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JEFFERSON COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Mary Ballenger  et. al. to P. M. Ballenger,
			       29 Sep 1888
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         Archives by: Judy Ballinger Buchanan
QCD - Vol 18, pg 288 -  Sept 29, 1888/ Oct 2, 1888 - 18 acres, Dist 7.

Quit Claim Deed.  Mary Ballenger  et. al. To P. M. Ballenger 
Registered Oct. 22nd 1888.

Whereas, on the 2nd day of December 1870 Wm. Ballenger and his Son P. M.
Ballenger, purchased from J. P. Galbraith & wife a certain tract of land lying
in the 7th civil District of Jefferson County Tenn. adjoining the lands of Wm.
Ballenger, Aaron Ballenger, Wm. B. Smith & others & containing 36 acres more
or less, and took from said Galbraith & wife a Joint Deed for said tract of
land, of said date & which contains a description of said lands by courses &
distances, and which Deed is of record in the Registers office of Jefferson
County.  Book 10 page 696 & 697.  And whereas after said purchase & payment
for said lands, the said Wm. Ballenger and P. M. Ballenger by parol agreement
partitioned said tract of land between them and each went into possession of
their respective portions & have remained in possession to the present time.  
P. M. Ballenger in person & P. M. Ballenger in person until his death & since
by his heirs and whereas the said Wm. Ballenger has departed this life without
making to P. M. a conveyance for said land:  Now therefore to carry out said
agreement between said Wm. & P. M. Ballinger.  We Mary Ballenger, widow of Wm.
Ballenger dec’d, N. J. Simpkins & husband H. D. Simpkins, Sarah Barbee, M. A.
Sikes, L. F. Ballenger daughters & son of said Wm. Ballenger dec’d: and
Elizabeth Ballenger, James N. Ballinger and Daniel Ballenger, children of E.
M. Ballenger :  who was a son of Wm. Ballenger but is now also deceased: widow
and heirs at law of the said Wm. Ballenger dec’d do hereby release & quit
claim unto the said P. M. Ballenger his heirs or assigns all our right Title
or interest in the following described tract of land (being the Part laid off
to him in said verbal division) adjoining other land of P. M. Ballenger on the
East: the lands of Wm. Ballenger estate on the South & West,  and lands of W.
J. Ore on the North, and Beginning on a Forked Poplar on the Big Hollow,
thence North 49 degrees East 5 poles to a rock: thence South 55 poles to a
rock, thence West 60 poles to a rock: thence North 50 poles to a Stake: thence
East 52 poles to the Beginning containing 18 acres more or less.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 
29 day of Sept 1888.

				Mary (her X mark) Ballenger (Seal)
				M. A. Sikes                 (Seal)
				Sarah Barbee                (Seal)
				Lafayett Ballenger          (Seal)
				J. N. Ballenger             (Seal)
				D. A. Ballenger             (Seal)
				Elizabeth Ballenger         (Seal)
				H. D. Simpkins

State of Tennessee }
Jefferson County   }     Personally appeared before me J. M. Ashmore Notary 
Public of Jefferson County the within named bargainors Mary Ballenger, M. A. 
Sikes, Sarah Barbee, Lafayett Ballenger & J. N. Ballenger, D. A. Ballenger, H. 
D. Simpkins with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he 
executed the annexed instrument for the purposes therein contained.
Witness my hand and Seal of office at Mossy Creek this 29 day of Sept. 1888.

		(Official Seal)		J. M. Ashmore Notary Public

And N. J. Simpkins, Elizabeth Ballenger, wifes of the said H. D. Simpkins, J. 
A. Ballenger, having appeared before me privately and apart from her said 
husband acknowledged that she executed the annexed instrument freely, 
voluntarily and understandingly without compulsion or constraint on the part 
of her said husband and for the purposes therein contained.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Mossy Creek this 29 day of Sept 1888.

		(Official Seal)		J. M. Ashmore Notary Public

Rec’d for record Oct 2nd 1888 at 8 Oclock A. M.
M. M. Perkins Register