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Cache County UT Archives Biographies.....Anderson, John H. 1864 - 
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Joy Fisher September 1, 2011, 3:48 pm

Source: See below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher


    John H. Anderson is the president of the First National Bank of Logan, his
native city, and occupies an enviable position in financial circles. He is
honored and respected by all, not alone by reason of the success which he has
attained but also owing to the straightforward and honorable business methods
and principles which he has ever followed. He was born September 24, 1864, in
Logan, a son of Johannas Anderson, who was a native of Sweden and came to
America in 1859. He did not tarry on the eastern coast but made his way direct
to Brigham, Utah. In 1860 he removed to Logan, where he engaged in farming,
following that pursuit very successfully until his life's labors were ended in
death in Logan on the 2d of August, 1910, when he had reached the advanced age
of eighty-two years. He was a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints and took an active and helpful part in its work. The mother of
John H. Anderson, who in her maidenhood was Johanna Mortinson, was also born in
Sweden and was there reared and married. She had become the mother of two
children when with her husband she came to the new world. She was born in 1821
and had therefore reached the age of sixty-two years when she passed away in
1883. Their family numbered five children, two sons and three daughters, but
John H. is the only one now surviving.

    In the public schools of his native city John H. Anderson pursued his
studies and his early life to the age of eighteen years was spent upon the home
farm. He was then called on a mission to Sweden and served for two years and
three months in the land of his ancestors. Upon his return he was called to the
Logan Temple as a worker, devoting eight years to his labors there. Upon
completing his work there he entered the service of Zion's Cooperative
Mercantile Institution at Logan, as a clerk and later became manager of a branch
of the business in Logan, which he conducted successfully until the organization
closed out its business. Mr. Anderson then established business on his own
account as a general merchant, beginning with a small stock of goods but rapidly
increasing his stock to meet the growing demands of his trade. In this way he
developed one of the leading general stores in northern Utah and in point of
time is today one of the oldest merchants of Logan. He also conducts a general
store at Mendon, Utah, and he was one of the organizers of the Cache Sugar
Company. In his mercantile pursuits he has met with very substantial success,
carrying on business along progressive lines that have brought very gratifying
returns. Entering banking circles, he is now the president of the First National
Bank of Logan and his name constitutes a potent force in both commercial and
financial circles.

    In Logan Temple, on the 18th of November, 1885, Mr. Anderson was married to
Miss Annie C. Elliason, a native of Logan, Utah, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Elliason, pioneer people of this state. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have nine
children, five sons and four daughters. John; who was born in Logan, and is
associated with his father in the mercantile business, married Coila Montrose
and has three children: John, Luella and Naomi. Charlotte, also a native of
Logan is the wife of J. R. Larson, of Logan, by whom she has three children:
Annie Bernice, Lafay and Louis Clare. Joseph, who is associated with his father
In business, married Melicent Willmore, by whom he has two children: Nedra
Lucille and Ruth May. The other children of the Anderson family are Geneva,
Luella, Woodruff, Melvln, Marie and Merrill, all of whom were born in Logan and
are yet at home. The family residence is at No. 162 East Fourth North, where Mr.
Anderson owns a very fine home. An ardent supporter of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, most active and earnest in its work, Mr. Anderson
was ordained a bishop at Mendon in 1900 and thus served for three years. He also
served as bishop of the fourth ward of Logan from January, 1913, until 1918, or
for a period of four and a half years. He was also ordained a high counselor,
which office ha now fills, and he was president of the Scandinavian organization
of Logan for about ten years. His political allegiance is given to the
republican party and in 1910 and 1911 he served as mayor of the city, giving to
it a businesslike and progressive administration. He is a member of the Logan
Booster Club. His aid and influence have always been on the side of progress,
reform and improvement and his activities have been of a most practical and
resultant character. He is today one of the foremost business men of Logan and
at the same time is accounted one of its most progressive and loyal residents.

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