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Civil War Pension: Nicholas L. WIERMAN (1899); Adams Co., PA

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Dulcich 
< >.

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On Jan 20, 1899 Nicholas L. Wierman answered the following questions from the 
Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions:
1) Are you a married man? 
ans: I am a widdower
2) When, where, and by whom were you married?
ans: none given
3) What record of marriage exists?
ans: none given
4) Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife 
and the date and place of her death or divorce.
ans: Mary C. Wierman. She Died in Gettysburg Sept 23rd 1890
5) Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates 
of their birth:
ans: I have 4 boys: 
Joseph C. Wierman was born Dec 25th 1871
Danner B. Wierman was born Sept 30th 1873
George E. Wierman was born May 17th 1882
Ralph N. Wierman was born June 7th 1884

On 15th February 1907 Nicholas L. Wierman appeared before a Justice of the Peace 
and stated he was 65 years old and a resident of Gettysburg, County of Adams, 
State of Pennsylvnia. He also states that he is the same identical person who 
was enrolled at Gettysburg, PA under the name of Nicholas L. Wierman on the 16th 
day of October 1862, as a corporal, in Co. K. 165th 'Reg Drafted' Militia, Penn. 
That he served i the Civil War and was onorably Discharged at Gettysburg, Pa on 
the 20th day of July 1863. That he also served in the 149th Reg Penn. Drafted 

That is peronal description was as follows: Height, 5 feet 10 inches; 
complexion, fair; color of eyes, dark; color of hair, Brown; tat his occupation 
was Farmer; that he ws bor April 21st, 1841 at Huntington Twp., Adams Co., PA.

Sworn this 15th day of February, A. D. 1907

On April 13, 1915 the following information was given to the Department of the 
Interior, Bureau of Pensions

1)Date and place of birth?
ans: April 21st 1841 at York Springs, Adams Co.
The name of organizations in which you served? 
ans: Corporal Co K, 165th Regt Pennsylvania Drafted Militia, Infantry & Private, 
unassigned 149th Regt Pennsylvania Infantry.

2) What was your post office at enlistment? 
ans: York Springs

3) State your wife's full name and her maiden name.
ans: Catherine Anderson Garlach

4) When, where and by whom were you married?
ans: Sept. 25th, 1900, in Gettysburg, Pa. by Rev. A. R. Steck

5) Is there any official or church record of your marriage? 
ans: Yes, our marriage certificate in our possession.

6) Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the 
date of the marriage and the date and place of her death or divorce. If there 
was more than one previous marriage, let your answer include all former wives.
ans: Yes, Mary Cathirine Buehler, married August 13th 1871. Died Sept 23rd 1890 
in Gettysburg, Aams C., Pa.

7) If your present wife was married before her marriage to you state the name of 
her former husband, the date of such marriage, and the date and place of his 
death or divorce and state whether he ever rendered any military or naval 
service, and if so, give name of the oganization in which he served. If she was 
married more than once before her marriage to you, let your answer include all 
former husbands.
ans: NO

8) Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separtion?
ans: I am living with my wife

9) State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living and dead.
ans: Joseph Clifton Wierman, born Dec 25, 1871
Danner Buehler Wierman, born September 30th 1873
George Emmest Wierman, born May 17th 1882
Ralph Nicholas Wierman, born June 7th 1884

An Application for Marriage dated Sept 24, 1900
Full name of man: Nicholas L. Wireman
Full name of woman: Katie A. Garlach
age of the man: 58 years
age of the woman: 40 years
Residence of the man: Gettysburg, Pa.
Residence of the woman: Gettysburg, Pa.
Parents of the man: Joseph A. & Alvina S. Wireman
Parents of the woman: John Henry & Catherine P. Garlach
Date of death of man's former wife: Sept. 1890
Color of parties: white
Occupation of man: Fireman

submitted by:
Wierman Listmom & Board Admin.