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Cuyahoga County OhArchives Biographies.....Clague, Frank July 13, 1865 - March 25, 1952
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Bill Porter April 3, 2007, 9:16 am

Author: US Congress - Historial Office

CLAGUE, Frank (1865-1952), a Representative from Minnesota;  born in Warrensville, 
Cuyahoga County, Ohio,  July 13, 1865;  attended the common schools;  moved to 
Minnesota in 1881;  attended the State  normal school at Mankato 1882-1885;  taught

school at Springfield, Minn., 1886-1890;  studied law;  was admitted to the bar in
and commenced practice in Lamberton, Redwood County, Minn., the  same year;  
prosecuting attorney of Redwood County, Minn., 1895-1903;  member of the State house
of representatives from January 1, 1903, to January 1, 1907, serving as speaker in
1905 session;  served in the State senate from January 1, 1907, to December 31,
judge of the ninth judicial  district of Minnesota from January 1, 1919, to March 1,
when he resigned;  elected as a  Republican to the Sixty-seventh and to the five 
succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1921-March 3,  1933);  was not a candidate for 
renomination in 1932;  resumed the practice of law and also engaged in  agricultural

pursuits until his retirement;  died in Redwood Falls, Minn., March 25, 1952; 
interment in  
Redwood Falls Cemetery. 


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