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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Royalton is twelve miles south of Cleveland.  It is still 
untouched by steam railroad of trolley lines.  However, it 
has several pike roads and its nearness to a large 
commercial and manufacturing district greatly enhances the 
value of real estate in the township.

Some of the early settlers in search of good farming land 
looked with contempt upon the swamps, marshes, and barren 
sand hills of what is now the great city of Cleveland.  But 
they lived to regret their lack of appreciation of its 
future as a lake port.

The first clearing made in Royalton was started in the 
southeastern corner of the town by a man named CLARK, who 
soon after moved his family upon it, in 1811.  It was  then 
a veritable “forest primeval.”  Indians and wild beasts 
roamed at will.  For five years this family was the only one 
in the township.

Could the veil that covers the past be lifted and the life 
of the wife and mother of that household be revealed, it 
would show hours of solitude in that wilderness, days and 
nights of weary watching and waiting, hardships and even 
gaunt famine.

Mr. CLARK (Christian name unknown) died before 1816, for in 
that year, his widow married Lorenzo CARTER, possibly 
related to the famous Cleveland pioneer of that name.  A 
son, also called “Lorenzo,” was the first white child born 
in Royalton.

The year 1816 brought a number of accessions to the 
population.  Among them the families of Robert ENGLE, Thomas 
and Henry FRANCIS, John COATES with his sons John and 
Charles and families, Samuel STEWART and Boaz GRANGER.

All came from New York except the STEWARTS.  The COATES 
family had previously lived in New England and probably some 
of the others.

The first deaths recorded were those of Mrs. Charles COATES 
and Mary GRINNELL.  The first girl born was Rhoda, daughter 
of Thomas FRANCIS, the second one Catherine, daughter of 
John and Ann BEST COATES.

Catherine became Mrs. Joseph TEACHOUT and was early left a 
widow with four young children whom she reared to maturity 
with the greatest effort and care.  One son, George 
TEACHOUT, enlisted in the Union army while attending college 
in Hillsdale, Mich., and was instantly killed in battle.  
The death of this son nearly broke his mother’s heart, but 
with Christian fortitude she rallied and was long noted for 
her tender ministrations to the sick, her hospitality and 
kindness.  She ended her days with her sons James and Abram 
in Iowa.  Her daughter, Mary TEACHOUT (Mrs. Lorenzo TUPPER), 
is still a resident of Royalton, a useful and much admired 

Besides Catherine, John and Ann COATES had several daughters 
who were counted among the belles of that day.  On one 
occasion a certain young man rode seven miles on horseback 
to visit one of these girls.  Upon his arrival he removed 
the saddle from the animal and hid it under the porch of the 
house.  While visiting with the young lady, her mischievous 
brother slipped out and unhitched the horse, which at once 
started for home.

The young gallant, unmindful of the trick played upon him, 
prolonged his stay until the “wee sma’ hours,” and was 
obliged to return on foot through the dense woods carrying 
on his shoulders the heavy saddle.  Needless to add that 
that courtship was nipped in the bud and opportunity for a 
similar trick to be played upon him was never given, in that 
house at least.

Another funny story connected with the same family was of a 
valuable and much prized calf.  One evening, at a gay merry-
making in their home, where nearly all the young people of 
the neighborhood were gathered, one of the party rushed into 
the house with the announcement that a panther was in the 
barn yard devouring the calf.  The whole company rushed to 
the rescue armed with everything handy with which to assail 
the beast, while the household rifle was brought into play.  
It was fired twice in the direction of the “painter” and 
then Mr. COATES found only the calf with two bullets through 
its hide, and quite dead.  The story intimates that there 
had been no panther at all.

Margaret COATES became Mrs. Miller WILCOX and was the mother 
of several sons, two of whom became quite distinguished.  
John M., lately deceased, was editor of a popular Cleveland 
daily newspaper, and Frank N. is a well-known lawyer of the 
same city.

Eleanor COATES married James WELD, the “Esquire WELD” of 
this sketch, who later removed to Richfield and with the 
assistance of his excellent wife advanced the interests of 
the old Richfield Academy.

Their daughters Charlotte WELD (Mrs. Schuyler OVIATT) and 
Louise (Mrs. Elijah HAMMOND) live in Cleveland, honored and 

Elizabeth COATES (Mrs. R.C. ELIOTT) died young, leaving 
several children.  One daughter, Cornelia ELIOTT, was long a 
teacher in Royalton and adjacent towns.  Scores of her 
pupils now living will attest to her worth.

Jane COATES (Mrs. Edward WILCOX) passed her long life in 
Royalton beloved by all who knew her.  Her daughter Eleanor 
(Mrs. Francis MINER) also resides here in a home where the 
most generous hospitality ever presides.

Mary Ann COATES never married, but became the good angel of 
her brothers’ and sister’ families during her useful life of 
over three score and ten.

Charles COATES married, secondly, Amanda, daughter of John 
TEACHOUT who moved in some time in the ‘30s.  She was noted 
for her piety and Christian virtues.  Her daughter, Clarissa 
(Mrs. William WILCOX) lives in Cleveland.

John SHEPHERD of Geneva, N.Y., was one of the most 
remarkable of the early pioneers in that he lived to be 118 
years old.  In his one-hundredth  year he passed through a 
severe fit of sickness, and afterward built a loom that was 
long in use among his descendants.  The maiden name of his 
wife is not given, but she had five daughters:  Margaret, 
Mrs. Robert ENGLE; Jane, Mrs. Abner BEALS; Rebecca, Mrs. 
BURROUGHS; Isabella, Mrs. John MACK; Sarah, Mrs. William 

Mrs. Robert ENGLE was noted for her kindness and skill in 
caring for the sick.  At one time she was sent for to visit 
a woman very ill living over two miles distant.  There had 
been a heavy rainstorm and in order to reach the place she 
had to pass through a swamp.  The only way over this was on 
logs and fallen trees all wet, slimy and slippery.  She took 
off her shoes and stockings, crossed over bare-footed, and 
thus reached the bedside of her sick friend.  She was also 
one of those many pioneer women who, in the absence of her 
men folks, chases away a bear from the calf he was 
attacking.  In the darkness of the night she heard the calf 
piteously bleating its fright.

Mrs. ENGLE’s six daughters were Margarette, Mrs. Azaiah 
REMINGTON of Bedford; Emily, Mrs. DE LONG of Copley; 
Adaline, Mrs. Joel LAWRENCE of Berea; Fidelia, Mrs. LAWSON 
of Los Angeles; Amoret, Mrs. Simeon ENOS and Laura ENGLE of 

Jane SHEPHERD, Mrs. Abner BEALS came with her husband in 
1820 and remained five years, then removed to Parma, Ohio.  
Mrs. BEAL’s leading characteristic was an unwavering trust 
in God.  She was much given to prayer and believed 
implicitly that He would answer.  Her daughter, Mrs. Julia 
HODGEMAN of Parma, though well advanced in years, is 
following closely the footsteps of her mother.  She is a 
model mother, neighbor and friend.

Mrs. Solomon SHERWOOD, Orilla BIGELOW, was a direct 
descendant of a sister of General Ethan ALLEN, the famous 
revolutionary hero.  Orsemus SHERWOOD, one of her sons, has 
in his possession some household articles that once belonged 
to Ethan ALLEN.

Mrs. SHERWOOD had many rare qualities of mind and heart.  
She was well educated, a fine reader, and a good penman.  
Esquire WELD, one of the early justices of the peace, 
partially lost his eyesight for several years, and for two 
years of that time Mrs. SHERWOOD did all his writing, daily 
walking for that purpose to and from her home nearly a mile 
distant from his office.

She was the mother of eight daughters and three sons.  The 
late Judge SHERWOOD of Cleveland of honored memory was her 
grandson.  Her son Oresmus is still living in that city at 
an advanced age.  Two daughters, Mary (Mrs. SPRAGUE) and 
Elizabeth, the wife of Dr. BAKER, are residents of Berea, 

Rev. Henry HUDSON, M.D., was for many years a marked 
character among the pioneers.  He was honored and beloved as 
well.  Being both pastor and physician, he was present at 
births, marriages and deaths.  Long years after his own 
death, old settlers would tell of his comforting 
ministrations in afflicted households.

His wife equally was noted for her eccentricities as he was 
for his excellencies.  She appears to have been a woman of 
superior intellectual abilities and acquirements, but her 
environment was unfavorable to cultivate them.  It is said 
that she would carry on the greatest variety of household 
work and one and the same time of any known woman:  cooking, 
washing, ironing, spinning, weaving, dyeing, etc., and all 
of these industries, perhaps in one room.

Mrs. Daniel ANIS (Catherine DARRELL) once gave a tea party 
at which a number of  friends were invited.  A large iron 
tea kettle served first to bake the biscuit, and afterward 
for the making of the tea.  But is recorded that both 
biscuit and tea were excellent, and the guests had a most 
enjoyable time.  

Lucinda, daughter of Boaz GRANGER came with her parents from 
New York state in an ox wagon.  She was then fifteen years 
old.  The GRANGERS lived for some years in a log house, the 
chamber floor of which did not extend entirely across the 
room, but left a space directly over the edge of the 
fireplace below.  The boys, of whom Milton CURTIS (father of 
J.M. CURTIS of Cleveland) was one, slept in this room and 
every night before retiring had a frolic.  Upon one such 
occasion, young CURTIS’ trousers were thrown down into the 
fire and burned up.  As they were the only pair he 
possessed, there was no alternative but to remain all the 
next day while Lucina and her sister made him a pair out of 
an old military overcoat.

Lucina became Mrs. Francis BARR and lived to a good old age.  
She left a family of sons and daughters that were an honor 
to her and a blessing to the community.

Olive GRANGER, Mrs. John ANIS, yet lives at an advanced age 
in the home she has occupied for over sixty years.  She has 
been a helpless invalid for several years, tenderly cared 
for by her daughter Jane.  Her sons John and Everett live 
with her.  The whole life of Mrs. ANIS has been marked by 
ministrations of love, and it must have been of such that 
the poet Lowell wrote:
  “She doeth little kindnesses
   Which most leave undone of despise,
   For naught that sets one heart at ease,
   And giveth happiness and peace,
   Is low esteemed in her eyes.”

The first marriage in Royalton was that of Asa NORTON and 
Lovey BUNKER.  Esquire J.B. STEWART performing the ceremony.  
The bride belonged to the family after whom Bunker Hill was 
named.  She must have been a handsome bride for even in old 
age she was fair to look upon.

During the ‘30s, the TEACHOUT and TOUSLEY families moved in 
and proved a most valuable accession to the population.  
These families were foremost in all educational, religious 
and temperance movements.

Abraham TEACHOUT, Jr., started the first meeting of the 
latter in the old red school-house at the Center, and it was 
there that he met his first wife, Julia TOUSLEY.  She was a 
fine looking woman and always a lady.  Her son Albert is a 
highly respected and influential business man of Cleveland.  
Mr. and Mrs. William TEACHOUT, the latter Lydia TROOP, 
reside in New York City.

Mrs. James TOUSLEY (Julia GREEN) was remarkable for her 
thrift and neatness.  She was long the town milliner and 
active in all good works.  She lived to be aged and died at 
the home of one of her children in Brooklyn, Ohio.  Her son 
William TOUSLEY is a Cleveland attorney and a grandson, 
Charles, is an architect of much promise.

Mrs. William TOUSLEY (Maria BOSTWICK) was a beautiful woman, 
a perfect lady, dearly beloved of all who knew her.  The 
family lived in a house at the Center, built some time in 
the ‘40s, and considered quite an aristocratic mansion.  Mr. 
TOUSLEY was a successful business man.  Emily TOUSLEY became 
Mrs. Francis HOWE, and her daughter Maria (Mrs. William 
TUPPER), who lives in Cleveland, is a lady of superior 
ability and worth.

At a still later day, a large number of English families 
settled in Royalton, nearly all of whom proved excellent 
citizens, thrifty and industrious.  Among them were TOMKINS, 
AKERS, KENDALS, and the families of John and James SCARR.  
The KENDAL children were very musical and great singers for 
those days.  The daughter of John SCARR, Mrs. Emma SCARR 
BOOTH, is a Cleveland writer of note.  She has written a 
volume of poems and several novels.

Mary, daughter of John TOMKINS, became Mrs. Abram TEACHOUT, 
of Shenandoah, Iowa, and is a most excellent woman.

The TUPPER family were well known people of this community.  
The daughters, Philomela and Leonora, taught school in both 
Royalton and Parma.  The latter married a TEACHOUT and lives 
in Oberlin.

The former became Mrs. Francis NORTON and died young, 
leaving two sons, who became honorable and useful citizens 
of a far western state.

The EGERTON families, several in number, did a thriving 
lumber business in town.  For many years, their wives and 
daughters were active in church work, and several Cleveland 
public school teachers are descendants of these families.

Mrs. George CHICKERING was among the early pioneers.  She 
helped her husband clear their farm, and, doubtless, packed 
the dozen eggs in his hat that were carried in that way to 
market.  The story is that Mr. CHICKERING walked to P.M. 
WEDDELL’s store in Cleveland, twelve miles distant, with a 
box of butter in one hand and a pail of eggs in the other.  
He informed Mr. WEDDELL that he had so many eggs, but when 
the merchant counted them one dozen was lacking.  At his 
look of inquiry, the farmer made a low bow, and took his hat 
off which contained the missing number in good condition.

A noticeable addition to Royalton was the very early arrival 
of the STEWART family 1816.  Among the revolutionary 
soldiers of 1776 whose presence in Ohio stood for patriotism 
of the loftiest type, was Sergeant Samuel STEWART, a hero of 
Bunker Hill, of the battle of Bennington and other momentous 
conflicts for American freedom.

He was the son of Samuel and Alice HUTCHINSON STEWART, born 
in Londonary, N.H. in 1794 <sic> and in his infancy taken to 
Cohasin, Mass.  His father’s farm was divided by a stream of 
water which to this day is called “Stewarts Brook.”  At 
the close of the war he removed to New York, and again to 
Vermont and lastly to Royalton, Ohio.

His wife was Elizabeth ABBOTT of Paulet, Vt.  Like her 
husband, she was a born pioneer, possessed of an equal 
amount of resolution and courage.  Not many pioneer women of 
the Western Reserve came to it with such a record for daring 
and intrepidity.

At the time of the battle of Bennington in 1771, her parents 
were living within sound of the firing.  Her father and 
brothers were taking their part in the conflict, and women 
of the household took refuge in flight.  A sister was ill 
with measles.  Hastily yoking the oxen and putting a few 
valuables in the cart, she bade a slave drive the animals 
while she harnessed the horses.  Placing a bed in the wagon, 
she helped her feeble mother and sick sister in, while she 
drove.  The road led to within sight of the battlefield and 
then diverged into a marshy one, deep with mud.  The ox cart 
became mired and stuck fast in it.  The slave, doubtless 
piqued because not allowed to drive the horses, made no 
effort to assist her.  Elizabeth alighted and seizing some 
rails laid them across the mud, then hitching the horses in 
front of the oxen, with one long pull the cart was 
extricated and the party proceeded to safety.

Her daughter, Phoebe, married Isaac ISHAM of Royalton and 
died leaving no children.  Eunice (Mrs. VAUGHN) had a son 
Samuel S. VAUGHN, state senator of Wisconsin, and left two 
daughters and a son.

Polly STEWART, the first white child born in Bristol, Vt., 
married Captain Jehiel SAXTON.  She survived her husband and 
died in the old SAXTON homestead in Cleveland.  Her daughter 
Josephine, who married Col. J.R. AMMON, was a gifted woman, 
and her grand-daughter, Hattie AMMON COWING, is a wide-awake 
little woman and a prominent member of the Western Reserve 
Chapter of the D.A.R.

Mrs. Samuel STEWART also had three sons, Chauncey, John and 

Lois, daughter of Jonathan BUNKER, was a successful school 
teacher and possessed of much literary talent.  Her sister, 
Mrs. MORRELL, was a fine scholar and music teacher.

Many lives besides those mentioned should be recorded in 
this testimonial to the pioneer women of Royalton, but space 
forbids.  It is a large subject to handle in a few pages.

         Jane ELIOTT SNOW
       Chairman and Historian

Royalton Committee:  Mrs. Lorenzo TUPPER, Mrs. Nancy 