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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


All Hail!  The pioneer women of Dover - those brave, 
courageous women, who were no less pilgrims than their 
Puritan mothers.  All honor to the sires whose courage gave 
us so fair a heritage.

“Yet ye were to those hearts of oak
 The secret of their might,
Ye nerved the arm that hurled the stroke
In tempest or in fight.”

As early as 1799 Joseph CAHOON visited Southern Ohio, 
writing to his wife, still in the East, in rhyme his 
impressions of this new country, but not till eleven years 
later did he make the journey which gave him the distinction 
of being the first settler of Dover.  Upon their departure 
from Vergennes, Vt., the villagers gathered upon the green, 
the minister commended them to divine care, and with a 
covered wagon drawn by four horses with saddle horse behind, 
the westward course was taken by Joseph CAHOON, his wife, 
Lydia KENYON CAHOON, the eldest daughter Mary, the bride of 
George SEXTON, two other daughters and five sons.

It is the same story you have ever been told of the 
trackless forest, the unbridged streams, the campfire with 
iron kettle to supply meals, and milk in a jug suspended 
from the reach where the butter was churned, as the days 
came and went.  It was a fair October morning, the tenth of 
that golden month, when the wagon halted close to the shore, 
where a busy little brook coursed through the ravine, to 
join the lake, with wooded banks on either side.  An ideal 
spot now; how entrancingly beautiful it must have been to 
tired travelers!

“I pray you, hear my song of a nest,
   For it is not long.”

And there it was soon builded, close under the sheltering 
bank, and stood with open door for many a pilgrim who came 
later and went still farther west.

Mr. CAHOON was a miller, and his first work was to construct 
mills, as the nearest one at that time was in Newburg, 
sixteen miles away.  Mrs. CAHOON was ever spoken of with the 
greatest tenderness by her children, who admired her gentle 
ways and dainty personality as much as her accomplished 
horsemanship and ability as a housewife.

Upon the afternoon of October 10, 1810, Asahel PORTER with 
his wife, Rebecca JOHNSON, two little daughters, and Mrs. 
PORTER’s brother, Leverett, came to settle half a mile west.  
The sad story of Mrs. PORTER’s death four years later cast a 
shadow over the community that was lasting.  While coming 
from Cleveland the rowboat in which the trip was made 
overturned at Rocky River.  Mrs. PORTER and her infant son 
were drowned.  The bodies were recovered, and rest in the 
Lakeside Cemetery, the first burial place in the town.

The little Catharine PORTER, who as a maiden of three years 
came into Dover upon its natal day, married Ransom FOOTE, 
lived a short distance west of her father’s farm many useful 
years, devoted to her family and church, honored by a large 
acquaintance, and when full of years, he loved form was 
garlanded by the gentle hands of her great-grandchildren, 
and laid beside the husband taken from her in his prime.  
Her daughters are a living testimonial of her worth.

In 1811 James and Barnabas HALL with their wives, also 
Martha HALL, wife of Nathan BASSETT, came to occupy 2,100 
acres of land purchased before leaving Lee, Mass.  Mrs. 
BASSETT’s daughter, Vesta, was the first white baby born in 
Dover.  Lydia, Mrs. John PORTER, was born in 1814, living 
all her life in Dover, where her daughter, Mrs. GRIFFIN, 
still resides.  Mrs. BASSETT’s other daughters were Lucy, 
Harriet, Nancy, and Martha.  The latter became Mrs. W.W. 
ALDRICH, a careful, attentive mother of a large family.

Mrs. Hannah HALL, upon returning September 28, 1812, from a 
visit to a sick neighbor, found a heap of ruins upon the 
side of her log house.  The Indians, attracted by the pewter 
dishes, had taken them and subsequently burned the house.  
Undaunted by his calamity, Mrs. HALL established her kitchen 
in a hollow sycamore stub from which she served refreshments 
at the building of the new house, having fresh white ash 
chips for plates, using the handleless knives and forks 
raked from the ruins.

When sickness or sorrow came to a home, Mrs. HALL was sure 
to enter, to relieve, and to assist.  She, like most of 
those noble women, lived more than her three score and ten 

Of this same family, at a later date, Nancy HALL, wife of 
David INGERSOLL, a descendant of Jonathan EDWARDS, and 
worthy of the honor, came to brighten all associated with 
her.  She survived her seven children and her grandchildren, 
and with a mind clear and interesting, went about doing good 
when eighty years had made her beautiful

Charles HALL married Lucy SEYMOUR, of Ashtabula, settling 
near his brother’s in 1821.  They both have passed away, 
leaving two sons, Reuben and Ziba, prominent residents of 
their native town.

In July, 1811, Jonathan and Rachel TAYLOR SMITH, with their 
eleven children, came from Ashfield, Mass., securing twelve 
hundred acres of land, settling upon the North Ridge.  The 
nearest grist mill was at Columbia, and one day, when their 
meal was exhaused, Mr. SMITH took grain there to be ground.  
The children went to bed hungry, and when after dark the 
father returned, Mrs. SMITH prepared corn cakes, putting 
them before the fire to bake.  The hungry children gathered 
about the hearth and picked off the crust as soon as formed, 
eating three Johnny cakes in this manner.  Mrs. SMITH had 
five daughters.  Mrs. George STRANDEN resides in Dover, a 
member of the family who gave valuable aid to this history.

A similar instance is related of Mrs. Nehemiah PORTER, who, 
when her husband had gone upon a two days’ trip on foot to 
mill, made her half teacupful of corn meal into gruel for 
the children, simply tying a handkerchief about her waist to 
appease hunger till his return.

From Lee, Mass., came Jedediah CROCKER, with his wife, Sarah 
GIFFORD, and their five daughters.  He descended from the 
CROCKER family that emigrated to Cape Cod soon after the 
Pilgrims landed.  He entered the Revolutionary service when 
sixteen years of age, continuing till peace was declared.  
Mrs. CROCKER lived with her son Sylvanus upon the homestead 
after her widowhood, and passed away when ninety-two years 
of age.

Miss Betsey CROCKER was the first teacher in the first log 
school house in district II, on the lake shore.  Her sister 
Philena, afterwards Mrs. Wells PORTER, assumed the same 
useful vocation when but fourteen years old.  Mrs. Betsey 
FOOTE CROCKER also had five daughters.

It is related of Mary CROCKER WHITTLESEY that upon returning 
from her bridal trip, seventy years ago, she brought from 
the East pear seeds from which grew trees producing 
delicious fruit even to the present time.  It must have been 
a merry gathering of old friends in new homes when a little 
company of Ashfield, Mass., neighbors established themselves 
in this new settlement.

Jesse LILLY, with his wife, Hannah GLOYD, made the journey 
from Ashfield in the spring of 1815, being six weeks on the 
way.  While coming an ox died, so the faithful cow was 
substituted, and thus the trip was completed.  Mrs. LILLY 
possessed wonderful self-reliance.  On one occasion while 
her husband was away for the night, she heard the wolves 
howling near, and, fearful lest they pay her humble home a 
visit, where blankets did duty for doors and windows, she 
set to work to protect herself and children.  She took a 
chest which had been used as a wagon seat to the unfloored 
loft, where it just reached from one joist to another.  In 
it she placed her two oldest children, and with her baby on 
her lap, she sat beside them through the night.  Mrs. LILLY 
had nine daughters and two sons, one of the latter serving 
in the Mexican and civil wars.  Her daughter, Fanny LILLY 
BEEBE, was an extraordinary woman.

Mehitable VINCENT, daughter of a Revolutionary soldier, wife 
of Albinus LILLY, nobly and patiently endured the privations 
incident to pioneer life.  Her husband was a carpenter, and 
upon preparing to raise a barn frame for Mr. Clark SMITH, 
took a vote as to whether liquor should be used.  The vote 
was a negative one, probably the first vote for temperance 
in Dover.  Not long after this, while crossing a mill dam in 
a log canoe, Mr. LILLY was drowned, leaving his wife with 
nine children.  She assumed the care of the farm, and took 
in weaving to help defray the expenses of the family.  Other 
sorrows came to her, but with fortitude and resignation she 
accepted all.

Mrs. Acsha BEARDSLEY, Mrs. Matilda HALL, Mrs. Rose 
DILLENBECK, and Mrs. Elizabeth STOCKING are worthy daughters 
who love her memory.

Mary HOWES, wife of Luther LILLEY, was a direct descendant 
of Thomas HOWES, who landed upon Cape Cod in 1637.  Her 
grandfather and father served in the Revolution.  She came 
from Ashfield bringing with her those Puritan traits of love 
for education and religion.  She gave a son to the civil 
war, thus maintaining the heroic characteristics of her 

Mrs. Bethuel LILLY, daughter of a revolutionary father, Mrs. 
Alta Mira LILLY, daughter of Major TOBY of Hawley, Mass., 
and Roxana SEARS, wife of Austin LILLY, came from Ashfield, 
Mass., all of whom had families, some still residents of 

In July, 1814, the first marriage occurred in the town.  
Leverett JOHNSON first saw the fair Abigail CAHOON as she 
gathered nuts, when he came into “the forest primeval.”  A 
mutual feeling of tenderest affection was experienced, which 
culminated in the happiest maner.  The wedding gown was made 
from six yards of pink cambric.  As no minister was near, 
Justice REED, from Black River, came to officiate.  Her home 
ever after was a mile west of Dover Center, where free-
hearted hospitality reigned.  Her gentleness and kindness 
made her lovable.  Of her five daughters, Abigail, Mrs. C.P. 
GOSS, whose intellectual ability and wit characterized her, 
and Paulina, who lovingly cared for her mother, deserve 
special mention.

Amos CAHOON stopped when on the way from Vermont with Mr. 
WILLIAMS, the famous Newburg miller, soon after married 
“Polly,” the miller’s pretty daughter, living many years 
in a log house east of Cahoon Creek.  Their daughter, 
Martha, Married Henry WINDSOR, and Ruth, who taught in the 
log school house, and after it burned in her grandfather’s 
mill was Mrs. Porter SMITH.  The other three daughters live 
in Wisconsin.

Joseph and Jane FISHER STOCKING, with five children, came 
from Lee, Mass., settling upon what is known as the Stocking 
farm, near Dover Center.  Their early housekeeping was 
somewhat primitive and amusing.  The dinner table was the 
family chest, around which pumpkins were placed for chairs.

Mrs. Stocking was “Aunt Jenny” to all her friends.  Her 
quiet life, full of devotion to her family ended when 
eighty-three years were completed.  Her daughter, Mrs. 
Sophronia SCRANTON, lives upon the old place, and delights 
to tell the stories of those happy days when life was young.  
The eighty-one years since she came have wrought marvelous 
changes, and it is a long time in which to gather memory 
treasures to glorify the sunset days.

Mrs. ROBINSON, Mrs. Marshall CHADWICK, and Miss Martha 
STOCKING were Mrs. SCRANTON’s sisters.

Hannah Ingraham BEACH married Amos R. SPERRY, and early 
innkeeper, in 1818.  She lived to greet her numerous family 
upon her one hundredth birthday.

In 1822 Mr. Chipman SMITH, with his wife, Rebeckah PORTER 
WMITH, settled upon the place now occupied by the youngest 
daughter, Mrs. Henry JOHNSON, a part of the original house 
being still occupied.  Mr. SMITH was a blacksmith, his first 
shop being a fence corner with a bark roof.  Afterwards, 
more commodious quarters were assigned it in the log house 
where Mrs. SMITH used to strike the iron of which shoes were 
made, point the nails, and blow bellows, her hours extending 
from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. as occasion demanded.

Besides, she entertained the customers, to which every meal 
was served while they waited.  Her hospitality was one of 
her many virtues.  She was equally skillful as a dressmaker 
and tailoress, having made the first suits of boys’ clothes 
worn by L.H. JOHNSON and Hon. J.M. COOLEY.  At weddings 
fifty years ago the guests were regaled with her loaf cake 
and mince pies.  Linen spun and woven by her prior to her 
marriage is highly prized by her family.  Her daughter, 
Catharine, Mrs. Clark WILLIAMS, has contributed largely to 
the history of the pioneer women whose worth she fully 
appreciates.  Mrs. James PORTER and Mrs. Dr. J.M. LATHROP 
are also daughters of Mrs. SMITH.

A worthy, faithful, energetic Christian woman of early days 
was Elizabeth TRYON, who came from New York soon after her 
marriage to William SADLER, a soldier in the war of 1812.  
When the Lake Shore Methoidst Episcopal Church was organized 
in 1827 she contributed largely, giving the lot and much of 
the building material, being one of the five charter 
members.  The others were Rev. Eliphalet JOHNSON, his gifted 
wife, Margaret, their daughter, Rebecca, and niece, 

All her life long Mrs. SADLER cherished the church she 
helped to build, the membership of which revere her memory.  
Mrs. Ann Eliza LILLY SADLER, her son’s wife, is an 
enthusiastic worker in the same church.

Sarah JOHNSON, wife of Deacon Reuben OSBORN, extended a 
beneficial influence to all about her.  Her only son, 
Selden, married Nancy RUPLE, a member of one of Euclid’s old 
families.  Upon the original farm of Deacon OSBORN is a 
colony of his descendants to the third and fourth 
generation.  The hospitable homestead is still inviting and 

Mrs. Joseph (GRAVES) PORTER’s family was numerous and 
useful.  Her son, Leonard G. PORTER, so long interested in 
every good work, left as a legacy to Dover, and as a 
memorial to his family name, the Porter Library.

Mrs. Ebenezer PORTER had two daughters, Mrs. John WILSON and 
Mrs. Josiah HURST, who were delightful ladies.  Mrs. HURST 
was a graduate from Oberlin College at an early day.  Her 
culture and dignity, combined with her charming kindness, 
made her a power among her associates.

Mrs. Sylvanus PHINNEY and her daughter Lucy, Mrs. Edwin 
PHINNEY, Mrs. Calvin (MARTIN) PHINNEY and her beautiful 
daughter, Angeannette OSBORN, had each her own place in the 
building of the present.

Upon Coe Ridge, in the south part of Dover, with part of his 
father’s first frame house built within his own, lives 
Andrew COE, who married Mercy BANCROFT.  He is the son of 
Judge Asher COE, who settled upon 900 acres of land in 1823.  
They came from Middlefield, Conn.  Mrs. COE was a quiet 
woman, even tempered, with strong convictions ardently 
adhered to.  Her daughter Sina was Mrs. N.H. AUSTIN, while 
Miss Lucetta is still an honored resident at the homestead.

Matilda OWEN, wife of Esquire Eli CLEMENS, came from Rhode 
Island in 1830.  Her eldest daughter, Caroline, married 
Dennis JOHNSON, and Mary became Mrs. Jared B. LANE.  She was 
a successful teacher in Cleveland for many years.  Enjoying 
the advantages of extensive home and foreign travel and 
having many personal attractions, she was a delight to her 
many friends.

Mrs. Joseph BROWN (nee, Mary WINSOR), from Smithfield, R.I., 
was a descendant of Lord Edward WINSOR, also of Roger 
WILLIAMS.  Her home was a charming location by the lake, 
where a long, useful life was passed.  Her daughters who 
came with her were Lucina, Nancy, Mary, Rachel, and 
Elizabeth.  Of these Mary, Mrs. John CLEMANS, is the oldest 
one living.  She is an honored matron, alive to the active 
present, still linking it to the past, the mother of 
cultured daughters.

Mrs. Aaron ALDRICH was a sister of Mrs. BROWN, living where 
the beautiful Erie spread a fair scene before her.  She was 
mother of a large family.  Julia ALDRICH was a teacher in 
Dover, and married. Rev. James GOODRICH, of the Baptist 

Mrs. Henry ALDRICH, daughter of Mrs. Louisa FOOTE STEVENS, 
resides at the homestead.  The name of ALDRICH is a familiar 
one in Dover.

Another family prominent in the Baptist Church was that of 
Deacon Jesse ATWELL, who lived on the North Ridge.  One of 
his daughters taught in a schoolhouse used for service upon 
the Sabbath.  It was so tidy and attractive to the young 
preacher that he made Miss ATWELL his wife.  Through her 
efforts largely, he fitted himself for better work, and when 
fame came to him, she acquired the title of Mrs. Bishop 
William L. HARRIS.

Lydia SMITH COOLEY, with her husband and five children, from 
Hawley, Mass., became residents of Dover in 1818.  Her three 
daughters Lydia, Rosamond, and Esther, the latter marrying 
Dr. J.M. LATHROP.  Miss Rosamond lived a beautiful life in 
her father’s home, being one of the sweet singers of Dover.

Mrs. Clark SMITH was “Aunt Huldah” to two generations, and 
her work on earth was so worthy that her years were many, 
and her memory precious.

Mrs. Abraham WARD is one of the elderly matrons of today, 
while her husband’s mother was active in the past.

Catherine, daughter of Rev. Mr. KEYS, became Mrs. Dr. Marius 
MOORE.  She was a lady of fine presence, and lived at Dover 
Center, where her friends were legion.

After a journey of ten weeks from the Isle of Man, Mrs. 
Margaret CLAGUE and daughter Ruth walked from Cleveland, in 
1837, to the farm now occupied by her children, which was 
ever afterward her happy home.

Mrs. Melinda OVIATT was an intellectual lady.  Her 
daughters, Louisa, Mary, Caroline, and Laura, were all 
teachers.  Her son, Luther M. OVIATT, was superintendent of 
Cleveland schools, afterward librarian of the Public 

Mrs. Benjamin REED, later Mrs. Colonel B. MASTICK, was an 
excellent mother, very successful in the management of 
business, greatly respected throughout a useful life. Mrs. 
L.H. JOHNSON is her eldest daughter.

In 1818 Joseph CAHOON built a frame house upon the hiss west 
of his log cabin, which, remodeled, still stands.  To this 
home, in 1842, his son Joel P. CAHOON, brought his wife, 
Margaret Dickson VAN ALLEN, and their six children.  The 
journey from Cincinnatti was made with a two-seated top 
carriage, the first in Dover.  Mrs. CAHOON was a native of 
Washington, D.C., being four years old when the British 
invaded that city, burned the Capitol, and took her father 
prisoner.  She had seen Dolly MADISON as mistress of the 
White House and clasped the hand of LAFAYETTE when he was 
the nation’s guest, in 1824.  She conformed herself to the 
mode of life so different from all she had enjoyed, giving 
all her energy to improve in education and culture her new 
home.  Patriotism, devotion to religion, hospitality, and 
cheerfulness were a part of her life.  She originated the 
CAHOON pioneer celebration, which commemorates the 
anniversary days since Dover passed its fiftieth milestone.  
The gentle Lydia, to whose place she succeeded, was fondly 
cherished, and when her eighty-four beautiful years had 
passed she left as mistress of the sacred home the first 
daughter born to her within its walls.

The number of excellent women who once lived in Dover is so 
great that it is with reluctance we stay the pen.  If any 
look in vain for a cherished name among this group of 
Dover’s jewels let it be remembered this is but a page in 
the volume which should be written, and that the many unite 
to make the beautiful whole.

My greeting to the living is one of cheer, of congratulation 
upon the rich inheritance which is our, for
“We need not go abroad for stones
To Build our monumental glory.”

        IDA M. CAHOON
            Chairman and Historian

Dover committee - Miss Martha W. CAHOON, Miss Catharine P. 
FOOTE, Mrs. Catharine SMITH WILLIAMS, Mrs. Harriet PORTER 
GRIFFIN, Miss Florence COE, Mrs. Clara HALL COOLEY