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Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book E

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

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Tommy Colbert 

 Edge. Co. Db E, page 2, deed date 24 Feb 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
John Vickers, (Jr), Edge. Co to Michael Ward, planter, county aforesaid 
for 70 pounds, part of a tract of land containing 370 acres on the 
north side of Williamson Branch beginning at an oak in (Stinson's) line 
then by said line west 92 poles to the corner then by the other line 
north 60 poles to a pine then west 260 poles to a red oak in Williamson 
Branch then down the said branch, the various courses of the branch to 
the Beetree Branch then up the said branch the various courses of the 
branch to the head from there a line of marked trees to Baker's corner 
from thence along the said line to the first station, it being part of 
a tract granted to John Vickers, Sen by Earl Granville, signed John 
Vickers (mark), wit. Thos. Mercer, Stephen Vickers (X), Joseph Vickers 
(X). Abstracted 9-20-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 8, deed date 20 May 1879, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
Benjamin Ruffin, Edge. Co to John Ruffin, county aforesaid for 26 pds, 
a tract beginning at Davis' line in Davis Branch then by said line to a 
corner pine then east 22 poles to a black jack in Joshua Elkins' line 
then south 340 poles to a corner poplar in said branch then down the 
said branch to the first station, containing 165 acres, signed Benjamin 
Ruffin, wit Samuel Deloach, Saml Farmer (F). NOTE: WIT SIGNATURE SAMUEL 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 16, deed date 8 Jan 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
James Williams and Etheldred Philips, executors to the estate of 
Etheldred Exum, dec'd, Edge. Co to David Hyatt, county aforesaid for 
267 pds NC, a tract of 150 acres beginning at a pine John Price's 
corner in Lewis Perritt's line then along said line south 150 poles to 
a black jack in Stephenson's line then by said line west 117 poles to a 
hickory in David Hyatt's line then by said line north 26 poles to his 
corner a white oak and red oak then by his other line west 52 poles to 
a corner in said line then north 126 poles to Wm Price's line then by 
said line east 169 poles to the first station, being a tract granted 
from Richard Caswell to Etheldred Exum dated 1 Jul 1779, signed James 
Williams (mark), Ethd Philips, wit Thomas Porter, Josiah Murphree 
(proved). Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 16, deed date 29 Feb 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
Britain Boozeman, Edge. Co to Thomas Viverett, Nash Co, for 150 pds, a 
tract on the north side of Brands Branch containing 200 acres beginning 
at William Robbins line near the road then west 200 poles to a stake 
then south 160 poles to a gum ins said branch then east 200 poles to a 
black oak then north to and along said Robbins line 160 poles to the 
first station, signed Britain Boozman, wit (Jos Killebrew), Nathl 
Hickman, Jr (proved). Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 23, deed date 12 Feb 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
James Permenter, Edge. Co to William Braswell, same county for 600 pds, 
a tract of 250 acres on the east side of Killebrews Mill Branch 
beginning at a water oak in aforesaid mill branch then east 179 poles 
to a red oak in Robert Humphrey's line then by said Humphrey's line 
north 45 west 51 poles to a red oak then west along the said Humphrey's 
line 310 poles to a white oak then by the aforesaid Permenter's line 
west 80 poles to a maple in the aforesaid mill branch then down the 
various courses of said branch to the first station, being part of a 
tract granted to said Permenter in 1778, signed James Permenter, wit 
John Griffin (X)(proved), William Wilson, Robt Degges. Abstracted 14 
Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 24, deed date 12 Feb 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
James Permenter, Jr, Edge. Co to John Griffin, same county for 75 pds, 
a tract on the west side of the Beaver Dam Branch beginning at a pine 
on the west side of aforesaid Beaver Dam Branch in (Richard ??? ) line 
then along his line west 197 poles to his corner a white oak then along 
aforesaid John Griffin's own line north 171 poles to his corner a pine 
then west along the said John Griffin's other line west 32 poles to a 
maple in Killebrews Mill Branch then up the various courses of said 
branch to William Bracewell's corner a water oak then east by a line of 
marked trees being a boundary between the aforesaid John Griffin and 
William Bracewell to a red oak in Robert Humphrey's line then along 
said Humphrey's line south 45 east 56 poles to a white oak then along 
said James Permenter's line to (south) 169 to the first station, being 
a tract granted to the said James Permenter by patent dated 10 Dec 
1778, signed James Permenter, wit William Bracewell (proved), William 
Wilson, Robt Degges. Abstracted 12-23-06, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 25, deed date 16 Feb 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
Robert Lancaster, Edge. Co to Benjamin Lancaster, county aforesaid for 
50 pds proc money, a tract on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp 
beginning at a red oak in Cohoon's line then south to a live oak in 
said swamp then up the said swamp to a live oak then north to a red oak 
then east to the first station, containing 200 acres, signed Robert 
Lancaster, wit Dun Lamon, Arch Lamon, acknowledged in court. Abstracted 
12 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 25, deed date 16 Nov 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
Micajah Griffin, Southampton Co, VA, to William Gay, Edge. Co 100 pds 
proc money, a tract on the north side of a prong of Town Creek 
containing 200 acres beginning at a gum in the said creek then north to 
a pine Thomas Barrons corner then west to a white oak then south to a 
gum in said creek then down the various courses of the creek to the 
first station, signed Micajah Griffin, wit John Williams (proved), John 
Stephenson William Tod (X)(mark). NOTE: VERY HARD TO READ. THOMAS 
BARRON COULD BE THOMAS BROWN. Abstracted 12-23-06, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 26, deed date 29 Feb 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
Richard Sasnett, planter, Edge. Co to Robert Humphry, same county for 5 
pds a tract on the south side of Tar River and on Beaver Dam Branch 
beginning at a white oak then east course to the said Humphry's old 
line then a south course along a line of marked trees to the Beaver Dam 
Branch then down the Beaver Dam Branch to James Permenters corner a 
pine then north on the said Permenter's line to the first station, 
signed Richard Sasnett (R), wit John Grubb, Stephen Cade. Abstracted 
12-23-06, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 30, grant date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #36 to James Ricks, a tract containing 10 acres, on the Island 
of the Falls of Tar River, beginning at a rock marked FR on said 
Riverside in the county line then along the county line north 15 east 
25 poles to a white oak in the county line then down the river east 66 
& 2/3 poles to the lower end of the Horse Ford Island then south 15 
west 25 poles to a mulberry tree on the riverside then west 56 & 2/3 
poles to the first station, signed Ricd. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. 
Abstracted 8-13-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 30, grant date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #69 to Stephen Coleman, a tract of land containing 500 acres 
beginning at a pine near the mouth of the Cabbin Branch in Thomas 
Jones' line then running down Moores Swamp east 118 poles to a maple in 
said swamp in David Smith's line then by said line south 285 poles to 
Bradley's line then by said line west 220 poles to a pine in Aaron 
Coleman's line then along said line north 30 poles to his corner in 
said Thomas Jones' line then along his line east 205 poles to his 
corner a white oak then along his ( ) line crossing Cabbin Branch north 
45 poles to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit. J. Glasgow, 
Secy. Abstracted 8-13-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 32, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant to Thomas Williams, for 50 shillings for every 100 acres, a 
tract containing 200 acres on the north side of Town Creek beginning at 
a pine William Proctor's corner in Benjamin Braswell's line then along 
said line west 254 poles to a black jack his corner in John Morris' 
line then along his line north 126 poles to a pine then east 254 poles 
to said Proctor's line then along his line south 126 poles to the first 
station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 15 Feb 07, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 34, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #72 to Exum Lewis, a tract of land containing 483 acres on the 
north side of Swift Creek beginning at a live oak in the fork of the 
creek bank standing near James Knight's corner an elm then along his 
own line north 45 east 327 poles to his corner then along his other 
line south 45 east 160 poles to a gum in a pond his other corner then 
along Charles Porter's line east 220 poles to the center of three pines 
then north 162 poles to said Lewis own line then said line west 446 
poles to a pine near the Ready Branch then up said branch north 172 
poles to a pine in James Knight's line then south 70 west by an agreed 
line 100 poles to a pine then south 48 poles to a pine in a line of 
another of said Knight's (surveys) on a prong of Reedy Branch then by 
said line east 65 poles to a pine his corner then by his other line 
south 200 poles to a gum in said Reedy Branch his corner then along his 
other line west 90 poles to a hickory his other corner then along his 
other line south 170 poles to said (elenn) then to the first station, 
signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 34, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant # 58 to James Ricks a tract of land containing 266 acres on 
the south side of Tar River beginning at a sassafras his own corner 
running along John Flowers line south 15 west 63 poles to his corner a 
pine then along an agreed line south 29 west 260 poles to a red oak on 
Horns Branch then west 172 poles to a maple in Ricks Branch then down 
said branch and along John Ricks line north 310 poles to a white oak in 
said James Ricks line then along his line north 50 east 215 poles to a 
red oak corner in his old patent line then by said line south 15 west 
110 poles to the center of a pine and two white oaks his other corner 
then along his other line to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit 
25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 35, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #64 to William Anderson, a tract of land containing 320 acres 
on the south side of Swift Creek beginning at a red oak near Joseph 
Philips corner on the south side the main road then along Etheld 
Philips line south (170) poles to his corner red oak in James Tate's 
line then along his line west 85 poles to the corner a white oak then 
along his other line south 20 west 69 poles to a pine Thomas Price's 
corner on the side of a pond then along his line north 55 west 124 
poles to his other corner a water oak stump on the lower side Falling 
Run then along Sherwood Haywood's line crossing said run north 20 west 
156 poles to his corner a pine then north 42 poles to a stake then to 
and along Joseph Philips line east 290 poles to the first station, 
signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 36, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #37 to John Perry, a tract of land containing 80 acres on the 
north side of Beaver Dam Swamp beginning at a white oak on the swamp in 
his own line then by said line north 150 poles to a stake in said line 
then west 80 poles to a pine then south 150 poles to a pine then east 
80 poles to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow. 
Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 37, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #63 to Theophilus Thomas a tract of land containing 500 acres 
beginning at John Thomas' corner in Jonathan (Tarts) purchase patent 
line then by said Thomas' line north 20 west 120 poles to his own line 
then by said line east 420 poles to a pine James Brown's corner then by 
his line north 152 poles to William Amason's line then by his line east 
134 poles to a pine his corner then by Absalom Barnes line south 120 
poles to a pine his corner then by his other line east 21 poles to a 
lightwood stump in said line then south 132 poles then west 325 poles 
to said (Fort's) line then by said line north 45 east 32 poles to his 
corner a red oak then by his other line to the first station, signed R. 
Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 37, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #74 to Joshua Proctor, a tract of land containing 275 acres 
beginning at a white oak Amos Cotton's corner in said Proctor's line 
then along Cotton's line west 139 poles to a red oak John Philips 
corner in said line then along his line south 131 poles to Uriah 
Williams corner in said line then along his line east 80 poles to a 
pine his other corner then along his other line (south) 42 poles to a 
pine his other corner then along his other line east 128 poles to a 
pine his other corner then along his other line south 190 poles to a 
turkey oak Culomore Sessums corner on the north side the Rooty Branch 
then along his line east 81 poles to a pine in Bryant's old line then 
along said line north 243 poles to a black jack the other corner then 
along the said Proctor's own line west 150 poles to the corner then 
along his other line north 120 poles to the first station, signed R. 
Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 38, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #10 to Jeptha Barefoot a tract of 640 acres on the north side 
of Contentney Creek beginning at a hickory on said creek bank then 
north 280 poles then east 180 poles to a pine then by agreed line south 
43 east 140 poles to a pine then east 30 poles to a red oak then south 
23 east 6 poles to a pine in Peter Best's line then by his line west 
112 poles to his corner then by his other line south 198 poles to said 
creek then up said creek to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit 
J. Glosgow, Secy. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 39, deed date 1 Jul 1779, recorded Feb Ct 1780, 
NC grant #39 to Samuel Deloach a tract of land containing 200 acres 
beginning at Elizabeth Horn's corner pine in his own line then by his 
line west 180 poles to a pine his corner then by Dun Lamon's line north 
178 poles to a pine then east 178 poles to said Horn's line then by his 
line south 178 poles to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. 
Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 47, grant date 1 Jul 1779, recorded May Ct 1780, 
NC grant #76 to Sherwood Haywood, a tract containing 598 acres on both 
sides of Walnut Creek beginning at a white oak (Robert Gray) corner in 
(Elventon or Silverton) Branch then along said line north 206 poles to 
a center of a gum, black jack and hickory in a line of another of said 
Gray's surveys then said line west 278 poles to a red oak Etheldred 
Gray's line then along said line south (168) poles to the center of two 
pines in ( ) Gray's line running with said line (west) 179 poles to his 
( ) then along his other line south 272 poles to a hickory and red oak 
his corner in John Faulks line then along his line east 126 poles to 
his corner a red oak then along his other line south 58 poles to a 
white oak in said line William Haywood's corner then along his line 
east 174 poles to a pine his corner on the north side of branch then 
north (118) poles to a pine and black jack in Sherwood Haywoods line 
then along said line north 88 west 224 poles to the corner a pine then 
along his other line north 100 poles to his corner a red oak in 
(Elventons Branch) then down the run of said branch to the first 
station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 8-14-04, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 48, grant date 1 Jul 1779, recorded May Ct 1780, 
NC grant #60 to William Haywood, a tract containing (550) acres 
beginning at said Haywood's own corner a pine and red oak in William 
Sherrod line at the head of a small bottom a drain of the Rooty Branch 
then said Sherwood's line south 194 poles to a white oak William 
Deloaches corner in said line then along Deloches line west 408 poles 
to a pine and white oak in a line of another of said William Haywood's 
surveys then along said line north 35 east 146 poles to corner pine on 
the north side of a small branch that empties in Faulk's or Deloaches 
then along Sherwood Haywood's line north 116 poles to a pine and black 
jack in a line made for William Haywood then along said line to the 
first station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 8-
14-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 48, grant date 1 Jul 1779, recorded May Ct 1780, 
NC grant #70 to William Horn, a tract containing 155 acres beginning at 
a pine John Meeks corner in Henry Summrells line then along said line 
west 118 poles to a sweet gum in Johns Branch in Christopher Edwards 
line then north 169 poles to a ( ) at or near the corner then along his 
other line west 70 poles to a pine then up said branch north 99 poles 
to a pine Peter Cartwright's corner and branch then along his line east 
5 & ½ poles to a pine his corner in John Ellis line then along his line 
south 88 poles to the corner a pine then along his other line east 135 
poles to a pine in said line John Meeks corner then along his line 
south 180 poles to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. 
Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 8-14-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 49, grant date 1 Jul 1779, recorded May Ct 1780, 
NC grant #47 to Amos Wooten, a tract containing 640 acres on both sides 
of Autreys Creek beginning at a white oak Robert Williams corner then 
by his line south 173 poles to his corner then west 105 poles to a 
stake in Benjamin Barnes line by his line 156 poles to his corner 
poplar then by his other line west 198 poles crossing said creek to a 
pine in James Taylor's line then to and along John Stokes line north 
258 poles to a pine then east 340 poles to said Wooten's line in Cow 
Branch then down said branch by his line south 153 poles to said creek 
then up said creek ( ) Williams line to the first station, signed R. 
Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 8-14-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 50, grant date 1 Jul 1799, recorded May Ct 1780, 
NC grant #73 to Redman Bunn, a tract containing 640 acres on the south 
side of Tar River beginning at a white oak John Ricks corner then east 
120 poles to (3 words ) a branch of (Mans Creek) then south 147 poles 
to a pine in another of Ricks surveys then by said line west 46 poles 
to a white oak his corner then by his other line south 311 poles to a 
corner in said line then west 258 poles to Duncan Lamons line then by 
his line north 177 poles to his corner James Jolley line then by his 
line north 75 east 18 poles to his corner a white oak then along his 
other line north 70 west 42 poles to a pine in said Bunn's corner then 
along his north 50 east 160 poles to his other corner a pine on a 
branch then along his other line down the branch north 10 west 126 
poles to John Ricks corner in said line on said branch then along said 
line to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. 
Abstracted 8-15-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 53, grant date 1 Jul 1799, recorded May Ct 1780, 
NC grant #65 to Henry Hart, a tract containing 528 acres beginning at a 
pine Alexanders corner then by said line south 186 poles to a pine 
James Boozmans corner then by his line west 88 poles to a white oak 
Miles Scarboroughs corner then by his line north 320 poles to a pine 
William Scarborough Sr's corner then by his line west 148 poles to John 
Rawls line then by his line north 33 west 80 poles to a pine in said 
line then east 56 poles to Clarys Branch then along said branch south 
80 east (204) poles being a dividing line to a pine Maund's corner then 
by his line east (277) poles to a pine then south 170 poles to 
Alexander's line then by said line west to the first station, signed R. 
Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 8-15-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 61, deed date 15 Apr 1780, recorded May Ct 1780, 
George Linch, Edge. Co to Sampson Bracewell, same county, for 100 pds, 
a tract on the south side of Tar River and on Hendricks Creek beginning 
in James Bracewell's line at a white oak in Hendricks Creek then along 
John Sutherlin's line at a white oak south 45 west 50 poles to his 
corner a white oak in a branch of said creek then west 70 poles by 
Bracewell's line to a maple then south 60 west 203 poles by the 
Bracewell's line to a pine in Jacob Fort's line then north 228 poles by 
his line to his and the said Solomon Bracewell's corner then by his 
line north 5 east 78 poles to his corner pine in side of Hendricks 
Creek then down the said creek to the first station, containing 230 
acres, signed George Linch, wit Elias Fort (proved), Thomas Teat 
(mark), Rhoda Coleman (her mark). Abstracted 12 Mar 07, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 88, deed date 27 Aug 1781, recorded Aug Ct 1781, 
Jacob Fort, Edge. Co to William Bracewell, same county for 60 pds 
specie, a tract on the north side of Hatchers Swamp beginning at a pine 
in the principle line on the east side of the said Hatchers Swamp and 
at the mouth of Buck Meadow Branch then up the side of said swamp to a 
pine in another principle line or old patent line on the east side of 
said swamp then along the said patent line north to a near the said 
Buckmeadow Branch then down the meadows of the said branch to the first 
station including 300 acres, signed Jacob Fort, wit (Robt Degges), D. 
Sutherland, acknowledged in court. Abstracted 12 Mar 07, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 91, deed date 8 Jan 1781, recorded Aug Ct 1781, 
William Mace, Edge. Co to Archibald White, county aforesaid, planter 
for 200 pds, a tract on the south side of Tar River containing 100 
acres being part of a tract granted to said William Mace by the state 
aforesaid dated 1780, beginning at Noah Sugg's corner pine standing 
near the road then along the line of Lemuel Sugg, dec'd north 260 poles 
to a black jack George Bryant's dec'd corner then along a line of 
marked trees south 52 west (110) poles to a pine then south 126 poles 
to a pine in Noah Sugg's line then by said line east 76 poles to the 
first station, signed William Mace, wit Starling Waller, (Jos 
Howell)(proved). Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 93, deed date 16 Feb 1781, recorded Aug Ct 1781, 
William Bracewell, Edge. Co to James Bracewell Jr, same county, for 
good will love and affection , a tract beginning in Hatchers Swamp at a 
gum about 200 yards from below the mouth of the ( Branch) then running 
south 144 poles to a ( ) corner then east 108 poles to a pine then the 
same course continued 52 poles to a corner red oak then north 82 poles 
to a gum on the aforesaid Hatchers Swamp then down the various courses 
of said swamp to the first station, containing 133 acres, being part of 
two tracts, one granted to Benjamin Brown by a patent dated (1769) and 
from said Brown conveyed to the said William Bracewell and the other 
granted to said William Bracewell, signed William Bracewell, wit Henry 
Hart, Robt Degges, Wm Bracewell, Jr. (proved). Abstracted 12 Mar 07, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 94, deed date 16 Feb 1781, recorded Aug Ct 1781, 
William Bracewell, Sr, Edge. Co to William Bracewell, Jr, same county 
for good will love and affection, a tract beginning at a gum and holly 
bush in Hatchers Swamp then (north) 62 poles to a stake by a small 
branch then east 54 & 1/2 poles to a sake then north 206 poles to a 
pine in Solomon Bracewell line then west 146 & ½ poles to a stake in 
said line then south 29 poles to a pine then east 36 poles to Jacob 
Fort's line a corner white oak then south along said line 186 poles to 
a gum in the aforesaid Hatchers Swamp then up the various courses of 
the said swamp to the first station, including 163 acres, signed 
William Bracewell, wit Henry Hart, Robt Degges, (Jas Bracewell). 
Abstracted 12 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 100, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 
1781, NC grant #106 to Jesse Baker, a tract containing 250 acres 
beginning at a (white oak) (Michael Ward) corner on the north side of 
Williamson Branch then up the said branch north 36 west 94 poles to the 
bridge across the said branch then along and near the road north 70 
east 338 poles then south 195 poles to said Ward's line then along said 
line to the first station, signed Ricd. Caswell, wit Wm. Sheppard, D. 
Secy). Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 101, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 
1781, NC grant #80 to Anthony Head, a tract containing 54 acres on the 
north side of Town Creek beginning at a live oak in said creek run then 
along William Bloodworth's line west 158 poles to John Proctor's corner 
in said line then along his line south 107 poles to a maple on said 
creek his corner in William Scarborough's line then along his line down 
said creek to the first station, signed Rd. Caswell, wit Wm. Sheppard, 
(D Secy.) Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 101, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 
1781, NC grant #98 to West Pope, Jr. a tract containing 700 acres 
beginning at a pine Simon Johnson's corner then by his line south 354 
poles then west 316 poles then north 354 poles to Josiah Pope's line 
then by his line to the first station, signed R. Caswell, wit ( ). 
Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 105, deed date 30 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 1782, 
NC grant #87 to John Vickers for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a 
tract containing 441 acres on the south side of Town Creek beginning at 
(stake) standing on said creek run a corner of said Vickers' old patent 
then along said line east 273 poles to a red oak standing in Priscilla 
Bloodworth's line then along her line to and along Thomas Davis' line 
south 207 poles to a pine in said Davis' line then to and along Abraham 
Vickers' line west 438 poles to a maple on said creek then down the 
various courses of said creek to the first station, signed R. Caswell, 
wit Wm. Sheppard Dsa. Abstracted 7-30-05, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 106, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 
1781, NC grant #77 to Etheldred Exum, a tract containing 200 acres on 
the south side of Swift Creek beginning at a red oak West Pope's corner 
on said creek then along his line south 13 east 182 poles to a red oak 
and hickory his corner in Simon Johnson's line then along said line 
east 16 poles to a white oak in another of his lines then along said 
line north 25 east 62 poles to his corner a willow oak then along his 
other line south 65 east 270 poles to the corner a large gum then along 
his other line south 22 west 73 poles to a hickory his other corner 
then along his other line east 116 poles to a gum in Joseph Phillips 
line then along his line north 20 east 62 poles to a branch in 
Bosemmon's line (Boseman) on said creek then up the creek to the 
beginning, signed Rd. Caswell, wit Wm Sheppard, Dsecy. Abstracted 8-16-
04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 106, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 
1781, NC grant #82 to Robert Coleman, a tract containing 150 acres on 
the north side of Tar River beginning at a white oak corner near the 
(Cypress Pocoson) then running up a branch along his line west 259 
poles to a red oak over the river bank then south 58 poles to a red oak 
in Elisha Stallings line then along his line north 20 east 57 poles to 
( ) line then along his line down said pocoson east 178 poles to a pine 
said Coleman's own corner then south (116) poles to the first station, 
signed Rd. Caswell, wit Jno. Franck. Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC.  
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 107, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Aug Ct 
1781, NC grant #? To William Langley, a tract containing 517 acres 
beginning at a pine then west 170 poles to a hickory then to and along 
Jacob Williams line north 487 poles to said Langley's own corner white 
oak then by his line east 170 poles to West Pope's line then by said 
line to the beginning, signed Rd. Caswell. Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 125, deed date 22 May 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1782, 
John Proctor, Edge. Co to Noah Williams, aforesaid for "a sum in hand" 
200 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning in Arthur 
Williams line at Absalom Williams corner gum in the branch then west 
toa red oak in John Proctor's line then south along said Proctor's line 
to a pine then east to Absalom Williams' corner pine then north along 
Absalom Williams' line to the first station, being part of a tract 
granted to John Proctor by His Excellency (Richard Caswell), Gov (no 
date), signed John Proctor (X), wit John Williams, Benjamin Williams, 
Joseph Williams. NOTE: FILM IS NEGATIVE AND FAINT. Abstracted 23 Jan 
07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 126, deed date 22 May 1780, recorded Feb Ct 1782, 
John Proctor, Edge. Co to Absalom Williams, county aforesaid for " a 
sum in hand," a tract of 260 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey 
Swamp on a branch called Hollomaons Branch beginning in Arthur 
Williams' line at a gum then east to a red oak then to and along 
William Proctor's line south to a pine then west to a pine in said 
branch then down said branch to the first station, it being part of a 
tract granted to John Proctor , signed John Proctor (mark), wit John 
Williams (proved), Benjamin Williams. Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 137, deed date 23 Apr 1781, recorded Feb Ct 1782, 
Richard Tomlinson, Edge. Co to Elizabeth Taylor, county aforesaid for 
300 pds, a tract on the south side of Town (sic) in the fork of said 
creek and Jacob Johnstons Mill Swamp beginning at her own corner pine 
on said swamp then along her own old line north to Town Creek then 
along said creek to the mouth of said swamp then along said swamp to 
the first station, containing 100 acres, signed Richard Tomlinson, wit 
Thos. N. Cartwright (proved), Susanah Cartwright (X).  Abstracted 31 
Dec 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 137, deed date (?), recorded Feb Ct 1782, Noah 
Pitman, Edge. Co to my loving mother, Elizabeth Pitman, widow, said 
county for love and affection, 239 acres of land which I had of Thomas 
Bloodworth and one horse, one cow and yearling, one bed and furniture, 
6 pewter plates, five barrels of corn, & 400 pds in money.  Abstracted 
31 Dec 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 138, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded Feb Ct 
1782, NC grant to John Permenter, a tract containing 217 acres on both 
sides of Autreys Creek beginning at a dogwood in John ( ) (line) then 
along his line south 166 poles to a red oak ( ) corner then 210 poles 
to a pine in said Permenter's line then along his line north 166 poles 
to a pine his corner then along his other line west 210 poles to the 
first station, signed Rd. Caswell, wit Wm. Sheppard, D. Secy. 
Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 163, deed date 3 Apr 1782, recorded May Ct 1782, 
James Knight, Edge. Co to Archibald White, county aforesaid for 60 
milled dollars, a lot in the Town of Tarborough being lot #36, signed 
James Knight, wit Noah Sugg (proved), Matthew Humphy, Josiah Pender. 
Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 164, deed date 25 Nov 1780, recorded May Ct 1782, 
William Williams, Edge. Co to Aaron Lee, same county, for 1000 pds, a 
tract whereon said Aaron Lee now lives containing 50 acres beginning at 
a pine corner in the line of William Bell (Jr), it being also Williams 
old line then along the said line near a (NW) course to a gum in a 
branch then down the various courses of the said branch then along the 
branch near a (SW) course to a pine then along the aforesaid Williams 
old line to the first station, signed Wm Williams, wit Robt Degges 
(proved), Betty Degges, Elizabeth Taylor. Abstracted 13 Mar 07, NCA 
film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 165, deed date 12 Feb 1782, recorded May Ct 1782, 
William Humphry and Ann Humphrey, his wife, Edge. Co to Archibald 
White, county aforesaid for 28 pds gold & silver, a tract on the south 
side of Hendricks Creek beginning at a red oak then north 27 east 92 
poles to a pine then north 63 west 54 poles to a pine in a branch then 
up the branch south 50 west 50 poles to the old line then along the old 
line to the beginning, containing 28 acres, signed signed Matthew 
Hurmpry, wit Noah Sugg (proved), Jos Howell, (James Stockdale). 
Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 167, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded May Ct 
1782, NC grant to William Bloodworth, a tract containing 176 acres on 
the north side of Town Creek beginning at the center of three pines 
Benjamin Braswell corner then east 249 poles to Thomas (Fryar) line 
then along his line north (113) poles to a pine his corner then west 
249 poles to a black oak in William Proctor's line then along his line 
south 113 poles to the beginning, signed Rd. Caswell, wit. ( ). 
Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 167, grant date 13 Apr 1780, recorded May Ct 
1782, NC grant #92 to William Ellis, a tract containing 242 acres on 
both sides of ( ) Branch beginning at a pine his own corner then along 
his line east 70 poles to a pine in ( ) line then north 90 poles to a 
pine then west 248 poles to a pine then south 185 poles to a pine ( ) 
Robbins corner then east 176 poles to his own line then along said line 
north 95 poles to the first station, signed Rd. Caswell, wit. Wm. 
Sheppard, D. Secy. Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 170, deed date 26 Jul 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1782, 
Joseph Howell, Edge. Co to Archibald White, same county for 120 pds 
specie, a tract of 40 acres beginning at a red oak on the south side 
Hendricks creek then up a branch south 45 west 120 poles then south 40 
west 40 poles then south 30 west (58) poles to a maple in the said 
branch then north 23 west to Matthew Humphrys corner a red oak then 
down a line of marked trees Robert Humphrys old line to a white oak in 
Hendricks Creek then down Southerland's line to a (read) oak the first 
station, signed Joseph Howell, An Howell, wit Noah Sugg, D. Sutherland, 
acknowledged in court. Abstracted 13 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 176, deed date 17 Jul 1782, recorded William Bell 
to James Braswell, a tract on the north side of Swift Creek beginning 
at a pine on the side of the said creek Jacob Braswell's line then east 
160 poles to a white oak then north (280) poles to a pine then west 355 
poles to a red oak in Braswell's other line on the creek then up the 
various courses of the said creek to the first station, containing (?), 
signed William Bell (X), wit James Dilliard (X) (proved), (John Bell). 
NOTE: COULD NOT READ FIRST PART OF DEED. Abstracted 13 Mar 07, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 191, deed date 17 Nov 1780, recorded Nov Ct 1782, 
Samuel Mayo, Edge. Co to Etheldred Ruffin, county aforesaid for 1000 
pds, a tract on the Bare Branch beginning in said Bare Branch in the 
patent line and runs with the patent line (south 10 east 36 poles) to 
the corner a pine then south 132 poles to a pine then (south 37 west) 
120 poles to the road then north 30 west 54 poles then north 32 poles 
along the road to a branch then north 50 east 22 poles to a white oak 
in the said branch then up the various courses of said branch to the 
beginning, containing 115 acres, being part of a larger tract conveyed 
from John Edmondson to Joseph Mayo, signed Samuel Mayo, wit (Price 
Williams)(X), Daniel Barfield (proved). Abstracted 14 Mar 07, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 202, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Feb Ct 1783, 
NC grant #181 to William Bond Whitehead, a tract of 100 acres on the 
south side of Toisnot Swamp beginning at a gum and running said swamp 
to Herod Clark's old line then running along said line west 105 poles 
to a corner white oak course continued along Thomas Clark's new line 
148 poles to a small pine in said line then along an agreed line by 
said Bond Whitehead's and Jesse Pitman north 40 east 66 poles to a 
stake then along another agreed line by said parties north 50 east 68 
poles to a stake in his own line then along said old line south 45 east 
(96) poles to the corner a pine then along another line north 45 east 
160 poles to his old beginning corner red oak on the run of said swamp 
then down the various courses of said swamp to the first station, 
signed Alex Martin, J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 27 Sep 07, NCA film 
C.037.40003, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 208, grant date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Feb Ct 
1783, NC grant (#238) to James Barnes a tract containing 640 acres on 
the south side of White Oak Swamp beginning at a pine on a small branch 
and running east 240 poles to a pine then north 426 poles to a pine 
sapling then west 240 poles to a stake in ( ) Meadow then south 43 
poles to George Bruce's new corner in said Meadow course continued 
along said Bruce's line 323 poles to the corner a black oak course 
continued 60 poles to the first station, signed Alex Martin, wit J. 
Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 208, grant date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Feb Ct 
1783, NC grant #210 to Benjamin Williford, a tract containing 400 acres 
beginning at a poplar in Jacob Robbins old line and running east 200 
poles to a pine then north 320 poles to a hickory then west 200 poles 
to the center of a red oak and a sassafras then south 320 poles to and 
by Jacob Robbins corner to the beginning, signed Alex Martin, wit J. 
Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-16-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 242, deed date 3 Jan 1783, recorded Feb Ct 1783, 
Billy Bryant, Edge. Co to Richard Proctor, same county for 21 pds, 10 
shillings, & 8 pence, all that tract of land on the south side of 
Fishing Creek containing 20 acres beginning at a white oak on the 
Crooked Swamp at the mouth of a little branch Joshua Proctor's corner 
then along the said Joshua Proctor's line to a hickory Isaac Sessums 
corner on the south side of (Murple Branch) then with Sessums' line 4 
poles to the said branch then down the various courses of said branch 
to a red oak marked for the corner on the side of said branch then 
south 19 ( ) 70 poles to a gum and cypress in the aforesaid Crooked 
Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp and Joshua Proctor's 
line to the beginning, signed Billy Bryant, wit John Philips, Jordan 
Philips, Joshua Proctor (proved). Abstracted 29 May 07, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 244, deed date 20 Jan 1783, recorded Feb Ct 1783, 
Elias Fort, guardian of Gerry Fort, orphan of Jacob Fort, dec'd, Edge. 
Co to Uriah Williams, county aforesaid for the agreement hereafter 
mentioned, a tract on the south side of Tar River and bounded by Tar 
River and Swift Creek being part of a grant to Jacob Fort by a lease 
from Joseph Dillard dated 19 Nov 1776, signed Uriah Williams, Elias 
Fort, wit Robt Degges, William Rolling. NOTE: COULD NOT READ ALL DEED. 
MENTION OF FISHING PLACE. Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 247, deed date 24 Feb 1783, recorded Feb Ct 1783, 
Richard Sarsnett and Henrietta Sarsnett, his wife, Edge. Co to 
Bartholomew Kelly, county aforesaid for 10 pds, a tract of 100 acres 
beginning at the mouth of (Heads Branch) at the corner of Robert 
Humphreys' line a white oak on the north side of Beaver Dam Branch then 
up the said Beaver Dam Branch to the second branch on the north side 
then running up the second branch to a white oak corner tree then along 
an agreed line marked trees to (William Maces) line then along (Maces) 
line to Humphreys' line then down Humphreys' line to the beginning, 
being part of a tract of land granted to the said Richard Sarsnett by 
patent dated 10 (Dec) 1778, signed Richard Sarsnett (mark), Henritta 
Sarsnett (X), wit Mala Maund, Thomas Batchelor, acknowledged in open 
court. Abstracted 12-29-06, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 248, deed date 16 Oct 1782, recorded Feb Ct 1783, 
John Proctor, Edge. Co to Jacob White, Johnson Co, for 100 pds specie, 
a tract of 230 acres in Edge. Co on the east side of Hollimans Branch 
then across the said branch west 160 poles to a stake then north 230 
poles to a red oak then east 160 poles to a pine then south 230 poles 
to the first station, signed John Proctor, wit John Williams (proved), 
Henry Lancaster, Lucy Williams (X). Abstracted 29 May 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 250, deed date 27 Dec 1782, recorded Feb Ct 1783, 
Joshua Proctor, Edge. Co to Barnaba Dillard, county aforesaid for 26 
pds, 13 shillings, 4 pence, a tract beginning at a scrub oak in Uriah 
Williams' line then south along his line to a red oak then east along 
(Amos Sessums') line to a pine then north along Sarah Baldwin's line to 
a pine then near west along a line of marked trees to the first 
station, containing 50 acres, signed Joshua Proctor, wit William 
Williams, David Barlow, Brittain Bryant, acknowledged in court.  
(Barnaba Dilliard)  Abstracted 31 Dec 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 272, deed date 22 Feb 1782, recorded May Ct 1783, 
John Ruffin, Edge. Co to Charles Stringer, county aforesaid for 8 pds 2 
shillings, NC a tract containing 201 acres on the north side of Town 
Creek beginning at a white oak John Proctor's corner then along Francis 
Lodge's line north (278) poles to a stake in Daniel Stringer's line 
then along Glidewell Killebrew's line west 130 poles to a pine in the 
said line then south 248 poles to a black jack in the said Proctor's 
line then along said line to the first station, being part of a larger 
tract granted to John Ruffin by patent dated 10 Dec 1778, signed John 
Ruffin (X), wit (? Ruffin), Benjamin Ruffin (proved). NOTE: VERY FAINT 
AND HARD TO READ. Abstracted 15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 273, deed date 9 Aug 1782, recorded May Ct 1783, 
John Ruffin, Edge. Co to Josiah Stringer, county aforesaid for (15) 
pds, a tract of 200 acres beginning at a pine an agreed corner then 
along a line of marked trees to the patent line then along the patent 
line to his other corner then along the patent line to (a corner) pine 
then the road to the other line to the first station, being part of a 
tract granted to me the said John Ruffin by patent 10 Dec (1778), 
signed John Ruffin (X), wit L. Ruffin (proved), Jas Edge. Abstracted 27 
Sep 07, NCA film C.037.40003, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 291, deed date 28 Oct 1782 (entered), recorded 
May Ct. 1783, NC State grant # 292 to Aaron Proctor for 50 shillings 
per 100 acres, a tract of land containing 542 acres on the north side 
of Tyan Cogue Swamp beginning on Holland's Branch at a pine in Jacob 
Holland's line then west 208 poles to a pine then south 70 poles to a 
pine then west 170 poles to a water oak near Willis Dade's line then 
south 80 poles to a pine in Stephen Watkins line then along said line 
east 145 poles to the corner a pine then along his other line south 101 
poles to a red oak William Cohoon's corner then the said line east 300 
poles to a red oak the corner then north 210 poles to a pine near or 
upon Holland's line then along Holland's line west 67 poles to the 
corner a then said line north 54 poles to first station, signed Alex 
Martin. Abstracted 8-14-03 from RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 293, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded May Ct 1783, 
NC grant # 320 to Lewis Lodge for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a 
tract on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp and both sides of Beaver 
Dam Branch beginning at his own corner a white oak then along James 
Permenter's line south 55 east 72 poles to the corner pine then along ( 
) line south 33 east 109 poles to (Henry Hart's) corner then along said 
line east 238 poles to a pine then north 37 poles to Richard Sarsnett's 
corner pine then along said line west 224 poles to the corner red oak 
near or upon Claries Branch (Clarys Branch) then by ( ) line north 169 
poles to said Lodge's corner (pine) then along said line south 60 west 
154 poles to the first station containing 131 acres, signed Alex 
Martin, wit (none). Abstracted 9-25-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. County, Db E, page 294, date of deed 28 Oct 1782, recorded May 
Ct. 1783, State of North Carolina to John Gay, a tract 150 acres of 
land beginning at a pine in Richard Gay's old and William Stuckey's 
intended corner, along old line N 110 poles to a corner pine in Isaac 
Eason (Jr) old line then along sd. Old line W 68 poles to a corner pine 
course continued 150 poles to a lightwood stake, S 110 poles to a pine 
in a (pond), E 218 poles to the first station. Signature Alexander 
Martin, Gov. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 297, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded May Ct 1783, 
NC grant #253 to William Deloach for 50 shillings for every 100 acres, 
a tract 99 acres beginning at a pine in James Permenter's corner in 
John Wilson's line then by said line north 124 poles to his corner a 
pine in Widow Sherrod's line then by said line east 128 poles to black 
jack then south 124 poles to a stake then to the beginning, signed Alex 
Martin, by J. Glasgow.  Abstracted 31 Dec 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co Db E, page 297, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded May Ct 1783, 
NC grant #294 to James Williamson for 50 shillings for every 100 acres, 
a tract of 446 acres on the north side of Tar River beginning in James 
Laurence's line at a gum then west 115 poles to a pine then north 80 
poles to a pine Simon Newsom's corner then along said line south 6 west 
71 poles to Solomon Sessums' corner a pine then north 32 west 55 poles 
along said line to a gum in Barbara Hill's line then along said line 
north 23 east 131 poles to a water oak the corner of another tract 
belonging to Barbara Hill, it standing in the said other line then 
along said line north 70 east 154 poles to the corner and Edward Hall's 
corner a sweet gum then along Hall's line north 48 east 188 poles to 
his other corner a hickory then east 72 poles to a gum in a swamp then 
down the swamp south 84 poles to a pine in William Mace's line then 
along said line south 1 west 184 poles to a white oak in said line then 
west 37 poles to James Laurence's corner course continued along said 
line 160 poles to his other corner maple then along his other line 
south 110 poles to the first station, signed Alexander Martin.  
Abstracted 31 Dec 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 299, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded May ct 1783, 
NC grant #270 to Solomon Deloach for 50 shillings for every 100 acres, 
a tract of 101 acres beginning at an ash on Tyan Cokey Swamp John 
Edge's corner then by his line north 5 west 90 poles to his corner a 
sassafras then by his line south 55 east 283 poles to William Deloach's 
line then by his line south 45 west 52 poles to a hornbeam on said 
swamp then up the several courses of said swamp to the beginning, 
signed Alex Martin, J. Glasgow, Sec.  Abstracted 31 Dec 07, RD copy, 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 310, deed date 28 Oct 1783, recorded May Ct 1783, 
NC grant #179 to Daniel White, for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a 
tract containing 640 acres on the west side Hominy Swamp beginning at a 
red oak in John White's line and Cornelius Jordan's corner running with 
said Jordan's line west 184 poles to two pines in said Jordan's new 
corner then with said new line south 436 poles to a pine in said line 
then east 290 poles to a pine then north 92 poles to David Godwin's old 
corner pine course continued with his line 130 poles to a small pine in 
said line and John White's corner then with White's line west 98 poles 
to the corner a large pine then with his other line north 210 poles to 
the first station, signed Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 
15 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 315, deed date 28 Nov 1770, recorded Feb Ct 1778, 
William Whitehead, planter, Halifax Co, NC to Reuben Taylor, planter, 
county aforesaid for 68 pds proc money, a tract of land containing 380 
acres being part of two tracts granted to William Whitehead by a deed 
of grant signed by Edward Mosely, Esq. Agent bearing date of 17 Sep 
1749 & the other tract granted to Jacob Whitehead by a deed of grant 
signed by Thomas Child, Esq. Agent bearing date 5 May 1761, which said 
tract in on the south side of Beach Run beginning at a gum in the said 
run then south 340 poles to a red oak then east 260 poles to a black 
jack then north 40 poles to a gum in the said run then along the said 
run to the first station, signed Wm. Whitehead, Selah Whitehead (X), 
wit West Pope (proved), Judah Sellers, Dudley Whitaker.  NOTE: WEST 
POPE COULD BE WEST POKE.  Abstracted 30 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 323, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded May Ct 1783, 
NC grant #242 to Samuel Ruffin, for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a 
tract of 300 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a 
pine in Benj. Williams line then along said line north 248 poles to his 
corner then by his line north 87 east 224 poles to a pine in another of 
his lines then by said line south 20 west 140 poles to a pine then 
south 118 poles to a white oak then to the first station, signed Alex. 
Martin, wit (? Glasgow). Abstracted 29 May 07, RD copy, CTC 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 323, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #213 to Stancil Barbee for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a 
tract of 104 acres in Coneto beginning at Abraham Hodges corner a gum 
in Balahack Swamp then by his line south 130 poles to a corner in said 
line then west 128 poles then north 130 poles to a corner in Baregarden 
then to the beginning, signed Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. 
Abstracted 29 May 07, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 324, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded (Aug Ct 
1783), NC grant 169 to Stancil Barbee for 50 shillings per hundred 
acres, a tract of 60 acres in Coneto beginning at his own corner on 
Ballahack Swamp in Abram Hodges line then along said Hodges line south 
76 poles to Robert Knoxes line then along his line west 128 poles to 
the corner then by or near Hillary Mannens line north 76 poles to said 
Barbees own corner then by his line east 128 poles to the first 
station, signed Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 29 May 07, 
RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 328, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #145 to John Broadstreet, a tract containing 154 acres on the 
east side of Homy Swamp beginning at a pine his own corner new line and 
runs with said line south 55 east 118 poles to a small pine in or near 
(John Walton's) line then south 223 poles to a pine in Samuel Moores 
line then with said line west 86 poles to a pine in said line his own 
new corner then with his own new line north to the beginning, signed 
Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-22-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 329, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #202 to John Permenter, a tract containing 125 acres on both 
sides of Autreys Creek beginning at a pine in John Stokes Sr's line his 
own corner then along his own line south 328 poles crossing said 
Autreys Creek to a pine then east 61 poles to a pine then to and along 
Benja Barnes line to said creek crossing said creek and along James 
Taylor's and Shadrack Stokes lines north 328 poles to said Shadrack 
Stokes corner in John Stoke Sr's line then along said line to the first 
station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-22-04, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 330, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #329 to Daniel Stringer, a tract containing 242 acres on the 
north side of Town Creek and south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning 
in John Ruffin's line a pine then along said line (N/S not given) 118 
poles to corner pine then along Thomas Tynes line and William 
Bloodworth's new line to the corner a pine in William Proctor's line 
west 299 poles then along Proctor's line north 140 poles to a pine then 
east 159 poles to a pine in David Bullock's line then along said line 
south 20 poles to the corner red oak then along his other line east 140 
poles to the first station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. 
Abstracted 8-22-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC.  
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 331, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #231 to John Morris, a tract containing 460 acres on both 
sides of Williamson Branch beginning at a pine in his own line Benja 
Braswell's corner then by his own line south 220 poles to the corner 
pine in Jesse Baker's line then by said line south 70 west 188 poles to 
his corner on said Williamson Branch at the bridge then by his other 
line south 36 east 94 poles along said branch to his other and Michael 
Ward's corner white oak on the said branch then west 130 poles to a 
pine then north 355 poles to a pine then to and along his own line to 
the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-
23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 333, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #254 to Jesse Deloach, a tract containing 200 acres beginning 
at his own new corner in John Edge's line then with his own new line 
north 250 poles to his other corner pine in Eth. Gray's line then east 
189 poles to a pine the corner in John Deloach's line then with said 
line south 62 poles to the corner a red oak then by John Haywood's line 
south 28 west 250 poles to the corner hickory in John Edge's line then 
with said line north 78 poles to the corner white oak then by his other 
line west 72 poles to the first station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. 
Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 334, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #132 to Samuel Tanner, a tract containing 300 acres beginning 
at William Deloach's corner in Saml Ruffin's (dec'd) line then by said 
line north 23 west 40 poles to a hickory then west 90 poles to a red 
oak then south 140 poles then west 80 poles then south 383 poles then 
east 120 poles to Benja Ruffin's corner then by his line north 249 
poles to his other corner in William Deloaches line then by his line 
west 30 poles to the corner stake then by his other line north 241 
poles to his other corner then along his other line to the beginning, 
signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 335, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #304 to John Spell, a tract containing 800 acres on the south 
side of Tar River beginning at a red oak Henning Tomtey's corner then 
by said line west 220 poles to his other corner then by his other line 
north 118 poles then along James Permenter's line west 258 poles to 
Spell's corner then by his line south 200 poles to James Lane's line 
then by his line east 152 poles to his corner then by his other line 
south 79 poles to Benjamin Marley's corner on the Cypress Pond then by 
his line east 200 poles to his other corner then by his other line 
south 212 poles to Peter Hines line then by his line east 36 poles to 
Browning's line then by his line north 123 poles to his corner then by 
his other line east 43 poles to Spell's own line then by his line north 
250 poles to (McGuin Belcher's) line then by his line to the beginning, 
signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 336, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #316 to John Williford, a tract containing 487 acres on the 
south side of Town Creek beginning at a pine Mourning Barron's old 
corner and running north 296 poles to a large pine in William Robbins 
old line then along said line west 188 poles to the corner pine course 
continued 3 poles to a lightwood stake in Thomas Viverett's new line 
then along said new line south 46 poles to the corner a black oak then 
along his other new line west 90 poles to a red oak in said line then 
south 250 poles to a pine in Hartwell Williford's old line then along 
said old line east to Micajah Griffin's corner in the same line, course 
continued along Griffin's old line to the first station, 228 poles to 
the first station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 
8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 337, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #298 to Robert Lancaster, a tract containing 640 acres 
beginning at Jordan Williford's new corner in Jacob Robbins' old line 
and runs with said Williford's new line north 284 poles to the corner a 
( ) oak and pine then west 108 poles to and with Benjamin Weaver's old 
line to the corner a hickory then with his other old line west 160 
poles to a small hickory in said line then south 280 poles to a large 
pine then east 260 poles to a gum on the run of a prong of Town Creek 
being Hardy Todd's new line then running up said prong to Jacob 
Robbins' old line continuing up the prong with Robbin's line to the 
corner then with said Robbins' old line crossing said prong to the 
beginning, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-
04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 338, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #176 to Benjamin Lancaster, a tract containing 200 acres on 
both sides of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at the said Lancaster's corner 
then west 200 poles to a pine then south 160 poles to a gum in the edge 
of a pond then east 200 poles to a pine in James Merritt's line then 
along said line north 160 poles to the first station, signed Alex 
Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 341, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug 1783, NC 
grant #112 to Thomas Farmer, a tract containing 500 acres on the west 
side of Gays Branch, beginning at Joshua Lee's old corner pine in 
Thomas Barrow's new line and runs with said line south 130 poles to the 
corner a red oak also Martin Thorn's new corner course continued with 
said Thorn's new line 114 poles to the corner also his new corner 
course continued with Thorn's new line 158 poles to the corner a black 
oak also John Thorn's new corner course continued with John Thorn's new 
line 37 poles to a pine in said line then east 182 poles to a pine then 
north 439 poles to and down Gays Branch to a gum in said branch in said 
Lee's old line then with said line west 182 poles to the beginning, 
signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 342, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #180 to John Morris, a tract containing 340 acres on both 
sides of Hommony Swamp beginning at a black oak sapling on the county 
line and in Joseph Philips line then with said line south 156 poles to 
the corner a white oak in Corn. Jordan Sr's line then with said line 
north 80 east 147 poles to the corner pine then along his new line 
north 6 poles to the corner a pine sapling then down his other new east 
28 poles to his other old corner pine then along his line north 306 
poles to the corner a black oak then along the other line east 140 
poles to a white oak sapling in said line then north 18 poles to a pine 
then along agreed line by said Morris and Nathan Blackwell north 20 
west 140 poles to the county line at a pine then along said line to the 
beginning, signed (Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec.) Abstracted 8-23-
04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 344, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #220 to Benjamin Weaver, a tract containing 100 acres on both 
sides of Town Creek beginning at Thomas Dixon's corner a (white) oak on 
the north side of the creek running then south 40 poles to a pine 
sapling then east 140 poles to and down in the said creek to a white 
oak in said creek and in his old line then with said line north 10 east 
104 poles to the corner pine then west 158 poles to a red oak sapling 
in Thomas Dixon's line then with said line south to the beginning, 
signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 345, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #138 to Arthur Harris, a tract containing 31 acres on the 
south side of Tar River beginning at John Colwell's corner on the river 
running with his line south 59 west 160 poles to the other corner in 
Henry Irvin's line then with said line south 31 east 54 poles to his 
and William Ren's corner a pine then with the said Ren's line north 59 
east 75 poles to a white oak on the river then up the river to the 
first station, signed Alex. Martin. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 345, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #323 to Jesse Deloach, a tract containing 640 acres on the 
north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a red oak John Edge's 
corner in his own line then by his line north 76 poles to his corner a 
pine in Elijah Horn's line then by his line east 24 poles to a pine his 
corner then by his other line north 360 poles to a pine on the edge of 
Cold Pocoson then through the edge of the said Pocoson east 201 poles 
to a pine in Etheldred Gray's line then by said line south 186 poles to 
the corner white oak then by his other line east 52 poles to a corner 
in said line then south 150 poles to said Edge's line then by said line 
west 277 poles to the first station, signed Alex. Martin. Abstracted 8-
23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 346, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant to John Morris for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a tract 
containing 410 acres beginning at a pine his own corner near the Main 
Road and running with his line west 87 poles to his other corner a pine 
in George Gardners line then along his line north 28 poles to the 
corner a stake then along his other line west 160 poles to a pine in 
said line then north 200 poles to a pine then east 209 poles to a pine 
then north 100 poles to a pine then east 38 poles to his own corner 
then along his line south 355 poles to the first station, signed Alex 
Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. NOTE: DOES NOT CLOSE AND PLATS 347 ACRES, 
394. Abstracted 7-31-05, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 347, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
(NC grant #138) to John Morris, for 50 shillings for every hundred 
acres, a tract containing 390 acres beginning at a white oak (Michael 
Ward's), Jesse Baker's and his own corner on the north side of 
Williamson Branch then by said Ward's and Etheldred Vickers' lines 
south 328 poles to said Morris' own line then along or near said line 
west 132 poles to another of his lines then along said line north 96 
poles to the corner lightwood stump then by his other line west 85 
poles to George Gardner's corner in said line then by his line north 
230 poles to a pine in said line then east 217 poles to the beginning, 
signed at Fairfield by Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-
04-05, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 353, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #163 to Joseph Murry, a tract containing 100 acres on the 
north side of Town Creek beginning at Hardy Flowers' old corner a gum 
on the said creek and runs with his old line north 60 poles to the 
corner a (dead) pine course continued 180 poles to a stake then west 80 
poles to a stake then south 155 poles to the said creek then down the 
various courses of said creek to the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, 
wit J. Glosgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 354, deed date 8 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #192 to William Cohoon, a tract of 100 acres on the north side 
of Town Creek beginning at his own new corner a stake in Jacob Robbins 
old line then with said line north 31 poles to the corner a stump 
course continued 64 poles to a large pine then east 40 poles to a large 
pine then north 62 poles to the center of two oaks then east 102 poles 
to a red oak in Benjamin Williams' new line then with said line south 
156 poles to the corner the center of a pine and oak in Hardy Flowers 
new line then with said line west 140 poles to the beginning, signed 
Alex Martin. Abstracted 6-21-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 362, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #154 to George Gardner for 50 shilling per hundred acres, a 
tract containing 300 acres on both sides of (Second Branch) beginning 
at a hickory in or near his old line and running with said line north 
124 poles to the corner pine also John Williams' new corner then with 
said Williams new line east 40 poles to the corner the center of two 
black oaks then with his other new line south 136 poles to the center 
of two pines in said line then (east) 166 poles to a stake then south 
160 poles to a pine in John Morris' old line then with said line west 
170 poles to the corner a pine course continued (36) poles to the 
beginning, signed Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 7-27-
05, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 363, deed date (28 Oct 1782), recorded Aug Ct 
1783, NC grant #216 to Benjamin Williams, (Jr) for 50 shillings per 
hundred acres, a tract of 200 acres on the (north) side of Town Creek 
and on both sides of Geo. Garners Mill Branch beginning at a red oak in 
Jacob Robbins old line and runs north 52 poles to the center of two 
pines then west 31 poles to James Merritt's new corner a pine course 
continued with Merritt's line 220 poles in said line then south 180 
poles to a pine then east 148 poles to a pine in Jacob Robbins old line 
then with said line north 128 poles to the corner then with his other 
old line east 103 poles to the beginning, signed Alex Martin, wit James 
Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 29 May 07, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 367, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #168 to Samuel Deloach, a tract containing 200 acres beginning 
at a sweet gum his own new corner in a pond William Gadd's line then by 
said line north 178 poles to a gum then east 180 poles to Elijah Horn's 
line then by said line south 178 poles to his own new corner in said 
line then by his own line west to the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, 
wit. J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 369, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #267 to Joseph Winstead, a tract containing 500 acres 
beginning at a red oak in William Dixon's line then by said line north 
280 poles to a pine then west 236 poles to a pine in Dun Lamon's line 
then by said line south 82 poles to a gum his corner in a branch then 
by his other line west 71 poles to a corner in said line then south 198 
poles to a corner then down ( ) east 307 poles to the beginning, signed 
Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 369, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #157 to Elijah Horn, a tract containing 500 acres beginning at 
his own new corner in Abisha Horn's line then by his own line south 278 
poles to his other line in his old line then by said line west 150 
poles to the corner pine in Sam Deloach's new line then by said line 
north 58 poles to his corner then by his other line west 180 poles to 
his other corner gum in Benja Bake's new line then by said line north 
190 poles to his corner pine in Daniel Ross' line then by his line east 
49 poles to the corner pine then by his other line north 30 poles to 
Abisha Horn's new corner then by his line east 283 poles to the first 
station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-24-04, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 372, date of deed (grant) 28 Oct 1782, date 
recorded Aug Ct. 1783, NC grant to Henry Clark, Jun, a tract of land 
containing 37 acres in the fork of Town Creek and Tyan Cokey Swamp 
beginning at a birch standing on Town Creek, his father's corner, then 
along said line south (47 east) 30 poles to the corner a white oak and 
aforesaid swamp then along said swamp 50 poles to a hickory the course 
of the swamp south 60 east 28 poles then south 30 east 18 poles then 
south 18 poles then south 33 west 42 poles to Town Creek then several 
courses of the creek to the first station, as by plat hereunto annexed 
doth appear, signed Alexander Martin, Esquire, our Governor Captain 
General and Commander in Chief at Fairfield. Abstracted from copy from 
film NCA. Hard to read, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 373, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #324 to Nicholas Dixon, a tract containing 320 acres on the 
north side of Homony Swamp beginning at Herrod Clark's old corner a red 
oak sapling and running along said Clark's old line east 140 poles to a 
oak in said line and Joseph Barns' old corner then along said Barnes' 
old line south 248 poles to the corner a pine in Britain Barnes' new 
line then along said new line west 118 poles to the corner a white oak 
then along his other new line south 88 poles to David Godwin's old 
corner a large pine then along said old line west 80 poles to a black 
oak in said line and Thos Dixon's old corner then along said old line 
north 290 poles to the corner a red oak and Thomas Clark's new corner 
then along said Clark's new line north 48 east 76 poles to the first 
station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-24-04, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 374, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #212 to Hardy Flowers, a tract containing 600 acres on the 
north side of Town Creek beginning at a hickory John Williams' new 
corner in his own old line and runs with said Williams new line north 
253 poles to the corner a red oak then with his other new line east 49 
poles to Jacob Robbins old corner a pine in said Williams' new line 
then with said Robbins' old line north 109 poles to Benjamin Williams' 
new corner a pine in said line then with said Benja Williams' new line 
west 172 poles to the corner the center of a pine and oak course 
continued 140 poles to a stake in Jacob Robbins' old line then with 
said line south 150 poles to the corner also Henry Todd's new corner 
four small pines course continued with said Todd's new line 42 poles to 
the corner a large pine in Joseph Murrey's new line then with said line 
east 45 poles to the corner a stake then with his other new line south 
180 poles to his own old line a dead pine in said Joseph Murrey's said 
new line then with own old line to the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, 
wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-24-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 374, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #134 to Joseph Murray, a tract containing 300 acres in the 
fork of Town Creek and a branch called Cabbin Branch joining William 
Dixon's line beginning at a poplar in the Cabbin Branch and in Robert 
Lancaster's new line running with said line south 62 poles to the 
corner a large pine then with his other new line east 26 poles to a red 
oak in said branch and line then south 34 poles to a pine in William 
Dixon's new line then with said line west 205 poles to the corner a 
white oak sapling in said Dixon's other old line then with said line 
north 60 poles to the corner a red oak then with his other line west 80 
poles to a red oak sapling in said line then north 206 poles to a pine 
in said Cabbin Branch then down the various courses of said branch to 
the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-
24-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 375, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #146 to Elijah Horn, a tract containing 600 acres beginning at 
a red oak Etheldred Gray's line Abisha Horn's corner then along said 
Horn's line south 160 poles to the corner pine then along his other 
line west 263 poles to a corner in said line then south 278 poles to 
his own line then by said line east 150 poles to the corner in Jesse 
Deloach's line then by said line north 115 poles to the corner ("the 
cold pine") then by his other line thro the edge of Cold Pocoson east 
201 poles to the corner pine in Etheld Gray's line then by said line 
north 142 poles to the corner pine then by his other line east 73 poles 
to the center of two pines Sherwood Haywood's corner then by his line 
north 68 poles to a black jack in said line then to and along said 
Gray's line north 55 west 198 poles to the first station, signed Alex. 
Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-24-04, NCA film C.037.40006, 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 379, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #164 to Hardy Todd, a tract containing 103 acres on the north 
side of Town Creek beginning at Joseph Murray's new corner on said 
creek and runs with his line north 155 poles to the corner a stake then 
with his other line east 35 poles to a large pine in said line then 
north 42 poles to Jacob Robbins' old corner three or four small pines 
then with said Robbins' old line west 186 poles to the corner a gum on 
said creek then down the various courses of said creek to the first 
station, signed Alex. Martin, wit. J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-24-04, 
NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 389, deed date 28 Oct 1782,recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
NC grant #275 to Thomas Clark, a tract containing 400 acres on the 
south side of Toisnot Swamp and north side of Homony Swamp beginning at 
Herod Clark old corner post oak running then west 328 poles to a 
lightwood stump then south 92 poles to a black gum in Cornelius 
Jordan's old line then along said line east 160 poles to the corner a 
pine then along his other old line south 158 poles to the corner pine 
in Thomas Dixon's old line then along said line east 140 poles to the 
corner a red oak then along agreed line by said Clark & Nicholas Dixon 
north 48 east 76 poles to Herod Clark's old corner red oak sapling then 
along said Herod Clark's old line north to the first station, signed 
Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-24-04, NCA film 
C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 391, deed date 11 Jan 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
John Permenter, Edge. Co to Samuel Taylor, county aforesaid for 50 
pounds, part of a tract on the north side of Autreys Creek beginning in 
James Taylor's line at an oak on the run of aforesaid creek then by 
said Taylor's line north 200 poles to a pine Shadrack Stokes corner in 
John Stokes Sr's line then by said line west 40 poles to a large pine 
in said line then south 200 poles to an ash on said creek then down the 
various courses of said creek to the first station, containing 50 acres 
being part of a tract of land James Permenter entered in the state 
office, signed John Permenter, wit Peter Cartwright, David Stokes, John 
Stokes. Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 394, deed date 26 Dec 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
Mary Horn, Edge. Co to my son, Moses Horn, county aforesaid, for five 
shillings and natural love and affection, a Negro slave woman named 
Venus, signed Mary Horn (M), wit Jas. Barrow, Elisha Stallings. 
Abstracted 8-23-04, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 396, deed date 11 Jan 1782, recorded Aug Ct 1783, 
John Permenter, Edge. Co to Samuel Taylor, county aforesaid for 50 pds, 
a tract on the north side of Autreys Creek beginning in James Taylor's 
line at an ash in the run of said creek then by Taylor's line north 200 
poles to a pine Shadrack Stokes' corner in John Stokes Sr's line then 
by said line west 40 poles to a large pine in said line then south 200 
poles to an ash in said creek then down the various courses of said 
creek to the first station, containing 50 acres being part of a tract 
that said Permenter entered in the State's office, signed John 
Permenter, wit Peter Cartwright, David Stokes, John Stokes (proved).  
Abstracted 31 Dec 07, RD copy, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db E, page E, page 402, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov 
Ct 1782, NC grant #108 to John Williams for 50 shillings per hundred 
acres, a tract 294 acres on the south side of Town Creek beginning at a 
white oak in his own old line and John Bradley's old corner and runs 
with Bradley's old line south 204 poles to by the run of said swamp 
then up the various courses of said swamp 100 poles to a gum on said 
swamp and in Mourning Barrow's old line then with said line north 40 
poles to the corner a pine then with her other old line west 162 poles 
to a black gum in said line and in the Wolf Branch then up the various 
courses of said branch to the fork of said branch then up the various 
courses of the east prong of said branch to a turkey oak in his own old 
line being an agreed line between said Williams and Hardy Todd then 
with his own said old line (east) to the beginning, signed Alex Martin, 
wit J. Glasgow, Secy. Abstracted 8-04-05, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 406, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #224 to John Williams, a tract containing 148 acres on the 
north side of Town Creek beginning at Jacob Robbins old corner a pine 
and in his own old line and running with said Robbins' old line west 45 
poles to the corner a pine course continued 49 poles to a red oak then 
south 253 poles to a hickory in Hardy Flowers old line then with said 
line east 94 poles to the corner a black oak in his own old line then 
with said line north 253 poles to the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, 
wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-29-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 407, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #161 to John Williams, a tract containing 340 acres on the 
north side of Town Creek beginning at a pine in his own old line and 
George Garners old line then with said Garner line east 194 poles to 
the corner a pine course continued 40 poles to the center of two black 
oaks then north 233 poles to a pine then west 234 poles to his own line 
then with said line to the beginning, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. 
Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-29-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 411, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #150 to John Jones, a tract containing 100 acres on the south 
side Beach Run beginning on the county line that divides Edgecombe and 
Nash Co at a pine in Jeremiah Hilliard's line standing on the head of 
the Indian Branch then by said Hilliard's line east 256 poles to the 
corner a pine then by his other line north 36 poles to his corner pine 
then by said to his corner pine then by said line west 83 poles to the 
corner a red oak then by his other line north 56 poles to the center of 
two pines on or near said line then west 110 poles to a pine in said 
county line in said county line then by the county line to the 
beginning, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-29-
04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 412, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #(253) to Nathaniel Permenter, a tract containing 462 acres on 
the head of Persimmon Branch beginning a pine Abram Vickers' corner 
then by his line east 186 poles to the corner and course continued 134 
poles to a pine then south 231 poles across a prong of said branch to a 
stake then west 320 poles crossing the main branch near the fork to the 
center of a (large) pine, a small elm and a black ( missing line ) 31 
poles to the first station, signed Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. 
Abstracted 8-29-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 413, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #239 to Nathaniel Permenter, a tract containing 400 acres 
beginning at James Permenter's new corner in his old line then along 
his new line south 206 poles to his other corner a pine in Joseph 
Askew's line then along said line east 34 poles to the corner a pine 
then along his other line south 200 poles to a white oak in said line 
Thomas Mewbern line then along his line east 132 poles to ( ) his own 
line north 425 poles to his other corner at the Great Meadow then west 
162 poles to said James Permenter's said old line then along said line 
to the first station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. 
Abstracted 8-29-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 414, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #334 to Nathaniel Permenter, a tract containing 700 acres on 
the north side of the Little Swamp beginning at John Permenter's corner 
near the Springs on said swamp south 47 west 108 poles then west to and 
up Reedy Branch 144 poles to a corner near the said branch then north 
425 poles to a pine at the Great Meadow then east 39 poles to his own 
corner and course continued 320 poles along his line to his corner 
stake then south 119 poles to John Permenter's line then by his line 
west 118 poles to his corner white oak then along his other line to the 
beginning, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-29-
04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 415, deed date 28 Oct 1782, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
NC grant #152 to Joshua Proctor, a tract containing 21 acres on the 
south side of Fishing Creek beginning at a gum in Crooked Swamp Isaac 
Sessums' corner then along his line south 80 east 118 poles to a 
dogwood Sessums other corner then south 80 west 94 poles along his own 
line to a gum in a pond then south 140 poles along another of said 
Proctor's lines to a cypress in Gum Swamp then up the various courses 
of said swamp to the first station, signed Alex. Martin, wit J. 
Glasgow, Sec. Abstracted 8-29-04, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db E, page 424, deed date 5 Nov 1783, recorded Nov Ct 1783, 
Arthur Hargrove and Ann Hargrove, his wife, Edge. Co to Henry Kea, 
county aforesaid for 170 pds specie, a tract of 300 acres beginning at 
a pine a new marked line a corner in said land in a branch then up said 
branch along a line of marked trees to a corner pine Wall's line then 
to a pine in John Allsobrook's old line then Allsobrook's line to a 
pine Hargrove's line course continue to Killebrew's corner then his 
line to Moses Hargrove's corner post oak then said line to (Champion's) 
line then Champions line to Pender's line the to Kea's corner then said 
line to beginning, it being that tract on the west side of Deep Creek, 
signed Arthur Hargroves (X), Ann Hargroves (X), wit (John Dolvon), 
Peter Cartwright. Abstracted 16 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40006, CTC.