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Deed, Andrew lockhart to Letitia D. Smith, Gonzales County, Texas

Contributed by: Carla Lockhart (


Republic of Texas
County of Gonzales
			Know all men by these presents that I ANDREW 
LOCKHART of the County and Republic aforesaid in consideration of Five 
Hundred and fifty dollars to me paid by LETITIA D. SMITH of the County and 
Republic aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released and by these 
presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said LETITIA D. SMITH 
all that parcel or tract of land containing five hundred and fifty three and 
a half acres of land
It is situated on the South W. side of the Guadalupe river Twenty nine miles 
below Gonzales  it being the lower half of Survey No. 17 in Class No. 2 of 
the quarter of a league of land deeded to WASHINGTON LOCKHART by the 
Commissioner of DeWitts Colony, Jose Antonio Navarro   Beginning at a stake 
set on the Southerly bank of said river for the upper corner of Survey No. 
18 in class No 2 deeded to R.H. CHISHOLM from which an elm 12 inches in 
diameter bears N 57 W 7 varas  Thence up the river with the meanders 1770 
varas to a stake and corner from which a pecan 14 inches diameter N 51 
degres W3 varas  Thence S 70 degrees W 2775 varas to a stake and corner from
which a Live Oak 20 inches diameter bears N 21 E 36 vs  Thence South 1400 
varas to a stake and corner  Thence N 70 degrees E 2550 vs to the placeof 
beginning  Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments 
and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise incident or 
appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the premises above 
mentioned unto the said LETITIA D. SMITH  her heirs  and assigns forever And
I do hereby bind my self my heirs executors and administrators to warrant 
and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said LETITIA 
D. SMITH her heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully 
claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof
as Witness my hand and seal this 8th day of February in the year of our Lord 
one thousand eight hundred and forty two
signed sealed and delivered in the presence of     (seal) ANDREW LOCKHART
Wm. P. Patterson
Joseph Douglass

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