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        Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. IV.
        Reprinted under direction of Charles Warren Stone,
        Secretary of the Commonwealth.
        Edited by John B. Linn and Wm. H. Egle, M. D.
        Harrisburg: E. K. Meyers, State Printer, 1890.


   Short bio: Jonathan Williams


   PHILADELPHIA, 30th Aug., 1794.
   D'R SIR:--The Governor has received your report of the 22nd
   instant, and for the relief of the public anxiety, has directed
   a part of it to be published. He directs me to signify to you,
   and the chief justice, his best thanks for the progress you have
   made in executing your disagreeable and difficult task. The
   prospect of success, however, will ensure to you the noblest
   reward, the gratitude of your fellow citizens. There are some
   malevolent spirits that would rather have the matter terminated
   by a display of Governmental power than by an honorable, though
   amicable, arrangement, but in general the steps that have been
   taken are highly satisfactory to the people.

   I have not time to write to the chief Justice, but I will thank
   you to communicate this letter to him

   With sincere esteem, I am, D'r Sir,
   Your Most obed. Serv.,
   A. J. DALLAS, Secretary.

   To Gen'l WM. IRVINE.


   PITTSBURGH, 31st Aug't, 1794.
   DEAR SIR:--I rec'd yours by to-day's post. I have seen by the
   paper a great many tickets published, and among others the one
   you mentioned from Montgomery county, which is a mighty
   ridiculous one.

   The excise conference was held at the time appointed, they did
   but little. In Pittsburgh, people would not join the meeting,
   and they broke up highly disgusted with us. They passed some
   resolves, the principal one was directed against the excise
   officers. They resolve for themselves, and recommend it to the
   people to hold no kind of communication, nor have any con- [196]
   nexion with the persons holding any office under that law. They
   have appointed a committee to meet in Washington, to form a
   remonstrance to Congress next session. If the Secretary of the
   Treasury would pursue the plan he had in contemplation last
   year, that of supplying the army by means of a commissary, I
   would pledge my head on the success of collecting the excise. I
   am confident I could then lay down a mode in which there need be
   no change in the law, and yet they would be obliged to pay
   without any considerable difficulty.

   They have frightened Gen. Neville lately very much at
   Washington; he had advertised his office in that town, and was
   to attend on certain days. On the day he was to come the road
   was waylaid by a number of armed men disguised; he heard of it
   and did not go, and a day or two ago these men came to the town
   of Washington disguised as before, broke into the place where
   the office of inspection was kept, and made search for him in
   expectation of finding him there. It is hard to tell the lengths
   they might have gone had they found him.

   There has been nothing done as yet about the election in this
   district, nor will there I think be anything considerable tried
   in it untill shortly before the election. Findley will run
   generally in this district, and I think you will be next to him.
   Woods, Scott and Smilie will all have their partizans, and
   consequently neither of them will run very high. The excise
   conference attempted nothing on the election. There had been so
   much said that the meeting was for that purpose, that they never
   mentioned it.

   Am your friend.
   And Hum. Ser't,



   TRENTON, 1st Sept., 1794.
   By the command of the President of the United States the troops
   in requisition from the State of New Jersey, which were detailed
   from Maj. G. Dayton's command, & from the cavalry and artillery
   of this State, by orders of the 23d of August last are to
   rendezvous at Trenton, where they will be provided with
   everything necessary for the expedition, and wait further
   orders. Dispositions have been made by order of the national
   executive for the supply of provisions, forage, fuel and
   transportation to [197] the general rendezvous at Trenton, where
   they will be met with tents and camp equipage necessary for
   their march. The troops from the 2d division will take up their
   line of march by the most direct route to New Brunswick, where
   they will apply to Mr. John Bray for provisions and forage, and
   those of the 3d, 4th and 1st divisions to Trenton, to which
   place the troops of the 2d will also proceed. The stipulated
   price of rations will be allowed from the time of march till
   their assembling at Trenton, to such as may not draw from the
   public stores, and chuse to furnish themselves, but if
   intermediate appointments are judged necessary to be made, three
   days' notice must be sent to Messrs. Hunt and Bray by the
   brigadiers commanding the detachment, who will take the
   necessary precautions. No longer time will be allowed for the
   arrival of the troops at rendezvous than what will appear to
   have been absolutely necessary for accomplishing their march,
   after receiving marching orders, which period the officers
   commanding companies, &c., are required to note with precision,
   together with the names of the places where they halt each night
   on the route.

   The strictest regard to discipline and good order is to be
   observed on the march, and the rights of property are to be
   scrupulously preserved to individuals.

   By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
   ANT. W. WHITE, Adj. Gen.


   PITTSBURGH, Sept. 1, 1794.
   GENTLEMEN:--The committee appointed by the committee of safety at
   Redstone the 28th August last, to confer with the commissioners
   of the United States and State of Pennsylvania and agreeable to
   the resolution of the said committee do request:

   1st. That the said commissioners do give an assurance on the
   part of the general government to an indemnity to all persons as
   to the arrearage of excise, that have not entered their stills
   to this date.

   2d. Will the Commissioners, aforesaid, give to the eleventh day
   of October next, to take the sense of the people at large of the
   four counties west of Pennsylvania, and that part of Bedford
   west of the Allegheny mountains, and the Ohio county in
   Virginia, whether they will accede to the resolution of the said
   commissioners as stated at large in the conference with the
   [198] committee of conference met at Pittsburgh the 21st day of
   August last?

   By order of the Committee.

   The Honorable the Commissioners on the part of the United States
   and of the State of Pennsylvania.


   PITTSBURGH, Sept. 1st, 1794.
   GENTLEMEN:--We have received your letter of this date, & as time
   presses, have determined to give it an immediate answer,
   although we shall be prevented thereby from making so full and
   correct a reply as the importance of the subject requires.

   In our correspondence with the late committee of conference, we
   detailed those assurances of submission to the laws which would
   have been deemed full and satisfactory, and which were necessary
   to the exercise of the powers vested in us. This detail was
   minutely settled in conference with a sub-committee of that
   body. From a desire on our part to accommodate and to render the
   proposals as unexceptionable as possible, they were altered and
   modified at their request, till being superior to all exception
   they received the unanimous approbation of those gentlemen. The
   detail thus settled, required from the standing committee
   assurances of their explicit determination to submit to the laws
   of the United States, that they would not directly or indirectly
   oppose the execution of the acts for raising a revenue upon
   distilled spirits and stills, and that they would support, as
   far as the laws require, the civil authority in affording the
   protection due to all officers and other citizens. These
   assurances have not been given. On the contrary, we learn with
   emotions, difficult to be repressed, that in the meeting of the
   committee at Redstone, resistance to the laws and open rebellion
   against the United States, were publicly advocated, and that
   two-fifths of the body, representing twenty-three townships,
   totally disapproved the proposals and preferred the convulsions
   of a civil contest to the indulgence offered them by their
   country. Even the members composing the majority, although by a
   secret and undistinguished vote, they expressed an opinion that
   it was the interest of the people to accede to the proposals,
   did not themselves accede to them, nor give the assurances, nor
   make the recommendations explicitly required of them. They have
   adjourned without day and the terms are broken on their part.

   [199] We had reason for requiring these declarations and
   recommendations from that body. They were a representation (in
   fact) of the different townships in the western counties--they
   were a body in whom the people had chosen to place
   confidence--there were among them men whose advice and example
   have had influence in misleading the people, and it was proper
   they should be instrumental in recalling them to their duty; and
   their avowed determination to support the civil authority in
   protecting the officers, would have assisted in repressing the
   violence of turbulent individuals.

   Our expectations have been unfortunately disappointed. The terms
   required have not been acceded to. You have been sent hither to
   demand new terms, and it is now necessary for us to decide
   whether we will return home or enter into other arrangements.

   Upon reflection, we are satisfied, that the President of the
   United States, while he demands satisfactory proofs, that there
   will be in future a perfect submission to the laws, does not
   wish the great body of the people, should be finally concluded
   by the conduct or proceedings of any committee; and if the
   people themselves will make the declarations required of the
   standing committee, and give satisfactory proofs of a general
   and sincere determination to obey the laws, the benefit offered
   may still be obtained by those individuals, who shall explicitly
   avow their submission as hereinafter mentioned. It is difficult
   to decide in what manner the said declaration and determination
   of the people to submit peaceably, should be taken and
   ascertained. We have thought much on this subject, and are fully
   satisfied that a decision by ballot will be wholly
   unsatisfactory, and that it will be easy to produce by that
   means, an apparent but delusive unanimity. It is, therefore,
   necessary that the determination of every individual be publicly
   announced. In a crisis, and on a question like this, it is
   dishonorable to temporize. Every man ought to declare himself
   openly, and give his assurances of submission in a manner that
   cannot be questioned hereafter. If military coercion must
   finally take place, the government ought to know not only the
   numbers, but the names of the faithful citizens who may
   otherwise be in danger of being confounded with the guilty. It,
   therefore, remains with you to say whether, you will recommend
   such a mode of procedure, and will immediately arrange with us
   the manner, in which the sense of the people may be publicly
   taken, and written assurances of submission obtained within the
   time already limited. We require an explicit and speedy answer
   in writing. You request us to give assurances on the part of the
   United States, that an indemnity shall be granted as to the
   arrears of excise, to all persons [200] that have not entered
   their stills before this date. If it were proper to remit all
   arrears of duty, we cannot conceive, why those who have entered
   their stills, should not receive a similar indulgence with those
   who have refused; nor why you demand peculiar favors for the
   opposers of the acts, while you abandon those who have complied
   to the strictness of the laws. We have gone on that subject as
   far as we think advisable. The clause was introduced at the
   request of the late committee of conference; and even the style
   of expressing it was settled with them. We have, therefore,
   nothing more to add on this subject.

   You require also, that time be given until the 11th day of
   October, in order to ascertain the sense of the people. That is
   wholly inadmissible. On the day of the conference, the time
   allowed was deemed sufficiently long; and we are sorry to
   perceive that delay only tends to produce an indisposition to
   decide. There are strong reasons obvious to a reflecting mind
   against prolonging the time a single hour. Nothing is required
   but a declaration of that duty which every man owes to his
   country, and every man before this day must have made up his
   mind on the subject. Six weeks have already elapsed since the
   ordinary exercise of civil authority has been forcibly
   suppressed, the officers of government expelled, and the persons
   and property of well disposed citizens exposed to the outrages
   of popular violence. The protection which is due to peaceable
   citizens, the respect which every government owes itself, and
   the interests of the United States demand that the authority of
   the laws be quickly restored.

   To this, we may add, that the militia (which by late orders from
   the president have been encreased to 15,000 men, including 1,500
   riflemen from Virginia, under the command of Major General
   Morgan) have received orders to assemble, and we cannot
   undertake that their march will be long suspended. All possible
   means to inform, to conciliate and to recall our fellow citizens
   to their duty, have been used. If their infatuation still
   continues, we regret, but are persuaded that further moderation
   and forbearance will but encrease it.

   If the whole country shall declare their determination peaceably
   to submit, the hopes of the Executive will be fulfilled and if a
   part of the survey shall persist in their unjustifiable
   resistance to the lawful authority of their country, it is not
   the intention of the government to confound the innocent with
   the guilty. You may therefore assure the friends of order and
   the laws, that they may rely upon promptly receiving all the
   protection the government can give, and that effectual measures
   will be taken to suppress and punish the violence of those
   individ- [201] uals, who may endeavor to obstruct the execution
   of the laws and to involve their country in a scene of calamity,
   the extent and seriousness of which it is impossible to calculate.

   It is easy to perceive from the whole scope of this letter, that
   no part of it is addressed to the gentlemen of Ohio county, in




   PITTSBURGH, Sept. 1st, 1794.
   The alarming and awful situation of this country, at this time,
   are too well known to require a statement. On the part of
   government we are now offered a forgiveness of all that is past,
   on condition that we sincerely submit to the excise law, and all
   other laws. The question now is whether we will accept of the
   terms proposed or not.

   The decision of this question is of such importance that I am
   sure it will receive a solemn consideration from every citizen
   of a sober mind. If we accept of the terms we shall have peace.
   If we reject them we shall have war. There is no medium between
   these extremes. For in the present state of this country it is
   impossible to expect from government a repeal of the excise law.
   Government is the whole people acting by their representatives.
   The will of these representatives must not be extorted by force
   or fear, otherwise those who thus constrain them exercise a
   tyranny over the rest of the people. We are a little more than a
   seventieth part of the United States. We ought not therefore to
   pretend to dictate laws to the whole, but whatever portion we
   may be, if one law is repealed at the call of armed men,
   government is destroyed; no law will have any force; every law
   will be disobeyed in some part of the Union. Government is
   therefore now compelled to enforce submission to this law, or to
   none. The whole force of the United States must be exerted to
   support its authority now, or the government of the United
   States must cease to exist. Submission or war therefore is the

   [202] War is so dreadful a calamity that nothing can justify its
   admission, but an evil against which no other remedy remains.
   That the colonies, to relieve themselves from the tyranny of
   Britain, should have roused to war, no man will wonder. They had
   to acquire the first principle of liberty, an equal voice in
   framing their laws. The same was the case of France. Its
   constitution was overthrown, and one man has by inheritance
   acquired a power which he could transmit to his successor of
   making laws for the whole nation, but our constitution has
   already secured the most democratic principles of
   representation. Our complaint is only against the ordinary
   exercise of a legislation. We have now more than a just
   proportion of representatives. To fill our just proportion we
   may choose whom we please, and we ought not yet to despair, that
   in a legal manner we shall receive redress from every just
   complaint. The principles of liberty are completely established
   in our constitution. Those principles are that the will of a
   majority should control the few. We wish now for a liberty
   destructive of those principles which we formerly thought, and
   the French now fight to establish. Our complaint is that the
   many have not yet repealed a law at the request of the few, and
   therefore we rashly propose war.

   If we determine on war, look forward to the consequences. Either
   we shall defeat the United States, or the United States will
   subdue us. If the United States subdue us, we shall at the end
   of the war be certainly not in a better situation than we are at
   present, for the same necessity the preservation of the
   authority of government will exist for enforcing the law then
   which exists for enforcing it now. We shall be in a worse
   condition, for government will then be under no obligation to
   grant us so favorable terms which are now offered; but may exact
   punishment for past offences, penalties for past delinquencies,
   compensation for past damages and re-imbursement of the expenses
   of the war. To these I might add the miseries attending the war.
   But as these will attend the war. in either event, I shall
   particularly allude to them, in supposition of our defeating the
   United States.

   To me this event appears improbable to the last degree. A train
   of unfortunate delusions (for such I deem them) seem to occupy
   the minds of many in this country. It is said that no militia
   will come out against us; that if they do, we are so much
   superior in arms that we shall easily defeat them; that we can
   intercept them in the mountains and prevent their passage; that
   if they should come, they will march peaceably along and not
   disturb the citizens engaged in the lawful occupations of life,
   and that at the worst we can throw ourselves under the
   protection of the British.

   [203] On such notions, these are my remarks. From all that I
   have heard or seen, there is a resentment in the people of the
   other side of the mountains against our conduct, on two grounds,
   as being contradictory to the principles of democracy which
   require obedience to a constitutional law; and as refusing to
   bear any part of a burden to which they have submitted. This
   resentment will not only carry vast numbers of them to comply
   with the regular call of the militia, but to step forward as
   volunteers. Supposing (which may yet be doubted) that they may
   at first be inferior to us in the art of fighting; the interests
   of the United States are so deeply involved in our submission
   that no expence will be spared to accomplish it. And should the
   draught of the militia be insufficient, certainly the
   legislature will enable the Executive to raise and maintain a
   standing body of forces to accomplish the object of government.
   They will come at different times, in different directions and
   accumulated numbers, for the whole force of the United States
   will be directed against us, so has the President, who never
   speaks till he has determined, declared by his proclamation. If
   this country reject the conditions offered, the whole country
   will be considered as in a State of rebellion; every man must be
   considered either as a citizen or as an enemy. If he says he is
   a citizen, he may be called upon by the force under the
   authority of government to unite in subduing its enemies. If he
   refuse, he becomes an enemy and as such may be treated. The army
   of government may live among us at free quarters, may reduce us
   to obedience by plunder, fire and sword.

   Will the British receive us? The government of Canada dare not,
   without authority from London. And it is not to be supposed that
   Britain will risk the loss of the friendship and trade of the
   United States for so poor an object as our becoming her
   subjects. If she did, ought we not expect that the United States
   would seize her dominions on the eastern part of Canada and Nova
   Scotia, and intercept our communication with her. Against the
   whole force of the United States, exerted as we have reason to
   fear, what have we to rest on? Where are our arms? Where are our
   magazines of military stores? Or where can we obtain a supply of
   these articles, but from the United States, with whom we shall
   be at war. All communication between us and our fellow citizens
   on the east side of the mountains will be cut off. Even the
   supplies of the common articles of life, which we receive from
   them, will be prevented; and not a simple article of food or
   clothing much less of arms or amunition, will be furnished to us
   from that quarter. Army after army will be sent against us. In a
   state of open war we shall be considered as any other enemy,
   with the additional rancour attached to a [204] civil war. Our
   agriculture will be destroyed; our fields laid waste; our houses
   burnt; and, while we are fighting our fellow citizens on one
   side, the Indians (and God knows how soon) will attack us on the
   other. The consciences of many among ourselves will shrink back
   with horror, at the idea of drawing a sword against our
   brethren. They will call for neutrality. They will enter into
   associations for mutual defence. Many, who now from fear of
   danger or insult, put on the appearance of zeal and violence,
   will, when it comes to decisive exertion, draw back. But those
   who are for war will strive, by force to draw in those who are
   for peace. We shall attack and destroy each other, and fall by
   our hands. Our cornfields will be converted into fields of
   battle. No man will sow; for no man will be sure that he shall
   reap. Poverty, distress, and famine will extinguish us. All
   mutual confidence will be at an end, and all the bands of
   society will be dissolve. Every man will be afraid to speak to
   his neighbor. There will be no power of government to control
   the violence of the wicked. No man's life, no man's house, no
   man's goods, no man's wife, no man's daughter, will be safe. A
   scene of general destruction will take place. And, should
   government, weary of chastising us, at last leave us to
   ourselves, we shall be a miserable remnant, without wealth,
   commerce or virtue--a prey to the savages, or slaves to Britain.
   Are we prepared for a separation from the United States, and to
   exist as an independent people? This is a question which ought
   to be settled previously to our taking up arms against
   government. For to disobey a government, while by remaining in
   it, we admit its authority to command, is too absurd, and too
   contrary to the duty of citizens for any man of reason and
   virtue to support; especially where the government, like ours,
   is created and changeable by the people themselves, that is, by
   the whole people or a majority of the whole people. Our appeal
   to arms is therefore a declaration of independence, and must
   issue, either in separation or obedience. Government cannot
   recede farther than it has lone. It has already made sacrifices,
   which intitle it to grateful returns. It offers to forgive past
   offenses, and consider us as having never erred. It cannot,
   without a total extinction of all authority, repeal this law,
   while we disobey it Government must either subdue us, or cast us
   off. For, however we may flatter ourselves with the destructive
   hope of defeating government, we have no prospect of subduing
   it, and compelling the United States to retain us in the Union.
   Suppose us then a separate people, what prospect have we of
   being able to secure those objects, which are essential to the
   prosperity of this country, and of far more consequence than the
   repeal of the excise law? Shall we, at our own expense, subdue
   the Indians, seize the [205] western posts and open the
   Mississippi? Or will not the British, countenanced by the United
   States, retain the posts, and arm and protect the Indians
   against us? And will not the Spaniards, under the same
   countenance, block up the Mississippi and refuse, pre haps, all
   trade with us? At present there is a fair prospect of an
   accommodation with Britain and by the influence of the United
   States, we have reason to hope for a surrender of the Western
   posts and of consequence a peace with the Indians. There is also
   a negociation, industriously, and not unpromisingly conducted
   with Spain for the free navigation of the Mississippi. The
   continuance of our union with the United States may therefore,
   in a short time, secure us all our favorite objects. And there
   must be time, for we have to deal with sovereign and powerful
   nations, whose rights we cannot infringe; we must therefore
   solicit and not extort. But separated from the United States
   and, of course, from the friendship of France & the world, what
   hope have we to bend the haughty nations of Britain and Spain?
   We should be their sport or their slaves.

   In rejecting the conditions now offered us by government, we
   cannot hope to extort a repeal of the excise law. If we would
   remove it by force, we must be able to cut ourselves off from
   the United States with the loss of our prosperity, our
   happiness, and perhaps our existence. A rejection of the
   conditions is a declaration of war, and war is the sure road to

   Let us next consider what will be the consequence of our
   submission to government on the terms offered. We are restored
   to the peace and protection of government. We shall be tried for
   offenses and delinquencies by courts and juries in our
   neighborhood, but with these favorable terms we must submit to
   the excise law.

   The peculiar objection which lay in the mouths of the people on
   this side of the mountains to this law was this, that from our
   local circumstances it drew from us a sum of money which was
   disproportioned to our wealth, and would soon exhaust our
   circulating medium. However necessary on those grounds an
   opposition to the excise law might be three years ago, it is
   less necessary now. Since that period the progress of this
   country to wealth has been amazingly rapid. There have been more
   public and private buildings raised and fewer sheriff sales for
   debt within this period than for nine years past preceding.
   Three years ago, I believe, there was hardly a burr millstone in
   this country, now there are perhaps a dozen. The quantity of
   money circulating among us is since greatly increased, and the
   value of all property is thereby greatly increased. In other
   words, the value of money, is greatly lessened, and thereby the
   value of the excise to be paid by us is greatly lessened. Then
   [206] there was hardly any trade to the Spanish settlements on
   the Mississippi; it was at any rate small, and confined to a few
   adventurers. The quantity of grain exported was but little, of
   course but little was withdrawn from our own consumption, and
   this little generally bought with goods. Now a very respectable
   trade is carried on to the Spanish settlements--our traders are
   treated with great civility by the Spaniards. The duty on our
   trade is reduced to a mere trifle, and there is very little
   difficulty in bringing away dollars in return. We shall soon
   have the whole supply of that market to ourselves. Last spring
   our best flour was sold there a dollar each barrel dearer than
   flour from New York. None of the traders now depend on goods for
   the purchase of wheat, but must purchase at a reasonable price
   in money. From this increased exportation of our grain the
   necessity of distillation is greatly lessened in degree, and
   will every day lessen. Government does not now as formerly
   supply the army with whiskey through contractors purchasing with
   goods, but employs agents to purchase it with money. Last year
   ten thousand dollars was laid out in this way by one agent in
   this country, and the execution of an order for ten thousand
   more was stopt only by the present troubles. The contractors
   themselves have these two last years purchased their supplies
   with cash. From these circumstances, and the pay and other
   expenses of the army, government sends far more money to this
   side of the mountains than it would draw back by the excise. At
   the commencement of this law a very great quantity of foreign
   spirits was consumed in this country, but so severe is the duty
   which this law lays on foreign spirits, that the people on the
   east side of the mountains drink such spirits at a very
   increased price, and our store keepers cannot afford to bring
   foreign spirits in any considerable quantity over the mountains.

   As our circumstances are thus materially changed, so the law
   itself is changed also. Originally, the duty on a still was 60
   cents per gallon, now it is 54. Originally the duty on the
   gallon of whiskey was 9 cents, now it is 7 cents. Another
   material alteration, is granting a license by the month, at 10
   cents per gallon on the still, a provision peculiarly suited to
   a country, where few distillers work in summer.

   I do not say, that, by these alterations in our circumstances
   and in the law, our objections to the excise law are removed,
   but they are surely lessened. We have reason to believe, that
   our remonstrance would be listened to more effectually, if, by
   obedience we put ourselves in a capacity of being heard; but it
   is natural to answer, why complain of a law which you have never
   obeyed. I will go yet further, and state an opinion, that [207]
   the easiest and speediest and I believe the only way to
   accomplish or object, a total repeal of this law, is instantly
   to accept of the conditions offered by government, honestly
   comply with them, and thus come fairly before the legislature
   with our remonstrance.

   I have before stated the impossibility, that the legislature
   should repeal this law so long as we resist it. I will now
   explain to you on what grounds I form the opinion that they will
   repeal it as soon as possible, after, by our submission, we have
   restored them to their authority, and you may judge for
   yourselves of the probability of this opinion.

   The present prospect of French affairs and the favorable
   reception which Mr. Jay, our ambassador, has met with in
   England, give reason to hope for a good understanding between us
   and Britain, and a consequent termination of the Indian war. I
   estimate two years, as a reasonable period for these causes to
   operate, and these effects to be produced. If the extraordinary
   expenses of the Indian war ceased, there is reason to expect,
   such is the increasing trade of America, that the imports would
   suffice for the ordinary expenses of government. If this be
   true, so generally is the excise on domestic produce disliked,
   and so imperfectly paid, that we have no reason to presume that
   the Legislature will keep it up longer than is necessary. You
   have now the grounds on which I state the opinion that it may be
   repealed in two years. If repealed then, it will have lasted
   five years; of these five, we shall, perhaps, if we comply now,
   be compelled to pay for only two years, and supposing the tax
   unequal, paying but two years out of five may correct the
   inequality, and, while we pay, a far greater sum for the
   expences of the war is circulated among us. Thus the Indian war
   occasioning the excise, bears with it a remedy, and when this
   remedy fails, there is reason to expect the evil may also fail.

   Whether, therefore, we would avoid ruin, or whether we would
   obtain a repeal of the excise law, it appears evident to me that
   we have no way to gain our point, but by immediately accepting
   and faithfully performing the conditions proposed.

   If we do not, we shall no more get cash for our whiskey. The
   army will be supplied with whiskey from Kentucky. And (a law
   passed last session authorizing it) our whiskey, if carried
   anywhere out of this country, will with the horses, carriages or
   boats be seized and forfeited. We shall, therefore, become the
   only consumers of our whiskey. It will again cease to be a cash
   article and again become a mere drug.

   But it is said that if we submit now, we have nothing to expect
   from a remonstrance, for our past remonstrances have been
   ineffectual. I say it is too hasty to draw this conclusion.
   Besides what I formerly observed that we have never, by obedi-
   [208] ence, intitled ourselves to relief. I request your
   attention to the situation of the United States hitherto. The
   imports have not been sufficient for the expences of government
   including those of the Indian war. The excise law, therefore,
   could not be repealed unless some new fund was substituted in
   its stead. Now it is impossible to impose any tax whatever that
   will operate equally on all men. Suppose, therefore, some other
   tax imposed in lieu of this, while we continued to resist this.
   What would be the consequence? It might be as unpopular here, or
   in some other place, as this excise; the consequence would be,
   that from an experience of the weakness of government in failing
   to enforce the excise, the new tax would be resisted also and no
   tax would ever be enforced. Suppose a direct tax on a general
   valuation of property, there would be great frauds. Suppose a
   direct tax on lands. The amount of all direct taxes, in each
   State, must be in proportion to the number of its inhabitants.
   Now unless land or other property in quantity and value, bore
   the same proportion in each State with the number of inhabitants
   to the whole, the direct tax would in some States be
   unconstitutional, of course resisted. I am informed that in New
   England a direct tax would be as unpopular as the excise is
   here. Government, therefore, could not, with safety, substitute
   any other tax instead of the excise, till it had first shown
   that its authority was sufficient to enforce the excise.

   Attend especially to the situation of the United States during
   the last session of Congress, and judge for yourselves, was that
   a time to release any established subject of taxation and try a
   new experiment? The whole world seemed to lower upon us. The
   Indians attacked our back settlements. The Algerines plundered,
   and the British captured our ships at sea. It was judged
   necessary for safety and justice to equip a fleet--to fortify our
   harbors, and to send out against the Indians two thousand
   volunteers from Kentucky. For all these purposes, the imports
   (diminished by the spoliations and the embargo) would come too
   slowly in, and it was found necessary to anticipate the revenue
   by enabling the President to borrow a million of dollars. Was
   this a time to press a repeal of the excise? From all these
   circumstances the failure of our past remonstrances is no
   sufficient reason to conclude, that after we have submitted to
   the authority of government, and after its embarrassments are
   removed, our future remonstrances will fail of a just effect.

   On all these grounds, I do most earnestly exhort to an immediate
   acceptance of the conditions offered by the Commissioners, and a
   faithful performance of them on our part, as the only way in
   which we can hope for redress or escape ruin.

   [209] I have thus expressed my sentiments honestly and freely,
   as at this crisis it becomes every man who has any regard to the
   welfare of this country, to take every occasion to do. This is
   not a time for concealment or dissimulation. Let every man speak
   out, and not by silence or falsehood deceive one another. Let a
   free currency of opinions restore mutual confidence and mutual
   safety, that the dagger of the assassin, the torch of the
   incendiary, and tongue of the slanderer be not feared. Let the
   energy of government be restored; let the public peace and the
   rights of persons and property be preserved sacred, and let
   every individual repose with confidence and safety on the
   protection of the law. Let the power of punishment be exerted
   only as our principles prescribed by courts and juries; let
   offences be ascertained only by the volumes of our laws. While a
   man's words and actions are lawful, let his safety be untouched,
   and let not individuals assume the public duty of repaying

   Do you, gentlemen, who, by your station, can do it so
   effectually, unite with me in expressing, propagating, and
   supporting these sentiments; and through you, both now and
   hereafter, let them be felt to be the voice of your country?

   They are mine--and were an angel from Heaven to charge me, to
   make to you, as I should answer it at the tribunal of God, a
   faithful declaration of my opinion of the interests of this
   country, at this important period, I would, were it the last
   moment of my life, address you as I have now done. And, O! may
   the God of wisdom and peace inspire this people with discernment
   and virtue, remove from their minds blindness and passion, and
   save this country from becoming a field of blood.

   [To this address the Grand Jury made the following note: "The
   above sentiments of peace and obedience to the laws would have
   received the sanction of the Grand Jury, but as a few members
   declined their assent, silence was thought better than an
   approbation not unanimous."]


   PHILADELPHIA, September 2, 1794.

   Gentlemen of the Senate and Gentlemen of the House of

   A solemn declaration of the President has announced that in
   pursuance of combinations to defeat the execution of the laws,
   [210] laying duties upon spirits distilled within the United
   States and upon stills, "many persons in the western parts of
   Pennsylvania had, at length, been hardy enough to perpetrate
   acts, which he is advised amount to treason, being overt acts of
   levying war against the United States." A communication to me
   has likewise expressed his determination "to take measures for
   calling forth the militia, in order to suppress those
   combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed." These
   occurrences have appeared, in my judgment, to be of a nature and
   tendency so interesting and momentous, as to claim, independent
   of every other consideration, an exercise of the executive
   authority, to convene the General Assembly upon extraordinary

   I am sensible, Gentlemen, of the great inconveniency which, at
   this season of the year, must attend your compliance with the
   summons that has been accordingly issued; but experience
   justifies an expectation that you will consider every private
   sacrifice amply compensated by the opportunity of contributing
   to restore public tranquility and order. Unless, indeed, that
   wholesome subordination to the laws, which confers on virtue its
   merited safety, which secures to industry its laudable
   acquisitions, and which shelters freedom from the blasts of
   licentiousness, can be introduced and preserved, we pursue, in
   vain, the avocations of domestic life, and boast, without
   pretext, of equal rights and civil liberty.

   The impracticability of combining social order with the
   principles of a free Republic, so long the favorite assertion of
   interested Statesmen, seemed already to have received a
   satisfactory refutation from the experiment which our country
   had made. The friends of Liberty who had rejoiced in the
   accomplishment of our Revolution beheld with still greater
   exultation, the peaceable and almost unanimous adoption of our
   Federal Constitution. The visible effect of this system, raised
   upon the firm basis of popular representation and directed to
   the legitimate objects of Government, attracted the attention,
   and hitherto have excited the admiration or the envy of mankind.
   If, indeed, we examine more particularly the operations of the
   government, we shall find that, elevating our Federal character
   from a state of degradation, the American Union has been
   rendered respectable among the nations of the earth. While
   Europe is involved in all the horrors of War and distracted by
   the embarrassment of her finances, we find our country preserved
   from a participation in the dreadful conflict and its treasury
   exhibiting no claim to diminish the profits of genius or labor;
   but what is necessary to protect a distant and defenceless
   frontier from savage depredation, to pay an honest debt, the
   price of our National Independ- [211] ence--or to defray the
   unavoidable expenses of Government, the price of our political
   establishment. In other countries, too, the disposition, the
   interest and the prosperity of the government may be
   distinguished from the disposition, the interest and the
   prosperity of the people; but so long as the spirit of our
   social compact continues to operate, so long as the laws are
   enacted by the immediate authority and maintained by the ready
   obedience of the citizens, that odious distinction cannot be
   generated here. With the prosperity of the American government,
   the prosperity of the American People must be coeval and
   commensurate. Thus the reputation which our government has
   acquired abroad, the peace which it has preserved at home, and
   the moderation of its fiscal demands, are intimately and
   obviously allied to the morality, the industry, the affluence
   and the happiness which appear in all the circles of domestic life.

   But a period has unfortunately arrived which renders it
   indispensable to remark, that this scene so honorable and so
   beneficial to our country, can only be perpetuated by the
   efficient means which have produced it. The establishment of a
   free government, with a competent legislative power, and the
   certainty of submission to the laws when duly made, were the
   real sources of our prosperity. Nothing more will be necessary
   to convert all our enjoyments into cares, than the dissemination
   of an unmerited contempt for the government which the People
   have thus created, or the practice of an unconstitutional
   opposition to the laws which they have thus authorized to be
   enacted. Such proceedings indeed, are not less unreasonable in
   their nature, than pernicious in their consequences. It is
   unreasonable to oppose a measure which our Representatives have
   been empowered to adopt; it is unreasonable to risque the
   subversion of the government, merely to extort what a change of
   our representatives may procure. It is unreasonable to resist,
   by the force of arms, what could not be prevented by the force
   of argument; and, above all, it is unreasonable that the few
   should counteract the will of the many, or that a part of the
   community should undertake to prescribe to the whole.

   I enquire not, Gentlemen, whether there was any original
   impolicy or whether there is any oppressive operation in the
   laws, which the present occasion particularly contemplates; it
   is enough for my object to know, that they exist by an authority
   competent to make them; for this knowledge (speaking as a
   Magistrate or as a freeman) is enough to convince me that they
   ought to be obeyed. If an abstract opinion controverting the
   policy of any legislative act, or if a partial inconvenience
   resulting from the operation of a general law, shall be deemed a
   sufficient vindication for disobedience and hostile opposition
   [212] to the Government, on what foundation can we longer rest
   the national hopes of respect, tranquility and order? In a
   country so extensive, with interests so various and with habits
   so diversified, can we expect from human wisdom a system of
   legislation, that shall reconcile every difference or gratify
   every prejudice? Or is there any principle of discrimination
   that will warrant a compliance with the local pretensions of one
   district, and justify the denial of a similar indulgence to the
   local pretensions of any district in the Union? Enquiries of
   this kind must inevitably terminate in a conviction that there
   is no alternative in a free country but a submission to the
   laws, ordained by the regular exercise of Constitutional
   authority, or a subjection to the anarchy produced invariably by
   a popular disregard of social obligation. Here, therefore, is
   the point for serious deliberation, for should the event be
   unpropitious to the laws, the glorious harvest of our Revolution
   will be wantonly laid waste; the foes of freedom and
   republicanism will acquire new energy from our disgrace; the
   present age will regard our conduct with contempt, and posterity
   will pronounce our names with destation. To us, Gentlemen, in
   particular, this dreadful reflection must bring additional pain,
   should the calamity which it contemplates be occasioned or
   promoted by the fatal example of Pennsylvania.

   That the Acts of Congress, commonly called the Excise laws, had
   created considerable discontent in various parts of the State,
   and that this discontent had been manifested, not only by a
   non-compliance with the laws, but by an irregular and violent
   conduct towards the officers who were employed to execute them,
   have long been circumstances of public notoriety, and at an
   early period of my administration were mentioned as a proper
   subject for legislative animadvertion. With a design to
   facilitate the measures of the Federal Government, I employed
   likewise repeated opportunities to inculcate the indispensable
   duty of obedience to the laws, and from time to time I received
   with peculiar satisfaction the strongest assurances, that on the
   part of the State officers, every reasonable exertion would be
   made to conciliate the minds of their Fellow Citizens, and to
   effectuate the acts of the Union. It is to be lamented, however,
   that the result of these efforts has not corresponded with the
   expectation which I had formed. The spirit of lawless opposition
   seems to have acquired fresh vigor during a transient sleep, and
   being at length excited into action it has recently violated the
   public peace, overthrowing in its career the barriers of
   personal safety and the safeguards of private property. From the
   information which I have collected through various channels, and
   the result of which it is my duty, Gentlemen, to submit to your
   observation, [213] it may he conjectured that at the period of
   perpetrating the late outrageous Riots in the Western parts at
   the State, the principal source of discontent had been augmented
   by several collateral considerations. Under circumstances
   peculiarly inauspicious, therefore, the marshal of the District
   seems to have entered the western counties to serve certain
   judiciary process, by which a number of citizens who had omitted
   to enter their stills, agreeably to the act of Congress, were
   summoned to appear at a District Court to be holden in the City
   of Philadelphia. From the documents which I have had an
   opportunity of examining on the subject, it appears that this
   officer was allowed without injury or molestation to discharge
   his duty in the County of Fayette; that proceeding for the same
   purpose into the County of Allegheny, he requested the company
   and assistance of Gen. Nevill, the inspector of the Revenue;
   that while thus accompanied he suffered some insults, and
   encountered some opposition; that considerable bodies of armed
   men having at several times demanded the surrender of General
   Nevill's commission and papers, attacked and ultimately
   destroyed his house and other valuable property; that these
   rioters, (of whom a few were killed and many wounded,) having
   made the Marshal, together with other Citizens, prisoners,
   released that officer in consideration of a promise that he
   would not serve any more process on the Western side of the
   Allegheny mountain; that under a just apprehension of violence.
   General Nevill, before his house was destroyed, applied to two
   of the judges of the county of Allegheny for the protection of
   his property, but the judges on the 17th day of July, the day on
   which his house was destroyed, declared that they could not, in
   the present circumstances of the country, afford the protection
   that was requested, though they offered to institute
   prosecutions against the offenders, and that General Nevill and
   the Marshal, menaced with further outrage by the Rioters, had
   been under the necessity of repairing by a circuitous route to
   Philadelphia. To this outline of the information, which was
   received immediately after the riots, the stoppage of the public
   mail, the expulsion of several friends to government from
   Pittsburgh, and the measures taken to establish a correspondence
   and concert among the rioters, must be regarded as circumstances
   of great aggravation and alarm.

   As soon as the intelligence of these lawless proceedings had
   arrived, letters were addressed, under my instructions, to every
   Judge, Justice, Sheriff, Brigade Inspector and, in short, to
   every public officer residing in the Western counties,
   expressing the regret and indignation, which the event had
   produced, and requiring an exertion of their influence and
   authority to suppress the tumults, and punish the offenders. The
   Attorney General [214] of the State was likewise desired to
   investigate the circumstances of the riot, to ascertain the
   names of the rioters, and to institute the regular process of
   the law for bringing the leaders to justice. This judiciary
   course of proceeding, the only one which, at that period,
   appeared lawful to be pursued on my part, was recommended
   likewise by the success that had attended it upon former
   occasions. Riots have heretofore been committed in opposition to
   the laws of Pennsylvania, but the rioters have been invariably
   punished by our Courts of Justice. In opposition to the laws of
   the United States; in opposition to the very laws now opposed,
   and in the very counties supposed to be combined in the present
   opposition, riots have likewise formerly occurred; but in every
   instance, supported by legal proof (and several such instances
   are specified in the documents that accompanied my address to
   the Legislature on the 7th of December, 1792,) the offenders
   have been indicted, convicted and punished by the Tribunals of
   the State. To support the authority of the Union, by an exertion
   of the authority of the State, has ever, indeed, constituted a
   favorite object of my official attention; and I shall always be
   persuaded that if the purposes of Justice can be attained, if
   obedience to the laws can be restored, and if the horrors of a
   civil war can be averted by that auxiliary intervention, no idea
   of placing an individual State in too distinct, too important a
   point of view, or of interfering with the exercise of a
   concurrent Federal jurisdiction, can be sufficiently clear or
   cogent to supersede such momentous considerations.

   But it may be suggested, that the extent and violence of the
   late disturbances, required a more energetic course, and would
   have justified an immediate interposition of the militia. For my
   part, Gentlemen, I confess that in manifesting a zealous
   disposition to secure obedience to the Constitutions and laws of
   our country, I shall ever prefer the instruments of conciliation
   to those of coercion, and never, but in the last resort,
   countenance a dereliction of judiciary authority, for the
   exertion of military force. Before the President had determined
   to employ the militia on this occasion, the incompetency of the
   Judiciary Department of the Government of Pennsylvania, to
   vindicate the violated laws, had not been made sufficiently
   apparent. That the laws of the Union are the laws of the State,
   is a constitutional axiom that will never be controverted; but
   the mere circumstance, that the riots were committed in
   opposition to the laws of the Union, could neither enlarge nor
   alter the powers of the State Government, for in executing the
   laws or maintaining the authority of the Union, the officers of
   Pennsylvania can only employ the same means, by which the more
   peculiarly municipal laws and authority of the State, are exe-
   [215] cuted and maintained. Under a solemn conviction, then,
   that the military power of the Government ought not to be
   employed until its judiciary authority, after a fair experiment,
   has proved incompetent to inforce obedience or to punish
   infractions of the law, I conceived that nothing more was due to
   good faith and justice, than an assurance that the measures
   which were taken, would have been precisely the same, had the
   riot been unconnected with the system of Federal policy. If the
   riot had been unconnected with the system of Federal policy, the
   vindication of our laws, upon the arrival of the first
   intelligence, would have been left to the ordinary course of
   justice, and only in the last resort, at the requisition and as
   an auxiliary of the civil authority, would the military force of
   the State be called forth.

   For it is of some importance, Gentlemen, to recollect, that at
   this time no positive law of the State exists, by which the
   exigency that will justify an appeal from the political to the
   physical strength of our country is defined; or by which the
   evidence to prove the existence of that exigency is regulated
   and prescribed. It is true, that in seasons of tumult and
   insurrection, when the civil authority has declared itself
   incompetent to the discharge of its functions, a duty may be
   presumed to result from the nature and Constitution of the
   Executive office, to aid the execution of the laws by every
   other legitimate means. But in the performance of a
   discretionary trust, so charged with official responsibility, as
   it affects the magistrate, and so exposed to patriot jealousy as
   it affects the citizens, every construction of the circumstances
   that occur should, in my judgment, be the effect of serious
   deliberation, and every step that is taken, in a military
   course, should be directed and circumscribed by the necessity
   which impels it. Besides, therefore, the recollection that in
   similar extremities the judiciary Department of our Government
   had maintained its authority by punishing the violaters of the
   public peace, and besides the defect, originally of satisfactory
   proof to evince, that on this occasion, its authority had
   failed; there were considerations of policy that added a
   powerful influence to recommend the lenient course, which, as an
   Executive Magistrate, I had determined to pursue.

   In a free country, it must be expedient to convince the Citizens
   of the necessity that shall at any time induce the government to
   employ the coercive authority with which it is invested. To
   convince them that it is necessary to call forth the military
   power, for the purpose of executing the laws, it must be shewn
   that the judicial power has in vain attempted to punish those
   who violate them. The citizens of Pennsylvania (however a part
   of them may for a while be deluded) are the friends of law [216]
   and order, but when the inhabitants of one district shall be
   required to take arms against the inhabitants of another, their
   general character did not authorize me to expect a passive
   obedience to the mandates of Government. I believed, that as
   Freemen, they would enquire into the cause and nature of the
   service proposed to them, and, I believed, their alacrity in
   performing as well as in accepting it would essentially depend
   on their opinion of its justice and necessity. Hence, therefore,
   my solicitude to ascertain in the clearest manner, whether the
   judiciary authority had been tried in vain, for under an
   assurance that every other reasonable expedient had been
   previously resorted to, I was confident that the public opinion
   would sanction the most vigorous exertion of the whole force,
   which the constitution and laws of the State entrust to me, and
   that every good citizen would willingly lend his aid to
   strengthen and promote the measures that were thus unavoidably
   employed for restoring the authority of the laws.

   Upon great political emergencies the effect, likewise, of every
   measure should be deliberately weighed. Anticipating the
   probable consequences of an awful appeal to arms, I could not
   avoid impressions, which are of a nature too painful, and too
   delicate for public recapitulation, but which will readily occur
   to every reflecting mind. From the situation that has been
   represented, I was relieved however, Gentlemen, by the conduct
   which the Federal Government has determined to adopt upon the
   occasion, and by which it is obvious that my interference in a
   separate and unconnected manner to embody any part of the
   militia, would be rendered uselessly expensive to the State,
   unnecessarily burthensome to the Citizens, and might be
   eventually introductory of embarrassment and confusion, instead
   of system and co-operation. The complicated nature of the
   outrages which were committed upon the public peace gave,
   indeed, a jurisdiction to both Governments; but, the judiciary,
   as well as in the military Department, it would perhaps be
   expedient that the subject should be left entirely to the
   management, either of the State or of the General Government,
   for the very important difference, which is supposed to exist in
   the nature and consequences of the offences when contemplated by
   the laws of the United States, and when contemplated by the laws
   of Pennsylvania, must otherwise destroy that uniformity in the
   definition of crimes, and the apportionment of punishments which
   has always been deemed essential to a due administration of justice.

   You will perceive, gentlemen, from the documents which I have,
   directed to be laid before you, that treading in the regular
   path designated by an act of Congress, the President has
   received a [217] notification from an Associate Judge, stating
   according to the Act "that in the Counties of Washington and
   Allegheny, in Pennsylvania, laws of the United States are
   opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed by combinations
   too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial
   proceedings, or by the powers vested in the Marshal of the
   District." The legal operation of this Certificate having
   authorized the President to call forth the Militia of this and
   of any other State to suppress such combinations, and to cause
   the laws to be duly executed, a requisition for that purpose has
   been accordingly issued, and copies of it will be communicated
   for your information. Leaving it, therefore, as I ought,
   implicitly to the judgment of the President, to chuse on such
   evidence as he approved, the measures for carrying the laws of
   the Union into effect, and feeling as I ought the influence of
   my Federal obligations, I did not hesitate to give a full and
   unequivocal assurance that whatever requisition he might make,
   whatever duty he might impose in pursuance of his constitutional
   and legal powers, would, on my part, be promptly undertaken and
   faithfully discharged. Actuated equally by the regard due to my
   immediate trust, and my desire to co-operate with the plans of
   the General Government, I have, likewise, published a
   Proclamation, declaring (as far as I can declare them) the
   sentiments of the Government, announcing a determination to
   punish the offenders, and exhorting the Citizens at large to
   pursue a peaceable and patriotic, conduct. I have engaged two
   respectable Citizens to act as Commissioners, for addressing
   those who have embarked in the present combination upon the
   lawless nature and ruinous tendency of their proceeding, and for
   inculcating the necessity of an immediate return to the duty
   which they owe to their country, and I have convened the
   Legislature, in order that those defects in the existing laws of
   the State which obstruct or retard the use of the proper
   instruments for maintaining the dignity of the Government, or
   for complying with the requisitions of the President may be
   amended, and that the ultimate means of subduing the spirit of
   insurrection, and of restoring tranquility and order, may be
   prescribed (consistently with the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania)
   by your wisdom and authority.

   Having thus, Gentlemen, laid before you the circumstances that
   have attended the very serious event which has occasioned your
   present meeting, it cannot, I presume, be necessary to offer any
   further arguments to engage you in the indispensable task of
   providing, with a prompt, firm and patriotic policy, for the
   maintenance of an issue, in which the laws and existence of our
   government are critically involved. You will perceive from the
   papers, which the Secretary is directed to deliver, that every
   [218] conciliatory effort has been made, as well by the general
   government as by the State, to convince the deluded insurgents
   of their error, to reconcile them to their duty, and to
   re-establish the violated authority of the laws. You will be
   satisfied from the present state of our information, that the
   judiciary authority of the government is no longer competent to
   inforce obedience to the acts of Congress or to punish the
   outrageous offences which have been committed in the course of
   an opposition to them, and you will feel under the most sacred
   obligations of duty, under the strongest incentives of interest,
   the force of the resulting alternative, which now presents to
   our choice, a dereliction of our official trust, or the most
   vigorous exertion of our constitutional powers.

   But not only as guardians of the public welfare and of the equal
   rights of our constituents, let me, likewise, call upon you
   gentlemen, let me solemnly call upon our fellow citizens of
   every description, as individuals bearing testimony against a
   lawless proceeding, to exercise all the influence of reason and
   example, in counteracting the fatal effects of a spirit, so
   hostile to the public order of Society and to the private
   happiness of man. There is no member of the community so
   elevated by opulence or so depressed by poverty, so weak or so
   feeble in the condition of his mind or body, but must feel his
   dependence upon the benignity of the laws. For a general
   submission to the law is the certain, though the only medium (as
   I have already intimated) by which the public is enabled to
   extend security to property and encouragement to industry, by
   which it arms the feeble against outrage and shelters the
   unfortunate from want. To violate this palladium, upon any
   pretext, is to set an example for violating it upon every
   pretext; and to permit it, in the first instance, with impunity,
   is, in effect, to invigorate every subsequent attack. The duty
   of the government being thus intimately combined with the
   interests of the people, I anxiously hope, that the ready and
   effectual aid which the public measure will receive at this
   crisis, from the zeal and spirit of a militia, composed of
   enlightened and patriotic freemen, will leave the enemies of
   Liberty hereafter without a pretext, for asserting that a
   standing army is necessary to maintain the authority of the laws.



   PITTSBURGH, Sept. 2d, 1794.
   GENTLEMEN:--We have received your letter of yesterday and after
   having duly considered its contents, we are all of opinion that
   it is the interest and duty of the people of the Western
   counties of Pennsylvania to submit to the execution of the laws
   of the United States, and of the State of Pennsylvania, upon the
   principles and terms stated by the commissioners; and we will
   heartily recommend this measure to them. We are also ready to
   enter into the detail with you of fixing and ascertaining the
   time, place and manner of collecting the sense of the people
   upon this very momentous subject.

   Signed by the unanimous order of the committee.

   To the commissioners of the United States and of the State of


   CHAMBERSBURGH, Sept. 4th, 1794.
   SIR:--I had the honor of receiving your orders of the 8th ult.,
   on the evening of the 14th of the same Month. On the receipt of
   which I immediately began to write & issue the necessary orders
   for making the draught, but the weather being very unfavourable,
   retarded my progress a little, and from the manner in which I
   gave the Orders, I expected in a few days to have received a
   report of the State of the different Companies respecting Arms
   and Equipments, and in what time they would have their
   respective quotas in readiness to March. But notwithstanding I
   have wrote since repeatedly to some of the Captains, there is
   seven of them who has not made any report yet; and the Number
   returned, who are willing to hold themselves in readiness to
   March, does not amount to more than 29 privates, and they
   without Arms and Epuipments; besides the Company of light
   Infantry, in the fourth Regiment, who are unwilling to stand a
   draught, but chooses to go voluntarily; but I have reason to
   believe that the Captain will resign. What may be the report
   that those Captains will make, who have not yet reported, is
   uncertain; but I believe that few need be expected from them;
   and I think that I have reason to believe that few of those who
   are returned as holding [220] themselves in readiness to March,
   will March when the Orders are given.

   I am, Sir,
   your most obed't serv't,
   JOH. CRAWFORD, Brigade Inspector of Franklin County.

   JOSIAH HARMAR, Esquire, Adjutant Gen'l of the Militia of


   BEDFORD, Sptem'r 5th, 1794.
   SIR:--We have just arrived here from Pittsburgh on our way to
   Philadelphia, and being informed by the Commissioners of the
   United States that they intend to send an express from hence to
   the President, we embrace the opportunity of communicating to
   your Excellency the amount of what passed since the date of our
   last Letter. On Monday, the first instant, we had a conversation
   with the Committee of conference appointed by the standing
   committee at Brownsville on the 29th last month, and found their
   wishes were to have an assurance that all arrearages of Excise
   should be forgiven, and to have the time of taking the sense of
   the Freemen upon the terms proposed by the respective
   Commissioners postponed until the 11th day of October next.
   These the committee were desired to reduce to writing, which was
   done that night after they withdrew, and the next morning the
   Commissioners of the Union wrote an answer, which they were
   pleased to show us for our concurrence; though the subject
   matter did not relate immediately to the State, it was delivered
   to the committee of conference, and we met again soon after, and
   unanimously agreed to the time, places & manner of taking the
   assurances of the freemen of their future support of the laws of
   the Union and of the State.

   Having left Pittsburgh on the morning of the third instant, we
   have not had time to copy these proceedings, and therefore for
   the first part of them must refer to the Secretary of the United
   States, the second part has been printed, and we have the honor
   to inclose a proof copy of them. We deemed it to be not only
   unnecessary but impolitic to remain any longer at Pittsburgh,
   having exhausted all our arguments and persuasions with such of
   the inhabitants of the four Western counties of this State as we
   had any opportunity of seeing.

   [221] Upon the whole, Sir, we entertain a reasonable hope that
   the great mass of the People will comply with the terms
   proposed, and be dutiful citizens in future, and that their
   example & influence will in a few days prevail upon most of the
   residents as the same. However, it must not be concealed that
   there are several unruly and turbulent spirits in almost every
   township who will require correction and punishment, and these
   men having little or no property to lose may probably create new
   disturbances. Should our opinion prove to be well founded, it is
   probable the ordinary course of judicial powers may be
   sufficient to reduce them to submission and order without
   military aid.

   In such an intricate and uncertain an affair we cannot presume
   to give any advice, and more especially as the worst will take
   place before the 16th instant, which must direct future measures.

   We beg that want of time may appologize for our sending you this
   rough draft, and that you will believe us to be with great
   attachment & regard.

   Sir, Your Excellency's
   Most obedient humble servants,

   His Excellency Governor MIFFLIN.


   PHILADELPHIA, 5th Sept'r, 1794.
   GENTLEMEN:--It is with sincere satisfaction, I contemplate the
   prospect of restoring harmony and order in the western parts of
   Pennsylvania without an appeal to arms. Your agency in producing
   so desirable an accommodation will yield the most pleasing and
   honorable reward, as well from the reflection of your own minds
   as in the approbation of our Fellow Citizens.

   I observe, however, with some anxiety your intention of
   returning immediately to Philadelphia. The commissioners on the
   part of the Union, having expressed a similar intention, the
   Secretary of State informs me that they have been requested by
   the President to remain at Pittsburgh till the result of the
   meeting appointed for the 14th instant is known. Permit me to
   request the same from you. Many circumstances may yet occur to
   require explanation and conciliation, and it appears to [222] be
   necessary to a final arrangement that both sets of commissioners
   should be on the spot at the same time.

   I am, with the sincerest
   esteem and regard, Gentlemen,
   Your Most obed. Serv.,



   PITTSBURGH, 5th Sept'r, 1794.
   D'R SIR:--I received your letter by this day's post. I wrote to
   you last post informing you there was no danger of the supplies
   for Lebeuf. I cannot conceive how the idea could have
   originated. We have always had a large supply of provisions at
   Cussawago & Fort Franklin, & only required a few men to escort,
   but could not get them from Lebeuf; & the disturbances in this
   country excludes all ideas of drafting the militia; but since I
   have rec'd the Governor's permission to embody the settlers at
   Cussawago, there can be no apprehension of a failure.

   We were in some hope, that the terms proposed by the
   commissioners, would have quieted the disturbances here, but I
   am now confident we shall be involved in all the horrors of a
   civil war. The violences of the people will not permit them to
   listen to the cool voice of reason--every person of sensibility
   must feel the dreadful situation this country is reduced to,
   from a most improving & nourishing condition. I think we are now
   in a more dangerous situation than before the assemblying of the
   armed people at Bradock's field. I expect nothing else but
   another embodying for some dreadfull purpose.

   You will have to wait patiently for the account you required me
   to send you, as we are greatly engaged to take care of ourselves.

   Am, D'r Sir, your Hum. Serv't,

   Col. CLEMENT BIDDLE, Philadelphia.


   Pittsburgh, 5th Sept., 1794.
   Sir:--In these times of suspicion and danger, I think it proper
   to communicate the inclosed as containing a part of my publick
   conduct as an officer. I can assure you, Sir, that on [223]
   this, and on all former occasions, in which I have, in like
   official capacity, endeavored to maintain the publick peace, I
   have spoken not only the language of duty but of the heart.

   The issue of this business is altogether uncertain, and I cannot
   say that it is yet at all promising. If confusion and war should
   ensue, my presence in this country may be unnecessary, and my
   absence may even be compelled. Whether a restraint will be laid
   upon me either in going or staying, I know not, But I hope I
   shall have your approbation in adopting any measure that may
   appear the most prudent and useful.

   You will please to consider this letter as intended only for
   your inspection or that of Mr. Dallas. If the publication of the
   Charge (See page 201) should by you or him, be thought proper,
   it may be done with as you please.

   I am, Sir,
   your most obed't serv't,

   THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of Pennsylvania.


   YORK TOWN, September 6th, 1794.
   SIR:--I am sorry to say that too great delay has unavoidably
   taken place in drafting the quota of Militia required by your
   Orders of the 8th of August last--not so much from backwardness
   in the Militia of this County to step forward on the present
   important occasion, as from the unprepared State I was in to
   make a draft, through the former negligence or non-compliance of
   some Regiments with the Militia Law, particularly with respect
   to classing the Men. I have, however, been assiduous in the
   business, & fully expect the required quota in readiness in the
   course of next Week. I have to inform you, that no dependence
   can be put on any Arms or Equipments in the County being fit for
   service. I have received from the former County Lieutenant, near
   fifty Musquets, all unfit for service; some without Locks, and
   all without Bayonets; and though I have applied to the Gunsmiths
   here, cannot get them repaired. Upon the whole, we must, on the
   present occasion, depend upon a supply of Arms and equipments of
   all kinds, from Government, for the whole quota. I am fully
   convinced, Sir, for my own part, that, exclusive of the present
   necessity, 500, or 1,000, Stand of Arms & accoutrements in this
   County, carefully put into the hands of Select Volunteer
   Companies, would give new vigour to [224] the Troops, and be a
   means of a more immediate and cheerfull compliance with a call
   in case of any emergency. Indeed, the law, as it stands, I am
   sorry to say, holds forth no encouragement, but rather appears
   calculated to have a contrary tendency.

   I am, Sir,
   your most Obed't humble Servant,
   A. RUSSELL, Brigade Inspector.

   TO JOSIAH HARMAR, Esq'r, Adjutant Gen'l of the Militia of


   PHILADELPHIA, 8th Sept'r, 1794.
   SIR:--As I think that the honor of the State is peculiarly
   interested in manifesting a determination to suppress by every
   legitimate means the insurrection which exists in the Western
   Counties, I have waited, with the greatest anxiety, for the
   execution of the instructions that were issued, in order to
   organize a Body of Militia to be employed in that service,
   agreeably to the President's requisition of the 7th ultimo. It
   is with the utmost mortification, therefore, that I now discover
   in the returns which you have communicated to me so great an
   indisposition in some of the brigades to comply with that call,
   or so essential a defect of power in the officers to enforce it
   as leaves but little hope that our quota can be seasonably
   raised by the ordinary course of proceeding.

   Thus situated, I must either expose the State to the reproach
   and disgrace of an official representation, declaring the
   incapacity or the unwillingness of its militia to assist in
   restoring the violated authority of the laws, or I must resort
   to the spirit and patriotism of individuals to supply
   immediately by voluntary enrolments the deficiency of the
   regular drafts. Impressed with the importance of the occasion,
   and attached to the reputation as well as to the peace of our
   country, I cannot hesitate in this alternative to prefer the
   latter measure.

   You will be pleased, therefore, Sir, with all possible dispatch,
   to renew, in the most pressing terms, your instructions to the
   several Brigade Inspectors under the general orders of the
   eighth ult., and inform them, at the same time, that for the
   whole, or for so much of their respective quotas as cannot be
   seasonably supplied by regular drafts, they may admit and return
   the Voluntary enrolments of any well disposed citizens. For my
   own part, though I lament the dreadful necessity of an appeal to
   arms, I avow a readiness, personally to engage in the service
   [225] which our country at this crisis requires, and shall
   accompany my fellow citizens to the scene of duty with alacrity
   & confidence. Should even this arrangement fail, I invite every
   patriotic citizen to consider himself included in the
   requisition, and on the day which shall be appointed by the
   President for repairing to the rendezvous I will march with
   those who shall attend.

   It is obvious, indeed, to every reflecting mind, that if our
   Governments are worth preserving, an immediate & decisive
   exertion must be made. The judiciary department having proved
   incompetent to discharge its functions, should the conciliatory
   efforts of the Executive be, likewise, abortive, we can have no
   other resource at this period than in the military strength of
   the Nation. Let every citizen then put his hand upon his heart
   and declare, whether anything has been omitted which could
   reasonably be employed to reconcile the Insurgents to their
   duty, and if nothing has been omitted, let him add, whether he
   is willing to abandon as a prey to anarchy, the freedom and
   independence which we have so recently rescued from the hand of
   usurpation? Or whether, as an alternative, he is prepared to
   leave them to the protection and support of a standing army? A
   free republic can only be established by the will of the people;
   it can only be perpetuated by their affection and attachment.

   I shall submit these instructions to the Legislature, in whose
   aid and countenance on the present occasion I repose unlimited
   confidence, but I shall postpone any official communication to
   the President, till the effects of my proposition are ascertained.

   I am, Sir,
   Your most obedient servant,

   To JOSIAH HARMAR, Esq., Adjut. Gen. of the Militia of Pennsylvania.


   Monday, September 8, 1794.
   SIR:--While we lament with sincere grief and mortification, the
   very serious event that has occasioned the exercise of the
   Executive authority, to convene the General Assembly upon
   extraordinary occasions, we entertain a just sense of the
   patriotic motives which have regulated your conduct at so
   critical a period, and on our part, shall consider any private
   sacrifice as [226] amply compensated, by the opportunity of
   contributing to restore public tranquility and order.

   The judicious, liberal and energetic measures which appear to
   have been pursued, as well by the General as by the State
   Government, will, we trust, produce the most beneficial effects
   in convincing our deluded fellow citizens in the western parts
   of the State, of the necessity of an immediate return to the
   duty which they owe to their country. But however highly we
   approve and applaud the moderation that our governments have
   hitherto manifested, we cannot hesitate to declare, that if the
   issue of their conciliatory propositions should be unpropitious
   to our wishes, we will co-operate with you in the most vigorous
   exertions of our constitutional powers to restore the violated
   authority of the laws; for we are sensible Sir, that, unless
   that wholesome subordination to the laws, which confers on
   virtue its merited safety, which secures to industry its
   laudable acquisitions and which shelters freedom from the blasts
   of licentiousness, can be introduced and preserved, we shall
   boast without pretext, of equal rights and civil liberty.

   Though we cherish the pleasing hope that the present concussion
   will terminate in the triumph of virtue and reason, we shall
   not, Sir, omit or suspend the necessary preparations to
   maintain, at all events, the dignity of the Commonwealth. In the
   course of our deliberations, the various subjects of your
   address will receive a due attention, and we indulge a perfect
   confidence that you will on all occasions, employ your
   constitutional powers and personal influence, to establish the
   public order of the State, and to advance the private happiness
   of our fellow citizens.

   By order of the Senate,


   WAR DEPARTMENT, Sept. 9th, 1794.
   SIR:--The last intelligence from the Western Counties of this
   State, which has been communicated to you, leaves the issue of
   measures for an amicable accommodation so very doubtful, and the
   season for military operation is wearing away so fast, that the
   President, with great reluctance, finds himself under a
   necessity of putting in motion, without further delay, all the
   militia which have been called for.

   I am, therefore, instructed by him to request that your
   Excellency will immediately cause the quota of this State to
   assemble. The general rendezvous appointed by the President,
   [227] for all those who may not lie westward of it, is Carlisle,
   where also the Jersey Militia will be ordered to repair without
   delay. Particular places of rendezvous for local convenience
   will be regulated by your Excellency. I was glad to understand
   from you, in conversation, that Philadelphia, Reading and
   Lancaster were intended, as at these places the United States
   have already contracts. Will it not be most convenient for the
   militia to bring with them their own supplies from their own
   homes or neighbourhoods to the places of first rendezvous to be
   compensated for them by the public?

   The Superintendent of military Stores, Mr. Hodgdon, will wait
   upon you to ascertain what proportions of tents and camp
   equipage ought to be sent to the different places of rendezvous,
   in order that the Militia may be accommodated in the most
   convenient manner.

   I shall in the course of the day call on your Excellency to
   adjust in a personal conference anything further that may occur.

   The President, in making this final call, entertains a full
   confidence that Pennsylvania will upon an occasion which so
   immediately affects herself, as well as the general interests,
   display such zeal and energy as shall maintain unsullied her
   character for discernment, love of order, and true patriotism.
   It is unnecessary to add, that the part she shall act is of
   peculiar consequence to the welfare and reputation of the whole

   With the highest respect, I have the honor to be,
   Your Excellency's Most obed't Serv't,
   on behalf of the Sec'y of War.

   His Excellency Governor MIFFLIN.


   PHILA., Tuesday, September 9th, 1794.
   The Governor deeming it proper upon this important occasion to
   call a meeting of the officers of the Militia of the City and
   County of Philadelphia and the other Counties, included in the
   requisition of the eighth of August last, to wit: The Counties
   of Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Bucks, Northampton, Berks,
   Lancaster, York, Dauphin. Cumberland and Franklin, this day
   instructed the adjutant General to issue General orders, for
   calling the officers of the City and County of Philadelphia, and
   several Counties, to meet the Governor on the days and at the
   places mentioned in the following Schedule:

   [238] 1. Philadelphia, City and County, 10th September.
   2. Chester, Turk's head, Monday, 15th September, 2 o'clock.
   3. Delaware, Chester, Tuesday, 16th September, 2 o'clock.
   4. Montgomery, Norristown, Friday, 19th September, 2 o'clock,
   5. Bucks, Newtown, Saturday, 20th September, 2 o'clock.
   6. Northampton, Allentown, Monday, 22d September,2 o'clock.
   7. Berks, Reading, Wednesday, 24th September, 2 o'clock.
   8. Lancaster, Lancaster, Friday, 26th September, 2 o'clock.
   9. York, York, Monday, 29th September, 2 o'clock.
   10. Dauphin, Harrisburgh, Wednesday, 1st October, 2 o'clock.
   11. Cumberland, Carlisle, Thursday, 2d October, 2 o'clock.
   12. Franklin, Chambersburgh, Friday, 3d October, 3 o'clock.


   Resolutions adopted by a meeting of delegates consisting of two
   members duly elected from each militia company in Ohio county,
   in the State of Virginia, held in West Liberty, on the 8th and
   9th days of September, 1794:

   1. Resolved, As the opinion of this committee, That we conceive
   the excise system to be oppressive in its nature, and hostile to
   the liberties of the people, in particular to those of the
   Western country, and a nursery of vice; and the funding system a
   nursery to the excise; the revenue arising from thence is a
   nursery and support to sycophants.

   2. Resolved, That a direct tax on real property would discourage
   the men of wealth from engrossing lands profusely, and would
   afford the industrious men of middle and low class an equal
   privilege with those of the rich--which ought to be the true
   object of a republican government.

   3. Resolved, That we draft a remonstrance, praying the Congress
   of the United States of America to repeal the Act for raising a
   reveune from spirits distilled from the growth of the United
   States and stills; a land office west of the Ohio river be
   opened, and the free navigation of the Mississippi river be
   immediately procured: That William McKinley, Archibald Woods,
   John Connell, Robert McClure, and Robert Stephenson, do prepare
   and draft the same.

   4. Resolved, That we hold a correspondence with our brethren in
   the neighbouring counties of Virginia and Pennsylvania.

   5. Resolved, That the inhabitants of the United States, west of
   the Allegheny mountains, are entitled, not only by nature, but
   by treaty, to the free navigation of the Mississippi river; The
   Tardy and ineffectual negociations pursued by government, [229]
   are observed with concern and regret, as they are uniformly
   veiled with the most mysterious secrecy, which is a violation of
   the political rights of the citizens in general, as it declares
   that the people are unfit to be trusted with important facts.

   6. Resolved, That the taking citizens of the United States from
   their respective counties, to be tried for real or supposed
   offences, is a violation of the rights of free citizens, and
   ought not to be exercised by the judicial authority.

   7. Resolved, That the withholding the country west of the Ohio
   river from being settled, is repugnant to the true interest of
   the people. A generous land office ought to be opened, in order
   that the citizens in the Western country may have an equal
   privilege of procuring lands with Europeans, and those of our
   fellow citizens whose situation is not so remote from the seat
   of government.

   8. Resolved, That the exorbitant wages allowed to the officers
   of the general government ought to be reduced and the wages of
   the soldiers in the army of the United States be immediately

   9. Resolved, That we are ready and willing at the risk of our
   lives and property to support just and equitable laws, to deny
   our confidence to those members of government and others whose
   interest is different from that of the people at large, and at
   the same time revere those members who act from true republican
   principles, such as a Madison, a Findley, &c., &c.

   10. Resolved, That the above be printed in the Pittsburgh Gazette.

   Adjourned until the 18th inst.

   Signed by order of the Committee.
   DAVID CHAMBERS, Chairman.



   PHILADELPHIA, 10th Sept., 1794.

   To the Senate and, House of Representatives of the General
   Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

   GENTLEMEN:--The state of the negotiation with the deluded
   inhabitants of the western counties rendering it very doubtful
   whether peace and order can be restored without the aid of a
   military force, the President has requested me immediately to
   assemble the quota of the militia of this State destined for
   that [230] service. Under the circumstances which I have already
   described to you, I cannot withhold an active and personal
   interposition to prevent the disgrace that must attend the
   non-compliance with this requisition. I have, therefore, on the
   principles stated in my last message, exhorted the officers of
   the militia of the city and county of Philadelphia to exert
   themselves for their own honor and for the sake of their
   country, and I purpose to call on every brigade included in the
   requisition in the same manner and for the same purpose. Be
   assured, Gentlemen, our Fellow Citizens will on this occasion
   maintain their character as friends to law and order, and to
   ensure success, I have only to repeat an earnest solicitation
   that our joint exertions may not be defeated by a parsimonious

   The necessary attention to my executive duties under the
   President's requisition will probably require my absence from
   the city for a few days, but I shall make it a point to return
   before any objects of a legislative nature can be matured for my

   I cannot avoid taking this opportunity to express my sanguine
   expectation that the continuance of a mutual confidence between
   the Legislative and Executive Departments of our Government will
   give energy to all our measures, and convince our Fellow
   Citizens that while we comprehend the extent of our duties, we
   are not wanting in zeal or power to perform them.



   PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 10, 1794.

   General Orders.

   Col. Clement Biddle, the Quarter Master General of the State
   Militia is directed immediately to lay out an encampment for the
   quota of the city and county of Philadelphia Brigades under the
   President's requisition of the 7th instant, as near to the west
   bank of the Schuylkill as he can find a proper and convenient
   place. He will, likewise, forthwith provide the requisite supply
   of arms and Quarter Master Stores, and make the necessary
   arrangements for furnishing wagons, Bat. Horses, and all other
   supplies within his Department.

   The Governor takes this opportunity of returning his most
   cordial thanks to the officers of the brigades of the city and
   county of Philadelphia, for the prompt and unanimous declaration
   of their determination to support the measures of govern- [231]
   ment at this crisis. A conduct so honorable and patriotic was to
   be expected from their past, and will ensure success to their
   future exertions, in the cause of their country. He is
   confident, that actuated by similar principles, every citizen
   will be eager to manifest his attachment to law and order, and
   that on Wednesday next, agreeably to appointment, the quota of
   the city and county of Philadelphia will rendezvous at the
   encampment; completely prepared to march. It is expected that
   each militia man will bring with him a blanket, and if
   convenient, a knapsack and canteen.

   The adjutant of the several regiments and independent corps are
   desired to ascertain and report to the adjutant general before
   or on the day of rendezvous, the state of their drafts or
   voluntary enrollments of their respective regiments, and of
   their equipments.

   In order to facilitate and expedite the public service, the
   adjutant general has obtained the consent of the Governor to
   employ major Rees as an assistant in his Department, of which
   due notice will be taken.

   By order of the Commander-in-Chief,
   JOSIAH HARMAR, Adjutant General of the Militia of Pennsylvania.


   PHILADELPHIA, 10th September, 1794
   General Orders.
   The Governor requests that the Officers of the City and County
   Brigades will meet him in the Common Council Chamber, at the
   City Hall, at 12 o'clock this day, on business of great
   importance to the honor of the Militia and the peace of the

   By order of the Commander-in Chief,

   JOSIAH HARMAR, Adjutant General of the Militia of Pennsylvania.


   WEDNESDAY, September 10, 1794.
   FELLOW CITIZENS:--I have convened you upon an occasion as
   interesting as any that has occurred since the establishment of
   our Independence, or even during the struggle to obtain it.

   [232] You all know the state of the insurrection in the Western
   Counties. The hostile opposition to Government has subverted the
   powers of the Judiciary Department, and there is reason to
   apprehend that every conciliatory effort to recall the
   insurgents to a sense of the duty they owe to their country will
   prove ineffectual. I declare to you, with the utmost sincerity,
   that I have been anxious by every honorable means to avoid any
   appeal to arms, but all the General or State Government can do
   to restore peace upon other terms seem likely to be in vain.
   Even those who were employed by the insurgents to confer with
   our Commissioners, have acknowledged that nothing more could be
   reasonably expected from Government.

   Under these circumstances, you are called upon to determine, as
   Freeman and officers, what part you will act. From the defects
   in the Militia System, or some other unfortunate cause, the
   attempts to obtain our quota of Militia by regular drafts have
   failed, and unless we can supply the deficiency by voluntarily
   enlistments, the Honor of the Militia will be tarnished, and the
   Peace of the Commonwealth perhaps irretrievably destroyed.

   Thus reduced to the embarrassment of our present unprepared
   situation, I do not hesitate to declare, that I consider every
   patriotic citizen bound to lend an attentive assistance to the
   measures of government; but with respect to the militia officers
   in particular, I am impelled by the most sacred duty, which a
   Magistrate can feel, to require an explicit and immediate
   declaration of their determination to act at this crisis or a
   resignation of their Commissions that others may be appointed to
   perform the indispensable service which our Country demands.

   In proposing this alternative to you, Gentlemen, I anticipated a
   decision the most honorable to yourselves and the most
   beneficial to the State. I shall, therefore, content myself, in
   that respect, with enquiring at what time you will be prepared,
   with your quotas, to join me in the march to the place of
   rendezvous. The President's request for assembling the Militia
   of Pennsylvania, was received yesterday, and we cannot indulge a
   moment's delay in complying with it, if we mean to rescue our
   Militia and our Government from the disgrace that threatens.

   You will be pleased, my fellow citizens, to favor me freely and
   candidly with your sentiments on this occasion. With respect to
   my own opinion, it is this: That each officer should endeavour,
   either by drafts, or by voluntary enrollments, to raise as many
   men as he can, before the day fixed for their parading; and that
   on the day so fixed, they should muster at my tent, which shall
   be fixed in the neighborhood of the City, for the purpose of
   enrolling the Men, and instructing the officers in the route. I
   [223] shall proceed the same way in each County, including the
   present requisition, till I have completed the stipulated
   numbers; and I trust we shall yet reach the place of rendezvous
   in time to prevent all hazard of discredit and reproach.

   The arms, ammunition, camp equipage and rations will be
   punctually and plentifully provided, and I have every reason to
   believe that the Legislature will be enabled to allow an
   additional pay, or an adequate bounty, for the service to which
   the Militia are now called; their families will likewise be paid
   a weekly reasonable sum out of that allowance from the
   respective county Treasuries.

   Let us not, Gentlemen, be perplexed by prejudices or partial
   considerations unconnected with the subject. It is no matter of
   enquiry at this time whether any acts of Congress are politic or
   not, whether they ought to be repealed or not; the questions are
   whether our governments are worth preserving, and if so, whether
   we will tamely and silently see them destroyed, or openly and
   firmly appear in support of them. Listen to the Language of the
   Insurgents and your spirit will rise with indignation,--they not
   only assert that certain laws shall be repealed, let the sense
   of the majority be what it may, but they threaten us with the
   establishment of an Independent Government, or a return to the
   allegiance of Great Britain. Their cruelty and insolence towards
   General Neville and Major Lenox, the insults which they offered
   to the Commissioners on their return from their pacific mission,
   (surrounding their lodgings, and breaking their windows,) and
   the menaces of violence of the family of General Neville, should
   the Government proceed to enforce obedience to the laws, are
   circumstances so flagrant, so iniquitous, and so dastardly, that
   for my own part I consider the conduct of the Tories during the
   war to have been temperate and magnanimous compared with the
   course of the present opposition.

   For the honor of the militia, for the sake of our laws, and for
   the preservation of the Republican principle, let us then,
   Gentlemen, unite, and remember that if we cannot reform, it is
   our duty to punish those who endeavour to plunder us of every
   right and privilege that is dear in the estimation of freemen.

   It only remains to repeat my propositions. Are you willing to
   serve your country; to save your constitution, and to assist in
   securing from anarchy, as you did from despotism, the freedom
   and independence of America? You will not hesitate. Then,
   Gentlemen, when will your quotas be ready to attend?

   Your immediate decision is necessary to enable me to regulate my
   tour through the other Counties.


   PHILAD'A, 10th Sept., 1794.
   SIR:--Honored with an appointment I conceive to be of importance,
   and solicitous to discharge the duties with advantage to my
   country and credit to myself, I beg leave to ask your opinion
   and orders on the following subjects, the necessity of which
   arises from my recent appointment:

   The Brigade Inspector for the first Brigade, as far as orders
   have been given by him, has directed every Company to be divided
   into eight classes, of ten men each; the first ten are, I
   presume, the first in requisition for the western service, being
   eighty-three from each Regiment, officers included, Commanded by
   the Captain of the first Company, Lieutenant of the second, and
   Ensign of the fourth Company--so that the five Regiments
   composing the Philad'a Brigade will, with the Company Officers

   furnish . . . 415 men.
   Artillery Reg't, 10 men from each Company & Officers included .
   . . 84
   Three Troops of Horse, 20 men each, including 4 officers . . . 60
   Subtotal . . . 559
   Three field officers and one adjutant . . . 4
   Total . . . 563

   being 4 above the requisition from the City. And as it is
   probable that all who are noticed for duty may not serve, nor
   furnish a substitute, shall the classes be completed by
   volunteers, or shall the 2d Class be resorted to? If from
   volunteers, are the Colonels and other officers authorized to
   promise them a compensation for their services, and that their
   service on this occasion will be considered as their tour of
   duty anticipated. In order to ascertain the sufficiency of the
   order for classing, would it not be advisable that the Adju't
   General or myself order the several Classes of artillery, Horse,
   Grenadiers, and Infantry, to parade for inspection on Saturday
   next, after which the number of volunteers necessary can be
   ascertained with precision?

   The quota of the City of Philad'a being 559 men, it is presumed
   will assume the form of a Regiment, commanded by a Colonel and
   two Majors, aided by an adjutant; but as the Law is not so
   definite, as it might be, with regard to the appointment of
   these officers, I beg leave to ask whether I am correct in my
   opinion, that the Colonel of the 1st Regiment, first major of
   [235] the 2d Regiment, and 2d Major of the fourth Regiment, are
   to be immediately warned for this service, but as to an
   adjutant, no mention is made of him for Detachments or Classes.
   It is, however, proper that one should be warned for duty.and
   perhaps the Colonel commanding would prefer his own adjutant.

   Drummers and Fifers it will be difficult to procure, unless
   handsome pay is offered; you will, therefore, be good enough to
   make me acquainted with the Compensation that will be made them,
   independent of the Pay granted by law. A regimental or State
   standard will be requisite, and it would, perhaps, be well that
   I were informed on this subject also.

   You have been pleased to honor me with an appointment not
   contemplated by Law, and as in the execution I must incur
   expense for my support, should it be necessary for me to march
   with the Detachment; you will, I hope, pardon my mentioning the
   necessity of some provision therefor, if there be necessity for
   my services in Camp, of which I should wish immediate notice
   that I may provide accordingly. Is Wednesday the day on which
   the Detachment is to march and encamp, or only the day on which
   to have all in readiness for your review and order.

   I am very respectfully, Sir,
   your most obedient and humble servant,
   JAMES REES, Dep'y Adj't General.

   THOMAS MIFFLIN, ESQ., Governor of the State of Pennsylvania.


   PHILAD'A, Sept. 10th, 1794.
   SIR:--Anxious to evidence an attachment to the Governments of the
   Union and of the State in which I was born & educated, both of
   which have been established after many serious conflicts, in my
   opinion, upon genuine principles of Republicanism & Free
   Representation, I am naturally lead by your Example, as
   expressed in your letter to the Adjutant General, to offer my
   services as a Volunteer in the old City Troop, to assist in
   quelling the present unhappy Disturbances, which not only
   threaten the tranquility and good Order but even the Existence
   of the Union.

   My Exertions, it is true, can be of small moment in the general
   Scale, but such as I can render, shou'd you think it compatible
   with the Duties I owe the Public at this time in the Character
   of Receiver Gen'l of the Land Office, you may always command,
   [236] and with promptitude your Commands I will endeavor to obey.

   I have, Sir, the Honor to be,
   Your Most Obedient & very H'ble Serv't,

   THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor.


   Wednesday, September 10, 1794.
   WHEREAS, The disaffection of some of the Brigades of the City
   Militia of Pennsylvania, to the service which they are
   constitutionally required to perform, by the President of the
   United States, as communicated in the message of the Governor of
   the 10th instant, (involving circumstances highly derogatory to
   the reputation and injurious to the interests of the
   Commonwealth,) demands the most serious attention of the
   Legislature to the investigation of the causes that have
   produced such a dereliction of duty. Such enquiries are more
   peculiarly necessary in the present instance, considering the
   object of this armament is to quell an insurrection of a deluded
   people in our own State, who have daringly avowed an open
   resistance to the operation of the laws--and further considering
   there is reason to believe, that our Sister States, who are more
   remotely affected by the consequences, have with singular
   alacrity furnished their respective quotas--therefore, in order
   to obtain the necessary information on the subject.

   Resolved, That the Secretary of the Commonwealth be, forthwith,
   required to lay before the Senate copies of all official acts
   and proceedings of the Executive, as well as the returns that
   have been made by the militia Officers, that have relation to
   the calling out the apportioned Militia of this State, in
   compliance with the requisition of the President of the United
   States dated the 7th ultimo.

   Extract from the Journal.

   T. MATLACK, Clerk of the Senate.

   A. J. DALLAS, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


   PHILA., September 10, 1794.
   In obedience to the resolution of the Senate, passed this day,
   requiring "the Secretary of the Commonwealth, forthwith, to lay
   before the Senate copies of all official acts and proceedings of
   the Executive, as well as the returns that have been made by the
   militia officers that have relation to the calling out the
   apportioned militia of this State, in compliance with the
   requisition of the President of the United States, dated the 7th
   ult., the Secretary of the Commonwealth respectfully reports:

   That copies of all the official acts and proceedings of the
   State executive, in relation to the President's requisition of
   the 7th ult., were laid before each branch of the Legislature,
   together with the other documents referred to in the Governor's
   address, at the opening of the present sessions.

   That besides the written documents, parol instructions were
   repeatedly given to the Adjutant General and other militia
   officers, for the exertion of every lawful means to ensure a
   punctual compliance with the requisition, and it appears, that
   in consequence of such instructions, the Adjutant General has,
   at several times, renewed his applications to the Brigade
   Inspectors. That the Inspector of the city of Philadelphia
   Brigade, has, almost daily, called at the Secretary's Office,
   with representations of the embarrassment which he experienced
   in complying with the requisition, and has repeatedly expressed
   his doubt of success, in consequence of the defects in the
   existing militia law. That notwithstanding the Governor issued
   his General orders in compliance with the President's
   requisition, on the very day it was received, and immediately
   forwarded the same by expresses to the several counties, no
   returns have been made from the City of Philadelphia, the county
   of Lancaster, the county of York, the county of Berks, the
   county of Franklin, and the county of Northampton.

   That returns (copies of which are herewith delivered) have been
   received from Brigade Inspectors of the following counties, to wit:

   1. Return from the county of Philadelphia, dated the 29 day of
   Aug., 1794, stating inconveniences in complying with the
   requisition, on account of the effects of the exoneration laws
   formerly past, and a general disapprobation of the militia law,
   and concluding with a declaration, that there is " very little
   prospect of commanding the quota of the county."

   [238] 2. Return from the county of Bucks, dated the 5th day of
   Sept., 1794, stating that "the pay of the militia, so
   universally objected to, that there is no hope of completing the
   quota of the county upon the present terms of service."

   3. Return from the county of Montgomery, dated the 3d Sept.,
   1794, Stating that "agreeable to the orders of the 8th of Aug.,
   1794, for drafting 332 Militia, officers included, the said
   corps is held in readiness to march at a moment's warning." The
   first part of this return, however, states such difficulties, as
   greatly diminish the probability of success in obtaining an
   actual organization of the corps.

   4. Return from the county of Chester, dated the 28th August,
   1794, stating that some officers have actually resigned and
   others wish to resign, and concluding with this remark: "The
   west and north-west of this county seem to dislike the service
   they are now ordered upon, and a great number in the other
   quarters are people, who as they say, are principled against
   taking up arms on any occasion; so that I believe unless the law
   is rigorously executed, it will be with great difficulty I shall
   be able to make up our quota; but be assured no exertions shall
   be wanting, &c."

   5. Return from the county of Delaware dated the 6th Sept., 1794,
   stating a variety of difficulties that leave little hope of
   procuring by regular drafts the quota of this county.

   6. Return from the county of Dauphin, dated the 29th August,
   1794, stating that drafts had been made and orders given to hold
   the quota of this County in readiness to march, but concluding
   with this remark: "According to the information I have received
   from several parts of the County, it appears that the militia
   are not willing to march to quell the insurrection in the
   western parts of Pennsylvania. They say that they are ready to
   march according to the former orders against a foreign enemy,
   but not against the Citizens of their own State; so that, from
   circumstances, I have great reason to believe they will not turn
   out on the last call."

   The Secretary respectfully begs leave to add that from a variety
   of documents, not called for by the Resolution of the Senate,
   and which it would require a considerable time to collect, there
   appears to be a general complaint of the want of arms throughout
   the State.

   A. J. DALLAS, Secretary of the Commonwealth.


   PHILADELPHIA, 11th Sept., 1794.


   The President of the United States having issued his requisition
   for immediately assembling the quota of the militia of this
   State, drafted in pursuance of the general orders of the 8th
   ult, the Governor directs that the Adjutant General forthwith
   notify the same to the Major General, Brigadier Generals and
   Brigade Inspectors of the detachment, who will, with all
   possible dispatch, parade their respective quotas and march to
   the general rendezvous at Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland,
   in the following order and route, to wit:

   1. The quota for the city and county of Philadelphia and county
   of Montgomery, to assemble at the camp on the west bank of
   Schuylkill, near Philadelphia, where they will be furnished with
   arms and equipments and camp equipage, and to march by the way
   of Reading and Harrisburgh to Carlisle.

   2. The quota for the counties of Chester and Delaware to
   assemble at Downingtown, where they will be furnished with arms
   and equipments and camp equipage, and to march from thence by
   the way of Lancaster and Harrisburgh, where they will join
   Brigadier General Procter's brigade, and proceed to Carlisle.

   3. The quota for the counties of Bucks, Northampton and Berks to
   assemble at Reading, where they will be furnished with arms and
   equipments and camp equipage, and march from thence by way of
   Harrisburgh to Carlisle.

   4. The quota of Dauphin county to assemble at Harrisburgh, there
   to receive their arms, equipments and camp equipage, and join
   Brig. Gen'l Murray's brigade, and proceed to Carlisle.

   5. The quota of Lancaster county to assemble at Lancaster, there
   to receive their arms, equipments and camp equipage, and to
   march by way of Harrisburgh to Carlisle.

   6. The quota of York county to assemble at Yorktown, there to be
   furnished with arms, equipments and camp equipage, and to
   proceed direct to Carlisle.

   7. The quota of Cumberland and Franklin counties to assemble at
   Carlisle, and there be furnished with arms, equipments and camp

   It is expected that each militia man will bring with him a
   blanket, and if convenient, a knapsack and canteen.

   The Quarter Master General will make the necessary arrangements
   for furnishing the several quotas of the militia as they arrive
   at the places appointed for assembling, with arms, accou- [240]
   trements and camp equipage, and provide for the supply of wood,
   straw and forage.

   Each company complete will be allowed one covered waggon with
   four horses, which is to carry their tents and camp kettles, but
   to be incumbered as little as possible with baggage, as every
   man is to carry his own pack; and the waggons finding their own
   forage and provisions for the driver will be paid by the Quarter
   Master General of the State, at the rates to be established, and
   he requests that they may be engaged to continue in service
   during the expedition.

   By order of the Governor.

   JO8IAH HARMAR, Adjutant General of the militia of Pennsylvania.


   MOUNTPLEASANT, Septem'r 11, 1794.
   SIR:--Not being called upon in a Line of militia Duty, & being
   impressed with the eventfull Importance of the present Crisis, I
   cannot hesitate in making an offer of my personal services in
   any way you think proper to command. Should you, however, have
   no particular occasion for my services, my Intention is to join,
   as a private, one of the Bodys of Cavalry.

   I am, with the greatest Deference & Respect,
   Your most obed. & most humble servant,



   PHILADELPHIA, 11th September, 1794.
   SIR:--Orders will be delivered to you by ___ ___ for summoning
   the officers of your Brigade, to meet me at , at___, at ___

   *JONATHAN WILLIAMS, was born in Boston, in 1752. He received a
   good education, was placed in a counting house, and made several
   commercial voyages to the West Indies. Visiting France in 1777,
   he was appointed U. S. commercial agent, and in 1785 returned
   with his grand-uncle, Dr. Franklin, to America. He was several
   years a judge of the court of common pleas of Philadelphia;
   appointed major of artillery, 16th February, 1801; inspector of
   fortification, December 4, 1801, and superintendent of West
   Point academy; Lieut. Col. engineers, July 8, 1802; Colonel,
   February 23, 1808. Elected to Congress from Philadelphia, 1814.
   Died in that city, May 16, 1815. Gen. Williams was the author of
   "Memoir on the use of the Thermometer in Navigation," 1799;
   "Elements of Fortification," (trans.) 1801, and "Kosciusko's
   Movement for Horse Artillery," 1808.

   [241] o'clock, on ___ next, upon business of great importance to
   the honor of the Militia, and the peace of the Commonwealth.

   You will pursue directions as ___ ___ shall give you for
   preventing any disappointment in the proposed meeting; as
   dispatch is of the utmost consequence to the object which I have
   in view.

   I am, Sir,
   Your Most Obed. Serv.

   To ___ ___, Esq., Brigade Inspector of the ___ Brigade.
   [N. B.--The above letter was sent only to the counties of Chester
   and Delaware.]


   PHILA., 12th Sept'r, 1794.
   SIR:--By the First section of the Militia act it is declared,
   that only such inhabitants as shall be of the age of Eighteen
   years, and under the age of Forty-five, are to be enrolled in
   the Militia. By the 11th Section of the Act, it is declared that
   the enrolled inhabitants of each company's bounds shall elect a
   Captain, Lieutenant and Ensign.

   As, therefore, it appears from your report of the 25th ultimo,
   that the majority in favor of the Captain, Lieutenant and Ensign
   of the Fifth Company of the Fifth Regiment, was produced by the
   votes of three persons who were above the age of forty-five
   years, and one person under the age of eighteen years--the
   Governor is of opinion that those officers are not duly elected.

   Should any doubt remain, however, you will be pleased to call on
   the Attorney General, who will subjoin his opinion to this letter.

   I am, Sir,
   Your most obed. H'ble. Serv.
   A. J. DALLAS, Secretary.

   To JOSEPH KER, Esq., Brigade Inspector of the Militia of the
   County of Philad'a.


   PHILADELPHIA, Sep'r 12, 1794.
   The Secretary of State, by the instruction of the President of
   the United States, has the honor of inclosing to his Excellency,
   the Governor of Pennsylvania, the inclosed letter from the
   Secretary of the Treasury.


   His Excellency the Governor of Pennsylvania.


   September 2, 1794.
   SIR:--The state of my health since you were pleased to refer to
   me the letter from Governor Mifflin, of the 22 of August, has
   been such as to delay the necessary previous examination in
   order to a reply, and prevents now its being as full and
   particular as I had wished it to be.

   I premise for greater clearness, that by official influence, I
   understand, that influence which is derived from official
   situation, whether exerted directly in the line of Office or
   collaterally and indirectly in other ways.

   It will readily be concurred that a spirit like that which has
   been stated to have prevailed, would frequently discover itself
   in forms so plausibly disguised and with so much duplicity of
   aspect, as not to be capable of being rendered palpable by
   precise specification and proof. It appeared, for example, among
   other shapes in observations on the exceptionable nature of the
   Laws tending to foment disatisfaction with them--in
   recommendations of what has been called legal or constitutional
   opposition, in a disrespectful and disparaging demeanor towards
   the Officers charged with their execution, and in severe
   strictures on what were denominated rigorous and irregular
   proceedings of those Officers, calculated to foster public
   contempt and hatred of them--in ambiguous hints Susceptible of
   different interpretations, but easily applied by the passions of
   those to whom they were addressed to purposes of opposition. To
   enter into an exhibition of these instances would require a long
   detail, an appeal to persons now within the discontented Scene
   whose appre- [243] hensions would restrain them from becoming
   voluntary witnesses, and would after all be liable to specious
   controversy about their true import and nature.

   I, therefore, confine myself to those instances of opposition
   and discountenance to the Laws by persons in Office which are

   Among those who composed the meeting, noticed in my report to
   you of the 5th of August, referred to by the Governor in his
   Letter, which was holden on the 23 of August, 1791, in the
   County of Washington, were the following public Officers of
   Pennsylvania,viz: James Marshall, Register and Recorder, David
   Bradford, Deputy to the Attorney General of the State, Henry
   Taylor and James Edgar, Associate Judges, Thomas Crooks, William
   Parker, Eli Jenkins and Thomas Sedgwick, Justices of the peace,
   and Peter Kidd, a Major of Militia.

   Among those who composed the second meeting, noticed in the same
   Report, which was holden on the second of September 1791, at
   Pittsburgh, were, besides James Marshall and David Bradford,
   above mentioned, the following public Officers of Pennsylvania,
   viz: Edward Cook and Nathaniel Braden, Associate Judges,
   Nehemiah Stokely and Thomas Moreton, Colonels of Militia, the
   last a member of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, John Cannon
   and Albert Gallatin, members of the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
   the former since a Justice of the peace.

   Among those who composed the third meeting, noticed in the same
   Report, and which was holden at Pittsburgh on the 21 of August,
   1792, were, besides John Cannon, David Bradford, Albert
   Gallatin, James Marshall and Edward Cook, before mentioned, the
   following public Officers of Pennsylvania, viz: John Smilie,
   Member of the State Senate, Thomas Wilson and Samuel Greddes,
   Colonels of Militia, William Wallace, then Sheriff, now Colonel
   of Militia, John Hamilton, Sheriff and Colonel of Militia, and
   Bazil Bowel, Captain of Militia.

   It may happen in some instances that the Offices annexed to
   particular names may not have been holden at the specified times
   of meeting. But this cannot materially affect the consequence to
   be drawn, as well, because it is believed, that the instances
   which may have been omitted to be noticed are very few, as
   because the conduct of the persons concerned has continued in a
   uniform Tenor of opposition.

   This circumstance has been noted in the cases in which it was
   known to exist. These are of John Canon and William Wallace. It
   is understood that the former was appointed by the Governor a
   Justice of the peace in May last. The time of the appointment of
   the latter as Colonel of Militia is not particularly known.

   The evidence to which immediate reference may be made of [244]
   the Agency of the foregoing persons at the meetings alluded to,
   may be found in the cotemporary public Gazettes of Pittsburgh
   and Philadelphia, which contained the proceedings at large of
   those meetings with the names of the persons of whom they were
   respectively composed. The Governor can be at no loss to obtain
   more legal evidence of the fact if he desire it, and of the
   identity of the persons.

   The following cases present other instances of opposition to the
   Laws by Officers of Pennsylvania: John Hamilton, before
   mentioned Sheriff of a county and Colonel of Militia, is
   affirmed by Jacob Forwood and Robert Johnson, Collector of the
   Revenue, to have been one of a party who seized the said Johnson
   when travelling about his duty, tarred and feathered him.

   Caleb Mount, then a Captain, since a Major of Militia, stands
   charged before Isaac Meason and James Finley, Assistant Judges,
   by information upon oath of Benjamin Wells, Collector of the
   Revenue, and his wife, with being of a party that broke into the
   House of the Said Collector sometime in April, 1793.

   Andrew Robb, a Justice of the peace, stands charged by
   information upon oath before Jacob Beason, another Justice of
   the peace, with having offered a reward of Ten pounds for
   killing the Excise man, meaning as was understood, Wells the
   Collector, This fact is stated on the information of the said

   James McFarlane, who commanded the Rioters in the second attack
   upon the House of the Inspector of the Revenue, on the 17th of
   July last, was a Major of Militia.

   David Hamilton, a Justice of the peace, was the person who
   previous to that attack, went to the House with a summons to

   William Meetkirk, a Justice of the peace, Gabriel Blakney, a
   Colonel of Militia, and Absalom Beard, Inspector of Brigade,
   were three of four persons who went as a Committee from the
   Rioters assembled at Braddock's fields, on the ____ to demand of
   the Inhabitants of Pittsburgh, the expulsion of Kirkpatrick,
   Brison and Day, as friends to the Laws.

   Edward Cook, the associate Judge already mentioned, was the
   Chairman of a Committee at the same place, which ordered the
   expulsion of John Gibson and Presly Neville for the same cause.

   Satisfactory testimony of these several last mentioned facts,
   can be had from Abraham Kirkpatrick and Presly Neville, now in
   this City and well known to the Governor.

   The following cases are instances of conduct in office, denoting
   an unfriendly temper towards the Laws:

   James Wells, a Justice of the peace and an associate Judge, upon
   information of an assault committed upon John Wesbter, Collector
   of the Revenue, in the execution of his duty in an [245] attempt
   to seize some whiskey illegally distilled, told the Collector
   that he had never read so worthless a Law as the Revenue Law of
   Congress--that he expected no person in the Country would have
   been rascal enough to take a Commission under it, that if the
   whiskey had been seized, he would have thrown it into the road,
   and he was sorry the person who made the assault had not knocked
   down the Collector. No measures were taken to cause a redress
   for the assault. This statement is made on the information of
   the said Webster.

   Jacob Stewart and William Boyd, Justices of the peace, severally
   declined to issue process against Jacob Snyder, a distiller who
   was charged before them, with having threatened another
   distiller named Stoffer, with the burning of his House or some
   other injury, if he should enter his still at an Office of
   Inspection. This statement is made on the information of
   Benjamin Wells, the Collector, who affirms to have received it
   from Stoffer.

   Joseph Huston, Sheriff of the County of Fayette, stands indicted
   at a Circuit Court for having refused or declined the service of
   Warrants and Subpoenas issued by Isaac Meason and James Finley,
   assistant Judges of that County, in the case of the Riot which
   was committed at the House of a Collector of the Revenue, in
   April, 1793. This is the same with the instance mentioned in my

   The following is a case of peculiar and rather of a mixed
   complexion, relating both to conduct in office and conduct out
   of office, and including in it a specimen of that species of
   discountenance to the Laws which I have thought it most
   adviseable as a general rule, to forbear entering into, but
   which being in this instance, ascertainable by the
   acknowledgments of the party and by respectable testimony at
   hand, seems proper to form an exception to that rule, which may
   be useful, by way of example and illustration.

   It is mentioned in my Report, that the Supervisor of the
   Revenue, in September, 1792, was sent into the refractory
   counties among other things to collect evidence of the persons
   concerned in the Riot, in Faulkner's case. When at Pittsburgh,
   he applied by letter to Alexander Addison, President of the
   Court of Common pleas, who resided at the Town of Washington, to
   engage his assistance, in taking the Depositions of persons who
   were named to him by the Supervisor as able to testify
   concerning infractions of the Laws, and in causing some of the
   best informed Witnesses to attend a Circuit Court of the United
   States about to be holden at York Town.

   The Judge not content with declining an agency in the business,
   in his answer to the application, digresses into a Censure [246]
   on the Judiciary System of the United States, which he
   represents "as impracticable, unless it be intended to sacrifice
   to it the essential principles of the liberty of the Citizens
   and the Just authority of the STATE COURTS," and afterwards
   declares, that were it his duty to do what was requested of him,
   (which, however, he states in a manner different from what the
   Supervisor seems to have intended,) "he should do it with
   reluctance, because he should be serving a cause which he
   thought unfavourable to liberty and the Just authority of the
   State Courts."

   Without examining the sufficiency of the reasons which led to
   declining the agency proposed to him--without commenting upon the
   observations which seek to derive a part of the Justification
   for it from the resentment of the people against the Laws, and
   the danger of losing their confidence by a compliance with what
   was desired of him; topics, the propriety of which in the mouth
   of a Magistrate might well be contested--it cannot admit of a
   doubt, that there was a great unfitness in a Judge of
   Pennsylvania indulging himself with gratuitous invectives
   against the Judicary System of the Government of the Union,
   pronouncing it to be impracticable, unfavourable to liberty and
   to the Just authority of the State Courts. It is difficult to
   perceive, in such a digression, the evidence of a temper cordial
   to the institutions and arrangements of the United States. The
   particulars of this affair have been long since in possession of
   the Governor.

   Judge Addison in a letter, an extract from which was lately
   transmitted by the Governor to you, acknowleges in terms that he
   "had endeavoured to inculcate constitutional resistance" to the
   particular Laws in question. Here is proof by his own
   confession, that the weight of his influence was exerted against
   those Laws. It is not easy to understand what is meant by the
   terms "constitutional resistance." The Theory of every
   constitution pre-supposes as a first principle that the Laws are
   to be obeyed. There can therefore be no such thing as a
   "constitutional resistance" to Laws constitutionally enacted.

   The only sense which I have been able to trace as that intended
   by these terms, and the equivalent ones, "legal resistance,"
   "legal opposition," which have been frequently used by the
   opposers of the Laws, is that everything should be practiced to
   defeat the execution of the Laws short of actual violence or
   breach of the peace,--accordingly that endeavours should be used
   to prevent the accepting or holding offices under them by making
   it matter of popular contempt and reproach to do so, and by a
   humiliating and insulting treatment of those who should accept
   or hold those offices; that non-compliances with the Laws by
   persons having Stills should be countenanced and promoted; [247]
   that means of intimidation, guarded so as to escape legal
   animadversion should be superadded, to discourage compliances,
   to obstruct the establishment of offices of Inspection, and to
   deter from attempts to coerce delinquents; in fine, that every
   obstacle which was supposed not to amount to an indictable
   offence should be thrown in the way of the Laws.

   The conduct of Judge Addison, in particular instances, as it has
   been represented, will perhaps afford no ill comment upon his

   Benjamin Wells, Collector, declares that the said Judge then
   attending a Session of a Circuit Court as President, at a public
   House, in the presence of Isaac Meason, an Assistant Judge,
   expressed himself to him, Wells, in strong terms of
   disapprobation of the Laws laying duties on Spirits distilled
   within the United States, saying they were "unjust and
   unequitable; that the money to be raised was unnecessary, and
   that there was no use for it;" and afterwards at the same place,
   and during the same Session of the Circuit Court, sitting at
   dinner with a mixed company, spoke in terms of contempt of the
   Offices of the Inspector and Collectors of the Revenue, and of
   disrespect towards the Officers themselves. At the next term of
   the Court, Wells went to the same Tavern, but was informed by
   the Tavern Keeper and his Wife that he could not be received
   there, assigning for reason that Judge Addison had declared that
   if they took him in again he would leave the House.

   Mr. Stokely, a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature for
   Washington, States that Judge Addison wrote a letter or letters
   in opposition to his election to the Legislature, and among
   other objections to him mentioned his having applied for or
   having had an intention to obtain an office in the Excise.

   General Nevill, Inspector of the Revenue, mentions a
   circumstance of a light but of an unequivocal nature to evidence
   the prejudices against the Revenue Officers which were
   manifested by Judge Addison, even from the Bench. It seems that
   it was a practice, not unfrequent for the Judges when sitting in
   Court to invite within the bar such persons who came into the
   Hall as they deemed of respectability. Judge Addison, as General
   Neville affirms, repeatedly, since the time of the meeting at
   Pittsburgh, in August, 1792, has given such invitations openly
   from the Bench to those who were supposed to be of that
   description within view, omitting a similar call or invitation
   to that officer though present. He adds that his own son,
   Colonel Nevill, standing by his side in conversation with him,
   has been thus invited, while the like attention was withheld
   from him in a manner too marked to leave any doubt of the motive.

   [248] As the call of the Governor is for particular cases, I
   forbear to adduce confirmations of the prevailing Spirit of the
   Officers alluded to from their extensive non-compliance with the
   Laws in their capacity of distillers, and from the neglect to
   bring to Justice offenders against them who were at the same
   time breakers of the Peace of Pennsylvania. I observe, indeed,
   on this point the Governor entertains a different impression
   from that which I have, but after the most diligent enquiry, I
   am not able to discover a Single case of the punishment of any
   such Offender. There were indeed indictments found against
   persons supposed to have been concerned in the violence upon the
   maniac Wilson, and against others supposed to have been
   concerned in an assault upon one John Conner, an old man, who
   had been unknowingly the bearer of the Letters containing
   processes which were sent by the Deputy Marshall as stated in my
   Reports, but it is not understood that any of these were
   prosecuted to Judgment. The only cases known of actual
   punishment are of persons concerned in forcibly carrying off
   certain Witnesses in the case of Wilson; but this was on a
   Collateral point, and the cases of indictment respecting
   transactions where humanity had been too much outraged to leave
   an option, and where even punishment might have been inflicted
   upon Ground distinct from that of suppressing opposition to the

   I can learn no instance of the conviction and punishment of any
   person for a violence committed upon Officers or private
   Citizens clearly on account of their agency under or friendly
   disposition towards the Laws, which is the more remarkable, as
   the Rioters in Faulkner's case are asserted to have passed in
   open day through the Town of Washington, to have parleyed there
   with Inhabitants of the Town, and to have been afterwards
   entertained at two or three Houses.

   I have contented myself, in the first instance, with indicating
   particular cases, and the sources of information without a
   formal exhibition of the evidence, because I could not foresee
   what cases in the view of the Governor would be proper for that
   animadversion which he seems to contemplate, because
   considerable delay would have attended the collection of formal
   evidence in all the cases, and because in many of them the
   evidence is as accessible to the Governor as to myself, but I
   stand ready to afford the aid of this Department in bringing
   forward testimony in any Cases in which the Governor may
   specifically desire it.

   With the most perfect respect, I have the honor to be, Sir,

   Your most obedient & humble Servant,

   The President of The United States.