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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Cuyahoga County Archives and their volunteers
Transcribed by Ingrid Abrams and Marge Doaks
Contact Person: Holly Timm
March 8, 2000


 The index to the Probate Court records of death, organized alphabetically 
by surname, and dating from 1867 to 1890, is a finding aid that facilitates 
access to the first four volumes of a broader series of death records that 
date from 1867-1908. These records were created in compliance with Ohio 
state legislation, initially passed in 1867, "to provide for the registry of 
births and deaths," and represents a law that placed the responsibility for 
creating and maintaining records of death and birth into the hands of the 
Probate Court judges. The Archives also preserves the records of death from 
the City of Cleveland, 1840-1908; and both sets of records should be 
consulted when searching for a death record prior to 1909. Keep in mind that 
it was not until 1908 that statewide registration of births and deaths 
became a reality in Ohio, when a law passed in May of that year established 
a bureau of vital statistics and provided for the "prompt and permanent 
registration of all births and deaths occurring within the state of Ohio." 

 The index to deaths, as alluded to above, is organized alphabetically by 
surname, and also includes the person's first name, and middle name, if 
given, the date of death and age at date of death; and also identifies the 
volume number and page number where information about the death is recorded. 
The death records contain additional documentation that may record place of 
death, marital status, place of birth, occupation, names of parents 
(although rarely is that information provided), disease, direct or indirect 
cause of death, and last place of residence. If an entry is located in the 
index the researcher should include in his or her request to the Archives 
the person's name, date of death, and the appropriate volume and page 
reference. Persons can communicate with the Archives by mail, or visit in 
person, at 2905 Franklin Blvd. N.W. Cleveland, Ohio 44113; or they can make 
a request by telephone (216) 443-7250, fax communication (216) 43-3636, or 
by e-mail, 


Iayred              Eliza                          8/26/1872        71 yr          1    96                                
Ichler              Mary                           2/16/1890        1 yr           4    179                               
Ichmann             Gertrude                       6/8/1889         2 yr           4    91                                
Ide                 Catharine                      10/26/1880       3 mo           2    90                                
Iding               Carrie                         4/19/1884        9 yr           3    19                                
Ignatofski          Kasmir                         4/18/1889        1 yr           4    78                                
Igo                 Elizabeth                      6/7/1889         20 yr          4    91                                
Igo                 Thos.                          2/26/1876        5 yr           1    212                               
Ihde                Ludwig                         11/28/1889       55 yr          4    148                               
Ihlenfeld           Francia                        8/4/1877         71 yr          1    304                               
Ihlenfeld           William                        4/27/1885        56 yr          3    135                               
Iken(s)t            Ann                            11/9/1882        72 yr          2    189                               
Ilett               Mary                           10/21/1889       84 yr          4    136                               
Ilett               Robert                         1/16/1870        21 da          1    26                                
Ilg                 Vincent                        8/7/1882         38 yr          2    196                               
Ilke                Florence                       4/15/1887        3 mo           3    251                               
Illingworth         Thos.                          5/20/1885        44 yr          3    131                               
Ilsky               Anton                          9/8/1888         1 mo           3    318                               
Imaars              Joseph                         3/20/1884        65 yr          2    246                               
Imber               Nicholas                       5/5/1889         69 yr          4    82                                
Imeman              Elizabeth                      11/14/1874       1 mo           1    191                               
Imers               John                           1/22/1886        2 yr           3    76                                
Imes                James            H.            3/13/1888        12 yr          3    225                               
Imhof               Frederick                      10/7/1889        4 wk           4    132                               
Imhof               Herman                         11/23/1885       43 yr          3    107                               
Imhoff              Michael                        8/10/1870        45 yr          1    59                                
Imm                 Lizzie                         3/18/1890        2 yr           4    191                               
Immke               John                           7/19/1881        48 yr          2    165                               
Immke               Margaretta                     11/27/1889       42 yr          4    148                               
Impett              Louisa                         1/20/1873        71 yr          1    100                               
Inamau              Vaclav                         6/22/1889        2 wk           4    95                                
Indkins             Rosa                           8/24/1872        2 mo           1    124                               
Indoe               Anna             P.            5/7/1888         60 yr          4    10                                
Ineman              Mary                           8/13/1883        7 mo           2    291                               
Ingalls             Elizabeth                      9/1/1879         5 mo           2    63                                
Ingalls             George           W.            5/5/1880         60 yr          2    80                                
Ingam               Agnes                          5/20/1885        1 yr           3    120                               
Ingelham            Mrs.                           12/30/1884       37 yr          3    49                                
Ingelhart           Michl.                         6/15/1885        24 yr          3    26                                
Ingeman             Chris                          6/28/1870        1 yr           1    60                                
Ingersall           David                          1/21/1879        83 yr          1    316                               
Ingersol            Kathn.                         5/24/1870        38 yr          1    51                                
Ingersole           Syrus                          11/9/1877        75 yr          1    282                               
Ingersoll           Agnes                          1/7/1886         87 yr          3    165                               
Ingersoll           Chas.            F.            5/13/1874        11 yr          1    197                               
Ingersoll           Elizabeth                      12/11/1880       88 yr          2    85                                
Ingersoll           Fannie           W.            4/1/1890         34 yr          4    197                               
Ingersoll           Jane                           5/3/1888         70 yr          4    37                                
Ingersoll           Polly            P.            4/21/1880        90 yr          2    85                                
Ingersoll           Thedore                        8/3/1873         87 yr          1    136                               
Ingersoll                                          8/18/1887        2 da           3    278                               
Ingesol             Hannah                         5/1/1887         84 yr          3    236                               
Inghaam             Joseph                         11/8/1872        8 da           1    111                               
Ingham              Cora             Marie         8/29/1869        2 yr           1    12                                
Ingham              Francis                        9/21/1874        72 yr          1    179                               
Ingham              William                                         76 yr          1    175                               
Inghram             Lulu             S.            2/1/1890         20 yr          4    196                               
Ingle               Henry                          3/22/1873        8 yr           1    104                               
Ingle               Isabella                       3/4/1879         69 yr          1    320                               
Inglehart           George                         4/5/1884         34 yr          3    23                                
Inglehart           Smith                          2/19/1871        55 yr          1    44                                
Inglesday           B.               W.            9/10/1881        49 yr          2    147                               
Ingraham            Lawrence         H.            4/24/1890        10 mo          4    203                               
Ingraham            Sarah            D. S.         1/17/1890        67 yr          4    167                               
Ingrain             Jane                           7/11/1885        55 yr          3    102                               
Ingram              Anna                           2/20/1886                       3    87                                
Ingram              Chaney           E.            1/24/1881        59 yr          2    75                                
Ingram              Clarence         H.            12/25/1877       8 yr           1    294                               
Ingram              Fanny            Grace         2/23/1872        4 yr           1    87                                
Ingram              George                         3/10/1890        22 yr          4    188                               
Ingram              Harry                          5/16/1889        5 wk           4    85                                
Ingram              Jno.             A.            1/6/1878         3 yr           1    294                               
Ingram              Lydia            M.            12/31/1881       4 yr           2    143                               
Ingram              Sarah                          3/22/1885        35 yr          3    26                                
Ingram              Walter                         1/26/1886        6 yr           3    88                                
Inkel               Windus                         3/29/1890        70 yr          4    194                               
Inman               B.               S.            7/11/1889        62 yr          4    100                               
Innagr              Florence                       6/9/1887         3 mo           3    251                               
Innkofski           Anton                          3/1/1887         3 mo           3    195                               
Innkofski           Frank                          3/4/1886         3 mo           3    195                               
Insbeg              Lizzie                         12/21/1884       4 mo           3    61                                
Insky               Rosaria                        3/10/1881        5 mo           2    103                               
Inston              Eward                          4/5/1888         84 yr          3    224                               
Irbe                John                           11/2/1880        21 yr          2    116                               
Ireland             John                           9/18/1876        9 mo           1    248                               
Ireland             Nellie                         8/26/1880        2 yr           2    87                                
Irey                Jennie                         10/1/1885        16 yr          3    88                                
Irey                                               12/12/1889       Inf            4    152                               
Irgle               Rosa                           5/31/1879        43 yr          2    56                                
Irish               Charles          R.            8/17/1876        11 yr          1    255                               
Irvin               Ben              R.            1/18/1888        2 mo           3    233                               
Irvin               Wm.                            10/15/1872       72 yr          1    99                                
Irving              Geo.                           1/8/1890         22 yr          4    162                               
Irving              Mary                           4/14/1874        69 yr          1    129                               
Irwin               Henry            J.            4/20/1889        29 yr          4    78                                
Irwin               Mary                           3/13/1889        38 yr          3    316                               
Isaacs              Clara                          7/27/1880        2 mo           2    111                               
Isadore             Herbert                        8/17/1870        1 yr           1    48                                
Iseli               Fred                           1/30/1889        26 yr          3    312                               
Iselie              Fred                           1/30/1889        23 yr          4    47                                
Isham               Harry            E.            12/14/1878       3 yr           1    318                               
Isham               M.               Almina        7/28/1881        34 yr          2    131                               
Isham               M.               Almina        8/16/1881        6 mo           2    131                               
Isham               Rosa                           4/1/1888         4 yr           4    41                                
Isham               W.               R.            3/3/1883         3 yr           2    216                               
Isiaac              Ella                           9/13/1880        18 yr          2    73                                
Isler               Joseph                         3/27/1882        77 yr          2    162                               
Issere              David                          12/12/1884       82 yr          3    35                                
Ito                 Georgia                        8/28/1887        1 mo           3    285                               
Ivers               Patrick                        12/18/1871       53 yr          1    78                                
Iverson             Benj.            J.            8/27/1884        53 yr          3    35                                
Ives                Erastus                        3/4/1883         80 yr          2    221                               
Ivis                Leonora          C.            12/22/1882       64 yr          2    191                               
Izan                Henry                          10/17/1884       9 da           3    25                                
Izinsky             John                                            1 yr           2    251