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Dallas Co TX - H. F. Brandenburg

Submitted By: Sadie Kennedy <
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Dallas Morning News 2 June 1920


H. F. Brandenburg, one of the oldest residents of Dallas County, died
yesterday at his home in Duncanville. He was born in Lafayette County, Mo.
Oct. 27, 1842. In 1845 he came to Texas with his parents, who at first settled
at Oak Lawn, but some years later moved to the southwestern part of the
county, where R. F. Brandenburg resided the rest of his life.

Mr. Brandenburg, who was a retired farmer, is survived by his wife and nine
children. The sons are Henry, Herbert, Charles, Lee and Jesse Brandenburg, and
the daughters, Mrs. Lillie Hood, Mrs. Maude Caruth, Mrs. Lennie Ferguson and
Mrs. Alma Hood. He was an uncle to Ben F. Brandenburg, former Police Chief of
Dallas and ex-Sheriff of Dallas County.

Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 p.m. today. Bural will be
in the Wheatland Cemetery.

Title: Pioneer of Dallas County Dies in Duncanville Home

Date: 1920-06-24

Page: Eighteen