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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


The first white woman to step foot in Cleveland was 
seventeen year old Talitha EDERKIN, the bride of Job Phelps 
STILES, both were natives of Granville, Mass., and both had 
been school teachers in Vermont.

The number of pioneer families who came from Vermont and New 
Hampshire leads one to suspect that land promoters in the 
employ of the Connecticut Land Company were kept busy in 
both those states previous to 1796, and for some years 
following the date of settlement here.

Job P. STILES and his wife accompanied the Moses CLEVELAND 
expedition, which arrived at their destination in June of 
that year.  The husband worked for the company, and the wife 
made herself useful in assisting in the preparation of meals 
for it.

The couple announced their intention of becoming permanent 
settlers of the township, and accordingly Talitha STILES won 
the gift offered by the Connecticut Land Company to the 
first woman settler.  It consisted of three parcels of land 
two acres in the hamlet, ten acres on St. Clair St., near 
East 18th Street, and 100 acres on Woodhill Road, all of 
which she sold in 1841, and while living in Vermont for 

When the surveyors returned east in the Fall of 1796, they 
left the young couple in a log cabin erected on their lot, 
northeast corner of Superior and West 6th Streets.  The 
following winter a little son was born to them, Charles 
Phelps STILES, Cleveland’s first native white child.  The 
squaws of a Mohawk tribe encamped on the Cuyahoga river 
attended the mother and her little one in their helplessness 
and dire need.  Charles died in Illinois in 1882, aged 
eighty-nine years.

The family remained in Cleveland about fifteen years, the 
greater part of that time on their 100 acre lot on Woodhill 
Road.  Both returned to Vermont where they died very aged in 
Brandford that state.

Mr. Elijah GUN (Anna SARTWELL) was the second pioneer woman 
to arrive in Cleveland.  The GUN family had accompanied the 
surveying party into Ohio as far as Conneaut, where it 
remained until the spring of 1797.  It consisted of the 
parents and four, perhaps six children.  The eldest one, 
Philena, was sixteen years old.  She married Capt. Allen 
GAYLORD, an early pioneer.

The GUNS lived for three years on River Street in a log 
cabin, then exchanged it for another one on a hundred acre 
lot on the corner of Harvard and Woodhill Road, which had 
been donated to Mrs. GUN by the Connecticut Land Company.  
In company with other settlers, they were driven to higher 
ground by the prevalence of malaria from the swamps near the 

Mrs. GUN was best known as a competent nurse, who went in 
and out of fever-stricken homes, ministering to the need of 
the sick and dying, attending to the dire necessities of 
young mothers or relieving the bereaved of last offices for 
their dead.  And all this without money and without price.

Mrs. GUN had a large family of her own, and many household 
duties while thus holding herself in readiness, by night or 
day, to respond to the call of duty or mercy.  It is to be 
hoped that this good woman had a far easier life in her 
declining years than was accorded to her in her younger 
days.  She was thirty-eight years old when she came to 

The youngest daughter, Minerva GUN, married and died young.  
Christopher GUN married Ruth HICKOX, daughter of Abram 
HICKOX, the Cleveland blacksmith.  Charles married Betsey 
MATTOCK, Horace, Anna PRITCHARD, and Elijah GUN, Jr. Married 
Eleanor GRANT.

Rebecca FULLER, aged twenty-eight years, daughter of Amos 
and Mercy TAYLOR FULLER, was the wife of Lorenzo CARTER, the 
noted Cleveland pioneer.  They started from Castleton, Vt., 
in the late summer of 1796, with three children, 
respectively two, four and six years of age.  When the 
family reached the small hamlet of Buffalo, it was deemed 
best to postpone the remainder of the journey and in order 
to secure shelter, they crossed the Niagara river into 
Canada.  Before spring arrived, another child had been born, 
little Henry, who was afterwards drowned when ten years of 

They arrived in Cleveland about the middle of May 1797, and 
settled in the usual log cabin on a two acre lot near the 
foot of St. Clair Ave., close to the river bank.  The lot 
cost Mr. CARTER but $47.50.  The first log house on the 
river was the scene of many activities..  It was a dwelling, 
Indian trading post, store, and headquarters for all the 
settlement.  Here was celebrated in 1801 the Fourth of July 
with simple refreshments, and with dancing.  Soon afterward 
Mrs. CARTER took possession of a new log house on the 
northeast corner of Superior and West Ninth Streets.  This 
was a village tavern for several succeeding years, and here 
Mr. CARTER died of a lingering and painful illness in 1814.

More has been retained of his wife than most of our pioneer 
women, all of it worthy of perpetuation.  She came from 
Carmel, a beautiful little village in eastern New York, and 
was descended from fine New England stock.  She was 
spiritually minded, sympathetic, kind hearted, and open-
handed.  Very timid, she suffered much through fear of the 
Indians, who, harmless when sober, were a menace when 
aroused by drink, some of which Mr. CARTER, with the custom 
of the time, dispensed to them.  A drunken brave once chased 
her, hatchet in hand, around a wood pile, but was caught in 
the act by her husband, who put a sudden stop to the sport.

Mrs. CARTER had nine children, six of whom married and left 
descendants.  The daughters were Laura, who Married Erastus 
MILES, and secondly James STRONG; Polly who became Mrs. 
William PEETS; Mercy married Asahel ABELS; and Betsy married 
Orison CATHAN.

Lucy CARTER, sister of Lorenzo CARTER, married Ezekiel 
HAWLEY of Casstleton, Vt., and with her husband accompanied 
her brother’s family on their trip to Ohio.  Little can be 
gleaned of her life in Cleveland save that she was every 
inch a CARTER or a BUELL, on the maternal side, whichever it 
was that handed down to her and her brother characteristics 
of courage, self reliance, fortitude, and the instinct for 
wisely directing and guiding others.

Her family of living children was small, but others may have 
died young.  Pioneer life took constant toll of infancy.  
Her daughter Fanny married Theodore MILES, and her son 
Alphonso married Juliette JACKSON.

The HAWLEY family lived first on West 9th Street, near the 
corner of Superior Ave., and within three years removed to a 
more healthy location on Broadway near Woodhill Road.  The 
parents were victims of the epidemic of fever that swept the 
township in 1827.

Eunice WALDO was the daughter of John and Hannah CARLETON 
WALDO.  Her grandfather, Lieut. John CARLETON, her father 
and his two brothers reinforced the garrison of Ticonderoga 
when it was besieged.

She married Judge James KINFSBURY of Alstead, N.H.  He was 
caught in the Ohio land boom of 1796, and with his family of 
wife and three children, the youngest an infant, and a 
nephew named CARELTON, started for the future Cleveland.  
They brought with them a horse, cow, yoke of oxen and a few 
household necessities.  

Probably no pioneer woman of this day endured the hardship, 
privation and actual suffering that Eunice WALDO KINGSBURY 
experienced in that western trip.  After reaching Conneaut 
her husband returned to New Hampshire on a business errand 
leaving her alone in the wilderness with her little ones.  
Winter set in before his return.  Meanwhile another child 
was born,  In this case, also, squaws attended her.  But the 
friendly Indians left Conneaut.  The cow died from eating 
poison leaves and there was no milk for the children.  Fever 
dried up her natural sustenance and the infant starved.  Mr. 
KINGSBURY was stricken with malarial fever upon his arrival 
in his eastern home and his recovery and return barely saved 
the lives of his whole family.  The story is a thrilling one 
and can be found in detail in “The Pioneer Families Of 
Cleveland, Volume 1.”

Upon the arrival of the family here, it took refuge in an 
old trading hut on the east side of the river, until a cabin 
was built.  It stood on lot 63, the present site of the Post 
Office and East 3rd Street.  Malaria drove them within three 
years to the northeast corner of Kinsman and Woodhill Roads.  
Here Mrs. KINGSBURY lived for forty-five years, dispensing a 
generous hospitality to near neighbors and Cleveland 
friends.  Memories of it lingered with the early settlers as 
long as life lasted, and traditions of it have been handed 
down to posterity.

Eunice Kingsbury was a good, kind hearted woman, prompt to 
relieve necessity in any form.  She had a family of nine 
children, four sons and five daughters.  Of the latter, 
Abigail marred Dyer SHERMAN; Elmira was Mrs. Perley HOSNER; 
Nancy became Mrs. Caleb BALDWIN; Caluta married Runa 
BALDWIN, and Diana married Buckley STEADMAN.

All of these daughters must be reckoned as pioneer women, 
three of them were here in the township before 1804.  Their 
father very early invested largely in real estate near the 
river which eventually brought wealth to his children.

Mrs. Eunice KINGSBURY died in 1843 aged seventy-three years; 
therefore she was but twenty-six when as a mother of four 
children she suffered such dire experiences in the 
wilderness.  What was mortal of her lies in Erie Street 
Cemetery.  May her ashes never be disturbed.

The first wedding in Cleveland was that of a little Canadian 
maid, who accompanied the CARTERS from Canada to Cleveland 
in order to help Mrs. CARTER with her little children.  Her 
sweetheart, William CLEMENT, followed her to Cleveland 
shortly after, and claimed her hand in marriage.  The 
wedding was solemnized July 4th, 1797.  The Rev. Seth HART 
officiated, and as custodian of the Connecticut survey’s 
stores, he supplied the materials for the wedding feast.  
The father of CLEMENT was an American Tory, who at the close 
of the Revolutionary War settled on the Canadian side of the 
Niagara river.

The future life of the bride, Chloe INCHES, was one of 
prosperity and ease.  Her three sons became well known 
citizens in their places of residence, and the twin 
daughters, Ann and Margaret CLEMENT, married Richard and 
William WOODRUFF of Connecticut, who settled in Niagara in 
1804.  The only living grandchild of Chloe INCHES CLEMENT, 
bearing the name, was , in 1896, a wealthy farmer aged 
seventy-six years, living in St. Davids on the Niagara 
river.  Margaret CLEMENT’s son was also living at that date, 
aged eighty-five.  He was a civil engineer, and for many 
years superintendent of the Welland Canal.

East 17th Street, north of Euclid Ave. runs straight through 
the pioneer homestead of Nancy DOAN, wife of Samuel DODGE.  
Here in 1804 was built a log cabin for the bride, who was 
daughter of Timothy and Mary CAREY DOAN, who had settled in 
East Cleveland two years previous.  Mrs. Nancy DODGE drew 
water from the first well dug in Cleveland.  Other pioneer 
women had to drink rain water or that hauled from the river.  
The stones used for the purpose had formerly been part of 
Indian fireplaces, occasionally built by them in or near 
their wigwams.

Nancy DOAN DODGE had but one daughter, Mary, who married 
Ezra B. SMITH and died young.  Her sons Henry and George 
DODGE perpetuated the name and honor of the family for long 
years, and their descendants are yet leading citizens of 
Cleveland.  Henry DODGE married Mary Anne WILEY, niece of 
the city’s first mayor, and George C. DODGE married Lucy A. 
BURTON, a sister of the late Dr. BURTON of Windermere, a 
suburb of this city.  The renaming Cleveland streets was 
never more regrettable than when Dodge Street became East 
17th Street, on that bears no significance, no cherished 

For two years after arrival in 1798, Mrs. Radolphus EDWARDS 
(Anna MERRILL) lived in a log cabin at the foot of Superior 
Street.  She had two children at that time, one a young 
step-daughter, and the other an infant of her own.  She was 
a woman of uncommon good sense and judgment, qualities much 
needed in those pioneer days.  The family removed to what is 
now Woodhill Road, and for six long years kept a tavern 
there.  Six children were added to the two brought from 
Tolland, Conn., all born in the old tavern.

Besides the family of ten to care for, and the uncertain 
traveling public to entertain, there was spinning, weaving, 
soap making, candle dipping, and numberless other tasks 
which she performed faithfully and well.  Not astonishing 
that she died in early middle age, when her youngest child 
was not fifteen years old.

Sally EDWARDS, only daughter of Rhoda BARNETT EDWARDS, 
(first wife of Rudolphus) married Patrick THOMAS.  Anna 
MERRILL EDWARDS’ daughters were Rhoda (Mrs. Lyman RHODES); 
Cherry (Mrs. Samuel STEWART); Clara (Mrs. David BURROUGHS); 
Anna (Mrs. Noble OLMSTEAD); and Lydia (Mrs. Lymon LITTLE).  
There were also two sons, Stark and Rudolphus Jr.

Mrs. Amos SPAFFORD, (Olive BARLOW) of Orwell, Vt. Had a 
strenuous pioneer life, one of long struggle, exposure, 
peril, sorrow and disappointment.  She arrived in Cleveland 
with her husband and five children, in the year 1800, and 
lived on the south side of Superior Street, close to its 
western end.  Her daughters, Anna and Chloe, were married 
soon after their arrival; the former to John CRAW in 1801, 
and the latter to Stephen GILBERT, who was drowned four 
years later, together with Mrs. SPAFFORD’s youngest son 
Adolphus, eighteen years old.  Her daughter Anna died six 
years after marriage, leaving two sons, three and five years 
of age.

In 1810 Major SPAFFORD was appointed postmaster of Fort 
Meigs, now Toledo and his wife had to begin all over again 
another pioneer life.  The two sons, Samuel and Aurora, 
accompanied their parents, but Anna CRAW and her two young 
children remained in Cleveland, and were cared for by Mr. 
and Mrs. John WALWORTH.

During the War of 1812 a party of British and Indian swooped 
down upon the settlers of that region, who had to flee for 
the lives.  The SPAFFORDS escaped in an open boat to the 
Huron river, up which they rowed eight miles to Milan, Ohio.

At the close of the war, and upon their return to their 
Maumee home, Mrs. SPAFFORD lived in a shack made out of the 
wreck of an old transport, until a better shelter could be 
erected.  For their former home was burned and all live 
stock gone.  The family had to begin life anew.  Their 
property untimely became valuable, but Mrs. SPAFFORD did not 
live to enjoy the ease and comfort that came to her children 
through it.

Sarah ADAMS (Mrs. Nathaniel DOAN) was twenty-seven years old 
when she reached Cleveland in 1798.  Her husband had been 
the blacksmith of the surveyors who measured and laid out 
the streets of the future city.  He was promised a town lot 
if he would settle here, an offer he accepted, and the 
family lived in a log cabin on the north side of Superior 
Street near West 3rd Street.  The only son, Job, was nine 
years old, and there were three daughters in their teens:  
Sarah who married Richard BLINN in 1802, secondly David 
LITTLE, and Mercy who became Mrs. Edward BALDWIN.  There was 
also a Cleveland-born daughter Rebecca (Mrs. Harvey 

Mr. DOAN brought with him a young nephew, Seth DOAN, son of 
Timothy.  His presence in the family was most providential, 
for that first year on Superior Street every member of it 
but Seth was very ill with malarial fever.  To add to their 
suffering there was little food to be obtained in the 
settlement.  For weeks at a time the hamlet lived on corn 
meal which was procured in Newburg.  The lad carried corn 
there and had it ground, walking all the distance of six 
miles there and return.  He alone ministered to his 
suffering relatives, setting an example of fortitude and 
courage seldom equaled by one so young.

In less than a year, Mr. DOAN moved to a farm on Euclid Ave. 
where he kept a country tavern and a store.  There was much 
travel westward along that road for many following years.  
Many of the pilgrims stopped off at the DOAN tavern, others 
encamped in Wade Park over night, and prepared their own 
meals.  To these Mrs. DOAN was ever kind and accommodating, 
lending often of her own supplies of food and bedding.  Her 
husband died in 1815 and she remained a widow for forty 
years.  Her life had been one of great change and 
vicissitude, also one of much sorrow.  But like most women 
of that day, she accepted everything the befell her, whether 
for good or ill, with patient resignation.

Sarah DOAN BLINN lived on a farm on Woodhill Road.  She died 
in young womanhood, leaving a little son who died in 
California, unmarried.

Delia DOAN taught the first school in Euclid Village.  Mercy 
DOAN BALDWIN died young.  Her husband, Edward BALDWIN, was 
County Treasurer.  Harriet  WOODRUFF was the wife of Job 
DOAN.  She was nineteen years old at her marriage.  She was 
a tall, fine looking woman, one of a remarkable Christian 
character, faithful, kind and generous.  As a landlady of 
the DOAN Tavern, she was a worthy successor of its first and 
former mistress, Sarah ADAMS DOAN.

Although she left many descendants in this vicinity, it has 
been difficult to learn much concerning the personality of 
Ruth GRANGER, wife of W.W. WILLIAMS, the pioneer miller of 
the city and one who filled offices of trust and stood high 
in the community.  The couple came from Suffield and 
Norwich, Conn., and Ruth was thirty-five years old when she 
arrived in 1800 in Newburg, long since a part of the city.  
Mrs. WILLIAMS had four brothers who were offices in the War 
of the Revolution, and his wife’s family, the GRANGERS, were 
notable New England people.

The family settled on what is now Woodhill Road, and there 
Ruth WILLIAMS died.  She was small, alert, and very 
intelligent.  Years before her death, she was stricken with 
blindness, but developed such acute hearing that no one 
could enter her room, ever so cautiously, but she would know 
and tell who it was.  Her daughter Mary married Amos CAHOOD, 
and Martha married Elijah PEET, well known pioneer.  They 
lived on West 3rd Street for some years.  They were charter 
members of the First Methodist Church, and their memory is 
revered by that society.

David CLARK and his family of four son and two daughters 
accompanied the SPAFFORDS form Dorset, Vermont,  The author 
of “The Pioneer Families of Cleveland” spent many years of 
research in securing the maiden name of Mrs. CLARK, 
notwithstanding her descendants are yet citizens of this 
community.  Finally the data was furnished through a great-
grandson, living in Manitoba, Canada.  Her maiden name was 
Margaret BRANCH.  She was thirty-nine years old when she 
became a resident of Cleveland.  Her daughter and namesake 
was fourteen and Lucy twelve years of age.  The CLARKS lived 
on the west side of old Water Street (now West 9th St.) and 
were close neighbors of the CARTERS who lived on the corner.  
Margaret married Elisha NORTON, the pioneer postmaster, and 
they lived across the street  in the house Ezekiel HAWLEY 
occupied for the three previous years.

Lucy CLARK married Seth DOAN, the heroic lad who nursed his 
Uncle Nathaniel DOAN’s family when ill from malarial fever, 
and doubtless saved their lives.  Thenceforth Lucy lived in 
East Cleveland.  Mr. CLARK died in this West 9th street home 
in 1806.

The NORTONS lived later in Painesville, Ohio, where it is 
presumed the husband died.  His widow, Margaret CLARK NORTON 
returned to the city and resided many years on the east side 
of West 6th street.  The old Academy of Music was built 
either on this site or contiguous to it.

The CLARK sons, Rufus, Mason, Martin and Jarvis, all settled 
in western states in after years.

The mother lies in an isolated cemetery in Mesopotamia, 
Ohio, How it happened that at the age of seventy-six she was 
interred so far from the graves of her Cleveland daughters 
is a mystery not solved.  One of her sons may have lived for 
a time in the vicinity.

“Aunt Phenie” was a term of endearment given to the 
pioneer mother, Mrs. James HAMILTON, whose home from 1801 
until her death was in Newburgh.  Mrs. Augustus GILBERT 
(Olive PARMELY) and the second wife, Irene BURK, were her 

Susannah HAMILTON of Chester, Mass., changed her life but 
not her name when she married Samuel HAMILTON.  With her six 
children she arrived, cold and hungry at the cabin of an old 
neighbor.  This was in the spring of 1801, and they 
continued their journey to Newburgh soon after.  Only three 
years elapsed before she was left a widow, and her oldest 
son but fourteen years old.  Mr. HAMILTON was drowned in 
Buffalo Creek while on his way to his former home, where he 
had been called by business matters.

Mrs. Susannah was, as has been before stated, the noblest 
type of pioneer mother, living, working and sacrificing for 
her fatherless children.  She was well remunerated for all 
this in the honor and respect accorded in after life by her 
children.  Her grandson, Judge Edwin T. HAMILTON, was an 
eminent jurist of this city, a man of superior attainments.

Her daughter, Electa, was the second wife of Richard BLINN.  
They removed to Perrysburg, Ohio, where with her family, 
suffered incredible hardship from the prevalence of malaria 
in that section.  Julia HAMILTON became Mrs. Edmond RATHBUN, 
and in 1819 Lyma married Samuel MILES.  The sons of Samuel 
and Susannah HAMILTON were Chester and Justus.  The former 
married Lydia WARNER and moved his family to the west.  
Justus married Salinda COCHRAN, a sweet-tempered, valuable 
woman in the community.

The wedding dress of Philena GUN when she married Captain 
Allen GAYLORD from Goshen, Ct., was of calico, very scant in 
the skirt, but very full as to sleeves.  She was sixteen 
years old when she came with her parents to Cleveland and 
twenty-eight upon her wedding day.  Her daughters were Ann, 
Minerva, Caroline and Desdemona.  The latter never married 
and was living as the only survivor of the family as late as 

The first wife of Augustus GILBERT of Vermont was Olive 
PARMELY.  She came in 1801 and succumbed to the extreme 
privation of those early days, dying in a log cabin of the 
wilderness in 1807.  The care of her seven children, the 
oldest but sixteen years of age, fell upon Irene BURKE, who, 
as the second wife of Mr. GILBERT, gave to the motherless 
children the measure of care and affection they sorely 
needed. Her step-daughters were Dotia, Harriet, Maria, 
Emily, Lovice and Althea, all of whom, save Emily, married.  
Augustus Jr. was the only son of the family.

Irene GILBERT had two daughters of her own, Louise born in 
1810, and Irene.  The latter married Rev. A.P. JONES, 
associate editor of the Plain Dealer sometime in the ‘30s.

Hannah HUNTINGTON of New London, Conn., was another young 
woman who did not change her name at marriage, for her 
husband was Samuel HUNTINGTON.  Hannah was the daughter of 
Judge Andrew HUNTINGTON and his wife Lucy COIT.  She was 
born in Norwich, Ct., and there became a bride.

The family of four children arrived in Cleveland in May, 
1801.  Amos SPAFFORD had built for Mr. HUNTINGTON a double 
log house, the largest in the settlement.  It stood on the 
bluff back of the present side of the American House, south 
side of Superior St. near West 6th, and it commanded a 
beautiful view of the Cuyahoga river valley.

Mrs. HUNTINGTON’s experience while living here without any 
of the comforts or luxuries of her eastern home, and her 
efforts to conform to the privation, dreariness, and 
constant ill-health of her present one would be an 
interesting story.  Her nearest neighbors, Mrs. SPAFFORD and 
Mrs. CARTER, were almost as unfitted, save in loyalty, 
courage and patience, as she for such a life.

She was thirty-one years old and brought six children with 
her to Cleveland.  The only daughter, Martha, married Dr. 
John H. MATHEWS of Painesville, Ohio.  The sons were 
Francis, ten years of age, Julian, five years, Colbert, six 
years, Samuel, three years and Robert but a year old.  
Little Samuel died in Cleveland at the age of five.  All the 
others lived to manhood.

Mr. HUNTINGTON, afterward governor of Ohio, exchanged his 
large land holdings here in 1806 for equal property at the 
mouth of the Grand River, near Painesville, previously owned 
by Judge WALWORTH.  He took his family to the Newburgh 
Heights and remained there for a time, then took possession 
of his property at Fairport.  Here both parents died, and 
now rest in Evergreen Cemetery, Painesville.

Joel THORP, son of Yale THORP of New Haven, put his young 
wife, Sarah DAYTON, and her three children into an ox cart, 
and started for Ohio about 1799, ending in Ashtabula County 
and twenty miles from any other white family.  Here again 
was a family threatened with starvation in the absence of 
the husband and father.  They were reduced to the last 
extremity of eating the grain that stuck to the straw of 
their straw ticks.  At this crisis almost a miracle 
happened.  A wild turkey lighted on a stump near the cabin, 
and Mrs. THORP managed to shoot it.  It is to be hoped that 
it was young and tender and that it quickly supplied food 
for the starving children.

The family came to Cleveland in 1801 and settled on Lake 
Ave. in a log cabin.  Just before the War of 1812, Mr. 
THORPE, who was a carpenter, received a contract to build 
house in Buffalo, to which place he removed his family.  He 
lost his life at Lundy’s Lane as a sharpshooter in that 
conflict and when the British and Indians burned Buffalo, 
poor Mrs. THORP lost everything in the way of clothing, 
bedding and household belongings.  She made her way somehow 
and in some way to Cleveland.   How she ever managed it with 
her seven children, is one of the marvels of the average 
pioneer woman’s heroism and wonderful adaptation to every 
circumstance of the life of that day.  She died at the 
residence of her youngest son, Ferris THORP, in Orange 

Mary SAYLOR, second wife of David DILLE, Jr., and her sister 
Frances SAYLOR, Mrs. Asa DILLE, came here in 1803.  David 
was a revolutionary soldier.  He bought property in Euclid 
and his brother Asa settled on Euclid Ave. near Mayfield 
Road.  Their wives rode all the way from Wheeling on 
horseback, each carrying an infant in her arms with another 
child seated behind her and holding on to mother for dear 
life.  And all this on merely a bridle path.  Both sisters 
were noted for their unselfish hospitality.

Mary Anne DILLE, maiden name unknown, was the wife of Samuel 
DILLE, nephew of David and Asa.  Her home was on Broadway, 
one and a half miles from the Public Square.  She died in 
1815, leaving a family of five children, and was buried in 
Harvard Grove Cemetery.  She had two grandsons who gave up 
their lives for their country during the Civil War.

Clara EDWARDS married the son of a neighbor, David 
BURROUGHS, who settled on Woodhill Rd. in 1805.  The son, 
David, Jr., removed to the hamlet, set up a blacksmith shop, 
and built a home on Superior St., northwest corner of West 
Third St.  Clara BURROUGHS was an estimable woman, kind and 
friendly to every one.  She was quite a stout woman with the 
good nature that usually accompanies embonpoint.  She kept a 
big flock of geese, the ganders of which village children 
feared and long recalled in after years.

The daughters of Clara BURROUGHS were Mary (Mrs. LYMAN) and 
Phoebe (Mrs. Orin HOUGHTON).

Sophia Leonora ROOT was the daughter of the Rev. Benijah and 
Elizabeth GUERNSEY ROOT, and about 1789 married Major Nathan 
PERRY, Sr., of Rutland, Vt.  Her husband purchased a farm 
and mill near Buffalo, N.Y., where Mrs. PERRY experienced 
pioneer life, and again in Cleveland hamlet where the family 
removed in 1806, making their home on the northeast corner 
of Superior and West 9th streets.  Mrs. PERRY was a 
dignified and reticent woman.  She had a sister living in 
Newark, Ohio, and often went there on visits, riding all the 
way on horseback.  She outlived her husband many years.  It 
has been claimed that at her death she was buried in her 
wide deep lawn on Euclid Ave., but like many other 
traditions the may have no foundation in fact.

Her only daughter Sophia was a lovely young woman, whose 
marriage to Peter M. WENDELL lasted but a few years.  Mrs. 
Horace PERRY (Abigail SMITH) became a bride in 1814 and 
lived in a large frame house on the south side of the Public 
Square.  The only daughter of Horace PERRY (Pauline) married 
Charles N. WILLEY, nephew of the first mayor of Cleveland.

Pauline SKINNER, who married Nathan Perry, Jr., in 1816, was 
the daughter of Captain Abram SKINNER of Painesville.  She 
was born in Hartford, Conn., was twenty-three years old, and 
eight years the junior of her husband.  She has been 
recalled by old citizens as a woman of pleasing personality 
with kind and helpful ways.  Her first Cleveland home was on 
lower Superior St. and afterward for long years in a 
spacious house yet standing on the corner of Euclid Ave. and 
E. 21st St. the PERRY homestead.  This old landmark is very 
attractive, wonderfully interesting and should be preserved 

Julianna MORGAN, wife of Judge John WALWORTH, was a type of 
the pioneer woman of her day and generation.  She brought to 
Cleveland in 1806 all the culture acquired in her London, 
Conn., home of ease and plenty.  And to this were added 
great self-reliance and prompt resource gained by the 
experience of hardship and peril in reaching her 
destination, which was a farm of 390 acres, long since 
become the very heart of the city.

The family first settled in Fairport, Ohio.  Then exchanged 
property with Governor HUNTINGTON, pioneer settler of 
Cleveland, and started in an open boat on Lake Erie for 
their new home.  The boat was wrecked on the way, and its 
occupants all precipitated into the water.  Judge WALWORTH’s 
life was saved by the closest margin.

Mrs. WALWORTH lived for six years where the Friendly Inn now 
stands, Central Ave. and Broadway, and for the rest of her 
life on Euclid Ave. below E. 9th St.  Her two daughters were 
Juliana, who married Dr. David LONG and lived in the 
Huntington log house all her early years on the southwest 
corner of Superior and West 6th Sts.; and Hannah, who became 
Mrs. Benjamin STRICKLAND.  Mrs. LONG was a notable member of 
early Cleveland society.  Wonderfully kind-hearted and 
generous, the sick, the poor and the sorrowful naturally 
gravitated to her doorstep, sure of help and comfort.  Her 
sister Hannah was an estimable woman but very quiet and 

Mrs. Philo TAYLOR (Zerviah DAVENPORT) came to Rocky River 
from New England in 1808, where she lived in a log tavern.  
Here her eighth child was born, the first birth in that 
township.  In 1816 she was occupying a home on Superior St., 
where she died in 1823 and was laid away in Erie St. 

Two of her daughters, Sophia and Prudence, were the wives of 
the BURKE brothers, Gaius and Brazilla, of Newburgh.  
Wealthy, Amanda Loviea and Julia TAYLOR all married 
Cleveland or Newburgh men and are said to have had lovely 
characteristics, and were valuable women in the community.

The first wife of the famous Cleveland blacksmith, Abram 
HICKOX, was Jemima TUTTLE, who with her five grown daughters 
came all the way from Waterbury, Conn., in a wagon that also 
contained household effects and provisions.  The father 
walked, as did the women folks at intervals, taking turns 
with each other in the wagon.

These pioneer daughters, Ruth, Oriagna, Lucy, Lucinda and 
Dorcas were fine women, greatly respected in the community.  
Lucinda kept a private school for years.  Lucy died 
unmarried at an advanced age.  Ruth married Christopher GUN.

The dwelling of the HICKOX family was close to the 
blacksmith shop, which stood on the site of the Rockefeller 
Bldg.  The mother succumbed to the hardships of pioneer life 
within six years, and Phoebe STONE, widow of Elisha DIBBLE, 
succeeded her in the HICKOX home.

Levi JOHNSON, the Cleveland carpenter and ship-builder, met 
his future wife Margaret MONTIER, while on business in Huron 
County.  She became the “next-door” neighbor of the HICKOX 
family.  A tavern built upon the site stood there for long 
years and but recently made way for the western end of the 
Rockefeller Building.  The eldest daughter, Harriet JOHNSON, 
married the well-known pioneer Alexander SACKETT.

Lucretia, Minerva and Sybil, the three daughters of Holden 
ALLEN, lived in Buffalo previous to the War of 1812.  
Lucretia married Captain Harpin JOHNSON, Minerva married 
Captain Jonathan JOHNSON, brother of Levi.  She was an 
expert needle woman and when the old steamship “Columbus” 
was launched, received five dollars for making its flag, a 
sum equal to $15.00 at the present day.

One of the most notable women of the time was Mrs. Samuel 
WILLIAMSON (Isabella McQUEEN) of Crawford County, Penn.  The 
arrival of the family, Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMSON, their three 
children and Mathew WILLIAMSON, advanced the Cleveland 
census to fifty-seven names of all ages.

Mrs. WILLIAMSON spent the first years of her life in the 
hamlet on West 9th St,, then but a path wide enough for an 
ox cart.  This was in 1810.  She was one of the earliest 
members of the Old Stone Church.  Afterward with her 
unmarried daughter Sarah, she resided on the north side of 
Euclid Ave., just west of East 6th St.  She out-lived her 
husband twenty-five years and died at the age of seventy-
seven.  She is recalled as a “Dear old lady.”  Her 
grandson, Rev. James D. WILLIAMSON, who married Miss ELY of 
Elyria, Ohio, is yet living an honored and beloved member of 
greater Cleveland.

Mrs. Robert WALLACE (Harriet MENOUGH) was a woman of much 
executive ability despite a delicate constitution.  She was 
the landlady of the village tavern which was filled with the 
sick and wounded one year of the War of 1812.  Although 
threatened with an attack at any hour by the British troops 
and the Indians, she would not seek safety leaving the 
invalids to face such an ordeal alone.  Her daughter 
Emmeline was born in the tavern in 1814 and became the bride 
of Thomas WILSON, first sheriff of Portage County.

Mrs. Noble MERWIN (Minerva BUCKINGHAM) was a power in the 
village that was to be consulted in all matters of civics 
and religion.  Also a big-hearted, unselfish woman who 
served herself last.  Many stories concerning this trait 
have been handed down to the present generation.

She also was a landlady assisting her husband in 
entertaining westbound travelers, in their tavern at the 
foot of Superior St.  Her grandmother was a sister of Roger 
SHERMAN of Rhode Island.  Of her two daughters, Minerva 
married George ATWATER and the youngest, Mary, died in young 

The young landlady of MOWREY’s Tavern was Rhoda CURTIS who 
married Pliny MOWREY in 1816.  The tavern stood on the 
Public Square, the site of the present New England Hotel.  
She was the daughter of a tanner living near Doan’s Corners.  
Her sister Lydia CURTIS married, the following year, James 
BLISS.  The result of Plina MOWREY’s financial difficulties 
and misfortunes led the young couple to remove elsewhere.

Polly JOHNSON, sister of Levi and Jonathan, became Mrs. 
Thomas RUMMAGE and lived on Euclid and East 4th St., 
occupied in late years by the Opera House.

Phoebe STONE (Mrs. Elisha DIBBLE) escaped with her family in 
an open boat, pursued by the enemy during the War of 1812, 
from some town in Michigan.  The family took refuge with 
Rudolphus EDWARDS on Woodhill Rd. until their own log cabin 
was built near Doan’s Corners.  Phoebe DIBBLE’s husband and 
three children died within three years of their arrival and 
a son followed soon afterwards.  In 1816 she became the 
second wife of Abram HICKOX and thenceforth her home was No. 
27 Prospect St.

No woman in early Cleveland was better known than the widow 
CALAHAN who lived on the Flats in the river valley.  Her 
husband was a Canadian soldier who at intervals came and 
went.  The latter won out at last and she was left with a 
family of little ones to support by her own efforts.  Her 
beautiful flower garden, her flocks of ducks, geese, 
chickens and the pigs scrupulously tended were made to 
contribute to the family larder.  Her children were a credit 
to her and an honor to the town.

The arrival of Jemima STOW KELLEY with her husband Daniel 
KELLEY in 1814 was an event far reaching in effect even to 
this day.  She was a devoted mother and when her son Alfred 
left his home in Middletown, Conn., and came to Ohio, his 
two years of absence and her longing for him impelled her to 
be readily in sympathy with Daniel KELLEY’s plan  to follow 
their son to Cleveland.  She had near relatives in Ohio, her 
brothers Jushua and Silas STOW, large landed proprietors in 
the Western Reserve.

Irad, Reynolds and Thomas KELLEY were her younger sons.  
Each of them married young and their wives were unusually 
fine women.  Mrs. Jemima KELLEY began her local housekeeping 
in a frame dwelling not far from where a modern brick 
cottage was being prepared for her near the foot of West 9th 
St.  But she died before it could be completed.  She was a 
reader, had a strong sense of humor, and her shrewd, keen 
remarks were quoted in many following years.

Harriet PEASE (Mrs. Irad KELLEY), Betsey GOULD (Mrs. 
Reynolds KELLEY), Lucy LATHAM (Mrs. Thomas M. KELLEY) and 
Mary SEYMOUR WELLS (Mrs. Alfred KELLEY) were all early 
pioneers of the city.

Mrs. Amasa BAILEY (Sally EATON) of Cummington, Mass., was 
the first woman to live on the southeast corner of Superior 
St. and the Public Square, opposite the Post Office.

Mrs. Richard BAILEY (Polly WHITE) was a daughter of the 
pioneer Levi WHITE.  She had a family of nine children all 
born in Cleveland, and all but one in after years moved to 
the far west.  Probably Mrs. Polly BAILEY aided and abetted 
her husband in one of Cleveland’s epidemics, when he is said 
to have worked in his grocery all day and sat up more than 
half the night administering to the sick and suffering.

Esther THOMPSON (Mrs. George PEASE) of Goshen, Conn., came 
to Hudson, Ohio, with her parents in 1801, and to Cleveland 
in 1816.  Her sons Sylvester and Jesse were the schoolmates 
of many of our oldest citizens and were very popular young 
men.  Her daughters Harriet, Hulda and Lucretia were 
charming young women and as the wives of Irad KELLEY, Morris 
HEPBURN and Prentiss DOW, all prominent merchants of the 
town, they held a conspicuous place in Cleveland’s social 
life in those early days.

Anna DUNLAP married Elisha TAYLOR of Schenectady, N.Y.  She 
was one of four sisters who also were residents of that 
town.  The year of the family’s arrival, 1816, was one of 
great poverty and suffering all over the country of what was 
termed “the cold summer,” when frosts occurred every 
month, cutting down grain and vegetables when half matured.

Mrs. Anna TAYLOR died and Elizabeth ELY, of a distinguished 
Massachusetts family, a calm, quiet woman of thirty-five 
years, became Mr. TAYLOR’s second wife and took excellent 
care of the three motherless children of Anna TAYLOR.

For long years the family of Deacon Moses and Mary ANDREWS 
WHITE were prominent members of the little community and 
later on after Cleveland became a city.  Their young 
daughter, Minerva WHITE, was the first burial in Erie Street 
cemetery.  At that time it was all woods.

Among other accomplishments, Mrs. WHITE was a skillful 
needle worker, notable cook, and best of all, a most 
successful mother-in-law, never entering her son’s home 
without bearing some offering of interest and affection.  
Her only daughter Eliza married Judge Jesse BISHOP of this 
city, long a well-known jurist.  The WHITE family lived on 
Superior St. near the American House.

Four gentle refined sisters from Windsor, Conn., arrived in 
1816.  They were of a distinguished family, their father, 
Albert WOLCOTT, being a son of the Brig. General Erastus 
WOLCOTT and a grandson of the famous Roger WOLCOTT.  He also 
was a nephew of Gov. Mathew GRISWOLD.  The family brought 
with them the family Bible of Roger WOLCOTT, all of which 
was a social asset appreciated by their pioneer neighbors.  
Mr. WOLCOTT’s wife had died in Windsor.  The oldest 
daughter, Cynthia, was Mrs. William BLISS.  She lived on the 
south side of Superior near the corner of West 3rd St. and 
was about twenty-eight years of age when she began her 
Cleveland housekeeping on that spot.  Her sisters, Hannah, 
Laura and Elizabeth lived with their father near by.

Jonathan BLISS, brother of William, also lived on the south 
side of Superior St.  His wife’s maiden name probably was 
Hannah KENT.  The couple had a little adopted daughter, 
Pamelia TOWNSEND, who had been made an orphan in one of the 
epidemics that swept Cleveland.  She married Herschel FOOTE 
who kept a very early bookstore on the corner of the Public 
Square, the site now occupied by Marshall’s drug store.

Jonathan BLISS died in 1823 of malarial fever, and his widow 
lived her later years in Washington, D.C., and Saratoga, 

Ruth WHITE, wife of Seth Cogswell BALDWIN, died in Ballston 
Springs, N.Y., at the birth of her eighth child and 
namesake.  Some time after the sad event Miss Abigail 
KELLOGG assumed the care of the motherless children as Mr. 
BALDWIN’s second wife, and another son and daughter were 
added to the family.  Abigail lived but a short time after 
her arrival in Cleveland, the unaccustomed hardships having 
proved too much for her delicate constitution.  Her son 
Dudley BALDWIN, then but nine years of age, lived the 
remainder of his years in the city, one of its best known 
and honored citizens.

His wife was Henrietta HINE, daughter of Homer and Henrietta 
SKINNER HINE of Youngstown and a niece of Mrs. Nathan PERRY, 
Jr.  The early home of the young couple was on West 6th St. 
now covered by the Rockefeller Building.

Mrs. Dudley BALDWIN was very fond of flowers and her little 
garden at that spot blossomed gaily, attracting all 
passersby.  Her next and last home on East 21st St. with its 
ample grounds gave more opportunity to indulge in her 
beloved pastime and here her daughters, Mary BALDWIN and 
Anne BALDWIN SCHULTE keep alive the floral tradition of that 
earlier day.

This incomplete sketch of Cleveland pioneer women, which is 
all that space allows, covers the first twenty years of the 
town’s settlement and sixteen years before it became a full-
fledged city.  Much additional information concerning the 
women mentioned, with personal and interesting facts 
regarding hundreds of women who came to the city later, will 
be found in “The Pioneer Families of Cleveland 1796-1840.”

                 Gertrude VAN RENSSELAER WICKHAM