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Monroe County, West Virginia
submitted by
Deed Book E, Pg. 160 & 161

Land purchase of 400 acres at sheriff's auction in Monroe 
county by Christian Smith.

The punctuation is the same as the original. 
Thomas R. Smith, October 5, 2001

This Indenture made this 30th day of August in the year of our 
Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Between Michael 
Erskine Deputy for William Haynes high sheriff of the county of 
Monroe and State of Virginia in behalf of the commonwealth of 
the one part and Christian Smith of th county of Monroe of the 
other part; whereas agreeable to an act of the general asembly of
Virginia passed on the 9th day of February 1814, entitled,"An act 
to amend and explain the act entitled 'an act concerning the 
taxes of lands"_ The said Michael Erskine Deputy Sheriff an 
aforesaid, after having given notice by advertisement at the
court house door of the said county for two Months did commence 
on the 15th day of August 1815 (being the day of the August 
court for said county) to expose to public sale the lands 
therefore returned deliquently for the non -payment of the Taxes 
due thereon in the county of Monroe aforesaid _ where
upon the said Christian Smith became the purchaser of four 
hundred acres being the whole tract lying and being in the said 
County, which formerly belonged to, and was returned delinquent 
in the name of Robert young for the years of 1804.
14. & 15 for the amount of the taxes damages and the cash due on 
the land returned as a foresaid. Now This Land entire witnessth 
that the said Michael Erskine Deputy Sheriff as aforesaid
for and in consideration of the sum of $9.87 and in pursuance 
of the act of assembly aforesaid hath sold unto the said Christian 
Smith his heirs and assigns the four hundred acres of land, 
aforesaid lying on the eagle branch as described on commissioners 
Book. Together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto 
belonging or in anywise appurtaining to have and to hold the said 
Tract or parcel of Land with the appurtenances subject however 
to all the rights provisions and right of redemption contained 
in the act aforesaid unto the said Christian Smith his heirs 
and assigns and to the only proper use and (illegible) of the
said Christian Smith his heirs and assignes forever (except on 
before (illegible)) and the said Michael Erskine Deputy Sheriff 
as aforesaid in behalf of the commonwealth doth hereby convey 
the same as aforesaid. In Testim- ony whereof I have hereunto set 
my hand and seal the day and year first above written        
Michael Erskine

Signed sealed and Delivered            for
in presence of _________
John Estill                      William Haynes
Thgos. E Handley
George Reuble
Monroe County Clks' office August 30th 1815

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