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Wilcox-Irwin County GaArchives Biographies.....Bussell, J. Monroe 1885 - living in 1913
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Joy Fisher October 17, 2004, 9:58 pm

Author: William Harden
p. 755

   COL. J. MONROE BUSSELL. The young gentleman whose name stands at the head of
this brief review is one of the promising members of his profession and at the
present time holds the office of city attorney of Rochelle. In no profession is
there a career more open to talent than is that of the law, and in no field of
endeavor is there demanded a more careful preparation, a more thorough
appreciation of the absolute ethics of life or of the underlying principles
which form the basis of all human rights and privileges. Unflagging application
and determination fully to utilize the means at hand are the concomitants which
insure personal success and prestige in this great profession, which stands as
the stern conservator of justice; and it is one into which none should enter
without a recognition of the obstacles to be encountered and overcome and the
battles to be won, for success does not perch on the banner of every person who
enters the competitive fray, but comes only as the legitimate result of
capacity. Possessing the requisite qualities of the able lawyer, Mr. Bussell
doubtless has a successful career ahead of him.

   He is a native son of the state, his birth having occurred on March 13, 1885,
near Fitzgerald, Irwin county, Georgia, on a farm. His parents were J. M.
Bussell and Mrs. Frances C. Bussell whose maiden name was Hill. Amid the scenes
of his birth Colonel Bussell passed the roseate days of early youth, there
remaining until sixteen years of age. He received his early education in the
public schools and subsequently entered the school at Norman Park, where he
studied for a time. He drank deeper of the "Pierian Spring" in the Georgia
Normal College and the business institute at Douglas, Georgia, and then entered
Mercer University where he prepared for the profession to which he hoped to
devote his life. He entered in 1907 and was graduated in 1911 with the
well-earned degree of LL. B. While in college he was associated with no
fraternity institution. Shortly after he located at Fitzgerald, where he
remained but five months and then came to his present location at Rochelle,
where he is engaged in general practice and where in the month of March he was
elected to the office of city attorney, and re-elected in January, 1913.

   Colonel Bussell is one of a large family of children. His brother, J. A.
Bussell, has for forty years been a farmer near Fitzgerald; a sister, Mahalie
E., is the wife of Charles F. Dement; Isabella is the wife of J. Walter
Ballenger; Amie E. is the wife of J. M. Fountain; and Pollie M. married Y. S.
Gibbs, all of the aforementioned gentlemen being farmers in the vicinity of

   Colonel Bussell is a member of the Missionary Baptist church, South. He is
popular in the community; well informed, cordial and engaging.

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