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Copyright 2000, David W. Taft,

This file contains transcripts of Crawford County Wisconsin birth records from Volume 2-3
(1853 - 1907).  The entries were transcribed from microfilm of the original volumes 
maintained by the Wisconsin Bureau of Health Statistics in Madison, WI as microfilmed by
the LDS church in 1984.  Births from Volume 2, numbers 1289-3000 and 0001-1105 are found 
on LDS Film No. 1302856, Item 3.  Births from Volume 2, numbers 1106-1265 and Volume 3 
are found on LDS Film No. 1302587, Items 1 and 2. 

Copies of the microfilm can be ordered and viewed at any LDS Family History Center. 
Microfilm of these birth records is also available at the State Historical Society of
Wisconsin (SHSW) in Madison and the Southwest Wisconsin Room located at the Karrmann
Library, University of Wisconsin - Platteville.  The SHSW microfilm is not available
through interlibrary.  

Another set of birth volumes is housed at the Crawford County Wisconsin Courthouse in
Prairie du Chien.  Please note that the Volume and Birth Serial Numbers found in this
file are those from The records at the State and DO NOT correspond to those found at the 
Crawford County Courthouse. 

The original records contain additional information that may be of value to researchers.
The volumes contain a field to list other children. The entries also have a field for the
parent's nativity and later parent's place of birth, as well as father's occupation.  
Completeness of other data varies.

Early handwriting can be difficult to decipher.  When looking for a particular name, the 
researcher should try several spelling options.  Potential problems exist with certain 
letters in the script such as S-L, H-K, M-N-W, p-f, n-m-r-u, o-a, etc.  As with census 
records, the first and last names were spelled as the recorder thought they should be.  
An example would be Stevens and Stephens.

Throughout this file, the following annotations are included:

*     Indicates the spelling was difficult to interpret and may be incorrect.  It also
      indicates questionable dates.

?     This means, "I really can't figure out this name."

C     Date of Certificate or Date of Registration.  In cases where the date of birth is 
      left blank on the original records, this is the earlier of these two dates.

B     Date of Baptism.

NN    Not Named individual or place not listed.

I have reviewed this material a second time against the records in an attempt to ensure 
accuracy and apologize if any errors exist.   This database should be used as a research 
tool and should not substitute for review of the actual records.  The volumes reviewed 
include corrections to dates and even some names made as late as the 1940's indicating 
that some errors exist in the original records themselves.  

This is a WIDE file.  Parents names are at the far right of the screen.

Last                   First                      Date of Birth   Place of Birth            Father's Name                   Mother's Name                  Vol./Reg. No.

Haarstad               Male                       1904-Dec-13     Freeman                   Anders Haarstad                 Nilla Sime                     V3-2016
Habart                 Female                     1892-Aug-24     Prairie du Chien          Mathias Habart                  Maria Kedle                    V2-1940
Habart                 Male                       1892-Feb-09     Prairie du Chien          Frank Habart                    Mary Hanzlick                  V2-1946
Hacket                 Frances Jones              1894-Jun-04     NN                        Frank Hacket                    Allie NN                       V2-2423
Hackett                John William               1892-Mar-06     Freeman                   Frank Hackett                   Allie McLoud                   V2-2350
Hackett                Thomas Leon                1906-May-22     Freeman                   Frank Hackett                   Allie McCloud                  V3-2307
Haffa                  Mildred                    1895-Apr-07     Soldiers Grove            Charles Haffa                   Nellie Woods                   V2-2737
Haggerty               Agnes                      1894-Oct-16     Seneca                    Cou.? Haggerty                  Johannah Lawler                V2-2684
Haggerty               Clarence C. (Brandes?)     1901-May-07     Gays Mills                Clarence E. Haggerty            Gertrude E. Brandes            V3-1321
Haggerty               Female                     1901-Feb-20     Scott                     Emmett L. Haggerty              Nettie Pickett                 V3-1281
Hague                  Oliver                     1898-Jan-01     Utica                     Ole J. Hague                    Solver Nederlo*                V2-0644
Halden                 Harlow                     1905-Jul-05     Haney                     James H. Halden                 Marie Alice Alderman           V3-2095
Hall                   Inez Bell                  1897-Aug-25     Haney                     Frank M. Hall                   Cornelia A. Bell Mitchell      V2-0663
Hall                   Nellie Estella             1892-Oct-25 C   Haney                     Frank M. Hall                   Cornelia Hall                  V2-1922
Halpin                 Female - Twin              1898-Jul-31 PM  Seneca                    Joseph Halpin                   Lizzie Rogers                  V2-0690
Halpin                 Male - Twin                1898-Aug-01 AM  Seneca                    Joseph Halpin                   Lizzie Rogers                  V2-0691
Halverson              Agnes Pauline              1903-May-05     Utica                     Edward Halverson                Betsy Berg                     V3-1734
Halverson              Christ Leonard             1901-Jan-07     Utica                     Edward Halverson                Betsey Berg                    V3-1302
Halverson              Laura Marie                1899-Feb-27     Utica                     George A. Halverson             Lorina Salem                   V2-0881
Halverson              Male                       1898-Apr-06     Soldiers Grove            Ole Halverson                   Nellie Fritz                   V2-0658
Halvorsen              Clara Jemena               1892-Feb-05     Towerville                John O. Halvorson               Christene Jensen               V2-1962
Halvorsen              Lloyd Benjamin             1893-Jul-06     Freeman                   Lars Halvorsen                  Britha Sime                    V2-2164
Halvorson              Anna L.                    1891-Jul-19     Utica                     Lars Halvorsen                  Britha Sime                    V2-1608
Halvorson              Berhard                    1904-Nov-26     Utica                     Edward Halvorson                Betsy Berg                     V3-2055
Halvorson              Georgie Mathilda           1901-Nov-17     Freeman                   George Halvorson                Lorine Solem                   V3-1473
Halvorson              Mabel Lavina               1900-Jun-24     Utica                     Andrew S. Halvorson             Margretta Johnson              V2-1147
Hampton                Helen Marguerite           1905-Aug-08     Prairie du Chien          Lee B. Hampton                  Mary Louise Yarrington         V3-2151
Hanby                  Male                       1891-Jun-09     Clayton                   Samuel Hanby                    Jessie Rounds                  V2-1640
Hanby                  Male                       1893-Sep-23     Clayton                   Samuel Hanby                    Jessie Rounds                  V2-2141
Hand                   Beatrice Maud              1904-Jan-05     Seneca                    Henry Clement Hand              Velma Comstock                 V3-1997
Haney                  John W.                    1894-Apr-17     Prairie du Chien          James T. Haney                  Tillie Ziel                    V2-2506
Hankenson              Theodore Lewis             1892-Jan-23     Clayton                   Lars Hankenson                  Johanna Ejum                   V2-1973
Hanks                  Female                     1895-Feb-22     Soldiers Grove            William Hanks                   Sarah Jenkins                  V2-2741
Hanks                  Ora Otto                   1891-Jan-13     Marietta                  James O. Hanks                  Mary E. Foust                  V2-1751
Hansel                 Richard L.                 1901-Dec-28     Prairie du Chien          Ch. Hansel                      Mathilda Smicola*              V3-1529
Hansen                 Male                       1904-Oct-12     Steuben                   Robert Hansen                   Laura Luella Reynolds          V3-1957
Hanson                 Female                     1905-Jun-05     Utica                     Burt Hanson                     Olive Stevens                  V3-2070
Hanson                 Jennie Gurtina             1893-Aug-11     Clayton                   Johannes Hanson                 Johanna Olson                  V2-2147
Hanson                 Olive Sofia                1892-Mar-15     Utica                     Christen Hanson                 Louise Olson                   V2-2011
Hanson                 Olufine                    1891-Jan-22     Utica                     Christen Hanson                 Lovire Hanson                  V2-1630
Hanson                 Sofia Catharina            1892-May-28     Utica                     John Hanson                     Nella Jacobson                 V2-1995
Hanzal                 Anna                       1894-May-25     Prairie du Chien          John Hanzal                     Anna Matyka                    V2-2454
Hanzel                 John                       1896-Apr-25     Prairie du Chien          John Hanzel                     Anna Matgka*                   V2-0098
Hanzl                  Mary                       1892-Dec-19     Prairie du Chien          Joun Hanzl                      Marie Matizka                  V2-2241
Harding                Frank                      1894-Oct-21     Prairie du Chien          Wilhem Harding                  Berska Knorr                   V2-2492
Harding                Mattie Roselle             1892-Jan-04     Wauzeka                   Albert Lendon Harding           Emma Arpell Sloan              V3-2707
Harding                Perry A.                   1890-Dec-23     Utica                     Otis B. Harding                 Julia Nelson                   V2-1393
Harding                Perry O.                   1889-Dec-23     Utica                     Otis Harding                    Julia Knutson                  V2-1362
Harget                 Clarence Fred              1891-Oct-13     Prairie du Chien          John Harget                     Katie Schweizer                V2-1838
Harington              Henna/Hermma               1896-Sep-12     Prairie du Chien          Charles Harington               Ida Harington                  V2-0170
Harnes                 Female                     1902-Feb-22     Steuben                   Forest M. Harnes                Mollie Shockley                V3-1498
Harring                Lola Marie                 1898-Apr-07     Prairie du Chien          Christian John Harring          Albie Matejka                  V2-0718
Harrington             Florence                   1891-Jan-02     Prairie du Chien          Charlie L. Harrington           Bridget Diskin                 V2-1805
Harris                 Addie                      1883-Apr-07     Marietta                  James Harris                    Olive Lucretia Taft            V3-2722
Harris                 Anna                       1890-Jun-23     Prairie du Chien          Charles Harris                  Anna Novy                      V2-1447
Harris                 Ch.                        1906-Apr-18     Prairie du Chien          Ch. Harris                      Anna Novi                      V3-2427
Harris                 Female                     1901-Aug-29     Marietta                  William Harris                  Lena Paulson                   V3-1345
Harris                 Florence Helen             1905-Feb-08     Prairie du Chien          Robert Harris                   Edna Williams                  V3-2153
Harris                 Helen Blanche              1904-Jan-12     Prairie du Chien          Chalres Harris                  Anna Novy                      V3-1913
Harris                 Isabel                     1881-Feb-28     Marietta                  James Harris                    Olive Lucretia Taft            V3-2723
Hart                   Female                     1897-Jun-14     Steuben                   John Hart                       Julia Hanks                    V2-0456
Hart                   Glenns? L.                 1896-Oct-04     Scott                     William H. Hart                 Gracie M. Coney*               V2-0332
Hart                   Henry P.                   1896-Jan-25     Scott                     William H. Hart                 Gracie M. Coney*               V2-0331
Hart                   Narne                      1892-Jun-17     Marietta                  Edward Hart                     Jenetta Foust                  V2-2573
Hart                   Nellie W.                  1893-Aug-12     Marietta                  John Hart                       Julia Hanks                    V2-2564
Harvey                 Female                     1905-Nov-14     Clayton                   William A. Harvey               Catherine Buckley              V3-2245
Hasart                 Goldie Lorla               1891-Feb-01     Marietta                  Frank F. Hasart                 Angeline Green                 V2-1753
Hasert                 Emile Roger?               1900-Jun-14 AM  Marietta                  William H. Hasert               Anna Williams                  V2-1132
Hasert                 William Harry              1900-Jun-13 PM  Marietta                  William H. Hasert               Anna Williams                  V2-1132
Haskens                Harold Marion              1906-Jul-14     Seneca                    Lorenzo D. Haskins              Minnie Scoville                V3-2360
Haskins                Elva M.                    1900-Nov-12     Clayton                   Dwight B. Haskins               Francis E. Talcot              V2-1263
Haskins                Female                     1904-Dec-       Haney                     Dwelly F. Haskins               Sopha E. McDowell              V3-2023
Haskins                Gladys Edna                1903-Sep-13     Steuben                   Wright Alanson Haskins          Martha Philamalee              V3-1752
Haskins                Ida Belle                  1903-Mar-26     Marietta                  George B. Haskins               Minnie Burgess                 V3-1712
Haskins                Jack Floyd                 1900-Feb-23     Haney                     Charles Haskins                 Aleta Powers                   V2-1084
Haskins                Mabel Ella                 1885-Oct-12     Haney                     Loren J. Haskins                Sabra Barnum                   V3-2700
Haskins                Male                       1904-May-26     Haney                     L. J. Haskins                   Lella Dodson                   V3-1886
Haskins                Male                       1906-May-22     Haney                     Dwell Haskins                   Sophia McDowell                V3-2309
Haskins                Nettie                     1891-May-14     Marietta                  George M. Haskins               Amy R. Dean                    V2-1763
Hatfield               Harold                     1905-Aug-11     Wauzeka                   Earl F. Hatfield                Ethel G. Strong                V3-2106
Hatland                Julius                     1891-Mar-22     Freeman                   John Hatland                    Martha Hageners                V2-1576
Hatland                Mina Louisa                1894-Jun-11     Freeman                   John J. Hatland                 Martha Eriksen                 V2-2427
Hauge                  Carl                       1892-Oct-01     Utica                     Ole I. Hauge                    Leo Olson                      V2-2029
Hauge                  Clara Josephine            1896-Apr-04     Utica                     Ole Hauge                       Leve Nedish*                   V2-0068
Hauge                  Nora R.                    1890-Mar-22     Utica                     Ole I. Hauge                    Liv Jensen                     V2-1356
Hauge                  Roy                        1890-Apr-21 C   Utica                     Ole H. Hauge                    Live Kallevang                 V2-1349
Hauje                  Ida Bessie                 1902-Oct-05     Utica                     Ingebright Hauje                Bessie Olson                   V3-1684
Haupt                  Charles A.                 1901-Jun-24     Prairie du Chien          William J. Haupt                Helena Raffauf*                V3-1448
Haupt                  Ellwood B.                 1901-Jun-17     Prairie du Chien          Laurence F. Haupt               Julia Johnson                  V3-1444
Haupt                  Lawrence Frances           1906-Apr-04     Prairie du Chien          Lawrence Franklin Haupt         Julia Jeanetta Johnson         V3-2368
Havens                 Clara                      1906-Dec-05     Steuben                   Reuben H. Havens                Rebecca Foust                  V3-2508
Havens                 Male                       1906-Apr-20     Steuben                   John Havens                     Bessie Hudson                  V3-2308
Hayes                  Elsie Leona                1890-Jul-07     Gays Mills                Leroy M. Hayes                  Lulu Belle Dudley              V3-2745
Haynes                 Male                       1897-Mar-27     Steuben                   Forest M. Haynes                Mary Schockley                 V2-0420
Haynes                 Male                       1900-Aug-25     Steuben                   Forrest Haynes                  Mary Shockley                  V2-1164
Hayse                  Clyde K.                   1906-Sep-03     Haney                     Albert D. Hayse                 Lucinda Jane Faust             V3-2279
Hayward                Ettie M. J.                1892-Mar-09     Scott                     William H. Hayward              Sarah E. Bedient               V2-2605
Hayward                Ettie Mary Jane            1892-Mar-09     Scott                     William Henry Hayward           Sarah L. Bedient*              V2-0213
Haywood                Jerry Rusk                 1895-Oct-23     Scott                     William Haywood                 Sarah L. Brdient*              V2-0113
Hazard                 Female                     1899-Mar-29     Marietta                  William Hazard                  Anna E. Hazard                 V2-0868
Hazelwood              Lauretta                   1897-Mar-04     Wauzeka                   William Z. Hazelwood            Martha Ellen Hazelwood         V2-0562
Hazelwood              Lucille Livingston         1901-Jul-18     Wauzeka                   Charles Hazelwood               Minnie B. Livingston           V3-1339
Hazelwood              Sadie                      1899-May-02     Wauzeka                   William Hazelwood               Martha Walker                  V2-0921
Hazen                  Adda May                   1894-May-11     Lynxville                 R. E. Hazen                     Ina Varo                       V2-2408
Hazen                  Alla May                   1892-Mar-06     Lynxville                 Richard Hazen                   Ina Varo                       V2-1958
Hazen                  George H.                  1890-Apr-20     Lynxville                 R. E. Hazen                     Ina Vaso                       V2-1390
Hazen                  James C.                   1900-Nov-25     Lynxville                 Richard E. Hazen                Rosina M. Varo                 V3-1432
Hazen                  Male                       1896-Oct-22     Lynxville                 Richard Hazen                   Inez Varo                      V2-0228
Heal                   Katherine                  1906-Dec-11     Utica                     James Heal                      Lillie Sutton                  V3-2428
Heal                   Male                       1905-Oct-19     Clayton                   Ernest Heal                     Ethel Van Fleet                V3-2155
Heaston                Byron                      1905-Dec-14     Prairie du Chien          Wilbur Heaston Jr.              Belle Courough                 V3-2306
Heaton                 Byron Russell              1905-Dec-       Prairie du Chien          Wilber John Heaton Jr.          Belle Coorough                 V3-2369
Heaton                 Female                     1907-May-27     Prairie du Chien          Wilber John Heaton              Isabelle Curough               V3-2603
Heaton                 Florence Madeline          1892-Dec-25     Prairie du Chien          Wilber J. Heaton                Johanna Fitzgerald             V2-2280
Heaton                 Lawrence Edgar             1896-Dec-30     Prairie du Chien          Wilbur Heaton                   Isabella Coorough              V2-0752
Heaton                 Male                       1897-Dec-31     Prairie du Chien          Wilburn Heaton                  Bell Corough                   V2-0568
Heaton                 Male                       1899-Jul-15     Prairie du Chien          Wilber Heaton                   Rose Gremore                   V2-1035
Heaton                 Wilbur LaRoy               1899-Aug-09     Prairie du Chien          Wilbur J. Heaton                Isabelle Carrough              V2-0968
Hegdal                 Bent?                      1897-Mar-08     Freeman                   Ole Hegdal                      Olive Fryhohn*                 V2-0414
Hegdal                 Christene                  1892-Sep-26     Freeman                   Ole Hegdal                      Olive Olson                    V2-2028
Hegdal                 Coralis                    1897-Mar-08     Freeman                   Ole Hegdal                      Olive Fryhohn*                 V2-0413
Hegdal                 Lisa Christina             1890-Dec-10     Freeman                   Ole Hegdal                      Olive Olson                    V2-1626
Heideberh              Martha                     1903-May-13     Utica                     Johannes Heideberg              Synneve Iverson                V3-1732
Heidenwag              Willie Adam                1893-Feb-19     Prairie du Chien          August Heidenwag                Elise Subu*                    V2-2290
Heiman                 Herbert J.                 1895-Sep-24     Prairie du Chien          Albert I. Heiman                Jennie Lindner                 V2-2980
Hein                   Charlie                    1901-Nov-15     Wauzeka                   Leon Hein                       Bertha Laurence                V3-1465
Heis                   Nillie                     1897-Sep-07     Seneca                    Bert Heis                       Amelia Burgeson*               V2-0502
Heiss                  Male                       1900-Apr-25     Seneca                    Lincoln Heiss                   Soessa? Starr                  V2-1122
Heisz                  Anna                       1891-Oct-14     Seneca                    Michael Heisz                   Cynthia Phillips               V2-1772
Heisz                  Annie                      1907-Mar-05     Seneca                    Luie Heisz                      Anna Burgess                   V3-2504
Heisz                  Henrietta                  1907-Jan-18     Bell Center               Edward Heisz                    Clara M. Wheeler               V3-2506
Helgerson              Carol Merlin               1903-Jun-29     Utica                     Knut Helgerson                  Marie Anderson                 V3-1735
Helgerson              Clara Leona                1897-Dec-28     Utica                     Ingebright Helgerson            Bertha Olson                   V2-0641
Helgerson              Elsa Jennett               1895-Aug-07     Utica                     Ole Helgerson                   Anna Johnson                   V2-2832
Helgerson              Grace                      1898-Aug-13     Utica                     Knut D. Helgerson               Marie Anderson                 V2-0733
Helgerson              Helgr?                     1896-Mar-13     Utica                     Ingrbright Helgerson            Bessie Oleson                  V2-0016
Helgerson              Joseph Norman              1896-Aug-08     Utica                     Peter Helgerson                 Agnes Crawford                 V2-0275
Helgerson              Lena Christina             1900-Mar-08     Utica                     Ole I. Helgerson                Liv Nedrelo                    V2-1107
Helgerson              Mable Sophia               1897-Apr-16     Utica                     Ole Helgerson                   Anna Johnson                   V2-0443
Helgerson              Martha S.                  1899-Jun-16     Prairie du Chien          Ole A. Helgerson                Sophia Johnson                 V2-0987
Helgerson              Ole                        1896-Feb-01     Utica                     Knut Helgerson                  Marie Anderson                 V2-2985
Helgesen               Jeannette Mabel            1891-May-24     Utica                     Andrew D. Helgesen              Huldah Anderson                V2-1612
Helgeson               Bertha R.                  1900-Jun-21     Utica                     Albert T. Helgeson              Betsy T. Olson                 V2-1136
Helgeson               Clarence O.                1890-Jan-04     Utica                     Ingebert H. Helgeson            Betsy Olson                    V2-1329
Helgeson               Corney                     1894-Apr-24     Utica                     Ole I. Helgeson                 Live Jenson                    V2-2485
Helgeson               Edwin                      1891-Feb-07     Utica                     Knute Helgeson                  Marie Anderson                 V2-1632
Helgeson               Elsa Olina                 1901-Mar-31     Utica                     Ole A. Helgeson                 Sophie Johnson                 V3-1318
Helgeson               Elum                       1894-Jan-11     Utica                     Ingelbright L. Helgeson         Betsy Olson                    V2-2366
Helgeson               Harold Adolph              1900-Jun-02     Utica                     O. W. Helgeson                  Anna C. Johnson                V2-1130
Helgeson               Harold Adolph              1900-Jun-22     Utica                     Ole W. Helgeson                 Anna Johnson                   V2-1146
Helgeson               Harry                      1893-Aug-05     Utica                     Knute Helgeson                  Marie Anderson                 V2-2161
Helgeson               Herman Anders              1902-Jul-26     Utica                     Ole A. Helgeson                 Sofia Johnson                  V3-1569
Helgeson               Irvin Henry                1904-Jul-20     Utica                     Sam Helgeson                    Lena Strecker                  V3-1992
Helgeson               Josef                      1892-Feb-08     Utica                     Ingerbrigs Helgeson             Betsy Olson                    V2-1990
Helgeson               Klara Alida                1900-Nov-17     Utica                     Knute Helgeson                  Klara Anderson                 V3-1268
Helgeson               Leo Pearl                  1891-Jun-30     Utica                     Martin Helgeson                 Susanna Olson                  V2-1606
Helgeson               Melvin Tillman             1893-Aug-03     Utica                     Martin Helgeson                 NN                             V2-2158
Helgeson               Neiman Walter              1905-Dec-05     Utica                     Knut Helgeson                   Maria Anderson                 V3-2246
Heligas                Arthur E.                  1898-Mar-09     Lynxville                 Arthur F. Heligas               Ida Sophia Granard             V2-0696
Heligass               Mary Rosina                1893-Mar-04     Lynxville                 David L. Heligass               Marcella Hopkins               V2-2218
Helleo                 Martha Bergite             1902-Nov-11     Freeman                   Tollef Helleo                   Else Jermann                   V3-1681
Helsaple               Male                       1904-May-10     Prairie du Chien          Leonard Helsaple                NN                             V3-1970
Hemmingway             Male                       1902-Aug-01     Prairie du Chien          Albert Hemmingway               NN Millen/Miller               V3-1596
Henderson              Augh C.                    1894-Nov-13     Ferryville                Henry Henderson                 Annie M. Sough                 V2-2678
Hendrick               Joseph Raymond             1906-Jul-31     Prairie du Chien          Joseph Hendrick                 Marie Hobart                   V3-2426
Hennesy                Margaret                   1890-Nov-11     Clayton                   Thomas Hennesy                  Jane Seward                    V2-1892
Henning                May                        1891-May-15     Bridgeport                Fred Henning                    Mertal Egelston                V2-1642
Henry                  Frances Ellen              1905-Oct-04     Prairie du Chien          William Henry                   Mary Kozelka                   V3-2152
Henry                  Mary A.                    1890-Mar-24     Prairie du Chien          Robert J. Henry                 Ellen Jane Flynn               V2-1413
Hensal                 Anders J.                  1898-Nov-18     Prairie du Chien          Johan Hensal                    Anna Matiziska                 V2-0808
Henthorn               Mildred May                1904-Jun-20     Clayton                   Herman Henthorn                 Myrtle Randall                 V3-1902
Herold                 Annie                      1894-Sep-28 ?   Bridgeport                William Herold                  Caroline Buckmaster            V2-0513
Herold                 Gertie                     1890-Oct-05     Bridgeport                William Herold                  Caroline Kuckenbecker          V2-0518
Herold                 John Herbert               1890-Aug-14     Bridgeport                John F. Herold                  Nellie Ferrel                  V2-1645
Herold                 John William               1891-Jan-28     Prairie du Chien          John Herold                     Harriet Ellen Ackerly          V2-1554
Herold                 Madeline                   1904-Jan-25     Prairie du Chien          Paul P. Herold                  Anna Oswald                    V3-1472
Herold                 Male                       1901-Feb-20     Wauzeka                   Genge? Herold                   Anna Blahna*                   V3-1280
Herold                 Willie                     1888-Feb-11     Bridgeport                William Herold                  Caroline Kuckenbecker          V2-0507
Herper                 Female                     1905-Jul-22     Prairie du Chien          August Herpel                   Jennie Stantorf                V3-2150
Herple                 Female                     1903-Jun-30     Prairie du Chien          August Herple                   NN Stantorf                    V3-1833
Heryel                 Harold Ruby                1907-Aug-08     Haney                     August Heryel                   Mertie Mulliken                V3-2605
Hes                    Frank                      1903-Aug-27     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hes                       Anna Stluka                    V3-1801
Hess                   Charlie F.                 1902-Jan-07     NN                        Frank J. Hess                   Anna T. Stluka                 V3-1622
Hess                   Joseph Marvin              1900-Mar-13     Prairie du Chien          Frank J. Hess                   Anna Stluka                    V2-1199
Hess                   Josephine Mary             1898-Apr-18     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hess                      Emma Stluka                    V2-0715
Hess                   Toney Charles              1903-Aug-29     Prairie du Chien          Frank J. Hess                   Anna Theresa Sluka             V3-2676
Hestelhund             Nora R.                    1890-Apr-10     Clayton                   Thomas E. Hestelhund            Maren Selthund*                V2-1357
Hestetune              Mabel Tomina               1891-Oct-31     Utica                     Thomas Hestetune                Maren Selthun*                 V2-1982
Hickok                 James John                 1906-Nov-24     Ferryville                John Hickok                     Mary Lattimore                 V3-2505
Hidenwag               Emma Susie Elsie           1894-Nov-25     Prairie du Chien          August Carl Hidenwag            Alija Suber                    V2-2918
Hielley                Male                       1904-Jul-21     Steuben                   Earle Heilley                   Minnie Belle Curtis            V3-1899
Higgin                 Maudie Alice               1891-May-01     Bridgeport                John Higgin                     Florence Atwood                V2-1644
Higgins                Horace Niles               1898-Mar-04     Bridgeport                John Higgins                    Florence Atwood                V2-0781
Higgins                Male                       1901-Jul-30     Bridgeport                John Higgins                    NN Atwood                      V3-1391
Hill                   Female                     1907-Mar-10     Gays Mills                Elmer Hill                      Effa Mindham                   V3-2503
Hill                   James M.                   1903-Mar-06     Clayton                   Madison Hill                    Anna Homsell                   V3-2682
Hill                   Male                       1901-Jul-04     Bridgeport                Sherman Hill                    NN                             V3-1413
Hillfritsch            Henry M.                   1900-Mar-02     Prairie du Chien          Henry Hillfritsch               Martha Kakler*                 V2-1097
Hillman                Beatrice Eva               1901-Mar-16     Wauzeka                   William J. Hillman              Eva Reihert                    V3-1284
Hillman                Iva Francis                1907-Sep-05     Haney                     Frank Wilbur Hillman            Frances Adelyn Dilley          V3-2683
Hills/Hilbo            Karl Jarvis                1906-Mar-02     Freeman                   Martin Hilbo                    Ida Othum*                     V3-2304
Hines                  Female                     1892-Apr-22     Clayton                   Francis Hines                   Elizabeth Welch                V2-2083
Hires                  Agnes T.                   1900-Mar-05     Lynxville                 Albert Hires                    Amelia Burges                  V3-1423
Hires                  Dewey McKinley             1898-Jun-11     Seneca                    Levi Hires                      Martha L. Vanworner*           V2-0671
Hires                  Irma Rose                  1893-Nov-17     Seneca                    Levi Hires                      Martha Van Wormer              V2-2332
Hires                  Paul C.                    1900-Oct-01     Seneca                    Lewis Hires                     Eliza Philips                  V2-1235
Hires                  Teasy                      1902-May-12     Prairie du Chien          Ch. Hires                       Anna Novi                      V3-1532
Hjelle                 Ida Elizabeth              1896-Jan-11     Freeman                   Lars Hjelle                     Rachel Asperson                V2-2986
Hjelle                 John                       1898-Mar-25     Freeman                   Lars Hjelle                     Rachel Asbjorson               V2-0656
Hjelle                 Rudolph                    1900-Jan-28     Freeman                   Lars Hjelle                     Rachel Aslynison               V2-1082
Hjelle                 Zaak Edvin                 1894-Jul-29 *   Utica                     Lars Hjelle                     Rakel Eskrison                 V2-2797
Hobard                 Anthony                    1895-May-21     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hobard                    Mary Hunshcheck*               V2-2770
Hobart                 Klara                      1898-Jun-12     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hobart                    Marie Honzlick*                V2-0708
Hobbs                  Alvira Jessie              1886-Jul-20     Seneca                    Andrew Jackson Hobbs            Amanda Abagail Pease           V2-1429
Hobbs                  Danielle Hazel             1893-Sep-21     Prairie du Chien          Daniel Webster Hobbs            Elizabeth Weisenberger         V2-2305
Hobert                 Sophia M.                  1890-May-08     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hobert                    Marie Henslechek               V2-1381
Hodge                  Male                       1907-Jun-26     Wauzeka                   Willis T. Hodge                 Marguret Kirschbaum*           V3-2602
Hoffland               Bessie Theresa             1891-Oct-07     Utica                     John Hoffland                   Christiane Oscar               V2-1986
Hofland                Orphe Marie                1891-Dec-15     Clayton                   Jacob Hofland                   Guri Helgeson                  V2-1972
Hofland                Sofia R.                   1890-May-17     Utica                     Jacob Hofland                   Guri Helgerson                 V2-1334
Hogan                  Grace Amelia               1901-Mar-01     Marietta                  Reb. Harding R. Hogan           Grace M. Andrews               V3-1285
Holden                 Male                       1906-Aug-21     Petersburg                James H. Holden                 Mammie Alderman                V3-2371
Holden                 Ira                        1882-Jul-27     Haney                     James Holden                    Mary Taft                      V2-0057
Holden                 James J.                   1880-Oct-29     Haney                     James Holden                    Mary Taft                      V2-0056
Holden                 Oliver A.                  1884-Mar-14     Haney                     James Holden                    Mary Taft                      V2-0058
Holliday               Lloyd M.                   1905-Apr-08     Barnum                    George Albert Holliday          Eva Peck                       V3-2050
Holliday               Sylvia May                 1905-Mar-21     Barnum                    Jonathan Blaine Holliday        Maud McDonal                   V3-2073
Hollister              Female                     1899-Feb-08     Barnum                    Charles Hollister               Nellie Jones                   V2-0862
Holman                 Robert James               1896-Feb-20     Prairie du Chien          Frederick W. Holman             Emily W. Holman                V2-0302
Holmes                 Male                       1906-Jul-27     Clayton                   James Holmes Jr.                Arlie Jackson                  V3-2370
Holmes                 Rexie Elherta              1905-Jun-27     NN                        James Holmes                    Emma Fry                       V3-2071
Homewood               Hugh J.                    1894-Apr-12     Prairie du Chien          Ike Homewood                    Sarah James                    V2-2509
Homewood               Minnie Mable               1891-Dec-01     Prairie du Chien          Charles F. Homewood             Ella Dillon                    V2-1803
Hon                    Ambor Leta                 1906-Jun-28     Haney                     John W. Hon                     Flora Belle Brownlee           V3-2372
Hooverson              Male                       1896-Aug-30     Clayton                   Thoston Hooverson               Ida J. Oleson                  V2-0141
Hopkins                Vivian                     1896-Feb-       Prairie du Chien          Brad Hopkins                    Kittie S. Fouke                V2-0317
Hopwood                Catherine Lorina           1907-Jan-30     Steuben                   Henry C. Hopwood                Rose L. Beamont                V3-2483
Horal                  Howard Francis             1907-Feb-21     Eastman                   Frank Horal                     Mary Zeman                     V3-2507
Horal                  Lloyd Eugene               1905-Dec-05     Prairie du Chien          Joseph Horal                    Della Gossel                   V3-2305
Horgan                 Female                     1890-Feb-01     Clayton                   William Horgan                  Jane McCormack                 V2-1442
Horkheimer             Female                     1904-Feb-21     Prairie du Chien          Unknown                         Emma Horkheimer                V3-1964
Horkheimer             Fred                       1895-Jul-12     Prairie du Chien          John Horkheimer                 Pauline Geisler                V2-2908
Horkimer               Jem?                       1891-Jan-07     Wauzeka                   William Horkimer                Marion Carty                   V2-1785
Houens                 Herbert                    1893-Apr-26     Marietta                  Rhuben A. Houens                Mirtie O'Strander*             V2-2572
Houslick               Female                     1907-Jun-10     Eastman                   William Houslick                Hattie Bradey                  V3-2604
Houslik                Female                     1905-Aug-22     Eastman                   William Houslik                 Hattie Brady                   V3-2101
Houstan                Male                       1900-Oct-30     Marietta                  Walter Houstan                  Sarah Husber*                  V2-1230
Hovens                 Jerusha                    1893-Mar-21     Marietta                  Joe Hovens                      Hersatta O. Stranda            V2-2622
Howard                 Donald E.                  1905-Feb-03     Prairie du Chien          Crosby Charles Howard           Emma Seigfried                 V3-2154
Howard                 Florence                   1892-Sep-09     Prairie du Chien          J. C. Howard                    Mamie E. Costello              V2-2075
Huard                  Elizabeth                  1898-Nov-05     Lynxville                 Joseph L. Huard                 Nellie E. Thomas               V2-1004
Huard                  Ellen Sophia               1897-Jun-30     Lynxville                 Joseph Huard                    Nettie E. Thomas               V2-0461
Huard                  Estella E.                 1901-Sep-18     Lynxville                 Joseph L. Huard                 Nellie M. Thomas               V3-1431
Hubanks                Earl Disbro                1903-Jun-03     Scott                     Warren Elwood Hubanks           Lillian Aleta Pullen           V3-1736
Hubanks                Harvey Elwood              1907-Apr-23     Scott                     Warren Elwood Hubanks           Lillian Aleta Pullen           V3-2552
Hubanks                Lee Waren                  1905-Jul-19     Scott                     Warren Ellwood Hubanks          Lillie Pullen                  V3-2080
Hubbard                Annie Albina               1893-May-06     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hubbard                   Mary Honzelecheck              V2-2322
Hubbard                Female                     1904-Jun-11     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hubbard                   NN                             V3-1972
Hubbert                Francis                    1902-Mar-09     Prairie du Chien          Frank Hubbert                   Marie Honzlisek                V3-1537
Hubble                 Estella Lula               1891-Jan-22     Marietta                  David T. Hubble                 Ada Esther Jones               V2-1735
Hudson                 Clara Bell                 1896-Apr-16     Marietta                  William R. Hudson               Estella Havens                 V2-0268
Hudson                 James R.                   1901-Oct-04     Scott                     James D. Hudson                 Hettie C. March                V3-1379
Hudson                 Lee A.                     1893-Mar-17     Scott                     William A. Hudson               Mattie Baron*                  V2-2604
Hudson                 Male                       1893-Mar-18     Scott                     William H. Hudson               Margaret Bannen                V2-2227
Hudson                 Nellie M.                  1899-May-26     Scott                     James D. Hudson                 Hettie C. Ward                 V2-0896
Hudson                 Robert Richard             1898-Dec-21     Scott                     William A. Hudson               Maggie Bannan*                 V2-0843
Huff                   William Norman             1905-Aug-26     Marietta                  Alfred Samuel Huff              Margaurette Gibbs              V3-2148
Huffman                Bessie                     1899-Apr-26     Haney                     Frank M. Huffman Sr.            Martha E. Dowling              V2-0885
Huffman                Male                       1903-May-02     Haney                     Frank M. Huffman                Martha Dowling                 V3-1710
Huffman                Mary A.                    1893-May-25     Haney                     Frank Huffman                   Mattie Dowling                 V2-0030
Huffman                Mary Ann                   1893-May-25     Haney                     Frank Huffman                   Martha E. Dowling              V2-2213
Hughbanks              Charles                    1893-Aug-24     Marietta                  Elija Hughbanks                 Bell Wayne                     V2-2586
Hughbanks              Male                       1893-Aug-24     Philamalee Farm, Haney    Elijah Hughbanks                Belle Wayne                    V2-2211
Hughbanks              Male                       1905-Mar-04     Scott                     Albert Hughbanks                Annie Sophia Overly            V3-2028
Hughs/Hughes           Female                     1901-Jun-10     Eastman                   Patrick J. Hughs                Clara Malman*                  V3-1330
Hulpin                 Male                       1897-Mar-06     Seneca                    Joseph Hulpin                   Lizzie Rogers                  V2-0447
Hunter                 Female                     1891-Feb-03     Eastman                   William Hunter                  NN Coats                       V2-1711
Hurdik                 Frank                      1896-Aug-14     Prairie du Chien          James Hurdik                    Maria Ludick                   V2-0093
Hurlbut                Female                     1901-Aug-10     Steuben                   John J. Hurlbut                 Jennie Peterson                V3-1338
Hurlbut                Floyd                      1897-May-03     Prairie du Chien          I./J. D. Hurlbut                Louisa Speck                   V2-0546
Hurlbut                Hazel Ethel                1891-Jan-20     Haney                     Albert Lewis Hurlbut            Julia A. Buckmaster            V2-1601
Hurlbut                Male                       1896-Oct-       Scott                     Albert L. Hurlbut               Julia Buckmaster               V2-0326
Hurlbut/Hulbut         Male                       1896-May-13     Prairie du Chien          Ira D. Hurlbut                  NN Speck                       V2-0232
Hurley                 Clifford                   1897-Oct-27     Prairie du Chien          John Hurley                     Tillie N. Jones                V2-0767
Hurley                 Forrest Richard            1893-Aug-03     Prairie du Chien          John C. Hurley                  Tillie Jones                   V2-2303
Hurley                 Roy F.                     1890-Mar-22     Prairie du Chien          John P. Hurley                  Matilda Jones                  V2-1514
Husher                 Etta                       1891-Jan-28     Marietta                  Michael Husher                  Mary Crawford                  V2-1757
Huston                 John Earl                  1906-Jan-08     Marietta                  Walter Huston                   Sarah Husher                   V3-2247
Hutson                 Arthur Blaine              1907-Apr-03     DeSoto                    Albert H. Hutson                Effie G. Hickock               V3-2553
Hutson                 Carrie Lulu                1878-Jul-17     Ferryville                Benjamin Daugherty Hutson       Eve Elizabeth Laugh            V3-2741
Hutt                   Male                       1898-Nov-07     Prairie du Chien          Theodore Hutt                   NN                             V2-0791
Hvedeberg              Salvi                      1905-Apr-12     Utica                     John Hvedeberg                  Synneve Sygnesand              V3-2060
Igbenik                Minnie                     1899-Aug-22     Utica                     Peder Inbenik                   Mathilda Anderson              V2-0941
Ingham                 James Edward               1907-Feb-12     Seneca                    John Ingham                     Nellie Lawler                  V3-2509
Ingle                  George                     1906-Jul-14     Prairie du Chien          Joseph M. Ingle                 Julia Stram                    V3-2373
Ingle                  Grace Evaline              1896-Aug-26     Prairie du Chien          William Ingle                   Virginia Ingle                 V2-0321
Ingle                  Josephes - Twin            1897-Sep-19     Prairie du Chien          Josephes Ingle                  Julia Stram                    V2-0527
Ingle                  Male                       1904-Jul-15     Prairie du Chien          Joseph Ingle                    Julia Stram                    V3-1978
Ingle                  Mark Matthew               1902-Jan-02     Prairie du Chien          Joseph Ingle                    Julia Stram                    V3-1579
Ingle                  Mary F. - Twin             1897-Sep-19     Prairie du Chien          Josephes Ingle                  Julia Stram                    V2-0526
Ingle                  Robert Mark                1898-Dec-02     Prairie du Chien          William Ingle                   NN Gremore                     V2-1042
Ingle                  Twin Female                1900-Jan-22     Prairie du Chien          Joseph Ingle                    NN Stram                       V2-1218
Ingle                  Twin Female                1900-Jan-22     Prairie du Chien          Joseph Ingle                    NN Stram                       V2-1219
Ingles                 Hattie Louisa              1891-May-14     Prairie du Chien          William James Ingles            Virginia Gremore               V2-1814
Ingles                 Stillborn Male             1905-Oct-07     Prairie du Chien          William Ingles                  Virginia Gremore               V3-2156
Inigne                 Annie Julia                1895-Dec-12     Utica                     Anders Inigne                   Kira Olson                     V2-2984
Ivers                  Albert Royal               1891-Jul-30     Prairie du Chien          John Ivers                      Annie Dunn                     V2-1818
Ivers                  Anna E.                    1902-Jan-02     Prairie du Chien          John Ivers                      Anna Dunne*                    V3-1619
Ivers                  Marie Bernadette           1898-Apr-15     Prairie du Chien          John Ivers                      Anna Dunn                      V2-0759
Iverson                Elmer                      1896-Aug-04     Freeman                   Ole Iverson                     Honora Oleson                  V2-0272
Iverson                Francis E.                 1896-Apr-14     Prairie du Chien          John Ivers                      Anna Dunn                      V2-0304
Iverson                Inga                       1892-Aug-16     Freeman                   Ole Iverson                     Anne Olson                     V2-2024
Iverson                Jens                       1894-Aug-16     Utica                     Jens Iverson                    Anna Johannes Hereim*          V2-2404
Iverson                John                       1898-Feb-27     Freeman                   Ole Iverson                     Annie Olson                    V2-0654
Iverson                Karl                       1894-May-24     Freeman                   Ole Iverson                     Anna Olsen                     V2-2425
Iverson                Louis Bernhard             1894-May-21     Franklin, Vernon Co.      Willie Iverson                  Gurene Johnson                 V2-2410
Iverson                Marie                      1894-Aug-28     Utica                     Samuel Iverson                  Guri Johnson                   V2-2657
Iverson                Samuel Gerhard             1902-Jan-13     NN                        Samuel Iverson                  Guri Mikkleson                 V3-1484
Jackson                Adolph                     1896-Apr-11     Utica                     Johan T. Jackson                Karen Oleson                   V2-0015
Jackson                Alfred Norman              1902-Dec-18     Seneca                    Edward Jackson                  Hanna Lee                      V3-1694
Jackson                Alvina J.                  1889-Nov-24     Freeman                   Jacob Jackson                   Maria Nash                     V2-1321
Jackson                Barbara Christine          1900-May-13     Utica                     J. T. Jackson                   Carrie Olson*                  V2-1134
Jackson                Blanche Lillian            1900-Jan-10     Utica                     Jacob Jackson                   Maria Torgerson                V2-1071
Jackson                Carmene?                   1895-Feb-15     Freeman                   Tom Jackson                     Elizabeth Nas*                 V2-2786
Jackson                Clarence Tillman           1901-Jun-03     Mount Sterling            J. T. Jackson                   Karen Olson                    V3-1333
Jackson                Cora Lizebet               1893-Jun-17     Prairie du Chien          William Jackson                 Minnie Herold                  V2-2130
Jackson                Florence Jeneares?         1896-Dec-22     Utica                     Thom Jackson                    Elizabeth Torgenson            V2-0412
Jackson                Herbert Periman?           1900-Jun-07     Utica                     Thom Jackson                    Elizabeth Nash                 V2-1144
Jackson                Herbert Raymond            1900-Jun-07     Mount Sterling            Thom L. Jackson                 Elizabeth H. Turgerson         V2-1131
Jackson                John                       1907-Feb-15     Seneca                    Thomas Jackson                  NN Hegge                       V3-2511
Jackson                John Edward                1891-Apr-21     Prairie du Chien          William Jackson                 Minnie Herold                  V2-1558
Jackson                Mabel Maria                1905-May-04     Seneca                    Thomas Oliver Jackson           Berthina Hegge                 V3-2063
Jackson                Male                       1907-Aug-31     Utica                     Julius Jackson                  Jugra Nelson                   V3-2608
Jackson                Merrill Reuben             1898-Sep-06     Utica                     Thom Jackson                    Elizabeth Nash                 V2-0743
Jackson                Minnie Janette             1891-Aug-19     Freeman                   Jacob Jackson                   Marie Torgerson                V2-1985
Jackson                Myrtle Grace               1895-Feb-22     Freeman                   Jakob Jackson                   Maria Nas                      V2-2789
Jackson                Pearl M.                   1901-Sep-15     Prairie du Chien          William H. Jackson              Minnie Herold                  V3-1380
Jackson                Tobert Benhard             1898-Sep-13     Mount Sterling            John Theodore Jackson           Kari Rodine Olson              V2-0742
Jackson                William Francis            1895-Apr-06     Prairie du Chien          William Jackson                 Minnie Herold                  V2-2847
Jackson                Mary M.                    1899-Oct-   C   NN                        William Jackson                 Minnie Harold                  V2-0970
Jackson/Jeckson        Agnes Margaret             1905-Apr-28     Seneca                    Frans Edward Jeckson            Hannah Lee                     V3-2064
Jacobas                Male                       1905-Oct-01     Freeman                   Malcom G. Jacobas               Jessie Sterling                V3-2157
Jacobson               Elmer Samuel               1892-Mar-01     Freeman                   Mathias Jacobson                Bergithe Larson                V2-2009
Jacobson               Male                       1907-May-10     Eastman                   Thomas Jacobson                 N. Steiner                     V3-2607
Jacoson                Stillborn Female           1906-Jul-25     Bridgeport                William Jackson                 M. Herold                      V3-2375
Jambar                 Ema                        1903-Nov-27     NN                        John Jambar                     Marie Souhrada                 V3-1847
Jambora                Clarence?                  1905-Aug-05     Prairie du Chien          John Jambora                    Marie Sonhrada                 V3-2158
Jambura                John William (Johan)       1907-Sep-05     Prairie du Chien          John Jambura                    Mary Etta Souhrada             V3-2616
Jansen                 Gesina Margaret            1906-Feb-17     Steuben                   Jacob Eden Jansen               Mary Hartly                    V3-2310
Jeffards               Wriley                     1891-Jan-16     Marietta                  Friley Jeffards                 Elizabeth Posey                V2-2623
Jelle                  Ollie Mathilde             1891-Dec-29     Utica                     Jasper Jelle                    Anne Gregorinson*              V2-1966
Jelle                  Robert                     1893-Aug-30     Freeman                   Lars Jelle                      Rakel Asbjornson               V2-2145
Jelly                  Robert                     1893-Aug-29     Freeman                   Lars Jelly                      Rachael Aspenson               V2-2348
Jenkins                Florence Wilma             1906-Feb-16     Haney                     Ezra Jenkins                    Myrtle McDaniel                V3-2250
Jenkins                Ramond                     1894-Apr-15     Haney                     Unknown                         Rosa Jenkins                   V2-2470
Johnson                Alfred                     1897-Nov-27     Utica                     John Johnson                    Martha Nelgerson*              V2-0634
Johnson                Alfred                     1904-Feb-26     Freeman                   Ben Johnson                     Kristine Mikkleson             V3-1873
Johnson                Andrew                     1892-Feb-04     Utica                     Jens C. Johnson                 Marie Anderson                 V2-1965
Johnson                Andrew                     1896-Sep-25     Utica                     Jens Johnson                    Marie Anderson                 V2-0346
Johnson                Anna                       1904-Mar-27     Utica                     John O. Johnson                 Martha Helgeson                V3-1889
Johnson                Arthur                     1897-Aug-31     Freeman                   John Johnson                    Maria Monson                   V2-0612
Johnson                Arthur                     1899-Apr-21     Seneca                    Elias Johnson                   Agnes Strand*                  V2-0916
Johnson                Carl                       1891-May-27     Freeman                   John Johnson                    Marie Olson                    V2-1623
Johnson                Carrie B. Johnson          1907-Feb-12     Utica                     John E. Johnson                 Bertha Quamme                  V3-2510
Johnson                Cecil H.                   1900-Jul-15     Bell Center               William Johnson                 Algia? L. Whiteaker            V2-1152
Johnson                Charles H.                 1899-Jun-02     Bell Center               William Johnson                 Algie L. Whiteaker             V2-0908
Johnson                Clara                      1897-May-20     Freeman                   Ben J. Johnson                  Christine Kaarelad*            V2-0463
Johnson                Edward                     1900-Jun-23     Utica                     Edward Johnson                  Kari J. Olson                  V2-1145
Johnson                Emert                      1901-Apr-14     Seneca                    Elias Johnson                   Agnes Straud/Strand            V3-1326
Johnson                Emily A.                   1907-Mar-05     Ferryville                Matthew Johnson                 Carrie Fortune                 V3-2512
Johnson                Geneva Marie               1904-Jun-08     Freeman                   Martin Johnson                  Anna Theoline Gusteson         V3-1988
Johnson                George Alfred              1893-Jan-26     Utica                     Jens C. Johnson                 Marie Anderson                 V2-2169
Johnson                Gertha Mathilda            1898-Mar-27     Utica                     Jens C. Johnson                 Marie Anderson                 V2-0669
Johnson                Gerulilda?                 1901-Aug-13     Utica                     Jens Johnson                    Marie Anderson                 V3-1419
Johnson                Harry Francis              1903-Jun-01     Bell Center               William Johnson                 Algie L. Whiteaker             V3-1727
Johnson                Henry Charles              1877-Oct-11     Utica                     Erik Johnson                    Metta C. Helland               V3-2724
Johnson                Johanna                    1886-Jul-05     Soldiers Grove            Christopher Johnson             Christi Halvorson              V3-2667
Johnson                John                       1888-May-19     Soldiers Grove            Christopher Johnson             Christi Halvorson              V3-2668
Johnson                Johnny                     1900-Jan-15     Utica                     Ben Johnson                     Kristine Vaarsdal              V2-1074
Johnson                Joseph Georgie             1905-Sep-05     Freeman                   Martin Johnson                  Anna Tealine Greiteson*        V3-2159
Johnson                Judd Monroe                1895-Feb-25     Freeman                   John E. Johnson                 Mary Monson                    V2-2798
Johnson                Julia Johnson              1892-Apr-09     Utica                     Lars Johnson                    Lina Torbun                    V2-2002
Johnson                Karl Edwin                 1902-Dec-03     Utica                     Edward Johnson                  Kari Emerson                   V3-1673
Johnson                Karoline                   1898-Sep-17     Utica                     Henry N. Johnson                Helene Turgerson               V2-0730
Johnson                Konrad Johan               1903-May-30     Freeman                   Jacob Johnson                   Aguste Hjille                  V3-1755
Johnson                Laura Aurelia              1898-Dec-28     Wauzeka                   Sherman Johnson                 Lillie Orloff                  V2-0838
Johnson                Laura Mabel                1895-Jul-29 C   Ferryville                Mat Johnson                     Mary Forten                    V2-2784
Johnson                Leroy E.                   1895-Mar-04     Wauzeka                   George F. Johnson               Emma Bicker                    V2-0045
Johnson                Levi M.                    1890-Jun-14     Utica                     Enk? Johnson                    Mette Helland                  V2-1343
Johnson                Lewis                      1899-Oct-14     Utica                     Lewis C. Johnson                Lena M. Fostun*                V2-1109
Johnson                Lotta May                  1897-Aug-28     Wauzeka                   Sherman T. Johnson              Lillie May Otloff*             V2-0472
Johnson                Louie S.                   1896-Apr-14     Wauzeka                   Sherman T. Johnson              Lilly Mary Pitloff             V2-0001
Johnson                Lowine Geline              1890-Dec-07     Freeman                   Jeno Johnson                    Marie Anderson                 V2-1628
Johnson                Mae Frederica              1895-May-16     Prairie du Chien          Robert Johnson                  Mary Salon                     V2-2849
Johnson                Male                       1894-Jan-09     Wauzeka                   George F. Johnson               Emma Bicker                    V2-0046
Johnson                Male                       1899-Oct-28     Marietta                  David W. Johnson                Etta M. Youngs                 V2-1047
Johnson                Male                       1906-Jun-04     Gays Mills                Charles Johnson                 Anna Erickson                  V3-2374
Johnson                Martin J.                  1900-Nov-02     Sterling                  John O. Johnson                 Martha Helgerson               V3-1269
Johnson                Mary                       1892-Mar-26     Prairie du Chien          Edward Johnson                  Katherine Darmstadt            V2-2101
Johnson                Mary Berthena              1900-Oct-28     Utica                     Claus Johnson                   Anna Erikson                   V2-1262
Johnson                Mary Ethel                 1888-Aug-11     Ferryville                Orlando Micajah Johnson         Alvina Weygandt                V3-2725
Johnson                Melven Johan               1907-Jul-25     Seneca                    Elios Johnson                   Agnew Strand                   V3-2606
Johnson                Melvin                     1902-Jan-12     Freeman                   Benjamin Johnson                Christine Kaarstad             V3-1480
Johnson                Minnie Birdine             1898-Aug-19     Utica                     Edward Johnson                  Kari NN                        V2-0741
Johnson                Oliver Tilmann             1904-Nov-15     Utica                     Theodor Johnson                 Mathilda Thomson               V3-2012
Johnson                Oscar                      1895-Feb-05     Utica                     John O. Johnson                 Martha Helgerson               V2-2802
Johnson                Pearl                      1900-Oct-30     Gays Mills                Charles T. Johnson              Anna Erickson                  V2-1243
Johnson                Rosa                       1890-Mar-02     Freeman                   John Johnson                    Marie Olson                    V2-1353
Johnson                Sigrid Marie               1892-Dec-22     Utica                     John O. Johnson                 Martha Helgeson                V2-2168
Johnson                Torn M.                    1890-Jan-06     Utica                     Thomas Johnson                  Marta Johnson                  V2-1327
Johnson                William Lewis              1892-Apr-15     Ferryville                Mathew Johnson                  Kari Erckson                   V2-1991
Johnston               Clara May                  1903-May-26     Ferryville                Matthew Johnston                Carrie Fortune                 V3-1723
Jolem                  Oscar                      1890-Nov-28     Utica                     Ole Iver Jolem                  Anna Olson                     V2-1629
Jones                  Ann Elizabeth              1903-Jan-25     Bell Center               Charles P. Jones                Nettie V. Beeke*               V3-1693
Jones                  Bernard Ross               1903-May-20     Boydtown                  Ross Baskin Jones               Jennie Rebecca Dexter          V3-1718
Jones                  Charles G.                 1900-Jan-15     Marietta                  James Jones                     Margaret Jones                 V2-1120
Jones                  Earl Francis               1887-Mar-25     Lynxville                 John H. Jones                   Nancy J. Gowing                V3-2761
Jones                  Ellis Charles              1898-Sep-11     Scott                     Charles P. Jones                Nettie Viola Beebe             V2-0729
Jones                  Ethel                      1895-Apr-11     NN                        Robert Jones                    Alice Chapman                  V2-0269
Jones                  Female                     1896-Jul-20     Bridgeport                Albert F. Jone                  NN Novotany                    V2-0225
Jones                  Female                     1902-Jun-26     Scott                     Frank J. Jones                  Francis I. DuBois              V3-1516
Jones                  Lillian Fay                1902-Sep-06     Marietta                  James Jones                     Margret Dercter                V3-1692
Jones                  Male                       1895-Feb-26     Bridgeport                Albert Jones                    Bell Nowatany                  V2-2869
Jones                  Male                       1899-Sep-09     Steuben                   Robert J. Jones                 Mary A. Chapman                V2-0936
Jones                  Male                       1904-May-10     Marietta                  Robert J. Jones                 Alice Chapman                  V3-1893
Jones                  Male                       1907-Mar-15     Marietta                  James Marlin Jones              Margaret Ellen Foust           V3-2657
Jones                  Mary                       1898-Dec-20     Marietta                  James Jones                     Margaret Foust                 V2-0858
Jones                  Minne E.                   1895-Aug-30     Marietta                  James Jones                     Margaret Foust                 V2-0264
Jones                  Velma Rebecca              1906-Jul-24     Marietta                  Ross B. Jones                   Mary Jane Dexter               V3-2377
Joseph?                Morris                     1897-Jun-13     Prairie du Chien          John NN                         Carrie NN                      V2-0540
Joy                    Anastasia                  1893-Aug-27     Seneca                    John Joy                        Anna Donahue                   V2-2263
Joy                    Anastasia Clarissa         1893-Aug-28     Seneca                    John R. Joy                     Anna Donahue                   V2-2204
Joy                    Female                     1897-Jun-10     Seneca                    Rob Joy                         Susan Garvey                   V2-0445
Joy                    James                      1893-Apr-23     Seneca                    Robert Joy                      Rosa Garvey                    V2-2268
Joy                    James S.                   1893-Apr-23     Seneca                    Robert R. Joy                   Rosa Garvey                    V2-2202
Joy                    Katy                       1890-Dec-07     Seneca                    Morris Joy                      Katy Lynch                     V2-1777
Joy                    Margaret Ruth              1892-Oct-15     Seneca                    Morris Joy                      Kate Lynch                     V2-1899
Joy                    Margareth Ruth             1892-Oct-15     Seneca                    Maurice J. Joy                  Catharine Lynch                V2-2192
Joy                    Mary E.                    1889-Dec-17     Seneca                    Robert Joy                      Susan Garvey                   V2-1408
Joy                    Robert Frances             1904-Aug-26     Prairie du Chien          Pharis Alonzo Joy               Elizabeth Mullen               V3-1944
Julian                 Eran                       1883-Jul-24     Scott                     Stephen Julian                  Sarah Chadwick                 V2-0005
Julian                 Otta                       1892-Oct-30     Scott                     Unknown                         Dora Julian                    V2-0004
Jurgensen              Freda Louise               1906-Jun-26     Gays Mills                Mikalos Jurgensen               Minnie Stuckey                 V3-2376