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LINCOLN COUNTY, GA - CHURCHES Goshen Baptist Church. 

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Archives by: Liz Nash

Georgia Table of Contents:


By G.E. Norman, Lincolnton, Georgia, 1937
This year is the one hundred and fiftieth
anniversary of the founding of Goshen Baptist
Church. And this day is an occasion to which we who
love this old church have long looked, because it
celebrates the birthday of the old church which we
love so much. Some of the earliest records have been
lost, and the records from 1869 to 1903 are also
lost; however, the records from 1802 to 1867 are
well preserved, considering the time that has
elapsed since they were written. 

So we are at a loss to know exactly many things
connected with the early history of the church, and
many important facts relative its noble founder
According to Robinson's HISTORY OF THE GEORGIA
BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, "Goshen Church, Lincoln County,
was constituted m 1787 It was located two miles east
of Goshen and called Soap Creek until 1793 then
Rocky Spring. The name was finally changed to Goshen
in 1817. About 1810 the Baptists, Methodists and
Presbyterians built a house of worship one-fourth of
a mile from Goshen, all using the same building for
a time. In 1835 the Baptists erected a splendid
church, since which time they have worshiped in the
new building."

This historic old church, having been organized in
1787, is the second oldest Baptist church in the
county. It was, in fact, the first Baptist church to
be organized in the county, but it is three years
younger than Greenwood church which was organized in
1784 in Wilkes County, later being moved to Lincoln
County to its present location near Amity, Ga.

This old church building, the one in which we are
worshiping and celebrating today, having been
erected in 1835, is now one hundred and two years
old As is evident to all, it is a large well-built
structure, and in perfect state of preservation. Its
materials are of original forest pine, for the most
part and its sills and sleepeers, being sixty feet
in length, were hewn from the same kind of pine, the
ax prints of its worthy builders being plainly
visible The rafters are of the same material, being
8 by 8 and are 27 feet long Its doors were durably
made, their hinges being home-made, as you can see,
and the doors can be readily listed out and set
aside at will. No one has changed them, and we hope
that no one ever will. We want them, and the old
church, to stand as they are, a monument to the
builders, and an ever present reminder of the faith
and standards of our beloved forefathers.

And in passing, we cannot but think and ponder what
the old church building could say if it could speak,
what a wonderful story it could tell, a story of
devout men and women in the long ago who have come
here to meet with God. It could tell of great
sermons, made great because they were spiritual and
came as a message direct from the Master. It could
tell of souls being born into the Kingdom, of
character being formed, of ideals and standards
being inculcated into the minds of the youth which
were to bless our community, our county, our state,
and leave behind an influence that will never die.
This thought should challenge all that is best
within us, and should make this hour an inspiration
to attempt and do great things for God and for

In going through the records of the church we find
many interesting facts, not only as a matter of
history of the church, but also of the customs and
standards of its worthy founders and builders. Many
of them may seem to some as out of date, but when we
ponder them we find that they had a great purpose,
that they revealed a reverence and love for the
church, for character, and for God that we would do
well to imitate, for such things should never really
go out of date.

In the antebellum days, Goshen church, along with
practically all the churches of that day, admitted
both whites and blacks to its membership. The
records show that on September 12,1863, the
membership was: whites 24, blacks 117. The rules
governing church discipline in its earliest days
were not only rigid, as compared with present day
church discipline, but were faithfully enforced.
Character, honesty, truthfulness, loyalty, were
traits its members were required to have and live.

In 1802 the church had eleven rules which are quoted
as follows:

"The rules which have been adopted for the
government of the Baptist church at the Rocky Spring
& afterwards at Goshen, now known by the name of
Goshen meeting house, are as follows:

First Rule. Resolved, that all members who do not
regularly attend church meetings shall render their
excuse why they did not attend at next conference.

Second. Resolved, That any member who shall absent
themselves from their seats during conference
without leave shall be liable to be reproved by the
church for their disorder.

Third. Resolved, That any member who did not attend
regularly at the times of church communion & partake
thereof, shall render their reason why they have so
neglected at the next meeting.

Fourth. Resolved, That no member of this church
shall be permitted to preach or propagate any
doctrine without first making application to the
church, and consent being obtained.

Fifth. Resolved, That the affidavit of any person
will not be received by this church as testimony in
any case whatever: nevertheless, the testimony of
any creditable witness may be admitted in particular
cases, the person testifying being present.

Sixth Rule. Resolved, That the members of this
church be required to observe the Lord's day by
forsaking their temporal interest & consecrating
that day holy to the Lord with the exception of
particular acts of necessity & mercy.

Seventh. Resolved, That the black people who are
members of this church intending to marry at any
time shall first make it known to their master,
mistress or overseer.

Eighth. Resolved, That no member shall speak on any
subject whatever in conference more than twice
without leave.

Ninth. Resolved, That the pastor of the church be
considered moderator in conference successively,
unless conference shall think proper to change on
any particular occasion.

Tenth. Resolved, That no charge shall be received by
the church unless it be exhibited in a plain manner.

Eleventh. Resolved, That this church in their
decisions shall be governed by a majority except on
touching of fellowship where a unanimity will be

That these rules were strictly enforced is evidenced
by the fact that the church minutes show that from
July 1803 to June 1867 at least 23 (probably 32)
whites and 95 blacks were excluded from the
membership of the church. The grounds generally
alleged were immorality, lying, stealing, and
failure to live up to the rules of the church, such
as church attendance, failure to observe notices to
attend, etc. It was plain that the early church
fathers did not countenance disloyalty, either to
God or to their church. A record day of exclusions
occurred on August 1813 meeting when nine were
excluded. On the following church conference day
four more were excluded. In 1838 one brother was
excluded for failure to pay his subscription to the
church, and for un-Christian letters to the church
and its members. In 1804 a sister was expelled for
not living with her husband. In 1803 a daughter
brought charges against her father and mother, the
charge against the father being that he swore, told
a lie, and directed her to give credence to the lie
and confirm it. The charge against her mother was
for getting into a passion and saying she could
embrue? her hands and body in the heart's blood of
her daughter. Both parents were expelled by the
church. There are records of charges being brought
by black members against other black members of the
church. When a colored member was excluded,

page 4

the minutes often stated that he was
"excommunicated." Often the minutes would state:
"The church took a voice touching fellowship which
resulted in its loss" Then would follow the
statement that on motion the brother or sister was
excluded from the church. Often there is a record of
a brother who had been excluded, coming forward and
asking satisfactory acknowledgments to the church,
and of his being restored to the fellowship of the
church. Throughout these records, there runs a
beautiful simplicity and sincerity coupled with an
evident loyalty to God, to church, to Principles and
to character which are not only beautiful but are
inspiring. Goshen church has from the first been
missionary and benevolent not only m name but also
in practice. This is shown by the minutes of one
meeting which took place February 1825, when a
committee was appointed to disburse the fund that
might be raised by the church for assisting
itinerant ministers who might visit the church in
the year 1825, and for missionary and other purposes
A list of the subscribers shown by the minutes of
that meeting might be interesting, and for that
reason they have been listed in this paper and are
as follows:
Robert Harper                           $3.00
Sterne Simmons                          1.00
Richard Prather                           6.00
Wylie G. Tatom                           4.00
Solomon Zellars                          3.00
William Turner                            1.00
William Hill                                  1.00
Nathan Right                               2.00
Thomas W. Murray                    5.00 
Jimcey Statham                            1.00
So far as the minutes available disclose there have
been eighteen pastors ten clerks, and twenty deacons
of Goshen church. There were others of course but
without the records we could not get the definite
number. The longest pastorate was that of James
Matthews who was pastor 31 years. From Reason's
this minister was born in Virginia, Oct. 15,1755 in
an Episcopal home His parents came to South Carolina
and then to Georgia. The boy became a preacher and
evidently served long, and was a power in the
various churches. At Buckhead he baptized 50 as a
result of his labors. The next longest was that of
H.M. Adams who was pastor for 24 years. Other long
pastorates were W. H. Stokes, ten years; J. H.
Poster twelve years; J. A Shank, nine years; Dr.
W.A. Hogan, nine years; and that of the present

pastor, Rev. J.N. Kirkland, who has served since
1926. Other pastors were: Hartwell Jackson, two
years; Rev. Mr. Palmore, four years; James
Armstrong, six years; Jessie Davis, one year; James
Matthews, Jr., two years; I.W. Bolton, five years;
John Hogan, three years; P.F. Burgess, two years;
J.E. LeRoy, two years; V.L. Herndon, one year; and
John H. Fortson, the term of his pastorate not being
known. The following have been Clerks: Robert
Harper, Samuel Davis, Wylie G. Tatom, Stern Simmons,
Henry H. Glaze, Alexander Frasier, W.W. Stokes,
Mosely Hawes, H.M. Sale, R.L. Burgess, M.H. Wright,
and G.E. Norman, the present Clerk. The Deacons have
been: Robert Harper, Sheppard Grace, Richard
Prather, Wylie G. Tatom, Grant Glaze, William
Florence, Mosley Hawes, P.W. Sale, John Brown, F.M.
Wright, A.N. Glaze, W.A. Drinkard, W.T. Murray, F.W.
Wright, G.T. Chafm, R.L. Burgess, W.E. Norman, P.M.
Norman, George Drinkard and G.E. Norman. All hail to
the noble men and women who made this great church
possible. More power to its present members and
friends. Peace, sweet peace" to its departed dead.
May we truly enter into their labors and carry on to
the end of the way for the glory of God and the
"good that we can do."

                         EARLY PASTORS
                                			From      To
Unknown                                   		Prior to 1794
James Matthews, Sr.                   		1794      1825
Hartwell (or Wyche) Jackson*         	1825      1827
James Armstrong                     		1828      1834
Jesse Mercer Davis                  		1835      1835
James Matthews, Jr.                		1836      1837
W.H. Stokes                          		1838      1840
Isaac N. Bolton                  		1841      1845
Micajah Lane                        		1846      1846
Isaac N. Bolton       		                   1847      1847
Micajah Lane                   		1848      1858
I.C. Guner (one Sunday per month) 	1848      1848
John Hogan                             		1859      1862
John H. Fortson                 		1863
(He was still pastor at the end of Minutes, 1869)

* History of Georgia Baptist Association says "Wyche
Jackson." Brother G.K. Norman says "Hartwell
Jackson." Minutes say "Brother Jackson."

page 6
Pastors prior to James Matthews, Sr. are unknown.
Resolution adopted at the time the resignation of
Reverend Matthews in 1825 says that he had served
"for some upwards of thirty years." This expression
was sometimes used to denote a long, indefinite
period. The resolution further asserts "his first
and more healthy days in the prime of the ministry
have been spent among us."

The History of the Georgia Baptist Association says
he was ordained in 1785. It is possible that
Reverend James Matthews, Sr. was the first pastor of
the church and served for as long as 38 years.

               CHURCH CLERKS
                       		   From         To
Moses Tullis   		                       1802
William Stokes    		     1802      1811
Robert Harper, Assistant 	     1805      1811 (or before)
Robert Harper, Clerk                 1811      1825
Samuel Davis, Assistant      	     1811      1812 (expelled)
Wylie G. Tatom       		     1825      1830
Thomas Simmons       	             1830      1836 (letter)
Thomas W. Murray, Assistant 	     1830      (1836)(?)
Henry W. Glaze, Assistant            1836      1836
Alexander Frazer          	     1837      1838
William W. Stokes, Assistant         1837      1837
William W. Stokes            	     1838  
Mosely Hawes, Assistant  	     1842    
Mosely Hawes, Clerk                  1862
Hickerson M. Sale                    1862
(He was still clerk when Minutes ended.)
F.M. Wright, Assistant               1866

          Deacons Elected 1802 -1869

                         From      To
Robert Harper            1805      1827 (Died)
Sheppard Groce           1809  
Stearne Simmons          1809   

Richard Prather          1825      1831
Wylie G. Tatum           1827         -
Thomas Simmons           1831      1836 (letter)
William W. Stokes        1831         -
Thomas Grant Glaze       1838      1854
William Florence         1846      1850 (letter)
Mosely Hawes             1851      1862 (letter)
Peyton W. Sale           1859         -
John Brown               1865      1865 (letter)
P.M. Wright              1865           -


1805, December. Wheeler Gresham licensed to preach.

1831, Pages 45-6. Resolution designed to protect
Negro members from subversive influences.

1853, Page 110. Charles, a colored member belonging
to Sister M. Tatom, given permission to exercise his
gift in public. [He was the] Only Negro so honored.

1856, Page 116 Installed ceiling and glass windows
in the meeting house.

1858. Charles P. Mayfield licensed to preach.

1865, June 10, page 148. Report indicated Negro
members are leaving church and leaving owners.

1865, August 13. Report indicated Negroes becoming

1865, September 9. For the first time in Minutes,
Negroes are referred to as "former servants of."

1865, September 10. Two Negro members excluded for
stealing meat of former owners.

1866, September 7. Sixth article of Church Decorum
stricken out by vote. The article was a follows:
"Resolved, That the Black people who are members of
this church intending to marry at any time shall
first make it known to their master, mistress, or

(The State did not recognize Negro marriages. The
church encouraged it and sometimes granted
permission to one party to separate, if the other
party was guilty of flagrant misconduct.)

The names of persons who having been once added to
this Church as members and have been expelled or
excommunicated for various improprieties.

1. Betty, slave of S. Groce
2. Phoebe Pate
3. Wm. Arrant
4. James Smart
5. and wife
6. Harry, slave of Widow Walton
7.  Mark, slave of N. Walton 
8. Chloe, slave of Newel Walton.
9. Mary Ansley.
10. Susannah Ford 
11. Elisha Holmes 
12. Sam Empy, slave of T. Murray 
13. John Edmonds
14. Hugh Cooper 
15. Amy, slave of W. Harper
16. William Stokes
17. Hugh Cooper
18. Ralph Stovall
19. Wm. Golden
20. Aggy, slave of P. Gillum, removed
21. Tiller, slave of T.Murray
22. Lewis Glaze
23. Samuel Davis
24. Charles Right
25. Lewis Crosson
26. Charles, slave of P. Gillum
27. Ben, slave of T. Murray
28. Sam, slave of T. Murray, dead
29. Glascow, slave of John Owens excommunicated
30. Joshua, slave of William Smith, removed
31. Toney, slave of William Stokes
32. January, slave of David Murray
33. Kial, now slave of T.W. Murray
34. George, slave of John W. Dooly
35. Lang, slave of Wm. Stokes
36. Michael, slave of Robert Harper, dead
37. Jerry, slave of W. Stokes
38. Humphrey, slave of T. Murray
39. Philis, slave of T. Murray
40. Abe, slave of W. Mathews
41. Betty
The Names of Members which have been dismissed by a Letter (DL) and
those that are dead.

1.Charity Pate, DL
2.James Pate, DL
3.Polly Pate, DL
4.Moses Tullis, DL
5.and wife, DL
6.William Pate, DL
7.Polly Steele, DL
8.Ron, black member, DL
9.Rachel, black member, DL
10.Rebeccah Pate, DL
11.Lewis Sudduth, DL
12.Benjamin Gresham, DL
13.James C. Steele, DL
14.Elizabeth Hugle, DL
15.Sam, black member, DL
16.Griss, black member, DL
17.Hezekiah Gresham, DL
18.Samuel Stovall, DL
19.and wife, DL
20.Gracey Pirkins, DL
21.David Stovall, DL
22.Nancey Malcome, DL
23. David Malcome, DL
24. James Malcome, DL
25. and wife, DL
26. William Right, DL
27. Drucilla Right, DL
28. Prudence Guise, DL
29. Peter Guise, DL
30. and wife, DL
31. Stephen, black member, DL
32. David Glaze, dead
33. K.Palmore.DL
34. William Statham, dead
35. Shepard Groce, dead
36. Samuel, black member, dead
37. Axa Crowson, DL
38. Sam, slave of Wm. Turner, dead
39. Evaline Wilkerson, DL
40. [blank], belonging to Mrs. Statom, DL

Names of Members Belonging to the Goshen Church to March
Conference, 1825. As they were received by Letter or Experience.

1.  Robert Harper, RE, dead
2.  Lucy Harper, RE
3.  Junfor?, slave of N. Walton, RE, 
4.  Whitby, slave of N. Walton, RE 
5.   Mary Tatom, DL
6.   Lucy, slave of — Kennon, RL
7.   George King, RE, DL, now dead
8.   Moses Tullis, DL
9.   and wife, DL
10. Maryan Conner, RE, dead .
11. Betty, black member, RE
12. Cornelius, black member, RE, dead
13. Polly Conner, RE, dead
14. Mary Gresham, RE, dead
15. Robert Ware, RE, DL
16. Jane Ware, RE, DL, dead
17. Nancy Arrington, RE
18. Scyntha Smith, RE, DL
19. Milly Norman, RE, removed
20. Sybby, black member, RE, restored
21. James, black member RE
22. Stephen, slave of W. Harper
23. Isaac Brakefield, transient member
24. William, slave of Geo. Hormand (Norman)
25. Patty, slave of J.Zellars, dead
26. Lang, slave of W. Stokes, restored
27. Betty, slave of T.Murray, RE
28. Nancy, slave of W. Stokes, RE
29. Susannah Glaze, RE
30. Stephen, slave of Widow York, RE
31. Squire, slave of G. Turner, RE,DL
32. Peter, slave of Thos. Murray
33. Wm. Hill, RE
34. Richard Prather, RE
35. Elizabeth Hill, RE, dead
36. Nancy, slave of W. Harper, RE
37. Fanny, slave of Mrs. Smith, RE
38. Jincy Prather, RE
39. Elizabeth Murray, RE
40. Thomas W. Murray, RE
41. William Turner, RE
42. Wylie G. Tatom, RE
43. Susannah Groce, RL
44. Letty, slave of Mrs. Statham, RE
45. Abby, slave of Wm.Davis, restored
46. Solomon Zeilars, RE
47. Elvey, slave of R. Harper, RE
48. James, slave of T. Murray, RE, dead
49. Jack, slave of T.Murray, RE, restored
50. Judy, slave of T. Murray, RE
51. Fanny Turner, RE
52. John Zellars, RE
53. Barbara Zellars, RE
54. Thomas G. Glaze, RE
55. Lewis, a "black brother Belonging to the Estate of Newel Walton, dead."
56. Sam, slave of Newel Walton, dead.
57. Rachael, slave of James Murray
58. Sister Nancy Tatom, RE
59. Sis Emily Tatom, RE
60. Charles, slave of Mrs. Zellars
61. Sarah Scale, RE, dead
62. Newman Matthews, Senr., RE
63. Martha Turner, RE
64. Meridith Wright, RE
65. Dick, slave of Thos. Murray, restored
66. January, slave of D. Murray, restored
67. George, slave of Jno. M.
Dooly, EX, restored
68. Harry, slave of Mr. Henley, restored
Ralph S. Simmons
Humphrey, D
Annis, RE

pg 11
The Rules which have been adopted For the government
of the Baptist Church at the Rocky Spring &
afterwards at Goshen now Known by the name of Goshen
Meeting House are as Follows.

First Rule Resolved all members who do not regularly
attend Church Meetings, shall render their excuse
why they did not attend at next Conference.

Second Rule Resolved That any member who shall
absent themselves from their Seats during Conference
without leave, shall be liable to be reproved, by
the Church for their disorder.

Third Rule Resolved That any member who do not
attend regularly at the times of Church Communion &
partake thereof, shall render their reason why they
have So neglected at the next meeting.

Fourth Rule Resolved That no member of this church
shall be permitted to preach or propagate any
doctrine without first making application to the
church and consent being obtained.

Fifth Rule Resolved That the Affidavit of any person
will not be received by this church as testimony in
any case whatever: Nevertheless the Testimony of any
Creditable witness may be admitted in particular
cases: The Person testifying being present.

Sixth Rule Resolved That the Members of this Church
be required to observe the Lord's Day by Forsaking
their Temporal interest & Consecrating that day Holy
to the Lord with the exception of particular acts of
necessity & Mercy.

Seventh Rule Resolved That the Black people who are
members of this church intending to marry at any
time shall first make it known to their master,
mistress or overseer.

Eighth Rule Resolved That no member shall speak on
any subject whatever in Conference more than Twice
without leave.

Ninth Rule Resolved That the Pastor of the church be
considered moderator in onference successively
unless Conference shall think proper to change on
any particular occasion.

Tenth Rule Resolved That no charge shall be received
by the Church unless it is exhibited in a plain

Eleventh Rule Resolved that this Church in their
decisions shall be governed by a majority, Except
Touching of Fellowship where a unanimity will be

Record of the proceedings of the Baptist Church at
Rocky Spring & afterwards at Goshen, exhibiting the
time when members were received, by experience &
letter. When dismissed. The charges for which they
have been expelled or excommunicated & when
restored, with other proceedings relative to Church

1802 July 31. Reed. Polly Pate in full Fellowship.
Betty, belonging to Mr. Groce, Excommunicated. The
charge alleged was Lying & Stealing.

Oct. 2nd. Members convened in conference &
proceeding to church business. Bro. William Stokes &
William Right was appointed as delegated to the
association. Moses Tullis then acting clerk, having
resigned, whereupon on motion ordered that William
Stokes be now appointed.

Nov. Charles Pate & wife DL.

Dec. James Pate & wife DL.

1803 March. Phoeby Pate expelled from church. The
charge alleged was Bastardy. Whereupon Information
being received in conference it was made known that
Bro. William Arrant had acquiesced in the doctrine
of universalism and on motion ordered that Bros.
William Right, John Edmonds & David Stovall be
appointed to communicate the extent of the
information received, and request of him to appear
at next meeting to answer the charge alleged against
him in accordance with church discipline. Bro. Moses
Tullis & wife, DL.

April. Bro. William Arrant, having met agreeable to
request, acknowledge the charge for which he was

June. These persons "come forward and was received
into Fellowship by Experience":
Robert Harper
Lucy Harper
Polly Steele
Mr. Steele's Roy
Mr. Gillum's Aggie
Mr. Steele's Rachel
Mr. Stokes' Carter
Mr. Walton's Chloe
Junior Selvey
Mary Tatom

page 14

July. Lucy, belonging to Charles Kennon, RL. Nancy
Stone's charge against her Father, James Smart &
Mother. The charge against Father was "getting into
a violent passion and making use of improper
expressions tantamount to profane swearing, (Telling
a Lie himself,) & directing of his daughter to give
credence to the same by confirming it with others,
to be the truth." For which he was expelled. The
charge against Mother was "getting into a passion
and saying she could imbrue her hands and body in
the heart's blood of her daughter," Nancy Stone. For
which she was expelled.

August. James C. Steele, RE. A charge against
Susannah Ford stating that "she said she did not
think it was a crime to testify to a Falsehood, if
her Parents enjoined it upon her." She was "be
severely reprimanded for having such an improper
view of morality, and the course necessary to be
observed by a Christian, & that she be forthwith
informed to try to live more orderly, by walking in
fear of the Lord, & to be guarded in her

Oct. Received by experience:
Charles Right
Nancy Malcome
David Malcome
William Statham
Samuel Stovall
Bros. Nathan Right and Simmons appointed delegates
to association. $1.50 given by Bro. Mathews for
association minutes.

1804 Janry. Cornelius, belonging to Robert Ware, RE.
Sister Mary Ansley charged with living separate and
apart from her husband. Bro. John Edmonds to request
her to appear at next conference. Bro. Lewis
Sudduth, DL.

Febry. James Pate and Mary Pate, RL. Case of Sister
Mary Ansley continued to next conference. Sam,
belonging to Mr. Gilbert, RL.

March. James Malcome and Polly Conner, RE. Charges
against Sister Mary Ansley sustained; she was
excluded from fellowship. Bro. Benjamin Gresham, DL.

Harry, belonging to Newel Walton, restored.

April. Mary Gresham, RE.

May. Nothing having transpired.

June. No church matters to settle. No communion entered into.

July. Received by experience:
George, belonging to John York
Lancaster, belonging toJ.C. Steele
Griss, belonging to George Hughle [Huguley-?]
Elizabeth Hugle [Huguley?]
August. Bro. William Pate and daughter Rebeccah Pate, DL.

Oct. Bro. Robert Ware and Sister Jane Ware, RL from
Kiokee Church. Nancy Arrington, RE.

Bro. Wheeler Gresham gave satisfaction and was
restored to fellowship.

Nov. No business done.

Dec. Received by experience:
Hezekiah Gresham
Maryann Conner
Sam, belonging to Thomas Murray

Betty, belonging to Benton Walton

Harry, belonging to Newel Walton, excommunicated for
living in adultery

Mark, belonging to Newel Walton, excommunicated for
living in adultery with his daughter.

Chloe, belonging to Newel Walton, Senr.,
excommunicated for living in adultery with her


Febry.  Bro. Robert Harper appointed assistant clerk
to keep the church book.

March.  Bro. Robert Harper elected as third Deacon
of the church. Tom, belonging to Thomas Murray, made
satisfactory statements to the church. Sacrament

April. Cyntha Smith and Milly Norman, RE.

First Saturday in June set aside as a day of fasting
and prayer for the ordination of Bro. Robert Harper.

May. Philis, belonging to Wm. Smith, RE.

"A matter of Difficulty between Bros. Edmonds and
Steele" over their boundary lines was referred to
Bros. Robert Ware and Bayley for a final adjustment.

June. Bro. Robert Harper ordained as deacon with
Bros. James Mathews and Brazil in attendance.

Michael and Sybba, both belonging to Robert Harper,
RE. The difficulty between Bros. Edmonds and Steele
still continues.

July. James, belonging to John H. Walton, RE.

Difficulty between Bros. Edmonds and Steele settled.

Bro. William Arrant made satisfactory
acknowledgments and was restored to fellowship.

Amy, belonging to William Harper, RE.

August. A charge was brought against Sister Susannah
Ford; Bros.

Gresham and Edmonds to request her to attend next

Sept. Stephen, belonging to William Harper, RE.

Isaac Brakefield received as a transient member.

Susannah Ford was charged with living in adultery.
She was excommunicated.

Oct. Nothing having transpired.

Nov. Nothing having transpired.

Members of Soap Creek, convenient to the new meeting
house, to have liberty to hold meetings, open
conference and receive members.

Dec. Bro. James C. Steele applied for DL for
himself, Sister Steele and two of his black people.

Bro. Wheeler Gresham granted license to preach.

Bro. Isaac Brakefield granted a letter of

Will, belonging to George Norman, RE.


Janry. Bro. Edmonds made acknowledgments of
being in a violent passion; case continued.

Case of Bro. Right also continued.

Febry. Case of Bro. Edmonds continued to next
conference Bro. Wheeler Gresham to be ordained on
Friday before the first Sunday in March with
presbetery of Bros, Marshall, Mercer and Gafford.

March. Hugh Cooper, RL. Bro. Edmonds made
satisfactory acknowledgments to the church.

April. Gracey Perkins, RE.

May. Ordination of Bro. Wheeler Gresham postponed to
Saturday before third Sunday in October, "after
having exhibited satisfactory evidence to the church
of his qualifications."

June. Ordination of Bro. Gresham postponed and a new
presbetery of Bros Marshall, Tolbert, Braziel,
Bentley and Mathews to examine him If qualified he
will be ordained on Saturday before third Sunday in

July. A charge brought by Bro. Right against Bro.
Elisha Holmes for using improper language. Bro.
Ralph Stovall to request him to appear before the

Bro. Hugh Cooper charged with being intoxicated.
Bro. Stern Simmons to see him.

August. Bro. Elisha Holmes charged with
"indifference to the church in not attending when
notified;" he was excluded from fellowship. Hugh
Cooper made satisfactory acknowledgments. Bro.
Edmonds charged with drinking too much, which he
denied: case continued to next meeting.

August 31st. Bro. Gresham presided.

Pattey, belonging to Jacob Zellars, RE. Sam Empy,
belonging to Col. Murray, charged with attempting to
commit adultery. He attempted to make
acknowledgments, which were not satisfactory; he was

Sept. Letter to association read and approved.
Bros. Right (Wright) and Arrant appointed delegated to association.

Oct. Case of Bro. Edmonds continued to next meeting.
Bro. Gresham, DL.
Bro. Stokes confessed what had been alleged against him, but church was
not entirely satisfied. Case continued until next meeting.
Bro. Josiah Stovall and wife, DL.

Nov Cases of Bros. Edmonds and Stokes still continued.
Charge against Bro. Cooper taken up; Bro. Groce to inform him to attend
the next meeting.
Bro. James Malcolrne and wife; Bro. David Malcome and wife, DL.

Dec. Charge against Bro. Edmonds found true and he was expelled.
Bros. Stokes and Cooper's matters continued until next meeting.


Jan. Bro. Stokes made satisfactory acknowledgments.
Charge against Bro. Cooper found true; he was

March. Bro. Statham stated that he was aggrieved
with Bro. Simmons.

April. Case between Bros. Statham and Simmons
settled satisfactorily between themselves and the

July. Lang, belonging to Bro. Stokes, charged with
leaving his wife and undertaking to live in adultery
with another woman while his first wife is living.
Continued to next Sabbath meeting.

Elizabeth Perkins, DL.

August Charge against Lang was sustained and he was

Stephen, belonging to William Harper, charged with
living in adultery and disobedience to his master;
he was expelled.

Amy charged similarly; she was expelled.

Oct. Bro. Charles Right, RL.

Bro. Edmonds made satisfactory acknowledgments and
was restored.

Bro. David Stovall, DL.


Febry. Bro. Stokes charged with getting intoxicated;
Bros. Harper and Simmons to request his attendance
at next conference.

March Bro. Stokes found guilty as charged and for
"manifest indifference to the church in not obeying
church orders;" he was expelled.

May. No business done.

June. Bro. Ralph Stovall excommunicated for not
attending to the requirements of the church.

Sept. No business done.

Oct. James, belonging to Thomas Murray, charged with
being intoxicated.

Nov. James made satisfactory acknowledgements to the

Sam Empy made satisfactory acknowledgements and was
restored to fellowship.


April 15. Daniel, belonging to Mr. Ware, RE.

May. Bro. Shepperd Groce chosen Deacon of the

July. Bro. Lewis Glaze, RL.

August. Sarah, belonging to Thos. Murray; and Watt,
belonging to Mr. Stokes, RE.

Lang, belonging to William Stokes; and Sam,
belonging to Thomas Murray, both made satisfactory

Sept. Bro. George King and Betty, belonging to
Thomas Murray, RE.

Bro. Sterne Simmons appointed acting deacon for
Rocky Spring Church and a delegate to the

Nov. Received by experience: Samuel Davis

Philis, belonging to William Norman

Nancey, belonging to William Stokes


Janry. Bro. William Golden excommunicated for non-
attendance and neglecting to conform to church

August. Bro. Robert Harper nominated to request Bro.
Charles Right to appear at next meeting.

Sept. Bro. Charles Right made satisfactory
acknowledgements to charge against him; he was

Nov. Aggy, belonging to Peter Gillum, charged with
living in adultery; she was excommunicated.

Dec. Tiller, belonging to Thomas Murray, RE.


May. Bro. Samuel Davis appointed as assistant clerk,
to cooperate with Bro. Harper.


Janry. Charles Right charges with "taking a mattock
clandestinely;" he was excommunicated.

July. Bro. Glaze charged Bro. Crosson with
"attempting to go to bed with one of his daughters,
and making use of improper expressions about his

Sept. Charge against Bro. Crosson found true; he was

Bro. Stokes charged with fighting and using improper

August [October?] Tiller, belonging to Thomas
Murray, excommunicated for whoredom.

Jenny, belonging to John Blalock, excommunicated for

Charles, belonging to Peter Gillum, excommunicated
for being intoxicated and for going to be with
another man's wife.

Abby, belonging to Davis, was excommunicated for
engaging to marry a man that had a wife.

Ben, belonging to Thomas Murray, excommunicated for
living in adultery.

Sam, belonging to Thomas Murray, excommunicated for
living in adultery.

Glascow, belonging to John Owens, excommunicated for

Sam. Empy, belonging to Thomas Murray,
excommunicated for drunkenness.

Joshua, belonging to William Smith, excommunicated for living in adultery.

Nov. Tonny, belonging to William Stokes, excommunicated for being

Dec. Tom, belonging to Thomas Murray, excommunicated for attempting
to commit adultery.

January, belonging to David Murray, excommunicated for living in

Lucy, belonging to Thomas Murray, made accusation against Ellick,
declaring that "Ellick should have said that Lucy would tell lies to justify
the conduct of her family, however improper."
Ellick answered the charge, stating that he only said that her family would
hang together.

Kial, belonging to David Murray, excommunicated for living in adultery.

George, belonging to John York, excommunicated for living in adultery.

June. Stephen, belonging to William Harper, was accused with stealing and
disobeying orders. The charge was found true and he was excommunicated.

Jerry, belonging to William Stokes, was accused of being drunk and fighting.
The charge was found true and he was excommunicated.
Lang, belonging to William Stokes, was charged with stealing and
disobeying church orders. He was excommunicated.

Michael, belonging to Robert Harper, was accused with stealing and
disobeying orders. The charge was found true and he was excommunicated.

Sybba, belonging to Robert Harper, was charged with lying and being an
accessory to stealing. The charge was found true and she was


June. Bro. E. Palmore, RL.


April. Bro. William Arrant charged for not dealing with Sister Guise
according to Scripture, and for not obeying church requirements; he was

May. Bro. Lewis Glaze was excommunicated, there appearing a
contradiction in his own statements.
David Glaze, RE. "Since Dead"


Sept. Bro. Davis charged with obtaining receipts of Isaac Turman, deputy
sheriff of Lincoln [County], unlawfully. Case postponed to next conference.

Nov. Charge against Bro. Davis continued to next conference.

Dec. Glascow, belonging to John Owens, RE.
Samuel Davis expelled for taking receipts from Isaac Turman improperly.
Bro. Ralph Stovall restored by acknowledgements.
Bro. Simmons ordained as deacon.

               [Recorded out of order.]

May. Moses, belonging to Thomas Murray, was charged with propagating
absurdities. He made satisfactory statements and was acquitted.

June 18th. Ellick, belonging to Thomas Murray, charged with telling "the
members to stand firm and they would ... turn out Bro. Harper."
Bro. Stokes made satisfactory acknowledgements.
James, belonging to John H. Walton, charged with attempting to commit

May. James, belonging to Thomas Murray, excommunicated for getting
Kial, belonging to David Murray, made satisfactory acknowledgements and
was restored.

Kial, belonging to David Murray, was excommunicated for running away
and disobedience to his master.

Janry. Ellick charged Humphrey and his wife Philis with telling lies and
refusing to give satisfaction. Both were excommunicated.


May. Harry, belonging to the Widow Walton, excommunicated for leaving
his wife and attempting to marry another.

Abe, belonging to William Mathews, charged with living in adultery. He
was excommunicated.

Judy, belonging to Thomas Murray made satisfactory acknowledgments
and was restored.

James, belonging to Thomas Murray, was restored by acknowledgment.

August. Jack, belonging to Thomas Murray, restored by acknowledgment.
George, belonging to John York, was restored by acknowledgment.

Sept. Susannah Glaze, RE.


June. Stephen, belonging to Widow York; and Squire, belonging to
Shadrach Turner, RE.

Peter, belonging to Thomas Murray, RL.

Stephen, belonging to Mrs. York, accused of stealing cotton.

Peter, belonging to Thomas Murray, was accused of stealing.

George, belonging to John M. Dooly, was excommunicated for living in

adultery and disobedience to the church.
William Hill, RE.


Sept. Received by experience:
Richard Prather
Elizabeth Hill

Nancy, belonging to William Harper

Fanny, belonging to Mrs. Smith

Stephen, belonging to William Harper, was restored by acknowledgment.


April. Nothing having transpired.

May. Nothing having transpired.

July 26th. Jincey, Prather, RE.

August 21st. Elizabeth Murray, RE

[August] 28th. Thomas W. Murray, RE.

[August] 29th. William Turner, RE. Conference held at the place of

Sept. 25th. Received by experience:

Wylie G. Tatom
Susannah Groce
Fanny Turner


[Sept.] 26th. Letty, belonging to Mrs. Statham, RE.

Oct. Abby was restored by acknowledgment.

Nov. Nothing having transpired.

Dec. 25th. Solomon Zellars, RE.
Bro. Wm. Right (Wright) and wife, DL to Lincolnton Church.


Febry. 26th. Bro. Wylie G. Tatom appointed clerk and
treasurer. Committee of Bros. Robert Harper, Wylie
G. Tatom, William Hill, Thomas W. Murray and Nathan
Right appointed to superintend fund for itinerant
preachers and missionary purposes.

Members were requested to contribute to this fund
during the present year, 1825:

Robert Harper                           $  3.00
Sterne Simmons                            1.00
Amt. carried forward                $  4.00

Richard Prather, pd.                      4.00
Wylie G. Tatom, pd.                      6.00
Solomon Zeilars, pd.                     3.00
William Turner, paid                     1.00
William Hill, paid                           1.00
Nathan Right, pd.                          2.00
Thomas W. Murray, pd.               5.00
Jincey Statham, pd.                       1.00

Sister Prudence Guise; Bro. Peter Guise and wife, DL
to Lincolnton.

Febry. 27th. Sybba, belonging to Robert Harper, made
acknowledgments and was restored to fellowship.

Elvey, belonging to Robert Harper, RE.

Stephen, belonging to Samuel Thompson, DL to

March 26th. Bro. Jackson, moderator.

April 23. Bro. John Zellar and "our Beloved Sister" Barbara Zellar, RE.
Willie G. Tatom, Clk
Revd. James Mathews resigned pastorate of church, which has filled
for some upwards of thirty years." (Resolution of the church follows.)

May 21st. Bro. Jackson, moderator. Bro. Thomas Grant Glaze, R.E.
Bro. Richard Prather elected third Deacon. Bros. Belcher Marshal and
Sanders to be invited to his ordination on the Saturday before the fourth
Sabbath in July. "Bros. Harper and Jackson to convey the news to the

May 22nd. "Sunday morning at place of babtising." William, belonging to
William Parks, RE.

June 25th. Received by experience:

Lewis, belonging to estate of Newell Walton, Senr.
Sam, belonging to same estate.
Rachel, belonging to James Murray

Sister Nancy Tatom

Sister Emily Tatom

Sister A. Crowson, DL to Lincolnton. Thomas W. Murray, Asst. Clk.

July 23rd. No new business.

August 28th. Nothing having transpired.

August 29th. George, "a Black Brother, and Steaner, "a Black Sister-
belonging to Thomas Murray. RL. W.G. Tatom, Clk.

Sept. 12th. Bro. Richard Prather was ordained by Bros. Gibson, Caloway
and Jackson.

September 13th, 1825. Paid to Bros. Silvanus Gibson and Enoch
Calloway out of the church fund                   	$  8.00
Sept. 22nd, 1825 Appropriated for minutes                   $  2.00
For to pay clerk 
Sept. 30th. 1825 Appropriated for minits [sic]              $  1.50
4th Oct., 1827 Appropriated for minuets [sic]              $  2.00
For Education Purposes -1827 Association                 $  5.00
Paid Richard Prather                                   		     .75


Sept. 22nd. Letter to association prepared by Bro.
Wylie Tatom was submitted and received. Bros.
Solomon Zellars and Murray, with Harper as
alternate, were appointed delegates to the
association to be held at Green Wood on Friday
before second Sunday in October.

Oct. 22nd. Bro. Solomon Zellars and Sister Emily
Zellar, DL.

Nov. 25th. Sam, belonging to estate of Newell
Walton, deed., was expelled for adultery.

December 24th. Agreed our stated preaching will be
the Saturday before the first Sabbath in the month.


March 4th. Bro. Jackson, moderator. Members of other
churches invited to sit with us. Door opened for
reception of members. W.G. Tatom, Clk.

April 1st. Same.

April 2nd. Peter, belonging to Moses Jones,

May 6th. Bro. Jackson, modr.

June 4th. Third Sunday before communion day to be
set apart to settle any difficulties that may rise
among the Black members of this church.

July 1st. Third Sunday in every month set apart as a
day of prayer and First Sabbath in every month a day
of preaching.

Charles, belonging to Mrs. Zellar, RE.

July 4th. Sarah Siale [Sale?], RE.

August 5th. Bros. Harper, Nathan Wright, and Hill
appointed to attend general meeting to be held at
this church on Friday before the fourth Sabbath this
inst. [August].

August 20. Conference held for Black Members. Annie,
belonging to Thomas W. Murray, received.


August 28th. Thomas W. Murray to "wright" a letter
to the association. Bros. John Zellar and Thomas G.
Glaze appointed messengers to association, Bro.
Murray as alternate.

Sept. 31st. Newman Mathews, Senr. and Martha Turner,

Nov. 4th. Meridith Wright, RE. W.G. Tatom, Clk.

Dec. 2nd. Nothing having transpired.


Feb. 18th. Conference held on 3rd Sabbath for
benefit of the Black Members.

Restored to fellowship:

George, belonging to T.M. Dooly

Dick, belonging to Thomas Murray, Senr.

January, belonging to David Murray

Harry, belonging to Micajah Henley

March 3rd. W.G. Tatom appointed deacon to replace
Robert Harper, deceased. Ordination set for first
Saturday in April.

April. Nothing having transpired.

May 5th. Bro. Tatom was not ordained on appointed
day. Clerk ordered to prepare letters requesting
Bros. Armstrong and Palmer to attend the ordination
on Saturday before the first Sabbath in June. That
day set aside as a day of fasting and prayer.

June 30th. This church joins with the Yellow River
Association in appointing July 3rd and 4th as days
of fasting and prayer, and white members are to
attend a place of public worship on the occasion.

July 3rd & 4th. Members attended according to the
request of Yellow River Association by prayer and
singing Hymns.

August. Bro. Jackson presided as moderator.

Oct.11th. Bros. Wm. Hill and Richard Prather
appointed messengers to the general association at
Philips Mill, Wilkes County, Georgia. Wylie G.


Tatom was alternate. $2 appropriated for minutes and
$5 for missionary purposes under the dictation of
the association.


Janry. 5th. Bro. Jackson moderator. None received by

Janry. 12th. Bro. James Armstrong called as pastor
to replace Bro. Jackson. He attended and took charge
of the church as their minister.

Febry. 8th. Bro. Armstrong attended as moderator.
Bro. W.G. Tatom ordained as deacon in lieu of Robert
Harper, deed., by deacon Sterne Simmons, at consent
of church.

Charge against Moses, belonging to Thomas Murray,
for stealing and selling goods of his master. Case
continued to 2nd Sunday in March with all black
members to attend at 9:00 a.m.

March 8th. Bro. Armstrong moderator. None received
by experience.

April 12th. Mrs. Rebecca Tatom, RE.

May 10th. George, a Black member belonging to Mrs.
Dooly, excluded for running away and living out of
the service of his mistress. He was excommunicated.

June 8th. Moses judged guilty on charges and

July 12th. Ralph, belonging to Bro. Sterne Simmons,
RE. $5 sent to the association for education
purposes for 1827.

August 9th. Bro. Armstrong presided as moderator,
accompanied by Bro. Hartwell Jackson. John Davis and
Charlotte Right, RE.

Sept. Peter, "a colored Member formerly belonging to
Thos. Murray, now to Moses Jones," excommunicated
for living in adultery.

Nov. Nothing having transpired.

Dec. 13th. Elvary, belonging to Sister Harper,
excommunicated for stealing.


Janry. 10th. Nothing having transpired.


Febry. 7th. Nothing having transpired.

March 7th. Paddy, belonging to estate of John H.
Walton, RE.

April. No members received.

May 9th. Daniel, belonging to John Zeilars, and
Nancy, belonging to Ramon Davis, RE.

June 13th. A black sister (no name given) belonging
to estate of John H. Walton, RE.

July. Bros. Nathan Right, Tatom, and Zellars
appointed to attend general meeting at Lincolnton on
Friday before fifth Sunday in August. Bro. Murray to
write letter to the association.

August 8th. Lucy and Phillis, belonging to estate of
John H. Walton, deed., RE. 

Also Charles, belonging to Thos. G. Glaze, RE. Bro.
Prather and Merideth Right to attend next
association at Sardis in Oct. W.G. Tatom alternate.
Bro. Murray to write letter to the association.

Sept. 12th. Martha Harper, RE. Also Jacob and Sally,
belonging to estate of John H. Walton, deed., RE.
They were baptized on the Sabbath morning.

Bro. Armstrong to preach a sermon for Education and
a collection made to transmit to the association at
Sardis in Oct.

Sept. 13th. "At place of Baptizing." Nancy Simmons,
RE and baptised.

Nov. 7th. Steller, belonging to estate of John H.
Walton, deed., RE.

Dec. 12th. Bro. Armstrong agreed to continue as
pastor for another year.


Janry. There was no business done.

Febry. There was no business transacted.

March. No business transacted.

April 24th John and Manuel, RE. Sam Empy restored.

May 22nd. Bro. Armstrong presided as moderator.
Cown, belonging to Thomas Simmons, RE.


June 21st. Received by experience:
Joseph Florence

Thomas Simmons

Evaline Wilkerson

Harriet Walton

Betsey, belonging to estate of Noah Walton.

June 27th "At place of baptizing." Fill, belonging
to Peter Zellars, RE and baptised.

Peter, now belonging to Richard Prather, formerly to
the estate of Moses Jones, dead., restored.

July 24th. Bro. Armstrong presided, assisted by Bro.
Smith, Received by experience:

Eleanor Florence

Harry, belonging to Martha Harper

Abraham, belonging to Thomas Simmons

Wylie G. Tatom, Thos. Simmons and Joseph Florence to
attend association general meeting; Wylie G. Tatom
to prepare letter to association. Letty, belonging
to Thos. Stribling, DL.

August 7th. Emily Smith and Billy, "servant of Thos.
Simmons, RE. Richard Prather and Thomas Simmons
appointed delegates to association with Thos. W.
Murray as alternate. Thos. W. Murray to write

Members made contributions for minutes and other

Sept. 25th. Dorcey, belonging to Adam Harnesbarger;
and Mariah, belonging to estate of John H. Walton,

Eivy, belonging to Mrs. Harper, restored.

George, belonging to Thos. J. Murray, formerly to
Mrs. Dooly, restored.

Oct. Bro. Jesse Mercer presided as moderator, Bro.
Armstrong absent. Nothing having transpired.

Nov. 26th. Received by experience and baptised:
William Poullin

Polly Ansley

Leven, belonging to estate of John Simmons, dead.

Ben, belonging to estate of Jno. H. Walton, dead.

Edney, belonging to estate of Noah Walton, dead.

Arthur, belonging to estate of Noah Walton, dead.


Ransom, belonging to estate of Noah Walton, dead.
Lucy, belonging to T.G. Glaze.

Dec. 25th. Thomas Simmons appointed clerk, Thomas W.
Murray assistant clerk. Church book was to be kept
at the meeting house "in order that entries may be
regularly made."


January 22nd. Bro. Armstrong presided as moderator.
Harry, belonging to Miss Patsey Harper, DL.

Febry. 26th. Bro. Armstrong presided, accompanied by
Bro. Parks from Tennessee.

Daniel, belonging to Garland Bostwick, RE.

March 26th. Jacob, belonging to Thos. Simmons, RE.

April 3. A number of people met in coloured
conference, appointed Bro. Nathan Wright moderator
and proceeded to business.

Betty, belonging to Mrs. Mary Sudduth, restored.

Betty, "a black female member belonging to the
estate of Noah Walton, dead., excommunicated for

April 23. Bro. Armstrong presided, assisted by Bro.
W. Jackson. No business appeared.

May 21st. No business appeared.

June 6th. Coloured conference by moderator Bro.
Nathan Wright.

Received by experience:

Tom, belonging to Mrs. Lucy Harper

Huldy, belonging to Mrs. Susannah Glaze

Betty, belonging to Thos. G. Glaze

Joe and his wife Lady, belonging to Mr. Roads,
formerly members of Rehoboth Church, RL.

June 24th. Bro. Armstrong moderator, assisted by
Bro. Toole. Daniel, belonging to David Murray, RE.

Bro. Prather and Bro. John Zellars appointed
messengers to general meeting at Fishing Creek on
Friday before first Sabbath in August. 


Wilie G. Tatom and Thos. Simmons alternates, with
Thos. Simmons to write letter to association.
Monthly meeting moved to second Sabbath of each

July 9th. No new members.

August 13th. Bros. Thos. W. Murray and Richard
Prather appointed delegates to association, with
Thos. Simmons as alternate. Thos. Simmons to prepare
letter. Church made contributions to association for
minutes and other purposes.

Sept. 9th Received by experience:

William H. Norman, his "companion" Jincey Norman,
and son John Norman

Isaac Wright and his "companion" Aggy Wright

Adam Harnesbarger

William W. Stokes

Letter to association exhibited by Bro. Thos.
Simmons and approved by church.

Sept. 10th. Received by experience:

John Simmons

Frances Florence, companion of Thomas Florence,

Frances Wheeler, companion of Thos. J. Wheeler,

Margaret Tate, companion of Zemire W. Tate

Nancy H.W. Stokes, companion of William W. Stokes

Patience, belonging to Mr. Glaze

Toney, belonging to estate of John H. Walton, dead.

Molly, belonging to estate of John H. Walton, dead.

Lucy, belonging to Miss Polly Sudduth

Jinny, Jane and Betsey, all belonging to estate of
John H. Walton, dead.

Sabbath Morning Sept. llth. A "colured" female (no
name given), RE.

Sam, belonging to Thos. J. Murray, restored.

Humphrey, belonging to Thos. Murray, and George,
formerly belonging to Thos. J. Murray, DL.

Monday, Sept 12th. Jess Jacob, belonging to Miss
Polly Sudduth, RL from Rehoboth Church.


Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Nothing having transpired.
Number of members 115.

Wednesday, October 13th. John Campbell, RE. Lucy,
belonging to Thos. Florence, DL.

Thursday, October 14th. Richard Prather resigned
from deaconship. Two deacons to be nominated at next

Thos. W. Murray presented a resolution for better
regulation of coloured members. It was adopted

No coloured member may preach unless first licensed.

All coloured people should meet apart from their
masters and mistresses.

Nov. 13th. Clarissa and Caty, belonging to estate of
John H. Walton, dead.; and Sarah, belonging to Mrs.
Paradise, RE. Bros. Thos. Simmons and Wm. W. Stokes
elected as new deacons.

Dec. 10th. Armstead, belonging to estate of John H.
Walton, dead.; and George and Candes belonging to
Wm. W. Stokes, RE. John Simmons, DL

Sunday Morning, Dec. 11th. Bill, belonging to Mrs.
G. Simmons, RE.


January 28th John, belonging to Wm. E. Dubose, RE.
William Pullen and John Zellars, DL.

"At the request of our Sister Margaret N. Tate &
also her companion she is no longer considered a
member of this church."

Feby. 11th. No business appeared.

March 10th. Nothing having transpired.

April 7th. Thos. Carter was moderator in absence of
Bro. Armstrong, who was attending the Georgia
Convention. Appointment of messengers to association
postponed to Sabbath morning. No other business

Sabbath Morning, March [April] 8th. Bro. Thos.
Carter chosen moderator. Wm. H. Norman, Richard
Prather, and Thos. G. Glaze were appointed
messengers to general meeting at Washington. Willie
G. Tatom was selected as alternate and he was to
prepare letter to association.


Saturday, May 12th. Bro. James Armstrong, moderator.
Received by experience:

Betty, belonging to Richard Prather Hal


Miss Jane Camell

Jacob, belonging to Mrs. Ann P. Harper

Sabbath Morning, May 13th. Peyton W. Tate, RE.

Saturday, June 9th. John S. Walton and John
Furguson, RE. Fill, belonging to P. Zellers,
excommunicated for stealing.

August llth. James C. Croce, RE.

Wm. H. Norman and Wm. W. Stokes appointed to
represent church at next Georgia Association, with
Bros. Prather, Croce, and Tatom as alternates.

A missionary discourse and collection for the same
on Sabbath of next meeting.

Sept. 9th. Misses Elizabeth Ansley and Sarah H.
Gage, RE. Church to meet on Friday before 4th
Sabbath in this month at 9:00 a.m.

Number of members 9th Sept. 1832,127.

Friday Morning, Sept. 24th. Letter to association
prepared by Bro. Stokes was presented and received.

Saturday, Nov. 10th. Sabra, belonging to Sister B.
Zellers, RE.


Jany. Bro. James Armstrong, moderator. No business.

Saturday, Feby. 10th. Polly Lane, RL. Bros. M.
Wright, T.G. Glaze, and Richard Prather appointed
delegates to general meeting at Greenwood, with Wm.
W. Stokes to write the letter to the association.

March 9th. Mrs. Mary A. Walton, RL from Sardis.
Betty, belonging to John S. Walton, RL.

Ralph, belonging to Mrs. Simmons, excommunicated for

Caleb, belonging to Mrs. H.S. Walton, dismissed for

Bro. T. Simmons appointed delegate in place of Bro.


April 10th. Church to have three-day meeting
beginning on Friday before 5th Sabbath in June. No
other business.

Saturday, May 11th. Bro. J.M. Walker acted as
moderator, Bro. Armstrong being absent on business.
No business.

Saturday, June 8th. Three-day meeting postponed to
second Sabbath in September. No other business.

July 13th. No business.

Saturday, August 10th. Charge against Bro. John
Davis for using profane language; Bros. Nathan
Wright and Thos. G. Glaze to site him to attend next

Bros. Nathan Wright and Wm. H. Norman appointed
delegates to next association, with Bro. Tatom as
alternate. Bro. Simmons to prepare letter.

Friday, Sept. 8th. Case of Bro. John Davis postponed
until tomorrow. No other business.

Saturday, Sept. 9th. Bro. John Davis made
satisfactory acknowledgments relative to charge;
church agreed to sustain him.

Bro. Simmons exhibited letter to association; it was
read and adopted. Total no. of members 128. T.S.

Saturday, Nov. No business.

Saturday, Dec. Sister Elizabeth Ansley, DL.


Saturday, Jany. John H. Walton to see Bro. J.
Campbell and request him to attend next conference.

Saturday, Feby. 8th. 

Bro. Campbell and Bro. Wm. H. Norman made mutual and
satisfactory acknowledgment to each other and Bro.
Campbell to the church; the difficulty settled.

John Davis excluded for "irregularity and
unchristian conduct in subscribing to a tale and
expressing a wish to have his name taken off the
church book."

Judy, belonging to Wm. E. Dubose, and Philis,
belonging to John S. Walton, excommunicated for
"having bastard children."


Saturday, March 8th. Thos. Simmons, Richard Prather
andWm. W. Stokes appointed messengers to general
meeting at Ebenezer in Wilkes County; Bro. Stokes to
prepare the letter.

April. No business.

Saturday, May 3rd. John H.Walker acted as moderator
in absence of Bro. Armstrong attending the
convention. No business. John, belonging to Wm. E.
Dubose, excommunicated for fornication.

Saturday June 7th. Bro. Stokes made motion that a
committee of seven members to investigate difficulty
between Bros. Hill and Turner. They were: Thomas
Simmons, Nathan Wright, Wilie G. Tatom,Richard
Prather, Meridith Wright, Thos. G. Glaze, and Joseph

Bro Turner charged Bro. Hill with making a false
statement against him, in that Bro. Turner told him
that "a certain young man of the neighbourhood
visited his negro houses frequently, naming the
young man." Charge was sustained by evidence of
Sister Turner who said she was present during
conversation of Bros. Turner and Hill and the
statements were not made by Bro. Turner in her

Saturday, July 12th. Received by experience:

Sisseo and Charlotte, belonging to Mrs. Ann P.
Harper Hannah, belonging to David Murray, Senr.

Case between Bros. Turner and Hill postponed to next

Saturday, August 9th. Difficulty between Bros.
Turner and Hill satisfactorily settled.

Sunday [August] 10th. J.S. Walton and T. Simmons
appointed delegates to association, with Bros. Tatom
and Prather as alternates. Bro. Tatom to write the

Saturday, Sept. 12th. Letter prepared by Bro. Tatom
read and adopted. Bro James Armstrong resigned from
church as pastor next year. Church to meet on
Saturday before first Sabbath in October to select a
suitable person as pastor.

Molly, belonging to David Murray, RE.

Total No. [of members] 128.


Saturday, Octr. 3rd. Bro. Nathan Wright chosen
moderator. No pastor selected. Adjourned till

Sunday, Oct. 4th. Adjourned till Nov. meeting, not
all present.

Nov. 5th. Bro Armstrong moderator. Received by

Jim and Nelly, belonging to Thos. J. Murray

Huldah, belonging to Mrs. H.S. Walton

"Our beloved brother" William Hill and sister Emely
Scot, DL. Bro. Jesse Davis unanimously chosen to be
called as pastor. Bro. Simmons to prepare letter to
call him and a letter to his church for his
ordination. Bros. Wilie G. Tatom and Richard Prather
to bear the same.

Decr. Bro. Armstrong, moderator. Manuel, belonging
to Garland Bostick, DL. Ann, belonging to Mrs.
Elizabeth Murray, RE.


Feby. 6th. Bro. Jesse Mercer Davis agreed to take
charge of this church; he acted as moderator. Day of
worship moved to Saturday before the third Sabbath
each month.

March 15th. Bro. Jesse Davis, moderator. No

Saturday, April 18th. Bro. J. Davis, moderator. Mrs.
Sarah Walton, RL Wilie G. Tatom, John S. Walton and
Richard Prather appointed messengers to general
meeting at Sardis in Wilkes County, with William H.
Norman as alternate. Bro. Simmons to prepare the

May 16th. Bro. James Matthews acted as moderator in
absence of Bro. Davis. Letter prepared by Bro.
Simmons was read and adopted. A motion was made to
correspond with sister churches: Rehoboth,
Lincolnton, Newford, and Union. Bros. W.H. Norman
and T.G. Glaze to Lincolnton; Bros. Tatom,
Harnesberger and Prather to Rehoboth; Bros. Prather
and Tatom to Newford; Bros. Simmons, Sales and
Prather to Union.

Saturday, June 20th. Bro. Davis was "assisted by
other ministering brethren." Correspondents from
various sister churches were received:

Bros. McClendon and Jerry Frazer from Newford

Bros. J. Simmons, Harper and Moss from Union


Bros. J. Moreman and Thos. Frazer from Hepzibah.
Bros. Tatom, Harnesberger, Prather and M. Wright
appointed to visit Hephzibah.

The fourth Sabbath in July set aside as a day of
conference for the "coloured" members of the church.

Monday, June 22nd. Meeting to be "protracted" from
day to day "as circumstances may justify."

John Davis restored.

Tuesday, June 22nd [23rd?]. Lewis Lane, RE.

Wednesday, June 23rd [24th?]. Judy, belonging to
Charles Statham, RE.

Monday, July 6th. Bro. James Mathews acted as
moderator in absence of Bro. Davis. Received by

Mrs. Susan Florence

John Turner

Timothy Wright

Henry H. Glaze

Lucinda Wright

Delia Glaze

Tuesday morning, July 7. Bro. Philip Matthews acted
as moderator.

Received by experience and baptised:

Mrs. Jane Wright

Angeline Florence

Miss Nancy Collars

Saturday, July 18th. Bro. James Matthews acted as
moderator in absence of Bro. Davis. Mrs. Nancy
Zellers and Obadiah Florence, RE.

Sunday Morning, July 19. Patty, belonging to Mrs. G.
Simmons, RE and baptised.

Friday, August 14th. Bro. Jesse Davis, moderator.
Van Alien Collars, RE. Bros. Thos. Simmons and
Richard Prather appointed delegates to Georgia
Convention to be held in Augusta, with Wm. H. Norman
as alternate. Bro. Tatom to prepare letter. Bros.
J.S. Walton, R. Prather, Wm. W. Stokes and Wm. H.
Norman appointed messengers of correspondence to
Union Church.


Saturday, Aug. 15th. Miss Sarah Zellers, Miss
Elizabeth Turner, and Hannah, belonging to John
Lockhart, RE. T S Clk.

Sunday Morning, Aug. 16th. Wm. Florence and his wife
Lucinda Florence, RE and baptized.

Sunday Evening, Aug. 16th. Bro. Tatom chosen
moderator for coloured conference. Moses, belonging
to David Murray, received again. Lucy, belonging to
Thos. G. Glaze, was excommunicated for fornication.

Sept. 20th Corresponding churches received: Benjamin
Prather from Rehoboth John Zealars and Wm. Dallas
from Lincolnton

Icabod Homes from Hephzibah

John Moss and Wm. Harper from Union.

Received by experience:

Gilbert, belonging to Peyton Norman

Harry, belonging to Eustace H. Rhodes.

Messengers of correspondence appointed to sister

Lincolnton Bros. Farguson, Florence, and A. Collars
Rehoboth Bros. Hester, J. Florence Hepzibah Bros.
Tatom and Richard Prather Union Bros. Prather, Wm.
H. Norman Newford Bros. John H. Turner, H.H. Glaze,
and Lewis Lane Letter prepared by Wiley G. Tatom to
the Association unanimously agreed to.

Total No. [of members] 154. H.H. Glaze Pro tem

Octr. Daniel Hester, RL from Union Church.

Bro. Davis resigned pastorship for the ensuing year.
Church to choose a pastor at next meeting.

Bro. John Campbell and Sister Jane Campbell, DL.
Sunday Evening [no date]. Called conference with
Bro. Holmes as moderator. Old Amy, formerly
belonging to estate of Benton Walton, DL.

Nov. Bro. Holmes acted as moderator in absence of
Bro. Davis.


Bro. James Mathews called as preacher; Bro. Simmons
to prepare a letter to Bro. Mathews as a call and
Bros. W.G. Tatom and R. Prather to bear the same. T
S Clk.

Saturday, Decr. Bro. J. Davis, moderator.
Correspondence received from Lincolnton Church and
Hephzibah Church. Bro. J. Matthews to give answer to
call tomorrow, or at January meeting.

Messengers appointed to sister churches:

Lincolnton Bros. William Florence and Joseph
Florence Newford Bros. Tatom and Lane. Sister Nancy
Zellers, DL.

Sunday, Decr. Bro. James Matthews "excepted" the
call and was adopted as pastor for the next year.


Saturday, Jany. Bro. James Matthews, moderator.
Moses, belonging to David Murray, charged with
stealing and lying. Bro. Forgason to cite him to
attend next conference.

Feby. 20th. Bro. Henry H. Glaze appointed assistant
clerk. Letters of dismission applied for and granted

Sister Sarar Walton

Bro. Adam Harnesberger

Dorcas, belonging to Bro. Harnesberger.

Case against Moses postponed till tomorrow at 10:00.

Sunday, Feby. Moses, belonging to David Murray, did
not appear; he was unanimously excommunicated.

Saturday, March 19th. Letters from sister churches
read. Flora, belonging to Sister Harriet S. Walton,
RE. Ben, belonging to Wm. H. Dubose, charged with
disorderly conduct; Wm. W. Stokes to notify Ben to
appear at next meeting. Corresponding brethren
appointed: Newford Bros. R. Prather and Joseph
Florence Hepzibah Bros. Wiley G. Tatom and Van Alien
Collars Lincolnton Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Meredith
Wright Rehoboth Bros. Obed. Florence, Senr. and
Wiley G. Tatom. Baptism of applicant deferred to
next meeting. H.H. Glaze, Clerk Pro tern


March 20th. Bro. Mathews, moderator. First Thursday
in April appointed a day of fasting and prayer to
Almighty God "that He would extend His mercy unto us
and dispel the darkness that hangs over us as a

Bro. Timothy Wright, DL. Henry H. Glaze, Asst. Clk.

April 16th. Wiley G. Tatom, Thos. G. Glaze and Wm.
W. Stokes appointed messengers to general meeting
with Obed. Florence as alternate. Bro. Wm. H. Norman
to write the letter.

May 14th. John, belonging to Wm. E. Dubose, charged
with some disorderly conduct, was to be notified to
attend tomorrow at 10:30 by W.W. Stokes.

Wm. H. Norman, Peyton W. Norman, John S. Walton and
W.W. Stokes appointed correspondents to Union.

Sunday Morning 15th May 1836. John, belonging to
W.E. Dubose charged with adultery; he acknowledged
himself guilty and was excommunicated.

Ben, belonging to W.E. Dubose, also charged with
adultery, acknowledge himself guilty and was

Bro. Lewis Glaze, DL. Wm. W. Stokes, Clk. pro. tern

18th June 1836. Messengers received from Rehoboth,
Lincolnton, Hephzibah, and Newford.

Messengers appointed:

Newford Bros. Norman, Tatom and Prather

Rehoboth Bros. Hester, Sale and John Norman

Lincolnton Bros. Wright, Sale and Forgerson

Hephzibah Bros. Tatom, Florence and Cullars.

August 20th. Bro. Wm. Prather acted as moderator in
absence of Bro. Mathews. James C. Groce, Thos. G.
Glaze and Wm. W. Stokes appointed delegates to next
Georgia Association to be held at Beards Meeting
House in Greene County. Alternates were Tom H.
Norman and Meredith Wright and Bro. T. Simmons to
prepare letter to association. Thos. Simmons, Clk.

Sept. Correspondents from sister churches received:
Hephzibah Bros. Jno. Moreman and J. Blackburn
Rehoboth Bro. S.B. Wenn Lincolnton Bros. Thos. Glaze
and T. Dalles Union Bro. Moss


Dismissed by letter:
Daniel Hester
Thos. Simmons
Nancy Simmons
Elizabeth Simmons
Lucy Harper
Jacob, Billy, Abram, Sibba, and Cowan, belonging to
Thos. Simmons

Tom and Eivy, belonging to Sister Harper

Harry, belonging to James N. Harper

Nancy and Amos, belonging to estate of Thos. W.
Murray, deed.

Correspondents to sister churches appointed to:
Newford Bros. Prather and T.G. Glaze Lincolnton
Bros. V. Collars, Florence and Forgason.

[The form of a "Letter of Dismission"]

"Georgia, Lincoln County

The Church of Christ at Goshen of the Baptist faith
and order Send Greeting. Whereas our dear Beloved
Brother ______________ has applied to us for a
letter of Dismission this is therefore to Notify
that he is regularly Dismissed from us as a member
in full fellowship when joined to any other Church
of the Same faith and order done in Conference

Sept. Sabbath conference, Bro. Matthews, moderator.
Sister Gracy Simmons and Billy, belonging to Sister
Simmons, DL. Total No. Members 132, Sept. 1836. T.
Simmons Clk.


18th of March 1837. Bro. Mathews, moderator. Bro.
Montgomery messenger from Newford. Bro. Alexander
Frazer, RL.

Messengers to sister churches appointed: Newford
Bros. A. Florence and Norman. Lincolnton Bros.
Cullars, Norman, Wright and Furguson

Saturday, April 15th 1837. Bro. Noah Frazer, RL.
Stephen, belonging to Sam Thompson, DL. Election of
new clerk to take place next conference. A. Frazer,

Saturday, May. Bro. Alexander Frazer elected clerk,
Bro. Wm. W. Stokes, assistant clerk.


Bro. Henry H. Glaze charged with being intoxicated
and using profane language. Bros. M. Wright and P.
Sailes to cite him to the next conference.

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Hepzibah Bros. N. Frazer and A. Frazer Union Bros.
Wm. H. Norman, J.S. Watson and W.W. Stokes Bro G
Glaze reports charge against Ginny [Jinny],
belonging to Mr. Rhodes, for stealing cotton.

Conference adjourned until next morning to settle
this charge.

Sunday, May 21st 1837. Charge against Jinny
dismissed for lack of proof.

Saturday, June 17th, 1837. Corresponding messengers
from sister churches received:
Rehoboth Bro. J.W. Cooper
Hepzibah Bro. J. Blackburn
Lincolnton Bro. J. Zellars

Case against Bro. Henry H. Glaze continued to next
conference on recommendation of committee of Bros.
Tatom, Stokes, Sailes and Turner They examined a
letter from Bro. Glaze and found that the letter
should not be read in conference since it implicated
an innocent individual not of this church.

Delegates to general meeting and association chosen
by ballot: Bros. N. Frazer, R. Prather and G. Glaze,
with alternates being Bros. Norman, Sailes and Wm.
Norman. A. Frazer to write letter.

Correspondents to sister churches:

Lincolnton Bros. Glaze, Wright and Furgerson.
Newford Bros. Prather and Norman

Bro. Turner to be paid $12 per year to keep meeting
house in order. A. Frazer, Clk.

Saturday, Sept. 16th, 1837. Bro. William Florence,
RE. Letter to association read and adopted. A.
Frazer, Clk.

Saturday, Oct. 14th, 1837. Bro. William H. Norman,
moderator. Letters of dismission granted to:

Bro. Isaac Wright
Sister Agnes Wright
Sister Lucinda Wright
Bro. R. Prather and wife


Oct. 15. Bro. Norman, moderator.

Leven, belonging to estate of John Simmons, decd.,

Edna, belonging to minors of Noah Walton, decd.,
excluded on charge of fornication. W.G. Tatom, Clerk
Pro tern.

Saturday, Novr. 18th, 1837. Bro. Bolton, moderator.

Bro. John Danner, RL. Bro. Timothy Wright, DL.
Received by experience:

Mary, property of David Murray

Jinny, property of Mrs. Philidia Harper

Tasha, property of Wm. Dubose

Saturday, Deer. 16th, 1837. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
Letter received from sister churches by:

Lincolnton Bro. Dallas Rehoboth Bro.Syboard (Sybert)
Union Bro. Moss Bro. Mark Bone, RL.

Corresponding messengers appointed: Lincolnton Bros.
Furgerson and J. Norman Newford Bros. Tatom and T.G.
Glaze A. Frazer, C. Clk.

Saturday, July 15th, 1837. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
Bro. Glaze acknowledged charge against him, for
which he was excommunicated. Letter for General
Meeting read and adopted.

Saturday, Aug. 19th, 1837. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Bros. Wm. Norman, Wm. W. Stokes and R. Prather
chosen delegates to association. Alternate was O.
Florence and Bro. Stokes to write the letter. A.
Frazer, Clk.

Friday, Sept. 15th, 1837. Corresponding messengers
from sister churches received:

Hephzibah Bros. J. Moreman and V. Crook Lincolnton
Bros. Wright and Johnston Union Bro. House

A standing committee of Bros. Glaze, Sailes, Norman,
Turner and Tatom appointed to arrange preaching.

Coloured conference to be held on Sunday morning.

Corresponding messengers appointed: Newford Bros.
Florence and Tatom


Lincolnton Bros. Glaze, Furgerson and Collars

Hephzibah Bros. Tatom and N. Frazer


Saturday, Jany. 20th, 1838. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
Simon, property of M. Wright, RL.

Received by experience:

Robert, property of David Murray

Samsey, a "coloured sister" property of David Murray

Deacon to be chosen at next conference. Alexander
Frazer, C. Clk.

Saturday, Febr. 17th. Bro. John Danner, moderator.
Choice of deacon deferred to next conference. Clerk
ordered to withhold letter of Bro. Richard Prather
until Bro. Prather pays his subscription to the
Goshen Meeting House. Alexander Frazer, C. Clk.

Saturday, March 17th, 1838. Bro. Danner, moderator.
Bro. Dallies, messenger from Newford, appeared.

Election of deacons postponed to next conference. A.
Frazer, C. UK.

Saturday, April 14th, 1838. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
Bro. Moseley Haws, RL.

Bro. Grant Glaze chosen deacon.

Case of Bro. Prather continued to next conference.

Saturday, May 19th, 1838. Bro. Lane, moderator.
Sister Elizabeth Danner, RL. Case of Bro. Prather
postponed after discussion.

Ordination of deacon Grant Glaze set for Saturday
before third Sabbath in

Peter, Milly and Harry, property of Richard Prather,
DL. A. Frazer, C. Clk.

Saturday, June 16th, 1838. 

Bro. James Mathews, moderator. Letters &
corresponding messengers received: Lincolnton Bros.
T. Zellars and Wright Hephzibah Bros. Moreman and
Harnesberger Bro Richard Prather unanimously
excluded from fellowship for refusing to pay his
subscription to the Goshen Meeting House and for
unchristian letters to the church and private


Bro. Sailes brought charge against Leven, belonging
to estate of John Simmons, for stealing. Bro. T.G.
Glaze to cite Leven to conference at 9:00 on Sunday

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Lincolnton Bros. T.G. Glaze, Furgerson, Wright and
Tatom. Hepzibah Bros. Danner and Tatom Newford Bros.
Norman, Florence and J.G. Groce Bro. Stokes' name
added to ordination of Bro. Glaze as deacon. A.
Frazer, C. Clk.

Sunday Morning, June 17th, 1838. Leven acknowledged
charge and he was suspended "from the privilege of
the church for a time." A. Frazer, C. Clk.

Saturday, July llth, 1838. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
Bros. W.G. Tatom and T.G. Glaze appointed
corresponding messengers to Rehoboth. A F C C

Friday, August 17th, 1838. Bro. Jno. Danner,
moderator. Bros. Wm. H. Norman, W.G. Tatom and M.
Bond appointed delegates to general meeting. Bro.
Tatom to write letter. Bros. T.G. Glaze and M.
Wright with Joseph Florence alternate appointed
delegates to the association. Bro. Norman to write
letter. A. Frazer, C. Clk.

Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1838. Bro. Wm. Lane,
moderator. Letters received from Rehoboth and
Lincolnton. Bro. Simmons came from Union without a
letter. Dilso, "coloured sister" property of James
Murray, RE. Letters to association and general
meeting read and adopted. Corresponding messengers
appointed: Newford Bros. Lane and Groce Lincolnton
Bros. Glaze, Tatom and Florence Conference "for
blacks" set for tomorrow morning. Bro. Stokes called
to preach next year.

Saturday, Oct. 19th, 1838. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
No new business. J. Danner, Clk Protem

Saturday, Nov. 17th, 1838. Bro. Mathews, moderator.
Bro. Meredith Wright granted letter of dismission
for himself, wife, and Simon, "a coloured brother."
A. Frazer, Clk.


Saturday, Decr. 15th, 1838. Bro. Stokes, moderator.
Bro. Prather received as messenger from Rehoboth.

Letters of dismission granted to:

Bro. Lewis Lane and wife

Bro. John Danner and wife

Daniel, Hannah, Robert, James, Molly and Mary,
property of David Murray

December. No conference.


Saturday, February 11th, 1839. Bro. Stokes,
moderator. Sister Elizabeth Norman; Bro. Thomas P.
Cash and Sister Cash, RL. Bros. W.H. Norman and W.W.
Stokes appointed correspondents to Union Church.

Saturday, March 16th. Bro. Stokes, moderator.
Colored conference set for Sunday morning. Letters
received from sister churches by: Lincolnton Bros.
Zellars and Wright Hephzibah Bro. Crook.
Corresponding messengers appointed: Lincolnton Bros.
Furguson and Glaze Hepzibah Bros. N. Frazer and
Alexr. Frazer Newford Bros. P.W. Norman and Stokes
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence and Obed. Florence

Apr. 20,1839. Bro. Stokes, moderator. No business.

Saturday, June 15th, 1839. Bro. Stokes, moderator.
Letter received from Lincolnton Church by Bro. T.
Dallas, also Bro. Psalmond from Union Church without
a letter.

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Lincolnton Bros. Glaze and Tatom
Union Bros. Walton and Norman
Rehoboth Bros. Collars and Tatom
Hephzibah Bros. A. Frazure and Noah Frazure
Newford Bros. O. Florence and W. Florence
W.W. Stokes, Clk.


Friday, August 11th, 1839. Bro. Stokes, moderator.
Bros. T.G. Glaze and P.W. Sale, with W.H. Norman as
alternate, appointed delegates to association. Bro.
Stokes to write letter. W.W. Stokes, Clk.

Sept. 14th, 1839. Bro. Stokes, moderator.
Corresponding messengers received from: Rehoboth
Bros. Banner and Cato Hephzibah Bro. Crook
Lincolnton Bro. Wright Newford Bros. Collins and

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Newford Bros. T.G. Glaze and W. Florence Lincolnton
Bros. T. Florence and W.G. Tatom

Saturday, Oct. 1839. Bro. Stokes, moderator. Hon,
property of Mrs. Walker, RE. No further business.

Saturday, Nov. 11,1839. Bro. Stokes, moderator. Bro.
James G. Groce, DL.

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Union Bros. Norman and Walton Lincolnton Bros.
Tatom, Florence and Cash


Pages 70-72 have been placed in chronological order.


Saturday, Feby. 15th, 1840. Bro. Stokes, moderator.
Bro. T.P. Cash and Sister Malinda Cash, DL.

Also Jacob, Senia, Jinney, Caty and Tisby, belonging
to W.E. Dubose, DL.

W.W. Stokes, Clk.

March, 1840. Letters received from Lincolnton by
Bros. Wright and Zellars, from Hephzibah Church by
Bro. Harnesberger. Corresponding messengers

Lincolnton Bros. Sale and Tatom 
Hepzibah Bros. A.
Frazure and Tatom 
Union Bros. J.S. Walton and W.E.
Newford Bros. Glaze and O. Florence


Saturday, Apl. 18th, 1840. Bro. Dawson applied for a
letter for a black woman once belonging to W. Jones
of this county; granted.

Saturday, May, 1840. No business.

June 20th, 1840 Bros. Banner and Cooper brought
letter from Rehoboth.

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Lincolnton Bros. J. Florence and Hawes

Newford Bros. Glaze and O. Florence

Saturday, July, 1840. Bro. Thomas Jennings, RL.
Delpha, belonging to W.E. Dubose, RE.

Dilsy, belonging to Wm. Walton, charged with
disorder; Bro. Glaze to notify her to appear at next

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Rehoboth Bros. Tatom and Collars

Hephzibah Bros. A. Frazure and Noah Frazure

Saturday, Aug. 15th, 1840. J.S. Walton, W.W. Stokes,
M. Hawes, W.G. Tatom and V.A. Collars appointed
delegates to general meeting. M. Hawes and A.
Frazure, with W.W. Stokes as alternate, appointed
delegates to the association.

Saturday, Sept. 19,1840. Letters from Lincolnton
Church by Bro. Wright; from Hephzibah by A.
Harnesberger and John Florence. Corresponding
messengers appointed:

Lincolnton Bros. Sale and W. Florence

Newford Bros. Collars and O. Florence

November, 1840. Corresponding messengers appointed:

Union Bros. W.H. Norman and W.W. Stokes

Decr. 19th, 1840. Received Bro. Wright from
Lincolnton as corresponding member.

Corresponding messengers appointed:

Lincolnton Bros. 0. Florence and W. Florence Newford
Bro. T.G. Glaze


Saturday, Feby. 20th, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator.


A letter received from Bro. Thomas Simmons
requesting a letter for Bro. John Davis, which was

Collection for a church fund totaled $10.43 and was
placed in care of P.W. Sale.

Church to meet on 2nd Sabbath next month for benefit
of the black brethren.

March, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bro. Jackson
Lincolnton Bro. Wright
Corresponding messengers appointed:
Lincolnton Bros. 0. Florence and M. Hawes
Rehoboth Bros. J. Florence, V.A. Collars and W.G. Tatom
Newford Bros. T.G. Glaze and P.W. Norman
Union Bros. P.W. Sale and William Florence
Hephzibah Bros. A. Frazure and Noah Frazure

March 14th, 1841. Bro. Tatom, moderator.
Charles, belonging to Mrs. Zeilars, charged by Billy, belonging to Wilie G.
Tatom, with unchristian expression; settled by acknowledgments from all
parties. W.G. Tatom, Ast. Clk.

Saturday, Apl. 17th, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator. No Business W W
Stokes, Clk.

May 14th, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Stesse, belonging to Miss Frances Mathews, RE.

June 19th, 1841. Bro. Seay, moderator.
Corresponding messengers received:
Lincolnton Church Bros. John Zeilars and Benjm. Wright
Corresponding messengers appointed:
Lincolnton Bros. Wilie G. Tatom and V.A. Collars
Newford Bros. T.G. Glaze and O. Florence
Hepzibah Bros. A. Frazure and Noah Frazure
Rehoboth Bro. Wm. Florence

July 17th, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Tempy, belonging to V.A. Collars, RE.
Abby, formerly belonging to Mrs. Davis, restored.


August 13th, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Bros. Norman and T.G. Glaze appointed delegates to general meeting at
Newford. Wilie G. Tatom to write letter.
Bros. Stokes and Sale, with Bro. Collars as alternate, appointed delegates
to the association. Bro. Stokes to write letter.

Saturday, August 14th, 1841. Received by experience:
Delsey, Tom, Harry, Kenny Ross, Mary and Peter, servants ofW.N. Walton.
Also, Lewis, servant of James Brown, and Pennena, servant of Mary Sudduth.

Monday, August 15th, 1841. John Miller, Wm. M. Knox and Wm. D.
Walton, RE. W.W. Stokes, Clk.

August 17th, 1841. Bro. J.A.G. Siale and Sister Almy Siale, RL from
Newford Church.
August 18th, 1841. Received by experience:
Elizabeth M. Glaze
Permelia A. Evans
Anna Wood
Louisa Wright
R.T. Walton
Lavina Florence

August 21st, 1841. Mrs. Permelia Glaze and Nancy Turner, RE.

August 22nd, 1841. John, "a boy servant" of R.T. Walton, RE.

Sept. 18th, 1841. Corresponding messengers received:
Rehoboth Bros. Jackson and Prather
Lincolnton Bro. Moncrief, without letter.
No new members.

Sept. 19th, 1841. John F. Leonard, RE.
Mourning, servant of W.B. Cantelou, RL from a church in South Carolina.

October, 1841. Corresponding messengers appointed:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. A. Florence, Joseph Florence and Sister Eleanor
Hephzibah Bros. Tatom, Frazer and Hawes


Lincolnton Bros. C. Florence, Wm. Florence and W.W. Stokes
Newford Bros. Van A. Collars, John Norman, T.G. Glaze and P.W.

Saturday, Nov. 20th, 1841. Polly and Edwin, servants belonging to estate of
John S. Walton, deed., RE.
Jack, Betsy and Judy, servants of James Posey, DL.
Sunday Morning. Abram, belonging to Hariet S. Walton, and Little Bob,
belonging to W.W. Walton, RE.

December, 1841. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Corresponding messengers received:
Lincolnton Bros. F. Florence and J. Zellars.
"Also a letter by the hands of our young Bro. W. Jackson."
Sister Anna Wood and John F. Leopard, DL.
Saturday, Decr. 15th, 1841. No new members.

February 19th, 1842 Bro. Bolton, moderator. Susan, servant belonging to 
John S. Walton, deed., RE.
Bro. Sale granted DL for Mary A. Walton.

March 19th, 1842. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Tatom and Hawes 
Newford Bros. Glaze and P.W. Norman
Thomas G. Glaze granted DL for Sister Catharine Glaze.

Saturday, Apl. 14th, 1842. Isabel, servant of T.J. Murray, RE.
Bro. House granted DL for Betty, belonging to estate of John S. Walton.
W.W. Stokes, Clk.

Saturday, May 14th, 1842. Philis, belonging to estate of John S. Walton,
decd., restored.
Lucy, belonging to Polly Sudduth, excommunicated for bastardy.

June 19th. Corresponding messengers received from: 
Rehoboth Bros. Amos [could be Amos Huguley] and John Huguley
Lincolnton Bros. B. Wright and T. Florence
Union Bro. J. Simmons


Bros. P.W. Norman, T.G. Glaze and P.W. Sales, with O. Florence as
alternate, appointed delegates to the general meeting.
Bro. M. Haws appointed assistant clerk.

Saturday, July 14th, 1842. Bro. W.G. Tatom, moderator. Letter to general
meeting read and received.

July 17th, 1842. William A. Turner, Lafayette Hawes and Sarah Turner, RE.

Friday, Sept. 14th, 1842. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator.
Corresponding letters received from Lincolnton, Hepzibah Church and Rehoboth.
Letter for association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Turner, John Turner and Joseph Florence
Hepzibah Bros. W. Tatom and N. Frazure
Rehoboth Bros. Glaze, Tatom and W. Florence
Newford Bros. John Norman, Siale and Walton
Union Bros. T.G. Glaze and O. Florence

Saturday, Oct. 15th, 1842. Bro. Bolton, moderator. No new business.

Saturday, Nov. 19th, 1842. Bro. E. Calloway, moderator. No business.

Saturday, Decr. 17th, 1842. Bro. Bolton, moderator. Letter received from
Rehoboth Church by hands of Bros. Sebert.
Bros. Alexander Frazure, Mark Bond and W.L. Hawes, DL.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Tatom, Collars and Florence.
Rehoboth Bros. Grant Glaze, Tatom and Joseph Florence
Newford Bros. Glaze, Norman and Siale

Saturday, Jany. 14th, 1843. Bro. Bolton, moderator. Sister Sarah Zeilars,
now Sarah Burdett, DL.

February 19th, 1843. No new business
March 18th, 1843. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Tatom and Hawes


Sister Lavinia Florence, DL. W.W. Stokes, Clk.

April 15th, 1843. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Hephzibah Bros. W.G. Tatom and N. Frazer
Rehoboth Bros. Jno. Norman, Joseph Florence and T.G. Glaze

May 20th, 1843. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator.
Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Obidiah Florrence appointed delegates to
general meeting, with P.W. Norman and P.W. Sale their alternates. M.
Hawes, Clk. pro tern.

June 17th, 1843. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Mary and John, both belonging to W.G. Tatom, RE.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. P.W. Norman, Tos. G. Glaze and Van Alien Collars
Lincolnton Bros. W.G. Tatom, M. Hawes and Wm. Florrence
July 15th, 1843 Adeline, belonging to V.A. Collars, RE.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florrence and W.G. Tatom
August 15th, 1843. Bros. Wm. H. Norman and Collars, with M. Hawes as
alternate, appointed delegates to association. Bro. Hawes to write the letter.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman, Glaze and Stokes
Newford Bros. Glaze, P.W. Norman, John Norman and Wm. Florence
Lincolnton Bros. Tatom, Hawes and Turner
W.W. Stokes, Clk.

September 16th, 1843. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator.
Received by experience:
Allan, belonging to Barbary Zellers
Dorcas, belonging to William Turner
Lizey, belonging to T.J. Murray
Sylvia, belonging to Wiley G. Tatom

Sunday Morning, [Sept.] 17th. Received by experience:
Nelson, belonging to Edwin Dallis
Burrell, a boy belonging to Thos. G. Glaze
Wade, a boy belonging to Mrs. Rachel Sims, RL.


October 14th, 1843. Received by experience:
Isaac, belonging to P.W. Norman
Jacob, a boy belonging to Mrs. Glaze
Robert and Aaron, belonging to Wm. Gullatt
Lucy, belonging to R.W. Armour
William, belonging to Wm. D. Walton
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. V.A. Collars, J. Florence and Jno. Norman
Hepsiba Bros. Noah Frazer and Obidiah Florrence
M. Hawes, Assist.

Sunday Morning [Nov.?] 19th. "Met in conference at the water." Bro. Wyche
Jackson, moderator.
Received by experience:
Fanny, belonging to V.A. Collars
Mary, belonging to Wm. H. Norman
M. Hawes, Assist.

December 16th, 1843. Bro. Bolton, moderator. Corresponding messengers
received from:
Lincolnton "Delegates and a Letter"
Hephzibah Bro. Harnesberger
Newford Bro. Kendall
Joe, belonging to Eustus H. Rhodes, RE.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Furgerson, Sale and Hawes
Newford Bro. Jno. Norman

January 20th, 1844. Harmon, belonging to R.T. Walton, RL.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth O. Florence, W. Florence and Elinor Florence
Hepzibah John Norman, V.A. Collars and M. Frazure
W.W. Stokes, Clk.

April 20th, 1844. Bro. R.T. Walton returned his letter to the clerks, which
was received.
R.T. Walton charged with dancing, and "for saying that he desired no
further connection with the church." Bros. I.N. Bolton, Wm. W. Stokes,
Obidiah Florrence and M. Hawes to labor with Bro. Walton and report at
next conference.


Wm. D. Walton also charged with dancing. The same committee to labor
with him and report. M. Hawes, Assist. Clk.

May 18th, 1844. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator. Aaron, belonging to P.W.
Norman, RE.
Case of R.T. Walton and Wm. D. Walton referred to next conference.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. Florrence
Mosley Hawes, Asst. Clk.

June 15th, 1844. Fanny, belonging to R.T. Walton, RE.
Case of R.T. Walton settled by satisfactory acknowledgements.
Case of W.D. Walton referred to next conference.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Tatom, Hawes and Ferguson
Newford Bro. John Norman
W.W. Stokes, Clk.

July 20th, 1844. Bro. Micajah Lane, moderator. Bro. Wm. D. Walton excluded.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. W.G. Tatom, Obidiah Florrence, Wm. Florrence and T.G. Glaze
M. Hawes, Asst. Clk.

Saturday, August 17th, 1844. Bro. Bolton, moderator. Polly, belonging to
W. Caloway, formerly belonging to Jno. S. Walton, DL
Bros. W.G. Tatom, Thos G. Glaze, Wm. H. Norman, with W.W. Stokes and
M. Hawes as alternates, were appointed delegates to the general meeting.
Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and M. Hawes with O. Florence as alternate, were
appointed delegates to the association. Wm. H. Norman to write letters.

Friday, Sept. 13th, 1844. Letter to Association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. W.G. Tatom, Wm. Florence and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. P.W. Norman and Thos. G. Glaze

Saturday, [Sept.] 14th. Letters of correspondence received from Rehoboth,
Lincolnton; and Mark B. Anthony from Union without letter.
Letter to general meeting read and adopted.


Saturday, Oct. 19th, 1844. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. W.G. Tatom and P.W. Norman

Saturday, November 16th, 1844. Black members' conference on Sunday
morning of next meeting.
corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. M. Knox

Saturday, December 14th, 1844. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Obidiah Florence and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Wm. Florence and Jno. Norman
Siister Angel Zellars, DL.
Also Lucy, belonging to Peter Zellars, and Rachel, belonging to Henry
Murray, DL.

Sunday Morning, [Dec.] 15th. Bro. W.G. Tatom, moderator. Charge against
Wade for adultery substantiated; he was excommunicated.

Saturday, January 18th, 1845. Bro. Bolton, moderator. Bro. Wm. Turner
and his wife Sarah Turner, DL.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. W.G. Tatom, Joseph Florence, T.G. Glaze and P.W. Norman

Saturday, March 15th, 1845. Correspondents received: Bro. Sybert from
Rehoboth and Bro. Moncrief from Lincolnton, without letter.
Bro. T.G. Glaze charged Bro. Jno. Miller for drunkenness and profanity.
Bro. Miller was excluded.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Wm. Florence and P.W. Norman
Lincolnton Bros. Obidiah Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, April 19th, 1845. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. W.G. Tatom, G.G. Glaze and Obidiah Florence
Hephzibah Bros. M. Frazer, Wm. Florence and Joseph Florence

Saturday, May 17th, 1845. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator.
Polly and Cyntha, servants of Doct. Jno. A. Simmons, RL from Greenwood Church.
Nelson charged with stealing. Continued.


Sunday, [May] 18th. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator. Nelson
acknowledged guilty of charge; he was excluded.

Saturday, June 14th, 1845. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator. Messenger and
letter received from Rehoboth; Bro. Borum from Lincolnton and Bro.
Collins from Newford without letters.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. W.G. Tatom, P.W. Sale and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Jno. A.G. Scale and P.W. Norman

Sunday Morning, June 15th, 1845. Bro. W.G. Tatom, moderator.
Fanny, belonging to R.T. Walton, charged with bastardy. Also Lizanna,
belonging to Thos. J. Murray. Both failed to attend conference and were
Jinny, belonging to Eustus H. Rhodes, accused of lying. Case referred to
next conference.

Saturday, July 19th, 1845. Bro. M. Lane, moderator. Bros. W.G. Tatom,
Wm. Florence and P.M. Norman, with M. Hawes as alternate, were
appointed delegates to general meeting to be held at Salem Church on fifth
Sunday in August.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. W.G. Tatom, V.A. Collars and Thos. G. Glaze
R.T. Walton charged with dancing. A letter from Walton was read in answer
to charge, he being absent in person. He was voted unanimously to be

Sunday Morning. W.G. Tatom, moderator.
Jinny, the accused, and Joe, the accuser, both belonging to the same person,
were both suspended from the privileges of the church. [No charge given.]

August 16th, 1845. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator. Bros. Jno. Turner and
Obediah Florence volunteered as delegates to the association, with P.W.
Sale as their alternate. M. Hawes to write letter.

[August?] 18th . Conference for benefit of blacks. Charges against Jinny
were substantiated; she was excluded.

Monday [no date given]. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator. Mrs. Elmira
Florrence, RE.


Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1845. Corresponding messengers received from:
Newford Messengers and letter
Rehoboth Bro. Sybert, without letter
Lincolnton Bro. Thomas Florence, without letter
Bro. T.G. Glaze charged Joe and Eady with "neglect of duty in desolving
[sic] their connection with the church without a hearing. Both were
excluded from fellowship.
Letter to the Association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. T.G. Glaze and Jno Norman
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Norman, Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, October 18th, 1845. Bro. Wm. Cox, moderator. Corresponding
messingers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. M. Knox, T.G.Glaze and P.W. Norman
Hephzibah Bros. Obidiah Florence and Noah Frazer

November 15th, 1845. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator. No new business.

Saturday, December 20th, 1845. Bro. Thos. Florrence received without
letter from Lincolnton.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Florrence and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Obidiah Florrence and P.W. Sale

Saturday, January 17th, 1846. Bro. W.H. Norman, moderator. Bro. Isaac
N. Bolton resigned as pastor. Bro. Micajah Lane was unanimously chosen
as pastor. Bros. T.G. Glaze, P.W. Sale and Obidiah Florrence appointed
to confer with him.
Bro. Jno. Miller restored, then granted DL.

Saturday. March 14th, 1846. Bro. M. Lane, moderator
Corresponding letter and messenger received from Lincolnton, and Bro.
W. Jackson from Rehoboth without letter.
A deacon to be chosen at next meeting.
Lucy belonging to Wm. Armour charged with lying by Bro. Glaze; she was
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. P.W. Norman and Jno A.G. Sale
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Florence and M. Hawes


Sunday Morning, March 15th, 1846. Wade restored to fellowship.

Saturday, April 18th, 1846. Bro. Wm. Florrence unanimously chosen
deacon. Ordination set for Friday before third Sabbath in May. Bros. 
I. N. Bolton, W. Jackson and Wm. Prather to be invited to attend.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Thos. G. Glaze, Wm. Florrence and M. Hawes
Hephzibah Bros. Noah Frazer and Joseph Florence

Saturday, May 16th, 1846. Bro. Lane, moderator.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and P.W. Sale
M. Hawes appointed treasurer.

Saturday, June 20th, 1846. Bro. Joseph Cooper received as correspondent
from Rehoboth without letter.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Wm. Florrence and Jno. Norman
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florrence and P.W. Sale
Bros. Obidiah Florrence, Jno. Turner and T.G. Glaze, with Wm. Florrence
as alternate, appointed delegates to general meeting.

Saturday, July 18th, 1846. Letter to general meeting read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florrence and P.W. Norman
Bro. Bolton recalled to pastorate for 1847.

August 15th. Bros. P.W. Sale and P.W. Norman, with Bros. W.W. Stokes
and Thos. G. Glaze as alternates, appointed delegates to the association.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. Florrence
Bro. William A. Florence and wife, DL.

Friday, Sept. 18th, 1846. Bro. Benjamin Bently received as correspondents.
from Lincolnton Church, without a letter.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Florrence and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Jno. Norman
Letter to association read and adopted.


Saturday [Sept. 19]. Corresponding messenger Bro. John Zellars received
from Lincolnton.

Saturday, Oct. 16th, 1846. Bro. Wm. Cox, moderator.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. Florence
Hepsibah Bros. Joseph Florrence and Jno. Norman
Saturday, Nov. 14th, 1846. Bro. Lane, moderator.   Corresponding
messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. Thos. G. Glaze, Obidiah Florence and P.W. Norman

Saturday, January 16th, 1847. Bro. Bolton, moderator. Tempa, belonging
to Peter Zellars, DL.
Bro. Sale was lowest bidder to "keep house and spring" for the year at $12.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florence and V.A. Collars
Hepsibah Bros. Jno. Furginson and M. Hawes

Saturday, February 20th, 1847. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. Florence

Saturday, March 20th, 1847. Bro. I.N. Bolton, moderator. Corresponding
messengers received from Lincolnton with a letter, Bros. W. Dallis and
John Zellars.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Norman and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. T.G. Glaze and Jno. Norman

Saturday, April 17th, 1847. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florence, Wm. M. Knox and Obidiah Florence
Hephzibah Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, May 15th, 1847. Bro. Wyche Jackson, moderator.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and P.W. Norman

Saturday, June 19th, 1847. Bro. Jesse M. Jackson, moderator.
Corresponding messengers received from:


Union Bro. N. House, without letter
Rehoboth Bros. W. Jackson and Joseph Cooper
Lincolnton Bro. Thos. Florence, without letter
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Florence and Obidiah Florence
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Jno. Norman
Bros. V.A. Collars, Joseph Florence and Wm. Turner, Sen. absent.

Saturday, July 17th, 1847. Bro. Bolton, moderator.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Thomas G. Glaze, Obidiah Florence and William Florence
Hephzibah Bros. P.W. Norman and M. Hawes
Bro. William Florence applied for DL for Daniel, belonging to Bro.
Alexander Frazer, formerly belonging to Sister Barbary Zellars; granted.

Saturday, August 14th, 1847. Bros. Knox, P.W. Norman and T.G. Glaze
appointed delegates to general meeting on Friday before 3rd Sabbath in
Sept. at Greenwood. Clerk to write letter.

Saturday, August 28th, 1847. No new business.

Sunday Morning, [August] 29th. Letters to general meeting and Georgia
Association read and adopted. Bros. John Furgerson and M. Hawes, with
Van Alien Collars alternate, appointed delegates to association.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. M. Knox and P.W. Norman
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze, V.A. Collars and John Norman

Saturday, Oct. 15th, 1847. No new business.

Saturday, Nov. 20th, 1847. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. Florence
Bro. Bolton resigned pastorate; Bro. Micajah Lane called to pastor church
next year. Bro. I.C. Guner to attend church one Sabbath each month. W.W.Stokes

Saturday, Decr. 18th, 1847. Bro. Lane, moderator. Correspondent Bro.
Wyche Jackson received from Rehoboth without letter.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. T.G. Glaze and Jno. Norman


Lincolnton Bros. William Florence and John Turner
Bro. Lane accepted pastorate for 1848.

Saturday, January 15th, 1848. Bro. Lane, moderator. Corresponding
messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. William Florence and T.G. Glaze
Hephzibah Bros. Obidiah Florence and Jno. Norman

Saturday, February 19th, 1848. Corresponding messengers appointed to
Union Church: Bros. P.W. Norman and W.M. Knox.

Saturday, March 19,1848. Corresponding messengers and letters received
from Lincolnton and Rehoboth.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Obidiah Florence and John Norman
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and John Furgerson
Association has set aside the Friday before the third Sabbath in April for
prayer and fasting.

Saturday, April 15th, 1848. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Knox and Glaze
Hephzibah Bros. John Norman, J. Florence and M. Hawes, W.W. Stokes

Saturday, May 20th, 1848. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. P.W. Norman and Wm. Florence

Saturday, June 17th, 1848. Corresponding messengers received from:
Lincolnton Bros. Thos. Florence and Wm. Boram, without letter
Union Bro. Simmons, without letter
Bros. P.W. Norman, William Florence and Thos. G. Glaze appointed as
delegates to general meeting, with P.W. Sale as alternate.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. M. Knox and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Jno. Norman
M. Hawes

Saturday, July 15th, 1848. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florence and Wm. M. Knox
Hephzibah Bros. John Fargerson and M. Hawes


Friday, August 18th, 1848. Bros. P.W. Sale and Wm. M. Knox, with Wm.
Florence as alternate, appointed delegates to association.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Union Bros. Wm. H. Norman, Thos. G. Glaze and P.W. Norman

Saturday, August 19. Bro. Micajah A. Lane, moderator. Miss Fulvia Tatom, RE.
Letter to association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers received from Lincolnton: Bros. Benjamin
Wright and James Bently
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. P.W., Norman and Thos. G. Glaze
Lincolnton Bros. Obidiah Florence and Wm. Florence

Saturday, October 14th, 1848. Received by experience:
Miss Martha Florence
Miss Mary Jane Armour
Mr. Stith Curry
Mrs. Caroline Curry
Ben, servant belonging to Mr. William Gulatt
Marge, property of Miss Jane Murray
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florence and Joseph Florence
Hephzibah Bros. John Furgerson and M. Hawes

Sunday Morning, [Oct.] 15th. "Conference continued at the water." Mr.
Robert Armer and Hagar, property of Obidiah Florence, RE.

Sunday Evening. Charles charged Aaron with living in adultery. Aaron
refused to give satisfaction and was excluded.
Charles also charged John, belonging to Jacob L. Zellars with living in
adultery. John was excluded.
Harry, belonging to Wiley N. Walton, charged with stealing and failing to
make due acknowledgments. He was excluded.
A "coloured sister," belonging to David L. Ramsay of Augusta, formerly
property of Wiley G. Tatom, DL.

Saturday, December 16th, 1848 Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bros. Bradford, Thomas Arnett and Lemuel Sims, with a letter
Lincolnton Bro. Isaiah Collars, with a letter.


Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Obidiah Florence and Thomas G. Glaze
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, February 17th, 1849. Bro. Micajah Lane, moderator. Bro. Lewis
W. Harrall, RL. M. Hawes

Saturday, March 17th, 1849. Mrs. Elizabeth Frazer, RE.
Corresponding messengers received from Lincolnton: Bro. Jno. Zellars.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Florence and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Jno. Norman
Bros P W. Norman, Jno. Furgerson and M. Hawes appointed messengers
to general meeting to be held at Hephzibah on Friday before the fifth
Sabbath in April. Bros. Thos. G. Glaze, Wm. Florence and Joseph
Florence, alternates. Clerk to write the letter. M. Hawes

Saturday, April 14th, 1849. Molly, belonging to Col. Leverett, RL.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. M. Knox and Lewis Harrall
Letter to general meeting read and adopted.

Saturday, May 19th, 1849 No new business.

Saturday, June 16th, 1849. Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. H. Prather and L. Sims
Lincolnton Bro. Benjamin Wright
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze, P.W. Norman and Jno. Norman
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. Florence and Wm. M. Knox

Saturday, July 14th, 1849. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. M. Knox and Wm. Florence

Sunday, [July] 15th. Coloured conference. John, belonging to Jacob L.
Zellars, restored. W.A. Norman, Clk. P.T.

Saturday, August 18th, 1849. Bros. Wm. H. Norman and Thos. G. Glaze,
with Wm. Florence and W.W. Stokes alternates, appointed delegates to
Georgia Association. M. Hawes, Clk.


Friday, September 14th, 1849. Corresponding messengers received from
Rehoboth, without a letter: Bro. Wm. Prather, Jr.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and P.W. Norman
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and Jno. Furgerson

Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1849. Frank, belonging to Jacob L. Zellars, RE.
Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bros. Benjamin Prather and Lemuel Simes, without a letter
Lincolnton Bros. Isaiah Collars and John Knox, with a letter

Saturday, November 17th, 1849. No new business.

Saturday, January 19th, 1850. Bro. Micajah A. Lane, moderator.
Received by experience:
Harriet, belonging to Thos. Murray
Rose, belonging to Mrs. Jane Stovall
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florence and Wm M. Knox
M. Hawes

Saturday, February 16th, 1850. Patsey, belonging to Jacob L. Zeilars, RE.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Norman and Thos. G. Glaze
Newford Bros. Wm. H. Norman and Obidiah Florence
Saturday, March 30th, 1850. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. William Florence and W.M. Knox

Sunday, May 5th, 1850. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator. Tamar,
belonging to Bro. P.W. Sale, RE.
Lucy, belonging to Miss Mary Sudduth, formerly a member of this church,
restored to fellowship.

Saturday, May 18th, 1850. Mary, belonging to Mrs. Mary Simmons; and
Fanny, belonging to Mrs. Susannah Glaze, RE.
Saturday, June 15th, 1850. Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bros. James Burdett and Joseph W. Cooper
Lincolnton Bros. John Zellars and Thos. Florence


Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. W.H. Norman and Jno. Norman
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and W. Florence
Bros. W.M. Knox, P.W. Norman and M. Hawes appointed delegates to
general meeting to be held at Sardis, Wilkes County, July next. Thos. G.
Glaze alternate. Clerk to write the letter.

Saturday, July 20th, 1850. Bro. W.H. Norman, moderator. Letter to general
meeting read and adopted.

Saturday, August 17th, 1850. Received by experience:
Sarah, property ofWm. D. Glaze
Sarah, property of Mrs. Jane Stovall
Judy, property of P.W. Norman
Bros. P.W. Sale and Thos. G. Glaze, with P.W. Norman alternate, elected
delegates to association to be held at Warrington [Warrenton] on Friday
before 2nd Sabbath in Oct.
Bro. Hurd, DL.

Friday, Sept. 13th, 1850. Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bro. Lemuel Simes
Lincolnton Bro. Thos. Florence
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Newford Bros. Wm. H. Norman and P.W. Norman
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and Joseph Florence

Saturday, Sept. 14th. Received by experience:
Jim, belonging to Miss Mary Sudduth
Andrew, belonging to Sister N.H. Stokes
Jenny and Caroline, belonging to Bro. Wm. W. Stokes
Letter to association read and adopted.

Sunday Morning, Sept. 15th, 1850. Aaron, excluded for living in adultery,
restored to fellowship.
Huldah, belonging to R.T. Walton, who was excluded for living in adultery,
Frank, charged with disorderly conduct, made due acknowledgements and
was acquitted.

Saturday, October 19th, 1850. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Hephzibah Bros. V.A. Collars and M. Hawes


Rehoboth Bros. Wm. Florence and Obidiah Florence
Saturday, Novb. 16th, 1850. Ampy, "coloured man" belonging to Wm W
Stokes, RE.
Bro. Wm. Florence applied for DL for himself, wife and daughter; granted.
Bro. Obidiah Florence petitioned for DL for himself, wife and sister
Elizabeth Frazer; granted.

Sunday, Feby 16th, 1851. A call received from Newford Church viz. Bro
Lane; Bros. G. Glaze, W.H. Norman and W.W. Stokes appointed to meet
there next Thursday to settle a difficulty in that church.

Saturday, March 15th, 1851. Bro. Mioyah A. Lane, moderator. Received
by experience:
Tom, a boy belonging to Mrs. N.H. Stokes
Fanny and Lotty, girls also belonging to the same
Corresponding messenger received from Lincolnton: Bro. Stern Florence.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wm. M. Knox and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and P.W. Norman
A deacon to be selected at next meeting to fill vacancy left by Bro. Wm
Florence. M. Hawes

Saturday, Apl. 19th, 1851. Bro. Moseley Haws elected deacon.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Sale and P.W. Norman
Members of Rehoboth invited to attend ordination of new deacon.

Sunday [April 20]. Aaron, a "coloured Brother," petitioned for liberty to
preach. Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes appointed to confer with his
master, Wm. Gulatt, and report at next conference.

Saturday, May 17th, 1851. Ordination of deacon deferred to next conference.
Bro. Wm. Turner, Sen. applied for DL for Jno. Turner and Sister Nancy
Turner; granted.
Bro. Peyton W. Norman appointed to invite "ministerial aid" to assist at
ordination of deacon at next conference.
Application of Aaron to preach was rejected on report of the committee.


Saturday, June 14th, 1851. Simon, belonging to Mrs. Mary Simmons, RE.
Corresponding messengers received from:
Rehoboth Bros. Wyche Jackson and Wm. R. Cox
Hepzibah Bro. Isaiah Crook
Lincolnton Bros. Thos. Florence and Jno. Zellars
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes
Bro. M. Hawes ordained as deacon with scripture read and expounded by
Bro. Micajah A. Lane, examination and charge by Bro. W.R. Cox, and
prayer by Bro. Wyche Jackson.

Saturday, July 19th, 1851. Bros. P.W. Norman, Robert Armour and M.
Hawes appointed delegates to general meeting of the First Dist., to be held
at Bethlehem Bethel, Columbia County. Bros. P.W. Sale and Joseph
Florence alternates.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Wm. M. Knox

Saturday, August 16th, 1851. Lewis and Harrison; Easter and Kitty, all
belonging to Sister N.H. Stokes, RE.
Bros. Jno. Furgerson and Thos. G. Glaze appointed delegates to Georgia
Association to be held at Kiokee Church, Columbia County on Friday
before second Sabbath in October. R. Armer alternate.
Letter to general meeting read and adopted.
A communication to Mr. Richard Prather in reference to his restoration
was read and adopted.

Friday, Sept. 19th, 1851. Letter to the association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Norman and M. Hawes

Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1851. Corresponding messengers received from
Lincolnton: Bros. Isaiah Collars and Steam Florence.

Saturday, Oct. 18th, 1851. Mrs. Jane Hawes, RE.
Sister Fulvia Gullatt, DL.

Sunday Morning, [Oct. 19]. Bob, belonging to Wm. Gulatt, excluded on
charge of adultery and theft.
Ed, belonging to estate of — Walton, was charged with adultery; case
referred to next conference.


Lamar, "coloured sister" belonging to P.W. Sale, charged with disorderly
conduct; case referred to next conference.

Saturday, November 15th, 1851. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze, moderator. Sister
Louise Evans, DL.

Sunday, Novb. 16th, 1851. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator. Ed excluded from
fellowship. Lamar acquitted.

Saturday, Decb. 20th, 1851. Bro. Wm. M. Knox, DL.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes
Rehoboth Bros. P.W. Sale and Wm. H. Norman

Saturday, January 17th, 1852. No new business.

March 20th, 1852. Bro. Micajah A. Lane, moderator.  Corresponding
messengers received from:
Lincolnton Bro. Isaiah Collars
Rehoboth Bros. Peter Gullatt and Leonard Sims
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and M. Hawes
Lamar [Tamar?], belonging to Bro. Sale, charged with falsehood and
dishonesty; she was excluded.
Bro. Thos. G. Glaze petitioned for DL for Judy, belonging to Lewin Jones; granted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and Jno. Norman

Saturday, April 17th, 1852. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. P.W. Norman and M. Hawes
Peter, belonging to Mrs. N.H. Stokes, RE.

Saturday, May 15th, 1852. Bro. Constantine Boraum, Sister Asseneth
Boram and Bro. Socratees Boram, RL. Mary, belonging to W.D. Glaze, RE.

Saturday, June 19th, 1852. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and M. Hawes


Bro. Thos G. Glaze applied for DL for Sister Elizabeth Knox; granted.
Also, Wade, belonging to Mrs. R. Simes, DL.

Saturday, August 14th, 1852. Jincy, belonging to P.W. Norman, RE.
Bros. P.W. Sale, P.W. Norman and M. Hawes appointed delegates to
general meeting to be held at Goshen on Friday before fifth Sabbath Inst. [August].
Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and M. Hawes elected delegates to association to be
held at Elam, Warren County, on Friday before 2nd Sabbath in Oct. Clerk
to write the letters. M. Hawes.

Saturday, August 28th, 1852. "The General Meeting of the first District held
its Session with this Church composed of correspondents from the
following Churches:
Goshen Bros. P.W. Sale, P.W. Norman and M. Hawes
Kiokee (Columbia County) Bros. J. Harris, Marshall and Dagnall
Hepsibah Bros. J. Florence, A. Harnesberger and J. Carter
Greenwood Bros. B. Bently, H. Paschal and J.L. Paschal
Bethlehem Bethel Bros. S. Crump, H. Evans and J. Boyd
Double Branch Bros. P.F. Burgess, Z. Lockhart and S. Mosley
Lincolnton Bros. Thos. Florence, E. Frazer and Alex. Johnson
Damascus Bros. Jno. Cortledge, Jas. Blanchard and W.G. Eubanks
Newhope Bros. Jno. H. Little, Thos. Tillery and Jas. L. Eubanks

Called for correspondents. Reed. Bro. M.A. Lane from 4th District.

Appointed Bros. P.F. Burgess, J. Harris and J.L. Paschal as correspondents
to 2nd District. Also Bros. P.F. Burgess, J. Harris and Dagnall as
correspondents to the 3rd District. Appointed Bros. Thos. G. Glaze and
M. Hawes to correspond with 4th District.

Committee on Preaching & Nominations: Bros. W.H. Norman, Thos. G.
Glaze, A. Harnesberger, K. Lockhart and J.L. Paschal.

Appointed the next General Meeting to be held at Double Branch. J. Carter
to Preach the Introduction, J. Harris alternate. Juriah Harris, moderator.
M. Hawes, Clk."

Saturday, Sept. 18th, 1852. Corresponding messengers received from:
Lincolnton Bro. Jno. Zellars
Rehoboth Bro. Wyche Jackson


Letter to association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes.

Thursday, October 14th, 1852. No new business.

Friday, Oct. 15th. Mrs. Ann W. Simmons, RE.

Saturday, Oct. 16th. No new business.

Sunday, Oct. 17th. "At the water." Eliza, belonging to estate of Dr. Jno. A.
Simmons, RE.

Saturday, Novb. 20th, 1852. Letters of dismission granted to:
Sister Frances Florence
Sister Ann W. Simmons
Syntha and Polly, two servants

Saturday, January 15th, 1853. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator. Sister Aseneth
Boroum and Bro. Socratees Boroum, DL.

Saturday, March 19th, 1853. No new business.

May 14th, 1853. P.M. Wright and Sarah A. Wright, RE.

June 18th, 1853. Molly, property of Lafayett Lamar, presented DL from
Baptist Church of Christ at Rome, Georgia, RL.
Bros. J.S. Lane and Micajah A. Lane presented DL from churches of Sardis
and Fishing Creek of Wilkes County, RL.
Sister Elizabeth Leverett, DL.
Corresponding messengers received from:
Lincolnton Bro. Benjamin Wright
Rehoboth Bro. B.A. Arnett
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F.M. Wright and M. Hawes

Saturday, July 16th, 1853. Bros. P.W. Sale, Jno. Norman and M. Hawes
appointed delegates to general meeting of 1st District to be held at Double
Branch Church on Friday before the fifth Sabbath in July Inst.


August 20th, 1853. Bros. P.W. Sale and M. Hawes elected as delegates to
Georgia Association to be held at Smyrna, Green[e] County on Friday
before second Sabbath in October. Clerk to furnish the letter.

Sunday, [August 21?]. Conference for benefit of black members.
Sam, belonging to Thos. J. Murray, restored to fellowship.
Bob, belonging to Wm. Gullatt, restored to fellowship.
Ed, belonging to estate ofJno S. Walton, restored.
John, belonging to J.L. Zeilars, DL.
Charles, belonging to Sister N. Tatom, granted permission of conference
to "exercise his gift in public" [to preach].

September 17th, 1853. Corresponding messenger received from
Lincolnton: Bro. John Zeilars, without letter.
Letter to association read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. S. Lane and Stith Curry
W.W. Stokes         

Saturday, October 16th, 1853. Bro. Charles P. Mayfield presented DL from
Providence Church, Campbell County, Ga., RE.

Saturday, Novb. 19th, 1853. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze applied for DL for Harry,
belonging to W.D. Glaze, and Easter, belonging to Mrs. N.H. Stokes; granted.
Also Bro. John A.G. Seale applied for DL for himself, his wife and Sister
Almy Seale; granted.

Saturday, January 14th, 1854. Bro. M. A. Lane, moderator. No new
business. M. Hawes.

March 18th, 1854. Corresponding messenger received from Lincolnton:
Bro. Isaiah Collars, without letter.
Dorcas, formerly belonging to Bro. W. Turner, and Rose, formerly property
of Mrs. Stovall, DL.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and M. Hawes
Frank, belonging to Jacob L. Zellars, charged with unchristian conduct in
rebelling against authority of his master. On motion, he was


April 15th, 1854. Bro. Wm. H. Norman, moderator. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze
applied to be released from office of deacon of this church; granted.

Saturday, May 20th, 1854. Sister Susan Sale presented DL from Sardis
Church, Wilkes County, RL.
Sister Elizabeth Turner, DL.

Sunday, May 21st, 1854 . Conference for benefit of blacks.

Saturday, July 15th, 1854. Bro. William D. Snelson presented DL from
dark Station, RL
Bro. Robert Armour was charged with adultery by M. Hawes, "according
to general report." Armour refused to answer the charge; he was excluded
on motion.

Saturday, August 19th, 1854. Bros. M.A. Lane and P.W. Sale elected
delegates to Georgia Association to be held at Friendship on Friday before
the second Sabbath in October.

Sunday, August 20th, 1854. Conference for Blacks.
Bro. Charles Tatom charged Bro. Abram Walton with adultery for leaving
his wife and taking another. [They both were "coloured brethren."]
Harrison, belonging to R.T. Walton, charged with adultery for leaving his
wife and associating with another woman. Bro. John Stokes and Sister Judia
Jones to cite the accused to attend next conference.
Bro. John Walton "having failed to attend conference for a long time," Bro.
Charles Glaze to cite him to attend next conference.

Saturday, Sept. 16th, 1854. Bro. Bj. Wright received as correspondent.
Associational letter read and adopted.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F. M. Wright and Jno. Norman

Friday, October 13th, 1854. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, October 14th, 1854. Mrs. Ann Snelson presented DL from Sardis,
Wilkes County, RL.
DL granted to Judy, belonging to T. Jones, was returned.


Saturday, Novb. 18th, 1854. Sister Martha Turner, Sister Fanny Armour
and Sister Mary Armer, DL.

Saturday, December 16th, 1854. Corresponding messengers received from
Lincolnton: Bro. Isaiah Collars.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and M. Hawes

Saturday, January 20th, 1855. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator. No new business.

Saturday, Feb. 17th, 1855. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze, moderator. Conference
date changed to first Sabbath in March.

Saturday, March 3rd, 1855. Corresponding messengers received from
Lincolnton: Bro. Isaiah Collars.
Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F.M. Wright and Jno. Norman

Saturday, April 14th, 1855. Wade, belonging to Bro. Leonard Simms,
charged with holding his letter of dismission and unchristian conduct. 
Bro.M. Hawes appointed to see said brother and demand his letter.

Saturday, May 19th, 1855. No new business.

Sunday, May 20th, 1855. Wade was excommunicated on second motion.
Patience, belonging to M. Hawes, charged with fornication; she was
Sucky, belonging to estate of Jno. S. Walton, charged with adultery; she was
Aaron, belonging to Wm. Gullatt, charged with insubordination and
rebellion against the authority of his master by running away from him; he
was unanimously excluded from the church.

Saturday, June 16th, 1855. Corresponding messengers received from
Lincolnton: Bros. Benjamin Wright and Isaiah Collars.
Bros. M.A. Lane, Joseph Florence and M. Hawes appointed delegates to
general meeting to be held at Salem on Friday before the 2nd Sabbath in
Corresponding messengers appointed to:


Lincolnton Bros. Jno. Furgerson and J.S. Lane

Saturday, July 14th, 1855. No new business.

Saturday, August 18th, 1855. Bros. Jno. H. Norman and M. Hawes
appointed delegates to Georgia Association to be held at Lincolnton
Church on Friday before second Sabbath in October.
Bro. M.A. Lane, DL.

Sunday, August 19th, 1855. Conference for benefit of coloured members.
No new business.

Friday, Sept. 14th, 1855. Corresponding messengers appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Jno H. Norman and F.M. Wright
Associational letter read and adopted. 
Saturday. Sept. 15th, 1855. Corresponding messengers received trom
Lincolnton: Bro. Isaiah Collars.

Saturday Novb. 17th, 1855. Resolution adopted at last Georgia Association
recommending observance of a day of thanksgiving, Friday before next
conference to be set aside for that purpose.

Sunday, Novb. 18th, 1855. Bro. Charles Tatom, "a coloured brother," DL.

Saturday, January 19th, 1856. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator. No new

Sunday, Feb. 17th, 1856. Conference for black members. Dismissed by
George. Candas, Jinney and Ampy, servants of W.W Stokes, deed.
John Armstead, Lucy, Clarrissey. Little Andrew and Jane, servants of Mrs.
N.H. Stokes, deed. M. Hawes

Saturday, March 15th, 1856. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze moderator.
Correspondents received from Lincolnton: Bro. Benjamin Wnght.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F.M. Wright and M. Hawes
Patsey, belonging to Jacob L. Zellars, DL. M. Hawes, C. Clk.


Saturday, April 19th, 1856. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator. No new business.

Saturday, May 17th, 1856. Jas. F. Burgess presented DL from Double
Branch Baptist Church. Also N.M. Mobley presented DL from Rehoboth
Church, Edgefield Dist., South Carolina. Both received
Bros. J.S. Lane, P.M. Wright and M. Hawes appointed to committee to
solicit a subscription for a ceiling for the meeting house and for putting
in glass windows.

Saturday, June 15th, 1856. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Jno. Norman and Joseph Florence
Bro. Edward M. Mosley granted license to preach.
Absentees: Bros. Wm. H. Norman, John Furgurson (excused), W. Snelson
and Dr. J.S. Lane

Saturday, July 19th, 1856. Bro. Furgerson's absence excused on plea of sickness.
Absentees: Bro. Wm. H. Norman

Saturday, August 16th, 1856. Bros. P.M. Wright and M. Hawes selected
delegates to Georgia Association to be held at Sweet Water, Warren
County, on Friday before second Sabbath in October. Clerk to write letter

Sunday, August 17th, 1856. Conference for coloured members.

Friday, Sept. 19th, 1856. Associational letter read and adopted.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Jno. H. Norman and M. Hawes
Resolved to renew correspondence with Rehoboth, Newford and Bulah.

Saturday, October 18th, 1856. Bro. E.M. Mobley, moderator. No new business.

Saturday, Novb. 15th, 1856. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze, moderator.
Correspondents appointed to:
Beulah Bros. J.S. Lane, W. Snelson and Thos. G. Glaze
Absentees: Wm. H. Norman, W.D. Snelson, Jno. H. Norman

Saturday, Feb. 14th, 1857. Bro. M. A. Lane, moderator.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes


Beulah Bros. W.D. Snelson and Jno. H. Norman
Bro. E. Mobley surrendered license to preach "in view of certain reports
touching his Christian and moral character." Committee appointed to
investigate those reports was Dr. Joseph S. Lane, P.W. Sale and M. Hawes,
with Thos. G. Glaze alternate. M. Hawes, Clk.

Saturday, May 16th, 1857. Committee investigating reports against Bro. E.
M. Mobley reported that they could find no proof to substantiate the
reports. Church accepted Bro. Mobley's license, and granted him a DL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and M. Hawes

Saturday, June 20th, 1857. Correspondents received from Lincolnton: 
Bro. Isaiah Collars.
Correspondents appointed to:
Beulah Bros. W.D. Snelson and M. Hawes

Saturday, July 18th, 1857. Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence, T.G. Glaze and P.M. Wright
Bros. F.M. Wright, Joseph Florence and M. Hawes appointed messengers
to the General Meeting of 1st District to be held at Lincolnton on Friday
before first Sabbath in Sept.

Saturday, August 15th, 1857. Letter to General Meeting read and adopted.
Bros. F.M. Wright and M. Hawes appointed delegates to the Georgia
Association to be held at Shiloh, Green County on Friday before second
Sabbath in October. Bro. Thos. G. Glaze alternate.

Friday, Sept. 18th, 1857. Correspondents received from Rehoboth Church.
Associational letter read and adopted.

Sunday, Sept. 20th, 1857. Conference for Blacks. No new business.

Monday, Sept. 21st. Mrs. Elizabeth Norman, RE.

Thursday, Sept. 24th, 1857. Miss Ann Glaze and Miss Mary Harnesberger, RE.
Bro. Charles 0. Mayfield presented DL from Double Branch Church, RL.

Friday, Sept. 25th, 1857. Thos. Dallis, RE.


Saturday, Sept. 26th, 1857. Vina, belonging to P.W. Sale, RE.

Friday, October 16th, 1857. Miss Celestia Collars, RE.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. S. Curry and Joseph Florence

Saturday, October 17th, 1857. Miss Rose Hawes presented DL from
Fishing Creek Church, Wilkes County, RL.

Sunday, [Oct. 17th]. Conference for Blacks. Conference for "Coloured
Members" to be moved to Sunday of our next meeting.

Saturday, Novb. 14th, 1857. Sister Elizabeth Norman, DL.
M. Hawes brought charges of unchristian and immoral conduct against
Thos. G. Glaze. A note from Glaze was read: "This is to certify that I
consider myself no longer a member of the church having lost fellowship."
Upon motion, Glaze was excluded from fellowship.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. J. Florence, Jno. Norman and M. Hawes.
Beulah Bros. P.W. Sale and Thos. Dallis

Saturday, January 17th, 1858 . Bro. Jno Hogan, moderator.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. P.W. Sale, C.P. Mayfield and M. Hawes

Saturday, Feb. 20th, 1858. Correspondents appointed to:
Beulah Bros. W.D. Snelson and M. Hawes
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and C.P. Mayfield

Saturday, March 20th, 1858. Bro. Jno. Hogan, moderator. Correspondents
received from Lincolnton: Bros. Benjamin Wright and Isaiah Collars.
Jacob, belonging to Wm. M. Jones, RE.
Bro. Jos. F. Burgess, DL

Saturday, April 17th. Bro. C.P. Mayfield, moderator. Ceily, belonging to
Dr. J.S. Lane, RE.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence and P.M. Wright

Saturday, May 15th, 1858. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator.


Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Wright and Sale
Beulah Bro. C.P. Mayfield

June 19th, 1858. Correspondents received from Lincolnton: Bros.
Benjamin Wright and Isaiah Collars.

July 17th, 1858. Bros. Joseph Florence, C.P. Mayfield, and M. Hawes, with
P.W. Sale as alternate, were appointed to attend the General Meeting to
be held at Damascus Church on fifth Sabbath in August. Clerk to write letter.

August 14th, 1858. Letter to General Meeting read and adopted.
Bros. F.M. Wright and M. Hawes appointed delegates to Georgia
Association to be held at Beaver Dam, Wilkes County on Friday, before
second Sabbath in October.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Jno. Norman and P.W. Sale

Friday, Sept. 17th, 1858. Bro. A.G. Glaze, RL from Lincolnton Church.
Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bros. Thos. Florence and Isaiah Collars
Buelah Bros. Wm. Andrews, Wm. House and Benjamin Rhodes
Letter to Georgia Association read and adopted.
Sister Susan Sale, and Tom, formerly belonging to Mrs. N.H. Stokes, DL.
Bro. C.P. Mayfield granted license to preach.

Saturday, Sept. 18th, 1858. H.M. Sale, RE.
Miss Mary Harnesberger, DL.

Sunday, Sept. 19th, 1858 . Received by experience:
Benjamine Findley
Miss L. Barkesdale
James M. Collars
Emma, belonging to P.W. Sale

Saturday, October 16th, 1858. Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence and John H. Norman
Bro. M.A. Lane resigned pastoral charge of this church, "owing to
afflictions in his family which might render his attendance irregular." 
Bro. John Hogan was called to fill the vacancy and he accepted.


Lewis and Stella, formerly belonging to Mrs. N.H. Stokes, DL.

Saturday, Novb. 20th, 1858. Bro. Jno. Hogan, moderator.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. C.P. Mayfield and M. Hawes
Buelah Bros. Wm. D. Snelson and H. Sale
Newford Bros. H.M. Sale, F.M. Wright, C.P. Mayfield and M. Hawes
The church will observe Thursday the 25th inst. as Thanksgiving Day.

Decb. 18th, 1858. Charles and Hannah, servants of Jacob L. Zeilars, RE.
Bro. Wm. D. Snelson and wife; Bro. Joseph Florence and wife, DL.
Another deacon will be elected at next meeting.

Saturday, January 15th, 1859. Bro. Jno. Hogan, moderator.
Received by experience:
Richard and Charity, belonging to Jacob L. Zellars
Mary, belonging to Co. L. Lamar
Lucy, belonging to Bro. P.W. Sale
Bro. P.W. Sale unanimously chosen deacon. Revd. Wm. R. Cox, Thos.
West, P.P. Burgess, M.A. Lane and J.B. Butler were to be invited as a
presbytery to assist in his ordination.
A charge of drunkenness brought against Bro. B. Findley; Bros. P.W. Sale,
F.M. Wright and M. Hawes "to labour with said Brother." M. Hawes, C. Clerk.

Saturday, Feb. 19th, 1859. Lamar, a "colloured woman and excluded
member," belonging to Bro. P.W. Sale, made suitable acknowledgements
and was restored to fellowship.
Sarah, belonging to Mrs. J.L. Zellars, RE.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. H.M. Sale, C.P. Mayfield, F.M. Wright, S. Curry and M. Hawes
Newford Bros. H.M. Sale, C.P. Mayfield and M. Hawes
Beulah Bro. C.P. Mayfield

Sunday, Feb. 20th. Conference for coloured members. No business.

Saturday, March 19th, 1859. Correspondents received from:
Newford Bros. D. Jones and Jas. M. Lindsley
Lincolnton Bro. Isaiah Collars


Received by experience:
Betsey, belonging to Bro. P.W. Sail [sic]
Jinney, belonging to Wm. Gullatt
Dave, belonging to Mrs. Mary Walker
Lige, belonging to Mr. Nathan Wright
Bro. Findley made full acknowledgement and was restore to fellowship.

Saturday, April 16th, 1859. Leven, belonging to Col. L. Lamar, made
acknowledgments and was restored to fellowship.
Received by experience:
Isam, belonging to Bro. P.W. Sale
Ben and Peggy, belonging to M. Hawes
Katy, belonging to Mrs. Mary A. Simmons
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Jno. H. Norman and C.P. Mayfield
Newford Bros. H.M. Sale, S. Curry and M. Hawes

Saturday, May 14th, 1859. Received by experience:
Jim, belonging to Sister Charlott Wright
Lewis, belonging to Nathan Wright
Nathan and Dave, belonging to M. Hawes
Ben, Orange, Matilda and Francis, belonging to estate of P.W. Norman
Alien, Binah and Julie Ann, belonging to Col. L. Lamar
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F.M. Wright, A.C. Glaze and M. Hawes
Beulah Bros. C.P. Mayfield, P.W. Sale and Thos. Dallis
Bro. Joseph S. Lane has "become sensurable under the llth Resolution of
the Church Decorum for non attendance;" Bros. P.W. Sale, C.P. Mayfield
and F.M. Wright were appointed to inquire into the cause of such absence
and cite him to attend next conference.

Sunday Morning. "Conference at water." Sylvia, servant of Thos. G. Glaze, RE.
"Conference continued at House for benefit of Black members." Caleb, a
servant of Dr. John H. Walton, formerly excluded, made
acknowledgments and asked forgiveness. He was restored to fellowship.
Henny, belonging to W.N. Walton, charged with "separation from
Husband, dancing and drinking." Committee of Charles, Gilbert and Isaac
[to see her.]
Joe, servant of J.F. Mathews charged with stealing. Bros. Nace, Charles and
Isaac to see him and cite him to next meeting.


Bro. Sale charged Simon and Eliza, servants of Mrs. M.A. Simmons, with
adultery. Committee of Gilbert, Charles and Leven to report at next meeting.

Saturday, June 18th, 1859. Correspondents received from:
Beulah Bros. William Andrews, John Harper and William Harper
Lincolnton Bros. Isaiah Collars and H.J. Lane
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Blakey and Leonard Sims
Received by experience:
Miss Lov Sale
Lewis and Anthony, servants of Wm. H. Norman
Lewy, servant of George W. Norman
Isaac, Luke, Gilbert, Matilda and Mary, belonging to estate of P.W. Norman
Matilda, servant ofThos. J. Murray
Gilbert, Tom, Garnett, Anderson, Charles, Natley, Matha and Patsey,
servants of P.W. Sale
Harriett, servant of Col. L. Lamar
Cause of absences by Bro. Jos. S. Lane was professional business. He was
Bros. P.W. Sale, C.P. Mayfield and M. Hawes, with F.M. Wright alternate,
elected as messengers to General Meeting at New Hope on fifth Sabbath
in July.

Sunday Morning, [June 19th]. "At the water." Charles, servant of Thos. G.
Glaze, RE.
"At the House for benefit of the Blacks." Henny, servant of W.W. Walton,
acknowledged two charges; she was excluded.
Case against Mathews' Joe continued to next conference.
Eliza, servant of Mrs. M.A. Simmons, acknowledged charge of adultery.
She was excluded. Simon denied charge, but his admission to Bro. Sale
proved his guilt; he was excluded.

Saturday, July 16th, 1859. Received by experience:
Mrs. Frances Fendley
Henry, belonging to estate of P.W. Norman
Charles, servant of P.W. Sale
Anderson, servant of William Gullatt
Sue, servant of Thos. J. Murray
Charlott, servant of Thos. G. Glaze
Eliza and Permelia, servants of P.W. Sale


Letter to General Meeting read and adopted.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. F.M. Wright, Thos. Dallis, H.M. Sale and Joseph Florence
Newford Bros. C.P. Mayfield, M. Hawes, Jno. H. Norman and Stith Curry

Saturday, August 20th, 1859. Received by experience:
Antoney, Sarah, Tom and William, belonging to L. Lamar
Sharlott, belonging to Mrs. Mary A. Simmons
Mahala, belonging to Sister Sharlott Wright
Jane, belonging to Mrs. F. Mathewson
Savanah, belonging to Sister Elisebeth Flanigan
Correspondents appointed to:
Bula Bros. C.P. Mayfield, Hickison Sale and John Norman
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale, B. Fenley, S. Curray and F.M. Wright
Delegates to association were elected [not named], to be held here at
Goshen on Friday before second Sabbath in October.
Bro. James Collars, DL. James Collars, Pro tern.
[Note added later] "Also Hulda, belonging to Bro. John Florence, Brethren
elected to the association C.P. Mayfield, F.M. Wright. Clerk to prepare a
letter." F.M. Wright, Ch. C. Pro tern.

Saturday, September 17th, 1859. Correspondents received from Newfourd:
Bro. D. Jones.
Caroline, servant of Jacob L. Zeallars, RE.
Letter to association read and adopted. F.M. Wright, Ch. C. Pro tem.

Sunday Morning [Sept. 18]. "At water." Received by experience:
Anjeline, servant of Thos. J. Murray
Emily, servant of Jacob L. Zeilars
Conference continued at House for Black members. Hannah, servant of
Bro. P.W. Sale, RL.
Case against Joe, servant of F. Mathews, continued to next conference.
H.M. Sale, Pro tem.

Saturday, October 15th, 1859. James M. Collars returned his DL which had
previously been granted and was received back into fellowship.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. H.M. Sale, S. Curry and C.P. Mayfield
Newford Bros. F.M. Wright, J. Florence and M. Hawes
M. Hawes, Clk.


Sunday Morning [Oct. 16]. Conference for Black members.
Case against Joe, servant of J.H. Mathews, for stealing; Joe was present,
could not give satisfaction and was excluded.

Saturday, Novb. 19th, 1859. Permelia, servant of Bro. Jno. Furgurson, RE.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Jno. Furgurson, Thos. Dallis and M. Hawes
Beulah Bros. C.P. Mayfield, B. Fendly and Joseph Florence
Bro. John Hogan accepted call to preach another year.

Saturday, Decb. 17th, 1859. Bro. and Sister Joseph Florence returned DL
which had been granted to them.

Saturday, January 14th, 1860. Bro. Jno. Hogan, moderator. Betty, belonging
to Jas. L. Sudduth, DL.
Bro. B. Fendley charged with drunkenness. Bros. P.W. Sale, P.M. Wright
and M. Hawes appointed to cite him to attend next conference.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. S. Curry and P.W. Sale
Newford Bros. Thos. Dallis and M. Hawes
M. Hawes, Clk.

Sunday Morning, January 15th, 1860. Conference for Blacks.
Lewis, boy belonging to Samuel Wynn, RE.

Sunday Morning, Feb. 19th, 1860. Conference for Black members.
Simon, an excluded member, applied for restoration. Case postponed to
next conference.
Conference continued in the House.
Bro. Wiley C. Dennard and Sister Martha E.M. Dennard, RL from Falling
Creek Church, Elbert County, Georgia.

April 14th, 1860. Received by experience:
Lucinda, servant of Thos. J. Murray
Nancy and Jane, servants of Samuel Winn
Bro. B. Fendley asked forgiveness "as he hoped and believed that the Lord
had forgiven him." On motion, he was forgiven.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. F.M. Wright, Thos. Dallis, H.M. Sale and M. Hawes


Sunday Morning at Water. [April 15] Harriet, servant of W.N. Walton, RE.

Saturday, May 19th, 1860. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator.
Received by experience:
Mary, Chester, John, Jim and Seaborn, servants of Col. L. Lamar
Sister L.C. Sale, DL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F.M. Wright and M. Hawes

[Sunday, May] 20th, 1860 . Conference for black members. Simon, an
excluded member, renewed his application. After giving the church
satisfaction, he was restored to fellowship.

Saturday, June 16th, 1860. Correspondents received from Lincolnton: Bro.
Isaiah Collars

Saturday, July 14th, 1860. Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. S. Curry, Thos. Dallis, H.M. Sale and M. Hawes

Saturday, August 18th, 1860. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. A.G. Glaze, Jno. Furgurson and M. Hawes
Beulah Bros. H.M. Sale and Thos. Dallis
Bros. P.W. Sale, H.M. Sale and M. Hawes appointed messengers to
General Meeting of 1st District, Georgia Association, to be held at
Hephzibah Church on fifth Sabbath in Sept.
Bros. P.W. Sale, F.M. Wright and M. Hawes appointed delegates to
Georgia Association to be held at New Providence Church, Warren County.

Sunday, August 19th, 1860. Conference for black members.
Patience, servant of M. Hawes and an excluded member, made satisfactory
acknowledgments and was restored to fellowship.
Lamar, servant of P.W. Sale, was charged with adultery, which she
acknowledged. She was excluded.
Eliza, servant of P.W. Sale, was charged with adultery, which she
acknowledged. She was excluded.
Charles, servant of P.W. Sale, was charged with adultery and
insubordination to his master's rule; he was excluded.

Friday, Sept. 14th, 1860. Bro. M.A. Lane, moderator. Correspondents
received from Lincolnton: Bros. H.J. Lang and Benjamin Wright


Letters to general meeting and Georgia Association read and adopted.

Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1860. Bro. John Hogan, moderator. Correspondent
received from Beulah: Bro. John Harper.
James Sale, RE.

Monday [Sept.] 17th, 1860. W.D. Walton, an excluded member, made
satisfactory acknowledgements and was restored. Mrs. Elvira Walton, RE.

Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 1860. Peyton Norman, Mrs. Sedora Norman, Joseph
Florence and Thos D. Hawes, RE.

Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 1860. Wilson Brown, RE.

[Thursday] Sept. 20th, 1860. Miss E.C Barkesdale and Thos. Sale, RE.
Conference continued at night. Received by experience:
David E. Glaze
Catharine, servant of Col. L. Lamar
Mrs. Sophia Jane Glaze

October 20th, 1860. Miss Mary Ann Collars, RE.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Thos. Sale, Thos. Hawes and M. Hawes

Saturday, Novb. 17th, 1860. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale, Jas. Sale, M. Hawes
Beulah Bros. Denard, Walton and Thos. Sale
Dismissory letters granted to:
Bros. Stith Curry, A.C. Glaze, Joseph Florence, Jur. and D.E. Glaze
Sisters Caroline Curry and S.J. Glaze
Bro. Jno. Hogan accepted call to preach another year
Sunday, [Nov. 18th, I860]. Conference for coloured members.
Caroline, servant of J.L. Zellars, was charged with theft, which she
acknowledged. She was excluded.

Saturday, January 19th, 1861. Bro. Jno. Hogan, moderator. Bro. Wilson
Brown, DL. M. Hawes

Saturday, February 16th, 1861. Clarissy, servant of P.W. Sale, RE.


Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes
Beulah Bros. W. Denard and Wm. D. Walton
Bro. C.P. Mayfield, a licentiate [licensed preacher], DL.

Sunday [Feb. 17, 1861]. Conference for the Blacks. 
Eliza, servant of M. Hawes, RE.
Matilda, servant of Mrs. Norman, was charged with unchristian conduct in
separating from her husband. Bros. Isaac, Jim and Gilbert appointed to
labour with her and cite her to next conference.
Ann, servant of Bro. Sale, was charged with disorderly conduct. Committee
of Tom, Gilbert and Dave to labour with and cite him [sic.] to next conference.

Saturday, March 16th, 1861. Correspondent received from Lincolnton:
Bro. Isaiah Collars.
Sister Carmicael, formerly Sister Lou Barksdale, DL.
Bros. Thos. Dallas, P.M. Wright and M. Hawes appointed messengers to
general meeting to be held at this church on fifth Sabbath Inst. [March].
Bro. H.M. Sale, alternate.

Sunday, March 17th, 1861. "At the water." Amanda, servant of P.W. Sale, R.E.

                    [The Civil War begins.]

April 20th, 1861. Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, May 18th, 1861. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. J. Florence, P.W. Sale and M. Hawes
Beulah Bros. W. Denard, Wm. D. Walton and H.M. Sale

Saturday, June 15th, 1861. Correspondent received from Lincolnton: Bro.
Isaiah Collars.

Sunday, June 16th, 1861. Conference for coloured members.
Matilda, servant of Mrs. E. Norman, was excluded.
Anderson, servant of P.W. Sale, acknowledged his error and asked
forgiveness; his acknowledgment was received by the church.


Saturday, July 20th, 1861. Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, August 17th, 1861. Bro. P.W. Sale, moderator.
Bro. Thos. Sale was charged with unchristian conduct be using profane
language. He is "absent from home in the service of his country." He is to
answer for his conduct to the church on his return home.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale, Joseph Florence and M. Hawes

Friday, Sept. 13th, 1861. Bro. John Hogan, moderator. Correspondents
received from Lincolnton: Bros. Thos. Florence, B'j. Wright and I. Collars.
Bros. P.W. Sale, Joseph Florence and M. Hawes appointed delegates to
Georgia Association to be held at Bethel Church in Crawfordville, Georgia
on Friday before second Sabbath in October.

Saturday, Sept. 14th, 1861. Correspondent received from Rehoboth: Bro.
Joseph Blakely.
Clary, servant of Dr. J.S. Lane, RE.
Letter to Georgia Association read and adopted.

Sunday, Sept. 15th, 1861. Saline, servant of the Misses Crawford, RE and
will be baptized at next meeting.

Saturday, October 19th, 1861. Dave, servant of Miss E.S. Murray, and
Walter, servant of Thos. J. Murray, RE.
Rose, an excluded member and servant of Z. McCord, formerly belonging
to the minors of Noah Walton, deed., acknowledged her crime, the justness
of her expulsion and begged forgiveness of the church. She was restored to
Rose, servant of Z. McCord, DL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. J. Florence and M. Hawes

Saturday, Novb. 15th, 1861. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale, M. Hawes and P.M. Wright
Bro. John Hogan called unanimously as pastor for ensuing year. He
accepted the call.
Bros. P.W. Sale, Dr. J.S. Lane and F.M. Wright appointed a committee to
cite Bro. Wm. H. Norman to attend next conference.


Saturday, Decb. 14th, 1861. Committee to wait on Bro. Wm. H. Norman
did not report; referred to next conference.
Bro. James Sale and Sister Ann Murray, DL.

Sunday Morning, Decb. 15th, 1861. Conference for coloured members.
Nate, belonging to M. Hawes, complained that Dick, servant of J.L. Zellars,
"was too intimate with his wife Charity," all members of the church. Charity
and Dick were excluded and Nathan was given permission to leave his wife.

Saturday, January 18th, 1862. Bro. John Hogan, moderator. Bro. Wm. H.
Norman was excused "on account of inability." M. Hawes, C. Clk.

Sunday [Jan. 19th]. Conference for the Blacks. Charles and Hannah,
servants of J.L. Zellars, charged with stealing. Bros. Charles, Isaac and
Nace to see them and cite them to next conference.

Sunday, Feb. 16th, 1862. Conference for Black Members. Charles and
Hannah, servants of J.L. Zeilars, were excluded upon acknowledgement of
crime of stealing.
Emma and Patsey, servants of Bro. Sale, were charged with adultery and
excluded from the church.

Saturday, March 15th, 1862. Case against Bro. Thos. Sale resulted in his
being excluded from fellowship.
Bro. Wm. H. Norman was charged with use of profane language and other
unchristian conduct. Bros. P.W. Sale, Joseph Florence and M. Hawes were
appointed to wait on him and cite him to next conference.

Saturday, April 19th, 1862. Committee on Bro. Wm. H. Norman reported
that Norman "dismissed the charges and refused to attend the conference."
He was unanimously excluded from the church.

Saturday, May 17th, 1862. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale, J. Florence and M. Hawes
Sunday [May 18th]. Conference for the coloured members. No business.

Saturday, June 14th, 1862. Bro. P.W. Sale, moderator. Correspondent
received from Lincolnton: Bro. W. Dallis.


Bros. P.W. Sale, J.S. Lane and M. Hawes appointed messengers to General
Meeting to be held at Bethel Church, Columbia County on fifth Sabbath in August.

Saturday, July 19th, 1862. Bro. Jno. Hogan, moderator. Correspondents
appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. P.W. Sale and J. Florence
M. Hawes, his wife and his son Thos. D. Hawes, DL.
Bro. W.D. Walton to act as clerk until an election is held. M. Hawes

Saturday, August 16th, 1862. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. John Norman, Joseph Florence, P.W. Sale and Benjamin Fendly
H.M. Sale, Act. Clk.

Friday, Sept. 19 [Saturday crossed out]. Correspondents received from
Lincolnton: Bros. Wm. Dallis and M. Hawse.
Bros. P.W. Sale, J.S. Lane and Joseph Florence elected delegates to the
association to be held at Clarks Station, Wilkes County.
Bro. H.M. Sale was elected clerk.

Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1862. Correspondent received from Bulah: Bro. Denis House.
Letter to Association read and adopted.

Sunday, Sept. 21st, 1862. Conference for Black Members.
Dilsey, an excluded member belonging to W.N. Walton, confessed her
crime and asked forgiveness. She was restored to fellowship.

Saturday, Oct. 19th, 1862. Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. P.W. Sale, John Norman and Joseph Florence

Saturday, Nov. 14th, 1862. Bro. John Brown, RL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and H.M. Sale
John Hogan resigned pastoral charge of the church. Bro. John Fortson
elected unanimously to take charge of the church.

Sunday, Nov. 15th, 1862. Conference for Blacks. Anderson, belonging to
Bro. P.W. Sale; and Leven, Harriet and Catharine, belonging to the estate
of L. Lamar, DL.


Saturday, Dec. 20th, 1862. Correspondent received from Lincolnton- Bro I. Cullars.
Bro. John Fortson accepted call to pastor for year 1863.

Saturday, Jan. 19th, 1863. Bro. John Fortson, moderator. Monthly day of
preaching changed from third to second Sabbath in month. H.M. Sale, Clk.
Saturday, April 11th, 1863. No business.

Sunday Morning [April 12]. Conference for Blacks. Dick, excluded
member belonging to J.L. Zeilars, made suitable acknowledgement and
was restored to fellowship.

Saturday, May 9th, 1863. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Thos. N. Dallis, John Norman and P.W. Sale
Bulah Bros. W.D. Walton and W.C. Denard

Saturday, June 13th, 1863. Correspondent received from Beulah: Bro.
Dennis House. No new business.

Saturday, July 11th, 1863. Bros. H.M. Sale, T.M. Dallis and Dr. J.S. Lane,
with Joseph Florence as alternate, were elected delegates to the General
Meeting at Double Branch Friday before the fifth Sabbath in August.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Dr. J.S. Lane, Thomas Lane, Benj. Fenley and H.M. Sale

Friday, Aug. 7th, 1863. Correspondents appointed to:
Beulah Bros. W.C. Denard and W.D. Walton
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale, John Norman and Joseph Florence

Saturday, [Aug.] 6th. Letter to General Meeting read and adopted.
Bros. H.M. Sale, Dr. J.S. Lane and W.D. Walton elected delegates to the
Association to convene at Damascus on second Sabbath in October.

Sunday Morning [Aug. 7th]. Conference for Black Members.
Nace, belonging to Bro. M. Hawse, brought charge of adultery against
Eliza, belonging to Bro. M. Hawes. She was excluded.
Charles, a coloured member, preferred charge of adultery against Celey,
belonging to Bro. J.S. Lane. She was excluded.


Friday, Sept. 11th, 1863. Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bro. Isaiah Cullars
Bulah Bros. T.M. Gill and N.A. Willis
"Called for peace of the church and find all at peace."

Saturday, Sept. 12th, 1863 Letter to Georgia Baptist Association read and adopted.
Sister S. Standard, DL.
Statistics of Church Saturday, Sept. 12th, 1863
No. White Members                              24
No. Black Members                             117

Saturday, Nov. 7th, 1863. All in peace.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and John Norman
Beulah Bro. W.C. Denard
Bro. Fortson elected as pastor for next year; he is to give his answer at next meeting.

Saturday, Jan. 9th, 1864. Bro. J.H. Fortson, moderator. All in peace. Bro.
Fortson accepted call of church to preach this year. H.M. Sale, Clk.

Saturday, Feb. 18th, 1864. Correspondents appointed to:
Court house Bros J. Florence and P.W. Sale

Sunday, Feb. 14th, 1864. Conference for Blacks.
Ben reported against Anthony, belonging to John Norman, for using
unchristian language. Committee of Isaac, Ben and Charlie appointed to
wait upon Anthony and report at next conference.

March 12th, 1864. Correspondent received from Lincolnton: M. Hawes.
Received under watch care of the church: Sister Rebecca E. Simmons from
Cave Spring, Floyd County, Ga. [She retained her membership at Cave
Spring, but would attend Goshen during her stay in Lincoln Co.] M. Hawes,
pro tem.

Saturday, April 9th, 1864. Bro. J.H. McMullin, moderator. No business. All
in peace.


Saturday, May 7th, 1864. Bro. John H. Fortson, moderator. Sister L.C. Sale,
RL. She had been dismissed by letter. Bro. J.H. McMullin received under watch care.
Record all in peace.
Bro. Joseph Florence, DL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and John Norman
Rehoboth Bros. T.N. Dallis and H.M. Sale
J.H. McMullin, Clk. P.T.

Saturday, June llth, 1864. Charles, Dafney, Maria, Jane, Charlotte, Nancy
and Hannah, servants belonging to the estate of P.W. Norman, RE.
Record all in peace.
Bros. P.W. Sale, John Norman and J.H. McMullin appointed
correspondents to General Meeting to convene at Kiokee Church on fifth
Sabbath in July.

Saturday, July 19th, 1864. Record in peace. Letter to General Meeting read and adopted.

Sunday Morning [July] 20th. Conference at water. Margret, servant of T.G. Glaze, RE.

Saturday, August 13th, 1864. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Fenley, Sale and John Norman
Bros. J.H. McMullin, J.S. Lane and P. Sale appointed delegates to the
association, with J. Norman as alternate. J.H. Fortson, Mod. T.J. Beck,
Clerk Pro tern.

Sabbath, August 14th, 1864. Conference for colored membership. "After
divine service the church met in conference."
Hannah, property of L. Zealers, restored.
Case of Aubery, property of M. Winn, referred to next conference; Jim was
appointed to see him.
Wade, belonging to Mrs. R. Simmes, applied for new DL. Referred to next
conference. T.J. Beck, Clerk Pro tern.

Tuesday, August 16th, 1864. Miss Permelia L. Glaze, RE.

Thursday, August 18th. Miss Imogene M. Simmons, Miss Mary T. Conner,
and Jacob, a boy belonging to Sister Norman, RE.


Friday, August 19th. Peyton M. Florence and Sarah, servant of Bro. J. Norman, RE.

Saturday, August 20th. Martha, servant of Miss P.P. Crawford, Miss B.H.
Cullars, and Nelly, servant of Sister Norman, RE.
Sunday, August 21st. P.W. Sale, Jun., Miss Sarah J. Zellars and N.S. Conner, RE.

Monday, August 22nd. Miss Hattie A. Norman, Mrs. L. Conner, Mrs. Eliza
E. Brown, Miss Cinderilla L. Brown and Jane S. Brown, RE.

Tuesday, August 23rd. Miss Mary L. Zeilars and Mr. James T. Edwards,
RE. J.H. McMullin, Clk. Pro tern.

Friday, Sept. 9th, 1864. Record in peace.

Saturday, Sept. 10th, 1864. Sister Jane Mathews, RL.
Letter to the Association read and adopted. H.M. Sale.

Church Statistics Sept. 10th, 1864.
No. White Members                   40
No. Black Members                  129
Total                                           169

Oct. 16th, 1864. Conference for colored members.
Emma, servant of Bro. P.W. Sale, who was excluded for adultery, came
forward and acknowledged the crime and asked forgiveness. She was
restored to fellowship.
Charles, servant of J.L. Zellars, an excluded member, made suitable
acknowledgments and was restored to fellowship. M. Hawse, C. Clk. Pro tem       

Nov. 20th, 1864. Conference for colored members. Bro. McMullin, moderator.
Harry and Henry, servants of Col. Wiley Walton, and excluded members,
made suitable acknowledgments and were received into fellowship.
[Another entry at the end of the minute book says they belonged to N.
Walton.] H.M. Sale, Clk.


January 7th, 1865. Bro. Fortson, moderator. Received by experience:
Ben, Nancy, James and Alien, servants to Col. Wiley Walton
Jack, servant of Mr. Thos. J. Murray
Willis, servant of Mr. Z.B. Dallis
Record all in peace. H.M. Sale, Clk.

March 11th, 1865. Georgia Ann, servant of Mrs. M.E. Florence; and Hester
Ann, servant of Mrs. E. Flanigan, RE.
Record all in peace. John Brown, Clk. Pro tem

Sunday Morning, March 12th, 1865. "Conference at the water." Eliza,
servant of Mr. J.L. Zellers; and Toney, servant of Mr. T.G. Glaze, RE. John
Brown, Clk. Pro tem.

Saturday Morning, April 8th, 1865. Tiney, Many, Nancy, Martha, Sam, Bill,
Edmund, Daniel, Peter and Dick, servants of Thomas J. Murray, RE.
Record in peace.
Bros. P.W. Sale, Dr. J.S. Lane and J.H. McMullin appointed delegates to
General Meeting. H.M. Sale, Clk.

Sunday Morning, April 9th, 1865. "Conference at the water." Lotty and
Chloe, servants of Thomas J. Murray, RE.
Adjourned to the church. Letter to General Meeting read and adopted.
[The Civil War ended.]

Saturday, June 10th, 1865. "A complaint was made against colored
members for leaving their church." Bros. Dr. J.S. Lane, P.M. Wright, John
Brown, P.W. Sale and H.M. Sale were appointed to "ascertain how many
colored members have left their owners, the circumstances under which
they left, etc."
Sister R.R. Simmons, RL.

Sunday [June 11] Bro. John H. McMullin, moderator.
Received by experience:
Savannah, Emmoline, Mariah, Sarah Ann and John, servants of Bro. M. Hawse
Jack, servant of J.L. Zellars


Saturday, July 8th, 1865. Judy, Martha, Louisa, Lily, Rose and Racheal,
servants of Col. Walton, RE.
Committee appointed at last conference to report to colored conference.
Record in peace.
Simon, DL.
Bros. John Brown and F.M. Wright unanimously chosen deacons. Elders
and deacons of Lincolnton, Rehoboth, and Beulah Churches; and Bros.
M.A. Lane, John Hogan and T.J. Beck to meet us on Friday before the next
Assoc. meeting as a presbytery to assist in the ordination of Bros. Wright
and Brown.

Sunday [July] 9th. "Conference at the water." Received by experience:
Jinny, servant of S.G.N. Furgerson
Elbert, servant of J.L. Zellars
Ceasor and Louis, servants of Bro. M. Hawse

Friday, August 11th, 1865. Bros. F.M. Wright and John Brown set apart for
deaconship with presbytery of Bros. M.A. Lane and John Fortson. Record
in peace.
Bros. Dr. J.S. Lane, F.M. Wright, H.M. Sale with P.W. Sale alternate, were
elected delegates to association to be held at Bairds Town.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and Dr. J.S. Lane. "They were to inquire why
correspondence was stopped and make explanations if necessary."
Beulah Bros. Wiley C. Denard and W.D. Walton

Sunday, August 13th, 1865. Conference for colored members.
Mary, servant ofWm. Gullatt, RL.
Gilbert, servant of P.W. Sale, charged with leaving the church and stealing.
He was excluded.

A charge was preferred against the following members "for leaving the
chuch without letters:
Jim, Anthony and William, servants ofW.H. Norman
Jack, servant of Thos. J. Murray
Laura, servant of Bro. John Norman
Moltey and Martha, servants of Bro. P.W. Sale
Dick and Charles, servants ofJ.L. Zellars
Lewis, servant of Bro. John Norman, charged for non attendance and
unchristian conduct. He was excluded.


Nelly, servant of Sister Norman, charged with adultery and unchristian
conduct. Isaac and Ben to see her and cite her to next conference.
Wade, servant of L. Simms, DL.

Friday, Sept. 8th, 1865. Correspondent received from Lincolnton: Bro. M. Hawse.
Betsey, formerly servant of Miss Mathewson; and Mary, formerly servant
of Mrs. Flanagan, RE.
Committee of inquiry on Lincolnton Church reported matter agreeably settled.
Letter to the association read and adopted.

Sunday, Sept. 10th, 1865 Conference for coulored" Brethren.
Those who left the church without leave are excused until November, and
if they are not present or send direct word, they will be excluded.
Case of Nelly, formerly servant of Sister Norman, transferred to next conference.
Jake, formerly servant of Sister Norman, charged with breaking into his
mistress' meat house and stealing meat; he was excluded.
Alien, formerly servant of Wiley N. Walton, charged with killing and
stealing a hog; he was excluded.
Willis, formerly servant of Z.B. Dallis, charged with adultery; Isaac Norman
and Ben Walton to see him.
Jake, formerly servant of J.L. Zellars, was charged [not given] and a
committee of Isaac Norman, Dave Walker, F.M. Wright and W.C. Denard
to see him.

Nov. 11th, 1865 Record in peace.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. F.W. Sale and F.M. Wright
Beulah Bros. J.S. Lane, W.D. Walton and W.C. Denard
Rehoboth Bro. James Cullers
Bro. John Brown, his wife and two daughters, and Bro. James Cullers, DL.
Bro. Fortson elected pastor for 1866. H.M. Sale, C. Clk.

Dec. 9th, 1865 Correspondents received from Lincolnton: Bros. Hawse and Norman.
Record in peace. F.M. Wright, Clk. pro tern


                   Baptist Church at Goshen,
                       August 13th, 1891
                          Revised List

[A note by Mr. Hill dates this list about 1865. Negro members are included
in the list.]

                    Names of White Members
Miss Charlotte Wright
Mr. John Norman
Mr. Peyton W. Sale
Mrs. Permelia Glaze
Mr. F.M. Wright
Dr. J.S. Lane
Mrs. E. Norman
Miss Ann Glaze
Mr. Thomas N. Dallis
Mr. H.M. Sale
Mr. Ben Fenley
Mr. James Cullars
Mrs. Francis Fenly
Mrs. M.E.M. Denard
Mr. W.C. Denard
Mr. W.C. Walton
Mrs. A. Walton
Miss M.A. Cullars
Mr. John BrownMiss L.C. Sale
Mr. J. McMullin
Miss P.L. Glaze
Miss I.M. Simmons
Miss Mary T. Conner
Mr. Peyton M. Florence
Miss B.H. Cullars
Miss Sarah Zeilars
P.W. Sale, Jun.
N.S. Conner
Miss Hattie Norman
Mrs. L. Conner
Mrs. A. Brown
Miss Cinderella Brown
Miss Jane Brown
Miss Mary L. Zeilars
Miss Mary T. Edwards
Mrs. Jane Mathews
                    Negro members start here

Judy Simms
Jacob Jones
I. Norman, S[en.]
N. Norman
Peter Norman
N. Haws
C. Haws
B. Haws
M. Lamar
N. Norman
Jesse Payne
Lewis Haws
Bob Glaze
I. Haws
Dan Mathews
I. Herd
G. Glaze
P. Wright
M. Norman
0. Haws
P. Zellars
Tom Ware
W. Haws
I. Tucker
P. Samuel
I. Norman J(un)
H. Haws
 Sy Thomas

Saturday, Jan. 13th, 1866. Bro. Fortson, moderator. No business. H.M.
Sale, Clk.

Saturday, Feb. 10th, 1866. Correspondents appointed to-
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and P.M. Wright
Beulah Bros. Walton, Lane and Denard
Bro. F.M. Wright elected assistant clerk.

Saturday, March 10th, 1866. Correspondents received from-
Rehoboth Bro. Hughley
Lincolnton Bros. Hawse and Norman
Sister Jane House, RL

Sunday, Mch. 11th, 1866. Conference for colored members. No business
J.S. Lane, Dpt. Clk.

Saturday, Apr. 7th, 1866. No business.

Saturday, May 12th. Correspondents appointed to-
Lincolnton Bros. F.M. Wright, P.W. Sale and John Norman
Beulah Bros. J.S. Lane and H.M. Sale
Sunday, May 13th, 1866. Conference for "colered" members. Angeline
Mathewson and Charles Tenant, RE.
Charles Norman and Henry Norman charged with not keeping the Sabbath
day. Isaac Norman and Ben Norman appointed to see Charles Norman and
cite his to next conference. Henry Norman made acknowledgments and
was forgiven.
Mariah Norman charged with falsehood. Isaac Norman and Ben Norman
to see her and cite her to next conference.

Saturday, June 9th, 1866. Correspondent received from Beulah- Bro John
W. Harper.
Bro. T. Edwards charged with stealing; Bros. P.W. Sale and F.M. Wright
to investigate and report at next conference.


Bros. P.W. Sale, F.M. Wright, J.S. Lane and H.M. Sale appointed
correspondents to general meeting at Greenwood Church on fifth Sabbath in July.

July 7th, 1866. Committee on Bro. Edwards' case reported and charge was
changed to stealing and other unchristian conduct. Charge was sustained
and he was excluded. F.M. Wright, Ast. Clk.

August 11th, 1866. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and F.M. Wright
Beulah Bros. W.D. Walton, W.C. Denard and J.S. Lane
Bros. P.W. Sale, W.D. Walton, J.S. Lane, with alternates W.C. Denard,
H.M. Sale and F.M. Wright, were appointed delegates to the association
to be held at Sardis Church, Wilkes County, Georgia on second Sabbath in October.

Friday, Sept. 7th, 1866. Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bro. M. Hawse
Rehoboth Bro. Cooper
Beulah Bros. Harper and Pullin
Bro Herrin received under watch care of church. Bros. J.S. Lane, F.M.
Wright, H.M. Sale and Bro. Fortson were appointed to address a letter to
his church.
Church decorum was read and the 6th Article was stricken out.

Saturday, Sept. 8th, 1866. Letter to the association was read and after
correction, adopted.
Sister Willingham, DL.

Tuesday, [Sept.] 11th. "Opened the door of the church. Received   " [no
names listed]

Wednesday, [Sept.] 12th. Miss Betty C. Williams, RE at night meeting.
John L. Conner, RE.

Oct. 8th, 1866. No business. J.S. Lane, C.C. Pro tern
Nov. 10th, 1866. Bro. Fendley charged with intoxication; Bros. Sale, Lane
and Wright to see him and cite him to next conference.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Sale and Wright


Beulah Bros. Walton and Lane
Bro. John H. Fortson called unanimously as pastor for next year.
Committee that was appointed to "have the church recorded" reported and
church agreed to pay the expense.

Nov. 11th, 1866. Bro. Peyton M. Florence, DL.
Sister Harriet Lamar (col.) returned DL; she was received.
Dismissed by letter (colored members):
Bro. James Walker and wife Hannah Walker
Bro. Jack Murray
H.M. Sale, C.C.

Saturday, Dec. 8th, 1866. Correspondent received from Beulah: Bro. I. T. Gill.
Committee on case of Bro. Fenley reported; charge was sustained and he
was excluded.
A letter was received from Whitesville (Ky.) Baptist Church with a DL for
Bro. Herrin. He was received into full fellowship of the church.
Bro. Fortson accepted the call as pastor of the church for the next year.

Saturday, Jan. 12th, 1867. Bro. Fortson, moderator. Bro. Anderson Gullat
(col.) and Sister Ellen Zellars (col.), DL. F.M. Wright, Ast. Clk.

Sunday, Jan. 13th, 1867. Conference for Col. Members.
Case against Bro. Charles Glaze was brought up. He asked forgiveness of
the church for the offense and was forgiven. H.M. Sale, Clk.

March 9th, 1867. Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bros. M. Hawse and G.W. Norman
Rehoboth Bro. G.A. Murray
Bro. W.C. Denard and wife, DL.

Apr. 13th, 1867. Bro. Churchil Bleakey and Sister Susan Bleakey (his wife), RL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. Wright and Sale


Apr. 7th, 1867. Conference for colored members.
Received by experience:
SilusShumate                  Winney Benson
Moses Simmons             Floreada Moss
Mace Norman                 Caroline Moss
Jerry Norman                  Rose Jones
Baze Simmons                Fanny Winn
Archa Blackwell             Marcy Shumate
Miles Norman                Adalin Moss
Bob Glaze                       Adaline Tate
Kitty Benson                 Lucinda Oliver
Harriett Shumate

Caroline Zellars restored to fellowship.
Seabran Warren charged with polygamy and other unchristian conduct.
Bob Gullatt, Louis Wright and Mate Hawse to see him and cite him to next conference.
Jenney Furgerson charged with committing adultery. Jim Warren and John
Zellars to see her and cite her to next conference.
Elbert Zellars, Bob Gullatt and wife Judy Gullatt, Salina Murray and
Sophia Winn, DL.

May 5th, 1867. Conference for colored members.
Received by experience:
John Sale
Edward Winn
Peter Norman
Curry Blackwell
Daniel Mathews
Case against Seabron Warren for polygamy found true; he was excluded.
Case against Jeney Furgerson for adultery; she was excluded.

May 11th, 1867. Mariah Murray (col.), RE.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Sale and Wright
Beulah Bros. Lane and Walton

Sunday Morning at Water. Patience Murray and Tempie Murray (both col.), RE.


Sunday, June 2nd, 1867. Conference for colored members.
Received by experience:
Josephine Hawse
Nelson Norman
Sam Oglesbey
Henry Hawse
Dick Zellars and his wife Sarah Zellars, DL.

Saturday, June 8th, 1867. Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bros. M. Hawse and G.W. Norman
Rehoboth Bro. C.A. Murray

Sept. 9th, 1867. Miss Ann Finley and D.W. McKeige, RE.

Sept. 11th. Conference at night. Z.B. Dallis, D.W. Sale and Thomas Florence, RE.

Sept. 13th. Colored conference. Betsey Wright and Georeiana Blackwell RE.

Sept. 14th. Miss Ann Bond and Miss Mattie Thurmond, RE.

Sept. 14th. Colored conference. Received by experience:
Alex Sutton, Arnold Murray, Cornelia Murray
Eliza Evans, Judy Coffer

Sunday Morning [no date]. "Conference at water." Received by experience:
Agga Oliver
Peter Oliver
Kitty Mercier
Jane Coffer
Lizzie Jones

Novb. 9th, 1867. Correspondents appointed to:
Bulah Bros. Daniel Sale and Z.B. Dallis
Lincolnton Bros. J.S. Lane and Daniel McKeige
J.S. Lane, Church Clerk Pro tem

Dec. 7th, 1867. Correspondent received from Lincolnton: Bro. G.W. Norman.


Bro. J.H. Fortson unanimously elected pastor for next year. He accepted
the call. H.M. Sale, Clk.

Jan. 11th. Bro. J.H. Fortson, moderator. Mr. Finley was restored to
fellowship. Wm. D. Walton, Sec. Pro.

Feb. 9th, 1868. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. P.W. Sale and C. Bleakey
Beulah Bros. L».W. Sale and W.D. Walton
Bro. E. Herrin, DL.

April 11th, 1868. Bro. T.W. Brown and Sister Emily Brown, RL.
Bro. Z.B. Dallis, W.D. Walton, D.W. McKeige, and Sisters Alvera Walton
and Lou C. McKeige, DL.
Correspondents appointed to:
Rehoboth Bros. C. Bleakey and P.W. Sale
Lincolnton Bro. P.W. Sale
All letters of dismission will expire in six months if not joined to some other church.

May 10th, 1868. Record in peace.

June 13th, 1868. Correspondents received from:
Beulah Bros. Bentley and Mankin
Lincolnton Bros. Hawse, Wright and Norman
Rehoboth Bro. Murray
Sister Elizabeth David, RL from Buffalo Church.

Sunday Morning, June 14th, 1868. Called conference. Bro. William B.
Blakey, RL from Fishing Creek Church.

July 11th, 1868. Bros. P.W. Sale, J.S. Lane, C. Bleakey and D.W. Sale
appointed correspondents to general meeting to be held at New Hope.

Aug. 8th, 1868. Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. J.S. Lane and P.W. Sale
Beulah Bros. P.W. Sale, Jr. and D.W. Sale
Absent: Bros. James Cullars and T.N. Dallis.

Sept. 12th, 1868. Bro. Hawse, moderator. Correspondents received from:


Beulah Bros. Bently, Dallis and Walton
Rehoboth Bro. Murray
Lincolnton Bro. M. Hawse
Bros. P.W. Sale, J.S. Lane and C. Bleakey with H.M. Sale alternate,
appointed correspondents to Georgia Association to be held at Raytown
on Friday before 2nd Sabbath next month.
Miss Mattie David, RE.

April 10th, 1869. Committee on Bro. Finley's case reported. Case
postponed to next conference.
Committee on Bro. Cullars' case reported and case postponed to next
conference. Also Bro. Dallis' case.

May 8th, 1869. Bro. Lane, moderator. Cases of Bros. Findley, Cullars and
Dallis postponed.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bro. Wm. Brown
Beulah Bro. H.M. Sale

May 9th, 1869. Bro. Lane, moderator. Bros. C. Bleakey, D.W. Sale and
H.M. Sale appointed correspondents to general meeting to be held at
Hephzibah Church on fifth Sabbath in May.
Bro. John Norman returned his letter to the church.

June 12th, 1869. Bro. Fortson, moderator. Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bro. M. Hawse
Beulah Bros. J.D. Bently and L. House
Bros. Findley and Cullars asked forgiveness, which was done.
Case of Bro. Dallis postponed since committee was absent.

July 10th, 1869. Committee on Bro. Dallis reported that he refused to
attend church and that he did not consider himself a member of the church.
He was excluded from fellowship.
Bro. John A. Lane, DL.

August 7th, 1869. Charge preferred against Bro. Finley for drunkenness.
Bros. P. Sale and Wilson Brown to see him.
Bro. P.W. Sale, H.M. Sale, J.S. Lane, C.O. Blakey and Dan Sale appointed
delegates to the association.


Sept. 10th, 1869. Correspondents received from:
Lincolnton Bros. M. Hawse and G.W. Norman
Beulah Bro. G.H. Willis
Bro. Findley's case laid over to next conference.

Saturday [no date]. Correspondents received from:
Rehoboth Bros. L. Sims and G.A. Murray
Beulah Bros. D. House and J.D. Bentley
Lincolnton Bro. F.M. Wright
Letter to association read and, after correction, adopted.

Tuesday, 13th. W.O. House, RE.
At night: John L. David and T.L. Thurmond, RE.

Wednesday, 15th. Mrs. B. Wright, Nathan Wright and Miss Ann Florence, RE.

Thursday Night. James Samuels, RE.

Friday. Thomas Wilkerson, RL.

Sunday Night. Zackry Wright and _ McCorcle.

Wednesday 22nd. Mrs. Leia Norman, RE.

At night: John B. Norman and George David, RE.
No. whites 57 H.M.Sale   

Saturday, Nov. 9th, 1868. Bro. Fortson, moderator.
Correspondents appointed to:
Lincolnton Bros. Brown and Blakey
Beulah Bros. Jon. Sale and H.M. Sale
S.T. Florence, Clk. P.T.

Sunday Morning, November 14th, 1869. Bro. Fortson. moderator. Bro.
John H. Talley, RL. H.M. Sale, Clk.

Goshen Church, Jan. 11,1870. Bro. Lane, moderator. George Neal, RE.
Saturday, May 7th, 1870. Bro. Fortson, moderator.
Bro. Haws, wife and two daughters; Bro. G.W. Norman and wife, RL.


Case against Bro. Wilkerson deferred to next conference.
Bro. Findley made acknowledgments to charge [not given]; he was
restored to full fellowship.
Bros. P.W. Sale, M.A. Lane, M. Hawes, Blakley and H.M. Sale were
appointed delegates to the general meeting.
Letter to general meeting was adopted as read.
Correspondents to:
Beulah Bros. H.M. Sale and D.M. Sale
Absent without leave: Bros. James Collars and J.S. Norman.

August 7th, 1870. Bro. P.A. McLendon, moderator. Merihn Norman and Wesley Lamar, RE.

[minutes are missing]

April 21st, 1872. Colored Baptist Church of Goshen met in conference. Bro.
I.A. McLendon, moderator.
Received by experience:
Lettie Murray
Anna Mathewson
Mary Ann Murray
Penina Wright
Madaline Murray
Emmer Warren
William Tartelow
Anna Dooley
Nellie Collars
Gasta Ann Murray
Lora Ann Salley
Mary Murray
Bro. Charles Willis charged with adultery; he was excluded.
Sister Isabella Hawes charged with adultery; she was excluded.
Bros. Issac Norman, Sen., Issac Norman, Jun., Bas Andrew, Peter Norman,
Dave Walker and Charles Glaze, Jun. appointed as an investigating
committee on reports that some members are living as man and wife who
have not been legally married. Committee to report at next conference.

Copy of DL from Buffalo Baptist Church of Christ, Abbeville, South
Carolina certifying Sister Elizabeth David was dismissed to join any other
church of the same faith and order. Signed J.S. Britt, C. Clerk. Dec. 20th, 1867.


Copy of DL from Beulah Baptist Church of Christ, Lincoln County,
Georgia certifying Baley Andrews and his wife Emma Andrews were
granted letters of dismission. "Done by order of church in conference for
the coloured members May 19th 1867. Benjamin Dunaway, mod., James H.
Willis, Ch. Clerk."

Jan. 11,1873. In conference. No business recorded.

            [minutes are missing]

             [minutes are missing]

Saturday, April 8th, 1876. Bro. Fortson, moderator.
Correspondents appointed to:
Beulah Bros. J.J.S. Callaway and P.W. Sale
Rehoboth Bro. C.S. Blakey

             [minutes are missing]

             [minutes are missing]

             [minutes are missing]

Goshen Sabbath School Record May 30th, 1880. Superintendent P.F.
Burgess. Sabbath school open by singing. Read the 37 Chapter of Genesis
and "mad prare."
On motion of Bro. J.S. David, L.M. Wright was appointed assistant
secretary of the school.


Male Bible Class: J.S. David, Jo. T. Wright, Nathan Wright, L. Wright,
Thomas Fendley.

June 18th, 1880. M. Hawes and L. Wright to hear verses repeated.
Bro. F.M. Wright resigned as teacher of Bible class; Bro. D.W. Sale
appointed to succeed him.
Resolved that they would have at present but two classes, the Bible Class
and Infant Class.

Sabbath School Convention, Friday Aug. 27, 1880. Messengers to the
General Meeting in connection with the messengers from the Sabbath
Schools convened. Elder P.F. Burgess, President; M. Hawes, Secretary.
Letters from schools collected and read by Bros. J.M. Dill and E.E.
Gresham. Messengers enrolled were:
Damascus Miss Jennie Eubanks
Goshen D.W. Sale, W.E. Hawes and N. Wright
Siloami Mrs. C.A. Cox and Miss Fannie Knox
D[ouble] Branches Misses Lena Bussey and Lula Bussey, J.M. Cartledge
Salem Miss Ella Bentley

Discussion of question "To what cause is the decline of the Sabbath School
attributed?" opened by H.J. Lang and followed by Bro. J.A. Shank
Question: "What relation does the Pastor sustain to and his work in the
Sabbath School?" Bros. J. Hogan and F.M. Wright
Question: "How can we best impress upon parents the importance of
attending Sabbath School and bringing their children with them?" Bro. F.M. Wright

General Meeting, Friday, Aug. 27, 1880. Convened at Goshen, with
introductory sermon preached by Elder J.A. Shank from Ps. 45:12-13,
followed by Bro. W.H. Green.
After one hour intermission, general meeting was organized with P.F.
Burgess, moderator, and M. Hawes, Clerk. Bro. J.M. Dill lead prayer.
Letters from churches collected and read by Bros. J.M. Dill and E.E. Gresham.
Messengers present:
Kiokee Bro. T.E. Dursey
Bethlehem Bethel Bro. J.M. Miles
Double Branches Bro. J.M. Cartledge
Damascus Bro. J.A. Eubanks
Salem Bros. J.M. Dill and R.N. Graves


New Hope Bros. J. Hogan and W.H. Green
Goshen Bros. P.W. Burgess, F.M. Wright, M. Hawes
Greenwood Bros. Wm. Woods and A.J. Paschal
Siloam Bros. H.J. Lang and P.A. Cox
Hephzibah Bro. L. Crook

Correspondents received from the 5th District: Bros. W.B. Norman, E.E.
Gresham, Z. Dallis and H.C. Walton.
Next general meeting to be held at Damascus.
Correspondents appointed to:
2nd District Bros. J. Hogan, J.M. Dill and P.F. Burgess
3rd District No volunteers.
4th District Bro. J.A. Shank
5th District Bros. H.M. Wright, P.A. Cox, J. Hogan,   W.H. Green, M.
Hawes, P.F. Burgess
Letter received from Flint Hill by messenger Bro. J.A. Shank.
Bros. M. Hawes and F.M. Wright from Goshen; H. J. Lang, J.M. Dill and
Jno. Eubanks from the body were appointed as a committee on religious worship.

Resolution proposed by Bro. Hogan agreed to: "...that future meetings ...
shall be held with the churches as they stand on the minutes of this meeting
... provided the church is willing to accept the appointment."

Committee on religious worship reported: Prayer meeting at 9:00 tomorrow
with Bro. Cartledge leading. Preaching at 11:00 by Elder J. Hogan, with
Bro. W. Herrin to close.
Meeting adjourned to 9:30 tomorrow morning. P.F. Burgess, moderator.
M. Hawes, clerk.

Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Prayer meeting - Bro. Cartledge leading.
10:00 a.m. Committee on religious worship reported: Bro. P.F. Burgess to
preach the next introductory sermon, Bro. Hogan alternate. Bro. P.F.
Burgess to preach this afternoon.

Saturday, Augt. 28,1880,1:30 p.m. Messengers received from:
Greenwood Bro. A.E. Strother
Hephzibah Bro. A.G. Prentice
New Hope Bro. Walker Hames
Bro. J.A. Shank to preach tomorrow at 11:00; Bro. J. Hogan in evening.


Saturday, Aug. 28, 1880, 10:30 a.m. Sabbath School Convention took up  |
unfinished question, lead by Bros. Cox, Hogan and Shank. Question 4 to
be continued to next convention.    
                    Gap in minutes to 1896
Church of Christ at Goshen met in conference Aug. 15, 1896. Bro. H.M.
Adams, moderator.
Correspondents received from:
Bulah Bros. John W. Rhoads W.G. Gill, G.D. Botton and John M. Rhoades
Lincolnton Bro. John Zellars
Rehoboth Bros. Henry C. Walton and Lattamore
Bros. Nathan Wright, G.H. David, F.M. Wright, A.N. Glaze and L. Wright
appointed to general meeting.
Conference to be opened at will of pastor during this protracted meeting.,
H.M. Adams, moderator, W.M. Wright, elk.
"Received the following names to membership of this church during the
meeting." [No names listed.]

We the undersigned promise to pay the amounts severally annexed to our
names for the pastoral services of Bro. Fortson for the present year.


P.W. Sale				50.00
Mosely Hawes Paid			20.00
P. M. Wright Paid			20.00
S.T. Florence			  5.00
D.W. Sale				10.00
T.W. Brown			  5.00
D.A. Stone P			  1.00
J.H. Tally				  2.00
Z.T. Wright P			  1.00
Lew Wright P
Nathan Wright P			  1.00
W.T. Florence			  1.00
Church Bleakey
Otis Florence
W.M.Brawner			10.00
J.S. Norman


               Subscription Sunday, July 19,1874

Charles Glaze, Jun.                          1.00
Isaak Norman, Jun.                            50
Silas Norman                                     .50
Baz Andrews                                    .25
Jerry Norman                                    .50
Elias Haws                                      1.00
Nathan Haws                                   .25
Peter Norman                                   .20
Charles Glaze, Sen.                          .50                    
Isaak Norman, Sen.                         .25
Jakie Jones                                       .50
Nathan Norman                               .50

Harry Walton paid                           .20
Gil Norman, Sen.                               .25
Isack Norman 1 [bushel of corn]
Isack Norman, Jun 1
Ben Norman 1
Mose Andrews 1
Baz Andrews 1
Lewis Norman 1
Money received to this date               $7.20             
9 Bus. Corn valued at 1.25 bu.          $61.30 
March 15,1874
F. Burgess                                 	           1.00
4 bushels corn paid                                5.00
2      "        "       "                                      2.50
Collected at different time                      5.00


  Subscription Dec. 20,1874

Dave Walker & family X		  5.00
Peter Norman 1 Bus. Corn X		  1.00
James Richards X			  1.00
W. Andrews X			    .25
Nodly Norman X			    .25
Baz Andrews Corn X		  1.25
Nathan Norman X			  1.00
Alen Simmons X			  1.25
Nelson Norman X			  1.00
W. Blackwell X			    .25
Orange Haws X			    .20
Miles Norman X			  1.10
C. Glaze  X			    .75
Peggy Haws and Mary Herd X		    .50
I. Norman, Sen. X			  1.00
Emma Samuels X			    .50
Mary Simmons X			    .25
Lue Norman Corn X			  1.50
Jacob Jones X			  1.50
Letty Haws X			    .50
Vince Murray X			    .50
D. Mathis				  1.00
M. Andrews			  1.50
G. Samuels			  1.00
April				52.05

WJD 11
GN Stro 1
CB Bur 111
RLB 11
J.R. Stone 1111111111111111
H.M. Wright lllll[crossed out] 1
W.T. Murrey 111111111111111111111
M.B.Lewis 111
G.T. Chafin 11
F. Wright 11111111111111
Frank Burgess 1


G.T.Chafin 1111111
H.M. Wright 111111111111111 111
G.T.ChafIN 11
Frank B 1

John Zellar 2 1/2 bushels corn
Nathan Haws 2 delivered
Baz Andrews 2 bushel delivered
Phlem Andrews 2 delivered
John Sale 2 delivered
Joe Mathis 1 delivered
Gilbert Florence, Jr. 1 delivered
Jerry Norman 1 delivered
Silas Norman 2 delivered
Collected in Nov. 28,1875                          $29.10
Corn subscribed worth                                13.50

Charles Glaze, Jr. 2 delivered
Isaac Norman, Jun. 3 delivered
Vincent Murray 1 delivered
William Gillbo 1 delivered
Loue Norman 2 delivered
James Richard 1 delivered
Collected December meeting
Cash                                  	             $16.30
Corn                             	                 9.00
Wesley Lamar subsc.                                   5.00

Paid cash today                                             6.90
David Walker Paid                                        1.00

                    1876 Subscription for Lumber
James Richard X                                            1.00
Isaac Norman, Sen. X                                   1.00
Isaac Winn X                                                 1.00
Isaac Norman, Jun X                                    1.00
Jesse Jones X                                                  .50
Peter Norman X                                             1.00


Nathan Norman X					  1.00
Jerry Mason X					  1.00
Moses Andrews X					    .50
Wm. Gilebeau X					    .50
Loue Norman X					  1.00
MarySimmons X					    .25
Emma Samuels X					    .25
Silas Norman X					  2.00
John Zelars X					    .25
Pearce Zellars X					  1.00
Isaac Norman No. 3 X				    .50
Burton Norman X					    .50
BobWalton X					  2.00
Walter Murry X					    .50
Vince Murry X					    .25
BirtMosly X					    .15
T. Brown X					    .50
Basill Andrews X					  1.00
Charles Murry X					    .20
Jerry Norman X					    .50
Georg Glaze X					    .50
Ben Norman X					    .10
Gilbot Norman X					    .05
Bob Glaze X					  1.00
Charles Glaze X					  1.00
_ Simmons X					  1.00
J. Murry X					  1.00
J. Richards X					  1.00
T. Andrews X					  1.00
J. Mason X					  1.00
S.Winn X						  1.00
Isack Winn X					  1.00
W. Parmer X					    .25
J. Zellars X					  2.00
Ned Madison X					    .50
Jesse Mason X					    .50
C. Mason X					    .25
R. Murray X					    .50
L.Oliver X						    .25
Tilday Moss X					    .50
Mary Glaze X					    .25
Jef Marry X					    .30
Flem Andrews X					  1.00
Total						16.30


Miss Charlott
Joseph Florence
Elinor Florence
Wm. H. Norman
John Norman
Francis Sale
P.W. Sale
John Furgurson
Dealy C. Glaze
Nancy Collars
Mosley Haws
Permelia Glaze
Stith Curry
Caroline Curry
P.M. Wright
Sarah Wright
Dr. J.S. Lane
C.P. Mayfield
Mrs. Susan Sale
W.D. Snelson
Mrs. Ann Snelson
F. Burgess
H.M. Sale
B. Fendley
Miss L. Barkesdale
Jas. M. Collars
Miss Lou Sale
Mrs. Francis Fendley
_ Haws
Nancy Win
Jane Winn
I. Norman, Jn.
P. Norman
N. Norman
A. Murray
P. Haws
D. Murry
L. Norman
Joe Tucker
I. Norman, Sen.
G.I. Norman
Jack Winn
C. Glaze, Jun.
B. Andrews
Silas Norman
Jerry Norman
Dave Walker


Paid M. Hawes                                  	  2.00
Paid Mrs. Nancy Tatom                                     .50
Part of the fund for 1850                                  8.25

                    March 15th, 1851
Paid P.W. Sale for Keeping the
Meeting House for 1850                              10.00
For repairing the Baptismal Pool                 10.00
Sept. 19 Paid Joseph Florence for Wine        .50
Paid Bro. Morgan                                   	 2.00
1852 March 1st Paid Bro. Sale for Wine       3.00

                    March 20th, 1852
We the undersigned subscribers do promise to pay the several sums
severally annexed to our names to supply the contingent fund of the church.
Wm. H. Norman
Wm. Turner
X Thos.G. Glaze                                  5.00
X Jno. Furgerson                                1.00
X W.W. Stokes                                   2.00
X P.W.Sale                                          3.00
Paid P.W. Norman                              3.00
Paid Joseph Florence                          .50
X M. Hawes                                        3.00
 X Mrs.N.Tatom                                   .50
                    March 20th, 1852
Paid Bro. Sale for Keeping the
Meeting House for 1851                 10.00
For minutes                                        3.00
For wines                                          14.00
                                    		 $  4.00

                    June 18th, 1853
X Wm. H.Norman                             1.00
X Thos.G. Glaze                                5.00
X Jno. Furgerson                              1.00
X W.W. Stokes                                 2.00
X P.W.Sale                                         3.00
X P.W.Norman                                  3.00
X M.Hawes                                       3.00
Paid Mrs. N. Tatom                            .50
X J.S.Lane                                         2.00
X Joseph Florence                            .50
Paid Stith Curry                                 .50
X F.M.Wright                                  1.00
X Jno. H. Norman                            1.00
Part of funds of 1852                       4.00

                    June 18th, [18] 53
Paid Bro. Sale for Keeping the
Meeting House for 1852                         10.00
1853 For Minutes                                       1.00
1854 Feb. 18th Paid Bro. P.W. Sale
for Keeping House 1853                          10.00
Paid for minutes for 1854                           1.00

                    May 19th, [18] 55
Paid Wm. H. Norman                                  2.00
Paid Jno. Furgurson                                     .25
Paid Thos. G. Glaze                                     5.00
W.W. Stokes
Paid P.W.Sale                                               3.00
Paid Joseph Florence                                    .50
Paid M.A. Lane                                            1.00
J.S. Lane
Paid Stith Curry                                              .50
Paid C.P. Mayfield                                         .50
Paid F.M.Wright                                          1.00


Paid Jno. H. Norman                       	            1.00
Paid M. Hawes                            		            3.00
Paid B.W.Moore                                  	              .50
Balance Brought Forward                                         5.50

                    May 19th, [18] 55
Paid Bro Sale for Keeping the House for 1854                 12.00
Do Do for 1855                               		   12.00
For Minutes                                          		     1.00

W.H. Norman
Paid Jno. Furgurson                                		       .25
Paid Thos. G. Glaze                              		     5.00
Paid P.W. Sale                                		     3.00
Paid Joseph Florence                               	                         .50
J.S. Lane
Paid Stith Curry                                      		    1.00
Paid F.M.Wright                             		    1.25
Paid M. Hawes                                    		    3.00
Paid W. Snelson                                       		      .50
Paid W.B. More                                     		      .50
Expenditures up to May 16th, 57      	                    14.50

Over Paid for 1855                                 		   1.25
Paid for minutes for 1856                     	                     1.00
May 16th Paid Bro. Sale for Keeping the
Meeting House for 1856                             		 12.00
One stone Pitcher for use in Meeting House                    .25

                    May 16th, 1857
Wm. H. Norman
Jno. Furgurson


Paid Thos. G. Glaze                             2.00
X P.W.Sale                                      4.00
Paid Joseph Florence                                   .50
Paid J.S. Lane                                  5.00
Paid Stith Curry                                1.00
Paid C.P. Mayfield                              1.00
Paid F.M.Wright                                 1.25
Jno. H. Norman
Paid M. Hawes                              3.50
Paid Wm. Snelson                                1.00
X Thos.Dallis                                   1.00

                          Oct. 1857
Paid for Minutes                                1.00
Paid for Keeping House                        12.00
Paid for Doz. Baptist Psalmody                       7.25
W.H. Norman
Jno. Furgurson
X P.W.Sale                                       4.00
Paid Joseph Florence                                  1.00
J.S. Lane                                   5.00
Paid Stith Curry                                 1.00
Paid C.P. Mayfield                               1.00
Paid F.M.Wright                                  2.00
Paid M. Hawes                               5.00
Paid Thos. Dallis                                1.00
Paid M.A. Lane                              1.00
Less Dr. J.S. Lane                               5.00
Disbursements for 1858                         13.50
Carried forward to 1859                          2.50

                          Sept. 17th, 1858
Paid for Minutes                                 1.00
Paid for gowns for Baptising                          2.50
Paid Bro. Sale Keeping Meeting House                10.00


                    1859 Contingent Fund
Wm. H. Norman                            
X Jno. Furgurson                              1.00
X P.W.Sale                                    5.00
Dr. J.S. Lane
X Stith Curry                                 2.00
X F.M.Wright                                  3.00
X C.P.Mayfield                           2.00
X Thos.Dallis                                 1.00
X H.M.Sale                                    1.50
J.M. Collars                                  1.00
X M.Hawes                                5.00
Excep for 1858                           2.50
Less Jas. M. Collars                               1.00

                    March 19th, 1859
Paid P.W. Sale Repairing House                   15.00
Do Do Do Do 2 Chairs`                         1.50
Do for Minutes                           1.00
Paid Bro. P.W. Sale Keeping House                10.00
Over paid                                4.50

                    April 1860 Contingent Fund
W.H. Norman
X Jno. Furgurson                              3.00
X P.W. Sale                                   5.00
Dr. J.S. Lane
X Stith Curry                                 1.00
X F.M.Wright                                  3.00
C.P. Mayfield
X Thos.Dallis                                 1.00
X H.M.Sale                                    2.50
Jas. M. Collars
X W.C.Dennard                            1.00
X M.Hawes                                5.00
X B.Fendley                                   1.00


XJ. Florence                                   1.00
X MA.Lane                                   .50
X Mrs. E.Norman                                2.00
X Dr.J.S.Lane                                  2.50

                    1860 April 14th
Paid Bro. Sale for Keeping Meeting House               10.00
For cloth for gowns                            9.00
Overpaid in 1859                               4.50
Paid for minutes                               1.00
Unappropriated for 1860                        4.00                     

     1861 Contributions for the Contingent and Church Fund

Wm. H. Norman
Jno. Furgurson
P.W. Sale
Dr. J.S. Lane
F.M. Wright
J. Florence
Thos. Dallis
H.M. Sale
Thos. Sale
Jas. M. Collars
W.C. Denard
B. Fendley
W.D. Walton
M. Hawes
Mrs. E. Norman
Unappropriated fund of 1860

Sept. 20th. [18]62 Received of M. Hawes
former Clerk the amount of Eight Dollars.




P.W Sale to. Keeping House                             10.00
Paid for minutes                                         1.00
Bro. Florence                                         .50

                    [No date]
Mosley Hawes 1
L. Wright Teacher 2
Z.T. Wright   3
Mosley Wright  4
John H. Haralson  5
Bub. W. Brawner  6
John Murray   7
William H. Stone  8
Henry Thomas Stone 9
Lucius Brawner   10
F.M. Wright   11
William Murray  12
Peyton M. Hawes   13
Albert S. Hawes   14
Nathan Wright Teacher 15
D.W. Sale "Sectary & Libarian" 16
William E. Hawes Teacher
Mrs. L.M. Wright   1
Mrs. Sallie Brawner 2
Mrs. L. Wright  3
Mrs. P.B. Sale  4
Mrs. P.W. Sale, Jun. 5
Mrs. T.W. Simmons 6
Mrs. Elisebeth Thomas 7
Miss Maud Simmons 8
Miss Lottie Wright 9
Miss Clara Anderson 10
Miss Catharin Stone 11
Miss Fannie Stone 12
Eliza Baley   13

Mosley Hawes, "Supertendant"                        29
F.M. Wright, Assistant


                    March 1911
A.N. Glaze 1111111111111
W.A. Drinkard 1111111111111
F.M. Edwards 1010000011000
William Stone 0000000000000
W.J. Drinkard 1111111111011
G.A. Norman 0101001010001
W.Z. Florence 0110000010010
JohnieStone 1111110111110
W.A. Dallis 100000100000
B.S. Dallis 1101001001001
Thomas Blakely 0000000000000
C.B. Burgess 1011000010110
R.L. Burgess 1101111111111
Daniel Stone 0000000000000
M.G. Wheatly 010001100100
[crossed out]
.T. Chafm 0110110011011
W.E. Norman 1111111011011
TJ. Leverett 1010011111101
Nathan Brown 010000001000
George Tatom 1010100011001
R.C. Norman 0100111001001
Walter Norman 0000000000001
ZackDallis 1000000010001
Walter Dallis 0000000000101
G.T. Parks 00000
[crossed out]
Brooks Parks 1100010000000
Earnest Wright 0010000000000
F.W. Wright 1101111000101
J.A. Wright 0000000000000
TJ.Fendly 0000000000000
M. Chafm 0000000000001
Mosely Wright 101100101000
M.B.Lewis 011110101101
W.T. Norman 0001000000001
W T Murray 1011111111111
JohnNorman 0000000000000
Earnest Norman 0101000100001
Frank Alexander 0100000010011


C.A. Stribling 1010001000000
Cliffert Stevenson 0000000000000
Frank Burgess 1100000100001
Walter Florence 0000000000000
Moody Wright 0100000010000
Watson Wright 0010000010000
Jimmie Cantral 0000000000000
Mosely Florence 0010000011011
Joe Brown 0100000000001
Howard Cantral 0000000000000
J.W. Hathcock 0000000000000
William P. Norman     10000000
M.M. Adams [crossed out]    11111
Joe Farmer    0011
Colton Norman   0001
R.T. Cullars   1000
Richard Noggle   0 0

[The following was written upside down on part of a page.]
"Provided always that the said W.E. Hawes, his heirs and assigns reserve
the right for himself, his heirs, agents or assigns to flume over or under
said Ditch should it be nessary [sic] to do so in working the Mineral Interest
on said Hawes place and to make and crop Bridges if nessary in working
his Farm. But in no manner to injure the Ditch or impede the flow of water."


Male Members - This list is about 1890

M. Hawes 	                           E.H. Samuel
F.M. Wright                      	        A.H. Glaze
C.S. Blakey                      	        Zach Henderson
P.W. Sale		     	       Wm. C. Henderson
Jno. L. David                    	       Adam Henderson
George H. David                                  Zack Florence
Z.T. Wright                                          B.S. Florence
Nathan Wright                                    Robt. Dallis
Llewellyn Wright                                W.A. Dallis
M.H. Wright                                        B.S. Dallis
J.D. Stone                                             M.B. Lewis
W. Stone                                	      West Drinkard
H.T. Stone                                           William Drinkard
Jno. Stone                                           Robert P. Sale
Daniel Stone                                       Roy W. Sale
Benj. Fendley, Jn.                              Thos. G. Spires
Thos. Fendley                                    Dr. J.S. Lane
Jno. Fendley                                      Thos. Blakey
Marion Fendley                                George A. Norman
F.M. Edwards                                    Earnest Norman
Robt. T. Cullars                                 Earnest Norman
 Jas. E. Stone                                     W.P. Norman

Female Members       
Mrs. Susan Blakey                            Mrs. Lottie Dallis
Mrs. J.B. Hawes                                Mrs. Hattie Dallis
Mrs. R.J. Norman                              Mrs. Hattie Stevenson
Mrs. Sarah Stone                              Mrs. Eliza Fendley
Mrs. Leila Lewis                               Mrs. P.N. Zellars
Mrs. F. Fendley                                Mrs. P.N. Zellars
Mrs. R.B. Ware                                Mrs. Jane Pitman
Mrs. Catharine Edwards                 Mrs. Mattie L. Ivey
Mrs. Susan A. Norman                   Mrs. Mattie L. Ivey
Mrs. Robt. T. Cullars                       Mrs. Hattie E. Spires
Mrs. E.N. Alexander                        Miss Sarah Jane Zellars
Mrs. Victoria Wright                       Miss Permelia Glaze
Mrs. M.W. Wright                          Miss Savannah Stone
Mrs. Thos. Blakey                           Miss Sarah Stone
Mrs. Alice Albea                             Miss Lizzie Lane
Mrs. Rosa Leverett                          Miss Ida Stone
Mrs. M.L. Norman                           Miss Louisa Dallis
                                       	   Miss Allice Drinkard
                            	                     Miss Ada Glaze


[Original spellings have been maintained in the following rules and covenants.]

These rules were copied in the front of the second book of minutes, begun in 1840.

The rules which have been adopted for the government of the Baptist
Church of Christ at Goshen are as follows:

1st Resolved that any member who shall absent themselves from their
seats during conference without leave shall be liable to be reproved by the
moderator for their disorder.

2nd Resolved that any member who does not attend regularly at the
times of Church Communion and partake thereof shall render their reson
why they have so neglected at the next meeting.

3rd Resolved that no member of this church shall be permitted to Preach
or propagate any doctrine without first making application to the Church
and consent being obtained.

4th Resolved that the affidavit of any person will not be received by this
church as testimony in any case whatever, nevertheless, the testimony of
any creditable witness may be admitted in particular cases, the person
testifying being present.

5th Resolved that the members of this church be required to observe the
Lord's Day by forsaking their temporal interests and consecrating that Day
wholly to the Lord with the exception of particular acts of necessity and mercy.

6th Resolved that the Black People who are members of this Church
intending to marry at any time shall first make it known to their master,
mistress or overseer.


7th Resolved that no member shall speak on any subject whatever in
conference more that twice without leave by the conference.

8th Resolved that the Pastor of the Church be considered Moderator in
conference unless conference shall think propper to change on any occasion.

9th Resolved that no charge shall be received by the Church unless it is
exhibited in a plain manner.

10th Resolved that this church in their decisions shall be governed by a
majority except touching fellowship, when a unanimity will be required.

11th Resolved that all members who do not regularly attend church
meetings shall render their excuse why they did not attend at next
conference and failing to attend two conferences in succession, he shall be
considered under sensure of the church unless an excuse being rendered
by himself or some other person, the male members in particular.

12th Resolved that it be the duty of the Clerk to read the foregoing

Constitution and Covenant of Goshen Baptist Church

Located six miles north of Lincolnton, Lincoln County, Georgia. Organized in 1787.

1st We believe in one only true and living God and that there is a trinity
of persons in the God-head: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and
yet there are not three Gods, but one God.

2nd We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are
the word of God, and that they are the only Rule of faith and practice.

3rd We believe in the fall of Adam, in the imputation of his Sin to his
posterity, in the corruption of human nature, and in the inability of man to
recover himself from his lost Estate.

4th We believe in the Everlasting love of God to his people and in the
eternal and particular election of a definite number of the human race to
grace and glory; and that before the world began there was a covenant
made between the Father and the Son, in which the Salvation of the
redeemed is made Secure.


5th We believe that the righteousness of Christ imputed to Sinners is the
only ground for their justification before God.

6th We believe that the Spirit and Power of God will effectually Call,
Regenerate, Sanctify, and Support those who were chosen in Christ so that
they shall persevere in grace, and so that not one of them will be finally lost.

7th We believe that good works are the fruit of faith, that they follow
justification and are evidences of a gracious State.

8th We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead and a general
judgment, and that the happiness of the rightous and punishment of the
wicked will be eternal.


We the Members of the Church of Christ at Goshen, Lincoln County,
Georgia, having been Baptised (Immersed) upon a profession of faith in
our lord Jesus Christ, and having Christian fellowship for one another do
solemnly agree to adopt the following covenant:

1st  We do severally covenant and agree to devote ourselves to the Service
of God. To this end, relying upon divine grace to help us, we will try to keep
His Commandments; to glorify His name; and to advance His cause as far
as we may have opportunity and ability to do so.

2nd We promise to give ourselves to each other in the bonds of Christian
fellowship; and to cherish for one another that fervent love which is kind,
which is not easily provoked, and which thinketh no evil.

3rd We promise that we will watch over one another in love, and that we
will maintain a wholesome discipline, that the erring may be reclaimed, and
the house of God be kept without reproach.

4th We promise that we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves
together, but will attend, when not providentially hindered, the regular
meetings of the church.