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         Bryan Family - Craven County Deed Abstracts up to ca. 1800

BRYAN FAMILY CRAVEN DEEDS - abstracted from microfilm or the originals by 
Martha Mewborn Marble. CR 028.401.6 at the NC ARCHIVES - These appear to be 
original deeds and not indexed.

1.  p 2 - Commissioners to JOHN WILLIAM BRYAN - 2 NOV 1754 - lot #271 ? - 
can't read last number

2.  p 78 - LEWIS BRYAN (or) JOSEPH BRYAN (ee) - 19 Dec 1769 - 15 lbs - 90 
acs SS Nuce called the Indian Lands and Long Ridge adj CHARLTON's land, 
river  - by patent April 18 1745  WIT  WILLIAM BRYAN (jur)  SIMON BRYAN

3.  p 85 - 10 Sept 1770 - WILLIAM BRYAN (or) WILLIAM CLARK - 10 lbs - NS 
Trent NS Bever Creek on both sides of Swilley's Branch - 316 acs - by 
patent 28 April 1768 - WIT  JACOB SHEPARD, FRED BECTON - deed is torn

CR 028.401.6

1.  p 60 - 30 Oct 1781 - MOSES GRIFFIN (or)  WILLIAM CARRAWAY - 50 lbs - NS 
Nuse WS Beaver Creek a little above plantation where my brother SOLOMON 
lived to the back line of the patent agreeable to my father's (there is a 
word before father that is crossed out and unreadable) - 260 acs part of a 
patent to MARTIN FRANK on 16 Jan 1718 for 390 as after several isaforances  
?? to my (word crossed out)  SOLOMON GRIFFIN and willed by him to his sons 
SOLOMON, JESSE, and MOSES  WIT  can't read - document faded

P 5 - 18 May 1739 - John Bryan of Craven (or)  Thomas Speight of Chowan Co 
(ee)  - 400 lbs, 320 acs - NS Neuse, beginning at a pine at mouth of NW 
Creek runs No 10 degrees Wt 320 poles to a gum: Et 10 deg So 330 poles to a 
pine on Broad Creek down said Creek it several courses to 1st station...  
fee rent of 1 shilling per 100acs   WIT Walter Lane, John Powell, ffr 

NOTE:  I have yet to run across any Bryans that did not sign their name, 
but if there is one will so state

p 23 - not a Bryan deed

p 28 - 19  Sept 1739 - Commissioners to James Mackelwain - lot in New - WIT  
John Bryan

p 36 -  5 Feb 1736 - Cullen Pollock, Richard Graves, William Hancock, 
Commisioners (or) Walter Lane  was chosen to replace Richard Graves dec. -   
Commissioners also sold lots in New Bern to Mary Killingsworth - WIT  
Samuel Coor, John Bryan

p 39 - 17 March 1736 - Cullin Pollock, Richard Graves, William Hancock appt 
Commissioners to sell lots in New Bern - they sold to Edward Bryan for 20 
shillings - 1 lot beginning at courthouse lot to Middle Street, to 
Macklewains line -1/2 acs by platt #68 - Edward had to build a house of 20 
feet long, 15 feet wide without shed within 18 months, otherwise reverts 
back to Commissioners  WIT  William Wilson, George Lenington

NOTE:  Unless there is a change in Commissioners I will just refer to them 
as Commissioners.  The best I can tell, all the lots had the building 
requirement and will not repeat this information.

P 41 - 16 March 1736 - Christian Isler to John Martin Frank - Trent River - 
WIT John BRYAN, Wm Heritage, John Rogers

P 64 - 20 Sept 1737 - Commissioners (or)  John Bryan (ee) - 20 shillings - 
front lot from Kings Street to river - 1/2 acs - lot #115  WIT Jacob 
Sheets, Fred Jones, John Rogers, Nick Roulledge

p 66 - 20 September 1737 - Commissioners (or) - Henry Bryan - 20 Shillings 
- front lot, King Street to river - 1/2 ac - lot #116 -  WIT Nick. 
Routledge, Rich. Lovett

p 67 - Commissioners to Benjamin Williams lot # 117 -  adj Henry BRYAN

p 69 - 20 Sept 1737 - (THIS ONE NOT INDEXED) - Commissioners to John Bryan 
20 S, front lot No 119, 1/2 ac adj Hardy BRYAN to river and his own line.

p 68 - 20 September 1737 - Commissioners (or)  Hardy Bryan (ee) - 20 
shillings -  front lot - adj Benjamin Williams, to river, John Bryan - 1/2 
ac lot 118 -

p.  93 - WPH - 19 October 1737 - Robert Bond to John Sasser - Broad Creek 
where Oxford Beasely formerly lived -  WIT John Good, HARDY BRYAN

p 109 - WPH - 20 January 1737 - George Harkill to Jacob Hover - NS Neuse ES 
Beard's Creek part of tract surveyed for Martin Franck but now owned by 
Harkill, head of Broad Creek -  WIT  Jo BRYAN, VALENTINE HUKILL

p 117 - does not give date - Commissioners (or) Edward Bryan (ee) - 20 
shillings - adj courthouse, Middle street - 1/2 ac lot 69 - WIT John Bryan, 
J (?) Batch (?)

p 125 - not a Bryan deed
p 126 - not a Bryan Deed

p 142 - 20 Sept 1742 - Commissioners (or) Edward Bryan (ee) - 40 shillings 
for 1 ac - adj John Bryan, Middle Street - not sure of lot number think it 
is either 73 or 173  (WPH Gives them as lots 71 and 73)   WIT  John Bryan, 
James Durham, Jos Balch (?)

p 146 -17 Dec 1742 - recorded  31 Jan 1742 sic -  John Martin Frank and his 
son Edward (or)  Edward Bryan, planter - 1142 lbs - 571 acs - part of a 
survey granted to Frank on 14 April 1730 of 1175 acs - SS of Trent, Jacks 
Cabin Branch, ES Cypress Creek, something ? Spring Branch - Edward to pay 
yearly rent to His Majesty of 1 shilling per 100 acs  WIT  William Wilson, 
James Coor

p 153 - 21 Dec 1742 -  Lewis Bryan (or)  Benjamin Griffin (ee)  60 lbs - 
100 acs - Maul Run, Swift Creek beginning on Maul's Run at the mouth of a 
branch between the plantation where Lewis and Benjamin now live - being 
plantation that Benjamin Griffin lives on,  running up the run of the 
branch to the line then along the line to a pine then N67W40 pole to a gum 
by Maul Run as mentioned in the patent then to the mouth of the branch to 
first station...which said  Lewis Bryan holds by patent  a patent 23 Nov 
1737  -  WIT  Thom (x) Mclendon, Saml Lamford

p 159 - 21 Dec 1742 - Lewis Bryan (or) Thomas Tyre ? (ee) - 30 lbs for 75 
acs - Maul Run (WPH says Manley Run) , Swift Creek beginning at a Red Oak 
the corner tree as mentioned in the patent and runs along the line to where 
the line crosses the Cart Road to the landing then a straight line run from 
thence by ourselves to a Spanish Oak on the head of a branch where sd Tyre 
now lives, his spring branch along the SW to 1st station which land sd 
Lewis BRYAN holds by patent dated  - patent of 23 Nov 1739 - to the 
landing, adj Thomas Tyre where be now lives  WIT  Thom (x) Maclendon, Saml 

p 176 - 4 Aug 1742 - John Bryan (or)  William Hancock (ee) - 110 lbs for 
370 (WPH gives 320 acs) acs - WS Slocombe (?)  beginning at mouth of Cedar 
Creek and runs up sd creek S75W320 pole to a pine then N10E160 pole to a 
pine then N75E320 pole to the main creek so up the main creek to 1st 
station -  part of patent by James Keith - WIT Geo McCartay, Nich Roulledge

p 272 - 28 June 1762 - John Fulshire (or)  John Bryan (ee) - 24 lbs for 100 
acs - NS Neuse WS of head of princess Creek adj Thomas Fulshires - part of 
patent of 7 Jan 1735 - WIT  Chris Dawson Sr (could be Jr.), Wm Bryan, Robt 
Berney (?)

p 282 - 17 May 1762 - John Bryan of New Germany (or) Timothy Clair (?) of 
New Bern, trader - 30 lbs for one 1/2 ac lot in New Bern #68 - CONVEYED TO 
EDWARD BRYAN 17 March 1736 and left in his will to his son WILLIAM.  
William died instate and it revered to sd John - no WIT

NOTE: This proves this John was a son of Edward Jr and that the brother 
William had died without issue.

P 310 - 23 June 1739 - Commisioners (or)  John Bryan (ee) - 20 shilling for 
1/2 ac lot 115  - King Street to river - WIT  Richard Lovett, George 
Linnington, Thos Pearson

p 318 - (WPH) - 23 June 1739 - Commissioners to Benjamin Williams - lot 117 
adj Henry Bryan

p 324 - John West (or) William Bryan  gentl (ee)  NS Neuse - 250 Ac  for 
825 lbs  Creek called  Powells  to Island Creek Adj on easternmost side 
byGeorge Whitakers, westernmost side by William Carraway - two parcels of 
640 Ac of patent  WIT  Tho Fulshire (?)  Wm Williams - 26 Nov l739 - later 
mentions Elizabeth West and she signed the deed

p 351 -  no date but proved in 20 Oct 1741 - William Wilson esq (or) John 
Bryan esq (ee) - 90 lbs a lot of 1/2 acs # 18 (?) in New Bern on Front 
Street (could be on the front of the street)  WIT William Finilage (?), 
Nick Routledte

p 359 - 17 Feb 1740 - Cornelius Fowler (or) John Bryan (or) lot in New Bern 
- Fowler was probably the execut of estate of Ambrose Steel dec - I can'' 
read lot# or description  WIT Walter Lane, John Bradish

p 385 - 2 Feb 1749 - Lewis Bryan (or)  Hardy Bryan (ee) - 300 lbs for 275 
acs - WS Beavers Creek - FO Martin Frank and he gave to John Moseley 
(Worsley ?) and Mary his wife -  adj Frederick Isler then runs the courses 
of the a sweet gum on Vine swamp, John Isler,  then the 
courses of Lewis Bryans deed WIT Joseph Bryan, Hardy Bush

p 397   - 10 June 1750 - John Phillips to John James - land 79 acres on 
Swift Creek beginning on the creek side as mentioned in a patent to Mary 
Kaney's line them up her line till it comes to the line which runs N25E to 
Tyres line then down a concluding line marked out by Solomon Griffin, LEWIS 
BRYAN, Benjamin Griffin and John Williams to Mauls run being plantation 
where sd Phillips now lives and part of sd Solomon Griffin's patent dated 
20 April 1745.   WIT   JOSEPH BRYAN    HARDY BRYAN

p 398 (WPH) - 18 June 1750 -  William Wilson of Johnston to John Hoover of 
Craven - NS Nuce ES Bexley's swamp being part of a tract granted to Edward 
Wormsley and by Wormsley sold to sd Wilson and by sd Wilson sold to Hoover     
WIT  LEWIS BRYAN ,  Joshua Perkins

p 400 - Feb 1749 - Lewis Bryan (or)  Richard Hart (ee) - 50 lbs for 169 acs 
- Maul's Run on Branch were Richard Hart now lives down Maul's Run - where 
Lewis Bryan did live - some land - -   5 acres reserved for a mill and and 
1 acre for a chapel - THE ORIGINAL NEEDS TO BE READ -   reserved and taken 
out which was before called 175 acs and being part of Lewis's patent of 275 
acs of 23 Nov 1739  WIT John (x) Phillips, Lewis (x) Smythe

p 402 - WPH - 6 April 1750 - Joseph Wright to Christopher Dawson - 8 lbs 60 
acs being part of a survey granted to JOHN BRYAN 15 Feb 1739 on NS Nuce, WS 
Goose Creek, adj Nathaniel Gabrels   WIT Solomon Edwards, Elizabeth Pitt

p 406 - WPH - 19 June 1750 - John Hoover to Joshua Perkins - - land Hoover 
bought above from Wilson -  WIT  LEWIS BRYAN, William Wilson

p 425 - 10 Oct 1740 - Henry Bryan of New Bern, cooper, gives POA to uncle 
Hardy Bryan of New Bern - WIT Abiel Walley, John Tuckerman, Thomas Person

p 437 - WPH - Commissioners to John Grandin - lot in New Bern - WIT  LEWIS 

p 439 - WPH - Commiss to William Norwood -  WIT  LEWIS BRYAN - NO MARK

p 440 - WPH - Commissioners to John Caruthers - WIT  LEWIS BRYAN - no mark

p 441 - Commissioners to John Morgain -  WIT LEWIS BRYAN no mark - several 

p 462 - 21 Sept 1750 - John Hollingsworth to William Duberly - part of 
David Garganess patent for 300 acres dated 1737  WIT  JOHN PETERS, LEWIS 

p 466 - 1 Jan 1751 - William Charlton (or) Lewis Bryan (ee) - 16 lbs 19 
shillings for 200 acs - NS Neuse called Beasley's Island on the River - FO  
Alfred ? Beasley by patent of 20 April 1745  WIT John Hollingsworth, Saml 

p 468 - 20 March 1751 - Christopher Ipock and wife Mary to Thomas Little - 
220 acs NS Nuce River - right on river, held by deed from Martin Frank to 

p 473 - 13 October 1750 - John Phillips to William Nixon - 300 acs NS Nuse 
on the head branch of beaver creek, adj Derham, Linton - by patent 29 Sept 
1750 -  WIT  Nicholas Booty, LEWIS BRYAN

p 476 - 20 March 1750 - George Stringer (or) Joseph Bryan, planter (ee) - 
100 lbs for 300 (or 310 acres) and some acs part of patent to Stringer on 7 
March 1736 - Stringers Branch WIT Carrek ? Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Roger 
Cannon ?

p 477 -  12 April 1750 -   Commissioners for New Bern elected - Joseph 
Balch, John Carruthers, Henry Hylyn ?, John Bryan, John Rice - 
Commissioners (or)  John Bryan (ee) - 20 shillings for John Bryan lot #45  
adj Thos  ?, adj lot 10 and #46, Frederick Jones  Read original

p 478 - 18 Jan 1750 - John Bryan (or)  William Moseley (ee) 5 shillings - 
lot in New Bern - no lot # given - the within mentioned lot -

p 478 - 12 April 1750 - commissioners (or)  Joseph Bryan (ee) - 40 
shillings lots #397 and 399 - runs along lot 39 to water, Dirty (?) Lane

p 506 -  - 17 April 1750  -  commissioners (or)  John Bryan (ee) - 3 lbs 
for 3 lots - adj to #39? - lots 226 , 384 and 383  ? - 1 and 1/2 acres   

p 510 - (WPH) - John Bryan was mentioned as a merchant

p 528 - (WPH) - 27 April 1951 - Henry Garrald to Thomas Moore - 150 acs on 
ES White Marsh on NS Swift Creek adj Saml Jespers - WIT Wm Garrald, LEWIS 

p 538 - (WPH) - 19 Oct 1752 - Thomas Swaffer to William Nelson - 185 acs 
Mauls Run on Swift Creek - Adj John Gray being held by patent in John 
Williams name granted 7 May 1741 and by him conveyed to HARDY BRYAN and by 
him conveyed to THOMAS SWAFFER

p 553 - (WPH) -  23 Sept 1743 - James Mackelwean to George Eiland 320 acs 
being part of survey granted to George Roberts in 1741 - SS Nuce River 
opposite land called Fellows land  WIT  Nichl Routledge, JOHN BRYAN

NOTE;  Elizabeth Bryan who md Hugh Pugh Jr md 2nd Jonathan Fellows and I 
have not been able to find where he lived or any Fellows land until this 
entry - MMM

p 555  - 14 Feb 1742 - Gunter or Gunston Allen Pasquotant Co (or) William 
Bryan of Craven (e)  30 lbs - 100 acs - head of Powells creek, bottom of 
Holly Neck adj John Biggs who had patent and sold to John Allen - called 
Holly Neck   WIT Jeremiah Murdon, John Jackson, Thomas Smith

p 563 - 22 Dec 1743 - Thomas Tyre to LEWIS BRYAN - 100 lbs  75 acs on Mauls 
Run on Swift Creek to where the Cost Rode Crosses to the landing where Tyre 
lives which he had acknowledged to him by LEWIS BRYAN 23 Dec 1742 at New 
Bern which was part of Lewis Bryans dated 23 Nov 1739   WIT   WILIAM BRYAN, 

p 566  - 23 April 1743 - John West to Capt John Paine 250 acs on NS Nuce at 
head of a small creek called Duck Creek known by the name of Oak Wood  WIT  
LEWIS BRYAN, Solomon Edwards

Beesley to Joshua Hill 200 acs part of land granted to HARDY BRYAN in 1745 
for 400 acs - Watery branch - WIT JOSEPH BRYAN,  John Hollinsworth, JOSPEH 

p 690 - 31 Dec 1760 - Alexander Blachshear to Henry Roads for 1-2 year old 
hogs  100 acs WS Trent on Tuckahoe bog   Rattle Snake Swamp - some of this 
land might be in Carteret Co - WIT  John Gilbert, JOHN BRYAN


p 2 - 15 October 1748 - John Bryan a commissioner - also Commissioners (or) 
Mary Bryan (ee) of New Bern - 20 shillings - 1/2 ac lot #385

p 23 - 24 March 1758 - John Bryan of Craven (or) William Powell (ee) - 10 
lbs  for 360 acs- 3 miles above New Bern adj John Bryan, William Powell,  
WIT George Lovick, George Owisby or Grimby  ?

p 26 - 5 March 1758 - Frederick Jones (or) Hardy Bryan (ee)  20 lbs for 100 
acs - NS Trent known as Patrick Starealands (?) Old field - ADJ Trent  WIT  
Richard Cogdell, James Parkinson

p 29 - not a Bryan deed

p 51 - too faded to read - not a Bryan deed

p 52 - 20 Dec 1761 - Thomas Hardy of Dobbs (or)  John Blackstone  (ee) - 20 
lbs  190 as adj Joseph Parke, NS gun branch -  WIT  Jacob Blount, Jacob 

p 52 - 17 May 1762 - Edward Bryan of New Germany, planter to Timothy Clear, 
trader - 90 lbs - one lot  1/2 acr #69 - to Edward (does not give date) and 
by his will gave to sd Edward  WIT  John Bryan  Ann (x) Bryan

p 80 - - can't read - not a Bryan deed

p 101 - 19 Sept 1749 -  John Bryan and Ann Cady Bryan  his wife (or)  
Thomas Sitgraves (ee) - 56 lbs for lot in New Bern - between John Campbell 
where Richard Cogdell now lives ADJ Jam Parkerson - lot #117  1/2 ac made 
by Commissioner Fowler unto said Bryan -  WIT Richard Cogdill, John Jackson  

p 114 - not Bryan deed

p 138 - 8 March 1762 - Garrett Johnston (or)  Joseph Bryan (ee)  120 lbs 
for 98 acs - NS Swift creek - mouth of Briery Branch - part of patent of 
200 acs to Edward or Edmond Pearce ? of 1735 - WIT Jacob Johnston, Jos 
James, Wm Murphy

p 145 -  10 Jan 1758 - John and Ann Cady Brian his wife (or) James 
Parkinson, merchant (ee) - 70 lbs front of lot 18 in New Bern - "opposite 
the lot numbered in the said town with the number 18 and commonly called 
the front of the said lot #18"  1/4 ac - granted to John on 10 March 1746 
by Cullen Pollock then of Tyrrell Co - tax of one peppercorn - WIT John 
Williams, Bazell Smith

p 151 - Commissioner of which John Bryan was one HOWEVER JOSEPH BRYAN IS 
THE ONE WHO SIGNED NOT JOHN -  Commissioners (or) John Council Bryan (ee)  
- 20 shillings for 1/2 ac lot #51 -  corner of Bryan and Water Street

p 161 - 29 Nov 1744 - Edward Bryan (or)  Richard Johnston (ee)  50 lbs ES 
Batchelor's creek - 170 acs as by patent - quit rents of 4 shillings for 
every 100 acs - WIT Routledge, James Durham

p 172 - --- Sept 1757 -  but to Feb Court - no date -  John Bryant (or) 
Lamuel Lawson (ee)  - 50 lbs 300 acs - NS Neuse - also 1/2 of another 
parcel beginning at a mouth of a creek adj Lingfield Ferry's of 320 acs by 
patent to John Bryant and John Rice on 5 May 1742 -  taken to court by 
Joseph Carruthers, R Cogdell

NOTE:  Why did John Bryant and John Rice get a patent together?  This land 
was on or near Goose Creek

p 194 -  18 Oct 1757 - John Bryan, planter to John Worsley, cooper - 300 
acs - SS Vine Swamp - where John lives   WIT Hardy Bryan, Thos Tookey

p 206 -  31 Oct 1758 -  Samuel Eslick of Beaufort Co (or)  Anne Bryan  (ee) 
- 13 lbs for 100 acs -  - living at mouth of Smith's Creek NS Neuse and was 
a conveyance out of Wilkey's patent on Orchard Creek adj Frances Bond, 
Samuel or Lemuel Eslick, Thomas Martin - Anne is later referred to as Anna 
Bryan - WIT  Francis Dawson and ? -

p 226 - John H. Bryan (or)  Ann Caidey Bryan (ee) - 20 lbs - SS Neuse adj 
Richard Graves - 70 lbs - 200 acrs - granted to John 18 Nov 1749 - WIT 
Richard Cogdell, John Jackson Sned

p 252 - 28 May 1760 - James Davis of Craven (or) Anne Cady Bryan (ee) - 30 
lbs for lot in New Bern - lot #115 on King and Front Street - this lot sold 
to me by John Bryan late of New Bern - WIT James Falconet (?)

p 254 - 17 Sept 1750 - I have nothing in my notes other than this date - 
not sure if it was not a Bryan deed or I forgot to get the information

p 255 - 25 June 1757 - William Sigby (or)  Ann Cady Bryan daughter of John 
Bryan (ee) - 20 lbs - front part of Lot #115 in New Bern  WIT John Bryan, 
Matthew Arthur

p 263 -  17 Jan 1759 - Joseph Carruthers, high sheriff (or) Ann Bryan, 
widdow(ee) - appears to be a sale to pay off debts of Lewis Bryan , 
merchant-    Ann was administrator of Lewis - 84 lbs 7 shillings, 2 pence - 
Robert Tucker appears to be owed a lot of money - land of Lewis - upper 
half of 550 acs bought from John and Mary Worsley on 1 July 1758 - Sheriff 
has taken this land - part of this land was granted by patent to Martin 
Frank on 14 April 1730 ? - this land by Will of Frank to Worsley -  Lewis 
owed 84 lbs 7 shillings 2 pence to Tucker and 9 lbs 12 shillings 4 pence to 
Tucker - sold 1/2 of tract to Ann

p 260 - a blank page

p 186 and 187 - 17 September 1756 - Commissioners, including John Bryan 
(or) William Sigley (ee) - 20 shillings front of lot #119 now belonging to 
John Bryan, Treasurer of the Commissioners - 1/2 ac

p 287 - 1 October 1760 - Sigley signs over this lot to John Bryan and his 

p 287 - 17 July 1759 - William Sigley (or)  Mary Bryan daughter of John 
Bryan (e)  lot #119 for 20 lbs

p 286 - 18 Sept 1756 - Commissioners including John Bryan (or) William 
Sigley (ee) 20 shilling for lot # 116

p 287 - 1 October 1756 - William Sigley assigns this lot #116 to John Bryan

p 287 - 20 July 1757 - William Sigley (or) Sally Bryan daughter of John 
(ee) - 15 lbs lot #116 WIT James Stevenson, John Bryan

p 304 - Richard Cogdell of New Bern (or) John Council  Bryan, Sally and 
Mary Bryan (ee) - 100 lbs in 8 years - front of lot being part of 3 front 
lots granted by Cullen Pollock to John Bryan on 6 March 1746 - John then 
granted to Richard Cogdell on 17 May 1756 - WIT Jos Carrhthers, Wil Palmer

p 316 - not a Bryan deed

p 330 - 3 Oct 1757 - John Bryan (or)  Wm Powell (ee) 9 lbs - for 100 acs - 
part of a tract of 640 acs SW and near New Bern between Neuse and Trent 
Rivers   WIT Richard Fenner, Peter Conway

p 357 - 5 June 1749 - John Starkey (or) John Bryan (ee)   35 lbs - above 
mentioned tract - no further information

I checked the 2 deeds prior to this and did not see a Starkey deed

p 384 -  8 Nov 1744 - John Bryan (or) Major Theophilus Pugh of Nancemond 
Co, Va (ee) -  300 lbs for 620 acs NS Neuse upperside of Duck - granted to 
said John by patent 28 Feb 1739  WIT Tulle Williams, Demsey Summer

p 445 - 9 June 1764 - Solomon Griffin (or)  Thomas Bryan (ee) - 10 lbs for 
79 acs - Swift Creek adj W. Miller, Soloman Griffin, Thomas Bryan, Jonas 
Griffin, Stockwell Bright, Thomas Tyre, Jacob Miller - date from patent of 
20 April 1745  WIT  William Beaman, Stockwell Bright

p 472 - 3 April 1755 - William Bryan (or)  Frederick Isler (ee) - 110 lbs 
for 275 acs - FO  by patent to Martin Frank and by him to William Worsley 
and Mary his wife - adj Frederick Isler, Bryan's land, vine swamp, John 
Isler, Lewis Bryan's deed  WIT Richard Blackledge, James Coor

p 511 - 8 March 1762 - Garrett Johnson (or) Joseph Bryan (ee) - 120 lbs for 
98 acs - NS Swift Creek, Maule Run, mouth of Mirey Branch - FO Edward 
Pearson where Garrett Johnson formerly lived   WIT Joseph James, William 

p 594 - 20 Dec 1750 - John Carruthers Jr. (or)  Hardy Bryan (ee) gentleman 
(ee) - 130 lbs for 610 acs - NS Trent, SS Vine Swamp called Poplar Spring  
WIT John Williams, Garrett Johnson

p 600 - 12 April 1750 - John Bryan, a commissioners (or)  John Fonville and 
Mary Bryan (ee) - 20 shillings by Wardens of Christ Church Parish - later 
in the deed it says Hardy Bryan and I think it should be Hardy - lot #322

p 600 - 17 April 1750 - Commissioners to Jno Bryan (ee)  3 lbs for 3 lots - 
Broad Street and Fleet Street, Queen Street - 11/2 acs  lots 226, 383,384 -   
WIT Lewis Bryan, Richd Daves


p 68 -  18 March 1744 - Theophilus Williams of Onslow (or)  Needham Bryan 
of Craven (ee)  NS Neuse mouth of Cused   Branch  180 1/2 acs  30 lbs - by 
patent 1 March 1738 - WIT James Stallings, Joseph Williams

NOTE:  This must be Needham Jr.

p 104 - nothing on page

p 45 - 6 May 1745 -  Lewis Bryan (or)  Hugh Laramore (ee)  5 lbs 5 acs - ES 
Maule Run on Swift Creek - mentions patent of 23 Nov 1739 - inluding 
sawmill - WIT John Blount, Thos Rogerman
Original DB 3 1744-1746, mf CR028.401.2

* DB 3-60 (copied book p. 45)   6 May 1745      Lewis Bryan of Craven to 
Hugh Laramore  5P, 5 ac, tract on Mauls Run on Swift Ck, beginning at a 
cypress on ES Mauls Run, S72E40P, 1st course in the Patent N18W20P to a 
pine by the School Branch, S72W40P to a cypress on the said run, down the 
run, including the saw mill to the 1st station....which the said Lewis 
Bryan holds by a patent bearing date 23 Nov 1739.  Signed: Lewis Bryan.  
Wit: John Blount, Thos Rogerman. Proved May 1745.