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Gonzales Co., TX - Births: Jan 01, 1903 - Dec 31, 1903
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by:
Gonzales Records Center and Archives <>

USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved

Births Gonzales County Clerk's Office
01/01/1903 TO 12/31/1903

(Birth Records are closed records until they have been
filed with this office for 75 years, effective 9/1/03)

This index will include name only. More information is
available at the Records Center and Archives <>
To obtain a copy of the certificate you must contact:

The County Clerk
at P.O. Box 77
Gonzales, TX 78629

___, Child of John
Adair, Child of R.S.
Adair, George Perrin
Adams, Child of J.S.
Adams, Child of Geo.
Adams, Joseph Aubert
Adams, Marguerite Louise
Adams, Mary Edith
Adams, Child of (Adams/Magee)
Alaman, Jewel
Allen, Beatrice
Allert, Arthur George
Allison, Child of Joseph
Allison, Leona
Anderson, Child of T. F.
Anderson, Johnnie Wesley
Ara, Solomon Daniel
Armstrong, Estell
Arnold, Albert J.
Artis, Shauncey Douglas
Askey, Adele Hattie
Baety, Albert Perry
Bailey, Child of Huie
Bailey, Lawrence Hugh
Baily, Child of James
Baker, Child of Hiram
Baker, Eugene Lawrence
Baker, Harvey
Baker, Iona Mildred
Baker, Mandy Viola
Baker, Phillip Sterling
Baker, Ruth Evaline
Balckmon (Blackmon), Dow
Ball, Lessie
Ballard, Child of Walton
Barefield, Child of S. F.
Barfield, Child of J. C.
Baros, Christina Mary
Baros, Rudolf
Barron, D. C.
Barsch, Max Harvey
Bartsch, Carl
Bartsch, Caroline
Beckman, Child of Wm.
Bell, Child of J. T. (2)
Bell, Laura Merle
Belt, Willie Edward
Benavides, Dominga
Bennett, Jinnie Bell
Bennett, Knopp
Beringer, Child of Chas.
Beringer, Child of Buena
Bertling, Ruth Pearl
Beverly, Child of H. H.
Beverly, Helen
Billings, Child of Chas. R.
Billings, Child of P. J.
Billings, Child of Fred
Blaschke, Child of Joe
Blaschke, Joseph
Blundell, Child of John
Blundell, Alton Lee
Bocanegra, Demetrio
Bohannen, Child of John
Bond, Adolph
Boothe, Child of W. H.
Boothe, Robert Ragsdale
Boothe, Susie D.
Borrer, Brodie Leonadus
Botts, Child of T. J.
Botts, Bennie Beal
Bouldin, Glen
Boyd, C. T.
Boysen, Louis Richard
Brassell, Child of  F. C.
Breitschopf, Adolf  W.
Breitschopf, Clara Mary
Brelsfeld, Child of Jno.
Brelsford, Child of J. W.
Brelsford, Child of R.
Brenner, Madeline Robert
Bright, Effie Audrey
Brochet, Laura Mary
Brooks, Child of Johnnie
Brothers, Thelma Lee
Brown, Child of  S. A.
Brown, Child of Jim
Brown, Glenna Mary
Brubaker, Homer Marshall
Bruce, Child of N. T.
Bryant, Child of Rufus
Budd, Jack Kirtley
Bundick, Child of W. G.
Burchard, Therese Marzel
Burke, Hombr Monroe
Burkett, Child of Pat
Burkett, Child of Rosa B.
Burnett, Grover Knapp
Burns, Cora Alice
Burrow, Child of A. R.
Busbee, Child of J. M.
Bustos, David
Butler, Child of L. A.
Butler, Jefferson
Cadena Jr., Fernando
Canion, Darrel Benjamin
Cantu, Rebecca Isai
Capes, Dora
Caraway, Child of Wiley C.
Caraway, Child of F. M.
Caraway, Cleo Theron
Cardenas, Jose
Carpenter, Henry B.
Carpenter, Child of Wm.
Carr, James Aubrey
Christian, Child of George
Clark, Janie Ann
Clark, Child of Wm.
Clark, Etta Belle
Cline, Child of Robb
Clutter, James Edward
Cobb, Child of L. L.
Cobb, Ruth
Coker, Child of John
Coker, Leonard Raymond
Colley, Child of Luther
Colley, Ray Milton
Cook, Eva May
Cooper, Child of Geo.
Cooper, Gladys Irene
Copeland, M. T.
Cotton, Anna Lucille
Curtis, Jimmie T.
Daniels, Lonnie William
Davila, Andrew
Davis, Mandy
Davis, Mildred May
Davis, Child of D. L.
Davis, Nora Florence
Davis, Otis Thomas
Dawson, Mable
De Leon, Child of Teodoro
Deberry, Claud H. Jr.
Denmark, Child of J. E.
Denmark, Jesse Velma
Denmark, Lewis Eugene
Derrich, Martha Victoria
Dillard, Child of W. C.
Dilworth, Child of Lee
Dilworth, Martha Ellen
Dismukes, Child of Frank
Douglass, Dorthy
Dubose, Della May
Dubose, Frankie B.
Dubose, L. H.
Eason, Annie Beatrice
Edwards, Child of (not given)
Edwards, Eula Mae
Edwards, Nelson Eugene
Ehrig, Child of Ernst
Ehrig, Arthur Harry
Ellis, Child of Waler
Ellis, George A.
Ellis, Child of Will
Elsik, Child of Frank
Emerson, Nina B.
Ernst, Eddy
Esparza, Otila
Espinosa, Macario Jr.
Espinosa, Child of Francisco
Evans, Child of Thomas
Evans, Frankie Beatrice
Evans, Georgia
Evans, Gertrude
Fahrenthold, Hermine Aug
Fahrenthole, Minnie August
Faschingbauer, Child of Jacob
Featherling, Child of C. C.
Finch, Curtis Lewis
Flessner, Elsa C. W.
Flessner, Lina Sara Elli
Flessner, Maria L. T.
Flowers, Child of J. V.
Flowers, Child of Aaron
Flowers, Pauline Louise
Fogle, Iona Beatrice
Forester, Maggie Lucinda
Forgotston, Child of M. H.
Forgotston, Renair Reise
Forrester, Lelon Ray
Forshage, Herbert
Fortune, Gabrielle Marie
Foster, Curtis Tom
Franks, Child of Lee
Franks, John
Friedl, Ruby Clemons
Friedle,  Rudolph
Frierson, Evie Beatrice
Frilot, Child of A. C.
Fuchanan, Child of F. M.
Fuller, Edwin Franklin
Garcia, Child of Martin
Gardner, Child of C. A.
Garza, Child of Carolina
Gatlin, Nettie Bell
Gaylord, Child of E. D.
Gaylord, Charles Adie
Gaylord, Child of Ben
Gaylord, Ollie Henry
Gee, Child of M.
Gee, Virguel
Gibson, Frank Nixon
Gip, Child of Charlsy
Glass, Ruth
Glore, Child of Otto
Glover, Child of Joe
Glover, Mary Benice Est
Goldman, Child of S.
Gomez, Helen
Gonzales, Domingo
Gonzales, Guadalupe
Gonzales, Jose Maria
Gonzales, Paula
Goodloe, Child of Ida
Gordon, James
Grant, Clayton Clarence
Grauke, Child of Henry
Grauke, Augusta Lee
Gray, Child of J. F.
Green, Child of Henry B.
Greer, Child of Steven
Gregory, Rupert Smith
Griffin, Chester
Gurinsky, Child of B.
Gurinsky, Harold Lehmann
Gurinksy, Wolford Lowell
Goehring, Rufus Hermann
Hahn, Newton William
Halliburton, Otis
Halliburton, Otis Jack
Hammond, Ernest
Hammons, Lucious H.
Hand, Eddie Everett
Hansford, Child of Henry
Harborth, Erwin Henry
Hardaway, Katherine
Hardaway, Louis
Harrell, Child of Taylor D.
Harren, Child of L. N.
Harris, Child of Chas.
Harris, Child of Albert
Harris, Herman Dee
Harris, Ruby
Hart, William Jesse
Harwood, Child of Joe
Hassmann, Child of George
Hawkins, Child of J. E.
Haynes, Goldie
Haynes, Child of W. C.
Henderson, Child of Carry
Henderson, Joseph Calvin
Henkel, Elmer Olando
Hernandez, Seperino
Herschap, Felix Emil
Hester, Child of W. C.
Heye, Child of F. H.
Heye, Charles August
Heye, Gehla Adelheid
Heye, Child of D. W.
Hillen, Walter
Hines, Child of Frank
Hines, Frank Dexter
Hinton, Child of Lee
Hodge, Child of W. G.
Hodges, Child of Genie
Hodges, Hattie Alice
Hoffman, Ernest
Hoffmann, Child of Max
Hogan, Child of Turner
Holmes, Child of W. A.
Holmes, Marie
Holt, Marie Almyra
Hood, Guy Coffman
Hoopes, Elizabeth Lee
Hoops, Elizabeth Lee
Hopkins, Child of H. L.
Hstings, Child of Joe Lockey
Huber, Agnes Mary
Huff, Walter Nixon
Huffer, Child of Jas. B.
Huffor, D. W.
Huffor, Erma Lillian
Humble, Child of C. D.
Hunt, Child of Mamie
Hunter, Edith America
Hunter, Gracie Ann
Huston, Child of J. R.
Hall, Maggie Louise
Ingram, Jack
Ingram, Linnie Lucile
Inscore, Margrette Ardel
Irle, Child of J. F.
Irle, Jimmie Dee
Isdale, Hamilton William
Ivey, Child of Jno. F.
Ivy, Child of Leonard
Jackson, Child of Tom
Jackson, Annie Aileen
Jackson, Child of Hy
Jaks, John Andrew
Janik, Annie
Johnson, Child of Lee
Johnson, James Claude
Johnson, Child of Bob
Johnson, Willie D.
Jones, Child of Johnnie
Jones, Eva King
Jones, Johnnie Allen
Jones, Margaret Kennon
Jones, Child of Soloman
Jones, Olivia Christine
Jones, Orange
Jones, Rhodie
Jones, Socrates Plato
Kaigler, James Arol
Kaighler, Child of Otis
Kalich, Child of Ben
Kallies, Arnold August
Keith, William Marvin
Kelly, Child of Handa
Kelly, Child of John
Kifer, Arthur Henry
Kilon, Child of Z. P.
Kindred, Lomie
Kirchhoff, Child of Otto
Kitchen, Olivia
Kluge, Gus
Knowles, Sam L.
Koenig, Frank
Koenig, Franz
Koenig, Minnie Lee
Koenig, Child of Frank
Koenning, Emma Miena Ann
Kriefl, Josepha
Lamprecht, Edwin
Lang, Carrie Mary Freder
Latham, Child of J. A.
Lee, Child of (Mexican)
Lee, Aubrey Johnson
Lepori, Child of Leo
Lerma, Child of Jesus
Lewis, Child of Ned
Lewis, Child of Lonnie
Lewis, Child of R.
Lewis, Calvin R.
Light, Willard Calvin
Lincecum, Rue Remschel
Lion, Ysidra De
Little, William Brack
Littlefield, Child of Tea
Littlefield, Child of V. C.
Littlefield, Constance
Locklear, Ambrus Tennese
Long, Child of Charles
Longhoria, Jose
Love, Florence
Lowry, M. G.
Luedecke, Reinhold Augus
Luker, Child of W. J.
Luter, Tomye Jeannette
Maberry, Child of John
Machac, Child of Frank
Maeker, Lonie
Magee, Child of B.
Magee, Child of H. P.
Mahan, Amos Howell
Mahan, Child of J. M.
Mang, Ella Rose
Mangum, Child of Frank
Markham, Blossie Etta
Marsh, Child of Walter
Marsh, Lula Frances
Marshal, Child of Chas.
Marshall, Mary Elizabeth
Martin, Della Rae
Martin, Earl B.
Martin, Octavia Geraldin
Martinez, Andrea
Martinez, Eligio
Mason, Mattie Mae
May, Child of Thomas
May, Bertha Rebecca
May, Child of Henry
May, Rebecca
Mayfield, Child of Oscar
McCall, Alta
McCarty, Child of  Bill
McVea, Nina Mae
McWhorter, Ethel Annie
Melchor, Josefita
Menking, Otillie Christi
Mercier, Victor Charles
Meyer, Child of  Alfred C.
Meyer, Adela Emilie
Meyer, Cleburn Ernest
Meyers, Child of  Rudolph
Miles, Child of Washington
Miles, John
Miller, Kathrine
Miller, Child of Luther P.
Mills. Child of  Jaems S.
Mills, Lillian
Mistrot, Child of W. E.
Mistrot, Mary Louise
Mitchel, Clarence
Mitchell, Child of W. T.
Mitchell, Child of Westley
Mitchell, William Thomas
Moore, Child of Frank
Moore, Child of Will
Moore, Silas Gaston
Morey, Marylee Margaret
Morey, Child of Frank B.
Morgan, Child of Mart
Morris, Joe Sebern
Moses, Child of F. S.
Mueller, Madeline Pearl
Munford, Edmund Francis
Munford, Edward
Murphy, Cleopatra
Nagel, Child of E. R.
Nations, Child of Curt
Neighbors, Franklin Clid
Nelms, Bessie Mae
Nolte, Alice Bertha
Novak, Mary
Novsworthy, Child of Robert
O'Neil, Wm. D. III
O'Neill, Child of Allie
Oerter, Child of  Wm.
Oerter, Herman
Old, Carl Bates
Ortega Jr., Juan
Ortiz, Juan
Owens, Child of Jackson
Owens, Child of George
Ownes, Georgia Dee
Pace, Pauline
Pakebusch, Minnie
Parker, Minnie Belle
Parker, Willie
Parr, Child of J. G.
Parr, Viron Pompton
Patterson, Ella D.
Pavlka, Child of Charlie
Pearson, John Willis
Peckham, Child of S. C.
Peckham, Fay Marie
Perez, Child of Tomas Gonzales
Perkins, Annie Louise
Perry, Child of A. T.
Perry, Child of Ben
Person, Cynthia Elizabet
Person, Child of Mr.
Petru, Child of Jim
Petty, Charlie Howell
Piclas, Child of Alvino
Pittman, Child of Simon
Pittman, Vivian Simon
Poland, Child of J. B.
Polasek, Agnes
Polk, Child of Emmett
Polk, Child of Isham
Porter, Child of Wash
Porter, Margaret
Price, Annie Bell
Price, Ethel
Priesmeyer, Selma Freder
Quast, Alpha Maire
Rabb, S. C. Hunt
Rader, Henry William
Rader, Child of Will
Ragland, Child of Thos.
Ragland, Ottis Anna
Raiford, Child of J. D.
Rainey, Child of J. M.
Ramirez, Child of Eligio
Ramirez, Juanita
Ramirez, Mateo
Ramos, Samuel
Randle, Rosetta
Rankins, Child of J. H.
Reed, Ross Evens
Reese, Stella May
Remschel, Julis Thomas
Revino (Trevino), Child of Blas
Reyna, Refugio
Rhodes, Robert
Richard, Child of Earnes
Riley, Child of Robt.
Rios, Child of Paulino
Rios, Salome
Robbins, Child of Dan
Robbins, Jonnell Artie
Roberts, Child of Wiley
Roberts, Child of Gates
Roberts, Lloyd Askey
Roberts, Oretha Opal
Robertson, George Burges
Robertson, Ida
Robertson, Walter Lynch
Robinson, Child of Jack
Robinson, Fletch
Robinsons, Child of Tom
Robinson, Child of O. B.
Robinson, Vera Taylor
Robischung, George Dunn
Rocha, Petra
Rodriguez, Isabel
Rodriguez, Michael
Roebuck, Ahynes
Rowley, Audrey Leona
Ruddock, Henry
Rustejovsky, Child of J. F.
Sada, Martha
Sanchez, Domingo
Sasse, Martha
Sattwhite, Minnie Vanie
Sauer, Willie Arthur
Schoenberg, Clarence Bea
Schott, Child of Frank
Schoultz, Lura Pearl
Schroeder, G.
Schroeder, George Frank
Schultz, Gladys Annette
Schultz, Walter Lawrence
Schultze, Hugo
Scoggins, Elizabeth Bene
Sea, Child of Joe
Searcy, Child of George
Searle, Child of Walter
Seller, Minnie Beringer
Semmler, Otto
Shanke, Hartwell
Shannon, Charles Leslie
Shappard, John Floyd
Shaver, Ada Lou
Shelton, Child of Jno.
Shepherd, Child of Mr.
Shrobaeczyk, Child of Alix
Shuler, Child of Porter
Shuler, V. K.
Shuler, Zula Mae
Simmons, Child of Geo.
Sktrobarczyk, Adolph Lawr
Smith, Child of Albert
Smith, Child of Merrell W.
Smith, Child of Robt.
Smith, Bessie Fay
Smith, Elves Loyd
Smith, Elvis Loyd
Smith, Gladys Elizabeth
Smith, Maurice Lynn
Smith, Ruth Inez
Smith, Vance Allen
Snitchendoble, Child of Herman
Stall, Mary
Stanley, Child of W. T.
Stark, Lillie Louise
Stavinola, Child of Frank
Steen, Otho Soconer
Steens, Willie
Stephens, Child of Ellin
Stone, Child of Geo.
Sullivan, Mattie Lou
Svatek, Christiana
Svakt, Rozena
Talley, Child of Jacob B.
Talley, Child of J. C.
Talley, Katie
Talley, Lydia Altha
Talley, Child of Lee
Tamplin, Child of Paul
Tate, Child of Sam
Tate, Mattie
Taylor, Dock,
Taylor, Dock Booker
Taylor, Jerdy
Tealer, Henry
Thackston, Ida Bell
Thaxton, Child of Thomas
Thiede, Helen Clara
Thomas, Nancy
Thompson,  Lulue
Thompson, Houston
Thorn, Child of D. J.
Tieken, Child of Geo.
Tieken, Clara Willomina
Tijerina, Teofild
Torres, Octaviano
Torres, Safira
Towell, Samuel Curtis
Towns, Child of J. G.
Townsell, Child of M. A.
Trafton, Robert Lewis
Trevino, Isabel
Tucker, Child of W. J.
Turk, Child of James
Turk, George Willis
Turner, Alma H. (Almus)
Turner, Robert Sils Jr.
Thomas, Dixie
(Unknown) Child of Albertus and Maggie
Valdivia, Ricardo E.
Vandergrift, Child of Milt
Vandergrift, Frank
Vanderhider, Laura E.
Vara, Josefa
Vara, Josepha
Vasquez, Anselma
Vasquez, Louisa
Velasquez, Eluterio Tije
Vernor, Robert Collins
Voltz, Anna Lundburg
Wadkins, Child of Wm.
Waldrep, Child of Doc
Waldrep, Zilmon Pertilla
Walker, Dorcas Novella
Walker, Frances Hamilton
Walleck, Child of Charlie
Wallis, Claribel
Walton, Child of Joel
Walton, Winnie Belle
Wanslacher, Child of Jno.
Ward, Laretta Alfred
Warrell, Child of J. D.
Watts, Maggie
Webb, Child of M. M.
Webb, Child of Peter
Weber, Evelyn Louise
Weekley, Jessie Lou
Weems, Mina Ella
White, Child of Isam
White, Child of M. V.
White, Clarence Van
Whitecomb, Child of G. H.
Whitehead, James William
Whiteside, Child of Eddy
Whiteside, Child of J. C.
Wicke, Harmon Seidel
Wicke, Child of Henry Jr.
Wilkinson, Lucille
Williams, Child of John
Wilson, Child of Abb
Winkfield, Fines
Worthington, Child of Alonzo
Wright, Knox Elroy
Wyatt, Joe Calvin
York, Minnie Alice
Zak, Emilie
Zumwalt, Noah Keynon