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Lawrence Cemetery

Location:  Lowe Drive, Hamblen County, Tennessee.

Ann Hilton                                 Sep 11, 1769-Sep 22, 1852
James Hilton                               Died  Jul 15, 1860, age 64  
Robert Duncan                              Sep 17, 1833-Mar 8, 1862    
M. E. White                                Died  May 1877
Infant D/o D. W. & Nellie Jones            B/d Jan 1904
Abraham G. Jones, S/o Z. w. & N. E. Jones  Feb 20, 1882-Aug 2, 1883
Ida Alice Bacon                            Mar 26, 1863-Aug 21, 1935
Eliza Ann Faris                            Aug 22, 1840-Jun 4, 1905
Bessie M. Bell                             Mar 16, 1899-Feb 18, 1921
Emmett S. Bell                             Jul 2, 1899-Jul 8, 1930
Z.W. Jones                                 Aug 1, 1844-Apr 3, 1897

Iron Fence enclosure:
     In memory of John Lawrence Sr.        1790-Dec 17, 1866, age 76
     Amy McColloh Lawrence                 1802-1871
     Alzira Lawrence                       1832-1902

Stone: I. J.
Stone on ground, face down and footstone is inscribed  A. B.

Many unmarked graves.  Copied Nov 19, 1995 by D. Craig Stewart, Etowah, Tennessee