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Betty Ralph
March 18, 1999
About a year ago I transcribed numerous articles on Cuyahoga and Portage
counties, OH, from "Memorial to the Pioneer Women of the Western Reserve"
published under the auspices of the Woman's Department of the Cleveland
Centennial Commission in 1896, edited by Mrs. Gertrude Van Rensselaer
Wickham.  The articles contain many details about the lives of the early


As nearly as it can be determined, it was in the year 1810 
that the township of Bedford was allotted, but no 
settlements were made until later.  In 1823 it received its 
present name at the suggestion of Daniel BENEDICT, in 
compliment to the place of his birth, Bedford, Ct.

Bedford, O. is twelve miles southeast of the Public Square 
in Cleveland and four miles from the city limits.  It is on 
the line of three steam railways and the A., B. & C. 
electric street cars, thus affording to its citizens 
unsurpassed facilities for reaching the city.

Bedford is in fact, what before many years it will be in 
name - a suburb of Cleveland.  It lies about 300 feet above 
Lake Erie, and is noted for the romantic scenery along 
Tinker’s Creek, which flows through the center of the town, 
and is spanned by the C. & P. railroad bridge, a massive 
stone structure, offering great attraction for the artist as 
well as the student of nature.

Bedford is also noted as the "Banner Chair Town" of the 
state, and Bedford chairs hold their own against any 

As Bedford is the only one of the 126 townships of the 
Western Reserve, as far as I know, that has the honor of 
having a nobleman for its first settler, I wish to make the 
most of the fact, and will quote from the Cuyahoga County 

"In 1813 Elijah or Elisha NOBLE settled on Tinkers, near 
the line of Independence, and was probably the first settler 
of Bedford." *** "He moved to what is now the village of 
Bedford in November, 1815, and was the first man who lived 

Not a word of this indicates that there was anyone but a 
NOBLE man here at that time.

Further on it speaks of his "family being three miles from 
any neighbors," which is a hint that there might have been 
a NOBLE woman to endure the hardships of pioneer life, and 
who came into the unbroken forest that she might make a home 
for those she held dear. - "Then meekly backward to the 
shade, Her noiseless spirit stole once more."

Although forgotten here, I wish for her posterity in the 
highest and the best that heart can wish, or sense desire, 
even as she must have done.

Charlotte FITCH and her husband, Stephen COMSTOCK of Bozrah, 
Conn. settled at Tinker’s Creek in 1814, and on April 30, 
1815, their daughter Sarah became the first white child born 
in the township.

Mrs. COMSTOCK was a very smart woman, and the mother of two 
sons and three daughters.  Sarah married James BENEDICT, and 
lived in Bedford until her death in 1895; respected by the 
entire community.  Mary Ann married J.O. ROSE and removed to 
York, Ind.  Charlotte married Edmund GLEESON, and after his 
death she became the wife of James C. CLEVELAND of 
Independence, Ohio.

In 1815 Betsey COMSTOCK, a sister of Stephen COMSTOCK, with 
her husband Benjamin FITCH, who was a brother of Mrs. 
COMSTOCK, came from Independence where they had settled in 
1813, to the eastern part of what is now the village of 
Bedford, afterward removing to North Street.

Mrs. FITCH was a native of Bozrah, Connecticut.  She was the 
mother of three sons and two daughters, and was very 
industrious and a fluent conversationalist.

Andrew Garner FITCH, born at the center in 1818, was the 
first white child born in that locality.  Mrs. FITCH was 
well known as the "Pioneer Chair Maker."

Harriet M. FITCH married Wm. O. TAYLOR, a son of Orrin and 
Anna STREET HALL TAYLOR, of Buckland, Mass., who, during his 
life, did more than any other person to promote the 
interests of Bedford and its citizens.  He also established 
and maintained a free library for the use of the residents 
of Bedford.

Mrs. TAYLOR was the mother of Caroline TAYLOR (Mrs. A.J. 
HENSEY) and Hon. V.A. TAYLOR.  She was a lovable woman, and 
her friends cherish her memory with the tenderest regard.

Selinda FITCH (Mrs. Charles CULVER) was the first woman in 
town to keep bees, hiving the swarms and taking care of them 
herself.  She is a widow and is living with her son, Madison 

Polly Richardson, with her husband, Moses GLEESON, removed 
from Stillwater, N.Y., in 1812, to near Massillon, O., where 
they remained about two years, when they came to Bedford and 
settled on the State road, where she lived until her death 
in 1870.

The general travel was upon that road and the stages 
carrying the U.S. mail passed their door, and their house 
was the usual place of entertainment for people who traveled 
that way.  Many will gratefully remember the numerous favors 
received at the hands of Polly GLEESON.  She was the mother 
of seven sons and four daughters.

The GLEESON girls were good looking and great favorites 
among the young people, no gathering being considered 
complete without their presence.  Mary GLEESON (Mrs. Charles 
CURTIS), Nancy GLEESON (Mrs. Consider MORGAN), and Mrs. 
Stiles SMITH (nee Kate GLEESON) reside in Cleveland.

Anna GLEESON married Charles L. WILLES, son of Luther and 
Fanny WILLES.  They are living in St. Paul, Minn., and are 
the parents of Judge John W. WILLES of the same place.

Hannah SKINNER was born in 1792 at Sherbourne, Vt., and 
married Jason SHEPARD of the same place.

In 1820 the moved to Bedford on the Newburgh road.  Ten 
years later they removed to Newburgh, where she died at the 
age of eighty-eight.  Mr. SHEPARD was a great hunter and 
killed many bears, deer and wild turkeys.  Their daughter, 
Manie SHEPARD, married H.S. BRAYTON, and resides in 

John DUNHAM and Elizabeth HUNGERFORD, his wife, with five 
children, came from Herkimer, N.Y., in 1818 with a wagon 
drawn by oxen.  They settled on the Dunham road in the 
northwest part of town, and were the first family on the 

Mrs. DUNHAM was the mother of twelve children, five of whom 
where daughters.  She was a very energetic woman, spinning 
and weaving the cloth, both linen and woolen, for the 
clothing of her household.

One day Mrs. DUNHAM and her daughter, Eliza (Mrs. Wm. L. 
WHEELER) wove ten yards of woolen cloth, cut and made by 
hand two pair of men’s pantaloons, besides doing their 
housework, which would be considered a pretty good day’s 
work now.

Laura DUNAHM (Mrs. Turner HUBELL) is a very quiet, sedate 
lady, and her friends like to tell the following anecdote 
regarding her youthful days:

One night there was a dance at a log house in the 
neighborhood, and Mr. DUNHAM, who was very fond of music, 
went over, and as the evening passed on he improved the 
opportunity to dance with a young lady who was present.

On arriving at home he told his wife that there was a 
stranger present, a very pretty young lady, and a good 
dancer, too.  When the young people returned they were 
questioned in regard to the stranger.  Miss Laura said:  
"Why, father, you only danced once, and that was with me,"
when there was a merry laugh at his expense.

Mary BENEDICT was born in Roxbury, Vt., and married Stephen 
ROBINSON, of St. Lawrence County, N.Y., who was a soldier in 
the war of 1812.  They came to Newburgh, where they lived 
until 1818, when they removed to Bedford and were among the 
first settlers of the town.  Mrs. ROBINSON was the mother of 
eight sons and four daughters.  Sally, who married Harris 
JOHNSON, is a widow and lives with her brother, Deacon 
Newman ROBINSON, who married Laura KENYON, daughter of James 
R. KENYON and Hannah OATMAN, of Adams, N.Y., who came here 
in 1833.

Mrs. Laura KENYON ROBINSON is a very neat housekeeper, and 
her needlework is a model of nicety in execution as well as 
beauty in design.  She was the mother of two sons and one 
daughter, all of whom were removed by death.  Dora B. 
ROBINSON was a lovely girl, a successful school teacher, 
active in church work, and idolized by her friends who mourn 
her loss.

In 1817 Samuel BARNES and Lucinda BARNUM, his wife, of 
Monkton, Vt., moved to Newburgh and in April, 1819, they 
came to Bedford, and lived in a log house on the place where 
Mrs. Avis GREY BORST now resides.  Their daughter, Cordelia, 
was the first white girl born in the village, June, 1819.

Mrs. BARNES, or "Aunt Lucinda," as she was called, was 
very jovial and quick witted, and many stories are told 
about her sharpness in repartee, as people took delight in 
joking her in order to draw out her apt replies.

In 1822 Daniel BENEDICT and his wife, Catherine ROSCOE, from 
Monkton, Vt., settled in the village.  They had eight sons.  
"Aunt Katy" was a small active woman, off-hand in manner, 
with very strong likes and dislikes.  The latter was made 
manifest when a family who had been living near her was 
moving away, when fastened a flag to the house and danced a 

Their log house was arranged similar to the one on the 
Public Square in Cleveland during the Centennial year.  For 
a lamp they used a dish containing bear’s grease, with a rag 
for a wick, and lighted it by blowing a live coal until the 
sparks caught the rag on fire.  In the early days none could 
excel Kathy BENEDICT in dancing and she used to go to dances 
when well along in years, with her husband and sons.

On one occasion the entire family went to a dance, and upon 
their return home entered the open court in the darkness.  
The dauntless mother said that she knew where to find the 
dish, and would make a light, went in without fear, not 
noticing that the door was ajar.  No sooner had she taken 
the dish in her hand than she found herself astride of some 
creature which had arisen as she was stepping over it, and 
was giving vent to horrible sounds, as she was borne about 
the room on its back in the darkness, screaming:  "Oh, 
Lordy! What has got me."  It proved to be an old porker 
that had pushed the door open and laid down by the fire.

Enos HOLLISTER and his wife, Lydia BIDWELL, came from 
Hartford, Conn. About 1824.  Their daughter, Susan, married 
Ambrose DUNHAM, and lived until the age of seventy, when, 
after a short illness, she said:  "My work is done; I am 
ready to go."  "And passed to where, beyond these voices, 
there is peace."  Albina DUNHAM, wife of R.J. HATHAWAY, is 
a worthy daughter of so excellent a mother.

Mary A. HOLLISTER married Seth PRATT, and removed to 
Assyria, Mich.  Emeline HOLLISTER married Issac ROBINSON, 
and is living in Newburgh at the age of eighty-four.

Betsey PALMITER came from Vermont to Newburgh in 1821, where 
she married Eli BURKE, who was a drummer.  They settled in 
Bedford in 1824, afterwards removing to York, Ind.  There 
were two daughters, Jane and Mary; to the former, Mrs. Jane 
BURKE BROOKS, of Pleasant Lake, Ind., we are indebted for 
the information concerning many named in this article.

Nancy FOSTER, with her husband, Hiram SPAFFORD, came from 
Genesse, N.Y., to Bedford in 1824.  She was the mother of 
ten children.  Her daughter, Harriet SPAFFORD, married 
Daniel CULVER, and was the mother of Hetty CULVER, wife of 
Col. John GIBBONS, of Cleveland.  Hannah SPAFFORD married 
Rev. E.H. HAWLEY and lived but one year afterward.

Hiram SPAFFORD was noted as the bear hunter, and he married 
for his second wife the widow of his brother, Nathan B. 
SPAFFORD, who was Mary MORRISON of Stoddard, N.H.  She used 
to do a great deal of fine weaving, and her daughter, Mary 
C. SPAFFORD (Mrs. Wm. HURST) has some beautiful coverlets 
that she wove.  Mary SNELL, wife of Daniel GOULD, was a 
native of Ware, Mass.  They came to Bedford in 1825 and put 
up a log house where the M.E. church now stands.  Their 
daughter, Laura S. GOULD, was one of the early teachers of 
the place.  She was well educated for the times, literary in 
her tastes, and a good singer.  She married Stephen G. 
REMINGTON, and the last year of her life were spent as a 

Fanny WILLEY, a sister of John W. WILLEY, the first mayor of 
Cleveland, was born in Lemster, Vt.  She came to Bedford 
with her husband, Luther WILLES, about 1827.  Mrs. WILLES 
was short and rather fleshy, and used to wear her front hair 
in curls.  She was very aristocratic for the times, stylish 
in dress, wearing white in the summer.  She was a remarkable 
woman for business, carrying on the post office after her 
husband’s death.  She also built a church for union 
meetings, which was known as "Mrs. WILLES’ church,"
afterward donating it to the M.E. church.  She used the 
building while on her premises for carrying on select 
school.  Mrs. WILLES withal was a very devoted mother.  To 
illustrate this phase of her character, a former pupil 
relates:  After a recitation she would sweep across the room 
in her dignified manner, take up her daughter, Fanny, who 
was a small child, sit down and sing:
  ‘Mama’s pretty little honey - hon -
  Honey - honey - honey -
  Fum - fum - fum - fum -
  Fiddle, faddle fum -
  Fiddle, linktum, faddy’
After which she would resume her teaching as if there had 
been no interlude."  She was the mother of one son and 
three daughters.  Marie Louise WILLES married Jacob MEDARY.  
She is a pleasant faced lady, with a quiet dignity of 
manner, and is the only one of the family living in Bedford.  
Mr. Dr. SLAWSON nee Carrie WIILLES, inherited her mother’s 
business qualities.  She resides in Cincinnati.  The 
youngest daughter, Mrs. Fanny WILLES, is living in Florida.

Rebecca WELLS, of Stow, O., married Justus REMINGTON, a 
school teacher from the east.  They came to Bedford in 1828.  
Mrs. REMINGTON was the mother of five daughters, Polly, 
Loretta, Louisa, Matilda and Margery.  Her sister, Delilah 
WELLS, was the wife of Darius WARNER.

Mrs. Enock ALLEN (Anna Rossiter HART), of Ticonderoga 
County, N.Y., came to Bedford in 1828.  Mr. and Mrs. ALLEN 
kept tavern, and preachers were entertained without charge, 
as well as any without the means to pay, especially if 
overtaken by the many ills incident to a new country.  They 
were then nursed and cared for until health was restored, 
when no pay was expected or taken.

They were charter members of the Disciple church in 1832, 
and probably no one did more than they to secure preachers 
of the Gospel to hold regular meetings here.

Delia Caroline ALLEN married J.K. CULVER, a son of John and 
Catherine GOODRICH-CULVER, and is now living with her son, 

Lucy A. ALLEN married George W. CARPENTER and resides in 
Midland, Mich.

Moses and Betsey BARNUM, parents of Lucinda and Philena 
BARNUM-BARNES, with their daughters, Julia, who never 
married, came from Monkton, Vt., in 1820.

Mrs. Sally BARNUM, mother of Abijah S. BARNUM, lived across 
the road from the Ozro OSBORNE place.

Among the early settlers were Geo. M. PAYNE and his wife, 
Susan HOLCOMB, with their daughter, Livonia, who married 
Newell BARNUM; Dr. Charles and Mrs. Palmiter GOODRICH, with 
five daughters; Nathaniel H. JOY and Betsey TORRY, his wife, 
and five daughters.

The first wedding was that of Laura, daughter of Solomon and 
Polly WHITE, and James TITUS.

Soon after this, Eunice GOODALE, a girl only fourteen years 
of age, daughter of Joseph and Eunice WELLS GOODALE, was 
married to David BENJAMIN by Esq. Geo. M. PAYNE.

Susannha GIBBS, of Hebron, N.Y., was married to Abraham 
TURNER in Delabout, Canada in 1808.  They came to Bedford in 
1828 with two sons and three daughters.  Mrs. TURNER was a 
good singer and lived to be over ninety years old.  Anna 
TURNER (Mrs. Thomas PEAKE) is a very kind, pleasant woman.

Hannah TURNER married Joseph S. GRANT, and was one of the 
first teachers in the Sunday school of the M.E. church, 
continuing in this service over forty years.  She is still 
an ardent member of this church and Sunday school.

Jemima TURNER (Mrs. Solomon ENNIS) was a fine looking woman 
and a great reader.

Rev. Nathaniel C. HAINS and his wife, Rachel SAWYER, of St. 
Albans, Vt., came to Ohio in 1822 and remained about a year 
each in Sandusky, Hudson and Bedford, then in Warrensville 
until 1829, when they returned to Bedford.  In June, 1825, 
Mr. HAINS preached the first funeral sermon in Bedford.  
Soon after they came from Warrensville he formed the first 
class, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. TURNER, Anna and Hannah 
TURNER, himself, wife and daughter Polly, which was the 
beginning of the M.E. church in Bedford.

Mrs. HAINS one day saw a flock of turkeys in the clearing, 
and raising the window with great caution, she took the gun 
brought with them from Vermont, hanging in the top of their 
wagon, and, resting it on the window sill, she fired.  So 
good was her aim that she brought down one of the largest of 
the flock, and they had turkey dinner next day, done to a 
turn on the home-made split, which consisted of a cord 
fastened to the ceiling, from which the fowl was suspended 
before the big fireplace.

Mrs. HAINS was the mother of nine children, Cornelius and 
Cornelia being twins, and the latter, who married T.M. 
BEMAN, is the mother of twin daughters, Ella and Eva, the 
former being a teacher in the Bedford schools.

Polly HAINS married Sidney M. HAMMOND.  She was a great 
lover of flowers, her yard being filled with them.  She used 
to say that "flowers were the gift of God to brighten our 
pathway to heaven," and sent them to the sick whenever 
possible.  She had two large plants of night-blooming 
Cereus, and when they blossomed sent word to all who might 
wish to see them.

Jemima GIBBS, a sister of Mrs. TURNER, married Stephen PECK, 
and used to assist him in finishing the coffins that he had 

Stephen C. POWERS came to Bedford when quite a young man, 
and soon after his arrival he was taken sick with measles.  
As the people at his boarding place were afraid of the 
disease, he was taken in the home of Amos BELDEN, where he 
was nursed through his illness.  Upon his recovery, he 
discovered that he had lost his heart, and that it was in 
the keeping of Charlotte BELDEN, who was of a very amiable 
disposition, and a great worker.  They were soon married and 
he put up the woolen mills, the ruins of which are standing 
on Tinker’s Creek at the foot of Columbus street.

Anna HILLMAN, of Wilton, Me., came to Bedford with her 
mother, Clarissa BUTTERFIELD HILLMAN, wife of Hezekiah 
DUNHAM, in 1831, and celebrated the Fourth of July the next 
year by her marriage to Capt. Otis BUTTON.

The village of Bedford was then a scattered hamlet, the 
public square being covered with oaks.

Mrs. BUTTON was one of those patient, tender spirits that 
shone brightest in the home circle, and she ever exhibited 
the characteristics of the Christian lady.  Her only 
daughter, Charlotte E. BUTTON, wife of M.B. DAWSON, resides 
in Cleveland.

Jane WARD and her husband, Robert DAWSON, of Rosedale, 
England, after living a few years in Canada, came to Bedford 
in 1832.  She was the mother of four sons and two daughters.  
Mary McCLURE (Mrs. Abraham WHITAKER) was a devout woman, and 
in many ways patterned after Susanna WESLEY in the care of 
her household and in her relations to the church.

Mary Jane SMITH of West Brownsesville, Pa., married Andrew 
M. WHITAKER and came to Bedford in 1849.  She was the mother 
of Alfred WHITAKER, whose death by a railroad accident last 
winter was deeply deplored by his large circle of 
acquaintance.  His integrity of character was equaled by few 
and surpassed by none.

Emma WHITAKER (Mrs. H.O. COURTNEY) and Margaret WHITAKER are 
living in Bedford.

Jess TRYON and Prudence HURLBURT, his wife, with their 
family of five sons and two daughters, left Wethersfield, 
Conn., with a four-horse team.  They arrived at Bedford in 
November, 1831, locating on the Twinsburgh road, where her 
son, John, and daughter, Mary, now reside.  Mrs. TRYON lived 
until her ninety-first year.

Mehitable TRYON (Mrs. Chauncey GAY) came here two years 
before her parents.  She was the mother of five sons.

Elizabeth LEVISEE was a daughter on one of the early Baptist 
preachers.  She married Robert TRYON, and their daughter, 
Sarah TRYON, is an artist of New York city.

Rena LATHROP, wife of Rev. Carl F. HENRY, of Cleveland, is 
the daughter of Mrs. Henry LATHROP, nee Melissa TRYON.

Timothy TITCOMB and family lived here in 1831 and for 
several years after.  The question arises, How did J.G. 
HOLLAND become possessed of "Timothy TITCOMB’S Letters"
which he published?

Alonzo FRANKLIN and his wife, Diantha TORRENCE, of Jay, 
N.Y., came to Bedford in 1834.  She raised a family of three 
sons and seven daughters, all but one of whom are now 
living.  She was a strong temperance woman, and after 
hearing that with every missionary to foreign lands went 
thousands of gallons of rum, she decided to give to Home 
Missions instead, believing the senders needed instruction 
before the receivers.

Mrs. FRANKLIN remarked once:  "That none of her children 
had married rich, but she was thankful that none had married 
drunkards."  She was quiet and unassuming in manner and 
always at peace with her neighbors.  Teaching her children 
the obedience due to parents, they in turn delighted to do 
her will.

Dr. Ezra GRAVES, who used to practice medicine here, was in 
Canada during the war of 1812, when he was required to swear 
allegiance to the crown or leave the country.  He chose the 
latter course, and told his wife that she could stay there 
or go to the United States with old Ezra, just as she 
pleased.  She said:  "I’ll go with old Ezra," and she 

Mary BUCKLEY, wife of Anthony THOMAS, was born in Norwich, 
Conn., in 1777, and was the mother of seven daughters and 
one son.  Five her daughters married and came to Ohio, three 
going to Newburgh, while two settled in Bedford.  Mrs. 
THOMAS traced her family back to the year 1400.  Her 
grandmother, Mary CHANEY, came over on the Mayflower and 
married Pictus BUCKLEY.  After the death of her husband, 
Mrs. THOMAS married Thomas COX and came to Bedford.

She was one of the charter members of the Baptist church, 
organized in 1834.

Sarah THOMAS (Mrs. Nathan B. ROBINSON) lived on North street 
and was the mother of Harriet ROBINSON, who married Augustus 
HUBBELL.  She was called one of the prettiest girls in town.  
Helen ROBINSON, who married Calvin PURDY, was a well known 
temperance worker and a member of the Cleveland Sorosis.

Ellen THOMAS married Phillip SLADE, and was the mother of 
E.P. and Albert T. SLADE, both lawyers of Cleveland, and 
Ellen SLADE who married H.D. DICKEY.  Mrs. DICKEY was 
untiring in her efforts to relieve suffering wherever it may 
be found.  Mrs. SLADE was a milliner, and also very fond of 

Mrs. Lucretia (John) HAMMOND had an unconquerable desire to 
see a bear, and her husband was anxious to gratify her.  As 
he was passing through a cornfield one day, he encountered a 
bear, and although a half-mile from home he called at the 
top of his voice - "Creshy! Creshy!! Creshy!!! Here’s a 

This so frightened Master Bruin that he dropped his corn and 
started off on a run, and for aught we know to the contrary, 
is still running.  It is suspected that he took a south-east 
course and reached Wall street, New York city, where he 
could have his accustomed diet of corn, and is now running 
up and down the Board of Trade, striking terror the hearts 
of those with whom he may come in conflict.

Rachel PACKARD and her husband, Reuben ELDRED of 
Plainsfield, Mass., came to Bedford in 1833.  Mrs. ELDRED 
was of a very domestic nature, and used to spin and weave a 
good share of the time that she could spare from household 
duties.  The names of all their children began with the 
letter R.  Rosella ELRED married S.N. WINCHESTER, and was a 
very active woman.  At the time of the Civil War her husband 
and two sons enlisted in the service of their country, while 
she was one of the moving spirits of the Soldiers’ Aid 

Romelia ELDRED (Mrs. A.D. ACKER) is still living in Bedford, 
where she has many friends.  She has been down to the 
village many times with twenty-five cents to pay postage on 
a letter.

Marilla HOLT of Columbus, N.Y., married Esq. John TINKER, 
and with her family came from Adams, N.Y., to Bedford.

Mary TINKER married L. TARBELL, and is the mother of two 
sons and one daughter.   J.D. TARBELL, the youngest son is 
mayor of Bedford.

May TARBELL married Grove G. CANNON, and after his death she 
became Mrs. Alfred WHITAKER.  She now resides in Cleveland.

Adelia J. TINKER, Mrs. J.D. SHOLES, is a contributor to 
several papers and magazines.

It is not every town that can boast of a woman who was so 
much married as Betsey HAMLIN.  She became Mrs. WAY, Mrs. 
Nathaniel FARRAR, Mrs. John CULVER, Mrs. Hezekiah DUNHAM, 
and Mrs. Adamson BENTLEY.  She died at the age of eighty-
four, having been a widow for several years.  When she was 
Mrs. CULVER, a young lady of the family about to be married 
was feeling somewhat nervous over the ceremony when Mrs. 
CULVER said:  "Oh that is nothing when you get used to it, 
why I would just as soon stand up and get marred as not!"

Betsey PALMITER and her husband, Allen PRATT of Phelps, 
N.Y., came to Bedford in 1831.  She was the mother of four 
sons and two daughters.  Mary J. PRATT who married Philemon 
SMITH, and Betsey A. PRATT, Mrs. Luman BARNES, are widows 
and reside in Holden, Mo.  There are fifty-six grandchildren 
and seven great-grandchildren in the PRATT family.

At a wedding in the 30’s some young men wheeled the village 
cannon to the home of the bride and fired a salute in honor 
of the event.  Inadvertently the cannon was pointed toward 
the house and blew the mortar chinking from between the 
logs, filling the house with dust and smoke, so that one 
could not distinguish the bride from the groom.

Abner CLEVELAND with his family came from Rutland, Vt.  The 
only daughter, Fanny L. CLEVELAND, lives with her brother 
Clark, both being unmarried.

Rufush LIBBEY came from the east and took up a farm.  After 
a few years he decided to take unto himself a wife.  He went 
to Waverly, O., where he was married to Cassandra FOSTER, 
who is till living at an advanced age with her son E.W. 

Eliza QUIGLEY was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and moved to 
New York city where she married Wm. CARLISLE.  They came to 
Bedford in 1834.  Mrs. CARLISLE was the mother of eight 
children, a member of the Baptist church, a woman of great 
moral courage and strong religious convictions.  She is now 
living with her daughter, Mr. J.M. LEWIS of Cleveland, and 
retains all of her faculties, and the characteristics that 
the pioneer life developed.

Hannah BARTLETT married John C. HALL, and Zarina married 
Rev. H.G. MARCH, of Solon.  Lucy A. was compelled at the age 
of twelve years - by the death of her mother, to assume the 
responsibilities of housekeeping for her father and 
brothers, which she did with ability and cheerfulness.

Wm DICKEY and his wife Mary KENYON, with three sons and 
three daughters came from Adams, N.Y. in 1833.  Almira 
DICKEY, Mrs. Nelson HAMLIN, although of a retiring 
disposition, is a woman of dignified manner.  She resides in 
Cleveland, also her sister, Mrs. Geo. RUGG, Harriet DICKEY.

Catherine WINFIELD and her husband, Thomas MARBLE, with four 
children came from Phelps, N.Y. in 1833 and settled on the 
Newburg road.  Mr. MARBLE died in 1838 leaving her with six 
children.  She then married Thomas BURGESS, and four 
children were the result of this marriage.  She was the 
mother of six daughters and lived to be ninety-one years of 

Serephina MARBLE, who married E.D. LEMOIN, is living in Dry 
Town, California, and the other daughters reside in 
Newburgh.  They are Lucinda MARBLE, Mrs. Chauncey PALMER; 
Mrs. Phebe MARBLE TERRELL; Acenith MARBLE, who married 
"Honest Joe TURNEY," afterward State Treasurer; Mrs. 
Thomas RIDDLE, nee Julia BURGESS, and Rhoda BURGESS, Mrs. 

Nancy McCLINTOCK was born in Manchester, N.Y. and came to 
Bainbridge, O. with her uncle’s family, where she met and 
married Calvin PERKINS, whose father, Stephen PERKINS, came 
from the east with David HUDSON, the founder of Hudson, O.  
At the time there was only one house in Cleveland, and that 
was a block house.  Mrs. Stephen PERKINS was a Bishop and 
related to the HUDSONS.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin PERKINS with three children came to 
Bedford in 1844, settling on the farm now occupied by their 
son Samuel.  Elizabeth PERKINS who married George ARNOLD, is 
a widow and resides at Five Pints near the old home.  Anna 
PERKINS is the wife of Geo. P. NICHOLS.  Mrs. PERKINS was a 
woman of rare ability and physical strength.  None excelled 
her as a devoted nurse, and her services were in demand in 
cases of sickness among her neighbors.

Sally WATSON was born in Providence, R.I., and when eight 
years of age lived in Renseselaerville, N.Y., where she went 
to school to Silas GREY, and they were married when she was 
in her fifteenth year.  They came by boat to Cleveland, 
which on the passage got aground on a sand bar at Erie, when 
all hands - women included - had to take their turn at the 
pump.  Their son Alanson was born on Lake Erie during their 
voyage, which lasted eleven days.

On reaching Cleveland, they went to Ravenna and remained 
until 1833, then came to Bedford and bought the Allen Hotel 
on Willes street.  Afterward Mr. GREY bought and painted 
what was known as the "Checkered Hotel," on what is now 
North Park street.  Mrs. GREY was a fine looking woman, and 
very kind to the poor.

Eliza GREY, Mrs. Thomas GREER, and Adaline GREY who married 
Alonze HESTON, removed to Charlotte, Mich.  Lorinda GREY 
married Alonzo HESTON and removed to Chicago.  She was a 
handsome girl as will be seen by the following report of a 
banquet given by the Cleveland Grays at the American House, 
which she attended in company with her sister and Mr. 
MONROE, who was a member of the Grays.

"The Cleveland Grays presented a fine appearance, but it 
would take the pen of an angel, dipped in the sunbeams of 
heaven to describe the beauty of the Bedford GREYS."

Lucy A. GREY married Dr. S.U. TARBELL and resides here, 
being the only one left of her mother’s family of twelve 
children.  She is a widow and is very charitable and 
sympathetic to those in trouble, and many have occasion to 
remember her with gratitude.

Ira. LAMSON and Lydia WARD, his wife came from Phelpstown, 
N.Y. to Bedford in 1834.  On their way they put up at a 
hotel for a night, and in the morning after feeding the 
horses, the covered basket used in taking out the feed for 
them was hung under the rear of the wagon.  After they had 
gone quite a distance on their way, a noise was heard, and a 
hen flew out of the basket cackling.  The boys caught the 
hen, and they had pot-pie for dinner next day.  Mrs. LAMSON 
was the mother of four sons and five daughters.

At one time the children were going for the cows when a 
number of deer, having been frightened in some way, ran 
across their path, and one of the young became entangled in 
the brush, when a man who happened along just then, killed 
it, and carried it off on his shoulders.  Alvira LAMSON 
taught school, and as very young children used to attend 
school at that time, she would carry peppermint candy to 
amuse them, and when they were tired make a bed upon the 
benches for them.  She married Edwin HENDRICK and removed to 
Paw Paw, Mich.

Mrs. W. B. HILLMAN, nee Thankful LAMSON, is living in Hudson 
with her daughter, Mrs. Mollie Hillman HITCHCOCK.  Mrs. 
Caroline LAMSON (A.H. COMSTOCK) has two daughters, Alice 
COMSTOCK, Mrs. E. INGERSOLL of Portland, Oregon, and Carrie 
COMSTOCK who married R.W. SADLER of Akron.  Martha LAMSON 
married Halsey HESTON, and her daughter, Rosetta, Mrs. A.J. 
HUBBARD, resides in Birds Eye, Ind.  Mrs. Phebe LAMSON (F.D. 
BENTLEY) resides in Bryan, O.

Mrs. COMSTOCK remembers being called to the door by her 
father one morning in 1837 to see the pigeons fly north.  
There were such immense numbers of them as to completely 
hide the sky from view.  Mrs. Lydia WARD LAMSON was a 
remarkably bright and active woman, and lived to be ninety-
four years of age.  Judge LAMSON of Cleveland is her 

Erastus IVES and his wife Peggy RONK were among the early 
settlers.  She was an enthusiastic church member, and once 
said when giving her testimony, that "She should come to 
church if she had to go above her knees in mud."  During a 
protracted meeting the house was crowded, and Mr. IVES was 
present.  In the meantime something had gone wrong at home 
and he was needed there.  His wife came to the church door 
and called out, "Erastus, come home!"  Standing not upon 
the order of his going, he seized his hat and rushed down 
the aisle.

The SKINNERS lived on North street.  Mrs. Jared SKINNER was 
a very kind woman, and used to roast potatoes to put in the 
hands of the neighbors children to keep them warm while 
going to school.  Mrs. Joseph SKINNER, nee Calista BOYNTON, 
was a cousin of James GARFIELD.  Mrs. David SKINNER was 
Lydia WEBB, and her mother lived with her.  James SKINNER 
married Lydia WARNER.

Mrs. James YOUNG (Mary Smith) was always singing about her 
work.  The entire family used to go to church, rain or 
shine, and all were fine singers.

Amelia YOUNG who married Dr. D.G. STREATOR, was one of the 

Betsey SMITH (Mrs. John YOUNG)used to gather the 
neighborhood together Sunday afternoons and give them 
instructions in the Bible.

Augustus PEASE and Patty ALLEN, his wife, were ardent 
members of the Baptist church.

Theron and Samantha KING-SKEELS, and daughter Almeda were 
from Lebanon, N.Y.

Absolom SALISBURY and Betsey BECKWITH, his wife, who cane 
from Henderson, N.Y. were the parents of Charlotte SALISBURY 
who married Otis FARRAR, and is now living with her 
daughter, Mrs. N. F. WOOD, nee Frances FARRAR.

Peter ROBINSON and Hetty his wife, the parents of Dr. J.P. 
Robinson were early settlers.  The latter married Betsey 
DUNHAM.  They removed to Mentor, O. where they were very 
intimate friends of President and Mrs. GARFIELD.

Lydia DUNHAM, Mrs. F.H. CANNON, resides in Twinsburgh.

Polly HILLMAN married David B. DUNHAM.  Their daughter Julia 
DUNHAM married Levi COMSTOCK and resides in Cleveland.

Irene CLEVELAND (Mrs. Stanton BROWN) came from Watertown, 
N.Y.  She was a short, good looking old lady, with a 
motherly face and is remembered with great tenderness.

Alonzo DRAKE and his wife, Sarah E. PARMELY came from 
Monkton, Vt. In 1835.  Mrs. DRAKE was a fine looking woman, 
and was one of the first teachers in the Baptist Sunday 
School.  She was the mother of Emma H. DRAKE who married 
Z.J. WHEELER, and Sarah E. DRAKE, Mrs. Dr. Eli CLARK of 

Nancy HATHAWAY was a very fine singer.  She married Joseph 
COMSTOCK, and was the mother of Julia Ann COMSTOCK who 
married Reuben PARKINSON.  Mrs. COMSTOCK afterward married 

Adelaide PARKINSON (Mrs. Ozro OSBORN) has a pleasant face 
which combined with a suave manner attract to her many 

Anna TAYLOR (Mrs. Godfrey RICHARDSON) and family located on 
the Kellogg CULVER place in 1838.  Her husband died the next 
year, and she was left with a family consisting of two sons 
and seven daughters.  She was a very energetic woman and 
used to take in weaving to help support her family.  She 
afterward married John MOUNT, and died in 1880, at the home 
of her daughter Mary.  Mary RICHARDSON married Levi MARBLE, 
a son of Aunt Katy MARBLE-BURGESS.  She lives on Main street 
and is the mother of C.B., F.D. and B.L. MARBLE who inherit 
from her qualities that make them good business men.

Adeline C. PLATT and her husband, Bloomfield J. WHEELOCK of 
Hunter, N.Y., among the Catskill Mountains, came to Bedford 
about 1849 with a delegation of one hundred and ten persons.  
This company came to Bedford under the auspices of Mr. 
WHEELOCK, and among them were many estimable ladies whose 
influence was exerted for good in community in church, 
educational and philanthropic work.

Elizabeth SHAW (Mrs. James GORDON) of Fifeshire, Scotland, 
with her son A.M. GORDON who was about two years old, came 
to Bedford in 1844.  She was the mother of seven children; 
very patient under severe trials, seldom away from home, 
except to attend church.  She was a great reader, a strong 
temperance woman, and her last words "Calvary is coming,"
were expressive of her undying faith in her Savior.

There were some women teachers in the early days, all of 
whom deserved especial mention, but lack of space forbids.  
Among them were Alzina AMES, Polly ALLEN, Lucy BALDWIN, Miss 
Harriet BOYNTON, Zeriah BURKE, Rosamond CLARK, Caroline 
HARTSHORN, Cornelia KNAPP, Alvira LAMSON, Sarah NEICE, Julia 
PARSHALL, Jannah Jane PECK, Maria PECK, Fammy Robinson, Mary 
Ann SILL, Mrs. SMITH, Julia Ann TRYON, Jemima TURNER, Sally 
WARNER, Eunice WATERS.  I will quote from a district report 
of 1840 showing the comparative wages of men and women for 
about the same amount of work.

"The average number of scholars in attendance on the male 
teachers was 16 males and 6 females, the wages was $20 per 

"The average number of scholars in attendance on the female 
teachers was 16 males and 5 females, the wages was $4 per 

In a school taught by a lady in the ‘30’s, a boy answering a 
question in geography as to the form of government of the 
United State, in contrast to that of Great Britain said, 
"We have no ducks, eels or heddiddle-diddles."  (Dukes, 
Earls or hereditary titles.)

Some of the teachers had to board around among the patrons 
of the school, and at one place a young lady teacher was 
obliged to sleep with the eldest daughters in a trundle-bed 
which was drawn from under the bed occupied by the parents, 
and two of the smaller children.

In the early days of no newspapers, and few books, ghost 
stories were prevalent, and things not otherwise accounted 
for were often laid to this source.

When Laura GOULD was teaching school in the brick school 
house, strange noises were heard in an out house.  This 
continued for a day or two when such a fear came upon the 
scholars that they could not study, and school was 
dismissed.  No one dared to go near the building until a man 
came along the road who said, "I am going to find out what 
in creation that is" - and he did; upon forcing the door 
open he found a big black calf.

The pioneer mothers of Bedford were possessed of the 
requisites of true womanhood - "Grace" to endure, "Grit"
to dare, and "Gumption" to make the best of the hardships 
incident to such a life.  We deplore the fact that we cannot 
fully set forth the merits of anyone mentioned in this 
article, or even name all who are entitled to mention, but 
shall endeavor to have the statistical table as complete as 

       Miss Dema BENNETT
       Chairman and Historian

Bedford Committee - Mrs. Eliza DUNHAM WHEELER, Mrs. Mary