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Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
      Chuck H. Mahaffey -  
      August 25th, 2001


Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health.
As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from
1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM.

                                 Date of             Marital
    Name                          Death      Sex     Status

Abbey, Walter Elmo            15-Feb-1986     M                        
Adams, Montie Ray             04-Nov-1986     F                        
Agee, Beatrice Lorena         17-Aug-1986     F                        
Allen, Leona Edmondson        30-Nov-1986     F                        
Allsup, Lannie O  Straley     09-Mar-1986     M                        
Anderson, Herman Asa          24-Apr-1986     M                        
Aranda, Donna Jean            22-Jan-1986     F                        
Arreola, Rene Ynostrosa       01-Jun-1986     M                        
Arthur, John Hilburn          19-Oct-1986     M                        
Atkinson, Era Evelyn          23-Jul-1986     F                        
Bagley, Lillian Wilson        14-Jul-1986     F                        
Barfield, Minnie              16-Sep-1986     F                        
Barker, James Allison         01-Aug-1986     M                        
Basham, Lou Ann               15-May-1986     F                        
Bear, Arthur David            03-Feb-1986     M                        
Bingham, David William        07-Sep-1986     M                        
Bolton, John Forrest          16-Feb-1986     M                        
Bond, Alma Lorene             25-Nov-1986     F                        
Bradley, Lilly Pearl          08-Oct-1986     F                        
Brinson, Casey Allen          31-Dec-1986     M                        
Brown, Burle Edward           11-Nov-1986     M                        
Brown, John                   31-Dec-1986     M                        
Brownlee, Ila                 18-Mar-1986     F                        
Brownlee, Ella Mae            18-Nov-1986     F                        
Bryant, Carrie Bell           04-Sep-1986     F                        
Burks, Sylvia Vena            02-Feb-1986     F                        
Burris, Myrl Marie            11-Oct-1986     F                        
Butler, William Arnold        26-Dec-1986     M                        
Carey, Ace Clifford           12-Aug-1986     M                        
Carter, Chester Alden         13-Sep-1986     M                        
Causey, William Weldon        26-May-1986     M                        
Clark, Mary Bernice           02-Jun-1986     F                        
Clark, Bessie Ada             27-Oct-1986     F                        
Coan, James Floyd             27-Dec-1986     M                        
Conklin, H A  John            27-Mar-1986     M                        
Cook, Avery Ernest            15-Jul-1986     M                        
Cottrell, Bertha Cornelia     05-Jan-1986     F                        
Counts, Charlie White         08-Nov-1986     M                        
Cowan, Melvin Lawrence        11-Oct-1986     M                        
Cunningham, Emmett Franklin   08-Jan-1986     M                        
Curb, Marvin H                27-Nov-1986     M                        
Dacy, Linn Everett            10-Mar-1986     M                        
Daniel, Winnie Rebecca        10-Jan-1986     F                        
Davis, Mandy R                06-Jan-1986     F                        
Davis, Ruth Ann               13-Jul-1986     F                        
Dempsey, Maude Estelle        24-Mar-1986     F                        
Dendy, Jim Tom                06-Nov-1986     M                        
Dewitt, Berta Robertson       23-Dec-1986     F                        
Dove, Maymee Margaret         22-Jun-1986     F                        
Drake, Tomey Riddle           05-Feb-1986     M                        
Dukes, Lilburn Lynnwood, JR   01-Jul-1986     M                        
Edinburgh, Jesse Myrtle       28-Feb-1986     F                        
Edwards, Mary Edith           18-Nov-1986     F                        
Field, Michael Wesley         14-Jun-1986     M                        
Files, Eula Amanda            15-Mar-1986     F                        
Fincher, Bethel Elizabeth     21-Feb-1986     F                        
Fritts, Henry Lee             16-Mar-1986     M                        
Garner, Annie Ruth            02-Nov-1986     F                        
Gilder, Bonnie Mae            01-Dec-1986     F                        
Gill, L B                     19-Nov-1986     M                        
Graham, Effie Lucille         09-Nov-1986     F                        
Gray, Hesper Teller           25-Jun-1986     F                        
Gray, Pearl                   02-Dec-1986     F                        
Greenhaw, Cora Belle          07-Feb-1986     F                        
Halbert, Mary Cassie          18-Mar-1986     F                        
Harrison, Josie J             26-Jan-1986     F                        
Hart, Addie Lee               26-Oct-1986     F                        
Henson, Sherman               09-Feb-1986     M                        
Henson, Iva Pearl             08-Aug-1986     F                        
Hickman, James Henry          10-Dec-1986     M                        
Highsmith, Pearly Francis     16-Oct-1986     F                        
Hight, Amos Davis             04-Jul-1986     M                        
Hise, Glenda Joyce            01-Mar-1986     F                        
Howe, Velmer Dean             29-Dec-1986     M                        
Hughes, Jessie Aline          03-Nov-1986     F                        
Hull, Mabel Glenn             23-Nov-1986     F                        
Hulsey, Joe                   15-Jul-1986     M                        
James, Ada Bell               09-Nov-1986     F                        
Jarvis, Dorothy Louise        17-Nov-1986     F                        
Jay, Sally Hope               22-Dec-1986     F                        
Jean, Thomas Archie           04-Nov-1986     M                        
Jennings, Arlin Ferrell       04-Nov-1986     M                        
Johnson, Sarah Arrilla        01-Aug-1986     F                        
Jones, Albert Clyde           10-Apr-1986     M                        
Jones, Mary Estell            04-May-1986     F                        
Jones, Edith Maureen          24-Jun-1986     F                        
Jones, Ovada                  12-Jul-1986     F                        
Kemmitz, Louise T             27-Sep-1986     F                        
King, Vera Virginia           01-Apr-1986     F                        
Kush, Albert Pearl            14-Jan-1986     M                        
Lamb, Leonard Austin          07-Apr-1986     M                        
Lancaster, Clara Ellen        10-May-1986     F                        
Lancaster, Newton Mark        24-May-1986     M                        
Lane, William Idus            23-Oct-1986     M                        
Layman, Alvin                 26-Jun-1986     M                        
Lesley, R V                   22-Sep-1986     M                        
Lewis, Robert Leo             19-May-1986     M                        
London, Addie Rebecca         20-Apr-1986     F                        
Loveless, Zola                30-Dec-1986     F                        
Matthews, James Clifford      23-Feb-1986     M                        
Mayes, Naomi Katheryn         19-Sep-1986     F                        
Mcbride, Emory A              04-Jul-1986     M                        
Mccarty, Myrtle               15-Jan-1986     F                        
Mccullough, Thermon Franklin  05-Jun-1986     M                        
Mcdonald, Ruby Odessa         01-Aug-1986     F                        
Mcginnis, Lula Ruth           30-Dec-1986     F                        
Mckinzie, Alta Z              05-Apr-1986     F                        
Mclanahan, Dorothy Lorene     10-Sep-1986     F                        
Miles, Cleora Pearl           12-Nov-1986     F                        
Moorhead, Raymond M           18-Dec-1986     M                        
Morris, Lee Roy               05-May-1986     M                        
Nance, James Robert           21-May-1986     M                        
Nelson, Dovie Dee             08-May-1986     F                        
Newman, Agnes Jewell          31-Jan-1986     F                        
Nichols, Ralph Vincent        24-Mar-1986     M                        
O'neal, Maggie Omenten        04-Dec-1986     F                        
Owen, James T                 28-May-1986     M                        
Oxford, Royce Adell           21-May-1986     M                        
Penn, Jodie P                 01-Mar-1986     M                        
Phillips, Mozelle             27-Mar-1986     F                        
Pinson, Jessie Josephine      25-Sep-1986     F                        
Power, Blumer Eugene          17-Apr-1986     M                        
Power, James Audrey           07-Aug-1986     M                        
Ramirez, Andres Cerbantez     18-Oct-1986     M                        
Reese, Golden Hope            19-Dec-1986     F                        
Reynolds, Lela Mae            20-Dec-1986     F                        
Robbins, John Edgar           08-Jul-1986     M                        
Ruff, Pernin Joyce            09-Nov-1986     F                        
Rush, Willie Viola            18-Dec-1986     F                        
Scevers, Arthur Marion        07-Dec-1986     M                        
Schoen, Erwin Werner          14-Mar-1986     M                        
Scott, Othor Kemp             10-Jun-1986     M                        
Shannon, Julia London         30-Jan-1986     F                        
Shelton, Chad Lee             25-Jan-1986     M                        
Shupp, Lela Pearl             30-Nov-1986     F                        
Silvey, A C                   22-Jun-1986     M                        
Skipper, John                 02-Sep-1986     M                        
Sledge, Vista Ann             18-Oct-1986     F                        
Spencer, Gladys K             11-Feb-1986     F                        
Stegemoller, Emma Frieda Louis30-Aug-1986     F                        
Stelter, Emil                 13-Nov-1986     M                        
Stephen, Nita                 03-Dec-1986     F                        
Stephens, M E                 31-Jan-1986     F                        
Stephens, Francis Lovell      21-May-1986     M                        
Stewart, George Edward        20-May-1986     M                        
Stinnett, Thomas Walter       22-Mar-1986     M                        
Stockinger, Ruth Pauline      21-Nov-1986     F                        
Stokes, Ruby Velma            03-Feb-1986     F                        
Stovall, Lela Mae             06-Dec-1986     F                        
Street, Robert Anton          19-Jan-1986     M                        
Sullivan, Coy Thedford        22-Jun-1986     M                        
Sullivan, Kate Inez           25-Dec-1986     F                        
Summers, Mary Eva             05-Jun-1986     F                        
Swann, Clyde Ray              07-Feb-1986     M                        
Tarter, Clifford              22-Jun-1986     M                        
Tate, Mattie B                03-Jun-1986     F                        
Teague, Oleta Rogers          20-Nov-1986     F                        
Thomas, Marica Elizabeth      14-Sep-1986     F                        
Thompson, Bettye Jo           29-Aug-1986     F                        
Vanzandt, Addie Virginia      17-Oct-1986     F                        
Walker, George Franklin       13-Mar-1986     M                        
Walker, Versie                14-May-1986     F                        
Walker, Mona Evelyn           22-Nov-1986     F                        
Ward, Queen Elizabeth         14-Jan-1986     F                        
Willtrout, Ermadene Edna      09-Jul-1986     F                        
Woods, Mildred Jewell         06-Feb-1986     F                        
Wooten, Flaxie Mae            31-Aug-1986     F                        
Worff, Herbert Herman         24-Dec-1986     M                        
Wright, Jesse James           20-Mar-1986     M