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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Among the many pretty townships of the Western Reserve is 
found Olmsted, situated fourteen miles to the southwest of 
the centennial city of ’96.  A Big Four train stops at West 
View that you may be within the township, and via the Lake 
Shore route you may stop at Olmsted Falls, and if you chance 
to be aboard a Cleveland-Elyria electric car you may visit 
North Olmsted.

Originally the town was named Kingston, after Lenox.

In 1829 Mr. Charles H. OLMSTEAD, who had become owner of the 
north part of the town, as heir of Aaron OLMSTED, deceased, 
offered to make the people the present of a library if they 
would change the name of Lenox to Olmsted.  The offer was 
accepted, and the library duly presented.  The first 
election under the name of Olmsted was held in 1830.

In 1814 the only marks of civilization were an underbrushed 
road running through the township from north to south and a 
“blazed” one along the line of Butternut Ridge, which now 
is a road fourteen miles in length, shaded by magnificent 

In the spring of 1815 the Widow PARKER came with her 
husband, Janes GEER, from the adjoining township of 
Columbia, a home having been prepared for them in the place 
now known as Turkey Foot Grove.  The home of Mrs. GEER’s 
youth was Connecticut, and two children by a previous 
marriage came to Ohio with her.

The marriage of one Eunice PARKER to Harvey HARTSON was the 
first to be solemnized in Olmsted.  It occurred at the home 
of Mrs. GEER in 1817.  As there was neither minister nor 
justice of the peace in the town they sent to Columbia for a 
competent person to perform the ceremony.

At the home of Mrs. GEER occurred also the first birth - 
that of her daughter, Julia.  The child died when two years 
old, the first death in the township.

In 1816 Mrs. BUNNET became a resident here, living in a 
plank house in the north of the township.  She brought the 
first plantain seed that she might raise it for greens.

In 1818 Mrs. SCALES came to live at the east end of the 
ridge near Rocky River.  As her husband was obliged to work 
in Columbia, her experience was a most lonely one.  Often 
she was obliged to rise in the night, and with a broom drive 
the wildcats from the house.  One day she saw a bear hugging 
a dog to death in the front yard, and taking down the old 
musket from over the fireplace, thought to put an end to 
bruin’s existence; but after a short inspection of the 
firearm, concluded it to be more dangerous than the bear, 
which finally left for the woods.  The dog was apparently 
dead, but eventually revived.

In 1819 Polly BARNUM of Ridgeville married David Johnson 
STEARNS, who was the earliest settler in the township.

Would my readers like to compare her wedding tour with one 
of today?

Mr. STEARNS took leave of his wife the evening after the 
wedding, which occurred one Sunday in February.  Necessity 
compelled him to be at home Monday to attend the 
“butchering,” but he was to return for his wife on 

The next morning Polly decided that as she would eventually 
have to cook that meat and use the lard, she would go 
thither and superintend the care of it, and so set forth 
upon her wedding trip alone.  A light snow had fallen the 
previous day, and she was able to follow her husband’s 
tracks through the dense woods a distance of six miles.  
Though a hollow tree here and there served as hermitage for 
the bear during those winter days, they left her “monarch 
of all she surveyed,” and she made her way unmolested to 
her future home where the meat was cared for to her entire 

A little later in 1819 Chloe TYLER, wife of Major Lemuel 
HOADLEY, became a near neighbor of Mrs. SCALES.  The family 
at first occupied a log house, but immediately began the 
erection of a frame one.  After the timber was cut, hewed, 
and framed, and ready to raise, Maria and Eunice HOADLEY, 
two robust and resolute girls, who possibly desired to 
create a favorable impression during a day’s absence of 
their parents, proceeded with the erection of their new 
house.  They put the timber, piece by piece, into place, 
under the supervision of the carpenter, and with the aid of 
Mrs. SCALES, raised the building and had nearly completed 
the work when their parents arrived and expressed their 
astonishment, the father pronouncing the work well done.  
Thus, to women must be given the credit of raising the first 
house in Olmsted.  With the assistance of the daughters, the 
house was soon completed, and at Christmas they gave a 
“house warming” - a frolic and dance, to which all the 
lads and lassies in the neighborhood were invited.  This was 
soon followed by the wedding and happy settlement in the 
life of the two fair architects, Maria becoming Mrs. John 
ADAMS, and Eunice the wife of Rev. Julius BRONSON, and some 
time after his death was a second time let to the alter by 

In the autumn of 1820 a party of four, Pricilla THOMPSON 
STEARNS and Polly SHERMAN STEARNS, with their husbands 
Vespasian and Alvah, left their homes in Vermont with an ox 
team to seek places of abode in a wilderness six hundred 
miles distant.  They sped over the ground at the rate of one 
hundred miles per week, and in six week’s time were enjoying 
the hospitality of Polly BARNUM STERNS, who, from this time 
forward was known as “Polly John,” and Polly SHERMAN 
STEARNS received the cognomen of “Polly Alvah.”

Logs were soon rolled up for their homes, Pricilla spent 
that first winter in their hastily constructed log hut.  An 
opening in the roof served as a chimney.  A fire was built 
against logs which served as a fireplace.  An opening in one 
side of the wall formed a window over which was hung a sheet 
that admitted sufficient light for her to do her work.  
Another opening covered by a blanket served as door.

When these maidens left their homes in Vermont, they were 
well supplied with the necessaries of life.  A gourd filled 
with allspice, brought by Pricilla, showed that her mother 
wished her to have something besides the “spice of life” 
in the wilderness.  Another gourd contained pepper, and they 
are now preserved by her daughter Hester, in Freeport, Ill.  
The deer, partridges, and wild turkeys shot by Vespasian was 
all the fresh meat cooked by Pricilla that winter - and she 
was also furnished with light by the deer.

Among her guests that first season may be mentioned Mrs. 
Oliver TERRELL, of Ridgeville fame, who sat upon her horse 
from darkness till dawn, when break of day showed her the 
home of Pricilla, which she entered to warm her numbed body 
ere the family were stirring.  She was returning from the 
Columbia mills and had missed her way.  No inducement, 
however, was great enough to persuade her to partake of food 
ere leaving, as she knew her children would be waiting 
anxiously for her return.

Pricilla at one time gained the reputation of feeling 
herself better than her neighbors, because necessity 
compelled her to wear a silk dress to church.  We know, 
however, that pride was not listed among her 
characteristics.  That she was generous and always ready to 
help in time of need may be shown by the following:  Her 
husband’s purse contained $5 on their arrival here and she 
cheerfully sanctioned the giving of one-half that sum to 
their neighbor, Mrs. SCALES, to expend for medicine for her 
sick husband.

 In 1823 Mrs. THOMPSON, mother of Priscilla, being desirous 
of seeing her daughter, came alone from her hone in Vermont 
in a one-horse wagon.  She was so prepossessed in favor of 
the country that she came here with her family soon after, 
and “Grandma THOMPSON” was known, loved, and esteemed for 
her many deeds of goodness by all the country around.

In 1828, Pricilla, wife of Daniel THOMPSON, and Lucina 
THOMPSON CARPENTER, with their husbands added to the 
population of Butternut Ridge.  Aurilla THOMPSON and husband 
Elliot SMITH, were already residents.

Hannah EASTMAN, wife of Hosea BRADFORD, came here with her 
husband and family in 1820.  Previous to this they were 
pioneers of Brecksville.  Mrs. BRADFORD was noted for her 
hospitality, and many a night has fed and housed the 
Indians, with never a thought of fear, thus showing her 
adaptability to the life she had chosen.

In those early days Nellie CISCO, who was of colored 
descent, became the wife of Joseph PEAK.  They lived in the 
northwestern part of the township on the farm now owned by 
William HURD.  Mrs. PEAK was a devoted Christian, always 
attending the Methodist church.

Nancy CALKINS (Mrs. Amos BRIGGS) was married in 1819 and 
lived in Olmsted forty years thereafter.  She was taken into 
the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1828, and in those early 
days her house was often the home of Christie, Poe, Bigelow, 
Power, Barkdul, and Disbro.  She saw the growth of Methodism 
in this region from its earliest beginning and was always 
one of its most zealous and faithful supporters.

Pricilla, wife of Davis ROSS, arrived from Canandaigua, 
N.Y., in 1823.  Their daughter Margaret, an extremely 
amiable and industrious woman came here with her husband, 
Sheldon WEBSTER, in 1826.

In 1823 Phoebe McILRATH (Mrs. Elias FROST) became a resident 
of what has since been known as the FROST place.

About the year 1825, Lavinia HOVEY (Mrs. Peter ROMP, 
afterward Mrs. Alvah STEARNS) came with her family to 
Olmsted.  She was married at the early age of fifteen, and, 
owing to the poor health of her husband, the care of the 
family devolved mostly upon her.  Few women are now living 
who have labored as long and endured as much as she.  She 
was in great demand as a doctor - forded rivers at dead of 
night, on horseback, carrying her babe, too young to leave 
at home, in her arms.  She went everywhere, denying no one.  
In addition to all her other good works, she was a 
tailoress, and to the very last would always insist on 
making the buttonholes, because she “loved to do it.”  How 
much more precious than the laurels of fame is the memory of 
this excellent woman, who did not outlive her usefulness!

In 1828 her daughter Amy married Harry BARNUM and became a 
resident of the farm on which George BARNUM now lives, where 
she passed a long and useful life, her death occurring only 
a few months ago.

In 1822 Mary USHER (Mrs. William JORDAN) and husband left 
Brookfield, N.Y., for a home in the West and located here.  
Mrs. JORDAN lost her father and two brothers the winter 
following.  The woods were very thick and little or no 
sunlight could penetrate them to dissipate the dampness 
which caused the malaria that was prevalent at the time.

Betsey USHER, daughter of Charles Lee USHER, became Mrs. 
Horace ADAMS.

Margaret KEELER came from Vermont to visit a sister here and 
taught school in Rockport, boarding around.  Soon afterward 
she became Mrs. Elias USHER.

Wealthy MORGAN (Mrs. Watrous USHER) lived in the first brick 
house in Olmsted after a residence of some years in one part 
frame and part logs.

Rebecca WEBSTER (Mrs. Thaddeus FLITCH), who afterward became 
Mrs. John WALKER, started for Olmsted from East Windsor, 
Conn., in November 1831.  She was in company with Anna 
LOOMIS, wife of her son Chauncey, and family.  The vessel on 
which they took passage from Buffalo was driven by the 
stress of weather into the harbor of Dunkirk.  Here Anna was 
taken ill with a fever and died at the home of her husband’s 
uncle, in Pomfret, near Fredonia, N.Y.  Mrs. Thaddeus FITCH, 
however accompanied her son and family here, where they 
arrived December 25 after a prolonged sleighride.  In the 
fall of 1833 Mr. FITCH returned to Windsor, bringing back 
with him a second wife, Clarissa LOOMIS, sister of the 
deceased.  Through persevering industry and economy they 
acquired a fair property here.

Jerusha LOOMIS (Mrs. Daniel FITCH) came from Cattaraugas, 
N.Y., in 1839, but her residence here was short.  In 1840 
she left with her husband to settle in Huron county.

Betsey EDMONDS (Mrs. Chester FITCH) was an adopted daughter 
of Mrs. Daniel ELMER, North Bolton, Conn.  She came here 
with her husband and family in 1831 and resided in the 
northern part of the township.  She was of French 
extraction, witty and jolly, fond of company, and had 
excellent command of language.

In the same year, Sabra CADEY (Mrs. Eli FITCH) came also 
from East Windsor, and with her husband settled upon the 
bank of Rocky River.  She is still living to tell the story 
of her pioneer life, which she does not consider worthy of 
mention.  It contains no stories of thrilling adventures 
with wolves or bears, though they were plentiful at that 
time.  She was always a very busy woman and now, in her 
ninety-third year, is never idle.  Her willing hands did 
much for neighbors and friends in pioneer times.  As a 
tailoress she caused many a man to rejoice over a perfect 
fitting “swallow-tailed” coat.  Her knowledge of this work 
was acquired after her marriage, and at spinning and weaving 
she had few equals.

Can “Aunt Sabra’s” friends of today fancy her en route for 
church behind a yoke of oxen?  During her husband’s absence, 
in the year ’39, she might have been seen on horseback with 
her son, Miles, going to Harry SHELDON’s mill, in Berea, for 
flour, which at the time was worth $10 a barrel.  Today we 
find her enjoying excellent health, and there is no place 
where one can enjoy a pleasanter visit than with “Aunt 
Sabra.”  Her loss would be deeply regretted by the whole 
community.  Everyone loves her.

Clarissa WHILE (Mrs Sanford FITCH) came to Olmsted with her 
husband in 1832.  Her home was in Chautauqua, N.Y.  She was 
a very enterprising woman in a business way.

Harriet LOOMIS (Mrs. Horace FITCH) became a resident here in 
1831.  The same year Mary Ann ALCOTT (Mrs. Elisha FITCH) and 
husband came.  She had not family, but has acted as mother 
to four children and is still living in Olmsted Falls, 
having the respect of a large circle of relatives and 

In November, 1833, Mrs. John LOOMIS and Mrs. Joseph OLMSTED 
LOOMIS, with their husbands and children, and Joseph LOOMIS, 
father of John and Joseph, came from East Windsor, Hartford 
county, Connecticut, from which place we have already 
brought many families.  They traveled overland with teams to 
Albany, N.Y., thence by Erie Canal to Buffalo, thence by 
boat to Cleveland, and settled on the bank of Rocky River, 
on land now owned by Lester BRADFORD.  Two small log houses 
were erected and they made themselves as comfortable as 

Jerusha LOOMIS, wife of Joseph LOOMIS, became a resident 
here in 1834, her husband having returned to East Windsor 
for her and their three children, Newton P., Gilbert M., and 
Julia A.  The latter, Mrs. PECK, remained here several 
years, and then went to Springfield, Mass.

The country around Olmsted Falls at this time was still wild 
and rough, heavily timbered, and sparsely settled, with the 
exception of the families on Butternut Ridge.  In 1836 Amy 
Eliza MEAD, daughter of Aziel MEAD, of Geneva, O., became 
the wife of Newton P. LOOMIS, and she is still living, in 
good health, surrounded by friends and neighbors, whose 
respect and confidence she has always enjoyed.  It was their 
pleasure to assemble at her home on May 16, this year, to 
congratulate herself and husband on a continuous married 
life of sixty years.

Sarah SMITH COUSINS, of Vergennes, Vt., came here in 1832.  
She had no need of guests to fill her home, as she made and 
mended garments for a family of fifteen.  Could one woman be 
asked to do more?

The same year Betsey JONES (Mrs. Moses McCALLIPS) became a 
resident.  The families of these women became closely 
united.  Nancy, Lizzie, and Sally Ann, daughters of Betsey 
and Moses McCALLIPS, became the wives of Moses, William, and 
Jacob, sons of Sally Ann and Abram COUSINS.

Laura KELLOGG (Mrs. Samuel SPAFFORD) came in ’32 with her 
husband and family from Vergennes, Vt.  Her daughter Polly 
Ann, was one of the teachers on Butternut Ridge who taught 
six days each week for seventy-five cents, and boarded 
around.  She became Mrs. DIBBLE and now finds the millinery 
business in Elyria more profitable.

In 1834 Eliza M. PAYSON (Mrs. Caleb COOK) and husband left 
Manchester, Conn., for a home in Olmsted.  They settled at 
first in the western part of the township, but afterward 
became residents of the Cook road.

Sally WEBSTER (Mrs. Hiram KELLOGG) came from Vergennes, Vt., 
with her husband and one child in 1834.

Naturally of a very nervous temperament, she was not 
particularly well adapted to pioneer life.  If she were to 
go out of sight of the house and turn around three times, 
she would have no idea in what direction from her the log 
house was; of so industrious a disposition that the time, 
while riding even, would be wasted if she chanced to forget 
her knitting, which she seldom did.  A great deal of her 
time was devoted to spinning and weaving and today there are 
overcoats being worn, the cloth of which she made and had 
fulled at the woolen factory.  With the proceeds of her 
labor in this work she at one time purchased a phaeton for 
the sum of $225.  As the vehicle is still in existence, 
though in a very dilapidated condition, we fancy it was 
“handled with care” while she lived.  Her wedding dress, 
an empire gown of lilac silk, is in the possession of her 
daughter, Elsie (Mrs. J.S. HENDRICKSON), of Olmsted.  It is 
seventy years old and is in a perfect state of preservation.

Maria GAGE, whose maiden name was REUBIN, came in 1832 from 
Vermont, and endured many hardships, as did also Charlotte 
REUBLIN SHELDON, who came about the same time.  They both 
made homes on the bank of Rocky River.  The first school 
house was the regulation log one, with slab desks and seats, 
built in 1821, near where Snell’s store now stands.  Rude 
though it was it furnished a place for the sons and 
daughters (which were many) of those pioneer women to 
acquire a common school education.

The first church organized was the Universalist, in 1834.  
In 1835 the First Congregational Church was organized in 
Olmsted Falls, and the list of its members numbered sixteen, 
of which eleven were women:  Mary Ann FITCH, Jerusha LOOMIS, 
Cynthia HOUSE, Catherine NELSON, Mary Ann WOOD, Rachel WAIT, 
Emeline SPENCER, Lydia CUNE, Anna S. HOW, Harriet DRYDEN, 
and Esther E. KENNEDY.

“Religion is indeed woman’s panoply; no one who wishes her 
happiness would divest her of it.”

There were many, many others that space forbids mention, 
whose lot it was to make sacrifices, bear privations, and 
exercise patience and kindness to a degree that the world 
may never know, and if it did, would scarcely believe.

“The sweetest lives are those to duty wed,
  Whose deeds, both great and small,
Are close knit strands of one unbroken thread,
  Where love ennobles all.”


Olmsted committee - Mrs. Amelia AMES, Mrs. Emma PERRY, Miss