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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Some fifteen miles from Cleveland in a southwesterly 
direction, out what is known as the Wooster pike, lies 
Strongsville (being called after John S. STRONG), a township 
like many another in this Western Reserve, almost wholly 
given up to agriculture.  Although it can boast of one 
railroad - the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling - on its western 
border, running from north to south through the township.  
True, will see here and there a mill, shop or factory, and 
at splendid distances from each other may be observed the 
general store, where the wisdom and genius of the township 
congregate to talk over public matters and learn the latest 

Passing through the township now, and observing the thrift 
and prosperity of its inhabitants, the comfort of all, and 
the affluence of many, one would hardly imagine that this 
was once a dense forest, whose slumbering echoes were 
awakened by the scream of the panther, the howl of the wolf, 
and the whoop of the savage.

To glide along at almost lightning speed on that prince of 
modern pleasure inventions, the bicycle, over the many 
smooth and obstructionlesss roads that stretch their endless 
lines through and across this region, and then realize that 
much less than a century ago, to cover the same distance 
which you have made in one short hour, meant days and 
perhaps weeks of tedious toil and danger.  We meet the aged 
and infirm old settlers and smile at their quaint and 
primitive ways and sayings, but we never realize what it 
really signified to be a pioneer of this region in our 
grandfather’s day.  

Much of the history of those early days has never been 
written, save by the recording angel in that great Book of 
Remembrance which God keeps, and whose pages will never be 
scanned by mortal eye until that day when we shall see the 
King in His beauty.  To write even a sketch of the people 
without singling out here and there individual persons would 
be at least a difficult task.

In February, 1816, Mrs. John HILLIARD (Bernica WHITNEY) came 
to Strongsville with her husband and father and little 
daughter, Eliza, and a company of men who came to survey the 
township, from near Marlboro, Vermont.  They built their log 
cabin a little southeast from the center, and commenced life 
by clearing a few acres of land and planting it to corn that 

During the spring and early summer of that year Mrs. 
HILLIARD, then only twenty-one years old, was the only woman 
in Strongsville township, and, with her little daughter, 
consisted the entire female society of this town; and it is 
not saying too much for them to assert that they were very 
largely the leaders of fashion.

Did Mrs. HILLIARD ever have callers?  Oh, yes.  One bright 
summer morning after she had swept the floor, covered the 
fire - for they had no matches in those days - and dusted 
the stone hearth, she heard a strange noise, and, turning 
towards the fireplace, saw a huge rattlesnake stretched at 
full length on the warm hearthstone and rattling “to beat 
the band.”  She ran to the door and called her husband, who 
came and dispatched the creature, which measured over five 
feet in length.

The husband returned to his chopping and she to her work, 
but soon she heard a similar noise behind the hearth stone.  
Again her husband was summoned, and the mate to the first 
snake was dragged from his hiding place and sent to bear the 
other one company.

Again during the summer, while her husband and all the rest 
of the men who came west with them were gone to Columbia to 
a raising, leaving Mrs. HILLIARD and little Eliza alone, and 
the only inhabitants of the township, as they supposed, the 
door to their log cabin was unceremoniously pushed open and 
a big Indian, with gun, knife and tomahawk, walked in and 
asked where the men were.

As soon as she could catch her breath, which her beating 
heart seemed to have sent after the men, she told him in 
trembling tones where they had gone, expecting herself and 
child to be murdered, of course.  Mr. LO walked along and 
took a seat.  Little Eliza, not thinking of harm, went up to 
him and offered him the piece of bread she happened to be 
eating at the time.  He took it, began eating it, and took 
her on his knee.  Soon after he got up and left, without 
making known his business or even leaving his card, and Mrs. 
HILLIARED neglected to ask him to call again.

In the fall of that same year Guilford WHITNEY, Mrs. 
HILLIARD’s father, returned to Vermont and brought his wife, 
Annie, and five children back to this western home, and with 
them came Mr. Thaddeus LATHROP and family and Miss Charlotte 
WALLACE, also Retire Grove STRONG, a young unmarried man.  
May we not hope that in the fond embrace of that loving 
mother, who also came with the family, and whose heart had 
throbbed with a thousand fears for her girl who had gone out 
from the old home to make for herself a new one, away on the 
Western Reserve, and the sisters’ and brothers’ presence and 
affection were more than compensation for all her heretofore 
solitary glory?

This year was one fraught with great interest to 
Strongsville, for we find recorded that during the winter 
Charlotte WALLACE, who accompanied Mr. WHITNEY and his 
family back to Ohio, was married to Hollis WHITNEY.  I am 
half inclined to think that that was premeditated and that 
she came all the way from Vermont to break the previous 
record of this township, and to inaugurate a custom which, 
it seems, has prevailed here quite extensively ever since.

We are not informed as to who issued the marriage license, 
whether it was Moses CLEAVLAND or John FARLEY, but be that 
as it may, nothing is said in the record, so far as we can 
find, as to what the bride wore, who gave her away, whether 
the bridal party were showered with rice, or anything else 
of importance that occurred at the wedding.  Evidently the 
record from which we take the above facts was kept by a man 
that didn’t know the difference between point lace and a rag 
carpet, or he would not have neglected all the important 
features of the occasion.

In 1823 Polly TOWSLEY was married to Elijah BOSWORTH and 
moved to Strongsville.  Like most of the young women of her 
day she was expert with the spinning wheel and loom, and 
well she might be, for on the deftness and swiftness of the 
fingers of the housewife rested very largely the comfort and 
happiness of the family in those days.  Think of the 
infinite difference there is now from what it was when the 
hatcheling, carding, spinning, weaving, cutting and making 
all had to be done by hand, and often by one pair of hands, 
and that, too, the hands of the mother!  And this was not 
for herself alone, but for her husband and little ones 
growing up in the household, with its constant cares and 
many wants.  Yet with all these duties pressing upon her, 
she found time to let her light so shine that it is lovingly 
said of Polly TOWSLEY “she was a devoted Christian woman.”

In the year 1825 Mira BOSWORTH was born, and when eighteen 
years of age she taught a district school at seventy-five 
cents a week and boarded herself.  The next year she was 
married to John Flemming HEAZLET, and died in 1859.

In 1817, Ahijah HAYNES settled in Strongsville with his wife 
and family, of which were Theodocia, Susan and Lucy.  What 
privations that journey from Sudbury, Mass., brought to 
those sturdy people one can but imagine.

Susan HAYNES (Mrs. Caleb CARPENTER) was born 1801.  She was 
one of the six children of Ahijah HAYNES, and, being one of 
the oldest of the family, had her part in the care, labor 
and privations which belong to pioneer life,  Beside the 
housework, which fell to all, she was teacher in district 
school.  In 1833 she married Caleb CARPENTER and commenced 
housekeeping in a log house he had built on his farm about 
three years before, one mile east of the center.

Here she faithfully performed the duties of wife and mother.  
To be a pioneer needed courage; in this she was not 
deficient.  Her home was a mile from any neighbor, but she 
remained alone with her children, caring for home and stock 
when it was necessary for her husband to make a three days’ 
trip to Newburgh with wheat and corn for the family’s bread.

At one time while alone, a bear made a raid on the pig-pen 
near the house and carried off a young pig, one which sent 
back a shrill squeal in the dead of night.  There is now 
standing on the place an apple tree which sprang from the 
core planted by Mrs. CARPENTER in front of the log house, 
from an apple Mr. CARPENTER was lucky enough to bring home 
on one of his trips to Newburgh, being the first fruit she 
had seen since coming from her eastern home.

Mrs. CARPENTER, like most of the women of her time, was 
expert at spinning and weaving, and provided the family with 
wearing apparel.  She was a member of the Congregational 
Church of Strongsville.  Her influence was always felt for 
good in family and neighborhood.

She had five girls and three boys; twice the mother of 
twins.  She died where she lived, in 1841.  The lumber for 
the frame house now standing on the CARPENTER place, was 
ready for the builder at her death, but she was never to see 
the new home she had waited for and hoped to enjoy.  Do we 
often think of the privations and hardships our predecessors 
suffered, to prepare the present comforts and luxuries for 
our use?

Deborah FISHER, of Canton, Mass., married Apollos SOUTHWORTH 
and moved to Strongsville in the year 1820, where, with her 
family, she lived and died, leaving a record behind 
enshrined in the hearts of those who knew her, of a life 
well spent and full of good works.

Asa DRAKE came to Strongsville in the year 1820, walking all 
the way from Stoughton, Mass., bringing with him his 
wardrobe in a knapsack swung across his back with a cane 
which had been handed down four generations - the cane still 
remains in the family.  He purchased 170 acres of land in 
the southeastern part of the township; the next year 
returning to Stoughton as he came, stopping at Pompey, N.Y., 
to visit an uncle where he became acquainted with a Miss 
Charlotte DEAN, whom he afterwards married, bringing her to 
Strongsville in 1820, with all their wealth stowed away in 
an ox wagon.

The following is an extract from a letter written by them to 
his father in December, 1820 (now in possession of their 
only daughter, Mrs. Thomas BRODIE):

“We left Pompey, N.Y., the 10th of October, and had a 
prosperous journey, although it rained nearly every day till 
we arrived at Buffalo, which was the 19th.  The roads were 
muddy but not very deep.  After that the weather was very 
pleasant, but through the beech woods for about 30 miles it 
was very unpleasant traveling.  Through the blessings of God 
we enjoyed the comforts of health, which we never can be 
thankful enough for.  We arrived at Strongsville the 30th of 
October, found Apollos SOUTHWORTH and family well; they have 
a very fine daughter (Deborah), born the 4th.  We expect to 
leave here in a few days, as our house is nearly ready.  
Charlotte says she if very well contented and likes the 
situation of the place, and that is a great consolation to 
me to have her so contented.  You wished me to tell you how 
the oxen stood the journey.  They traveled very well and 
proved to be tough, hardy yoke of cattle.  One of the spokes 
worked loose in the felly, which appeared to be some rotten, 
but answered to get here with.  We had the good fortune not 
to leave or lose anything, but found a sixpence, a whip and 
some old iron, which I sold for two shillings.  This from 
your affectionate children.  Charlotte and Asa DRAKE.”

We do not need to be told of the labors and joys and 
triumphs, the griefs and burdens that fell to the lot of 
Charlotte DRAKE ere the Master said to her “It is enough; 
come up higher.”

Mrs. John TARRY (Rosaline CLARK) came to Strongsville in 
1820 with her father’s family, Timothy CLARK.  They came 
with an ox team from Westerfield, Conn.  She, like others of 
that time, lived in the modest log cabin, remaining in the 
township seventy-five years.  She is now living at 
Litchfield, Ohio, with a sister’s son, Mr. Charles STONE.  
Suffice it to say she identified herself with this community 
very early in the period of its existence, and rightfully 
claims a place for her name in the list of Strongsville 

Relief NEWTON was married to Ebenezer FULLER, July, 1810, 
and moved to Strongsville in 1826, purchased a farm in the 
southwestern part of the township which was then a 
wilderness, and raised twelve children.  Was a kind and 
loving mother, strictly religious, and friendly to all.

Sally DURFEE was married to Oliver Hicks, and in 1834 moved 
to Strongsville.  They built a little log cabin on the 
western town line, where, it is significantly said, “They 
could hear the beach nuts rattle down the small, low chimney 
as the wind swayed the overhanging branches.”

She had to content with sickness, misfortune and poverty, as 
he husband’s health failed, leaving much of the care of 
clearing away the forest and caring for a family of eleven 
children upon her hands.  She remained in this place until 
the year 1852, when they sold their farm and moved to 
Clinton County, Michigan.

Susan HICKS (Mrs. Lyman COBB) came to Strongsville in 1833, 
at the age of six months, and remained here for twenty 
years.  She was a golden-haired, curly-headed girl, chuck 
full of fun and mischief.  She, like the rest of her 
neighbors, was poor, but she says of herself, “I was 
contented and happy.”  She received her education in a 
little log school house, where, at times, she frankly 
admits, she was compelled to sit upon or under the cross-
legged table for some violation of rules.

She was taught when quite young to do all kinds of 
housework, such as spinning, weaving, carding and knitting 
of flax and wool.  Think of it, O ye girls of today, who do 
all your spinning on a pneumatic tire over faultless 
roadways!  How would you like to change places with the 
girls of long ago?

She moved to Michigan in 1852, where she now resides, and 
although her brow is furrowed, and the golden hair which 
once adorned her head is fast giving place to the silver 
gray, her heart is young, and her mind wanders back to the 
days of her childhood, where, with her father and mother, 
brothers and sisters, she lived in the old log house.

Betty Ann BRAINARD married Franklin STRONG in 1835, and 
settled in the southern part of the township, on what is 
known as “Stone Hill” where she lived for over fifty 
years.  Even as late as the time of her coming there were to 
be found deer, bear, and wild turkeys in abundance.  She was 
early left a widow with the care and training of five small 
children, and she, too, struggled with cares, hardships and 
privations.  A member of the church and always ready to help 
her neighbors in times of trouble and sickness.  She died at 
the age of 77 years.  “And thou shalt love thy neighbor as 

Mary HITCHENS married Thomas REED at Sithney, England, and 
died in this country in 1872, shortly after the birth of 
their youngest child.  Mr. REED came to this country in the 
year 1837; located in Strongsville, where later on, he was 
joined by his wife and twelve of their thirteen children; 
the eldest, Thomas REED, Jr., remaining in the old country.  
Who can doubt but that her life, too, like those other noble 
women, was spent in usefulness and Christian love and 

Hannah, daughter of Wheeler COLE, married Edward Hitchens 
REED.  She was born in Strongsville, 1825, and died 1857, 
leaving one daughter, Florence, now Mrs. H.K.W. STEBBINS of 
Youngstown, Ohio.

Mrs. Marvin STONE (Hannah WEST) was born in Ludlow, Mass., 
and died at Berea 1893.  She was married at Strongville to 
Marvin STONE in 1834.

Mrs. STONE was a woman of rare gifts and most definite and 
interesting personality.  She inherited a cheerful, 
courageous spirit, which had been disciplined by trial, 
united to a clear Christian faith, which did not falter in 
times of darkness.  Her home was always open to friend and 
stranger, and her hospitality was a characteristic 
recognized by all who knew her, leading people of all 
denominations to seek the social joys of her home.

The whole community in which she lived bear willing tribute 
to her usefulness, which was devoted to its highest public 
interest, and her kindness and sacrificial spirit as a 
neighbor and friend.  In early times, before the day of 
professional nurses, she was ever ready to leave her home to 
watch by the bedside of the sick, or in other ways to 
minister in sympathy or service.

In the hard time when the farm was not paid for, she wrought 
to win the day of freedom from debt, and with nine children, 
all of whom lived to maturity, she fought a good fight, and 
rejoiced at last in victory.

Miss Rosaline Clark STONE was born in Strongsville in 1838.  
She was married to Rev. Wm. M. INGERSOLL, 1861, and died at 
Washington, D.C., in 1878.  Mrs. INGERSOLL was a woman of 
rare grace of character and decided conviction as a 
Christian believer.  She won the affection and confidence of 
all classes as a pastor’s wife, and has left in the places 
of her husband’s pastorate a memory long cherished by those 
who came under her influence.

Dorothy BRETT came to Strongsville in 1831, when a piece of 
land they settled upon was a wilderness.  She married 
Stephen ASHBY.  By their untiring efforts that wilderness 
farm was transformed into a home of comfort.  She was an 
invalid for many years, being afflicted with palsy, and, 
prior to her affliction, a woman of unusual energy and 
ambition.  She was tenderly cared for by her daughter Jane 
through all her declining years.

Betsy, the oldest daughter, who married Russell FREEMAN in 
1838, at the age of 18, settled on a farm in this township 
where she lived for over fifty years.

Jane ASHBY, another daughter, married Jonathan Hubbard 
HANCOCK.  She was a consistent Christian and lived in 
Strongsville for over fifty years.  She was a model 
housekeeper and a true friend.

Judith A. POTTER, the wife of William BARBER, arrived in 
Strongsville 1841, where she still resides.  She was a good 
nurse, a kind and sympathetic woman.

Mrs. Daniel DRAPER (Sarah SAVERY) came to Strongsville with 
her husband and four children from Wantage, Eng.  There were 
six weeks crossing the ocean and two weeks coming from N.Y., 
arriving here July, 1837, where seven more children were 
born.  She lived here until the time of her death, which 
occurred September, 1881.

Achsah COLBURN, wife of Elijah LYMAN, came to Strongsville 
in 1846.  She was a woman of fine, Christian and educational 
attainments.  Her life was a very busy one and very helpful 
to those under her instruction.  In her early years at 
Strongsville she was more or less engaged in literary work, 
being for some years a paid contributor to the “Rural 
America,” published at Utica, N.Y.; also to the “Guide to 
Holiness,” a monthly magazine, published at Boston, Mass., 
and an occasional contributor to the “Oberlin Evangelist,” 
and “Christian Press,” of Cincinnati.  When the “Ohio 
Farmer” first came out in Cleveland, the first paper in the 
state that was entirely devoted to the interests of farmers 
and their families, she adopted it at once, as did also her 
husband, and contributed to its columns quite frequently as 
long as the first editor (Thomas BROWN, Esq.) remained in 

Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus LATHROP (Betsy EASTMAN) and family 
came to Strongsville in 1819, from Connecticut.  The journey 
in those days was a slow and tedious one, the hardships of 
pioneer life which they encountered would appear to the 
younger generation almost incredible.

Did you ever visit a cemetery and there give reign to your 
thoughts?  Go with me, if you will, to that little spot 
where death laid his first victim.  If you need the 
inscription on the stone that loving hands have since raised 
over the spot, you will simply read that on such a day, 
Polly, wife of Lyman STRONG, died; and as you mark the ever-
increasing number of those mounds, and read the bare 
statement that on such a day this one or that one fell, you 
will get all the English language can convey of those sad 

Susan LATHROP (Mrs. Benjamin TUTTLE), daughter of Thaddeus 
LATHROP, on one occasion, while employed as a teacher, saw a 
huge rattlesnake stretched at full length across the 
threshold.  Instantly a small boy was out at an opening in 
the wall, which served as a window, and ran to a field where 
some men were working, who came and dispatched the snake 
before school could be resumed.

Asher SELOVER and wife (Ruth BAKER) came to Strongsville in 
1841, purchased a farm on what is known as the Berea road.  
Mrs. SELOVER was a daughter of Capt. Peter BAKER, one of the 
old Revolutionary soldiers, who suffered with hunger, 
lacerated feet and little clothing on that long, cold winter 
at Valley Forge.  Mrs. SELOVER died some years ago, leaving 
a large family, most of whom are living in Ohio.

Mrs. Nathan FOSTER, nee Betsey HULET, was born in Lee, 
Berkshire County, Mass., April, 1811.  In 1816 her father’s 
family removed to Brunswick, Medina County, O., and suffered 
many dangers, hardships and privations.

November, 1832, there was a double wedding in John JULET’s 
home, when his daughters, Jane Terena and Betsey, were 
married, the first becoming Mrs. Aaron PORTER, and Betsey, 
Mrs. Nathan FOSTER.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. John 
JANES, of precious memory.  His wife and infant daughter, 
now Mrs. Mary B. INGHAM, of Cleveland, were present.

Soon after marriage the young couples located in Albion, 
living in the same house.  There Jane, Mrs. FOSTER’s eldest 
child, was born.  Mr. FOSTER purchased a farm one half mile 
east of Albion and built, in the then thick woods, the log 
house which, as the years sped past, became too small for 
the growing family, and was abandoned for the new brick 
house erected a little east of the old cabin.  Mrs. FOSTER 
is the mother of three sons and five daughters;  all except 
the youngest, Fannie, who died in infancy, are still living.  
Jane married Frederick J. BARTLETT, and resides at Cedar 
Point, this county.  Mary became the wife of Mitchell CLARK 
and was widowed in early life.  She subsequently married 
J.T. HULET; her home is in Berea.  Hanna A. lives with her 
parents; and Emily M., wife of Rev. J.P. MILLS, owing to her 
relation to the itineracy, has “here no continuing city.”

Two daughters and the three sons are college graduates.  
Mrs. FOSTER’s father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, 
as were three of her uncles.  Her eldest brother served in 
the war of 1812, and George H., her eldest son, in our civil 
war.  Mrs. FOSTER, at eighty-six, is bright and active, both 
in home duties and the various church and reform societies 
of which she is a member.  As a “real” daughter of the 
American Revolution she was recently presented with an 
elegant souvenir spoon, from Washington, D.C., through the 
“Western Reserve” Chapter, Cleveland, of which she is a 
member.  Well posted on the vital questions which are 
stirring society, and with mental powers still forceful, she 
is spending her sunset days in her pleasant Berea home.

Hanna A. FOSTER, daughter of Betsey HULET FOSTER, should not 
be omitted from this memorial, originated and sponsored by 
Cleveland women, with whom she has long been intimately 
associated, and by whom she is admired and loved.  A valued 
member of the Ohio Woman’s Press Club, a poet of more than 
local reputation, gentle, refined, and unselfish to the 
degree of immolation, her life has been one of devotion to 
others.  At the celebration of Cleveland’s Centennial 
birthday, she easily won the prize offered for the best 
written ode for the occasion.  As non de plumes were signed 
to all the poems, the judges had no idea to whom they 
belonged until after a decision had been reached.

Miss FOSTER’s dainty verse and prose have not only graced 
the pages of print, but have contributed much to the 
pleasure of church anniversaries and college reunions in the 
town in which she resides.

Lucy A. WHITMAN (Mrs. Lucy A. MERRICK) was born at East 
Haddam, Conn., 1817, and her girlhood days were spent in 
Connecticut and New York.  At the age of twenty years she 
came with her father’s family to Brunswick, Medina County, 
Ohio, and two years later, 1839, married Edgar M. MERRICK, 
and migrated to Strongsville, settling on a farm.  Mrs. 
MERRICK had two sons, J.E. and H.W. MERRICK, who are still 
residents of the town.  The father, Edgar M. MERRICK, died 
September 1889, at the ripe old age of eighty-three years, 
their wedded life being a period of fifty years and two 

Mrs. MERRICK has been a resident of Strongsville for fifty-
seven years, and during that time has seen the city of 
Cleveland grown from a mere village to a mighty city, second 
to none in the great state of Ohio.

Rosanna BOSWORTH, wife of Russell HARRIS, was born in 
Herkomer County, N.Y. 1796, married in Perrington, N.Y.  
Coming to Ohio about 1821, rode most of the way in a sleight 
on the border of Lake Erie and settled on Strongville.

She had ten children, the first child born 1818, in Moroe 
County, N.Y.

Mrs. HARRIS died in Cleveland, August 23, 1878, and was 
buried in Riverside cemetery.  She would have been 100 years 
old had she lived this centennial year.  A daughter of John 
BOSWORTH, Baptist minister, she was a member of the Baptist 
Church all her life, a good, Christian woman; and her 
daughter, Mr. M.A. HAMMOUR, resides on Case avenue, 

Among the first settlers in Strongsville township were 
Jonathan POPE and wife (Kezia June), with their family of 
four sons and four daughters, one daughter remaining in New 
Bedford, Mass., from whence the family emigrated.

The oldest son came a year in advance of the rest of the 
family, and upon his departure from home his mother made for 
him a knapsack, which, when filled weighted twenty-five 
pounds.  Curious to know the contents, he began to 
investigate, and almost the first thing that met his eye 
was, as he termed it, the “family chart,” the precious 
Bible, which made such an impression upon him that even in 
his last years he often referred to it.  

Her family were remarkable for their piety.  She brought her 
strong faith and trust in God with her to her wilderness 
home, and always made religion paramount to everything else.  
A Methodist church was organized at their house soon after 
their arrival, and she did much toward molding the religious 
sentiment of the community.

She cheerfully and bravely bore the burdens and hardships of 
pioneer life, and in every way possible, by her industry and 
frugality, helped to sustain and rear her family.

To her latest day every philanthropic and Christian work 
received her hearty sympathy and support.  She lived to a 
ripe old age, respected by everyone.

Her children emulated her example and carried out in their 
lives the principles which were taught and practiced by her.

They all now have left the shore of time, but their 
influence is still felt, and the world is the better for 
their having lived in it.

Of her descendants two grandchildren, Dr. Harlan POMEFOY and 
Mr. Frederick D. POP, and four great-grandchildren, Mr. F.T. 
POMEROY, Mrs. Ida POPE McKINSTRY, Miss Hattie L. POP, a 
teacher in the High Schools, and Miss Julia POPE, are 
residents of Cleveland.

Mrs. Kezia POPE POMEROY came from New Bedford, Mass., with 
her father’s family in the year 1819, at the age of ten 
years, to make a new home in the forests of Ohio.  They 
settled in Strongsville.  The hardships of pioneer life only 
helped to develop the noble self-sacrificing character that 
has left a lasting influence upon all with whom she came in 
contact.  She was married in January, 1831, to Alanson 
POMEROY, and proved indeed a helpmate in the truest and 
highest sense of the word.  Always interested in her 
husband’s line of business she was a continual strength to 
him.  The love and devotion she always gave her family was 
most beautifully returned to her by both her sons and 

Wise in her counsel she helped and uplifted all who came in 
her presence.  She and her husband were strong forces in 
building and maintaining the town that was their home for 
many years, giving liberally of their means as God had 
prospered them.  No weary heart or empty hand ever appealed 
to her in vain.  Many a weary one has been cheered by her 
kindly remembrance.  Of the nine children that blessed their 
home six are still living.  Her three daughters are Mrs. 
Henry DAY, Elyria, O.,: Mrs. C.W.D. MILLER, formerly of 
Berea, now living in Santa Barbara, Cal.; Mrs. W.W. SMITH, 
Litchfield, O.

In June, 1819, Guilford WHITNEY’s second daughter, Vina, 
married Retire Grove STRONG, the young man who had 
accompanied the family from Vermont.  Thirteen children were 
added to this home, only seven living to maturity.  Her life 
work was finished at the age of forty years.  (She must have 
suffered the pangs and perils of maternity, added to that of 
pioneer life oftener than every two years).

At one time she was very ill, and help was needed.  Her 
husband’s brother, Lyman STRONG, who was a cripple, having 
lost one leg, took a tallow candle in his hand and started 
through the woods on his crutches, going from the STRONG 
homestead to Albion, one mile distant, not over brick 
pavement, but over logs, through the dense forest, and 
wading the river.  Had his feeble light gone out he would 
have been obliged to remain just where he was with the 
wolves howling around him.

Her eldest daughter, Marcia A., born in 1823, became the 
wife of Robert M. ASHLEY, and died in 1853 Her second 
daughter, Mary D., born in 1825, married William H. ASHLEY, 
in 1849.  Her death occurred in September, 1854.  He third 
daughter, Harriet E., born in 1832, married Chipman STRONG.  
He lived but a few years.  After his decease she married 
Edward H. REED, with whom she lived happily sixteen years, 
when the angel of death called her home in November, 1880, 
after many months of intense suffering.  To know her was to 
love her, for she was a noble Christian woman, always ready 
to do her part in every good work.  During the civil war she 
was one of the leading workers who sent help to the 
soldiers.  Her life and work long will be remembered.

The fourth daughter, Vina W., born in 1834, married Leland 
SPENCER, and removed to Wisconsin, 1870.  Their second son, 
D. Merrick STRONG, married Miss Almira BRYANT, daughter of 
Francis S. and Betsey E. BRYANT, who came to Strongsville 
from Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1844, but formerly from 
Nelson, New Hampshire.  Mrs. BRYANT died in 1865, an active 
member of the Baptist Church, then existing in Albion.

Almira B. STRONG and husband still live on the old homestead 
where they have lived together for over 42 years, can tell 
many interesting things in regard to the early days of 

Ann E. BRYANT, her eldest sister, married Laban HEAZLIT in 
1836, and removed to Strongsville the same year from 
Coshocton County, and lived here until 1865, when she was 
called home.

Mrs. Charles DRAKE, nee Elizabeth BEAHAM, was born in 
Worcestershire, England, in 1840.  When she was eleven month 
of age her parents started with her to America.  Upon 
reaching Liverpool they wanted to do some shopping, and, as 
the captain of the steamer assured them of two or three 
hours before starting, they left little Elizabeth with some 
friends and went on a shopping tour.  Imagine their surprise 
and grief to find, on their return, the boat had gone and 
their babe with it!  The captain, however, tried to make 
amends for his blunder by being as generous as possible in 
every way, furnishing the milk for the little one.  After 
being four weeks on the water they reached New York, and 
then were obliged to wait three weeks for the mother, who 
found her little one just alive.  They remained in New York 
a few days, while the babe recuperated, and then started for 
Cleveland, and finally found their way to Strongsville, 
Ohio, where they settled.  Mrs. DRAKE’s mother was a 
Methodist preacher.

Very early in the history of this township we find that the 
good people were laying the foundation for more than the 
present life, for as early as 1817 the First Congregational 
Church was organized with a membership of eight persons.  
They were:  Seth GOODWIN and Deborah, his wife; Ahijah 
HAYNES and Jerusha, his wife; Guilford WHITNEY and Anna, his 
wife; Hollis WHITNEY and Barnicey HILLIARD.  Of the noble 
men and women who got the first religious training (outside 
of their home) in this church, it is not in our province to 
speak.  The list of ministers, judges, physicians, lawyers 
and soldiers would reach a score.

But these pages are devoted to women only, and hence their 
names and deeds, be they ever so brilliant and honored, must 
seek a record elsewhere; but that they need to be 
commemorated by a free and prosperous people, I pause from 
my present task just long enough to inscribe right here, in 
honor of the “pioneer women,” whose blood coursed through 
their veins, the fact that no less than twenty of this 
township’s noblest and best young men answered to their 
country’s call in her hour of its greatest distress; eleven 
of that number have answered their last “roll call,” and 
others bearing about in their bodies the marks of their 
loyalty, are waiting with lowered heads and listening ears, 
for the bugle call for the last muster out.

Names of other noble women who came to this township as late 
as 1846 have been handed us; to give but the most meager 
sketch of all their lives would require more time and space 
than a work like this would warrant; and, besides, 
Strongsville could hardly have been said to be a pioneer 
town as late as 1846.  That much as has been left out in the 
story of the lives of those women whose names appear in 
these pages, no one is more conscious than the writer.  The 
most that could be looked for would be just a word here and 
there, and the reader must fill in the space and be able to 
read between the lines.  

What part those women took in the shaping of the thoughts of 
today, we shall never fully know in this life.  How much of 
the spirit that was in them was bequeathed to their 
offspring, and served them well as they followed their 
country’s flag in after years through bloody conflicts, some 
to prison and some to death, and others with stricken 
bodies, back to their peaceful walks of life, is hid away in 
the bosom of God.  But that a nobler harvest has been 
gathered and multitudes of noble men and women trained and 
fitted for the varied duties of life have gone forth from 
those Strongsville homes to add to the wealth and worth of 
other homes and other lands, we are sure.

Looking back over all these years, and contemplating the 
fruit of their hands, the outcome of their undertakings, and 
the possibilities of the future, we would stop with 
reverence beside their tombs; and summing up all our respect 
and admiration and wonder and love for them into one word, 
we would write on the marble slabs that silently mark their 
resting place, pioneer.

    Mrs. Elizabeth BARTLETT CANNIFF

Committee, Mrs. Mary Jane HENDERSHOT BARTLETT, Mrs. Hattie