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Newton-Elbert County GaArchives News.....GEORGE SIMMS, THE LAW AVENGED THE FELON DIES IN AGONY. October 27 1874
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Phyllis Thompson June 27, 2004, 7:55 pm

The Georgia Enterprise

     On yesterday we went to the cell of George Simms to hear from his own lips 
the confession of his guilt. He said, "Mr. Hawkins, I sent for you to tell you 
a thing, I have never told a living soul. I AM GUILTY! I did outrage the woman! 
I stood out as long as I could but God told me I was lost if I did not own up! 
I believe now he will answer my prayers. I have made peace with the world! When 
I am dead I want you, Dr. Branham and Dr. Shelby to take my body and use it as 
you please, and when you get through with it send it to my mother at Greensboro 
or bury it decently in Covington." At this moment two colored preachers tapped 
at the door and asked to be admitted. After they entered a hymn was read and an 
impressive prayer offered. During prayer George wept bitterly.-
The crime was committed on Sunday, the 2nd of November, 1873, he was arrested 
on Monday, the 3rd, tried and convicted on Tuesday, the 4th, and sentenced to 
be hung on the 19th of January, his case was carried to the Supreme Court and a 
new trial refused, he was re-sentenced in September to be hung to-day.
     It may not be amiss to record in this connection the hangman's work in 
Newton Co. since the year 1822. The first hanging after that date was that of  
Anderson, Sophie and Warren White, who murdered their master in a corn field 
and after he was dead tied a rope around his neck and fastened his body to a 
wild and spirited horse which carried it swiftly direct to the door of his 
residence. (The rest of this paragraph is unreadable.)
     The only man ever lynched in this county was a negro who committed an 
unpardonable crime. On the 3rd of September, 1842, in Sheffield District, this 
negro was seized upon the highway in broad daylight by a company of unknown men 
and carried up an old field where he was securely fastened to a stump and pine
knots were packed around him and fired. In one hour he was burned to death. The 
reporter's pen, like the wind goeth where it listeth, and we now turn a new 
page and carry our readers to the criminal's lonely dungeon and there they can 
hear the sad words of a dying man.
  George was born on the 3rd of January, 1854, near Elberton, Ga. He left that 
county in 1869 charged with  a similar crime. He worked in Ogelthorpe county 
one year and left with two warrants hanging over him. He then went to 
Greensboro and obtained a situation on the railroad. Our readers know the rest!
    On the last night at about 7 o'clock the dim light of a tailor candle threw 
its light upon the lonely walls of this unfortunate man's silent cell for the 
first time since his imprisonment.- He looked pitiful in the extreme-but he was 
not alone- two colored preachers were by his side who came to pray the night 
away for his salvation. At twelve o'clock we bade him a sad adieu; he was 
praying a mournful and passionate prayer when we left him.
     At an early hour this morning we noticed a stern and solemn look upon the 
face of Sheriff Anderson as he bravly turned his footsteps toward the jail. He 
had a disagreeable duty to perform and the thought of it _______ working in his 
brain. As he walked to the iron doors the (the rest of this sentence is 
unreadable). He spoke pleasantly, and told the Sheriff he could not eat.- The 
Sheriff, then picked up the lock on the chain, which bound the prisoner to the 
floor and discovered that it was ruined.- George had picked it with the ball 
of a tin bucket but failed to unlock it. With a chisel and hammer the lock was 
shattered and the criminal released. He trembled slightly when the chain fell.- 
He is now a mere wreck, having lost fully forty pounds since his arrest. In a 
few minutes the doors were relocked and the prisoner left alone. We then went 
to the rear of the jail and climbing upon the gallows to his window we called 
to him and he answered, "Great God! Mr. Hawkins, have you come at last? I am 
guilty, and I want you to know it. I don't want to die," George appeared 
excited and desired to be allowed to relate a history of his life. Having no 
time to spare we had to leave him and refuse to hear his history. Near noon, 
Col. Anderson and his guard took George from the jail and conducted him to the 
gallows. There were nine steps to the stand and the prisoner trembled severely 
as he neared the top. The gallows was strong and the trap was properly 
arranged. The enclosure being small there were only a few to witness the sickly 
spectacle, although there were hundreds around the jail and upon the streets.
     At 40 minutes after 12 o'clock, he was took from the jail, carried to the 
gallows, and after being asked what he had to say, he replied, "Nothing, I am 
safe! Meet me in heaven, Mr. Hawkins! Good-bye, Friends!" The white cap was 
then pulled over his face and in an instant the dull sound of the wooden 
trigger was heard- the trap door dropped violently- George Simms dangled in the 
air between heaven and earth.- four dying gasps and the agony was over. He spun 
around a few times, and his tongue lolled out between his teeth, his body swung 
straight- his neck broke- he was dead! In 13 minutes Dr. Hendrick pronounced 
life extinct. He was then cut down and his remains turned over to the proper 
     George Simms is now no more. Altho he was guilty of this heinous crime, 
the God who made him must judge him. It has been many a year since a gallows 
was seen in our county- we hope it may never be seen again.

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