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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Warrensville received its name from Daniel Warren, who was 
the first settler in the town.  It is eight miles southeast 
of Cleveland, and is bounded on the north by East Cleveland 
and Euclid, east by Orange, south by Bedford, and west by 
Newburg.  Three principal streams carry the surplus waters 
of the town to the lake:  Doan Brook on the north, Kingsbury 
Run in the center, and Mill Creek on the south.  The latter 
probably received its name from the fact that the first 
grist mill in Cuyahoga county was built on its banks, where 
it falls over the rocky ledge at Newburg.

It was not alone hardship and privation that the early 
pioneers of the Western Reserve were called upon to endure, 
but even death itself sometimes met them on the way.  Such 
was the case in the first attempt at settlement in the 
township of Warrensville.  There is a tradition among the 
early  settlers that a man by the name of Carlton bought 
land where the Shaker East House (so called) now stands.  
Coming through the woods from Newburg, with an assistant to 
clear a place whereon to build his cabin, their dog treed a 

At once the instinct of the hunter displaced all other 
thoughts, and laying off their coats, their gleaming axes 
and sturdy strokes soon brought the tree to the verge of 
falling.  Directing his assistant to station himself with a 
good club just beyond where the tree would fall, he added a 
few more strokes, which sent the tree crashing to the 
ground.  The bear was soon dispatched, and shouting out a 
note of victory, the hired man waited in vain to hear his 
leader’s voice.  Becoming alarmed, he ran hastily to the 
stump, where he found Carlton dead beneath a large limb 
which had been broken off when the tree began to fall.  The 
enterprise was at once abandoned, and it was left to other 
hands to unfurl the banner of approaching civilization, and 
to build an alter around their humble hearthstone in the 
wilderness to the worship of God.

In the spring of 1810 Daniel Warren bought a farm in the 
western part of Warrensville.  A little spot was cleared, 
and in the middle he built his cabin, so that falling trees 
could not crush it.  And then his wife, Margaret (Prentiss) 
and their two children were installed in their new home, and 
were living in their own new house which they had built from 
“start to finish” without using a single nail.

But life in the woods grew monotonous, and towards the fall 
we see Margaret mounted on the horse, with the baby in her 
arms, and Hiram on the pillion behind, going four miles 
through the woods to visit their nearest neighbor’s wife.  A 
pleasant day was spent.  Returning home at evening, the 
fierce howling of a wolf far back on her track while she was 
yet nearly a mile from home, told here that there was no 
time to lose.

Telling Hiram to hold on with all his might, she gathered 
her babe in a close embrace, and then applied the whip.  The 
horse needed no second admonition, but went racing along the 
path as if he knew that death was on their track.  They 
reached the clearing none too soon, for, glancing back, she 
could see amid the gathering gloom the fiery eyes and 
lolling tongues of the savage brutes as they came rushing on 
to their intended feast.  Hearing the howling of the wolves, 
and knowing that it meant danger to wife and children, 
Daniel came running out and met them.  But now the danger 
past, he assisted her to dismount at the cabin door, but her 
trembling limbs would not support her, and he had to assist 
her into the house.

W.H. Warren, born in 1812, son of Daniel and Margaret 
Warren, was the first white child born in Warrensville, and 
was the third one in a family of eight; two of the numbering 
being daughters; Paulina, who married Rodric Bebee, and 
Julia, who married A.H. Shunk.  She has been matron of the 
Cleveland Protestant Orphan Asylum more than twenty-five 

In 1811 Jedediah Hubbell, with his wife, whose maiden name 
was Hannah Turner, came from Vergennes, VT, locating first 
in Newburg, near the river, where the ague proved such a 
scourge that they soon moved to Warrensville.  Of their nine 
children, four were daughters, one of whom passed in early 
life to the home beyond.  Of the other three, the oldest, 
Sarah N. Hubbell, married Moses Warren, Jr.,; Maria Hubbell 
married Hiram Gleason, and Mary married William Bowler.

It is related of Maria that, being left at home one Sunday 
with Oliver and Baby Mary, while the rest of the family 
attended the Shaker meeting, the house caught fire from the 
old stick chimney.  Hastily dragging a feather bed out in to 
the yard and placing baby on it, she undertook to subdue the 
fire by dashing the pans of milk upon it.

But the flames had gained too much the start, and an hour 
later the family returning from church met a forlorn little 
girl bespattered with milk and blackened with smoke and 
soot, carrying the baby and bringing the news that the house 
was burned to the ground.  Bad news spread with wondrous 
speed, and the next day men from all directions, some with 
axes, some with ox teams, came to help, and when the sun 
went down on the second day the family moved into a new 
home, which was all complete, even to a new out-door mud 
oven, which was ready for the Wednesday morning’s baking.

About 1811, Asa Stiles, with his wife, Rebecca (Cahoon), 
with their four daughters and three sons, arrived from New 
York.  The oldest daughter, Hannah Stiles, married William 
Addison; Rhoda T. Stiles married James Watson; Ekecta Stiles 
married Calvin Fish; Betsy Stiles never married, but spent 
her life at the old homestead, caring for her aged parents 
and her nephews, Hiram and Harry Addison, the former being 
the famous “Father Addison” of Cleveland.  In 1815 Moses 
Warren, Sr., with his wife, Pricilla (Nourse) with their 
children arrived from New Hampshire.  During the winter, 
which he spent with his son, Daniel Warren, he built on his 
own farm the first frame house in the township.

In 1822 Moore Bell, with his wife, Annice (Patterson), and 
their family of five daughters and two sons, moved into the 
log schoolhouse until they could build a house on their own 
land.  Subsequently four more daughters were born.

The eldest daughter, Lucinda Bell, married Solymon Hubbell 
and became the mother of three daughters, the second one 
being the Mary Hubbell mentioned in history.  Those who knew 
her best will testify that she was far above the average in 
mental capacity, of a cheerful, sunny disposition, a 
beautiful singer, and an honor to her parents and the town 
in which she lived.

About 1823 the young people of Warrensville decided to 
celebrate the Fourth of July with a ball.  It was also 
agreed that the young men should all wear white trousers on 
that occasion.  Moses Warren, Jr., invited Clarissa 
Shepherd.  When the eventful day arrived, he put the 
sidesaddle on “Old Bald Fact,” a steady and reliable old 
horse, for the lady to ride, while he himself rode a younger 
and more mettlesome steed.  When within half a mile of their 
destination an approaching thunder shower frightened the 
young horse, causing him to jump sidewise.  The sudden 
strain on one stirrup strap was too great.  It broke, and 
Moses went sprawling in the mud.  Leaving his lady in the 
friendly shelter of the old log schoolhouse, he hastily rode 
home and soon returned clad in a more sober garb, which 
caused much comment when they arrived at the party.  But 
when the misfortune which had befallen the white trousers 
became generally known, all readily forgave the apparent 
break of backwoods etiquette.  The subject of this sketch is 
still living in his ninety-third year and able to enjoy a 
visit from old friends who call to see him.

In 1813 Jacob Russell, with five sons and several daughters, 
arrived from Connecticut.  In 1821 Ralph Russell organized 
the Shaker Society, all of the other Russells joining soon 
after.  They adopted the teachings of “Mother Ann Lee” as 
their rule of faith and practice.  Two fundamental 
principles were the foundation on which their structure was 
built.  First a life of celibacy, and second a community of 
interests.  For a time the society flourished.  Property was 
acquired either by purchase or by voluntary gifts of 
incoming members, until the society owned thirteen hundred 
acres of land.  A grist mill, a sawmill, and woolen mill 
were built, and the fabrics manufactured by the Shaker 
sisters at their woolen mill were eagerly sought for by 
those who wished to buy.  Their hospitality was proverbial, 
and many a widowed mother with her destitute children found 
there a hearty welcome and a home.  But as the years went by 
and the children taken there in childhood grew to man and 
womanhood, they often deserted to the world.  Death also 
thinned their ranks, and at length it was decided to sell 
their possessions, and the few remaining member of their 
once prosperous society joined a kindred society near 
Another of those pioneer mothers that all delighted to honor 
was Mrs. William Cole, wjose maiden name was Lovina Gleason.  
Of her ten children we only have apace to mention the eldest 
daughter, Mary, who married D.W. Gage.  From the Ohio 
Messenger we quote:  “By her temperance work she was known 
throughout the State, having been an active member of the 
Women’s Christian Temperance Union, for years laboring in 
its various departments for the supression of the liquor 
traffic and the elevation of manhood to purer and better 

Miss Almira Wood, who married Lewis Bennett, was the mother 
of three daughters.  The second, Lucretia Bennett, who 
married Andrew Conkey, is yet a resident of Warrensville, 
and well remembers the line of blazed trees that guided 
herself and sisters through the two miles of unbroken forest 
to the log schoolhouse, where the foundation of an education 
was laid which has made them honored and respected members 
of the place in which they live.

In 1831 Norman Wilcox was returning home one evening from a 
day’s logging for a neighbor.  Night having already fallen, 
he carried a hickory bark torch to light himself and oxen on 
the way.  Suddenly he heard a woman’s piercing scream.  
Hastily tying the oxen to a tree, he ran with all speed to 
the rescue.  Guided by the continued screaming he soon reach 
the place, where he found Mrs. Thomas Otherton keeping a 
panther at bay by waving the torch which she carried.  The 
top of a large tree lay near at hand, with dry leaves yet 
adhering to the limbs.

Applying the torch it burnt with such a fierce and crackling 
blaze that the panther was frightened away.  Being too 
terribly frightened to continue on to her own home, which 
was yet some distance away, she thankfully accepted the 
invitation of Mr. Wilcox to stay with his family until 

Mrs. Elizabeth Radcliff Harrison came to Warrensville, 
October, 1832.  She was the mother of two daughters and 
three sons.  Her son William Harrison, who is still living 
in the town, aged eight-six years, came to Warrensville the 
year previous and bought the home in which he still lives.  
They left their home in the Isle of Mann in 1828.  When they 
arrived it was all woods except a small plot around the 
little log house.  Deer and wild turkeys were numerous.  
There was a spring a short distance from the house that 
supplied the house with water.  Deer would be often seen 
going there to drink.  A well-worn path on the hillside made 
by the deer showed that it was a favorite drinking place.  
Flocks of wild turkeys would be seen on the sunny side of 
the woods.

Ellen McSayle Wade arrive in Warrensville, August 1834, with 
her husband and four children, residing in New York city six 
years before coming to Warrensville,  They left their home 
in the Isle of Man in 1826.  Their first night in 
Warrensville was spent at a neighbor’s.  Next morning she 
and her four children crossed through the woods to see their 
new home.  She was disappointed, but, being of a cheerful 
disposition, bravely met the trials incident to pioneer 
life.  She was the mother of three daughters and six sons.

Catherine Wade Harrison came to Warrensville with her 
parents, August, 1834.  She was the mother of six daughters.  
Loving her home and family, earnest in her devotions to the 
church, a kind neighbor in times of sorrow and death, she 
was one of those of which the Scripture speaks:  “Her 
children shall rise and call her blessed.”

Miss Polly Cushman belonged to the eighth generation from 
Thomas Cushman, who came from England to the colony at 
Plymouth, Mass., in the ship Fortune, which came a few 
months after the Mayflower.  She came to Ohio from 
Bennington, Vt., in 1839, and was a year later married to 
John Hewit.

Lurancy Thomas moved to Hudson, O., from Vermont, where she 
was married to Andrew Wilson in 1829, at that time becoming 
a resident of Warrensville.  Of her, her son writes:  “Her 
children were her especial care, to whom she was for the 
most part mother, nurse, and doctor.”

Belinda Bell, who married J.E. Adams, Jr., was the mother of 
six daughters and one son, all of them still living to bless 
a mother’s loving care.

Catherine McCullock, who married Truman Kent, although 
nearly eight years of age, well remembers the time when she 
taught school in Orang.  James A. Garfield, then but seven 
years of age, being one of her pupils, and though so young 
in years, his kindness to his teacher and loving tenderness 
to his mother won for him a kindly place in her memory that 
death alone can obliterate.

The old frame schoolhouse in Warrensville in which Garfield 
taught school in 1850 is yet in use, not as a schoolhouse, 
but as a farm residence.  In searching through the time-worn 
records of the past the historian found in an autograph 
album belonging to a granddaughter of one of the men who 
were school directors at that time, the following 
memorandum, which had been cut out and pasted into the album 
as a keepsake:  “James A. Garfield commenced keeping school 
November 11, 1850, ending February 22, at $15 per month, 3 ½ 
months, $52.50.”

It was the custom in the early times to hold religious 
services in the schoolhouse, as the people had not then 
built a regular place of worship.  One evening services were 
being held in what is now known as the beehive.  Mrs. Ann 
Waterson happened to sit facing her own house in which three 
of her children were sleeping.  Suddenly she saw flames 
bursting through the roof.  She was so terrified that she 
could not speak, but, springing to her feet and pointing 
toward the house, she gasped:  “Oh!  Oh!  Oh! And then sank 
down again.  The minister was surprised, but a moment later 
he was dumbfounded to see the whole congregation rush 
pellmell out of the house without waiting for doxology or 
benediction.  The children were saved but the house was 
consumed.  Again the men turned out as they did when the 
Hubbell house was burned and in two or three days they had a 
new and better house than the one that was destroyed.

But the log houses are gone.  In their stead palatial 
residences or comfortable farmhouses have been built.  The 
kind and loving Christian mothers that made those humble 
hearthstones the dearest spot on earth to toiling husband 
and prattling children have gone “to that bourne 
undiscovered, from whence no returning feet come.”  Happy 
will it be for us if we perform as well our parts in life’s 
wondrous drama, so that our children and children’s children 
shall love and cherish and revere our memories as we do the 
memories of those who have gone before.

    Chairman and Historian.

Warrensville committee - Mrs. Thomas J. Caine, Mrs. John 
Caley, Mrs. George Penty, Mrs. Richard Cowles, Mrs. Andrew 
L. Conkey, Mrs. Henry Clark, and Mrs. Harry Corlett.