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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Rockport, one of the northern townships of Cuyahoga county, 
lies on the southern shore of Lake Erie.  It is eight miles 
from Cleveland, and the Nickle Plate, Lake Shore, and Big 
Four railroads run through it.  The Cleveland & Elyria, also 
the Detroit street electric roads, pass through portions of 
it.  Rocky River flows through the town from the southwest 
corner to Lake Erie, passing nearly the whole distance 
between high and abrupt embankments, which are thickly 
wooded and present a picturesque appearance.

The first white person to settle in the township (so says an 
old record, kept by Henry ALGER) was John HARBERTSON, an 
Irish refugee, who, with his family, in the spring of 1809, 
located upon the east side of Rocky River, near its mouth, 
and William McCONLEY, who came with him.

George PEAKE, a deserter from the British army, with money 
entrusted him to pay the soldiers, married a black woman in 
Maryland, who had nursed him through a sickness.  He came 
with his family to Rockport, 1809, and his wagon was the 
first to pass over the new road from Cleveland to Rocky 
River.  He had four sons, who, with their father, built the 
first hand mill, which was a great improvement over the 
stump mortar and spring pole pestle.  Peake lived to be one 
hundred and five years of age.

Sara, daughter of Samuel and Mary WELLER DEAN, born in 
Massachusetts, 1789, married Datus KELLEY, and moved to 
Rockport, 1811.  She was one of the foremost women in acts 
of benevolence, in giving cheer and assistance to the 
despondent, and was patient amid the trials and privations 
of her new home.  She would often take her babe in her arms 
and ride on horseback six or eight miles to care for the 
sick, and was both nurse and doctor for many years.  She 
died at Kelley’s Island, 1864, having survived her golden 
wedding three years.  Her son, Addison, was the first white 
male child born in Rockport.  Her husband, Datus KELLEY, at 
a township meeting in 1827 astonished the company by 
presenting a temperance pledge for signatures.  There was a 
storm of opposition and a loud outcry against what was 
called “Kelley’s Onslaught upon liberty,” but despite all 
this he persevered, and succeeded in gaining many adherents 
to the cause.

The first wedding in the township was at Datus KELLEY’s, 
1814.  The parties were Chester DEAN and Lucy SMITH, 
daughter of Abner SMITH, one of the pioneers of Dover.  
George WALLACE, Esq., of Cleveland, performed the ceremony.  
It was a splendid wedding for olden times, although there 
were no sleighbells jingling in Rockport then.  Those who 
were wealthy enough to own a yoke of oxen rode on sleds, and 
those who owned no team went on foot.  Mrs. DEAN had two 
daughters, Lucy and Sarah.

Abigail TAYLOR, second wife of Chester DEAN, came with her 
parents from Lenox, Mass., 1812. And settled in Dover, O.  
She married Chester DEAN 1818, and came to Rockport.  Her 
husband died 1838.  At the death of her husband she was left 
with nine children.  By rigid economy and good management 
she was enabled to keep her family together and give them a 
fair education.  Their principal food at first was fish 
caught in the river.  They used sassafras and other herbs 
for tea.  After a while they were enabled to procure a 
quarter of a pound of tea, which was used only on state 
occasions, and lasted a whole year.  She made her own 
candles, and, if the supply gave out, would resort to pine 
knots and hickory bark.  Money was very scarce, and every 
penny was hoarded for freeing their home from debt and for 
taxes, which were about $2.50 a year.

Out of a barn containing 600 bushels of wheat only seventy-
five cents in money was realized.

“Aunt Nabbie,” as she was called, was very hospitable, and 
ever ready to respond to the calls of neighbors in sickness 
or trouble.  She died, 1881, in the eighty-sixth year of her 
age.  Her daughters are Mary Ann (Mrs. Philip P. WRIGHT) who 
has three daughters, and makes her home with one of them.  
Mrs. W.D. KELLEY (Marcella DEAN) is now living at Kelley’s 

Mrs. Eliel FARR (Hannah GARDINER) was born in Boziah, Conn., 
1769, married and came to Ohio 1819, and settled in 
Rockport, where she remained until her death.  She was the 
mother of four sons, and adopted a girl, whose name was 
Jane.  Her husband was as civil engineer, and among the 
relics of the FARR family are plans of the first bridge 
built across Rocky River.  They kept store, and here are 
some items taken from an old account book:
Oct. 15, 1816, 1 bbl. Salt…………………$8.25
Sept. 4, 1816, 5 ½ yds. Calico……………. 3.10
Aug. 27, 1816, 1 ½ yds. Broadcloth………10.50
Oct. 14, 1816, 3 ½ yds. cotton sheeting…… 1.75
For postage on letters……………………….  .25

The FARRS, having their pewter dishes stolen by Indians and 
expecting company, resorted to the expedient of whittling 
some out of basswood chips.

Mrs. Aurellus FARR (Marilla FOLLET) came in 1812 with her 
father’s family from Lenox, Mass., where she was born.  
After arriving at their destination, they at once set about 
making their home, and endured all the privations and 
hardships familiar to early settlers.  Marilla married in 
1821, and they moved on to a farm in Rockport, where she 
resided until her death, 1874.  Her daughters were Amanda 
(Mrs. William BIDWELL) and Hannah (Mrs. Alfred KELLEY), now 
deceased.  Emily, wife of D.K. HUNTINGTON, is now living in 
Olmsted, O.  Mrs. FARR was a faithful friend and neighbor, a 
kind mother, and for many years gave to her husband’s aged 
father the tender care of a true daughter.

Mrs. Rufus WRIGHT (Hepsibath ST. JOHN) was born and married 
in the State of New York.  She, with her family, settled in 
Rockport 1816.  Her husband, Rufus WRIGHT, was a soldier in 
the war of 1812.  He kept a ferry at Rocky River, and built 
half of the first bridge at that point, the rest being built 
by subscription.  He assisted in cutting our the first road 
west of the river, and bought three-fourths of an acre of 
land now occupied by the Silverthorn House for $300, 
evidently sharing the belief that there was destined to be a 
great city near the natural harbor at the mouth of the 
river.  WRIGHT put up a tavern of considerable size, and 
from 1816 to 1853 the house remained in possession of the 
WRIGHT family.  A part of the old building still remains in 
the improved structure.

One day Mrs. WRIGHT started on horseback to visit a 
neighbor, when she encountered a bear, which disputed the 
right of way, walking back and forth in front of her horse.  
She concluded discretion the better part of valor, and 
postponed her visit for that day.  She is remembered as 
being a good woman and kind to the poor.  Her daughter Laura 
was lame, and never married.  Hester (Mrs. HALL) eventually 
made her home in Indiana.  Maria married Chauncey DEMING, 
went into his father’s family, and, like Ruth of old, became 
one of them.  She was a kind neighbor, and amidst her 
domestic labors, ever found time to give to the sick, and 
many a dying pillow was smoothed by her tender touch.  She 
died in Rockport, 1881, aged almost seventy years.  Two of 
her daughters would be counted among the pioneer women.  
Laura married Murray FARR, is the mother of three daughters, 
and still lives on a portion of the old farm.  Mrs. Calvin 
TARR (Josephine DEMING) has two sons and one daughter.

Mrs. McMAHON (Julia BENEDICT) probably the oldest pioneer 
woman in Rockport, was born 1800 in Stamford, Conn.  In 1831 
she, with her husband, came to Ohio.  They were considered 
wealthy in those days, having about $500.  She has never had 
a sick day since, and when eighty-six years old was able to 
walk ten miles.  During the first year of her pioneer life 
she would take butter and eggs in a basket on her arm and 
walk to Cleveland, a distance of eleven miles, to exchange 
them for groceries.  Their first crop of potatoes was taken 
to Cleveland, where they were offered but three cents per 
bushel, the pay in trade.  Mr. McMAHON in disgust pulled the 
end board out of his wagon, and let them roll into the 
river.  She remembers seeing Lafayette.  She is the mother 
of nine children, and is at present living with her son, 
Philotas McMAHON, at Rocky River.

Mrs. Patrick KENNELLY (Mary BARRON) was born in Tipperary 
county, Ireland, in 1813, came with her parents to Cleveland 
in 1834, where she married Patrick KENNELLY, who had 
accompanied them across the ocean.  After their marriage 
they came directly to Rockport, and he was employed by 
Reuben WOOD, who was afterwards Governor of Ohio.  In a few 
years Mr. and Mrs. KENNELLY purchased a little farm of their 
own.  Her husband was soon stricken with paralysis, which 
left the burden of providing for the family upon herself and 
young children.  She raised her family and lived to the age 
of seventy-seven years.

Mrs. Jeremiah GLEASON (Catherine DEDRICK) came with her 
husband from New York in 1831.  They drove through with a 
span of horses, bought 130 acres of land on the “hog’s 
back” road, and turned the horses in towards payment.  Mrs. 
GLEASON was an industrious woman, the first one up in the 
morning.  She had four sons and three daughters.  Two sons 
are still living in Lakewood hamlet.

Keturah MILLER, wife of Mars WAGAR, came from Ontario 
county, N.Y., in 1820.  They drove through in a wagon and 
brought three cows with them.  They would put the milk in 
the churn and the motion of the wagon churned the butter.  
They located on Detroit street and had five sons and two 
daughters.  The son Israel D. married Elizabeth PYLE, 1822.  
She is the mother of eight children, is gentle in her 
nature, kind and hospitable, and beloved by a large circle 
of friends.  She is still living on Detroit street.

Sarah CURTISS, wife of Joseph HALL, came from Chatteris, 
England in 1832, and bought two acres of land of Joseph 
GRANT at $40 per acre.  They had four sons and three 
daughters.  The sons are living in Lakewood.

Rosetta SHELHOUSE, born in Vermont in 1792, married James 
SAXTON, and with her young husband emigrated to the Western 
Reserve in 1812, traveling by wagon a distance of 1,800 
miles.  Here is a portion of a letter written by her at the 
age of eighty years:  “While living in a stockade with 
other families on the shore of Lake Erie, as a protection 
against unfriendly Indians, we experienced an awful anxiety, 
while listening to the roar of distant cannonading, which 
decided that important naval victory of Commodore PERRY.”  
She was a pioneer in four States, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas, 
and Nebraska, where she died at the age of one hundred and 
two years.  Her daughter, Rosetta SAXTON, born in Vermont in 
1812, married Collins FRENCH in 1832, having made his 
acquaintance while teaching school near his home.  Mrs. 
FRENCH was one of the first members of St. John’s Church, in 
Ohio City, was president of the Soldiers’ Aid Society of 
East Rockport during the war, was very hospitable and her 
home a model of neatness and thrift.

Malone WINSLOW, the first white child born in Malone, N.Y., 
and named after the town, married Jonathan PLYMPTON, came to 
Ohio in 1833, and settled on the east side of Rocky River.  
They had six children.  Clarissa PLYMPTON, their daughter, 
married J.A. KIDNEY and lives in Lakewood.

Mrs. James NICHOLSON (Betsey BARTHOLOMEW), born at 
Waterbury, Conn., in 1793, settled in Rockport in 1818, 
where her husband bought 200 acres of land.  They lived in 
their wagon until they put up a log cabin, and at that time 
were the only settlers between the Cuyahoga and Rocky 
rivers.  In 1826 they built a frame house, and shortly 
afterwards opened it as a tavern.  Mrs. NICHOLSON died 
January 1879.  Her son Ezra resides on the old place.

Mrs. William BROWN (Eunice Sackett BLANKESLEE) came from 
North Haven, Conn., in 1827, and married in 1832.  She spun 
and wove wool blankets, carpets, and linen.

Anne KEELER, born in Vermont, 1779, came with her husband, 
Zenas BARNUM, and settled in Rockport.  She was a devoted 
mother and Christian and was a great lover of flowers, of 
which she cultivated many rare kinds.  Her daughters were 
Delia (Mrs. George FERRIS) and Jane (Mrs. DEMING).

Sarah PLACE, born in Providence, R.I., in 1809, married 
Benjamin BROWN and came with her family to Rockport in 1830.  
She was a woman of strong characteristics, was interested in 
all the affairs of the nation, and a great reader.  She died 
at the age of forty-eight years.  Her daughter Phebe married 
George T. BARNUM, who was clerk of the township as early as 
1833, and afterwards member of the State Legislature.  She 
had five daughters and lived in Rockport until her death.  
Sarah, the second daughter, married Henry JORDAN and died in 

Mrs. Calvin GIDDINGS (Mary BENNETT), born in Jefferson 
county, N.Y., in 1805 was adopted by an uncle when three 
years of age and brought by him to Ashtabula, O., in 1808.  
She married Calvin GIDDINGS.  She was a woman who seldom 
went among her neighbors.  She said:  “I simply could not 
go, having to make, mend, and cook for nine boys.”  She had 
not been to the mouth of Rocky River since the bears ran 
wild there.  She was a lover of flowers and did fine 
needlework.  Her daughter, Mrs. Gideon PEASE, is the only 
one of her children living in Rockport.

Mrs. Solomon PEASE (Mary E. ROGERS) was born in Chautaqua 
county, N.Y., and came to Rockport in 1827.  Like all 
pioneers, they had their hardships.  She spun and wove cloth 
for herself and family.  Of her five children all are living 
but her daughter Dorothy, who married Frederick WRIGHT.  
Mrs. PEASE died in 1888 at the age of seventy-nine years.

Laura FOOTE, wife of J.D. TAYLOR, born in Berkshire county, 
Mass., in 1807, came with her father’s family, David FOOTE, 
and settled in Dover in 1815, was married in 1824, and 
immediately commenced housekeeping in a log cabin in the 
woods in Rockport.  She had three sons and two daughters.  
They were among the first members of the Methodist church.  
Mrs. TAYLOR died in 1859.

Mrs. Isaac HIGLEY (Phebe M. JOHNSON), born in Duchess 
county, N.Y., in 1793, married Isaac HIGLEY and came to 
Rockport in 1834.  They had six sons and three daughters.  
Three children are still living, Mary C. WHITNEY, a resident 
of Wellington, O., and Olive A. GOLDING, of Saginaw, Mich.  
Her son, M.J. HIGLEY, is living on the original farm in 

Eliza JORDAN, born in New York State, came to Ohio in 1830 
with her husband and family.  Her sister Polly, who married 
Homer CLARK, also came in the same year.  Susan, another 
sister, married Harlow LANDPHAIR and came to Rockport in 
1834.  They had  five sons and four daughters.  She died in 
1856.  The eldest daughter, Susan, married and settled in 
Iowa.  Sophronia meried David CHITTOCK and died in Rockport.  
Sabrina married Jacob GASNER and moved to Dover, where she 

Mrs. Alva LANDPHAIR (Sally KNOWLES) came from Madison 
county, N.Y., with her husband in 1832 and settled in 
Rockport.  They had five sons and six daughters.  Several 
children are yet living.  One daughter is in Cleveland.

Mrs. Ben McCLAREN (BOWERS) (Julia SOUTHERN) came with her 
parents from New York.  Little Julia went to school in a log 
house on what is now the ATWELL place.  The stump of a tree, 
enclosed within the walls, served as a desk for the teacher, 
Miss MASTERS, an aunt of I.U. MASTERS, afterwards Mayor of 
Cleveland.  She had ever been a consistent member of the 
Methodist church and still lives in Rockport.

Mrs. William GALLOP (Polly WORDEN) came from New York to 
Rockport in 1836.  She had three sons and eight daughters, 
all born in Brookfield, N.Y.  Her daughter Betsey married 
Philip JORDAN in Madison county, N.Y., and emigrated to 
Rockport prior to 1840.  They had two sons and four 
daughters.  Their son Ansel enlisted in the war of Rebellion 
and died in Libby Prison.  Betsey JORDAN died in Rockport in 

Mrs. Royal MILLARD (Annie FRANCIS), born in Massachusetts, 
in 1786, was married to Royal MILLARD in 1809.  She had two 
sons and five daughters.  In 1831 they moved to Rockport and 
bought a farm on the north bank of Rocky River, where she 
resided until her death.  Her daughter Mary (Mrs. A.S. 
BRISTOL) settled in Ravenna, O.  Annie (Mrs. Addison KELLEY) 
removed to Kelley'’ Island in 1854.  Lucy Frances (Mrs. 
Elijah MURRAY) remained with her parents until their death 
and then removed to Kelley’s Island.  All are now dead.

Mrs. James STRANAHAN (Frances FOSTER), born in Massachusetts 
in 1800, was a descendant of the Winslows of colonial fame.  
Her grandfather was a member of the Massachusetts 
constitutional convention.  She was educated at Amherst 
Academy, where she became acquainted with Noah WEBSTER, 
author of the dictionary.  After leaving the academy she 
taught the public schools.  When a child she saw the 
American troops pass her door on the way to Boston during 
the war of 1812.  She married James STRANAHAN, a merchant, 
of Syracuse, N.Y., and came to Rockport in 1833.  In going 
to their home, near Stranahan hill, while attempting to 
cross the river with two children, they, with their wagon 
were nearly swept down the stream, which was swollen to a 
mighty torrent by the spring rains.  She was a plain, modest 
woman, but of sturdy convictions, was opposed to the whisky-
drinking habit so popular among the early settlers, was a 
wise counselor, a prudent and loving mother, and esteemed by 
those who knew her best.  She died in 1889.  Her daughters 
were Frances (Mrs. John HEATON), Lydia, now deceased, and 
Mary (Mrs. George Andrew FARRAND, of Rockport). 

Rachel SMITH, born in Massachusetts in 1800, married Silas 
SOUTHWORTH, cane to Dover in 1811, and removed to Rockport 
in 1836.  She was a sturdy, industrious woman.  When a child 
she stood on the banks of Lake Erie with her father, who was 
a soldier of the Revolution, and witnessed the navel battle 
fought by PERRY.  Her only daughter and surviving child, 
Mrs. William SPRAGUE (Rebecca SOUTHWORTH), is living in 

Catherine PARKS, wife of John SWEET, born in Madison county, 
N.Y., in 1812, moved to Rockport with her husband in 1838.  
They came with one horse and covered wagon and a cow led 
behind.  She died in 1873.  Her only child, Mr. D. O. SWEET 
resided in Rockport.

Wealthy FRANCIS, born in Swansea, Mass., in 1774, married 
Peleg MASON, a soldier, commissioned lieutenant and ensign 
by John HANCOCK and Samuel ADAMS.  These commissions, also a 
few pieces of continental money and a sample of Boston 
harbor tea, are preserved in the family.  Her husband having 
died in the service, she sought a home with her sister, who 
had married her husband’s brother.  At the death of her 
sister she adopted her sister’s child, Lydia MASON, who 
married James S. ANTHONY.  Together they settled in Rockport 
in 1832.  Wealthy MASON brought with her apple seeds and 
planted an orchard, a portion of which is still standing.  
She was an energetic woman, a good cook, a thorough 
housekeeper, and could spin and weave.  She died at the home 
of her niece in 1849.  Mrs. James S. ANTHONY died in 1856, 
aged fifty-four years.  The eldest daughter married Jonathan 
PECK and is living in Elyria, O.  Sarah Lord ANTHONY, the 
youngest daughter, lives in Denver, Col.  The family of 
Edward M. ANTHONY, the youngest son, lives on the old 

In 1812 Nathan ALGER, with his wife, Susan, and four sons, 
came from Connecticut and founded what to this day is known 
as the “ALGER Settlement.”  His son, Henry, married Susan 
NICHOLS.  Their daughters were Philana D., the first white 
girl born in Rockport, 1812.  She married MORGAN, and was 
the mother of two sons and four daughters.  After being a 
pioneer here for several years, she moved to Michigan on a 
forest farm, which she cleared, doing the logging and 
plowing with a yoke of oxen.  She also planted her fields, 
her husband being perfectly helpless from rheumatism.  She 
was a woman of refinement and culture, and a devoted 

Mrs. Nathan ALGER (Emily FOLLIOTTE) moved from Massachusetts 
in a wagon in 1812, and married in 1828.  Her daughter Tempy 
(Mrs. William HALL) is yet living.

Mrs. Isaac WARREN (Amelia BRONSON), born in Connecticut in 
1799, married in 1814, and came to Rockport in 1822.  She 
had five sons and two daughters, was a thrifty woman, 
spinning and weaving cloth, both from flax and wool.

Mrs. Charles L. USHER (Marvin PALMER) born in Connecticut 
and married in New York.  In the winter of 1818 she, with 
her husband and family, drove through from New York in a 
sleigh, a portion of the way from Buffalo on the frozen 
lake.  She was the mother of three sons and four daughters.  
Mary born in New York in 1802, married William JORDAN in 
1821, removed to Rockport in 1827, and settled on the South 
Ridge.  Mr. JORDAN taught school winters, which left his 
wife to care for their growing family.  It was the home of 
early Methodism in Rockport.  The first class was organized 
in 1828, and many a time the sap kettle was taken from the 
crane and set aside to give place to the preaching service 
and prayer meeting.  The circuit rider, with his saddlebags, 
was a welcome and regular guest at her hospitable home.  She 
had twelve children, who grew to maturity.  In 1845 her 
husband died, leaving her to care for her large family, 
which she did, giving all a fair education

She died in 1882.  Her daughters now living are Jane E. 
(Mrs. Sidney LAWRENCE), Mary A. (Mrs. S.H. BROWN), and Lucy, 
who remains at home.

Mrs. Benjamin SPENCER (Sallie USHER) born in New York, 1808, 
came with her father’s family to Rockport in 1827.  She 
married Benjamin SPENCER, and had a son and a daughter.  She 
died in 1840.

Mrs. Mathew JORDAN-SPENCER (Diana USHER) came to Rockport in 
1827, married Mathew JORDAN, and had two sons and two 
daughters.  Her husband died in 1843, leaving her the care 
of her children.  She afterwards married Benjamin SPENCER.  
Of this marriage one daughter was born.  She had a 
remarkable memory.  She died in 1896, aged eighty-six years.

Hannah INGRAHAM, born 1777 in N. Bradford, Conn., married 
Junia BEACH and in 1816 moved to Ridgeville, O.   She found 
a temporary home with Judge ELDRED, with whose assistance a 
home was built.  Here Mrs. BEACH lived but one year.  Her 
husband dying, she again found a home with the good Judge 
ELDRED, where she remained until she married Amos SPERRY, of 
Dover.  During their residence in Dover they kept a tavern, 
which was a haven of rest to travelers on the stage coach 
which then made regular trips from Cleveland to Detroit.  
Mr. SPERRY died in 1847, after which his widow resided with 
her daughter, Mrs. J.P. SPENCER, of Rockport.  During her 
long life she was much noted for her powers of endurance.  
She once made a journey of sixty-six miles on horseback, 
carrying a child in her arms.  She was a member of the 
Congregational church.  She died at the age of ninety-nine 

Electra Miriam BEACH, born in Norfolk, Conn., 1811, only 
daughter of Junia and Hannah INGRAHAM BEACH, came to Ohio in 
1816, when the red man still lingered and wild beasts were 
plenty.  She married J.P. SPENCER and removed to their home 
in Rockport, riding with their household goods on a sled 
drawn by oxen.  The “setting out” included the spinning 
wheel and distaff, and for a score of years the hum of 
wheels vied with the art of muslin and lace embroidery, in 
which she excelled.  Six children to be clothed and fed left 
no time for idleness.  Mrs. SPENCER was an ardent Methodist, 
and in touch with the progressive ideas of the day.  Her 
home was the center of generous hospitality.  She died in 
1890.  Her eldest daughter married James A. POTTER, Hannah 
L. married Francis W. MASTIC.

Sarah TOMLINSON married Russell HAWKINS at Derby, Conn., in 
1813 and emigrated to the “Reserve” in 1817.  Her father 
had given her a farm of 100 acres in Kirtland.  This was 
sold for one Mentor, and in 1836 this also was sold, and one 
purchased in Rockport, on which her grandchildren still 
live.  Her daughters, Elizabeth and Caroline, were among the 
early teachers in Rockport, teaching for seventy-five cents 
a week, and “boarding around.”

Lydia (FOSTER) HAWKINS, born 1793 at New Braintreee, Mass., 
left her old home in 1831 to visit her sister, Mrs. 
STRANAHAN.  In 1843 she married Russell HAWKINS, of 
Rockport, where she died in 1861.  During the years of the 
underground railroad she was of great assistance to her 
husband, their house being a station for the colored 
refugees on their way to Canada.  It is related that at one 
time her best bonnet was taken without her knowledge, and 
used as a disguise for a colored woman who was fleeing from 

Mrs. Benjamin MASTIC (Eliza TOMLINSON),who settled in 
Rockport was the devoted mother of seven children, a kind 
neighbor, and a consistent Christian.  Her eldest daughter, 
Lavina, married Nathaniel WOOD and is a resident of 
Rockport.  Laura removed to California, where she married 
and died.  Cornelia married A.B. SPENCER, and lives in 

Keziah WITT, born in Massachusetts, 1806, married Ezra 
BASSETT, and came to Ohio in 1837, traveling by wagon to 
Troy, thence by canal to Buffalo, and from there to 
Cleveland by steamer.  The eldest daughter, L.D. NICHOLS, 
remembers a race between their steamer and a rival.  Mrs. 
BASSETT had five sons and two daughters.  She lived in 
Rockport in 1890.  Her daughter Marzilla became Mrs. L.D. 
NICHOLS, and Elizabeth, Mrs. Charles JORDAN; both reside in 

Fanny Marilla NICHOLLS, born in Connecticut, 1792, married 
Dyer NICHOLS, came to Rockport and settled in what was then 
known as the Alger settlement.  At the time of Perry’s 
victory her goods were packed for removal to safer quarters, 
and she was listening for the roar of cannon, when a 
friendly Indian came and told of Perry’s victory.  She 
returned to New York on a visit, making the journey on 
horseback, her husband walking by her side.  In 1814 they 
again returned to Rockport, where she remained until her 
death in 1875.

Mrs. Morgan WATERS (Catherine BROOKS) came from Ireland in 
1828 with her husband and two daughters, and settled in 
Canada.  Later they removed to Rockport.  The Oldest 
daughters, Mary and Catherine - finished their education in 
a log school house on the Public Square in Cleveland.  Wild 
turkeys were plentiful, and at one time Catherine caught 
three in a trap, which took the combined efforts and three 
children to drag them to the house.  Mrs. WALTERS died in 

Mrs. Weller DEAN (Achsah WHITWOOD), born in W. Stockbridge, 
Mass., 1814, came to Ohio in 1834, on a visit to Aunt 
RAWSON, in Grafton or Rawsonville; while there, became 
acquainted with A. Weller DEAN, whom she married.  They came 
to Rockport and resided with a relative while their log 
house was being built; at its completion began the battle of 
life, and no pioneer ever fought more valiantly than she for 
an unencumbered home which, after many years, was realized.  
She took a deep interest in leading events of the time, and 
it was a rash individual who had the boldness to antagonize 
her in political debate.  Reared amidst culture and 
refinement, she adapted herself to the conditions of pioneer 
life.  Of the many who came to her door, not one departed 
hungry, and no one who wished a night’s repose under her 
roof was ever turned away.  She was ever at the bedside of 
the poverty stricken, and in contagious diseases went where 
others feared to go.  She was desirous that her children 
might receive a better education than the common schools 
afforded.  In the early “forties” she was a regular 
attendant at the Episcopal church in Dover.

Mrs. Reuben WOOD (Mary RICE) was born in Vermont in 1798.  
In that State her girlhood was passed, and there she married 
Reuben WOOD, a young law student.  They came to Cleveland in 
1819, when the city was a village of less than two hundred 
inhabitants.  Mr. WOOD rose rapidly to fame in the new West, 
and in 1850 was inaugurated Governor of the State.  He 
resigned this position in 1853 to accept the Consulship to 
Valpariso, Chilie.

They came to Rockport in 1836.  Mrs. WOOD was left a widow 
in 1864, and two years later removed to California, making 
several trips across the continent at an advanced age.  She 
was president of the Soldiers’ Aid Society of West Rockport 
during the war.  She had two daughters.  Loretta married 
G.B. MERWIN, who was Consul to Chilie.  While there she 
wrote a history of the country.  She was loyal and 
patriotic, and during the war, with her mother, did good 
work for the soldiers of the Union.  Mary married Seabury 
MASTIC, and removed to California, where she now resides.

It is impossible to name all the families or to mention sons 
and daughters who came with the pioneer element.  The 
mention of any name in this list, without detail, is a 
grateful tribute to the zeal and courage attendant on 
pioneer life; an inheritance from such ancestors is better 
than riches.

        Miss Lucy JORDAN
      Chairman and Historian

Rockport Committee - Mrs. Nellie D. CRABBE, Miss Elizabeth 