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Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book C

Part 2

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Tommy Colbert 

 Edge. Co. Db C, page 378, deed date 17 Oct 1765, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Benj Marley, Edge. Co to Joseph Edwards, county aforesaid for 20 pds 
VA, a tract of land on the north side of Town Creek containing 100 
acres beginning at Charles Evans corner a pine on the creek that is now 
(hill by Samuel Hanail) then north 192 poles to a pine then by a line 
of marked trees to the creek then ( ) in a hickory then down the creek 
to the first station, signed Benj. Marley, wit Solo Nettles, (Solomon 
Forck). Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 379, deed date 22 Oct 1765, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Samuel Swearingen, planter, Edge. Co to Thos Wallis, Pitt Co, for 55 
pds proc money, a tract of land being part of a grant to said 
Swearingen by Earl Granville dated 3 Nov 1761 containing 159 acres 
beginning on (Hurleys Branch) where his line crosses said branch then 
east to Jno Corbitt's line then north along said line to a white ash 
corner then west to Saml Williams corner then south to the creek then 
up the creek to the mouth of (Hurleys Branch) then up said branch to 
the first station, including his dwelling house, signed Saml 
Swearingen, wit Ruben Woodward, John Corbitt. Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA 
film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 379, deed date 7 Dec 1765, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Ephriam Pond, Craven Co, NC to Richd Braswell, Edge. Co for 18 pds, 6 
shillings & 8 pence, a tract containing (120) acres beginning at a gum 
in Hatchers Swamp in the mouth of Buck Meadow Branch then up the 
various courses of said branch (east) 120 poles to a gum in said branch 
then north (160) poles to a pine in Beetree Branch then west 120 poles 
to a white oak in (Hatchers Swamp) then up the various courses of said 
swamp to the first station, it being part of a deed granted to Wm 
McDade by Lord Granville dated 4 Aug 1762, signed Eph Ponds, wit Isaac 
Wilson, (Jas Braswell), Willis McDade (W between Willis & McDade may be 
initial or mark). Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 380, deed date 6 Apr 1765, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Samuel Harrell, Bertie Co to Thos Lawrence, Edge. Co (34) pds VA, a 
tract beginning at a sweet gum on Wm Faircloth's line then by a line of 
marked trees to a pine & white oak in Burkets Swamp then up the various 
courses of said swamp to a pine then down the Dawson's line north (3) 
west 140 poles to the center of three gums on (Bath) road then east 128 
poles to the center of two small hickories on (Mishoys) line then a 
long (Meshoc's) line south 48 east (80) poles to a sweet gum in the 
(sorrowfull Branch) 40 poles to two red oaks & a pine then south (50 
west) along said Wm Faircloth's line to the beginning, containing 290 
acres, signed Samuel Harrell (H), no wit. Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 381, deed date 31 Oct 1765, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Dun Lamon, Edge. Co to Renison Tisdale, county aforesaid for 5 pds proc 
money, a tract of land on Tyancoca Swamp beginning at a hickory a 
corner in said Tisdale's line then along said line to a corner pine 
then across by a line of marked trees to a maple in a small branch 
called Flowers & Hogpen Branch then down the said branch to the mouth 
of said Tisdale's corner a red oak then east to the first station, 
containing 50 acres signed Dun Lamon, wit Thos Hardie, Ethld Ruffin, 
Saml Ruffin. (Tyan Cokey) Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 381, deed date 5 Oct 1765, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Joshua Lee, Edge. Co to Thos Farmer, for natural love and affection for 
my son in law, beginning at the ( ) of the Little Swamp (?? to) a 
branch called Gays Branch so up the said branch to the line all on the 
west side, containing 220 acres, signed Joshua Lee (JL), wit Dempsey 
Watson, Jno Brand, Mary Lee (M). (Clerk seems to have missed parts of 
deed) Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 382, deed date 1 Feb 1764, recorded Jan Ct 1766, 
Jacob Whitehead, (Sr), Edge. Co to Jacob Whitehead, county aforesaid 
for 20 pds VA, a tract of land on the south side of Beach Run beginning 
at a red oak standing in ( ) on Wm Taylor's line south course to a pine 
a corner tree then west to a red oak a corner tree then north to a gum 
in Beach Run a corner tree then down the said run to the first station, 
being part of a tract granted to the said Jacob Whitehead dated 1761 
beginning at Wm Taylor's corner on the north side of Beach run then 
south (60) poles to a white oak then west 440 poles to a red oak then 
north 232 poles to a red oak then east 440 poles to a red oak in 
Taylor's line then by the said line to the first station, containing 
400 acres, signed Jacob Whitehead (SR), wit Mathew Sellers, Wm Dorch, 
Saml Hart, Arthur Johnson. Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 382, deed date 20 Jun 1766, recorded Jul Ct 1766, 
Samuel Ruffin, Edge. Co, Sheriff to Richard Featherston, same county 
for 17 pds 10 shillings proc money; by a writ of (Fi? Fa?) Issued by 
Inferion Ct dated 10 Oct to take from Richardson Regen the sum of 7 pds 
3 shillings & 9 pence which (Agnes Wadkins) ( ) from the said 
Richardson Regan property consisting of two tracts containing in the 
whole 110 acres, beginning at a white oak in (Redd's) line now Fort's 
then south along a line of new marked trees to Hatchers Swamp then down 
the run of said swamp to (Redd's) upper line then along the said line 
to the beginning, also one other tract on the west side of the Great 
Branch on the south side of Hatchers Swamp beginning at a small pine on 
Jno Proctor's line from thence along a line of marked trees an east 
course to the said Great Branch then down the mane water courses of the 
said ( ) to the mane run of Hatchers Swamp to the said Proctor's line 
then along the said Jno Proctor's line a north course to the first 
station, there being no other assets of the said Richardson Regan to be 
found in the bailiwick of the said sheriff, and sold at public venue on 
11 Jan in the sixth year of the reign of Our Lord the (now) King, 
signed Samuel Ruffin, wit James Hill, George Linch, Edward Cline. (Hard 
to read) Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 385, deed date 8 Sep 1764, recorded July Ct 1766, 
Thos Hardiman, Edge. Co to Micajah Thomas, county aforesaid for 40 pds 
proc money, a tract of 618 acres which was granted to (Thos Davis) by 
Tomas Child, Esq, agent of Granville dated 9 Mar 1761, after taking 
from the said 618 acres 118, agreeable to a deed of conveyance for the 
same from said Davis to Sion Hill, by deed dated 16 Dec 1761, signed 
Thomas Hardiman, wit (John Smith), Wm Harris (X), Jno Taylor (mark). 
Abstracted 23 Sep 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 388, deed date 23 Jul 1761, recorded 5 Sep 1763 
at Halifax, Earl Granville to Duncan Lamon, Edge. Co a tract of land 
beginning at the mouth of the Meadow Branch at a poplar then north 340 
poles to three white oaks then east 466 poles to a red oak then south 
244 poles to a red oak then west 466 poles to the first station, 
containing 700 acres, signed Thomas Child, agent of Earl Granville, wit 
( ) Hall, J. Montford. Abstracted 6-22-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 389, deed date 15 Oct 1761, recorded 5 Sep 1763, 
Earl Granville to Renestel Tisdale, Edge. Co, a tract of land beginning 
at a red oak in Jacob Flowers line on the north side of Beaver Dam 
prong then north 120 poles to a pine then west 560 poles to a pine then 
south 280 poles to a white oak then east 270 poles to a hickory in 
Jacob Flowers line then by said line north 160 poles to a pine then by 
Flowers other line east 290 poles to the first station containing in 
the whole 690 acres, signed Thos. Child, wit (J.S. Linton). NOTE, THIS 
APPEARS TO BE SAME LAND GRANTED DB 00, PAGE 5. Abstracted 6-22-04, RD 
copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 389, deed date 30 Jun 1760, recorded 5 Sep 1763, 
Earl Granville to Dun Lamon, Edge. Co a tract of land beginning at 
Edward Moors corner white oak then east (360) poles to a corner pine 
then north 324 poles to a corner pine in (Poter) Jolly's line then 
along said line south (south 55 west) 269 poles to his corner white oak 
then north 30 poles then north 23 west 34 poles along Jolly's line & 
Simmons Branch to Jolly's & Moor's corner live oak then along Moor's 
line south 30 west 30 poles to a corner pine then south 70 west 156 
poles to a corner pine in Moor's line then along Moors line to the 
first station, containing 556 acres, signed Thos. Child, wit (??) 
Jones, Jas. Montford. Abstracted 6-22-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 390, deed date 23 Jul 1760, recorded 5 Sep 1761, 
Halifax, Earl Granville to Duncan Lamon, Edge. Co a tract of land 
beginning on the south side of Sappony Creek at a poplar in a (branch) 
Evens line then by said line east 40 poles to a red oak then south 466 
poles to a hickory then west 296 poles to a maple in the Great (Reedy) 
Branch then down said branch north 40 west 80 poles to a (Seypres) in 
Sappony Creek then down the various courses of said creek to the first 
station, containing 600 acres, signed Philip Alston, W. Lucas, Jas. 
Montford. Abstracted 6-23-04, RD copy, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 393, deed date 1 Sep 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1765, 
Robert Killebrew, Edge. Co to John Hargrove, South Hampton Co, VA, for 
40 pds proc money, a half acre lot in the Town of Tarborough being lot 
#14, which was granted to John Scott and was sold by said Scott to said 
Killebrew, signed Robt Killebrew, wit Thos H. Hall. Abstracted 8 Mar 
07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 394, deed date 4 Sep 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Jesse Thomas, Edge. Co to Richard Thomas, county aforesaid for 60 pds 
proc money; whereas by deed of grant from Granville dated (25 Mar 1749) 
to Wm Cain a tract containing 193 acres (??) Jesse Thomas, now said 
Jesse Thomas conveys said tract to the said Richard Thomas the whole 
tract of 193 acres, beginning at a pine in Joseph Thomas' line on the 
north side of Stoney Creek then west 196 poles to hickory then south 
172 poles across the creek to a white oak then east 160 poles to a red 
oak said Thomas line then along his line north 14 east 173 poles to the 
first station, signed Jesse Thomas (mark), wit Dun Lamon, Thomas 
Whitfield (proved), Henry Beckwith. Abstracted 23 Sep 07, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 397, deed date 13 Oct 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
John Hall, Edge. Co to James Lain, county aforesaid for 100 pds VA, a 
tract on the north side of Town Creek beginning at the mouth of the 
(Casing Branch) then up the said branch to a pine on (Spells) line then 
by his line to a red oak on (Jas Nettles) line then by said line east 
to a pine then south 66 poles to (?? Marlowe's) line then by said line 
west 50 poles to his corner a pine then by his other line south to a 
white oak Robert Faircloth's corner then by his line to a white oak on 
Town Creek then up the various courses of said creek to the first 
station, containing 590 acres, signed John Hall (X), wit Thos Spell, 
Laz. Hall (X). Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 398, deed date 12 Oct 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Peter Hedgepeth, Edge. Co to Mathew Councill, county aforesaid for 10 
pds VA, a tract containing 100 acres on the south side of Tumbling Run 
beginning at a poplar in Michal Councill's line at the mouth of a small 
branch then up the said branch to a corner hickory then along a line of 
marked trees to a corner red oak in the said Michal Council's line then 
along the said line to the beginning, being part of a tract of land 
granted to Peter Hedgepeth by Earl Granville, signed Peter Hedgepeth 
(PH), wit Abram Bass, (Benja Bridgers), Michael Council. Abstracted 10-
8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 399, deed date 30 Aug 1766, Recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Thomas White, Edge. Co to William Gay, for 30 pds proc money, a tract 
containing 154 acres beginning at a red oak on the south side of Town 
Creek then south 140 poles to a red oak then east 129 poles to a red 
oak then north 60 poles to a ( ) on Town Creek then up the creek to the 
first station, signed Thos White, Elene White (X), wit (Thos Barron), 
(John Baand). Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 399, deed date (1 Sep 1766), recorded Oct Ct 
1766, John Hall, Edge. Co to Robert Faircloth, province aforesaid for 
21 pds proc money, a tract beginning on Benja Marleys on the north side 
of Town Creek line at a (siprus) on Town Creek then along the said 
Marley's line to a white oak then down a contracted line of marked 
trees to a white oak on Town Creek then down the creek to the first 
station, being 100 acres, signed John Hall (X), wit Thos Spell, John 
Lucas. Poorly written. Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 400, deed date 1 Sep 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Thos White & Elina White, Edge. Co to Robert Killebrew, county 
aforesaid for (64) pds proc money, a tract on the north side of Town 
Creek on both sides of a branch of the creek ( ) at a red oak running 
south 180 poles to the center of three pines then west 140 poles to the 
first station, containing 147 acres, it being granted by Earl Granville 
to Thos White dated 26 Apr 1753, signed Thos White, Elinea White (X), 
wit Thos Merritt, Henry Irwin. Abstracted 10-8-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 401, deed date 28 Aug 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
William Gay and Ann, his wife, Edge. Co to Thos White, for 60 pds, a 
tract on the north side of Town Creek on both sides of a branch of said 
creek beginning at a red oak & running south (130) poles to a pine & 
red oak then east 140 poles to a pine then north 180 poles to the 
center of three pines then west 140 poles to the first station, 
containing 157 acres, it being granted by Earl Granville dated 6 Apr 
1753, signed Wm Gay, Ann Gay, wit (Thos Benon), Jno Brand. HAD TO 
NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 405, deed date 29 Oct 1765, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
John Mathews and Lettice, his wife, Edge. Co to Duncan Lamon, same 
county, for 30 pds proc money, a tract of land and plantation on Tyan 
Cokey Swamp where the said Mathews now lives containing 326 acres 
beginning at a (gum) on the north side Tyancocca Swamp corner then up 
said swamp to Proctor's line then to Duncan Lamon's line that he bought 
of Jones then along said line to a holly then north 40 poles to a pine 
then east (280) poles to a pine then south (80) poles to a pine 
Valentine's corner then along said line to the first station, signed 
John Mathews, Lettice Mathews (X), wit Jno. Cohoon, Wm Blanc, Wm 
Cohoon. Abstracted 10-17-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 405, deed date (1 Oct 1765), recorded Oct Ct 
1766, Thos Woodard to Edward Moore of said county for 40 pds proc, a 
tract beginning at the mouth of the (Stony Branch) then up said branch 
to the head ( ) by a line of marked trees to a corner red oak then by a 
line of marked trees to a corner pine in the principle line then along 
said line to sd Moore and Woodards corner a pine then by a line of 
marked trees to the head of the Spring Branch then down the Spring 
Branch to the (River) then up said (River) to the first station, signed 
Thos Woodard, wit (? Moore), ( ), Jos Lee. Abstracted 10-9-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 406, deed date (29 Oct 1765), recorded Oct Ct 
1766, Renison Tisdale, Edge. Co to John Cohoon, county aforesaid for 10 
pds proc money, a tract on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp 
containing 157 acres beginning at a gum in Taylor's Hogpen Branch then 
up said branch to the head thereof then south to said Tisdale's line 
then along said line to the Meadow Branch then down the Meadow Branch 
to Jacob Flowers' line then along said line to Barnes line then along 
Williford's to the first, it being part of a tract granted to the said 
Tisdale by Earl Granville (1 Aug 1762, signed Renison Tisdale, wit 
Duncan Lamon, Wm. Cohoon, Wm Blanc. Abstracted 10-17-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 406, deed date 30 Oct 1765, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Dun Lamon, Edge. Co to John Tanner, county aforesaid for 40 pds proc 
money, a tract on the south side of Tar River beginning at (Edwd Moore) 
corner white oak then east 360 poles to a corner pine then north 324 
poles to a corner pine in Peter Jolly's line then along the line south 
55 west 264 poles to his corner white oak in (Simmons Branch) then down 
said branch to a live oak Jolly & Moore corner then along Moor's line 
south 30 west (80) poles to a corner pine then south 70 west 156 poles 
a corner pine then along Moor's line to first station, it being part of 
a tract granted by Earl Granville to Duncan Lamon 30 Jun 1760, 
containing (560) acres & fifty six (sic), signed Dun Lamon, wit (? 
Williams), (Jno Tanner Sr). Abstracted 10-18-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 407, deed date (14 Dec 1761), recorded Oct Ct 
1766, Moses Hare, Edge. Co to Jesse Hare, county aforesaid for 5 pds 
VA, a tract beginning at Samuel Holloman's corner red oak then south 82 
poles along said line to a corner red oak then south 65 east 188 poles 
which said corner & distance is the dividing line between Wm Haywood & 
Jesse Hare then north 140 poles to a pine in Isaac Wilson's line then 
south (30 or 80) west 20 poles to Wilson's corner then to the first 
station, containing 120 acres, signed Moses Hare, wit Henry King, (? ? 
Miller) (X). Abstracted 10-18-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 407, deed date 30 Oct 1765, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
(Nathan Horn) and Delilah, his wife, Edge. Co to Duncan Lamon for 30 
pds proc money, a tract on Sappony Creek containing 162 acres beginning 
at a white oak then west 246 poles to a pine then north 74 poles to 
Thomas Tucker's line then by his line east 20 poles to his corner then 
by his other line west 240 poles to a Mirry Branch then up said branch 
south 49 east 420 poles to a white oak then east 160 poles to a black 
oak then to the first station, signed Nathan Horn, wit (Dew Moore, Jr), 
Jno Tanner, Jno Tanner Jr. NOTE: TANNER MAY BE FARMER. Abstracted 10-
18-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 408, deed date 1 Apr 1764, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
David Hart, Edge. Co to (Saml Ruffin), county aforesaid for 121 pds, 10 
shillings VA, a tract containing 2 acres on the south side of Tyan 
Cokey Swamp beginning at a gum in said swamp at Saml Ruffin's corner 
then south 26 west 180 poles to a pine then south 87 west 142 poles to 
a red oak then north 5 west 180 poles to a gum in the swamp then down 
the said swamp to the first station, also one other tract containing 
149 acres on the said swamp beginning at a corner red oak tree in 
Robert Hatcher's line as formerly was running south 200 poles to a 
corner pine then along a line of marked trees to a red oak in ( ) line 
then north along the said line to a corner pine in the said Hatcher's 
line then south 87 west along the said line (34) poles to a corner 
hickory then along the other line north 9 west 18 poles to a corner red 
oak then to the first station, also one other tract containing 50 acres 
on the said swamp beginning at a marked pine tree of (John Horn's) line 
standing in Pitmans Branch Thomas' corner tree then along up the said 
branch along the patent line to a corner live oak then west 148 poles 
to a pine a corner tree then south along the patent line to the first 
station, signed David Hart, wit (Robt Gray), (Ethld Ruffin).  
Abstracted 10-18-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 410, deed date (31 Oct 1765), recorded Oct Ct 
1766, (Moses Furgerson), Edge. Co to Aron Furgerson, for 30 pds proc 
money, a tract on the north side of Tar River containing 330 acres 
beginning at a pine in ( ) of ( ) Meadow then west 233 poles to a pine 
then north 240 poles to a pine then east 233 poles to a pine then south 
240 poles to the first station, signed Moses Furgerson, wit Dun Lamon, 
Joseph Poullan. Abstracted 10-19-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 410, deed date 7 Oct 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Arthur Philips, Edge. Co to Randolph Hancock, for 20 pds proc money, a 
tract containing 400 acres on the north side of Moores Swamp then down 
the swamp agreed line between the said Arthur Philips and Cadar Coleman 
then along the agreed line to the corner a pine then along the (deeded) 
line to a black oak a corner then along the line to two pines and a ash 
from there to a pine agreed corner from there along the agreed line to 
a pine agreed corner on the deeded line then along the said line to ( ) 
black oaks corner trees from there along deeded line to the ( Branch) 
to a maple corner agreed in the branch then down the branch to the 
first station, signed Arthur Philips, wit Jno Spell, (?? Harris). 
Abstracted 10-19-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 410, deed date 30 Sep 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1766, 
Benjamin Faircloth to John Skinner for 46 pds, 10 shillings proc money, 
a tract 200 acres beginning at a live oak in the mouth of a (large 
branch) in (Rights Creek) then down said creek to the (corner) line to 
the ( ) ( ) of the said line so along the said line south 110 poles to 
an oak then west 320 poles to a line in a fork in aforesaid branch so 
down the branch to the first station, signed Benj Faircloth (X), wit (? 
Sessums), Demsey Skinner (X). Abstracted 10-19-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 416, deed date 13 Dec 1764, recorded Oct Ct 1764, 
Simon Williams to William Braswell for 2 pds 17 shillings proc money, a 
tract on the (south side) of Tar River being a grant to (said Williams) 
(illegible date) beginning at my own line running ( ) line then north 
to a pine then to branch which is a division (between) I & the said 
Braswell the complement (several lines illegible), signed Simon 
Williams, wit (Benj Lane, Sr, Benj Lane, Jr, Newt Lane). NOTE: PARTS 
MISSING) Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 417, deed date 12 Jan 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1767, 
William Cohoon, SR, Edge. Co to John Cohoon, Jr, county aforesaid for 
10 pds proc money, a tract beginning at a pine John Morrises line then 
west 252 poles to a red oak then north 368 poles to a red oak in Jesse 
Flowers line then by said line east 252 poles to a lightwood stump then 
south 368 poles to the first station, containing 579 acres, it being a 
tract granted by Earl Granville to William Cohoon dated 6 Aug 1761, 
signed Wm Cohoon (W), wit John Gosney, John Faulk, Arthur Williams (X). 
Abstracted 10-19-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 423, deed date 22 Dec 1766, recorded Jan Ct 1767, 
Solomon Williams, Edge. Co to Jas Wooten, for (17 pds) proc money, a 
tract of 50 acres beginning at Saml Swearingens (patent) line then 
along the said line to (Hurly Branch) then down the branch to the creek 
then up the creek to the mouth of the (Consay Branch) then up the 
branch to the first station, signed Solo Williams, wit (Richd Batton), 
Wm Donald. Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 428, deed date 18 Oct 1766, recorded (Jan Ct 
1767), Jonas Williams, Edge. Co to John Williams, Halifax Co, NC, for 
86 pds proc money, two tracts of land on the north side of Swift Creek 
containing 200 acres, 100 each tract, first tract beginning at a corner 
red oak in the creek at the mouth of Bells Branch running north 48 east 
to a corner at three hickories and a black oak then south near 45 east 
to a corner black & turkey oak then south near 65 west to a corner 
hickory on said creek then up said creek to the beginning, the other 
tract beginning at a black oak Arthur Bell's (smudged) then by the said 
Bell's line south 45 west 152 poles to a hickory on (smudged) of Cabin 
Branch then down the courses of said branch (south 30) (smudged) to a 
hickory at the mouth of said branch on the bank of Swift Creek Thoms 
Floyd's corner then by the said line north 45 east 102 poles to the 
center of (smudged) hickories & a red oak then by (the other) line 
south 28 poles to a red oak Jonas Williams corner then by the said line 
north15 east (170) poles to a red oak John Coopers corner then along 
Cooper's line to the great meadow then up the meadow to the first 
Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 429, deed date 1 Nov 1766, recorded Jan Ct 1767, 
Jesse Stephenson, Edge. Co to Philip Thomas, county aforesaid for (15) 
pds, a tract of 108 acres beginning at a prong of Tyan Cokey Swamp at a 
white oak (Nathaniel Stephenson's ?) corner then north 144 poles to his 
other corner then east along the line about half way said line to a 
pine then along a line of marked trees across the said tract of land to 
the said prong of said swamp they up the various courses of said swamp 
to the first station, signed Jesse Stephenson, wit Elisha Battle, Danl 
Ross, Elisha Battle Jr. Abstracted 23 Sep 07, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 438, deed date (14 Feb 1760), recorded Apr Ct 
1767, John Honey, Edge. Co to Mathew Drake, county aforesaid for 30 pds 
proc money, a tract containing 350 acres beginning at a stooping pine 
on the east side of Little Swamp then north 70 poles to a pine then 
west 300 poles to a white oak then ( ) 195 poles to a pine then east 
along a line of marked trees to the first station, signed John Honey, , 
wit Jas Drake, Saml Bridgers. Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 440, deed date 21 Jan 1767, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
William Baley, Edge. Co to Roland Williams, county aforesaid for 45 pds 
Va, two tracts joining on Tosinot Swamp one of them beginning at a 
white oak north 82 east 188 poles to a pine then south 58 east (155) 
poles to a black oak then south 32 west 55 poles along the Forked 
Branch to (Shaft Swamp) then up the said swamp to the first station, 
being patent granted to Wm Hening 20 Apr 1745 containing 150 acres the 
other 110 acres granted by Earl Granville to said Baly March 11 1761 11 
Mar 1761 beginning on the north side of Toisnot Swamp at a white oak in 
the mouth of the Great Branch his own line then down the said several 
courses of the said swamp first south 40 east 6 poles to a pine then 
south 80 east 6 poles to a red oak in Pilgrim Williams line then by 
said line north 15 east 148 poles to a pine said Williams corner then 
north 36 poles to a pine then west (84) poles to a pine in the Great 
Branch it being his line then down the several courses of said branch 
to the first station, signed Wm. Bailey, wit Ethd Moore, David Mann, 
Jacob Strickland, Jr, (possible O mark). Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 441, deed date 11 Apr 1767, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
Stephen Vaughan, Edge. Co to Aaron Odam, said county, for 2 pds, 2 
shillings & 6 pence, a tract of 15 acres beginning at John Spiers 
corner pine then south along Jas Coker's line to a red oak his corner 
then along the patent line to Christ Vaughan's corner then along his 
line to a corner pine standing by the side of the road then along the 
road to Jno Speirs corner pine then along his line to the beginning, 
signed Stephen Vaughan, Ethd Exun, Rachel Exum.  NOTE: AARON ODAM COULD 
BE AARON ADAM. Abstracted 25 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 442, deed date (missing) 1767, recorded Apr Ct 
1767, Thomas Williams, Edge. Co to James Mayo, Pitt Co, for 25 pds proc 
money, a tract beginning at a red oak on a pocoson then east 240 poles 
to a gum in Little Coneto Creek then up said creek north 160 poles to a 
gum then west (200) poles to a corner in the pocoson then down the said 
pocoson to the first station, containing 260 acres, signed Thos 
Williams, wit Nathan Mayo, (Jr0, Thos Little, Samuel Cherry. Abstracted 
Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 442, deed date 13 Oct 1766, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
Thomas Pridgen, Dobbs Co to Samuel Williams, Edge. Co for 60 pds proc 
money, a tract of 100 acres on the south side of Tar River beginning at 
a red oak on the river a corner between (S. Pridgen & Williams run) by 
a line of marked trees to the principle line then north 55 west along 
the said line to a hickory then north 36 west to a hickory on the river 
then with the river to the first station, signed Thos Pridgen, wit Wm 
Joyner (W could be middle initial or mark), Dun Lamon. Abstracted Feb 
07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 445, deed date 29 Jan 1767, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
William Nelson, Edge. Co to Lazarus Whitehead, said county for 22 pds, 
10 shillings VA, a tract on the north side of Swift Creek beginning at 
Thos Harts corner hickory then by Lazarus Whitehead's line north 160 
poles to a pine then (420) poles to a pine then (south) to a red oak 
(Dorches') corner then along a line of marked trees to the Poplar 
Branch to a pine Dorches corner then down the said branch to Hart's 
corner a red oak then by Hart's line to the first station, containing 
364 acres, signed Wm. Nelson, wit Wm. Blackborn, (Herbert Hanes), 
(Jacob ?). Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 445, deed date 25 Feb 1767, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
John Griffin to Hardy Griffin, for 20 pds VA, a tract on the north side 
of Swift Creek containing 96 acres beginning at a white oak on the 
north side of Swift Creek Thos Bell's corner then by his line north 62 
east ( ) poles to Lewis Griffin's corner then by his line north 30 west 
120 poles to his other corner then by his other line north 10 east 126 
poles to his other corner then by (Arrington's) line north 66 poles to 
(Douglas') line then by his line south 65 west 66 poles to Lewis 
Griffin's line then by his line south 166 poles to Swift Creek then 
along the various courses of the creek to the first station, signed 
John Griffin (X), wit (A.W. Arrington), Jas Griffin, (J Griffin). 
Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 446, deed date 14 Apr 1767, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
William Bellamy, Edge. Co to (Elizabeth Rose), county aforesaid for 187 
pds, 10 shillings proc money, a tract on the south side of Swift Creek 
beginning at a little branch at a white oak on Swift Creek south 268 
poles to the center of 2 pines and a black oak then west 268 poles to a 
pine then north 200 poles to the center of 2 mullberrys & a gum on the 
creek then up the various courses of the creek to the first station, 
also one other tract adjoining thee aforesaid tract containing 350 
acres beginning at a white oak at Col. Wm Whitehead's corner then along 
his line south 330 poles to a pine then east 160 poles to the center of 
2 black oaks & a pine then north 330 poles along (Jeremiah Hilliard's) 
line to a maple in the swamp then west along the creek to the first 
station, signed Wm. Bellamy, wit (Ethld Ruffin), Daniel Woodward. 
Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 447, deed date (20 Jan 1765), recorded Apr Ct 
1767, Arthur Taylor to Edward Ballard for 25 pds proc money a tract of 
25 acres beginning at Jacob Braswell's corner a red oak on the north 
side of Tar River then by said line north 16 east (20 poles) to a pine 
then by another of said Braswell's line north 75 west to the Long 
Branch then down the said Long Branch to the river then down the river 
to the beginning, signed Arthur Taylor, wit Edwd Moore, John Taylor, 
Abstracted 30 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC.
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 447, deed date 22 Aug 1766, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
Jacob Whitehead and (Latty Whitehead), his wife to William Bellamy for 
187 pds, 10 shillings a tract of land on the south side of Swift Creek 
beginning at the mouth of a little branch at a white oak on Swift Creek 
then south 268 poles to the center of 2 pines & a black oak then west 
268 poles to a pine then north 200 poles to the center of 2 mulberrys & 
a gum on the creek then the meanders of the creek to the first station, 
also one other tract adjoining the aforesaid tract containing 350 acres 
beginning at a white oak Col Wm Whitehead's corner then along his line 
south (338) poles to a pine then (west) 160 poles to the center black 
oak and a pine then north 330 poles along Jeremiah Hiliard's line to a 
maple in the swamp then west along the creek to the first station, 
signed Jacob Whitehead, (Latty Whitehead), wit Etheldred Ruffin, 
William Blackburn, Edward Clinch. Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 447, deed date 12 Jan 1767, recorded Apr Ct 1767, 
Jno Faulk, Johnston Co to Wm. Cohoon, Edge. Co for 50 pds proc money, a 
tract on Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a gum in said swamp then north 
24 poles to a red oak said ( ) then along said line (148) poles to his 
other corner then ( ) a pine then to the first station, NOTE: COULD NOT 
READ IN RD OFFICE. Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 452, deed date 14 May 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
Jas Dunlop to Henry Irwin for 111 pds, 18 shillings proc money, two 
tracts fully described in a deed to James Dunlop dated 15 Jan 
1761,signed Jas. Dunlop, wit ( ), ( ). Abstracted 10-10-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 452, deed date 4 Apr 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
Henry Tanton, Edge. Co to Aquilla Sugg, county aforesaid for 42 pds, 
one shilling proc money, a plantation and tract of land beginning at 
the mouth of the Beaver Dam Branch ( ) Branch between ( ) Nettle & 
Henry Tantons land then up the branch to (Sol Nettle's back line to a 
corner white oak then down his back line to (Clayes Branch) to a corner 
maple & live oak of John Harrod's head line then down the said branch & 
Harrod's line to a corner hickory on Town Creek then up the creek to 
the first station, being 150 acres, signed Henry Tanton, wit Wm Griffin 
(X), Wm Bloodworth, (Eaton Howell). Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 455, deed date (? May 1767), recorded Jul Ct 
1767, Aquilla Sugg, Edge. Co to (Lemuel Sugg), county aforesaid for 100 
pds proc money, a tract of land on the west side of Tar River beginning 
at a white oak in a branch of Hendricks Creek late Joseph Howells 
corner & now Jas Dunlop's of the piece of land called the Mill land 
then along his line south 33 east 260 poles to a white oak sapling & 
hickory in (Wm Sugg's) line then by his line south 78 west (278) poles 
to a large pine then north (40) poles to a branch of Hendricks Creek 
then along said branch north 40 (east) 300 poles to the first station, 
containing 247 acres, granted to (Aql Sugg) by deed from Earl Granville 
(?) Mar 1752, signed Aq Sugg, wit Noah Sugg, Miles Hodge (X), John 
Hodge. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 455, deed date 8 May 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
John Rodgers, Edge. Co to my daughter, Elizabeth Rodgers and after her 
death to her lawful heirs, for love and affection, 140 acres beginning 
(Shoe Mack) then north 100 poles to a red oak then west 220 poles to a 
pine then along the back line 100 poles to a pine then east 220 poles 
to the first station and after devise to my wife, Rachel Rodgers, 
signed John Rodgers (mark), wit (Wm ? Mizel). Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA 
film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 456, deed date 25 Apr 1767, recorded July Ct 
1767, Elias Hilliard, Edge. Co to Samuel Williams, county aforesaid for 
50 pds Va, a tract on the south side of Tar River beginning at a 
hickory on the (south) side of Tar River below Middletons Branch then 
runs south 10 east 220 poles to a Spanish oak Saplin then south 80 west 
220 poles to a pine then north 10 west 240 poles to a red oak on the 
river then along the river to the first station, containing 300 acres, 
signed Elias Hilliard, wit Sherd Haywood, Jno Murphee, (Wm Haywood. 
Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 460, deed date 8 Jun 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
Simon Braswell, Edge. Co to Aquilla Sugg, county aforesaid for 100 pds 
proc money, a tract whereon said Braswell now lives containing 400 
acres with a water grist mill thereon, beginning on the Beaver Dam 
Branch then south 47 east to a lightwood stump then south 43 east 200 
poles to the center of three pines then north 47 east 320 poles to a 
white oak on the Beaver Dam Branch then up the branch north 43 west 200 
poles to the first station, signed Simn Braswell, wit Noah Sugg Wm Hill 
TO BE BRASWELL, HILL & QUINN. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 460, deed date 12 Apr 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
William Hill Andrews to Benjamin Cotton for 120 pds Va, a tract 
containing 200 acres beginning at a post oak near Coneto Pocoson on the 
back line of said land then down a line of marked trees to a cipress in 
Deep Creek in the wash hole then along the patent line north 60 east to 
a gum on the creek then south 20 east 280 poles to supposed corner then 
south 70 west to the first station, signed Wm. Hill Andrews, wit Elias 
Fort, Samuel Greenberry. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 461, deed date 7 Oct 1766, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
Anthony Holland, Edge. Co to William Boddie, county aforesaid for 30 
pds proc money, a tract beginning at a red oak in Arthur Braswell's 
line then west 160 poles to a pine then south 320 poles to Bennit's 
line then by his line east 152 poles to his corner then by his other 
line south to Adam Collins' corner in the Long Branch then down the 
various courses of the said branch 160 poles to Adam Colley's other 
corner in Woodward's line then by (his) line north to his corner in 
Arthur Braswell's line then by his line west 154 poles to his other 
line to the first station, containing 500 acres, signed Anthony 
Holland, wit Nathan Boddie, (David Wathre), (Hey Thomas). Abstracted 
10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 461, deed date 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, Joseph 
Moore, Sheriff, Edge. Co to Stephen Wills (or Wells) Jr, Edge. Co, by 
writ of our Lord the King issued by the Court of Equity 20 Apr 1765, 
directing sheriff to take from the property of Daniel Wills the sum of 
12 pds, 10 shillings to pay ( ) Samuel Delk which he recovered, sale 
was held 3 Aug 1765 at which (Stephen Delk) was high bidder for 20 pds 
( ) Shillings, 145 acres. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 466, deed date 10 Jul 1767, recorded Jul Ct 1767, 
Robert Bignall & Margaret, his wife, Town of Tarboro to Susanna 
(Meade), Richard Randolph, George Walker & John Driver, executor of the 
last will and testament of David Meade, dec'd, of VA, for 20 pds proc 
money, a lot in Tarboro containing ½ acre and being #90, in trust for 
the use and purpose of keeping a store and carrying on a trade pursuant 
to the will of David Meade, dec'd, Robt. Bignall, Marget Bignall, wit 
(Jas ??), Jas Hill. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 471, deed date 13 Oct 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Gregory Stallings, Sr, St. Marys Parish, Edge. Co to John Stallngs, his 
son, county aforesaid for 5 pds Va, the tract of land and plantation 
that I now live on, on the north side of Tar River containing (81) 
acres beginning at Hard Jones line a red oak in Gregory Stallings line 
then along the said Hardy Jones, his line to the former line to a pine 
Hardy Jones his corner then along the old line as it (directs) to the 
other corner that convennaits the aforesaid 81 acres then to the first 
station, a red oak, the land ware a part of deed granted to Gregory 
Stallings Jr by Earl Granville. Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 475, deed date 2 Nov 1765, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Jonathan Coleman, guardian of Aaron Coleman, an orphan of Charles 
Coleman dec'd, Edge. Co to John Proctor, same county for rents 
hereafter expressed, 100 acres on the north side of Tar River and on 
the south side of Beach Run beginning at a live oak & gum on Beach Run 
the patent corner then by the patent line west 120 poles to a hickory 
the patent corner then by the patent line south 130 poles to a red oak 
then south 80 east by a line of marked trees to a maple in a Gum Pond 
then down the said pond & marsh to Beach Run aforesaid then up the 
various courses of the aforesaid Run to the beginning, devised by 
Charles Coleman, the Elder of Aaron Coleman, the above mentioned 
orphan, for a term of 13 years from the date hereof for a yearly rent 
of 36 shillings proc money on the first day of January yearly, and said 
Proctor to leave said land, orchards and house in good tenable repair, 
signed Jonathan Coleman, wit Wm Dancy SR, William Anderson. Abstracted 
10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 477, deed date 29 Nov 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
William Harris, Edge. Co to Micajah Thomas, county aforesaid for 60 
pds, two tracts, one being part of a tract granted by Granville to 
Nathan Boddie dated 10 Aug 1762 beginning at a black oak then west 158 
poles to a red oak on the side of the Turkey Branch then up said branch 
south 360 poles to a red oak then east 150 poles to a white oak then to 
the first station, containing 338 acres, the other tract being part of 
a patent granted to Robert Hill dated 20 Apr 1754 beginning at a white 
oak on the south side of Great Peach Tree then north 32 east 60 poles 
across the creek to white oak then north 58 west to a white oak then 
along a line of marked trees to a pine near the run of the creek then 
down the run to a white oak then across the creek along a marked line 
to patent line then along the patent line to the first station, 
containing 80 acres, a total of 418 acres, signed William Harris, wit 
William Batchelor, Nathan Boddie. Abstracted 23 Sep 07, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 479, deed date 13 Oct 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
George White and Mary his wife to Robert Savage for 130 pds, a tract of 
200 acres it being the plantation where the said George White formerly 
lived then farmed to William Hill beginning at a pine a corner tree of 
the patent line and along the patent line to a live oak on Deep Creek 
then along Deep Creek to a cypress then along a line of marked trees to 
a branch dividing line between John Yelverton and John Riall then along 
a line of marked trees to the patent line then up the patent line to 
the first station, signed George White (X), Mary White (X), wit John 
Skinner, Jas. Dehorty, Mary was examined privately and gave up her 
right to dower. Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 480, deed date 28 Oct 1765, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Edward Tucker & Mary, his wife to Duncan Lamon, Edge. Co for 25 pds 
proc money, a tract on the south side of Tar River on a branch of 
Tyancoca beginning at a pine in a Bottom Renison Tisdale's corner then 
north 120 poles to a pine in the principle line then along the said 
line east 290 poles to a pine a corner then south 120 poles to a red 
oak then west 290 poles to the beginning, containing 217 acres being 
part of a tract granted to Renison Tisdale from Earl Granville dated 15 
Oct 1761 and by him conveyed to said Duncan Lamon, signed Edward Tucker 
(X), Mary Tucker (X), wit Thos Hardie, William Bland, Jacob Flowers 
(X). Abstracted 10-11-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 481, deed date 12 Jan 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Samuel Sizemore, county aforesaid to Francis Hobson, Pitt Co, NC for 60 
pds proc money, a tract containing 140 acres on the east side of Coneto 
Swamp beginning at a gum along a pine of marked trees west 120 poles to 
a gum on the swamp then up patten line to a maple then east 120 poles 
to a red oak then the patten line to the first station, being a part of 
the land granted to Nicholas Sessums and from Sessums to Samuel 
Sizemore and from Sizemore to Francis Hobson, signed Samuel Sizemore, 
wit Nathan Mayo, James Mayo, (++), Nathan Mayo (W). Abstracted 11-13-
05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 481, deed date 26 Aug 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Robert Young, Edge. Co to Thomas Hart, county aforesaid for 60 pds VA, 
a tract granted to the said Robert Young by Earl Granville 11 Nov 1756 
beginning at a white oak in Philip Lakes line then north 240 poles to a 
pine then east 240 poles to a pine then south 240 poles to a pine then 
west 240 poles to the first station containing 367 acres, signed Robert 
Young (unique mark) wit Jes Henry Beckwith, Ebn Tolson, Dun Lamon. 
Abstracted 11-13-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 482, deed date 8 Oct 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Joseph Daniel, Edge. Co to my well beloved friend and nephew, Lamuel 
Daniel, son of Hardy Daniel and Juland, his wife, same county for love 
good will and affection, a tract on the south side of the Little Swamp 
containing 100 acres beginning at a maple standing in a marsh on a line 
of the original deed granted to Joseph Daniel in 1761, then along the 
said line south to a pine then east 126 poles to a red oak in Simons 
Daniel line then along said line to the run of the Little Swamp then up 
the water course to the mouth of the branch so up the water to the 
first station with the dwellings thereunto belonging, signed Joseph 
Daniel, wit (J?? Thomas), Nathan Barnes, William Daniel. Lamuel is 
referred to as Sam Daniel also. Abstracted 11-13-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 483, deed date 31 Aug 1767, recorded Oct 1767, 
Stephen Wells, Jr, Jointer & Mary, his wife, Edge. Co to Joseph 
Harwood, Sr, county aforesaid for 40 pds proc money, a tract on Sappony 
Swamp where Joseph Harwood Jr now lives containing 140 acres as by the 
original deed from Earl Granville and which land was conveyed by Joseph 
Stone, Esq, Sheriff of said county unto Stephen Wills, signed Stephen 
Wills (unique mark), Mary Wells (unique mark), wit Dun Lamon, Margaret 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 483, deed date 31 Aug 1767, recorded Oct 1767, 
Stephen Wills, Jr, Jointer & Mary, his wife, Edge. Co to Joseph 
Harwood, Sr, county aforesaid for 40 pds proc money, a tract on Sappony 
Swamp where Joseph Harwood Jr now lives containing 140 acres as by the 
original deed from Earl Granville and which land was conveyed by Joseph 
Stone, Esq, Sheriff of said county unto Stephen Wills, signed Stephen 
Wills (unique mark), Mary Wells (unique mark), wit Dun Lamon, Margaret 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 487, deed date 28 Aug 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Jesse Gilbert, Edge. Co to William Gay, county aforesaid for 35 pds VA, 
a tract on both sides a swamp of Town Creek beginning at a pine on the 
south side the swamp then east 144 poles to a post oak then north 280 
poles to a red oak then west 144 poles to a red oak then across the 
swamp to the first station, containing 300 acres signed Jesse Gilbert, 
Sary Gilbert, wit Thomas Barron, Thomas White, Jas Horn. NOTE: DEED 
11-14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 488, deed date 18 May, 1767, recorded Oct Ct 
1767, James Dunlop, Nansemond Co, VA to Aquilla Sugg, Edge. Co for 50 
pds proc money, a lot in Tarboro, number 113, with all the houses 
appurtenances thereon, containing ½ acre, being the lot sold by 
commissioners to Joseph Howell 22 Jun 1761, signed James Dunlap, wit 
Jos Moore, Benjamin Bunn. Abstracted 11-14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 489, deed date 30 Oct 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Duncan Lamon, Edge. Co to Benjamin Taylor, county aforesaid for 30 pds 
proc money, a tract of 200 acres beginning at three white oaks then 
south 170 poles then east 250 poles to the beginning, it being part of 
a larger tract granted to the said Duncan Lamon by Earl Granville dated 
23 Jul 1761, signed Duncan Lamon, wit Edwd Moore, Thos Hardee, (Chresm 
Hrawther). NOTE: DEED APPEARS TO BE INCOMPLETE. Abstracted 11-14-05, 
NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 493, deed date 27 Feb 1767, Richard Sessums, 
Dublin Co, NC to William Sessums, Edge. Co for 20 pds proc money, a 
tract containing 200 acres on the north side of Town Creek beginning at 
a red oak on Faircloth line running south 220 poles to a red oak on 
John Hall's line then west 140 poles to a pine then a straight course 
north some degrees east (240) poles to a marked corner red oak and pine 
on Faircloth Branch then the nearest course of said branch eastward to 
Faircloth line then along the said line to the first station, it being 
part of a deed granted to (Solomon Nettles) dated 1 Jan 1762, signed 
Richard Sessums, Nicholas Bynum, Benjamin Faircloth (X). Abstracted 11-
14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 494, deed date 3 May 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
James Braswell, Planter, Edge. Co to Benjamin Braswell, Planter for 15 
pds proc money, part of a tract containing (blank) beginning at the 
road in the back line and running along said back line west to the 
corner hickory then south 36 poles to a gum standing in the Mill Swamp 
then running down the said swamp south 55 east to the road then the 
said road to the said back line containing five acres for complement, 
signed James Braswell, wit Benjamin Brand, Simon Braswell, (John Hinson 
OR John Stinson). Abstracted 11-14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 495, deed date 3 Nov 1766, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Robert Killebrew and his wife, Edge. Co to Thomas Harmanson Hall for 87 
pds 10 shillings proc money, a tract on the north side of Tar River 
beginning at the mouth of the Great Branch then running up the said 
branch to a marked pine then along a line of marked trees to a (blank) 
Then by a line of marked trees to a maple on Belcher's line then along 
Belcher's line to the river then down the river to the first station, 
containing 50 acres, being part of a tract purchased from John Skinner 
by said Robert Killebrew in Oct 1762, signed Robert Killebrew, wit John 
11-14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 496, deed date 13 Jan 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Jesse Boykin, Edge. Co to West Pope, for 80 pds VA, one Negro wench 
named Beck, also one Negro named Joe and another named (Jim), signed 
Jesse Boykin, wit Solomon Pope, Jacob Pope. Abstracted 11-14-05, NCA 
film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 498, deed date 28 Mar 1767, recorded Oct Ct 1767, 
Mathew Rushing and Frances Rushing his wife, Edge. Co to Micajah 
Thomas, county aforesaid for 50 pds, a tract on the south side of Tar 
River beginning at a hickory on the river then running west 60 poles to 
the sencer of three pines then 15 west 60 poles to a hickory then north 
45 west 88 poles to a hickory on a gut near the river then along the 
river north 25 east 204 poles to a hickory in the bent then the courses 
of the river to the first station, containing 100 acres, it being a 
patent by Gabriel Johnson, Esq to John Lott, dated Nov 1744 and 
conveyed from him to Mitcal Dorman and form the said Dorman to John 
Brown and from him to the above said Mathew Rushin, signed Mathew 
Rushing (M), Frances Rushin (X), wit Etheldred Ruffin (proved), Edward 
Clinch, William Ross. Abstracted 23 Sep 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 509, deed date 4 Aug 1766, recorded Jan Ct 1767, 
Thomas Sessums, Planter, Edge. Co to Thomas Bryant for 1 pd, 10 
shillings, NC, a tract on the west side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning 
Henry Clark's corner a Spanish Oak so along said line to a corner so 
along the back line to a (brush or beech) to a corner maple so down the 
said branch to a swamp so down the said swomp called Tyancokey to the 
first station, containing 100 acres, signed Thomas Sessums (mark), wit 
Henry Clark (mark), Benjamin Edward. Abstracted 11-14-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 510, deed date 22 Dec 1766, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
Joseph Moore, Sheriff of Edge. Co to Robt Killebrew, Taylor, both of 
NC; by writ of Firefacas from Superior Ct for the District of Edenton 
dated 26 May 1766 at the suit of Jas Dunlop ( ) (agst) Joseph Howell, 
Esq in Edge. Co and by writ Joseph Moore, Sheriff is ordered to take 
from the property of Joseph Howell in his bailiwick the sum of 2817 
pds, 10 shillings, sheriff sold at public auction to said Robert 
Killebrew, Taylor for 150 pds proc money a tract on Tyancoque being 300 
acres joining (Wm Curtis) land beginning in center line and running 
south 20 east 240 poles to a white oak then south 70 west 200 poles to 
a white oak then north 20 west 240 poles to an oak in Curtis line then 
to the beginning, as the patent grant to John Davis the 21 Mar 1742, 
signed Jos Moore, wit Samuel Ruffin, Jas Dunlop. NOTE: VERY HARD TO 
READ. Abstracted 11-14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 512, deed date 10 Nov 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
William Gay, Edge. Co to Thomas White, county aforesaid for 37 pds 10 
shillings proc money a tract on Town Creek containing 144 acres 
beginning on the south side of Town Creek beginning at a red oak then 
along said line to a hickory on the side of a branch then down the said 
branch 240 poles to a white oak in the mouth of said branch then north 
60 poles to a white oak in Town Creek then up the creek to the first 
station, signed William Gay (X), wit William Scarborough, Ann Gay (X), 
(Thos Dunn). Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 512, deed date 13 Jul 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
Robert Lancaster, Edge. Co, planter to Richard Swanson, county 
aforesaid for (smeared) pds, a tract of 100 acres beginning at the 
mouth of the Spring Branch at a willow oak then up said branch to a 
willow oak then in the principle line then east to a pine said 
Swanson's corner then north to a white oak in the swamp then up the 
swamp to the first station, being part of a larger tract granted by 
Earl Granville dated 26 Oct 1754, signed Robert Lancaster, wit John 
Cohoon, John Lancaster, John Cohoon (proved). Abstracted Feb 07, NCA 
film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 516, deed date 20 Oct 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
Samuel Ruffin, Edge. Co to George White, same county for 50 pds proc 
money, a tract containing 400 acres beginning at a ( ) oak at one of 
the prongs of Town Creek then north 20 east 100 poles to a pine then 
south 80 east 60 poles to a hickory then in George Gardner's line then 
south 20 east 20 poles to his corner pine then south 60 east 320 poles 
to the center of three oaks then south 20 west 140 poles to a white oak 
on the creek so down the creek to the first station, and is the same I 
purchased from Robert Chamlee by deed date 19 Oct 1767, signed Saml 
Ruffin, wit James Gray, John Proctor, Thomas Barron. Abstracted Feb 07, 
NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 516, deed date (13 Feb 1768, recorded Feb Ct 
1768) (sic), William George, Edge. Co to William Pettaway, Edge. Co, 
for 39 pds VA, a tract on the north side of Fishing Creek containing 
100 acres beginning on Fishing Creek at a Spanish Oak a corner tree 
between the said George & Mitchell Dormoon then along a line of marked 
trees the dividing line between the said William George & Mitchell 
Darmoon to a red oak on David Turner's line then along his line to his 
corner red oak on the creek then up the creek to the first station, 
signed William George, wit Isaac Sessums, Mitchell Darmoon (X)(proved), 
Micajah Pettaway. Abstracted 11-14-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 516, deed date 20 Oct 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
Samuel Ruffin, Edge. Co to George White, same county for 50 pds proc 
money, a tract containing 400 acres beginning at a red oak at one of 
the prongs of Town Creek then north (2?) East 100 poles to a pine then 
south 80 east 60 poles to a hickory then in George Gardner's line then 
south 20 east (20) poles to his corner pine then south 60 east 320 
poles to the center of (2 ? oaks) then south 20 west 140 poles to a 
white oak on the creek so down the creek to the first station, being 
the land I purchased of (Robert Chamler) 19 Oct 1767, signed Saml 
Ruffin, wit James Gray, John Proctor, (Thomas Barron). Abstracted 8-10-
05, RD, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 518, deed date 27 Oct 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
Jesse Mann, Edge. Co to Solomon Pope, county aforesaid for 30 pds VA, a 
tract containing 333 acres beginning at a red oak then south 260 poles 
to a pine in William Horne's line then by said line east 20 poles to 
his corner then by another of his lines south 40 poles to a pine then 
east 130 poles to a pine then north 130 poles to a pine then (east 130 
poles to a pine in the principle line then north 70 poles to a pine in 
the Little Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the first 
station, it being part of a tract granted to said Jesse Mann by Earl 
Granville for 432 acres dated (3 Nov 1761), signed Jesse Mann, wit Edwr 
Horn, David Mann, James Lee. Abstracted 11-15-055, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 519, deed date 19 Oct 1767, recorded Jan Ct 1768, 
(Robert Chambers or Robert Chamlee), Edge. Co to Samuel Ruffin, same 
county for 50 pds proc money, a tract containing 400 acres beginning at 
a white oak at one of the prongs of Town Creek then north 20 east 100 
poles to a pine then south 80 east 60 poles to a hickory in George 
Gardners line then south 20 east 20 poles to his corner pine then south 
65 east 320 poles to the center of three oaks then south 25 west 140 
poles to white oak on the creek so down the creek to the first station, 
being the same tract granted to Peleg Rodgers by patent dated 26 Apr 
1745, signed (Robt Chamlea), wit James Gray, John Ward, John Proctor.  
Abstracted 11-15-055, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 522, deed date 24 Feb 1768, recorded May Ct 1768; 
This Indenture made the twenty fourth day of February in year of our 
Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight between Joseph Moore, 
sheriff of the County of Edgecombe in the province of North Carolina of 
one part and the Reverend Wm Henry (Moir) Auchtertool in North Britain 
and heirs of the Reverend (Wm James Moir), late of Edgecombe County in 
the Provence of North Carolina deceased Witnesseth that whereas by 
virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to him the said Joseph Moore sheriff 
directed from the Superior Court held for the District of Edenton and 
dated (May ) sixth day one thousand and seven hundred and sixty six at 
(the suit) of James Dunlop (Mercht) in Virginia (against) Joseph Howell 
in the County of Edgecombe by which writ the said Joseph Moore sheriff 
was commanded to cause to be made of the goods & chattels lands and 
Tenements of the said Joseph Howell Esq in his bailiwick the sum of two 
thousand eight hundred and seventeen pounds ten shillings ( well) for 
damages the said James Dunlop Mercht recovered against him ( ) in the 
said Supreme Court of Edenton as for his costs & charges by him in his 
( ) in that behalf expended and the said Joseph Moore sheriff having by 
virtue of the said writ levied on sundries of the goods chattels lands 
& tenements of the said Joseph Howell Esq and afterwards having been 
directed by a (writ) of (vandiaonis Expenses) to sell the goods 
chattels lands & tenements of aforesaid and having duly advertised for 
the sale of the goods chattels lands and tenements according to the 
provisions of the act of assembly in that ( ) made and provided on the 
twenty second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand 
seven hundred and sixty six being the ( ) for the sale of aforesaid 
lands and tenements sold at public sale to the (Reverend) James Moir 
now deceased, highest bidder for one plantation containing two hundred 
and seventy eight acres & one half acre; This indenture that the said 
Joseph Moore sheriff in the consideration of the sum of one hundred and 
forty two pounds & nine pence to him paid by James Gibson and Green 
Hill execrs to the said James Moir deceased and by direction of the 
said execrs I as sheriff hath granted bargained sold conveyed and 
confirmed unto the aforesaid The Revd W Henry Moir minister of the 
Gospel at Auchtertool in North Britain all the above mentioned tract of 
land & Premises containing two hundred and seventy eight acres & a half 
acres butted and bounded as followeth, beginning at a red oak on John 
Cruls line then S 200 poles to a Spanish oak then Ea forty poles to 
center of a red oak and pine on Howells line then by said line No forty 
degrees west sixty six poles to Howells corner No eight degrees Et two 
hundred and eighty poles along (Howells) line to a sweet gum his corner 
then No forty degrees (west) two hundred & forty poles to a pine then 
No 83 west to a red oak Cruls corner then So along Cruls line 120 poles 
to a red oak then W 24 poles to the first station, with the ( ) 
Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rents (FROM THIS POINT MOST OF DEED 
Abstracted 10-20-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 528, deed date 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
William Hill, Edge. Co to Harry Taylor, county aforesaid for 20 pds VA, 
a tract on both sides of Peachtree Creek, it being part of a patent to 
Robert Hill dated 20 Apr 1745 and conveyed from the said Robert Hill to 
the said William Hill date 18 Nov 1752, beginning at a white oak on the 
north side of the creek Thomas' corner then north 58 west to a hickory 
the corner tree then south 22 west 160 poles across the creek then 
south 58 east to Thomas' corner then by Thomas' line to a white oak 
near the run of the creek then up the run of the creek to a pine 
Thomas' corner then to the first station, containing 120 acres, signed 
William Hill (H), wit Micajah Thomas, John Cotton. Abstracted 11-15-
055, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 530, deed date 4 Jan 1768, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Samuel Williams, (Anson Co, NC), planter to Solomon Neville, Edge. Co, 
planter for 30 pds proc money, a tract 100 acres on the north side of 
Autrys Creek beginning at Thomas Wallases upper corner formerly called 
Samuel Swearingens, it being a white oak then south to the said creek 
and down the said creek to the third slash below Horse Fords to a 
poplar then north to a pine in the said Wallases line then west to the 
said first station, it being a piece of land that was given by his 
father in law Samuel Swearingen, signed Samuel Williams (S), wit Richd 
Bolton, Jr (X), Josiah Swearingen. Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 531, deed date 24 Oct 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Van Swearingen, Anson Co, NC, planter to his father Samuel Swearingen, 
the elder, same county for 30 pds proc money, a tract on the south side 
of Tar River and on the south side of a creek called Autries Creek 
beginning at a white oak at or near Josiah Swearingens (land or line) 
and running west according to the number of poles mentioned in (a??? 
being) in the land ( ) for 500 acres of land to a oak then (several 
words missing) to the main run of said creek (abounded) gum then with 
the said main run and down the said creek the same number of poles as 
aforesaid to another gum then south to the first station, containing 
250 acres, to hold the said 225 acres, signed Van Swearingen, wit John 
Womble (X), Beth Taylor. Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 532, deed date 25 Oct 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Van Swearingen, Anson Co, NC, planter to James Taylor, Edge. Co, 
planter for 30 pds proc money, a tract on the south side of Tar River 
and north side of Autrys Creek beginning at a small pine and running 
east according to the number of poles mentioned in ( ) patent or deed 
now (leasing) in the land office for 500 acres of land the south to the 
mane run of the said creek to a bounded gum corner tree in Samuel 
Swearingen corner then with the said main run of creek the same number 
of poles ( Half line missing) Swearingens corner trees then north to 
(half line missing) ( ndred and fifty acres), signed Van Swearingen, 
wit John Womble (X), Beth Taylor. Abstracted Feb 07, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 534, deed date 5 Apr 1768, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Joshua Elkins, Edge. Co to David Bullock, county aforesaid for 65 pds 
proc money, a tract beginning on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp at 
the run then west 20 poles to William Hatchers' corner hickory then 
along Hatchers' line north 65 west 160 poles to a pine a corner ( ) 
then west 74 poles to a pine then south 214 poles to a maple Tyancoca 
then up the swamp to the first station, containing 356 acres, being 
part of a conveyed to said Elkins by deed date 10 May 1752, signed 
Joshua Elkins Unique mark), wit (Tech) Lewis Lodge (mark), ( Jones). 
Abstracted 11-15-055, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 535, deed date Sep 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
James Forehand, Planter, Edge. Co to Richard Sarsnett, county 
aforesaid, for 10 pds, 10 shillings, a tract on a swamp known as Mill 
Swamp beginning at John Gosney's corner a red oak in the Mill Swamp 
then north 410 poles to a corner William Sherrod's line then by said 
line west (28) poles to Hardy Williamson's line then by said Williamson 
line south (250) poles to the corner then by the other line west 122 
poles to a pine in the said line then south 60 poles to John Gosney's 
corner a pine then by the said Gosney's line south 57 east 180 poles to 
the beginning, containing 152 acres, signed James Forehand (mark), wit 
John Gosney, William Griffin. Abstracted 10-16-05, NCA film 
C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 541, deed date 20 Jan 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
William Fort, Dobbs Co, NC to John Gosney, Edge. Co for 50 pds proc 
money, a tract on the north side of Tar River beginning at the mouth of 
Harrell Branch on the river then up the windings of the branch nigh a 
pine standing by the side of the branch then north 63 west 30 poles to 
a gum in a pocoson then north 30 west 40 poles to a pine then north 65 
west 70 poles to a stake then south 65 west 120 poles to a red oak on 
the river side then down the river to the mouth of the branch the 
beginning, part of a tract granted to Elias Fort by patent dated 1742 
and given to said Fort by the will of Elias Fort, containing 85 acres, 
signed William (blurred), wit Elias Fort, Jacob (blurred). Abstracted 
12-20-06, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 543, deed date 19 Sep 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Jesse Gilbord, Johnston Co, NC to John Grean, Edge. Co for 20 pds proc 
money, a tract on both sides of Town Creek containing 400 acres being a 
tract granted to the said Jesse Gilbord by Thomas Child (Granville 
agent) dated 63, beginning at a white oak the dividing line between the 
said Jesse Gilbord and Wm Gay running east to a pine then north to a 
pine Barron's corner tree then west to red oak to the dividing line 
then along the dividing line to the beginning, signed (Jesse Gilbord), 
wit David Holloman, John Price (X). (JOHN GREEN?) Abstracted 10-16-05, 
NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 546, deed date (9 Mar 1768), recorded May Ct 
1768, Thomas Watkins, Edge. Co to Caleb Coker, county aforesaid for 20 
pds, a tract on the north side of the Indian Cabbin Branch beginning at 
a white oak in the said branch the agreed corner between William Morgan 
and Thomas Watkins then by the agreed line to a hickory the other 
agreed corner then (west) to a corner pine then south by (James 
Speir's) line to a corner persimmon tree standing in the said Cabbin 
Branch then down the several courses of the said branch to the 
beginning, which land is part of a deed granted to James Speir by Earl 
Granville dated 8 Dec 1760 containing 115 acres, signed Thomas Watkins 
(X), no wit. Abstracted 10-16-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 547, deed date 23 Jan 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Solomon Nettle, Edge. Co to Daniel Ross, same county for 11 pds, a 
plantation and tract of land whereon said Solomon Nettle now lives on 
the north side of Town Creek being part of a grant of (500 acres) to 
the said Solomon Nettle dated 1754, beginning on the north side of Town 
Creek at a live oak ( Howell's) corner at the mouth of Clarks Branch 
running along said branch and Howell's line north (140) poles to a bent 
of the branch to white oak corner tree then along the principle line to 
(Tantons Branch) then down the said branch to the creek, containing 200 
acres, signed Solomon Nettle, wit Benjn Bunn, William Hooks, James 
Hooks (X). Abstracted 10-16-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 548, deed date 24 Mar 1768, recorded May Ct 1768, 
John Forehand, Edge. Co to Solomon Forehand, county aforesaid for love 
and affection for my loving son, a tract on the south side of Town 
Creek beginning at a branch on the said creek David Scarborough's 
corner then along the said line to a hickory then wet to a red oak then 
north to a maple on a branch then down the said branch to the first 
station, containing 100 acres, signed John Forehand (mark), wit George 
Spell, John Harrod (mark). Abstracted 10-16-05, NCA film C.037.40002, 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 548, deed date 26 May 1768, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Samuel Carter and Catherine Carter, his wife, Edge. Co to William 
Ruffin, Northampton Co, NC, for 15 pds proc money a tract whereon James 
Ruffin, dec'd lately lived which he, the said James Ruffin purchased of 
Moses Baker, Jr, on the north side of Town Creek, which said one third 
part the said Catherine's right of dower in said plantation and tract 
which she is entitled to by being the widow or relict of the said James 
Ruffin, signed Samuel Carter, Catherine Carter (X), wit Etheldred 
Ruffin, (John Hanson). Abstracted 10-16-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 549, deed date 11 Jan 1768, recorded May Ct 1768, 
John Ward, Edge. Co, planter to (John Williams), county aforesaid for 
40 pds, a tract containing 330 acres on the south side of Town Creek 
beginning at a gum on the creek then south a red oak a corner in the 
principle line then west 320 poles to a white oak then north to a ( ) 
in the creek then down the various courses of the creek to the first 
station, being part of a larger tract granted to John Ward by Earl 
Granville dated 3 Jul 1761, signed John Ward, wit Dun Lamon, (Thos 
Dixon), Solomon Carter. Abstracted 10-16-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC. 
 Edge. Co. Db C, page 552, deed date 15 Jul 1767, recorded May Ct 1768, 
Solomon Braswell, Edge. Co to my son, William Braswell and my daughter, 
Elizabeth Braswell, for love good will & Affection, legacies given and 
devised unto my former wife, (Harry) by the last will and testament of 
her father, Samuel Deloach, dec'd, to be equally divided between my son 
and daughter, William and Elizabeth, consisting of one fourth part of 
two negro women, namely (Bett) and (Frann), and one fourth part of all 
their increase from the death of the testator until the death of his 
widow, Mary Deloach, signed Solomon Braswell, wit Etheld Ruffin, 
(William Deloach). Abstracted 10-17-05, NCA film C.037.40002, CTC.