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History: 1829: Genealogical Data contained in the Statutes at Large, Commonwealth of PA
  Copyright.  All rights reserved.
  File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Vi. P. Limric

  Copyright Vi P. Limric 1998
  Source: The Statues at Large of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg PA, 1911
  J. ANDW. SHULZE, Governor
  NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives
  DANIEL STURGEON, Speaker of the Senate.
  Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
  of Pennsylvania.  In General Assembly met and is hereby enacted by the
  Authority of the Same.
  1. An act authorizing the executor of ABRAHAM GROSS, dec. to sell and convey
  certain real estate.
  Whereas, doubts have arisen upon the last will and testament of Abraham
  Gross, late of the county of Northampton, dec. in relation to the authority
  of the executors to sell and convey real estate and to execute a good and
  sufficient deed.
  That JOSEPH GROSS and PETER LAUTENSHLEGER, executors, are hereby authorized
  to grant, sell and convey the real estate of Abraham Gross, dec.  18 Dec 1828.
  4. An act for the relief of ELIZABETH LABAR and BARBARA KING, widows of
  soldiers of the revolutionary war, and for the relief of ISAAC GIBSON, JAMES
  FRANCIS and GEORGE FISHER, soldiers of the revolution.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Elizabeth Labar, of
  Northampton county, widow of LEONARD LABAR, a soldier of the revolution,
  forty dollars immediately and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half
  yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Barbara King, of
  Heidelberg twp., Berks county, widow of FRANCIS KING, a soldier of the
  revolution, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars,
  payable half yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Isaac Gibson, of the
  city of Lancaster, forty dollars immediately and an annuity of forty dollars,
  payable half yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to James Francis, of
  Fayette county, and George Fisher of Lehigh county, each forty dollars as a
  gratuity for their revolutionary services.  22 Dec 1828.
  6. An act to legitimate Emiline, daughter of MICHAEL M. GUNKLE.
  That the name of Emiline shall be EMILINE GUNKLE, and she shall enjoy all the
  rights and privileges of a child born in lawful wedlock, and capable in law to
  inherit any of the estate of whatever kind upon the death of her father, as if
  she had been the legitimate child of Michael M. Gunkle.  22 Dec 1828.
  7. An act to authorize PETER SNYDER, executor of PETER HERBEIN, late of Berks
  county dec. to sell and convey certain real estate.
  That Peter Snyder is hereby authorized to sell and dispose of a messuage or
  piece of land, containing 15 acres, with a grist mill erected thereon,
  situate in Catawissa twp., Columbia county, adjoining lands of JOHN YAGER and
  others, and to execute a title to the purchaser.   15 Jan 1829.
  8. An act for the relief of ABRAHAM SMITH and RICHARD MATTOX, of the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Abraham Smith and
  Richard Mattox, of Mercer county, soldiers of the revolutionary war, forty
  dollars each immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars to each, payable
  half yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1839.
  10. An act for the relief of CHRISTIAN CORRELL, a soldier of the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Christian Correll, of
  Lancaster county, forty dollars, as a gratuity for his revolutionary
  services.  15 Jan 1829
  12. An act for the relief of ANNA MARIA DORNBACH, a widow of a soldier of the
  revolutionary war, and for the relief of JACOB RITTENHOUSE, a soldier of the
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Anna Maria Dornbach,
  of Columbia county, widow of JOHN DORNBACH, a soldier of the revolution,
  forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half
  yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Jacob Rittenhouse, of
  Luzerne county, a soldier of the revolution, forty dollars immediately, and an
  annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence on 1
  Jan 1829.  15 Jan 1829.
  13. An act to enable the trustees of the Presbyterian congregation of the
  town of Williamsburg, in Huntingdon county, to re-convey a lot of ground to
  Whereas, Jacob Ake and wife, by their deed dated 7 May 1821, in book R, pg
  155, did sell and convey unto the trustees of the Presbyterian congregation,
  of the town of Williamsburg, a lot in Woodbury twp., in trust for the
  congregation, for the erection of a meeting house, retiring house, and the
  residue of the ground for a yard, and for no other purpose.  Jacob Ake and
  wife afterwards conveyed to the trustees another lot in lieu of the first
  mentioned lot, in consideration that the trustees re-convey to him the first
  lot.  Therefore, the trustees are authorized to re-convey the said lot to
  Jacob Ake.  15 Jan 1829.
  14. An act to authorize GEORGE MUSSER, surviving executor of MATTHIAS YOUNG,
  late of the city of Lancaster, dec. to sell and convey certain real estate.
  That Geroge Musser, is hereby authorized to sell and dispose of an undivided
  half part of a tract of land, situate in Point twp., Northumberland county,
  containing 200 acres, and to execute a title to the purchaser.   15 Jan 1829.
  15. An act relative to CATHARINE WEIDNER.
  That Catharine Weidner, the illegitimate daughter of BARBARA STAUFFER, Berks
  county, is hereby enabled to inherit the property, of which her mother may
  die seized or entitled to, as fully as if Catharine had been the legitimate
  child of Barbara Stauffer. 15 Jan 1829.
  17. An act authorizing JACOB FUNK, one of the surviving members of the
  Memorist congregation of Northampton county, to sell and convey certain real
  That Jacob Funk, is hereby authorized to sell and convey, a lot of land
  situate in Allen twp., containing 1 acre, adjoining lands of JOSEPH CANNOAN
  and DAVID CHAMBERS, as shall be necessary to defray the expenses of erecting
  a permanent stone wall around that part of the land appropriated for a grave
  yard.  19 Jan 1829.
  18. An act establishing an academy in the town of Smethsport, M'Kean county.
  The trustees of the Smethsport academy shall consist of JONATHAN COLEGROVE,
  SCULL and WILLIAM WILLIAMS, are hereby declared one body corporate and
  politic.  19 Jan 1829.
  19. An act authorizing ALEXANDER MILLER to make a deed for a certain tract of
  land in Beaver county.
  Whereas, it is represented that Alexander Miller, as the attorney in fact of
  JOHN HANKINSON, of the state of Mississippi, sold to ROBERT HOPPER, the 1/2
  part of a tract of land, #13, in the first district of donation land, in the
  county of Beaver, containing 100 acres, for the sum of $300.00, and John
  Hankinson died before the purchaser took possession of the land, and before
  payment of the purchase money, and there being no provision in law to compel
  the completion of the contract, therefore, Alexander Miller, of the county of
  Beaver, is hereby authorized to make and execute a deed to Robert Hopper, a
  deed sufficient to convey title to John Hankinson.  19 Jan 1829.
  20. A supplement to an act to enable the guardians of the minor children of
  THOMAS J. PASCHALL and MARY H. MORRIS, to sell and lease, certain land in
  Schuylkill county.
  That SAMUEL GIBSON, testamentary guardian of STEPHEN PASCHALL and MARY ANN
  PASCHALL, minor children of Thomas J. Paschall, and ISRAEL W. MORRIS, the
  MORRIS, minor children of Mary H. Morris, are hereby authorized to sell the
  estate and interest of their wards in the real estate mentioned in the act,
  to such persons either together or in different portions, from time to
  time.  19 Jan 1829.
  21. An act for the relief of DANIEL JOHNSTON.	
  That at any time within one year the judges of the court of quarter sessions
  of Washington county, are hereby authorized on the petition of Daniel
  Johnston, of Morris twp., to adjudge the amount of damages, if any, sustained
  in consequence of a state road leading from Bell's cross roads, in Green
  county, to West Alexandria, Washington county, laid out through his land,
  with due regard to the benefit of the road to him.  19 Jan 1829.
  24. An act granting compensation to GEORGE SCHNELL, of the borough of
  Reading, Berks county.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to George Schnell, of
  the borough of Reading, Berks county, $300.00, in full compensation for
  rations delivered to a detachment of militia in the late war, under the
  command of COLONEL GEORGE WEIRICH.  23 Jan 1829.
  25. An act erecting Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, in the city of
  Philadelphia, and St. James Church, in the same city, into two separate
  That St. James' church, is hereby separated from the corporation of the
  church of the United Episcopal churches of Christ church, St. Peter's church
  and St. James' church in the city of Philadelphia, and the Right REV. WILLIAM
  WHITE, rector, JOHN C. LOWBER and CORNELIUS COMEGYS, church wardens, and JOHN
  RAWLE JR., vestry men, are hereby erected into a separate body politic and
  corporate, by the name of St. James Church.
  INGERSOLL and LAURENCE LEWIS, vestry men, are hereby declared a body politic
  and corporate, by the name of the United Episcopal churches of Christ church
  and St. Peter's church in the city of Philadelphia.  5 Feb 1829.
  26. An act to authorize the executors of MARGARET GALLAHER, dec. to convey
  certain real estate.
  Whereas, Margaret Gallaher, late of the city of Philadelphia, widow, dec.,
  did on the 25 Feb 1826, purchase of the executors of ISAAC ROBERTS, dec., a
  tract of land situate in Norriton township, Montgomery county, containing 100
  acres, for her son, JAMES CLAYTON GALLAHER, then a minor, and it was agreed
  between them, that she would convey the land to James Clayton Galaher when he
  should arrive at full age, on his paying the amount of purchase money, and he
  is now of full age, and desirous of having the land conveyed to him. 
  GALLAHER and THOMAS D. GALLAHER, executors of the last will and testament of
  Margaret Gallaher, dec., are hereby authorized to convey, by deed to James
  Clayton Gallaher, that tract of land (which by indenture, dated 25 Feb 1826,
  was conveyed to Margaret Gallaher, by ISAAC SHOEMAKER, CHARLES STYER and
  JESSE ROBERTS JR., dec.).  5 Feb 1829.
  27. An act authorizing JAMES MUSTARD JR., to sell and convey certain real
  That James Mustard Jr., of Washington county, is hereby authorized to sell a
  tract of land situate in Amwell twp., adjoining lands of MOSES MCCOLLUM,
  JESSE BANE, PHILIP SWART and WILLIAM PAUL, containing 154 acres, being a
  tract which descended to DOLLY MUSTARD, dec., who was the wife of JAMES
  MUSTARD JR., and at her death was vested in ELIZA MUSTARD, JACOB MUSTARD,
  SALLY MUSTARD and MARY JANE MUSTARD, children of James and Dolly Mustard,
  minors under the age of 21, and James Mustard Jr., is empowered to execute a
  deed to the purchaser.  5 Feb 1829.
  28. An act for the relief of MARGARET GILLESPIE, widow of a soldier of the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Gillespie,
  of Union county, widow of a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars
  immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly during
  life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.  5 Feb 1829.
  widows of revolutionary soldiers.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Mary Mantz, widow of
  NICHOLAS MANTZ, of Northumberland county, Catharine Burke, widow of JAMES
  BURKE, of Northumberland county, and Priscilla Adams, widow of JOSEPH ADAMS,
  of Montgomery county, forty dollars each, immediately, and an annuity of
  forty dollars each, for life, payable half yearly, to commence on the 1 Jan
  1829.  12 Feb 1829.
  soldiers of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to William McGahey, of
  Putnam county, in the state of Indiana, a soldier of the revolutionary war,
  $200.00, as compensation, in full, for a tract of donation land to which he
  was entitled for his revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to William Spear, of
  Butler county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately,
  and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly, during life, to commence
  on the 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to George Goashorm Sen.,
  of Beaver county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars, as a
  compensation in full for his services in the revolutionary war, and as a
  gratuity.   12 Feb 1829.
  34. An act to annul the marriage contract of ANNE GILBERT MARC ANTONY FRENAYE
  and VIRGINIA FRENAYE his wife.
  That the marriage contract entered into between Anne Gilbert Marc Antony
  Frenaye and Virginia, otherwise called TERESA ANTOINETTE MARGARET FRENAYE,
  his wife, late VIRGINIA FONTANGES, of the city of Philadelphia, is hereby
  annulled and made void, and the parties released from all legal duties as if
  they had never been joined in marriage.  13 Feb 1829.
  37. An act authorizing a state road to be laid out from the town of Butler,
  Butler county, to the town of Beaver, Beaver county.
  That BENJAMIN WALLACE and DR. ANDREW SPEAR, of Butler county, and ENOCH
  BURRIS, of Beaver county, are hereby appointed commissioners.  3 Mar 1829.
  38. An act for the relief of soldiers and widows of soldiers of the
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JOHN GOSSLER, of
  Adams county, the sum of forty dollars as a gratuity for his revolutionary
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JAMES PRATT, of
  Columbia county, forty dollars as a gratuity for his extraordinary services
  during the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ELIZABETH SCHLATER,
  widow of GODFREY SCHLATER, of the county of Philadelphia, a soldier of the
  revolutionary war, forty dollars as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to HANNAH FOTTE, late
  HANNAH PARKER, of Chester county, widow of JOHN PARKER,  a soldier of the
  revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ANTHONY SLUTHOUR, of
  York county, a revolutionary soldier, the sum of forty dollars immediately,
  and an annuity of forty dollars payable half yearly during life, to commence
  on the 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ZACHARIAH CLOSSON, of
  Montgomery county, forty dollars as a gratuity for his revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to HENRY ERWINE, of
  Columbia county, and ROBERT LIGGET, of Franklin county, each forty dollars
  immediately, and to each an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly
  during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Tresurer is hereby authorized to pay to ANDREW SHUSTER, of
  Philadelphia county, and JOHN HARMANIE, of Franklin county, each forty
  dollars as a gratuity for their revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to MARY FOX, of
  Montgomery county, the sum of forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of
  forty dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.
  Whereas, a gratuity of forty dollars was granted to JOHN HOLLAND, by mistake,
  passed 12 Apr 1828, which he believes was intended to have been granted to his
  mother, ANN HOLLAND, widow of THOMAS HOLLAND, and wishes it so applied by
  relinquishing his claim to said forty dollars.  That the State Treasurer is
  hereby authorized to pay to Ann Holland, of Bedford county, forty dollars as
  a gratuity, and the act granting John Holland a gratuity is hereby repealed.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to FREDERICK BODINE and
  ROBERT KING, of Lycoming county, forty dollars each immediately, as a
  gratuity for their services in the revolutionary war.   3 Mar 1829.
  41. An act for the relief of MARGARET HUGHES, late MARGARET M'CURDY, widow of
  a soldier of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Hughes, late
  Margaret M'Curdy, widow of MOSES M'CURDY, a soldier of the revolutionary war,
  the gratuity and annuity granted by this commonwealth to Margaret M'Curdy, by
  an act passed 12 Apr 1828. 3 Mar 1829.
  42. An act relative to the expenditure of money already appropriated to the
  improvement of Penn's Creek, in Centre and Union counties.
  That JACOB KRYDER, MICHAEL MUSSER and JACOB HERRING, commissioners under the
  act passed 10 Apr 1826, appropriating depreciated bank notes of the Centre
  bank of PA. for improvements between the Union county line and Spring mills,
  are hereby authorized to apply the balance for the improvement of the creek
  within six miles from the Centre and Union line, in Union county.  3 Mar 1829.
  43. An act to authorize MARTHA FRAILEY, to sell and convey real estate. 
  Whereas, in 1809, JESSE FRAILEY, formerly of the city of Philadelphia,
  mariner, did, by deed, convey to HANNAH KNOX, of said city, property and
  estates, in trust for the sole use of Martha Frailey, his wife, and
  afterwards Jesse Frailey embarked for South America, since which no
  information concerning him has been received
  and by reason of a defect in the deed, it is doubted whether Martha Frailey
  can legally the real estate mentioned in the deed.  Whereas, the said real
  estate was held by Jesse Frailey and his wife, in right of the wife, and
  since his departure, his wife has inherited other real estate, and it has
  become necessary for the support of the children that the property should be
  sold.  Therefore, Martha Frailey, wife of Jesse Frailey, is hereby authorized
  to sell and convey,by deed, all or part of the real estate to which she is
  entitled, without the consent of her husband, and every conveyance by her
  shall be valid.  7 Mar 1829.
  44. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and widows of soldiers of the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ANDREW LUTZ, of
  Lebanon county, ANDREW KAMP, of Berks county, and to PHILIP MILLER, of York
  county, soldiers of the revolutionary war, forty dollars each, immediately,
  and an annuity of forty dollars to each, payable half yearly, during life, to
  commence on the 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JOHN M'CREARY, of
  Baltimore county, in the state of Maryland, a soldier of the revolutionary
  war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half
  yearly, during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ELIZABETH BOUGH, of
  the city of Lancaster, widow of JOHN BOUGH, a soldier of the revolutionary
  war, forty dollars, as compensation for the revolutionary services of her
  husband, and as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ELIZABETH WOODRUFF,
  of Northumberland county, widow of ISAAC WOODRUFF, a soldier of the
  revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly, during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.   7
  Mar 1829.
  45. An act for the relief of JACOB WALTER, a soldier, and ELIZABETH WEYGANDT,
  the widow of a soldier of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ABRAHAM BOEHM, of
  Berks county, for the use of Jacob Walter, of Berks county, a soldier of the
  revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly, during the life of Walter, to commence on the 1
  Jan 1829.
  That the annuity allowed to JOHN WEYGANDT, late of Northampton county, dec.,
  a soldier of the revolutionary war, is hereby continued to Elizabeth
  Weygandt, widow of the deceased, during her natural life.   7 Mar 1829.
  46. An act for the relief of CATHARINE NEWMAN and MARY VANWHYE, the widows of
  soldiers of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Catharine Newman, of
  York county, widow of NEHEMIAH NEWMAN, a soldier of the revolutionary war,
  forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half
  yearly, during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Mary Vanwhye, of Pike
  county, widow of a soldier of the revolution, forty dollars immediately, and
  an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly, during life, to commence on
  the 1 Jan 1829.   7 Mar 1829.
  47. An act for the relief of GEORGE ERISMAN, a soldier of the revolutionary
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to George Erisman, of
  Lancaster county, forty dollars, as a gratuity for his revolutionary
  services.  7 Mar 1829.
  48. An act for the relief of JOHN TAYLOR, a revolutionary soldier.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to John Taylor, of
  Franklin county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars
  immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly, during
  life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.   7 Mar 1829.
  54. An act granting compensation to JOSIAH LEWIS, and to the executors of
  THOMAS LIVEZEY, for certain lands certified to Connecticut claimants, in
  Bedford, one of the seventeen townships in the county of Luzerne.
  That if Josiah Lewis, or the executors of Thomas Livezey, shall require it,
  the board of property shall examine into the title of Josiah Lewis to four
  tracts of land, situate in the township of Bedford, Luzerne county, surveyed
  on warrants dated 4 Jul 1784, in the warrantee names of EDWARD DUFFIELD,
  PATRICK MOORE, ALEXANDER CRAIG, and JOHN MEASE, containing about 1500 acres,
  and also into the title of the executors of Thomas Livezey, of two tracts of
  land, situate in the same township, surveyed on warrants under the act of
  1784, in the names of JACOB HOWEL and SAMUEL NICHOLAS, containing about 713
  acres, and if they find said lands certified to Connecticut claimants, under
  the provisions of the act for adjusting titles to lands in Bedford and Ulster
  twps. in Luzerne and Lycoming counties, passed 19 Mar 1810, and Josiah Lewis
  was fully, fairly, entitled to the four tracts and the executors to the two
  tracts, except as against the holders of certificates granted to Connecticut
  clamiants, and the treasury shall calculate the amount paid plus interest and
  issue a certificate to Josiah Lewis for the amount for the four tracts plus
  two tracts of the executors, and the State Treasurer is to pay the money, and
  Josiah Lewis and executors release to the commonwealth, all the rights, title
  and interest to the land.   19 Mar 1829.
  56. An act erecting the village of Fallston, in the county of Beaver, into a
  That Fallston, is bounded: beginning at a stake near a red oak, on the bank
  of Beaver, thence to _____	BROADHEAD's claims, thence by land of JOHN
  CAROTHERS, by land of JAMES DOUGLASS's heirs, etc., thence to intersect the
  north-east corner of GEORGE HOLDSHIPS's lot, to beginning.  That MATTHEW T.
  CAMPLIN, JOHN PUGH, WILLIAM BLANCHARD, of said borough, shall publish and
  superintend the first election.  19 Mar 1829.
  57. An act for the relief of DANIEL WILLIAMS.
  Whereas, at the election in 1814, JAMES BURCHFIELD, of Crawford county, was
  returned as elected as member of the House of Representatives, that his
  election was contested, and a committee did declare the election null and
  void, but omitted to tax the bill of costs arising from contesting the
  election to the act of 6 Mar 1793, and said costs were defrayed by Daniel
  Williams, and never repaid by the county of Crawford.  Therefore, the
  treasurer of said county, shall pay Daniel Williams the amount due him.  19
  Mar 1829.
  61. An act relative to the real property of the Lutheran and Calvinist
  congregations of Mahonoy, of Northumberland county.
  That the deed of conveyance made and executed by ANDREW REITZ, trustee, for
  the Lutheran and Calvinist congregation, to St. Peter's, St. Jacob's and Deep
  Creek congregations, dated 26 Jun 1827, for 20 acres is hereby declared firm
  and valid.  That Andrew Reitz, trustee, is hereby authorized to sell, one
  acre and 102 perches of land vested in him as trustee, and make a deed for
  the same, to the purchaser.  19 Mar 1829.
  63. An act to enable WILLIAM PRICE to sell and convey certain real estate.
  Whereas, JOHN GABRIEL, late of Washington county, in the state of Maryland,
  dec., before his death, executed his last will and testament, in which he
  named JOSIAH PRICE JR., as his executor, and authorized him to sell and
  convey all real estate of which he died seized, and Josiah Price died before
  the testator, and a part of the farm, is situate in Franklin county, Pa.and
  the residue in the adjoining county, in the state of Maryland, and whereas
  the court of the county of Washington, MD has authorized William Price Esq.
  to sell and convey that part of the farm istuate in Md., therefore, William
  Price is hereby authorized to sell and convey such portion of the real estate
  as is situate in the county of Franklin, Pa.  19 Mar 1829.
  65. An act authorizing the guardian of ANNA HARRIET EVANS to sell and convey
  certain real estate.
  That it shall be lawful for BENJAMIN EVANS, the guardian of Anna Harriet
  Evans, a minor under the age of 14 years, to make sale of the undivided
  interest of Anna, in all real estate situate in the county of Philadelphia,
  as may seem in the interest of said minor, and convey the estate by good deed
  to the purchaser.  19 Mar 1829.
  66. An act to repeal the fifth section of an act passed 10 Apr 1828.
  That the section of the act for the relief of FREDERICK NAVEL and others, is
  hereby repealed.  That this act shall in no way exonerate or discharge PETER
  TRAXEL, of Lehigh county, from his liability to account for, and pay over the
  sums of money which he may have received by virtue of the section hereby
  repealed.  19 Mar 1829. 
  67. An act to authorize the election of an additional constable in
  Connoquenessing twp., Butler county.
  That the qualified voters shall meet and choose supervisors of the highways
  etc. district bounded beginning at ______ BASSINHEIM mill, near Zelienople,
  along the Connoquenessing creek to the farm house of ABRAHAM ZEIGLER JR., now
  occupied by said Zeigler, near Harmony, thence to the farm house of CHRISIAN
  BUHL, on the Pittsburg road, near Zelienople, now occupied by JOHN BENNER,
  thence to the beginning.   19 Mar 1829.
  68. An act to authorize THOMAS GRIM, committee of the estate of JACOB GRIM, a
  lunatic, to convey real estate, the property of said lunatic.
  Whereas, Jacob Grim, of Weissenburg twp., Lehigh county, a lunatic, while yet
  sane, contracted to sell to PETER BOGER, a tract of land, situate in said
  twp., containing 19 acres and 25 perches, and put Peter Boger into possesion
  thereof, and also recieved a part of the purchase money, before any deed was
  executed, became lunatic.  Therefore, Thomas Grim, committee of the estate of
  Jacob Grim, is hereby authorized to execute and deliver a good deed of
  conveyance of the land bounded by lands now or late of JACOB DERR, PETER
  EASRITT, WILLIAM GERINGER, and other lands of the lunatic, and the residue of
  the purchase money paid.  19 Mar 1829.
  69. An act authorizing the laying out of certain state roads in various
  That DANIEL BOUGHNER, of Greene county, and FREEMAN LEWIS and WILLIAM L.
  MILLER, of Fayette county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a
  state road from Greensburg, Greene county, to Connelsville, by way of
  Uniontown, Fayette county.
  That DANIEL SMALL, surveyor, and JOHN RANKIN, of York county, and JOHN HARPER
  of Cumberland county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state
  road, from the north end of Newberry street, in the borough of York, through
  Lewisbury, York county, to the west end of the Harrisburg bridge, Cumberland
  county, to meet at ADAM EICHELBERGER's, York borough.
  That STEPHEN WOODS and JOHN V. HANNAH of Washington county, and THOMAS
  BURSON, of Greene county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a
  state raod, from the state road leading from Pittsburg to the Virginia line,
  in the direction of Morgantown, near the stone school house on the plantation
  of DAVID M'CLAIN, Jefferson county, Greene county, through Clarksville to the
  farm of LEWIS BRAKER, near the Washington county line, to intersect the
  national road at the tavern of SAMUEL HUGHES, in Washington county, to meet
  at the house of David M'Clain.
  That HENRY STRAUCH and GEORGE RAHN, of Schuylkill county, and FRANCIS WISE,
  of Northampton county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state
  road, beginning at the Centre turnpike in the borough of Pottsville, through
  Port Carbon, passing ____	BELL's saw mills, and _______ HUNTZINGER's and
  ______ RAUSH's grist mills, in Schuylkill county, etc.  19 Mar 1829.
  73. An act authorizing the sale and conveyance of certain real estate.
  That JOHN MARTIN, surviving executor of JOHN MARTIN, late of Cocalico twp.,
  Lancaster county, dec. is hereby authorized to sell all the real estate late
  of John Martin, dec. consisting of three separate tracts of land, and to
  execute titles to the purchasers.
  That DANIEL CHRISTY, administrator, with the will annexed, of DOCTOR EZRA
  DOTY, late of Mifflintown, Mifflin county, dec., is hereby authorized to sell
  and convey, all the right and title of Doctor Ezra Doty, in a tract of land,
  situate in Milford twp., Mifflin county, adjoining lands of the heirs of
  JAMES INNIS, JOHN PATTERSON, and others, containing 100 acres, said tract
  containing 100 acres, Doctor Ezra Doty purchased at sheriff's sale, and
  conveyed to him by GEORGE M'CULLOCH, sheriff, by deed, dated 16 Jan 1829.
  That JOHN FOLLMER, of Northumberland county, is hereby authorized to sell and
  convey a tract of land, situate in the township of Liberty, Columbia county,
  patented to him 1 Apr 1812, in trust for the Lutheran church and congregation
  of Turbut twp.
  That NATHANIEL B. BOILEAU, Montgomery county, is hereby authorized to sell a
  tract of land, situate in the township of Mooreland, containing 200 acres,
  being the same tract which was conveyed by BENJAMIN COOPER to WALTER MOORE,
  late of Montgomery county, dec., and of which Walter Moore died seized, and
  Nathaniel B. Boileau is further authorized to make and execute a deed to the
  purchaser. 23 Mar 1829.
  74. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and the widow of a soldier of
  the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to WILLIAM ELLIOT, of
  Butler county, JACOB EYLER, and ROBERT WRIGHT, of Cumberland county, THOMAS
  KAUTZ, of Lancaster county, for HENRY LITTLE, of Adams county, and to THOMAS
  BODLEY, of Chester county, soldiers of the revolutionary war, forty dollars
  ech, immediately, as full compension for their revolutionary services, and as
  a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to HENRY SMYSER, of the
  borough of York, for the use of JACOB CRAMER, of said borough, a soldier of
  the revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JAMES M'GEE, of
  Lancaster county, the sum of $200.00, for donation land due his father, JAMES
  M'GEE, dec., for his revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ELIZABETH GUTHRIE, of
  Armstrong county, widow of Captain WILLIAM GUTHRIE, a soldier of the
  revolution, sixty dollars immediately, and an annuity of sixty dollars,
  payable half yearly during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.  23 Mar 1829.
  75. An act authorizing the guardian of ELLEN T. WILCOX and CAROLINE WILCOX,
  to sell and convey certain real estate.
  That it shall be lawful for ROLPH P. MARSH, the guardian of Ellen T. Wilcox
  and Caroline Wilcox, minors under the age of fourteen, to make sale of the
  undivided interest in a certain lot of ground and houses, and tenements
  thereon erected, situate on Cherry street, between Delaware Third and Fourth
  streets, in the city of Philadelphia, and to make a good deed to the
  purchaser.  23 Mar 1829.
  76. An act authorizing Daniel Cameron to erect a wing dam in the river
  That it shall be lawful for DANIEL CAMERON, of Rush twp., Northumberland
  county, to construct , support and maintain, a wing dam, extending from the
  bank of the northeast branch of the river, opposite his own plantation, near
  the ripples, called Carr's Ripples,  23 Mar 1829.
  78. An act authorizing the administrators of WILLIAM EWING to convey certain
  real estate.
  That NATHANIEL EWING and JOHN H. EWING, administrators of WILLIAM EWING, late
  of Fayette county, dec., are hereby authorized to make a deed of conveyance to
  DAVID CRAFT, for a tract of land which was conveyed to William Ewing, by
  Nathaniel Ewing, of the state of Indiana, which is situated in the township
  of Luzerne,  Fayette county, adjoining lands now or late of ROBERT SMITH,
  containing about 123 1/4 acres, which said deed shall be good.  
  That John H. Ewing, one of the administrators of William Ewing, is hereby
  authorized to make a deed of conveyance to his co-administrator, Nathaniel
  Ewing for certain real estate situate in Mercer county, formerly the property
  of William Ewing, consisting of parts of eight several tracts of land,
  HEWS are patented to William Ewing, by patents dated 21 Dec 1804, which said
  deed shall be good.  23 Mar 1829.
  79. An act appointing commissioners to run and mark certain lines dividing
  the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin.
  That JOHN WEIDMAN ESQ., of the county of Lebanon, and WILLIAM COCHRAN ESQ.,
  and MARTIN HOCKER ESQ., of the county of Dauphin, are hereby appointed
  commissioners to mark the dividing line between the two counties, beginning
  at the division line between them, running from ANDREW HENRY's house, near
  Palmyra, Lebanon county, to the top of Blue mountain, etc.   23 Mar 1829.
  83. An act to annul the marriage contract of JOHN SCHANK and SARAH SCHANK.
  his wife.
  That the marriage contract entered into between John Schank and Sarah his
  wife, now or late of the county of Bucks, is hereby annulled and made void,
  and the parties released from all duties as fully as if they had never been
  joined in marriage.  23 Mar 1829.
  85. An act for the relief of DAVID FORE and JOHN STONER, late supervisors of
  Air twp., Bedford county.
  Whereas, David Fore and John Stoner, of Bedford county, in 1825, were duly
  elected supervisors of the highways for the township of Air, and they were
  necessarily obliged to expend in the repair and improvement of highways, a
  certain sum of their own private money, which have not been refunded to
  them.  Therefore, the supervisors elected for the year 1829 to assess and
  collect and pay David Fore and John Stoner, such sum of money as may appear
  due them on the books.  23 Mar 1829.
  87. A supplement to an act incorporating a company for opening a canal and
  lock navigation between the rivers Delaware and Schuylkill, through the
  southern section of Philadelphia county, passed 12 Apr 1828.
  That in addition to those already appointed, NATHAN BUNKER, JOEL B.
  appointed commissioners, and all vancancies, by death, resignation or
  otherwise, be supplied by the commissioners.  30 Mar 1829.
  90. An act authorizing the court of common pleas of Cumberland county, to
  appoint a committee to take care of the person and estate of JAMES WOODS, a
  deaf and dumb person, and authorizing the appointment of trustees of HARRIS
  That the court of Cumberland is hereby directed to appoint a committee to
  take care of the person and estate of James Woods, a deaf and dumb person, in
  the same manner, and for the same purpose, as if James Woods had by due course
  of law been found a lunatic or person non compos mentis: and the committee is
  hereby invested with the same powers.
  Whereas, HARRIS COLT SEN., now of the borough of Wilkesbarre, and formerly of
  Canandaigua, in the state of New York, has for about seven years past been in
  a state of mental imbecility, which has rendered him, and still renders him
  incapable of managing his pecuniary concerns, and whereas he is possessed of
  considerable property in the states of New York and Connecticut, which must
  necessarily be consumed and wasted without some unsuitable person to take
  charge, therefore, ANDREW BEAUMONT and PIERCE BUTLER, of the county of
  Luzerne, Pa., are hereby appointed trustees to take charge of all the
  property belonging to Harris Colt Sen. with full powers, provided that the
  property be managed with a strict regard to economy, and applied to the
  proper use and support during his lifetime, and at his death, the residue, go
  to his heirs.  30 Mar 1829.
  93. An act to incorporate the Wyoming Bank of Wilkesbarre.
  and ISAAC BOWMAN, are hereby appointed commissioners to carry into effect the
  establishment of a bank.  30 Mar 1829.
  94. An act authorizing LOUISA DE PUI to convey certain real estate.
  That Louisa De Pui, of the borough of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, is hereby
  authorized to convey by deed to JOHN N. KURTZ, the undivided interest of her
  late husband, JOHN DE PUI, in two parcels of land, situate in East Hanover
  twp., Lebanon county, adjoining lands of JAMES BELL, JOHN ALBERT,  the heirs
  of HENRY ALBERT and THOMAS HARPER, one whereof is improved, and contains 32
  acres, and the other unimproved, containing 10 acres, which deed of
  conveyance, shall be as good and valid as if John De Pui had executed it.  31
  Mar 1829.
  95. An act to authorize WILLIAM HENRY and JOHN JORDAN JR., to erect a bridge
  over Analomink river, also called Broadhead's creek, in Northampton county.
  The bridge is to be built near Stroudsburg.   3 Apr 1829.
  96. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ESRA BLYTHE, of Adams
  county, for the use of BENJAMIN BEAVER,  a soldier of the revolutionary war,
  $200.00, as compensation for his tract of donation land.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to EZEKIEL SAMPLE, of
  Westmoreland county, a gratuity of forty dollars, as full compensation for
  his services in the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to PETER HAAS, of
  Northumberland county, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829, for
  his revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to PHILIP LAUMAN, of
  Beaver county, the sum of forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829, for
  his revolutionary services.  3 Apr 1829.
  97. An act authorizing the laying out a state road from the Kiskeminetas salt
  works, by way of Greensburg and Mount Pleasant, in Westmoreland county, and
  Connellsville and Uniontown, to the Virginia state line, in Fayette county.
  That DANIEL C. MORRIS, of Westmoreland county, and HENRY W. ]BEESON and
  ANDREW DEMSEY, of Fayette county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay
  out a state road.  3 Apr 1829.
  99. An act to incorporate the Wilsonville and Lackawaxen turnpike road and
  bridge company.
  appointed commissioners to lay a road from the turnpike near Wallenpaupack
  creek, at Wilsonville, thence to the Lackawaxen river etc. 3 Apr 1829.
  100. An act for the relief of NATHAN ROBERTS, a soldier, and ELIZABETH NEW,
  the widow of a soldier of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Nathan Roberts, of
  Mercer county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately,
  and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly during life, to commence
  on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to CHARLES F. FISHER, of
  the borough of York, for the use of Elizabeth New, of the county of York,
  widow of CHRISTOPHER NEW, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars
  immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly during the
  life of Elizabeth New, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.   3 Apr 1829.
  101. An act relative to a certain escheated estate therein mentioned.
  Whereas, a mortgage dated 9 Mar 1771, was made and executed by SAMUEL
  M'KINLEY, and JOSEPH M'KINLEY, and ELIZABETH M'KINLEY, his wife, of Chester
  STRETTELL, formerly of the city of Philadelphia, dec., upon a certain tract
  of land of about 200 acres, adjoining lands of ROBERT ERWIN and JACOB
  LOCKHART, in the then township of East Caln, now Brandywine, Chester county,
  for securing the payment of $300.00, with interest, which was recorded 29 Jun
  1771, Book R, vol 17, pg 320, and no satisfaction appears to have been entered
  on the record.  Whereas, CALEB LIGGIT and JOSEPH TAYLOR, the present owners
  represent they have paid a full and bonafide value for the same, without
  having any knowledge of the existence of said mortgage, and they are wholly
  ignorant whether any thing now remains due and payable, nor do they know who
  are the heirs of Robert Strettell, if any are living, and it is generally
  believed that the moneys, if any be due are escheated to the commonwealth.  
  Therefore, the right, and claim which the commonwealth may have acquired by
  reason of any escheat, for want of heirs, in the above mortgage to the sum of
  $300.00, with any interest due, shall be vested in Caleb Liggit and Joesph
  Taylor, the present owners of the tract of land.  8 Apr 1829.
  103. An act altering the name of CHARLES COLLADAY.
  Whereas, Charles Colladay, has experienced much difficulty and trouble in
  consequence of there being several other persons residing in Philadelphia,
  having the same name:  Therefore, all business transacted by Charles Colladay
  under the name of CHARLES JACKSON COLLADAY, be considered valid, and hereafter
  the name of Jackson be taken  as a part of his name.   8 Apr 1829.
  105. An act for the relief of a soldier of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasuer is hereby authorized and to pay to VINCENT IMFELT, of
  York county, forty dollars as a gratuity for his services in the revolutionary
  war.  8 Apr 1829.
  107. An act authorizing the division of certain lands in the township of
  Springfield, in the county of Bradford.
  commissioners, whose duty shall be to make a fair and just division, of
  several tracts of land in the township of Springfield, one of the fifteen
  twps. in the county of Luzerne, now in the county of Bradford, containing
  about five thousand acres, known in the allotment land, as undivided land
  between the claimants and the commonwealth, according to the true value, and
  also make a fair and just partition of the part allotted to the claimants 
  under such certificate, and the value of the land, designating the respective
  shares of each, entitled by lottery, except those who have resident
  possessions on the land, whose shares shall be located where they so
  possess.  8 Apr 1829   
  110. An act authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to fix upon a proper
  site for the seat of justice in Jefferson county.
  That JOHN MITCHELL, of Centre county, ALEXANDER M'CALMONT, of Venango county,
  and ROBERT ORR JR., of Armstrong county, are hereby appointed commissioners,
  who shall meet at the house of ANDREW BARNETT, in the county of Jefferson to
  determine the seat of justice.  8 Apr 1829.
  111. An act authorizing the laying out a state road from Dillsburg, York
  county, to the town of Berlin, Adams county.
  BROWN, of Adams county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state
  road, from the town of Dillsburg, York county, until it intersects the road
  leading from Chambersburg in Franklin county, through Berlin, Adams county,
  near the bridge.  8 Apr 1829.
  112. An act to annul the marriage contract between ALFRED KEISER and SUSANNA
  KEISER his wife.
  That the marriage contract entered into between Alfred Keiser and Susanna,
  his wife, late SUSANNA VINACKE, Huntingdon county, is hereby annulled and
  made void, and the parties released from all legal duties, as if they had
  never been joined in marriage.  8 Apr 1829.
  114. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and widows of soldiers of the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ROGER STAYNER, a
  captain of a company in the Pa line, in the revolutionary war, now of Mifflin
  county, the sum of $300.00 as full compensation for a tract of donation land.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JOSEPH NEILSON of
  Washington county, forty dollars immediately, and forty dollars annually,
  payable half yearly, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829, for his services in the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to DEWALT LINN, of
  Northumberland county, the sum of forty dollars immediately, as a
  compensation in full for his revolutionary services, and as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to MARY FEIKLE, widow of
  PETER FEIKLE, a soldier of the revolution, of Lancaster county, the sum of
  forty dollars immediately, as compensation in full for the revolutionary
  services of her husband, and as a gratuity.  
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to MARGARET STILLWAGON,
  widow of FREDERICK STILLWAGGON, a soldier of the revolution, of Montgomery
  county, forty dollars immediately, and forty dollars annually, payable half
  yearly, to commence on the 1 Jan 1829.   8 Apr 1829.
  115. An act appointing commissioners to run the lines of the counties of
  Lycoming, Bradford, and Tioga.
  That WILLIAM JESSUP, of Susquehanna county, JOHN STURDEVANT, of Luzerne
  county, and JOSEPH STILWELL, of Union county, are hereby appointed
  commissioners to fix the corner of the counties of Lycoming, Bradford and
  Tioga, near the Beaver dams, near the head of Towanda creek.  8 Apr 1829.
  116. An act to an act incorporating a company to erect a bridge over the
  river Allegheny, where the Susquehanna and Waterford road crosses the river,
  in the county of Venango, and to revive the act for erecting a bridge over
  the river Delaware, near Milford, Wayne county. passed 9 Mar 1823.
  That GEORGE M'CLELLAND and ANDREW BOWMAN of the borough of Franklin, JOHN P.
  DAVIS and THOMAS ATKINSON, of the borough of Meadville, AMOS JUDSON and
  THOMAS KING, of the town of Waterford, THOMAS C. CUNNINGHAM and SAMUEL
  THOMPSON, of the borough of Mercer, JOHN DAVIS and JAMES S. STEVENSON, of the
  city of Pittsburg, HARDMAN PHILLIPS and JACOB TEST, of the town of
  Phillipsburg, WILLIAM BEATTY and MAURICE BREDIN, of the borough of Butler,
  and THOMAS BURNSIDE and JOHN RANKIN, of the borough of Bellefonte, are hereby
  appointed commissioners.  8 Apr 1829.
  118. An act to incorporate the Salem and Byberry turnpike road company, the
  Athens and Troy turnpike road company, the Spring House and Sumneytown
  turnpike road company, the Pittsburg Farmers' and Mechanics' turnpike road
  company, and to revive the act to incorporate the Pittsburg and Beaver
  turnpike road company.
  are hereby appointed commissioners of the Salem and Byberry turnpike road,
  commencing at the head of the Delaware and Hudson canal, and intersect the
  Belmont and Easton and Luzerne and Wayne county turnpikes in Salem twp.
  ABNER MURRAY, are hereby appointed commissioners of the Athens and Troy
  turnpike road, beginning at the west end of the Athens bridge, Athens twp.,
  Bradford county, to pass by the meeting house in Springfield, near the house
  of VINE BALDWIN, in Troy twp.
  That for the purpose of making a turnpike road form the Spring house tavern
  in Montgomery county, thence on the bed of the North Wales road to
  REIFF, JOHN N. BAKER, CHARLES GABLE, and HENRY ZEPP, of Montgomery county,
  are appointed commissioners.
  WATSON, and JOHN M'DONALD, are hereby appointed commissioners of the
  Pittsburg Farmers' and Mechanics' turnpike road company.
  The following persons shall be commissioners in the stead of those mentioned
  in the act laying out the Pittsburg and Greensburg turnpike road, from the
  west end of the borough of Allegheny town, Allegheny county, to the east  of
  Big Beaver bridge, Beaver county: JOHN DICKEY, JOSEPH HEMPHILL, ROBERT
  county of Allegheny.   16 Apr 1829.
  120. A supplement to an act to annex part of Centre county to the county of
  Lycoming county, passed 27 Mar 1819.
  That JOSEPH F. QUAY of Centre county, and JOHN A. GAMBLE of Lycoming county,
  are hereby appointed commissioners to mark the line between Cenrtre and
  Lycoming counties.   16 Apr 1829.
  121. An act to legitimate Nancy, daughter of GEORGE M'KINNEY, ESQ., of the
  borough of Stasburg, Lancaster county, and for other purposes.
  That the name of Nancy shall be NANCY M'KINNEY, and she shall enjoy all the
  rights of a child born in lawful wedlock, as fully as if she had been the
  legitimate child of George McKinney, Esq.
  That the names of Clarkson and Isaac, illegitimate children of DOCTOR
  CLARKSON FREEMAN, of the city of Lancaster, shall be CLARKSON FREEMAN and
  ISAAC FREEMAN, and to all intents and purposes as if they were the legitimate
  children of Doctor Clarkson Freeman.  16 Apr 1829.
  122. An act ot authorize the commissioners of Cumberland county to settle and
  pay the accounts of JAMES NEAL and JOHN CLIPPINGER, late sheriffs of the
  That the commissioners of Cumberland county are hereby authorized to settle
  and adjust the accounts of James Neal and John Clippinger, late sheriffs, and
  pay the money, on account of the support and expenses incurred for the
  maintenance of insolvent debtors.  16 Apr 1829.
  123. An act relative to the sale and purchase of certain real estate.
  That ELIZABETH ROBINSON, of the state of Ohio, widow of JOSEPH ROBINSON, late
  of Washington county, dec. and HENRY GREGG, guardian of the minor children of
  Joseph, are hereby authorized to sell a tract of land in Washington county,
  containing about 165 acres, and also a lot of ground in the town of
  Greenfield, Washington county, and which according to the laws of the
  commonwealth, descended to his children, ROBERT ROBINSON, JANE ROBINSON, MARY
  ROBINSON, ANN ROBINSON and MARTHA ROBINSON, minors, under the age of 21 years,
  and Elizabeth Robinson and Henry Gregg, are authorized to make and execute
  sufficient deeds to the purchasers, pay all debts and expenses and vest the
  remaining proceeds in real estate, in the state of Ohio, for the use and
  benefit of the minor children.
  That it shall be lawful for JOHN KEATING, administrator with the will annexed
  of RICHARD GERNON, dec., to sell and convey by deed to the purchasers about
  4040 acres, situate in Luzerne county, and 5 or 6 acres in the city of
  Philadelphia, and to transmit the proceeds to France, to be distributed
  according to the laws of that kingdom.
  That JACOB BARNITZ and GEORGE THRONE, of the county of York, are hereafter
  authorized to sell a lot of ground, situate in Heidelberg twp., York county,
  about one mile from the borough of Hanover, being the same land which was
  conveyed to the German Lutheran congregation of the borough of Hanover, by
  MICHAEL CARL, by deed, dated 31 Oct 1764, and Jacob Barnitz and George
  Throne, are hereby authorized to make and execute a deed to the purchaser.
  That DANIEL DEPPEN, administrator of JACOB DEPPEN, late of Berks county,
  dec., is hereby authorized to sell acertain tract of land, situtate in Berks
  county, adjoining lands of DAVID DEPPEN, GEORGE EGE and DAVID LASH,
  containing 300 acres, and to make and execute a deed of conveyance to the
  That ISABELLA FULTON, of the county of Dauphin, guardian of SUSAN THOMPSON
  FULTON, is hereby authorized to make and execute a deed of conveyance to
  JAMES LYON, of Beaver county, for a tract of land situate in Brighton twp.,
  Beaver county, being #39, in the district #1, of land appropriated for the
  redemption of depreciation certificates, containing about 301 3/4 acres, and
  to vest in the purchaser all title and interest in that tract of land.
  That JOHN GREBILL and ABRAHAM GREBILL, of Lancaster county, trustees of FELIX
  BINKLY and wife, are hereby authorized to purchase real estate, land tenements
  or hereditaments, as they may think proper, and to have executed deeds to John
  Grebill and Abraham Grebill, in trust for the use of Felix Binkly and wife,
  and children, by the trust reposed in them, by the deed in writing, of 9 Jan
  1824, executed by Felix Binkly and wife.
  That JOHN SHEAFF, of Lancaster county, guardian of JOHN EVANS, a minor, is
  hereby authorized to purchase in trust for the minor, a certain house and
  lot, situate in Morgantown, Berks county, now the property of DAVID MORGAN,
  and adjoining lots of MARGARET MORGAN and GEORGE DEHM, provided the property
  can be had for a sum not exceeding $600.00.   16 Apr 1829.
  124. An act relative to certain real estate.
  Whereas, for the benefit of LOWINA BROWN, minor daughter and heir at law of
  DANIEL BROWN ESQ., late of Forks twp., Northampton county, dec. to enable her
  guardian, FREDERICK LERCH, to make a deed for her interest in a lot of ground,
  with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situatein the borough of
  Stroudsburg, which has lately been sold to EDWARD POSTENS by the guardian,
  without knowing that there was no provision in law authorizing him to convey
  the same.  Therefore, Frederick Lerch is hereby authorized to make, execute
  and deliver a deed of conveyance to Edward Postens, to a lot of ground,
  situate at the junction of Chestnut and Walnut Streets in the borough of
  Stroudsburg, Northampton county, adjoining lands of DANIEL STROUD, JAMES
  BURSON, and others, containing 3/4 acre.
  That STEPHEN BLACKBURN, administrator of JOSEPH PRICE, dec., surviving
  trustee of JOHN BICKNELL, of Little Britain twp., Lancaster county,  is
  hereby authorized to make and execute a deed to DAVID LEE, of Little Britain
  Twp., for a plantation.
  That all the real estate of which MATTHEW HUTCHINSON, late of Fayette,
  county, dec., is hereby vested in JANE HUTCHINSON, LEAH HUTCHINSON, and ELIZA
  HUTCHINSON, the children of Matthew Hutchinson, as if he had been at the time
  he became owner of the real estate,, and at the time of his death, a citizen
  of the United States, provided that nothing be construed to deprive the widow
  of the deceased of her right of dower, the same is hereby confirmed to her as
  fully as if her husband had been a citizen of the United States.
  testamentary guardians of the estate and person of CHARLES HORNER ROGERS, a
  minor and residuary legatee of CHARLES ROGERS, late of the city of
  Philadelphia, dec. have stated that two bonds and warrants of attorney, one
  of which is conditioned for the payment of $8000.00 with interest and
  judgement is entered in the county of Chester, and is a lien on real estate
  in Chester county, and the other conditioned for the payment of $16957.00
  with interest, and judgement is entered in the county of Montgomery, and is a
  lien on certain real estate in Montgomery county, and they desire an act
  passed to authorize them to become the purchasers for their ward, of both of
  the estates, to any amount within the claims which they hold on the real
  Therefore, the testamentary guardians are authorized to purchase at sheriff's
  sale, either or both estates, and put the title in their names as guardians
  and title shall be deemed good and valid to vest in Charles Horner Rogers,
  and to convey said property to him at the age of 21, or his heirs.  16 Apr
  125. An act to annul the marriage contract of JOSEPH MUTHART and CATHARINE
  MUTHART, his wife.
  That the marriage contract entered into between Joseph Muthart and Catharine
  his wife, both of the county of Lehigh, is hereby annulled and made void, and
  the parties released from all legal duties as effectually as if they had never
  been joined in marriage.  16 Apr 1829.
  126. An act to incorporate the company of the Reading, Reamstown and Ephrata
  turnpike road, and of the Union and Pittsburg turnpike road.
  county, and GEORGE SMITH, GEORGE M. KEIM and JOHN ADDAMS, of Bucks county, are
  hereby appointed commissioners of the Reading, Reamstown, and Ephrata turnpike
  road commencing near the borough of Reading, Berks county, through the village
  of Reamstown, Lancaster county, and near the village of Ephrata.
  That JOHN M. AUSTIN, JACOB HARIS, and JOHN BLYTHE, of Fayette county, DAVID
  RYALL of Westmoreland county, and OLIVER ORMSBY, JAMES CUNNINGHAM and HENRY
  WESTBEY, Allegheny county, are hereby appointed commissioners of the Union
  and Pittsburg turnpike road.  16 Apr 1829.
  127. An act relative to the escheated personal estate of ARTHUR BROWN, late
  of Berks county dec. and for other purposes.
  That JACOB BOWMAN, administrator of Arthur Brown, late of Berks county, dec.
  is hereby authorized to pay and transfer to SAMUEL BROWN, all such sums of
  money and personal estate now in his hands, as administrator.
  illegitimate children of CATHARINE CLEAVER, of Berks county, are hereby
  enabled to inherit and enjoy the personal property of which Catharine Cleaver
  may die possessed, or be entitled, as fully as if they were the legal heirs of
  Catharine Cleaver.
  That NELL _____ , a colored woman of Venango county, is hereby enabled to
  possess and enjoy the property of which her natural brother GEORGE ______,
  late of Butler county, dec., died seized or possessed, as fully and
  effectually as if she were the legal heir and representative of George.
  authorized to sell and convey a lot of ground, #15, in the town of St. Clair,
  in the township of St. Clair, Bedford county, which was conveyed by HENRY
  BECKLY and his wife, to GEORGE  WEISELL, and his trustees, for the purpose of
  erecting a school house thereon, therefore the present trustees are hereby
  authorized to expend the proceeds of the sale on a new school house.
  That JOHN FISHER and JOHN REYNOLDS, administrators of ARTHUR CHENOWITH, late
  of Mercer county, dec. are hereby authorized to divide and lay off into town
  and out lots, prats of the real property of the deceased, adjoining the
  borough of Newcastle, and to sell so much fo the real estate as may be
  necessary to pay his debts, and the administrators are hereby authorized to
  make and convey deeds of conveyance to the purchasers.
  That HENRY WEIGLE, surviving executor of MARTIN WEIGLE, late of York county,
  dec., is hereby authorized to sell and convey, a tract of land situtate in
  Manchester and West Manchester twps., adjoining lands of CASPER LAUCKS and
  others, containing 31 acres.  16 Apr 1829.
  128. An act incorporating religious societies.
  The First Turkey Foot Regular Baptist society, Somerset county, trustees:
  The Presbyterian congregation at the mouth of Juniata, Perry county, trustees: 
  The Presbyterian congregation st Shearman's creek, Perry county, trustees: 
  The presbyterian congregation of the Middle Ridge, Perry county, trustees: 
  The Presbyterian congregation of Dickinson, Dickinson twp., Cumberland county, trustees: 
  The presbyterian congregation of the Associated Reformed church,
  in the borough of Butler, Butler county, trustees: 
  The Evangelical Lutheran congregation of St. Matthews, in the
  city of Philadelphia, trustees: 
  and JOHN BUSH, 
  The German Evangelical Lutheran congreation, in the city of Philadelphia, 
  are hereby erected into one body politic and corporate. 
  That the Methodist Episcopal Congregation in the borough of Shippensburg,
  Cumberland county, Pa. is hereby erected into a body politic and corporate,
  JR., are trustees.  16 Apr 1829.
  129. An act to incorporate a company to erect a bridge over the Juniata
  river, at the town of Perrysville, Mifflin county.
  and SAMUEL RICE, of the county of Mifflin, are hereby appointed commissioners
  and collect tolls.  16 Apr 1829.
  130. An act authorizing the laying out of certain state roads.
  That WILLIAM KESSLER, JOSEPH MUSSER, and JOHN GEYER, of Union county, are
  hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state road, leading from the Blue
  hill at west end of the bridge to be erected over the West Branch of the
  Susquehanna, near Northumberland, to the town of New Berlin, thence to
  intersect the Bellefonte, Aaronburg, and Youngmanstown turnpike road in
  Mifflinburg, at the house of SAMUEL DREISBACH, Union county.
  That JOHN SLOAN JR., of Armstrong, PETER MURREN of Butler county, and JOHN P.
  DAVIS, of Crawford county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a
  state road, from the borough of Kittanning, Armstrong county, to Meadville,
  in Crawford county.
  That JOHN PAUL and WILLIAM COCHRAN of Dauphin county, and HENRY W. CONRAD of
  Schuylkill county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state
  road, beginning near _____ KEFFER's tavern, in Schuylkill county, extending
  through Clark's valley, Dauphin county, to intersect the Sunbury road.
  FARMER, of Perry county, and ABRAHAM S. M'KINNEY of Cumberland county, are
  hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state road, beginning at
  Lewistown, Mifflin county etc.
  That GEORGE FERREE, of Lancaster county, JOHN GREESINGER, of York, and SAMUEL
  RUBY of Cumberland county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a
  state road, beginning at the east corner of CHRISTIAN MUSSER's timber land,
  to Lancaster county, near the Marietta turnpike, west of JACOB GAMBER's
  tavern, to ____ RANKIN's  ferry, to Lewisburg, in York county, to Lisburn, in
  Cumberland county, to Carlisle.
  That LUKE BRODHEAD, of Northampton county, and WILLIAM NYCE and PETER
  HILLYARD, of Pike county, are hereby appointed commissioners, to lay out a
  state road, beginning near the junction of the Philadelphia and Great Bend
  turnpike to the forks of Broadhead's creek, at Water Gap, in Northampton.
  That JAMES M. RIDDLE of Allegheny county, WILLIAM M'CUTCHEON of Westmoreland
  county, and JAMES E. BROWN, of Armstrong county, are hereby appointed
  commissioners to lay out a state road, beginning at Pittsburg, to the bridge
  at GEORGE ROSS' mill.
  That JAMES GRAY, of Warren county, GEORGE MEANS and ROBERT D. LAWSON, of
  Armstrong county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state road,
  from the town of Warren, Warren county, to Wallerson's road, in the county of
  of Chester county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state
  road, beginning on the Welsh mountain, Chester county, by Morgantown, by
  Joanna furnace, and by _____ SCARLET's mill, to intersect the Philadelphia
  road, near Birdsborough's tavern, Berks county.  16 Apr 1829.
  131. An act relating to the escheated estate of ROBERT COLVIN.
  That the title which this commonwealth may have acquired by reason of an
  escheat, for want of heirs, of Robert Colvin, of Darby twp., Delaware county,
  dec., is hereby vested in PETER LONGACRE, ELIZABETH DUNBAR, and their heirs. 
  16 Apr 1829.
  134. An act relative to the appointment of Canal Commissioners.
  That DAVID SCOTT, of Luzerne county, JAMES CLARKE, of Westmoreland county,
  JOHN MITCHELL, of Centre county, BENJAMIN W. RICHARDS, of the city of
  Philadelphia, PETER S.V. HAMOT, of Erie county, JOHN FORREY, of Lancaster
  county, NATHANIEL B. ELDRED, of Wayne county, JAMES S. STEVENSON, of
  Allegheny county, and DAVID FRAZIER of Washington county, are hereby
  constituted a board of canal commissioners.  
  We do hereby certify, that the above bill, was presented to the Governor, and
  was not returned within ten days, wherefore, it has become a law, as if he had
  signed it.  Frs. R. Shunk, Clerk of the House of Representatives,  W.S.
  FRANKLIN, Clerk of the Senate.  16 Apr 1829.
  135. An act to incorporate the Mount Carbon Railroad Company.
  That JOSEPH M. ELDRIDGE and JOHN WHITE, of the city of Philadelphia, GEORGE
  D.B. KEIM and JACOB W. SEITZINGER, of Reading, Berks county, and GEORGE
  SHOEMAKER, JOSEPH WHITE, and GEORGE M. CUMMING, of Pottsville, Schuylkill
  county, are hereby appointed commissioners, with books opened at the Coffee
  House, in the city of Philadelphia, one of the house of THOMAS KEPPLE, in
  Reading, Berks county county, and one at the house of George Shoemaker, in
  Pottsville, Schuylkill county, and lay down tract at Mount Carbon, Schuylkill
  county, to the South mountain etc.  20 Apr 1829.
  136. An act to fix the number of Senators and Representatives and form the
  state into districts, in pursuance of the provisions of the constitution.
  The judges of the district composed of the counties of Chester and Delaware
  shall meet at the court house in the borough of West Chester, the judges of
  the district composed of the counties of Berks and Schuylkill, shall meet at
  the house now occupied by JOHN BAILY, in Hamburg, Berks county, the judges of
  the district composed of the counties of Dauphin and Lebanon, shall meet at
  the public house now occupied by JOHN WOLFERSBERGER, in Campbellstown,
  Lebanon county, the judges of the district composed of the counties of
  Northumberland and Union shall meet at the house now occupied by JACOB
  MUSSER, in the borough of Lewisburg, Union county, the judges of the district
  composed of the counties of Luzerne and Columbia, shall meet at the house now
  occupied by LEWIS HORTEN, in Berwick, in the county of Columbia, the judges
  of the district composed of the counties of Lycoming, Centre, Clearfield,
  M'Kean and Potter, shall meet at the house now occupied by ALEXANDER MAHON,
  in Lycoming county, the judges of the district composed of the counties of
  York and Adams, shall meet at the house now occupied by JOHN ZELL and HENRY
  ZELL, in the borough of Hanover, York county, the judges of the district
  composed of the counties of Fayette and Greene, shall meet at the house of
  JEREMIAH DAVIDSON, in Luzerne twp., Fayette county, the judges of the
  district composed of the counties of Bedford and Somerset, shall meet at the
  house now occupied by JOHN STATLER, Allegheny, the judges of the district
  composed of the counties of Beaver and Butler, shall meet at the house
  formerly occupied by JACOB KELKER, in the town of Harmony, the judges of the
  district composed of the counties of Venango, Warren, Armstrong, Indiana and
  Jefferson, shall meet at the house now occupied by MATTHEW HOSEY, in
  Armstrong county.
  Return judges shall meet at the house now occupied by REUBEN NASH, in the
  Columbia twp., Bradford county.  Return judges shall meet at the house now
  occupied by GEORGE GRAHAM, in Stoystown, Somerset county.  Return judges
  shall meet at the house now occupied by WILLIAM NEAL in Venango county.  
  20 Apr 1829.
  137. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to VALENTINE STICKEL and
  to JOHN CARLETON, of York county, soldiers of the revolutionary war, forty
  dollars each, immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, each, payable
  half yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay to ABRAHAM
  SNYDER, of Toboyne twp., Perry county, for the use of HUGH ROBINSON, of Perry
  county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars, as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to NICHOLAS MOYER, of
  Union county, and to WILLIAM JINKENSON of Westmoreland county, soldiers of
  the revolutionary war, forty dollars each, as compensation for their
  revolutionary services, and as a gratuity.  20 Apr 1829.
  138. An act to revive an act to authorize SAMUEL BELL, of Berks county, to
  erect a toll bridge over the river Schuylkill, near his present fording
  place, and opposite a road known as Lardner's Lane.
  Samuel Bell did commence the erection of the bridge within the time
  prescribed, but owing to sickness in the neighborhood, and other
  circumstances, was unable to complete it, and as the act has expired, the act
  is hereby revived.  20 Apr 1829.
  139. An act to validate the proceedings in an amicable action of partition in
  the court of common pleas of Lancaster county, and to authorize the
  commissioners of Lancaster county to purchase real estate.
  That the proceedings of an action of Partition in August term, 1822, #325, in
  which JACOB D. GILL was plaintiff, and BENJAMIN D. DILL, SAMUEL D. SLEWELL
  JR., and JOHN F. STEINMAN JR., guardian of his three children, HENRIETTA D.
  STEINMAN, GEORGE M. STEINMAN, and MARY B. STEINMAN were defendants, together
  with all sales made by order of the court, are hereby validated.
  That the commissioners of Lancaster county, are hereby authorized to purchase
  certain real estate, situate in the city of Lancaster, fronting on North Price
  street, bounded by the prison lots, and lots of MATHIAS ZAHM, consisting of a
  half lot with a one story frame house.   20 Apr 1829.
  140. An act for the relief of ANN ELIZA RODEN.
  Whereas, MICHAEL RODEN, the late husband of Ann Eliza Roden, died seized of a
  small farm in the county of Montgomery, which since his death has been sold by
  his administrators, and a balance of $555.00 remains in the hands of the
  administrators, and no person has claimed to be next of kin of the deceased,
  Ann Eliza Roden, widow of Michael Roden, dec. is authorized to receive all
  interest accrued on that money, and also receive annually the interest during
  her life.  20 Apr 1829.
  141. An act authorizing compensation to JACOB DIETRICH and JOHN BARD, for
  damages done by a state road.
  That on application of Jacob Dietrich, of Albany twp., and John Bard,
  Rockland twp., Berks county, within one year, the judges of the court of
  quarter sessions, are hereby authorized to view and adjudge the amount of
  damages, if any, in consequence of a state road leading from Orwigsburg,
  Schuylkill county, to Stetler's tavern, Montgomery county, and pay the
  same.  22 Apr 1829.
  142. An act to incorporate the Lick Run Road and Coal Company, in Lycoming
  That MARK RICHARDS and GEORGE T. CHAMBERS, of the City of Philadelphia,
  PHILIP KREBS and MARK SCHLONECKER, of the borough of Jersey Shore, Lycoming
  county, are hereby appointed commissioners, and this act shall continue in
  force till 1850.  22 Apr 1829.
  145. An act to vest in STEPHEN GOOD, OSBORNE GOOD and SALLY BROOKS,
  illegitimate children of CATHARINE GOOD, late of Mercersburg, Franklin
  county, dec. and in MARIA GOOD, HENRY GOOD JR, NANCY GOOD, JACOB GOOD, and
  CATHARINE GOOD, children of HENRY GOOD, dec., who was also an illegitimate
  child of Catharine Good, dec. the right of this commonwealth to her real and
  personal estate.
  That all right which this commonwealth may have acquired by reason of any
  escheat, from he want of heirs of Catharine Good, formerly of Mercersburg,
  Franklin county, dec., in real or personal property shall be granted to and
  vested in the above named children, and grandchildren, 1/4 to Stephen, 1/4 to
  Osborne, 1/4 to Sally, and 1/4 to Maria, Henry, Nancy, Jacob and Catharine. 
  22 Apr 1829  
  146. An act to authorize the election of schoolmen in the township of
  Letterkenny, Franklin county.
  as schoolmen for the ensuing year, until schoolmen are elected.  22 Apr 1829.
  148. An act to annul the marriage contract of CHARLES CARE and SARAH CARE his
  That the marriage contract entered into between Charles Care and Sarah his
  wife, now of the city of Philadelphia, is hereby annulled and the parties
  released from all the duties as fully as if they had never been joined in
  marriage.  22 Apr 1829.
  149. An act to legitimate JAMES NELSON ROGERS, son of JAMES ROGERS.
  That the name of JAMES NELSON, Berks county, shall be James Nelson Rogers,
  and shall enjoy all the rights of a child born in lawful wedlock, and may at
  the death of his father, inherit as fully as if he had the legitimate child
  of James Rogers.   22 Apr 1829.
  150. An act to authorize the surviving administrator of CHRISTIAN BUTZ, and
  also the administrators of DAVID BUTZ, to convey real estate.
  Whereas, the heirs of Christian Butz, dec. being all of full age, by an
  agreement between themselves, empowered the administrators of the deceased to
  sell certain lands, since which time David Butz, one of the administrators,
  died, leaving issue several minor children, by reason whereof, the surviving
  administrator cannot execute said power.  Therefore, MICHAEL BUTZ, surviving
  administrator of Christian Butz, late of the borough of Easton, Northampton
  county, dec., is hereby authorized to sell and convey deeds, the undivided
  moiety of two contiguous tracts of land, part of the real estate of said
  deceased, situate in Chesnuthill twp., the one bounded by lands of GEORGE
  HOOD and others, containing 215 1/4 acres, and the other containing 46 1/2
  acres, bounded by lands now or late of JOHN BANSER, JACOB DORSHEIMER and
  others, which said sale and conveyance, shall be good.  Whereas, David Butz,
  held one moiety of a lot of land containing 5 acres, situate in Forks twp.,
  in trust for his brother JACOB BUTZ.  Therefore, MARY BUTZ and JOSEPH
  HERSTER, administrators of David Butz, are hereby authorized to convey by
  deed to Jacob Butz, a brother of the dec., said lot, bounded by lands of
  GEORGE WOLF, JACOB DIETER and others.  22 Apr 1829.
  151. An act authorizing a state road to be laid out from Landisburg, Perry
  county to Mifflintown, Miffin county.
  That NICHOLAS ICKES, JOHN KIBLER, and ROBERT ELLIOT, of Perry county, and
  WILLIAM WHARTON and HENRY HACKET, of Mifflin county, are hereby appointed
  commissioners to lay out a state road from Landisburg, Perry county, by way
  of Ickesburg and Run Gap, to intersect the Northern turnpike at Mifflintown,
  in Mifflin county. 22 Apr 1829.
  152. An act to incorporate a company for erecting a bridge over the river
  Schuylkill, near the falls, in the county of Philadelphia.
  Whereas, ROBERT KENNEDY, Philadelphia county, farmer, became the purchaser of
  all the rights and estate of Schuylkill Falls bridge company and others have
  become interested as owners with him, and are desirous of being incorporated,
  in order to re-construct the bridge.  Therefore, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Robert
  CARDWELL, JOHN POTTER, are hereby incorporated and made a body politic and
  corporate.  Benjamin R. Morgan shall be president, and William Patton, Robert
  Kennedy, Andrew C. Barclay and John Redinger, managers of the company.  22 Apr
  153. An act to incorporate the Franklin fire insurance company of
  BANCKER, SAMUEL PATTON and ROBERT O. NEIL, are appointed commissioners to make
  insurance against losses on goods, ships etc.  22 Apr 1829.
  154. An act to annul the marriage contract of MARTIN OVERFIELD and SUSANNA
  OVERFIELD, his wife.
  Whereas, it appears that Martin Overfield, more then ten years since,
  deserted and abandoned his wife Susanna, in Baltimore county, state of
  Maryland, and has never since returned to her, or provided support for his
  wife and children, and his wife, after the desertion, returned to the
  commonwealth of Pa. where she has since resided for ten years, it seems
  proper to grant a divorce.  Therefore, the marriage contract between Martin
  Overfield and Susanna his wife, is declared null and void and the parties are
  free from the duties as fully as if they had never been joined in marriage,
  provided nothing be construed to render illegitimate the children of this
  marriage.  22 Apr 1829.
  155. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to HENRY SMYSER, of the
  borough of York, for the use of ROBERT DITCHER, of said borough, a soldier of
  the revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly during the lifetime of Ditcher, to commence on 1
  Jan 1829.
  That the State Tresurer is hereby authorized to pay to JACOB BOOZ, of
  Montgomery county, and SIMON YERICH, of Union county, soldiers of the
  revolutionary war, forty dollars each, immediately, as compensation in full
  for their revolutionary services, and as a gratuity.   22 Apr 1829.
  156. An act authorizing the executors of ELIAS BOUDINOT to sell and convey
  certain real estate.
  That the executors and trustees named in the last will and testament of Elias
  Boudinot, late of the city of Burlington, in the state of New Jersey, dec. are
  hereby authorized to sell and convey tracts of land, in the county of Warren,
  Pa., devised to his executors, in trust for SUSAN BRADFORD WALLACE and MARY
  BINNEY WALLACE, daughters of JOHN B. WALLACE, notwithstanding the minority of
  either of them, provided the executors hold the money to the same uses for
  which they now hold the lands.  22 Apr 1829.
  157. An act authorizing the guardian of DANIEL GULDIN, to sell and convey
  certain real estate.
  That is shall be lawful for JOHN GULDIN, of Berks county, guardian of Daniel
  Guldin, a minor, to make sale of a unimproved tract of land, situate in
  Schuylkill twp., Schuylkill county, containing 65 acres, and to make a good
  conveyance to the purchaser.  22 Apr 1829.
  158. A supplement to an act for the relief of WILHEM WILLINK, HENDRICK
  That all grants and conveyances of lands within this commonwealth, made to
  Wilheim Willink, Hendrick Vollenhoven, WALRAVE VAN HEUKELOM, JAN VAN EEGHEN,
  WILHEM WILLINK JR., and GERIT SCHIMMELPENNINCK, Rutger Jan's son, are hereby
  confirmed to be valid.  22 Apr 1829.
  160. An act relative to the real estate of GEORGE BITTINGER, a lunatic.
  That HENRY GITT and SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, committee of the person and estate of
  George Bittinger, of Adams county, a lunatic, are hereby authorized to sell
  all the rights and title of the lunatic in two tracts of land, situate in
  Adams county, one of which adjoins lands of PETER HULL, MARTIN CARL and
  other, containing about 226 acres, the other being a tract of woodland,
  containing 90 acres, and they are further authorized to make a deed to the
  purchasers.  22 Apr 1829.
  161. An act to provide for additional clerk hire in the office of the
  Secretary of the Land Office and the Auditor General's office, and for other
  That the commissioners appointed to superintend the improvement of the public
  ground attached to the State Capitol, are hereby authorized to pay to JONATHAN
  LESLIE the sum of $187.84, for the completion of the improvements.  22 Apr
  163. An act authorizing the laying out of a state road from Path Valley, in
  Franklin county, to intersect the road from the Burnt Cabins to Drake's
  Ferry, in Huntingdon county.
  That STEPHEN SKINNER and WILLIAM SMILEY, of Franklin county, and ARCHIBALD
  STILL, of Huntingdon county, are hereby appointed commissioners.   22 Apr
  166. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and widows of soldiers of the
  revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to FREDERICK MATTHEW, of
  Berks county, forty dollars immediately, and forty dollars annually, payable
  half yearly to commence on 1 Jan 1829, for his services in the revolutionary
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to DIETER SCHNEIDER, of
  Schuylkill county, forty dollars as compensation for his services in the
  revolutionary war, and as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JACOB SCHNEIDER, of
  Schuylkill county, forty dollars as compensation for his services during the
  revolutionary war, and as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JAMES M'ELROY, of
  Huntingdon county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars
  immediately and forty dollars annually, payable half yearly from the 1 Jan
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to MARY SHOE, widow of
  JOHN SHOE, of York county, forty dollars immediately and forty dollars
  annually, payable half yearly from 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to CATHARINE KOCH, widow
  of JOHN MICHAEL KOCH, a soldier of the revolution, of York county, forty
  dollars immediately and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly
  during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829, for his revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ELEANOR GARVEY of
  Butler county, widow of a revolutionary soldier, the sum of forty dollars
  immediately and an annuity of forty dollars during life, to commence on 1 Jan
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to SABINA GAUL, of
  Philadelphia county, widow of a revolutionary soldier, the sum of forty
  dollars immediately and an annuity of forty dollars, during life, to commence
  on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to WILLIAM IDDINGS, of
  Beaver county, forty dollars, as a compensation for his revolutionary
  services, and as a gratuity.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ANDREW SNYDER, of
  Lancaster county, a revolutionary soldier, forty dollars immediately and an
  annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly, during life to commence on the
  1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to SUSANNA RUNDIO, widow
  of CAPTAIN PETER RUNDIO, of Northampton county, a revolutionary soldier, forty
  dollars immediately and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly
  during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.   23 Apr 1829.
  167. A supplement to an act granting a sum of money to open and make a state
  road from DAVID HUNTER's mill, Bedford county, to intersect the Waynesburg,
  Greencastle, and Mercersburg turnpike road on the North mountain, near SAMUEL
  TOM's, Franklin county, passed 2 Feb 1828.
  The commissioners of Bedford county are to appoint a person set the location
  for the above state road.
  That JOHN DODDS and JOHN DUNBAR, of Butler county, and ROBERT HILAND, of
  Allegheny county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state road,
  beginning at the Franklin road, within seven miles of Pittsburg, and thence to
  the house of NATHAN SKEER, on the Butler turnpike in Butler county.  23 Apr
  170. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to GEORGE WILL, of Adams
  county, for the use of JACOB WEAVER, of Adams county, soldier of the
  revolutionary war, $200.00, as compensation for a tract of donation land to
  which he was entitled for his revolutionary services.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to MICHAEL DOUDEL, of
  the borough of York, for the use of JOHN DATAMAR, of the borough, a soldier
  of the revolutionary war, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars, payable half yearly during the life of Datamar, to commence on 1 Jan
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to JOSEPH MILLS, of
  Bedford county, a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty dollars
  immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly during
  life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to FRANCIS DAVIDSON, of
  Westmoreland county, forty dollars as a compensation for his revolutionary
  services, and as a gratuity.  23 Apr 1829.
  171. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and widows of soldiers, of the
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to FREDERICK NAGLE, of
  Berks county, JOHN LOCKHART, of Lancaster county, to CHARLES RISTINE, of
  Philadelphia county, THOMAS ABBOT of Adams county, MARTIN DOLL of York
  county, and WILLIAM BOYD, of Washington county, forty dollars each as a
  gratuity for their revolutionary services, and also forty dollars as a
  gratuity to SARAH LINDSEY, of Warren county, widow of DAVID LINDSEY, a
  soldier of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to ELIAS OTT, of
  Northampton county, forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty
  dollars during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to the lineal heirs of
  JAMES ARMOR, dec., late of Chester county, the sum of $200.00 in lieu of a
  tract of donation land to which James Armour was entitled, for his
  revolutionary services.
  That the pension granted to DAVID KERBAUGH, of Montgomery county, and made
  payable to CASPER SLAUGHTER, shall hereafter be payable to DAVID KERBAUGH.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to the heirs of MAJOR
  GEORGE SHAFFNER, dec., late of Lancaster county, $300.00 as a compensation
  for a tract of donation land due him, as a soldier of the revolutionary war.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to MARGARET MYERS, of
  Philadelphia county, widow of a soldier of the revolutionary war, forty
  dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars, payable half yearly
  during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to NANCY GILMAN, of
  Fayette county, widow of SAMUEL GILMAN, a soldier of the revolutionary war,
  forty dollars immediately, and an annuity of forty dollars payable half
  yearly during life, to commence on 1 Jan 1829.   23 Apr 1829.
  172. An act to incorporate a company to make a railroad through the northern
  section of the county of Philadelphia, from the river Delaware to the
  Schuylkill, or to terminate at a junction with the Columbia and Philadelphia
  railroad, to be called the Northern Liberties and Penn twp. railroad.
  CARPENTER and GEORGE LAWS, of the county of Philadelphia, are hereby
  appointed commissioners.  23 Apr 1829.
  176. An act erecting the town of Northern Liberties of Pittsburg into a
  That the Northern Liberties of Pittsburg, Allegheny county, is hereby erected
  into a borough, boundries: beginning at the corner of Penn and Washington
  streets, on ALEXANDER LAUGHLIN's land, to the middle of the Allegheny river,
  up the river to a point opposite JOHN M'DONALD and JOSEPH PATTERSON's line,
  adjoining ______ O'HARA's property, to BOYLE IRWIN's etc.  All persons
  entitled to vote, may meet at the house lately occupied by JOHN TAYLOR.  23
  Apr 1829.
  178. An act to authorize STEPHEN DUNCAN and JOHN D. MAHON to erect a toll
  bridge over Shearman's Creek, in Perry county, at the mouth of the creek.
  It shall be lawful for Stephen Duncan and John D. Mahon to build a toll
  bridge, and the property of the bridge vested in them.  23 Apr 1829.
  179. An act authorizing HENRY METZGAR and HENRY ROTH, guardians of certain
  minors, to sell and convey real estate.
  Whereas, JONAS EBERT, a minor, son of JOHN EBERT, late of Heidelberg twp.,
  Lehigh county, dec., and MORGAN ROTH and ALLEN ROTH, two minors,
  grand-children of the deceased, together with several other heirs, hold real
  estate, late the property of the deceased, one part consisting of a mill,
  which would greatly promote the interest of all parties if sold.  Therefore,
  Henry Metzgar, guardian of Jonas Ebert, and Henry Roth, guardian of Morgan
  Roth and Allen Roth, are hereby authorized to sell and convey all rights and
  title which the minors have in the real estate.  23 Apr 1829.
  180. A supplement to an act incorporating the Mill Creek and Mine Hill
  navigation and railroad company, approved 7 Feb 1828.
  That WILLIAM LAWTON and FRANCIS B. NICHOLS, of the borough of Pottsville, and
  CALEB JOHNSON and STEPHEN P. MORRIS, of the city of Philadelphia, are hereby
  appointed commissioners in addition to those appointed in the act.  23 Apr
  181. An act declaring Little Brokenstraw creek a public highway.
  That Little Brokenstraw creek, in Warren county, from NATHAN ABBOTT's saw
  mill, on the creek, to the New York state line, is hereby declared a public
  highway.  23 Apr 1829.
  183. An act to incorporate the Lycoming and Tioga turnpike road company.
  That ROBERT ALLEN, JOHN K. HAYS, and JOSEPH B. ANTHONY, of Lycoming county,
  of Tioga county, are hereby appointed commissioners to construct a turnpike
  road from Williamsport, Lycoming county, to Lawrenceville, or the state line
  near the public house of HENRY H. POTTER, Lawrence twp.   23 Apr 1829.
  184. An act to annul the marriage contract between PETER HOTZ JR., and PHOEBE
  HOTZ, his wife.
  That the marriage contract between Peter Hotz jr., and Phoebe, his wife, late
  PHOEBE RUNYAN, of the county of Philadelphia, is hereby annulled and the
  parties released from all duties as fully as if they had never been joined in
  marriage.  23 Apr 1829.
  186. An act relative to the state road between the west end of the Harrisburg
  bridge and Petersburg, in Perry county.
  BRANGDON, RICHARD T. JACOBS and ROBERT CLARK, of Perry county, are hereby
  appointed commissioners, and if necessary to relocate the road.  23 Apr 1829.
  187. An act to establish a classical and agricultural school in Susquehanna
  The school shall be under the management of the following trustees: DOCTOR
  of Susquehanna county.   23 Apr 1829.
  188. An act authorizing the executors of JOHN LINDSAY and the guardian of the
  minor child of GEORGE W. ALBERT to sell and convey real estate.
  That ELIZABETH LINDSAY and WILLIAM M'KESSON, executors of the last will and
  testament of John Lindsay, late of Greene twp., Franklin county, dec., are
  hereby authorized to sell all of his estate title to 150 acres of land, and
  200 acres of mountain land in said township, and execute a good deed to the
  That GEORGE WORLEY, of Perry county, guardian of the minor child of George W.
  Albert, late of Perry county, dec., is hereby authorized to sell a house and
  lot in Millerstown, which by law is vested in the minor child, and he is
  authorized to make a good deed and vest the purchaser all the right, title
  and interest of the minor child.  23 Apr 1829.
  189. An act for the relief of JOHN BELL, of the borough of Carlisle.
  That the State Treasurer is authorized to pay John Bell, gun-smith, the sum
  of $50.00 for repairing public arms, which shall be in full for his
  services.  23 Apr 1829.
  190. A supplement to the act incorporating a company to make a lock
  navigation on the East Branch of the river Susquehanna, called the Little
  Schuylkill, passed 20 Mar 1826.
  PARISH, of Philadelphia county, are hereby appointed commissioners, in
  addition to those already appointed.  23 Apr 1829.
  191. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Land Office to apply in payment
  of other lands, certain sums of money overpaid by CORNELIUS BELLISFELT and
  Whereas, in obtaining patents from the land office of Pa., the following
  named overpaid: Cornelius Bellisfelt the sum of $45.00, GEORGE LAZARUS the
  sum of $19.00, and BENJAMIN DORRANCE, the sum of $5.68, and no law exists for
  refund or transfer of said money.  Therefore, the Secretary is hereby
  authorized to receive from the holders, and allow payment upon account of any
  money due for unpatented lands.  23 Apr 1829.
  192. An act appointing commissioners for effecting an arrangement between Pa.
  and New Jersey, for the mutual use of the waters of the river Delaware, for
  canal and other purposes.
  That NATHANIEL B. ELDRED of Wayne county, ABIAH SHARP, of Philadelphia, and
  DAVID SCOTT of Luzerne county, are appointed commissioners to arrange an
  agreement with New Jersey commissioners.
  23 Apr 1829.
  194. An act to incorporate the Philadelphia Marine Railway Company.
  created and made a corporation and body politic,  23 Apr 1829.
  197. An act authorizing WILLIAM GILMORE to convey certain real estate.
  That William Gilmore of Susquehanna twp., Dauphin county, is hereby
  authorized to make a deed of conveyance, to JOHN SNEVILY and DOCTOR ADAM L.
  KEAGY, of Dauphin county, for a tract of land, situated in Lower Paxton,
  containing 130 acres, lately sold by the sheriff as the property of ALEXANDER
  MAHARGUE, which deed shall be valid and invest in John Snevily and Doctor Adam
  L. Keagy, all title and interest of JANE MAHARGUE, sister of Alexander
  Mahargue, in the tract of land upon payment of the sum due.  23 Apr 1829.
  200. An act to authorize the laying out a state road from Gettysburg, in
  Adams county, to a point near the summit of the Connococheague hill, in Perry
  That JOHN F. M'FARLAND and JACOB CASSETT, of Adams county, JOHN HARPER and
  JOHN M'GIHIN, of Cumberland county, and DAVID GROVE and JOHN STAMBAUGH, of
  Perry county, are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a state road from
  Gettysburg to Perry county.  23 Apr 1829.
  203. An act regulating election districts, and for other purposes.
  That Robeson twp., Berks county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by ANNA
  That Brecknock twp., Berks county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by JOHN
  That the electors of Coventry twp., Chester county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by CHRISTIAN FUNK.
  That Bradford twp., M'Kean county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by LEONARD
  That Dunbar twp., Fayette county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by JOHN
  That Tyrone twp., Fayette county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by ROBERT
  That Rowlet twp., Potter county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by SAMUEL
  That the electors of New Britain twp., Bucks county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by JOHN BARNDT.
  That the electors of Choconut twp., Susquehanna county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by JEPHANIAH ELDRED.
  That the electors of Middletown twp., Susquehanna county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by GARROD STONE.
  That the electors of Lenox twp., Susquehanna county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by ASA DIMMOCK.
  That the electors of Windsor twp., York county, shall hold their elections at
  the house now occupied by DANIEL GARDNER.
  That the borough of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, shall be a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  lately occupied by DAVID ETLY.
  That the electors of Brothers Valley and part of Stoney Creek twps., in
  Somerset county, shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by
  ARCHIBALD COMPTON, in the town of Berlin.
  That part of Heidelberg twp., Berks county, beginning near _____ SEIBERT's
  mill, where the public road leading from Rehrersburg to Reading crosses
  Tulpehocken creek, to Spring creek, near ADAM BROSSMAN's house, etc. shall be
  attached to the Bernville election district, and the electors shall hold their
  elections at the house lately occupied by PHILIP FILBERT, in Bernville, in
  Bern twp.
  That Scott twp., Wayne county, shall be a separate election district, and the
  electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by GERSHAM
  That the electors of Tell twp., Huntingdon county, shall hold their elections
  at the house now occupied by FREDERICK LOVE.
  That Jackson twp., Dauphin county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by JOHN
  That the electors of the third election district, Adams county, shall hold
  their elections at the house now occupied by FRANCIS HILT, in the town of
  That Tobyhanna twp., Northampton county, shall be a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house now
  occupied by JOHN KISER.
  That the electors of Plainfield twp., Northampton county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by GEORGE PETER KESSLER.
  That Montgomery twp., Montgomery county, shall be a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house now
  occupied by HENRY SLIGHT.
  That Colerain twp., Bedford county, shall be a separate election district,
  and the electors shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by JOHN
  That the electors of Londonderry twp., Bedford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by JOHN MILLER.
  That the electors of Cumberland Valley, Bedford county, shall hold their
  elections at the school house near the lands of JONATHAN CESSNA and JOHN
  M'COY, dec.
  That part of Buffaloe and Sugar creek twps., Armstrong county, beginning at
  depreciation tract #283, west to Butler county line, to corner of ______
  DAVIS' mill, etc. is erected into a separate election district, and the
  electors shall hold their elections at the Union school house on the land of
  That the sixtieth section of the act of 14 Apr 1828, authorizing the
  elections to be held at the house of PETER POOL, in East Huntingdon twp.,
  Westmoreland county, is hereby repealed.
  That the electors of Nottingham twp., Washington county, shall hold their
  elections at the office now occupied by DAVID HAMILTON ESQ.
  That the electors of Columbia twp., Bradford, shall hold their elections at
  the house now occupied by JOHN LILLEY.
  That the electors of Litchfield twp., Bradford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by ZENAS CLEAVELAND.
  That the electors of Orwell twp., Bradford county, shall hold their elections
  at the house now occupied by ISAAC H. ROSS.
  That the electors of Towanda twp., Bradford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house lately occupied by WILLIAM MEANS JR.
  That the electors of Sheshequin twp., Bradford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by LEMUEL LANDRUS.
  That the electors of Salisbury twp., Lancaster county, shall hold their
  elections as the white horse tavern, now occupied by JOHN LIGHTNER.
  That the electors of West Buffaloe twp., Union county, including those
  electors who had voted at Centreville, Centre twp., shall hold their
  elections at the house now occupied by JOHN KLECKNER.
  That the electors of Eaton twp., Luzerne county, shall hold their elections
  at the school house on the turnpike road, near JESSE LEE's.
  That Kingsessing twp., Philadelphia county, shall be a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house now
  occupied by HANNAN RICE.
  That Woodbury twp., Bedford county, electors shall hold their elections at
  the house now occupied by ANDREW M'FARLAND, in the town of Woodbury.
  That the electors of Beaver Dam twp., Erie county, shall hold their elections
  at the house now occupied by DAVID EDWARDS.
  That Union twp., Erie county, shall become a separate election district, and
  the elections shall hold their elections at the late frame dwelling house of
  That hereafter that part of Concord twp., Erie county, that had been attached
  to the Union twp. district, shall be attached to Concord twp. and the electors
  shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by JAMES M'CRAY.	
  That the electors of Quemahonig twp., and part of Stony creek twp., in
  Somerset county, shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by JOHN
  HITE in the borough of Stoystown.
  That the electors of Centre twp., Greene county, shall hold their elections
  at the house now occupied by SHADRACK MITCHELL, in the village of Clinton.
  That part of Warwick twp., Lancaster county, bounded: beginning at MARTIN
  GROSS's lane, on the line of Warwick and East Hempfield twps., to a private
  road between the farms of SAMUEL SHIRK and JACOB EBERLY, leading to Manheim
  and Litiz road, to the farm house of PETER LONGNECKER, thence a direct course
  to the farm house of CHRISTIAN HOFFER, on the road leading to Lexington, to
  the dividing line of the seventh and sixteenth districts, near the house of
  MOLLY PLASTERER, etc., shall hold their elections at the house now occupied
  by JOHN BARTRUFF, in the town of Manheim.
  That part of the third and tenth election districts in Lancaster county,
  bounded: beginning at ______ BEALOR's tavern, on the bank of the Susquehanna
  river, between lands of JACOB ENGLE and F. GAULBAUGH, dec., to Breneman's
  graveyard, thence along the township line to SAMUEL LONG's, to a line of
  Jacob Engle's land, to MARTIN NEISLY's dwelling, to SAMUEL ROOTS's dwelling,
  to JOHN GISH's farm, thence in a straight line to MICHAEL OBER's dwelling, to
  JOHN GOOD's farm house, thence to the gate house on the Falmouth turnpike
  road, to the farm house of ISAAC MEYERS SEN., to the mansion house of EDWARD
  BRYAN, dec., thence to Conewago creek, at a point opposite E. CAMPBELL's
  house, to beginning, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  now occupied by JOHN HOFFMAN, in the village of Bainbridge.
  That part of Macungie twp., Lehigh county, north of a line run by JACOB
  DILLINGER, JACOB HARTZEL and SOLOMON KECK, commissioners appointed to inquire
  into the dividing of the township, and this dividing line is erected into two
  election districts, and the north side electors are to hold their elections
  in a house now occupied by CHRISTIAN STAHLER, in the village of Foglesville,
  and the electors south of the line shall hold their elections at the house
  now occupied by DIETER HEISLER, in the village of Millerstown.
  That the electors of Beaver twp., Crawford county, shall hold their elections
  at the house of ARKE JENKS.
  That the electors of Conneaut twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of ISAAC PAYDEN.
  That the electors of North Shenango twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  election at the house of ANTHONY BENNETT.
  That the electors of South Shenango twp., in Crawford county, shall hold
  their elections at the house of ROBERT M'ARTHUR.
  That the electors of Fallowfield twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of MATTHEW M'MICHAEL.
  That Summerhill twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  That Snow Hill twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  That the electors of Cussawago twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of JOSEPH CLAWSON.
  That Vernon twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house of JESSE
  That Greenwood twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  That the electors of Fairfield twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of JAMES HERRINGTON.
  That the electors of Venango twp., Crawford county, shall hold their election
  at the house of DANIEL SIVERLING.
  That Woodcock twp., in Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  That the electors of Rockdale twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of ISAAC KELLY.
  That Richmond twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  That the electors of Randolph twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the school house, near the house of JACOB GUY.
  That the electors of Wayne twp., Crawford county, shall hold their elections
  at the house of JACOB EVANS.
  That Troy twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house of ISAAC
  That Athens twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house of EBENEZER
  That the electors of Bloomfield twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of JAMES HAMILTON.
  That Sparta twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house of GEORGE
  That Rome twp., Crawford county, is hereby erected into a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house of ROSANNA
  That the electors of Oil Creek twp., Crawford county, shall hold their
  elections at the house of JOHN A. CURRY.
  That Kenjua twp., (including Elk twp., not organized) Warren county, is
  hereby erected into a separate election district, and the electors shall hold
  their elections at the house of JONATHAN MARSH.
  That Pinegrove twp., Venango county, is hereby erected into a separate
  election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at the house
  That Paint twp., Venango county, is hereby erected into a separate election
  district, and the electors shall hold their elections at  the house of THOMAS
  That Farmington and Toby tws., Venango county, are hereby erected into a
  separate election district, and the electors shall hold their elections at
  the house of DAVID RYNER, in Farmington twp.
  That the electors of part of Neshanock twp., Mercer county, who now  hold
  their elections at the house of ARTHUR CHENOWITH, in the borough of
  Newcastle, shall hold their elections at the school house in the borough.
  That Monaghan twp., York county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house of MARGARET HIMES.
  That Franklin twp., York county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house of FREDERICK HOKES, now
  occupied by JOHN BARTLET.
  That the electors of Plumstead twp., Bucks county, shall hold their elections
  at the house now or lately occupied by JOSIAH BROWN.
  That Hatfield twp., Montgomery county, shall be a separate election district,
  and the electors shall hold their elections at the house of JACOB H. BUCHANAN.
  That Aleppo twp., Greene County, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the house of JOHN THOMAS.
  That West Twp., Huntingdon county, shall be a separate election district, and
  the electors shall hold their elections at the school house on the farm of
  That the incorporated part of the borough of Mifflinburg, Union county, shall
  be a separate election district, and the voters shall hold their elections at
  the house now occupied by ELIAS P. YOUNGMAN, in the borough.  23 Apr 1829.
  206. A supplement to an act incorporating the town of Birmingham, Huntingdon
  county, into a borough, to incorporate the Lancaster Water company, and other
  PHILIP W. REIGART, are hereby appointed commissioners of the Lancaster Water
  company.  23 Apr 1829.
  207. An act for the relief of JUSTINA WEISER, widow of a revolutionary
  That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Justina Weiser of
  Cumberland county, widow of a revolutionary soldier, forty dollars as a
  gratuity.   23 Apr 1829.
  208. An act to annul the marriage contract of JOHN BARDSHER  and ELIZABETH
  BARDSHER his wife, of MICHAEL REYNOLDS and MARY REYNOLDS his wife, and of
  That the marriage contract between John Bardsher and Elizabeth his wife, late
  ELIZABETH SOLOMON, both late of the county of Union, and town of New Berlin,
  is hereby annulled and the parties released from all duties as fully as if
  they had never been joined in marriage.
  That the marriage contract between Michael Reynolds, late of Lancaster
  county, and Mary his wife, is hereby annulled and the parties released from
  all duties as fully as if they had never been joined in marriage, provided
  nothing therein shall be construed to render illegitimate any children born
  of the body of Mary during her coverture.
  That the bonds of matrimony between Jacob Moyer and Susann his wife, late
  SUSANNA WEISE, of Luzerne county, are hereby annulled and Jacob and Susanna
  are divorced from each other.  23 Apr 1829.
  5. A resolution relative to the surplus water of dam #1, on the Kiskeminetas
  That DAVID LEECH is hereby authorized to use so much of the surplus water
  from dam #1, as shall be necessary to porpel his mill, until such time as the
  surplus water shall be otherwise disposed of, and to pay a sum of money for
  the same.  3 Mar 1829.
  8. A resolution relative to contractors on the canal and tunnel through the
  city of Pittsburg.
  That the acting canal commissioners are hereby authorized to pay to JAMES
  M'AVEY and company, contractors, for the full amount of labor done, and if
  abandoned by the present contractors to give the contract to the constituted
  authorities of the city of Pittsburg.  23 Apr 1829.
  9. A resolution relative to preventing damages to the public lands in Erie
  Whereas, the third section of in and out lots near the borough of Erie, and
  the fifty acres of land, the property of the commonwealth of Pa., lying east
  of the adjoining out lots in the Waterford reservation, Erie county, are
  filling up with persons settling the same, without any authority, and that
  they are destroying the valuable timber and injuring the land, therefore,
  JOHN COCHRAN, of Mill Creek twp., and JOHN BOYD of the town of Waterford,
  Erie county, are hereby authorized to take charge of the aforesaid tracts of
  land, and the peninsula near the town of Erie and prevent any person from
  trespassing thereon, erecting building or cutting timber.  They are
  authorized to bring suits before the courts against any trespasser, and to
  draw from the treasury any costs incurred, with a lease of one year for the
  commonwealth.  23 Apr 1829.
  CALVIN BLYTHE, Secretary of the Commonwealth, 25 May 1829 Harrisburg.