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Southampton-Nansemond County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Eley, David H., 1917 

Copyright.  All rights reserved.



  David H. Eiey died at his home in Franklin on Saturday, July 14th, in his 
sixty-first year, after a lingering illness of several months.  Mr. Eley was 
a native of Nansemond County, but had made his home in Franklin for a number 
of years, where he was a successful merchant.  He was a good citizen, a 
consistent member of the Methodist church and a faithful husband and father. 
He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Mattie Antoinette Powell of King 
William County; by a son, J. Powell Eley, and by one brother in Nansemond 

  The funeral was conducted from his late residence in Norfleet street Sunday 
afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev. R.M. Chandler of the Methodist church, assisted 
by the pastors of the Christian, Episcopal and Baptist churches, and the 
interment was made in Poplar Spring cemetery.  The pallbearers were: active, 
E.C. Smith, E.C. Beale, W.J. Cross, Harry Steinhardt, J.A. Jackson, I.E. 
Howell, C.A. Cutchins; honorary, Dr. W.H. Arthur, Dr. E.A. de Bordenave, W.T. 
Pace, J.C. Parker, E. Frank Story, D.A. Holland, M.H. Moore, M.E. Lawrence, 
W.C. Watson, C.C. Vaughan, G.M. Whitley, C.A. Bell, J.H. Holland, J.E. 


  We wish to take this method of thanking all of the neighbors and friends who 
were so uniformly kind and sympathetic to us during the last illness and at 
the death of our husband and father, D.H. Eley.  The many acts of kindness and 
expressions of friendship and condolence are gratefully appreciated. 



   Holly Camp No. 18, W.O.W. unveiled a handsome monument to their deceased 
brother, D.H. Eley in Poplar Spring cemetery last Sunday afternoon at 5 
o'clock with the appropriate and impressive rites of the order, under the 
direction of Consul Commander John R. Councill. 

   After the unveiling, the memorial address was delivered from the pavilion 
in the cemetery by Hon. R.E.L. Watkins, and the memorial poem of the woodmen 
was read by L.M. Barrett, an appropriate musical program being given. 

   The following obituary was presented and read by Hon. E. Frank Story, and 
the closing prayer was made by Rev. J.L. McCutcheon. 


   The subject of this sketch was born in Nansemond County, Virginia, on the 
12th day of February, 1856, and died at his home in the town of Franklin, 
Southampton County, Virginia, on the 14th day of July 1917. 

   He was married on the 15th day of November, 1893, to Miss Mattie Antionette 
Powell, of King William County, Virginia, and of this happy union a son, J. 
Powell Eley was born in 1896, both of whom survive him. 

   For the past thirty years the deceased had been a resident of Franklin, 
Virginia, having been engaged in the mercantile business during the entire 
time.  He won and held the confidence and esteem of all with whom he had 
business relations and was ever regarded as exemplifying the highest type of 
business integrity.  He was a man of quiet demeanor and of retiring 
disposition and therefore, was seldom in evidence in the public movements of 
his community and time, but he possessed those unquestioned qualities that 
made him a good citizen, being both courageous and strong where the question 
of right or wrong arose, always taking the side of the right, which in the 
last analysis is the highest mark of a true and loyal man. 

   Mr. Eley was a devoted and consistent member of the High Street Methodist 
Episcopal Church, South, of Franklin; was closely identified with its progress 
and faithfully "attended upon its ordinances".  His place in the Sunday 
school, of which he was for many years secretary, and his pew in the church 
were never vacant until the hand of affliction was laid upon him.  He was 
seriously ill for about six weeks prior to his death, and for four months had 
been a great sufferer, but through it all he bore his affliction with 
Christian fortitude, and during all of his intense suffering not one word of 
complaint was heard from his lips. 

   The home life of no man could be more beautiful, and his going was in the 
quiet of that home surrounded by his loving and faithful wife and son, who 
will ever carry in tender memory his gentile and loving offices to them during 
their happy union as a little family. 

   The high esteem in which he was held was evidenced by the beautiful floral 
tributes sent by friends and neighbors to be placed upon the grave of their 
departed friend. 

   We commend to his young and promising son the beautiful life of the father 
as an example for him, and then to his Christian mother shall come a heritage 
richer than silver or gold, until she too, shall fall on sleep and be reunited 
in the happy land.               by E. Frank Story 

David Henry ELEY, merchant, 
b. 12 Feb 1856, Nansemond Co., d. 14 Jul 1917, at home, Franklin, 
interred in Poplar Spring Cemetery (Section 2, Plot 19A*), Franklin; 
   monument unveiled 9 Jun 1918, 
"Tidewater News" (Franklin, VA), Vol. 12, No. 39, Fri., July 20, 1918, p. 1; 
"Tidewater News" (Franklin, VA), Vol. 13, No. 35, Fri., June 14, 1918, p. 8 

*Additional information: 

Southampton County Historical Society {SCHS} Cemetery Project, 
   Poplar Spring list: 

Photos of his gravestone - added by Cyndi Harrison - are posted with 
   Find a Grave Memorial #256610226. 

D.Cert. 18626 (Franklin #23) gives son of Josiah & Ellen (HOLLAND) ELEY. 

His widow's obit ("Tidewater News," May 20, 1949, p. 5) is posted at: 

Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by 
Mrs. Bruce Saunders (, 
and re-formatted by File Manager. 

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