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CUYAHOGA COUNTY OHIO - John GRAY, Memorial Record (published 1894)
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
William King
March 28, 1999

Memorial Record 
of the 
County of Cuyahoga
City of Cleveland
The Lewis Publishing Company

John Gray, of Middleburg township was born in Euclid, Cuyahoga county, Ohio,
April 21, 1822.  His father, William Gray, came to this county from Virginia
when a young man.  He was married in Euclid, to Miss Clarissa Porter, who
was born in New Hampshire, and was a young girl when she came with her
parents to this locality.  Mr. Gray's parents after their marriage, settled
in Euclid and lived there until about 1831, when the removed to Rockport
township and resided there several years, and then located in Middleburg
township, where Mr. Gray operated a sawmill till the most valuable timber
was nearly exhausted.  Selling out, he moved to Berea, where he passed the
remainder of his days.  His wife died in Rockport township.  They had nine
children who grew up to years of maturity; two died when young.

Mr. John Gray was nine years old when he came with his father and family to
Rockport township, and when thirteen years of age he began to work on the
Ohio canal, where he continued ten years.  He was married in Middleburg
township, April 4, 1847, to Sophronia Greenough, who was born in Vermont,
November 13, 1827.  Her father, Daniel Greenough, was also a native of that
state, and her mother whose name before the marriage was Wealthy Kellogg,
was born in Vermont, and the parents came to Cleveland in 1831, and lived
there two years.  Mr. Greenough was a painter by trade, residing at
different places, and died in Elyria, Ohio.  His wife died in Huntington,
this State.  Of a family of three children Mrs Gray was the eldest.

After his marriage Mr. Gray settled in Middleburg township, on the farm
where he still continues to reside.  Of his thirteen children eight grew up,
namely: Albert, Helen, Lovina, Mabel, John M., Emma, Merritt and Arthur.

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