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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Solon, situated on the Erie R.R., eighteen miles from 
Cleveland was, in the year 1821, a wilderness, broken only 
by a narrow trail running through it from Ravenna to 
Cleveland.  It was then called Milan, and the land had been 
held so high it could not find buyers until surrounding 
towns were settled.

In the year above mentioned three families from 
Weathersfile, Conn., settled here and for the next decade 
they were the only residents of “Milan.”  They consisted 
of Capt. Jason ROBBINS, his wife, six daughters and two 
sons.  Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BULL, several children, including 
two daughters, and Mrs. And Mrs. Oliver WELLS.

It requires but little imagination to picture the lives of 
the women for the first few years after their arrival.  
Their homes were the rude log houses of that day, but they 
were well swept and clean.  If there were brass andirons 
they were brightly scoured and the dishes of light, or 
“flowing” blue, were carefully arranged on the shelves of 
the open cupboard.  Immaculately white curtains hung at the 
windows, and their beds, covered with beautifully woven 
blankets, looked warm and comfortable.  Perhaps in one 
corner was a table covered with a spread, also white, 
trimmed with knitted lace, or fringe, made by the deft 
fingers of wife or daughter.  On this were a few trinkets 
and choice books, including the Bible, brought from the dear 
old home in the east.

There must have been many lovely hours when even a letter 
from far-away friends would have been a welcome messenger.  
But these were of rare occurrence, as postage on the same 
was twenty-five cents, and it is said that letters often 
remained in the post office at Bentlyville three months for 
want of money to pay the postage.

The first year a thousand pounds of maple sugar were made, 
the women doubtless doing their part of the work; “sugaring 
off” much of it in kettles over coals on the hearth.

The ROBBINS women were all well skilled in the arts of 
spinning and weaving, are readily converted the wool from 
their flocks and flax from their fields into clothing.  Of a 
winter evening the elder daughters gathered with their 
parents about the blazing hearth, each busily knitting for 
father and brothers, while winter storms were raging without 
and wild beasts making night hideous with their howlings.

At such times the father might be relating stories of his 
old sea-faring life, for he had once been the captain of a 
vessel that was taken by the French.  Becoming weary of his 
hard life on the ocean, he had sought a retreat, and a home, 
rude though it was, in the wilderness of northern Ohio.

It is recorded of this family that “they lived many years 
independent, contented, happy, each and all doing their part 
toward supplying the family needs.”

Mrs. ROBBINS (Eleanor WILLIAMS) was a true woman and dearly 

Mrs. Samuel BULL (Fannie HUNTINGTON) was a woman of genuine 
worth, doing well whatever her hands found to do.  She was 
once lost in the woods in the following manner:  One 
afternoon, while the family were busy making sugar, she 
started to drive the sheep into the fold, as was their 
nightly custom to protect them from wolves.  Not finding 
them, she followed in the direction of the sound of a bell, 
and soon realized that she was lost!

Wandering on for some time she came to a sugar camp where 
men were at work.  She explained the situation and they, not 
knowing where Mr. BULL lived, took her to another camp where 
they did, and walked home with her.  The sound of a horn was 
plainly heard, the signal that some one was lost; and on 
arriving home, she saw her husband sitting on the barn 
blowing a horn so loud and fast that no response could be 
heard.  It was two o’clock in the morning and the rejoicing 
can better be imagined than described.

Both Mr. and Mrs. BULL were faithful attendants at church, 
going on horseback, each taking one of their children, also 
their lunch so they could remain for the afternoon service, 
the latter, being a characteristic feature of the pioneer 

Mrs. Oliver WELLS (Abigail WARREN) was an active, courageous 
woman, and few things could daunt her.  Her husband took the 
contract for clearing the road of trees, from Lewisburg to 
Bedford, and found in her a valuable assistant.  Her 
daughter, Delia, born 1822, was the first white child born 
in the township.

Mr. Wells built the first frame house which was used as a 
tavern, and his wife was the first landlady in town.  She 
was left a widow, but kept her family together until they 
made homes for themselves.  She died 1869, in the same house 
where she had toiled so long, at the age of eighty years.  

These hardy pioneers were awake to the importance of an 
education, and organized a school the year following their 
arrival.  The teacher was John HENRY, who was to receive ten 
dollars per month and board.  There were four pupils from 
the ROBBINS family and three from the BULLS’.  Tuition for 
the former was paid in maple sugar; for the latter in 

During the thirties great accessions were made to the 
population of the town, New York, Connecticut and 
Massachusetts being the states principally represented.

The first wedding took place early in these years.  Hannah 
GENISH and Baxter CLOUGH being the contracting parties, and 
Capt. ROBBINS the officiating justice of the peace.

The Presbyterian church was organized with seventeen 
members, among them being the names of Mrs. Asa STEPHEN, 
Mrs. Joseph PATRICK, Mrs. Reuben HANAFORD, Mrs. Baxter 
CLOUGH, Mrs. Sally MORSE, Prudence MORSE, Mrs. John BARNARD, 
Mrs. Henry HILLMAN, and others.  

A school was organized in the Pettibone neighborhood in a 
blacksmith shop.  If oxen were to be shod during school 
hours the children had a recess; but, fortunately, this did 
not often happen, as such work was usually done before or 
after school hours.

Mr. Seymour TROWBRIDGE and wife (Sally JOHNSON) were from 
Arcadia, N.Y.  One morning the former arose early and walked 
to Cleveland to pay his taxes, leaving his wife and infant 
son alone.  They were in bed, and hearing a noise, Mrs. 
TROWBRIDGE thought a wolf was under the table.  She was sure 
she could see its eye-balls glare and its frothing tongue 
hanging from its mouth.

Her imagination took wings and for about an hour she 
suffered all the agony of fear.  When daylight came she 
discovered to her joy that it was only the movement of the 
table cloth.

Mrs. TROWBRIDGE now lives in Cleveland and is a lovely and 
much beloved lady.

Mrs. Stephen TROWBRIDGE (Mechitable B. GARFIELD), born in 
Independence, O., 1821, moved here after her marriage and 
still lives in the old home, kindly cared for by her 
daughter, Mrs. OLDS.

Her life has been one of toil and trial, but through all she 
has been a model of Christian fortitude and faith; beloved 
by all who have known her for her kindly ministrations to 
the sick and afflicted.  One of her sons gave his life for 
his country, and one daughter died in her home in Wyoming.

Mrs. Morris BOSWORTH (Sally STRONG) was a descendant of 
Elder John STRONG of Northampton, Mass., and her husband a 
descendant of Cotton MATHER, the noted divine.  They first 
lived in a log house, afterward in a frame one of their own 
building, and were prosperous and happy until Mr. BOSWORTH’s 
death.  The widow survived her husband nearly half a 
century, dying in 1890.

Cornelia PHELPS was born in Granby, Conn., 1800.  At the age 
of twelve her mother died, leaving her with the care of 
several younger brothers and sisters.  When fifteen her 
father died, and she then came to Ohio, walking most of the 
way, to make her home with her grandfather, Judge Samuel 
FORWARD, of Aurora.

She married Enos BISSELL, the nuptial ceremonies being 
performed in the new log house built by the groom in the 
woods of Aurora.  It was midwinter, but the occasion was 
made merry by music and dancing, the young people, generally 
from the surrounding towns, were in attendance.  Later, they 
settled here.  One daughter married Mr. DAY of Mantua; 
another is Mrs. Henry TROWBRIDGE of this place, and still 
another is Mrs. George ROBERTSON, wife of a Cleveland 
editor.  Mrs. BISSELL was in the highest sense of the term a 
Christian.  Her death occurred in her eighty-fourth year, at 
the home of a daughter in Bryan, O.

The wife and daughters of Capt. John SILL, from Adams, N.Y., 
furnished the musical talent of the neighborhood.  A young 
man living in this family was a wonderful bugler, and put 
his accomplishment to good account when some one was lost.  
The notes of his instrument could be heard at a great 

Mrs. Benjamin SAWYER (Charlotte MILLS) was a charter member 
of the Presbyterian Church, and often walked three miles 
through the woods to attend its services.  On one occasion a 
wild hog compelled her to climb a tree for safety.

She remained there until the animal was called away by the 
squealing of its mates, then descended and continued her way 
to church, whether in time for the service is not recorded.

The house of worship was built on piles to keep it out of 
the mud, and often the meeting were disturbed by cows, with 
bells, that sought shelter under it.

Mrs. SAWYER’s daughters were Betsy, Mrs. Alvin HARRIS; 
Nancy, Mrs. Chandler WALLACE; Elvira, Mrs. Giles WESTCOT; 
Ruth Ann, Mrs. HARVEY; and Eliza, Mrs. BASSETT.  She died, 
aged ninety-four years, walking a number of miles a short 
time before her death.

The daughters of Mrs. Chandler WALLACE were Sarah, Lucy, 
Jane, Sylvia, Martha, Amelia and Mary.  Lucy became Mrs. 
Royal TAYLOR, and Mary Mrs. Orrin MILLS.

Alvin HARRIS and wife (Betsy SAWYER), from Howardsvill, 
N.Y., crossed Tinker’s Creek on a floating bridge, and 
hastily constructed a shanty, in which two families lived 
until they could build their log house.  The dedication of 
this was to be a happy event, Mrs. SAWYER promising her 
family a genuine wheat short cake in honor of it.  Placing 
her oven - and, by the way, that was a prize - on newly made 
hearth, and putting her cake in to bake, she was horror-
stricken to see cake, hearth, oven and all blown to atoms, 
while the family had to flee for their lives.

Mr. HARRIS, being very homesick, his wife did all she could 
to cheer him.  She helped him in his work - making black 
salts - that being the only available means of making a 

During the sugar season she assisted in the arduous labors 
connected with the work.  Feeling the importance of 
religious instruction, her daughters, Elvira and Jane, were 
sent to the first Sunday school taught in the woods of 

She was untiring in her efforts to relieve the sick, and at 
her death, 1892, left a goodly inheritance to her five 
children, who were all married and living here at that time.  
The daughters already mentioned are respectively, Mrs. E.C. 
RHOADES and Mrs. Augustus PETTIBONE, worthy and honored 
residents of this place.

Mrs. Walter STANDARD often went through the woods one 
horseback to Bedford for groceries, and attended the 
meetings held in the various school houses of that day.

Mrs. Madison HICKOX (Roxy GRANGER) was said to be “worth 
her weight in silver.”  Her daughter Eva, Mrs. M. 
WITHERELL, still lives here.

Mr. and Mrs. MARSHALL were originally from Ireland, and had 
but fifty cents in money when they landed in Cleveland.  
They wished to go to their brother’s at Centerville Mills, 
some twenty miles distant, and started on foot through the 
woods, crossing streams by means of fallen logs.

Night overtook them and they stopped at a log house, where 
they obtained lodging and supper.  Mr. MARSHALL, fearing his 
fifty cents would not pay for two, urged his wife to eat, 
but refused food for himself.

Their host provided them with a horse which, he said, was 
familiar with the country, and would take them directly to 
the door of their brother’s mill, but on no account were 
they to guide the rein!  The way seemed long and dreary, and 
they feared they were placing too much confidence in a 
horse.  However, they obeyed instructions, and soon had the 
pleasure of finding themselves at their place of 

Mrs. MARSHALL was the first woman who died in Salon, and her 
daughter, Mrs. Eliza WITHERELL, was considered the 
handsomest woman in town.

Mrs. Nathan MORSE (Lucy LATHROP), from Richmond, Maine, was 
left a widow and moved to Chester, Geauga Co., near the 
seminary.  It was customary in those days for young men to 
rent rooms and do their own cooking.  Mrs. MORSE’s motherly 
heart prompted her to help many of them, among the number 
being James A. GARFIELD, of honored memory.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MORSE (Lucretia SAWYER) from Oxford 
County, Maine, passed through Kirland when the Mormon temple 
was being built.  Their daughter, Emeline, is the wife of 
Col J.C. SAXTON, of Cleveland.

On one occasion the eldest daughter of each MORSE family was 
invited to a pumpkin “paring bee.”  They were accompanied 
by a young man as torchbearer.  A hickory torch often served 
as lantern, and was a good one if rightly made.

This young man, wishing, no doubt, to be gallant, asked one 
lady to take his arm.  She indignantly refused, and 
thereupon the swain in his wrath threw down the light and 
left the girls to get home they best the could.  As it was a 
time of land clearing and brush burning, by these “beacon 
lights” they were enabled to do so in safety.  These two 
girls became noble women, and left the impress of their 
characters upon their descendants.

Mrs. Elijah PETTIBONE (Catherine McKEE) was left a widow, 
but with the help of her children cultivated the farm and 
made a comfortable home.  Her daughters are Mary, Mrs. H.L. 
SILL; Sarah, Mrs. C.T. REED; Roxy, Mrs. Dan COOK.  Her sons 
wives are Elmira HARRIS, wife of Edward; Ermina KENT, wife 
of Frank; and Marian NORTON, wife of Dudley.

Other honored names of this period are Mrs. John HALE, Mrs. 
Ebenezer GOW, Mrs. Sanford BISHOP (Martha CONNOR), Mrs. 
Charles R. SMITH (Mary TOWNSEND).

During this and the following decade the children of the 
first settlers began to marry and seek homes of their own.  
Cornelia ROBBINS married Harvey HENRY; Marcia, Randolph 
SHIFF; Sophia, Anthony SINGLETARY; and Jane, Almond THAYER.

Jane died, leaving three daughters.  Her sister Eliza became 
Mr. THAYER’s second wife.  He died, leaving his widow with 
one daughter, now Mrs. G.S. FRAY, of Cleveland.  Mrs. THAYER 
married Mr. I.N. BLACKMAN, of Aurora, and later moved to 
Solon, where she now lives in good health and happy in the 
Christian faith, at the advanced age of eighty-two years.

Walter ROBBINS married Sally REAVES, and remained on the old 
homestead.  Their eldest daughter is Mr. E.C. BLACKMAN of 
this place.

Archibald ROBBINS, son of Jason, moved with his wife, 
Elizabeth, early in the forties.  He, too, had followed a 
maritime career, and in his early manhood had been 
shipwrecked on the coast of Africa; had been taken captive 
by the Arabs and kept by them as a slave for eighteen 
months.  Their daughters are Mrs. James SMITCH, of Ashland, 
Va., and Mrs. McNABB, of Washington, D.C.

Fannie BULL became Mrs. Alvin UPON, moved to Lansing and 
died 1879.  Amelia married Dyer B. JUDD and moved to Iowa.

Delia WELLS became Mrs. James COX of Bedford.  Her death 
occurred 1892.  Louisa WELLS married Joel MAXAM and died 

The daughter of Mrs. Pitkin BULL (Celia BERRINS) is Mrs. 
Andrew KENT, of Newburg.

Mrs. Norman BULL (Sarah HOPKINS) died, leaving a family of 
little children.  Her husband married Fannie WARD, of 
Vergennes, Vt., who has been a loving, faithful mother to 
the children.  One daughter, Melissa, married John SEATON 
and died, 1870.  Emma, Mrs. E. VAN DE MARK, lives in 
Clingon, Mich.

Mrs. Lorenzo BULL (Harriet Taylor) rode on horseback behind 
her husband from Aurora to Warren on her wedding trip.  They 
lived with Mr. BULL’s father until they built a home of 
their own, which was a happy one.  Both were faithful 
attendants at church, and their house was a home for 
preachers, especially the aged ones.  They lived to 
celebrate their golden wedding, and of her it was truly 
said:  “She hath done what she could.”

Mrs. Maremus LARABEE (Mary H. GARFIELD, sister of the 
distinguished Jas. A. GARFIELD) lived many years in this 
town.  Two of her daughters are Mrs. Ellen HOPPE and Mrs. 
Adelle HOAG, women much beloved for their Christian graces.

Everyone speaks in the highest praise of Mary GARFIELD.  She 
was one of the kindest neighbors and her superior qualities 
as a nurse were often put into practice.  “Her spirit was a 
power and her Christian faith sublime,” were the words of a 
friend written after her death.

This lady once had a remarkable dream, which is given in her 
own words, as follows:  “I saw a train loaded with men of 
distinction in all parties.  The train passed swiftly.  I 
could not see James, but knew he was on this rushing train.  
There was a crash; the train was off the track, and there 
was great confusion.”

The “friend” already referred to, writes:  “When last I 
saw this sister, save once, was when the throng massed about 
her brother on the Mentor platform, as he was about to 
depart for Washington, just before his inauguration.  The 
train moved and he had gone, never more to return.  There 
was no mention of her painful forebodings when I took her 
hand, but I remembered her remarkable dream.

“I saw her again in the home of Mrs. GARFIELD in Cleveland.  
She was weak and disease was settled upon her lungs.  She 
talked of the future and of death.  She said:  ‘James is 
gone, and I am going!  You wrote of him, and when I am gone 
write some word of me!’  

“I have kept my promise, feeling that a noble spirit passed 
from earth to Heaven that day of November 1884.”

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert HUDDLESTON were originally from 
Belfast, Ireland.  They lived for several years in a log 
house in the woods, but purchased a farm on “The Ledge,” 
where they built a comfortable home, in which the widow 
still lives, at the advanced age of eighty-four years.

In addition to her own large family Mrs. HUDDLESTON reared 
an adopted son, who is a popular teacher, now traveling in 
Europe.  Her daughter Mary, Mrs. Daniel McAFEE, was “home 
guard” during the war, while her husband was in the army, 
looking after the farm and caring for her children.

Mr. and Mrs. Amasa LITTLE settled on the farm where their 
eldest son now lives.  Mr. LITTLE died, and his widow 
married Mr. KELLY.  She died 1890.

Mrs. Simon NORTON (Sally PEASE) won a race in spinning upon 
a wager with a friend.  Two ounces was a day’s work, and she 
spun six ounces.  One summer she milked sixteen cows, and 
the following winter twenty-four.  She also made cheese.

Mrs. Orson NORTON (Ursula KENT) was bedridden nearly thirty 
years.  Shortly before her death she was helped by the 
“faith cure,” so she could go about among her friends.

Mrs. Leander CHAMBERLIN (Susan WILLEY) had a large family, 
but was equal to the task of taking care of them.  She often 
did her washing by the side of a stream half a mile away.  
She was very hospitable and well skilled in the art of 
dressing wounds.

Mrs. Simeon SHEPERD relates many pleasing incidents of 
pioneer life.

Mrs. William OLDS spent many years in California, returning 
to care for her aged mother.

Mrs. Thomas POLLNER (Mary Ann JOHNSTON), Mrs. James LUCKNOR 
(Abigail HARPER), Mrs. Avry PHELPS (Betsy BARTLETT), and 
more, of which space forbids mention, were honorable and 
honored residents of Solon.

             Mrs. M.N. BULL
        Chairman and Historian

Solon Committee - Mrs. L.J. LITTLE, Miss Hetta BLACKMAN, 
Mrs. John COCHRAN, Mrs. Ella BLACKMAN, Mrs. Charles CONNOR