDER           Roy G                                                  Commissioned as 2nd Lt w/HometWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  9
CARPENDER           Roy G                                                  Commissioned as 2nd Lt w/HometWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  9
CARPENTER           Curtis                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARPENTER           James                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARPENTER           Stanley D                     Marines                  Pgh Marines with Pershing w/Photo       1918-08-26     Pitts Press    9
CARPENTER           S. D.                         Marines                  Died of wounds w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    1
CARPENTER           D                             Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    1
CARPENTER           Patrick J                     Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CARPENTER           Antonio                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CARPENTER           Talbot S. H.                                           Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CARPENTER           Joseph R                                               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-28     Pitts Press    2
CARPENTER           Percy Leon                    Navy                     Missing aboard Cyclops        WW1       1918-04-15     Pitts Press    2
CARPENTER           Henry I. Jr                             359th Inf      Obituary                      WW1       1918-12-05     Pitts Press    16
CARPENTER           Henry T             Pvt                                KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    8
CARPENTER           Charles Melbourne                       Co E US Eng    Congregation Members in ServicWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CARPENTER           Sstanley D          Pvt       Marines                  Died of Wounds w/Address      WW1       1918-06-22     Gazette Times  2
CARPENTER           Robert                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CARPENTER           Charles L                     Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CARPENTER           John P                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CARPENTER           Scott               Pvt                 Co F           Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  5
CARPENTER           Henry T             Pvt                 Co G 359th Inf KIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-12-05     Gazette Times  11
CARPENTER           Henry T             Pvt                 Co G 159th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  11
CARPENTER           Howard C            Ens                                Honored by Church             WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  3
CARPENTER           Paul                Pvt                 Co D 28th Inf  At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CARPENTER           Wade H              Col                 351st FA       Commander                     WW1       1919-02-25     Pitts Press    10
CARPENTER           Charles H                               Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CARPENTER           Harold                                  506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
CARPENTER           Charles H                               Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARPENTER           C                                       323rd FA       Transferred                   WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    14
CARPENTER           David E                       Army      Co A 319th Inf Electrical Engineer           WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CARPINELLA          V                   Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-12-04     Pitts Press    5
CARPINELLA          Vittore                                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-05     Gazette Times  16
CARPINELLA          Vittore             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CARPINO             Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
CARPINO             Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CARPS               Joseph                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CARPS               Joseph                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  13
CARPSWICZ           Deleslaw                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARR                James Jr                                               Recruit/w Branch, Home Town   WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARR                Edward H                                               Inducted w/Address            WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    6
CARR                Alfred                        Brit & Can Armies        Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    4
CARR                William D                               Co C 313th     Arrived w/Photo               WW1       1918-06-30     Pitts Press    7
CARR                M.M.                Pvt       Army                     Died from Accident w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    1
CARR                William L                                              Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CARR                Michael J                                              Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CARR                James                                                  Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CARR                William                                                Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CARR                Martin                        Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CARR                Lesley D                                               Officers Training School w/HomWW1       1918-09-16     Pitts Press    8
CARR                Edward Oakley       Sgt                                Died from Wounds w/Hometown   WW1       1918-09-30     Pitts Press    76
CARR                John D              Capt                Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CARR                Edward                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CARR                William D                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CARR                Louis A                       Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CARR                John D. Dr.         Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Pitts Press    2
CARR                John D. Jr. Dr.     Lt                                 Wounded w/Photo               WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    34
CARR                John E              Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-10     Pitts Press    4
CARR                John D. Jr          Lt                                 Letter (printed)              WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    16
CARR                                    Sgt                                MIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    6
CARR                John D. Jr.         Lt                  28th Div       Not Pity of Europe            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    4
CARR                William D                                              To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CARR                Alfred                        Br & Can Armies          New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CARR                Edward O                      Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  2
CARR                Harold                                  28th Div       KIA                           WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  4
CARR                James                         Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CARR                James E                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CARR                Michael J                     Army                     Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CARR                Walter E                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CARR                William                       Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CARR                William L                     Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CARR                Herman J                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-26     Gazette Times  5
CARR                James J                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  3
CARR                Martin                        Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CARR                Edward O            Sgt                 Co C 8th Mach GDied from Wounds w/Next of KinWW1       1918-09-26     Gazette Times  7
CARR                Edward Oakley       Sgt                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-09-30     Gazette Times  4
CARR                Edward Oakley       Sgt                 Co C 8th Mach GDied of Wounds w/Photo        WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  32
CARR                John D              Lt                  110th Inf      Physician Wounded             WW1       1918-10-04     Gazette Times  7
CARR                John D                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-11     Gazette Times  16
CARR                Gordon F            Sgt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
CARR                Grodon F            Sgt                 320th Inf      In Hospital w/Next of Kin     WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  11
CARR                H.S                 Storekeeper 1st Class              Naval Engineer School         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  5
CARR                Harold                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-01     Gazette Times  21
CARR                Berl R                                                 Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-19     Gazette Times  4
CARR                Gilbert             Cpl                 Co G 320th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-05     Gazette Times  8
CARR                Gordon F            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-09     Gazette Times  14
CARR                Eugene O                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-20     Pitts Press    13
CARR                Michael             Pvt                 7th Inf        Helped to Whip Huns w/Photo   WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    9
CARR                E.F                                     Co A 305th Eng Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CARR                E.F                                     Co A 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARR                John D                                  111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CARR                James Jerome                                           Accepted for Army w/Address   WW1       1917-10-26     Gaz Times      10
CARR                Samuel S            Cpl       Army                     Transferred to Band           WW1       1917-10-09     Gaz Times      7
CARR                Samuel S            Cpl                 HQ Co 330th InfPromoted                      WW1       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      9
CARR                William D                                              Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CARR                William H                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CARRA               P                   Pvt                 Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CARRAGAL            Toney                         Army                     Discharged                    WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  5
CARRAHER            Vincent F                                              Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CARRARA             Alfred                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARRARA             Jesse                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
CARRELL             Preston H           Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  2
CARRELL             Preston             Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  7
CARRENO             Dominic             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    3
CARRENO             Dominick F                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  2
CARRETTA            Antonio                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CARREY              Vincent                       Army      Co B 10th      MIA                           WW1       1918-08-08     Pitts Press    2
CARRICATO           Michael                                 319th Inf      Pitts Band Boy w/Hometown     WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  35
CARRICATO           Mike                Musician            Co I 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CARRICATO           Mike                Musician            HQ Co 319th InfAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CARRICE             John                Sgt       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CARRICK             John W              Capt      Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    6
CARRICK             Arthur B            Sgt                                POW Tell of Adventures        WW1       1918-11-19     Pitts Press    5
CARRICK             John W                                  Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
CARRICK             John W                                  Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
CARRICK             Louis                                                  Bellhops under Color w/Photo  WW1       1918-09-08     Gazette Times  24
CARRICK             Howard                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-23     Pitts Press    4
CARRIER             S.S                 1st Lt    Army                     Appointments w/Hometown       WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  9
CARRIGAN            Joseph F                                               Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
CARRIGAN            F.J                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CARRIGG             Edward J                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
CARRIGG             Edward J                                               New Enlistments w/Hometown    WW1       1918-07-17     Gazette Times  7
CARROL              E.                  Sgt                                Coraopolis Boys in Ambulance wWW1       1918-02-02     Pitts Press    3
CARROLL             Raymond A                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CARROLL             Harold J                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARROLL             Waverly                                                Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CARROLL             Jane R. M'Clanahan                                     in Quartermaster's Dept w/PhotWW1       1918-06-30     Pitts Press    49
CARROLL             Raymond R                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CARROLL             Joseph P                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CARROLL             William C           Cpl                 Batt E 107th FAAddress, Parents w/Photo      WW1       1918-07-14     Pitts Press    48
CARROLL             Thomas                                                 Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CARROLL             P.S                                                    KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    1
CARROLL             Elmer E                       Army                     Commissioned w/Photo          WW1       1918-09-29     Pitts Press    33
CARROLL             Michael                       Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CARROLL             Thomas J                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CARROLL             Thomas J                                               To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CARROLL             Alfred Howard                                          Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CARROLL             James E                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
CARROLL             Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARROLL             Timothy                       Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CARROLL             William H                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARROLL             John                                                   Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CARROLL             Preston H                               28th Div       KIA                           WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  4
CARROLL             Thomas                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CARROLL             Harold J                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CARROLL             Harry K                       Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
CARROLL             Raymond A                     Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CARROLL             Alfred Howard                                          Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CARROLL             James E                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
CARROLL             Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CARROLL             Timothy                       Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CARROLL             William H                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CARROLL             ? R.                Capt                               Officers Appointed w/Address  WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  15
CARROLL             Harold D                                               Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CARROLL             R. D                          Tank Corps               New Enlisteed w/Hometown      WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  11
CARROLL             R.B                 Sgt       Army                     Wounded Soldier Speaks        WW1       1918-10-01     Gazette Times  2
CARROLL             Maurice J           Sgt                 Co A 26th Inf  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-23     Gazette Times  9
CARROLL             Jack                                                   Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-25     Gazette Times  4
CARROLL             Grove Jr.           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-03     Gazette Times  14
CARROLL             J.C                 Cpl                 160th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CARROLL             Pietro              Pvt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CARROLL             Robert H                                Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CARROLL             W.S                 Sgt                 Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CARROLL             "Butch"                                 15th Eng       Indiana Normal Star           WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      7
CARROLL             J.C                 Cpl                 HQ Det 160th InAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CARROLL             John H              Capt                15th Eng       Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1919-05-18     Gaz Times      15
CARROLL             John H. Jr.         Capt                HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARROLL             Joseph L            Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARROLL             Leo L                                   Co C 110th Inf Discussing Food               WW1       1919-05-12     Gaz Times      2
CARROLL             Pietro                                  Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CARROLL             Raymond A           Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARROLL             Robert H                                Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARROLL             W.S                 Sgt                 Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CARROLL             J.E                                     308th Div TrainTransferred                   WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    14
CARROLL             T.P                                     358th Brig     Transferred                   WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    12
CARROLL             F.Q                           Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CARROLL             J.B                 Lt                                 Physician in Service          WW1       1917-12-28     Pitts Press    18
CARROLL             George E                                6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CARRON              Owen M              Wagoner                            Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1918-10-01     Pitts Press    18
CARRUTHERS          George R                                               Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
CARRY               Walton C                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    14
CARRY               Frank W             Cpl       Army                     Promoted                      WW1       1917-11-03     Gaz Times      6
CARSO               Paul                          Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CARSON              Albert                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARSON              Davis S             Mech      Army      110th Inf      KIA                           WW1       1918-08-14     Pitts Press    5
CARSON              David F                       Army      Co G 110th     KIA w/Article                 WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1
CARSON              William G                                              Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CARSON              James                         Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CARSON              Hershel L                                              Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CARSON              Joseph G                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CARSON              Roy J                         Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CARSON              George Ireland      Sgt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    8
CARSON              Hershel L                                              Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CARSON              Howard                                  Co D 10th Batt Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
CARSON              Wade E                                                 Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CARSON              William J           Sgt       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CARSON              C.R                 Gunner    Navy                     Attached to Recruiting StationWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
CARSON              Apul D                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CARSON              Charles B                                              Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CARSON              Robert L                      Army      105th Dep Brig To Train for Officer w/HometowWW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  12
CARSON              William H                                              Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CARSON              Harry J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CARSON              Joseph                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
CARSON              Ralph H                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
CARSON              Albert                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CARSON              David                         110th Reg                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  1
CARSON              David F             Cpl                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CARSON              James                         Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CARSON              Robert F                                               Eligible for Commission w/OccuWW1       1918-08-12     Gazette Times  12
CARSON              Apul D                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CARSON              Charles B                                              Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CARSON              Robert L                      Army      105th Dep Brig To Train for Officer w/HometowWW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  12
CARSON              William H                                              Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CARSON              Robert P            2nd Lt                             Received Appointment w/AddressWW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  3
CARSON              George Ireland      Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-04     Gazette Times  13
CARSON              Lester              Pvt                                Wins DSC from Pershing        WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  2
CARSON              G.O                 Cpl                                Relatives in War w/Photo      WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  15
CARSON              Lester                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CARSON              Raymond                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  27
CARSON              Hershel L                                              Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  20
CARSON              Fred                Mech                               Knocked Off                   WW1       1919-01-07     Pitts Press    2
CARSON              George              Cpl                 107th FA       Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  3
CARSON              George              Cpl                 107th FA       Arrived at Parkview Hosp      WW1       1919-01-07     Pitts Press    2
CARSON              George I                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-28     Gazette Times  2
CARSON              George L                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    6
CARSON              Raymond                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CARSON              Raymond                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CARSON              Lester              Pvt                 Co L 111th Inf Photo w/Hometown              WW1       1919-03-02     Pitts Press    67
CARSON              Lester              Pvt                                Volunteer                     WW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    76
CARSON              J.                  Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CARSON              William James       2nd Lt              108th FA       Aboard Peerless               WW1       1919-05-17     Pitts Press    2
CARSON              George L            Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARSON              Hershell            Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CARSON              Lester              Pvt                                Decorated                     WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      9
CARSON              Lester              Pvt                 Co L 111th Inf Won French Cross              WW1       1919-05-08     Gaz Times      16
CARSON              William F           Pvt                                Discharged from Hospital w/HomWW1       1919-04-01     Gaz Times      7
CARSON              William James       2nd Lt              108th FA       Aboard Transport Peerless     WW1       1919-05-17     Gaz Times      3
CARSON              George F                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CARSON              Earl E                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CARSON              Howard                        Army                     Honored with Service Flag     WW1       1917-11-19     Gaz Times      5
CARSON              Loran                                                  Westinghouse Men Discharged w/WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      9
CARSWELL            William M                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CARSWELL            William M                                              To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CARTAIDE            James A                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CARTANS             Raymond A           Pvt                 1007th FA      Aboard the SS Finland w/AddresWW1       1919-05-02     Gaz Times      3
CARTER              Henry                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARTER              Henry H                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARTER              Milton A                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARTER              Preston                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARTER              Napoleon                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARTER              Alfred                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              Norman L                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              Charley                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              Grant                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              Douglas                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              Howard                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              John                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARTER              Hepburn                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CARTER              Christopher         Lt                                 MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-13     Pitts Press    1
CARTER              William                                                Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CARTER              George L                                               Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CARTER              Roscoe C                                               Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CARTER              Alfred T                                               Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CARTER              Charles J           Pvt                 Co M 320th Reg Enjoys Camp life w/Photo      WW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    60
CARTER              F. R.                         Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-31     Pitts Press    10
CARTER              George                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-21     Pitts Press    2
CARTER              Elbert A                      Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CARTER              E.J                 Sgt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    4
CARTER              William J           Cpl       Army                     MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    25
CARTER              Charles L                     Army                     Enlistees w/Hometown          WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  9
CARTER              George                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-21     Gazette Times  7
CARTER              George                                                 Letter                        WW1       1919-01-31     Mt. Wash News
CARTER              M.L                 Lt                  332nd Inf      Assigned to Companies         WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  13
CARTER              Roy R                                                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  2
CARTER              Daniel A                      Navy                     Death Notice                  WW1       1918-06-20     Gazette Times  4
CARTER              Alfred T                      Marines                  Recruits w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CARTER              John S                        Tank Corps               New Enlistments w/Hometown    WW1       1918-07-09     Gazette Times  3
CARTER              Grant                         Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
CARTER              Henry H                       Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CARTER              Hepburn                                                Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CARTER              John                          Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
CARTER              Milton A                      Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CARTER              Napoleon                      Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CARTER              William             Cpl       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-12     Gazette Times  1
CARTER              M.L                 Lt                  332nd Inf      Assigned to Companies         WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  13
CARTER              Roy R                                                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  2
CARTER              John S                        Tank Corps               Engagement                    WW1       1918-09-13     Gazette Times  32
CARTER              Morgan L                      Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-12     Gazette Times  16
CARTER              Edward J            Sgt                 Co C 319th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  10
CARTER              Edward J            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CARTER              Francis M                                              Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-02     Gazette Times  4
CARTER              Vincent M                     Marines                  Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  14
CARTER              William J                                              MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CARTER              E.J                 Lt                                 Strongest Man in Army         WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  3
CARTER              Edward                                                 Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-01-14     Gazette Times  15
CARTER              Edward              Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Address     WW1       1919-01-14     Pitts Press    4
CARTER              MorganL                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  2
CARTER              William J           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  13
CARTER              William J           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-28     Pitts Press    7
CARTER              Roy R               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  9
CARTER              George L                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-06     Pitts Press    10
CARTER              William H                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-12     Pitts Press    1
CARTER              Clifton T                               Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CARTER              Conrad                                  Co B 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CARTER              George              Sgt                 Co F 305th Eng Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CARTER              Henderson                               Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CARTER              John                                    506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
CARTER              William H                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CARTER              Aaron               Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CARTER              Clifton T                               Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARTER              Conrad C                                Co B 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARTER              George H. Jr        Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARTER              Henderson                               Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CARTER              James L                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    35
CARTER              Fred W                                  6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CARTER              Edward              Capt      Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-28     Gaz Times      1
CARTER              D.T                 Pvt                 Co L 330th Inf Rifle Training                WW1       1917-10-18     Gaz Times      9
CARTER              Napoleon                                               Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CARTER              Roy                           Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      8
CARTER              Theodore N          Sgt                                Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      6
CARTHEW             W. J                Lt                                 KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    6
CARTHEW             William J           Sgt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
CARTHIE             Eugene                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-16     Gaz Times      44
CARTING             Alfred                                  Co B 110th Reg Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-25     Gazette Times  14
CARTISSER           Julius J                      Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
CARTLAND            Albert L            Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    15
CARTLAND            William P           Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-26     Pitts Press    4
CARTLAND            Albert Louis                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-25     Gazette Times  11
CARTLAND            William P                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CARTLEDGE           Deppe                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CARTLEDGE           Deppe                         Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CARTOLANO           Francisco                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CARTS               Frederick C                                            Officers Training School w/HomWW1       1918-09-16     Pitts Press    8
CARTS               W.J                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CARTWRIGHT          r. E                                                   Recruits for military trainingWW1       1918-06-19     Pitts Press    6
CARTWRIGHT          Claude                        Army                     Commissioned                  WW1       1918-09-29     Pitts Press    33
CARTWRIGHT          william J                     Naval Coast Defense      New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
CARTWRIGHT          Richard E                                              Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
CARTWRIGHT          william J                     Naval Coast Defense      New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
CARTWRIGHT          H.A                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CARUANO             Stefano                       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-08-05     Gazette Times  2
CARUCCIO            Michael                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CARUSO              Guiseppe                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CARUSO              Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-05     Gazette Times  16
CARVENDER           Charles E           Pvt                                Admitted to Hospitals w/HometoWW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      15
CARVER              Calvin T                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CARVER              Stanley H                                              Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CARVER              Stanley H                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CARVER              Elmer L                                                Freed from Prison Camp w/HometWW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  11
CARVER              Carl F              Pvt                 HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CARVEY              S.R                 Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-21     Pitts Press    4
CARWELl             Joseph                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CARWELL             Joseph                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
cARWFORD            J.F                 Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CARY                Vincent             Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CARY                Harold                        Army      Co K 110th Inf Made Sacrifice w/Photo        WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  7
CARY                Harry H             2nd Lt    Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CASAGAENDL          Ferdinand           Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-02-22     Pitts Press    3
CASAIL              Omero                                                  Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CASALE              Carmel                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CASALF              Omero                                                  Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CASALI              Omero               Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CASAMANI            Florentino          Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-27     Pitts Press    6
CASAVECCHIA         Tony                          Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CASAVECCHIA         Tony                                                   Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CASBARD             W.E                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
CASCESO             Patsy                                                  Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CASCHA              Piatro                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASCHA              Piatro                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASCIANI            Louis                                   330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CASCIATO            Nicola                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CASCIATO            Nicola                        Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CASCIOTTI           Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CASE                Charles S                                              In Hospital w/Photo           WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CASE                Peter J                                                Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CASE                Donald                        Navy                     Enlisted 1918-01-10 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-11     Gazette Times  7
CASE                Arnold D                      Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CASE                Arnold D                      Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CASE                Charles E                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CASE                Forest                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CASE                Max                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CASE                C.F                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CASE                C.F                                     Med Det 320th IAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CASE                Philip G            Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CASEBEER            Charles H           Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CASEBEER            Charles H           Pvt       Army      Co C 110th Inf MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
CASEBER             Charles                                                In Hun Prison                 WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  5
CASELLA             Pietro                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CASELLA             Savarla                                                Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CASELOTTI           Joseph              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    4
CASEMENT            Daniel D                                               Tuscania Casualty w/Address   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CASERALLO           Guido                                                  Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CASERATTO           Guido                                                  Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CASERATTO           Guido                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CASETO              Anthony                                 Batt C 323rd FATo Camp Rockford to Join 35th WW1       1917-10-25     Gaz Times      3
CASEY               John H                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CASEY               Jesse                                                  Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CASEY               Daniel W                                               Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    2
CASEY               Thomas                                                 Enter Aviation Service w/PhotoWW1       1918-03-31     Pitts Press    42
CASEY               william J                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CASEY               James P                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-11     Pitts Press    2
CASEY               Eddie                                                  Naval Ensign                  WW1       1918-10-18     Pitts Press    32
CASEY               John F                                                 Pitt Army Students to Camp    WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    8
CASEY               James V             Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    9
CASEY               James P                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-11     Gazette Times  8
CASEY               James V                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CASEY               Daniel M                      Marines                  Recruits w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CASEY               G.R                           Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CASEY               John H                        Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
CASEY               James V                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CASEY                                   Sgt                                Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  14 & 15
CASEY               Charles S           Pvt                 Co B 111th Inf Gassed                        WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  11
CASEY               James V             Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CASEY               Charles S           Pvt                 Co B 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CASEY               Charles S           Pvt                 Co B           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CASEY               Thomas                        Br & Can Armies          New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     50
CASEY               Peter F                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CASEY               James B             Cpl                                Promotion w/Photo             WW1       1917-12-23     Pitts Press    9
CASHBROOK           Loren                         Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CASHDOLLAR          Clarence M                                             Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CASHDOLLAR          Frank                         Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CASHDOLLAR          Walter M                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CASHDOLLAR          Harry R                                                Co A Members                  WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
CASHDOLLAR          Roy C                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-02-26     Pitts Press    2
CASHDOLLAR          Murray S                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CASHDOLLAR          Murray S                                               Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CASHDOLLAR          Roy C               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
CASHDOLLAR          Roy C                                                  To Training Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-02-27     Gazette Times  9
CASHDOLLAR          Clarence M                    Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CASHDOLLAR          Clarence M                    Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CASHDOLLAR          Roy C                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CASHDOLLAR          W.J                 Cpl                 Co B 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CASHDOLLAR          W.J                 Cpl                 Co B 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CASHEY              William                       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CASHMAN             Robert M                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-27     Pitts Press    3
CASHMAN             William McK                                            Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CASHMAN             Bender S            Capt      `         Hosp Unit 27   Cited for Heroism             WW1       1919-03-27     Gazette Times  1
CASHMAN             B.Z                 Lt                                 Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    86
CASHMAN             Bender C            Capt                               Cited for Bravery             WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CASHMAN             W.P                 Sgt                 HQ Det 160th InAboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CASHMITT            John H                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    8
CASILLIA            Arthur                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CASIOTTA            Charles                       Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CASKEY              Walter E            Pvt                 Batt E 4th Art Service w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CASKEY              Robert E                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CASKEY              Robert E            Pvt                 111th Inf      Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CASKEY              Robert E            Pvt                 Supply Co      Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CASKY               Russell D                                              Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CASKY               Lewis                                                  Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CASKY               Lewis                                                  To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
CASLEWICZ           John                Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
CASLIN              John C                                                 Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CASLOTTA            Charles                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CASNELL             Leroy               Cpl                                Win Praise of Pershing w/HometWW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  1
CASPARS             Steve               Pvt                                Tradesman                     WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    4
CASPARY             John A                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CASPARY             Frank Jr.                                              To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CASPER              William D                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-19     Pitts Press    28
CASPER              Charles                                                39 yrs in service                       1912-06-23     Pitts Press    15
CASPER              William C                                              Enlisted 1918-01-14 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-15     Gazette Times  8
CASS                Albert                                                 Chums Enlist                  WW1       1918-06-13     Pitts Press    7
CASSA               Joseph R            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  9
CASSA               J.R                                     Co G 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CASSANO             Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CASSANO             Vincenzo                                               Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-01-17     Gazette Times  5
CASSARILLI          Santos                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CASSARILLI          Santos                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CASSARINI           Antonio                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CASSARINI           Antonio                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CASSATTA            George J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CASSEDY             Paul W                        Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CASSEL              Frank                         Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-21     Pitts Press    17
CASSEL              Charles C                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CASSEL              Charles E                                              Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-11-02     Gazette Times  8
CASSEL              John G                        Signal Corps             New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-04     Gaz Times      5
CASSELL             William H                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  7
CASSELL             William H           Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-09-06     Gazette Times  21
CASSELL             J. Glenn                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CASSETT             Angelo              Cpl                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CASSIDAY            Mathew S            Pvt                 Co G 145th Inf Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin &WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CASSIDY             Edward                                                 Brothers who fight Germans w/PWW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    9
CASSIDY             Eugene                                                 Brothers who fight Germans w/PWW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    9
CASSIDY             John                                                   Brothers who fight Germans w/PWW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    9
CASSIDY             James                                                  Brothers who fight Germans w/PWW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    9
CASSIDY             William H                                              Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CASSIDY             Peter                                                  Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CASSIDY             John E                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CASSIDY             william H                     Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CASSIDY             John                                                   Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CASSIDY             Lee                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    4
CASSIDY             E.B                 Sgt                                Wounded in France w/Photo     WW1       1918-10-29     Pitts Press    9
CASSIDY             Michael J           Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-20     Pitts Press    3
CASSIDY             W.J                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-27     Pitts Press    7
CASSIDY             E.B                 CPl                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CASSIDY             E.L                 1st Sgt             Depot Brig     To Attend Officers' Training SWW1       1918-01-07     Gazette Times  12
CASSIDY             Hugh                          Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CASSIDY             William H                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASSIDY             John E                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CASSIDY             Joseph A                      Army                     Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CASSIDY             Peter                         Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CASSIDY             Perry R             Capt                               Marriage                      WW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  14
CASSIDY             Peter H                                                Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CASSIDY             Robert A                      Army      148th Inf      Death Notice                  Civil     1918-08-14     Gazette Times  7
CASSIDY             Hugh                          Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CASSIDY             William H                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASSIDY             Claude T            2nd Lt                             Received Appointment w/AddressWW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  3
CASSIDY             Eugene B            Sgt                 Co M 110th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-30     Gazette Times  7
CASSIDY             Lee                                                    Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
CASSIDY             Eugene B                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CASSIDY             Mathew Stanley                                         Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  11
CASSIDY             Michael J                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  13
CASSIDY             Richard I           Cpl                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-13     Gazette Times  16
CASSIDY             Warren J            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CASSIDY             Edward J            Cpl                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CASSIDY             Rose A              Nurse     Army                     Awarded Medal w/Hometown      WW1       1919-04-11     Gaz Times      7
CASSIDY             W.J                 Cpl                 Co I 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CASSIDY             William J                               Batt E 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CASSIMIR            Niritz                                                 POW w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-18     Gazette Times  16
CASSON              Wilson C                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CASSY               Casey                                                  Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CAST                Adrian T                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CASTAGNOLA          Comenico                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-27     Gazette Times  2
CASTAING            Pedro A                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CASTALLANI          Domenico                      Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CASTATE             Carmine             Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CASTAURO            Francesco                                              Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CASTAURO            Francesco                                              Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CASTEEL             William A                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CASTELL             William A                     Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CASTELLANI          Domenico                                               Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CASTELLANO          John                          Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CASTELLI            Guiseppe                                               Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CASTELLI            Agostino                      Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CASTELLI            Vincent H                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASTELLI            Vincent H                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASTELLI            Salvatore                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  11
CASTELLI            Salvators           Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-04     Pitts Press    7
CASTELNOVO          Edorado                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  27
CASTER              Clifford                      Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
CASTER              Fred                                                   Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CASTER              Fred                                                   To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CASTER              Charles W           Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CASTER              Fred                                    Co A 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CASTERLINE          Joseph V                      Army                     Discharged w/Address          WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      8
CASTERMAN           Jules                                   330th Inf      Transferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CASTERWILLER        Frank                                                  Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CASTERWILLER        Frank                                                  To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CASTILLI            Salvatore                                              Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CASTILLI            Salvatore                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CASTILLI            Angelo                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASTILLI            Angelo                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CASTILLON           Rafael                                  Batt B 323rd FATo Camp Rockford to Join 35th WW1       1917-10-25     Gaz Times      3
CASTILON            P                                       Co L 330th Inf Photo                         WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    30
CASTLE              Thomas S                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CASTLE              George S                                53rd Art       Hospital Arrival              WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  6
CASTLE              Thomas S            Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CASTLEMAN           C. Walter           Lt                                 Marriage                      WW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  12
CASTON              William                                                Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CASTORA             Peter J                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  24
CASTRILLI           Antonio                                                Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CASTRINO            Leonardo            Pvt                 Co F 110th Inf Registered Patient            WW1       1919-01-03     Gazette Times  2
CASTRONOVE          Frank                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-16     Gazette Times  4
CASTRONOVO          Frank                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-27     Gazette Times  13
CASUCELLI           Francisco                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CASWELL             Edward                        Navy                     Enlists In Navy w/Photo       WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    50
CASWELL             Ralph                                                  Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CATABBI             Bararolino                                             Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CATABBI             Bararolino                                             Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CATALANO            Julius                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CATALANO            Edward S                                               To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CATALANO            Guiseppe                                               To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CATALDA             Jos. A                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CATALDO             Daniel G                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
CATALDO             Amadio              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-20     Gazette Times  8
CATANER             Carmel                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CATANER             Carmel                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CATANTELLI          Luigi                         Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CATANZARO           James                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CATANZARO           Anthony J                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    2
CATANZARO           Anthony J                     Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-24     Gazette Times  21
CATARINELLA         Stephen                                                Training at Penn State w/AddreWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
CATAZARO            James                         Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CATCHINGS           Thomas                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CATCHOWSKI          W.F                 Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CATEN               Eddie                         Army      323rd FA       Furlough Denied w/Home County WW1       1918-05-20     Gazette Times  12
CATEN               Eddie                         Army      323rd FA       Furlough Denied w/Home County WW1       1918-05-20     Gazette Times  12
CATENE              Domenic                                                Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CATENE              Domenic                       Army                     Draftees to Camp              WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CATENESE            Joe                           Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  15
CATERFIELD          V.K                 Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
CATERINA            Dominick                      Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  60
CATERINA            dominick                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  13
CATERISANO          Leonard                                                Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CATHER              Robert                                  Ft. St Joseph  Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CATHERINE           Thomas                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CATHERINE           Thomas                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CATHERINE           Thomas                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CATHERS             William P                                              Recruit w/Hometown & Branch   WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CATHERS             George A                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
CATHERS             William P                     Navy                     New Enlistee  w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CATHERS             Wm. S.P                                 Co L 112thInf  KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  16
CATHERUNE           Thomas J            Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-06     Pitts Press    14
CATHERY             William S                     Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CATINO              Frederick                                              En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CATIZINO            Antonio                                                Returns Insurance Money       WW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      15
CATLIN              Charles H                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CATLIN              CarlJ                         Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
CATLIN              Carl J                                                 New Enlistments w/Hometown    WW1       1918-07-17     Gazette Times  7
CATLIN              Charles H                                              Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CATLIN              Leslie H            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CATLIN              James D                                 506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
CATNY               Anthony C                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-21     Gazette Times  3
CATO                Benjamin                                506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
CATON               Arnold Charles                                         List for Farms w/Address      WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  10
CATONESE            Joe                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-12     Pitts Press    9
CATONI              Victor              Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-25     Pitts Press    3
CATOROROMITOSOS     Nick                          Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CATRON              Antonio                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    1
CATROROMITOSIS      Nick                          Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CATTLEY             George                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CATTLEY             Roy                                                    Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CATTLEY             A.H                 Cook                Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CATTLEY             Roy                 Cpl                 Co E Motor SuppArrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CATTLEY             A.H                 Cook                Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CATTLEY             Roy                 Cpl                 Co E Motor TraiDebarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CATTO               Victor                        Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-22     Pitts Press    9
CATTO               Victor                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-21     Gaz Times      8
CATTS               G.R                 Lt. Col             319th Inf      Group Photo                   WW1       1919-02-04     Gazette Times  9
CATTS               Gordon R            Lt. Col             319thInf       Joined Command                WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CATTY               Joseph                        Br & Can Armies          New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-11-25     Gaz Times      53
CATZINO             Antonio             Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-10     Pitts Press    2
CAUB                Carl J                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CAUDLE              John W                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CAUFIELD            Robert M                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CAUFIELD            Robert M                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAUFIELD            Robert M                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAUGHEY             John M                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CAUGHEY             John M                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAUGHEY             John M                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CAUGHEY             J.M                           Tank Corps               Enlistees w/Hometown          WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  12
CAUGHIN             Linus T                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CAUGHLIN            Linus T                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CAULDEN             W.                                                     Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CAULDEN             W.                                                     Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CAULDENKA           Mins                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAULDENKA           Mins                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CAULEY              James A                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CAULEY              Charles                                                Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CAULFIELD           John R                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CAULKETT            Arthur              Sgt                 Batt C 323rd FATransferred                   WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  13
CAULKETT            Arthur              Sgt                 Batt C 323rd FATransferred                   WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  13
CAULKINS            Charles D           2nd Lt                             Received Appointment w/AddressWW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  3
CAULYE              Charles                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CAUNER              Joseph T            Pfc                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CAUS                Carol J                                                In Prison Camp w/Hometown     WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  14
CAUSER              W.J                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
CAUSER              Samuel              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
CAUSGER             John F                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CAUSLAND            Robert M                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CAUVEL              Herman C                                               Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  16
CAVADIAS            John                                                   Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CAVADIAS            John                                                   Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CAVALCANTO          Tony                                                   Wounded in Aug w/Hometown     WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  7
CAVALEANTO                              Pvt                                Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  14 & 15
CAVALERA            Andria                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CAVALET             Frederick                     Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CAVALIARE           Antonio                       Army                     Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  16
CAVALIER            Christ A                                               Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CAVALIERE           James                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CAVALIERE           Vincent P                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
CAVALIERE           James                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CAVALIERE           Vincent P                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
CAVALIO             Jonatto                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CAVALLARI           Luigi                                                  To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CAVALLERI           Eugenia                                                Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CAVALLERO           Geobanni                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CAVALLERO           Giovanni                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CAVALLO             Jonatto                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CAVAN               Philip J            Cpl                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-01     Pitts Press    18
CAVANAGH            J.J.                Yeoman 2nd Class                   Naval Engineer School         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  5
CAVANAGH            Thomas J            Sgt                 Co B 111th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1919-02-20     Pitts Press    13
CAVANAUGH           Bernard                                                Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Sgt       Marines                  Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-09-22     Pitts Press    4
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J                                               Get Officers' Bars w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-31     Pitts Press    16
CAVANAUGH           D                                                      Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-23     Pitts Press    2
CAVANAUGH           Pat                           Br. & Can Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Lt                  Co G 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            1st Sgt   Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J                                Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J                                Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
CAVANAUGH           P.A                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CAVANAUGH           T.P                                                    Died of Influenza             WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  7
CAVANAUGH           Thomas              Sgt                                Wins DSC from Pershing        WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  2
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Sgt                 Co D 111th Inf Awarded DSC                   WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  8
CAVANAUGH           Edward                                                 Christmas Dinner in France    WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  1
CAVANAUGH           Edward J            Sgt                                Christmas List w/Photo        WW1       1918-12-31     Gazette Times  1,4
CAVANAUGH           Patrick Jr.         Pvt                                Wounded Day Before Armistice  WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  9
CAVANAUGH           Marie               Nurse                              Attending Wounded in France   WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  8
CAVANAUGH           Lawrence F                              Co C 108th FA  Park View Hospital            WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
CAVANAUGH           Lawrence F          Pvt                 Co C 108th FA  Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    48
CAVANAUGH           Earl C              Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CAVANAUGH           Edward              Pvt                                Aboard the Leviathan w/HometowWW1       1919-02-13     Gazette Times  11
CAVANAUGH           Edward              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Gazette Times  11
CAVANAUGH           Thomas N.           Sgt                 Co D 111th Inf Photo                         WW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    76
CAVANAUGH           Martin              Cpl                 Co E 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Lt                  Co G 111th Inf Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CAVANAUGH           D.M                                     Supply Co 320thAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CAVANAUGH           E.J                 Sgt                 Co E 406th TeleRoster w/Hometown             WW1       1919-05-04     Gaz Times      16
CAVANAUGH           Martin              Cpl                 Co E 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CAVANAUGH           Patrick F                               111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CAVANAUGH           Thomas              1st Lt              111th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      11
CAVANAUGH           Thomas              Lt                                 Won French Cross              WW1       1919-05-08     Gaz Times      16
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Lt                  111th Inf      Will Speak                    WW1       1919-05-20     Gaz Times      2
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Lt                  111th Inf      Given Ovation                 WW1       1919-05-23     Gaz Times      2
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Lt                  Co G 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CAVANAUGH           Thomas J            Lt                  Co G 111th Inf Decorated                     WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      9
CAVANAUGH           F.E                 Pvt                 323rd FA       Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-18     Gaz Times      9
CAVANDA             John                                                   Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CAVE                W.A                 1st Lt    Army                     Appointments w/Hometown       WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  9
CAVE                William             Top Sgt   Army                     Jazz Orchestra Leader         WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  26
CAVENAUGH           Edward                                                 Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-21     Pitts Press    4
CAVENAUGH           D.M                 Wagoner             Reg. Supply 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CAVENER             William C           Pvt                 Co B 111th Inf Money Sent to Dependent w/HomeWW1       1919-04-12     Pitts Press    5
CAVETTL             Arthuro                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-22     Pitts Press    2
CAVLOVICAK          Mirko                                                  Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CAVLOVIENK          Mirko                                                  Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CAVROS              Manuel A                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CAVROS              Manuel A                      Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CAWLEY              P                   Capt      Army                     KIA w/ Hometown               WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CAWLEY              Lawrence                                               Service Flag Raised           WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
CAWLEY              Joseph P            Pvt                                Early Return w/Photo          WW1       1919-04-13     Pitts Press    62
CAWTHERN            Clarence D                    Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CAWTHORNE           Charles Ernest                                         Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CAWTHORNE           Charles E           Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-04-03     Pitts Press    13
CAYDA               Chester                                                Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CAYDA               Chester                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CAYLER              John                                                   Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CAYMAN              Glenn                                   330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CAYTON              Charles P                     Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-08-29     Gazette Times  5
CBANE               J.E                                     Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CdBLASI             Anthony                       Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CEASE               C.B                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CEASE               Carl B                                                 Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
CEASE               Carl B                                                 Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CEBE?               Otto J                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-04     Pitts Press    12
CECCACILI           Lorenzo                                                Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CECCKI              Antonio             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CECCONI             Giovanni                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CECILLO             Andy                Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-09     Pitts Press    5
CECILLO             Andy                                                   KIA                           WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  6
CECONE              C.C                 Pvt                 Co M 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CEELINI             Bendette                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CEHODUKIESICZ       Jos.                                                   Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CEILANITI           Alberto                                                Leaving for Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CEILDONIO           Mike                Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CEILMARE            Nazzareno                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CELANI              Paul                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CELENDER            Joseph L                                               Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
CELESTE             John                                                   Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  16
CELIA               John P                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CELIDONIO           Michele                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
CELIDONIO           Mike                Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CELLA               Vincent                                                AWOL                          WW1       1918-04-18     Pitts Press    6
CELLA               V.J                 Sgt                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CELLA               V.J                 Sgt                 Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CELLANIPRETE        Carmine             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CELLETTI            France              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-18     Gazette Times  15
CELLIMO             Guiseppi                                               Discharged                    WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  5
CELLINI             Bendette                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CELLINI             Bendette                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CELLUCCI            Vincenzo                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CELMA               Archangelo                    Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CELMA               Arcangelo                     Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CELMER              Joseph              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-20     Gazette Times  8
CEMMLER             Oscar W                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CEMONE              Pietro                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CEMONE              Pietro                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CEMONS              Pietro                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CENCE               Raymond T                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CENCEREK            John                          Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  17
CENCI               Dominick                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CENNA               George Anthony      Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CENNA               George Anthony      Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-11     Pitts Press    11
CENNEY              Raymond C                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  9
CENRATH             Don S                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  28
CENRO               Edward M                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CENSARI             Valeriano                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CENSARI             Valeriano                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CENSARI             Valeriano                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CERASA              Angelo                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CERASKY             Andrew C                      Army                     Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  9
CERCENA             Peter               Mechanic            Ambulance Co 10Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CEREISMIO           Rosario                                                Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CEREISMIO           Rosario                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CERELSIMO           Rosario                                                Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CERESA              Charles                       Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CERESO              Joseph                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CERF                Howard A                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CERF                Hwoard                                                 Enlisted in Service           WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    50
CERIONE             Joseph                                                 New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      8
CERNIC              Joseph P                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-06     Gazette Times  14
CERNIC              Joseph P                                               Freed from German Prison w/HomWW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  24
CEROONO             Harry S                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CEROONO             Harry S                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CEROVAE             Michael                                                Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CERRA               Thomas                                                 Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CERRA               Pasquale                                319th Inf      Returned to Duty from Hun PrisWW1       1919-01-23     Gazette Times  1
CERRA               Pasqualle                                              Freed from Hun Prison w/HometoWW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  7
CERRA               Pasqualie           Pvt                                POW Freed w/Hometown          WW1       1919-03-09     Gazette Times  2
CERRA               M.A                 Bugler              Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CERRA               M.A                 Bugler              Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CERRA               P                                       Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CERRENAK            Frank               Cpl                                Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-08-18     Pitts Press    47
CERRI               Pasquale                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CERRI               Pasquale                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CERULI              Berarde                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CERULLO             Lewis               Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    6
CERVANKA            F.L                 Cpl                 37th Div       Home w/Group Photo & Hometown WW1       1919-04-05     Pitts Press    1, 2
CERVENKA            F.L                 Cpl                 37th Div       Welcome Home w/Hometown       WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    3
CERVENKA            F.L                 Cpl                 37th Eng       Returned Home w/Hometown      WW1       1919-04-06     Gaz Times      11
CERVERIZZO          Michael                                                Musician Wounded w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-03     Gazette Times  11
CERVONI             Alfred                                                 Draftees off to Camp w/AddressWW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    14
CERVONNE            Isadore             Pvt       Navy                     Escort Wilson w/Photo         WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    52
CESARE              Michele D                                              Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CESARE              Michele D                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CESARE              Mishele D                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CESARIO             *.J                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CESARIO             Michael J                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CESSNA              Charles P                                              To Artillery School w/HometownWW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  12
CESTGNOLO           Carmelo                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  16
CETAS               Joseph                                                 To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CETCHON             Charles P           Cpl                 Mach Gun Co 111Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CETRARO             I                   Pvt                                KIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    6
CEVERIZOO           Michael             Asst Band Leader    HQ Co          Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CEVERIZZO           Michael             Band Leader         111th Inf      Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CEYROLLES           William                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CEYROLLES           W.                  Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    7
CEYROLLES           william                                                To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CEYROLLES           William                                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CFAMPBELL           Danzil M            Lt        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  27
CFARLSON            George H                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CHABASSOL           Eli Louis           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  24
CHADKIEWICH         Anthony                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CHADKIEWICK         Anthony             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    3
CHADWICK            John R                                                 Service Flag Presented        WW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CHADWICK            Harold E                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CHADWOCK            Vincent D                                              Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHADWOCK            Vincent D                                              Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHAFFEE             Orlo S              Pfc                 Co I 111th Inf Dead in France w/Photo        WW1       1918-09-22     Pitts Press    11
CHAFFEE             Orie S              Pvt                                Casualty List                 WW1       1918-09-28     Pitts Press    6
CHAFFEE             Burns S                                                Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CHAFFEE             Adna R              Gen                                Joint Installation            Span Am   1918-01-17     Gazette Times  12
CHAFFEE             Orlo                          Army                     Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-09-29     Gazette Times  7
CHAFFEE             Tolstoi                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
CHALDO              Charles N                     Army                     Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  9
CHALFA              John G                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CHALFA              John G                                                 To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CHALFANT            Ray K               Maj                 61st Reg       Honored for Service w/Photo   WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CHALFANT            Linton A            Pvt                 Co D 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHALFANT            Paul S              Sgt                                Promoted w/Hometown           WW1       1917-10-07     Gaz Times      10
CHALFANT            Paul S              Sgt                 Co M 330th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      9
CHALFOAS            Nick                                                   Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CHALFONS            Nick                Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CHALGREN            Edgar M                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll            WW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    5
CHALK               John Boles                    Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-09     Gazette Times  7
CHALKIN             Aaron                                                  Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CHALKOWSKI          John                          Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CHALLIN             Richard M           Cpl                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CHALLINER           Ralph D                                 Batt F 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CHALLINOR           David               Lt        Air Force                Marriage                      WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    62
CHALLINOR           Harold H                                Supply Co 107thAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CHALLINOR           David               1st Lt    Aviation Corps           Church Member in Service      WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      6
CHALLIS             James L                       Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    4
CHALLIS             R. M.               Cpl                 28th Div       Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CHALLIS             R.M                 Cpl                 MP Co 111th InfArrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CHALLIS             R.M                 Cpl                 MP Co          Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CHALMERS            William                                                New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-03     Pitts Press    18
CHALOVICK           Frank J                       Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CHALOWITCH          Frank               Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    20
CHALOWITCH          Frank                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CHAMBERLAIN         Charles                                                Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CHAMBERLAIN         Louis Franklin      Lt                                 Marriage                      WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    22
CHAMBERLAIN         Charles                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CHAMBERLAIN         Charles D                     Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CHAMBERLAIN         J.V                                     308th Batt     Transferred from 158th Brig   WW1       1917-12-06     Pitts Press    23
CHAMBERLAIN         Smith M                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CHAMBERLAIN         Louis F             Capt      Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CHAMBERS            A.B                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    7
CHAMBERS            J.C                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CHAMBERS            John H                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHAMBERS            John H                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHAMBERS            Archie B                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CHAMBERS            John C                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CHAMBERS            J.                  Capt                               Tribute Paid                  WW1       1919-01-22     Gazette Times  11
CHAMBERS            W.B                 Sgt                 Co L 319th Inf Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CHAMBERS            W.B                 Sgt                 Co L 319th Inf Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CHAMBERS            Joseph R            Lt                  110th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-04     Gaz Times      14
CHAMBLEE            James D                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CHAMP               Frank                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CHAMPENO            George                                                 Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CHANCE              John E              Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
CHANCE              John E                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CHANCE              J.E                 Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHANCELLOR          Charles W                     Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CHANCELLOR          Victor F                      Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CHANCELLOR          Joseph  B           Pvt                                Soldiers Arrive for Training wWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  1
CHANDLER            Geter                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CHANDLER            Charles                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-25     Gazette Times  4
CHANDLER            Clarence A                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  7
CHANDLER            George F                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CHANDLER            Howard              Pvt       Army      330th Inf      Groundhog Hunt w/Hometown               1917-11-25     Gaz Times      65
CHANDLER            W. H. Jr.           2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CHANDOSZKA          Pete                          Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CHANDOSZKA          Pete                                                   Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CHANEY              Edwsard B                                              Recruit w/Hometown & Branch   WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CHANEY              Earl D                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CHANEY              E                             Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CHANEY              Percy                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
CHANEY              Homer J.B                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CHANTLER            David Everet                                           Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CHANTLER            Everett                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CHANTLER            David Everett                 Army                     Sister's Wedding              WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  38
CHANTLER            Drummond                      Marines                  Sister's Wedding              WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  38
CHANTLER            Ralph McCully                                          Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CHAPAT              Albert E                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CHAPEL              Harold M                                               Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CHAPEL              Harold M                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
CHAPEL              Frank L             2nd Lt    Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CHAPET              Harold M                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CHAPIN              H.J                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
CHAPIN              Haryr J                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CHAPLEA             Michael                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CHAPMAN             Harry                                                  Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CHAPMAN             Robert J                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CHAPMAN             Kenneth S           Cpl                 135th FA       Marriage                      WW1       1918-02-14     Pitts Press    13
CHAPMAN             Marion              Pvt                 111th Inf      Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CHAPMAN             James B             Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-22     Pitts Press    4
CHAPMAN             Kenneth S           Cpl                                Marriage                      WW1       1918-02-14     Gazette Times  14
CHAPMAN             John G                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHAPMAN             John G                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHAPMAN             John W                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CHAPMAN             James Benjamin                                         MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  14
CHAPMAN             James Benjamin                                         In Hun Prison Camp w/Hometown WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  2
CHAPMAN             John G              Cpl                 Co A 315th MachWounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-31     Gazette Times  5
CHAPMAN             Harry                                                  Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CHAPMAN             John G              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
CHAPMAN             James B                                                Released from Prison Camp w/HoWW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  7
CHAPMAN             James B                                                POW Released w/Address        WW1       1919-01-18     Pitts Press    14
CHAPMAN             Steven M            Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-03-03     Pitts Press    5
CHAPMAN             J.G                 Cpl                 Co A 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHAPMAN             Leroy                                   Co B 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CHAPMAN             Marin               Pvt                 111th Inf      Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CHAPMAN             J.G                 Cpl                 Co A 315thMach Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CHAPMAN             Leroy                                   Co B 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CHAPMAN             Marion              Pvt                 Med Det 111th IRoster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CHAPMAN             Terry                                                  Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CHAPNEL             Harry               Pvt                                "Over Top" 5 Times w/Photo    WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  15
CHAPPEL             Joseph E            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-29     Gazette Times  4
CHAPPELL            H.J                 Pvt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CHAPPELL            H.J                                     Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CHAPPLE             John                                                   Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CHAPPLE             Nelson              Cpl                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-01     Gazette Times  21
CHAPPLE             Nelson              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-16     Gazette Times  4
CHAPUT              Albert E                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CHAPUT              Albert E                                               Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
CHARBONNEAU         Frank                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CHARD               John                                    330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CHARDON             C.J                 Pvt       Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    26
CHARIE              Daniel                                  80th Div       Aboard the Zeppelin w/Address WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CHARIE              Daniel                                  HQ 80th Div    Aboard Zeppelin w/Address     WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      8
CHARIL              Charles                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CHARKLEWICZ         Alexander J                   Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  5
CHARLES             Walter                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CHARLES             John W                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
Charles                                                                    Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CHARLES             John                                                   Negro Selectives to Camp w/HomWW1       1918-10-19     Pitts Press    9
CHARLES             John W              Cpl                                Died of Wounds w/Address & NexWW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    18
CHARLES             John S                                                 Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CHARLES             Walter                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CHARLES             John S                                                 Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CHARLES             John W              Cpl                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CHARLES             E.E                 Sgt                 89th Div       Home on Rotterdam w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CHARLES             John W              Cpl                 Co A 313th MachObituary                      WW1       1919-04-17     Pitts Press    6
CHARLES             R.W                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHARLES             John W              Cpl                 Co A 313th MachObituary                      WW1       1919-04-17     Gaz Times      5
CHARLES             R.W                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CHARLES             Goerge H                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CHARLESTON          Samuel                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  4
CHARLESWORTH        John W              Cpl                                Died of Wounds w/Address & NexWW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    18
CHARLESWORTH        John H              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  15
CHARLESWORTH        John H                                                 Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CHARLETT            Louis                                   305th Eng      Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CHARLETT            Louis                                   HQ Det 305th EnDebarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CHARLI              Charles                       Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
CHARLTON            Joseph A.O.                                            Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CHARLTON            Joseph A.O.                                            Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CHARLTON            J.A.O               Pvt                 Co G 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CHARLTON            Joseph A.O.         Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-05     Pitts Press    17
CHARLTON            Joseph              Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    4
CHARLTON            Rufus                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CHARLTON            William R                     Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CHARLTON            Joseph A                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CHARLTON            Joseph A            Pvt                 145th FA       In Hospital                   WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  8
CHARLTON            William T           Pvt                                Convalescent w/Hometown       WW1       1919-03-13     Gazette Times  2
CHARLTON            J.A.O               Pvt                 Co G 111th Inf Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CHARLTON            Joseph                                  111th Inf      Discharged                    WW1       1919-05-16     Pitts Press    15
CHARLTON            W.R                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHARLTON            J.A.O               Pvt                 Co G 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CHARLTON            W.R                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CHARMICHAEL         Samuel G                                               Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-11-02     Gazette Times  8
CHARNI              John                                    330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CHARNOCK            Douglass                                               Farewell Party                WW1       1918-02-20     Pitts Press    4
CHARRA              Giobanni                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CHARRA              Giovanni                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CHART               Fred                                                   En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CHARTERS            M.A                           Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHARTERS            M.A                           Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHARTNER            Ralph                                                  Returned                      WW1       1919-01-24     Mt. Wash News
CHARTNER            Ralph R                       Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CHARTON             Robert                        Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CHASE               J. Walter                               320th Inf      Abroad w/Photo                WW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    51
CHASE               A. G.                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CHASE               R.S                 Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-26     Pitts Press    2
CHASE               R.W                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
CHASE               H.D                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-28     Pitts Press    3
CHASE               A.G                                                    Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CHASE               Robert                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CHASE               Harry Deforrest                                        Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
CHASE               Robert W            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
CHASE               J.W                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHASE               J.W                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CHASE               Arthur                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-18     Pitts Press    27
CHAT                John                          Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
CHATH               Bartholomeo                   Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CHATHAM             B.T                                                    Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CHATMON             Raymond                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      9
CHAUMAN             Robert J                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CHAUVAUX            Arthur                        Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CHAVERIUS           Mike                                                   Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CHAVLOVICH          Frank J                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CHEARAMONTE         James                                                  Selective to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CHEARD              James A             Cpl                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHEASTEN            Gordon                                  19th Co 5th BatTo Camp Rockford to Join 35th WW1       1917-10-25     Gaz Times      3
CHEATHAM            Matthew                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-06     Gazette Times  7
CHEATHAM            Matthew                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    16
CHEBATORUS          Walter                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CHEBIN              Henry               Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-24     Gazette Times  13
CHECHTA             Francesco                                              Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CHECK               E.L                 Pvt       Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    26
CHECK               Ernest A                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CHECKULA            George E                                               Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CHECOLA             John                Pvt                 Co C 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CHECOLA             John                Pvt                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHEEPMAN            Ray M               Cpl                 Co L 148th Inf At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CHEERS              C. F                Pvt                                Tradesman                     WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    4
CHEESBROUGH         John                                                   Inducted w/Address            WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    6
CHEESEMAN           Frank P                       Army                     Lost Life in Service w/Photo  WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  32
CHEESMAN            Walter E            Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-03-02     Gazette Times  11
CHEESMAN            Walter E            Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-03-02     Pitts Press    10
CHELANER            Alfred                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHELANER            Alfred                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHELCUT             Chauncey D                                             Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CHELDON             Harold M                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CHELGER             Joseph                        Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CHELQUIST           George                                                 Training at Pitt w/Address    WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
CHEMIND             Andrew                        Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CHEMOT              Joseph C                      Army                     Enlisted 1918-01-10 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-11     Gazette Times  7
CHENEY              George                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CHENNIAK            Roman M             Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-18     Pitts Press    2
CHENOT              Emilie J            Cpl                 15th Eng       Vets Home w/Hometown          WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CHENOT              Emile               Cpl                 HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHENOWETH           F. M.                         Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
CHEPAS              Lester                        Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CHEPAS              Lefter                        Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CHEPELWICK          John                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHEPELWICK          John                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHERAN              Alec                                                   KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
CHERELSTEIN         David                         Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CHERLSTEIN          David                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CHERLSTEIN          David                         Army                     Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CHERNYAK            Michael                                                Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CHERRY              Roy L               Cpl       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CHERRY              Henry                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHERRY              Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHERRY              Henry                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHERRY              Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHERRY              Andrew                                                 Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
CHERRY              Frank S                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-06     Gazette Times  14
CHERRY              George F                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-28     Gazette Times  2
CHERRY              George F                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    6
CHERRY              Clement M                                              Arrived on the North Carolina WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  2
CHERRY              Andrew                        Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-22     Pitts Press    9
CHERRY              Andrew                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-21     Gaz Times      8
CHERRY              Frank                         Army      Co G 320th Inf Barber                        WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      8
CHERVITCH           Joe T               Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-29     Pitts Press    20
CHERVITCH           Joe T                                                  MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CHESLEY             S.V                                                    Tuscania Casualty w/Address   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CHESLOCK            Stock                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-25     Pitts Press    24
CHESNES             Joseph J                      Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CHESNEY             A.                  Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-06     Pitts Press
CHESNEY             Anthony                       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  1
CHESNEY             Anthony             Cpl                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CHESNEY             Edward P                      Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-22     Pitts Press    9
CHESNEY             Edward P                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-21     Gaz Times      8
CHESNUTT            Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHESNUTT            Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHESNUTT            Samuel L                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CHESOLOSKY          George                                                 Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-12-04     Gazette Times  14
CHESTER             Joseph                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CHESTER             Joseph                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CHESTER             Stanley             Pvt                                On Lost Steamer w/Address     WW1       1918-02-08     Pitts Press    5
CHESTER             Russell                                                Returned to Duty w/Hometown   WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CHESTERMAN          Joseph                        Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CHESTERMAN          Aubrey W            Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHESTNUT            Ned                                                    Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CHESTNUT            Joe                                                    Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-02     Gazette Times  4
CHESTNUT            William             Pvt                 2nd Batt, 319thWorkout for Platoon w/HometownWW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  4
CHESTNUT            William Thomas      Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CHESTNUT            Norman A                      Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CHESTNUTT           Samuel L            Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    4
CHESTNUTT           William L                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CHEW                William R                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    5
CHEW                William R                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  9
CHIACHIARS          Clement                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CHIAPPAFREDDO       John                                                   Camp Lee AWOL w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-16     Pitts Press    2
CHIARAMONTE         Anthony                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CHIARI              C.C                 Pvt                 Co B 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CHIARI              C.C.                                    Co B 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CHICK               John                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CHICK               John                          Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
CHICKA              Michael                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-13     Gazette Times  22
CHICKA              Michael                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CHICKA              Miler               Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CHICKS              Miller              Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHICONA             A                             Army      408th Motor SupLeave for France w/Hometown   WW1       1917-11-25     Gaz Times      65
CHIDESTER           Wesley                                                 Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CHIDESTER           Wesley                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CHIDESTER           Wesley                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CHIESPIENSKI        Stanley                                                Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CHIESURA            John O                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      9
CHIGAS              Peter C. H          Pvt                 7th Cav        Fell on Border                Mexico    1919-06-20     Pitts Press    28
CHIHOSKY            Andy                                                   Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CHIKOV              Tom                                                    Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CHILCOAT            Harry D                       Army      110th Inf      KIA                           WW1       1918-08-14     Pitts Press    5
CHILCOAT            Harry Dewey                   Army      Co G 110th     KIA w/Article                 WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1
CHILCOAT            Harry D                       110th Reg                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  1
CHILCOAT            Harry D                                                Casualty List w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-21     Gazette Times  7
CHILCOT             Robert P                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-22     Pitts Press    2
CHILCOTT            Robert                                                 Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    90
CHILCOTT            Harry Lewis                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-15     Gazette Times  4
CHILCOTT            A.P                 Cpl                 Batt A 4th Div Serving in France w/Photo     WW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    20
CHILDS              Harvey                                                 Train for Officer w/Address   WW1       1918-10-29     Pitts Press    4
CHILDS              Samuel                                                 Gold Star for Heroes          Civil     1918-03-25     Gazette Times  7
CHILDS              Joseph Dubarry                                         Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHILDS              Joseph Dubarry                                         Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CHILDTON            Alfred W            Supply Sgt          Co C 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CHILES              Marcellus H                                            DSC                           WW1       1919-04-18     Mt. Wash News
CHILLITTI           Neal                                    110th Reg      KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-21     Gazette Times  13
CHILLO              Edward                                                 Departing for Camp wAddress   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CHILLO              Edward              Pvt                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHILLO              Edward                                  Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CHILTON             Alfred A            Supply Sgt          Co C 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CHIMELOWSKI         S.J                 Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHIMELOWSKI         S.J                                     Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CHINBOUKAS          G.G                 Pvt                 Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CHINBOUKAS          G.G                                     Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CHINN               Bussell                       Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  11
CHINN               Russell             Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-04     Pitts Press    7
CHIOCCA             Larry                                                  Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CHIODO              V                   Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
CHIODO              Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CHIODO              Vincenzo            Pvt                 Co F 146th Inf In Carlisle Hospital w/Next ofWW1       1919-02-04     Gazette Times  7
CHIPALONE           F                                                      Selective to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CHIPMAN             Harry B                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    6
CHIPMAN             Floyd W                       Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CHIPULONIS          Charles P           Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  13
CHIRDON             Clarence J                    Marines                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CHIRDON             Warren T            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  9
CHIRIGOS            Nickolas J                                             Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CHIRIGOS            Nickolas J                    Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CHISHOLM            Alexander                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CHISHOLM            Thomas                        Canadian ACo D 3rd ReservSlain in Action w/Photo       WW1       1918-07-05     Pitts Press    1
CHISHOLM            McNeil                                                 To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CHISHOLM            Alexander                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CHISHOLM            M.E                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CHISNELL            Albert N                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-19     Gazette Times  3
CHITESTER           Harry C                       Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CHIURA              Antonio             Sgt                 HQ Co 330th InfRifle Training                WW1       1917-10-18     Gaz Times      9
CHLARAMONTE         Anthony                                                To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CHLECUT             Chauncey D                                             To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CHLEOUT             Chauncey D                                             Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CHLODE              Vincenzo                                               Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CHLUDZINSKI         Andrew              Pvt                 Co D 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHMIELESKI          Anustuzy                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CHMIELESKI          Anastruz                      Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CHMIELEWSKI         Stephen             Pvt                                Dinner w/Hometown             WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  1
CHMIELOWSKI         Vincenty                                               Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CHOCONAS            John                Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHOCONSS            John                                    HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CHOLOCHON           Terenty                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CHONTOS             Alexander J                                            Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CHONTOS             Alex J                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CHORHEER            Charles F                     Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CHORNYAK            Michael                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CHORPENNING         Lloyd S                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CHORPENNING         Henry                                   Signal Corps   4 Sons w/Photo                WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  7
CHORPENNING         Homer O                                 17th Mach Gun  4 Sons w/Photo                WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  7
CHORPENNING         Lloyd S                                 Co A 112th Inf 4 Sons w/Photo                WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  7
CHORPENNING         Walter E                                               4 Sons w/Photo                WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  7
CHORY               Alaex                                                  AWOL                          WW1       1919-04-08     Gaz Times      3
CHOTINER            Joe                                                    Enlisted in Service           WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    50
CHOTINER            Jay                 Pvt                                Honored Guest                 WW1       1917-12-26     Pitts Pres     9
CHOTNICKY           Edward Andrew       Lt        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CHOTTINER           Herman                                                 Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CHOTTINER                               Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-29     Pitts Press    20
CHOTTINER           Herman                                                 Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CHOTTINER           Herman H                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  7
CHOTTINGER          Herman              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-27     Pitts Press    6
CHOW                Allen               Cpl                 Co B 68th Inf  Arrived at Parkview Hosp      WW1       1919-01-07     Pitts Press    2
CHOWN               A. Blake                                               Co A Members                  WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
CHOWTA              Nick                          Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CHRASKA             Leo L                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CHRASKA             Leo J                         Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHRASKA             Leo J                         Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHRASKA             Joseph              Sgt                 Co C 315th MachMIA                           WW1       1918-12-01     Gazette Times  15
CHRASKA             Joseph              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  2
CHRASKA             Joseph              Sgt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHRASKA             Joseph              Sgt                 Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CHRASKIN            Joseph              Sgt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-30     Pitts Press    7
CHRIER              Bill                                                   Leaving for Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CHRIMES             S                             Can Army                 Casualty List                 WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CHRIMES             S.                            Can Army                 Wounded                       WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  10
CHRISE              Jasper                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  7
CHRISMAN            Harry E             Cpl                                Greensburg Soldiers w/Photo   WW1       1919-05-26     Pitts Press    6
CHRISSIS            Peter                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-13     Pitts Press    18
CHRIST              George                                                 Draftees off to Camp w/AddressWW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    14
CHRIST              John Jr.                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHRIST              James I                       Marine                   KIA                           WW1       1918-06-20     Gazette Times  7
CHRIST              John                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CHRIST              John Jr.                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CHRIST              William                                                Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CHRIST              Louis                         Army                     Motor Corps Enlistment w/HometWW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  8
CHRIST              Fred P                                                 Pittsburghers Discharged      WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  14
CHRIST              Albert Jr.                                             Recovering w/Next of Kin      WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  12
CHRISTENSEN         Christ                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CHRISTENSEN         Carl                                                   Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CHRISTENSEN         John E              Sgt                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTENSON         Maginnis                                               Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CHRISTENSON         C                                                      Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTENSON         John E              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTENSON         C.J                                     Co B 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CHRISTENSON         C.J                                     Co B 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CHRISTIAN           James                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CHRISTIAN           Julius N                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CHRISTIAN           Samuel                                                 Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CHRISTIAN           Frederick F                                            Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CHRISTIAN           John                                                   To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTIAN           Henry L                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  14
CHRISTIAN           John J                                  Batt F 313th ArAboard the Zeppelin w/Address WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CHRISTIAN           John J                                  Batt F 313th FAAboard Zeppelin w/Address     WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      8
CHRISTIAN           John                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CHRISTIANCY         c.C                           Army      408th Motor SupLeave for France w/Hometown   WW1       1917-11-25     Gaz Times      65
CHRISTIANSON        Carl                          Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CHRISTIANSON        Carl                          Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CHRISTIANSON        Arnold              Pvt                 15th Eng       Vets Home w/Hometown          WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CHRISTIANSON        Arnold              Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CHRISTIE            Harry J                       Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CHRISTIE            H.P                           Army      323rd FA       Denied Furlough w/Home County WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  9
CHRISTIE            H.P                           Army      323rd FA       Denied Furlough w/Home County WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  9
CHRISTIE            William H           Pvt                                Draftsman                     WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    4
CHRISTINE           Roberto                                                To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTINSON         Ivan                          Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTINSON         Ivan                          Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTJOHN          Preston A                     Tank Corps               Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  3
CHRISTLEIB          Ludwig M            Eng       Navy                     Aboard the Imperator          WW1       1919-05-23     Gaz Times      3
CHRISTMAN           Clarence W          Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
CHRISTMAN           Angelo              Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-10     Pitts Press    17
CHRISTMAN           Robert L                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
CHRISTMAN           Robert L                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
CHRISTMAN           Clarence W                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
CHRISTMAS           Ivan Latimore                                          Train for Officer w/Address   WW1       1918-10-29     Pitts Press    4
CHRISTNER           Leon                                                   Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CHRISTNER           Charles H                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-02     Pitts Press    8
CHRISTNER           L                   Pvt                 Co B 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHRISTNER           L                                       Co B 305th BattAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CHRISTNER           L                                       Co B 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CHRISTOFF           Walter J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTOFF           Walter J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTOFF           Michael J           Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-30     Pitts Press    9
CHRISTOFFERSON      H.J                                     323rd FA       Headed Overseas               WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    30
CHRISTOPH           Frank J             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-24     Pitts Press    4
CHRISTOPH           Frank Joseph                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CHRISTOPHER         John A              Pvt       Army      313th Reg      Landed Safe w/Photo           WW1       1918-06-30     Pitts Press    51
CHRISTOPHER         Frank                         Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-30     Pitts Press    22
CHRISTOPHER         Adolph                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CHRISTOPHER         John Adolph                                            To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTOPHER         Daniel B                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
CHRISTOPHER         Frederick                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTOPHER         Frank                         Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTOPHER         Daniel B                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
CHRISTOPHER         Frederick                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTOPHER         A.J                           Army                     To Camp Hancock               WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
CHRISTOPHER         Preston A                     Tank Corps               New Enlisteed w/Hometown      WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  11
CHRISTOPHER         Wilbur T                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CHRISTOPHER         John A              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  13
CHRISTOPHER         Charles A                     Navy                     Medal & Promotion             WW1       1919-03-09     Gazette Times  11
CHRISTOPHER         Charles A                                              In Training                   WW1       1917-12-06     Pitts Press    14
CHRISTY             Harry J                                                Bride Died                    WW1       1918-10-18     Pitts Press    17
CHRISTY             John                                                   Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTY             John                                                   Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTY             Harry                                                  Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTY             James R                                                Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CHRISTY             Edward                        Tank Corps               New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
CHRISTY             Ambrose             Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHRISTY             Ambrose                                 Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CHRONICLE           F. J.                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CHRONIS             Peter               Pvt                 Co E 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CHRONIS             Peter                                   Co E 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CHRONISTER          John W                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-15     Pitts Press    13
CHRONISTER          John W                                                 For Training at Pitt w/AddressWW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CHUBBOY             Louis M             Sgt                 Co D 110th Reg MIA                           WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    14
CHUBBOY             Louis M                                                POW w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-06     Gazette Times  14
CHUBBOY             Louis M             Sgt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CHUBBOY             Louis M             Sgt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  10
CHUBRICK            John                          Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CHUCA               Jacob                                                  MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-27     Gazette Times  13
CHUCHA              Jacob               Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    4
CHUCK               Charles                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  2
CHUDIZICKI          Frank                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CHUERSKI            Andrew                                                 Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CHUICH              S                             Army      Co M 320th Reg Photo                         WW1       1917-12-23     Pitts Press    13
CHURCH              J.S.                Asst Qtrmstr                       Photo                         WW1       1918-06-30     Pitts Press    4
CHURCH              David C                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CHURCH              David C                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CHURCH              Arthur M            Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CHURCHFIELD         William G                               USS CanandaiguaInteresting Experience w/PhotoWW1       1919-03-02     Pitts Press    31
CHURCHFIELD         William G                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CHURCHILL           Jerome                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CHURCHILL           Thomas E                                               Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CHURCHILL           Earl R              1st Lt    Army      110th Inf      Promoted at Camp Hancock      WW1       1918-04-09     Gazette Times  4
CHURCHILL           Jerome                        Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CHURCHILL           Winston A                     Army                     New Recruit                   WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      5
CHURCHMAN           Thomas                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CHURCHMAN           Thomas                        Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CHURMA              Michael J                                              To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CHURMA              John                          Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CHURNEY             Frank                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CHYKO               John                Cpl                 Co E 314th Inf DSC Awarded                   WW1       1919-01-24     Gazette Times  9
CIACIANO            Coscia                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CIADSOR             Gordon J                                111th Inf      Discharged                    WW1       1919-05-16     Pitts Press    15
CIAMACCO            Domineck                                Co K 325th Reg 100 Wounds w/Photo            WW1       1918-12-29     Pitts Press    12
CIAMACCO            Domenick                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  11
CIAMBRONE           Tommaso                                                Accepted for Army w/Address   WW1       1917-10-26     Gaz Times      10
CIANCHETTE          Antonio             Pvt       Army                     POW w/Address                 WW1       1918-10-09     Pitts Press    4
CIANCHETTI          Antonio                       Army                     POW w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  18
CIANCI              Joseph                        Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  7
CIANCIO             Alfonso             Pvt                 160th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CIANCIO             Alfonso                                 HQ Det 160th InAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CIANDI              James                         Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CIANETTO            Cosimo                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CIANEY              Paul F                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CIANFROCCO          Tulio                                   Co F 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CIANOK              Peter                                                  Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CIARALLO            Bernardo                                               Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CIARELLO            Bernardo                                               Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CIARELLO            Bernardo                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CIAVALLELA          Guiseppe                                               Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CIAVALLELA          Guiseppe                      Army                     Draftees to Camp              WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CIBUIN              Louis                         Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CICCARELLI          Pietro                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CICCHITTI           Vencenzo                                               Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CICCI               Henry               Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CICCIARELLI         Domenic                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CICCIARELLI         Domenic                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CICCONE             Crescenzo                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CICCOTELLI          Giovanni                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-02-26     Pitts Press    2
CICCOTELLI          Giovanni                                               To Training Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-02-27     Gazette Times  9
CICELLO             Andy                Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  1
CICHON              Walter                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  7
CICHOSKI            Edmond              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CICIRELLO           Nick Joseph                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CICKICKI            Peter                         Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CICKOCKI            Pete                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CICONE              C.C                                     Co M 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CIECIERA            Aleksander                                             Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CIECIERA            Alexander                     Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CIEMACCO            Domineck                                Co K 325th Inf 100 Bullet Scars              WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  7
CIEPIELINSKY        George C            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CIESIELSKI          Stephen                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
CIESLAK             Louis                         Marines                  New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CIESLICKI           Waclaw                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CIESLICKI           Waclaw                                                 Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CIEUTINI            Biasie                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-04     Pitts Press    3
CIEUTINI            Blasic                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  15
CIFOJELIL           Dominico                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CIFONELLI           Francesco                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CIGHILL             Joseph A                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CIGHILL             Joseph A                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CIGILO              Raffael                       Army                     Draftees to Camp              WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CIGLIO              Raffael                                                Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CIIOER              Frank L                       Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CILENTO             Giscinto            Pfc                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CILIA               Andrew                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CILLER              L.J                 Cook                Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CILLINBERG          Vincent J                     Army                     Enlistees w/Hometown          WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  9
CIMALGIA            Vita                                                   Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CIMINO              A. S. Prof                                             Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CIMINO              A. S. Prof                                             Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CIMINO              Annibale S          Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-10     Pitts Press    4
CIMINO              Annibale S          Pvt                 111th Reg      Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-14     Pitts Press    7
CIMINO              Louis                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CIMINO              Louis                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CIMINO              Annibald                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-11     Gazette Times  16
CIMINO              Annibale S          Pvt                 111th Band     Band Master Wounded w/Photo   WW1       1918-10-14     Gazette Times  49
CIMINO              Annibale S                              111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CIMLOTTI            Stanley P                                              Tank Corps Enlistee w/HometownWW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CIMMINGS            Charles B                     Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CIMMINGS            John                          Army                     Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CIMONICTA           Giavanni                                               Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CINA                John J                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-18     Pitts Press    6
CINCCIARELLI        Ercoli              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CINGUEGRANI         Dominic                                                Departing for Camp-6th Ward   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CINIONICTA          Giavanni                      Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CINKLE              Walter S                                               Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CINN                John J                                                 Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1916-06-09     Pitts Press    3
CINTALA             Michael P                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  13
CIOTTI              Angelo                                                 To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CIOTTI              P                             Army      Batt F 323rd FAPhoto                         WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    36
CIPOLLA             Ralph                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CIPOLLA             Ralph                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CIPRIANO            Frances                       Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CIPRIANO            Francesco                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CIPRIANO            Francesco                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CIPRYAN             Jackas                                                 Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CIPRYAN             Jackas                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CIPRYAN             Jackas                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CIRELLO             Louis                                                  Foreign Bride                 WW1       1919-04-19     Gaz Times      1
CIRLINGOINE         Salvatore                                              Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CIRRANI             Joseph                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  15
CIRRANT             Joseph                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-04     Pitts Press    3
CIRST               G.E                 Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    20
CIRUSO              Guiseppe                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CISLINSKI           Vincent                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CISLINSKI           Vincent                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CISSELL             William A                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CISSELL             William A                     Army                     Discharged                    WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  7
CISZEWS             Thomas                                  330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CITARELLI           Sam                           Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CITARELLI           Sam                                                    Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CITZQUENNOL         Franz                         Army                     Training in Military Service  WW1       1918-07-18     Gazette Times  5
CLAASSEN            Clarence A                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  11
CLADY               Roscoe B                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CLAERON             August E                                               Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CLAFFER             C.F                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    9
CLAIR               Benjamin                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CLAIR               A.M                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
CLAIR               Edgar J             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    11
CLAIR               Irving S                      Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CLAIR               C. C                                                   Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CLAIR               Albert M                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CLAIR               Edgar John                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CLAIR               James J                                                Gassed w/Next of Kin          WW1       1918-11-05     Gazette Times  8
CLAIR               Richard                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  7
CLAIR               Robert P                                               Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      7
CLAITMAN            Abraham                                                Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    42
CLAKR               John L                        Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CLAKR               Howard H                      Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CLAKR               E.P                                     Ambulance Co 10Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CLAKR               Thomas M            Cpl                 Batt B 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CLAKRE              D.M                 Sgt                 320th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CLAKRE              Ralph G             Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CLAMBRONE           Tommaso                                                Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CLANCEY             John J                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CLANCEY             John                                                   Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CLANCEY             John                                                   Leave for Camp                WW1       1918-04-27     Gazette Times  9
CLANCEY             John                Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CLANCEY             William F                                              Departing for Camp-4th Ward   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CLANCEY             McDonald                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CLANCEY             Murdock P           Sgt. Maj                           Letter to Mother (printed) w/PWW1       1919-02-16     Gazette Times  35
CLANCEY             W.F                 Pvt                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLANCEY             Joseph                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-21     Gaz Times      8
CLANCEY             W.F                                     Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CLANCY              Val W                                                  Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CLANCY              William S                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-15     Pitts Press    14
CLANCY              John                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-02-26     Pitts Press    2
CLANCY              John                                                   To Training Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-02-27     Gazette Times  9
CLANCY              John                          Can Army                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-23     Gazette Times  9
CLANCY              Paul R                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CLANCY              R.G                 App Seaman                         Naval Engineer School         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  5
CLANCY              William J           Sgt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-19     Gazette Times  4
CLANCY              Paul R              Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-23     Pitts Press    11
CLANCY              Harry M             Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-03-30     Pitts Press    9
CLANCY              John                                    Batt C 315th FAAboard the Zeppelin w/Address WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CLANCY              John                                    Batt C 315th FAAboard Zeppelin w/Address     WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      8
CLANDIO             James D                       Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CLANDIO             James D                       Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CLANEY              Paul F                        Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CLANEY              William S                                              Training at Carnegie Tech w/AdWW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CLANTON             Ernest              Cpl                 Co B 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CLANTON             Ernest              Cpl                 Co B 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CLAPPER             Carl R                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CLAPPER             Charles R                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  11
CLARAMELLO          Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CLARE               William J                               46th PA Vols   Honored w/Photo               Civil     1919-01-20     Gazette Times  12
CLARE               Steve K                                 111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CLARIDGE            Nesbit                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-02     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               John J                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CLARK               Carter                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CLARK               Murley                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CLARK               Herbert             Pvt       Army                     Died of Wounds w/Address      WW1       1918-08-06     Pitts Press
CLARK               Howard H                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CLARK               William G                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CLARK               J. M.               Capt      Union     134th Pa Inf   Reunion                       Civil     1918-08-13     Pitts Press    23
CLARK               Percy R                                                Military Police w/Photo       WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Andrew              Cpl                                Letter (printed)              WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    4
CLARK               A.                            Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    4
CLARK               Leo                                                    Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CLARK               James R                                                Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CLARK               Harold                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CLARK               Carl                Lt        Army                     Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1916-06-07     Pitts Press    15
CLARK               Ivan Dyck           Lt        Army                     Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1916-06-07     Pitts Press    15
CLARK               August                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    14
CLARK               Robert J                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-09     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Raymond Ralph                                          Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Robert C                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Harry R                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CLARK               Forrest C           Pvt                                Photo                         WW1       1918-09-29     Pitts Press    36
CLARK               William                                                Died of Wounds                WW1       1918-05-23     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               James H                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CLARK               Frank J                                                Depart for Kelly Aviation GrouWW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    8
CLARK               Valford S                                              Tuscania Casualty w/Address   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Frank E                                                Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Michael J                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Patrick M                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CLARK               Stewart L                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CLARK               Berg C                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Robert L                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CLARK               Harry O             Capt                               Command of Steamer            WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    17
CLARK               J. Bentley          Capt                               Letter from Son               WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    17
CLARK               william             2nd Lt                             Eligibles w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    13
CLARK               James                         Br. & Can Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Ora E                         Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CLARK               Percy R             Pvt                 28th Div       Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CLARK               Arthur              Sgt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-10-18     Pitts Press    1
CLARK               George                                                 Negro Selectives to Camp w/HomWW1       1918-10-19     Pitts Press    9
CLARK               S.L                 Pft                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-10     Pitts Press    17
CLARK               Ralph               Pvt                 Co E 320th Reg Wounded                       WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    1
CLARK               W.S                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CLARK               R.E                 Lt        Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    26
CLARK               Robert C            Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    11
CLARK               Patrick M                                              To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Clinton                                                Arrested as Deserter          WW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               C.L.                                                   Commissioned                  WW1       1918-04-17     Gazette Times  2
CLARK               William             2nd Lt    Army                     Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-04-24     Gazette Times  20
CLARK               Edward P            1st Lt                             Received Commissions          WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Nelson H                                               Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Edard P                                                Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               V.D                 Sgt Maj             319th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               James A                                                Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-01-14     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Charles                       Navy                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-16     Gazette Times  6
CLARK               F.L                           Army      323rd FA       Denied Furlough w/Home County WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               James H                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               James R                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               Joseph                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CLARK               Leo                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLARK               Ralph                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLARK               Robert J                                               Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               William G                                              Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               August                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
CLARK               Clarence                      Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Raymond Ralph                 Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Raymond W                     Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Robert C                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Robert J                      Army                     New Enlistments w/Hometown    WW1       1918-07-09     Gazette Times  3
CLARK               Robert R                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-14     Gazette Times  12
CLARK               Carter                        Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Geo. R                                                 Photo                         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               John J                        Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Joseph J            Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  1
CLARK               Leo                           Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
CLARK               Leo B               Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Murley                                                 Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CLARK               William C           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CLARK               William G                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               F.L                           Army      323rd FA       Denied Furlough w/Home County WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               James H                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               James R                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               Joseph                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CLARK               Leo                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLARK               Ralph                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLARK               Robert J                                               Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               William G                                              Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               C.L                 Lt                                 Marriage                      WW1       1918-09-14     Gazette Times  14
CLARK               Frederick H         Capt                               Promoted w/Bio                WW1       1918-09-22     Gazette Times  15
CLARK               James F                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Nathan                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-06     Gazette Times  20
CLARK               Nathaniel                                              Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-09-10     Gazette Times  7
CLARK               Nellis                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-09     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Oliver              Pvt                 Batt B 107th FAOn Firing Line w/Photo        WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  16
CLARK               Raymond                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CLARK               Rufus H                       Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Thomas                                  Batt B 107th FAIn France                     WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  16
CLARK               Thomas M            Pvt                 Batt B 107th FAIn France w/Photo             WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  16
CLARK               Arthur              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               E.E                 1st Lt                             Officers Names                WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               George                        Army                     To Camp Greene w/Hometown     WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  10
CLARK               George A.V                    Army                     Motor Corps Enlistment w/HometWW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  8
CLARK               Glenn R                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-14     Gazette Times  51
CLARK               J.F                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               John P                                                 Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               W.J                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CLARK               Wayne               Sgt                                Overseas 10 Months w/Photo    WW1       1918-10-17     Gazette Times  7
CLARK               George F                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Gordon J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Howard B                      Marines                  Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  14
CLARK               James                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Joseph E                                Co E 71st Pa VoDeath Notice w/Photo          WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  31
CLARK               Nathaniel                     Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  27
CLARK               Ralph                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
CLARK               Robert C                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Robert E            Sgt       Marines                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CLARK               Robert J            Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CLARK               Robert J            Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Walter Scott        Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CLARK               Warren W            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Wesley J                                               Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CLARK               Wesley J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Henry Clay                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CLARK               Warren W                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CLARK               Harry E             Sgt                 Co G 110th Inf Wounded in Both Legs w/HometowWW1       1919-01-01     Gazette Times  2
CLARK               Lawrecne T                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  11
CLARK               Lawrence McC        Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-31     Pitts Press    13
CLARK               Lawrence McCurdy                                       Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Lloyd S                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  5
CLARK               Nathaniel                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               Nathaniel           Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-30     Pitts Press    7
CLARK               Abram               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-03     Gazette Times  14
CLARK               Howard Leorel       Ens       Navy                     Temporary Commission w/AddressWW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  2
CLARK               J.N                 Capt                               Killed in August              WW1       1919-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               Robert J            Cpl                 Co K 163rd Inf 25 Relatives in War           WW1       1919-02-09     Pitts Press    20
CLARK               Samuel              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  13
CLARK               William             Pvt                 Co F 52nd Inf  25 Relatives in War           WW1       1919-02-09     Pitts Press    20
CLARK               William J           Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CLARK               Harry C             Lt. Com             USS Lake DanceyLetter Home                   WW1       1919-03-27     Pitts Press    10
CLARK               J.L                 Sgt                 110th Inf      Band Group Photo w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-17     Gazette Times  4
CLARK               Stewart                                 Co M 60th Inf  Wounded Arrive w/Address      WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  7
CLARK               Stewart                                 Co M 60th Inf  Arrived at Hospital w/Address WW1       1919-03-13     Pitts Press    10
CLARK               B.C                 Sgt                 Co E Motor SuppArrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CLARK               H.D                 Horseshoer          319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CLARK               Harry B             Capt                Hosp Base 27   Warm Welcome                  WW1       1919-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CLARK               J.A                 Pvt                 37th Div       Home w/Group Photo & Hometown WW1       1919-04-05     Pitts Press    1, 2
CLARK               J.A                 Pvt                 37th Div       Welcome Home w/Hometown       WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    3
CLARK               J.O                 Pvt                 Co E 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLARK               James                                                  Arrived at Parkview w/Address WW1       1919-04-10     Pitts Press    7
CLARK               Norman                                  Co B 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CLARK               P.J                 Horseshoer          Reg. Supply 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLARK               Percy M             Pfc                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CLARK               Percy R             Pvt                 MP Co 111th InfArrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CLARK               Robert                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CLARK               William                                 506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
CLARK               B.C                 Sgt                 Co E Motor SuppDebarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CLARK               Boyd D                        Army                     New Recruit                   WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      5
CLARK               Harry G             Capt                               Pitt Drs. Home                WW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      9
CLARK               J.A                                     37th Eng       Returned Home w/Hometown      WW1       1919-04-06     Gaz Times      11
CLARK               J.O                                     Co E 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CLARK               John  L             Sgt Maj             351st FA       Temporary Chairman            WW1       1919-06-11     Gaz Times      2
CLARK               Leo A               Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CLARK               Norman                                  Co B 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CLARK               Oliver V                                Batt B 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CLARK               P.J                                     Supply Co 320thAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CLARK               Percy R             Pvt                 MP Co          Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CLARK               Robert                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CLARK               Thomas                                  107th FA       Firemen Returned              WW1       1919-05-23     Gaz Times      9
CLARK               J.C                                     Batt A 319th SiTransferred                   WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    12
CLARK               Lawrence J                    Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CLARK               Henry T                       Br. & Can Armies         New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-04     Gaz Times      14
CLARK               Paul                                    6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CLARK               Frederick H         Cpl       Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CLARK               L.S                 2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-28     Gaz Times      1
CLARK               Clyde               Sgt                 Co D 330th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      9
CLARK               E.F                           Army      Co G 320th Inf Engineer                      WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      8
CLARK               Harvey E                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CLARKE              John M              Capt                               KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-24     Pitts Press    4
CLARKE              William P           Maj                 Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CLARKE              Robert C                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    1
CLARKE              Herbert Calhoun     Pvt                 1009th Inf     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Pitts Press    2
CLARKE              Robert P            Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-10     Pitts Press    4
CLARKE              Ralph G             Cpl                 Co I 60th Inf  Photo w/Next of Kin           WW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    50
CLARKE              James J             Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1918-12-07     Pitts Press    3
CLARKE              Fred C                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
CLARKE              Joseph J                                               Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CLARKE              William             Sgt                 Depot Brig     To Attend Officers' Training SWW1       1918-01-07     Gazette Times  12
CLARKE              Thomas                        Army                     Enlisted 1918-01-10 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-11     Gazette Times  7
CLARKE              John J                        Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CLARKE              Joseph H                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  5
CLARKE              John J                        Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CLARKE              J.M                 Capt                Co F 18th Reg  Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  7
CLARKE              John M              Capt      Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-24     Gazette Times  13
CLARKE              Albert C            Pvt                 109th Inf      Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-04     Gazette Times  2
CLARKE              Herbert Calhoun                                        Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
CLARKE              William C                                              Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-10-08     Gazette Times  16
CLARKE              Edward H            Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CLARKE              Fred C                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
CLARKE              Harry E             Sgt                 Co G 110th Reg Both Legs Injured w/Photo     WW1       1919-01-05     Pitts Press    40
CLARKE              John                Capt                               Killed                        WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  5
CLARKE              Robert J                      Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CLARKE              Robert J                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CLARKE              Robert P. Jr.                           111th Aero     Won Italian War Decoration    WW1       1919-01-25     Gazette Times  7
CLARKE              "Snowball"                                             Clown Trick                   WW1       1919-02-23     Gazette Times  45
CLARKE              Ralph W             Pvt                 50th Co        At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CLARKE              John                Capt                               Killed in Battle w/Hometown & WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    102, 103
CLARKE              H.D                 Horseshoer          Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CLARKE              H.D                 Horseshoer          Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CLARKE              John G                                  Ambulance Unit W & J Students Back w/HometownWW1       1919-06-07     Gaz Times      7
CLARKE              Dan                                                    Carnegie Steel Men Discharged WW1       1917-10-30     Gaz Times      6
CLARKE              Earnest A                                              Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CLARKIN             James W                       Army                     Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    19
CLARKIN             James W                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  8
CLARKS              John M              Capt                111th Inf      Casualty, Unit, Date, Cause   WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    9
CLARKS              John M              Capt                111th Inf      KIA w/Date & Cause            WW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    9
CLARKSON            James                                   Co E 110th Reg Recovering                    WW1       1918-10-14     Pitts Press    18
CLARKSON            George J. J.        Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    4
CLARKSON            Irwin H             Pfc       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CLARKSON            Robert Warren                                          KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-08     Gazette Times  20
CLARKSON            George J.J                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  14
CLARY               Earl                          Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CLASMAN             Joseph                                                 To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CLASSIC             John H              Pvt                 51st Inf       Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    27
CLASTER             Max                           Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CLATER              Mike                Cook                               At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CLATTY              Russell E                     Army                     Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  9
CLAUGHERTY          Martin J                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CLAUSE              Louis J                                                Recruit w/Hometown & Branch   WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CLAUSE              Louis                         Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CLAUSE              Louis J                       Marines                  New Enlistee  w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CLAUSEN             Charles P           Pvt                 Co B 9th Mach GShell Shocked                 WW1       1919-01-02     Gazette Times  7
CLAUSNER            Andrew              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  11
CLAWSON             Herbert S           Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CLAWSON             Hulet                                                  KIA w/Article                 WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    21
CLAWSON             Earnest A           Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-24     Pitts Press    4
CLAWSON             Gordon L            Sgt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
CLAWSON             Albert H                      Army                     KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  1
CLAWSON             Francis Hulet                 Army      Co C 110th Reg KIA                           WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  7
CLAWSON             Herbert S                                              Casualty List w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CLAWSON             Roy E               Pvt                 Co I 110th Reg MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-23     Gazette Times  7
CLAWSON             Roy E                                                  MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-29     Gazette Times  7
CLAWSON             Ernest A                      Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-24     Gazette Times  13
CLAWSON             Alston D                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CLAWSON             Gordon L            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CLAWSON             Gordon L            Sgt                 Co E 111th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  11
CLAWSON             Roy E                                                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-06     Gazette Times  16
CLAWSON             Roy E                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  21
CLAWSON             Alston D                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  13
CLAWSON             Roy E               Cpl                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-27     Gazette Times  14
CLAWSON             Roy E               Cpl                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    11
CLAWSON             Gordon L            Pvt                 Co E 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CLAWSON             Gordon L            Pvt                 Co E           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CLAY                George R                      Marines                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CLAY                william H                               Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CLAY                William H                               Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CLAY                William J           Pvt                                Convalescent Discharged w/HomeWW1       1919-05-05     Gaz Times      7
CLAYCOMB            Andrew              Cpl                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
CLAYCOMB            John T              Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-14     Gazette Times  11
CLAYCOME            Robert H                                               Casualty List w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CLAYLAND            Kenneth S                     Navy                     Press Employees In Service    WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    10
CLAYPOOL            T. J.               Sgt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-12     Pitts Press    1
CLAYPOOL            Charles M                     Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CLAYPOOL            Denny M                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CLAYPOOL            Raymond                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CLAYPOOL            Anna                Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
CLAYPOOLE           Anna                Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
CLAYPOOLE           Anna                Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
CLAYPOOLE           anna                Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
CLAYPOOLE           Anna                Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
CLAYPOOLE           Anna                Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
CLAYTON             Joseph A                                               Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CLAYTON             Henry               Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-24     Pitts Press    4
CLAYTON             Harol O                                                Selected for Officers' TraininWW1       1918-05-02     Gazette Times  3
CLAYTON             Harol O                                                Selected for Officers' TraininWW1       1918-05-02     Gazette Times  3
CLAYTON             Ernest O                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CLAYTON             Henry               Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CLAYTON             James B                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
CLAYTON             Harry               Cpl                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
CLAYTON             Penn H              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CLAYTON             Harvey              Sgt                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CLAYTON             John I              Sgt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CLAYTON             Arthur B                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CLEARY              J. A.               Pvt                                Wounded                       WW1       1918-06-24     Pitts Press    1
CLEARY              John D                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
CLEARY              Daniel A                                               Draftees Leave Monday         WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    7
CLEARY              Thomas J                                158th Inf      Died                          WW1       1918-10-07     Pitts Press    12
CLEARY              T.J                 Wagoner                            Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1918-10-12     Pitts Press    3
CLEARY              Michael                       Navy                     Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-10-29     Pitts Press    13
CLEARY              Michael                       Navy                     Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-10-30     Pitts Press    13
CLEARY              Christopher         Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    4
CLEARY              Daniel A                                               Leaving for Army w/Address    WW1       1918-02-09     Gazette Times  9
CLEARY              Owen J                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-02     Gazette Times  9
CLEARY              Hugh J                                                 Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CLEARY              Michael                       Navy                     Bridal Paty                   WW1       1918-10-30     Gazette Times  13
CLEARY              N.V                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CLEARY              Thomas J                                               Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CLEARY              Christopher                   Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CLEARY              William                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CLEARY              Michael                       Navy                     Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  38
CLEARY              Thomas J            Cpl                 Co C 12th Eng  At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CLEARY              A                   Pvt                 Co A 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLEARY              C.J                 Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLEARY              D.A                                     Co A 315thMach Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CLEAVENGER          Fred R                        Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CLEAVENGER          Fred R                                  Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
CLEAVENGER          Fred R                                  Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
CLEAVER             John P              Pvt                 Co C 110th     MIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    22
CLEAVER             Palmer              Pvt       Army      Co C 110th Inf MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
CLEAVER             John P                                                 POW w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-18     Gazette Times  16
CLEAVER             John P                                                 In Prison Camp w/Hometown     WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  14
CLEAVER             John  P                                                Released from Prison Camp w/HoWW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  7
CLEAVER             John P                                                 POW Released w/Address        WW1       1919-01-18     Pitts Press    14
CLEAY               C.J                                     Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CLEER               H.F                 Wagoner             Reg. Supply 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLEER               H.F                                     Supply Co 320thAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CLEERO              Joe                                                    Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CLEETON             Scot D              1st Lt              Med Dept       Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      5
CLELAND             W.D. Dr             Lt                                 Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1918-04-22     Pitts Press    6
CLELAND             Chauncey J          Sgt                 Batt E 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CLELAND             John S              2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-28     Gaz Times      1
CLELAND             William D           1st Lt              Med Dept       Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      5
CLEM                George E                                               Injured in Germany            WW1       1919-03-20     Pitts Press    10
CLEM                George E                                               Dispatch Bearer w/Photo       WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    7
CLEMDANILE          Arthur                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  17
CLEMENS             Raymond C                     Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CLEMENS             Raymond C                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLEMENS             H.H                 1st Lt    Reserve Corps            Engineers w/Address           WW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  7
CLEMENS             Raymond C                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLEMENS             Thomas H                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CLEMENS             I.A                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CLEMENS             T.A                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CLEMENS             Thomas B            Ens                                Pallbearers                   WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      9
CLEMENT             John K              Maj                 18th Reg       Honors Paid                   WW1       1918-08-19     Pitts Press    1
CLEMENT             Charles M           Maj Gen                            Quiet Sunday in Camp          WW1       1918-08-27     Pitts Press    7
CLEMENT             J.K                 Maj                                Guardsmen Ordered South       WW1       1918-08-28     Pitts Press    1
CLEMENT             George Edward       Cook                               KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-26     Pitts Press    4
CLEMENT             John                                                   Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CLEMENT             George Edward                                          KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-26     Gazette Times  13
CLEMENT             Charles M           Maj Gen             28th Div       Interested in YMCA            WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    6
CLEMENT             Charles M           Maj Gen   Army      Co E 8th Pa InfSuccessor Not Names           WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    4
CLEMENTE            Vicenzo             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
CLEMENTS            Roscoe                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CLEMENTS            Vincenzo                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CLEMENTS            Thomas                                                 Special Training              WW1       1918-06-17     Pitts Press    4
CLEMENTS            J. K                Maj                                Nitrate Plant                 WW1       1918-10-05     Pitts Press    2
CLEMENTS            Vincenzo                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CLEMENTS            Vincenzo            Pvt                                Aboard the Argentina w/AddressWW1       1919-03-27     Gazette Times  15
CLEMMENS            Edward F.T.                   Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CLEMMENS            Raymond                       Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CLEMMER             Guy M                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CLEMMONS            Harry                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CLEMONS             Jack                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CLENDENING          William J                                              To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CLENDENNEN          Wilbert H                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CLENDENNEN          Wilbert H                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CLENDENNEN          John                Sgt                 111th Inf      28th Will Sail Soon           WW1       1919-04-10     Pitts Press    13
CLEPCIELINSKY       George C            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Pitts Press    4
CLEPPER             John N                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CLEPPER             John N                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CLERE               Joseph M                      Army      Co A 319th Inf Watchmaker                    WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CLERK               Henry                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CLERK               Henry                         Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CLERK               Leo                 Pvt       Army      Co C 110th Inf MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
CLEVELAND           William R           Sgt       Marines                  KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  2
CLEVELAND           Lloyd S             2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CLEVENGER           James L                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CLEVER              Clyde A                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CLEVER              Lawrence C                    Tank Corps               Selected w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    2
CLEVER              Lawrence C                    Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CLEVER              John P              Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CLEVER              Lawrence C                    Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CLIFFORD            William F                                              Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CLIFFORD            Joseph W                      Navy                     Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-11-17     Pitts Press    14
CLIFFORD            John C              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    4
CLIFFORD            William F           Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CLIFFORD            Eugene                        Navy                     Enlisted 1918-01-10 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-11     Gazette Times  7
CLIFFORD            Alan G              Ens                                Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  7
CLIFFORD            George E            Lt                                 Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  7
CLIFFORD            John C                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CLIFFORD            John R                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CLIFFORD            John C                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-23     Gazette Times  5
CLIFFORD            Dean R              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CLIFFORD            Dean R              Sgt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CLIFFORD            Allen                         Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      9
CLIFFORD            James                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      11
CLIFTON             Oscar L             Pvt                                Soldiers Arrive for Training wWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  1
CLIFTON             Clarence            Sgt                 Signal Corps w/In France w/Next of Kin       WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  12
CLIFTON             Joseph H            Pvt                 111th Inf      KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-11     Gazette Times  9
CLIFTON             Harry                                                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  14
CLINE               Fred A                                                 Sent for Training             WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    36
CLINE               Earl L              Pvt                 Army           Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  11
CLINE               Wilmer H                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CLINE               Earl L                                  Co M 112th Inf Arm Gone w/Photo              WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    7
CLINE               A                                                      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  28
CLINE               Ralph S                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-04     Pitts Press    12
CLINE               Ralph S                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  7
CLINE               A.T                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CLINE               Clyde O             Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CLINE               Archie T                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
CLINE               Archie T                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CLINGER             Jacob V             Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CLINTN              Edward R            Sgt                 Co D 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CLINTON             LeRoy                                                  Army Draftees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-25     Pitts Press    1
CLINTON             Dewett              Pvt       Army      Co A 330th Inf AWOL                          WW1       1918-07-09     Gazette Times  5
CLINTON             Thomas R                                               Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-11-02     Gazette Times  8
CLIQUENNOI          Ralph N                       Army                     4th Officers' Training Camp   WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
CLIQUENNOI          Ralph N                       Army                     4th Officers' Training Camp   WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
CLOAK               Glenn T                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-19     Gazette Times  3
CLOAKE              Arnold                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CLOAN               Jame sW                                                Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
CLOHARTY            Peter                                                  Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CLOHERTY            William J                                              Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CLOHERTY            J.J                 Sgt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CLOHERTY            J.J                 Sgt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CLOKE               Francis M                     Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CLOKER              Edward                        Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-03-10     Gazette Times  12
CLOKUS              Charles A                     Army                     Hit by Enemy                  WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  1
CLOOHAN             Gilbert C.          Capt                Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CLOONAN             Gilbert C           Capt                               Escorted Body                 Span Am   1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
CLOONAN             Gilbert             Capt                               Flag Dedicated                Span Am   1918-04-07     Gazette Times  6
CLOONAN             Gilbert C                                              Patriotic Tableau             WW1       1918-04-26     Gazette Times  12
CLOONAN             Gilbert C           Capt                Co A 3rd Batt  Inaugural Parade              WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  25
CLOONAN             Gilbert C                                              Joint Memorial w/Photo        WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      9
CLOONAN             Gilbert C                                              Invited American Legion       WW1       1919-05-18     Gaz Times      12
CLORE               Charles                                                Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CLORLEY             George                                                 Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  12
CLORRA              Guiseppe                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  7
CLOSE               Walter E                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CLOSE               Adam J                                                 To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CLOSE               John                                                   To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CLOSE               Claude C            Sgt                 Depot Brig     To Attend Officers' Training SWW1       1918-01-07     Gazette Times  12
CLOSE               John R                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CLOSE               Walter E                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CLOSE               Robert              Capt                               Aboard the Leviathan w/HometowWW1       1919-02-13     Gazette Times  11
CLOSE               J.P                                     Co K 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CLOSE               Atlam J                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CLOSKEY             Harry M                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CLOSKEY             Harry M                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CLOSKEY             Ralph S             Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CLOSSER             Hallie J            Cpl       Army      Co K 110th     KIA or Wounded w/Photo        WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1, 2
CLOSSER             Hallie J            Cpl                 110th Reg      KIA w/Next of Kin & Address   WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  1
CLOSSER             Hallie J                      Army      Co K 110th Inf KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-08-18     Gazette Times  12
CLOSSER             Hallie J                                               Casualty List w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-21     Gazette Times  7
CLOSZ               Adam J                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CLOTHAKIS           John                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLOTHAKIS           John                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLOUD               rank W                        Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CLOULK              Frank E             Lt                                 Make Arrangements             WW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  13
CLOUNER             Albert              Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CLOUNER             Albert                                  Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CLOUSER             Elmer                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CLOVER              John                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CLUGAY              Stanislaw           Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-27     Pitts Press    2
CLUGSTON            D. J.                         Army                     Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CLUGSTON            John H              Sgt                 Co B 18th Inf  New Lt                                  1912-06-23     Pitts Press    15
CLUSE               John B                        Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    4
CLUSIAN             Joseph                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CLUTE               Frederick A                                            MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CLUTE               Frederick A                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-28     Gazette Times  13
CLUTTER             Albert                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CLUTTER             Harvey G            Cpl                                AWOL                          WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    10
CLUTTER             G.L                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
CLUTTER             Paul S                                                 Died of Accident              WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    26
CLUTTER             George I            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CLUTTER             Harold L                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  14
CLUTTER             Paul S              Gunner    Navy                     Killed by Fall                WW1       1918-11-27     Gazette Times  8
CLUTTER             Raymond M                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  16
CLUTTER             P.S                 Coxswain                           Body Brought Home w/Photo     WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  9
CLUTTER             Paul S              Coxwain             USS St. Paul   Gave Life for Liberty         WW1       1919-01-11     Pitts Press    2
CLUTTER             Bronte G            Cpl       Army                     Promoted                      WW1       1917-11-03     Gaz Times      6
CLUTTER             John                                                   Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CLUTTER             Harvey              Pfc                 330th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-30     Gaz Times      6
CLYDE               Robert                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CLYDE               George M                                               Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CLYDE               L.L.                          Navy                     Died                          WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    1
CLYDE               George M                                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
CLYDE               Robert                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLYDE               Robert                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CLYDE               Roy I                                                  Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CLYDESDALE          William N                                              Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CMAPBELL            Thomas                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CMAPBELL            Harry K                                                Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CMAPBELL            Harry K                                                Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CMAR                Andrew                        Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CMITH               Charles                                 18th Reg       Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-22     Pitts Press    2
CMITH               Clarence L                                             Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CNALLIS             James L                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
COAD                Frank M                                                To Training Camp              WW1       1918-05-24     Pitts Press    3
COAGLETON           L.E                 Cpl       Army                     Prisoner w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    2
COAKLEY             John                                    318th Mach Gun KIA                           WW1       1918-11-19     Pitts Press    1
COAKLEY             John F              Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-23     Pitts Press    3
COAKLEY             Thomas F. Rev                           47th Inf       Chaplains' Letter             WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  3
COAKLEY             Thomas F            Lt. Chaplain                       To Lecture                    WW1       1919-05-16     Pitts Press    13
COALEY              Edward P                      Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
COAST               Lewis Harty                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
COASTELI            Agostino                                               Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COATES              Sylvester B                                            Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COATES              Grant L.                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
COATES              Arthur E                      Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
COATES              Arthur E                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
COATES              Joseph                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
COATES              Sylvester B                                            Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COATES              William A.M                                            Left for Camp w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-05     Gazette Times  5
COATES              Arthur E                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
COATES              Frank                         Army                     Motor Trans Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
COATESWORTH         Paul E                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COATSWORTH          P.E.                                                   Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COATSWORTH          Paul E                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COATSWORTH          Oran                Sgt                 111th Inf      Death Confirmed               WW1       1919-01-13     Pitts Pres     7
COAZIOU             Louis               Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-18     Gazette Times  15
COBAUGH             Harvey A                                               Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
COBB                William A                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COBB                Jock                                                   Negro Draftee w/Hometown      WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    12
COBB                William A                     Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
COBB                Jock                                                   Negroes to Camp Greene w/HometWW1       1918-10-17     Gazette Times  3
COBB                Oakley                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
COBB                E. Warren                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
COBERLY             Homer D                                                Tuscania Casualty w/Address   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
COBERN              Camden              2nd Lt    Army      112th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
COBETTO             Anthony A                     Army                     Motor Trans Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
COBLE               Reed B                                                 Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COBLE               Clyde               Cpl                 Co D 4th Ammo  Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  3
COBLE               Clyde                                   4th Ammo       "Death Curve"                 WW1       1919-01-07     Pitts Press    2
COBLENTZ            Howard                        Navy                     Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
COBNER              John D              Pvt                                KIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-09-19     Gazette Times  4
COBURN              Thomas B                                               Get Officers' Bars w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-31     Pitts Press    16
COBURN              Goerge Hallwell     Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    25
COBURN              Thomas                                                 Funeral                       WW1       1919-01-24     Mt. Wash News
COBURN              Thomas                                                 Memorial                      WW1       1919-01-31     Mt. Wash News
COBURN              Thomas B            Lt                  Co M 109th Inf MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  6
COBURN              John C                                                 Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COBURN              George H                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
COBURN              Thomas Brainard     Lt                  Co M 103rd Inf KIA w/Phot & Bio              WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  13
COBURN              Thomas                                                 Memorial Service              WW1       1919-01-25     Gazette Times  14
COBURN              Alfred E            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  13
COBY                Herbert                                 Co B 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COBY                Herbert                                 Co B 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COCA                Antonio             Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COCCA               Pellegrino                    Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-10     Pitts Press    9
COCCIOLETTI         Vincenzo                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
COCCO               Pellegrino                    Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
COCHARD             Thomas S                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COCHARD             Thomas S                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COCHEN                                  Col                                Group Photo                   WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    1
COCHENER            Floyd Albert        Cpl                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
COCHENER            Floyde Albert       Cpl                                Returned to Duty w/Next of KinWW1       1919-01-09     Gazette Times  14
COCHEU              Frank S             Col                                Safe in France                WW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COCHEU              Frank S             Col                 Co C 319th Inf Attended dance                WW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    9
COCHEU              Frank S             Brig. Gen                          To March                      WW1       1919-06-08     Pitts Press    6
COCHEU              Frank S             Brig Gen.                          Participate in Parade w/Photo WW1       1919-06-07     Gaz Times      1
COCHEU              Frank S             Brig Gen            319th Inf      Head of Outfit                WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      9
COCHEU              Frank S             Col                 319th Inf      Commander                     WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    1
COCHINELLE          Joseph                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             George R            Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    1
COCHRAN             George              Sgt                 Co B 58th      Wounded w/Article             WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    6
COCHRAN             Lavergne                      Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             Ray T                                   Co K 28th Inf  Wounded                       WW1       1918-05-23     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             Garvin J                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-21     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             Thomas McBride                                         Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             James W                       Br. & Can Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             George                        Br. & Can Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             Charles J                                              Leave for Ft. Thomas          WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
COCHRAN             George              Sgt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-10     Pitts Press    17
COCHRAN             A.G                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    6
COCHRAN             Roe C                                                  In Hospital Unit w/Photo      WW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    5
COCHRAN             Walter Elliott      Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
COCHRAN             Daniel B                                               Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
COCHRAN             Garvin J                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-21     Gazette Times  7
COCHRAN             Paul A                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COCHRAN             Ray G               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  2
COCHRAN             Harry King                                             KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-07-10     Gazette Times  7
COCHRAN             George              Sgt       Army      Co B 58th Inf  Wounded w/Next of Kin & photo WW1       1918-08-16     Gazette Times  17
COCHRAN             George R            Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  16
COCHRAN             Lavergne                      Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
COCHRAN             Roy                           Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
COCHRAN             Paul A                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COCHRAN             Ray G               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  2
COCHRAN             Charles J                     Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
COCHRAN             James               Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
COCHRAN             Alva G              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
COCHRAN             Carl C                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
COCHRAN             Neil                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COCHRAN             Walter Elliott      Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COCHRAN             Thomas              Pvt                 Co M 320th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  15
COCHRAN             Carl C                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  2
COCHRAN             Carl C                                                 Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  15
COCHRAN             Carl C              Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Address      WW1       1919-01-11     Pitts Press    7
COCHRAN             Carl Clay           Pvt                                Shrapnel Wounds w/Photo       WW1       1919-01-06     Gazette Times  7
COCHRAN             Harry S                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-07     Gazette Times  13
COCHRAN             John                Sgt                                Athletes in Action            WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  41
COCHRAN             Arnold E                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-18     Pitts Press    6
COCHRAN             H.J                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
COCHRAN             James               Pvt       Can Army                 Ran Away to Enlist            WW1       1919-03-28     Pitts Press    16
COCHRAN             E.S                 Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COCHRAN             F.E                                     Co B 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COCHRAN             Howard J                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
COCHRAN             Roy T               Pvt                 15th Eng       Vets Home w/Hometown          WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COCHRAN             David J             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
COCHRAN             E.S                                     Co C 35th Batt Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COCHRAN             E.S                                     Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COCHRAN             F.E                                     Co B 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COCHRAN             Howard J                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
COCHRAN             W.E                 Cpl                 Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COCHRAN             Owen                                                   New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-03     Pitts Press    18
COCHRAN             f.R                                     323rd FA       Headed Overseas               WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    30
COCHRANE            Ray                 Pvt                                Recovering                    WW1       1918-09-28     Pitts Press    2
COCHRANE            Robert K                                               Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-10-12     Pitts Press    13
COCHRANE            Ray Gordon                              Co K 28th Inf  Wounded in France             WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  3
COCHRANE            Ray Gordon                              Co K 28th Inf  Wounded in France             WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  3
COCHRANE            Robert K            2nd Lt    Coast Art                Officers Graduate             WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  25
COCHRANE            John                                    319th Inf      Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  9
COCHRANE            Carl                Pvt                 Co D 326th Inf Dead Hero Cited               WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    11
COCHRANE            W.E                 Cpl                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COCHRANE            Carl                Pvt                 Co D 326th Inf KIA, Cited                    WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      16
COCHRANE            Roy T               Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COCK                Robert B            Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COCKENILLI          Joe                           Army                     Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  10
COCKHAM             Daniel B                                               Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
COCKREIL            James                         Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CODARCILL           Mik                           Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-03-10     Gazette Times  12
CODDINGTON          Schuyler                                               Departing for Camp-Glassport HWW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CODDINGTON          Schuyler                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-06     Gazette Times  5
CODINO              Peter L                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CODINO              Peter L                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CODY                Albert                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CODY                James                         Army                     Recruit Honor Roll            WW1       1918-02-08     Pitts Press    6
CODY                Martin P                      Army                     Enlisted 1918-01-05 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
CODY                Albert                                                 Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CODY                Joseph E                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CODY                William M                                              Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
COE                 Raymond G                                              Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
COENE               C.E                                                    Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    19
COERL               Anthony M                                              Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COEY                Samuel Jr           Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COEY                Samuel Jr           Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COFFARS             Frank                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
COFFEN              A                   Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    20
COFFEN              Arcadio                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COFFEY              James K                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-02     Pitts Press    8
COFFEY              Joseph E                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  11
COFFEY              George C                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      9
COFFEY              Gerald              Pvt                 Co D 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COFFEY              James A                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
COFFMAN             George                        Army                     Gassed w/Next of Kin          WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
COFFMAN             Floyd               Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
COFFMAN             Elmer S                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-27     Gazette Times  13
COFFMAN             Floyd                                   112th Reg      Wounded                       WW1       1918-11-04     Gazette Times  3
COFFMAN             George H                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
COFFMAN             Harry E                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  17
COFFMAN             Harry E                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-11     Pitts Press    5
COFFOLIS            Peter                                                  KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    20
COFFOLIS            Peter                                                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  14
COFFROTH            Ross W              Mess Sgt            Co C 110th     MIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    22
COFFROTH            A. Ward             Pvt       Army      Co C 110th Inf MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
COFFROTH            Alexander           Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
COFFROTH            Alexander                                              POW w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-17     Gazette Times  9
COFFROTH            Alexander W                                            Released from Prison Camp     WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  7
COFOIELLI           Dominico                                               Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
COGA                John S                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  7
COGAN               Joseph A            Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-30     Pitts Press    7
COGER               Lawrence E                              Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COGER               Lawrence E                              Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COGEY               James J             Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
COGGINS             Frank V                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COGLIERI            Guiseppe                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COHALAN             James J                                                Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
COHAN               Michael F                                              Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
COHEN               Milton                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
COHEN               Aaron                                                  KIA                           WW1       1918-08-13     Pitts Press    4
COHEN               Louis                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COHEN               Newman                        Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COHEN               Louis R                       Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COHEN               Abe                                                    KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-26     Pitts Press    4
COHEN               Harry                                                  Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
COHEN               Samuel A                                               Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
COHEN               Morris                                                 Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
COHEN                Samuel                                                Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    42
COHEN               Louis               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    17
COHEN               Harry                                                  Go to Camp w/Hometown         WW1       1918-02-11     Gazette Times  3
COHEN               Claude                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  8
COHEN               Louis                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COHEN               Louis R                                                Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COHEN               Niewman                                                Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COHEN               Ralph E                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-24     Gazette Times  22
COHEN               Hyman                         Br & Can Armies          New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
COHEN               Aaron               Cpl       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-12     Gazette Times  1
COHEN               Milton                        Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
COHEN               Claude                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  8
COHEN               Harry                                                  To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
COHEN               Max                           Army                     To Camp Meade w/Address       WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
COHEN               Paul                                                   To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
COHEN               N.B                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
COHEN               Louis                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
COHEN               Nathan              Pvt                 Co C 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
COHEN               Nathan              Pvt                 Co C           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
COHEN               Louis                                                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-03     Pitts Press    18
COHEN               Samuel A                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
COHEN               Dave                          Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
COHEN               Nathan                                                 Enlisted in Service           WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    50
COHEN               Joseph B                                               Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
COHERT              Abe                           Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COHERT              Abe                           Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COHILL              Thomas H                                               Co A Members                  WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
COHILL              Andrew A            Pvt                 Co D 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COHN                James N                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-01-03     Gazette Times  6
COHN                Jacob C                                                To Artillery School w/HometownWW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  12
COHN                R.A                 Band Sgt            305th Eng      Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COHN                Frank J             Cpl                 HQ 107th FA    Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
COHN                R.A                 Band Sgt            HQ Det 305th EnDebarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COHN                D.F. Jr                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
COHNER              John D                                                 KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  15
COHNS               James E             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
COHRING             Homer C                                                Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
COILNET             Charles                       Marines                  Recruits w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COINZER             Elmer J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COINZER             Elmer J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COIRNMBELO          Guiseppe                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COKER               Herman                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
COKLEY              James                         Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
COKST               J.H                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
COLABINE            John W              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
COLACINSKI          Anthony                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-06     Pitts Press    2
COLAHAN             Arthur              Maj                                Artillery Officers Photo      WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      14
COLAIANNI           James C                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-20     Pitts Press    5
COLAIANNI           James C                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-20     Gazette Times  9
COLAIZZI            Dominic                                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
COLAIZZO            James                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  7
COLALANNO           A                                       Co K 300th Inf Aid Loan Drive                WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      2
COLANGELO           Patrick             Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
COLANITI                                          Army      Mach Gun Co 320To Camp Lee w/Photo           WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     19
COLANTANI           Agostino                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
COLANTONI           Evariste                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
COLANTONI           Agestino                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
COLASKI             Julius                                                 Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
COLBERT             Charles F                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COLBERT             G.W                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
COLBERT             George W                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
COLBERT             George W                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
COLBORN             A.J                 Lt                                 Physician in Service          WW1       1917-12-28     Pitts Press    18
COLBOURNE           Frank W                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  4
COLBOURNE           Frank W                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  4
COLBURN             Thomas P                      Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
COLBURN             Frank H                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COLBURN             Frank H                       Army      Co G 320th Inf Clerk                         WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      8
COLCORD             A.W. Dr             Lt                                 Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1918-04-22     Pitts Press    6
COLDER              William L                     Army                     Applied for "Gas Hounds" w/HomWW1       1918-10-11     Gazette Times  11
COLDERPEW           J.F                           Can Army                 Casualty List                 WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    19
COLDY               George C                      Army                     New Recruit                   WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      5
COLE                Frank D                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COLE                Samuel                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COLE                Samuel I                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COLE                Aaron W                                                Recruit w/Hometown & Branch   WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
COLE                Harold                                                 Recruit w/Hometown & Branch   WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
COLE                Samuel                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COLE                Erwin Warren                                           Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
COLE                A. C.               Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-08-14     Pitts Press    1
COLE                Robert                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-15     Pitts Press    14
COLE                Edward B                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-03     Pitts Press    13
COLE                William C                                              Distinguished Service w/Photo WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    40
COLE                Charles C                                              Camp Lee AWOL w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-16     Pitts Press    2
COLE                Ralph S                                                Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
COLE                Ralph S                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
COLE                Charles A                                              Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
COLE                William Crawford                                       Died w/Photo                  WW1       1918-10-31     Pitts Press    23
COLE                Harry                                                  Wounded                       WW1       1918-11-29     Pitts Press    22
COLE                Harry C             Sgt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    8
COLE                Thomas                                                 Gold Star for Heroes          Civil     1918-03-25     Gazette Times  7
COLE                Allen                                                  Gold Star for Heroes          WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  7
COLE                Alling                        Army                     4th Officers' Training Camp   WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
COLE                W.W.                                                   Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
COLE                Walter W                      Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COLE                Erwin W                                                Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
COLE                Elmer E                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-02     Gazette Times  9
COLE                Harold                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
COLE                Aaron W                       Marines                  New Enlistee  w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
COLE                Alton C                                                Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  3
COLE                Francis A                     Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  7
COLE                Frank D                       Army                     Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  24
COLE                Harold                        Marines                  New Enlistee  w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
COLE                Samuel                                                 Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COLE                Alling                        Army                     4th Officers' Training Camp   WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
COLE                W.W.                                                   Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
COLE                Walter W                      Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COLE                Robert M            Pvt                 Co B 111th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-17     Gazette Times  9
COLE                Robert M                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-28     Gazette Times  11
COLE                William C           Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-10-31     Gazette Times  5
COLE                Alva L              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
COLE                Carroll E                                              Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
COLE                Elmer E                                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
COLE                William C                                              Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-06     Gazette Times  16
COLE                Albert              Pvt                 Co H 8th Batt  AWOL                          WW1       1919-01-11     Pitts Press    7
COLE                Fred                Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  7
COLE                Dorothy             Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
COLE                Dorothy             Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
COLE                Dorothy L           Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
COLE                Dorothy Leah        Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
COLE                Dorothy Leah        Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
COLE                Dorothy Leah        Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
COLE                George W. Jr.       Cpl                                From Camp Meade               WW1       1919-03-08     Gazette Times  4
COLE                James R             Pvt                                Drilling Contests             WW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  3
COLE                Ralph D             Col                                History of Unit               WW1       1919-03-31     Pitts Press    3
COLE                Raymond S           Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
COLE                Walter F                                351th FA       Decorated for Heroism         WW1       1919-03-08     Gazette Times  4
COLE                William L           Cpl                 351th FA       Family Reunion                WW1       1919-03-08     Gazette Times  4
COLE                David Sewickle                          506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
COLE                J.J                 Sgt                 Co E 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COLE                Joseph B            Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COLE                Roy                 Pvt                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COLE                Thomas P. Dr.       Maj                 Co I 110th Inf Promoted w/Photo              WW1       1919-05-26     Pitts Press    13
COLE                J.J                 Sgt                 Co E 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COLE                Joseph B                                15th Eng       Philosopher                   WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      7
COLE                Joseph P            Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COLE                Roy                                     Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COLEBAUGH           Jacob E                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
COLEBAUGH           Jacob B                                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
COLECCHIA           Albert                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
COLECCHIA           Albert                                                 Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
COLECCHIA           Albert                                                 To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COLEFFLE            John E                                                 Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
COLEFFLE            Colonbo                                                Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
COLELLA             Frank                                                  Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
COLELLA             Vincenzo            Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-02-18     Gazette Times  15
COLELLA             Vincenzo            Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    11
COLELLI             Peter                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
COLELOL             Peter                         Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
COLEMAN             Herbert                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             William                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             L. L.               Pvt       Army                     Casualty List Army/w Hometown WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             Walter William                                         Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             Ralph W.                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             O.                                                     Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             Herbert E                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             Richard                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COLEMAN             HerbertJ                                               Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
COLEMAN             Francis L                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
COLEMAN             Andrew                                  111th Inf      Victim of Huns w/Photo        WW1       1918-09-27     Pitts Press    14
COLEMAN             Thomas H                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COLEMAN             David                                                  Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
COLEMAN             Andrew              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-10-01     Pitts Press    18
COLEMAN             William Briscoe                                        Man Disguises to go to War witWW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    9
COLEMAN             Theodore                                               Man Disguises to go to War witWW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    9
COLEMAN             Charles                                 Co E 38th Inf  Man Disguises to go to War witWW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    9
COLEMAN             J.T                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-11-16     Pitts Press    2
COLEMAN             W.C                 Pvt                                KIA                           WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    26
COLEMAN             William                                                To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COLEMAN             Daniel P            1st Sgt   Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
COLEMAN             James               Maj                 155th Depot    To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
COLEMAN             Charles O'Neill                                        Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
COLEMAN             Thomas H                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COLEMAN             James J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COLEMAN             Samuel L                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
COLEMAN             Arnold                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-28     Gazette Times  2
COLEMAN             Herbert                       Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
COLEMAN             Herbert E                                              Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COLEMAN             James                         Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
COLEMAN             Ralph                                                  Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COLEMAN             Richard                                                Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COLEMAN             William                       Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
COLEMAN             Charles O'Neill                                        Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
COLEMAN             Thomas H                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COLEMAN             Alfred                        Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
COLEMAN             Andrew              Pvt                 111th Inf      Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-28     Gazette Times  9
COLEMAN             John J              2nd Lt                             Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  17
COLEMAN             J.M                 1st Lt    Army                     Officer Appointments w/HometowWW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  2
COLEMAN             James                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
COLEMAN             John M                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
COLEMAN             Samuel M                                               Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  13
COLEMAN             W. C. Rev.          Pvt                                KIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  2
COLEMAN             Joseph T            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-17     Gazette Times  14
COLEMAN             Samuel                                                 Dead in France                WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  12
COLEMAN             C.M                 Sapper    Can Army                 Tells of Battle               WW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  9
COLEMAN             Herbert                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  15
COLEMAN             Richard                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  15
COLEMAN             George A            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
COLEMAN             W.C                                                    Sang w/Hometown               WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  26
COLEMAN             Aaron               Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-03-27     Pitts Press    13
COLEMAN             Fred D              Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-03-16     Gazette Times  15
COLEMAN             James M                                                Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-22     Gazette Times  4
COLEMAN             James M                                                Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-21     Pitts Press    14
COLEMAN             R.H                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
COLEMAN             Alvin                                   80th Div       Aboard the Zeppelin w/Address WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
COLEMAN             Caesar M                                Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COLEMAN             James                                   Co B 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COLEMAN             Laney R                                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COLEMAN             Tinsley                                 506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
COLEMAN             Alvin                                   HQ Troop 80th DAboard Zeppelin w/Address     WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      8
COLEMAN             Caesar M                                Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COLEMAN             Carl F              Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COLEMAN             James                                   Co B 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COLEMAN             Lancy R                                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COLEMAN             Ralph H                                                Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
COLEMAN                                           Army      Mach Gun Co 320To Camp Lee w/Photo           WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     19
COLEMAN             Frank M                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
COLEMAN             Ralph B                       Army      408th Motor SupLeave for France w/Hometown   WW1       1917-11-25     Gaz Times      65
COLEMAN             James                         Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      3
COLEORAN            Michael L                                              Go to Camp w/Hometown         WW1       1918-02-11     Gazette Times  3
COLES               William                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COLES               Calvin Bennett                                         Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
COLES               Arthur G                                               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-28     Pitts Press    2
COLES               David S                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COLES               David S             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
COLES               John H                        Army      308th Eng      Received Commission           WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
COLES               David S                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
COLES               Edward J                                               Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
COLESON             Gus A                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
COLESTOCK           Frank                                   110th Inf      Cited for Bravery             WW1       1919-05-27     Pitts Press    6
COLETTI             Francesco                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  7
COLEY               Fernandi                                Co A 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COLEY               Fernandi                                Co A 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COLFORD             George A                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COLFORD             George A                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COLFORT             Goerge A                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COLGAN              John M                                                 Cited for Valor w/Photo       WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      18
COLGROVE            Elbert M            2nd Lt    Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
COLHOUER            Thomas H                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
COLHOUER            Raymond             Cpl                                Died of Disease               WW1       1918-11-21     Pitts Press    9
COLHOUER            Thomas H                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
COLHOUER            Ray                                                    Letter (printed)              WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  15
COLHOUER                                Pvt                                Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  14 & 15
COLHOUER            Raymond             Sgt                 319th Reg      Died of Pneumonia w/Bio       WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  10
COLHOUER            Raymond             Cpl                                Died of Pneumonia w/Photo & BiWW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  15
COLHOUER            Samuel R            Cpl                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  14
COLHOUER            S. Raymond                    Army      Co A 319th Inf Reporter                      WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
COLHOUN             Reid H                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COLHOUN             Reid H                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COLHUER             Samuel R            Sgt                                Died of Disease w/Address     WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    20
COLIENTO            Antonio                       Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
COLILESH            Walter C                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COLINAN             W.C                 Musician            320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COLINAN             W.C                 Musician            HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COLINEE             Itaffalis                                              Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COLINGILO           A.                                      56th Eng       Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  11
COLINSE             Itaffalle                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
COLKER              william                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
COLKER              Philip                                                 Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
COLKER              Maurice                                                List for Farms w/Address      WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  10
COLKER              Maurice C                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
COLL                John J                                                 Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
COLL                Joseph M                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
COLL                Charles J                                              Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
COLL                Charles                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COLL                James                                   30th Inf       Received at Hospital w/AddressWW1       1919-02-28     Gazette Times  2
COLL                R.H                 Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COLLADAY            John T                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COLLADAY            John T                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
COLLAGE             Adolph S                      Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
COLLANA             Anthony                                                Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
COLLARD             Milford S                                              Departing for Camp-4th Ward   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
COLLARETTI          Adorato                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  15
COLLAS              Andy L                                                 Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-13     Gazette Times  16
COLLEGE             Adolph S                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    14
COLLELLA            Pasquale                      Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
COLLELLA            Pasquale                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
COLLELLA            Pasquale                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
COLLETTE            Harry Francis       Cpl                 Co I 320th Inf Birthday w/Photo              WW1       1918-02-06     Pitts Press    23
COLLETTE            H.F                 Cpl                                Photo                         WW1       1918-12-03     Pitts Press    5
COLLETTE            Harry F             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-04     Gazette Times  8
COLLETTE            Harry F                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
COLLETTE            Harry F             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Gazette Times  11
COLLETTE            Harry F                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-21     Pitts Press    4
COLLETTE            H.F                 Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COLLETTS            S.J                           Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
COLLEY              Russell                                 506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
COLLEY              Jacob                                                  Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-06     Gaz Times      2
COLLIER             Richard Leonard                                        MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-21     Gazette Times  3
COLLIER             Richard Leonard                                        KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-06     Gazette Times  16
COLLIER             L.B                 Pvt                 Co L 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COLLIER             L.B                                     Co L 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COLLIER             Lawrence B                              Co I 320th Inf Won British Medal w/Photo     WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      16
COLLIGAN            Walter P                                               Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
COLLIGAN            Walter P                      Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
COLLIGAN            Harry               Pvt                 Batt B 313th FAWar Soon Over w/Photo         WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  32
COLLIGAN            Mike                Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
COLLIGAN            Harry                                   313th FA       Arrive w/Wounded              WW1       1919-4-04      Pitts Press    8
COLLIGAN            William E           Lt                                 Aboard the Canandaigua        WW1       1919-06-02     Pitts Press    5
COLLIGAN            Harry                                                  Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      7
COLLIGAN            William E           Sgt       Army      Co M 320th Reg Photo                         WW1       1917-12-23     Pitts Press    13
COLLIGNAN           William                                 320th Inf      Dashing Fighters w/Hometown   WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  1
COLLINEL            Charles                                                Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COLLINGS            Frank J                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
COLLINGWOOD         Greyson                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COLLINGWOOD         Delwyan Emery                                          Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  4
COLLINS             Will                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
COLLINS             W. H.               Pvt       Army                     Casualty List Army/w Hometown WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
COLLINS             Edward                                                 Inducted w/Address            WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    6
COLLINS             Alfred H                                               Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    1
COLLINS             John W                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
COLLINS             Pual                          Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COLLINS             Plummer                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
COLLINS             Robert S                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
COLLINS             Tracy                                                  Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    1
COLLINS             Walter                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COLLINS             John J                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-27     Pitts Press    3
COLLINS             Martin                                                 Ballplayers in Service w/PhotoWW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    23
COLLINS             George W                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
COLLINS             Frank E                                                Apprentice Seamen to Leave    WW1       1918-03-27     Pitts Press    8
COLLINS             Patrick P                                              Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
COLLINS             Luther A                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
COLLINS             Luther A                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
COLLINS             Patrick                                                Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
COLLINS             William T                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-18     Pitts Press    2
COLLINS             Daniel A                                               Earn Commission w/Hometown    WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    13
COLLINS             Leo                 Capt                               Soldiers form Organization    WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    17
COLLINS             George              Pvt                                Address w/Photo               WW1       1918-10-13     Pitts Press    27
COLLINS             Henry L             Lt. Com                            Best Man                      WW1       1918-10-13     Pitts Press    49
COLLINS             N.J.                Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    7
COLLINS             James E             Pvt                 Co I 110th Inf CO Killed                     WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    13
COLLINS             P.T                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    4
COLLINS             O.B                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
COLLINS             Patrick                                                Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             James H                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-03-10     Gazette Times  12
COLLINS             S.H                                                    Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
COLLINS             Paul G                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-01-03     Gazette Times  6
COLLINS             Patrick P                                              Go to Camp w/Hometown         WW1       1918-02-11     Gazette Times  3
COLLINS             Paul K              Capt                3rd Inf        Named for Pa. Reserve Militia WW1       1918-02-14     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             George R                                               Released from Hospital        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
COLLINS             George R                      Army      323rd FA       Furlough Denied w/Home County WW1       1918-05-20     Gazette Times  12
COLLINS             George W                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLLINS             Thomas A                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLLINS             Charles K           Sgt                                Medical Corps w/Photo         WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
COLLINS             Harry                         Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             Paul                                                   Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COLLINS             Gerald F                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             Robert                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COLLINS             Robert S                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             S.J                           Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
COLLINS             D.W                           Army                     Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  9
COLLINS             Frank J                       Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
COLLINS             Harold                                  Co A 110th Inf Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-21     Gazette Times  13
COLLINS             James E                                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-26     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             Will                          Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
COLLINS             George R                                               Released from Hospital        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
COLLINS             George R                      Army      323rd FA       Furlough Denied w/Home County WW1       1918-05-20     Gazette Times  12
COLLINS             George W                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLLINS             Thomas A                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLLINS             A.                            Navy                     Yeoman School Group Photo     WW1       1918-09-08     Gazette Times  24
COLLINS             Earl J                                                 Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             John                          Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COLLINS             Michael                                                Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COLLINS             Harold J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  7
COLLINS             Henry               Lt. Com   Navy                     Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  73
COLLINS             Laun                          Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
COLLINS             Maruce A                      Tank Corps               New Enlisteed w/Hometown      WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  11
COLLINS             Matthew                       Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
COLLINS             W.R                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
COLLINS             James E                                 Co D 110th Reg 5 Remained of Company         WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  7
COLLINS             James E                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
COLLINS             Oakley B                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COLLINS             Patrick P           Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  11
COLLINS             Patrick P                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
COLLINS             Patrick T                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
COLLINS             Wesley J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
COLLINS             Patrick             Pvt                 Co M 316th Inf Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  3
COLLINS             Patrick             Pvt                 Co M 316th  InfArrived at Parkview Hosp      WW1       1919-01-07     Pitts Press    2
COLLINS             J.A                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-03     Gazette Times  14
COLLINS             J.F                 Cpl                 110th Inf      Band Group Photo w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-17     Gazette Times  4
COLLINS             P.T                 Pvt                 Ord Co 319th InAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
COLLINS             R.S                 Cpl                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
COLLINS             William             Lt                                 Takes Up YMCA Work            WW1       1919-04-17     Pitts Press    17
COLLINS             William T                                              Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-10     Pitts Press    16
COLLINS             C.H                 2nd Lt              Co E 406th TeleRoster w/Hometown             WW1       1919-05-04     Gaz Times      16
COLLINS             Edward W                                HQ 107th FA    Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
COLLINS             Fred G                                  Co B 26th Eng  Home w/Photo                  WW1       1919-04-11     Gaz Times      7
COLLINS             John                                    Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COLLINS             Leo                 Capt                               Form Legion                   WW1       1919-05-01     Gaz Times      11
COLLINS             P.T                                     Ord Corps 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COLLINS             R.S                 Sgt                 HQ Ambulance SeAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
COLLINS             Thomas H            Pvt                 Co D 150th MachAt Parkview Hosp w/Address    WW1       1919-05-03     Gaz Times      3
COLLINS             W.F                                     305th Signal BaHometown w/Photo              WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      13
COLLINS                                           Army      Mach Gun Co 320To Camp Lee w/Photo           WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     19
COLLINS             Charles K                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
COLLINS             James L             Capt      Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      1
COLLMAN             Walter                                  320th Inf      Prize Winning Band w/Hometown WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  1
COLLMAN             Walter C            Musician            320th Inf      Located by Wife               WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  9
COLLOCA             Michell                                 Batt B 323rd FATo Camp Rockford to Join 35th WW1       1917-10-25     Gaz Times      3
COLLOM              William                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COLLONS             Rossanil                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COLLUCCIO           Vincanzo                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-21     Gazette Times  7
COLLUCCIO           Vincenzo            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-11     Gazette Times  13
COLMANET            Angelo                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COLO*               Michael                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    22
COLOGE              John                Pvt                 Co L 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COLOGE              John                                    Co L 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COLOHENSKI          Nick                          Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      3
COLOMBINI           George                                                 Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    1
COLOMBO             Antonio                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COLOMBO             Antonio                       Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COLONGILO           P                   Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
COLONGILO           Pasquale                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COLONNELLO          Roscoe                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-09-23     Pitts Press    7
COLONNELLO          Rocco                         Army                     To Camp Forest w/Address      WW1       1918-09-24     Gazette Times  3
COLONNY             Thomas J                                               Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-05-27     Pitts Press    22
COLONTONO           Attilio V.M                                            Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
COLOSIMO            Gay                                     Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COLOSINO            Bruno                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
COLOSINO            Vincenzo                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
COLOSINO            Tony                          Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
COLOSINO            Tony                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLOSINO            Vincenzo                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLOSINO            Tony                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLOSINO            Vincenzo                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COLQUIST            William                                                Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
COLQUIST            William                                                Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
COLQUIST            William A                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
COLT                R                             Army      Mach Gun Co 320To Camp Lee w/Photo           WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     19
COLTALLARO          Paul                                    Co K 111th Inf Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-01     Gazette Times  2
COLTELLAOR          Paul                                                   Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-28     Gazette Times  2
COLTELLAOR          Paul                                                   Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    6
COLTERYAHN          William Carl                                           Co A Members                  WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    8
COLTERYAHN          Edward T                                               To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COLTERYAHN          Carl A                                                 To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COLTERYAHN          W.H                 Sgt                 HQ Ambulance SeAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
COLTERYHAN          Edward T                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
COLTMAN             Joseph W                      Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
COLTMAN             John B                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
COLTON              S.L                 Pvt                 323rd LA       Transferred                   WW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
COLTS               D.S                                     Co D 305th Eng Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COLTS               D.S                                     Co D 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COLUCCI             Domenico                                               Draftee Sent to Camp w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    22
COLUCCI             Vito                          Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
COLUCCI             Anthony                       Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
COLUCCI             Domenico                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COLUCCIC                                Pvt                 Co A Signal BatCamp Lee Photo                WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    5
COLUCCIO            Vincent             Pvt                                MIA w/Article                 WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    6
COLUCCIO            Dominico                                               Brother MIA                   WW1       1918-08-16     Gazette Times  17
COLUCCIO            Rocco                                                  Brother MIA                   WW1       1918-08-16     Gazette Times  17
COLUCCIO            Vincent             Pvt       Army      Co 1 30th Inf  MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-16     Gazette Times  17
COLUCCIO            Vinceno                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COLUMBUS            Alexander           Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
COLURSO             Emanille                                               To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COLVER              Wilbert E                                              DSC                           WW1       1919-04-25     Mt. Wash News
COLVILLE            Ross                                                   Died in Camp w/Hometown       WW1       1918-09-10     Gazette Times  7
COLVIN              David                         Marines                  Capture Machine Gun Nest      WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    20
COLVIN              E.C                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    38
COLVIN              George J                      Army                     Delayed Departure             WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  9
COLVIN              John H                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COLVIN              D. P                          Marines                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-21     Gazette Times  13
COLVIN              David P             Sgt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-25     Gazette Times  7
COLVIN              David P             Pvt       Marines                  Honored for Bravery w/Photo   WW1       1918-08-25     Gazette Times  13
COLVIN              Enoch C                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-01     Gazette Times  21
COLWELL             Alexander H                                            Arrived in Pitts              WW1       1919-03-28     Gazette Times  5
COLWELL             A.H                 1st Lt                             Univ of Pitt Officers         WW1       1919-05-25     Pitts Press    82
COLWELL             Alexander R         Capt                               Pitt Drs. Home                WW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      9
COLWES              Jack A              Pvt                 9th Batt       Furlough                      WW1       1918-08-18     Pitts Press    11
COLWES              John A                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
COLWES              M                   Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
COLWES              Mathew                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COMAIN              Joseph              Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
COMBS               Samuel G                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    29
COMBS               Joseph                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
COMBS               Allen                                   Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COMBS               John                                    506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
COMBS               allen                                   Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COMBS               Raoy W                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COMEIONE            Lorieno                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
COMELIA             Frank                         Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-24     Gazette Times  22
COMELLO             Salvator                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-14     Gazette Times  4
COMER               Martin              Pvt                 Co E 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COMER               Martin                                  Co E 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COMERITO            Tony                                                   Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COMERSALL           Joseph                                  Field Hosp 317 Home on Rotterdam w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COMERTITO           Tony                          Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COMFORT             Edwin                         Marines                  New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COMFORT             George M                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COMFORT             Scott F                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  26
COMFORT             Thomas                                                 Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-01-15     Gazette Times  9
COMIS               Alfonse                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COMISAROW           Peter                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COMMELLA            Samuel Gus                                             Sent for Training             WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    36
COMMETH             Henry J                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  7
COMMINGS            William H                     Army                     Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  12
COMMINGS            Charles F                     Marines                  Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  14
COMMINS             R.S                 Cpl                 Co A 319th Inf Letter (printed)              WW1       1918-11-17     Gazette Times  21
COMMISKEY           Arthur                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-04     Gaz Times      14
COMMODORE           Joseph                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
COMMON              Thomas                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
COMORADA            Charles                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
COMPANARIS          William                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COMPANO             Joseph                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COMPORT             Thomas              Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-01-15     Pitts Press    6
COMPTON             Nathaniel P                                            Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
COMPTON             Paul W                                  Batt F         AWOL                          WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    21
COMPTON             John W              Sgt                 323rd FA       Promoted                      WW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  14
COMPTON             Irwin N                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COMPTON             Paul V              Pvt                                Machinist                     WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    4
COMPTON             Riley                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-07     Gaz Times      97
COMSTOCK            Albert O            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
COMSTOCK            Albert O            Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  14
COMSTOCK            Albert P            Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-13     Pitts Press    13
CONARD              A.V                 Maj                 110th Inf      Photo                         WW1       1919-05-13     Gaz Times      8
CONATY              Fr.                                                    Chaplain                      WW1       1919-05-09     Mt. Wash News
CONATY              Charles C           Chaplain                           One of Most Popular           WW1       1919-05-08     Gaz Times      16
CONAWAY             Hugh R                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CONAWAY             Hugh R                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CONAWAY             Clyde Kay                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CONAWAY             Ben F                                                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  16
CONAWAY             Wilson T                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CONBOY              Tom                                                    Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CONBOY              Tom                                                    Leave for Camp                WW1       1918-04-27     Gazette Times  9
CONBOY              Tom                 Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CONBOY              Patrick J                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-15     Gazette Times  4
CONBOY              Arthur B            Pvt                                Admitted to Hospitals w/HometoWW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      15
CONCELIER           Salvatore                     Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONCHER             Charles             Pvt                 Co C 146th Inf At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CONCORAN            Frank A                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CONDA               Albert                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-06     Gazette Times  16
CONDE               W. Fred                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CONDE               W. Fred                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CONDEL              J.                  Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Pitts Press    1
CONDEL              John                Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  1
CONDEL              John                                                   Dead, Not Missing w/Hometown  WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  13
CONDIT              W. Gilbert Rev.               Navy                     Maintained Morale w/Photo     WW1       1919-05-05     Gaz Times      3
CONDOLEO            D.                  Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    4
CONDOLEO            Domingo             Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    25
CONDOLEO            dominick                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CONDOLEO            dominick                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-23     Gazette Times  13
CONDON              Jack                                                   Drafted w/Address             WW1       1918-06-22     Pitts Press    1
CONDON              Richard                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CONDON              John H                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    8
CONDON              D.M                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
CONDON              John                                                   On Crew of Ticonderoga        WW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  4
CONDON              John Francis                                           Victim of Ticonderoga         WW1       1918-10-20     Gazette Times  24
CONDON              Daniel M                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CONDRON             Ellsworth E                                            Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CONE                D.H                 Lt                  332nd Inf      Assigned to Companies         WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  13
CONE                D.H                 Lt                  332nd Inf      Assigned to Companies         WW1       1918-05-10     Gazette Times  13
CONELLY             P.                  Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-03     Pitts Press    4
CONELY              William                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CONES               William                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CONFAL              Frank J                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CONFAL              Frank J                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
CONFER              W.E                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
CONFER              Harry E                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  8
CONFER              Harry E                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  8
CONFER              Charles G                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CONFER              Leon Boyd           Sgt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  14
CONFER              William A           Mess Sgt            Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONFER              William A           Mess Sgt            Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CONGER              Edward                        Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CONGER              David A                                                Promoted w/Hometown           WW1       1917-10-07     Gaz Times      10
CONGER              David A             Cpl                 Co M 330th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      9
CONGILEO            Louis                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CONIFORS            James M                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CONIGIO             Domenico                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONIGIO             Domenico                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONIGLO             Domenico                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CONIGO              Guiseppe                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONIGO              Guiseppe                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONITER             George W                      Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CONITH              Arron D                                 Co L 330th Inf Transferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CONK                William Addison     Lt                                 Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-02-27     Pitts Press    6
CONKLE              Wilbert                                                Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CONKLIN             Henry J             Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-29     Pitts Press    20
CONKLIN             Deane L             Lt                                 Marriage w/Photo              WW1       1919-06-10     Gaz Times      3
CONLAP              John                          Army                     To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CONLEY              F. N.               Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-06     Pitts Press
CONLEY              Thomas              Wagoner                            Safe Arrival w/Photo          WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    3
CONLEY              Daniel                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CONLEY              Howard M                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-30     Pitts Press    22
CONLEY              John                                                   Enter Aviation Service w/PhotoWW1       1918-03-31     Pitts Press    42
CONLEY              Frank                         Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-21     Pitts Press    2
CONLEY              Thomas A                                               Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CONLEY              Thomas J                                               Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CONLEY              John J              Sgt                                KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    40
CONLEY              John J              Sgt                 265th Aero     KIA                           WW1       1918-10-22     Pitts Press    11
CONLEY              Thomas Acquiniss    Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
CONLEY              Martin L            Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    25
CONLEY              Thomas A                                               Departed for Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CONLEY              Frank                         Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-21     Gazette Times  7
CONLEY              Francis                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONLEY              Harry                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  3
CONLEY              James R                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONLEY              Joseph                        Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CONLEY              Daniel                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CONLEY              William Edward                                         Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CONLEY              Howard M                      Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  8
CONLEY              Eugene                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  12
CONLEY              Francis                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONLEY              Harry                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  3
CONLEY              James R                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONLEY              Joseph                        Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CONLEY                                  Pvt                                Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1918-09-15     Gazette Times  14 & 15
CONLEY              John A                        Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CONLEY              John J              Sgt                 265th Aero     Killed w/Next of Kin          WW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  9
CONLEY              Martin L                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CONLEY              Stephen                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  13
CONLEY              Thomas Acquinas                                        MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CONLEY              William                                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
CONLEY              Thomas A                                               In POW Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  7
CONLEY              William                                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  10
CONLEY              Thomas A                                               Released from Prison Camp w/HoWW1       1919-01-18     Gazette Times  7
CONLEY              Thomas A                                               POW Released w/Address        WW1       1919-01-18     Pitts Press    14
CONLEY              John  Jr.           Sgt                                Writes Home                   WW1       1919-02-11     Gazette Times  13
CONLEY              William E           Pvt                 Co C 69th Eng  At Parkview Hosp              WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    17
CONLEY              John L              Sgt                 Co A 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CONLEY              M.L                 Pvt                 37th Div       Home w/Group Photo & Hometown WW1       1919-04-05     Pitts Press    1, 2
CONLEY              M.L                 Pvt                 37th Div       Welcome Home w/Hometown       WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    3
CONLEY              P.F                 Sgt                 Co F 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONLEY              T.A                 Pvt                 Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CONLEY              T.J                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CONLEY              John L              Sgt                 Co A           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CONLEY              L.F                 Wagoner             Field Hosp 109 Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CONLEY              M.L                                     37th Eng       Returned Home w/Hometown      WW1       1919-04-06     Gaz Times      11
CONLEY              P.J                 Sgt                 Co F 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CONLEY              T.A                                     Co F 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CONLEY              T.J                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CONLEY              William             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CONLEY              Stephen W                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CONLIN              Thomas F            Cpl                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    18
CONLIN              Henry J                                                To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CONLIN              John W                                                 Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
CONLIN              Thomas Francis      Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CONLIN              Henry J                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CONLIN              Henry Joseph                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  13
CONLIN              Maurice                                                Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-19     Pitts Press    4
CONLIN              J.H                 Cpl                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CONLIN              T.F                 Cpl                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CONLIN              J.H                 Cpl                 Co H 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CONLIN              T.F                 Cpl                 Co H 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CONLIN              Patrick J                                              Carnegie Steel Men Discharged WW1       1917-10-30     Gaz Times      6
CONLOGUE            Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-25     Gazette Times  11
CONLON              Patrick                       Army                     Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CONLON              donald                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CONLON              Patrick                                                Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CONLON              Charles                                                Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  20
CONLON              John                                                   Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  20
CONLON              c.V                                     Ambulance Co 10Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CONLY               Patrick                       Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONLY               Patrick                       Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONN                William E                                              Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CONN                R. E.               Lt                                 Gassed w/Hometown             WW1       1918-09-20     Pitts Press    9
CONN                Charles                       Canadian Artillery       KIA w/Article                 WW1       1918-09-26     Pitts Press    5
CONN                John W                        Canadian Army            Soldier at 16                 WW1       1918-02-06     Pitts Press    4
CONN                Charles                       Can Army  Batt B         Runaway KIA w/Next of Kin     WW1       1918-09-26     Gazette Times  9
CONN                John Irwin                                             Death Notice                  Civil     1919-01-21     Gazette Times  15
CONNAH              William                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  11
CONNAHAN            Charles                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  11
CONNAHAN            Charles A                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-07     Gazette Times  13
CONNAIR             Leo                                                    Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-06     Gaz Times      2
CONNELL             James V                                                Special Training              WW1       1918-06-17     Pitts Press    4
CONNELL             Thomas                                                 Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CONNELL             Harry F                                                To Cape May                   WW1       1918-07-28     Pitts Press    23
CONNELL             W. B.               Sgt                                Awarded War Cross             WW1       1918-05-16     Pitts Press    24
CONNELL             B. J.                                                  Enlist in Navy w/Address      WW1       1918-03-23     Pitts Press    2
CONNELL             Martin E                                               Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CONNELL             Clarence M                                             Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
CONNELL             Thomas L                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONNELL             W. B                Sgt                                Decorated                     WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  1
CONNELL             Thomas                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CONNELL             William P           Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  1
CONNELL             Carl                          Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
CONNELL             John O                        Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CONNELL             Thomas L                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONNELL             W. B                Sgt                                Decorated                     WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  1
CONNELL             William J                                              To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CONNELL             Joseph Patrick      Capt                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CONNELL             John Patrick        Sgt                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-15     Gazette Times  4
CONNELL             John T                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-24     Gazette Times  2
CONNELL             William                                 319th Inf      Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  9
CONNELL             Thomas L            Pvt                                Received at Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  10
CONNELL             Clare F             Wagoner             Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CONNELL             J.P                 Capt                112th Inf      Commander                     WW1       1919-05-01     Gaz Times      9
CONNELL             John Turner                                            Officer Training w/Photo      WW1       1917-10-06     Gaz Times      5
CONNELLEY           Clifford B                                             Soldiers Arrive for Training wWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  1
CONNELLEY           John                          Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONNELLEY           John                          Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONNELLY            Charles J.                                             Service w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CONNELLY            Lee J                         Navy                     Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    19
CONNELLY            Howard                        Navy                     Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    19
CONNELLY            John                                                   Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            John                                                   Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CONNELLY            Howard                                                 Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CONNELLY            William                       Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            Joseph A                                               Depart for Kelly Aviation GrouWW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    8
CONNELLY            John J                                                 Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            Charles                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            Charles                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CONNELLY            Michael                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    1
CONNELLY            Vincent                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CONNELLY            John A                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-18     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            Pater D                                                Leaving for Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            Pater A                                                Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
CONNELLY            Patrick             Cpl                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    8
CONNELLY            Patrick             Cpl                 Co C 111th Inf Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    34
CONNELLY            John Joseph         Pvt                                Obituary                      WW1       1918-10-12     Pitts Press    14
CONNELLY            John J              Pvt                                KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-10-14     Pitts Press    4
CONNELLY            John Joseph         Pvt                 Co F 6th Inf   KIA                           WW1       1918-10-14     Pitts Press    7
CONNELLY            John B              Sgt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-09     Pitts Press    5
CONNELLY            Vincent                                                To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CONNELLY            Thomas M                      Navy                     Seamen Called w/Hometown      WW1       1918-03-15     Gazette Times  6
CONNELLY            Patrick                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONNELLY            Valentine                     Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONNELLY            Bart J                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-02     Gazette Times  9
CONNELLY            Howard                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  8
CONNELLY            Leo J                         Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  8
CONNELLY            William                       Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CONNELLY            Patrick                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONNELLY            Valentine                     Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONNELLY            John J.             Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-14     Gazette Times  51
CONNELLY            John Joseph         Pvt                                Death Notice                  WW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  8
CONNELLY            John Joseph         Pvt                 Co F 6th Inf   Death Notice                  WW1       1918-10-14     Gazette Times  49
CONNELLY            Patrick             Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-04     Gazette Times  13
CONNELLY            Thomas A            Pvt                                POW w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  11
CONNELLY            Charles J           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  16
CONNELLY            Thomas A            Pvt                 319th Inf      POW                           WW1       1918-11-17     Gazette Times  21
CONNELLY            Charles J           Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-28     Gazette Times  13
CONNELLY            Charles J           Pvt                 Co A 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CONNELLY            Eugene A                                Co A 305th Eng Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CONNELLY            J.J                 Cpl                 Co A 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CONNELLY            Martin              Pvt                 Co D 319th Inf Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CONNELLY            T.A                 Pvt                 Co G 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONNELLY            Charles J           Pvt                 Co A           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CONNELLY            Eugene A                                Co A 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CONNELLY            J.J                 Cpl                 Co A 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CONNELLY            Joseph              Sgt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CONNELLY            T.A                                     Co G 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CONNELLY            Charles                                                Rookie Accepted w/Address     WW1       1917-10-21     Gaz Times      14
CONNELLY            David                                                  Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CONNELY             Eugene A                                               Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CONNER              Jesse Roy                                              Medical Dept w/Photo          WW1       1918-06-23     Pitts Press    40
CONNER              Frank C                                                Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CONNER              Ross A                                                 Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CONNER              Robert                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONNER              Roy D                                                  Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CONNER              Burey               Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    7
CONNER              Ethelbert T                   Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CONNER              Robert                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNER              Everett Austin      Sgt                                Engagement                    WW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  16
CONNER              W                             Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CONNER              John W                                                 Left for Camp w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-05     Gazette Times  5
CONNER              Ethelbert T                   Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CONNER              Robert                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNER              Burley                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  7
CONNER              W.C                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
CONNER              Frank C             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CONNER              Samuel C                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CONNER              Grace V             Nurse                              Photo                         WW1       1919-01-05     Pitts Press    40
CONNER              James E                                                Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CONNERS             James               Pvt                                Preparing to leave w/Photo    WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    12
CONNERS             John F              Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Address      WW1       1918-12-02     Pitts Press    7
CONNERS             John                Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-17     Pitts Press    4
CONNERS             John F              Pvt                 Co E 4th Inf   Died of Wounds w/Bio          WW1       1918-12-02     Gazette Times  5
CONNERS             John P                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CONNERS             Thomas                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CONNERS             Thomas              Pvt                                Convalescent w/Hometown       WW1       1919-03-13     Gazette Times  2
CONNERS             R.B                 Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CONNERS             Raymond B           Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CONNERS             W.J                                                    Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CONNINGHAM          Dewin A                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CONNIS              John W                                                 Officers Training School w/HomWW1       1918-09-16     Pitts Press    8
CONNOLLY            Joseph                        Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CONNOLLY            Thomas                                                 Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CONNOLLY            Patrick                       Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CONNOLLY            J.J                 1st Sgt             155th Depot    To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CONNOLLY            Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNOLLY            Thomas                        Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CONNOLLY            Patrick                       Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CONNOLLY            Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNOLLY            Joseph              Pvt                 Co E 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CONNOLLY            M                   Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONNOLLY            coleman F           Cpl                 Batt F 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CONNOLLY            Joseph              Pvt                 Co E           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CONNOLLY            M                                       HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CONNOLLY            Joseph J                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      3
CONNOR              Edgar               Pvt       Army                     Died of Wounds w/Address      WW1       1918-08-06     Pitts Press
CONNOR              Dan                           Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CONNOR              John E                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    1
CONNOR              Frederick                                              Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    1
CONNOR              John E                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CONNOR              Frederick                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CONNOR              James Thomas                                           Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CONNOR              Thomas J                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONNOR              William R                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
CONNOR              William Jr                                             Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CONNOR              M.W                 Cpl       Army                     Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    28
CONNOR              Fulton              Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CONNOR              Dean                          Aviation C651st Aero     Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
CONNOR              Frank M                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONNOR              James F                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-23     Gazette Times  9
CONNOR              Thomas J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNOR              Daniel H                                               Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
CONNOR              Everett Austin      Sgt                                Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-02     Gazette Times  32
CONNOR              James Thomas                  Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CONNOR              William P                     Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CONNOR              Frank M                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CONNOR              James F                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-23     Gazette Times  9
CONNOR              Thomas J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNOR              Fulton                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CONNOR              Charles E. Jr.                          107th FA       Fought Against Prussion GuardsWW1       1919-01-23     Gazette Times  8
CONNOR              Harry                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-24     Gazette Times  2
CONNOR              Harry R                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  13
CONNOR              Harry R                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-20     Pitts Press    4
CONNOR              Roy B               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-25     Pitts Press    10
CONNOR              P.J                 Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONNOR              P.J                                     Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CONNOR              James E                       Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CONNOR              Lester D                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CONNOR              Philip D                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CONNOR              wilson W                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CONNORS             Francis M                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CONNORS             Russell T                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CONNORS             James M                       Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CONNORS             John J                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CONNORS             Thomas F                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONNORS             John                                                   Enlisted for Active Service   WW1       1918-02-03     Pitts Press    2
CONNORS             Harry S                       Navy      USS Pittsburg  Ask for Address               WW1       1918-02-05     Pitts Press    1
CONNORS             John F              Pvt                                Died of Wounds                WW1       1918-12-02     Pitts Press    19
CONNORS             G.B                 Pvt                                Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    19
CONNORS             E.R                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CONNORS             Raymond                                                With Pershing w/Photo         WW1       1918-05-09     Gazette Times  7
CONNORS             Thomas F                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNORS             John L                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CONNORS             Francis M                     Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CONNORS             Russell T                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CONNORS             Raymond                                                With Pershing w/Photo         WW1       1918-05-09     Gazette Times  7
CONNORS             Thomas F                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONNORS             Emmett N                                               Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CONNORS             John Jr.            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  2
CONNORS             George S                      Tank Corps               Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  3
CONNORS             Edward R                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CONNORS             Edard R             Pvt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-13     Pitts Pres     4
CONNORS             Edward R                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-14     Gazette Times  15
CONNORS             Edward R                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  7
CONNORS             Eugene J                      Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  13
CONNORS             Eugene J                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-20     Pitts Press    4
CONNORS             John                Sgt                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONNORS             Esard R             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CONNORS             John                Sgt                 Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CONNOS              Everett Austin      Sgt                                Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-03     Pitts Press    5
CONO                Orlando                                                Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CONO                Orlando                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CONOVER             A. P.               Lt        Army                     Casualty List Army/w Hometown WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
CONOWICK            Ires                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONOWICK            Ires                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONRAD              William                                 18th Reg       Like His Dad w/Photo          WW1       1918-08-23     Pitts Press    16
CONRAD              Jacob                                                  Article                       Civil     1918-08-23     Pitts Press    16
CONRAD              James K. Jr                                            Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CONRAD              George W                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CONRAD              O.A                                                    To Training Camp              WW1       1918-05-24     Pitts Press    3
CONRAD              Edward                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CONRAD              Richard E                                              Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CONRAD              Frank J                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CONRAD              John                                                   Enlisted for Active Service   WW1       1918-02-03     Pitts Press    2
CONRAD              H.M.                          Army      Co C           War Heroes                    WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    1
CONRAD              Horace P            2nd Lt              111th Inf      Casualty, Unit, Date, Cause   WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    9
CONRAD              Clyde T                                                To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CONRAD              Benjamin                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-01-03     Gazette Times  6
CONRAD              Frank J                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONRAD              Richard L                     Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONRAD              James K. Jr                                            Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CONRAD              Frank J                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONRAD              Richard L                     Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONRAD              G.W                 1st Lt                             Officers Appointed w/Address  WW1       1918-09-14     Gazette Times  7
CONRAD              George                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CONRAD              E. K                1st Lt    Army                     Officers Appointed            WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  2
CONRAD              W.L                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CONRAD              Harry J                                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  14
CONRAD              Horace P            2nd Lt              111th Inf      Wounded w/Date & Cause        WW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    9
CONRAD              James J             Pvt                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CONRAD              William                                 Ambulance Co 10Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CONRAD              Goerge P                      Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CONRAD              John G                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CONRAD              Clyde F                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CONRADER            Raymond                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  11
CONRAY              DeWitt N                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll            WW1       1918-05-25     Pitts Press    8
CONRAY              Harry               Pvt                                On Duty w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CONROD              Albert Edward                 Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONROD              Edward J                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONROD              Albert Edward                 Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONROD              Edward J                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONROY              Grove P                                                Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CONROY              Martin                                                 Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CONROY              Patrick J                     Army                     Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CONROY              Michael J                                              Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CONROY              James                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CONROY              James               Pvt                 Co C 111th Inf Wounded                       WW1       1918-09-25     Pitts Press    2
CONROY              James               Pvt                 Co C 111th Inf Wounded                       WW1       1918-09-26     Pitts Press    6
CONROY              Coleman T           Cpl                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-09-30     Pitts Press    76
CONROY              William P                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-19     Pitts Press    43
CONROY              M.J.                Cpl                 Co C 319th Inf In Charge                     WW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    9
CONROY              Frank P                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
CONROY              william H                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CONROY              P.J.                                                   Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CONROY              Patrick J                                              Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CONROY              Andrew J                                               Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
CONROY              Coleman T           Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    4
CONROY              William H           Pvt                                Parents w/Photo               WW1       1918-10-06     Pitts Press    23
CONROY              Thomas              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
CONROY              M.J                 Lt                                 Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
CONROY              Andrew J            Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CONROY              Andrew J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONROY              William P                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CONROY              Joseph P                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  8
CONROY              Martin                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CONROY              Michar J                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CONROY              Andrew J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONROY              William P                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CONROY              James               Pvt                 Co C 111th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-26     Gazette Times  4
CONROY              Coleman T                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
CONROY              James                         Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CONROY              James C                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-02     Gazette Times  14
CONROY              Mathew J            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CONROY              Thomas                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CONROY              James               Pvt                 111th Inf      Wounded                       WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CONROY              Patrick J.          Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  13
CONROY              James R             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-01     Gazette Times  11
CONROY              John P              Pvt                                Aboard the Argentina w/AddressWW1       1919-03-27     Gazette Times  15
CONROY              Mathew J                                               Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-22     Gazette Times  4
CONROY              Mathew J                                               Discharged                    WW1       1919-03-21     Pitts Press    14
CONROY              Michael J           Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-03-25     Gazette Times  17
CONROY              Michae J            Pvt                 125th Mach Gun Death Confirmed               WW1       1919-04-22     Pitts Press    8
CONROY              Michael             Pvt                 Co I 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CONROY              Charles F           Cpl                 Batt F 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CONROY              Edward J            Sgt                 Batt F 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CONROY              John                                    Co C 103rd FA  Group Photo                   WW1       1919-05-03     Gaz Times      7
CONROY              Michael                                 HQ Co 319th InfAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CONROY              Bartley                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    11
CONROY              James               Pvt       Army      Co A 52d Eng AEService w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CONSAL              Vincent             Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONSAL              Vincent                                 Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CONSARAGE           Joseph                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONSIDINE           J.A                 1st Sgt             155th Depot    To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CONSLA              Herman Ralph        Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CONSTANCE           Harold              Pvt                 15th Eng       Somewhere in France w/Photo   WW1       1918-04-21     Pitts Press    61
CONSTANCE           Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CONSTANCE           Joseph              Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CONSTANCE           Giovani                                 6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CONSTANTIDIS        Cleanphis                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CONSTANTIDIS        Cleanphis                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CONSTANTINE         Domenico                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CONSTANTINE         Emil                                    319th Inf      Pitts Band Boy w/Hometown     WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  35
CONSTANTINIDIS      Cleanphis                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONSTANTINIDIS      Cleanphis                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONSTANTINO         Louis A                                                Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CONSTANTINO         Gianda                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CONSTANTINO         Rocco                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONSTANTINO         Rocco                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONSTRANTINO        Glanda                                                 Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CONSUL              Vincent                       Army                     New Recruit                   WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      5
CONSUTINE           Guiseppe            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
CONTE               Joseph                                                 Draftees off to Camp w/AddressWW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    14
CONTE               Joseph              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    11
CONTE               Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CONTE               A.A                                     Co B 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CONTELLO            Thomas J                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CONTENTO            Frank               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CONTESTA            Ernest                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CONTESTABILE        William                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CONTI               Pete                                                   Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CONTI               Peter                         Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CONTI               Vincenzo                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CONTI               Luigi                         Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONTI               Joseph T            Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
CONTI               Luigi                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONTI               Vincenzo                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CONTI               Luigi                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONTI               Joseph T            Pvt                 143rd Inf      Aboard the Von Steuben w/AddreWW1       1919-04-20     Pitts Press    1
CONTI               Thomas A            Pvt                 HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CONTI               Angelo                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-16     Gaz Times      44
CONTINELO           Nicolo                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CONTINI             Guiseppe                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CONTINI             Guiseppe                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONTINI             Guiseppe                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CONTINO             Conte                                                  Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CONTINO             Conte                         Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONTINO             Conte                         Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CONTINOLO           Nicolo                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CONTONIKOLOCOA      Haraiombos D                                           Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CONTOSTA            Ernest                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CONTRO              Charles                       Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CONTRO              Charles                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CONVELL             John                                                   KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  7
CONVERSE            Julian H            Lt                                 Bridal Party                  WW1       1919-03-01     Pitts Press    16
CONVOY              Stephen J                                              Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CONWAY              Joseph V                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CONWAY              John Jr             Pvt                 Co K 56th Inf  Bio w/Photo                   WW1       1918-08-11     Pitts Press    32
CONWAY              Clark C                       Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
CONWAY              Frank J                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CONWAY              Joseph                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    5
CONWAY              Joseph V            Pvt       Army                     Hero of Old 18th w/Photo      WW1       1918-09-25     Pitts Press    1
CONWAY              Joseph V            Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-09-25     Pitts Press    4
CONWAY              Joseph Jr.                                             Draftee w/Hometown            WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CONWAY              Joseph Jr.                                             Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CONWAY              Lester H                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-11     Pitts Press    2
CONWAY              George R                                               Earn Commission w/Hometown    WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    13
CONWAY              Robert              Sgt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
CONWAY              Robert              Cpl                 Co D 12th Mach Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    90
CONWAY              Lester B                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-11     Gazette Times  8
CONWAY              Christopher P                 Marines                  Enlistees w/Hometown          WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  9
CONWAY              DeWitt H                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-25     Gazette Times  9
CONWAY              John J                        Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONWAY              John R                        Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONWAY              C. Earle                                               Brother in Training w/Photo   WW1       1918-07-14     Gazette Times  12
CONWAY              George L                                320th Inf      Brothers in France w/Photo    WW1       1918-07-14     Gazette Times  12
CONWAY              L.H                           Army                     Aviation Training w/Photo     WW1       1918-07-17     Gazette Times  7
CONWAY              Thomas E                                Batt E 1st FA  Aviation Service in France    WW1       1918-07-14     Gazette Times  12
CONWAY              Johseph V                     Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CONWAY              Joseph Y                      Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CONWAY              DeWitt H                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-25     Gazette Times  9
CONWAY              John J                        Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONWAY              John R                        Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-08     Gazette Times  8
CONWAY              August                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  7
CONWAY              James H                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CONWAY              Joseh V                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-25     Gazette Times  11
CONWAY              Francis L                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-02     Gazette Times  14
CONWAY              Arthur J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CONWAY              James M                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
CONWAY              Robert                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CONWAY              Christopher                   Marines                  Mother's Death Notice         WW1       1919-03-20     Pitts Press    10
CONWAY              John                                                   Mother's Death Notice         WW1       1919-03-19     Pitts Press    3
CONWAY              John                          Army                     Mother's Death Notice         WW1       1919-03-20     Pitts Press    10
CONWAY              G.L                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONWAY              James M             Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CONWAY              G.L                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CONWAY              James M                                 Co B 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CONWAY              William J           Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CONWAY              Joseph H. Jr.                                          Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CONWELL             Sylvester                                              Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CONWELL             Joseph                                                 Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CONWELL             Joseph P                                               Officer's Training Grads      WW1       1918-10-17     Gazette Times  3
COOCH               Frank J             Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  2
COOGAN              John P                        Navy                     New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  9
COOGAN                                            Army      Co L 319th Inf Football Game                 WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  5
COOGER              Thomas                        Army                     Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  9
COOK                Ray                                                    Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COOK                Canlin                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COOK                Frederick D                                            Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COOK                David I                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COOK                Patrick J                     Army      Co D 110th     KIA or Wounded w/Photo        WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1, 2
COOK                Alton A             Cpl                 111th          Wounded                       WW1       1918-08-17     Pitts Press    2
COOK                William A                                              Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
COOK                Robert E                                               Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
COOK                Harry                                                  Service Flag Raised           WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
COOK                Thomas H                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COOK                Percy L                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COOK                Joseph F                                               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-23     Pitts Press    2
COOK                Albert P                                               Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
COOK                Archie N                      Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    10
COOK                William H                     Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
COOK                Leonard L           Pvt                 13th Co 4th BatAddress w/Photo               WW1       1918-10-13     Pitts Press    27
COOK                Henry                                                  Negro Selectives to Camp w/HomWW1       1918-10-19     Pitts Press    9
COOK                Joseph F            Pvt                                Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    27
COOK                J.F                 Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
COOK                George ]DARLING     P.E                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
COOK                Frank J                                                Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
COOK                Lawrence F                    Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
COOK                Glover N                                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
COOK                Morrill L           1st Lt    Army      109th Inf      Promoted at Camp Hancock      WW1       1918-04-09     Gazette Times  4
COOK                Archie N                      Marines                  Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-27     Gazette Times  8
COOK                Addison                       Navy                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-16     Gazette Times  6
COOK                J. Franklin                                            Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
COOK                James W                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COOK                Paul                          Aviation Corps           Grandmother's Death Notice    WW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
COOK                William H           Lt                                 Grandmother's Death Notice    WW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
COOK                James C                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
COOK                George                        Marines                  Marines Recruits w/Address    WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  7
COOK                John E                        Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
COOK                Mackle A                      Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
COOK                Oscar B                       Tank Corps               New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-18     Gazette Times  5
COOK                David L                                                Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COOK                Patrick J                                              KIA w/ Next of Kin            WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  5
COOK                Patrick J                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
COOK                Ralph                         Tank Corps               New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  9
COOK                J. Franklin                                            Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
COOK                James W                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COOK                Paul                          Aviation Corps           Grandmother's Death Notice    WW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
COOK                William H           Lt                                 Grandmother's Death Notice    WW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
COOK                Benjamin F                    Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-24     Gazette Times  13
COOK                Benjamin F          Pvt                 Co F 9th Inf   Wounded                       WW1       1918-09-29     Gazette Times  13
COOK                Eli                                                    Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  7
COOK                George                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COOK                Harry J                                                Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COOK                Henry                         Army                     To Camp Greene w/Hometown     WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  10
COOK                Paul James          Cadet                              Cadet Honored                 WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  16
COOK                Benjamin f          Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
COOK                George D                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
COOK                H                   Lt JG                              Naval Engineer School         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  5
COOK                John F                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
COOK                Lester Mills                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COOK                Patrick             Cpl                                KIA in Aug w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  7
COOK                Joseph A                      Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
COOK                Michael J                     Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  13
COOK                Michael J                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-20     Pitts Press    4
COOK                Philip F            Cpl                 Co E 107thInf  Park View Hospital            WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
COOK                Philip F            Cpl                 Co E 107th Inf Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    48
COOK                Daniel              Sgt                 319th Inf      Bugler w/Hometown             WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  35
COOK                Ernest V                                               Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-21     Pitts Press    4
COOK                Ernest Vincent      Capt                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
COOK                Henry               Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-23     Gazette Times  21
COOK                William A           Lt                  Co A 56th Eng  Killed in Railroad Accident   WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  27
COOK                William A           2nd Lt              Co A 56th Eng  Killed in Accident            WW1       1919-02-03     Pitts Press    5
COOK                William Addison     Lt                                 Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-02-28     Gazette Times  13
COOK                Charles Bernard     Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-02     Gazette Times  11
COOK                Nellie              Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
COOK                Beverly                                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COOK                D.F                 Bugler              Co I 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
COOK                Daniel              Sgt                 319th Inf      Photo                         WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    74
COOK                James S                                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COOK                Walten              Sgt                                Red Cross Seeks Info          WW1       1919-06-13     Pitts Press    4
COOK                Walter              Sgt       Marines   43rd Co        Red Cross Needs Info          WW1       1919-05-22     Pitts Press    2
COOK                Beverly                                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COOK                Catherine M. Dr.              Red Cross                Serving in Balkans            WW1       1919-04-27     Gaz Times      16
COOK                D.F                 Bugler              HQ Co 319th InfAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COOK                J. Walton                                              7 Days Without Sleep          WW1       1919-04-24     Gaz Times      2
COOK                James S                                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COOK                L.P                                     HQ Co 320th InfAboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
COOK                                    Pvt                 Mach Gun Co, 32Camp Lee Photo                WW1       1917-12-03     Pitts Press    19
COOK                Walter                                                 Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
COOKE               William B           Sgt Maj   Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
COOKE               Patrick G           Cpl       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-12     Gazette Times  1
COOKE               George V                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-12     Gazette Tines  16
COOKE               Nell G              Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
COOKE               Nell G              Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
COOKE               Nellie G            Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
COOKE               Nellie G            Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
COOKE               Nellie G            Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
COOKSON             LaVerne P                     Army                     To Camp Meade w/Address       WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
COOKSON             James E                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
COOKUS              William             Sgt                 110th Inf      Took Command                  WW1       1919-05-13     Gaz Times      4
COOL                Robert E                      Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
COOL                Daniel F                      Army      320th Inf      "Suicide Squad"               WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      9
COOLEY              David E                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  3
COOLEY              David E                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  3
COOLEY              Herbert F           Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  12
COOLEY              Herbert F           Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-14     Gazette Times  11
COOLEY              Harry R                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      9
COOLEY              Charles P                                              Furlough From Camp w/Photo    WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     53
COOLEY              Charles                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-03     Gaz Times      6
COOLMAN             Alexander                                              Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-09     Pitts Press    5
COOLSIE             Michael G                                              Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COOMBS              William E                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
COOMBS              william E                                              To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COOMBS              Roy                           Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
COOMBS              Roy                                                    Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
COON                C.M                 Capt      Army                     Appointments w/Hometown       WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  9
COONEY              Mathew                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
COONEY              Matthew                                                To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COONEY              James                         Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
COONEY              Raymond             Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
COONEY              Arthur E                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
COONEY              Arthur E                                               Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-01-02     Gazette Times  13
COONEY              Thomas C                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
COONEY              John                Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  9
COONEY              Matthew M                                              Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
COONS               Clarence C                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COOPER              Robert                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COOPER              Oliver                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COOPER              Joseph F                                               Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COOPER              Joseph J                                               Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
COOPER              William H. Jr                                          War Training w/Address        WW1       1918-07-09     Pitts Press    13
COOPER              Joseph B                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    8
COOPER              J.H.                          Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-30     Pitts Press    1
COOPER              Robert                        Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COOPER              Walter E                      Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-19     Pitts Press    43
COOPER              E.S                                                    Refused furlough              WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    43
COOPER              Russel A                                               Apprentice Seamen to Leave    WW1       1918-03-27     Pitts Press    8
COOPER              George W            Sgt Maj   Army      111th Reg      Pitts Brothers Promoted       WW1       1918-02-06     Pitts Press    12
COOPER              Charles P                     Army      111th Reg      Pitts Brothers Promoted       WW1       1918-02-06     Pitts Press    12
COOPER              William S. Jr                                          Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    2
COOPER              Harry                                                  Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
COOPER              Samuel              Ens       Navy                     Best Man                      WW1       1918-10-13     Pitts Press    49
COOPER              W.S                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Address &Next of KinWW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
COOPER              Henry V                                                Died in Hospital              WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    5
COOPER              Theodore P                                             To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
COOPER              J.J                 Pvt                                Elks' Honor Roll              WW1       1918-04-26     Gazette Times  12
COOPER              Edward S                      Army      323rd FA       Officers' Training School CandWW1       1918-01-04     Gazette Times  7
COOPER              William S                     Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
COOPER              Charles                       Army                     Enlisted 1918-01-05 w/HometownWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
COOPER              Eugene S                      Navy                     On Transport w/Photo          WW1       1918-01-18     Gazette Times  5
COOPER              Frederick J         Lt        Army                     Commissioned w/Photo          WW1       1918-01-18     Gazette Times  5
COOPER              Charles             Cpl                                Wins Promotion w/Photo        WW1       1918-02-01-05  Gazette Times  92
COOPER              George              Sgt Maj                            Wins Promotion w/Photo        WW1       1918-02-01-05  Gazette Times  92
COOPER              Walter E                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
COOPER              William S                               Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
COOPER              John H              Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  2
COOPER              Benjamin H                    Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
COOPER              Frederick C         Lt                  315th FA       Safe Arrival w/Photo          WW1       1918-08-25     Gazette Times  13
COOPER              Harry A             Sgt       Army      Co B 134th MachIn France w/Next of Kin & PhotWW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  12
COOPER              Milton A                      Army      Co K 51st Inf  In France w/Next of Kin & PhotWW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  12
COOPER              Thomas S                      Army      Co K 43rd Inf  Guarding Shipyards w/ Next of WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  12
COOPER              Walter E                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
COOPER              William S                               Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
COOPER              Edward                                                 Overseas w/Photo              WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  32
COOPER              Samuel              Ens                                Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  38
COOPER              Harold K                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
COOPER              William S                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
COOPER              Charles P           Cpl                 Co M 111th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  8
COOPER              Harry E                                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  14
COOPER              Harry M                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  16
COOPER              Schell A                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  14
COOPER              Henry A                                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-01-02     Gazette Times  13
COOPER              Henry A                                 44th Co 155 BriDied of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-01-03     Gazette Times  9
COOPER              Schell A                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-07     Gazette Times  13
COOPER              tom                                                    Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  7
COOPER              William             Sgt                                Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-01-13     Gazette Times  12
COOPER              Harris Howard       Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  12
COOPER              Herbert Fulton      Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-22     Gazette Times  15
COOPER              Clarence C          Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
COOPER              Edna                Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
COOPER              Edna                Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
COOPER              Edna                Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
COOPER              Edna                Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
COOPER              Edna                Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
COOPER              Edna                Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
COOPER              Edwin H             Capt                               Group Photo                   WW1       1919-03-16     Gazette Times  11
COOPER              Walter E            Lt                                 Not KIA, Returned Home        WW1       1919-03-09     Gazette Times  6
COOPER              George W            Sgt.Maj             111th Inf      Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
COOPER              John J              Mech Eng            15th Eng       Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COOPER              John T              Cook                Co A 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COOPER              S                   Pvt                 37th Div       Home w/Group Photo & Hometown WW1       1919-04-05     Pitts Press    1, 2
COOPER              S                   Pvt                 37th Div       Welcome Home w/Hometown       WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    3
COOPER              Wm. E               Cpl                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COOPER              Alfred G            Pvt                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COOPER              John J              Master Eng          HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COOPER              John T              Cook                Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COOPER              Leonard                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      9
COOPER              Robert P            Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COOPER              s.                                      37th Eng       Returned Home w/Hometown      WW1       1919-04-06     Gaz Times      11
COOPER              Stanley A           Mechanic            Batt B 107th FAAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
COOPER              Wm. E               Cpl                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COOPER              Russell W                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    15
COOPER              Alexander                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
COOPER              Arnold D            1st Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
COOPER              Frederick J         2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-28     Gaz Times      1
COOPER              Alvin R                       Army      Co G 320th Inf Manufacturer                  WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      8
COOPERMAN           Frank                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COOPERMAN           Frank                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COOPERMAN           Frank                                   329th Inf      Arrived with Wounded          WW1       1919-02-02     Gazette Times  28
COOPERMAN           Frank                                                  Discharged                    WW1       1919-02-20     Gazette Times  9
COOTS               Wilbert B                                              Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
COOTS               verner                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COOTS               Verner                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COOVER              Marie E             2nd Lt    Army      112th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
COOVERT             Carl H.                                                3 Sons in War w/Photo         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
COOVERT             Harry W             Cpl                 Batt K 2nd FA  3 Sons in War w/Photo         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
COOVERT             Thomas L                                               3 Sons in War w/Photo         WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
COP                 Johan                                                  Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
COPATO              Alexander                                              Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-13     Gazette Times  16
COPE                Stuart M                                               War Training w/Address        WW1       1918-07-09     Pitts Press    13
COPE                Stewart                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COPE                John                                                   Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
COPE                John E              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-26     Pitts Press    4
COPE                Charles H           Cpl       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
COPE                Stewart                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COPE                Benjamin H                                             MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
COPE                John E                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
COPE                Benjamin H                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-24     Gazette Times  4
COPEIONETTI         Angelo                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
COPELIN             T.L                           Army                     Refused Furlough              WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  7
COPELIN             T.L                           Army                     Refused Furlough              WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  7
COPENA              John                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  13
COPENA              John                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
COPENHAFER          Ira E                         Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
COPENHAFER          Ira E                         Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
COPENHAVER          Elmer A             Pvt                                In Hospital w/Hometown        WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
COPENING            Wilfon L                                               Discharged                    WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  5
COPERLY             Homer L             Sgt                 113th Aero     On Lost Steamer w/Address     WW1       1918-02-08     Pitts Press    5
COPIE               Samuel                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
COPIE               Samuel                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
COPLEY              Thomas E                      Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
COPLEY              C. J                          Army                     Sent to Camp                  WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    18
COPLEY              Thomas J            Pvt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  4
COPLEY              C.J                           Army                     To Camp Gordon                WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
COPLEY              William P           Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COPLIN              S.H                 Pvt                 320th Inf      To Attend Officers' Training SWW1       1918-01-07     Gazette Times  12
COPPELELLA          Liacomo                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COPPER              Walter R            Lt                                 Reported KIA but Alive        WW1       1919-03-08     Pitts Press    2
COPPER              Clyde C                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-07     Pitts Press    34
COPPER              Edward S                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-22     Pitts Press    2
COPPMAN             Rector Samuel                           Batt E 81st FA Burial                        WW1       1918-10-18     Pitts Press    6
COPPOCK             Albert E            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-19     Gazette Times  9
COPRIANO            A.                  Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-11     Pitts Press    1
CORABEL             Joseph                                  6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CORASKI             Joe                                                    Accepted for Army w/Address   WW1       1917-10-26     Gaz Times      10
CORASOLE            Consolette                                             Home Aboard the North CarolinaWW1       1919-03-25     Gazette Times  8
CORATTI             Frank A                       Tank Corps               Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  3
CORAZOLA            Basil J                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CORAZOLA            Basil J                                                To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CORBETT             Wm H. Jr.                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CORBETT             Chester B                     Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    1
CORBETT             James                                                  Depart for Kelly Aviation GrouWW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    8
CORBETT             Michael J                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-16     Pitts Press    18
CORBETT             C.C                 Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    43
CORBETT             Ronald                                  Ambulance      Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
CORBETT             James H             Lt. Col             14th Reg PNG   Son Wounded                   WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  4
CORBETT             Ross Hope                                              Wounded                       WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  4
CORBETT             Chester E                     Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CORBETT             James H             Lt. Col             14th Reg PNG   Son Wounded                   WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  4
CORBETT             Ross Hope                                              Wounded                       WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  4
CORBETT             Charles C                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  21
CORBETT             Howard Stanley                          476th Eng      Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  5
CORBETT             J.C                 Capt                15th Eng       Delivered Address             WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  4
CORBETT             Arthur J            Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-03-24     Pitts Press    8
CORBETT             F.L                 Pvt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CORBETT             E.L                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CORBETTI            Albino                        Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CORBIN              Clifford            Col                                Daughter Flower Girl          WW1       1918-07-05     Pitts Press    26
CORBLY              William B           Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CORBLY              William E                               Co A 26th Inf  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CORBOY              Frank B             Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  11
CORCONAS            John                                                   Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CORCORAN            Samuel L                                               Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CORCORAN            Thomas E                      Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CORCORAN            T.D                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
CORCORAN            M.F                                     Co D 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CORCORAN            M.F                                     Co D 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CORDARO             Guiseppi            Pvt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CORDARO             Guiseppi                                Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CORDELILO           Francesco                                              Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CORDELL             J.C.L                                                  Field Clerks Group Photo w/AddWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CORDELL             A.M                 Lt                  112th Inf      Photo                         WW1       1919-05-02     Gaz Times      8
CORDER              Ralph                                                  MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-30     Gazette Times  4
CORDES              J. W.               Cpl                                KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1
CORDES              John W              Cpl                 Co L 110th     KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    17
CORDES              John W              Cpl       Army      Co L 10th Inf  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  7
CORDES              William             Sgt                                Memorial Service              WW1       1918-12-02     Gazette Times  7
CORDIER             Herman                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORDIER             Herman                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORDNER             Curtis M                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CORDON              Edward              Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-11     Pitts Press    7
CORDRAY             Sanford                                                Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CORE                John C                                                 Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CORE                John C                                                 Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CORE                Lee B                                                  Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-11-02     Gazette Times  8
COREA               Francesco                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
COREA               Francesco                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CORELL              Henry L                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CORELL              Henry L                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CORELL              George                                                 Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CORENY              George Wesley                                          Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    1
CORENY              George Wesley                 Marines                  Recruits w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CORER               Ralph C             Sgt                                Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      6
COREY               Thomas              Pvt                                Pittsburgh Heroes w/DescriptioWW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
COREY               John C              Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-30     Pitts Press    7
COREY               Faick N                                                Discharged w/Address          WW1       1917-10-04     Gaz Times      1
CORFINKELL          Julius Dr.                                             Join Service w/Address        WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  9
CORICIO             Vincenzo                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CORINA              Charles C                                              Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CORKAN              Lloyd A             2nd Lt    Coast Art                Officers Graduate             WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  25
CORL                Robert A            Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-05     Pitts Press    1
CORL                Robert A            Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-06     Pitts Press    11
CORL                Robert A                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  12
CORLESS             william                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CORLETT             David S             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-07     Gazette Times  11
CORLEY              Seymour             Sgt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CORLISS             Robert E                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CORMACK             William Y                     Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     50
CORMAN              Abraham                       Army      HQ Co          KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    2
CORMAN              Abraham             Sgt                 110th Reg      KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  5
CORMAN              H.C                 Sgt Maj                            KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CORMAN              Thomas F            Capt                               Army Students Leaving Pitt    WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  4
CORMAN              Bruno                                                  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-14     Gazette Times  15
CORMANY             E. R                          Army                     Transferred                   WW1       1918-01-04     Gazette Times  7
CORMEN              Abraham H                                              KIA w/Next of Kin & Photo     WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  7
CORMETTY            Jasines                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORMETTY            Jasines                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORMICK             M                   Pvt                                Died from Wounds w/Hometown   WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    6
CORNAHAN            Earl                Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CORNATO             vincenzo                                               Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CORNELIA            Anthony                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CORNELIA            Anthony                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CORNELIUS           E. R.               Sgt       Army      305th Sanitary Service w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CORNELIUS           A.J                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-28     Pitts Press    3
CORNELIUS           Edward                                                 Training at Pitt w/Address    WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
CORNELIUS           Frank F                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  7
CORNELIUS           Edward P                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  13
CORNELIUS           Paul Herman                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-12     Gazette Tines  16
CORNELIUS           Albert James                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
CORNELIUS           R. R                                    Field Hosp 317 Home on Rotterdam w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CORNELIUS           E.R                                     305th Sanitary Photo                         WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      6
CORNELIUS           Elmer                                                  Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CORNELL             Willard F                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    8
CORNELL             Leroy                                                  Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CORNELL             Leroy                                                  Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CORNELL             L.G                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
CORNELL             Leslie H                      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CORNELL             John E                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CORNELL             Samuel A            Sgt                 Co A 111th Inf Over Top w/Photo              WW1       1919-03-09     Pitts Press    64
CORNELL             S.A                 Sgt                 Co A 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
CORNELL             S.A                 Cpl                 Co A           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
CORNELLA            William             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-10-24     Pitts Press    4
CORNELLA            William                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CORNETTA            Joseph                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
CORNETTA            Jlseph                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
CORNISH             Howard                                                 Recruit/w Branch, Home Town   WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CORNISH             David               Pvt                 Co H 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CORNISH             Howard                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  3
CORNISH             David               Pvt                 Co H 111th Inf Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CORNISH             Edward                                  314th Ord      Aboard the Zeppelin w/Address WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CORNISH             David               Pvt                 Co H 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CORNISH             Edward                                  Ord Det 314th FAboard Zeppelin w/Address     WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      8
CORNMAN             Harry A                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-01-17     Gazette Times  7
CORNMESSER          Harold B                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CORNUTTO            Pete                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CORNWALL            H.L                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CORNWALL            Howard L                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
CORNWALL            Howard L                                               Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CORNWALL            Albert                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CORNWELL            R.E                 Pvt                                MIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CORNWELL            Robert Earl                                            MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CORNWELL            Robert Earl                                            KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-07     Gazette Times  13
CORNWELL            Robert Earl         Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-06     Pitts Press    14
CORNYN              Charles Arthur      Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    17
CORNYN              Charles Arthur      Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CORNYN              Charles             Sgt                 Co M 320th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-06     Gazette Times  9
CORNYN              Charles             Sgt                                Letter to Sister w/Photo      WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  2
CORNYN              Charles             Sgt                                Imitator                      WW1       1919-02-23     Gazette Times  45
CORODESKY           Alexander                     Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    1
CORONA              Carl B                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CORONA              Carl B                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORONA              Carl B                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORONA              Carl D                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-02     Pitts Press    8
CORPS               Joseph               Pvt                               KIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-02     Pitts Press    5
CORRAD              Domenico                      Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CORRAD              Domenico                      Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CORRADO             Luigi                                   Batt B 313th ArAboard the Zeppelin w/Address WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CORRADO             Luigi                                   Batt B 313th FAAboard Zeppelin w/Address     WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      8
CORREY              Harry B                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CORREY              Harry B                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CORRIGAN            J.T                 Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-04     Pitts Press    5
CORRIGAN            John P              Ens       Navy                     Bridal Party                  WW1       1918-02-17     Gazette Times  39
CORRIGAN            John D                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-05     Gazette Times  16
CORRIGAN            Timothy P           Cpl                                Admitted to Hospitals w/HometoWW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      15
CORRY               Edward P            Cpl                 499th Aero     Home w/Photo                  WW1       1919-03-25     Gazette Times  7
CORRY               Ralph B             Sgt                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CORRY               Thomas              Pvt                                Hun Prisoners                 WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    79
CORSE               William                                                Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CORSE               William                       Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CORSKI              Zigmund                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CORSON              N.M                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-11-27     Pitts Press    2
CORSON              William J                               FA             Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
CORSON              William J                               FA             Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  4
CORSSMAN            Howard O                      Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CORT                Thomas L            Lt                  Co E 110th Inf Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    40
CORT                Thomas B            Capt                               Returned to US                WW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    2
CORT                Thomas L            Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
CORTAPALLIE         Joseph                                                 Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CORTAZZO            John                                                   En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CORTAZZO            John                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CORTAZZO            Carmine             Pvt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CORTAZZO            Carmine                                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CORTELAZZI          Joseph                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORTELAZZI          Joseph                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CORTELLERO          Paul                          Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CORTY               Marion              Pvt                                On Duty w/Hometown            WW1       1919-03-12     Pitts Press    6
CORUM               Benjamin F Jr.                                         Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CORUM               Benjamin F. Jr.               Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CORVI               Edmond                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
CORWIN              Smith               Cpl       Marines                  Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    9
CORWIN              Arthur                                                 Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    1
CORWIN              Arthur                        Marines                  Recruits w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CORWIN              N.B                           Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CORWIN              Smith               Cpl       Marines                  Marriage                      WW1       1918-07-14     Gazette Times  36
CORWIN              J.H                 1st Lt    Army                     Appointments w/Hometown       WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  9
CORWLEY             John                Sgt       Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    9
CORYNE              C.A                 Sgt                 Co M 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CORYNE              C.A                 Sgt                 Co M 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
COS                 son                                                    KIA w/Article                 WW1       1918-08-14     Pitts Press    4
COSCARELLI          Angelo                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  17
COSDEN              William A                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
COSEL               William L                               Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
COSEL               William L                               Inf            Graduate to Officers w/HometowWW1       1918-05-31     Gazette Times  1
COSENTINO           Sam                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COSENTINO           Filippo                       Army                     Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-09-27     Gazette Times  14
COSGRAY             Guy                                     HQ Co 319th InfAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COSGROVE            James Thomas                  Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COSGROVE            William L                                              Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
COSGROVE            James T             Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Address     WW1       1918-10-24     Pitts Press    4
COSGROVE            James T             Pvt                 162nd Inf      Obituary                      WW1       1918-10-24     Pitts Press    20
COSGROVE            Charles G                     Br & Can Armies          Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-03-10     Gazette Times  12
COSGROVE            James J                       Army                     Commissioned w/Photo          WW1       1918-01-25     Gazette Times  45
COSGROVE            William Hugh                  Army                     Commissioned w/Photo          WW1       1918-01-25     Gazette Times  45
COSGROVE            James Thomas                                           Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COSGROVE            James T                                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
COSGROVE            William Paul        Cpl                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
COSHERIS            Nick                                                   Draftee w/Photo               WW1       1916-06-09     Pitts Press    3
COSHEY              J.R                 Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    7
COSHEY              John R              Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  7
COSHEY              Henry Jr.           Sgt                                Furlough                      WW1       1917-12-03     Greensburg Dail1
COSINADOLIS         Pliokton                      Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COSINADOLIS         Pliokton                      Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COSINKIS            Mike                Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    25
COSLA               Frank                         Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COSLA               Frank                         Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COSMIDEZS           James G                       Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    1
COSMIDEZS           James G                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COSMO               Gioacomino                    Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COSMO               Gioacomino                    Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COSNEY              Harvey H                      Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
COSS                Raymond E                     Navy                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  7
COSSACK             John                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COSSETT             H.A                           Army                     Officers Appointed            WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
COSSETTA            D                   Pvt                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
COSSETTA            D                                       Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COST                Joseph                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
COST                Joseph                        Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
COST                Louis                                                  Training at Carnegie Tech w/AdWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
COST                Carl                Pvt                 Co K 319th Reg Box of Apples                 WW1       1917-12-27     Pitts Press    2
COSTA               Cominik                                                Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
COSTA               Joseph                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COSTA               Frank                                                  Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COSTA               Joseph                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COSTA               Giovanni                                               To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
COSTA               Antonio                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
COSTA               Patsy                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
COSTA               Joe                                                    Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
COSTAKIA            Mike                          Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
COSTAKIA            Mike                                                   Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COSTAKIS            Mike                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
COSTAKIS            Mike                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
COSTANTINO          Angelo                                                 Leaving for Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
COSTANZA            Angelo                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
COSTANZA            Giovanni            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-04     Gazette Times  14
COSTANZO            Eugene                                                 Army Draftees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-25     Pitts Press    1
COSTANZO            Cario                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COSTELLA            James L             Capt                18th Reg       Honors Paid                   WW1       1918-08-19     Pitts Press    4
COSTELLA            James S             Capt                               Guardsmen Ordered South       WW1       1918-08-28     Pitts Press    1
COSTELLA            George              Pvt                                Brother KIA                   WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  19
COSTELLA            James J             Pvt                 Co I 320th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  19
COSTELLA            James L             Maj                                Praise for PA Men w/Letter (prWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  15
COSTELLA            James L             Col                 89th Div       Aboard the Rotterdam          WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times
COSTELLE            Michael T                                              En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COSTELLE            Harry L                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
COSTELLO            Terrence J                                             Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
COSTELLO            Joseph F                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1916-06-12     Pitts Press    8
COSTELLO            James J                       Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
COSTELLO            Thomas                        Br. & Can. Armies        Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-03     Pitts Press    2
COSTELLO            E.N.                                                   Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
COSTELLO            George J            Pvt                 Co K 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
COSTELLO            James J             Pvt                                KIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-10-22     Pitts Press    1
COSTELLO            Paul D                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-04-17     Gazette Times  11
COSTELLO            James J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COSTELLO            Mike                                    Aero Corps     To Vancouver Barracks w/AddresWW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
COSTELLO            Terrence J                    Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
COSTELLO            Thomas J                      Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
COSTELLO            James J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COSTELLO            James J                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  5
COSTELLO            James J             Cpl                                Casualty List w/Address       WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  7
COSTELLO            James J                                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
COSTELLO            George                                  320th Inf      Dashing Fighters w/Hometown   WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  1
COSTELLO            James J             Pvt                                Died w/Next of Kin            WW1       1919-02-13     Gazette Times  14
COSTELLO            Maurice             Pvt                 160th Brig     Drove Generals' Car           WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  35
COSTELLO            Patrick J           Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-16     Gazette Times  12
COSTELLO            Paul D                        Army                     Served with French Forces     WW1       1919-03-28     Gazette Times  5
COSTELLO            George J            Pvt                 Co K 111th Inf Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
COSTELLO            L.J                 Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COSTELLO            Maruice A           Pvt                 160th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COSTELLO            W                   Horseshoer          Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COSTELLO            George J            Pvt                 Co K 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
COSTELLO            James L             Col                 89th Div       Quartermaster                 WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      1
COSTELLO            James L             Lt.Col              89th Div       Describe Difficulties in ArgonWW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      10
COSTELLO            Lawrence            Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COSTELLO            Maurice A                               HQ Det 160th InAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COSTELLO            W                                       Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COSTELLO            John J                                                 Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
COSTELLO            Joseph V                                Batt E 323rd FATransferred                   WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      6
COSTES              Joseph                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
COSTES              Thomas              Pvt                                Received at Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  10
COSTIANIAS          Nick                                                   Decorated for Bravery         WW1       1918-10-25     Gazette Times  14
COSTIC              William T                                              Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COSTIER             John                          Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COSTLE              William T                     Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COSTLE              William T                     Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COSTLER             C. H.                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COSTLER             John                          Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
COSTLEY             James                                                  Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COSTLEY             Grafton T                                              Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COSTLEY             James H                                                Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COSTLY              Grafton T                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COSTOES             Steve                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COSTOES             Steve                         Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
COSTOES             Steve                                                  Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
COSTRINO            Leonardo                                               MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-29     Gazette Times  7
COSTUA              John                                                   KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  14
COTE                Joseph  La Casse Jr.Lt                                 Engagement                    WW1       1918-09-27     Pitts Press    28
COTE                Joseph LaCasse      Lt                                 Engagement                    WW1       1918-09-29     Pitts Press    46
COTE                Joseph Lacrosse Jr. Lt        Army                     Engagement                    WW1       1918-09-26     Gazette Times  18
COTE                Joseph Lacrosse Jr. Lt        Army                     Engagement                    WW1       1918-09-29     Gazette Times  37
COTEMAN             Timothy F                                              New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
COTEMAN             Timothy F                                              New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
COTHERMAN           William P                     Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
COTHERMAN           William F                     Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  27
COTILLIO            Theodore                                305th Sanitary Home on Rotterdam w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COTMAN              Robert                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
COTMAN              Robert                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COTO                George                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COTTER              Daniel A                      Navy                     Obituary                      WW1       1918-06-20     Pitts Press    23
COTTER              Daniel A                      Navy      SS Connor      KIA w/Address                 WW1       1916-06-08     Pitts Press    1
COTTER              James P                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COTTER              Joseph F                      Naval Coast Defense      New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
COTTER              James P                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COTTER              Joseph F                      Naval Coast Defense      New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
COTTER              John E                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
COTTERILL           Walter              2nd Lt              Co B 111th Inf In Command Before Sailing     WW1       1919-04-19     Gaz Times      2
COTTERMAN           William             Opvt                112th Reg      Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-09-11     Gazette Times  7
COTTILLION          Theodore                                               Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
COTTLER             R                                                      Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-23     Pitts Press    2
COTTON              Samuel                        Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
COTTON              Albert                                                 Refused furlough              WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    43
COTTON              Thomas Irving Dr    Capt                               Promoted                      WW1       1918-04-23     Pitts Press    3
COTTON              Cecil H                                                Off to Camp w/address         WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
COTTON              T.                  1st Lt                             Received Commissions          WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
COTTON              R.W                                                    Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
COTTON              Clarke                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COTTON              Harris V                                               Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
COTTON              George                        Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COTTON              Clarke                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COTTON              Harris V                                               Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
COTTON              William A                                              To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
COTTON              William Aload       Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COTTON              Allen               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
COTTON              Harris              Sgt                                Pioneer Club                  WW1       1919-03-31     Gazette Times  1
COTTON              H.V                 Sgt                 Co B 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COTTON              Harris V            Sgt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COTTRIL             H.C                 Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    38
COTUCCIO            Vincenzo            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-11     Pitts Press    11
COTYK               Andy                Cpl                                "The Sailor Kid"              WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  54
COTYK               A.E                 Cpl                 Co I 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
COTYK               A.O                 Cpl                 HQ Co 319th InfAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COTZIAS             Nick                                                   Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
COTZINO             Antonio             Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  1
COTZINO             Antonio             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-04-05     Pitts Press    8
COTZLAS             Nick                                                   To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COUCH               Dean A                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-22     Pitts Press    2
COUCH               Dean A                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-22     Gazette Times  5
COUCH               Wade                Maj                                Led 323rd Art                 WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      5
COUCILL             Ernest J            Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-03-02     Gazette Times  11
COUDER              William             Sgt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-01-13     Pitts Pres     4
COUGH               Harry H             Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-28     Gazette Times  13
COUGHENHOUR         Raymond R           Mech                               Knew Lt. Roosevelt            WW1       1919-03-21     Pitts Press    1
COUGHENOUR          Daniel                                                 Death Notice                  WW1       1918-06-30     Gazette Times  10
COUGHENOUR          James                                   Co H 112th Inf Letter                        WW1       1918-06-24     Gazette Times  19
COUGHENOUR          Fred H              Sgt       Marines                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
COUGHENOUR          Harry G                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
COUGHENOUR          Thurman J                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
COUGHENOUR          Raymond             Pvt                                Unscathed                     WW1       1919-03-19     Pitts Press    3
COUGHENOUR          Albert E            Lt                                 15 Grandsons Fought           WW1       1919-05-27     Gaz Times      7
COUGHENOUR          Arthur                                                 15 Grandsons Fought           WW1       1919-05-27     Gaz Times      7
COUGHENOUR          George W                                               Grandsons Fought              WW1       1919-05-27     Gaz Times      7
COUGHENOUR          H.G                                     Co E 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
COUGHLIN            Charles L                                              Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    2
COUGHLIN            Francis                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COUGHLIN            Timothy J           Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-02-18     Gazette Times  15
COUGHLIN            Timothy J           Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    11
COUGHRIE            Thomas              Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
COUGHTRIE           Thomas              Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COUGLIN             Thomas                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COULSON             Arthur                        Br & Can Armies          Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
COULTER             Robert W                                               Recruit/w Branch, Home Town   WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
COULTER             Richard             Brig Gen            10th Reg       Given Send Off                WW1       1918-08-22     Pitts Press    12
COULTER             James                                                  Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
COULTER             George W. Jr.                                          Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
COULTER             Robert W                                               Marine Applicant              WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COULTER             Edward E                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
COULTER             Hugh M                                                 To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
COULTER             Ernest Edward                 Navy                     Seamen Called w/Hometown      WW1       1918-03-15     Gazette Times  6
COULTER             Clarence W                                             Weddings at Camp Hancock w/HomWW1       1918-05-06     Gazette Times  5
COULTER             James                         Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
COULTER             Robert W                      Marines                  Recruits w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
COULTER             Robert W                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  3
COULTER             Clarence W                                             Weddings at Camp Hancock w/HomWW1       1918-05-06     Gazette Times  5
COULTER             Henry               Lt Col              109th Reg      Transferred                   WW1       1918-09-10     Gazette Times  2
COULTER             Henry W                                                Succeeded                     WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  7
COULTER             Robert L            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
COULTER             Clarence W                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  16
COULTER             John Y                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  16
COULTER             Richard             Brig Gen                           Guest of Honor                WW1       1919-01-15     Pitts Press    16
COULTER             H.W                 Lt. Col                            Photo                         WW1       1919-02-09     Pitts Press    71
COULTER             Henry W             Lt. Col             109th Inf      Took Command                  WW1       1919-02-16     Pitts Press    66
COULTER             Richard             Brig Gen            109th Inf      Old Commander                 WW1       1919-02-16     Pitts Press    66
COULTER             Henry W             Lt. Col                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-07     Gazette Times  11
COULTER             Henry W             Lt Col                             Visits                        WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
COULTER             S. J                Wagoner             319th Supply   Discharged w/Photo            WW1       1919-06-15     Pitts Press    78
COULTER             S.J                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
COULTER             Charles J           Lt                  110th Inf      Officers                      WW1       1919-05-12     Gaz Times      2
COULTER             H.W                 Col                 110th Inf      Photo                         WW1       1919-05-16     Gaz Times      1
COULTER             H.W                 Lt. Col                            1 of 8                        WW1       1919-05-12     Gaz Times      2
COULTER             Henry               Lt. Col             110th Inf      Honored Guest                 WW1       1919-05-30     Gaz Times      10
COULTER             Hugh G                                  111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
COULTER             Lawrence B                                             Silver Medal w/Address        WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      9
COULTER             S.J                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COULTER             Guy F                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COULTER             Henry W             Lt. Col   Army      111th Inf      Commander                     WW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      6
COULTER             John                                                   Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
COULTER             Richard             Col                                Chamber Honor Flag            WW1       1917-10-12     Gaz Times      11
COULTON             Charles             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COULTR              John                          Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
COUNCIL             C.D                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
COUNCIL             Clyde H             Pvt                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
COUNCIL             Charles D           Sgt                                Commissioned                  WW1       1919-06-08     Pitts Press    82
COUNTY              John M                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
COURSEY             Michael                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COURSEY             Michael                       Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
COURSEY             Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COURSEY             Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COURSIN             Benjamin                      Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
COURSON             Stewart Carlisle                        15th Reg       Safe from Divorce             WW1       1918-06-13     Pitts Press    16
COURSON             William H                     Army                     Motor Trans Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
COURSON             Thomas J                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      38
COURTER             James L             Cpl       Army                     Letter (printed)              WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  9
COURTER             Harry A             Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
COURTNEY            Austin                                                 Service Flag Raised           WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
COURTNEY            Austin                                                 Discharged                    WW1       1919-05-23     Mt. Wash News
COURTNEY            Mark H                        Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
COURTNEY            J.G                 Capt      Army                     Officers Appointed w/Address  WW1       1918-08-17     Gazette Times  30
COURTNEY            Mark H                        Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
COURTNEY            Austin                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-02     Gazette Times  14
COURTNEY            James                                                  Lauded for Bravery            WW1       1919-01-01     Gazette Times  16
COURTNEY            Austin              Sgt                 Co D 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
COURTNEY            Austin                                  111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
COURTNEY            Austin              Sgt                 Co D           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
COURTNEY            Daniel J                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
COURTRIGHT          Lester A                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COURTWRIGHT         John                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
COURTWRIGHT         John                Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  14
COURTWRIGHT         John                Pvt                                Died of Accident w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-13     Pitts Press    13
COURTWRIGHT         James H                                 6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
COUSER              David D                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  3
COUSER              David D                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  3
COUSIN              Andy                                    6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
COUSINE             E.J                 1st Lt    Army                     Officer Appointments w/HometowWW1       1918-10-22     Gazette Times  2
COUSINEAU           Joseph                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
COUSINS             Alfred                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    1
COUSINS             Fred                                                   Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
COUSINS             Edward P                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
COUSINS             Alfred                                                 Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
COUSINS             Edward P                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  11
COUSINS             W.E                 Cpl                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
COUSINS             W.E                 Cpl                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COUSINTINE          Thomas              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-19     Gazette Times  14
COUTTA              Donald Robert                                          To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COUTZ               Albert A                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COUTZ               Albert A                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COVALSKI            Joseph J            Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    3
COVENDER            Charles E           Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-25     Pitts Press    10
COVENEY             Frank                                   319th Batt     Transferred from 158th Brig   WW1       1917-12-06     Pitts Press    23
COVENEY             Edwin H                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
COVER               L.E                 Capt                               Promoted                      WW1       1918-01-03     Gazette Times  2
COVER               Edwin E             Mech                316th Inf      Admitted to Hospital          WW1       1919-01-02     Gazette Times  7
COVERT              Thomas W                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
COVERT              T.D                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-13     Pitts Press    5
COVERT              W.A                 Capt      Army                     Appointment w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  3
COVERT              Fred                                                   Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  16
COVERT              Thomas D                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
COVERZZE            Michael                                 111th Inf      Band Members w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-01     Gaz Times      2
COVINGTON           Irvin E                       Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
COVNE               Philip              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-02-06     Pitts Press    7
COWAN               william S                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
COWAN               Ross                          Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
COWAN               Jack M                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    6
COWAN               Charles                       Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COWAN               John                          Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COWAN               B.                  Pvt                                Training for Overseas w/Photo WW1       1918-09-22     Pitts Press    5
COWAN               Samuel T                                               To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COWAN               Robert C                                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
COWAN               William McElroy                                        Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
COWAN               Fred D                        Marines                  Passed Physical w/Address     WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  4
COWAN               George                        Army                     Training in Military Service  WW1       1918-07-18     Gazette Times  5
COWAN               Jack M                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
COWAN               Charles                       Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
COWAN               Fred D                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  9
COWAN               John                          Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
COWAN               William S                     Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
COWAN               William L                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
COWAN               Frank                                   506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
COWAN               S.T                 Pvt                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
COWAN               S.T                                     Co H 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
COWARD              John Jr                                                Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
COWARD              John Jr                                                Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
COWARD              Ralph                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
COWARD              George                        Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
COWARD              Ralph                         Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COWARD              Ralph                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
COWEN               John S                                                 Commissioned as 2nd Lt        WW1       1918-04-21     Pitts Press    3
COWEN               John S                        Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
COWEN               John S              Sgt       Army      323rd LA       Officers' Training School CandWW1       1918-01-04     Gazette Times  7
COWEN               James                         Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-01-17     Gazette Times  7
COWEN               Oren S                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
COWERY              Neal                          Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COWIE               James               Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
COWIE               James               Sgt                                Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1919-01-15     Gazette Times  9
COWIE               James               Sgt                                Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1919-01-14     Pitts Press    4
COWIE               James               Sgt                 Co K 9th Inf   Captured 18 Prisoners         WW1       1919-03-07     Pitts Press    29
COWING              James A                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-23     Pitts Press    3
COWL                W.S                 Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    28
COWLES              John A                                                 Draftees from Beechview       WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    24
COWLES              William H           Pvt                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    4
COWLES              Harry P                       Army      Dep Brig       Furlough                      WW1       1918-06-20     Gazette Times  4
COWLES              William H                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-03     Gazette Times  15
COWLES              william H           Pvt                 Co A 111th Inf Home on Minnesotan w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Pitts Press    11
COWLES              William H           Pvt                 Co A           Returned Guardsmen w/Address  WW1       1919-04-29     Gaz Times      9
COWLEY              Malcolm                                                Home from French Front w/PhotoWW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  31
COWLEY              Joseph P                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COWLEY              Joseph P                      Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
COWLEY              Malcolm                                                For Officer's School          WW1       1918-10-20     Gazette Times  24
COWLINS             P.R                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-12     Gazette Times  9
COWNS               William                       Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
COWPERTHWAIT        Samuel J.E                    Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COWPERTHWAIT        Samuel J.E                    Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COX                 James H                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
COX                 Thomas F                      Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
COX                 James M                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
COX                 Clarence M                                             Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
COX                 George N                      Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1916-06-12     Pitts Press    8
COX                 Nelson W                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    14
COX                 George J                                               Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
COX                 Thomas M                                               Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COX                 Stephen J                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COX                 Stephen J                                              Selective for Camp Lee w/PhotoWW1       1918-07-28     Pitts Press    34
COX                 Thomas M                      Army                     Off to War w/Address          WW1       1918-07-31     Pitts Press    2
COX                 James E                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll            WW1       1918-05-25     Pitts Press    8
COX                 C.H.                                                   Tuscania Casualty w/Address   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
COX                 Michael P                                              Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
COX                 Lambert W                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
COX                 Jmames                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
COX                 Fred                          Army                     Drafted Again                 WW1       1918-04-08     Pitts Press    13
COX                 Raymond J                     Naval Coast Defense ReserRecruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
COX                 J. Hugh             Pvt                                Pgh Athletes on Flagship NY w/WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    17
COX                 James               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
COX                 Arthur W            Cpl                                Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-12-26     Pitts Press    11
COX                 Wilbert W           Cpl                                Sister's Death Notice         WW1       1918-12-26     Pitts Press    11
COX                 Lambert W                                              To Camp w/Hometown            WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
COX                 David                                   Co M 330th Inf Transferred                   WW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
COX                 M. P.                                                  Arrived                       WW1       1919-06-06     Mt. Wash News
COX                 Clarence M                    Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COX                 Clark                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COX                 James L                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COX                 willis H                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-30     Gazette Times  11
COX                 Nelson W                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
COX                 Thomas M                      Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
COX                 Clarence M                    Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COX                 Clark                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COX                 James L                       Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
COX                 John A                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
COX                 Arthur R                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
COX                 Isham                         Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-09     Gazette Times  18
COX                 Albert B                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
Cox                 F                   Lt                                 Naval Engineer School         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  5
COX                 James                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
COX                 James H                                                Discharged                    WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  5
COX                 Joseph Rich                   Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  5
COX                 Edwin L             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-07     Gazette Times  11
COX                 James R             Lt                                 Arrived in Pitts              WW1       1919-03-28     Gazette Times  5
COX                 P.L                 Lt. Col                            Recruiter                     WW1       1919-03-30     Gazette Times  2
COX                 David E                                 506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
COX                 H.L                 Sgt                 320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
COX                 Harry L             Sgt                 320th Inf      Cited for Bravery             WW1       1919-05-31     Pitts Press    12
COX                 James R             Chaplain                           Returns Home                  WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    7
COX                 Leonard             1st Lt              319th Inf      Won DSC                       WW1       1919-06-09     Pitts Press    12
COX                 M.P                 Cpl                 Co A 305th Eng Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
COX                 Edward T            Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
COX                 H.J                 Sgt                 320th Inf      Cited for Bravery w/Photo     WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      9
COX                 H.L                 Sgt                 HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COX                 Harry L             Sgt                 HQ Co 320th InfWon Citation                  WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
COX                 J.R. Rev            Chaplain                           Doctors Honored at Reception  WW1       1919-05-15     Gaz Times      4
COX                 James R             Chaplain            Base Hosp 27   Unit Praised w/Photo          WW1       1919-04-02     Gaz Times      9
COX                 John W                                  111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
COX                 Leonard             1st Lt              319th Inf      Won Belgian Crown             WW1       1919-06-09     Gaz Times      11
COX                 Leonard             1st Lt              319th Inf      Awarded DSC                   WW1       1919-05-30     Gaz Times      22
COX                 M.P                 Cpl                 Co A 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
COX                 William S                     Army                     Transferred to Aviation SectioWW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    11
COX                 Jesse W                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-22     Pitts Press    2
COX                 Clarence E          Pvt                 Batt A 313th FATransferred                   WW1       1917-12-27     Pitts Press    2
COX                 Henry                         Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-11     Gaz Times      3
COXSEN              John H                                                 Still POW w/Hometown          WW1       1918-11-18     Gazette Times  7
COXSON              John H                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  14
COY                 H. C.               Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
COY                 Herbert F           PVt                 Batt F 107th FAKIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-11-19     Pitts Press    2
COY                 Herbert F           Pvt                                KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    4
COY                 Harry C             Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
COY                 Herbert F                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-22     Gazette Times  68
COY                 Herbert L           Pvt                 Batt F 107th FAKIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  5
COY                                     Lt.                                In Parade                     WW1       1919-05-28     Pitts Press    6
COY                 Gordon L                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
COYL                Harry H             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-24     Gazette Times  12
COYLE               Joseph B            Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    11
COYLE               Peter M             Sgt       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  1
COYLE               Peter M                                                POW w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-18     Gazette Times  16
COYLE               Ambrose                                                Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
COYLE               Joseph B            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
COYLE               Peter C                                                Released from Prison Camp w/HoWW1       1919-01-10     Gazette Times  11
COYLE               Edwin A             Capt                Co A 166th Inf Rainbow Div. Home w/Address   WW1       1919-04-27     Pitts Press    1
COYLE               Edwin A             Capt                Co A 166th Inf Home Aboard Leviathan w/AddresWW1       1919-04-27     Gaz Times      7
COYLOR              John                                                   Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
COYNA               Thomas                                                 Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
COYNE               John Francis                                           Recruit w/Hometown & Branch   WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
COYNE               John J              Maj                                Son's Marriage                WW1       1918-06-20     Pitts Press    18
COYNE               Joseph                                                 Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
COYNE               Raymond                                                Photo                         WW1       1916-06-10     Pitts Press    4
COYNE               James J                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
COYNE               Harry                                                  Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
COYNE               John F                                                 Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
COYNE               Patrick J                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
COYNE               Charles M           PVt       Army                     KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-09-24     Pitts Press    1
COYNE               Raymond E           Pvt                 Old 18th       Pittsburgh's Own w/Photo      WW1       1918-09-27     Pitts Press    1
COYNE               John J                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-03     Pitts Press    2
COYNE               Michael J                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
COYNE               Michael J                                              Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    8
COYNE               Michael J           Army                               To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Gazette Times  9
COYNE               Anthony J                                              Departing for Camp-4th Ward   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
COYNE               John C                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COYNE               Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COYNE               Patrick J                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COYNE               Harry                         Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
COYNE               James J                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
COYNE               John F                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
COYNE               John T                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
COYNE               William P                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-02     Gazette Times  9
COYNE               John F                        Marines                  New Enlistee  w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
COYNE               John C                        Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
COYNE               Michael                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COYNE               Patrick J                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
COYNE               Charles M                               30th Inf       KIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-09-17     Gazette Times  9
COYNE               Charles Michael               Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-25     Gazette Times  11
COYNE               Raymond E           Pvt       Army      Co I 111th Reg Obituary w/Photo              WW1       1918-09-22     Gazette Times  15
COYNE               Raymond E                     Army                     Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-09-27     Gazette Times  14
COYNE               Raymond E           Pvt                 Co J 111th Reg Died of Wounds w/Bio          WW1       1918-09-29     Gazette Times  12
COYNE               G.M                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
COYNE               Philip              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  5
COYNE               William R           Sgt                                In Germany w/Photo            WW1       1919-04-20     Pitts Press    80
COYNE               Phillip             Pvt                 Co C 16th Inf  Has Souvenir Bullet           WW1       1919-05-03     Gaz Times      3
COYNE               Phillip             Pvt                 Co C 16th Inf  At Parkview Hosp w/Address    WW1       1919-05-03     Gaz Times      3
COYNES              James                                                  To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
COYTK               Andrew O                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  24
COZART              Arthur                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
COZART              Arthur                                                 Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
COZY                Daniel              Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-09-22     Pitts Press    4
COZY                Daniel                                  Co B 112th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-10     Gazette Times  7
COZY                Daniel                        Army                     KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-22     Gazette Times  16
COZY                Harry                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-28     Gazette Times  11
COZZIE              Victor A            Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CRABLE              Regis Y             Cpl                 Batt D 323rd FAPromoted                      WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
CRABLE              Regis Y             Cpl                 Batt D 323rd FAPromoted                      WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  7
CRABLE              Kenneth J                                              Photo                         WW1       1919-06-06     Pitts Press    1
CRABTREE            A.F                                     Co B 305th Eng Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CRABTREE            A.F                                     Co B 305th Eng Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CRACK               Lonis                                                  To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
CRACKEN             John P                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    5
CRACKEN             Earl C              Sgt                 101st Inf      Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  3
CRACKEN             Earl C              Sgt                 101st Inf      Arrived at Parkview Hosp      WW1       1919-01-07     Pitts Press    2
CRACKER             David C                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CRACRAFT            William Jr. Dr                                         Brother's Death               WW1       1918-11-27     Pitts Press    9
CRADA               Louis                                                  Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CRADDOCK            George Francis                Marines   Co 82  6th Reg Service w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CRADDOCK            James                         Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CRADDOCK            Raymond                       Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CRAFT               David W                       Aviation Corps           Enlisted                      WW1       1918-02-05     Pitts Press    20
CRAFT               Frank E             Pvt                 100th Aero     On Lost Steamer w/Address     WW1       1918-02-08     Pitts Press    5
CRAFT               Sherman L                     Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  2
CRAFT               Benjamin            Mech                Co H 9th Inf   Reach General Hospital        WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  5
CRAGO               Thomas S            Col                 Co K 14th Reg  Spoke on Comradeship                    1918-02-16     Gazette Times  10
CRAGO               Clayton                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CRAGO               Benjamin                                330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CRAHAM              Charles F           PVt                                KIA in Aug w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-11     Gazette Times  7
CRAHAY              Noel J                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CRAHEN              Edward              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address &Next of KinWW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
CRAHEN              Edward                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CRAHEN              Edwawrd T                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-13     Pitts Press    18
CRAIG               Russell                                                Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CRAIG               James W                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-21     Pitts Press    17
CRAIG               Earle M                                                Recruits for military trainingWW1       1918-06-19     Pitts Press    6
CRAIG               William F                                              Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CRAIG               Ivan DeV                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    29
CRAIG               Walter D                                               Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               Walter D                                               Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CRAIG               Emmons                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               Frank E                                                Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CRAIG               Frank                                                  Farewell Party                WW1       1918-05-31     Pitts Press    28
CRAIG               Joseph T                                               Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               William G                                              Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               Wesley I                                               Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               Armer                                                  Died                          Civil     1918-02-28     Pitts Press    6
CRAIG               Charles E                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               Jefferson N                             Co E 38th Inf  POW                           WW1       1918-10-01     Pitts Press    5
CRAIG               Jefferson                                              POW                           WW1       1918-10-15     Pitts Press    1
CRAIG               J.N.                                                   POW w/Hometown                WW1       1918-10-22     Pitts Press    3
CRAIG               F.J                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
CRAIG               W.H                 Cpl                                KIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    7
CRAIG               H.W                 Cpl                 319th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CRAIG               Wesley                                                 Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CRAIG               Jefferson                     Army      Aviation SectioArrived in France w/Photo     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  7
CRAIG               William                       Br. & Can Armies         New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-30     Gazette Times  11
CRAIG               Emmons                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CRAIG               George E                      Marines                  Passed Physical w/Address     WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  4
CRAIG               George Washington                                      G Grandson Killed             War of 1811918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CRAIG               James E                       Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CRAIG               John                                                   GG Grandson Killed            Rev       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CRAIG               Russell                                                Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CRAIG               Walter W            Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-26     Gazette Times  2
CRAIG               Walter Watson       Lt                  59th Inf       Obituary w/Photo              WW1       1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CRAIG               William H.H.                                           Died at Andersonville         Civil     1918-08-04     Gazette Times  10
CRAIG               Jefferson                     Army      Aviation SectioArrived in France w/Photo     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  7
CRAIG               A. J                1st Lt    Army                     Army Appointments             WW1       1918-09-12     Gazette Times  9
CRAIG               Albert Burchfield   Ens       Naval Reserve            Brother's Death Notice        WW1       1918-10-08     Gazette Times  7
CRAIG               Floyd J                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CRAIG               George L. Jr.                 Naval Reserve            Brother's Death Notice        WW1       1918-10-08     Gazette Times  7
CRAIG               Jefferson N                                            POW w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
CRAIG               Joseph Stanton                Naval Reserve            Death Notice                  WW1       1918-10-08     Gazette Times  7
CRAIG               William H           Cpl                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CRAIG               Jefferson N                                            Released from Prison Camp     WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  7
CRAIG               Jefferson N                                            POW Freed w/Address           WW1       1919-01-04     Pitts Press    7
CRAIG               Joseph              Pvt                 331st Inf      Casualty on Board             WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    2
CRAIG               Greenberry          Cpl                 2nd Batt, 319thWorkout for Platoon w/HometownWW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  4
CRAIG               William                                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CRAIG               David B             Pvt                 Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRAIG               E.J                 Wagoner             HQ Ambulance SeAboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CRAIG               Frank I                                 Field Hosp 112 Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CRAIG               Fred C                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      9
CRAIG               Malvern W           Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRAIG               William                                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CRAIG               Walter W            Cpl       Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CRAIG               H.W                 Cpl       Army      Co A 319th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-28     Gaz Times      28
CRAIG               Harry R                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CRAIG               Hugh W                        Army      Co A 319th Inf Speaks German                 WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CRAIGHEAD           Amos                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CRAIGHEAD           Raymond                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CRAIGHEAD           Gordon              Sgt                 111th Inf      Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    7
CRAIGHEAD           Gordon F            Sgt                 Co F 111th Inf Qualifies for School w/Photo  WW1       1919-03-09     Gazette Times  15
CRAIL               Walter H                                Batt A 323rd FATransferred                   WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      6
CRAIN               Neal J                                                 Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CRAIN               Lawrence E                                             Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CRAIN               Jess G              Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-12     Pitts Press    15
CRAIN               Jesse G                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CRAITE              Pvt                                                    Picture                       WW1       1919-03-07     Mt. Wash News
CRAKER              Ward E                                  330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CRAMBI              Ferdinand                                              Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CRAMBLETT           L. Ridell                                              Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAMBLETT           Louis Randell                           Co C 305th Eng Marriage                      WW1       1918-04-17     Gazette Times  18
CRAMER              Jesse J                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CRAMER              Charles                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CRAMER              John A                                                 Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CRAMER              Frank               Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-14     Pitts Press    4
CRAMER              F.L.                Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-11-29     Pitts Press    11
CRAMER              Maurice                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    22
CRAMER              Clair               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    46
CRAMER              Robert              Sgt                 320th Inf      To Attend Training Camp       WW1       1918-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CRAMER              Jacob                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRAMER              Victor I                                               Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CRAMER              Charles                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CRAMER              Warren H                      Tank Corps               New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CRAMER              William P                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  8
CRAMER              George              Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CRAMER              Jesse J                       Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CRAMER              Jacob                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRAMER              Victor I                                               Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CRAMER              Sam                                                    Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CRAMER              Frank                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-14     Gazette Times  51
CRAMER              Frank                                                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-14     Gazette Times  51
CRAMER              R.L                           Army                     To Camp Hancock               WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
CRAMER              Clair                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CRAMER              Frannklin L                                            MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-30     Gazette Times  4
CRAMER              Jesse Wilbut        Sgt                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-16     Gazette Times  14
CRAMILLI            Gabrielli                                              MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  13
CRAMILLI            Gabrielli                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  13
CRAMILLI            Gabrielli           Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-28     Pitts Press    7
CRAMP               John F              Cpl                 158th Dep Brig Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      3
CRAMPTON            Chester B                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CRAMPTON            Chas. F.                                               Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CRAMPTON            Chas. F                                                Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CRAMPTON            Chester B                                              Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CRAMPTON            Chester B                     Army                     Discharged                    WW1       1919-01-04     Gazette Times  7
CRAMPTON            william C           Cpl                 15th Eng       Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CRAMPTON            William             Cpl                 HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRAMPTON            William C           Cpl                                Discharge Papers w/Hometown   WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      15
CRAMPTON            William C           Sgt                 5th Eng        Letter (printed) w/Photo      WW1       1917-12-24     Pitts Press    12
CRANAK              William M                                              Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CRANAK              William M                                              To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CRANDSTETTER        Peter J                                                In Prison Camp w/Hometown     WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CRANE               Glen W                                                 Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CRANE               W. Earl                       Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CRANE               Glen W                        Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CRANE               W. Earl                       Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CRANE               Stephen             Lt        Can Army                 Furlough                      WW1       1918-09-19     Gazette Times  5
CRANE               Wilfield P          Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRANFORD            Isaac R                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CRANGHAM            Norman                                                 Tank Corps Enlistee w/HometownWW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CRANSFIELD          Joseph              Sgt                                Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      6
CRANSTON            Herman R                                               Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-27     Pitts Press    1
CRAPE               Norman                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CRARA               Ames                                                   Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CRASFIELD           Joseph              Cpl                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CRASHER             William                                                Negro Draftee w/Hometown      WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    12
CRASSE              David                                                  Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CRASSE              David                         Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CRATTY              Harry                         Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CRATTY              John H                                                 Death Notice                  Civil     1919-03-27     Gazette Times  17
CRAVEN              D.A.                          Can. Army                Died of Wounds                WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    1
CRAVEN              A. Ralph            Capt                               Engagement                    WW1       1918-12-03     Pitts Press    17
CRAVEN              A. Ralph            Capt                               Engagement                    WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    54
CRAVEN              L.E                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-18     Pitts Press    13
CRAVEN              LaVerne E           Cpl       Army                     Wounded                       WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    19
CRAVEN              A. Ralph            Capt                               Marriage                      WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  18
CRAVEN              A.Ralph             Capt                               Engagement                    WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  51
CRAVEN              Laverne Eugene      Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CRAVEN              Andrew Ralph        Capt                               Marriage                      WW1       1919-01-08     Gazette Times  16
CRAVEN              Daniel W                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-28     Gazette Times  13
CRAVENER            William H                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    42
CRAVER              John L                                  Marines        Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-06-19     Pitts Press    2
CRAVER              Myron B                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    17
CRAWFORD            Amos                                                   Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CRAWFORD            Ray Field                                              Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CRAWFORD            Alvin               Sgt                                Engagement                    WW1       1918-06-18     Pitts Press    10
CRAWFORD            Harry J                       Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-20     Pitts Press    5
CRAWFORD            Alvin               Sgt                                Wedding                       WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    28
CRAWFORD            Earl R                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CRAWFORD            John                                                   Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            John                                                   Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CRAWFORD            B. S                Lt        Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-03     Pitts Press    1
CRAWFORD            Thomas R                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    8
CRAWFORD            Boyd S              Lt.                 Co D 1st Eng   Address, Parents w/Photo      WW1       1918-07-14     Pitts Press    48
CRAWFORD            John H                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    5
CRAWFORD            John S                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-30     Pitts Press    22
CRAWFORD            Alvin B             Sgt                                Marriage                      WW1       1918-05-23     Pitts Press    11
CRAWFORD            Walter C                      Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
CRAWFORD            Harold E                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CRAWFORD            Archibald McBride                                      Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            John T                                                 Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            Charles                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            Charles                                                Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CRAWFORD            william M                                              Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            Stanley                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CRAWFORD            D.W                 Cpl                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    38
CRAWFORD            George W                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
CRAWFORD            L.R                 Capt                               Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    18
CRAWFORD            William M                                              Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Stanley                                                To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Thomas B            1st Lt    Army      110th Inf      Promoted at Camp Hancock      WW1       1918-04-09     Gazette Times  4
CRAWFORD            William             Pvt       Army      Co A MP        Saved Captain's Lief          WW1       1918-04-22     Gazette Times  4
CRAWFORD            Frank S             Lt        Army      315th Inf      Left for Baltimore            WW1       1918-01-03     Gazette Times  14
CRAWFORD            W.R                           Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            Clarence W                    Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRAWFORD            Harold E                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CRAWFORD            Harry F                       Army      Batt B 323rd FAReleased from Base Hospital   WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  2
CRAWFORD            James                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRAWFORD            P.E                           Army      323rd FA       Denied Furlough w/Home County WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            Walter C                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            Alvin Bennett       Sgt                                Marriage                      WW1       1918-06-22     Gazette Times  16
CRAWFORD            Boyd S              Lt                  1st US Eng     KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  11
CRAWFORD            E.C                 1st Lt    Army                     Appointed w/Hometown          WW1       1918-06-11     Gazette Times  4
CRAWFORD            Harry J                       Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-20     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            John B              Lt                  28th Inf       KIA                           WW1       1918-06-11     Gazette Times  2
CRAWFORD            Willis H                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-06-19     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Boyd S              Lt        Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-04     Gazette Times  2
CRAWFORD            John H                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            Jophn                         Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  8
CRAWFORD            Ray Field                                              Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CRAWFORD            William                       Army                     To Camp Humphreys w/Address   WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Clarence W                    Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRAWFORD            Harold E                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CRAWFORD            Harry F                       Army      Batt B 323rd FAReleased from Base Hospital   WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  2
CRAWFORD            James                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRAWFORD            P.E                           Army      323rd FA       Denied Furlough w/Home County WW1       1918-05-16     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            Walter C                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  9
CRAWFORD            Charles C                                              Marriage                      WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  14
CRAWFORD            Edward                        Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CRAWFORD            George R                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CRAWFORD            George W                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CRAWFORD            Roy F                         Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Thomas E            Lt                  Co M 110th Inf Arrived at Home               WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  2
CRAWFORD            Waldo J                                                To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Albert R                      Army                     Motor Trans Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
CRAWFORD            George Washington   1st Lt                             1st Art Training Camp         WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  4
CRAWFORD            Charles E                                              Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-04     Gazette Times  14
CRAWFORD            Earl R              Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CRAWFORD            George W                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  20
CRAWFORD            Henry B                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CRAWFORD            James Francis                 Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CRAWFORD            Lloyd Robert                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  4
CRAWFORD            Lloyd Robert        Capt                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CRAWFORD            Ray                                                    Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CRAWFORD            Charles                                 Co C 109th FA  Hospital Arrival              WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  6
CRAWFORD            Charles             Pvt                 Co C 109th FA  Arrived at Parkview Hosp      WW1       1919-01-12     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            Henry R             Cpl                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-01-21     Pitts Press    7
CRAWFORD            Thomas              Capt                               Promoted                      WW1       1919-01-29     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            William W           Cpl                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-01-20     Gazette Times  5
CRAWFORD            Elzie                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-06     Gazette Times  7
CRAWFORD            Elzie                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    16
CRAWFORD            H.R                                                    Base Hospital 27              WW1       1919-03-26     Gazette Times  10
CRAWFORD            A.McB               Sgt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CRAWFORD            Harry B                                                Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-02     Pitts Press    2
CRAWFORD            J.T                 Cpl                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CRAWFORD            L.A                 Pvt                 Co I 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CRAWFORD            A. McB              Sgt                 Co C 35th Batt Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CRAWFORD            A.McB               Sgt                 Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CRAWFORD            Emmett B            Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRAWFORD            Harry B                                                Returned Home                 WW1       1919-04-03     Gaz Times      5
CRAWFORD            J.F                                     Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CRAWFORD            J.I                                     Co I 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CRAWFORD            J.T                 Cpl                 Co D 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CRAWFORD            Jacob L                                 111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CRAWFORD            L.A                                     HQ Co 319th InfAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CRAWFORD            Matthew B                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CRAWFORD            Frank A             Lt                  315th Inf      Visiting                      WW1       1917-12-30     Pitts Press    49
CRAWFORD            Charles                       Army                     Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-28     Gaz Times      31
CRAWFORD            Elzie H             Pfc                 330th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-30     Gaz Times      6
CRAWFORD            L                                       Co K 300th Inf Aid Loan Drive                WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      2
CRAWFORD            William             Col                                Honored Indian Fighter        Rev       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      5
CRAWLEY             James P                                                Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CRAWN               John L                        Army                     Died from Disease w/Next of KiWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  60
CRAWSHAW            John                          Army                     Draftees w/Address            WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CRAYNE              Albert R                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-24     Gazette Times  22
CRAYNE              Thomas R                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-24     Gazette Times  21
CRAYTON             William S                     Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-27     Pitts Press    3
CRAYTON             James                                                  Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CRAZE               E. A.               Pvt                                Died of Wounds w/Hometown     WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CRAZIANO            Peter                                                  To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CREA                Jacob               Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    8
CREA                Jacob                         Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CREA                John                          Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CREA                Jacob                         Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CREA                John                          Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CREA                James Harrison      Lt                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-20     Gazette Times  8
CREADY              A.H                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CREAGER             Fred                                                   Apprentice Seamen to Leave    WW1       1918-03-27     Pitts Press    8
CREBS               William E                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-09     Pitts Press    2
CRECH               John V                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CRECKMANN           W.A                 Pvt                                Aboard the Argentina w/AddressWW1       1919-03-27     Gazette Times  15
CRECO               Joseph                        Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-20     Pitts Press    5
CREDE               Henry E                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CREDE               C.W                 Mech                               Wounded w/Address &Next of KinWW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
CREDE               Charles W                                              Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CREDE               Henry E                       Army                     Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CREDE               Charles W                                              Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CREDE               W.A                 1st Lt    Army                     Officers Named                WW1       1918-10-06     Gazette Times  15
CREDE               Charles W                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CREDE               Charles W           Mech                               Died of Wounds w/Address      WW1       1919-02-17     Pitts Press    11
CREE                Harry N                                                Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CREE                Walter H                                               Off to Camp                   WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CREE                Fred B                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CREE                Fred D              Pvt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-02-15     Gazette Times  11
CREE                Fred D              Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-02-14     Pitts Press    4
CREE                Harry                                                  Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CREECY              Thomas                        Br & Can Armies          Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
CREEDON             Katherine           Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
CREEDON                                 Nurse                              Remained in France            WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
CREEHAN             William             Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CREEK               Harry W                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-02-26     Pitts Press    2
CREEK               Harry W                                                To Training Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-02-27     Gazette Times  9
CREEL               James F                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
CREEL               James                                                  KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-11-17     Gazette Times  21
CREEL               Ivan                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-03     Gazette Times  5
CREELMAN            Wilbur S                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    6
CREELMAN            Wilbur S                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CREESE              Alfred                        Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  6
CREESE              James                                                  Shoulder Straps w/Address     WW1       1918-09-09     Gazette Times  5
CREESE              Alfred E                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CREESO              Anthony                       Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CREGAN              Francis X           Pvt                 Co F 103rd Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  4
CREGAN              Frank X                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CREHAN              William J           Pvt                 Co B 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CREIG               Norman E                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CREIGHTON           Joseph                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    1
CREIGHTON           Joseph                                                 Selectives to Barracks w/AddreWW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    1
CREIGHTON           Josph                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CREIGHTON           Joseph                                                 Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    4
CREIGHTON           Fred Lacy                     Army                     Negroes to Camp Custer w/AddreWW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  13
CREIGHTON           Ella Mrs.                     Red Cross                Brother & Sister Serve w/PhotoWW1       1919-03-16     Pitts Press    5
CRENNER             M.J.Jr.             Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CRENNER             M.J. Jr.                                Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CRESOLOSKY          George                                                 MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  2
CRESS               Ralph                                                  Discharged                    WW1       1919-02-28     Mt. Wash News
CRESS               Ralph C                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CRESS               Ralph C                       Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CRESSE              Michael                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
CRESSLAND           William S           Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CRESTAN             Joseph                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CRESWELL            Charles T           Brig Gen  Pa. Reserve Militia      Reviews Troops                WW1       1918-02-22     Gazette Times  6
CRIBBENS            Thomas              Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-09-18     Pitts Press    2
CRIBBINS            Lawrence J          Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-11     Gazette Times  13
CRIBBS              Clifford W                    Army                     New Officer w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    15
CRIBBS              John R                                                 Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CRIBBS              John R                                                 Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CRIBBS              Hyatt  M. Jr.                 Marines                  Commissioned w/Address        WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  14
CRIBBS              John R                        Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CRICKS              John F                                                 Army Draftees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-25     Pitts Press    1
CRICKS              Edward Francis                                         Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CRIDGE              Howard M                                               Army Draftees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-02-25     Pitts Press    1
CRIDGE              Charles                                                Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  5
CRIDGE              Charles                                                Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  5
CRIDGE              Howard M            Pvt                                About to Return Home w/Photo  WW1       1919-03-30     Gazette Times  47
CRIDLER             Ernest E            Sgt                 Co D 112th Inf KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  12
CRIECO              John                Cpl                 319th Inf      Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-30     Gazette Times  3
CRIETZ              Charles A                                              Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CRIETZ              Charles A                     Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CRILL               L.H.                Sgt                                Poisoned Water                WW1       1918-10-01     Pitts Press    5
CRILLEY             Joseph J                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CRILLEY             Joseph J                                               Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CRILLEY             Edward                        Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-08     Gazette Times  27
CRILLEY             Edward                                                 POW Released                  WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  10
CRILLEY             John L              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-18     Gazette Times  15
CRILLEY             J.J                 Cpl                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CRILLEY             J.J                 Cpl                 Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CRIMBEHIM           Frank                                                  Selectives to Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  7
CRIMENI             Joseph              Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    4
CRIMENI             Joseph                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CRIMM               Clyde H                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    17
CRINALDI            Carmine                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CRINER              Howard Edward       Pvt                                Died from Wounds w/Hometown   WW1       1918-09-30     Pitts Press    76
CRIPPS              C. J                          Army                     Draftees to Vancouver BarricksWW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  8
CRISCITO            Travasco                                111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CRISCO              Severio                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRISCO              Severio                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CRISE               Arthur R                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
CRISE               Arthur R                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-24     Gazette Times  9
CRISER              George F                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CRISINK             Joseph                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-04     Gaz Times      14
CRISMAN             Harry E                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-15     Gazette Times  2
CRISMAN             Harry E                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-14     Pitts Press    14
CRISNER             George              Cpl                 Co D 330th Inf Promoted                      WW1       1917-10-20     Gaz Times      9
CRISPELL            Thos. C                                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CRISPELL            Thos C                                  Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CRISPEN             Claude W                      Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CRISPEN             Don S                         Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CRISPIN             George F                      Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CRISSANE            Arthur L                                               Service Flag Dedicated        WW1       1918-01-14     Gazette Times  5
CRISSMAN            David B             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CRISSWELL           Arthur L            Lt                  6th Inf        Wounded w/Photo               WW1       1918-11-24     Pitts Press    26
CRISSWELL           Arthur J            Lt                  6th Inf        Marriage                      WW1       1918-12-03     Pitts Press    9
CRISSWELL           Arthur L            Lt                                 Married in Hospital w/Photo   WW1       1918-12-13     Pitts Press    6
CRISSWELL           Albert              Cpl                 15th Co 6th BatPromoted                      WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      3
CRISSWELL           Arthur R                      Army                     Training for Commission w/HomeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      5
CRIST               Florence H          Cpl                 Co F 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CRIST               charles A           Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CRIST               Florence H          Cpl                 Co F 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CRISTAM             Joseph                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CRISTE              Ralph J             Sgt                                In France w/Photo             WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    11
CRISTE              Madeline            Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
CRISTE              Madeline M          Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
CRISTE              Madeline M          Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
CRISTE              Madeline M          Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
CRISTE              Madeline M          Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
CRISTEFORD          Mario                                                  Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CRISTOFAN           Armando                                                Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CRISTOFANI          Armando                       Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    1
CRISTOFORO          Guiseppe                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CRISWELL            J.S                 Sgt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    8
CRISWELL            F.S                 Bugler                             Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-27     Pitts Press    9
CRISWELL            John F              Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  31
CRISWELL            Arthur L                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CRISWELL            Joseph S                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-28     Gazette Times  11
CRISWELL            H.B                 Sgt                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CRISWELL            H.B                 Sgt                 Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CRISWELL            Robert                                  111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CRISWELL            Arthur J            2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CRITCHELOW          Clarence A          Pvt                                Machinist                     WW1       1917-12-21     Pitts Press    4
CRITCHFIELD         Vinton R            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CRITCHFIELD         Paul M              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Gazette Times  11
CRITCHLOW           John                                    Signal Corps   Gassed                        WW1       1918-08-08     Pitts Press    5
CRITCHLOW           Paul P                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-22     Pitts Press    2
CRITCHLOW           J. W.               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-02     Pitts Press    1
CRITCHLOW           Robert                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CRITCHLOW           Paul P                        Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-22     Gazette Times  5
CRITCHLOW           John                                                   Gassed w/Address              WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CRITCHLOW           John                Pvt                                Recovered w/Photo             WW1       1919-02-23     Pitts Press    50
CRITCHLOW           R.N                                     HQ & Sup Det 30Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CRITCHLOW           Harry J                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CROAK               James E                       Army                     Motor Trans Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
CROCCO              Salvatore                     Army                     To Camp Greenleaf w/Hometown  WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
CROCCO              Louis                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-18     Gazette Times  14
CROCE               Charles E                               Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CROCK               William H                                              Drafted w/Address             WW1       1918-06-22     Pitts Press    1
CROCK               Frank B                       Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CROCK               George T                      Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-12     Pitts Press    26
CROCK               T.H                           Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CROCK               Charles E                     Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CROCKEDE            William A           Cpl       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-23     Gazette Times  21
CROCKER             Thomas J                      Army                     Received Commission           WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CROCKER             Charles                                                To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CROCKER             Sid                                                    Reunion                       Civil     1918-09-17     Gazette Times  7
CROCKER             William A                     Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-20     Gazette Times  14
CROCKER             Floyd                         Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CROCKER             Floyd                                                  Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CROCKER             William A. Jr.      Cp;                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-22     Pitts Press    3
CROCKETT            Joseph M            Lt                  12th Batt FA   Attended wedding              WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    20
CROCO               Carlton W                     Army                     4th Officers' Training Camp   WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
CROCO               Carlton W                     Army                     4th Officers' Training Camp   WW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  11
CROCO               Carlton Webster                                        Shoulder Straps w/Address     WW1       1918-09-09     Gazette Times  5
CRODELL             Allen M             1st Lt    Army      112th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
CROFT               Oren                                                   KIA                           WW1       1918-11-22     Pitts Press    14
CROFT               C.A                                     105th Supply   Honored at Dinner             WW1       1919-06-20     Gaz Times      4
CROGAN              James T                                                To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CROGNALL            Dominico                                Batt B 323rd FATo Camp Rockford to Join 35th WW1       1917-10-25     Gaz Times      3
CROKAM              John                                                   Certified for Army Service w/AWW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      5
CROKE               Jim                                                    En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CROKE               Jim                           Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CROKER              Charles                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CROKER              Ernest M                                               Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-10-02     Pitts Press    2
CROKER              Ernest M. Jr.                 Army                     To Camp Dix                   WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
CROMEK              Joseph              Pvt                 Co F 119th Inf Arrived at Parkview Hosp      WW1       1919-01-12     Pitts Press    2
CROMER              Thompson                                               Arrived on the North Carolina WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  2
CROMER              Thompson                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CROMICK             Joseph                                  Co F 119th Inf Hospital Arrival              WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  6
CROMIE              William F                     Tank Corps               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    6
CROMIE              William F                     Tank Corps               New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CROMIE              Albert                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CROMIE              William A           Sgt                 Co K 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CROMIE              William A           Sgt                 Co K 320th Inf "True Beads" w/Address        WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      9
CROMIE              William A           Sgt                 Co K 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CROMILLER           George                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CROMLING            Charles F                                              Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    2
CROMPTON            Frank O             Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    8
CROMPTON            Edward              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  14
CROMSHSAW           Michael J                                              KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CRON                J.S                 Pvt       Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    9
CRONEMEYER          Henry C                                                Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CRONEMEYER          Henry C                                                Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CRONER              G.W                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-24     Pitts Press    18
CRONER              George W                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CRONER              George W            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CRONERWITH          M.                                                     Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CRONIN              G.                  Pvt       Army                     Died                          WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
CRONIN              Raymond P                     Marines                  Pgh Marines with Pershing w/Photo       1918-08-26     Pitts Press    9
CRONIN              James P                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-29     Pitts Press    2
CRONIN              James M                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CRONIN              Thomas L                                               Leave for Ft. Thomas          WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
CRONIN              Charles             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-07     Pitts Press    3
CRONIN              John W                                  Co M 330th Inf Transferred                   WW1       1918-01-06     Gazette Times  10
CRONIN              James M                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CRONIN              Thomas L                      Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CRONIN              Patrick J                                              Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-09     Gazette Times  14
CRONIN              Patrick Joseph      Pvt                                Died of Wounds                WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  13
CRONIN              Raymond P           Cpl                                Honor Roll Unveiled           WW1       1918-11-21     Gazette Times  10
CRONIN              Nicholas                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      9
CRONISTER           Leslie M                      Marines                  Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    19
CRONISTER           Leslie M                      Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-08-09     Gazette Times  8
CRONK               Thomas W                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-17     Pitts Press    17
CRONK               Harold D                      Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CRONK               A                                       358th Brig     Transferred                   WW1       1917-12-08     Pitts Press    12
CRONKHITE           A.P                 Maj Gen                            War Honors                    WW1       1919-01-20     Pitts Press    18
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj. Gen            8th Army       Photo                         WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  47
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj Gen             80th Div       Commander                     WW1       1919-03-30     Pitts Press    69
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj. Gen                           Commander                     WW1       1919-05-27     Pitts Press    1
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj. Gen.           80th Div       Pays Tribute                  WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj. Gen            319th Inf      Photo                         WW1       1919-06-09     Pitts Press    1
CRONKHITE                               Maj Gen.                           To March                      WW1       1919-06-08     Pitts Press    6
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj Gen                            To Visit Pitts w/Photo        WW1       1919-05-29     Gaz Times      1
CRONKHITE           Adelbert            Maj Gen                            Participate in Parade w/Photo WW1       1919-06-07     Gaz Times      1
CRONLEY             James T                       Army                     New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  9
CRONMEYER           Carl E                                                 Soldiers for Natl Army        WW1       1918-08-31     Pitts Press    1
CRONMILLER          George F                                               Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
CRONNIO             Alphonse                                               Draftees Leave Monday         WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    7
CROOKHAM            Albert A                      Army                     Men to South w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-28     Pitts Press    1
CROOKS              George                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-27     Pitts Press    23
CROOKS              Carl E                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-28     Gazette Times  2
CROOKS              J.H. Dr             Capt                               Promoted w/Photo              WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  12
CROOKS              George W                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CROOKS              S.G                           Marines                  Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  16
CROOKS              George H            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CROOKS              George W                                506th Eng      Negro Heroes to Parade        WW1       1919-06-05     Pitts Press    18
CROOKSHAN           Fred E              Pvt                                Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    19
CROOKSHANK          John                          Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CROOKSON            A.V                 Col                 107th FA       Group Photo Aboard Mongolia   WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      8
CROOKSTEIN          A.V                 Col                                Guardsmen Ordered South       WW1       1918-08-28     Pitts Press    1
CROOKSTON           Albert V            Lt. Col                            PA Artillery Blasts Hun Lines WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    1
CROOKSTON           W. J                                                   Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CROOKSTON           A.V                 Lt. Col             107th FA       Writes of Battles             WW1       1919-01-23     Gazette Times  11
CROOKSTON           A.V                 Lt. Col             107th FA       Detailed Report               WW1       1919-01-22     Pitts Press    1
CROOKSTON           A.V                 Lt. Col.            103rd Supply   Arrived Home                  WW1       1919-05-22     Pitts Press    1
CROOKSTON           A.V                 Col                                Waiting to Land               WW1       1919-05-09     Gaz Times      1
CROOKSTON           A.V                 Col                                Photo                         WW1       1919-05-23     Gaz Times      11
CROOKSTON           Albert V            Lt.Col              HQ 107th FA    Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CROOKSTON           W.J                 Col                                Arrived on Kroonland          WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      2
CROOKSTON           W.J                 Col                 28th Div       Staff Officers w/Photo        WW1       1919-05-01     Gaz Times      8
CROOKSTON           William J           Lt.Col              107th FA       Decorated w/Photo             WW1       1919-05-16     Gaz Times      7
CROOKSTON           William J           Lt. Col   Army                     No Sickness in Camp           WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     53
CROOKSTON           A.V                 Lt. Col             107th Art      To School                     WW1       1917-11-03     Gaz Times      6
CROOKSTON           W.J                 Lt. Col             110th Inf      Football Game                 WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      2
CROON               John                          Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CROOP               Karl C                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CROPF               Clyde Conrad                                           Returned to Duty w/Hometown   WW1       1918-10-21     Gazette Times  3
CROPICKINTSKY       Emil                                                   In Prison Camp w/Hometown     WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  14
CROPICKNITSKY       Emel                                                   POW w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-06     Gazette Times  14
CROPPER             Charles E                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-10     Pitts Press    9
CROPPER             Charles L                     Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CROSBER             William                                                Negroes to Camp Greene w/HometWW1       1918-10-17     Gazette Times  3
CROSBIE             Samuel R                      Br & Can Armies          New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CROSBIR             Samuel R                      Brit & Can Armies        Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    4
CROSBLE             C. T. Dr.           Lt                                 Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1918-04-22     Pitts Press    6
CROSBY              Lloyd M                       Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-05-19     Pitts Press    43
CROSBY              Eleanor             Nurse                              At Battlefield w/Photo        WW1       1918-04-17     Gazette Times  11
CROSBY              Lloyd M                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CROSBY              Lloyd M                       Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-19     Gazette Times  7
CROSBY              Richard H                                              Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-20     Pitts Press    13
CROSBY              Eleanor             Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
CROSBY              Eleanor             Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
CROSBY              Eleanor             Nurse                              Arrived from Franc e w/Photo  WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    1
CROSBY              Eleanor M           Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
CROSBY              eleanor M           Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
CROSBY              Eleanor M           Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
CROSBY              Howard                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      11
CROSBY              James W                       Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-31     Gaz Times      3
CROSOVOLT           James W                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CROSS               Robert B                                               Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CROSS               Lloyd A             Capt      Army      Co F 24th Eng  Former Track Star Over There  WW1       1916-06-08     Pitts Press    9
CROSS               Thomas A                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CROSS               Clarence K                                             Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CROSS               Joe                                                    Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CROSS               H.W                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    7
CROSS               S.C                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
CROSS               Thomas A                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CROSS               William                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CROSS               Thomas A                      Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CROSS               William                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CROSS               John L                        Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-11     Gazette Times  11
CROSS               Harry W                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-26     Gazette Times  7
CROSS               James H             CPl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-19     Gazette Times  13
CROSS               Edward                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CROSS               Samuel G                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CROSS               C.H                 Pvt                 Co C 111th Inf Money Sent to Dependent w/HomeWW1       1919-04-12     Pitts Press    5
CROSS               John                Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CROSS               James H                                 111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CROSS               Joseph                                  Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CROSSAN             Joseph                                                 Selective to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CROSSE              Lewis G                                                Departing for Camp wAddress   WW1       1918-02-10     Gazette Times  21
CROSSEN             J.S                 Cpl                 Co A 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CROSSER             Edward R                                               Leaving for Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CROSSET             John M                                                 Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CROSSETT            John M                        Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CROSSEY             Joseph                                                 Returned Home w/Address       WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  7
CROSSEY             Joseph                                                 Arrive In NY w/Address        WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    1
CROSSLAND           Finley Woodward                         354th Aero     Wife's Funeral                WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    5
CROSSLAND           William                                                Wounded                       WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CROSSLAND           Edward                                                 Mascot Poisoned               WW1       1918-03-15     Gazette Times  5
CROSSLAND           Ralph I             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-11     Gazette Times  13
CROSSLAND           Charles                                                Discharged w/Address          WW1       1917-10-27     Gaz Times      9
CROSSLEY            John Summer                   Army                     Officers Appointed w/Hometown WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  2
CROSSMAN            William J                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CROSSMAN            William J                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CROSSMAN            Nathan                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CROSSMAN            Calvin                                  Co E 314th Inf Park View Hospital            WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
CROSSMAN            Calvin              Pvt                 Co E 314th Inf Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    48
CROSSMAN            Earl B              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-05     Gazette Times  25
CROSSMAN            Earl B              Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-05     Pitts Press    11
CROSSON             James H             1st Lt              319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CROTHERS            David               Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CROTHERS            David                                   HQ Co 320th InfAboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CROTICELLI          Emil                Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-10     Gazette Times  7
CROTTI              Andrea                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CROTTI              Andrea                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CROTTINER           Herman                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CROTTY              J.P                                     305th Sanitary Arrived Home w/Photo          WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      38
CROTTY              John                                                   Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CROUCH              Clinton D                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-22     Pitts Press    2
CROUCH              Clinton D                     Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-06-22     Gazette Times  5
CROUCH              James               Sgt                 Co K 319th Inf Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-14     Gazette Times  9
CROUCH              James               Sgt                 319th Inf      Injured w/Photo               WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  15
CROUCH              Houston             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CROUCH              James               Sgt                 Co K 319th Reg Recovered                     WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  14
CROUCH              James M             Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CROUCH                                            Army      319th Inf      Football Game                 WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  5
CROUCH              J.M                 Sgt                 Co K 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CROUCH              J.M                 Sgt                 Co K 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CROUCH              Albert M            Cpl       Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CROUP               Alfred H                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-10     Pitts Press    8
CROUSE              Samuel S            Lt        Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CROUSE              Edgar L             Cpl       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Pitts Press
CROUSE              Samuel S            Lt        Army      110th Inf      Article w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-13     Pitts Press    1
CROUSE              Edgar L             Cpl       Army      110th Inf      Article w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-13     Pitts Press    1
CROUSE              Ralph K                                                Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CROUSE              Earle B             Pvt                 314th FA       Surprised                     WW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    9
CROUSE              Albert Y                                Co K 110th Inf Congregation Members in ServicWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CROUSE              Edgar L                       Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  2
CROUSE              Samuel S            Lt        Army                     MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-07     Gazette Times  2
CROUSE              Samuel S            Lt        Army      Co C 110th Inf MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  7
CROUSE              Samuel S                                               Died w/Next of Kin            WW1       1919-01-16     Gazette Times  4
CROUSE              Samuel S            Lt                                 Died w/Hometown               WW1       1919-01-15     Pitts Press    6
CROUSE              Emil                Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  5
CROUSE              Samuel S            Lt                  Co C 110th Inf Photo                         WW1       1919-02-23     Pitts Press    66
CROUSE                                  Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-06     Pitts Press    7
CROUSE              Charles E           Capt                Hosp Base 27   Warm Welcome                  WW1       1919-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CROUSE              C.C                 Caot                               Doctors Honored at Reception  WW1       1919-05-15     Gaz Times      4
CROUSE              Charles C           Capt                               Pitt Drs. Home                WW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      9
CROUSE              Julius E            Sgt                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CROUSE              Samuel S            1st Lt    Army      110th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
CROUSE              Lothaire                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-04     Gaz Times      14
CROUSHORE           Herbert F                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-16     Pitts Press    18
CROUSHORE           Samuel H                                               Wounded w/ Next of Kin        WW1       1918-08-25     Gazette Times  7
CROUSHORE           Samuel H                      Army                     MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
CROUSHORE           Samuel H            Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-02-25     Pitts Press    10
CROUTHERS           Howard                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-03     Pitts Press
CROW                Harold                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CROW                A                             Naval Reserve            Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-19     Pitts Press    28
CROW                William E                               332rd Inf      Gold Star                     WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    9
CROW                Addison L                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CROW                Charles E                                              To Artillery School w/HometownWW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  12
CROW                Harry                                                  Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CROW                Harry M                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  7
CROW                Harry M                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-28     Pitts Press    2
CROWDEN             James P             Capt                               Hero w/Article                WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    1
CROWDER             Curtis C            Pvt                 Med Det 111th IRoster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CROWE               Logan M                       Army                     Recruit Honor Roll            WW1       1918-06-01     Pitts Press    5
CROWE               R.                            Can Army                 Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-20     Pitts Press    1
CROWE               Charles H           1st Lt    Army      109th Inf      Promoted at Camp Hancock      WW1       1918-04-09     Gazette Times  4
CROWE               James                                                  Sailed                        WW1       1919-03-14     Mt. Wash News
CROWE               Logan M                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-06-01     Gazette Times  7
CROWE               William A           Pvt                 Co L 110th Inf Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  3
CROWE               Rolla C                                                Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CROWE               Charles             Pvg                 26th Inf       Killed in Argonne             WW1       1919-01-11     Pitts Press    2
CROWE               Charles C           Pvt                 26th Inf       Killed in Argonne w/Photo     WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  9
CROWE               F.B                 Cpl                 Co K 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CROWE               Frank A. Jr.                            108th Mach Gun Aboard Transport Peerless     WW1       1919-05-17     Gaz Times      3
CROWE               James                                                  Transferred                   WW1       1917-11-12     Gaz Times      8
CROWE               John W                                  6th Training BaTransferred to Little Rock    WW1       1917-11-13     Gaz Times      9
CROWELL             J.L                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CROWFORD            Guy E               Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CROWL               Hazel               Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
CROWL               Hazel V             Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
CROWL               Hazel V             Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
CROWL               Hazel V             Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
CROWL               Hazel V             Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
CROWL               Hazel V             Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
CROWLEY             Edward B                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    29
CROWLEY             Arthur B                      Marines                  Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-14     Pitts Press    11
CROWLEY             William M                                              To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CROWLEY             John                Sgt       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CROWLEY             Thomas M                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-11-03     Gazette Times  11
CROWLEY             Daniel                                  Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CROWLEY             Dennis                        Coast Guard              Still Serving                 WW1       1919-06-15     Pitts Press    9
CROWLEY             Dennis H                                               New Recruit w/Address         WW1       1919-04-14     Pitts Press    98
CROWLEY             John                                    Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CROWLEY             John P              Pvt                 17th FA        Finally Home w/Photo          WW1       1919-06-15     Pitts Press    9
CROWLEY             Daniel                                  Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CROWLEY             John                                    Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CROWLEY             Joseph L            Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CROWLEY             James R                       Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CROWN               Robert J                      Army                     To Camp Meade w/Address       WW1       1918-09-07     Gazette Times  9
CROWN               T. J                Pvt                 HQ Det 103rd EnAboard the SS Finland w/AddresWW1       1919-05-02     Gaz Times      3
CROWNOVER           Roy S               Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  2
CROWTHER            Curtis C            Pvt                 111th Inf      Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CROWTHER            Curtis C            Pvt                 111th Inf      Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CROWTHER            Curtis C                                111th Inf      Discharged                    WW1       1919-05-16     Pitts Press    15
CROWTHERS           Thomas J                      Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  9
CROYLE              Bryan F                       Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CROYLE              Bryan F                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CROYLE              J.B                           Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-05     Pitts Press    15
CROZER              Samuel A            Capt                111th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1919-04-16     Gaz Times      11
CROZIER             John                                                   Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CROZIER             John                          Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CRSIWELL            C.B                 Pvt                 319th Inf      Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CRUCHMAN            George H                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-28     Gazette Times  13
CRUCHMAN            George H            Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-28     Pitts Press    7
CRUCIANI            Sam                                                    Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-27     Gazette Times  2
CRUDEN              John H                        Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CRUDEN              Thomas R                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CRUIKSHAND          Frank Jr.                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CRUIKSHANK          John S                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CRUIKSHANK          William A                     Marines                  New Enlistments               WW1       1918-07-04     Gazette Times  13
CRUIKSHANK          William                                                Plan Memorial Service         WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      9
CRUIKSHANK          Alex                          Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CRUIT               Richard C           1st Lt              Co E 319th Inf Royal Welcome w/Photo         WW1       1919-06-10     Gaz Times      8
CRUM                John B                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-15     Pitts Press    14
CRUM                Henry                                                  Negro Draftee w/Hometown      WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    12
CRUM                Frank P             Pvt                                Death Notice                  WW1       1918-12-26     Pitts Press    11
CRUM                John R                        Navy                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  3
CRUM                Charles W                                              Leave for Training Camp w/HomeWW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  7
CRUM                John R                                                 Training at Carnegie Tech w/AdWW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CRUM                Charles W                                              Leave for Training Camp w/HomeWW1       1918-05-15     Gazette Times  7
CRUM                Howard H            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-08     Gazette Times  20
CRUM                Henry                                                  Negroes to Camp Greene w/HometWW1       1918-10-17     Gazette Times  3
CRUM                Calvin G                                               KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-12     Gazette Times  17
CRUM                Frank P             Pvt                 Co M 72nd Inf  Death Notice                  WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  25
CRUMBLY             Horace S                      Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CRUMER              Charles                       Br & Canadian            Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-17     Pitts Press    8
CRUMINE             Charles W                     Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CRUMLEY             Edward T                                               Leave for Ft. Thomas          WW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
CRUMLEY             Charles A                     Marines                  Photo w/Next of Kin           WW1       1918-12-09     Pitts Press    13
CRUMLEY             Edward T.A                                             Photo w/Next of Kin           WW1       1918-12-09     Pitts Press    13
CRUMLEY             C                             Marines                  New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-31     Gazette Times  14
CRUMLEY             Charles A                     Marines                  New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-08-14     Gazette Times  5
CRUMLEY             Edward T                      Army                     Selectives to Ft. Thomas w/AddWW1       1918-10-05     Gazette Times  8
CRUMLEY             Ulmont S            Sgt                                Death Confirmed               WW1       1919-05-24     Pitts Press    1
CRUMLEY             Elmont S            Sgt                                Died of Accident w/Next of KinWW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      23
CRUMLEY             Benjamin                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-11-17     Gaz Times      6
CRUMM               Lillian                                                Red Cross Nurse Awaiting OrderWW1       1918-07-21     Pitts Press    21
CRUMM               Bruce                                                  Arrived on the North Carolina WW1       1919-02-10     Gazette Times  2
CRUMMIE             Edward James        Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1919-01-06     Pitts Press    14
CRUMMONT            William                       Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-03-16     Gazette Times  8
CRUMP               Lawrence W                                             New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
CRUMP               Lawrence W                                             New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-21     Gazette Times  14
CRUMPIN             George F                                               Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-12     Gazette Tines  16
CRUMPLED            Ard                 Cpl       Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CRUMPTON            Adam G                                                 Held in German Prison w/HometoWW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  7
CRUMPTON            Adam G                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CRUMPTON            A.G                                     Co M 319th Inf Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CRUMPTON            A.G                                     Co M 319th Inf Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CRUMRINE            J.M                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
CRUMRINE            Charles W                                              Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CRUMRINE            James M                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CRUMRINE            Norman H                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-04-16     Pitts Press    13
CRUMRINE            George              Lt                                 "Bordeaux Gus"                WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      7
CRUMRINE            George B            Lt                  Co F 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRUMRINE            George B            Lt                  15th Eng       Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1919-05-18     Gaz Times      15
CRUMWAY             Samuel L            1st Lt    Army      Signal Corps   Commissions w/Address         WW1       1918-02-13     Pitts Press    9
CRUMWAY             S.L.                1st Lt                             Promoted                      WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  1
CRUNK               James W             Pvt       Army      Mach Gun Co 319Sent to Sandy Hook            WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     8
CRUSAN              T. C                Sgt                 Co H 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CRUSAN              Arthur B                                               Wounded                       WW1       1918-10-19     Pitts Press    2
CRUSAN              A.B                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
CRUSAN              Robert C                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
CRUSAN              Jesse M                                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CRUSAN              T.C                 Sgt                 Co H 111th Inf Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CRUSAN              T.C                 Sgt                 Co H 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CRUSO               Philip                                                 Converted to cause w/Photo    WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    3
CRUTHERS            John                          Br & Can Armies          Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-03-31     Pitts Press    10
CRUTHERS            Ray Q               Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRUX                R. G                                                   Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CRUX                Roy E                                                  Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CRUX                Roy E                                                  Syria Temple Service Flag     WW1       1918-05-13     Gazette Times  12
CRUX                Raymond C                     Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CRUX                Charles A           Sgt                                Discharge Papers w/Hometown   WW1       1919-05-11     Gaz Times      15
CRUX                Clarence A          Sgt                 HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CRYSTE              Madeline M          Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
CRYSTER             Charles B                     Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    14
CRYSTER             Charles B                     Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
CRYZIENCZ           Antoney                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CRZESHOWSKI         Michael                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CSNICK              Andrew                                                 Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CTEVENSON           C.K                 Cpl                 37th Div       Home w/Group Photo & Hometown WW1       1919-04-05     Pitts Press    1, 2
CUBBISON            C.J                                                    Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CUBBISON            Donald C            Lt Col                             Voyage Not Monotonous         WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  1
CUBBISON            Donald C            Lt Col                             Troop Commander               WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    1
CUBELLI             Luigi                                   111th Inf      Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      10
CUCCARES            Guiseppe            Pvt                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CUCCARES            Guiseppe                                Co H 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CUCCARESE           Guiseppe                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CUCCIO              Charles                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CUCHINSKI           Bolestav            Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-03-04     Gazette Times  14
CUCHOSKI            Edmond                        Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CUDA                Pasquale                                               Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CUDA                Anthony                                                Draftee Sent to Camp w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    22
CUDA                Frank                                                  Draftee Sent to Camp w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    22
CUDA                Arallow                                                Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CUDA                Laghiernesta                                           Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CUDA                Anthony                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CUDA                Frank                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CUDDEN              Thomas              Pvt                                Discharged from Hospital w/HomWW1       1919-04-01     Gaz Times      7
CUDDY               William J                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CUDDY               William J                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CUDDY               L. Brook            Lt                                 Engagement                    WW1       1919-03-09     Pitts Press    62
CUDOC               George                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CUERR               John B                                                 Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CUFF                W.A                 Cpl                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CUFF                W.A                 Cpl                 Co A 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CUGE                C.H                 Cpl                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-10-23     Pitts Press    5
CUGGINO             Marrino                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CUGLIERI            Guiseppe                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CUIL                Andrew              Pfc                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CULA                Pasquale                      Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CULBERT             Howard J                      Marines                  New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CULBERT             Howard J                      Marines                  New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CULBERTSON          Bari                                                   Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CULBERTSON          Tindle W            Lt                                 MIA                           WW1       1918-11-20     Pitts Press    13
CULBERTSON          Tingle W            Lt                                 MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-26     Pitts Press    20
CULBERTSON          James A             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    11
CULBERTSON          T.W                 Lt                  Co H 318th Inf MIA w/Bio                     WW1       1918-11-20     Gazette Times  5
CULBERTSON          Tingle W            Lt                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-26     Gazette Times  14
CULBERTSON          Tingle W            Lt                  Co H 318th Reg Details of Death w/Bio        WW1       1919-02-04     Pitts Press    22
CULBERTSON          Tingle W            Lt                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CULBERTSON          Tingle Wood         Lt                  Co H 318th Reg Led Men into Battle w/Photo   WW1       1919-02-04     Gazette Times  3
CULBERTSON          F. O                Pfc                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CULBERTSON          Archie L                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CULEFFE             Frank                                                  Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-11-02     Gazette Times  8
CULGEN              William F                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      9
CULHANE             John P                                                 Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CULHANE             John                                                   Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CULHANE             John J              Cpl                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-26     Pitts Press    12
CULHANE             John Joseph                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CULIN               Hubert G                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CULL                Andrew                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-28     Gazette Times  26
CULLBERG            Joseph                        Army                     To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-08-31     Gazette Times  3
CULLEN              J. F.                         Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-05     Pitts Press    54
CULLEN              Michael                                                Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CULLEN              Michael                                                To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CULLEN              W.C                           Army                     Transportation Corps EnlisteesWW1       1918-10-15     Gazette Times  62
CULLEN              Fred                Lt                                 Guests at Reception           WW1       1919-02-13     Pitts Press    23
CULLEN              Michael             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-20     Gazette Times  8
CULLERTON           James A                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CULLERTON           James A             Pvt                                Returned to Duty w/Hometown   WW1       1919-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CULLIMAN            Frank L                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-05-29     Pitts Press    5
CULLIN              William C                     Army                     Discharged w/Address, EmploymeWW1       1917-10-03     Gaz Times      7
CULLISON            william Ford                                           Leaving for Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-04-27     Pitts Press    2
CULLISON            Jesse A                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CULLISON            Jesse A                                                Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CULLY               J. J.               Cook                Co F 111th Inf Arrived in NY w/Address       WW1       1918-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CULLY               Joseph                                                 Discharged                    WW1       1919-02-20     Gazette Times  9
CULLY               J.J                 Cook                Co F 111th Inf Arrived aboard Kroonland w/AddWW1       1919-04-30     Pitts Press    8
CULLY               J.J                 Cook                Co F 111th Inf Roster on Kroonland w/Address WW1       1919-04-30     Gaz Times      5
CULMER              Robert                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-15     Gazette Times  4
CULMER              Robert W                                Co B 110th Reg KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-08     Gazette Times  7
CULMER              H.L                           Army                     Transferred to Aviation SectioWW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    11
CULP                William J                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-16     Pitts Press    8
CULP                Walter F                                               En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CULP                Walter F                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CULP                Harry R                                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-03     Gazette Times  11
CULP                Harry Randall       Pvt                 Co I 109th Inf MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  9
CULP                John E                                                 To Camp Meade w/Hometown      WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CULP                Harry R             Pvt                 Co I 109th Inf In Hospital                   WW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  9
CULP                Harry R                       Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-18     Gazette Times  14
CULP                J.J                 Pvt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CULP                William F                     Army                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-22     Pitts Press    9
CULP                Carl C              Pvt                 Co D 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CULP                J.J                                     Co C 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CULP                William F                     Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1919-06-21     Gaz Times      8
CULVER              Clark C                       Br. & Can Armies         Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-04-28     Pitts Press    2
CULVER              Stanley             Pvt                 314th Inf      Awarded DSC w/Hometown        WW1       1919-02-09     Gazette Times  11
CULVERSON           T.W                 Lt                                 Pittsburgh Heroes w/DescriptioWW1       1918-10-04     Pitts Press    1
CULY                Frank P                                                Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-08-09     Pitts Press    5
CUMBERLAND          P.M                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-22     Pitts Press    43
CUMBERLAND          Peter Macks                                            Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CUMBERT             John D              Pvt                 Co C 111thInf  Missing Man Alive             WW1       1918-10-20     Gazette Times  24
CUMIC               Joseph Francis                                         MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-14     Gazette Times  16
CUMIENTO            Angelo                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CUMIENTO            Angelo                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CUMMING             John                Cpl                 Co L 110th     KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-08-16     Pitts Press    17
CUMMINGS            Stewart Logan       Pvt       Army      7th Inf AEF    Obit w/Photo                  WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
CUMMINGS            S. L.               Pvt       Army                     Casualty List Army/w Hometown WW1       1918-08-02     Pitts Press
CUMMINGS            Mary L                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CUMMINGS            Walter G                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-04     Pitts Press    4
CUMMINGS            Robert W            Pvt       Army                     Drafted                       WW1       1918-06-14     Pitts Press    1
CUMMINGS            F.A                 Pvt       Marines                  KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-13     Pitts Press    1
CUMMINGS            Lester C                                               Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CUMMINGS            L.L.                          Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-16     Pitts Press    2
CUMMINGS            L.L                           Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-16     Gazette Times  6
CUMMINGS            Charles T                     Army                     Enlistees w/Hometown          WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  9
CUMMINGS            Charles McV                   Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CUMMINGS            Robert Wallace Rev            Army                     Minister will Join Army       WW1       1918-06-15     Gazette Times  7
CUMMINGS            George D                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CUMMINGS            Lester C                      Army                     Boys off to Camp Lee w/AddressWW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CUMMINGS            Charles E                     Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CUMMINGS            James P                       Army                     Selectives To Camp Wadsworth wWW1       1918-08-10     Gazette Times  9
CUMMINGS            John                Cpl       Army      Co L 10th Inf  KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-15     Gazette Times  7
CUMMINGS            John E              Sgt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CUMMINGS            Otto V                                                 Left for Camp w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-05     Gazette Times  5
CUMMINGS            Stewart                                 7th Inf        KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-23     Gazette Times  9
CUMMINGS            Stewart Logan                           7th Inf        Died of Wounds                WW1       1918-08-02     Gazette Times  9
CUMMINGS            Charles McV                   Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CUMMINGS            John B                                                 Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
CUMMINGS            Eugene                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CUMMINGS            John J                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CUMMINGS            William A                                              Pittsburghers Discharged      WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  14
CUMMINGS            Archie                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-25     Gazette Times  3
CUMMINGS            Peter William                                          KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-15     Gazette Times  4
CUMMINGS            Robert Wallace      Lt        Army                     Marriage                      WW1       1918-11-10     Gazette Times  38
CUMMINGS            Archie                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-14     Gazette Times  15
CUMMINGS            John A                                                 List for Farms w/Address      WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  10
CUMMINGS            John J                                                 Musician Wounded w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-03     Gazette Times  11
CUMMINGS            James E                                                Discharged w/Address          WW1       1919-04-09     Pitts Press    5
CUMMINGS            Arthur L            Cook                HQ Det 15th EngAppended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CUMMINGS            Eugene                                  Co F 320th Inf Aboard the Mobile w/Hometown  WW1       1919-06-02     Gaz Times      7
CUMMINGS            Peter W             Pvt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CUMMINGS            William             Capt                Co M 110th Inf First to Debark               WW1       1919-05-13     Gaz Times      2
CUMMINGS            William R           Capt                Co M 110th Inf Company Commander             WW1       1919-05-12     Gaz Times      2
CUMMINGS            Wm.R                Capt                Co M 110th Inf Photo                         WW1       1919-05-14     Gaz Times      8
CUMMINGS            Samuel H                      Navy                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-15     Pitts Press    12
CUMMINGS            R.R.                          Army      Co L 330th Inf Photo                         WW1       1917-12-17     Pitts Press    5
CUMMINGS            John M              Cpl       Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CUMMINS             Earl B                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CUMMINS             E.B                 Cpl                                MIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    38
CUMMINS             L                                                      Gold Star for Heroes          WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  7
CUMMINS             Earl                                                   Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CUMMINS             Claude E                      Army                     Draftees w/Hometown           WW1       1918-07-08     Gazette Times  7
CUMMINS             John A                                                 Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-09-28     Gazette Times  11
CUMMINS             Earl B              Cpl                                MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-01     Gazette Times  21
CUMMINS             Earl B              Cpl                 Co C 305th BattMIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-02     Gazette Times  5
CUMMINS             Earl                Cpl                 Co C 305th BattHospital Arrival              WW1       1919-01-12     Gazette Times  6
CUMMINS             W.C                                                    In Parade                     WW1       1919-05-28     Pitts Press    6
CUMPY               Jack                                                   MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-08-22     Gazette Times  4
CUMRINE             William G                                              Apprentice Seamen to Leave    WW1       1918-03-27     Pitts Press    8
CUNDAN              Norman J            Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-08-20     Gazette Times  12
CUNDELL             A.B                 1st Lt    Army                     Get Commission w/Hometown     WW1       1918-02-15     Gazette Times  2
CUNEO               Clifford W          Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-23     Gazette Times  30
CUNEO               Charles E                                              Died of Wounds w/Next of Kin  WW1       1918-11-17     Gazette Times  14
CUNLIFFE            Charles S                     Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CUNLIFFE            Charles S                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNLIFFE            Charles S                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNING             George              Pvt                                Photo w/Address & Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-08     Pitts Press    19
CUNNING             Patrick Henry                 Army                     Officers Appointed w/Hometown WW1       1918-11-07     Gazette Times  2
CUNNINGHAM          John                                                   Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CUNNINGHAM          M.A.                Pvt                                Wounded                       WW1       1918-06-24     Pitts Press    1
CUNNINGHAM          William J                                              Draftees leave for camp w/AddrWW1       1918-06-25     Pitts Press    2
CUNNINGHAM          John S                                                 Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CUNNINGHAM          Frank                                                  Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    11
CUNNINGHAM          J. N.               2nd Lt                             Commissioned                  WW1       1918-07-17     Pitts Press    6
CUNNINGHAM          Dewin A                                                Selectives to Camp Lee w/AddreWW1       1918-07-22     Pitts Press    2
CUNNINGHAM          William M                                              Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CUNNINGHAM          Donadl Ross         Pvt       Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-29     Pitts Press    6
CUNNINGHAM          George                                  323rd FA       Released from Hospital        WW1       1918-05-26     Pitts Press    43
CUNNINGHAM          William J                     Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CUNNINGHAM          Edward J                      Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CUNNINGHAM          Samuel                        Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CUNNINGHAM          John E                                                 To Texas Aviation Field w/AddrWW1       1918-03-29     Pitts Press    15
CUNNINGHAM          Jon                                                    Enter Aviation Service w/PhotoWW1       1918-03-31     Pitts Press    42
CUNNINGHAM          John                                                   Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CUNNINGHAM          John                          Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-21     Pitts Press    2
CUNNINGHAM          John R                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-23     Pitts Press    2
CUNNINGHAM          John R                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    4
CUNNINGHAM          Samuel                        Br & Can Armies          Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
CUNNINGHAM          Arthur                                                 Earn Commission w/Hometown    WW1       1918-04-25     Pitts Press    13
CUNNINGHAM          Michael                                                Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CUNNINGHAM          John Henry          Col                                Niece's Obituary              WW1       1918-10-25     Pitts Press    8
CUNNINGHAM          John W              Cpl                                Photo w/Address               WW1       1918-10-27     Pitts Press    27
CUNNINGHAM          Delvern F           Wagoner   Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-20     Pitts Press    22
CUNNINGHAM          John W              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    11
CUNNINGHAM          George S                                               Dr. Entered Service           WW1       1918-03-25     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Edward P                      Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-01-17     Gazette Times  7
CUNNINGHAM          John                                                   Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CUNNINGHAM          Robert                        Marines                  Enlistees w/Hometown          WW1       1918-02-20     Gazette Times  9
CUNNINGHAM          John                          Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-21     Gazette Times  7
CUNNINGHAM          George W                                               Discharged                    WW1       1919-04-25     Mt. Wash News
CUNNINGHAM          Edward J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          James P                       Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CUNNINGHAM          Patrick J                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Samuel                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          William J                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          William R                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Frank                         Army                     Draftees to Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-06-27     Gazette Times  13
CUNNINGHAM          William J                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-26     Gazette Times  7
CUNNINGHAM          Daniel M                      Army                     Off to Camp w/Hometown        WW1       1918-07-25     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          John W              Sgt                                Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-17     Gazette Times  2
CUNNINGHAM          Kerr A              Pvt       Army                     KIA                           WW1       1918-07-28     Gazette Times  50
CUNNINGHAM          Albert P                      Army                     To Camp Forest  w/Address     WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  5
CUNNINGHAM          Albert P                      Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Edward J                      Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          James P                       Navy                     New Enlistee w/Hometown       WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  5
CUNNINGHAM          Patrick J                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/AddrWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Samuel                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          William J                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          William R                     Army                     Leaving for Camp Thomas w/HomeWW1       1918-05-01     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Wallace                       Army                     Selectives to Camp w/Address  WW1       1918-09-02     Gazette Times  5
CUNNINGHAM          E.N                           Army                     Motor Corps Enlistee w/HometowWW1       1918-10-13     Gazette Times  12
CUNNINGHAM          Delvern F                                              Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CUNNINGHAM          John                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CUNNINGHAM          John W                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CUNNINGHAM          Thomas Leroy                  Marines                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CUNNINGHAM          John W                                  Co K 111th Inf Park View Hospital            WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  21
CUNNINGHAM          John W              Pvt                 Co K 111th Inf Arrived at Hospital           WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    48
CUNNINGHAM          Joseph                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  13
CUNNINGHAM          Joseph              Pvt                                MIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-30     Pitts Press    7
CUNNINGHAM          John W                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  7
CUNNINGHAM          Joseph              Pvt                                On Duty w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-12     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          Joseph              Pvt                                Returned to Duty w/Hometown   WW1       1919-02-11     Pitts Press    11
CUNNINGHAM          C.W                                     110th Inf      Band Group Photo w/Hometown   WW1       1919-03-17     Gazette Times  4
CUNNINGHAM          J.E                 Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CUNNINGHAM          R.A                 Cpl                 Camp Hosp 21   Arrived at NY w/Hometown      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CUNNINGHAM          Jack E              Pvt                 Co A 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CUNNINGHAM          John P                        Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      9
CUNNINGHAM          Joseph              Pvt                 Co C 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CUNNINGHAM          R.A                 Cpl                 Camp Hosp 21   Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CUNNINGHAM          William N           Lt                                 Aerial Stunts                 WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      5
CUNNINGHAM          Logan               Sgt       Army      107th FA       Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
CUNNINGHAM          Frank B             1st Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-28     Gaz Times      1
CUNNINS             Wilbur                                                 Tank Corps Enlistees w/HometowWW1       1918-10-27     Gazette Times  9
CUPA                Vassie                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CUPIDO              Joseph              Pvt                                MIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-11-25     Pitts Press    13
CUPIDO              Joseph              Pvt                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-11     Pitts Press    8
CUPIDO              Joseph                                                 MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-25     Gazette Times  3
CUPP                Ira D                                                  Selective Leave for Camp w/AddWW1       1918-06-26     Pitts Press    1
CUPP                Paul K                                                 KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-11-12     Gazette Tines  16
CUPPER              Daniel S                                               Discharged                    WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    6
CUPPS               John                                                   Service w/Photo               WW1       1918-08-04     Pitts Press
CUPPS               Briar L                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-09-10     Gazette Times  7
CUPPS               Briar L             Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-09-13     Gazette Times  22
CUPPS               Thomas N                      Army                     Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-11-29     Gazette Times  9
CUPPS               John C                        Army                     Discharged                    WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  7
CUPPS               John C                        Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CUPPS               H.E                           Army      158th Brig     Photo                         WW1       1917-12-26     Pitts Pres     20
CUPPY               John S                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CUPPY               John S                                                 Service Flag Honor Roll       WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  9
CUPPY               John                Cpl                 34th Signal    Awaiting Return Home          WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    49
CUPPY               William             Pvt                 319th Mach Gun Awaiting Return Home          WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    49
CURACE              Antonio                       Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CURANT              Harry B             Pvt       Marines                  Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CURCAK              Frank J                       Army                     Away Tonight w/Address        WW1       1918-02-04     Pitts Press    1
CURCARO             Sylvester                     Navy                     New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  9
CURCH               Joe                 Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1919-01-28     Pitts Press    7
CURCI               Joe                                                    Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  13
CURCI               Lorenzo             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  12
CURETON             Rodey                                                  Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CURICK              Martin                                                 Draftee to camp               WW1       1918-09-03     Pitts Press    18
CURICK              Martin                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CURICK              Martin                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CURKA               John                                                   Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-16     Gazette Times  4
CURLEY              James F                       Marines                  Recruit w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-11     Pitts Press    49
CURLEY              Eugene T                      Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-02     Pitts Press    3
CURLEY              Martin                                                 Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-15     Pitts Press    14
CURLEY              Andrew B                                               Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CURLEY              Joseph                                                 Enlisted for Active Service   WW1       1918-02-03     Pitts Press    2
CURLEY              Martin                                  Aero Corps     To Vancouver Barracks w/AddresWW1       1918-06-16     Gazette Times  13
CURLEY              James F                       Marines                  New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-11     Gazette Times  2
CURLEY              George J            Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-06     Pitts Press    3
CURLEY              Walter J            Lt                                 Transferred w/Address         WW1       1919-04-27     Pitts Press    1
CURLEY              Walter J            Lt                                 Home Aboard Leviathan w/AddresWW1       1919-04-27     Gaz Times      7
CURLL               Clyde                                   Ambulance      Clarion Normal School Honor LiWW1       1918-04-08     Gazette Times  7
CURME               William                       Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CURRAN              John                          Army                     Leave for Camp w/Address      WW1       1918-05-27     Pitts Press    4
CURRAN              Thomas John                                            Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CURRAN              Bernard             Pvt                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-12-14     Pitts Press    64
CURRAN              Thomas John                                            To Camp w/Address             WW1       1918-04-03     Gazette Times  5
CURRAN              John C                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CURRAN              John C                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CURRAN              Mike F                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  14
CURRAN              Bernard                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-15     Gazette Times  20
CURRAN              Michael                                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-26     Gazette Times  3
CURRAN              J. F                                                   Photo                         WW1       1919-05-25     Pitts Press    6
CURRENO             Dominic F                                              MIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CURREY              Walter J            Pvt       Army                     Wounded w/Hometown            WW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  4
CURRIDEN            Harold B            Sgt       Army                     Officers' Training School Candidate     1918-01-03     Gazette Times  9
CURRIE              Jack                                                   Heroic Exploits w/Article     WW1       1918-08-15     Pitts Press    1, 2
CURRIE              John P                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-06-29     Pitts Press    2
CURRIE              John V                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-04-29     Pitts Press    2
CURRIE              Floyd                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CURRIE              Floyd                         Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CURRIE              Thomas G            Musician            HQ 107th FA    Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CURRIER             Paul                                                   Group Photo                   WW1       1919-01-25     Gazette Times  4
CURRIER             Paul                                    319th Inf      Group Photo w/Hometown        WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  9
CURRY               Howard                                                 Negro Draftee w/Address       WW1       1918-08-05     Pitts Press
CURRY               J. Howard                               Co C 322nd FA  To Sail soon w/Photo          WW1       1918-06-16     Pitts Press    8
CURRY               Cleveland                                              Negro Recruits w/Address      WW1       1918-06-21     Pitts Press    6
CURRY               Floyd                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CURRY               Arthur J                                               War Training w/Address        WW1       1918-07-09     Pitts Press    13
CURRY               Arthur                                                 En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CURRY               Howard W                      Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    6
CURRY               Samuel A            Lt                  Pa Reserves    Commissioned w/Unit           WW1       1918-03-24     Pitts Press    11
CURRY               Thomas                                                 Draftees Leave Monday         WW1       1918-02-09     Pitts Press    7
CURRY               Herman                        Navy                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-24     Pitts Press    11
CURRY               Thomas              Cpl                                Wounded w/Address & Next of KiWW1       1918-12-21     Pitts Press    3
CURRY               Robert                                                 To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
CURRY               Herman Burdett                Navy                     Seamen Called w/Hometown      WW1       1918-03-15     Gazette Times  6
CURRY               Samuel A            1st Lt              Troop D        Named for Pa. Reserve Militia WW1       1918-02-14     Gazette Times  5
CURRY               Samuel              Lt        Pa. Reserve Militia      Mustered into Service         WW1       1918-02-22     Gazette Times  6
CURRY               Floyd                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CURRY               Arthur                        Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CURRY               Howard W                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-23     Gazette Times  5
CURRY               John V              Lt        Army                     KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1918-07-04     Gazette Times  2
CURRY               Walton C                      Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
CURRY               Howard                                                 Negro Selectives to Camp CusteWW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  14
CURRY               Crawford M          Cpl                                Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1918-12-27     Gazette Times  13
CURRY               John Elliott                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-17     Gazette Times  18
CURRY               Thomas              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-22     Gazette Times  11
CURRY               William A. Jr                                          Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  9
CURRY               Charles Jr.                                            Lost Arm w/Photo              WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  15
CURRY               Charles Jr.                   Br Army                  Right Arm Gone w/Photo        WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    4
CURRY               Charles Sr                                             Escaped Death                 Boer      1919-01-27     Pitts Press    4
CURRY               Charles Sr.         Sgt. Maj                           Saw Son Fall                  WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  15
CURRY               Chester A                                              Died of Disease w/Next of Kin WW1       1919-01-09     Gazette Times  14
CURRY               David               Lt                                 Unscathed w/Photo             WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  15
CURRY               David               Lt                                 Unwounded                     WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  15
CURRY               David               Lt                                 Not Wounded                   WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    4
CURRY               George M                                               Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  7
CURRY               John J                        Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-21     Gazette Times  13
CURRY               John S                                                 Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-20     Pitts Press    4
CURRY               Samuel                                                 Killed at Verdun              WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  15
CURRY               Thomas                                                 POW w/Photo                   WW1       1919-01-26     Gazette Times  15
CURRY               Thomas                                                 Seized by Huns                WW1       1919-01-27     Pitts Press    4
CURRY               Tracey L                      Army                     Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Gazette Times  32
CURRY               Tracy L                                                Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-19     Pitts Press    43
CURRY               William A. Jr.                                         KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1919-01-30     Gazette Times  13
CURRY               William A. Jr.      Pvt                                KIA w/Hometown                WW1       1919-01-30     Pitts Press    7
CURRY               James M             Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-05     Gazette Times  13
CURRY               William A           Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-21     Gazette Times  11
CURRY               Edward H                                Co D 505th Eng Negro Engineering Roster      WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    7
CURRY               H.R                 Cpl                 Mach Gun Co 320Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CURRY               James M                                 Co H 318th Reg Paraded in VA                 WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    23
CURRY               Thomas              Cpl                 Co D 319th Inf Arrived on Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CURRY               Edward H                                Co D 505th Eng Negro Reg't. Reach NY         WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CURRY               H.R                 Cpl                 Mach Gun Co 320Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CURRY                                   Cpl       Army      Mach Gun Co 320To Camp Lee w/Photo           WW1       1917-12-02     Pitt Press     19
CURRY               E.P                           Army                     Transferred to Aviation SectioWW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    11
CURRY               Henry                         Br. & Can Armies         New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-12-16     Pitts Press    52
CURRY               Grant               2nd Lt.   Army                     Won Commission w/Address      WW1       1917-11-27     Gaz Times      7
CURRY               William J                     Army      Co B 319th Inf Track Layer                   WW1       1917-10-13     Gaz Times      22
CURSAN              Arthur B                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-10-24     Gazette Times  14
CURSTEADM           W.J                 2nd Lt                             Officers Named w/Hometown     WW1       1918-10-28     Gazette Times  5
CURTAIN             Mike                                                   Accepted for Service w/AddressWW1       1917-10-19     Gaz Times      6
CURTIN              Timothy J                                              En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CURTIN              timothy J                     Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-07-24     Gazette Times  5
CURTIN              William A                     Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
CURTIS              Arthur D                                Co C 103rd SignAddress w/Photo               WW1       1918-07-21     Pitts Press    22
CURTIS              Elliot E                                               Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CURTIS              Homer B                       Army                     Sentenced                     WW1       1918-07-09     Gazette Times  5
CURTIS              E.C                 1st Lt    Army                     Quartermaster Corps w/Address WW1       1918-08-06     Gazette Times  7
CURTIS              William Johnston                                       Shoulder Straps w/Address     WW1       1918-09-09     Gazette Times  5
CURTIS              James Oliver                                           Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-13     Gazette Times  16
CURTIS              Robert E            Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-20     Gazette Times  8
CURTIS              Robert L                                               Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CURTIS              Benjamin F                                             Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-06     Gazette Times  5
CURTIS              Charles R           Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  12
CURTIS              Wickliff B                    Army                     Discharged                    WW1       1919-02-01     Gazette Times  7
CURTIS              V.R                           Army                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CURTIS              George H                      Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-14     Pitts Press    14
CURTIS              Louis                         Army      408th Motor SupLeave for France w/Hometown   WW1       1917-11-25     Gaz Times      65
CURTIS              Emory W                                 330th Inf      Rejected                      WW1       1917-10-21     Gaz Times      9
CURTIS              F. R                          Army      Co A 319th Inf Farmer                        WW1       1917-10-05     Gaz Times      8
CURTISS             William             Lt                                 Local Boys Home w/Address     WW1       1919-03-07     Pitts Press    6
CURTISS             John                Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Pitts Vets Home w/Address     WW1       1919-04-28     Pitts Press    3
CURTISS             John                Pvt                 Co E 15th Eng  Appended Roster w/Hometown    WW1       1919-04-28     Gaz Times      9
CURTS               Harmar                                                 Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-02     Pitts Press    4
CURTZ               H.R                 Cpl                 Co G 319th Inf Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    14
CURTZ               H.R                 Cpl                 Co H 319thInf  Aboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CUSACK              Michael E                     Army                     New Enlistees w/Hometown      WW1       1918-06-18     Gazette Times  9
CUSANO              Carmine                                                Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CUSANO              Carmine                                                Departed for Camp from McKeespWW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CUSEFA              John                                                   To Camp Lee w/Address         WW1       1918-04-04     Gazette Times  9
CUSH                Dennis              Sgt                 Co D 319th Inf KIA w/Photo                   WW1       1918-12-01     Pitts Press    11
CUSH                W.J                 Sgt                                KIA w/Address & Next of Kin   WW1       1918-12-02     Pitts Press    5
CUSH                William J           Sgt                 319th Inf      KIA w/Address                 WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  8
CUSH                William J           Sgt                                KIA w/Next of Kin             WW1       1918-12-03     Gazette Times  13
CUSH                M.J                 Sgt                 Co D 119th Inf KIA                           WW1       1918-11-27     Gazette Times  8
CUSH                Wm. J               Sgt                 319th Inf      Honored Dead w/Date of Death  WW1       1919-05-25     Gaz Times      66, 67
CUSHING             Allston T                                              Go to War w/Hometown          WW1       1918-04-03     Pitts Press    2
CUSHING             Elizabeth F         Nurse                              In Service w/Photo            WW1       1918-07-21     Gazette Times  10
CUSHING             Adelaide            Nurse                              Home from France              WW1       1919-03-14     Gazette Times  5
CUSHING             Adelaide            Nurse                              Sails for Home                WW1       1919-03-05     Pitts Press    17
CUSHING             Adelaide            Nurse                              Returned From France          WW1       1919-03-14     Pitts Press    13
CUSHING             Adeline             Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-23     Gazette Times  6
CUSHING             Adeline             Nurse                              Returned Home                 WW1       1919-03-22     Pitts Press    1
CUSHING             Adeline             Nurse                              Nurses Return                 WW1       1919-03-23     Pitts Press    4
CUSHION             John                                                   Freedom's Defenders w/Address WW1       1918-05-29     Pitts Press    8
CUSHION             Stephen J                               Co C 305th FA  Heroes w/Hometown             WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      9
CUSHION             Stephen J                               305th Signal BaCited for Bravery w/Photo     WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      13
CUSHMAN             W. M                Pvt                                Died of Disease w/Hometown    WW1       1918-10-12     Pitts Press    3
CUSHMAN             John P                        Navy                     New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1917-12-13     Pitts Press    5
CUSIC               Joseph Francis                                         Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  2
CUSICK              Charles S                     Army                     Draftee 4th Ward              WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CUSICK              Robert              Lt        Army                     Commissioned w/Hometown       WW1       1916-06-07     Pitts Press    15
CUSICK              Robert L            2nd Lt    Army                     Commissioned                  WW1       1918-04-23     Pitts Press    6
CUSICK              R.L                 Cpl                 320th Inf      To Attend Officers' Training SWW1       1918-01-07     Gazette Times  12
CUSICK              Charles S                                              Selectees to Camp w/Hometown  WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CUSICK              Charles                                                To Camp Forrest w/Address     WW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  7
CUSICK              William H           Cpl                                Admitted to Hospitals w/HometoWW1       1919-04-04     Gaz Times      15
CUSICK              Robert L                                               To Camp Lee w/Photo           WW1       1917-10-04     Gaz Times      5
CUSPIDO             Joseph                                                 Draftees to Camp w/Hometown   WW1       1918-04-05     Pitts Press    5
CUSSEY              John J                        Tank Corps               Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-07-06     Pitts Press    14
CUSSEY              John J                        Tank Corps               New Enlistments               WW1       1918-07-04     Gazette Times  13
CUSSEY              John J                        Tank Corps               New Recruits w/Hometown       WW1       1918-07-06     Gazette Times  8
CUSTER              Richard J                     Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-02-19     Pitts Press    12
CUSTER              Richard J                     Army                     Enlisted w/Hometown           WW1       1918-02-19     Gazette Times  3
CUSTER              Edward M                                               Selectives to Camp Meade w/AddWW1       1918-09-04     Gazette Times  5
CUSTER              Albert                                                 Christmas Dinner in France    WW1       1918-12-29     Gazette Times  1
CUSTER              C.S                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/HoWW1       1919-06-03     Pitts Press    6
CUSTER              E.E                 Cook                320th Inf      Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CUSTER              William C                               Base Hosp 51   Arrived at NY w/Address       WW1       1919-06-04     Pitts Press    6
CUSTER              William W                                              Hospital Unit Arrived w/HometoWW1       1919-06-02     Pitts Press    1
CUSTER              A.L                 Pvt                 Co E 406th TeleRoster w/Hometown             WW1       1919-05-04     Gaz Times      16
CUSTER              C.S                 Wagoner             Supply Co 319thAboard the Graf Waldersee w/AdWW1       1919-06-3      Gaz Times      17
CUSTER              E.E                                     HQ 320th Inf   Aboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-05-31     Gaz Times      8
CUSTER              Howard                                                 Aboard the Rotterdam w/HometowWW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      21
CUSTER              William C                               Base Hosp 51   Debarked at NY w/Address      WW1       1919-06-04     Gaz Times      4
CUSTO               Louis                                                  Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-25     Gazette Times  26
CUSTOFON            Arthur                                                 Recruit w/Address             WW1       1918-07-25     Pitts Press    23
CUSTOTON            Arthur                        Marines                  Volunteers w/Address          WW1       1918-07-26     Gazette Times  4
CUSWORTH            William F                                              Draftee w/Address             WW1       1917-10-02     Gaz Times      7
CUTHBERT            W. R                          Army                     Sent to Camp                  WW1       1918-10-16     Pitts Press    18
CUTHBERT            William R                                              Accepted at Camp Carnegie w/HoWW1       1918-06-17     Gazette Times  5
CUTHBERT            W.R                           Army                     To Camp Gordon                WW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  9
CUTHBERTSON         H                             Army      Co B 110th Inf Group Photo                   WW1       1918-08-18     Gazette Times  12
CUTHBERTSON         H.C                 Maj                                Grand Marshal                 WW1       1919-06-08     Gaz Times      5
CUTLER              John F              Cpl                                Wounded w/Address             WW1       1918-12-23     Pitts Press    11
CUTLER              J. Fred                                                Coming home                   WW1       1919-02-28     Mt. Wash News
CUTLER              Isadore                       Army                     Selectives to Camp Lee w/HometWW1       1918-08-30     Gazette Times  4
CUTLER              Herbert                       Army                     To Camp Sherman w/Address     WW1       1918-09-05     Gazette Times  11
CUTLER              John F              Cpl                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-23     Gazette Times  13
CUTLERTON           Joseph                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CUTLERTON           Joseph                        Army                     To Camp Humphries w/Address   WW1       1918-05-30     Gazette Times  10
CUTLIP              Harvey              Cook      Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-21     Gazette Times  14
CUTMAN              Paul                                                   Arrived at Parkview w/Address WW1       1919-04-10     Pitts Press    7
CUTMAN              Paul                                                   At Parkview w/Address         WW1       1919-04-10     Gaz Times      10
CUTRAN              James F                       Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CUTRAN              James F                       Army                     Left for Ft. Thomas           WW1       1918-05-04     Gazette Times  3
CUTTER              John B                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CUTTER              John B                        Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CUTTER              Emery                                                  Transfer to Gen. Hosp #24     WW1       1918-12-10     Gazette Times  13
CUTTING             William F           1st Lt    Army      103rd Supply   Promoted at Camp Hancock      WW1       1918-04-09     Gazette Times  4
CUTTING             William F           2nd Lt    Army      112th Inf      Promoted                      WW1       1917-12-10     Pitts Press    6
CUTULO              Antonio                                                En Route to Berlin w/Address  WW1       1918-07-23     Pitts Press    2
CUTUP               Archie B                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  8
CUTUP               Archie B                      Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1918-05-29     Gazette Times  8
CUYAS               N.A                 Pfc                                MP Unit Home                  WW1       1919-04-24     Pitts Press    15
CUYTON              Herbert K                                              Motor Corps Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-11-02     Gazette Times  8
CUZZOLA             Patsy J                                                Wounded w/Hometown            WW11      1943-11-29     Pitts Press    4
CWIKLINSKI          Joseph              Pvt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-02-08     Gazette Times  13
CYBACH              Anthony F                     Army                     Motor Trans Enlistees w/HometoWW1       1918-10-16     Gazette Times  8
CYBULBO             Frank                         Army                     Draftee w/Address             WW1       1918-06-28     Pitts Press    6
CYBULBO             Frank                                                  Selectees to Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-06-29     Gazette Times  9
CYER                Frank               Cpl                 2nd Batt, 319thWorkout for Platoon w/HometownWW1       1919-02-06     Gazette Times  4
CYPHERS             P.A                 Musician            HQ 107th FA    Aboard the Mongolia w/Address WW1       1919-05-10     Gaz Times      9
CYPHERS             Phillip                                 107th FA       Photo                         WW1       1919-05-23     Gaz Times      9
CYPHERT             Ralph L                       Army                     Clarion Men to Army w/HometownWW1       1918-04-01     Gazette Times  5
CYPHERT             Francis D                                              Left for Camp w/Hometown      WW1       1918-08-05     Gazette Times  5
CYPHERT             Paul                                                   Discharged w/Hometown         WW1       1919-01-29     Gazette Times  7
CYWENSKI            Joseph                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CZACNOWSKI          William                                                Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CZAJKOSKI           Adam                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CZAJKOSKI           Adam                          Army                     Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-05-28     Gazette Times  8
CZAPKIEWICZ         Waclaw                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CZAPLICKI           Frank                         Army                     Recruit Honor Roll w/Hometown WW1       1918-08-29     Pitts Press    15
CZAPLICKI           Stefan                                                 Train to Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Pitts Press    2
CZARIEWSKI          Joseph                                                 Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-02-13     Gazette Times  14
CZARKOWSKI          Maryn                                                  Men to Camp                   WW1       1918-07-24     Pitts Press    6
CZARNEWSKI          Joseph                        Army                     Brothers Fight w/Photo        WW1       1918-04-14     Pitts Press    9
CZARNEWSKI          Frank                         Army                     Brothers Fight w/Photo        WW1       1918-04-14     Pitts Press    9
CZARNEWSKI          Nicholas                      Army                     Brothers Fight w/Photo        WW1       1918-04-14     Pitts Press    9
CZARNIEWSKI         Joseph                                                 Off to Camp w/Address         WW1       1918-02-11     Pitts Press    2
CZARNIEWSKI         Joseph                                                 Left for Camp w/Address       WW1       1918-02-12     Gazette Times  3
CZARNIEWSKI         Frank               Sgt                                Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-19     Gazette Times  9
CZARNIEWSKI         Frank               Sgt                 Co C 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CZARNIEWSKI         Frank               Sgt                 Co B 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CZARNOWSKI          Jerome A                                               Go to War w/Address           WW1       1918-04-01     Pitts Press    2
CZARNOWSKI          Jerome A                                               Departed for Camp w/Address   WW1       1918-04-02     Gazette Times  5
CZEPLEWICZ          Joseph                                                 Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1919-01-31     Gazette Times  13
CZERNAK             Alexander                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CZERNAK             Alexander                     Army                     To Training Camp w/Address    WW1       1918-05-27     Gazette Times  3
CZERNIAWKA          Juzef                         Army                     Wounded w/Next of Kin         WW1       1918-12-24     Gazette Times  4
CZERNOW             Peter                                                  Draftee to Camp w/Address     WW1       1918-07-26     Pitts Press    6
CZIAK               Frank W             Pvt                 Co D 320th Inf Home on Transport Mobile w/AddWW1       1919-06-01     Pitts Press    32
CZIAK               Frank W                                 Co D 315th MachAboard the Mobile w/Address   WW1       1919-06-01     Gaz Times      17
CZNARNEWSKI         Frank               Sgt                                Win Praise of Pershing w/HometWW1       1919-01-11     Gazette Times  1
CZOLBA              Joseph D                      Navy      USS MinneapolisHometown w/Photo              WW1       1918-07-28     Pitts Press    18
CZOROZYNSKI         Joseph S            Cpl                                At Carlisle Hospital w/HometowWW1       1919-03-21     Gazette Times  7
CZUHN               Alfred J                      Army                     Selectives to Spartansburg w/AWW1       1918-08-08     Gazette Times  9
CZVARK              Leon                                    330th Inf      Transferred                   WW1       1917-10-16     Gaz Times      3
CZYMON              Alexander                                              Enlisted                      WW1       1918-08-01     Pitts Press
CZYMON              Alexander                     Army                     Draftees to Camp Humphreys w/AWW1       1918-07-30     Gazette Times  8
CZYMON              Alexander                     Polish Reg               Tired of Waiting              WW1       1918-08-01     Gazette Times  7
CZYZEWSKI           Leo                           Army                     New Recruit w/Hometown        WW1       1917-10-26     Gaz Times      15