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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


Euclid, the suburb of the beautiful Forest City, first felt 
the thrill of civilization penetrating its forests and 
invading its sparkling streams in 1803, when Asa and David 
DILLEE moved into their log house, one-half mile west of 
Euclid Creek.  The latter was widower when he married Mary 
SAYLOR, and moved from Washington County, Pa., to “Dillee’s 
Bottom” on the Ohio river, nearly opposite Wheeling, Va.  
The two Mrs. DILLEES, who were sisters, traveled from the 
latter place on horseback, each carrying a child in her arms 
and one behind her on the horse.  The last twenty-five miles 
of the way there was only a bridle path, and trees had to be 
cut down to make a road for the wagon, taking twenty-five 
days to make the twenty-five miles.

In this new home the most generous hospitality was extended 
to strangers, especially to ministers and soldiers; the 
women often sitting up all night to mend clothes for the 
soldiers who stopped there during the war of 1812.

The first Presbyterian Church was organized and several 
children were baptized in this home.  One of the Mrs. 
DILLEES died at the home of her son, Israel DILLEE, an 
eminent lawyer of Newark, O., at the age of seventy years.

Cynthia, daughter of David and Mary DILLEE, learned to spin 
and weave, and at an early age became famous for the 
excellence of and rapidity with which she did her work.  At 
the age of eighteen she began teaching school, doing the 
family weaving during her vacation.  She married Havilah 
FARNSWORTH and settled about three miles from her 
birthplace.  A number of years later she moved to Iowa, 
where she died 1875.

Her daughters were Mary Ellen, Abigail and Miranda.  The 
latter became Mrs. Sardis WELCH, and settled near her 
birthplace.  Her daughters were Harriet (Mrs. Hezekiah 
AVERY) of Euclid, now deceased; Eliza (Mrs. HADDEN), who 
resides with her son Alex HADDEN, Esq., of Cleveland; and 
Marian (Mrs. Pulaski CAMP), of Evarts, Mich.

Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa DILLEE, married John 
LORD and lives in Wickliffe.

Nehemiah DILLEE married Betsy McILRATH, a direct descendant 
of Abram CLARK, one of the signers of the Declaration of 
Independence.  She was a sweet, lovable Christian woman, who 
looked well to the ways of her household.  Her daughter 
Harriet became Mrs. Wm. CHAPMAN, and mother of Hon. H.M. 
CHAPMAN, also of Augusta; Mrs. Edward DOANE, of Euclid, and 
Mary (Mrs. Smith SEAMAN), of Glen Cove, L.I.

Minerva DILLEE became Mrs. Wm. H. OTIS, of Cleveland; 
Levantia, Mrs. Moses BARTLETT, of Hartford, Conn.; and 
Julia, Mrs. Lewis SAWTELLE, of Cleveland.  The latter’s 
daughter, Julia, more familiarly known as “Little Dudie,” 
was a good angel to many a one less fortunate than herself.  
No case of destitution that ever reached her ear passed 
unheeded,  Miss Belle SAWTELLE lived with her aunt, Mrs. 
A.O. DILLEE, and died 1873.

Sidney Hillard DILLEE married Candance TALBOT of 
Connecticut, who, previous to her marriage, taught school in 
the township, and had endeared herself to her scholars by 
her many lovable qualities.

Mrs. Philo MOSES (Mary McILRATH) moved here in 1835.  Her 
daughters, Eliza and Julia, widow of E.J. Gray, live in 
Oakland, Cal., and Betsey, Mrs. Wm. MORRIS, is in Kansas 

Mrs. Elihu MOSES (Ann GROVE) came with her parents from 
Maryland, 1814.  Her daughters are Charlotte, Mrs. Maurice 
STOCKMAN, of Michigan; Roxana, Mrs. Edward SPRING, of 
Collinwood; and Eliza, widow of Frank GAWNE, also of 

Robert AIKEN and wife (Anna PELTON), came from Chatham, 
Conn., settled on Euclid Ridge, 1824.  They had only been 
married three years when the young husband was attacked with 
inflammatory rheumatism and was never able to do a day’s 
work on his new, uncleared farm.  His brave little wife took 
in sewing and weaving to pay men for clearing the farm.

Once, when the sheep were short, four of the flock were 
missing, and later when they came in there was no one to 
shear them.  This plucky woman took the shears and clipped 
the heavy fleeces.  This wool she carded, spun, and knitted 
into mittens and socks, and sold them in Cleveland in 
exchange for groceries and other necessaries for those at 
home whose lives were dearer than her own.

Mrs. John WILCOX (Elizabeth PELTON) with her husband and two 
small children, from Haddam, Conn., 1821, purchased in 
Buffalo, while en route, a Bible and some silver spoons, 
which are still in the family.  Mrs. WILCOX was a very 
religious woman, and her daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Jeremiah 
Scott CHARLES, who died here 1878, imbibed the religious 
sentiments of her mother to that degree that one had but to 
glance into her kindly face to read:  she had found “the 
peace that passeth all understanding.”  She was one of 
those large-hearted women who are ever ready to respond to 
the call of the needy and suffering.

In 1803 Benj. THORPE, John SHAW, Messrs. JONES, Wm. COLEMAN 
and McILRATH came from Washington, Pa., prospecting, with a 
view of purchasing and making a permanent settlement.  Each 
one of these young men, with their families came the 
following year.

William COLEMAN purchased a tract of land on Euclid Creek, 
which was later called the “Great Road,” from the fact of 
its being the direct mail and stage rout from Cleveland to 
Buffalo, now Euclid avenue.  Mrs. COLEMAN (Jemima CRAFT) was 
a lineal descendant of Rev. Abraham PIERSON, first president 
of Yale College, and possessed many of the sterling 
characteristics of her ancestors.

It is needless to repeat the hardships braved by this true-
hearted woman in the new country.  She learned many valuable 
lessons in the school of experience that were of great value 
to others.  The latch-string to their door always hung out, 
and the passing stranger was sure of a warm welcome and the 
best the larder contained.

The young women, who came later to find a home in the 
western wild, never sought in vain for sympathy when they 
appealed to Mrs. COLEMAN.  Many times with a courage born of 
necessity she would go through storm and darkness, riding 
her horse over roots and fallen trees, to see some neighbor 
needing friendship and motherly care.  She also looked well 
to the interests of her home, while her husband helped make 
laws at Columbus.

Rebecca, daughter of the above, was a babe when the family 
came to Euclid.  She married John GAGE, and always lived 
near her old home.  Sophia W., the first white child born in 
the township, was a noble woman, and in those days when a 
“trained” nurse was not known, was sent for from far and 
near to minister to the sick and tenderly care for the dead.  
Pamelia, the youngest daughter, became Mrs. Harmon CUSHMAN 
and always remained on the old homestead.

In all reformatory work, Mrs. CUSHMAN took a deep interest.  
With revolutionary blood tingling in her veins she believed 
that taxation without representation was still a tyranny, 
and championed the cause of universal suffrage.  She was 
also interested in the cause of total abstinence and worked 
for its promotion; was a devoted worker in the Soldiers’ Aid 
Society, and Decoration Day with her was religiously 
observed.  Her belief in “spirit return” was a knowledge 
that illumined her pathway through the valley into the 
better Beyond.  Her children are Gertrude L. and Ernest H. 
CUSHMAN, whose present home is almost on the same spot where 
the ox-cart tent was pitched ninety-two years ago.

Hannah MARSH CAMP, a widow, with her two sons and one 
daughter, moved from Marlsboro, Mass., 1809.  She was a very 
smart woman for her time, having been a school teacher in 
her native town.  She knew the Bible by heart and was a 
great politician.  Her husband was a sea captain, owning the 
vessel on which he sailed out of Portsmouth Harbor for 
China, and was never afterward heard from.  His widow 
carried his last letter upon her person until the last day 
of her life.

Mary BALDWIN, sister of Dudley BALDWIN of Cleveland, married 
Harvey CAMP, and later in life married Samuel MARSH, and 
moved to Iowa.  Her daughter Frances, Mrs. Wm. PALMER, is 
now deceased; Elizabeth, Mrs. Horatio SLADE, lives on the 
SLADE homestead; Ann Aliza is Mrs. Derrick COLEMAN, of New 
York City.  

Betsey, only daughter of widow CAMP, married Moses BOND, 
whose first wife was Rachel ALLEN, niece of Col. Ethan 
ALLEN, of Revolutionary renown.  Betsey was the first school 
teacher in Euclid.  Her only daughter, Susan, widow of Capt. 
Wm. R. SIMMONDS, still lives in Cleveland with her son.

When a little girl Susan started for school with her 
cousins, Henry and Francis CAMP.  The schoolhouse stood 
where the Collamer burying ground now stands.  The CAMPS 
lived on the N.O. STONE and FOX property, and Euclid avenue 
was a dense woods on either side, with trees blazed to keep 
people from losing their way.  The children had reached the 
PIERPONT place when they saw a big black bear crossing the 
road in front of them.  Susan, being the eldest, grasped the 
two children by the hand and ran home as fast as she could.  
The next morning Robinson RUPLE killed the bear.

Desire MARSH CAMP, a widow, and sister of Hannah CAMP, came 
a year later with two children, and purchased a farm in 
NOTTINGHAM.  A part of the original house is still occupied.  
The CAMPS and MARSHES were of Revolutionary stock, the 
fathers soldiers in the war, the mothers and children doing 
the work at home.  Spinning and weaving both linen and wool 
and making garments formed no small part of their work.  
“Aunt Might’s” fingers were cut off in a mill for grinding 
cornstalks to make sugar, and the writer remembers when a 
child, of seeing her knitting with her stubs of fingers.

Her daughter, Olivia, Mrs. Sanford H. DILLEE, resides on the 
old homestead.  In 1866 she made the first shipment of 
grapes ever made in Euclid by a woman.  She was president of 
the Soldiers’ Aid Society during the war, and through her 
untiring zeal and energy, aided by a corps of loyal women, 
many a luxury and comfort were sent to the boys in blue.  
Her children are Mr. Willis H. DILLEE and Mrs. Elizabeth 
DILLEE IDDINGS, who reside with her.  

Mrs. Rosealthea S. CAMP makes her home with her sister, Mrs. 
DILLEE.  During the great Sanitary Fair in Cleveland Mrs. 
CAMP made and donated a moss picture, which netted the fair 

Mrs. Ruel HOUSE (Harriet PORTER) was from Glastonburg, 
Conn., 1818.  Her daughters are Mary Ann (Mrs. Charles 
MORSE), Harriet (Mrs. Newman SUMNER), Lucy (Mrs. Aseph 
STRONG), and Caroline, all residents of E. Cleveland.

Emeline RANDALL, second daughter of Joel and Phoebe, married 
Eric DILLIE, and lives in Nottingham.  Her only daughter, 
Mary, is Mrs. Augustus L. MOSES, of Cleveland.

William UPSON and wife (Phoebe CAREY) were from New Haven, 
N.Y., 1825.  John TUTTER and wife (Sally REYNOLDS), from 
same place located in the Richmond settlement, 1835.

Abraham FARR and wife (Lucinda LAMB) were from New York, 
1823.  Their daughters were Eliza (Mrs. Chas. JOSELYN), who 
moved to Wisconsin; Harriet (Mrs. Henry NOTT), of Cleveland; 
and Adelaine (Mrs. Edward TREAT), of Union Grove, Wis.

Charles EDDY and wife (Margaret MERRITT) were from Ontario, 
1831.  Their daughters were Jane (Mrs. Varnum DILLIE), who 
moved to Michigan; Harriet (Mrs. Giles HOSMER) of 
Nottingham; Emily, who died 1844; Ann (Mrs. George SMITH), 
of Noble; Adelaide (Mrs. Frank BROWN), of Michigan; and 
Melissa (Mrs. Robert FORSYTHE), who died in Nottingham, 

Eleanor THORPE, whose parents settled near the mouth of 
Euclid Creek, 1810, married Abraham VORHEES and lived on a 
farm in Euclid.  Of her children nine are still living.  She 
died 1877.

Philena WRIGHT, born in Springfield, Mass., 1795, passed 
through Buffalo when the English were there, and everyone in 
great fear.  She remained over night and the next morning 
started on her journey.  The following night the city was 
burned by the British.  Miss WRIGHT became Mrs. Allen WATERS 
and settled on a farm on the lake shore, now Noble.  Mrs. 
Gurdon WATERS (Almira McCLOLNEY), who moved here 1842, also 
lives at Noble.

Mrs. Stephen WHITE (Harriet PEEKHAM), from Cranville, N.Y., 
1824, settled in the southeast part of the township.  Her 
daughter, Harriet L., born here, died at the age of 
eighteen.  Minerva (Mrs. Harmon CARL) lived in Painesville; 
and Olivia (Mrs. Chauncey FULLER) in Wickliffe.

Charles WHITE and wife (Abigail BISHOP) were from Granville, 
N.Y., 1811.  Their “latch-string” was always out to the 
newcomers, who settled in the southeastern part of the 
township.  At the time of HULL’s surrender, when the people 
thought the British were about to invade the country, they 
hid their valuables in their well and fled to the interior 
of the forest.

Mrs. WHITE belonged to a family of wealth, and was a woman 
of more than ordinary educational attainments.  Pioneer life 
soon told upon her health.

Elihu RICHMOND and wife (Betsey ROBBINS) from Middlefield, 
Mass., 1815, lived with the family of Mr. Charles WHITE, 
while their own log house was being built.  Their fireplace 
was out of doors that summer, when it rained coals were 
taken into the house in a kettle.  A blanket at their door 
was their only protection for a time, from the denizens of 
the forest, whose howling and growling ofttimes made night 

The building of their log house was the foundation of what 
is still know as the “RICHMOND settlement.  Their daughters 
were Matilda (Mrs. Harry SHEPHERD), who lived in the 
settlement until 1850, when she moved to Illinois and passed 
the remainder of her days in that state.  Harriet (Mrs. 
Samuel HOUSE) lives in East Cleveland; Julia (Mrs. Nathan 
CLARK) is in Indianapolis; Jane married and settled in 
Missouri; another daughter is Mrs. Simeon WENHAM of San 
Franciso, Cal., and Mary is Mrs. Virgil SPRING of East 

The daughters of Mary SPRING are Aurelia (Mrs. Hezekiah 
WENDHAM), who moved to Michigan; Fidelia (Mrs. Clark 
LESLIE), of Richmond settlement; and Adelaide, who is on the 
old homestead.

Sallie RICHMOND, youngest daughter of Elihu and Betsy, was 
only eight years old when she came to Ohio with her parents.  
The privileges of education were limited, but she made good 
use of her time and was able to teach school, receiving 
seventy-five cents a week and boarding herself.

She could use a rifle to good advantage in bringing down 
game, or shooting at a mark.  She married George WESTON, and 
her only daughter, Sarah (Mrs. John WENHAM) lives near the 
old home.

Betsy LAWSON married William Wood RICHMOND and moved here, 

Seth RICHMOND and wife (Nancy PALE) came to Euclid. 1830.  
Their daughter Mary (Mrs. Henry MOTT) lived in East 

Martha RICHMOND became Mrs. Monroe BARNES and lives in 
Lorain.  Susan went to Wisconsin.

Mrs. Elihu MOSES (Elizabeth TALBOT), from Burlington, Conn., 
1819, was a very remarkable woman.  Her husband was a 
captain in the war of 1812, and when the messenger came to 
tell her of his death she said:  “I know what you have come 
to tell me.  It is that Elihu is dead, for I saw him lying 
in a pool of blood.”  She afterward married Wm. CHINMARK, 
and her wedding dress was orange and blue silk.

“Grandmother CHINMARK” was thoroughly conversant with 
herbs and their uses.  She had a still of home manufacture 
with which she distilled peppermint oil.  The process by 
which she procured opium was rather novel, and in this day 
of hustle would be tedious, to say the least.  She grew 
large beds of poppies, and as soon as the petals fell she 
punctured the seed pods, with a fine needle, and, after the 
milk dried, gathered them.  She found a ready market in 
Cleveland for her peppermint oil, opium, and dried fruit, 
which she personally delivered to her patrons.

Her services were always in great demand among her 
neighbors.  Her knowledge of the medicinal properties of 
herbs, coupled with good judgment and kindness of heart, 
always made her a welcome guest.

Her daughter, Ardolisa MOSES, married Austin H. AVERY, of 
Euclid, and her daughters are Harriet (Mrs. Warren GARDNER), 
also of Euclid,; Betsey (Mrs. Hon Harry SARTER), of 
Mayfield; and Julia (Mrs. Wm GALIS), of Collinwood.

Betsey MOSES married John COLEMAN and remained in Euclid 
until her death.  Roxana MOSES became Mrs. Chas. MUNSON and 
moved to Missouri.

Amanda, daughter of Jason and Elmira COUCH CROSIER, of 
Massachusetts, was seven years old when her parents moved to 
Richmond settlement, 1816.  She taught the district school, 
saw the first church built with a steeple on the Western 
Reserve, and in that building, the old Presbyterian Church 
of Collamer, attended her first Sunday school.

She was charter member of the M.E. Church in Euclid, which 
was at one time the largest church in the country, and was 
the last one of that company to be called home.  Her 
daughters are Harriet (Mrs. DeWitt REEVES), OF Nottingham; 
Ruth (Mrs. John H. PARR); Henrietta (Mrs. G.C. MAPES) 
Augusta (Mrs. C.C. MAPES), all of Collinwood.

Luther CROSIER and wife (Annie RODGERS), from Gorham, N.Y., 
came to Euclid on their wedding trip.  Their daughter, Sarah 
Jane died 1857.  Phoebe Ann, wife of Rev. S. WOODMANSEE, 
lived in Noble; Mary died 1895; Lucy married John ABRAHAMS 
and lives in Iowa; Harriet is Mr. S.S. PARR, of Grand 
Rapids, Mich.  Serena A. and Emma L. (Mrs. F. HARNE) living 
in Nottingham.  Maria is Mrs. Luke DEVOE, of Noble; Harriet 
(Mrs. Orsemus EASON), and Clarissa (Mrs. Nathaniel BEMUS) 
live in Lorain.

Jonathan PELTON and wife (Elizabeth DOANE) were from 
Chatham, Conn., 1812.  Their daughter Beulah became Mrs. 
Dennis COOPER.  Her daughter Harriet (Mrs. John M. BLAKE) 
was a woman of refined tastes and habits, and exceedingly 
devoted to the interests of her home.  Sarah lives in 

Anna PELTON (Mrs. Dr. THOMPSON) moved to Michigan.  Mary 
married Silas BELDING, of Cleveland.  The day before the 
wedding was to take place the worst snowstorm of the season 
made it impossible for the groom to make his appearance, and 
it was several days before the young couple could celebrate 
the hanging of the crane.

Harriet PELTON (Mrs. Milo HICKOX), of Cleveland, will be 
remembered by many now living as a woman generous to those 
less favored than herself.  In the final disposition of her 
property she did not forget the Freedmen of the South, nor 
the Indian schools scattered throughout the states.

Sally PELTON became Mrs. Capt. Wm. TREAT.  Her daughters are 
Valeria (Mrs. James TERRY) of Terryville, Conn.; Elizabeth 
(Mrs. Henry TAYLOR) of Willoughby, now of Kansas; Cornelia 
married Rev. Linas BLAKESLY, of Terryville, Conn., who has 
been pastor of the Congregational Church in Topeka, Kansas, 
for several years.

Mary PORTER, from Glastonburg, Conn., 1818, married Seth 
PELTON.  Their daughter Augusta (Mrs. Jehial HANCOCK) lives 
here; Harriet (Mrs. Aspeh STRONG) moved to Iowa.

Benj. A. HAMILTON and wife (Minerva FARNSWORTH), both from 
Hartford, Conn., 1820, built their home in the southeastern 
part of the town.  The following year invitations were sent 
out by Mr. HAMILTON to friends and neighbors to come to a 
barn raising.  Among other refreshments served on that 
occasion were five bushels of doughnuts.

Their daughter, Minerva, Mrs. Henry PIXLEY, has always lived 
on the original farm.  Betsey (Mrs. Walter S. COLEMAN) moved 
to Fulton County; Jane is Mrs. Wm. ROBINSON, of Arkansas.  
Rachel (Mrs. Wm. DENIS), and Minerva (Mrs. Wm. FROST), live 
in Mansfield.

When Adlissa HESTON and Wm. DEMALINE were married, 1839, 
supper was served to one hundred guests in a log house, the 
floral decorations being sunflowers and morning glories.  
The bridal dress was of white muslin trimmed with lace and 
ribbons.  The bridal party descended from the chamber on a 
ladder to the floor below, where they were married, Wm. 
ADAMS being the officiating justice of the peace.

The following day they went to Mrs. LENTZ’s in Mayfield, 
where a reception was given them.  The commenced 
housekeeping with a well-filled larder, consisting of one 
barrel flour, one box raisins, two pounds tea, four pounds 
coffee, and other groceries in abundance, more than the 
average country store then contained.  Not being accustomed 
to housekeeping, the groom ordered one bushel green peas, 
one quarter of lamb, and other things accordingly, for their 
first meal.

Mr. DEMALINE was a tailor by trade and his wife often worked 
with him far into the night to help pay for a farm of 
seventy acres in Euclid, where they lived seven years.  
Their present home is Dover.  Their daughter, Mary Ann, is 
Mrs. RUPLE, of Euclid; and Hannah, Mrs. Thomas ANDREWS, of 

                  Gertrude CUSHMAN
                 Chairman and Historian

Euclid Committee - Mrs. A.O. DILLE, Mrs. R.S. CAMP, Mrs. 
A.C. GARDNER, Miss Addie SPRING, Mr. Stephen WHITE, Jr.