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MAURY COUNTY, TN - BIOGRAPHIES - Resources- James Cochran Family
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I began researching the family of James COCHRAN who married Jane (Jennie) 
MILLICAN in hopes of learning who, where and when her father married first.  
Jennie was an older half-sister to my great-great-grandmother Elizabeth Ann 
MILLICAN who married John MARTIN in Madison Co., GA in 1818, apparently 
shortly after her father, John MILLICAN, died.  As my research progressed it 
became more interesting and I learned to love these people and all other research 
was overshadowed.  

The deeds, census records and other facts uncovered will be tedious reading for 
those who are not interested in these families.  The importance of deed research 
on difficult lineage is well emphasized in this work.  There were at least two other 
COCHRAN families living in Maury County, and still others in Marshall and 
Lawrence Counties.  It is very possible they are all related in some way, but it is 
not known at this time.  

Of all the thrills of new "finds", the letters at the end of this genealogy were the 
greatest, and confirmed beyond doubt some of the relationships I had suspected.  
Without them this work would not be at the stage it has reached. 

It is my belief that a line is rarely ever "complete" or completed, but could go on 
and on with lateral, ancestral and descendant additions.  

I have not brought forward these lines later than 1900, as I feel sure most researchers 
will know their ancestry back to that time.  Researchers who are interested in 
corresponding with others of their known lines herein mentioned may write to me 
and I will forward their name and address to the one they wish to contact.  There 
are still some who are continuing to research their direct lines and I wish them all 
good fortune in their pursuits.  I have not taken time to get their permission to put 
their names and addresses into public knowledge should they wish it not be done.  
If there are errors in any of this genealogy I will take responsibility for having made 
them and I know I have tried very hard to be as accurate as possible with the data 

ABBREVIATIONS USED:  d = died, mar. = married, b = born, bur. = buried, V = Volume, 
p = page, Co. = County, hh = household, A = acre (acres), Reg. = Registered, Rec. = 

M. Janell McCann
4158 Chico
Ft Worth, TX  76132


b. ca 1750 - 1775/a prob. NC
d after 29 Mar 1829 and before 1830 census of Maury Co., TN
mar. Prob. 1775, prob. NC
b. ca 1750 - 1775/a, prob. NC
d after 1840, Maury Co., TN?


I	John COCHRAN - (1830 Gi. Co., TN) unproven but in Gi. Co. 1830 and pays 
fine of William COCHRAN, Sr.
II	Jacob Joseph COCHRAN - Deeds and letter of Asenath COCHRAN, grand-
daughter of James, calls him Uncle.
III	James COCHRAN - See Goodspeed's history naming William Jefferson 
COCHRAN as son of James and will of Sarah naming William J. her nephew.
IV	Mary COCHRAN - Deed of Gift from Jemima CROCKETT COCHRAN, 
widow of Jacob, her will and letter of Asenath COCHRAN
V	Samuel COCHRAN - unproven but probable due to the fact William had a 
grandson named Samuel, son of James, and deeds between Samuel and Jacob Joseph
VI	David COCHRAN - unproven but a David is a co-bondsman with William in 
Wm. Co. and James has a grand-son named David JACKSON COCHRAN.
VII	Sarah COCHRAN - see will of Mary COCHRAN and deed of gift from Jemima 
VIII	Ann COCHRAN - see will of Mary COCHRAN and letter of Asenith 
COCHRAN, d/o William Jefferson COCHRAN
IX	William W. (Woodson?) COCHRAN - see letters calling Charles W. 
COCHRAN nephew

(NOTE:  The area where these families lived are in the southeast corner of Maury Co. 
adjoining lands of related families on and over Elk Ridge who live in Gi. Co.  I do not 
know if there are any extant cemetery markers or records for this area.)

Deed from John MCCANN to William COCHRAN of Elbert Co. for $100.  315A on Holly 
Creek, Adj. William HODGE, John MCCURDY & David CRESWELL.  Wit:  Edward 
GOODE, JP.  Elbert Co., GA Deed Bk J, p 12.

Deed William COCHRAN to Burkett GREEN, 150A on Beaverdam Creek.  Wife Mary 
relinquished dower rights.  Wit:  James BELL, J. B. COOK and P. J. & J. COOK.) 
Elbert Co., GA

Robert MCCONNELL to William COCHRAN, dated 11/20/1799, Reg. 1/4/1800, 
Davidson Co., TN Deed Bk E142 for Sev. So. Harpeth.

Samuel MEEKER & William COCHRAN vs David JACKSON.  Original Writ & Judicial 
Attachment.  Thomas MASTERSON & John DICKINSON made special bail for 
Samuel JACKSON and the property attache thereby ?  Wm. Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., 
V 1, p 75
Deed to John COCHRAN from Robert CHAPMAN for $120, 40A on West Branch 
of Mill Creek.  Wit. William COCHRAN & James COCHRAN.  Wm. Co., TN  Deed 
Bk A, p 595.

1805 GA Land Lottery	#428 William COCHRAN, 2 Balls
         		             #429 James COCHRAN 1 Ball

1807 GA:  Mary COCHRAN drew land in lottery.

Deed William COCHRAN OF WILLIAMSON CO., TN to John JONES of Elbert Co., 
GA. Wit:  William Appleby, David McCurdy, JAMES COCHRAN.  Elbert Co., GA 
Deed Bk  A, p 112, Madison Co., GA.  (This land bought in 1794 fell into Madison 
Co. when created from Elbert Co.)
William COCHRAN vs. Moon BRAGG of Wm. Co., TN.  Co. Ct. Min., V 5, p 534

On the motion of William and David COCHRAN by their attorney, exectuion is 
awarded them against John L. FIELDER, Jason HOPKINS & John MAYFIELD on 
their replevin? bond given for the stay an Exon issue from this court in favor of 
said William & David COCHRAN against John L. FIELDER for the sum of $76.66 
with interest according to law of $7.57 1/2 cents costs besides the cost of this 
motion.  Wm. Co.,TN Ct. Min., V 1, p 589

1818 Maury Co., TN Tax List there were: 	Jacob COCHRAN 70A, 1 WP
				Joseph COCHRAN, 1 WP	
				Edward COCHRAN, 1 WP
				James COCHRAN, 1 WP (1830 Bedford Co., TN)

1820 Maury Co., TN Census, 	William COCHRAN: 		000.101-002.11
			William W.	 18/25 (1795/1802)
			William (head) 	45/+ 1775/a
			Dovey (CROCKETT) w/o William W.16/25 (1795/1804)
			Sarah (da			16/25 (1795/1804) 
				Ann (dau)		26/44 (1776/1794)
				Wife Mary	45/+ 1775/a

50A on headwaters of Fountain Creek, east corner of Jacob MONTGOMERY'S 300A 
tract, part of which he sold to JACOB COCHRAN.  Wit. Jacob COCHRAN, Eli G. 
BRADSHAW.  Reg. 27 May 1825.  Maury Co., TN. Deed Bk V 1, Bk L, p 235.  

William COCHRAN fined 6 1/4 cents plus court costs for selling illicit spirits.  JOHN 

Deed James LUKER to John WOOD.  Wit. John and William COCHRAN.  Deed 
Book I-J, pp 13-14, Gi. Co., TN.

1830 Census Maury Co., TN: 
(William W. COCHRAN has his mother age 70/79 and sister Sarah age 30/39 in his 

1832 Maury Co., TN Tax List:
	William J. JENNINGS	163A	1 WP	52 BP
	William JENNINGS, J.	450A	 8 BP
	Thomas MILIGAN	60A	1 WP
	Sarah MARTIN		40A	No polls
	Andrew MILLIGAN	60A	1 WP
	William W. COCHRAN	180A	1 WP
	Isham JACKSON	68A	No polls

I.	John COCHRAN, b. ca 1778

William COCHRAN fined 6 1/4 cents plus court costs for selling illicit spirits.  JOHN 
COCHRAN paid fine and made bond.  Gi. Co., TN Co. Ct. Min.

Deed James LUKER to John WOOD for land on C. H. & Hanna ELLIS' line on 
Bradshaws Creek.  Wit. William and JOHN COCHRAN.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk I-J, pp 13-14

	1830 Federal Census, Gi. Co., TN: p 209, 	John COCHRAN 10102001-02110001

(NOTE:  I believe this is father of Levi COCHRAN of Marshall Co., TN as Silas Maxwell 
COCHRAN, his brother, was in the same area 1840.  MJM)


II. 	Jacob Joseph COCHRAN
	b. ca 1784, PA
	d. 4 Oct 1830, Waco (Old Lynnville) Gi. Co., TN 
	mar. ca 1818? Gi. Co., TN
	Jemima CROCKETT, d/o Robert Crockett and Rachel Kerr
	b. 9 Sep 1779, NC
	d. 5 Jan 1865, Pleasant Hope, Polk Co., MO.  Bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery

	1820 Maury Co. TN Census:  Jacob COCHRAN 200.01-100.1
There are 3 children under 10 in this house.  We do not know who the other 2 children 
are besides John Calvin COCHRAN.  

Administration on the estate of John EAST dec'd was granted to Elizabeth EAST and 
Ebenezer J. SHIELDS, whereupon they executed bond and was qualified as the law 
directs.  Gi. Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., p 281

Ordered that John C. WALKER, John G. BRADEN and Jacob COCHRAN be appointed 
to allot to Elizabeth EAST widow of the late John EAST dec'd one years provisions 
out of his estate, agreeable to act of assembly, and that they make return of said 
allotment to the next term of this court.  Gi. Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., p 281

Deed from Jacob COCHRAN to Leander M. SHIELDS for 12 A. in court, wit. John 
MONTGOMERY & Samuel COCHRAN.  Gi. Co. Ct. Min., p 329

	1830 Gi. Co.,TN Federal Census:  Robert CROCKETT 
Robert CROCKETT (head) 80/89, Jacob COCHRAN 40/49, John Calvin COCHRAN 5/9, 
Jemima (CROCKETT) COCHRAN 40/49, Dorcas and Rachel CROCKETT 50/59.

Ordered that William M. SHIELDS, John C. WALKER & Leander M. SHIELDS be 
appointed commis-siioners to settle with William COCHRAN, adm. of Jacob COCHRAN, 
deceased, and that they make report to next term of court.  Gi. Co., TN Ct. Min., p 113

Commissioners reported settlement with William W. COCHRAN, adm of Jacob Cochram, 
made return which was ordered to be recorded.  Gi. Co. TN Ct. Min., p 251.

Jacob COCHRAN died at Waco, Gi. Co., TN.  REF:  Newspaper abstracts:  National Banner 
and Nashville Whig dated 4 Oct.  Jacob probably died about a week prior to his obit.

Deed J. (Jacob) MONTGOMERY to Jacob COCHRAN - 50A on headwaters of Fountain 
Creek for $200.  Bounded by SE corner of 300A tract MONTGOMERY now lives on.  Wit. 
Eli G. BRADSHAW & Solomon BRADSHAW. Reg. 22 June 1822.  Maury Co., TN Deed 
Bk V l, Bk J, p 384

	1818 Maury Co., TN Tax List:  Jacob COCHRAN 70A, 1 WP

Deed Jacob COCHRAN OF MAURY CO., TN, to L. SHIELDS of Gi. Co., 12 A. for 
Deed Bk H 1829, p 24

Jacob COCHRAN of Maury Co. to Samuel COCHRAN of Gi. Co. for divers causes 
known to himself 40 A. Beg. at NW corner of Leander SHIELDS 12 A. survey, Wit. 
Leander SHIELDS & John MONTGOMERY.  Produced in  court Feb. term 1824.  
Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk F1824, p 6

	1820 Maury Co. TN Federal Census:  Jacob COCHRAN 20001-1001
There are 3 children under 10 in this house.  We do not know who the other 2 
children are besides John Calvin COCHRAN. 

Deed to Jacob COCHRAN of Maury Co., TN from Alexander BARRON for $100, 76 A, 
adj. south end of George SHIELDS & Alexander BARRON.  Wit. Archibald 
CROCKETT & James DAVIS.  Reg. 3 Oct 1821.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk E1820, p 20

Deed Jacob COCHRAN of Gi. Co., TN to Archibald CROCKETT, 8 A. for $88. SE 
corner of George SHIELDS and Alexander BARRON.  Jacob signs with a seal.  Wit.
 John MONTGOMERY, Thomas Hicks. Reg. 19 Jan 1824.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk E1821, p 468

Deed James DAVIS to Joseph COCHRAN.  (In body of deed it calls him Jacob 
COCHRAN) 5 A. for $20.00, NE corner of tract of James DAVIS corner to east of 
John BARRON, north boundary line where COCHRAN now lives.  Wit. John 
MONTGOMERY & Archibald CROCKETT.  Reg. 19 Jan 1824.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk E1824, p 469

Deed William COCHRAN to William W. COCHRAN for Love and Affection 50A 
on headwaters of Fountain Creek, part of which he sold to Jacob COCHRAN.  
Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 1, Bk L, p 235

Deed James DAVIS to JOSEPH COCHRAN, both of Gi. Co. for $20. beginning at 2 
chin-quepin oaks the NE corner of a 6A tract which DAVIS conveyed to the estate 
of John BARRON, deceased-,...north boundary line of COCHRANs land where he 
now lives to SE corner of 6A tract which DAVIS conveyed to BARRON, dec'd, Jacob COCHRAN, his heirs and assigns.  Signed James DAVIS (Seal).  
Wit. John MONTGOMERY and Archibald CROCKETT.  Reg. 19 Jan 1824.  Gi. Co., 
TN Deed Bk E, p 469

	1824 Gi. Co., TN Deed Index, V E1824 Jacob COCHRAN to James DAVIS for 9 A..

Land Entry No. 17 to Archibald CROCKETT 44A on Robertsons Fork of Richland Crk., 
adj. John MONTGOMERYS south line, CROCKETTS NE corner, north line of Martin 
ARMSTRONG'S 5,000A grant.  Chain Carriers:  John MONTGOMERY & Jacob COCHRAN.

Land Entry No. 19 to John MONTGOMERY 10 A. on Robertsons Fork of Richland 
Creek, adj. SE corner of Richard HIGHTOWER grant, to a buckeye in Archibald 
CROCKETTS line.  Chain Carriers: Jacob COCHRAN & Archibald CROCKETT.  
Gi. Co., TN.

Land Entry No. 112 surveyed for Leander M. SHIELDS on Robertsons Fork, adj.
 Samuel SHIELDS, Wade BARRETT, Jacob COCHRAN.  Chain carriers John N. 
SHIELDS & Hugh K. SHIELDS.  Gi. Co., TN.

Deed Jacob COCHRAN to James DAVIS for $76.50.  9 A. on waters of Robertsons 
Fork, a part of the tract on which he the said COCHRAN now lives and conveyed to 
him by the administrator of John BARRON, deceased, beginning on east line and a 
corner between said COCHRAN and Archibald CROCKETT, CROCKETTS north line.  
Wit. William W. COCHRAN and Archibald CROCKETT.  Reg. 3 Mar 1826.  Gi. Co., 
TN Deed Bk F, p 483

Deed James DAVIS to Jacob COCHRAN, both of Gi., 15A, 48 poles for $76.50, 
beginning at NW corner of tract on which COCHRAN now lives.  Wit. Archibald
 CROCKETT and William W. COCHRAN.  Reg. 3 May 1826.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk 1824, p 464

Deed George W. CAMPBELL to Archibald CROCKETT.  WIT:  Jacob COCHRAN, 
Homer RAINEY, Robert CROCKETT.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk F, p 466

Deed to James COCHRAN of Gi. Co., from Samuel KING of Maury Co. for $230.  
Land on Robertsons Fork of Richland Creek.  Adj. SW corner of Samuel SHIELDS 
140A survey, south to north  boundary of 5,000A survey of MARTIN ARMSTRONG..
.ends in  SHIELDS south line.  WIT:  Samuel SHIELDS & JACOB COCHRAN.  
Rec. Feb 1827 court, attested by Co. Clerk 13 Mar 1827.  26 July 1826

Deed Samuel KING of Maury Co., to James COCHRAN of Gi. Co., 60 A for $230.00, 
sw corner of Samuel SHIELDS, Martin ARMSTRONGS 5000 A. survey.  Wit. Samuel 
SHIELDS & Jacob COCHRAN.  Reg. 26 Jun 1827, Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk G1826, p 257

Deed of Trust to Jacob COCHRAN & Archibald CROCKETT, trustees, for benefit 
of Nancy BRIDGES, wife of Reubin BRIDGES, Nancy BRIDGES, wife of Reubin 
BRIDGES.  Reg. 27 Feb 1828.  "they have mutually agreed to live separate and apart 
from each other" certain tract of land on which he now lives lying in the county of
 Gi., on waters of Blue Creek of Richland containing 56 A. and 140 poles.  Wit. 
James Leitch and George DODSON.  Reubin (X his mark) BRIDGES.  Gi. Co., TN.

(In 1828 Reubin BRIDGES sold this land and the deed said he was of Humphries 
Co., TN.  I presume he and Nancy reconciled and moved to other parts.)  Gi. Co., 
TN Deed Bk G, p 383/5

This deed was so detailed and wordy I could not believe it!  It is believed by the 
compiler and a local descendant of the CROCKETTS of Gi. Co. that there is some 
family connection due to the fact that we have found the COCHRANs, CROCKETTS, 
MARTINs and MILLICANs were usually involved in deeds with relatives.  
Archibald CROCKETT and Jacob COCHRAN were witnesses when Reubin 
bought this land.  Any further information on BRIDGES family will be appreciated.)

Deed Jacob COCHRAN to Leander M. SHIELDS for 12A.  Another deed same 
date from Samuel COCHRAN to Leander M. SHIELDS.  Both witnessed by John 
MONTGOMERY, and Jacob's by Samuel COCHRAN.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk H1829, p 46

HEREUNTO MOVING, ADJ. BRADENS line, BARRETTS line.  Reg. 31 Mar 1830. 
 (This is another CROCKETT deed which uses legal termi-nology I have not seen
 in any other document.  Words had to be looked up in Blacks Law Dictionary to 
know their meaning.  No witnesses, attested to by Archibald in court 4 Mary 1830) 
 Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk H1829, p 284

Family of Jacob Joseph COCHRAN and Jemima CROCKETT

(Mrs. Frances Mason, a descendant/researcher, said Jacob was the only child of
 Jacob and Jemima.  We have no explanation of the extra male 0/9 and the female
 0/9 in their household in the 1820 census.) 

	A.	John Calvin COCHRAN
		b. 9 Feb. 1820, Gi. Co., TN d. 
		6 Mar 1889, Polk Co., MO bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery 
		mar. (1) ca 1836, Gi. Co., TN 
		Martha Narcissa KERR 
		b. 25 Mar 1816, NC 
		d. 15 Jan 1863, Polk Co., MO bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery 	 

mar. 2) 4 Feb. 1864, Polk Co. MO 
		1840 Gi. Co., TN J. C. COCHRAN 10001-100110003
			John C. COCHRAN (head), son Marshall W. 0/4
 (1840), Mary Harriett 0/4 (1838), F 10/19  Martha Narcissa KERR, F 20/29 
Unidentified, Jemima, Rachel and Dorcas 60/69.

Deed John and Jemima COCHRAN of Gi. Co. to Mary and Sarah COCHRAN of 
Maury Co.  Tract of land on waters of Fountain Creek, OUT OF NATURAL
 LOVE AND AFFECTION.  Bounded by the SE corner of a 300A tract granted
 by St. of Tn. to Jacob MONTGOMERY, the land on which Parmenas Howard
 now lives.  Wit. John EVANS and Wriley DODSON.  Reg. 8 Aug 1845.  
Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 2, Bk B, p 63.  (See abstract of will of Mary COCHRAN, NO. IV)

1846 Gi. Co., TN Deed Index, S1846, p 192:  John and Jemima COCHRAN to W.
 Reese PORTER for 79 A..

1846 Gi. Co., TN Deed Index, S1846, p 655:  G. B. HARRIS to John C. COCHRAN 
for 100 A.   

Deed John C. & Jemima COCHRAN from William G. WELLS, 140A tract on waters 
of Fountain Creek for $1000.  Bounded on east by R. (Richard) DALLAM'S survey....
DAVIS' old line....REDDING'S east boundary line....north with REDDING and ISOM 
JACKSON'S line.  Wit. William KERR, Levy KIDWELL (TIDWELL)  Reg 8 May 1847.  
Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 2, B, p 610
6/1847-4/1849 Deed Index:  Maury Co., TN:  J. C. & J. COCHRAN to Samuel WELLS, 
Vol 2C, p 174, 72 A. to Samuel WELLS.

6/1847-4/1849 Deed Index:  Maury Co., TN:  J. C. & J. COCHRAN to David WELLS, 
63 A., V 2C, p 175.
5/1850-6/1851 Deed Index:  Maury Co., TN:  John C. COCHRAN to Judith C. DAVIS
 (is she a sister?) 63 A., V 2E, p 98

		1849 Gi. Co., TN Deed Index, U1849, p 357:  Jacob KERR to John
 C. COCHRAN for 108 A, 

1850 Gi. Co., TN, Federal Census, p 204-840
Jacob K.	               6 TN			
Martha N. 	33 NC   
Milford H.		  4 TN
Mary H.		12 TN	
Jemima COCHRAN         70 NC
Marshall W.	10 TN	
Darcus (CROCKETT)      74 NC
Jemima G.		 8 TN	
Rachel (CROCKETT)      72 NC

1851 Gi. Co., TN Deed Index, V1851, p 238:  John C. COCHRAN to Stephen Follis, 100 A.

Deed John C. and Jemima COCHRAN to Ira B. MARTIN 78A in Dist. 15, adjoins 
John M. MARTIN's line, James Wilson's line, a stake in HEAD's line, for $1957.  Wit. 
Samuel K. Orr & Fred Batte.  Reg. 30 Jul 1861.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk BB1861, p 310

		1860  Polk Co., MO, hh 1214, Mooney TWP, Pleasant Hope P.O.
			John C. COCHRAN and family
			(Jemima COCHRAN has not been found in 1860.)

		1870 Boone Co., AR, Jefferson TWP, p 569B

J. C. COCHRAN, M.D. and family  (John Calvin COCHRAN received medical 
training in Edinburg, Scot. (from Mrs. Frances MASON, descendant)

Family of John Calvin COCHRAN and Martha Narcissa KERR

1.	Mary Harriet COCHRAN b. 1838, Gi. Co., TN mar. 19 Jan 1865, Polk Co., MO 
			James M. Henry BRYANT b. 1848, MO
			i	Marshall E. Bryant b. 1866, MO
2.	Marshall W. COCHRAN b. 28 Mar 1840, Gi. Co., TN d. 18 Oct 1861 
(A tombstone with no dates in Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Polk Co., MO.)  He died unmar. 
3.	Jemima G. COCHRAN b. 1842, Gi. Co., TN d. 18 Oct 1861, age 21 years, 
Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Polk Co., MO
4.	Jacob Knox COCHRAN b. 7 Jul 1844, Gi. Co., TN d. 6 Mar 1932 Meeker, 
Linc. Co., OK mar. Almeda Isabella KILLEBREW, d/o Thomas J. KILLEBREW b, 1850, AR
	a.	Alice May COCHRAN b. ca 1877 mar. William Jesse Nichols,
 lived Stillwater, OK

(Copy from Ozarkin' Quarterly Gen. Soc.)	
William Jesse NICHOLS and Alice M. COCHRAN
Married at Willis (Nevada Co.) AR 8 Jan 1902
W. J. NICHOLS born Texas 5 May 1872, Married Jan 8, 1902, died Aug 13, 1941
A. M. COCHRAN, born Arkansas 12 Oct 1875, died July 30, 1973
Jewell Connie NICHOLS, born Oklahoma 16 Jan 1904, mar. 21 July 1929
Norby Glee NICHOLS, born Oklahoma 5 Mar 1905, mar.  9 Nov, 1929
Ruby Almeda NICHOLS, born Oklahoma 27 June 1907, mar.  May 17, 1927
Jennings Elmer NICHOLS, born Oklahoma 29 Nov. 1909, mar.  Sep 8, 1931, died June 23 1975
Opal May NICHOLS, born Oklahoma 29 Nov. 1912, mar.  27 Oct 1932
Lydia Pearl NICHOLS, born Oklahoma 15 Aug 1916, mar.  21 Sep 1935
b. 	Thomas Calvin COCHRAN b. ca 1879, lived Springfield, MO
c.  	Lilburn Keel COCHRAN b. 1880 lived McLoud, OK
d.	Milford Henry Clyde COCHRAN b. 1884 d. 1963 mar. Lula, lived McLoud, OK
e.	Winniford Clarence COCHRAN b. 1889 d. 1959
f. 	Emery Newton COCHRAN b. 1891 d. unmar. 
g.	Lola Cella COCHRAN b. 1894 mar. Mr. SINGLETON, lived Stillwater, OK
5.	Miles Milford Hugh COCHRAN, b. 1846, Gi. Co., TN d. 1932,  
Bur Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Polk Co., MO. mar. Mary Ann ABLE
Miles Milford Hugh attended medical school in St. Louis, finished at age 37.
a.	Raymond Bertie COCHRAN b. 30 Nov 1871 d. 22 Jan 1922, 
near Willard, Greene Co., MO mar. 10 Nov 1897 Boliver, Polk Co., MO. Roberta 
Virginia WILCOX
b. 	Lola Claire COCHRAN, b. 1874, d. 1875, Pleasant Hope, Polk Co., MO
c.	Willard Knox COCHRAN b. 1876, MO, d. 1949
d. 	Mattie COCHRAN b. Sep 1879 mar. Arthur COWDEN
e.	Jesse Rachel COCHRAN, b. 1881, d. 1889, Pleasant Hope, Polk Co., MO.
f.	Roy J. COCHRAN, b. 16 Mar 1884, d. 30 May 1958, Pleasant Hope, Polk Co., MO.
g.	Madge COCHRAN, b. 17 June 1886, d. 18 Mar 1964, Pleasant Hope, Polk Co., MO
h.	John Oran COCHRAN b. 1888 d. 1889, Pleasant Hope, Polk Co., MO
	Child of John Calvin COCHRAN and Jane C. FULLERTON
6.	William C. COCHRAN b. ca 1868, Pleasant Hope, MO mar. Maggie HOLLIS?
	b. 1 May 1781, NC
	d. 30 Jun 1859, MO
	mar. 9 Jul 1810 Elbert Co., GA
	Jane "Jennie" MILLICAN	
	b. ca 1785, GA			
	d. 15 May 1864 , MO        

Served in War of 1812, REF:  Maury Co. Quarterly & Goodspeed's History of 
Maury Co., TN
John MILLICAN died Feb. 1818, Madison Co., GA.  He named a daughter 
Jennie COCHRAN in his will.

Mar. 1804 Deed to John COCHRAN from Robert CHAPMAN, $120 for 
40A on West Branch of Mill Creek.  Wit. William & James COCHRAN.  Wm. Co., TN Deed Bk A, p 595
1805 GA Land Lottery:	#428 William COCHRAN, 2 Balls
			#429 James COCHRAN, 1 Ball 
		(Married men received 2 balls (draws), single men received 1)

Deed William COCHRAN of Wm. Co., TN to John JONES of Elbert Co., GA.  
Wit:  William APPLEBY, David MCCURDY, James COCHRAN.  Madison Co., GA Deed Bk A, p 112

	1818/2	John MILLICAN died Feb. 1818, Madison Co., GA.  
He named a daughter Jennie COCHRAN in his will.  

	1820 Federal Census, Gi. Co., TN	 J. COCHRAN 40001-2001
James, Jane, John Finley, William Jefferson, Charles Woodson, Sarah Jane and 
Josiah Johnson

Land Entry for Elisha DODSON on Robertsons Fork of Richland Creek, adj. Samuel 
KING,  ARMSTRONG’S 5000A grant, north with James Cockron's line to a beech
 in said DODSONs line.  Chain Carriers Charles BEALE and Archibald McDONALD. 
Gi. Co., TN.

Land Entry No. 20 for James MONTGOMERY on Robertsons Fork, adj. Samuel 
SHIELDS, William T. Lewis 5000A grant, Samuel MONTGOMERY.  
Chain Carriers:  Charles BEALE and James COCHRAN.  Gi. Co., TN.

Deed to James COCHRAN of Gi. Co., from Samuel KING of Maury Co., for $230. 
 60 A. on Robertsons Fork of Richland Creek.  Adjoins SW corner of Samuel 
SHIELDS, north boundary of MARTIN ARMSTRONG’S 5000A survey, ends in SHIELDS south line.  WIT:  Samuel SHIELDS and Jacob 
COCHRAN.  Rec. Feb. 1827.  county court, attested by County Clerk 13 Mar 
1827, Reg. 26 June 1827.  Gi. Co., TN.  Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk G1826, p 257

(I have not found what became of this land.

Land entry for William M. SHIELDS, Entry No. 214 for 52 1/2 A. adjoins 
Archibald CROCKETTS north boundary line... James COCHRON’S southwest 
corner and with his line 91 poles to a mulberry on his corner on Samuel SHIELDS, his  south boundary line.... Surveyed 31 Aug 1826.  
Gi. County, TN.

	1830 Federal Census, Gi. Co., TN:   J. CORHORNE 0213001-0101001
James, Jane, John Finley, William Jefferson, Charles Woodson, Sarah Jane. 
Josiah Johnson, Mary A., Jacob Hugh, Samuel W. COCHRAN.

Voucher #7.  Received $106.68 3/4, my distributive share. /s/James COCHRAN.  
Sworn to by James MILLICAN, executor of John MILLICAN (Sr.) and recorded 
6 Nov 1834, Madison Co., GA

	1840:  Federal Census, Gi. Co., TN, p 135:	  James COCHRAN 0002201-1000101

	1850 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, hh 1206/656  
		James COCHRAN 	70 GA
		Jane	     		65 GA
		Mary	   		24 TN
	1860 Federal Census, Polk Co., MO, p 171, Pleasant Hope P.O., hh 1202/1181
		Robert CARR	54 NC Farmer		
		Margaret		12 MO
		Mariah		50 GA			
		Martha	  	10 MO
		Robert		20 TN			
COCHRAN, Jane        	60 GA  Blind		
Columbus			14 MO			
COCHRAN, Mary A.    	41 TN

	Goodspeed's History of Maury Co., TN states in part:

William J. COCHRAN, -------- was born June 7, 1811, son of James and Jane 
(Miligan) COCHRAN-father was born in North Carolina May 2, 1781-----
to Georgia young, in Tennessee for a few years, back to Geor-gia where he mar.  and returned to Tennessee.  He died June 30, 1859.  
He served in War of 1812 and his wife died May 15, 1864.  At age 21 William 
J. became a farmer for himself.

He mar. Maria R. DODSON August 14, 1834.  Their children were David J., 
born 1836; James Brooks, born 1838; Ascenith J., born 1844; William H., 
and an infant.  They are Presbyterian.


	A.	Mariah COCHRAN
		b. 1811, GA
		d. after 1860, Polk Co., MO? 
		mar. ca 1826, Gi. Co., TN 
		Robert CARR b. ca 1806, NC

1830 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, p 327 	
Robert CARR 00002-00011

1839 Deed Index, Gi. Co., TN:  Robert CARR from George W. CAMPBELL, 
Gi. Co., TN Deed Bk O 1839, p 383, 175A

1839 Deed Index, Gi. Co., TN:  Robert CARR to Washington ARMOUR, 
Bk. O 1839, p 395, 35A.

1839:  Deed Index, Gi. Co., TN:  Robert CARR to Elisha DAVIS, Bk. O 
1839, p 394, 133 8/10 A..

(1840 Federal Census: Polk Co., MO, Morgan Township William CARR 	

Who are they?  Is this a relation to Robert who went to MO before him?)

1850 Federal Census - (I have not researched)
1860 Federal Census, Polk Co., MO, p 171, Pleasant 
Hope P.O., hh 1203
James CARR	39 TN Wagon maker
(Is he a younger brother of Robert CARR?)

Family of Robert CARR and Mariah COCHRAN
1.	William Monroe COCHRAN, b. 21 Oct 1828, d.17 Aug 1829, bur. in Elk Ridge Cemetery, Gi. Co.,TN.
2.	James Beard CARR, b. 13 Sep 1830, d. 24 Jan 1866 mar. Hannah L. FULLERT-ON b. 12 April 1830, d 23 Mar 1926, bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Polk Co., MO
1860 Federal Census: Polk Co., MO, p 171, hh 1203
James CARR	39 TN Wagon maker	
Emry           	   4 MO				
Hanah		30 TN			
Madison TICE     28 NC Blacksmith
Parthena	  8 MO
(Mrs. Hildreth L. FIRESTONE, is a descendant of James Beard KERR and Hannah Lockey FULLERTON her great-grandparents.  She has been working on the KERR connection.)
3.	Male born 1831/35 (could be James B. above)
4.	Male born 1836/40
5. 	Robert Hugh CARR, b. 1836/40, TN
6.	Columbus Jefferson CARR, b. 1846, MO, d. 1861 in Civil War.
7.	Margaret CARR, b. 1848, MO, mar.  John ROBERTS
8.	Martha Ellen CARR, b. 1850, MO. 
Mary CARR mar. Bluford M. BURCHELL, 7 Mar 1869 Polk Co., MO
Boon CARR	Oct 6, 1843-Mar 21, 1937
Malinda CARR	Sep 13, 1841 - May 31, 1916, Humansville Cemetery
Mary M. CARR	Mar 28, 1828-Sep 29, 1905, Humansville Cemetery
Seth G. CARR	1824-1908, Greenwood Cemetery
Thomas CARR	d.Feb. 10, 1895, age 81 yrs, 7 mo, 10 da Plum Grove Cemetery
Nancy CARR	d.Jan 17, 1893, age 80 yrs, 3 mo, 8 da 	Plum Grove Cemetery
B.	John Finley COCHRAN
b. 7 June 1811, GA		d.2 Mar 1857, Polk Co., MO 
mar. 29 Dec 1832, Maury Co., TN (William COCHRAN, Bonds-man.  
Maury Co. Marriages and Bible Record Sarah E. MILLICAN, (d/o Charles, 
(s/o Andrew MILLICAN) and Mary MILLICAN (d/o John MILLICAN, bro of Andrew MILLICAN)), b. 1813, GA)
1840 Federal Census Gi. Co., TN, p 136 J. F. COCHRAN 10011-10001
John F., Sarah, W. A., Mary J and an unidenti-fied male 16/20 years old.  
1850 Federal Census, Gi. Co., TN, 15th Civil Dist., p 845, hh 243
John F. COCHRAN	39 TN		
Sarah E.	     9 TN
Sarah (MILLICAN)	37 GA		
Jefferson M. 	5 TN
W. A.	16 TN		
James C.	 6/12 TN
Mary J.	12 TN
1860 Federal Census, Polk Co., MO, Mooney Township, Pleasant Hope P.O., hh 1187
Sarah COCHRAN	42 GA		
Jefferson    	15 TN Farmhand
William		26 TN		
James	     	10 TN
Mary		20 TN
   Family of John Finley COCHRAN and Sarah MILLICAN
1.	William A. COCHRAN b. ca 1836, Gi. Co., TN
2.	Mary J. COCHRAN b. ca 1838, Gi. Co., TN
3.	Sarah E. COCHRAN b. 1 May 1842, Gi. Co.,TN d. 3 Apr 1863 mar. 12 Oct 1857 W. Hugh KERR b. 23 Dec 1834
4.	Jefferson M. COCHRAN b. ca 1845, Gi. Co., TN
5.	James C. COCHRAN b. ca Jan 1850

(Quoted here as copied)

Mrs. A. Lucille Chrisman, 900 S. Douglas Springfield, MO 65806, on 22 Oct 1979 wrote:

Dear Frances,
I found this record in Sept. 1959 , in a Bible that my cousin Blanche 
(Mrs. Fred) Love, whose mother was Janie KERR, was dis-carding because
it was all to pieces and she didn't think her son Walter Wallis Love, of 
Springfield, would want it.  I asked her to let me save the family record.  
Deaths were recorded first, then marriages, then births.  I have re-arranged
John F. COCHRAN			b. June 7, 1811
(John F. COCHRAN mar.  Sarah MILLICAN Dec. 29, 1832 MJM)
John F. COCHRAN 			d. Mch. 2, 1857
William A. COCHRAN			b. Sept. 26, 1834
William A. COCHRAN			d.May 9, 1863
Mary J. COCHRAN			b. Oct. 1, 183- (1, 7, or 9?)
Mary J. COCHRAN			d.Dec. 22, 1865
Sarah E. COCHRAN			b. May 1, 1842
Sarah E. COCHRAN			d. April 3, 1863
Jefferson M. COCHRAN		b. June 17, 1845
Jefferson M. COCHRAN		d. Aug 15, 1860
James C. COCHRAN			b. Jan 23, 1850

Marriages:		Sarah E. KERR, Dec. 10, 1857
Births:	W. H. (Hugh) KERR, 	b. Dec. 23, 1834
	     Hannah Jane KERR 	b. Apr. 17, 1861
Note:  Hannah mar.  Charles L. Wallis, (son of Allen Wallis & Mira 
Eveline Bed... Wallis) who was b. Dec. ll, 1864 in Greene Co., MO. and had daughter Blanche who mar.  Fred Love)

(End of Bible Record)

(It would appear that James C. COCHRAN is the only child to survive beyond 
the death of Sarah E., who appears to have been the owner of the bible.) 
I came by the information that this record was on file in the Ozarkin Genealogy 
Quarterly.  On 3 January 1988 I called Mrs. Chrisman and asked her if she knew 
any descendants I might contact.  She told me that was about all she knew 
about the COCHRANs except that some went to Oregon and one had gone to 
Fort Coffee, AR to teach Indian children.  

She also said she knew some of the COCHRANs had gone to Oregon.  I have 
had a little corres-pondence about 2 years ago with Mr. Robert COCHRANE of 
Oregon who had written to the Giles Co. Quar-terly regarding some of the 
Laird/EVANS genealogy.  Mr. COCHRANE sent me copies of the two letters 
written by William W. COCHRAN to Charles Woodson COCHRAN, Mr. 
COCHRANE's ancestor.  He said he had gotten the letter copies from Mr. 
Virgil COCHRAN of Texarkana.  I contacted Virgil in early January this year and he was delighted to learn I was interested in the COCHRANs.  
He is gratefully praised for preserving these documents and sharing them.  
Without his doing so several connections would have gone unanswered and unproven.

I inquired at our local library and there was a Fort Coffee in LeFlour Co., AR. 
It was later abandoned and became Fort Coffee Academy.  It was established 
1834 at Swallow River and abandoned 1838, a school for Choctaw boys. LeFlore Co., OK. is just across the River from AR.

References:  Coffee Academy, Chronicles of OK, Quarterly (2 volumes of index), 
Oklahoma Trails, Arkansas Presbytery 1812-1894 - Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma)

Since Mrs. Chrisman had sent the bible record of John Finley and knew 
some of the COCHRANs had gone to Oregon, I now wonder if some of 
John Finley's descendants did not also go to Oregon, since we know some of Charles Woodson's descendants are there?)  
C.  William Jefferson COCHRAN, b. 7 June 1811, TN, d. 27 Oct 1886, Maury or Giles Co.,TN
		bur. in DODSON/Cannon Cemetery, Giles Co., TN 
		mar. 14 Aug 1834, Giles Co., TN 
		Mariah R. Winnifred DODSON b. 1813, TN
		See Goodspeed reference following James and Jennie
	1840 Federal Census: ( I have not found this family listed either in Giles 
or Maury Co., TN. Perhaps they are in the house of her parents.)

William J. COCHRAN Maury Co., TN Deed Bk 2L, p 248, Right of Way, to Central Southern R.R.
	1850 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, p 1205/655
William J. COCHRAN	48 TN	
Asanath		   6 TN (she wrote 1864 letter)
Winnifred		?9 TN	
Sarah		55 GA (aunt of William J.)
David  (Civil War)	13 TN	
Elizabeth OSBORNE        2 TN (who is she?)
James  (Civil War)	11 TN
	1860 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, p 82-340
William H.	 	  6 TN
Mariah		41 TN	
Ann JACKSON   	60 GA (aunt of William J.)
James B. (Brooks) 	22 TN	
Sarah COCHRAN	58 GA (aunt of William J.)
Asenath J.	16 TN
	1870 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, Culleoka
W. J. COCHRAN with wife and youngest son
	1880 Federal Census:  Maury Co.,TN p 31/191, hh 271/281
William COCHRAN		69 TN SC GA Farmer
Winiford			58 TN NC NC

Family of William Jefferson and Mariah R. (DODSON) COCHRAN
1.	David J. (Jefferson?) COCHRAN b. 1836, TN
David J. COCHRAN Maury Co., TN Deed Bk 2L, p 248, Right of 
Way, to Central Southern R.R.
	1860 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, p 83-340, hh 82-340
David J. COCHRAN	24 TN
Rebecca		18 TN	
James H.	          6/12 TN
	1880 Federal Census: Maury Co., TN, p 21, 6th CD, hh 193, Springhill
Sallie E.			39 TN MD TN
Ellie			13 TN TN TN
William			11 TN TN TN
Leroy B. WILKES, st/son	20 TN TN TN
2.	James Brooks COCHRAN, b. 1839, TN
	1870 Federal Census, Maury Co., TN, Culleoka, hh 99		
James COCHRAN	29 TN	
B. L. (male)   10 TN
S. E.	28 TN	
M. E. (female        3 TN
Ida Wilkes	14 TN	
Willie W. (male)     1 TN
3.	Asanath J. COCHRAN, b. 1844, TN
	1880 Giles Co., TN, 15th CD, p 2-280, hh 20
O. S. Smith	33 TN TN TN   	Farmer
Ascenith		34 TN TN TN
Nathan A.		 1 TN TN TN
4.	William H. (Hugh?) COCHRAN, b. 1854, TN mar. ca 1875 Susan b. ca 1858, TN	
a.	Allace b. 1866
b. 	Ernest b. 1868
5.	Infant, not named

(NOTE:  I believe the first 3 children of James and Jane COCHRAN were 
TRIPLETS, all born in TN and not in GA as reported on some census records. 
 James' father William was on the 1812 Tax list of Giles Co.  They had travelled together between TN and GA several times and it appears 
the entire William COCHRAN family came to TN when William sold out his land in GA.)

D.  Charles Woodson COCHRAN, b. 13 June 1813, TN, d. 25 Sep 1854, MO 
mar. ca 1839, Giles Co., TN   Sarah EVANS (d/o James Hampton EVANS and 
Nancy Laird), b. 12 May 1819, TN d. 16 Feb. 1873, MO?

Deed William J. COCHRAN from William W. COCHRAN of Coffee Co., TN 
55A on waters of Fountain Creek for $200.  Adjoins lands with Jemima 
ARMSTRONG’S line.  Wit:  Charles W. COCHRAN, William M. MILLICAN.  
Reg. 4 Jan 1838. Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 1, Bk 7, p 335

1848 Deed from C. W. COCHRAN and Wife to Harry EVANS, Interest in Dower. 
 Giles Co., Deed Bk T 1848, p 2 

(This document should prove the marriage of Charles Woodson COCHRAN to 
Sarah EVANS if nothing else did.  I do not have this roll of microfilm.  For the 
benefit of those who are not familiar with the deed index method of this county, 
the year shown here is the year the deed was registered.  A deed could be many years old before it is recorded.  See also 1854 entry below.)

A deed of conveyance from Charles W. COCHRAN and Sarah his wife to Henry 
EVANS for their undivided interest in a tract of land in Giles Co., ack. by Charles 
W. COCHRAN & Sarah COCHRAN and the examination of said Sarah as to her 
free and voluntary execution of said down.  Giles Co., TN Co. Ct. Min., V. S, p 110

	1850 Giles Co., TN Federal Census, p 677, hh 28
		Charles W. COCHRAN 		34 TN
		Sarah		(EVANS)	31 TN
		James H.	(Hampton)	11 TN
		Donald R. 	(Reese) 	 8 TN
		Sarah Jane			 4 TN
		Zina E.				 1 TN
1854 Giles Co., TN Deed Index Bk X1854, p 580.  W. COCHRAN to W. Williams 
for 166 1/2 A..  

(I do not know who this W. COCHRAN is and could be either Charles Woodson 
COCHRAN or Samuel W. COCHRAN.  If it is for Samuel W. COCHRAN it might 
clarify what the W. stands for and a kinship to other COCHRANs or family 
connections of some sort.  Since Charles W. has died this same year and it is stated in the newspaper clipping that Samuel W. COCHRAN went to AR in 1876, I 
do not know if this Samuel W. was still in Giles Co. or not.  With no 1860 census 
record of the Giles Co. Samuel and the 1870 Boone Co., AR Samuel, any clues could be mighty helpful.)

	1860 Federal Census - Have not read
(Charles has died, Sarah is not in Polk Co., MO.  She must have moved,
Greene Co., MO?)

		REF:  OZARAKIN (Quarterly) V. 4, p 49
		Account Books of J. W. Strickland, photographer
		15 Apr 1878:  Dr. COCHRAN, Jr. - Pleasant Hope
		Register of Old Pictures:  James H. COCHRAN - Pleasant Hope

(See EVANS Genealogy on Giles Co., TN Microfilm Roll No. 119 and Giles 
County Historical Quarterlies 1986-Continuing)

Family of Charles Woodson COCHRAN and Sarah EVANS
1.	James Hampton COCHRANE (He added the "E" to COCHRAN, descendant does not know why), b. 22 Jul 1838, Giles Co., TN, d. 1 Nov 1917, 
bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Polk Co., MO 	mar. 1) Mary TILLER
 (probably a relation of the James B. TILLER who mar.  Mary A. COCHRAN, 
sister of Charles W.) mar. 2) 2 Jan 1867, Mary BRASHEaRS b. 15 Sep 1847 
d. 20 Jul 1933, bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Polk Co., MO
a.	Ethel Alice COCHRAN b. 15 Sep 1847, d. 20 Jul 1933, bur. in Tiller Cemetery, Polk Co., MO.
b.	Nora mar. Albert M. COCHRAN, b. 23 Jul l 1877, d. 24 Aug 19, 1959, bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery
c.	Cora b. 27 May 1872, Springfield, MO d. 13 Jan 1910 mar. 
2 Aug 1890 N. D. MOORE

				i	N. A. MOORE
				ii	Hazel MOORE
				iii	Beulah MOORE
d.	Minnie COCHRAN b. 22 Mar 1875.  
Was living on Harvest St., Springfield when geneal-ogy was done on microfilm 
(Undated) mar. 12 Jan 1901 John W. PURSELLY
e.	Albert C. COCHRAN b. 23 Jul 1877 d. 24 Aug 1959, bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery , mar. 22 Oct. 1906 Nettie G. MARTIN b. 15 Jul 1885 d. 27 Jul 1962, 
bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery
	i 	Winnie COCHRAN, b. 7 June 1908
	ii 	Wilma Jean COCHRAN, b. 29 Dec 1912, mar. 31 Mar 1929, Edgar L. BROCK
f.	Maggie COCHRAN b. 26 Apr 1880 d. 3 Jan 1967, bur. Pleasant Hope Cemetery
g.	Floyd COCHRAN b. 4 Mary 1883 mar. 17 Feb. 1909 Edna SIMPSON b. 23 Apr 1888.  They were living 529 N. Commercial, Nevada, MO at 
time the undated genealogy was done on the micro-film.  
2.	Donald Reed COCHRANE (some records have Reese, b. 31 Oct 1842, 
Giles Co., TN, d. 4 Jan 1926, mar. 25 June 1868, Springfield, MO, Agnes 
NEWELL d/o John Edmund NEWELL, d. 28 June 1896
a.	Stella Marie COCHRANE, b. 2 May 1869 mar. 7 Jan 1891 William Lewis WILSON.  They were living in Portland, OR at time 
micro-filmed genealogy was done.
i	Donald Lewis WILSON, b. 20 Apr 1892 mar. 19 Oct 1929 Ruth.
ii	Arthur Paul WILSON, b. 2 Aug 1893 mar. 6 Oct 1920 Faye ROBINSON		     
iii	Charles Wesley WILSON, b. 14 Apr 1895 mar. 16 Aug 1930 Estelle LOMBARDIE
iv	Stella Nora WILSON, b. 18 Feb. 1897 mar. 17 Jan 1920 Ralph KELLY
v 	Agnes WILSON, b. 4 June 1899, d. 30 Dec 1900
vi	Harry Thomas WILSON, b. 12 Feb. 1905 mar. 30 Mar 1929 Margaret MEYE (Descendant Robert M. COCHRAN
b.	Adona Vivian COCHRANE, b. 25 Feb. 1871.  She never mar., was a teacher 22 years, in same room 18 years in Salem, Or.
c.	Charles Newton COCHRANE, b. 31 Oct 1873, d. 9 Feb. 1919, Spokane, Washington, mar. 10 June 1897, Burns, OR, Belle CLENDENNE
i   Donald J. COCHRANE, b. 3 Mary 1898 mar. 1920 Lydia who d. 24 Oct 1930. 	
d.  David Ulysses COCHRANE, b. 13 Jan 1876, mar. 8 Jul 1907 Cornelius, OR Louise MOBERLY
e.  Nancy Emily COCHRANE, b. 1 Nov 1871, d. 6 July 187
3.  Sarah Jane COCHRAN, b. ca 1846, Giles Co., TN d. (she wrote a letter 1897 from Claud, OK to her brother W. T. COCHRAN in Emory, TX. - see letter.) 
mar. Mr. Benjamin M. MITCHELL, b. 1848 MO, d. 4-2-1890 Indian Terr. Civil 
War for North. (They had a 7 children) 
Descendant:  Nona D. BUDD, 5401 Terra Granada #3B, Walnut Creek, CA 94595
4.  Zina E. COCHRAN, b. ca 1849, Giles Co., TN, mar. James MILLER.
"They lived several years in Springfield, MO, then moved to Oklahoma 
where she died." (From microfilm.)
a.  Arthur Miller		b. John Miller
5.  William Thomas COCHRAN, b. 1851, Giles Co., TN, d. 29 Mar 1923, Emory, Rains Co., TX, mar. 1880, Jonesboro, Craighead Co., AR, Ann WALDROP
"In later years lived near Emory, TX" (Rains Co.) from microfilm.)  According to 
Mr. Virgil COCHRAN of Texarkana, TX, the family moved to Raines Co., TX in 1883.
a.  Charles M. COCHRAN, b. 1881, bur. Prospect Cemetery, Emory, TX, mar. 1914, Jonesboro, AR, Virginia ROBERSON 

"Now lives Texarkana, TX, he works for a railroad" (From microfilm.)  (His son Virgil 

b.  Willie Ann COCHRAN, b. 8 Dec 1882, d. 4  Apr 1967, bur. Prospect Cemetery, 
Emory, TX, mar. 25 Sep 1904, Alfred M. COCHRUM d. 29 Mar 1958 
c.	John T. COCHRAN b. 1884  (No further information.)  
d.	Donald Reed COCHRAN b. 1885 d. 1956, bur. Prospect Cemetery, Emory, TX mar. 1912, May CADDILL
(Mr. Virgil COCHRAN says the name is Donne-ll.)
6.	Mary Charles COCHRAN, b. 9 Feb. 1855, MO?, mar. (1) Fred GEESENAN (According to microfilm he deserted her), mar. (2) Mr. WOOTEN, Walden, Scott Co., AR

(Mr. Virgil COCHRAN said his father was living with and caring for his mother.  She 
decided to  have her daughter and son-in-law to move in with her.  W. T. told 
her that if she did he would  leave and she would never see him again.  His 
mother did let the daughter and son-in-law move in  with her so he left and went
to AR.  I suspect that the sister was Mary Charles, above and the brother-in-law and 
was the one he could not live with.  Since Mr. GEESENAN deserted Mary Charles 
it is my guess he was the brother-in-law.  Mary Charles was probably named 
after her father as  she may have been born after her father died.)
E.	Sarah Jane COCHRAN, b. ca 1815 d. ca 1839, mar. ca 1838, John EVANS, 
son of James Hampton EVANS and Nancy Laird.  (He is a brother of Sarah EVANS 
who mar. Charles Woodson COCHRAN b. ca 1813, TN.)

1850 Giles Co., TN Federal Census, C.D. 15, p 857/429, hh 320
John EVANS	34	TN	Fmr	$1,000	No read or write
		Elizabeth 		36	TN
		Nancy J.		11	TN	Att sch
		Sarah L.		 7	TN	Att sch
		Martha A.		 5	TN
		Elizabeth L.		 3	TN
		Henry EVANS		27	TN	Fmr
		Lucretia DODSON	39	TN
1860 Giles Co., TN Federal Census, Northern Sub-Div., p 13-7. hh 75
		John EVANS		45	TN Fmr $2,500/800
		Elizabeth		45	TN
		Nancy J.		20	TN
		Elizabeth		13	TN
		Samuel		  6	TN
		John Foster		19	TN Laborer
	Crecy DODSON	50 	TN Domestic

Family of John EVANS and Sarah Jane COCHRAN
l.	Nancy Jane EVANS, never mar.   John EVANS then remar. and had several children.  See Laird/EVANS genealogy published by Giles Co. Historical Soc.)
F.	Josiah Johnson COCHRAN, b. Nov 1818, Giles Co., TN, d.Nov. 1870, Guadalupe Co, TX, mar. ca 1849, Giles Co., TN, Elizabeth Parthena (SAWYERS) 
MITCHELL, b. 12 Jan 1828, Giles co., TN, d.  ca 1895, Guadalupe Co., TX.  	
(Elizabeth Parthena SAWYERS mar. (1) 28 Dec 1846 Thomas Sidney MITCHELL.  
Their daughter Asenath Elinor Araminta MITCHELL mar.  Levi Nathaniel COCHRAN, b. 27 July 1843, Marshall Co.,	
TN, son of Levi COCHRAN and Elizabeth Bivens.  Family legend:  Thomas S. 
MITCHELL wanted to come to Texas and Elizabeth did not want to, so he came to 
TX and left her.  It is said he had a sister who mar.  in Maury Co., TN and moved
to Missis-sippi.
	1850 Federal Census, Giles Co., TN, p 244-846
	William Milligan				38 GA
	Archibald				11 TN
	John M.				  8 TN
	William E.			 	  4 TN
	Johnson COCHRAN			32 TN
	Parthena				21 TN
	Asenith E. A. SAWYERS		   2 TN (She is listed as Smith E. SAWYERS)

 Family of Josiah Johnson COCHRAN and Elizabeth P. SAWYERS
1.	Violet Jennie COCHRAN b. May 1851, Giles Co., TN d. post 1880, bur. Medina Co, TX	
2.	Sarah Annie COCHRAN b. 1853, Giles Co., TN d. Feb. 1880, Guadalupe Co., TX mar. 12 June 1873, Guadalupe Co., TX William A. HENDERSON: 5 Ch.:  
Mina b. Feb. 1880 twin of Annie, May b. 1874, Joseph b. 1876, Ross b. 1878.
3.	William J. SAWYERS COCHRAN b. May 1855, Giles Co., TN d. Listed in 1900 Texas Federal Census in Guadalupe Co. mar. 3 Jan 1884, Guadalupe Co., TX Mattie 
KETCHUM b. 1866.
	After Josiah Johnson COCHRAN died Elizabeth mar. (3) Henly 
Gruber Henderson.  Mr. H. G. Henderson had several children, one of whomar. 
mar.  Sarah Annie COCHRAN, B. above.  Mr. Henderson was Chief Justice of 
Guadalupe Co., TX.
G 	Mary A. COCHRAN, b. ca 1820, Giles Co., TN, d.after 1866, mar. 
1860/66 James B. TILLER	
		1820-1850 Mary is with her parents.  
1860 Federal Census, Polk Co., MO, p 171, Pleasant Hope P.O., hh 1202/1181, Robert CARR 
H.	Jacob Hugh COCHRAN, b. Nov 1822, TN, d 1869, Guadalupe Co., TX, 
Probate record, p 277, M. A. COCHRAN, Administratrix, dated 27 Dec 1869, mar. 
ca 1846, Giles Co.,TN, Martha A. SAWYERS, d/o Ethan SAWYERS and Violet 
CROCKETT, b. 30 Mar 1827, TN
1849 Deed Index, Giles Co., TN, Bk. U 1849, p 315: Matthew Spivey to Jacob H. 
COCHRAN, 15 3/4 A
	1850 Federal Census, Giles Co., TN, p 328/533:  Jacob H. COCHRAN
Deed of Giles Co., TN:  Reg. 20 Sep 1850:  Jacob H. COCHRAN 15+ A. on 
east of William MILLIGAN.
1854 Giles Co., TN:  Deed Bk. X 1854, p 555, J. GRIFFIS to H. COCHRAN, 40 A.
Hugh COCHRAN to Wesley GRIFFIS. 47 3/4 A., for $597.96, in 15th District.  
Wit:  Thomas DOGGETT & William HARRIS.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk BB1862, p 477

1868 Jacob H. COCHRAN bought some land from James R. Wilson out of the 
Samuel D. WILSON survey in Caldwell Co., TX, from James R. WILSON of 
Davidson., Co., TN.

M. A. COCHRAN, Adm. 12-27-1869 (Mastin USSERY, a son-in-law of John 
MARTIN had gone on the note for this land.  After Jacob died his widow was 
forced to sell the land for debt against the land and Mastin USSERY bought it. 
Probate Records, Guadalupe Co.,TX, p 266

(Mastin USSERY became very wealthy, a big land owner.  Mastin mar. Sarah Jane 
MARTIN, d/o of John MARTIN and Elizabeth Ann MILLICAN (sister of Jane
(Jennie) MILLICAN, w/o James COCHRAN, son of William COCHRAN the 
elder of Maury Co., TN.)

Family of Jacob Hugh COCHRAN and Martha A. SAWYERS
1.  William J. (Jefferson?) COCHRAN, b. 1848, Giles Co., TN mar. 1) 18 
Apr 1874, Caldwell Co., TX S. L. BAKER, mar. 2) 22 Oct 1884, Caldwell Co., 

2.  Ethan J. COCHRAN b. ca 1850, Giles Co., TN d. ante 1860

3.  Permelia Hattie (Hattie Pamela) COCHRAN, b. 7 Nov 1852, Giles Co., 
TN, d. 8 Sep 1928, Alpine, Brewster Co., TX, mar. 3 Nov 1879 Thomas 
Henry ROGERS, 7 children, following only known (from obituaries following)

a. Irene, mar. Mr. PETERS
b. Allie Ollie ROGERS,b. 8/29/1882 Friotown, TX mar. Arch Ball PARKER
c. Mrs. D. C. PARKER

Death Certificate Information:

"Hattie ROGERS, widow, died 8 Sep 1928, born 7 Nov. 1852, in (Giles Co.) 
TN, father William J. COCHRAN b. TN, mother Martha SAWYERS b. TN, 
had lived 17 years and 17 days in Alpine, Brewster Co., TX.  Charles Living-ston, undertaker.  Informant daughter Irene PETERS, Alpine 
Texas.  Age 75 yrs., 10 mos., 1 da.  Cause of death cancer of liver.  Data 
furnished 10 Sep 1928.  Hattie was bur. in Alpine, TX.  Cer-tificate No. 38335, State Dept. of Health, Austin, TX"

Abstracted Obituary:  Mrs. T. H. ROGERS - 
 		"The funeral of Mrs. T. H. ROGERS... died at the 
home of her daughter, Mrs. Irene PETERS on East Holland Avenue Saturday 
night, was held at the residence of Mrs. PETERS Sunday afternoon.  
Rev. David J. MURRAY, pastor Presby-terian church, officiating.  
At the age of 15 she moved with her family to Texas.  She was mar.  to T. H. 
(Thomas Henry) ROGERS...Seven children were born...She is survived 
by four children, Mrs. A. B. PARKER of Farmersville, California; Mrs. D. C.
PARKER and A. V. ROGERS of Ft. Stanton, New Mexico, and Mrs. Irene 
PETERS of Alpine, and by 15 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren, 
and by two brothers, Oliver COCHRAN of Luling, Texas, and Chas. Monroe COCHRAN of San Marcos, Texas.  Her husband died May 9, l919.  

About 22 years of her life was lived in Frio Co., Texas, 11 years in New 
Mexico, and the last 17 years in Alpine.  A member of the Presby-terian 
church, having united with this church at the age of 13. She lacked only a few days of living 76 years.  On Saturday night, September 8, 1928 
she quietly passed into that greater life that grows brighter throughout the 
ceaseless ages.

Abstract of Obituary - " Aged Citizen Passes Away

Thos. H. ROGERS, passed away at his home in Alpine Saturday the 10th, 
at the age of 81 years.  Mr. ROGERS and family came to Alpine some seven 
years ago from New Mexico ... came to Texas in 1873; and lived in Pearsall, 
Texas, where was in the mercantile business for many years.  On the 11th day 
of March 1879, he mar.   Miss Hattie COCHRAN, who survives him.  Of nine 
children reaching maturity, four are living:  Mrs. D. C. PARKER, of California; 
Mrs. A. D. PARKER, of New Mexico; Mrs. Irene PETERS and A. V. ROGERS of Alpine.  A brother, A. ROGERS lives at Bucyrus, Ohio.

Mr. ROGERS was a member of the Presbyterian church."

A daughter, Allie Ollie ROGERS, b. 29 Aug 1882, Friotown, Frio Co., TX d. 26 
May 1942, Stockton, CA mar. 19 Feb. 1908, Lincoln, NM Arch Ball PARKER b. 
27 Dec 1884, Midland, TX d. 18 Aug 1949, Madera, CA

Their daughter, Earline Von PARKER b. 8 Apr 1909, Lincoln, NM mar. 6 Feb.
1929, Bakersfield, CA Orville W. WARNER b. 1 Aug 1909, Payne Co., OK
d. 10 Mar 1954, Madera, CA

Their daughter, Ola Pauline WARNER b. 12 Jul 1930, Hanford, CA mar. 
Melvin Guy CANFIELD 

(Mrs. Pauline Canfield is a descendant/researcher of these families.  
Pauline's aunt Earline has passed along family data.)

4.Alice A. COCHRAN b. ca 1853, Giles Co., TN d. 1864, Giles Co., TX (Ref:  Letter)
5.Charlie Monroe COCHRAN b. 3 Jan 1856, Giles Co., TN, d. 21 Jan 1929, San Marcos, TX 

Death Certificate Information:

"Charles M. COCHRAN, b. 3 Jan 1856, TN, mar. , in San Marcos, TX, father 
Charles COCHRAN, birthplace unknown, mother and her b/p unknown, 
died 21 Jan 1929 of Cystitis.  Buried Staples, TX, undertaker A. B. ROGERS Co., San Marcos.  Data furnished by Mrs. Ida Kohenquist, 
Alpine, TX. 22 Jan 1929."  
6.  John A. COCHRAN b. Oct 1857, Giles Co., TN mar. 1870 Caldwell Co., TX, Bk G, p 16 Sarah G. Fry. Known ch: David B. born 5/1888 mar. Mildred 18 Oct ? 
Caldwell Co., TX.
7.  Richard (Dick) b. post 1860, Giles Co., TN d. 1864, Giles Co., TN (Ref: Letter.)
8.  Oliver H. COCHRAN b. 23 Oct 1860. Giles Co., TN d. 26 May 1935, Luling, Caldwell Co., TX mar. Mary 

Death Certificate Information:

"O. H. COCHRAN, Rt. 1, Luling, TX, wife Mrs. Mary COCHRAN.  Birth date 23 
Oct 1860, age 74 yr, 7 mos, 3 days, born TN, father John COCHRAN, b. TN, 
mother Martha SAWYERS, b. TN, informant W. H. COCHRAN, Luling, TX, 
burial Luling City Cemetery, Luling, TX, Under-taker J. M. Peirce of Luling.  
Died 26 May 1935, cardiac hyperten-sion, with depilitation of heart.  
Certificate No. 23657, Tx. State Health Dept., Austin, TX." (Was W. H.
COCHRAN, informant on death certificate a son? JM)
9. 	John COCHRAN, b. 1863 d. 26 May 1935, TX
10.	Ida Mabel COCHRAN b. 6 Oct 1864, Giles Co., TN d. 19
 Oct 1921, TX mar. 1 Nov 1892 Thomas Meyers NEWTON
I.	Samuel Wilson COCHRAN, b. ca 1823, Giles Co., TN, mar. 
ca 1846, Giles Co., TN, Charlotte A. HEAD
Sam COCHRAN, Maury Co., TN Deed Bk 1Q, p 100, 30 A. from Hugh KING
	1850 Giles Co., TN Federal Census , p 206/840
		Samuel W. COCHRAN		27 TN
		Charlotte A. 			28 TN
		Caladonia J.			 3 TN
1854 Giles Co., TN:  Deed Index Bk X1854, p 580.  W. COCHRAN to W. 
Williams for 166 1/2 A. (This may not be Samuel W. COCHRAN..
.I do not have the deed to abstract.)
		Samuel has not been found in 1860.
1870 Samuel reported to be in Boone Co., AR
1880 Federal Census:  Boone Co., AR, Jefferson TWP, p 22/569, House 144
	Samuel COCHRAN	58 Penn GA GA  (census taker error?)
	Charlotte E.		58 TN TN TN
	William H.		26 TN TN TN
	James W.		16 MO TN TN
1880 Federal Census:  Boone Co., AR, Jefferson TWP, p 23/569B, hh 148
	Francis A.		22 AR AR AR
	Thomas      	           7/12 AR MO AR born Dec.
(In the clipping where Mr. W. T. COCHRAN replies to query from a
"Mr. C. J. COCHRAN" he states he believes Sam is a brother of his
 father and that the last he knew of Sam was when he moved to AR in 1876.  (Is the C. J. a female and Caledonia J.? or are the initials reversed for John C.?)
Family of Samuel W. COCHRAN and Charlotte A. Head

	(Mrs. Zed BRIGGS, a descendant, furnished the following information)

J.	Samuel Wilson COCHRAN, b. ca 1822, Cornersville, Giles Co., TN, 
mar. ca 1845 Charlotte Evelyn HEAD, d/o John HEAD

1. 	Caldonia J. COCHRAN b. 1847, TN d. Young
2.	Selemuel J. COCHRAN b. 1849/50, TN
3.	William Houston COCHRAN b. ca 1853, TN
4.	John Carson COCHRAN b. 1856, Randolph Co., MO
5.	Joseph Warren COCHRAN b. 1859, Randolph Co., MO
6.	James W. COCHRAN b. 1864, Randolph Co., MO
Mrs. Briggs has not been able to locate her family in 1860.  Mrs. Briggs said 
her family was in Boone Co., AR in 1870  (There are references to 
Samuel in the letters enclosed as well as some deeds.  I have not researched the deed records of the Head family.)

IV  Mary COCHRAN, b. ca 1785

14 Dec 1844 Deed John (Calvin) and Jemima COCHRAN of Giles Co. to 
Mary and Sarah COCHRAN of Maury Co.  Tract of land on waters of 
Fountain Creek, OUT OF NATURAL LOVE AND AFFECTION.  Bounded by the SE corner of a 300A tract granted by St. of Tn. to Jacob 
MONTGOMERY, the land on which Parmenas Howard now lives.  Wit. 
John EVANS and Wriley DODSON.  Reg. 8 Aug 1845.  Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 2, Bk B, p 63

"I Mary COCHRAN of the County of Maury and State of Tennessee do 
make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and 
making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.  

And first I direct that my body be decently interested at Elk-Ridge Church
burying ground in a manner suitable to my condition in life.

And as to my worldly estate as it hath pleased God to entrust me with I 
dispose if the same as follows:  first I give and bequeath one half of a Fifty 
A. tract of deeded land held by me and my sister Sarah COCHRAN to be divided as shall suit to David JACKSON COCHRAN.  
And I also give and bequeath all my part of a tract of school land containing 
75 A. held by deed to me and William J. COCHRAN to the said David JACKSON COCHRAN.

And I direct that my cloke be given to my sister Ann JACKSON and also that
two silver table spoons be given to sister Ann JACKSON.  And I give 
and bequeath a box covered with paper to John Finley COCHRAN.  
And I give and bequeath my clock to William J. COCHRAN.  And I give
and bequeath to my sister Sarah COCHRAN all my house holde and cubbard 
furniture and I do give to the said Sarah COCHRAN all my sheep.  

And I do hereby make ordain and appoint my esteemed neighbour and friend 
Eli. G. BRADSHAW and my beloved neffew William J. COCHRAN 
Executors of this my last will and testament.  In witness where of I Mary COCHRAN the said testator have to this my will written on one 
sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this fourth day of February in the 
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourty five.

Signed sealded and published in the presence of us who have subscribed
in the presence of the testater and of each other.  Wit. John EVANS & 
Wriley W. DODSON			 s/Mary COCHRAN (her mark) (Seal)"  Maury Co., TN Will Bk A1, p 251, Wills, Estate Inventories 
& Guardian-ships p 98 

V.	Samuel COCHRAN, b. ca 1790/94
(Is this the Samuel Caughran who mar. Rachel Watson 11 Mar 1830  in 
Maury Co., TN? and is this the  Rachel who is later in Lawrence Co., 
TN or did he go to Bond Co., IL?)

Deed to Jacob COCHRAN of Maury Co., TN from L. SHIELDS of Giles Co., 12 A., for Shield showing him some vacant land.  Wit. John MONTGOMERY & Samuel COCHRAN.  Reg. 28 Jan 1829.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk H1829, p 24

Deed Jacob COCHRAN of Maury Co., TN to Samuel COCHRAN of Giles Co., TN, 40A FOR DIVERS CAUSES KNOWN TO HIMSELF, NW corner Leander SHIELDS 12 A. survey.  Reg 19 Jul 1824.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk F1824, p 6

	1820 Giles Co., TN Federal Census:   Samuel COCHRAN  000010-300102

Deed Samuel COCKRAN of Maury Co. to Leander M. SHIELDS for 40A on Robertsons Fork, Samuel COCHRAN of Maury Co., for $300.  Beginning on NW corner of a 12A survey to SHIELDS, running north 92 1/2 poles to a red oak and beach, east 69 1/3 poles, south 92 1/2 poles, west 69 1/3 poles.  Wit. Hugh K. SHIELDS and John MONTGOMERY.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk H, g 46

Jacob COCHRAN of Maury Co., and Samuel COCHRAN of Giles Co., Jacob for diverse causes known to himself has granted and confirmed to Samuel COCKRAN, beginning at NW corner of Leander SHIELDS 12A survey.  Wit. Leander SHIELDS and John MONTGOMERY.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk F, p 6

	1830 Maury Co., TN Federal Census, p 329:  Samuel COCHRAN 2100001-0102001 

1832/34 Deed to Sam COCHRAN from Hugh KING, V 1, Bk. Q, p 100, 30A.  The registration date is not given in the index.  Maury Co., TN.

	1837/39 Deed Samuel COCHRAN to Isom JACKSON, V 1, Bk. U, p 144, 39A.  Maury Co., TN.  
1840 Bond Co., IL Federal Census, p 134: 	Samuel COCHRAN 1 M 50/60, 1 M 15/20, 2 M 10/15-1 F 50/60, 1 F 20/30

1840 Bond Co., IL  Federal Census, p 138B	John COCHRAN 1 M 30/40, 3 M 5/10, 1 F 20/30, 1 F 10/15, 1 F 0/5 	Is this a son of the Samuel above?

	1850 Bond Co., IL Federal Census, p 735/369
		Samuel COCHRAN			64 NC
		Rumania				60 GA
		Henry M.				20 TN
	(NOTE:  Isom JACKSON mar.  a sister of Samuel, see Ann COCHRAN.)


VI	David COCHRAN, b. 1790/1800

On the motion of William and David COCHRAN by their attorney, exectuion is awarded them against John L. FIELDER, Jason HOPKINS & John MAYFIELD on theri replevin? bond given for the stay an Exon issue from this court in favor of said William & David COCHRAN against John L. FIELDER for the sum of $76.66 with interest according to law of $7.57 1/2 cents costs besides the cost of this motion.  Wm. Co.,TN Ct. Min., V 1, p 589

David and William COCHRAN released from bond.  REF:  Co. Ct. Min., Wm. Co., TN.

1830 David COCHRAN a Private Co., I, 53rd INF, enlisted to fight Semionle Indians.  REF:  Maury Co., TN Quarterly.  Records may be ordered from TN State Archives.

	1830 Maury Co., TN Federal Census, p 379:  David COCHRAN 120101-212001

VII	Sarah COCHRAN, b. ca 1795, GA

(She appears never to have mar.   In 1830 she and her mother are in the home of her brother, William Woodson COCHRAN.  I do not know where she is in 1840, but she may be the extra female in the 5th age group in the home of William W. COCHRAN. and I do not find her in 1850.  In 1860 she is also in the household of her nephew William Jefferson COCHRAN in Maury Co., p 82/340, age 58, b. in GA.)


VIII.	Ann COCHRAN, b. 1786/1794 GA, mar. 28 Aug 1828, Maury Co., TN, Isom JACKSON

	1812 TN Militia
Isham JACKSON, Pvt., under Cpt. William Doolin, served 10/4/1812 - 1/4/1814, 3 months @ $8.00 mo + horse al-lowance, total paid $29.43

	1830 Federal Census Maury Co., TN, p 330: Isham JACKSON 011.000.01-010.001	

	1840 Federal Census Maury Co., TN, p 301:  Isam JACKSON 010.100.001-000.100.1	 

	1850 Maury Co., TN Federal Census:  p 652, hh 1172
		Isom JACKSON  	71	SC
		Ann			50	GA
		Nancy			27	TN
		Terrell			17 	TN  (This appears to be the only child of Ann in this record.)

1860 Maury Co., TN Federal Census:  Ann JACKSON 60 GA is in house of William J. COCHRAN, p 82/340, along with her sister Sarah COCHRAN.


IX	William Woodson COCHRAN, b. 1801 GA, d. after 1852, Shelby Co., TX, mar. Dovey Frances CROCKETT, d/o Archibald and Elizabeth (PARKER) CROCKETT, b. ca 1804 SC (1850 Federal Census), d. after 1879 AR?

	1820 Maury Co., TN Federal Census:  He is with his parents.

Deed William COCHRAN (elder) to William W. COCHRAN, 50A on headwaters of Fountain Creek, east corner of Jacob MONTGOMERYS 300A tract, part of which he sold to Jacob COCHRAN, FOR NATURAL LOVE AND AFFECTION.  Reg. 27 May 1825. Wit: Jacob COCHRAN & Eli G. BRADSHAW. Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 1, Bk L, p 235

(I have never found the deed where William acquired this land and do not know how Jemima came by the title but I believe this is the same 50A that Jemima and her son convey to Mary and Sarah and that Mary leaves to David JACKSON COCHRAN in her will.)	

Land Entry No. 3, surveyed for Green H. DODSON, 43 56/100 A. on Robertson Fork of Richland Crk., beginning in SE corner of DODSONs 100A on Joel LOVE'S line, Solomon TUTTLE'S NW corner to county line on Elk Ridge.  Chain Carriers:  John HUEY & William W. COCHRON.  Giles Co., TN.
Deed Jacob COCHRAN to James DAVIS, 9 A., part of tract where COCHRAN now lives.  Wit:  William W. COCHRAN, Archibald CROCKETT.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk F1824, p 483

Deed to Jacob COCHRAN from James DAVIS, 15 A. 48 poles for $76.00.  Wit:  Archibald CROCKETT & William W. COCHRAN.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk F1824, p 464

Deed William W. COCHRAN OF COFFEE CO. to William J. COCHRAN (son of James and Jennie) for $200. on headwaters of Fountain Creek, adjoining lands with Jemima COCHRAN (Jacob has died).-....on north stake, ON TOP OF RIDGE WHICH FORMS THE LINE BETWEEN MAURY AND GILES COUNTIES....east, with Thomas ?T. ARMSTRONG’S line.  Reg. 4 Jan 1838, Wit. Charles W. COCHRAN and William M. MILLICAN.  Maury Co., TN Deed Bk V 1, Bk. U, p 335

	1830 Maury Co., TN Federal Census:  William W. COCHRAN 201.01-000.020.001

F 30/39 must be Dovey, w/o of William, and Sarah, his sister, age 30/39 and his mother, age 70/79 (1751/1760).  The 2 males 0/4 (1826/1830) and the 1 male 10/15 (1811/1815) here are not identified.  
	1836 Maury Co., Tax List, Dist. 6:  William W. COCHRAN, 55A valued at $261.  1 WP

1839	W. W. & D. COCHRAN to N. WHITE & A. A. DICKERSON.  108 A.  Giles Co., TN Deed Bk O 1839, p 35  (This has to be CROCKETT land as all the COCHRAN land is accounted for except for James' 60 A..  These buyers also bought other CROCKETT land when Elizabeth died.  1839 Giles Co., TN:  Deed Bk O 1839, p 534.  W. W. and wife to Elizabeth CROCKETT.  46 1/2 A..  This has to be the land Dovey inherited from her father.  CROCKETT researchers may find some clues or facts in the deed.) 

	1840 Giles Co., TN Federal Census of E. (Elizabeth, w/o Archibald) CROCKETT: 
		Elizabeth 60/69, 1 M 30/39
(William W. COCHRAN) 1 F 20/29 (Dovey CROCKETT COCHRAN), 1F 20/29, 1 M 5/9, 1 F 5/9 (Harriett COCHRAN, d/o William W. & Dovey)  

	1841 Mar 24: Maury Co.,TN James B. FREELAND mar. Harriet E.COCKRAN

	1843 Jan 22: Maury Co., TN John W. COCHRAN mar. Mary FREELAND
		(Who is this John W. COCHRAN?)

		1870 St. Francis Co., AR Federal Census, p 418, hh 121/127
			J. W. COCHRAN	40	TN	Farmer	$2,000.=/$400
			Louiza			22	TN	
			Rebecca E.		17	TN
			Elizabeth A.		15	TN
			Nancy J.		10	TN
			John J.			  7	TN
			Martha W.	          2/12	AR
			John Smith		26	MO
			John Bark?		20	MO

William W. COCHRAN Maury Co., TN Deed Bk 2B, p 55, 50 A to John W. Kirk
William W. COCHRAN Maury Co., TN Deed  2B, p 626, 6 A to Samuel W. Porter
	1850 Federal Census Shelby Co., TX, hh 368
		William W. COCHRAN		49 GA
		Dovey F.			46 SC
		Elizabeth FREELAND		 8 TN
1854, Giles Co., TN:  Deed W. COCHRAN to W. Williams, 166 1/2 A..  REF Bk X1854.  
(I have no idea who this W. COCHRAN is.  The acreage was not found in the purchases and the W. could be for William Woodson, Samuel W., or Charles Woodson COCHRAN.  It appears all three of these men had left Giles county about this time, but the deed may be dated much earlier, as 1854 is the date the buyer registered it in the county records.)

	1860 Federal Census Shelby Co., TX p 430, hh 75
		Samuel WEAVER		25 TN
		Elizabeth			19 TN
		Harriet			            10/12 TX
		Dovey COCHRAN		55 TN  Stock raiser
(In 1860 and 1861 Dovey gave powers of attorney to William M. MILLICAN, J. D. FREELAND and Samuel  DAVIS to collect her interest in the estates of her aunt Rachel and her mother Elizabeth.  For those inter-ested, she called Elizabeth her mother one of the P.A.'s.  Dovey was in Monroe Co., AR when she gave the ones dated in 1861.)

	1870 St. Francis Co., AR, p 439, Texas TWP
		J. B. FREELAND		54	TN 	Farmer	$400/400
		Martha				39	TN
		James W.			17	TX
		Dovey A.			14	TX
		Susan				12	TX
		Jennie				 8	AR
		Robert				 4	AR
		Mary A.				 1	AR
		Dovey COCHRAN		68	NC


The CROCKETT family intermarried with these COCHRANs:

1.	Jemima CROCKETT mar.  Jacob COCHRAN.
2.	Dovey Frances CROCKETT mar.  William Woodson COCHRAN.
3.	Jacob Hugh COCHRAN, son of James, mar.  Martha A. SAWYERS, d/o of Violet (CROCKETT) SAWYERS  MILLICAN.
4.	Josiah Johnson COCHRAN, son of James, mar.  Elizabeth P. SAWYERS, sister of Martha, above.

MILLICAN connections to these COCHRANs and CROCKETTS.

John MILLICAN who died in Madison Co., GA in 1818 was the father of the following who moved to Maury/Giles Counties TN.  John MILLICAN had a brother Andrew MILLICAN who mar.  Lettice
CLEGHORN, also of Madison Co., GA.

John MILLICAN appears to have been mar.  first to an unknown lady who was probably the mother of at least 3 children, believed to be:
1.	William MILLICAN who went to Texas and mar.  Letitia, a daughter of Robert MILLICAN who moved  from S.C. ca 1817.

2.	Mary MILLICAN mar.  1st a cousin, son of Andrew and Lettice (CLEGHORN) MILLICAN, Charles MILLICAN who died 1818 in Madison Co., GA.  Charles only named one child, William, but referred to "all my other children" in his will.  

	a.	William MONTGOMERY MILLICAN mar.  Violet (CROCKETT), widow of Ethan SAWYERS.
	b.	Jane MILLICAN mar.  William G. BRADSHAW
	c.	 Lettice Ann MILLICAN mar. Thomas FITZPATRICK and moved to Giles Co.	
	d.	Sarah MILLICAN mar.  John Finley COCHRAN, s/o James COCHRAN and Jane MILLICAN.	
Mary mar.  2nd Asa COKER and appears to have been the mother of 
	e.	Rebecca COKER who is in the home of her half-sister Jane MILLICAN BRADSHAW in 1850

She mar. James MARTIN, her half-cousin, s/o John MARTIN and Elizabeth Ann MILLICAN

 	f.	Asa COKER who appears in Giles Co. in 1860, believed to be another son of Mary.  
3.	Jane (Jennie) MILLICAN mar.  James COCHRAN.  The Rev. Groves CARTLEGE of Madison Co., GA  states Jennie was a half-sister.

John MILLICAN mar. 2) ca 1792 Mary (CLEGHORN, sister of Lettice) widow of John MOORE.  

4.	 Elizabeth Ann (Annie) MILLICAN mar.  John MARTIN, ancestors of compiler.

(I believe there were other MILLICAN connections in this area that have not been recognized.  William Montgomery MILLICAN stated his Uncle John took him to TN.)



                  							Matamoras, Mexico

F. T. McLaurin  Esq.
										Dec'r 12, 1846

		Dear Sir

I take the present opportunity of writing you a few lines informing you how we are getting along, well.  Our Company has suffered a great deal of sickness, we have 18 sick in the city hospital and 8 or 10 out at camp that are not able for duty and they have been sick a long time and it seems like it is imposible for them to recover.  When we was mustered in to service we had ninety five and now our morning report shows 34 for duty.  William EVANS has been sick some 7 or 8 weeks and looks very bad.  He first had measles and it settled in his lungs and then chills and fever, and now he has the diarah very bad.  I think he will get well though.  It will take some time.  He will not be able enough to go into camps and as soon as he gets able to go he will get a discharge and go home.   He dislikes the idea of receiving a discharge, but if he was at home it would be much better for him for he is in very low spirits and a change in climate would revive him up.  Though I don't think it good policy to go before he gets stouter than he is at present.  John McCaNLiss is very low and but little hopes of his recovery.  SFMc is also very sick.  John CALAHAN, Thomas Tharp BROADWAY had all got well.  In my last letters to your place I did not no our future destination but that point is now settled.  We will go to Tampico by way of Victoria.  This distance to Victoria is about one hundred & fifty miles and at that point Genl. Una___ is with five thousand troops and it is reported that he is about marching to this place and if that be true we will meet him on the way.  Genl. PATTERSON will take 3 Regiments to Victoria then we expect to meet TAYLOR and form a junction and all go together.  In all probibility for every appearance we will get a fight in a few weeks.  Well that is what we came for and everybody appears to be anxious to move forward.  We will start in the course of 5 or 6 days.  The sick will remain here in the hospital and be sent over by water unless they are discharged.  Excuse my badly written letter as I wrote it in a hurry.  Direct your letters to Tampico, Mexico care of Capt. M. A. ______, 1st Regt Tennessee Cavalry, 2nd division of the Army of occupation.  Give my respects to all inquiring there and say to Sis BUGG that old hen is fat and worth 200 $ in this market.

				Respectfully yours
							s/William BROWNLOW

(This letter written during the War with Mexico mentions several young men from Giles and surrounding counties.  It is in the collection of letters Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN kept.  They were handed down through her son William Thomas COCHRAN who went to AR where he mar.  and moved to Texas ca 1882.  Mr. Virgil COCHRAN said his father left home when his sister and her husband moved in with their mother.  When William T. was in Texas indians were raiding so they moved into Oklahoma for a while and returned to settle in Rains Co., TX where he died in 1923.

(Reading these letters was very emotional.  Thank you Virgil COCHRAN for your very generous sharing with us.  Had not Sarah EVANS COCHRAN not kept these letters several people would be without proof of connections to ancestors so hard to find.  My appreciation to all who have cherished and preserved these precious documents, and I pray they will continue to fall into hands of those who will respect and love them.  
Due to the age of these papers and the writing of some, there are omissions and possible misinter-preting.  I have tried to be as exacting as possible to keep the contents as placed and spelled so they will be more meaningful in portraying the times and people as they lived.) 

(This letter was folded and the address put on the outside)

Mrs. Thomas EVANS
Giles County 
Lynnville  Tennessee 	(The words "union Springs" were encircled below the address.  Written on the right side at an oblique angle was July 11  (Probably done by postmaster)

May the 10   1849
Harris County, Texas                              & July

Dear mother and brothers and sisters and friends,

I now take this opertunity to inform you that my self and family is wel at this time and all the friends in this naborhood.  Mister Wille-ford family is well and Lovles family is well and Sanders and family is wel and Laningham and wife is wel and able. Of the nabors helth is good at this time.  Nohing cha-nge nothing good.  Dear mother I hope when these few line com to hand they wil find you and family able.  Wel and -friends I have much to rite to you. Litle Andrew has got so he can git about.   I think he wil out grow ___ .  He suferd nearly death and was a gradeal of troble to us.  

Dear mother we had a frost here the 13 of April which kiled all of the corn and cotin in this cuntry and crops looks worse than I ever saw them.  Wont make a haf a crop. I think the frost was harder in sum plases than others.  I have to go to no land (Nolan? JM) yet.   I think I will start out on thirtyth or the first of July and Il setle my self when  I get back from thare and if I like out thare I wil move out thare.  I think I can make more arasing cows and hogs than rasin-g cotin.  The land is raising ever year here.  I think this cuntry up from the lake about a hundred miles from this cuntry is setting up as fast I ever saw any cun-try.   Some land is worth from won and a___ to five doll-ars.  We have the weatest summer I have sean since I lived here.  Thare a flud of water now.  Levli and wife say you may look for them this faul and if I can rase money anough you may look for Elisabeth and (if) all keeps wel I think me and the children can keap house till she cums back.  I am Consta-ble of this districk.  I was alected in April and get rit smart busines to do.  I hav about five hundred dollars to colect in my hands now and stil geting more.  I think I can get thru with the busines by spring. Thre dayes in the munth I am a cou___ to git a good? worth to hundrd and fifty dollars to do and if I get it to do I wil make muny. I can finished again Janu-ary and tend to the other bisnes to put up a store house near Woode-vil-le.

Elizabeth says she wants you to send her all sortes of seades and beans and turnip seades with to___? and the ?ute of them.  Tomas dont forget our hourses and if you dont cum your self send me a par of the best hourses in that cuntry and dont fail to chan them together and give the horse money to fed them and I wil send the money back to you in a leter.  Thomas tell Eamaakey that I pad Mister Sanders the coal money that I oad him and JACKSON Latham at Lovels at this time and I am looking for them over here.  I have seen him ter leaves? scole is oute and he did  ya___ please the people and they 
got another won and he kep to weakes and the employers turned him of and there is another atring to get a scool there and we have got trus-tees apointed to mange the school-es. 

I have nothing more at presant only I want you to look over bad spelage and enterline.  Give my repects to all the inquiring friends.  I have had sum bad luck but I wil out grow it. Charles sad sumthing about sum boy a steal-ing mony and I wont to now how he is and send his name in the next leter.   Nothing more at present only I remain your friend until death.

				Jesse T. FARLEY     				Elizabeth FARLEY


Elizabeth Farley is mentioned in letters in  1855 and breaks up housekeeping.  Her sons are with some of her brothrs.  Apparently something happened to Jesse and she returned to Giles Co., TN and remar.  to a Malone.  Apparent-ly the letter was sent to TN (Giles Co.?) and then sent on to Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN so she would know about her sister in TX.

In years past letters were written on one side of a page, then folded to make the envelope on the blank side.  This one was addressed to Mr. C. W. COCHRAN, Lynnville, Tenn.  On this side a part that had been folded in and protected there was writt-en:

"in your next tell me something about Wilson Henderson."


					Shelby County, Texas
					    September 28, 1851

		Your letter has come & we read it over several times.  we are glad to hear from you.  Your letter and one we got from Jefferson, are all the letters that we have had from any of my people for the last seven years.  We are in the endo--y(hyphen)ent of good health.  There has been but very little sickness in our country this year. last winter and spring was very wet, but since the 28 of May we have had but very little rain, none of conse-quence, and then the summer has been excessively hot.  the sun shines in this latitude with a great deal of power; in consequence of the protrac-ted draught & heat, corn crops are very lite, lat corn is entirely cut off, cotton and shugar cain are ruined, the grass is dryed up, prospects are very gloomy, corn crops are all gathered in and the cotton is very near all in the house.  Red river & Sabine are both too low for boating.  There is corn a plenty made for the citizenry but it is surely a bad year for emigrating to texas for corn is now worth one dollar a bushel & will be more.  I am in Texas and am well pleased with texas and been here long enough to know something of Texas.  If your father & mother had come when William MILLICAN made them the offer he did, and located on the Brassy you might all of you now have been independently rich.  The Milicans are still liveing there and are rich, they are very con-veniently situated to a first rate market.  Steamboates run the Brassy farr above them all the year and gal-veston is a sea port, a place (of) grate trade.  But they let that opportunity pass.  I was sorry to hear that Jacob & Samuel had come back to Tennisee for it does seem to me that young men just start-ing in the world ought to brake of all whims about father & mother and look out for themselves.  not that the parents should be left alone, no, but let one, a daughter if need be stay with them and comfort them in there old age, but there is no need of the whole generation staying around the old peopel for it is now allmost impossible for a poor man to buy land of any account anywhere about in Maury or in Giles counties.  Well every year it will of course be worse, and all the new countries are being filled so very fast that he that will find a new country will have to take a longer journey than to texas.  I advise no one to come here, or go there, but only to secure a good home where you can, but the idea of rent is killing to any mans feelings.  What you pay yearly in rents would more than buy you a good home in any new country for one dollar an acre in this country I can get good level land well watered, timber and grass and no matter how good a crop year it is corn is always worth one dollar a bushel in the sumer.  I want you to write to me again tel me where your father lives, finly, Jacob &  Samuel and all the rest of the friends where they are and all that sort of thing.  I cannot enter-tain you as you can me for you know but few of the peopel of this country.  In this county we have two temples of honor one of them is in five miles of us, and I am a member.  we are now building a fine Temple house and are doing a great amount of good in this wild country.  There are many good godd fearing men & women in this country, but it requires a good degree of firm-ness of principal to mantain & stand as a Christian.  in this land there was a great many come here that stood very fair at home but wanting that encouragement and support from the said friends they have gradually retrograded and give up all pretensions to a religious life.  give my best love and respects to your father and mothr, brothrs and sisters & Aunts Ann and Sarah.  tell them to write to me if they please.  I wish Sara was with me if she could be conted to stay in this warm country for it is very warm and almost no winter, stock need no feed & thee are but few cows that will eat corn at all, since I began this letter we have had some rain and the grass again looks green.   if you have any chance I want you or any of your friends to send me a few chesnuts & some seed of the yellow poplar, I want to plant them for there are none of these trees in this country.  In hopes of meeting in heaven I now leave you farewell.

						W. W. COCHRAN to
						C. W. COCHRAN


William W. COCHRAN to Charles Woodson COCHRAN, his nephew.  He and his wife Dovey Frances CROCKETT, moved to Shelby Co., TX as indicated in his letters.  He apparently died there and Dovey continued to live with her son-in-law even after his wife, the daughter of William and Dovey had died and he had remar. .  Any information on Dovey and James B. FREELAND and his family will be appreciated.

Jacob, Samuel and Finly mentioned are brothers of Charles.  I wonder where Jacob and Samuel had gone to have "come back" to TN.

Charles' Aunts Ann and Sarah are sisters of William W. and James COCHRAN, who is Charles' father.

Ann had mar.  Isom JACKSON, and lived in Maury Co. just across Elk Ridge from her kin in Giles Co. 

Sarah never mar. .

William MILLICAN is a brother of Jane MILLICAN, wife of James COCHRAN and Mary MILLICAN the mother of William MONTGOMERY MILLICAN.  This William MILLICAN above mar.  Letitia MILLICAN, daughter of Robert MILLICAN who came to Brazos Co., TX.  I believe he is the same one in Maury Co. 1820 census, passing through from GA or KY.  Robert, his father-in-law, had grandchildren born in KY.

(This letter was folded and the address put on the outside)


Letter:					Shelby County)
							        )July the 26 1852
						Texas        )

		Dear Nephew, I rec'd your letter and would have wrote before this time but the great press of business has prevented until now.  I am carrying on a cabi-net shop and a little farm.  I attend the subor-dinate Temple of Honor twice a month, the society degree once a month & the lodg once a month and go every Sunday, so you see I am not idle.  My health is very good and I am able to doo as much work as most of men and rest some too.  I have an excellent crop of corn, my cotton is now about seven feet high and going on.  Our Temple is in a very flurishing condi-tion, has much good & still doing good.  In the subordinate temple I wear the red regala & blue apron.  Your aunt is a member of the social degree and is very much pleased with it.  There is a very great ex-cite-ment now about a railroad .  It will pass near our house and bring New orleans in nine or ten hours of us.  When that road is complete a journey to old Maury county wil be a mere trifle.  I would go and visit my old friends in tennesee if I had any one to stay here and keep home for us but when one of us leave home there is but one left and that is lonesome and it would not quite do for us to leave our little all and travel two thousand miles to see your friends for a few days and return.  By staying at home and attending to our business we can live very well and enjoy life better than ever we did at any period before.  We have a plenty of friends all round us.  Your Aunt is in very fine health, very fat, cheerful and contented.  Little Emily is well and going to school.  
We (have) very fine crops, everything very plenty we eat but very little meat in the south.  Milk, butter, coffee, potatoes and the like make up the bill of fare in common.

The weather now is too warm to work only a little in the mornings.

Give my respects to your father and mother.


				W. W. COCHRAN to
					C. W. COCHRAN

Written by William W. (Woodson?) COCHRAN to Charles Woodson COCHRAN, his nephew.

"Your Aunt" is Dovey Frances (CROCKETT) COCHRAN.

"Little Emily" is the grandaughter of William W. and Dovey COCHRAN.  Their daughter Harriet COCHRAN mar.  James B. FREELAND in Maury Co., TN and Mr. FREELAND is next door to W. W. & Dovey in Shelby Co., TX in 1850.  Harriet had died and they were raising Emily (Emiline) whom mar.  Samuel W. WEAVER.. 

              Tennessee    Giles County   August 23 1854

Dear Brother  It is with pleasur that I now take this operturnity of writing you a few lines to let you no that we ar all well at this time.  Hoping that this may find you all well.  The friends are all well as far as I no except Malinda MARTIN she has been sick for som 4 weaks and 2 doctors waiting on her but is mending now.   We have had the worst drough that I ever saw for the length of it.   It lasted 4 weaks and 2 days.  It burnt our corn up almost the stobble.  Ground would a burnt over if it had been hard.  I wont get any foder hardley and a heap of corn is but lite or roast corn is hier bar thou I ever saw in the field.  Som thinks it will be 2 dolars a the heap I have been offerd 1 for mine.  In cattle I think that I wil make 70 or 80 barels of corn I wont get any foder I have got a wagon and team and we want to start by the 15 of September if we ar all well.  Father and mother ar still in the notion of going along with us.  I want you to ingage some corn and pork for us before too many m(onths) in thar.  I want a hous if you can get one for us.  Thar has some thing has turn up har since you left that would interest you if I had time to rite.  I see Robert EVANS every few day.  They was all well the last time I seen him.  Thear is a heap of land for sale her now and people wanting to move to new cuntries.  Wesley VICK, William VICK, Benjamin BEALE are on the move.  They want to go and look this fall.  Sam VICK wants to move rite off soon....Eliz BRADSHAW and Eliza Thompson was maried last thursday night and they are going to Lawrence to live.  It is so warm and I swet so that I can keep my paper clean.  I have not had but one lettr from you since you left this.  If we get off as soon as we think we wont have time to git an answer from you now.  I want you to doo the best that you can for us in getting corn.  It is a going to be all that I can do to get thar and have money to by provisions the first year.  So no mor farwell.

					John F. COCHRAN to
					C. W. COCHRAN	*****

These men are sons of James and Jennie COCHRAN, who moved to MO.  It appears James died in Maury Co. and Jennie moved to Missouri.  No cemetery records have been found on either of them.  

Charles W. COCHRAN died 25 Sep 1854 and the family had not gotten the news.  A letter written by Robert S. EVANS to his sister, Sarah, widow of Charles, was dated 24 Jan 1855.  Even if Finley had left on September 15 I doubt they could have arrived in time to see Charles before he died.  Accord-ing to a letter dated 24 Jan 1855 their mother was still in TN as Robert S. EVANS wrote that date expressing his great surprise to learn of the death of Charles.  I have not found John Finley and his family in MO, although I have a typed copy of his bible record that was in the possession of a des-cendant in Springfield in 1959.  The bible record is a separate document.  
I believe Sarah and the family may be found in Greene Co., MO in 1860 due to the fact that one of the letters written to Greene Co. MO.

There was a Malinda MARTIN who was in the same neighborhood as William Jefferson COCHRAN in the 1860 Maury Co., TN census and she is probably the one in this letter.  I do not know of any connection to my John MARTIN at this time.  I would dearly love to find just ONE connection to him.

The VICK and BEALE families are near neighbors in Giles Co.

I presume John Finley COCHRAN was still in Giles Co., TN at this writing.

This letter was folded and addressed on the outside:

Mr. James H. COCHRAN
Milton PO
Randolph MO

On the side was the date March 1 1855.  In a different hand was July 8 1864 - (Both probably put on the mail by the postmasters.)

					January 4th 1855

dear cousins I embrase the present opertunaty of writing you a few lines to let you now that we are all well at this time and hope these lines may find you all well.  Times is very hard in this cuntry money is scarse and provi-sions high corn is worth from thre dolars and 50 cents to six dolars per barel, in this neigh-berhood it is worth $3.50 cts. and in other parts of the state higher.  In Bed-ford county it is to 6 dollars per barel in diferent prices foder is worth fore dolars and 50 cents per hundred.  It is not none (known) how cotten will sell yet.  There was a storm party at grandpaw DODSONs at Crismus weak and your uncle Jes came home with us there was a bout one hundred people there there was some from Columbia.
We want you to rite to us and let us now how you like that cuntry and what you are doing and how you are geting along and what you can make by your work.  

Donel we want to hear from you too how you are getting along.  We have nothing more to right but remain yours until death
							D. J. and J. ?. COCHRAN

(Another letter was enclosed in the one above)

Sister Sarah I take this opertunaty of righting you a few lines to let you now that we are all well.  I have but litle to right your sister Elisabeth Farley has broke up housekeeping and scat-ter her children.  There is two with John and one with Henry and the rest has not got homes yet that I now of.

Johns litle boy died in November with the croup and they had a daughter born in September.  Ashley Griffens wife is dead and his oldest daughter is dead there was just 1 weak between there deaths.  Docter Whites wife has gone entirely deranged and has to be confined.  She had a baby and it died and she has not been right since.  Doctor More has moved back in our neighberhood   father and mother is well.  Father has got well of the cancer on his face.  Father and mother COCHRAN is well as comin.  I have the finest baby you ever saw in your life he has the blackest eyes and have you ever saw he is begining to crall and clime up evry a where.....I want you to right me and let me now how you are getting a long and if you are satisfied there or if you would rather come back or stay where you are.  We have looked for a leter from you ever since we heard of Charleses deth but has got  none.  I want you to right to me the particulars of his sickness and death.   Tell the children all howdy for me.  Aunt Sarah sends her res-pects to you and all the children.  I have nothing more to right but remain your Sister until death.

				W. R. M. COCHRAN
					to Sarah COCHRAN

(W. R. M. COCHRAN was Winnifred R. Mariah DODSON who mar.  William Jefferson COCHRAN.)

Another letter is begun:

James I now right you a few lines I would be glad if I could se you and talk with you there is a great deal depending on you at this time your left without a father to go too for council.  I want you to keep out of bad company be shur that you do not fall in bad habits be kind and obedient to your mother tri to make her hapy in this tring time be kind to your brothers and sisters all way.

Donal you are left in a strange land without a father to to your mother for advise be kind and obe-dient to her.  I want you and your mother to right to me and let me now what your prospects are.  I have nothing more to right but remain your friend until death.

					William J. COCHRAN

(Persons in order mentioned)

These writers were doing all they knew to console Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN and her children upon learn-ing of the death of Charles Woodson COCHRAN.  This was a family effort to express their concern for the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare for the bereaved, yet they included news of people familiar to those far away, perhaps to help them remember that life goes on, even when a great loss has been suffered.

The family writing are those of William Jefferson COCHRAN, his wife and sons to the family of C-harles, deceased.  Their closeness in spite of distance is felt throughout the letters.)


To James Hampton COCHRAN, son of Charles and Sallie.

Grandpaw DODSON, would be father of Mariah, wife of Jefferson.
(I wonder if one might find the reason for the "storm party" in the Pulaski Citizen or some Maury Co., TN news-papers on microfilm in the TN state library?)
From D. J. & J. ?. COCHRAN, sons of Jefferson.  The 2nd initial of the 2nd person is partly missing on the bottom the page.  The top part looks as if it might be an "H".  The only child follow-ing David J. in age is James Brooks, sons of Jefferson.  Perhaps this will be clearer some day.


To "Sister" Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN.  Mariah must have felt very close to Sarah to call her sister when in fact I know of no other relationship between them other than having mar.  brothers.

"Your Sister" Elizabeth Farley is a sister of Sarah.  She was the firstborn of James Hampton EVANS (1792-1837) and Nancy Laird (1793-1884).  Betsy was born 1814.

John who has one of the Farley sons is apparently John EVANS, a brother.  I believe he is the one whose little boy had died.

Henry is another brother.

Father and Mother are the DODSON parents of Mariah.  I have not looked in the 1850 census for who they would be.

Father and Mother COCHRAN are James and Jane "Jennie" (MILLICAN) COCHRAN.  In 1850 they were in the next household to Jefferson and Mariah.

Aunt Sarah would be the maiden daughter of William (the elder) and ------------_______ COCHRAN.  She was in the house of Jefferson in 1850 and 1860.

(Since Ann, sister of Aunt Sarah above, was not mentioned, it seems she was still with her husband Isom JACKSON.  In 1860 Ann is also in the household of Jefferson. JM)


To James Hampton COCHRAN from William Jeffrson COCHRAN, his uncle.

             Lynnville    Giles County Tennessee     
                                January 24 1855

Dear Sister and children.  I this morning set my self to rite you all a few lines to let you all no how we are all geting a long.  In the first place  we are all well as fare as know of at this pre-sent time and we are all doing as well as could be expected for us to do in this old country and I am in hopes these few lines may find you all in good health and will pleased with your contry.  But I expect you are a living a lonsom life it being so far from any of your connections and acquain-tences. I no you are ablige to miss Charly for I have missed him as much as any man as I ever see in my life and looks strang to me to think of him and to think he is dead as he was so well a looking a man when he lived in Tennes-see.  I never had anything to supprise me as bad in all my life as to think that he is dead.  I taken the letter out of the post office in the night and broked it open and red a few lines and James said that they were all well at that time and I put the letter in my hat and went home.  It was bedtime and the first part of the letter said that they were all well & next morning I got the letter and red it and found in the last part of the letter that his father was dead and I red it over three or four times & it maid me feel mity bad about it for he looked so harty when I saw him over at BRADSHAWs and told him good by.  I sent it to Jeffer-son when I got that letter from James and I went to red the letter to mother and the old Mrs COCKRAN could see it & they all taken it very hard.  We all maid very sory crops in this country last year.-...corn is worth three dollars per barrel cash and part is worth from farm to four dollars fifty cents 
(It appears part of the page is gone from this part of the letter.
Another page begins:)

Dear sister I want to no whether you had rather stay thare or come back to Tennes-see & rite what you have done with your acers & cattle.

Well sister Betsy Farley is talking about putting out all of her boys and taking Martha Ann and little Nancy and going to live in the house with mother I dont no that Betsy will do it but I expect she will.  I dont expect that all of the children will be willing to it.  Well Sally, Delila sends her best respects to you and all of your children.  Delilia says that we have got the best baby that ever was it is pirty and is seven months old and wais 22 pounds and is the purtiest little thing you ever seen

Well Sally I would have rote to you a long time ago but James rote to me & told me not to rite to them until he rote to me again and I have inquired for a letter from you till I have got out of hope of getting one and I would like to here from you all twice a month anyhow.  I want you to rite to me as sune as you get this letter without fail.  Well James I would like to read a letter from you at any time and if land is cheep now is the time for to get a little place.  I would like to come out to that country on a visit to look at the country but I dont no when it will be if it was no farther than Lynnvile I could come at any time owing to surcan-stances I dont no when I will be there you must excuse bad riting & speling and I will tri and do better the next time so I must bring my letter to a close in sort so no more so I remain your dear brother until death so farwell for this time.
			Yours with Respectfuly     R. S. EVANS

James H. COCKRAN you must rite. 


(This gentleman may have been a little short on writing abilities, but he made up for it with the love and concern expressed for his far away widowed sister.  Who can fault a man of this calibre?
Delila is apparently his wife.  I have not looked them up in the census.
Sister Betsy Farley is apparently Elizabeth EVANS, his oldest sister, born 1814.  
The writer is Robert L. EVANS, born 183l.  
J. H. COCHRAN is a son of Charles W. and Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN.
Jefferson is William Jefferson COCHRAN, brother of Charles W.
Old Mrs. COCHRAN is Jane "Jennie" (MILLICAN) COCHRAN, mother of 
Charles and William Jefferson.

				Lynnvile   Giles Coty    Sep 9 55?
					Mr. J. H. COCHRAN

Dear Sir

Your kind letter came to hand the other day and gave me grate satisfaction to hear that you are in the land of the living. 

This leaves me and Martha well and I sincerely hope that it will find you and the rest of the family well.  I am now living at Pas and Teaching school and have a good many scholars but I do not intend to follow it for a livelihood.  I expect to go to farming next year in old Giles.  I think I can live here for a few years yet then I will go to some new country but my notion rather leads me to Texas by my mine may alter and if it does and should come to that country I will call and see you all and spend a while with you all and if like will settle.  The people is as well as common.  Thare  has been a few cases of colory hear but not rite in this neighbor-hood and some flux and fever but the health is tolerable good and every boddy is trying to get rich.  I have the finest crops in this country I ever saw and very good mart.  Thare is plenty made this year for two years if they will take care of it.  If you intend to back hear after a wife now is the time for their parant have aplenty to set you off to house keeping.  I believe I have given you all the news of importance.  You must write often.  Let me no how you like that country.  So no more at present but remain yours until death

							J. W. Willeford
(Another letter continues on same page as above)

Aunt Sara a few words to you to let you know that I have not forgoten you yet nor do I expect to for old neighbors as we have been there is to grate love existing.  I have wrote all the news to James and Therefore have not much to write.  Your old and feeble mother is well as she commonly is.  You know she is never to say rite well and according to the course of nature she is not for troublesome world much longer.  It is hard for us all to give up our old parent who have watched over us in our infancy and toiled hard to rase us up but we should not griev after them for I think they will be beter off.  I know the ties for I have my dear parents hear with with me and I know how hard it would be for me to give them up.

Mother in law sends her best love and respecks to you all say you must write to her.  Martha also sends her love to you.  I must bring my leter to a close for I am tiring you all I expect.  So no more at present but remain your affectionate nephew.  
								J. W. Willeford
To Mrs. Sarah COCHRAN
PS  Write often and let me know how you are pleased.
Yours J. W. W.	*****

Mr. J. H. COCHRAN would be James Hampton COCHRAN, son of Charles Woodson and Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN.)  

					Giles Cty   Tenn
					Dec the 16th 1855


Dear Sir I received your kind leter some two weeks since but having just returned from a trip to the western district.  I have not had the opportu-nity of answering it untill now.  I was truly glad to receive a letter from you and take great plea-sure in trying to answering it I was glad to hear that you war well and well satis-fied in your country and still glader that you were a temperance man and attended a Sabath school.  With this safe-guard thrown around a young man I have no fear of him becom-ing disa-pated and reclys but strong faith that he by the grace of God will be a good and useful man.  I was sorry to hear that your mother was sick but hope she has got well before this time.  I was glad to hear that uncle James and aunt Jane COCHRAN and all have landed safe and the friends in general are well.  My family and self have enjoyed very good health this year tho there has bin a great deal of sickness in this cuntry and a good menny deaths, some scar-let and fluxe in this cuntry now.  Joseph COCHRANs family and Mr. Milligans have had a brush of the scarlet feavour but have all got well.  James RAMSEYs oldest doter died of scarlet feavour Thursday night last and the next one is very low.  Old Mrs NANCE is probly dead by this time of flux, Mary STROUD died about two weeks gone by of female disease.  We have bin finely blest with a good season and bountiful crops and fine prices for everything that we have to sell.  Money is tolerable plenty the same men are braking.  T. B. WALKER went by the bord last week and is a few hundred dollars more than nothing, corn is worth one dollar the barrel wheat am 25 cts per bushel pork 5 and 5.25 cts per hundred wait.  Mules and horses I do not know how to price them they are as high as I ever knew them.  Land and negros are very high and are still rising.  Miss Mary W made a rise last thursday night and stood by the side of Mr. Berks with the bridle knot was tied it is said  that Sarah P. Lowry and Billy Pic___ will take their plight next Tues. night.  I want you to continue writing to me and I will do the same.  Give me a short descrip-tion of your cuntry.  I have no dout it is a pretty cuntry and I would like to see it.  Tell me all about my old neighbors and friends that are in that cuntry what they are doing and how tha are making out.  If you have any revivals of religion in that cuntry tell me a bout them and tell me about your one prospects of getting to heavone as the path way through life is very short and beset with thorns on every hand.  We should be laying up treasure in heavine whear the weary are at rest and the wicked cease from troub-ling.  Give my best respects to your mother and family and all inquiring friends.  Tell them I would be glad to receive a leter from enny of them.  I want you not to fail in writing to me very soon after you get this.  Excuse this leter and I will try to doe beter next time.  Emeline and the children sends their complements to you all.  I must close but not till I give you my best respects and wishes for your well fare.

			Wm Calvert to J. H. COCHRAN

(This was written to James Hampton COCHRAN, son of Charles W. COCHRAN and wife Sarah EVANS.  I believe I have read that a Calvert was a minister in the area where these people lived.

Uncle James and Aunt Jane and all have arrived in MO.  John Finley COCHRAN, brother of Charles who had recently died, had written Charles to make arrangements to buy corn and find a home for them.  Perhaps Charles was able to do this before he passed away.  It seems he became ill and died most unexpectedly in Sep. 1854 at the age of 41.  This now makes it appear both James and Jane died in MO.  I do not know where Finley was in 1860 in MO.  Further research should reveal his whereabouts.  He was not in Polk Co.

The Joseph COCHRAN is a puzzle to me.  I do not know who he is.  We have Josiah Johnson COCHRAN, a brother of Charles; and a Jacob Hugh COCHRAN is a brother.  


James RAMSEY, Old Mrs. NANCE, Mary STROUD who had died, Miss Mary W. and her groom Mr. BERKS; Sarah P. LOWERY and her betrothed Billy PIC___ must all be neighbors and I know of no relationship.
T. B. WALKER is Tabner B. WALKER, not a known connection to my WALKERs of the same area. 

I do not know if the terms Uncle James and Aunt Jane are terms of respect or if the writer is a nephew of James or Jane. I have not done any research on him or his parents.)  

			Springfield  Green County Misso

				October the 21 1856

Dear sister and children I take my pen in had to let you know that I and the con-nection and friends are all well and I hope when these few lines comes to hand they will find you all well.  I am at Martes and has bin for three week.  I was going to start to your house yesterday as a week ago they was a boil come on my thi so I was not able to ride there and it is know better yet and now my horse is lame but I hope it is nothing but gravel  we received your letter a few days a and we was glad to here from you all and to here that you was all well crops are very good here I hant much of import-antce to write I can tell you more when I get thear than I can write you so will come to a close soon you must excuse bad riting and spelling for nothing moore at present but remain your brother until death So Farewell

			James tel them girls I will be thear after while.  

					S. F. EVANS


Sarah (EVANS) COCHRAN has moved to Greene Co., MO.  She and family are not in the 1860 Polk Co., MO census.
To James Hampton COCHRAN from Samuel F. EVANS, b 1833, brother of Sarah Evan COCHRAN.

The EVANS family appear to have been very close.  It would be interesting to research them, but my time must go elsewhere.  It seems the young single men were very jocular in spite of their hard luch.  I hope events became easier for this young man and that he found the right girl.  

					April 6th 1857

		Lynvill  Gile County Tennessee

					Dear sister

It is with much pleaser to me to seat my self this morning to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and the connection is all well so are as I know but Delya Ccs she has lost a baby and has ben very dangers but she is gitting well there was for one day and night that she dident know ennything a tall tha shave her face of clost all over her head and bled her and she did not know any thing about it til tha told her I am a done plant corn and I run a bord over part of it yesterday and Kineston has six achor to run abord over and then wont have anything to do  Sam is don planting all but a little and some is coming up corn is worth three dollars per barel the bacon is worth a have sents per pound I must bring my letter to a close you must excuse bad right and spelling for I am in a hury giv my love to all the children and take a part for your self so nothing more at present but fare well


James you out to ben hea to go and see som the prites girls that you evey saw in your life I think if you was her and see the purty girls on at time you would not never go back thar agane I am going a sunday to see if I can find one that will suit me so nothing more at present but fare well


						J L EVANS

James tell MARTIN that Kineston has got that money from George Malone a good while ago.

(MARTIN is MARTIN EVANS, a brother of Sarah EVANS, mother of James H. COCHRAN.   MARTIN mar.  Mar-garet McQuigg and moved to MO near Spring-field in 1853 according to EVANS/Laird Genealogy on micro-film of Giles Co., TN.  MARTIN is also mentioned in an EVANS letter of another date.  

Kineston EVANS was a brother who moved to MO.

			Maury County   Tennessee

				July the 1st 1864


			Dear Aunt With pleasure of the Highest Emotion I assume the present opportunity of addressing you with a few lines which leave myself and Ma and all my friends well and I cherish a fond hope that it may find you and your friends all enjoying the same Benefi-cient Boon.  I have nothing to communicat at the present time worth your attention But will endeavor to do the best I can for a short time and if posible give you a correct idea of how your friends in Tenn are all getting along.  We are getting along muh better than you or I could expect.  Provisions are not very scarce considering the soldiers we have had to feed besides the poor women and children.  I think as a neighborhood we have been blest beyond any other as for confederate Soldiers we have never been troubled with them a great deal.  The Federals have been guarding this rail road about 8 months and we have no reasons to complain on things in any respect.  Our losses have been compari-tively  small.  Uncle Jacob is at home with his family two of his children died last fall with Diph-thera (Allice and Dick).  They have 5 living children.  Uncle Josiah went to the service in May 1 served untill he was over age was discharged at Corinth and on his return home he was captured.  The 4th Iowa on and we have never heard from him.  Aunt Parthena and the children are well and are living with Cousin William MILLICAN.  Nancy Jane is not married yet.  She weighs 140 pounds.  Uncle John Martyns family are all well the Boys are at home except Ebb he is in the (army?)  Aunt Mary you can imagine how anxious we were to hear from you But when a long looked for letter came it Brought sad tidings to think that we never more shall see that Dear Mother and Grandmother But as we should not grieve after she has been a poor suf-ferer for a good while But is now done with all the trouble of this world and is at rest.  I am sorry to think that Cousin Mary Jane and Sara are left without a mother.  Give them my compliments and tell them to be good girls and if they are orphants I hope they will have friends.  Death has visited our family and taken two of the loved members.  Aunt Sallie died the 15th of Sept. 63.  She had Diphtheria.  Aunt Annie died Nov. 63 as we have but four in family now.  My two Dear Brothers James B. and David J. also absent at this time.  They have been in the service about 19 months.  They have been very fortunate so far and I trust they will be permited to return home one time more and live in peace and happiness as we once did.  You may write to Cousin James H. and tell him for me that I have not forsaken my friends because they are in the federal army But I am glad that he was brave enough to go and fight for his country at is true my brothers are in the confederate Army they were compleled to go.  They stayed at home as long as they could when they could stay no longer they volunteered and went.  They have the best of Co. and Regiment officers John WHITE is their Col. Bob EVANS their Capt.

  		Aunt Mary I was very much surprised when I heard that you was married.  I have often been told that you and I were cut out for old maids.  If I should follow the example you have set I think some people will be mistaken.  You can tell my new Uncle all about me and then he will know more than if I was to write to him and give my regards to all, Cousins John C. family, espe-cially that new Cousin, Aunt Sallie, Charly, Sarah and Scina and none excepted and please write soon as you receive this.

Your affectionate Neice

			Asenath Jane Jennie COCHRAN

Direct to Lynnvill Giles Co.

(In a different hand was written the following below Asenath's signature.)

James H we will write you a few lines on this letter what Buddy requested us to write he wants you to send him your likeness and say in your letter that it is for him.  Mary A. TILLER.


(This letter mentions suspected connections that satisfy my numer-ous hours of research on these fami-lies.

Asenath, above, is the daughter of William Jefferson COCHRAN.  He was a son of James and Jane (Jen-nie) (MILLICAN) COCHRAN.  William MONTGOMERY MILLICAN mentioned above is a nephew of Jane, son of her sister Mary MILLICAN who married her cousin Charles MILLICAN.
Charles died 1818 in Madison Co., GA and named a son William and mentioned "all my other children" in his will.

The Jacob and Josiah called her uncles are Jacob Hugh COCHRAN and Josiah Johnson COCHRAN, sons of James and Jennie COCHRAN.

Her Aunt Mary is Mary A. COCHRAN, daughter of James and Jennie who was still unmarried and in the household of Robert CARR and Mariah (COCHRAN) her sister.  Also in the household is Jennie, blind.  Apparently Aunt Mary married before the 1etter and after the 1860 census.  

I have not determined who the "dear mother and grandmother" is who has died.  I had thought the children named were children of John Finley COCHRAN and Sarah E. MILLICAN, his wife.  After looking at their record, Mary J. died 12/22/1865 and Sarah E. married W. Hugh KERR.  She died 4-2-1863 and would already have been dead.  I do not believe Sarah E. is the person deceased here.

The Aunts Sallie and Ann are Sarah, are sisters of James COCHRAN, and would be great-aunts of Ase-nath.

Asenath calls John C. a cousin.  That would be John Calvin COCHRAN, son of Jacob COCHRAN and Jemima CROCKETT, his wife.  Jacob was a son of William and Mary COCHRAN (the elders), and a brother of James COCHRAN, Asenath's grandfather.  This is the only men-tion of a connection anywhere with John Calvin COCHRAN.  There is not other known John C. COCHRAN and I do not know of a DODSON of that name.

I have not researched the Civil War records for the people men-tioned as serving.  Those interested in this line may wish to do so, as there may be other evidences of family ties in those records.  I would appreciate any additional information on these people as I have come to love them as if they were closer ties than just a lateral line.

The mother of William Montgomery MILLICAN, I also believe is a full sister of Jennie, which would make 3 children John MILLICAN, their father, had by his first wife.  My Elizabeth Ann MILLICAN was a wife of the John Martyn (MARTIN) who Asenath called Uncle.  Elizabeth Ann was a daughter of John MILLICAN and Mary CLEGHORN.  He married a 3rd time and had 4 daughters, one of whom was Karrenhappuk who married Richard P. McMICHAEL and also settled in Brazos County, TX.  One of her daughters married into the family of Robert MILLICAN who in Brazos Co. Texas in 1824.  William, brother of Jennie, married a daughter of this Robert MILLICAN and reared his family in Brazos Co.  At this point I believe Robert MILLICAN of Brazos Co., TX was a cousin of my John MILLICAN who died in Madison Co., GA in 1818.)

			Claud Okla
						Feb 28 1897


					Dear brother and familie your well com letter was received last evening found us all well bot myself I have had a lite chill the last two days am not feeling very well today.

I have no news of interest.  Henry is nearly don braking he wold bin don but he has a sore on his foot that bothers him so he cannot plow and we are not able to hire.

We to have everything to by except meet and we lost some of our meet    I received a letter from one of James dauters a few day ago they they were all sick and uncle Willis TILLER was mariage again.  

The last letter I received form D B he was thinking some of goin back east hoping better times.  I have not heard from sister Mary for some time.  Her address is 1701 Washington Ave., St. Lois.  Her name aire (too faded to read)  She wrote that she  was going to leave St. Louis as (soon as?)  Wooten is a mason by trade.  

Well will close for this time do not wait for me to write you do not know glad I am to get a letter for I am so lonesome  Sallie    will it to write to her and has writen two or three time to me.

Write soon and often   All my love to all the familie
I remain _________________

					Sarah J MITCHELL


(Sarah J. MITCHELL was Sarah Jane COCHRAN, born 1846, Giles Co., TN, daughter of Charles Woodson COCHRAN and Sarah Evan.  

The D. B. in the 4th paragraph is probably Donald Reese, her brother, born ca 1842, Giles Co., TN.  
Sister Mary is Mary Charles, born 9 Feb 1855 who married Fred GEESENAN in MO.  He deserted her and she married a Mr. Wooten at Walden, Scott Co., AR.  That may be the Wooten who is a mason.  I know nothing more about this family.  

I do not have further information of who the Henry? MITCHELL was that Sarah Jane married.  


"This clipping was in some of my grandfathers papers.  He, my grandfather, my uncle Donald R. and Aunt Willie Ann Cockrum are all bur. in Prospect Cemetary at Emory, Texas."  s/Virgil COCHRAN

CLIPPING from newspaper (no dates, no city.)


I have been a reader of The News for thirty-five years.  I read in the issue of Aug. 27 a letter from a Giles County, Tenn., man named C. J. COCHRAN, in which he gave no address.  I was born in Giles County, TN near Lynn-ville, and emigrated to Randolph Coun-ty, Mo., April 25 1854.  I think his father, Sam COCHRAN, and my fa-ther, Charles COCHRAN, surely must be brothers.   The last I heard of them was when they moved to Arkansas in November, 1867.  I was in the war, but no army.  W. T. COCHRAN, Point, Rains Co., Texas.

(The 1850 census of Giles Co. lists S. W. COCHRAN and Charlotte with a daughter Caldonia.  She said Caldonia had died young.  Charlotte was a daughter of John A. Head he was in Giles Co. in the same vicinity.

There is a probate record for a Margaret (McClanahan) COCHRAN, widow of a John COCHRAN who died in SC.  This probate record is published in the Maury Co., TN Quarterly but took place in Wm. Co., TN.  In it a Samuel W. there to claim the his fa-ther's (John of GA) share of the estate and Samuel W. is named as a grandson of the deceased.

Mr. W. T. COCHRAN died in 1929, and was he father of Virgil COCHRAN.  He had I believe migrated to TX from AR about 1888, went into OK for a time then moved to Rains Co.

I calculate the articles appeared ca 1910 and one could persue finding the one from Mr. C. J. COCHRAN by inquiring about newspa-pers available on microfilm for TX in the State Library.  There may be other particulars in it that would help.) 


I  	John COCHRAN   
	b 1775/ante 
	d.1821/24, Will of record in Wm. Co., TN. mar. BROWN
	m 2nd Susanna
	(1) James COCHRAN
	(2) Nancy, married Mr. MINUS
	(3) William COCHRAN 
	(4) Sally mar. John GARNER 
	(5) Polly mar. Henry MULLEN 
	(6) Peggy mar. Daniel IRELAND
	(7) John COCHRAN
	(8) Nelle or NEELY 
	(9) & (10) Iam and AMMON.  (AARON?)

	"My last wife Elizabeth BROWN" stated in his will.

1801-1803 Wm. Co., TN Tax Lists	John COCHRAN 150A on Mill Creek-1 White Poll
	1804-1809  Wm. Co., TN Tax List	John COCHRAN 165A on Mill Creek
	1811 Wm. Co., TN Tax Lists		John COCHRAN 140A , no white poll, 1 other poll


Deed from Robert WEAKLEY to Aaron D. COCHRAN for $25. cash.  On headwaters of Clems Creek, east end of a 2,000A survey --- 100 A.  Wit:  James BROWN & Joseph BOYD.  Wm. Co., TN Deed Bk F,  p 106-8.  Bedford Co., TN.

Deed Aaron D. COCHRAN of Wm. Co., TN to Thomas BOREN 66A on headwaters of Clems Creek, branch of Duck River.  Corner of Em Weekleys old corner for $250.  Wit:  Abraham HILL & Nancy DARNELL, reg. 25 Jul 1817.  Wm. Co., TN Deed Bk G, p 530-1

I believe he moved to Lawrence Co., TN.  He is included here as it is possible that John COCHRAN who died in Wm. Co., TN had a son named Aaron (Ammon?).  I have not done further reserch on this Aaron.

There is a younger Aaron who is given a guardian in Wm. Co., TN.  He probably married a girl in Giles Co., TN, as there is a court record there where he was accused of stealing a slave that was inherited by his wife.  He is later in Hickman Co., to the best of my memory. 

There may or may not be other children of William and Mary named Bekiel (Ezekial) and Edward who were in Maury Co. in early census records.

Littleberry ODOM
b. 1795
mar. 20 Sep 1822, Maury Co., TN
Mary "Polly" COCHRAN
b. 1809/10
d. after 1880, Hardin Co., TN

1820 Maury Co., TN
1850 Lauderdale Co., AL
1860 Tishmingo Co., MS

Researcher/Descendant:  Mrs. Elizabeth ODOM SZLIZEWSKI 

1.	Diana? ODOM b. 1926 TN mar. Henry ROBERSON

	a.	Berry,  b. 1847
	b.	Marion,  b. 1849

2.	James ODOM b. 1856/57 TN mar. Hyantha HOLLAND

3.	Mary Ann? ODOM b. 1829, TN mar. Jul 1847 Lauderdale, AL Mills ROBERTSON?

	a.	Francis, b. 1848
	b.	William b. March 1850

4.	Martha ODOM b. 1828, AL

5.	Louisa J. ODOM b. 1836/37, AL

6.	Malatha b. 1837, AL

7.	Mary Catherine	b. 1838, AL mar. 25 Jun 1851, Lauderdale, AL Stephen GOODMAN?

8.	Littleberry ODOM b. 15 Feb 1839, AL d. 21 May 1897, Hardin Co., TN bur Wesley's Chapel Cemetery, Hardin Co., TN mar. 27 Jan 1866, Hardin Co., TN Susan Mary MOSIER (ancestors of researcher)

9.	Ambrous Jefferson ODOM b. 1843, AL d. 1900+, Hardin Co., TN mar. 5 Mary 1867 & 4 Aug 1887

	a. 	Allin Sewell ODOM
	b.	Sallie Stewart ODOM

"This family was in the 1850 Lauderdale Co., AL census, p 299.  There is a Mary, age 12. She is gone in 1860 Tishmingo Co., cen. p   297 for that family.  I find Mary Catherine ODOM marrying Stephen GOODMAN June 25, 2851, Laud. Co., AL.  I also find Mary Ann ODOM marrying Mills ROBERTSON July 1847,Laud. Co., AL.  They are in the 1850 Laud. Co., census one family away from Berry ODOM.  I think it possible she is a daughter.  Next door to Berry are Diana and Henry ROBERTSON.  They have a son named Berry.  I wonder if Diana is an ODOM daughter also.  If Diana and Mary Ann are ODOMs, this would fill in the gap of children found on the 1850 census."


Littleberry ODOM b. 15 Feb 1839, AL d. 21 May 1897, Hardin Co., TN bur Wesley's Chapel Cemetery
mar. 27 Jan 1866 Susan Mary MOSIER b. 19 Oct 1846 d. 21 Sep 1927, Tecumseh, Pottowatomee, OK bur Missionary Cemetery  (Her parents Phillip B. MOSIER and Lucinda A. SMITH) She was a weaver of cloth.

1820 Maury Co., TN
1850 Lauderdale Co., AL
1860 Tishmingo Co., MS
1880 Hardin Co., TN
1900 Hardin Co., TN

1.	Ella V. ODOM b. 1867, TN d. 1941, Vandale, Cross Co., AR mar. 23 Nov 1882, Hardin Co., TN Andrew  Jackson POINDEXTER
2.	Nanna (Anna) ODOM b. 1871, TN/MS mar. 4 Aug 1886, Hardin Co., TN Booker T. REED d. OK.  		 To OK 1899.
3.	Nelly ODOM b. 1871, MS/TN d. 1896, Nixon, Hardin Co., TN mar. 21 Oct 1888, Hardin Co., TN Thomas  Wesley AUSTIN
4.	John Franklin ODOM b. 3 May 1872, Corinth, Tish. Co., MS d. 25 Oct 1945, Vandale, Cross Co., AR  mar. 22 Mar 1907, Tecumseh, Pottowatomie Co., OK Mamie Irene SHOEMAKER (grandparents of researcher)
5.	Emma Susan ODOM b. 16 Aug 1875, Rienzie, MS d. 26 Oct 1956, Van Nuys, CA bur Savannah, Hardin Co., TN mar. 29 Sep 1891, Hardin Co., TN William TUCKER
6.	Nina (Lucy) ODOM b. 1877, TN d. OK mar. 29 Mar 1897, Hardin Co., TN Simp REED
7.	Dosia ODOM b. Jan 1883, TN d. OK City? mar. George HATHCOCK
8.	George Garvin ODOM b. 3 Mar 1884, TN d. 2 Jun 1958, Memphis, TN bur Forrest City, AR mar. Mattie

Phillip B. MOSER'S father was Solomon? or Soloman's bro, David.  I think Gideon may have been another brother.  They were in Wayne Co, TN 1830, Ala and Tishmingo Co., MS 1850+.  They were born NC.  (David stayed in Wayne Co.)  Lucinda A. SMITH, b. SC, father William SMITH of SC and Tish. Co., MS.  Mother Margaret, b. SC.  Lucinda remarried Sol BENNETT.

I believe John ODOM to be Littleberry's father.   A John shows up in 1830 Lawrence Co., TN."

Lawrence Co., TN marriages:  William COCHRAN m Melissa ODOM Sep 18, 1842.