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Statewide PA Archives History  ..... County and Name listing of Bituminous Coal Mines of Western Pennsylvania  1900
  Copyright.  All rights reserved.
  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marianne Fisher

  NOTE: a list of mines by district with additional data is available at

  Coal mines listed by COUNTY and MINE NAME.


  COAL MINE                COUNTY              COAL DISTRICT

  Abe Hays                 Washington          First
  Acme                     Somerset            Fifth
  Acme                     Washington          First
  Acme                     Westmoreland        Second
  Acme No. 1               Clearfield          Eighth
  Acme No. 2               Clearfield          Eighth
  Ada                      Fayette             Fifth
  Adams                    Somerset            Sixth
  Adelaide                 Fayette             Ninth
  Adrian No. 1             Jefferson           Fourth
  Adrian No. 2             Jefferson           Fourth
  Adrian No. 4             Jefferson           Fourth
  Aladdin                  Armstrong           Third
  Albany                   Fayette             First
  Alder Run                Clearfield          Tenth
  Alexandria               Clearfield          Eighth
  Alexandria               Westmoreland        Second
  Allan                    Washington          First
  Allegheny                Somerset            Fifth
  Allequippa               Allegheny           First
  Allice                   Fayette             First
  Allison                  Washington          Seventh
  Alpha                    Cambria             Sixth
  Alport No. 1             Cambria             Sixth
  Alport No. 2             Cambria             Sixth
  Alton                    Cambria             Sixth
  Alvinton No. 1           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Alvinton No. 2           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Amity                    Allegheny           First
  Anchor                   Fayette             First
  Anchor                   Somerset            Sixth
  Anderson                 Washington          First
  Antrim No. 1             Tioga               Fourth
  Antrim No. 5             Tioga               Fourth
  Appolo                   Fayette             First
  Argyle                   Cambria             Sixth
  Arnold No. 1             Fayette             First
  Arnold No. 2             Fayette             First
  Arnold No. 3             Fayette             First
  Arnot No. 5              Tioga               Fourth
  Arnot No. 8              Tioga               Fourth
  Arona                    Westmoreland        Second
  Ashcroft No. 3           Cambria             Eleventh
  Ashman                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Atlantic No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Atlantic No. 1           Westmoreland        Second
  Atlantic No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Atlantic No. 2           Westmoreland        Second
  Aurura                   Cambria             Sixth
  Avondale                 Clarion             Third
  Avonmore                 Armstrong           Third
  Ayers Hollow             Westmoreland        Second
  B & O                    Fayette             Ninth
  Bagdad                   Westmoreland        Third
  Bakewell or ?Bakeville   Allegheny           First
  Baltic No. 1             Clearfield          Eighth
  Baltic No. 3             Clearfield          Eighth
  Banner                   Washington          First
  Banning No. 1            Fayette             Ninth
  Banning No. 2            Fayette             Ninth
  Bannion                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Beadling                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Beale                    Armstrong           Third
  Bear Rock                Cambria             Sixth
  Bear Run                 Centre              Eighth
  Bear Run                 Tioga               Fourth
  Beaumont                 Washington          First
  Beaver                   Centre              Twelfth
  Beaver No. 1             Lawrence            Third
  Beaver No. 2             Lawrence            Third
  Becks Run                Allegheny           Seventh
  Beechtree No. 3          Jefferson           Fourth
  Beechtree No. 4          Jefferson           Fourth
  Bell Bridge              Allegheny           Ninth
  Bell No. 1               Cambria             Sixth
  Bellwood                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Belsena No. 3            Clearfield          Eighth
  Benedict                 Huntington          Tenth
  Benjamin                 Somerset            Fifth
  Benton                   Somerset            Sixth
  Berwind Shaft            Clearfield          Fourth
  Bessemer No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Bessemer No. 1           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Bessemer No. 2           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Bessie                   Somerset            Fifth
  Bethel                   Somerset            Sixth
  Big Bend                 Cambria             Sixth
  Birds Eye                Clearfield          Eighth
  Black                    Huntington          Tenth
  Black Diamond            Cambria             Eleventh
  Black Diamond            Cambria             Sixth
  Black Diamond            Clearfield          Eighth
  Black Diamond            Clearfield          Tenth
  Black Diamond            Washington          Seventh
  Black Diamond            Washington          First
  Black Lick               Indiana             Second
  Blackstone               Westmoreland        Third
  Blain Run No. 2          Clearfield          Eleventh
  Blaine Run               Clearfield          Tenth
  Blanche                  Washington          Seventh
  Blands                   Cambria             Tenth
  Bloomington No. 1        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 2        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 3        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 4        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 5        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 9        Jefferson           Third
  Blythe                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Blythe                   Washington          First
  Boon                     Washington          Seventh
  Bowen Hill               Allegheny           Seventh
  Bowman                   Indiana             Third
  Boyd                     Allegheny           Seventh
  Bradley                  Blair               Tenth
  Bradley No. 2            Blair               Tenth
  Bradys Bend              Armstrong           Third
  Brawley                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Breburn                  Westmoreland        Second
  Breckenridge             Allegheny           Seventh
  Bridgeville              Allegheny           Seventh
  Brier Hill               Washington          Seventh
  Brinker                  Clarion             Third
  Britanic                 Clearfield          Fourth
  Brock                    Jefferson           Fourth
  Brolin                   Fayette             Fifth
  Browns No. 1             Allegheny           Ninth
  Browns No. 2             Allegheny           Ninth
  Buck Eye                 Westmoreland        Ninth
  Budd                     Westmoreland        First
  Buffalo                  Washington          First
  Buffington               Fayette             Fifth
  Bunola                   Allegheny           First
  Burnside                 Clearfield          Tenth
  Burrell No. 1            Indiana             Second
  Burrell No. 2            Indiana             Second
  Buttner                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Butts-Cannell            Beaver              Third
  Byrne No. 3              Elk                 Fourth
  Caldwell                 Cambria             Sixth
  Calumet                  Westmoreland        Second
  Cambria No. 1            Bedford             Tenth
  Cambria No. 3            Bedford             Tenth
  Camden                   Allegheny           First
  Canoe Ridge              Indiana             Twelfth
  Carbon                   Huntington          Tenth
  Carbon                   Westmoreland        Second
  Carnegie                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Carrier                  Jefferson           Third
  Carrier                  Mercer              Third
  Caseleman                Somerset            Fifth
  Castle Shannon           Allegheny           Seventh
  Cataract                 Clearfield          Fourth
  Catfish Run              Clarion             Third
  Catsburg                 Washington          First
  Central                  Westmoreland        Second
  Chamouni                 Fayette             First
  Champion                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Champion                 Washington          First
  Chapman                  Somerset            Fifth
  Charlerori               Washington          First
  Cherington               Bedford             Tenth
  Cherry                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Cherry Run               Centre              Tenth
  Cherry Run               Clarion             Third
  Christiana               Allegheny           First
  Cincinnatti              Washington          First
  Clarion No. 4            Elk                 Fourth
  Clarion No. 5            Elk                 Fourth
  Clarks                   Indiana             Tenth
  Clarridge                Westmoreland        Second
  Clayhill                 Cambria             Sixth
  Clayton                  Beaver              Third
  Clearfield Bituminous CoaIndiana             Twelfth
  Cleveland                Fayette             First
  Cliff                    Washington          First
  Climax                   Fayette             First
  Clipper                  Washington          First
  Coal Bluff               Washington          First
  Coal Brook               Fayette             Ninth
  Coal Center              Washington          First
  Coal Glen No. 1          Jefferson           Fourth
  Coal Glen No. 2          Jefferson           Fourth
  Coal Run                 Clearfield          Twelfth
  Coal Run                 Westmoreland        Second
  Coaldale No. 9           Cambria             Sixth
  Colonial                 Cambria             Sixth
  Colonial                 Fayette             Fifth
  Colorado No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Colorado No. 3           Clearfield          Eighth
  Columbia No. 4           Cambria             Sixth
  Columbia No. 5           Clearfield          Eighth
  Columbia No. 6           Cambria             Sixth
  Columbia No. 7           Cambria             Sixth
  Columbian No. 1          Cambria             Eleventh
  Connamaugh               Cambria             Sixth
  Connamaugh Slope         Cambria             Sixth
  Connellsville No. 1      Somerset            Fifth
  Connessing               Beaver              Third
  Conrad                   Jefferson           Twelfth
  Continental              Somerset            Fifth
  Continental No. 1        Fayette             Fifth
  Continental No. 2        Fayette             Fifth
  Continental No. 3        Fayette             Fifth
  Cornell                  Allegheny           Ninth
  Courtney                 Washington          First
  Cowansville              Armstrong           Third
  Crag Dell                Westmoreland        Second
  Creedsmore               Washington          Seventh
  Crescent                 Washington          First
  Crescent No. 1           Bedford             Tenth
  Crescent No. 2           Bedford             Tenth
  Crescent No. 3           Bedford             Tenth
  Cresson Shaft            Cambria             Sixth
  Crown                    Clarion             Third
  Crowthers                Fayette             First
  Cuba                     Clearfield          Eighth
  Cumberland               Somerset            Fifth
  Cunard                   Bedford             Tenth
  Cyombria                 Cambria             Sixth
  Dagus No. 1              Elk                 Fourth
  Darlington               Beaver              Third
  Darr                     Westmoreland        Ninth
  Davidson Shaft           Fayette             Ninth
  Davis                    Jefferson           Twelfth
  Dean No. 2               Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 6               Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 8               Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 9               Cambria             Sixth
  Decator No. 1            Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 3            Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 4            Clearfield          Twelfth
  Delaney                  Cambria             Tenth
  Delta                    Cambria             Sixth
  Denmark                  Westmoreland        Second
  Derry Shaft              Westmoreland        Second
  Dexter                   Fayette             Ninth
  Diamond                  Clarion             Third
  Diamond                  Fayette             Ninth
  Diamond No. 1            Mercer              Third
  Diamond No. 2            Mercer              Third
  Dickson                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Donald                   Fayette             Fifth
  Dorothy                  Westmoreland        Second
  Dougherty                Cambria             Tenth
  Dravo                    Allegheny           Ninth
  Dunham No. 1             Bedford             Tenth
  Dunham No. 2             Bedford             Tenth
  Dunlo Shaft              Cambria             Sixth
  Dusquesne                Allegheny           Second
  Duval                    Bedford             Tenth
  Dysert                   Cambria             Sixth
  Eagle                    Clarion             Third
  Eagle                    Fayette             Fifth
  East Branch              Cambria             Sixth
  East End                 Blair               Tenth
  Ebervale                 Cambria             Sixth
  Eclipse                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Eclipse                  Washington          First
  Eclipse RR               Washington          First
  Edinboro                 Fayette             Fifth
  Edna                     Somerset            Fifth
  Eldorado                 Cambria             Tenth
  Eleanor                  Fayette             Fifth
  Eleanora No. 1           Jefferson           Fourth
  Eleanora No. 2           Jefferson           Fourth
  Eleanora No. 3           Jefferson           Fourth
  Electric                 Centre              Eighth
  Elizabeth                Westmoreland        Second
  Elk Run                  Jefferson           Fourth
  Ella                     Westmoreland        First
  Ellsworth                Washington          First
  Elm Grove                Fayette             Fifth
  Elmora No. 1             Cambria             Sixth
  Elmora No. 2             Cambria             Sixth
  Emma                     Fayette             Ninth
  Empire                   Cambria             Sixth
  Empire                   Westmoreland        Second
  Enterprise               Allegheny           Seventh
  Enterprise               Butler              Third
  Enterprise               Mercer              Third
  Enterprise               Somerset            Fifth
  Enterprise               Westmoreland        Ninth
  Enterprise No. 2         Washington          Seventh
  Equitable                Westmoreland        First
  Essen No. 1              Allegheny           Seventh
  Essen No. 2              Allegheny           Seventh
  Essen No. 3              Allegheny           Seventh
  Euclid                   Westmoreland        Ninth
  Eureka                   Elk                 Fourth
  Eureka                   Westmoreland        Ninth
  Eureka No. 11            Clearfield          Twelfth
  Eureka No. 13            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 16            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 18            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 19            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 21            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 22            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 24            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 27            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 30            Somerset            Sixth
  Eureka No. 31            Somerset            Sixth
  Eureka No. 37            Somerset            Sixth
  Eureka No. 5             Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 7             Clearfield          Eighth
  Excelsior                Cambria             Sixth
  Excelsior No. 2          Lawrence            Third
  Excelsior No. 3          Lawrence            Third
  Excelsior No. 4          Lawrence            Third
  Export                   Westmoreland        Second
  F???ville                Westmoreland        Ninth
  Fairmount No. 1          Armstrong           Third
  Fairmount No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Fairmount No. 2          Armstrong           Third
  Fairmount No. 2          Clearfield          Eighth
  Fairmount No. 4          Armstrong           Third
  Fayette City             Fayette             First
  Federal                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Fidelity                 Washington          First
  First Pool No. 1         Allegheny           Seventh
  First Pool No. 2         Allegheny           Seventh
  Fisher                   Huntington          Tenth
  Flanagan Run No. 4       Cambria             Eleventh
  Flanagan Run No. 6       Cambria             Eleventh
  Flinton                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Florence                 Fayette             Fifth
  Florence                 Jefferson           Fourth
  Forest                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Forest                   Clearfield          Tenth
  Forrest Hill             Allegheny           Ninth
  Fort Hill                Fayette             Ninth
  Fort Pitt                Allegheny           Seventh
  Fox                      Allegheny           Seventh
  Franklin                 Cambria             Sixth
  Franklin                 Fayette             Ninth
  Freeport                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Fricks                   Cambria             Tenth
  Friendship No. 3         Clearfield          Eighth
  Frontier No. 3           Cambria             Sixth
  Fulton                   Bedford             Tenth
  Furnace                  Fayette             Fifth
  Galitzan Slope           Cambria             Sixth
  Galitzen Shaft           Cambria             Sixth
  Gallatin                 Allegheny           First
  Garzoni No. 1            Clearfield          Tenth
  Garzoni No. 2            Clearfield          Tenth
  Gastonville              Washington          First
  Gates                    Fayette             Fifth
  Gearhart                 Clearfield          Eighth
  Gehm                     Clearfield          Tenth
  German                   Somerset            Fifth
  Germania                 Washington          First
  Ghem                     Centre              Eighth
  Gilpin                   Armstrong           Third
  Gipsy                    Indiana             Tenth
  Glassport                Allegheny           Ninth
  Glen                     Armstrong           Third
  Glen Helen               Cambria             Sixth
  Glen McLaren             Somerset            Fifth
  Glen White No. 1         Blair               Tenth
  Glen White No. 2         Blair               Tenth
  Glenwood No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Glenwood No. 1           Indiana             Tenth
  Glenwood No. 10          Clearfield          Tenth
  Glenwood No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Glenwood No. 2           Indiana             Tenth
  Glenwood No. 6           Indiana             Tenth
  Goose Run No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Gooseberry               Bedford             Fifth
  Gospel                   Allegheny           Ninth
  Grace                    Fayette             Ninth
  Grace                    Somerset            Fifth
  Graceton No. 1           Indiana             Second
  Graceton No. 2           Indiana             Second
  Graff                    Indiana             Second
  Grampian No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Grampian No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Great Bend               Cambria             Tenth
  Greensburg No. 1         Westmoreland        Second
  Greensburg No. 2         Westmoreland        Second
  Griffin                  Fayette             Fifth
  Grindstone               Fayette             Fifth
  Guion                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Gussie                   Cambria             Sixth
  Hackett                  Washington          First
  Haddon                   Armstrong           Third
  Hallville                Mercer              Third
  Hamilton                 Jefferson           Third
  Hamilton                 Somerset            Fifth
  Hampton                  Allegheny           Second
  Hanna                    Fayette             Fifth
  Harbison Walker          Cambria             Tenth
  Harts                    Clearfield          Tenth
  Hastings No. 1           Cambria             Sixth
  Hastings No. 2           Cambria             Sixth
  Hastings Slope           Allegheny           Seventh
  Hays St. Run No. 2       Allegheny           Seventh
  Hays St. Run No. 3       Allegheny           Seventh
  Hazel Dell               Elk                 Fourth
  Hecla No. 1              Westmoreland        Second
  Hecla No. 2              Westmoreland        Second
  Helvatia No. 1           Jefferson           Fourth
  Helvatia No. 2           Jefferson           Fourth
  Hempfield                Westmoreland        Second
  Henderson No. 4          Clearfield          Twelfth
  Henrietta No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Henrietta Shaft          Cambria             Sixth
  Henry Clay               Fayette             Ninth
  Hero                     Fayette             Fifth
  Heros Shaft              Cambria             Sixth
  Hester                   Westmoreland        Second
  Hicker                   Huntington          Tenth
  Hickman                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Hickory                  Mercer              Third
  Hickory Shaft            Mercer              Third
  Highland                 Clearfield          Eighth
  Hill                     Mercer              Third
  Hilldale                 Washington          First
  Hite                     Allegheny           Seventh
  Hobson                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Horner & Roberts         Allegheny           Ninth
  Horse Shoe               Blair               Tenth
  Horton No. 1             Indiana             Tenth
  Horton Run               Indiana             Tenth
  Hostetter                Westmoreland        Second
  Hoytdale                 Beaver              Third
  Humphreys                Westmoreland        Second
  Huntington               Huntington          Tenth
  Hurst                    Fayette             Fifth
  Idlewood                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Imperial No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Indiana                  Indiana             Second
  Indiana No. 1            Indiana             Tenth
  Ingleside                Cambria             Sixth
  Instanter                McKean              Fourth
  Iron City                Westmoreland        First
  Irvona                   Clearfield          Tenth
  Isabella                 Westmoreland        Second
  Ivill                    Washington          First
  Ivy Ridge                Cambria             Sixth
  Jackson                  Fayette             Ninth
  Jamison No. 1            Westmoreland        Second
  Jamison No. 2            Westmoreland        Second
  Jefferson                Clearfield          Eighth
  Jersey Run               Somerset            Fifth
  Jimbo                    Washington          Seventh
  Jones No. 1              Tioga               Fourth
  Juneta or Johnetta       Armstrong           Third
  Juniata                  Cambria             Sixth
  Juniata                  Fayette             Fifth
  Kato                     Centre              Tenth
  Kearney                  Bedford             Tenth
  Kentuck                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Kerr                     Armstrong           Third
  Kettle Creek No. 1       Clinton             Fourth
  Kettle Creek No. 2       Clinton             Fourth
  Keystone No. 1           Butler              Third
  Keystone No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Keystone No. 2           Butler              Third
  Keystone No. 2           Clarion             Third
  Keystone No. 3           Butler              Third
  Keystone No. 3           Clarion             Third
  Kirkpatrick              Armstrong           Third
  Kirkwood or Hazel        Washington          First
  Knob                     Washington          First
  Knox Run                 Clearfield          Tenth
  Kokono                   Cambria             Sixth
  Korba                    Somerset            Sixth
  Kuntz                    Jefferson           Fourth
  Kyle                     Fayette             Fifth
  Kyler                    Clearfield          Tenth
  Lake Superior            Allegheny           Seventh
  Lambert                  Fayette             Fifth
  Lancashire No. 1         Clearfield          Eighth
  Lancashire No. 2         Clearfield          Eighth
  Lancashire No. 3         Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 3         Clearfield          Eighth
  Lancashire No. 4         Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 6         Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 7         Cambria             Sixth
  Lane No. 1               Clearfield          Eighth
  Lane No. 2               Clearfield          Eighth
  Larrimer                 Westmoreland        Second
  Latrobe                  Westmoreland        Second
  Laurel Hill No. 1        Allegheny           Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 2        Washington          Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 2        Washington          Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 4        Washington          Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 5        Allegheny           Seventh
  Leader No. 1             Clearfield          Eighth
  Leader No. 2             Clearfield          Eighth
  Lee                      Clearfield          Eighth
  Lee Hollow               Clearfield          Tenth
  Leeboone                 Fayette             Fifth
  Leesdale                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Leisenring No. 1         Fayette             Fifth
  Leisenring No. 2         Fayette             Fifth
  Leisenring No. 3         Fayette             Fifth
  Leith                    Fayette             Fifth
  Leland No. 1             Clearfield          Eighth
  Leland No. 2             Clearfield          Eighth
  Leland No. 3             Clearfield          Eighth
  Lemmon                   Blair               Tenth
  LeMont No. 1             Fayette             Fifth
  LeMont No. 2             Fayette             Fifth
  LeMont No. 3             Fayette             Fifth
  Lick Run                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Ligonier No. 2           Westmoreland        Second
  Lilly Slope              Cambria             Sixth
  Lincoln                  Fayette             Fifth
  Little Alps              Fayette             First
  Little Redstone          Fayette             First
  Llewellyon               Cambria             Eleventh
  Lockport                 Westmoreland        Second
  Logan                    Cambria             Sixth
  London                   Clearfield          Twelfth
  London                   Jefferson           Fourth
  Long Valley              Bradford            Fourth
  Loraine                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Loredale                 Allegheny           Ninth
  Lottie                   Somerset            Fifth
  Loyalhanna No. 1         Westmoreland        Second
  Loyalhanna No. 2         Westmoreland        Second
  Lucesco                  Westmoreland        Second
  Lyman                    McKean              Fourth
  M.Saxman                 Westmoreland        Second
  Mabel                    Clearfield          Eighth
  MacRonnon                Clearfield          Eighth
  Madera                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Madison                  Westmoreland        Ninth
  Madison                  Westmoreland        Second
  Maher No. 2              Indiana             Second
  Maher No. 3              Westmoreland        Second
  Mahoning Atlas           Fayette             Fifth
  Mammouth Shaft           Westmoreland        Second
  Mammouth Slope           Westmoreland        Second
  Manion                   Cambria             Eleventh
  Manown                   Allegheny           First
  Mansfield No. 2          Allegheny           Seventh
  Maple Hill               Tioga               Fourth
  Mapleton                 Clearfield          Eighth
  Maplewood                Jefferson           Third
  Margeerum                Allegheny           Seventh
  Marguerite               Westmoreland        Second
  Marguerite No. 2         Westmoreland        Second
  Marydale                 Clearfield          Eighth
  McCartney                Clearfield          Eighth
  McRand                   Lawrence            Third
  Mead Run No. 2           Elk                 Fourth
  Mead Run No. 4           Elk                 Fourth
  Meadow Brook             Clearfield          Eighth
  Melrose                  Huntington          Tenth
  Merchant No. 1           Fayette             Fifth
  Merchant No. 2           Fayette             Fifth
  Merchant No. 3           Fayette             Fifth
  Metcalf                  Westmoreland        Second
  Midland                  Washington          Seventh
  Midvale No. 1            Clearfield          Eighth
  Midvale No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  Midway                   Washington          Seventh
  Milesville               Allegheny           First
  Milford                  Somerset            Fifth
  Milford No. 1            Somerset            Fifth
  Millwood Shaft           Westmoreland        Second
  Mineral Ridge            Clarion             Third
  Minitour                 Somerset            Fifth
  Misquito                 Clearfield          Fourth
  Mitchell                 Indiana             Second
  Mizoner                  Butler              Third
  Monahan                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Monarch                  Clarion             Third
  Monastery                Westmoreland        Second
  Mongah                   Allegheny           First
  Montours                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Moon Run                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Moravian                 Clearfield          Tenth
  Morgan                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Morgan                   Fayette             Ninth
  Morrel                   Fayette             Fifth
  Morrisdale No. 7         Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale No. 8         Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 1   Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 2   Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 4   Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 5   Clearfield          Eighth
  Mosgrove                 Armstrong           Third
  Moshannon                Cambria             Sixth
  Mostiller                Somerset            Sixth
  Mountain Branch          Centre              Eighth
  Mountaindale             Cambria             Tenth
  Mountz                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt. Carmel               Clearfield          Fourth
  Mt. Hope                 Fayette             Fifth
  Mt. Vernon No. 1         Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt. Vernon No. 6         Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt. Vernon No. 7         Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt.Braddock              Fayette             Fifth
  Mullin                   Westmoreland        Ninth
  Mutual No. 2             Westmoreland        Second
  Mutual No. 3             Westmoreland        Second
  Myers Run                Clearfield          Fourth
  Nanty Glo                Cambria             Sixth
  National                 Allegheny           Seventh
  National No. 1           Clearfield          Tenth
  National No. 2           Clearfield          Tenth
  National No. 2           Clearfield          Tenth
  Natrona No. 1            Allegheny           Seventh
  Natrona No. 2            Allegheny           Seventh
  Nellie                   Butler              Third
  Nellie                   Fayette             Fifth
  New Mine No. 2           Tioga               Fourth
  New Plane                Cambria             Eleventh
  Nickle Plate             Allegheny           Seventh
  Nixon                    Allegheny           Seventh
  No. 1                    Westmoreland        Second
  No. 10                   Clearfield          Fourth
  No. 2                    Indiana             Tenth
  No. 2                    Westmoreland        Second
  No. 4                    Westmoreland        Second
  No. 5                    Westmoreland        Second
  North Drift              Tioga               Fourth
  North Webster            Westmoreland        First
  North Western            Allegheny           Seventh
  Nottingham               Washington          First
  O'Brian No. 1            Clearfield          Eighth
  O'Brian No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  O'Shanter                Clearfield          Tenth
  O.I.C.                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Oak Hill No. 4           Westmoreland        Second
  Oak Hill No. 5           Westmoreland        Second
  Oak Ridge                Allegheny           Seventh
  Oak Ridge                Cambria             Sixth
  Oak Ridge No. 2          Armstrong           Third
  Oak Ridge No. 5          Armstrong           Third
  Oakland                  Clearfield          Tenth
  Oakland                  Clearfield          Eleventh
  Ocean                    Allegheny           Second
  Ocean No. 1              Huntington          Tenth
  Ocean No. 1              Westmoreland        Second
  Ocean No. 1              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Ocean No. 2              Allegheny           Ninth
  Ocean No. 2              Huntington          Tenth
  Ocean No. 3              Huntington          Tenth
  Ocean No. 4              Allegheny           Ninth
  Ocean No. 5              Allegheny           Ninth
  Ocean No. 6              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Ocean No. 7              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Ogle                     Clearfield          Tenth
  Old Eagle                Allegheny           First
  Oliphant                 Fayette             Fifth
  Oliver No. 1             Fayette             Fifth
  Oliver No. 2             Fayette             Fifth
  Ophir                    Centre              Eighth
  Orient No. 2             Centre              Eighth
  Orient No. 4             Centre              Eighth
  Ormsby                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Osceola                  Allegheny           Ninth
  Osceola No. 3            Centre              Eighth
  Pacific                  Allegheny           Ninth
  Painter                  Fayette             Ninth
  Pan Handle               Allegheny           Seventh
  Pancoast                 Jefferson           Fourth
  Pandora                  Westmoreland        Second
  Pardee No. 3             Cambria             Sixth
  Pardee No. 4             Cambria             Sixth
  Pardoe                   Mercer              Third
  Parks                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Partridge                Allegheny           Seventh
  Patton                   Cambria             Sixth
  Paul                     Fayette             Fifth
  Penn                     Indiana             Tenth
  Penn                     Lawrence            Third
  Penn Manor Shaft         Westmoreland        Second
  Penn No. 2               Jefferson           Twelfth
  Penn-Mar                 Somerset            Fifth
  Pennsville               Fayette             Ninth
  Pennsylvania             Clearfield          Tenth
  Peters Creek             Allegheny           First
  Petty Cock Run           Jefferson           Fourth
  Phoenix                  Butler              Eighth
  Phoenix                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Pine Creek               Allegheny           Seventh
  Pine Run                 Westmoreland        Third
  Plain                    Cambria             Sixth
  Plane                    Clearfield          Tenth
  Pleasant Hill            Clearfield          Tenth
  Pleasant Hill No. 2      Cambria             Tenth
  Pleasant Valley          Westmoreland        Second
  Plum Creek               Westmoreland        Second
  Plummer                  Fayette             Ninth
  Port Royal No. 1         Westmoreland        Ninth
  Port Royal No. 2         Westmoreland        Ninth
  Portage Slope            Cambria             Sixth
  Primrose                 Washington          Seventh
  Provident                Washington          Seventh
  Puritan                  Westmoreland        Second
  Puritan No. 1            Cambria             Sixth
  Puritan No. 2            Cambria             Sixth
  Puritan No. 3            Cambria             Sixth
  Radebaugh                Westmoreland        Second
  Rainbow                  Fayette             Ninth
  Rathmel                  Jefferson           Third
  Rawleigh                 Somerset            Fifth
  Ray                      Indiana             Second
  Raybold No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  Reading                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Red Jacket               Clearfield          Eighth
  Red Run                  Lycoming            Fourth
  Redstone                 Fayette             Fifth
  Revere                   Fayette             Fifth
  Ridgeway                 Washington          Seventh
  Rising Sun               Westmoreland        Ninth
  Rist                     Fayette             Ninth
  Riverview                Armstrong           Third
  Riverview                Westmoreland        Third
  Riverville               Washington          First
  Robertsdale Slope        Huntington          Tenth
  Rochester                Clearfield          Fourth
  Rock Point               Lawrence            Third
  Rock Run                 Allegheny           First
  Rocke                    Fayette             Fifth
  Rocke                    Fayette             Ninth
  Rolling Mill             Cambria             Sixth
  Romas                    Somerset            Fifth
  Rostravor                Westmoreland        First
  Rosy                     Fayette             Fifth
  Royal Slope              Clearfield          Tenth
  Royle                    Butler              Third
  Ruff                     Westmoreland        Second
  S.H.Smith                Westmoreland        Second
  Salem                    Westmoreland        Second
  Sandy Creek              Westmoreland        Second
  Sandy Lick               Clearfield          Fourth
  Sarah                    Fayette             Ninth
  Schwinn                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Scottdale Iron Co.       Fayette             Ninth
  Sewickley                Westmoreland        Second
  Shade                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Shamrock                 Fayette             Fifth
  Shaners No. 2            Westmoreland        Ninth
  Shawmut No. 1            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 2            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 3            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 5            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 8            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 9            Elk                 Fourth
  Sheppler                 Westmoreland        First
  Sherwin                  Butler              Third
  Sherwood                 Jefferson           Third
  Shoff No. 2              Clearfield          Eighth
  Shornberger              Washington          First
  Sinon                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Sligo                    Clarion             Third
  Smith                    Indiana             Second
  Smithfield               Fayette             Fifth
  Smithton No. 2           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Smock                    Fayette             Fifth
  Snow Shoe                Centre              Tenth
  Snowden                  Allegheny           First
  Soldier Run No. 1        Jefferson           Third
  Soldier Run No. 2        Jefferson           Third
  Somers No. 2             Westmoreland        First
  Somers No. 3             Westmoreland        First
  Somerset                 Somerset            Sixth
  Sommerville              Clearfield          Tenth
  Sonman No. 1             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman No. 2             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman No. 3             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman Shaft No. 1       Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman Shaft No. 2       Cambria             Sixth
  South Fork No. 1         Cambria             Sixth
  Spangler                 Cambria             Sixth
  Spears                   Mercer              Third
  Spring Grove             Fayette             Ninth
  Spring Hill              Allegheny           Second
  St. Marys                Elk                 Fourth
  St.Clair                 Cambria             Sixth
  St.Clair                 Westmoreland        Second
  Staffordshire            Clearfield          Eighth
  Stage                    Butler              Third
  Standard                 Butler              Third
  Standard                 Cambria             Sixth
  Standard No. 1           Centre              Eighth
  Standard No. 1           Somerset            Fifth
  Standard No. 2           Centre              Eighth
  Standard No. 2           Somerset            Fifth
  Standard No. 3           Centre              Eighth
  Standard No. 4           Clearfield          Eighth
  Standard No. 5           Clearfield          Eighth
  Standard Shaft           Westmoreland        Second
  Standard Slope           Westmoreland        Second
  Star                     Washington          First
  State Line               Beaver              Third
  Stattler                 Somerset            Fifth
  Steinman No. 1           Cambria             Sixth
  Steinman No. 2           Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling                 Beaver              Third
  Sterling                 Clarion             Third
  Sterling                 Fayette             Ninth
  Sterling No. 1           Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 1           Fayette             Ninth
  Sterling No. 10          Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 11          Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Sterling No. 3           Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 3           Clearfield          Eighth
  Sterling No. 8           Cambria             Sixth
  Stewart                  Fayette             Fifth
  Stewart No. 1            Somerset            Eleventh
  Stoneboro No. 2          Mercer              Third
  Stoneboro No. 3          Mercer              Third
  Stony Creek              Somerset            Sixth
  Stony Hill               Fayette             First
  Stott                    Cambria             Eleventh
  Strickler                Westmoreland        Second
  Sugar Camp No. 10        Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 2         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 3         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 5         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 7         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 8         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 9         Centre              Tenth
  Summer Hill              Allegheny           Seventh
  Summitt                  Fayette             Ninth
  Sumter                   Fayette             Fifth
  Superior No. 1           Westmoreland        Second
  Susquehanna              Cambria             Sixth
  Thomas                   Somerset            Fifth
  Thompson Run             Beaver              Third
  Tip Top                  Fayette             Ninth
  Toby No. 3               Elk                 Fourth
  Tremont                  Fayette             First
  Troy No. 4               Clearfield          Eighth
  Troy No. 5               Clearfield          Eighth
  Turley                   Cambria             Tenth
  Tyrone                   Fayette             Ninth
  Umpire                   Fayette             First
  Underwood                Clarion             Third
  Union                    Cambria             Tenth
  Union                    Fayette             Ninth
  Union No. 3              Centre              Eighth
  United                   Westmoreland        Second
  Urey No. 1               Indiana             Tenth
  Urey No. 2               Indiana             Tenth
  Urey No. 3               Indiana             Tenth
  Valley                   Fayette             Ninth
  Van Armor                Somerset            Sixth
  Van Ormer                Cambria             Eleventh
  Venture                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Vesta No. 1              Washington          First
  Vesta No. 2              Washington          First
  Vesta No. 3              Washington          First
  Victor No. 2             Clearfield          Eighth
  Victoria                 Fayette             Fifth
  Vigilant                 Washington          First
  Vintondale No. 1         Cambria             Sixth
  Vintondale No. 2         Cambria             Sixth
  Vintondale No. 3         Cambria             Sixth
  Virginia                 Jefferson           Third
  Vulcan                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Walnut Run               Somerset            Sixth
  Walston No. 1            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walston No. 3            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walston No. 4            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walston No. 5            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walton                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Walton Lower             Allegheny           First
  Walton Upper             Allegheny           First
  Warner                   Bedford             Tenth
  Washington               Fayette             First
  Washington No. 1         Fayette             Fifth
  Washington No. 2         Fayette             Fifth
  Webster No. 3            Cambria             Sixth
  Webster No. 4            Clearfield          Eighth
  Webster No. 5            Cambria             Sixth
  Weinman                  Allegheny           Second
  Wells Creek              Somerset            Sixth
  West Branch              Somerset            Sixth
  West Clarion No. 1       Jefferson           Fourth
  West Clarion No. 3       Jefferson           Fourth
  West Clarion No. 4       Elk                 Fourth
  West Eureka No. 1        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 10       Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 11       Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 12       Jefferson           Eighth
  West Eureka No. 13       Jefferson           Eighth
  West Eureka No. 4        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 5        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 6        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Newton Shaft        Westmoreland        Ninth
  West Penn                Westmoreland        Third
  West Tarentum            Allegheny           Seventh
  Westdale                 Fayette             Fifth
  Westmoreland Shaft       Westmoreland        Second
  Wheeler                  Fayette             Fifth
  White                    Fayette             Ninth
  Whiteside No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Whitney                  Westmoreland        Second
  Wick Haven               Fayette             Ninth
  Wiley Stauffer Co.       Fayette             Ninth
  Williamsport             Clearfield          Fourth
  Willow Grove             Allegheny           Seventh
  Wilmoth                  Somerset            Fifth
  Wilson Run               Clearfield          Tenth
  Witch Hazel              Allegheny           Seventh
  Woodvale Shaft           Huntington          Tenth
  Wotten                   Fayette             Fifth
  Yatesboro No. 1          Armstrong           Fourth
  Yellow Run Shaft         Somerset            Sixth
  Yough Slope              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Youngstown               Fayette             Fifth


  COAL MINE NAME           COUNTY              COAL DISTRICT

  Amity                    Allegheny           First
  Bakewell or ?Bakeville   Allegheny           First
  Beadling                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Becks Run                Allegheny           Seventh
  Blythe                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Bowen Hill               Allegheny           Seventh
  Boyd                     Allegheny           Seventh
  Breckenridge             Allegheny           Seventh
  Bridgeville              Allegheny           Seventh
  Browns No. 1             Allegheny           Ninth
  Browns No. 2             Allegheny           Ninth
  Buttner                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Carnegie                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Castle Shannon           Allegheny           Seventh
  Champion                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Cherry                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Christiana               Allegheny           First
  Cornell                  Allegheny           Ninth
  Dickson                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Dravo                    Allegheny           Ninth
  Enterprise               Allegheny           Seventh
  Essen No. 1              Allegheny           Seventh
  Essen No. 2              Allegheny           Seventh
  Essen No. 3              Allegheny           Seventh
  Federal                  Allegheny           Seventh
  First Pool No. 1         Allegheny           Seventh
  First Pool No. 2         Allegheny           Seventh
  Fort Pitt                Allegheny           Seventh
  Fox                      Allegheny           Seventh
  Freeport                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Glassport                Allegheny           Ninth
  Gospel                   Allegheny           Ninth
  Hastings Slope           Allegheny           Seventh
  Hays St. Run No. 2       Allegheny           Seventh
  Hays St. Run No. 3       Allegheny           Seventh
  Hickman                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Hite                     Allegheny           Seventh
  Horner & Roberts         Allegheny           Ninth
  Idlewood                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Lake Superior            Allegheny           Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 1        Allegheny           Seventh
  Lick Run                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Mansfield No. 2          Allegheny           Seventh
  Margeerum                Allegheny           Seventh
  Moon Run                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Morgan                   Allegheny           Seventh
  National                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Natrona No. 1            Allegheny           Seventh
  Natrona No. 2            Allegheny           Seventh
  Nixon                    Allegheny           Seventh
  North Western            Allegheny           Seventh
  O.I.C.                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Oak Ridge                Allegheny           Seventh
  Ocean No. 2              Allegheny           Ninth
  Ocean No. 4              Allegheny           Ninth
  Ocean No. 5              Allegheny           Ninth
  Ormsby                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Osceola                  Allegheny           Ninth
  Pacific                  Allegheny           Ninth
  Pan Handle               Allegheny           Seventh
  Partridge                Allegheny           Seventh
  Pine Creek               Allegheny           Seventh
  Snowden                  Allegheny           First
  Venture                  Allegheny           Seventh
  Vulcan                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Walton                   Allegheny           Seventh
  Walton Lower             Allegheny           First
  Walton Upper             Allegheny           First
  Willow Grove             Allegheny           Seventh
  Witch Hazel              Allegheny           Seventh
  Allequippa               Allegheny           First
  Bell Bridge              Allegheny           Ninth
  Bellwood                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Bunola                   Allegheny           First
  Camden                   Allegheny           First
  Dusquesne                Allegheny           Second
  Forrest Hill             Allegheny           Ninth
  Gallatin                 Allegheny           First
  Hampton                  Allegheny           Second
  Laurel Hill No. 5        Allegheny           Seventh
  Leesdale                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Loredale                 Allegheny           Ninth
  Manown                   Allegheny           First
  Milesville               Allegheny           First
  Mongah                   Allegheny           First
  Montours                 Allegheny           Seventh
  Nickle Plate             Allegheny           Seventh
  Ocean                    Allegheny           Second
  Old Eagle                Allegheny           First
  Peters Creek             Allegheny           First
  Rock Run                 Allegheny           First
  Spring Hill              Allegheny           Second
  Summer Hill              Allegheny           Seventh
  Weinman                  Allegheny           Second
  West Tarentum            Allegheny           Seventh
  Aladdin                  Armstrong           Third
  Avonmore                 Armstrong           Third
  Beale                    Armstrong           Third
  Bradys Bend              Armstrong           Third
  Cowansville              Armstrong           Third
  Fairmount No. 1          Armstrong           Third
  Fairmount No. 2          Armstrong           Third
  Fairmount No. 4          Armstrong           Third
  Gilpin                   Armstrong           Third
  Glen                     Armstrong           Third
  Haddon                   Armstrong           Third
  Juneta or Johnetta       Armstrong           Third
  Kerr                     Armstrong           Third
  Kirkpatrick              Armstrong           Third
  Mosgrove                 Armstrong           Third
  Oak Ridge No. 2          Armstrong           Third
  Oak Ridge No. 5          Armstrong           Third
  Riverview                Armstrong           Third
  Yatesboro No. 1          Armstrong           Fourth
  Butts-Cannell            Beaver              Third
  Clayton                  Beaver              Third
  Connessing               Beaver              Third
  Darlington               Beaver              Third
  Hoytdale                 Beaver              Third
  State Line               Beaver              Third
  Sterling                 Beaver              Third
  Thompson Run             Beaver              Third
  Cambria No. 1            Bedford             Tenth
  Cambria No. 3            Bedford             Tenth
  Cherington               Bedford             Tenth
  Crescent No. 1           Bedford             Tenth
  Crescent No. 2           Bedford             Tenth
  Crescent No. 3           Bedford             Tenth
  Cunard                   Bedford             Tenth
  Dunham No. 1             Bedford             Tenth
  Dunham No. 2             Bedford             Tenth
  Duval                    Bedford             Tenth
  Fulton                   Bedford             Tenth
  Gooseberry               Bedford             Fifth
  Kearney                  Bedford             Tenth
  Warner                   Bedford             Tenth
  Bradley                  Blair               Tenth
  Bradley No. 2            Blair               Tenth
  East End                 Blair               Tenth
  Glen White No. 1         Blair               Tenth
  Glen White No. 2         Blair               Tenth
  Horse Shoe               Blair               Tenth
  Lemmon                   Blair               Tenth
  Long Valley              Bradford            Fourth
  Enterprise               Butler              Third
  Keystone No. 1           Butler              Third
  Keystone No. 2           Butler              Third
  Keystone No. 3           Butler              Third
  Mizoner                  Butler              Third
  Nellie                   Butler              Third
  Phoenix                  Butler              Eighth
  Royle                    Butler              Third
  Sherwin                  Butler              Third
  Stage                    Butler              Third
  Standard                 Butler              Third
  Alpha                    Cambria             Sixth
  Alport No. 1             Cambria             Sixth
  Alport No. 2             Cambria             Sixth
  Alton                    Cambria             Sixth
  Argyle                   Cambria             Sixth
  Ashcroft No. 3           Cambria             Eleventh
  Aurura                   Cambria             Sixth
  Bear Rock                Cambria             Sixth
  Bell No. 1               Cambria             Sixth
  Big Bend                 Cambria             Sixth
  Black Diamond            Cambria             Eleventh
  Black Diamond            Cambria             Sixth
  Blands                   Cambria             Tenth
  Brawley                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Caldwell                 Cambria             Sixth
  Clayhill                 Cambria             Sixth
  Coaldale No. 9           Cambria             Sixth
  Colonial                 Cambria             Sixth
  Columbia No. 4           Cambria             Sixth
  Columbia No. 6           Cambria             Sixth
  Columbia No. 7           Cambria             Sixth
  Columbian No. 1          Cambria             Eleventh
  Connamaugh               Cambria             Sixth
  Connamaugh Slope         Cambria             Sixth
  Cresson Shaft            Cambria             Sixth
  Cyombria                 Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 2               Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 6               Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 8               Cambria             Sixth
  Dean No. 9               Cambria             Sixth
  Delaney                  Cambria             Tenth
  Delta                    Cambria             Sixth
  Dougherty                Cambria             Tenth
  Dunlo Shaft              Cambria             Sixth
  Dysert                   Cambria             Sixth
  East Branch              Cambria             Sixth
  Ebervale                 Cambria             Sixth
  Eclipse                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Eldorado                 Cambria             Tenth
  Elmora No. 1             Cambria             Sixth
  Elmora No. 2             Cambria             Sixth
  Empire                   Cambria             Sixth
  Excelsior                Cambria             Sixth
  Flanagan Run No. 4       Cambria             Eleventh
  Flanagan Run No. 6       Cambria             Eleventh
  Flinton                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Franklin                 Cambria             Sixth
  Fricks                   Cambria             Tenth
  Frontier No. 3           Cambria             Sixth
  Galitzan Slope           Cambria             Sixth
  Galitzen Shaft           Cambria             Sixth
  Glen Helen               Cambria             Sixth
  Great Bend               Cambria             Tenth
  Gussie                   Cambria             Sixth
  Harbison Walker          Cambria             Tenth
  Hastings No. 1           Cambria             Sixth
  Hastings No. 2           Cambria             Sixth
  Henrietta Shaft          Cambria             Sixth
  Heros Shaft              Cambria             Sixth
  Ingleside                Cambria             Sixth
  Ivy Ridge                Cambria             Sixth
  Juniata                  Cambria             Sixth
  Kokono                   Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 3         Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 4         Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 6         Cambria             Sixth
  Lancashire No. 7         Cambria             Sixth
  Lilly Slope              Cambria             Sixth
  Llewellyon               Cambria             Eleventh
  Logan                    Cambria             Sixth
  Manion                   Cambria             Eleventh
  Monahan                  Cambria             Eleventh
  Moshannon                Cambria             Sixth
  Mountaindale             Cambria             Tenth
  Nanty Glo                Cambria             Sixth
  New Plane                Cambria             Eleventh
  Oak Ridge                Cambria             Sixth
  Pardee No. 3             Cambria             Sixth
  Pardee No. 4             Cambria             Sixth
  Patton                   Cambria             Sixth
  Plain                    Cambria             Sixth
  Pleasant Hill No. 2      Cambria             Tenth
  Portage Slope            Cambria             Sixth
  Puritan No. 1            Cambria             Sixth
  Puritan No. 2            Cambria             Sixth
  Puritan No. 3            Cambria             Sixth
  Rolling Mill             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman No. 1             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman No. 2             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman No. 3             Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman Shaft No. 1       Cambria             Sixth
  Sonman Shaft No. 2       Cambria             Sixth
  South Fork No. 1         Cambria             Sixth
  Spangler                 Cambria             Sixth
  St.Clair                 Cambria             Sixth
  Standard                 Cambria             Sixth
  Steinman No. 1           Cambria             Sixth
  Steinman No. 2           Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 1           Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 10          Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 11          Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 3           Cambria             Sixth
  Sterling No. 8           Cambria             Sixth
  Stott                    Cambria             Eleventh
  Susquehanna              Cambria             Sixth
  Turley                   Cambria             Tenth
  Union                    Cambria             Tenth
  Van Ormer                Cambria             Eleventh
  Vintondale No. 1         Cambria             Sixth
  Vintondale No. 2         Cambria             Sixth
  Vintondale No. 3         Cambria             Sixth
  Webster No. 3            Cambria             Sixth
  Webster No. 5            Cambria             Sixth
  Bear Run                 Centre              Eighth
  Beaver                   Centre              Twelfth
  Electric                 Centre              Eighth
  Ghem                     Centre              Eighth
  Kato                     Centre              Tenth
  Mountain Branch          Centre              Eighth
  Ophir                    Centre              Eighth
  Orient No. 2             Centre              Eighth
  Orient No. 4             Centre              Eighth
  Osceola No. 3            Centre              Eighth
  Standard No. 1           Centre              Eighth
  Standard No. 3           Centre              Eighth
  Sugar Camp No. 10        Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 2         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 3         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 5         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 7         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 8         Centre              Tenth
  Sugar Camp No. 9         Centre              Tenth
  Union No. 3              Centre              Eighth
  Cherry Run               Centre              Tenth
  Snow Shoe                Centre              Tenth
  Standard No. 2           Centre              Eighth
  Avondale                 Clarion             Third
  Brinker                  Clarion             Third
  Catfish Run              Clarion             Third
  Cherry Run               Clarion             Third
  Crown                    Clarion             Third
  Diamond                  Clarion             Third
  Eagle                    Clarion             Third
  Keystone No. 2           Clarion             Third
  Keystone No. 3           Clarion             Third
  Mineral Ridge            Clarion             Third
  Monarch                  Clarion             Third
  Sligo                    Clarion             Third
  Sterling                 Clarion             Third
  Underwood                Clarion             Third
  Acme No. 1               Clearfield          Eighth
  Acme No. 2               Clearfield          Eighth
  Alder Run                Clearfield          Tenth
  Alexandria               Clearfield          Eighth
  Ashman                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Atlantic No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Atlantic No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Baltic No. 1             Clearfield          Eighth
  Baltic No. 3             Clearfield          Eighth
  Bannion                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Belsena No. 3            Clearfield          Eighth
  Berwind Shaft            Clearfield          Fourth
  Bessemer No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Birds Eye                Clearfield          Eighth
  Black Diamond            Clearfield          Eighth
  Black Diamond            Clearfield          Tenth
  Blain Run No. 2          Clearfield          Eleventh
  Blaine Run               Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 1        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 2        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 3        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 4        Clearfield          Tenth
  Bloomington No. 5        Clearfield          Tenth
  Britanic                 Clearfield          Fourth
  Burnside                 Clearfield          Tenth
  Cataract                 Clearfield          Fourth
  Coal Run                 Clearfield          Twelfth
  Colorado No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Colorado No. 3           Clearfield          Eighth
  Columbia No. 5           Clearfield          Eighth
  Cuba                     Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 1            Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 3            Clearfield          Eighth
  Decator No. 4            Clearfield          Twelfth
  Eureka No. 11            Clearfield          Twelfth
  Eureka No. 13            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 16            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 18            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 19            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 21            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 22            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 24            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 27            Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 5             Clearfield          Eighth
  Eureka No. 7             Clearfield          Eighth
  Fairmount No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Fairmount No. 2          Clearfield          Eighth
  Forest                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Forest                   Clearfield          Tenth
  Friendship No. 3         Clearfield          Eighth
  Garzoni No. 1            Clearfield          Tenth
  Garzoni No. 2            Clearfield          Tenth
  Gearhart                 Clearfield          Eighth
  Gehm                     Clearfield          Tenth
  Glenwood No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Glenwood No. 10          Clearfield          Tenth
  Glenwood No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Goose Run No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Grampian No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Grampian No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Guion                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Harts                    Clearfield          Tenth
  Henderson No. 4          Clearfield          Twelfth
  Henrietta No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Highland                 Clearfield          Eighth
  Hobson                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Imperial No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Irvona                   Clearfield          Tenth
  Jefferson                Clearfield          Eighth
  Kentuck                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Keystone No. 1           Clearfield          Eighth
  Knox Run                 Clearfield          Tenth
  Kyler                    Clearfield          Tenth
  Lancashire No. 1         Clearfield          Eighth
  Lancashire No. 2         Clearfield          Eighth
  Lancashire No. 3         Clearfield          Eighth
  Lane No. 1               Clearfield          Eighth
  Lane No. 2               Clearfield          Eighth
  Leader No. 1             Clearfield          Eighth
  Leader No. 2             Clearfield          Eighth
  Lee                      Clearfield          Eighth
  Lee Hollow               Clearfield          Tenth
  Leland No. 1             Clearfield          Eighth
  Leland No. 2             Clearfield          Eighth
  Leland No. 3             Clearfield          Eighth
  London                   Clearfield          Twelfth
  Loraine                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Mabel                    Clearfield          Eighth
  MacRonnon                Clearfield          Eighth
  Madera                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Mapleton                 Clearfield          Eighth
  Marydale                 Clearfield          Eighth
  McCartney                Clearfield          Eighth
  Meadow Brook             Clearfield          Eighth
  Midvale No. 1            Clearfield          Eighth
  Midvale No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  Misquito                 Clearfield          Fourth
  Moravian                 Clearfield          Tenth
  Morrisdale No. 7         Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale No. 8         Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 1   Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 2   Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 4   Clearfield          Eighth
  Morrisdale Shaft No. 5   Clearfield          Eighth
  Mountz                   Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt. Carmel               Clearfield          Fourth
  Mt. Vernon No. 1         Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt. Vernon No. 6         Clearfield          Eighth
  Mt. Vernon No. 7         Clearfield          Eighth
  Myers Run                Clearfield          Fourth
  National No. 1           Clearfield          Tenth
  National No. 2           Clearfield          Tenth
  National No. 2           Clearfield          Tenth
  No. 10                   Clearfield          Fourth
  O'Brian No. 1            Clearfield          Eighth
  O'Brian No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  O'Shanter                Clearfield          Tenth
  Oakland                  Clearfield          Tenth
  Oakland                  Clearfield          Eleventh
  Ogle                     Clearfield          Tenth
  Parks                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Pennsylvania             Clearfield          Tenth
  Phoenix                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Plane                    Clearfield          Tenth
  Pleasant Hill            Clearfield          Tenth
  Raybold No. 2            Clearfield          Eighth
  Reading                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Red Jacket               Clearfield          Eighth
  Rochester                Clearfield          Fourth
  Royal Slope              Clearfield          Tenth
  Sandy Lick               Clearfield          Fourth
  Schwinn                  Clearfield          Eighth
  Shade                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Shoff No. 2              Clearfield          Eighth
  Sinon                    Clearfield          Eighth
  Sommerville              Clearfield          Tenth
  Staffordshire            Clearfield          Eighth
  Standard No. 4           Clearfield          Eighth
  Standard No. 5           Clearfield          Eighth
  Sterling No. 2           Clearfield          Eighth
  Sterling No. 3           Clearfield          Eighth
  Troy No. 4               Clearfield          Eighth
  Troy No. 5               Clearfield          Eighth
  Victor No. 2             Clearfield          Eighth
  Webster No. 4            Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 1        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 10       Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 11       Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 4        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 5        Clearfield          Eighth
  West Eureka No. 6        Clearfield          Eighth
  Whiteside No. 1          Clearfield          Eighth
  Williamsport             Clearfield          Fourth
  Wilson Run               Clearfield          Tenth
  Kettle Creek No. 1       Clinton             Fourth
  Kettle Creek No. 2       Clinton             Fourth
  Byrne No. 3              Elk                 Fourth
  Clarion No. 4            Elk                 Fourth
  Clarion No. 5            Elk                 Fourth
  Dagus No. 1              Elk                 Fourth
  Eureka                   Elk                 Fourth
  Hazel Dell               Elk                 Fourth
  Mead Run No. 2           Elk                 Fourth
  Mead Run No. 4           Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 1            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 2            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 3            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 5            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 8            Elk                 Fourth
  Shawmut No. 9            Elk                 Fourth
  St. Marys                Elk                 Fourth
  Toby No. 3               Elk                 Fourth
  West Clarion No. 4       Elk                 Fourth
  Ada                      Fayette             Fifth
  Adelaide                 Fayette             Ninth
  Allice                   Fayette             First
  B & O                    Fayette             Ninth
  Banning No. 1            Fayette             Ninth
  Banning No. 2            Fayette             Ninth
  Brolin                   Fayette             Fifth
  Cleveland                Fayette             First
  Coal Brook               Fayette             Ninth
  Colonial                 Fayette             Fifth
  Crowthers                Fayette             First
  Davidson Shaft           Fayette             Ninth
  Dexter                   Fayette             Ninth
  Diamond                  Fayette             Ninth
  Eagle                    Fayette             Fifth
  Edinboro                 Fayette             Fifth
  Emma                     Fayette             Ninth
  Fort Hill                Fayette             Ninth
  Franklin                 Fayette             Ninth
  Furnace                  Fayette             Fifth
  Grace                    Fayette             Ninth
  Henry Clay               Fayette             Ninth
  Juniata                  Fayette             Fifth
  Leeboone                 Fayette             Fifth
  LeMont No. 2             Fayette             Fifth
  LeMont No. 3             Fayette             Fifth
  Lincoln                  Fayette             Fifth
  Merchant No. 2           Fayette             Fifth
  Merchant No. 3           Fayette             Fifth
  Morgan                   Fayette             Ninth
  Nellie                   Fayette             Fifth
  Painter                  Fayette             Ninth
  Pennsville               Fayette             Ninth
  Plummer                  Fayette             Ninth
  Rainbow                  Fayette             Ninth
  Rist                     Fayette             Ninth
  Rocke                    Fayette             Fifth
  Rocke                    Fayette             Ninth
  Rosy                     Fayette             Fifth
  Sarah                    Fayette             Ninth
  Scottdale Iron Co.       Fayette             Ninth
  Smithfield               Fayette             Fifth
  Spring Grove             Fayette             Ninth
  Sterling                 Fayette             Ninth
  Sterling No. 1           Fayette             Ninth
  Stewart                  Fayette             Fifth
  Summitt                  Fayette             Ninth
  Sumter                   Fayette             Fifth
  Tip Top                  Fayette             Ninth
  Tyrone                   Fayette             Ninth
  Union                    Fayette             Ninth
  Valley                   Fayette             Ninth
  Washington No. 1         Fayette             Fifth
  Westdale                 Fayette             Fifth
  White                    Fayette             Ninth
  Wick Haven               Fayette             Ninth
  Wiley Stauffer Co.       Fayette             Ninth
  Wotten                   Fayette             Fifth
  Albany                   Fayette             First
  Anchor                   Fayette             First
  Appolo                   Fayette             First
  Arnold No. 1             Fayette             First
  Arnold No. 2             Fayette             First
  Arnold No. 3             Fayette             First
  Buffington               Fayette             Fifth
  Chamouni                 Fayette             First
  Climax                   Fayette             First
  Continental No. 1        Fayette             Fifth
  Continental No. 2        Fayette             Fifth
  Continental No. 3        Fayette             Fifth
  Donald                   Fayette             Fifth
  Eleanor                  Fayette             Fifth
  Elm Grove                Fayette             Fifth
  Fayette City             Fayette             First
  Florence                 Fayette             Fifth
  Gates                    Fayette             Fifth
  Griffin                  Fayette             Fifth
  Grindstone               Fayette             Fifth
  Hanna                    Fayette             Fifth
  Hero                     Fayette             Fifth
  Hurst                    Fayette             Fifth
  Jackson                  Fayette             Ninth
  Kyle                     Fayette             Fifth
  Lambert                  Fayette             Fifth
  Leisenring No. 1         Fayette             Fifth
  Leisenring No. 2         Fayette             Fifth
  Leisenring No. 3         Fayette             Fifth
  Leith                    Fayette             Fifth
  LeMont No. 1             Fayette             Fifth
  Little Alps              Fayette             First
  Little Redstone          Fayette             First
  Mahoning Atlas           Fayette             Fifth
  Merchant No. 1           Fayette             Fifth
  Morrel                   Fayette             Fifth
  Mt. Hope                 Fayette             Fifth
  Mt.Braddock              Fayette             Fifth
  Oliphant                 Fayette             Fifth
  Oliver No. 1             Fayette             Fifth
  Oliver No. 2             Fayette             Fifth
  Paul                     Fayette             Fifth
  Redstone                 Fayette             Fifth
  Revere                   Fayette             Fifth
  Shamrock                 Fayette             Fifth
  Smock                    Fayette             Fifth
  Stony Hill               Fayette             First
  Tremont                  Fayette             First
  Umpire                   Fayette             First
  Victoria                 Fayette             Fifth
  Washington               Fayette             First
  Washington No. 2         Fayette             Fifth
  Wheeler                  Fayette             Fifth
  Youngstown               Fayette             Fifth
  Benedict                 Huntington          Tenth
  Black                    Huntington          Tenth
  Carbon                   Huntington          Tenth
  Fisher                   Huntington          Tenth
  Hicker                   Huntington          Tenth
  Huntington               Huntington          Tenth
  Melrose                  Huntington          Tenth
  Ocean No. 1              Huntington          Tenth
  Ocean No. 2              Huntington          Tenth
  Ocean No. 3              Huntington          Tenth
  Robertsdale Slope        Huntington          Tenth
  Woodvale Shaft           Huntington          Tenth
  Bowman                   Indiana             Third
  Burrell No. 2            Indiana             Second
  Clarks                   Indiana             Tenth
  Clearfield Bituminous CoaIndiana             Twelfth
  Gipsy                    Indiana             Tenth
  Glenwood No. 1           Indiana             Tenth
  Glenwood No. 2           Indiana             Tenth
  Horton Run               Indiana             Tenth
  Black Lick               Indiana             Second
  Burrell No. 1            Indiana             Second
  Canoe Ridge              Indiana             Twelfth
  Glenwood No. 6           Indiana             Tenth
  Graceton No. 1           Indiana             Second
  Graceton No. 2           Indiana             Second
  Graff                    Indiana             Second
  Horton No. 1             Indiana             Tenth
  Indiana                  Indiana             Second
  Indiana No. 1            Indiana             Tenth
  Maher No. 2              Indiana             Second
  Mitchell                 Indiana             Second
  No. 2                    Indiana             Tenth
  Penn                     Indiana             Tenth
  Ray                      Indiana             Second
  Smith                    Indiana             Second
  Urey No. 1               Indiana             Tenth
  Urey No. 2               Indiana             Tenth
  Urey No. 3               Indiana             Tenth
  Adrian No. 1             Jefferson           Fourth
  Adrian No. 2             Jefferson           Fourth
  Adrian No. 4             Jefferson           Fourth
  Beechtree No. 3          Jefferson           Fourth
  Beechtree No. 4          Jefferson           Fourth
  Bloomington No. 9        Jefferson           Third
  Brock                    Jefferson           Fourth
  Carrier                  Jefferson           Third
  Coal Glen No. 1          Jefferson           Fourth
  Coal Glen No. 2          Jefferson           Fourth
  Conrad                   Jefferson           Twelfth
  Davis                    Jefferson           Twelfth
  Eleanora No. 1           Jefferson           Fourth
  Eleanora No. 2           Jefferson           Fourth
  Eleanora No. 3           Jefferson           Fourth
  Elk Run                  Jefferson           Fourth
  Florence                 Jefferson           Fourth
  Hamilton                 Jefferson           Third
  Helvatia No. 1           Jefferson           Fourth
  Helvatia No. 2           Jefferson           Fourth
  Kuntz                    Jefferson           Fourth
  London                   Jefferson           Fourth
  Maplewood                Jefferson           Third
  Pancoast                 Jefferson           Fourth
  Penn No. 2               Jefferson           Twelfth
  Petty Cock Run           Jefferson           Fourth
  Rathmel                  Jefferson           Third
  Sherwood                 Jefferson           Third
  Soldier Run No. 1        Jefferson           Third
  Soldier Run No. 2        Jefferson           Third
  Virginia                 Jefferson           Third
  Walston No. 1            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walston No. 3            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walston No. 4            Jefferson           Fourth
  Walston No. 5            Jefferson           Fourth
  West Clarion No. 1       Jefferson           Fourth
  West Clarion No. 3       Jefferson           Fourth
  West Eureka No. 12       Jefferson           Eighth
  West Eureka No. 13       Jefferson           Eighth
  Beaver No. 1             Lawrence            Third
  Beaver No. 2             Lawrence            Third
  Excelsior No. 4          Lawrence            Third
  McRand                   Lawrence            Third
  Penn                     Lawrence            Third
  Rock Point               Lawrence            Third
  Excelsior No. 2          Lawrence            Third
  Excelsior No. 3          Lawrence            Third
  Red Run                  Lycoming            Fourth
  Instanter                McKean              Fourth
  Lyman                    McKean              Fourth
  Carrier                  Mercer              Third
  Diamond No. 1            Mercer              Third
  Diamond No. 2            Mercer              Third
  Enterprise               Mercer              Third
  Hallville                Mercer              Third
  Hickory                  Mercer              Third
  Hickory Shaft            Mercer              Third
  Hill                     Mercer              Third
  Pardoe                   Mercer              Third
  Spears                   Mercer              Third
  Stoneboro No. 2          Mercer              Third
  Stoneboro No. 3          Mercer              Third
  Acme                     Somerset            Fifth
  Adams                    Somerset            Sixth
  Allegheny                Somerset            Fifth
  Anchor                   Somerset            Sixth
  Benjamin                 Somerset            Fifth
  Benton                   Somerset            Sixth
  Bessie                   Somerset            Fifth
  Bethel                   Somerset            Sixth
  Caseleman                Somerset            Fifth
  Chapman                  Somerset            Fifth
  Connellsville No. 1      Somerset            Fifth
  Continental              Somerset            Fifth
  Cumberland               Somerset            Fifth
  Edna                     Somerset            Fifth
  Enterprise               Somerset            Fifth
  Eureka No. 30            Somerset            Sixth
  Eureka No. 31            Somerset            Sixth
  Eureka No. 37            Somerset            Sixth
  German                   Somerset            Fifth
  Glen McLaren             Somerset            Fifth
  Grace                    Somerset            Fifth
  Hamilton                 Somerset            Fifth
  Jersey Run               Somerset            Fifth
  Korba                    Somerset            Sixth
  Lottie                   Somerset            Fifth
  Milford                  Somerset            Fifth
  Milford No. 1            Somerset            Fifth
  Minitour                 Somerset            Fifth
  Mostiller                Somerset            Sixth
  Penn-Mar                 Somerset            Fifth
  Rawleigh                 Somerset            Fifth
  Romas                    Somerset            Fifth
  Somerset                 Somerset            Sixth
  Standard No. 1           Somerset            Fifth
  Standard No. 2           Somerset            Fifth
  Stattler                 Somerset            Fifth
  Stewart No. 1            Somerset            Eleventh
  Stony Creek              Somerset            Sixth
  Thomas                   Somerset            Fifth
  Van Armor                Somerset            Sixth
  Walnut Run               Somerset            Sixth
  Wells Creek              Somerset            Sixth
  West Branch              Somerset            Sixth
  Wilmoth                  Somerset            Fifth
  Yellow Run Shaft         Somerset            Sixth
  Antrim No. 1             Tioga               Fourth
  Antrim No. 5             Tioga               Fourth
  Arnot No. 5              Tioga               Fourth
  Arnot No. 8              Tioga               Fourth
  Bear Run                 Tioga               Fourth
  Jones No. 1              Tioga               Fourth
  Maple Hill               Tioga               Fourth
  New Mine No. 2           Tioga               Fourth
  North Drift              Tioga               Fourth
  Abe Hays                 Washington          First
  Black Diamond            Washington          Seventh
  Blanche                  Washington          Seventh
  Blythe                   Washington          First
  Boon                     Washington          Seventh
  Brier Hill               Washington          Seventh
  Charlerori               Washington          First
  Clipper                  Washington          First
  Creedsmore               Washington          Seventh
  Enterprise No. 2         Washington          Seventh
  Jimbo                    Washington          Seventh
  Kirkwood or Hazel        Washington          First
  Laurel Hill No. 2        Washington          Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 2        Washington          Seventh
  Laurel Hill No. 4        Washington          Seventh
  Midland                  Washington          Seventh
  Midway                   Washington          Seventh
  Primrose                 Washington          Seventh
  Provident                Washington          Seventh
  Ridgeway                 Washington          Seventh
  Acme                     Washington          First
  Allan                    Washington          First
  Allison                  Washington          Seventh
  Anderson                 Washington          First
  Banner                   Washington          First
  Beaumont                 Washington          First
  Black Diamond            Washington          First
  Buffalo                  Washington          First
  Catsburg                 Washington          First
  Champion                 Washington          First
  Cincinnatti              Washington          First
  Cliff                    Washington          First
  Coal Bluff               Washington          First
  Coal Center              Washington          First
  Courtney                 Washington          First
  Crescent                 Washington          First
  Eclipse                  Washington          First
  Eclipse RR               Washington          First
  Ellsworth                Washington          First
  Fidelity                 Washington          First
  Gastonville              Washington          First
  Germania                 Washington          First
  Hackett                  Washington          First
  Hilldale                 Washington          First
  Ivill                    Washington          First
  Knob                     Washington          First
  Nottingham               Washington          First
  Riverville               Washington          First
  Shornberger              Washington          First
  Star                     Washington          First
  Vesta No. 1              Washington          First
  Vesta No. 2              Washington          First
  Vesta No. 3              Washington          First
  Vigilant                 Washington          First
  Acme                     Westmoreland        Second
  Alexandria               Westmoreland        Second
  Alvinton No. 1           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Alvinton No. 2           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Arona                    Westmoreland        Second
  Atlantic No. 1           Westmoreland        Second
  Atlantic No. 2           Westmoreland        Second
  Ayers Hollow             Westmoreland        Second
  Bagdad                   Westmoreland        Third
  Bessemer No. 1           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Bessemer No. 2           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Blackstone               Westmoreland        Third
  Breburn                  Westmoreland        Second
  Buck Eye                 Westmoreland        Ninth
  Budd                     Westmoreland        First
  Calumet                  Westmoreland        Second
  Carbon                   Westmoreland        Second
  Central                  Westmoreland        Second
  Clarridge                Westmoreland        Second
  Coal Run                 Westmoreland        Second
  Crag Dell                Westmoreland        Second
  Darr                     Westmoreland        Ninth
  Denmark                  Westmoreland        Second
  Derry Shaft              Westmoreland        Second
  Dorothy                  Westmoreland        Second
  Elizabeth                Westmoreland        Second
  Ella                     Westmoreland        First
  Empire                   Westmoreland        Second
  Enterprise               Westmoreland        Ninth
  Equitable                Westmoreland        First
  Euclid                   Westmoreland        Ninth
  Eureka                   Westmoreland        Ninth
  Export                   Westmoreland        Second
  F???ville                Westmoreland        Ninth
  Greensburg No. 1         Westmoreland        Second
  Greensburg No. 2         Westmoreland        Second
  Hecla No. 1              Westmoreland        Second
  Hecla No. 2              Westmoreland        Second
  Hempfield                Westmoreland        Second
  Hester                   Westmoreland        Second
  Hostetter                Westmoreland        Second
  Humphreys                Westmoreland        Second
  Iron City                Westmoreland        First
  Isabella                 Westmoreland        Second
  Jamison No. 1            Westmoreland        Second
  Jamison No. 2            Westmoreland        Second
  Larrimer                 Westmoreland        Second
  Latrobe                  Westmoreland        Second
  Ligonier No. 2           Westmoreland        Second
  Lockport                 Westmoreland        Second
  Loyalhanna No. 1         Westmoreland        Second
  Loyalhanna No. 2         Westmoreland        Second
  Lucesco                  Westmoreland        Second
  M.Saxman                 Westmoreland        Second
  Madison                  Westmoreland        Ninth
  Madison                  Westmoreland        Second
  Maher No. 3              Westmoreland        Second
  Mammouth Shaft           Westmoreland        Second
  Mammouth Slope           Westmoreland        Second
  Marguerite               Westmoreland        Second
  Marguerite No. 2         Westmoreland        Second
  Metcalf                  Westmoreland        Second
  Millwood Shaft           Westmoreland        Second
  Monastery                Westmoreland        Second
  Mullin                   Westmoreland        Ninth
  Mutual No. 2             Westmoreland        Second
  Mutual No. 3             Westmoreland        Second
  No. 1                    Westmoreland        Second
  No. 2                    Westmoreland        Second
  No. 4                    Westmoreland        Second
  No. 5                    Westmoreland        Second
  North Webster            Westmoreland        First
  Oak Hill No. 4           Westmoreland        Second
  Oak Hill No. 5           Westmoreland        Second
  Ocean No. 1              Westmoreland        Second
  Ocean No. 1              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Ocean No. 6              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Ocean No. 7              Westmoreland        Ninth
  Pandora                  Westmoreland        Second
  Penn Manor Shaft         Westmoreland        Second
  Pine Run                 Westmoreland        Third
  Pleasant Valley          Westmoreland        Second
  Plum Creek               Westmoreland        Second
  Port Royal No. 1         Westmoreland        Ninth
  Port Royal No. 2         Westmoreland        Ninth
  Puritan                  Westmoreland        Second
  Radebaugh                Westmoreland        Second
  Rising Sun               Westmoreland        Ninth
  Riverview                Westmoreland        Third
  Rostravor                Westmoreland        First
  Ruff                     Westmoreland        Second
  S.H.Smith                Westmoreland        Second
  Salem                    Westmoreland        Second
  Sandy Creek              Westmoreland        Second
  Sewickley                Westmoreland        Second
  Shaners No. 2            Westmoreland        Ninth
  Sheppler                 Westmoreland        First
  Smithton No. 2           Westmoreland        Ninth
  Somers No. 2             Westmoreland        First
  Somers No. 3             Westmoreland        First
  St.Clair                 Westmoreland        Second
  Standard Shaft           Westmoreland        Second
  Standard Slope           Westmoreland        Second
  Strickler                Westmoreland        Second
  Superior No. 1           Westmoreland        Second
  United                   Westmoreland        Second
  West Newton Shaft        Westmoreland        Ninth
  West Penn                Westmoreland        Third
  Westmoreland Shaft       Westmoreland        Second
  Whitney                  Westmoreland        Second
  Yough Slope              Westmoreland        Ninth