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                      Mt. Ararat Cemetery

Surname     Given Name             Birth Date  Death Date  Stone Info     Parents or Info
Alexander   Lucy F.                3-5-1858    8-1-1863
Alexander   Antonette              7-8-1859    7-26-1863
Alexander   Elizabeth              12-25-1786  4-19-1955                  Consort of John
Alexander   John                   1786        1855
Alford      Robert N.              1840        1915
Alford      Martha E.              1844        1920
Alford      Johnnie W.             1882        1914
Alford      Lummie                 2y,1m,25 d  9-12-1871   same           c/o J.M. & F.
Alford      Georgie                1y,4m,16 d  9-18-1873   stone          c/o J.M. & F.
Anderson    Johnnie A.             3-27-1890   6-24-1891                  s/o A.M. & A.K. 
Anderson    Levi G.                8-28-1824   2-14-1844                  Born Bedford Co.
Atkins      Dr. Josiah F.          3-7-1830    8-27-1857
Austin      Herbert                8-25-1870   1-4-1891    same
Austin      Mary A.                9-16-1841   4-3-1886    stone          field stone beside
Austin      Phillip G.             1833        1900
Bell        Virgil Samuel          10-20-1896  6-15-1961   WWI
Bell        M.K.                               6-21-1933                  2 unmarked beside
Bell        Gladys                 12-8-1908
Bell        Ralph                  4-11-1905   2-12-1982
Bennett     J.C.                   5-3-1862    2-23-1947
Bennett     Irene                  11-5-1902   10-10-1908                 d/o J.C. &Julia C.
Bennett     Annie May              7-27-1878   11-3-1898                  d/o j.C. & Julia C.
Bennett     I.W.                   11-7-1818   10-9-1905
Bennett     Mary                   6-17-1836   3-4-1912                   wife of I.W.
Blair       Joseph L.              12-23-1788  1-19-1878   89y,27d.
Blair       Sarah                  2-6-1793    11-30-1850  57y,9m,24d
Blair       ?, Sarah               12-22-1824  9-22-1859                  stone broken
Blair       Thomas Alonzo          12-17-1850  4-4-1935
Blair       Cornelia Wright        10-16-1850  1-23-1935
Blair       Harvey A.              8-29-1887   10-4-1904                  s/o T.A. & C.L.
Blair       John C.                2-14-1876   7-27-1924                  s/o T.A. & C.L.
Blair       Walter                 1910        1910                       s/o W.S.& S.B.
Bloom       George Wise            1841        1891
Bloom       Mahala Chryst          1845        1910
Bloom       John Chryst            1874        1891
Bloom       John C.                8-27-1874   10-3-1891   same           Mason
Bloom       George W.              4-13-1841   12-30-1891  stone
Bloom       Mother                                                        marble maker
Blue        W.N.                   7-19-1838   8-1-1907
Blue        Mary E.                4-10-1843   8-13-1886                  wife of W.N.
Blue        Marshall Goldman       2-24-1880   8-28-1936   (Bill)
Blue        Marshall Neal          2-13-1907   1-4-1908
Bryson      Marion                 1824        2-8-1892
Buchannan   Little Sister          11-27-1881  9-9-1882                   d/o D.& M.J.
Buchanan    Ethelinda Jane         12-17-1831  8-6-1849                   d/o Franklin&Adeline
Buckner     elizabeth Ann          8-26-1829   12-2-1859                  d/o Elisha&Martha
Busby       James S.               8-25-1888   8-2-1889                   s/o S.T. & Rose
Carothers   Sammie M.              10-26-1877  11-25-1881                 s/o E.D. & M.M.
Carothers   Marshall D.            12-2-1853   9-7-1890                   s/o Hugh & Jane
Caward      Father                 1852        1936        same
Caward      Mother                 1853        1928        stone
Cayce       Matilda                            4-19-1843   vault          d/o D.N.&M.M. of Ms.
Chaffin     Rosabelle              4-11-1875               11 days old    d/o J.Lum&Sue D.
Chaffin     Annie B.               5-9-1881                5m12d          d/o J.Lum& Sue D.
Chaffin     Elizabeth              2-6-1800    12-3-1861                  wife of John
Chaffin     John                   1799        1876
Childress   Nancy B.               7-7-1817    1-18-1884
Clark       Thomas M.              12-2-1812   3-13-1885
Clark       Elwin L.               6-12-1882   6-12-1882                  s/o J.A.& M.L.
Clark       Thomas M.              12-2-1812   3-13-1886
Clark       Jane G.                9-25-1817   10-24-1902                 wife of Thomas M.
Clark       Walter C.              1844        1910        same           66yrs
Clark       Ellen                  1858        1896        stone          28yrs.
Clark       Robert Comer           1896        1896                       s/oJ.T. & Ada M.
Coates      Miss Lizzie E.         2-21-1875   6-4-1894                   d/o Wm.C.&Elnora
Crews       D.B.                   6-11-1836   3-29-1919   same
Crews       Felicia Simms          12-26-1847  3-17-1921   stone
Crews       Robert Brown           4-9-1879    6-2-1898
Crews       W.P. (Billie)          5-16-1868   10-11-1925                 Devoted Husband
Davidson    Keziah                 2-21-1809   7-20-1841   vault          consort of H.M.
Davidson    A.W.                   1839        1858
Davidson    Eliz. S.               3-3-1812    4-30-1854
Davidson    G.W.                   5-2-1810    8-20-1866
Dugger      Almon Simms            10-15-1905  9-15-1909
Dugger      Katie Bell Crews       12-23-1886  9-3-1906                   wife of John
Dugger      John Almon             1880        1955                       Father
Dugger      Lillian A. Baker       2-18-1877   2-5-1938
Dugger      George C.              4-7-1852    2-18-1906   same
Dugger      Elizabeth              5-28-1858   2-10-1925   stone
Dugger      Gilmore S.
Dunn        Alice Bell             3-31-1893   7-22-1893                  d/o Thomas&Tennie
Dunn        John Miller            11-30-1877  12 days                    s/oThomas&Tennie
Dunn        Baby Boy               6-12-188    7-18-1888                  s/oThomas&Tennie
Eakin       Joseph Blair           3-14-1860   5-11-1931   Father
Eakin       Cordia                 9-11-1861   11-7-1930                  wife of Joe B.
Eakin       Ida                    3-13-1889   10-20-1895
Eakin       Maggie                 3-17-1884   9-30-1895                  2fieldsotne beside
Eakin       Capt. William          8-15-1794   4-24-1878   Vet.           War 1812-15
Eakin       Sinia Blair            2-6-1823    2-14-1887                  wife Capt.Wm.
Egly        Jacob                  10-16-1842  1-29-1926
Egly        Fredrika Christiana    12-20-1844  3-11-1912                  wife Jacob
Egly        John                   10-8-1866   7-30-1902   W.O.W.
Egly        Jake                   1880        1952        Father
Egly        Lottie                 1885
Felton      Gracie E.              10-24-1891  3-19-1894                  d/oL.&.A.
Felton      Thomas J.              4-1870      4-1870                     s/o L.& A.
Felton      R.A.                   1837        1872
Felton      L.                     1832        1872
Finney      William James          3-6-1897    8-22-1897
Fox         Mrs. Vertie Mae                    2-12-1966   73y,9m,3d
Fox         David Larry            8-29-1918   8-20-1980   Cpl. WWII
Gallimore   Rachel M.              2-14-1854   12-16-1895                 wife of George
Gillham     Hariet                 9-3-1837    8-4-1860                   d/o Wm.&Harriet
Gobble      Adam                   3-22-1895   12-22-1967
Gobble      Emma                   6-10-1898   5-14-1980
Gobble      James Leo              1-23-1917   7-9-1968
Gobble      Martha Elaine          6-3-1917
Greene      John W.                1875        1936
Greene      Willie Mary            11-11-1886  2-5-1916                   d/o Rufus Thomason
Guthrie     Daniel                 8-15-1813   8-13-1901
Guthrie     Nancy Jane                         7-10-1853   28th yr.       consort of Daniel
Hamilton    James                  5-3-1812    11-14-1891  Mason
Hannah      John                   12-28-1797  2-18-1869   72y,1m,21d     born N.C.
Hannah      Mary                   2-20-1795   12-27-1872  77y,10m,7d     born N.C.
Hannah      Sallie                 5-17-1833   1-19-1891                  1 fieldstone beside
Hannah      Lue T.                 4-25-1837   3-10-1919
Hannah      James M.                           4-29-1881   50y,5m,19d
Hannah      Eli F.                 6-30-1829   1-12-1910   same
Hannah      Mary O.                11-2-1828   1-6-1909    stone
Hannah      J.W.                   6-5-1863    5-21-1890
Hannah      Mary Alice             8-2-1870    9-2-1874                   d/o E.F. & M.O.
Hannah      John W.                10-11-1895  11-24-1895                 s/o G.G.& Bessie M.
Haynes      Robert                 1-10-1790   12-4-1844   War 1812       Pvt.Tn.Regt.
Henderson   Palexine                           9-28-1848   vault          about 37 yrs. old
Henderson   M.C.                   10-28-1840              vault          10m,24d
Henderson   Dr. James              3-3-1819    10-23-1849
Henderson   James F.               6-27-1849   3-23-1850                  s/o Dr.Jas. & I.J.
Henderson   Sarah P.               9-1813      10-19-1843  vault
Hicks       Viola F.               2-1-896     7-27-1906                  d/o F.J. & S.T.
Horne       Wm. P.                 12-2-1824   9-20-1851
Horne       William J.             12-23-1846  3-10-1859
Hudson      Theodore M.            1-14-1879   8-24-1890                  s/o P.M.& Alice
Hudson      Amanda J.              11-1-1829   6-17-1901                  wife of Y.M.
Hudson      Y.M.                   9-11-1811   11-21-1886  Mason
Hudson      Inf. Daugther          2-9-1885    3-10-1885                  d/o Y.M. & Alice
Hudson      Mattie P.              6-29-1869   2-21-1872                  d/o Y.M. & Alice
Johnson     Clara D.               1-21-1876   11-20-1895  w/o E.         d/o R.& S. Enos
Kennedy     John M.                1-11-1794   5-21-1855
Kennedy     Eliza W.               3-17-1825   8-4-1851
Kennedy     Carrie P.              10-11-1872  4-25-1957
Kennedy     Zella                              2-10-1988   93 yrs.        wife of Jas. W.
Kennedy     James W.                           3-23-1988   88 yrs.        s/o John W. 
King        Robert G.              5-20-1916   9-9-1917                   s/o Robt.& Bettie
            unmarked beside
Kinslow     Jimmy Lavon                        4-8-1992    60 yrs.        s/o Ott&Nettie
Kitchens    Wm.T.D.D.              4-4-1862    10-10-1862                 s/o D.N. & M.H.
            unmarked beside
Knetsel     H.J.                   10-22-1852  5-17-1913
Lewis       William Gilmore        3-16-1897   5-23-1897   same           s/o W.R. & Maggie
Lewis       Infant son             8-16-1899   8-16-1899   stone          s/o W.R. & Maggie
Lewis       Jennie Pennington                  10-29-1893  same           21y, 2m
Lewis       Mattie Lou                         12-28-1893  "              5y,1m
Lewis       Inf. Son               12-27-1893  12-27-1893  stone
Locke       Ephraim M.             6-9-1884    6-9-1884                   s/o e.C. & S.R.
Locke       Infant son             1-15-1887   1-15-1887                  s/o E.C. & S.R.
Locke       E.Clint                1855        1942
Locke       Sallie Hannah          1861        1946
Locke       N.H.                   2-18-1848   4-1-1919    same           Father
Locke       F.E.                   5-31-1847   5-4-1924    stone          Mother
Locke       Huby A.                12-1-1881   9-10-1900                  s/o N.H. & F.E.
Locke       Edward L.              10-4-1875   12-19-1898                 s/o N.H. & F.E.
Locke       Infant Dau.            6-4-1880    6-4-1880                   d/o N.H. & F.E.
Locke       Mary Lou               8-27-1878   12-19-1898                 d/o N.H. & F.E.
Locke       Lester S.              5-15-1900   2-26-1901   same           s/o W.S. & M.M.
Locke       Margaret M.            8-4-1872    9-1-1901    stone          wife of W.S.
Lyles       Amanda                             9-16-1917   74 yrs.
Martin      Fannie E.              10-4-1830   5-20-1852   w/o E.B.       d/o Z.H.&E.German
            fieldstone beside
Martin      Esther I.                          6-11-1863   63y,8m         consort/ Jefferson
Martin      John P.                2-18-1851   7-21-1892                  h/o S.M.
Martin      Emma O.                2-6-1874    7-16-1891                  d/o J.P.& S.M.
Matkin      Hugh                   1900        1916
Matkin      Elizabeth              1864        1960                       5 unmarked  in front
Matkin      R.Bruce                11-4-1884   8-21-1908   same           s/o J.H. & E.M.
Matkin      Mahala C.              1-23-1827   3-12-1910   stone          wife of Grimsley
Matkin      Joel H.                9-13-1850   10-7-1905   same above     h/o E.M.
McAurtor    Orrilla A. Henry       8-29-1864   7-4-1897                   wife of Thomas
McCloud     Corinne                            3-20-1991   79 yrs.        d/o Frank Pullen
McDougal    Aurthur                6-14-1881   6-28-1895                  s/o J.A. & M.E.
McDougal    Orean                  11-19-1883  12-14-1910                 s/o J.A. & M.E.
McDougal    Joseph A.              10-28-1851  5-30-1908
McDougal    Lida J. Fields         5-15-1857   1-23-1943                  wife J.A.
McLean      Bettie                 3-4-1880    3-11-1883                  d/o J.L. & R.C.
McRory      John A. N.             6-16-1837   3-1842
Meek        E.E.                   5-13-1827   9-20-1848   21y, 4m, 7d    wife of Giles M.
Meek        Mary M.                1-12-1849   6-24-1849   vault          5m, 10d
Mills       Sarah C.               1-18-1822   8-13-1892                  Wife of N.T.
Mills       Nathan T.              1-27-1820   1-31-1900
Mobbs       James Clayton                      10-18-1990  55 yrs. old    s/o J.P.& Martha
Moore       William Albert         11-20-1871  12-18-1890                 s/o W.J. & Elizabeth
Murrell     Pauline L.             2-18-1902   12-7-1902                  d/o M.A. & Mattie
Murrell     Mattie F.              2-9-1878    4-25-1904                  wife of M.A.
Murrell     Mattie Lou Tom         4-25-1904   6-30-1904                  d/o M.A. & Mattie
Murrell     Martin A.              3-26-1865   5-17-1931
Murrell     Mary Stephenson        12-18-1887  10-17-1918                 wife of M.A.
Murrell     Charles Asley          8-25-1909   3-11-1911                  s/o M.A. M.F.
Newson      Sarah A.                           6-5-1863    9y,9m,18d
Nowlin      Nancy J.               4-6-1834    6-17-1878                  wife of S.A.
Odell       Simeon                 8-1827      9-1892                     born N.H.
Odneal      W.H.                   11-5-1854   4-15-1926   same           Father
Odneal      Nancy                  3-10-1854   12-11-1920  stone          Mother
Odneal      Irene                  1912        1928                       d/o Cleo Odneal
Osborn      Velma Earline                      8-19-1994   75 yrs. old    wife Charlie "Babe"
Pollock     Walter Blair           2-5-1910    2-5-1910                   s/o W.S. & S.E.
Pullin      W. Frank               1888        1948        same
Pullin      Edith M.               1889        1973        stone
Pullin      Infant Son             10-1-1909   10-6-1909                  s/o W.F. & E.L. 
            fieldstone by above
Quarles     Ammon                  9-12-1815   8-12-1880
Quarles     Elizabeth R.           9-27-1810   3-18-1884
Reddick     William J.             8-6-1868    8-28-1936   Father
Reddick     C. Ethel               2-9-1890    4-14-1965
Reddick     Viloa Lee              3-22-1868   9-14-1912                  Wife of W.J.
Reddick     Vernon                 1-25-1936                              Pvt.114 Field Arty
Reddick     Lois Clifford                      2-12-1967   age 58         s/o Wm. James
            2 stone with "M"
Richardson  H.L.                   10-1-149    11-27-1920
Richardson  Elizabeth              8-28-1851   12-18-1899                 wife of Henry L.
Richardson  Johnnie H.             10-15-1889  7-25-1890                  s/o H.L. & E.J.
Richardson  Little Herschel        4-2-1881    9-5-1881                   s/o H.L. & E.J.
Rippy       Lillian                10-20-1897  11-12-1897                 d/o J.P. & Flora
Robinson    Elizabeth              3-19-1818   9-16-1890
Rose        Elizabeth Ethelinda    1-26-1849   3-5-1857                   d/o S.E. & M.
Rose        J.R.                   3-9-1848    1-14-1915   same           Father
Rose        M.E.                   4-10-1851   11-11-1909  stone          Mother
Sandall     Dr. John J. (M.D.)                 1-6-1898    63y,9m,11d     Mason
Sandall     Ann Janette            1888        1894
Scott       Thomas McLaughlin      10-24-1806  4-3-1860    Fahter
Scott       Mary Wilsford          4-3-1812    10-27-1891  Mother
Scott       Aramanta               9-3-1840    2-15-1872   Sister
            2 fieldstone by above
Simms       Judge J.A.             10-18-1841  6-28-1898   Confed Vet     48 Tn.Co.K. Inf.
Simms       Footstone by above     S"
Simms       Mattie May             8-13-1889   10-1-1890                  d/o J.A. & Sallie A.
Simms       Parris L.              1-24-1817   2-14-1877
Simms       Mary E.                12-10-1826  3-31-1891                  Wife of Parris
Simms       Daughter               10-25-1886  10-25-1886                 d/o P.W. & Belle
Simms       John B.                11-22-1859  10-31-1893  Mason
Simonton    John                   7-6-1840                Vault          68y,3m,1d
Simonton    Jane                               11-20-18??                 consort of John
Simonton    M.M.                   6-1799      9-8-1845    Vault          d/o John& Jane
Simonton    H.N.                   4-9-1812    5-9-1841    consort Wm.    d/o Thos.&s.Ramsey
Simonton    S.J.                   9-13-1834   11-14-1850  d/o W. & H.N.
Simonton    vault by above
Simonton    Infant Daughter        5-17-1843   5-17-1843   same           d/o w.& E.J.
Simonton    G.F.                   6-11-1840   3-5-1857    stone          s/o W. & E.J.
Speegle     Annie                  12-6-1858   11-1-1914
Speegle     M.B.                   1862        1881
Staggs      Luther Elroy                       9-9-1993    36 yrs. old    s/o Jim* Marie
Stribling   James L.               3-9-1829    2-25-1914
Stribling   Mary J.                6-19-1829   7-15-1888                  wife of J.L.
Stribling   Mary H.                12-30-1860  10-9-1865                  d/o J.L. & Mary J.
Sykes       James                              8-21-1865   65 yrs.
Sykes       Elizabeth              1-29-1810   5-16-1896   mother
Sykes       Ann Elizabeth                      4-13-1851   13 yrs.        d/o Jas.& Elizabeth
Sykes       Dr. James Meller       1-11-1848   1-31-1886
Sykes       Ola Jane Miller                    1885
Thomason    Ella D.                6-28-1870   11-11-1920
            1 grave by above
Thomason    Rufus B.               3-9-1856    8-10-1918   Father
            plain stone                                                   d/o Wille Mary Green
Thomason    Martha                 11-11-186   5-2-1916                   d/o Rufus&Ella T.
Tribolet    David J.               4-11-1842   10-3-1899
Tripp       John W.                7-29-1866   1-10-1941   same
Tripp       Landon F.              12-25-1907  12-29-1940  stone
Twittle     Robert W.              5-16-1880   6-13-1898
Tucker      Ella S.                            8-21-1885   19y,5m,12d     d/o W.S.& P.
Wasson      Samuel Brooks          7-28-1856   8-4-1934    Mason
Wasson      Susan                  6-14-1861   4-8-1899                   wife of S.B.
Wasson      Ida Pearl              12-25-1881  11-6-1897                  d/o S.B. & S.E.
Wasson      Infant Daughter        4-17-1899                              d/o Brooks&Susie
Wasson      Leslie                 3-7-1895    9-1-1895    same           s/o W.J. & S.A.
Wasson      Willie F.              3-23-1884   9-15-1897   stone          s/o W.J. & S.A.
Wasson      W.J.                   10-23-1857  10-11-1933
Wasson      Sallie                 12-29-1854  11-3-1899
Wasson      Susan B.               5-28-1826   3-20-1855                  consort J.F.
Wasson      Josiah F.              5-10-1827   3-28-1864
Wasson      Eva R.                             3-11-1874   24y.11m,1d     consort J.F.
Wasson      Mary E.                11-3-1834   8-11-1890
Wasson      S.M.                   10-31-1807  12-31-1959                 married E.D.McLean
Wasson      Margaret                           9-27-1848   62y,7m,16d
Wasson      John                               11-29-1856  77y,11m,8d
West        Lula P.                9-23-1860   7-22-1895                  wife R.W.
West        Mary J.                11-28-1851  4-17-1880                  wife of R.W. 
West        Mary J.                            11-11-1880                 d/o R.W. & M.J.
West        Elizabeth T.           6-22-1808   12-8-1880                  wife B.W.
West        B.W.                   10-1-1802   8-20-1882
West        B.F.                   7-30-1837   3-16-1880
            stone by above
West        Emma L.                7-9-1895    9-22-1895                  d/o R.W. & L.P.
Willeford   Hardy                  1-18-1785   7-9-1869
Williams    Mrs. Margaret A.                   11-21-1862  62 yrs.
Williamson  Hugo                                                          s/o J.R.& M.S.
Wilsford    Sarah                  12-22-1824  9-22-1859                  wife of J.T.
Young       Willma T.                          10-12-1948
            stone by above
Young       Paul Henry                         7-3-1936    5m,17d
Young       J.H.                   10-18-1885  10-19-1918
            cast marker 
Young       Emma Elizabeth                     10-11-1991  99yrs.old      wife of Heston