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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


When in 1795, the Connecticut Land Company sent out its 
surveyors to inspect the “worthless patch of woodland” in 
the middle-west, peopled only by Indians, which land it had 
acquired by purchase from the State of Connecticut, there 
was no vision that this wilderness would be in after years, 
become one of the most important parts of the country.  For 
this “worthless woodland” became the Western Reserve of 
Ohio which has produced some of the ablest men and women in 
the United States.

When the surveyors arrived, headed by Moses CLEVELAND, it 
was a question whether the new settlement to be formed 
should be located upon the low-lands bordering Lake Erie, or 
further southeastward where hills and gullies existed.  
“Cleffland,” as it was first called, won the day and 
Newburgh became its environ.

Yet, in those early days Cleveland and Newburgh were rivals; 
and five year later Newburgh had the larger population.  
This was due to the malarial conditions existing in 
Cleveland at that time.  The marshes bordering the crooked 
Cuyahoga river were breeding places for fever and ague.  
Scarcely any of the early settlers escaped the disease.  And 
it is recorded that after a short sojourn in the Cleveland 
hamlet, many removed to the higher ground of Newburgh, 
although most of them retained their land holdings in 

Newburgh was formed into a separate township in 1814 and was 
not annexed to Cleveland until 1872.  Yet from 1796 until a 
few years ago, Newburgh was always mentioned as a suburb of 
Cleveland.  On this account it has been difficult to 
separate the early history of pioneers, one from the other, 
as they are so intermingled.  Consequently this sketch of 
early Newburgh residents can only be considered as 
supplementary to the Cleveland narrative found in this 

In the vital statistics of Newburgh occur the names of 
families coming before 1800.  A year later came the two 
followed during the next five years by the BURKS, Asael 
ADAMS and his wife Lucy MYGATT, and the MILES family.  Many 
other notable families well known in Newburgh history came 
within the next ten years during which time Newburgh village 
was incorporated.

In a sketch necessarily as brief as this only a few of the 
earliest pioneer women can be mentioned.

Levi WHITE and his wife Sabrina KINNEY came to Newburgh from 
Bennington, Vt., in 1804.  He purchased land at $1.50 an 
acre on the site occupied now by the State Hospital.  Mrs. 
WHITE had many interesting experiences with the Indians.  
They called her “The Good Squaw,” demanding food which she 
dared not refuse.  But they always came back bringing 
venison and animal skins, much more valuable than the food, 
to repay her for her kindness.  Her husband died in 1812 
leaving her with twelve children to support.  The records 
say that she “performed her task nobly.”  And when her day 
was done she was interred in the Axtell Street Cemetery 
which was laid out in 1801.

MILES was an important name in Newburgh as early as 1806, 
Charles MILES, Sr., having owned many acres of land in this 
section at that time.  Mrs. Charles MILES, Sr. (Ruth 
THOMPSON) was the daughter of Deacon Stephen THOMMPSON and 
Mary WALTERS THOMPSON of Goshen, Conn.  Mr. MILES serving in 
the War of the Revolution was ordered home on account of 
illness.  When able, he purchased land at Tinmouth, Vt. And 
moved his family there.  Seven of their eight children were 
born in Tinmouth.

Meanwhile the parents, brothers and sisters of Ruth THOMPSON 
MILES, having come previously to the Western Reserve, wrote 
back such glowing accounts of the new land that she 
persuaded her husband to join them.  They first joined her 
family at Hudson, Ohio, but later decided to locate in 

Mrs. Ruth THOMPSON MILES is spoken of as a kindly-faced 
woman, tall, dark haired and of graceful carriage, never 
wanting in courage and bravery, traits needed in the new 
land.  Her daughter Mary married at the early age of fifteen 
and died when barely sixteen.  Another daughter, Susannah, 
married Dr. Nathan MANTER.  The two oldest sons, Theodore 
and Erastus - better known as the “MILES Brothers,” - are 
closely connected with Newburgh history both having held 
public offices.  Theodore MILES was a man of public spirit.  
He gave Miles Park to the village and Miles Avenue, the 
longest street in Newburgh was given the family name.

Lydia CLARK, the first wife of Theodore, was mother of Eben 
MILES who married Eunice BATES.  The second wife, Fanny Buel 
HAWLEY, had two sons and four daughters, Livinia, the only 
unmarried one spending all her days in the old family 
homestead on Miles Avenue.

Mrs. Erastus MILES (Laura CARTER) was a young woman of 
determined character and full of spirit.  It is related that 
when she was but thirteen years of age a band of Indians 
came to their home frightening her invalid mother.  Seizing 
a broom she went out amongst them wielding the broom right 
and left, hitting heads and legs promiscuously and crying:  
“Get out!  My mother is sick!”  It is needless to state 
that the Indians, unused to such feminine tactics left 
without more ado.  She married Erastus MILES when but 
seventeen year old.  They were parents of Emily who married 
Timothy T. CLARK, and being left a widow, Joseph K. CURTIS; 
and Lucretia who became the wife of the Hon. Edward S. 
HAMLIN of Elyria, Ohio.  Mrs. Erastus MILES, late in life 
chose for her second husband, James STRONG of Cleveland.

History says that “Samuel Smith BALDWIN, son of Samuel and 
Hannah NORTHROP BALDWIN of Ridgefield, Conn. Came to 
Newburgh in 1808 and settled upon a farm on Aetna Street.”  
He brought with him his wife Sarah CAMP BALDWIN, and several 
young children.  At this time they had been married about 
eleven years.  The writer of this sketch had the privilege 
of examining a diary and docket written by Samuel S. BALDWIN 
and preserved through all these years by one of his 
descendants.  In these he tells of much of the daily life of 
those early times.  He held the offices of Sheriff and 
County Surveyor and was an important man in the community.  
His daily life was recorded as attending to acts of justice, 
surveying and taking up new tracts of land upon the Western 
Reserve, and “logging” in which neighbors with their oxen 
assisted him.  Frequent mention was made of such neighbors 
as W.W. WILLIAMS, Joel THORPE and Amos SPAFFORD.  In this 
Diary he tells of one of his surveyors crossing the ice at 
Black River on horseback, carrying a bag of provisions 
eagerly expected by the women at home.  The horse broke 
through the ice and was drowned, its rider being obliged to 
walk back to Newburgh.  The bag of provisions was later 
fished out of the river.  Mr. BALDWIN also tells of the 
calamity that befell the CARTER family by the drowning of 
Harry CARTER, a lad of ten years, in the Cuyahoga River and 
the search for the little body.

Mrs. Samuel S. BALDWIN (Sarah CAMP) was a delicate woman of 
culture and refinement.  In leaving the comforts of her 
Eastern home she had little realization of the hardships she 
would encounter as a pioneer in a new land.  She brought 
with her a fine wardrobe and accessories, indicating wealth 
and good taste, but quite unfitted to pioneer life.  She 
departed this life in 1818, after the birth of twins, at the 
early age of thirty-six years.  Her daughter Lucretia 
married Reuben HENRY.  Caroline became Mrs. Victor M. CANNON 
of Aurora, Portage county, Ohio.  Julia married Thomas 
NORTH, Sarah, Almeron DODGE, and Emily, one of the twins, 
became Mrs. Francis MORAN.

After the death of his first wife, Mr. BALDWIN married Rhoda 
BOUGHTON, daughter of Nathan BOUGHTON of Stockbridge, Mass. 
And of Revolutionary War fame.  She proved a real mother to 
his motherless children, but was herself left a widow three 
years later.  

It has been said that while Connecticut created the Western 
Reserve of Ohio, pioneers from Vermont and New Hampshire 
settled it.

Upon Miles Avenue still reside descendants of Ashley AMES 
who came to Newburgh from Vergennes, Vt., in 1795.  Ashley 
AMES was the son of David AMES a soldier in the 
Revolutionary War and a native of Hollis, N.H.   He married 
Sarah WILLARD, daughter of John O. WILLARD of Cleveland in 

Sarah WILLARD AMES was a young woman of genius.  Her fine 
taste and artistic ability was proverbial.  She was not only 
proficient in fine needle work and embroidery, but her 
decorative skill was unsurpassed in those days.  She was 
able to take almost any kind of material and from it make 
something beautiful; yet, with it all, she was the capable 
mother of ten children of her own, and her motherly 
instincts impelled her to adopt and bring up two other 
motherless little ones.

Of her ten children, the first seven were boys, who, lacking 
sisters, were taught all the intricacies of house-keeping, 
including knitting and sewing, by their practical mother.  
They stated, later in life, that these accomplishments were 
greatly appreciated by them.

Surely Mrs. Ashley AMES was a worthy ancestor of Miss May 
AMES, artist and teacher in the Cleveland School of Art, 
from whom she claims to have inherited her own talents.

Noble BATES and his wife, Aurilla BOOTH BATES, arrived in 
Newburgh in 1812 from Essex, Vt., bringing with them two 
little daughters, Sophia and Elvira.  Afterwards, two little 
daughters, Lucy (Mrs. Benjamin WIGGINS) and Eunice (Mrs. 
Eben MILES) were born in Newburgh.  Mr. BATES was a 
millwright, but as the early settlers had little to grind 
they had often only cornmeal upon which to subsist.  When 
white flour was obtainable there was great rejoicing.  There 
is a story that one night Mr. BATES brought home a cherished 
sack of white flour after the hungry children were in bed 
and asleep.  Nothing daunted by the lateness of the hour, 
Mrs. BATES baked a large pan of biscuits as soon as possible 
and roused the children who proceeded to fill their little 
stomachs with the hot food, much to their hearts’ content.  
Late in life Sophia, the eldest daughter of Noble and 
Aurilla BOOTH BATES, became the wife of Thomas GARFIELD, 
uncle of President James A. GARFIELD.

INGERSOLL is a name that occurs often in the annals of 
Newburgh.  The Connecticut Land Company sold nine hundred 
acres of land in Newburgh to Elijan INGERSOLL in 1812.  The 
price was $1,400.  Elijah was the son of David and Lydia 
INGERSOLL of Lee, Mass.  When twenty years of age Elijah 
INGERSOLL had married Polly BARLOW, who lived out her brief 
life in her home town of Lee,  Later he married Betsey 
THOMAS, who, with his eight children accompanied him to 
Newburgh, the three oldest being married before coming West.

Nathan, the oldest son, married Polly PERRY, daughter of 
Abraham and Temperance HATCH PERRY, in Lee, Mass.  Their 
wedding journey was to their new home in Newburgh.  The 
young bride had much fear of the Indians who were quite 
numerous in this section during certain season of the year.  
She soon learned, however, that their actions were not 

Polly PERRY INGERSOLL was by nature sympathetic and 
philanthropic.  She was always ready to lend a helping hand 
and no one was ever turned from her door unrelieved.  She 
lived to be more than ninety years old.  Her daughters were 
Adaline (Mrs. Thomas CROSBY),  Samantha (Mrs. Charles HALL), 
Lucy (Mrs. John KELLY), and Jane who remained unmarried.  
Her three sons:  Edwin, John and Barlow, became respected 
citizens of Newburgh and Cleveland.

From Sudley, Vt. Came Jonathan and Lucy SCOVILL PEARSE to 
Newburgh hamlet in 1817.  They came by ox-team and covered 
wagon which was the only mode of land travel in those days.  
Their first home was a log cabin upon a ten acre tract of 
land near the corner of Harvard and Independence Streets.  
Their taxes per year upon the property were $13.65.  As many 
of the early residents of Newburgh were “land poor” even 
this small sum was hard to raise.  It meant a continuous 
saving of even the pennies.

Wolves howled about Newburgh during these years and 
terrified the residents.  A bounty was offered for each wolf 
slain.  Among the “wolf papers” still in existence is this 
one which explains itself:

“This certifies that Lorenzo NALLY has produced to me one 
scalp of a wild wolf over the age of six months, proven 
according to law, for which he is entitled to receive from 
the State of Ohio the sum of $4.00 as per act of the Leg.” 
  Theodore MILES, J.P

Mr. and Mrs. PEARSE were the parents of seven children, 
nearly all born in Newburgh.

At one time, a few years after the forming of Newburgh into 
a separate township in 1814, there were eight families in 
Newburgh hamlet by the name of RATHBUN.  Among them were 
Edmund, George and Jonathan RATHBUN, originally from Rhode 

The wife of Edmund RATHBUN was Julia HAMILTON, daughter of 
Samuel and Susannah HAMILTON, whose bravery and fortitude 
under great tribulations has already been mentioned in these 

Mrs. Edmund RATHBUM was the mother of three daughters, 
Caroline, Melinda and Lydia, all of whom married into the 
family of David BROOKS, another pioneer resident of 
Newburgh.  Caroline became Mrs. Samuel BROOKS and Lydia, 
Mrs. Freeman BROOKS.  Edmund RATHBUN was a solider in the 
Revolutionary War.

The wife of George RATHBUN was Harriet WARNER, daughter of 
another early resident of Newburgh.  Jonathan with his 
family moved to Orange County, but the families of Edmund 
and George lived on Harvard Street, Newburgh, for many 

Aaron HUBBARD and his wife Esther TIBBALS HUBBARD, came to 
Newburgh hamlet in 1820.  Two years before, Mr. HUBBARD had 
traded land in Broome, Schoraie County, N.Y. for unimproved 
land in Newburgh, sending his son ISRAEL and his married 
daughter Cynthia (Mrs. Stephen TITUS) to take possession of 
it.  The Aaron HUBBARDS came as far as Buffalo with an ox-
team and span of horses attached to two covered wagons.  At 
Buffalo Mr. HUBBARD shipped some of his heavier freight on 
the small wooden steamer “Walk-in-the-Water” which plied 
between Buffalo and Cleveland.  His wife drove the span of 
horses through to Newburgh.  This would not be considered 
much of a feat in these days of automobile travel and cement 
roadways.  But in those days when the Western country was 
mostly uncleared land, the public highways not much more 
than beaten paths, and wild animals howling at night, it 
took some bravery on the part of a woman to set out upon 
such a journey.

Mrs. Aaron TIBBALS HUBBARD was originally from Durham, Conn.  
She remembered many childhood incidents of the Revolutionary 
War - one, the passing of Gen. Washington and his staff past 
her home.

She was a woman of energy, exceptional good judgment - and 
possessed of a cheerful disposition.  Fond of reading, she 
retained her mental facilities to the end of a long life.

This sketch is but a page in the early history of Newburgh.  
Much more might be told if time and space permitted.  It is 
difficult for us of the twentieth century to realize the 
trials and hardships encountered by our pioneer ancestors 
upon the Western Reserve of Ohio.


(Note:  The information contained in this narrative was 
gleaned from various pioneer histories and from letters and 
original records still in existence.)