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Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
      Chuck H. Mahaffey -  
      August 23rd, 2001


Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health.
As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from
1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM.

                                 Date of             Marital
    Name                          Death      Sex     Status

Blouin, Louvenia              01-Apr-1979     F                        
Blount, John Thomas           22-Oct-1979     M                        
Blount, Bennie Howard         14-Nov-1979     M                        
Blow, Charles W               20-Jun-1979     M                        
Blucher, Karl Friedrich       22-Mar-1979     M                        
Bluitt, John                  11-Jul-1979     M                        
Bluitt, Jim                   15-Aug-1979     M                        
Bluitt, Larrelsia Marie       16-Oct-1979     F                        
Blum, Charles                 14-Mar-1979     M                        
Blum, Ruth Etta               27-Oct-1979     F                        
Boals, Sallie Victoria        06-Jun-1979     F                        
Boatman, Louis David          11-Mar-1979     M                        
Boatman, Gregory Dean         26-Mar-1979     M                        
Boatman, Daniel Wallace       07-May-1979     M                        
Boatner, Oleta M              21-Sep-1979     F                        
Boatright, James Jack         08-Mar-1979     M                        
Bobb, Dorothy Hinckley        16-Jan-1979     F                        
Bobbitt, Roy                  17-Jul-1979     M                        
Bocardo, Tammey Ann           08-May-1979     F                        
Bock, Ruth V                  25-Oct-1979     F                        
Bodden, Charles Henry, JR     12-Nov-1979     M                        
Bode, Doris Pearl             16-Jun-1979     F                        
Bodek, Yerachmeal             24-Apr-1979     M                        
Bodie, D D  Evelyn            20-Jul-1979     F                        
Bodin, Gertrude Pearl         18-Dec-1979     F                        
Bodine, Mary Helen            01-Apr-1979     F                        
Boehl, Willo Dean             07-Oct-1979     F                        
Boehlke, Irene E              14-Nov-1979     F                        
Boehm, Carlos Robert          25-Jul-1979     M                        
Boehm, Charles William        19-Oct-1979     M                        
Boehme, Bruny Helen           14-Sep-1979     F                        
Boekelman, Louis Edgar        16-Jul-1979     M                        
Boeker, Sophie                21-Jul-1979     F                        
Boeker, Kent                  19-Sep-1979     M                        
Boeneman, Herbert Otto        02-Nov-1979     M                        
Boening, Frederick John, III  25-Jul-1979     M                        
Boer, Elenora Maria           04-Aug-1979     F                        
Boettcher, Victor Henry, JR   02-Sep-1979     M                        
Boettcher, Joseph Charles     15-Dec-1979     M                        
Bogany, Tom                   20-Jul-1979     M                        
Bogar, Minnie Blanche         03-Mar-1979     F                        
Boggins, Ebbie                18-Apr-1979     M                        
Boggs, Grace Marie Dehaven    04-May-1979     F                        
Boggs, Mary Louise Picket     13-Aug-1979     F                        
Boggs, Ruth Margaret          20-Sep-1979     F                        
Boggs, Clara Gertrude         20-Oct-1979     F                        
Bogle, Nelson Howard          02-Apr-1979     M                        
Bogle, Robert Milton          30-Dec-1979     M                        
Bohack, Mike                  29-Aug-1979     M                        
Bohannon, Howard Edson        07-Aug-1979     M                        
Bohannon, Royal Edward        08-Nov-1979     M                        
Bohlander, Victoria M         31-Aug-1979     F                        
Bohm, Charles T               06-Jun-1979     M                        
Bohne, Anna Marie             17-Jun-1979     F                        
Boland, Dorris Edna           08-Dec-1979     F                        
Bolden, Lucious               25-Jan-1979     M                        
Bolden, Gennie Vee            14-Feb-1979     F                        
Bolden, Elbert                14-May-1979     M                        
Bolden, Dero                  08-Jun-1979     M                        
Bolden, Maurine M             14-Sep-1979     F                        
Bolden, R B                   31-Dec-1979     M                        
Boldin, Sallie                10-Apr-1979     F                        
Boldine, Freddie Rickie       12-Jun-1979     M                        
Boles, Olonzo Franklin        11-Mar-1979     M                        
Bolinger, Steven Clark        10-Jan-1979     M                        
Bollfrass, Herbert Bernard    15-Sep-1979     M                        
Bollinger, Walter Donald      01-Jun-1979     M                        
Bollinger, John               21-Nov-1979     M                        
Bollom, Leona Mary            23-May-1979     F                        
Bolom, Pamela Annitte         14-Dec-1979     F                        
Bolten, Herman G              08-Jan-1979     M                        
Bolton, Charles Vincen        25-Mar-1979     M                        
Bolton, Marie E               14-Jul-1979     F                        
Bonanno, Josephine            29-Apr-1979     F                        
Bond, Temple Banks            18-Jan-1979     M                        
Bond, Mary Louise             06-Apr-1979     F                        
Bond, Frances E               13-Aug-1979     F                        
Bond, Carol Jean              19-Aug-1979     F                        
Bond, Sina Josephine          31-Aug-1979     F                        
Bonds, Andy Norris, SR        02-Jun-1979     M                        
Bone, Michael John            22-Jun-1979     M                        
Bone, Vada L                  01-Aug-1979     F                        
Boney, Samuel, JR             09-Mar-1979     M                        
Boney, Samuel Murry           29-Sep-1979     M                        
Bongio, Mary Ellen West       29-May-1979     F                        
Bonin, Arthur Ray             14-Mar-1979     M                        
Bonner, Bennie                08-Mar-1979     M                        
Bonner, Vivian Odena          23-Aug-1979     F                        
Bonner, Pearl                 03-Oct-1979     F                        
Bonner, Chenell Lafay         14-Oct-1979     F                        
Bonner, Kate                  01-Nov-1979     F                        
Bonney, Orrin Hanning         18-Jun-1979     M                        
Bonsing, Egbertus ''w''       04-Aug-1979     M                        
Boockmeier, Gary              30-Nov-1979     M                        
Booker, William J             23-Feb-1979     M                        
Booker, Willie Mae            20-May-1979     F                        
Booker, Vernal Irvin          12-Jul-1979     M                        
Booker, Cynthia L             08-Nov-1979     F                        
Booker, Beatrice              12-Dec-1979     F                        
Booker, Robert L              13-Dec-1979     M                        
Booker, Hattie                22-Dec-1979     F                        
Bookman, Erika Monique Nicol'e07-Jan-1979     F                        
Boone, Eva Lucille            17-Jan-1979     F                        
Boone, Frank H                25-Aug-1979     M                        
Boone, Cleveland              04-Dec-1979     M                        
Boone, Eva Lorene             15-Dec-1979     F                        
Boortz, David                 14-Sep-1979     M                        
Boos, Edna Cora Snyder        08-Jan-1979     F                        
Booth, Blanche Hawkins        16-Jan-1979     F                        
Booth, Edwin Eugene           06-Oct-1979     M                        
Booth, Nellie Maud            10-Dec-1979     F                        
Booth, Boria L                22-Dec-1979     F                        
Boothe, Margaret E            04-Jun-1979     F                        
Boothe, Willie Lee Walton     29-Oct-1979     M                        
Boots, James Robert           23-Jul-1979     M                        
Booty, Pauline W              28-Apr-1979     F                        
Booty, Kate Opal              09-Oct-1979     F                        
Bordelon, Hazel Earl          12-Mar-1979     F                        
Borden, Herbert Leroy, JR     08-Jan-1979     M                        
Bordoagni, Claudio            30-Apr-1979     M                        
Bordovsky, Vlasta Frances     24-Nov-1979     F                        
Borman, Henrietta             28-Apr-1979     F                        
Bornsheuer, Wayne Albert      04-May-1979     M                        
Borrego, Maria C              13-Feb-1979     F                        
Borth, Nelma Mae              01-Apr-1979     F                        
Borton, Lou Delle             14-Feb-1979     F                        
Bortz, Brandi Lynn            18-Dec-1979     F                        
Borzilleri, Stefana           24-Feb-1979     F                        
Bosch, Beatrice E             08-Feb-1979     F                        
Bosch, Conrad W               24-May-1979     M                        
Boschma, Rennee               22-Jan-1979     M                        
Bosecker, Wayne L             15-Mar-1979     M                        
Bosher, Katherine O'connell   24-Jun-1979     F                        
Bossier-steward, Mildred      19-Oct-1979     F                        
Boswell, Arthur Dale          27-Jul-1979     M                        
Bosworth, Cheryl Dean         13-Nov-1979     F                        
Botero, Jamie                 02-May-1979     M                        
Botkins, Rennee Lynn          16-Jan-1979     F                        
Botto-denegri, Ivonne         04-Oct-1979     F                        
Boucher, Walter Harrington    28-Nov-1979     M                        
Bouchillon, Richard Henry     17-May-1979     M                        
Boudreau, Mary Regina         13-Apr-1979     F                        
Boudreaux, Archie Fernand     21-Oct-1979     M                        
Boudreaux, Mary N             30-Dec-1979     F                        
Bouey, Elizabeth              23-May-1979     F                        
Boulden, Nobie                04-Feb-1979     F                        
Bouldin, Jesse                20-Jan-1979     M                        
Bouleris, Juan Gabriel        05-Aug-1979     M                        
Boulos, Victoria              11-Mar-1979     F                        
Boumans, Willa Yvonne         25-Apr-1979     F                        
Bounds, Estus                 16-Apr-1979     M                        
Bourbois, Juan Ignacio        29-Oct-1979     M                        
Bourgeois, Charles A          06-Dec-1979     M                        
Boutte, Kent G                06-Feb-1979     M                        
Bouza, Maria                  04-Dec-1979     F                        
Bowden, John D                09-Mar-1979     M                        
Bowden, Ruby Jewel            12-Nov-1979     F                        
Bowels, Arthur                24-Apr-1979     M                        
Bowen, Lenora Flossie         22-Feb-1979     F                        
Bowen, Birdie Lou             16-Mar-1979     F                        
Bowen, Ivan Dean              25-Mar-1979     M                        
Bowen, Claude L               18-Jul-1979     M                        
Bowen, Andrew C               13-Oct-1979     M                        
Bowen, Oscar Marion           24-Oct-1979     M                        
Bower, Marie Nicholson        02-Nov-1979     F                        
Bowers, Frederick John        18-Mar-1979     M                        
Bowers, Olan Raymond          22-Oct-1979     M                        
Bowie, Collins, JR            11-Feb-1979     M                        
Bowie, Ada                    21-Apr-1979     F                        
Bowlby, Mary Ethel            13-Nov-1979     F                        
Bowles, Robert Joseph         02-Apr-1979     M                        
Bowlin, Howard                02-Aug-1979     M                        
Bowlin, Cleo Galloway         21-Sep-1979     F                        
Bowlin, Audie Byrant          10-Nov-1979     M                        
Bowling, Daniel               14-Sep-1979     M                        
Bowling, Philip Louie         10-Dec-1979     M                        
Bowman, Winnifred             07-Mar-1979     F                        
Bowman, Minnie Belle          12-May-1979     F                        
Bowman, Virgie Ferguson       24-May-1979     F                        
Bowman, Samuel Sidney, JR     25-Sep-1979     M                        
Bowman, James                 22-Oct-1979     M                        
Bowyer, Samuel Eugene         10-May-1979     M                        
Boyce, Wendell                01-Oct-1979     M                        
Boyd, Carole Jean             01-Jan-1979     M                        
Boyd, Clara Olive             11-Jan-1979     F                        
Boyd, Lillian Louise          13-Jan-1979     F                        
Boyd, Mary Allene             26-Jan-1979     F                        
Boyd, Philip Alan             03-Feb-1979     M                        
Boyd, Adam Napoleon           17-Mar-1979     M                        
Boyd, Ethel Lorene            27-Apr-1979     F                        
Boyd, Robert Alexander        01-May-1979     M                        
Boyd, Doris Ann               04-May-1979     F                        
Boyd, Anderson                08-May-1979     M                        
Boyd, Clydene Stapleton       12-Jun-1979     F                        
Boyd, Sue Elizabeth           11-Jul-1979     F                        
Boyd, Joseph                  12-Aug-1979     M                        
Boyd, Joel Webster            29-Aug-1979     M                        
Boyd, Augustus E              14-Sep-1979     M                        
Boyd, Robert Keith            06-Oct-1979     M                        
Boydstun, James Aswell        08-Jun-1979     M                        
Boyer, Thomas Bruce, JR       15-May-1979     M                        
Boyer, Frances Lee            20-May-1979     F                        
Boyer, Robert Young, JR       03-Sep-1979     M                        
Boyett, Thomas Anthony        25-Jul-1979     M                        
Boyett, Lessie Rebecca        14-Dec-1979     F                        
Boykin, Henry C               11-Jul-1979     M                        
Boykin, Erika                 11-Sep-1979     F                        
Boyle, Juanita                11-Feb-1979     F                        
Boyle, James W                21-May-1979     M                        
Boyles, Elizabeth Ashby       20-Mar-1979     F                        
Boyles, Agnes Smith           10-Dec-1979     F                        
Boynton, Wilson Pershing      14-May-1979     M                        
Bozell, Ora L                 24-May-1979     F                        
Braaten, William C            28-Mar-1979     M                        
Brace, Bertha Irene           21-Dec-1979     F                        
Bracey, Brownie Wayne         17-Dec-1979     M                        
Brackins, Pearl Bozeman       04-Jul-1979     F                        
Bradbury, Rosa R              07-Sep-1979     F                        
Braden, Cratues Birdett       16-Feb-1979     M                        
Braden, Helene Mackey         12-Oct-1979     F                        
Bradford, Althea              08-Jan-1979     F                        
Bradford, Tommy               10-Jan-1979     M                        
Bradford, James, JR           17-Mar-1979     M                        
Bradford, William W           30-Mar-1979     M                        
Bradford, Neta Jessie         31-Aug-1979     F                        
Bradford, Eliza               18-Sep-1979     F                        
Bradford, Joseph              03-Nov-1979     M                        
Bradley, Aby E                21-Mar-1979     F                        
Bradley, Alice Teresa         08-Apr-1979     F                        
Bradley, Osborn Walker, JR    01-May-1979     M                        
Bradley, Richard Henry, III   14-Jun-1979     M                        
Bradley, Lucy Bell            12-Jul-1979     F                        
Bradley, Marian L             15-Jul-1979     F                        
Bradley, Dan                  23-Aug-1979     M                        
Bradley, Kevin Demond         23-Aug-1979     M                        
Bradley, Alvin Doyle          06-Oct-1979     M                        
Bradley, Roger                14-Oct-1979     M                        
Bradley, Jack                 23-Nov-1979     M                        
Bradley, John J               24-Nov-1979     M                        
Bradshaw, Hazel               23-Mar-1979     F                        
Bradshaw, Maida Lee           24-Mar-1979     F                        
Bradshaw, Amanda Lynn         19-Apr-1979     F                        
Bradshaw, Charles             14-Jul-1979     M                        
Bradshaw, Perry Franklin      12-Dec-1979     M                        
Bradwell, Fred R, JR          18-May-1979     M                        
Brady, Andrew Jackson         01-Apr-1979     M                        
Brady, George                 29-Apr-1979     M                        
Brady, James William          17-May-1979     M                        
Brady, Betty Winne            04-Jul-1979     F                        
Brady, Linda Munroe           25-Sep-1979     F                        
Bragg, Mary Ann               19-Jun-1979     F                        
Braggs, Arthur                07-May-1979     M                        
Braggs, Cleotha               16-Jun-1979     M                        
Brame, Joe B                  07-Jul-1979     M                        
Brame, Fred Leo, JR           17-Dec-1979     M                        
Bramlet, Minnie O'neal        05-Jul-1979     F                        
Bramlett, Nona Alby           18-Feb-1979     M                        
Bramston, Louisa Alberta      05-Dec-1979     F                        
Branch, Gladys Snider         09-Jan-1979     F                        
Branch, Peter                 07-Feb-1979     M                        
Branch, Walter                11-Feb-1979     M                        
Branch, Leonard Charles       20-Feb-1979     M                        
Branch, Sam                   27-Jun-1979     M                        
Branch, Viola                 08-Jul-1979     F                        
Branch, John M, SR            24-Aug-1979     M                        
Brand, Martha E               22-Apr-1979     F                        
Brandeberry, Charles W        07-Jun-1979     M                        
Brandes, Helene Wolf          06-Jul-1979     F                        
Brandon, Maria Dolores        01-Apr-1979     F                        
Brandon, Robert Brock         23-May-1979     M                        
Brandon, Elnora W             29-Oct-1979     F                        
Brandt, Helen Moore           28-Apr-1979     F                        
Brandt, Edwin T               17-Dec-1979     M                        
Brannon, Bobbie Jean          07-Jan-1979     F                        
Brannon, Lester E             20-Mar-1979     M                        
Brannon, Bernice M            14-Oct-1979     F                        
Brant, Ethel Lula             03-Mar-1979     F                        
Brantley, Alfred              29-Jan-1979     M                        
Brantley, Marie Strickland    20-Mar-1979     F                        
Brantley, Robert Leo          11-Sep-1979     M                        
Brantner, Doris Lyndal        20-Oct-1979     F                        
Braselton, Stevenson Andrew   29-Jun-1979     M                        
Brasher, Austin               26-Aug-1979     M                        
Brasher, Eva                  04-Dec-1979     F                        
Brasseal, Robert Lee, JR      25-Oct-1979     M                        
Braswell, Nancy Williams      22-Mar-1979     F                        
Brateman, Joseph              16-Oct-1979     M                        
Bratton, Gertrude             01-Aug-1979     F                        
Bratton, Harry J              02-Aug-1979     M                        
Bratton, Martha Wier          05-Oct-1979     F                        
Braun, Ruby M                 16-Feb-1979     F                        
Braun, Ida Bell               05-Mar-1979     F                        
Braun, Joseph A, JR           16-Jul-1979     M                        
Brautigam, Ed                 02-May-1979     M                        
Brawner, Addie Myrtle         18-Jan-1979     F                        
Braxton, Doyle Wallace        13-Jul-1979     M                        
Brazil, Frances Mae           24-Jun-1979     F                        
Brazil, Harvey Jim            15-Aug-1979     M                        
Bready, Pearl                 06-Feb-1979     F                        
Breaker, Frank Juhan          10-Mar-1979     M                        
Breast, Arthur Kinnard        14-Jun-1979     M                        
Breaux, Emma Jean             18-Jun-1979     F                        
Breaux, Edith                 15-Aug-1979     F                        
Breaux, Bertha Lee            24-Sep-1979     F                        
Breaux, Wallace Charles Aka Br03-Oct-1979     M                        
Breaux, Joy W                 09-Dec-1979     F                        
Breaux, Mary Weaver           25-Dec-1979     F                        
Breazeale, Arthur N           15-Jul-1979     M                        
Breed, Mabel Linck            07-Mar-1979     F                        
Breed, Dora                   06-Sep-1979     F                        
Breeden, Mary Louise          29-May-1979     F                        
Breedlove, Tiny               07-Aug-1979     F                        
Breef, Benjamin Jacob         18-Apr-1979     M                        
Brehm, Clifford A             22-Mar-1979     M                        
Breidenbach, Ethel Dreda      19-Apr-1979     F                        
Breitenbach, Hans Herman      06-Sep-1979     M                        
Breithaupt, Martha Elizabeth  04-Sep-1979     F                        
Breland, Shirley Anne         09-Mar-1979     F                        
Breland, Bradley Neil         09-May-1979     M                        
Breland, Cynthia Jean         17-Aug-1979     F                        
Brenek, Wilhemina             22-Apr-1979     F                        
Brenek, Marcus R              07-Jun-1979     M                        
Brennan, Erma Norine          16-Aug-1979     F                        
Brenner, John William         01-Dec-1979     M                        
Brenner, Harold Steiner       21-Dec-1979     M                        
Brent, Dennis John            16-Dec-1979     M                        
Brentzel, Berenice Sayre      08-Sep-1979     F                        
Brevell, Forest               18-Feb-1979     M                        
Brewer, John David            26-Feb-1979     M                        
Brewer, Edmond Travis         11-Mar-1979     M                        
Brewer, James O               23-Mar-1979     M                        
Brewer, Maybelle Delores      29-Apr-1979     F                        
Brewer, Emma M                01-May-1979     F                        
Brewer, Jimmy Ray, JR         22-May-1979     M                        
Brewer, Amanda Laura          26-May-1979     F                        
Brewer, Alvin D               06-Jul-1979     M                        
Brewer, Birdie Louise         18-Aug-1979     F                        
Brewer, Morris Wright         19-Sep-1979     M                        
Brewer, Vertie May            28-Oct-1979     F                        
Brewer, Carey Lee, SR         12-Nov-1979     M                        
Brewer, Mary Agnes            01-Dec-1979     F                        
Brice, Epsie Lorene           13-Aug-1979     F                        
Briddle, Cynthia              27-May-1979     F                        
Bridge, Hilma                 19-May-1979     F                        
Bridge, Everett H             25-Nov-1979     M                        
Bridges, Mary Ann             26-Jan-1979     F                        
Bridges, Katye Ellen          10-Feb-1979     F                        
Bridges, Henry Beal           28-Feb-1979     M                        
Bridges, Otto                 07-Apr-1979     M                        
Bridges, Zuma Elizabeth       11-Aug-1979     F                        
Bridges, Jack                 05-Oct-1979     M                        
Bridgforth, Charles Leland    07-Mar-1979     M                        
Bridwell, Luther Vernon       14-Sep-1979     M                        
Brigance, Van W               15-Jun-1979     M                        
Briggs, George Calvert        16-Jan-1979     M                        
Briggs, Hilton Barker         24-Mar-1979     M                        
Briggs, James Anthony         15-Oct-1979     M                        
Briggs, Jackie Rodrick        06-Dec-1979     M                        
Briggs, Ella D                24-Dec-1979     F                        
Brigham, Donald Edwin         22-Apr-1979     M                        
Brigham, Winnifred Lee        16-Jun-1979     F                        
Bright, Cardell Alexander     27-Nov-1979     M                        
Brignac, Juan Jerome          24-Jun-1979     M                        
Briley, Oscar David           19-Dec-1979     M                        
Brimer, Thomas Lee            17-Sep-1979     M                        
Brindle, Gayous Vonmax        03-Dec-1979     M                        
Brinkhoff, Charles Fred       21-Mar-1979     M                        
Brinkley, William J           24-Mar-1979     M                        
Brinkley, Robert S, JR        01-May-1979     M                        
Brinkley, Forrest Vernon      29-Nov-1979     M                        
Brinkman, Henry Carl, JR      16-Oct-1979     M                        
Brinkmeyer, Malinda           31-May-1979     F                        
Brinton, Lee Verne            15-Oct-1979     M                        
Briones, Serapio              24-Jan-1979     M                        
Briones, Leonard              03-Mar-1979     M                        
Briones, Vicente              03-Dec-1979     M                        
Brisco, Ara W                 28-Sep-1979     F                        
Briseno, Juliet Lorayne       17-Apr-1979     F                        
Brison, Fred Robert           30-Dec-1979     M                        
Brister, Michael Lee          05-Nov-1979     M                        
Britain, Kenneth Edward       29-Apr-1979     M                        
Brittenham, Harley Micheal    25-Mar-1979     M                        
Britton, William Rufus, JR    03-Jan-1979     M                        
Britton, Ras W, JR            26-Jan-1979     M                        
Britton, Linda Diane          16-Apr-1979     F                        
Brizendine, Glen Chester      25-Nov-1979     M                        
Brlansky, Evelyn Hillin       10-Jan-1979     F                        
Broaddus, Daisy Mae           18-Sep-1979     F                        
Broaden, Maria V              04-Oct-1979     F                        
Broadnax, Reginald L          04-Sep-1979     M                        
Broadwater, Jack Lee          17-Feb-1979     M                        
Broadway, Jessie Mae          22-Feb-1979     F                        
Broat, James Harold           19-Apr-1979     M                        
Brocato, Samuel, JR           26-Dec-1979     M                        
Brock, Elmer E                07-Mar-1979     M                        
Brock, Warner Fain            07-Jun-1979     M                        
Brock, Thelma Joyce           22-Jun-1979     F                        
Brock, Clyde Earl             18-Jul-1979     M                        
Brock, Russell P              12-Aug-1979     M                        
Brock, Mary Evelyn            19-Nov-1979     F                        
Brockles, Abigail Fedelia     19-Mar-1979     F                        
Brockman, Homer Lee           25-Jun-1979     M                        
Brockman, Eskel T             16-Sep-1979     M                        
Brockman, Bertha Augusta      19-Sep-1979     F                        
Brod, Carl Glynn              21-Oct-1979     F                        
Brodigan, Joseph Owen         10-Jan-1979     M                        
Broesche, Launette            09-Sep-1979     F                        
Brogdon, Robert E             16-Aug-1979     M                        
Brokaw, John Wilson           03-Apr-1979     M                        
Brooke, Emaline               08-Mar-1979     F                        
Brookins, Alice               03-Mar-1979     F                        
Brookins, Jesse               24-Mar-1979     M                        
Brookins, Eva                 21-Dec-1979     F                        
Brooks, Clarence E, JR        11-Jan-1979     M                        
Brooks, Kenneth Welton        16-Jan-1979     M                        
Brooks, Grace                 30-Jan-1979     F                        
Brooks, Jacob A               09-Feb-1979     M                        
Brooks, Frank Charles         23-Feb-1979     F                        
Brooks, Lena                  24-Feb-1979     F                        
Brooks, Marion                01-Mar-1979     F                        
Brooks, Felton                05-Mar-1979     M                        
Brooks, Mildred Hutchins      14-Mar-1979     F                        
Brooks, Theodore D            28-Mar-1979     M                        
Brooks, James W               07-Apr-1979     M                        
Brooks, Celestine             17-Apr-1979     F                        
Brooks, Clara Jones           27-Apr-1979     F                        
Brooks, John D                09-May-1979     M                        
Brooks, Helen                 13-Jun-1979     F                        
Brooks, Edward S              29-Jun-1979     M                        
Brooks, Barry Lynn            22-Jul-1979     M                        
Brooks, Oleta Belle           26-Jul-1979     F                        
Brooks, Jathaniel             12-Aug-1979     M                        
Brooks, Vera                  24-Aug-1979     F                        
Brooks, Evelina               25-Aug-1979     F                        
Brooks, Leon                  01-Oct-1979     M                        
Brooks, Katie                 24-Oct-1979     F                        
Brooks, James E               27-Nov-1979     M                        
Brooks, Gladys Winborn        27-Nov-1979     F                        
Brooks, Burnist               08-Dec-1979     M                        
Brookshire, Britt Ashley      11-Aug-1979     M                        
Broome, Pauline Vey           16-Aug-1979     F                        
Brosnahan, Richard Frank      28-Oct-1979     M                        
Brothers, Daniel Leon         31-Dec-1979     M                        
Broughton, Lorraine P         09-Apr-1979     F                        
Broughton, Sarah Hosmer       10-Nov-1979     F                        
Broussard, Isaac              01-Jan-1979     M                        
Broussard, John               29-Jan-1979     M                        
Broussard, Debra Kay          11-Feb-1979     F                        
Broussard, Gertrude           04-Mar-1979     F                        
Broussard, Mary               08-Mar-1979     F                        
Broussard, Mary               08-Mar-1979     F                        
Broussard, George             20-Mar-1979     M                        
Broussard, Lennie Boullion    02-May-1979     F                        
Broussard, Harry James        15-Sep-1979     M                        
Broussard, Edith Ida          18-Sep-1979     F                        
Broussard, Patsy Jean         06-Oct-1979     F                        
Broussard, Lawrence Joseph    15-Oct-1979     M                        
Broussard, Joyce Naomi        05-Dec-1979     F                        
Broussard, Eddie Joseph, JR   28-Dec-1979     M                        
Brouthers, Carolyn            31-Jan-1979     F                        
Brow, Charlie David           04-Aug-1979     M                        
Brow, Theresa Helen           23-Oct-1979     F                        
Browder, Jasper               11-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Elizabeth Riggs        05-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Rosa                   07-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Elizabeth Ann          08-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, James Clarke           11-Jan-1979     M                        
Brown, Robbie                 12-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Dorothy Nell           18-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Winston Bradford       19-Jan-1979     M                        
Brown, Walter                 21-Jan-1979     M                        
Brown, Burdette W             22-Jan-1979     M                        
Brown, Lois Thompson          22-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Willie, JR             23-Jan-1979     M                        
Brown, Ruby Naomi             23-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Bennie D               25-Jan-1979     M                        
Brown, Bernice                25-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Marie Eloise           29-Jan-1979     F                        
Brown, Neill Sherrod          01-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Sammie Iola            02-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Virgil H               05-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Samuel M               15-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Bessie                 16-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Jane Fatjo             16-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Kenneth Eugene         17-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Anna May               17-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Delbert                18-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Leanard, JR            19-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Lewis Mitchell         19-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Christine B            19-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Lida Sarah             22-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Jesse Fleming          25-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Lula                   25-Feb-1979     F                        
Brown, Clarence               26-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Ernest Dean            26-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Clifton                28-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, Haldean Lemuel         28-Feb-1979     M                        
Brown, L B                    02-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Horace                 03-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Robert L               03-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Reginald W             03-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Lockett William        05-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Patty Jean             14-Mar-1979     F                        
Brown, Elva                   18-Mar-1979     F                        
Brown, Conway                 19-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Joseph                 20-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Daisy Irene            22-Mar-1979     F                        
Brown, Michael Andre'         23-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, Ernest James           29-Mar-1979     M                        
Brown, John Murphy            02-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Benjamin William, II   04-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Charles Edward         05-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Charles Edward         05-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Martha Clark           06-Apr-1979     F                        
Brown, Michelle Lynn          09-Apr-1979     F                        
Brown, Grady Bonnard          11-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Milton N, JR           18-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Harry                  19-Apr-1979     M                        
Brown, Jane H                 20-Apr-1979     F                        
Brown, Abraham                01-May-1979     M                        
Brown, Elmer Everett          04-May-1979     M                        
Brown, Martha                 05-May-1979     F                        
Brown, Recardo M              06-May-1979     M                        
Brown, Jerald Lynn            10-May-1979     M                        
Brown, Wilburn Bennett        24-May-1979     M                        
Brown, Grace Emma             27-May-1979     F                        
Brown, Albert Purdy, JR       28-May-1979     M                        
Brown, Iris Navarro           06-Jun-1979     F                        
Brown, Virginia Pauline Boyd  14-Jun-1979     F                        
Brown, Maude Lee              15-Jun-1979     F                        
Brown, Norman Elbert          22-Jun-1979     M                        
Brown, Lamerle Elizabeth      27-Jun-1979     F                        
Brown, Alice S                29-Jun-1979     F                        
Brown, Mollie                 03-Jul-1979     F                        
Brown, Letha                  05-Jul-1979     F                        
Brown, Jeptha                 10-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, Alfred Edward          17-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, Troy Wayne             18-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, Jewel Leo              26-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, Lonnie Nelson          27-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, William H              28-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, Calvin C               30-Jul-1979     M                        
Brown, Mattie                 01-Aug-1979     F                        
Brown, Juanita Loraine        11-Aug-1979     F                        
Brown, Fred Orvel             18-Aug-1979     M                        
Brown, Emmitt Ray             19-Aug-1979     M                        
Brown, Juanita Murphy         20-Aug-1979     F                        
Brown, Margaret Elizabeth Cham21-Aug-1979     F                        
Brown, William C              27-Aug-1979     M                        
Brown, Raymond Allen          27-Aug-1979     M                        
Brown, Ella Dean              30-Aug-1979     F                        
Brown, Virginia H             30-Aug-1979     F                        
Brown, Elmer E                02-Sep-1979     M                        
Brown, Cheryl E               14-Sep-1979     F                        
Brown, Joe Witt               19-Sep-1979     F                        
Brown, Viola A                22-Sep-1979     F                        
Brown, Robert Ray, JR         24-Sep-1979     M                        
Brown, Emmie S                26-Sep-1979     F                        
Brown, William A, JR          27-Sep-1979     M                        
Brown, Vivian Marguerite      03-Oct-1979     F                        
Brown, Sybil Hazel            10-Oct-1979     F                        
Brown, Fate                   04-Nov-1979     M                        
Brown, Earnest                05-Nov-1979     M                        
Brown, Tracie Louise          16-Nov-1979     F                        
Brown, John E                 17-Nov-1979     M                        
Brown, Sloan                  26-Nov-1979     M                        
Brown, Eura Lee               27-Nov-1979     F                        
Brown, Robert Charles         28-Nov-1979     M                        
Brown, Marie                  29-Nov-1979     F                        
Brown, Eugene                 05-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Othro, SR              05-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Lyesa Jo               05-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, Maydell Prewitt        08-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, William Monroe, JR     10-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Jennie V               11-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, Marshall               12-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Joseph Wilson          15-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Mary Jane              18-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, Kelli Deann            19-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, Julia D                23-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, Derek                  24-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Maxine                 24-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, Sandra Dorene          24-Dec-1979     F                        
Brown, John E                 31-Dec-1979     M                        
Brown, Donnie Inez            31-Dec-1979     F                        
Browning, Georgia Mae         07-Jan-1979     F                        
Browning, Ralph R             29-Mar-1979     M                        
Browning, Jennie              19-Apr-1979     F                        
Browning, Cora H              23-Jul-1979     F                        
Browning, James Robert        17-Nov-1979     M                        
Browning, Inez                30-Nov-1979     F                        
Brownlow, Sandra E            21-Apr-1979     F                        
Brownshadel, Adam Lucas       25-Sep-1979     M                        
Broyhill, Charles William     20-Aug-1979     M                        
Broyles, Charles Clifford     18-Nov-1979     M                        
Bruce, Charles Anthony        05-Mar-1979     M                        
Bruce, Amy Elizabeth          23-Apr-1979     F                        
Bruce, Myrtle Lea             29-Jul-1979     F                        
Brucks, Sterl S               06-Jul-1979     M                        
Bruderle, Friedrich           01-Nov-1979     M                        
Brumbach, Tom Parker          05-Dec-1979     M                        
Brumer, Mark Allison          04-Jun-1979     M                        
Brumleu, Mayne Lewis          01-Jul-1979     M                        
Brumlow, James A              10-May-1979     M                        
Brummett, Lyndol Ray          01-Jul-1979     M                        
Bruner, Robert Allen          12-Mar-1979     M                        
Bruner, Oma Sephronia         30-Jul-1979     F                        
Brunette, Tonia Marie         11-May-1979     F                        
Brunjes, Arlene Freeman       28-Apr-1979     F                        
Brunner, Keven Scott          21-Sep-1979     M                        
Brunotte, Maria K             10-Feb-1979     F                        
Bruton, Jesse L               24-Sep-1979     M                        
Bruton, George Ab             26-Nov-1979     M                        
Bryan, John Wesley            01-Jan-1979     M                        
Bryan, Halla H                19-Jan-1979     M                        
Bryan, Harold                 09-Mar-1979     M                        
Bryan, Ruth Wallace           03-Apr-1979     F                        
Bryan, Chilton                12-May-1979     M                        
Bryan, John Thomas            09-Jun-1979     M                        
Bryan, Maude H                21-Oct-1979     F                        
Bryan, Peggy Jan              12-Nov-1979     F                        
Bryan, Emma L                 18-Nov-1979     F                        
Bryan, Leonora Marie          24-Dec-1979     F                        
Bryant, James Berry           04-Feb-1979     M                        
Bryant, Milton Carlisle       02-Mar-1979     M                        
Bryant, Alice                 04-Mar-1979     F                        
Bryant, Mitchell              09-Mar-1979     M                        
Bryant, William Teague        29-Apr-1979     M                        
Bryant, Lena M                02-Jun-1979     F                        
Bryant, Karen Lashea          10-Jun-1979     F                        
Bryant, Emanuel Wayne         14-Jun-1979     M                        
Bryant, Mary Edna             30-Jun-1979     F                        
Bryant, Forrest Jennings      01-Aug-1979     M                        
Bryant, Carson Homer          17-Aug-1979     M                        
Bryant, Frank Freddy          02-Sep-1979     M                        
Bryant, George Benjamin       19-Sep-1979     M                        
Bryant, Lola Nadine           20-Sep-1979     F                        
Bryant, Russell Hezzie        21-Sep-1979     M                        
Bryce, Marvin                 03-May-1979     M                        
Bryson, Emily Guthrie         09-Jul-1979     F                        
Bryson, Hoy Lee               20-Aug-1979     M                        
Bucek, Leonard J              09-Jun-1979     M                        
Buces, Manuel Inastrillas     25-Jul-1979     M                        
Buchanan, James Lloyd         31-Jan-1979     M                        
Buchanan, Mattie Faye         15-Feb-1979     F                        
Buchanan, William Henry       08-Mar-1979     M                        
Buchanan, Herman Lee          07-May-1979     M                        
Buchanan, James Smellie, JR   08-Jun-1979     M                        
Buchanan, Thelma Fass         02-Jul-1979     F                        
Buchanan, Thomas              28-Aug-1979     M                        
Buchanan, Dorothy             11-Dec-1979     F                        
Buchmann, Otto H              02-Oct-1979     M                        
Buchschacher, Ernst E         29-Oct-1979     M                        
Buck, Ormond Lee              01-Feb-1979     M                        
Buckingham, Phyllis Mary      20-Dec-1979     F                        
Buckles, Grace Truman         29-Jul-1979     F                        
Buckles, Nancy Elizabeth      07-Oct-1979     F                        
Buckley, Hollis               31-Jan-1979     M                        
Buckley, Edward Spann         04-Nov-1979     M                        
Buckner, William              26-May-1979     M                        
Bucsanyi, Andrew, JR          22-Apr-1979     M                        
Buddelmeyer, Leonard William  16-Feb-1979     M                        
Buenneke, Mable Marie         28-Mar-1979     F                        
Bueno, Marcos                 09-Dec-1979     M                        
Buerkle, Victor, JR           02-Apr-1979     M                        
Buford, Vertner William       03-May-1979     M                        
Buford, Minnie Lener          28-Nov-1979     F                        
Bugaj, Hedwig Springer        03-Oct-1979     F                        
Bugg, Lillie Alice            11-Jul-1979     F                        
Buhrer, Albert                10-Feb-1979     M                        
Bui, Nhon Van                 01-May-1979     M                        
Bui, Xa Duc                   05-Jun-1979     M                        
Bui, Nhon Huu                 23-Dec-1979     M                        
Bull, Clyde Forest            09-Feb-1979     M                        
Bullard, Essie Mae            15-Feb-1979     F                        
Bullard, Esther Mae           23-Aug-1979     F                        
Bullard, Homer                01-Dec-1979     M                        
Bullock, William Edward       26-Jan-1979     M                        
Bullock, Isaac Mixon          04-Feb-1979     M                        
Bullock, Hershel Lee Earl, SR 07-Apr-1979     M                        
Bullock, Nevin Leon           06-May-1979     M                        
Bullock, Beulah Marie         15-May-1979     F                        
Bullock, Mary Ann Barron      27-Jul-1979     F                        
Bullock, Edgar Eugene         30-Aug-1979     M                        
Bullock, Carey Guy            04-Nov-1979     M                        
Bullock, Annie Lois           11-Dec-1979     F                        
Bunce, Ruth                   20-Feb-1979     F                        
Bunch, Robert Lemuel          23-Apr-1979     M                        
Bundage, Oliver B             24-Feb-1979     M                        
Burcham, Gladys Pauline       23-Nov-1979     F                        
Burchard, Mattie K            15-Jan-1979     F                        
Burchfield, Curtis Wayne      20-Jul-1979     M                        
Burchfield, Ellen Rea         13-Dec-1979     F                        
Burde, Anthony F              29-May-1979     M                        
Burden, Lola Adele            26-Apr-1979     F                        
Burdett, Randall Alan         01-Dec-1979     M                        
Burdett, Hazel W              11-Dec-1979     F                        
Burdette, Shanna Marie        31-Aug-1979     F                        
Burdine, Tressa               25-Sep-1979     F                        
Burdix, Mary Jane             24-Dec-1979     F                        
Burelsmith, Vernice Elouise   22-Dec-1979     F                        
Burge, Elmon Edgar            02-Apr-1979     M                        
Burge, Robert A, JR           19-Aug-1979     M                        
Burge, Jackie                 30-Dec-1979     F                        
Burger, Sarah Viola           04-Feb-1979     F                        
Burk, Oliver                  28-Aug-1979     M                        
Burke, Jack, JR               05-Apr-1979     M                        
Burke, Victor                 09-Jul-1979     M                        
Burke, Leland E               26-Sep-1979     M                        
Burke, Franklin Parks         24-Nov-1979     M                        
Burkeen, John Potter          24-Aug-1979     M                        
Burkes, William B             02-Dec-1979     M                        
Burkett, Arthur Donald        08-Jan-1979     M                        
Burkett, Richard Wells        28-May-1979     M                        
Burkhalter, Zonna W           03-Apr-1979     F                        
Burkhart, Edna Lauraetta      22-Apr-1979     F                        
Burkhart, Arthur Evan         25-Oct-1979     M                        
Burklin, Edward Boyd          03-Aug-1979     M                        
Burks, Lemat                  02-Feb-1979     M                        
Burks, Cornelia               28-Feb-1979     F                        
Burks, Charlie James, JR      15-May-1979     M                        
Burks, Hilda Faye             16-Aug-1979     F                        
Burle, Michael Mitchell       28-Jul-1979     M                        
Burleson, Eva J               09-Apr-1979     F                        
Burley, Alesia Shante         24-Jul-1979     F                        
Burling, Philip               24-Nov-1979     M                        
Burlingame, John Robert, SR   08-Feb-1979     M                        
Burlison, Donald N            19-Apr-1979     M                        
Burnes, Jackson               08-Jul-1979     M                        
Burnett, Richard E            26-Jan-1979     M                        
Burnett, Maudyene Judd        31-Jan-1979     F                        
Burnett, Roberta Lynn         14-Apr-1979     F                        
Burnett, Winnie Era           02-May-1979     F                        
Burnett, Joe Bailey           05-Jul-1979     M                        
Burnett, Annie Jackson        21-Aug-1979     F                        
Burnett, Minnie               04-Sep-1979     F                        
Burnett, Frances E            03-Oct-1979     F                        
Burnett, Elvie Vanessa        27-Dec-1979     F                        
Burney, James W               20-Apr-1979     M                        
Burney, Evelyn Teresa         17-Jul-1979     F                        
Burnham, Evelyn L             14-May-1979     F                        
Burnham, Buford Marvin        18-May-1979     M                        
Burnley, Willie, JR           14-Aug-1979     M                        
Burns, John F, SR             08-Jan-1979     M                        
Burns, Will Torice            17-Jan-1979     M                        
Burns, Patricia Ann           22-Jan-1979     F                        
Burns, Zettie Mae             03-Feb-1979     F                        
Burns, George, JR             09-Mar-1979     M                        
Burns, Albert Leroy, JR       22-Mar-1979     M                        
Burns, Thomas Neil            09-Jul-1979     M                        
Burns, Jesse Mack             20-Jul-1979     M                        
Burns, Louise                 31-Jul-1979     F                        
Burns, Tina Clare             25-Sep-1979     F                        
Burns, William Curtis         15-Nov-1979     M                        
Burr, Jessie Stuart Forson    05-Jul-1979     F                        
Burr, Katrina Marie           01-Aug-1979     F                        
Burr, Lois R                  10-Sep-1979     F                        
Burress, George W             04-Aug-1979     M                        
Burris, Arthur Washington     26-Dec-1979     M                        
Burroughs, Orion Stout        15-Jan-1979     M                        
Burroughs, Rodney S           13-May-1979     M                        
Burrow, Martha Louise         02-Jun-1979     F                        
Burrow, Ray                   24-Dec-1979     M                        
Burt, Dorothy Willis          20-Apr-1979     F                        
Burton, Mildred L             03-Jan-1979     F                        
Burton, James Hardin, SR      05-Feb-1979     M                        
Burton, Mattie                25-May-1979     F                        
Burton, Ruben Edison          02-Sep-1979     M                        
Burton, Kenneth Lee           06-Oct-1979     M                        
Burton, Andrew J              09-Oct-1979     M                        
Burton, Edwin Thomas, JR      17-Oct-1979     M                        
Burton, Arthur L              18-Dec-1979     M                        
Burts, Pearl                  27-Oct-1979     F                        
Burwell, James W              02-Apr-1979     M                        
Busa, Harold                  24-Jan-1979     M                        
Busby, Marzine                16-Jan-1979     M                        
Busch, Hulen                  11-Apr-1979     M                        
Busch, Betty H                10-Jun-1979     F                        
Busch, Emma Lou               27-Aug-1979     F                        
Bush, Loma Hill               27-Mar-1979     F                        
Bush, Coverson                03-Apr-1979     M                        
Bush, Tresia Mae              27-May-1979     F                        
Bush, Melba Macey             03-Jun-1979     F                        
Bush, Mona Ann                29-Aug-1979     F                        
Bush, Susie Elizabeth         30-Sep-1979     F                        
Bush, Tonya Louise            23-Nov-1979     F                        
Busha, Frederick Joseph       04-Apr-1979     M                        
Bushman, Robert Petring, JR   03-Oct-1979     M                        
Bushnell, Lawrence            30-Jun-1979     M                        
Bushnell, Clara Hesse         20-Aug-1979     F                        
Bussey, Willard Maurice       28-Jun-1979     M                        
Bustamante, Presiliano        19-May-1979     M                        
Bustamante, Ysidoro B         05-Jul-1979     M                        
Bustilloz, Toni (antonia)     01-Jan-1979     F                        
Butaud, Mary Suzanne          09-May-1979     F                        
Butcher, Ethel Priester       05-Sep-1979     F                        
Butcher, Janie Nancy          14-Nov-1979     F                        
Butler, Carl Benjamin         20-Feb-1979     M                        
Butler, Signora               06-May-1979     F                        
Butler, Ruby May              08-Jul-1979     F                        
Butler, Gracie Mae            18-Jul-1979     F                        
Butler, Ophelia H             18-Aug-1979     F                        
Butler, Darryl                08-Sep-1979     M                        
Butler, Louis, SR             20-Dec-1979     M                        
Buttril, Anna Mae             24-Dec-1979     F                        
Bux, Hubert F                 11-Jul-1979     M                        
Buxton, Robert Lee            06-Aug-1979     M                        
Byer, Fritz Charlie, III      15-Mar-1979     M                        
Byers, Geneva E               27-Aug-1979     F                        
Byles, Wayne Martin, SR       16-Apr-1979     M                        
Byles, Stephen Jared          31-Jul-1979     M                        
Byman, Pauline                26-Jan-1979     F                        
Bynum, Cynthia Lou            16-Jan-1979     F                        
Bynum, Asa Henson             03-Mar-1979     M                        
Bynum, Houston Samuel         17-Oct-1979     M                        
Bynum, Edwin Augustine, JR    22-Nov-1979     M                        
Byrd, Leroy                   12-Feb-1979     M                        
Byrd, Henrietta T             14-Apr-1979     F                        
Byrd, Ruby I                  12-Jun-1979     F                        
Byrd, Leon E                  29-Jun-1979     M                        
Byrd, Jason Lee               23-Jul-1979     M                        
Byrd, Carter                  01-Aug-1979     M                        
Byrd, James Jefferson         17-Sep-1979     M                        
Byrd, Jerry Glenn             13-Oct-1979     M                        
Byrd, Mattie                  03-Nov-1979     F                        
Byrne, Nancy                  28-Jan-1979     F                        
Byrnes, Mattie M              01-Oct-1979     F                        
Caballero, Arturo Martinez    24-Sep-1979     M                        
Cabrera, Delores              02-Nov-1979     M                        
Cadenhead, Lara Jean          14-Jun-1979     F                        
Cadriel, Feliciano V, III     13-Mar-1979     M                        
Caesar, Jean Ella             15-Aug-1979     F                        
Caffey, Ruby Irene            25-May-1979     F                        
Cahill, Hilda May             19-Aug-1979     F                        
Caho, Myrtle Irene            06-Jul-1979     F                        
Cain, Alton Linville          20-Jan-1979     M                        
Cain, Ivy C                   26-Jun-1979     M                        
Cain, Melvia E                23-Dec-1979     F                        
Caine, Walter Eugene          03-Oct-1979     M                        
Caird, Bartley Earl           26-Nov-1979     M                        
Cairns, Arthur Buell          04-Jun-1979     M                        
Caknupp, Philip David         23-Dec-1979     M                        
Calamaco, Glenda Zenet        16-Nov-1979     F                        
Calamusa, Abel                10-Oct-1979     M                        
Calaway, James Thomas         21-Dec-1979     M                        
Calcutta, Mary M              10-Aug-1979     F                        
Caldera, Alexander Charles    30-Apr-1979     M                        
Calderon, Enrique, SR         21-Jul-1979     M                        
Caldwell, Lula                16-Feb-1979     F                        
Caldwell, Allen Harn, SR      19-Jul-1979     M                        
Caldwell, Gregory Wayne       17-Aug-1979     M                        
Caldwell, Joann Ruth          25-Aug-1979     F                        
Caletka, Eduard               19-Apr-1979     M                        
Calhoun, Calvin Alsworth      13-Apr-1979     M                        
Calhoun, Delmar Clements      25-Jun-1979     M                        
Calhoun, James Milton         06-Jul-1979     M                        
Calhoun, William              12-Oct-1979     M                        
Caliva, Joseph Anthony        26-May-1979     M                        
Caliva, Joseph Anthony        11-Aug-1979     M                        
Calk, David Henry, SR         13-May-1979     M                        
Calkins, Samuel Walter        31-Mar-1979     M                        
Call, Earl E                  27-Jan-1979     M                        
Call, Albert James            10-May-1979     M                        
Callahan, Bertha Lee          18-Oct-1979     F                        
Callahan, James Edmund, SR    27-Oct-1979     M                        
Callan, Sylvia Rex            06-Apr-1979     F                        
Callaway, Margaret E          23-Oct-1979     F                        
Callaway, Lester Howard       24-Oct-1979     M                        
Callaway, Willie E            08-Dec-1979     M                        
Callicoatte, Albert Henry     09-Jun-1979     M                        
Callihan, Mary Lena           20-Apr-1979     F                        
Callon, Eva Eliza             30-Jan-1979     F                        
Calma, Charles Pasquale, JR   22-Nov-1979     M                        
Calton, Frederick Sylvester   20-Nov-1979     M                        
Calvin, Howard Roach          04-Jun-1979     M                        
Calzada, Arturo C, JR         31-Aug-1979     M                        
Camacho, Benito Castulo       04-Feb-1979     M                        
Camacho, Jesus                05-May-1979     M                        
Camacho, Minerva Yolanda      22-May-1979     F                        
Camacho, Senon Juan           06-Jun-1979     M                        
Camacho, Matthew Mc Bride     01-Aug-1979     M                        
Cameron, Margaret Elizabeth   22-May-1979     F                        
Cameron, Hortense             14-Sep-1979     F                        
Cammack, Thomas Joseph, JR    08-Feb-1979     M                        
Camp, Lewis Alford            13-Jun-1979     M                        
Camp, Martha Pannill          22-Aug-1979     F                        
Camp, Frank William           04-Nov-1979     M                        
Campa, Louis Charles          08-Feb-1979     M                        
Campbell, Ruth Foster         09-Jan-1979     F                        
Campbell, Juanita             23-Jan-1979     F                        
Campbell, Hattie R            14-Feb-1979     F                        
Campbell, June Jeannette      23-Mar-1979     F                        
Campbell, Leon J, SR          30-Apr-1979     M                        
Campbell, Sidney              12-May-1979     M                        
Campbell, Thomas Knox         12-May-1979     M                        
Campbell, Virginia Faye       25-Jun-1979     F                        
Campbell, Myrtle Ida          09-Jul-1979     F                        
Campbell, Rose Marie          12-Aug-1979     F                        
Campbell, Opal Heivly         02-Sep-1979     F                        
Campbell, Michael James       05-Sep-1979     M                        
Campbell, Timothy Kevin       07-Sep-1979     M                        
Campbell, Dillie E            23-Oct-1979     F                        
Campbell, Mabel Williams      25-Oct-1979     F                        
Campbell, John Jones          04-Nov-1979     M                        
Campbell, John Alexander      11-Dec-1979     M                        
Campbell, Michael Wayne       28-Dec-1979     M                        
Campbell, Charles W           29-Dec-1979     M                        
Campbell, Russell             30-Dec-1979     M                        
Campero, Eleuteria M          01-Apr-1979     F                        
Campise, Barbara Jean         25-Jan-1979     F                        
Campise, Elenor Lena          29-Mar-1979     F                        
Campo, Raymond Puncho, JR     17-Jun-1979     M                        
Campos, Humberto              18-Jan-1979     M                        
Campos, Juan M                06-Mar-1979     M                        
Campos, Felipe                31-May-1979     M                        
Campos, Seledonio             02-Jul-1979     M                        
Campos, Louis                 10-Sep-1979     M                        
Campos, Angela                18-Nov-1979     F                        
Campos, Martin O              05-Dec-1979     M                        
Camps, Fredesvinda P          21-Sep-1979     F                        
Campuzano, Hector             14-Dec-1979     M                        
Canada, Cecil Hammond         26-May-1979     M                        
Canada, Lonnie Dan            07-Jul-1979     M                        
Canales, Maria Resendez       22-Apr-1979     F                        
Canard, Vurlan Anthony, SR    05-Nov-1979     M                        
Canary, Doris                 07-Apr-1979     F                        
Canavati, Rosa Tueme          04-Jul-1979     F                        
Candelari, Alfonso Valentino  18-Nov-1979     M                        
Candler, Vassor               22-Feb-1979     M                        
Canfield, Hilda Alice         26-Feb-1979     F                        
Canfield, Dorothy B           24-Mar-1979     F                        
Cangemi, Johnny               01-Mar-1979     M                        
Canion, Leslie Bailey         01-Jul-1979     M                        
Canion, Oma T                 08-Oct-1979     F                        
Canizales, Jose Dario         28-Dec-1979     M                        
Canning, Robert Henry         22-Mar-1979     M                        
Cannon, George Edward         11-Jan-1979     M                        
Cannon, Vernon Zeola          27-Feb-1979     M                        
Cannon, Dell Hill             26-Mar-1979     F                        
Cano, Emma S                  23-Jul-1979     F                        
Cano, Cesar                   02-Sep-1979     M                        
Canon, Olin Buz, III          11-Aug-1979     M                        
Cantera, Rosendo S            07-Apr-1979     M                        
Canterbury, David Arthur      29-Nov-1979     M                        
Cantrell, Cyrus Duncan, JR    05-Apr-1979     M                        
Cantrell, Reed Davis          16-Apr-1979     M                        
Cantu, Gertrude               27-Mar-1979     F                        
Cantu, Joel O                 22-Apr-1979     M                        
Cantu, Adam Clark             08-Jul-1979     M                        
Cantu, Guadalupe C            08-Jul-1979     F                        
Cantu, Rebecca B              18-Sep-1979     F                        
Canty, Sarah Ann              18-Jan-1979     F                        
Capasso, Frank William        06-Jun-1979     M                        
Caperton, Hugh N              27-Mar-1979     M                        
Caplovitz, Harry              22-Sep-1979     M                        
Caporella, Rose Maria         25-Dec-1979     F                        
Caporina, Joe                 06-Apr-1979     M                        
Caporina, Wilma Ray           24-May-1979     F                        
Cappel, Edith                 24-Nov-1979     F                        
Capponi, Antoinette B         08-Mar-1979     F                        
Caragliano, Marie             19-Sep-1979     F                        
Caraway, Dorthey Aline        28-Feb-1979     F                        
Caraway, Ophelia              17-Jul-1979     F                        
Caraway, Ashbie               11-Aug-1979     M                        
Carden, Johnnie Clifford      26-Feb-1979     M                        
Cardenas-maldonado, Fernando  08-Mar-1979     M                        
Cardona, Maria T              15-Mar-1979     F                        
Cardona, Vincent              07-Oct-1979     M                        
Cardona, Leon                 08-Dec-1979     M                        
Cardonia, Nunza               25-Jul-1979     M                        
Carey, Marvel J               02-Jan-1979     F                        
Carey, Ledbetter Daisy Belle  19-Apr-1979     F                        
Cargile, James Blackwell      18-Sep-1979     M                        
Cargill, David Edward         11-May-1979     M                        
Carithers, May Pauline        20-May-1979     F                        
Carithers, Nollen Cleo        05-Jun-1979     M                        
Carl, Eugene Edgar            06-Feb-1979     M                        
Carlan, Howard Ray            12-May-1979     M                        
Carley, Robert Oliver         26-Aug-1979     M                        
Carlile, Robert Lionell       26-Apr-1979     M                        
Carlin, William Mellott       24-Aug-1979     M                        
Carlisle, John Cecil          09-Jul-1979     M                        
Carlisle, A B                 04-Nov-1979     M                        
Carlson, John Vernard         31-Jan-1979     M                        
Carlson, Lisa Michelle        29-Mar-1979     F                        
Carlson, Grace A              26-Aug-1979     F                        
Carlson, Agnes Sarah          18-Dec-1979     F                        
Carlton, Morris Melvin        29-Mar-1979     M                        
Carlton, Robert Lee           12-Aug-1979     M                        
Carmen, Clarence              31-Aug-1979     M                        
Carmical, Geraldine C         27-May-1979     F                        
Carmichael, Barron Davis      22-Mar-1979     M                        
Carmouche, Mary Magdalene     04-Feb-1979     F                        
Carnahan, Tonnie              22-Jan-1979     F                        
Carnes, Jennie N              13-Jun-1979     F                        
Carnes, Luetta Gertrude       24-Aug-1979     F                        
Carnes, Ruth Sherman          14-Nov-1979     F                        
Carnes, Kimberly Kaye         29-Nov-1979     F                        
Carnes, Cecil Candler, SR     12-Dec-1979     M                        
Carney, Harold Roy            16-May-1979     M                        
Carney, Louis Edward          23-Oct-1979     M                        
Carney, John Irvin            25-Nov-1979     M                        
Carnline, Vicy Mae            04-Nov-1979     F                        
Carothers, Winston Mcalester  30-Oct-1979     M                        
Carpenter, Robbie Sue         21-Feb-1979     F                        
Carpenter, Bertha             22-Apr-1979     F                        
Carpenter, Dow                10-Jun-1979     M                        
Carpenter, George D           22-Jun-1979     M                        
Carpenter, Dorothy Blackmon   15-Jul-1979     F                        
Carpenter, Clarence Sylvester 01-Aug-1979     M                        
Carpenter, Charles Rafe       05-Oct-1979     M                        
Carpenter, Laureed            19-Oct-1979     M                        
Carper, Mary Josephine        25-Nov-1979     F                        
Carr, Marie Mary Lee Lucas    02-May-1979     F                        
Carr, Helen Florence          08-Jun-1979     F                        
Carr, Esther C                21-Jun-1979     F                        
Carr, James Lawrence          09-Jul-1979     M                        
Carr, David Kieth             14-Jul-1979     M                        
Carr, George                  26-Oct-1979     M                        
Carrabba, Rosie Agnes         09-Jul-1979     F                        
Carranza, Arturo              15-Jan-1979     M                        
Carraway, Ola Mae             24-Dec-1979     F                        
Carreathers, Smith Lee        06-Jan-1979     M                        
Carrell, Colice Aubrey        04-Jun-1979     M                        
Carrell, Susie Jane           15-Jul-1979     F                        
Carreon, Jose Manual Inf Of   21-Jul-1979     F                        
Carrey, Leroy                 05-Jul-1979     M                        
Carrigan, Edwin S             22-Jan-1979     M                        
Carrigan, John Russell        03-Apr-1979     M                        
Carrillo, Rose                07-May-1979     F                        
Carrington, Robert Lee        05-Feb-1979     M                        
Carrington, Gary Wayne        13-Jul-1979     M                        
Carrizal, Jeronimo R          28-Jan-1979     M                        
Carroll, George Washington    29-Jan-1979     M                        
Carroll, Opal Womack          12-Feb-1979     F                        
Carroll, Joseph Paul          02-Mar-1979     M                        
Carroll, Roland Benefield     24-Mar-1979     M                        
Carroll, Ronald Keith         25-Mar-1979     M                        
Carroll, Danny Wayne          25-Apr-1979     M                        
Carroll, Paul Anthony         30-Apr-1979     M                        
Carroll, Delbert Lee          16-Jun-1979     M                        
Carroll, Betty                19-Jun-1979     F                        
Carroll, Wilma Henrietta      23-Jul-1979     F                        
Carroll, A C                  07-Oct-1979     M                        
Carroll, Eunice Louise        05-Nov-1979     F                        
Carron, Wilbert, JR           23-Jun-1979     M                        
Carruth, Lester Eugene        09-Jul-1979     M                        
Carry, Curtiss Ray            14-Jul-1979     M                        
Carson, David Linden          26-Jan-1979     M                        
Carson, Anthony G, JR         05-Feb-1979     M                        
Carson, Susie B               15-Mar-1979     F                        
Carson, Robert Karl, JR       19-Apr-1979     M                        
Carson, Carmen Pacheco        29-May-1979     F                        
Carson, Evelyn Emma           20-Jun-1979     F                        
Carson, Myrtle Belcia         10-Dec-1979     F                        
Carstens, Joseph Eugene, JR   08-Jul-1979     M                        
Carter, Bolie                 18-Jan-1979     M                        
Carter, Wavel Irene           04-Feb-1979     F                        
Carter, Anne Morgan           10-Feb-1979     F                        
Carter, Henry T               09-Mar-1979     M                        
Carter, Herman Allan          19-Mar-1979     M                        
Carter, Mabel Owens           26-Apr-1979     F                        
Carter, Florence Nannie       22-May-1979     F                        
Carter, George W, JR          24-May-1979     M                        
Carter, Jack Sims             10-Jun-1979     M                        
Carter, Wilbert S             10-Jun-1979     M                        
Carter, Jimmie Lee            10-Jun-1979     M                        
Carter, William Alexander     04-Jul-1979     M                        
Carter, Lucille               05-Jul-1979     F                        
Carter, Jason Lee             21-Jul-1979     M                        
Carter, Henry K               26-Jul-1979     M                        
Carter, Frances Ann           16-Aug-1979     F                        
Carter, Carl Ray              03-Sep-1979     M                        
Carter, L D                   05-Sep-1979     M                        
Carter, Dave Henry            07-Oct-1979     M                        
Carter, Sadie Estelle         18-Oct-1979     F                        
Carter, Winnie B              21-Oct-1979     F                        
Carter, Isiah, JR             28-Oct-1979     M                        
Carter, Clarence Charles, SR  04-Nov-1979     M                        
Carter, Eleanor Yvonne        16-Nov-1979     F                        
Carter, Mary                  12-Dec-1979     F                        
Carter, Johnny Lee            31-Dec-1979     M                        
Cartwright, Charles L         06-Feb-1979     M                        
Cartwright, James Richard     19-Apr-1979     M                        
Cartwright, Martha Louise     20-Apr-1979     F                        
Cartwright, Frank P           31-May-1979     M                        
Cartwright, Joseph Preston    06-Jun-1979     M                        
Cartwright, Margaret Selden   06-Sep-1979     F                        
Cartwright, Ruth Cornelia     13-Sep-1979     F                        
Cartwright, John              30-Sep-1979     M                        
Cartwright, Emily Jean        17-Oct-1979     F                        
Cartwright, Mossellar Meshun  27-Dec-1979     F                        
Caruso, Gennaro               10-Jun-1979     M                        
Caruthers, Willie             06-Sep-1979     M                        
Carvin, Alex                  18-Oct-1979     M                        
Cary, George                  13-Mar-1979     M                        
Casanover, Augusta Ola, SR    27-Apr-1979     M                        
Casares, Doroteo, JR          27-Mar-1979     M                        
Casares, Raymond Joseph, JR   12-Jun-1979     M                        
Casarino, Giacomo             26-Nov-1979     M                        
Casas, Francisco              07-Jan-1979     M                        
Casburn, Claude Phillip       25-Apr-1979     M                        
Case, Louise Elizabeth        06-Apr-1979     F                        
Case, Lynn Harold             01-May-1979     M                        
Case, Helen Carr              19-Jul-1979     F                        
Casey, Alton                  21-Jan-1979     M                        
Casey, Willie Mae             10-May-1979     F                        
Casey, James M                16-Aug-1979     M                        
Casey, Mary Rita              21-Nov-1979     F                        
Casey, Thomas Francis         03-Dec-1979     M                        
Casey, Diana Jean             03-Dec-1979     F                        
Cash, Ruth L                  20-Nov-1979     F                        
Casiano, Darleen Michelle     27-Jan-1979     F                        
Casimere, Alvin               07-Oct-1979     M                        
Casin, Maria Isabel           28-Mar-1979     F                        
Caskey, James Floyd           11-Mar-1979     M                        
Cassidy, Willie L             09-Nov-1979     M                        
Castaneda, Elvira F           08-Jul-1979     F                        
Castaneda, Hilda Garcia       05-Sep-1979     F                        
Casteel, William              06-Feb-1979     M                        
Castellano, John David, JR    03-Mar-1979     M                        
Castellanos-sandoval, Luis Mar25-May-1979     M                        
Castellese, Andrew, JR        26-Apr-1979     M                        
Castex, Gabriel, JR           23-Jul-1979     M                        
Castilla, Maria Elisa         06-Apr-1979     F                        
Castilla, Margarita           23-Dec-1979     F                        
Castille, Brock               06-Apr-1979     M                        
Castille, Simon               03-Sep-1979     M                        
Castillo, Jose C              30-Apr-1979     M                        
Castillo, Jose Lara           27-Jun-1979     M                        
Castillo, Severo              23-Jul-1979     M                        
Castillo, Maria A             04-Aug-1979     F                        
Castillo, Leonard G, JR       19-Sep-1979     M                        
Castillo, Richard             30-Nov-1979     M                        
Castillo, Maria V             02-Dec-1979     F                        
Castillo-asensio, Estuardo    10-Aug-1979     M                        
Castleberry, Kate Rodgers     05-May-1979     F                        
Castleberry, Anna D           27-Dec-1979     F                        
Caston, Bobby Ray, SR         08-Sep-1979     M                        
Castoria, Tony                07-Jul-1979     M                        
Castro, Rosa Linda            02-Jan-1979     F                        
Castro, Angel Santiago        27-Jan-1979     M                        
Castro, Dolores               21-May-1979     F                        
Castro, Manuel Jesse, SR      28-Oct-1979     M                        
Castrow, James P, JR          16-Aug-1979     M                        
Catalon, Ella                 01-Aug-1979     F                        
Cater, Jack Alan              08-Jan-1979     M                        
Cater, Betty Jacqueline       10-May-1979     F                        
Cates, Clara Virtula          16-Jun-1979     F                        
Cathey, Vermelle              20-Jan-1979     F                        
Catlin, Robert Craig          27-May-1979     M                        
Cato, Claudia Mae             12-Aug-1979     F                        
Catron, Robert Woodrow        30-Mar-1979     M                        
Caudel, William Allen         21-Jul-1979     M                        
Caudle, J D                   17-Aug-1979     M                        
Cauley, Satril, SR            25-Mar-1979     M                        
Caulk, Lucy D                 31-Jan-1979     F                        
Cavanaugh, Gregory Don        11-Dec-1979     M                        
Cavazos, Agnes                06-Jan-1979     F                        
Cavazos, Juanita Garza        17-Feb-1979     F                        
Cavazos, Petra                27-Feb-1979     F                        
Caveness, Jesse L             14-Aug-1979     M                        
Cawthon, Alvice Claude, SR    10-Sep-1979     M                        
Caylat, Thomas Oliver, JR     14-Feb-1979     M                        
Cayton, Nada Grace            12-May-1979     F                        
Caywood, Loleta Mae           18-Feb-1979     F                        
Cazares, Juan                 28-Feb-1979     M                        
Cazares, Enrique, JR          24-Jun-1979     M                        
Cazaubon, Myrtle C            09-Jun-1979     F                        
Ceasar, Joe                   19-Jun-1979     M                        
Ceasar, Willie                09-Jul-1979     M                        
Ceaubert, Ila S               24-Apr-1979     F                        
Cecala, Joseph P              22-Sep-1979     M                        
Cedillo, Bertha A             13-Nov-1979     F                        
Cegielski, Marion John        31-Aug-1979     M                        
Cegielski, Stella L           06-Nov-1979     F                        
Cegon, Angela Jean            02-Jul-1979     F                        
Celestine, Von Sebastian      17-Jul-1979     M                        
Cerny, Shirley M              23-Nov-1979     F                        
Cerruti, Margaret Green       16-Feb-1979     F                        
Chaddick, Benjamin Franklin   02-May-1979     M                        
Chadwick, Robert Dale         14-Feb-1979     M                        
Chae, Tak Ki                  21-Nov-1979     M                        
Chae, Jeong Heui              21-Nov-1979     F                        
Chaffee, Bessie Carroll       20-Nov-1979     F                        
Chaffin, William Paul         08-Feb-1979     M                        
Chalmers, Franklin Lamar      07-May-1979     M                        
Chalmers, Joseph              14-Nov-1979     M                        
Chambers, Byrdie Sessums      10-Jan-1979     F                        
Chambers, Nancy Jane          31-Jan-1979     F                        
Chambers, Margaret            02-Mar-1979     F                        
Chambers, Perry               16-Mar-1979     M                        
Chambers, Michelle Lynn       05-May-1979     F                        
Chambers, Robert Carl         07-Jul-1979     M                        
Chambers, Savannah            24-Aug-1979     F                        
Chambers, Kenneth Wayne       12-Sep-1979     M                        
Chambers, Stephen Trammel     03-Nov-1979     M                        
Chambers, Florence Barber     25-Dec-1979     F                        
Chambless, Joseph Alfred, SR  23-Apr-1979     M                        
Chambless, William Henry      26-Apr-1979     M                        
Chambless, Josephine V        30-Oct-1979     F                        
Chamness, William Bunnell     02-Oct-1979     M                        
Champagne, Josephine Lucille  09-Feb-1979     F                        
Champion, Estelle Iris        22-Nov-1979     F                        
Chan, Hon                     13-Jun-1979     M                        
Chance, James Glenn           11-Jun-1979     M                        
Chance, William Bedford       26-Oct-1979     M                        
Chancey, Harry Leon           20-Oct-1979     M                        
Chandler, William Lewis       24-Jan-1979     M                        
Chandler, Leta Landrum        24-Jan-1979     F                        
Chandler, Lester Glenn        29-Jan-1979     M                        
Chandler, Mamie               16-Mar-1979     F                        
Chandler, Viola               03-May-1979     F                        
Chandler, Ruby                08-May-1979     F                        
Chandler, Viola               25-Sep-1979     F                        
Chandler, Everett Dwayne      15-Dec-1979     M                        
Chaney, Kamin Renee'          15-Feb-1979     F                        
Chaney, Thomas Curran         25-Jul-1979     M                        
Chaney, Harvie Allen, JR      11-Dec-1979     M                        
Chanfrau, Marjorie Lynch      25-Jun-1979     F                        
Chang, Li-lin                 25-Jul-1979     F                        
Chapa, Maria De La Paz        15-Feb-1979     F                        
Chapa, Jesse M                24-May-1979     M                        
Chapa, Herminia Guzman        19-Nov-1979     F                        
Chapman, Lenora Simpson       11-Jan-1979     F                        
Chapman, Dealva               20-Jan-1979     F                        
Chapman, Matthew Cole         22-Feb-1979     M                        
Chapman, Billie B             16-Mar-1979     M                        
Chapman, David                13-Apr-1979     M                        
Chapman, Lila Lee             25-Apr-1979     F                        
Chapman, Warren Norman, SR    11-May-1979     M                        
Chapman, Efford Lee           20-May-1979     M                        
Chapman, William E            07-Aug-1979     M                        
Chapman, Maude Lee            13-Aug-1979     F                        
Chapman, Roy                  14-Nov-1979     M                        
Chapman, Janet Robertson      16-Nov-1979     F                        
Chappel, Willie M             23-May-1979     F                        
Chapple, Bennie Q             09-Feb-1979     F                        
Charles, Anthony              23-Jan-1979     M                        
Charles, James Ellis          15-May-1979     M                        
Charles, Anderson             16-Sep-1979     M                        
Charles, Anthony Don          12-Oct-1979     M                        
Charles, Walter               29-Nov-1979     M                        
Charlot, Issac John           27-Aug-1979     M                        
Charlot, Issac John           27-Aug-1979     M                        
Charro, Epimenio R            14-Feb-1979     M                        
Chartrand, Mona Raye          01-Sep-1979     F                        
Chase, Bette Jo Ingram        12-May-1979     F                        
Chase, Mae S                  14-Jun-1979     F                        
Chatelain, Nellie             10-Oct-1979     F                        
Chatman, Amelia Henry         26-Mar-1979     F                        
Chatman, Lathen               14-Sep-1979     M                        
Chatman, Cherry               13-Oct-1979     F                        
Chaturvedi, Rakesh Kumar      16-Dec-1979     M                        
Chaudry, Altaf Hussain        29-Nov-1979     M                        
Chaves, Andrea P              28-Oct-1979     F                        
Chavez, Matiana Gonzalez      17-Apr-1979     F                        
Chavez, Jose B                20-May-1979     M                        
Chavez, Jesus                 01-Aug-1979     M                        
Chavez, Socorro               05-Aug-1979     M                        
Chavez, Lorenzo               15-Aug-1979     M                        
Chavez, Jose Salinas          28-Aug-1979     M                        
Chavez, Damian                10-Oct-1979     M                        
Chavez, Placido               16-Oct-1979     M                        
Chavez, Silvero               23-Dec-1979     M                        
Chavez, Silvero               23-Dec-1979     M                        
Chaviers, Aubrey E            26-Mar-1979     M                        
Cheatham, Margaret Josephine  01-Feb-1979     F                        
Cheatham, William Lester      15-Feb-1979     M                        
Cheatham, Orean Alice         29-Apr-1979     F                        
Cheatham, Kathryn Lois        18-Jun-1979     F                        
Cheatham, Odell C             08-Aug-1979     M                        
Cheatwood, Jerry L, V         13-Aug-1979     M                        
Cheek, Hamby                  05-Jun-1979     M                        
Cheek, Joseph M               14-Dec-1979     M                        
Cheneval, John Alfred         19-Oct-1979     M                        
Chenevert, John Aldis         08-Mar-1979     M                        
Cheney, Lon Douglas           24-Aug-1979     M                        
Cheney, Clarence E            11-Nov-1979     M                        
Cheng, Lyn                    29-Aug-1979     F                        
Chenier, Sidney               07-Jun-1979     M                        
Chenier, Ruby Jean            30-Oct-1979     F                        
Chernilo-bemaor, Juan Francisc20-Dec-1979     M                        
Cherry, Willie B              04-Jan-1979     M                        
Cherry, Andre Frank           15-May-1979     M                        
Cherry, Jesse Edward          24-May-1979     M                        
Cherry, Ina Rose              30-Jun-1979     F                        
Cherry, Bessie Mckenzie       30-Jul-1979     F                        
Cherry, James Paul            08-Aug-1979     M                        
Cherry, Viola Dolly           12-Oct-1979     F                        
Cherry, Ella Berneice         24-Dec-1979     F                        
Chesko, Joseph F              05-Nov-1979     M                        
Chesnutt, Bert                19-Nov-1979     M                        
Chessher, Franklin            23-Dec-1979     M                        
Chester, Maude H              20-Jan-1979     F                        
Chester, Shirley Joan         05-Feb-1979     F                        
Chevalier, Irving, SR         13-Jan-1979     M                        
Chevalier, Thaddeus           30-May-1979     M                        
Chi, Chun Kil                 16-Nov-1979     M                        
Chiavone, Elmer Fredrick      31-May-1979     M                        
Chickering, Carol Margaret    29-Jun-1979     F