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[Covering all available records from August, 1739 to March 1, 1939]

Prepared by:

Thoreau Butler Baker
Family Recorder

Transcribed by:

Kary [Newfer] Wild
~ May 2000 ~

Page 1


This pamphlet of record is the family record of the John Baker family branch 
of the Conrad Becker family of York County, Pennsylvania.

The record will be as nearly complete as it is possible.  The addresses given 
are the latest addresses at hand.  The dates given are the dates furnished by 
the respective branches of the family.  The entire data is complete and up-to-date 
so far as we have been able to gather it together.

The ancestor of this family who first came to the United States was known as 
Conrad BECKER or Coonradt BAECKER.

The name in its German spelling was Coonradt BAECKER, with two dots over the 
ae.  While the family lived in York County it was known as the Conrad BECKER 
family.  Just when the different children began to be known by the name of 
BAKER is not known ~ however, we do know that long before the John BAKER 
branch left Pennsylvania the name had taken on the American pronunciation of 
BAKER instead of BECKER.

Our research and investigation has brought out the following story of this 
ancestor and his family:

Coonradt BAECKER, along with two brothers, arrived in the United States on 
the boat, Snow Betsie, in the port of Philadelphia on August 27th, 1739.  
According to the requirements governing the immigrants to the United States 
at that time, this ancestor was born about the year 1720 in Germany and was 
one of the so-called Palatin Immigrants.  The Palatins were a group of Germans 
who were seeking religious freedom.

We have been unable to trace his whereabouts during the period from 1739 to 
approximately 1753.  It was approximately 1753 that he was married and in all 
probability in York County, Pennsylvania.

Conrad BECKER married Catrena LAMBARDT, whose parents lived in York County, 
about the year 1753.  It is impossible to learn anything definite other than 

Catrena LAMBARDT was the daughter of Matthias and Annreecin LAMBARDT.  The 
name LAMBARDT was written LAMBERT on the Will of Matthias LAMBARDT by the 
Recorder of York County who recorded the will.

To the union of Conrad and Catherina LAMBERT BECKER was born seventeen 
children.  We know nothing of any of these children or their families except 
two and those two are the twelfth child, Conrad, who was the grandfather of 
the Conrad BAKER who was the Governor of Indiana during the years 1867 and 
1868, and the fifteenth child, John, who was the father and head of the John 
BAKER branch concerning which this record is being written.

Page 2

For your pleasure and interest we will first give you a copy of the MATTHIAS 
LAMBARD WILL and then a copy of the CONRAD BECKER WILL.  After reading and 
studying these two documents, if you are still interested you will find a 
study of the division of lands in York County in these early years very 
interesting and you will also understand why we have built up the history of 
this family in the way we have.


"In the name of God amen, the 27th Day of June in One Thousand Seven Hundred 
and Fifty-Sis, I Matthias LAMBARD of Manchester Township and County of York 
farmer being in helth and in perfect mind and memory:  thanks be given to God 
therefore, Calling unto mind ye mortality of my Body and knowing it is apinted 
for all men once to dye:  Do make and ordain this my last will and testamen: that 
is to say principal and first of all I give and recommend my soul into ye hands 
of God that gave it:  and as for my Body:  I recommend to ye Earth:  to be buried 
in a Christian like and decent manner:  at ye discretion of my executors:  nothing 
doubting but at ye general resurrection I shall receive ye same again by ye mighty 
power of God:  and touching such poorly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless 
me in this life, I give, demise, and dispose of ye same in ye following manner and form.  
Thus it is my will and I do order:  that in the first place:  all my just debts and 
funeral charges be paide and satisfyed.

"Item:  I give and bequeath unto Annreesin my dearly belowed wife ye sum of 
fifty two pounds with her beed and furniture belonging thereto with one cow 
which shee please to take a chest and spinning weell with all her wareing 
appearl:  I also order my executors to pay unto her that is my wife ye sum of 
ten pounds of ye above fifty two pounds in three months after my deceas if 
shee requires it and a midden pot a skilit and a side sadel.

"Item:  I give unto my well beloved sones Jacob LAMBARD and Caspher LAMBARD 
whom I likewise constitute, make and ordain my only and sole executors of this 
my last will and testament - - that is an eakewell sheare of all my estate real 
and personal:  with my son George LAMBARD who is ye oldest.

"Item:  I give unto my Dafter Ann SMITH an eakewell part of with my three sons 
above named it is to say as much in part of all ye estate as either one of them 
and the sum of sixteen pounds over and above either one of them:  to be raised 
out of ye whole estate and paide unto my saide dafter Ann by my 
executors; in manner as followeth that is her eakewell part with ye sisteen 
pounds shee is to receive in land, it is my Patten land:  And shee shall have 
any children of her body at her deceas it shall be eakewelly devided amongst 
them, but if shee should have no children of her body at her deceas that - 
then this - legassy I leave her shall fall into ye porcestion to ye neeardest 
of kinn by blood and so on from genration to genration - -

Page 3

"Item:  I give and alow my dafter Catren BEAKER to have and receive an 
eakewell part and shears of all and singellar my estate with my three sons, 
that is George, Jacob and Caspher LAMBARD, to them their heirs executors 
administrators or assings for ever.

"And I do hereby utterly disalow, revoke, and disannul all and every other 
former testaments, wills, legacies, and executors:  by me in any wise before 
this time and no other:  to be my last will and testament in witness whereof 
I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

"Signed, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by ye Matthias LAMBARD 
as his last will and testament in presents of us."

Adam HAFNER                    Matthias       1     LAMBARD
George Phillipp FENUS                         mark

"York County:

"Before me, George STEVENSON, Esq. Deputy Register for the probate of wills 
and granting of letters of administration for the County of York personally 
came Adam HAFFNER and George Philip FENUS on their solemn oath and Andrew 
ROGERS on his solemn affirmation do each of them say that they saw and heard 
Matthias LAMBERT sign, seal, publish, and declare the foregoing instrument of 
writing as and for his testament and last will that they each of them 
subscribed their names as witnesses to the same and that the said Matthias 
was at that time of sound and disposing mind and memory.

"Sworn, affirmed, and subscribed                    Adam HAFNER
at York, 16th March 1757.                         George Phillip FENUS
                                             Andrew RODGERS


"In the name of God Amen, I, Conrad BECKER of Manchester Tounship in the 
County of York and State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being sick and weak of body, 
but of sound disposing ming, memory and understanding, thanks be given to God 
for His Mercy, do make, ordain and publish this my last will and testament in 
manner and form following, that is to say, First I commit my soul into the hands 
of Almighty God, who gave it unto me, and my Body to the Earth to be buried in a 
Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executors hereafter named 
and as touching such wordly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with 
in this life, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner [to wit]  It 
is my will and I order that all my

Page 4

just debts and funeral charges shall first paid and satisfied by my executors 
hereafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.

"I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Catharina over and above her Dower 
Right, and to her heirs and assigns, the bed, bedding, bedstead, and curtains, 
on which we at present lie, one iron pott, two pewter basons, two pewter dishes, 
six plates, one dozen t of spoons, one bucking tub, one smaller ditto, one tin, 
and one cedar buckets, one churn, one spinning wheel and reel, one cotton wheel, 
forty pounds of hatshelled flax, three chairs, my brass kettle, a dough trough, 
four bread baskets, half a dozent table knives and forks, one ladle, one skimer 
and flesh fork, ten bushels of wheat, three bushels of rye, five bushels of corn,
half the meat of an hog, half a dozent teacups and saucers, a tea kettle, tea pott 
and coffee mill, one cow the choice of all my cows ~ ~ ~ And if my wife remains my 
widow I give unto her the sum of two hundred pounds over and above her dower right, 
but if she should again marry, the sum of one hundred pounds only, and I also direct 
that she shall have one other bed in which my two youngest children are to lie, who 
I hereafter order shall be maintained, supported, and live with her for a certain 

"I also give and bequeath unto my son, Matthias BECKER, and to his heirs and 
assigns, over and above his equal share the sum of twenty pounds to be raised 
and levied out of my estate as soon as possible may be after my decease for 
the funeral services rendered unto me.  It is also my will and I do order and 
direct that my executors or the survivor of them, shall lay off, or cause to 
be laid off, for the use of my aforesaid wife for and during the term of her 
natural life or widowhood to be enjoyed by her the quantity of fifteen acres 
of land, along the upper line of Michael MELHORN, Paul BREIDENDACH, Charles 
Ballentyne ZORBACK, at the lower part thereof, thense by a straight line 
across into my lands, thense up by a straight line to the beginning and in 
such manner as will make it pretty square, on which land I order my said 
executors or the survivor of them to build and erect a convenient and 
comfortable dwelling house for my said wife to be of the following dimen-
sions, to contain in breadth twenty feet and in length or depth twenty-four 
feet and with a brick or stone chimney in it, that the timber for the house 
shall be of good sound wood, and that the expense for building and finishing 
the same shall be taken out of my estate, that my said executor aforesaid 
shall purchase a small tin plated stove, and have it well finished and with 
pipes to it to put into the house as aforesaid.  And I do hereby order and 
direct that my said wife shall keep, maintain, victual and keep in clothing 
my two younger sons, Peter and Samuel BECKER until such times each of them 
shall be fit to be put out to a trade.

"And do hereby order and direct that all my personal estate which is not 
already bequeathed shall be sold at a suitable period at public vendue by my 
executors and the money thence arising shall be equally divided amongst all 
my children [first deducting the sum of twenty pounds willed to my son 
Matthias:  To wit, Henry BECKER, the children of my deceased daughter Eve, 
who was intermarried to Jacob HOFFMANN, Magdalena intermarried to Valentine 
KOHLER, Matthias BECKER, Margaret intermarried to Andrew KOHLER, Barbara 
intermarried to Charles MITTMANN, Catherina intermarried to Christian MOHR, 

Page 5

Elizabeth intermarried to George EICHHOLTZ, Anna BECKER, Margaret BECKER, 
Phillip BECKER, Conrad BECKER, Jacob BECKER, Mary BECKER, John BECKER, Peter 
BECKER, and Samuel BECKER, share and share alike, to hold to each and every 
of them and their heirs and assigns.

"It is also my will and I do order that my executors or the survivors of 
them shall dispose and sell my [now] dwelling plantation [except such part 
as is willed to my said wife] at a suitable and convenient time, either at 
public or private sale for the best price than can be gotten, which is 
situate lying and being in Manchester Township in the County of York 
aforesaid adjoining lands of Henry Miller, the heirs of Conrad ENSMEYER, John 
QUICKEL, Michael MELHORN, the small piece willed to my wife, Charles Valentine 
ZORBACH, Phillip BECKER, and little Conewayok Creek, containing within the bounds 
and limits thereof two hundred and thirty acres be the same more or less.  And I 
do hereby impower my executors or the survivor of them to make just title or 
assurances to the purchasor as I myself might or could do in as full and ample 
a manner to all intents and purposes, and the money 
therefrom arising shall be equally divided to and amongst all my children 
share and share alike, that is to say in seventeen equal shares, one of which 
equal shares be equally divided to and amongst the children of my daughter, 
Eve HOFFMAN, deceased, and my children above named share and share alike as 
aforesaid to hold to each and every one of them, their heirs and assigns.

"And I do further order and direct that after the death of my aforesaid wife 
that my executors or the survivor of them shall expose to sale by public or 
private sale at such convenient time suitable, the said fifteen acres of land 
so to her willed, part of my dwelling plantation, for the best price that can 
be gotten and I empower my executors or the survivor of them to make such 
title or assurance to the purchasor as I myself might or could do, to all 
intents and purposes and the money herefrom arising shall be equally divided 
to and amongst all my children and the children of my daughter, Eve HOFFMAN, 
deceased.  That is to say one equal part seventeenth share to be divided to 
and amongst all the children born of the body of Eve HOFFMAN deceased to hold 
to them my said children and grandchildren their and every of their heirs and 
assigns share and share alike as aforesaid.  And lastly I do hereby nominate 
and appoint my loving son Matthias BECKER and George EICKHOLTZ to be the 
executors of this, my last will and testament, and I do hereby revoke, 
disanull and make void all other and former wills by me heretofore made, 
ratifying, allowing and holding this for firm and effectual in witness whereof I, 
the said Conrad BECKER, the testator, have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th 
day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Four."

          "Conrad BECKER"

"Signed, sealed, published and pronounced and declared by Conrad BECKER, the 
testator, as and for his last will and testament who in his presence and at 
his request subscribed our names as witnesses to the same in their presence 
of us:

          John QUICKEL
          George Lewis LEFLER"

Page 6

"York County:

"Before me, Jacob BARNITZ, register for the probate of wills and granting 
letters of administration in and for the County of York in the State of 
Pennsylvania, personally came John QUICKEL and George Lewis LEFLER, the two 
subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing, and on their 
solemn oath do severally say thaty they were personally present and saw and 
heard the above named Conrad BECKER sign his name unto and seal and publish 
the foregoing instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament and 
that at the time of the doing thereof he, the said Conrad Becker, was of a sound 
and disposing mind, memory and understanding to the best of their 
knowledge and belief and that they subscribed their names thereto as witnesses 
in the presence of the said testator and at his request and also in the presence 
of each other at the same time."

                    "John QUICKEL"
                    "George Lewis LEFLER"

"Sworn & Subscribed before me at York the 27th day of January AD 1795."
     "Jacob BARNITZ, Register"

Along with the will of Conrad BECKER was posted an inventory of his 
belongings totaling about two hundred and thirty-five pounds not including 
the land mentioned in the will.  The photostatic copy of this will and the 
inventory and will of Matthias LAMBARD are in the hands of the family 
recorder and accessible at any time that anyone would care to see them.  
With the outline of the Conrad BECKER family as given in these two wills we 
will give the record of the family as handed to us by the historical society 
of York County, Pennsylvania, and from there on will give the record of the John 
BAKER family as it has been assembled by the family recorder.  We trust that this 
information will be pleasing and valuable to all that are interested in it.


"Conrad BECKER of York County, Pennsylvania, Overseer of the Poor, Dover Township, 
1758; Overseer of the Poor, Manchester Township, 1773.  Private in the Second Class, 
Seventh [Captain Yost HARBAUGH'S] Company, Second Battalion, York County Militia 
according to a return dated April 17, 1778, and another, undated, of about the same 
period.  He was later one of a party of militia who apprehended British deserters 
prisoners and took them to Camp Security.  Member of the Sixth Class of Inhabitants 
of Manchester Township, classified under an Act of Assembly passed in 1780, entitled 
"An Act to compleat the Quota of the Foederal Army"; each class was "required to 
provide, in fifteen Days from this Date [January 30, 1781], one able-bodied Recruit 
for the Continental Army, to serve during the war", under penalty of a fine of 15 
pounds specie; there are no records to "show whether this class 

Page 7

satisfied this requisition or not.  In the Census of 1783 he is ascribed 225 acres 
of land, 3 horses, 4 cattle, 8 sheep, 1 still, 1 house, 1 barn, 12 inhabitants; 
valuation 380 pounds, tax five pounds.  He signed his will on Dec. 19, 1794, and 
it was probated on Jan. 27th, 1795, so he died at some time between those dates.

"His wife, Maria Catharina, was a daughter of Matthias LAMBERT [died 1757] of Manchester 
Township and Anna Rosina his wife.  Maria Catharina BECKER apparently died in 1804, since 
bond was filed by her administrators on March 12th of than year.

"Their issue were:
1.      Henry
2.      Eva, wife of Jacob HOFFMAN
3.      Magdalena, wife of Valentine KOHLER
4.      Matthias, of Newberry Township.  His wife's name was Elizabeth      [FORRY?].  His 
will dated Dec 12th, 1804 was probated Feb. 24th, 1808.       Mathias and Elizabeth had 
issue [Conrad [born Sept 1, 1793], Lydia      [born Nov 12, 1799], Elizabeth [born Aug 21, 
1802] and perhaps others.
5.      [Anna] Margaret, baptized by the Rev. Jacob LISCHY on Dec. 28, 1755.
6.      [Maria] Barbara, baptized at Quickels Church about 1766.  She married      Charles 
MITMAN, "one of the first Revolutionary soldiers in this      county," who died on Oct. 
29, 1829.
7.      Catharina [born Feb 7, 1768, died Sept 12, 1806].  She was the wife of      Christian 
MOHR, and is buried at Quickel's Church.
8.      [Maria] Elizabeth, [born June 8, 1769,] baptized June 11.  She was the      wife of 
9.      Anna [Barbara], [born Feb 20, 1771,] baptized March 17.
10.      Margaret [Elizabeth], [born March 5, 1773] baptized March 21, died Sept 1, 1833, 
and is buried in Saint Matthew's Lutheran Cemetery, Hanover,      Pennsylvania.  She 
married Andrew KOHLER, who died April 3, 1825, at      the age of 64 years, 5 months, 
and 5 days.  He is buried beside her.
11.      [John] Philip, [born Oct 17, 1775] baptized Nov 19.
12.      Conrad, [born Sept 9, 1777] baptized Dec 26.
13.      [John] Jacob, [born Nov 7, 1779] baptized Dec 12.
14.      [Anna] Mary, [born Jan 13, 1782] baptized May 3.
15.      John, [born Dec 17, 1785] baptized December 25.
16.      [John] Peter, [born March 14, 1788] baptized April 7.
17.      Samuel, [born Jan 15, 1792] baptized Feb 26.  He is buried at Quickel's Church.


"The chronological order of the children is uncertain.  The duplication of names is 
now confusing, but was then customary among Germans.

"The listed dates are from the vital records of Quickel's Church, Conewago Township, 
translated by George R. SEIFFERT.  The private record of Jacob LISCHY, V.D.M., 1743-1769, 
ms., The Historical Society of the Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pa."

Page 8

With the aforegoing transcripts of records and the aroused interest in the BAKER Family 
from these historical facts we will now proceed to list all the descendants of the 
fifteenth child, John BECKER, or BAKER.  This is as nearly complete a list as has been 
possible to make and the dates are dates given to us by different members of the family 
from their Family Bibles and records they individually possessed.

You will find a number preceding each name.  These numbers will be used for reference 
purposes together with the page they will be found on.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   


I have transcribed this book exactly as written.  All text in [brackets] has been 
added by me, from research I've done, or knowledge I have of a certain person.

If you have information on a certain family that you would like inserted into this 
transcription, please contact me at

Good Luck and Happy Hunting

Kary [Newfer] Wild

Page 9

1.     Conrad Becker, b. 1720 in Germany m. Catharina Lambert 1753.  Their      Children:
2.     Henry                    b. 1753
3.     Eva                    b. 1755               m. Jacob Hoffman
4.     Magdalina               b. 1757               m. Valentine Kohler
5.     Matthias               b. 1759               m. Elizabeth Forry
6.     Margaret               b. 1765
7.     Barbara               b. 1766               m. Charles Mitman
8.     Catharina               b. Feb 7, 1768          m. Christian Mohr
9.     Elizabeth               b. June 8, 1769          m. George Eichholtz
10.     Anna                    b. Feb 20, 1771          m. - - - - - 
11.     Margaret               b. Mar 5, 1773          m. Andrew Kohler
12.     Philip               b. Oct 17, 1775
13.     Conrad               b. Sept 9, 1777
14.     Jacob                    b. Nov 7, 1779
15.     Mary                    b. Jan 13, 1782
16.     John                    b. Dec 17, 1785          m. Magdalena Rummel                              

                    THE JOHN BAKER FAMILY               ref. 16 above
16.     John Baker-2  b. Dec 17, 1785 m. Magdalena Rummel 1806 [wife] b. Dec 4, 1790.  
      He died at East Germantown, Indiana, on March 21, 1840; buried      in the old 
      cemetery there.  His wife, Magdalena, died in 1878 at Mingo,      
      Jasper County, Iowa, and is buried in the Greencastle Cemetery near      
      Mingo.  They were married in Pennsylvania and all of their children      
      were born in Pennsylvania except the tenth and last who was born in      
      Montgomery County, Ohio.  They moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio and then      
      to Indiana where the home was soon broken by the death of the father,      
      John.  About sixteen years after his death the mother with several of 
      her sons moved to Jasper County, Iowa.  Their Children:
19.     Jacob                    b. Apr 27, 1807          ref.  See Below
20.     John                    b. Nov 20, 1808          ref. p. 10
21.     Eliza                    b. Mar 11, 1811          ref. p. 10
22.     Mary                    b. Apr 20, 1813          ref. p. 10
23.     Nicholas               b. Nov 14, 1814          ref. p. 10
24.     George R.               b. Mar 17, 1818          ref. p. 11
25.     Conrad               b. June 25, 1821          ref. p. 11
26.     Samuel               b. Apr 23, 1824          ref. p. 11
27.     David                    b. Oct 4, 1826          ref. p. 11
28.     Joseph               b. Nov 8, 1832          ref. p. 11-12

                    THE JACOB BAKER FAMILY               ref. 19 above
19.     Jacob Baker-3  b. Apr 27, 1807  m. Mary Magdalena Foust [wife] b. Mar      
      17, 1818.  Married Sept 10, 1837, in Ohio.  Lived in East Germantown,      
      Indiana, and in 1843 in Madison County, Indiana, and in 1851 at New      
      Columbia, Madison County, Indiana.  About 1855 they moved to Shelby      
      County, Iowa, where Jacob died Dec 13, 1875.  His wife, Mary, died in 
      Arkansas, July 1, 1883.  Their Children:
29.     Elizabeth W.          b. June 7, 1838          ref. p. 12
30.     John F.               b. Oct 4, 1839          ref. p. 12
31.      Joseph F.               b. Mar 22, 1841          ref. p. 12
32.      Mary Magdalena          b. Mar 22, 1843          ref. p. 12
33.      Lydia                    b. July 31, 1846          ref. p. 12
34.      Sarah Ann               b. Mar 12, 1851          ref. p. 13
35.      Martin Luther          b. June 2, 1854          ref. p. 13

Page 10

                     THE JOHN BAKER FAMILY               ref. 20, p. 9
20.     John Baker-3 b. Nov 20, 1808  m1. Saloma Waltz  m2. Peggy Blattenberger 
      Their Children:
36.     George Washington          b. Dec 9, 1840          ref. p. 13
37.     John                    b. Aug 20, 1842          ref. p. 13
38.     Sarah Jane               b. Sept 11, 1845          ref. p. 13
39.     William               b. Oct 14, 1847          ref. p. 13
40.     Jeremiah               b. Nov 5, 1850          ref. p. 13-14
41.     Mary E.               b. Nov 5, 1850          ref. p. 14
42.     Emma                    b. Feb 18, 1864          ref. p. 14
43.     Cassie               b. Sept 26, 1866          Died Young

                    THE ELIZA BAKER WRIGHT FAMILY          ref. 21, p. 9
21.     Eliza Baker-3 b. Mar 11, 1811  m. to Michael Wright, date unknown.       
      Their Children:
44.     Elizabeth               b. Jan 26, 1837          ref. p. 14
45.     Mary                    b. Mar 21, 1838          ref. p. 14
46.     David                    b. Sept 10, 1839          ref. p. 14
47.     Moses                    b. Jan 13, 1841          ref. p. 15
48.     Magdalena               b. Feb 3, 1843          ref. p. 15
49.     Margaret               b. Dec 8, 1845          not married
50.     Lydia Ann               b. April 24, 1850          ref. p. 15
51.     Daniel Luther          b. July 7, 1853          ref. p. 15

                    THE MARY BAKER GEBHART FAMILY          ref. 22, p. 9
22.     Mary Baker-3 b. Apr 30, 1813  m. to George Gebhart, date unknown.       
      Their Children:
52.     John B.               b. Apr 1, 1835          ref. p. 15
53.     Elizabeth Ann          b. Aug 7, 1838          ref. p. 15
54.     Josiah               b. Nov 4, 1839          ref. p. 15
55.     David                    b. Dec 25, 1851          ref. p. 16
56.     Isaiah               b. Jan 17, 1853
57.     George W.               b. May 3, 1842          ref. p. 16
NOTE:     Isaiah Gebhart was married but his daughter living in Wichita, Kansas has not 
been willing to send us data as to his family.

               THE NICHOLAS BAKER FAMILY               ref. 23, p. 9
23.     Nicholas Baker-3 b. Nov 14, 1814  m1. in 1836 to Lyda Gephardt m2. In      
      June or July 1857 to Mary Jones.  Their Children:
58.     John G.               b. Nov 8, 1838          ref. p. 16
59.     David W.               b. May 21, 1840          d. in Civil War
60.     Josiah               b. Jan 3, 1842          ref. p. 16
61.     Levi W.               b. Mar 22, 1844          ref. p. 16
62.     Samuel Saiford          b. Apr 27, 1847          ref. p. 16
63.     Mary                    b. Jan 5, 1849          d. in Infancy
64.     Hanna E.               b. Jan 15, 1851          ref. p. 17
65.     Sarah Ann               b. July 12, 1853          d. Nov 5, 1870
66.     Harvey M.               b. June 1, 1856          ref. p. 17
67.     Martissa Jane          b. May 31, 1858          d. Apr 24, 1928
68.     Aaron C.               b. June 30, 1859          ref. p. 17
69.     Abraham Lincoln          b. Sept 17, 1860          ref. p. 17
70.     Anna R.               b. June 28, 1862          d. Young
71.     Emma                    b. June 28, 1862          d. Young
72.     Eliza Lenora          b. Sept 19, 1863          ref. p. 17
73.     Isaac Funk               b. Feb 15, 1865          ref. p. 17
74.     Benjamin F.               b. Oct 19, 1866          ref. p. 17
75.     Matilda Ann               b. Dec 21, 1868          d. in Infancy
76.     Daniel Webster          b. Feb 14, 1871          ref. p. 17
77.     Bertha Alice          b. Aug 27, 1874          d. Jan 23, 1883
Page 11

               THE GEORGE R. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 24, p. 9
24.     George R. Baker-3 b. Mar 17, 1818 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  D.      
      June 29, 1881 in Altoona, Iowa m. April 14, 1839 to Elizabeth Shultz,      
      d. of Martin Schultz of Hagerstown, Indiana, b. Dec 4, 1821, d. July 8,      
      1888 in Altoona, Iowa.  They moved from Indiana to Jasper County, Iowa      in 1855.  
      Their Children:
78.      Daniel W.               b. Dec 19, 1839          ref. p. 18
79.      Christina Shultz          b. Mar 19, 1841          ref. p. 18
80.      John Martin               b. July 5, 1844          ref. p. 18
81.      George Washington          b. Aug 9, 1849          ref. p. 18
82.      William Henry          b. Aug 29, 1861          ref. p. 18
83.      Catherine               b. Aug 8, 1865          ref. p. 18

               THE CONRAD BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 25, p. 9
25.     Conrad Baker-3 b. June 25, 1821  m. Nov 2, 1842 to Matilda Condo.       
      Their Children:
84.     John C.               b. April 12, 1844     ref. p. 19
85.     Elizabeth               b. Mar 26, 1846          d. Apr 30, 1846
86.     Isaiah               b. Apr 7, 1847          ref. p. 19
87.      Jacob                    b. Jan 28, 1849          d. July 25, 1855
88.      Eli                    b. June 12, 1851          ref. p. 19
89.      Rachel               b.     1853
90.      Adam                    b. Dec 5, 1856          ref. p. 19
91.      Joseph Marcus          b. Mar 12, 1860          ref. p. 19
92.      Daniel Lincoln          b. Aug 23, 1863          ref. p. 19
93.      Grant E.               b. Jan 20, 1868          d. Nov 7, 1870

               THE SAMUEL BAKER FAMILY                    Ref 26, p. 9
26.     Samuel Baker-3 b. Apr 23, 1824  m. to Mariah Gingrich.  Came early to      
      Iowa and died in 1857, buried in Muscatine, Iowa.  His widow married      
      the second time to Eli Rowland.  Their Children:
94.     William               b. Feb 23, 1847          ref. p. 19
95.     Isaac                    b. Aug 27, 1849          ref. p. 19-20
96.     Martha               b.     1851               m. John Bratton
97.     Joseph                                   d. Young
98.     Mary                                        d. Young

               THE DAVID BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 27, p. 9
27.     David Baker-3 b. Oct 4, 1826  m1. March 8, 1847 to Anna Marie Secrest       
      m2. Jan 4, 1904 to Sarah Lamb.  Their Children:
99.      Theodore Alexander     b. Dec 23, 1847          ref. p. 20
100.      Mary C.               b. Apr 8, 1850          ref. p. 20
101.      Emma Rebecca          b. Nov 4, 1852          ref. p. 20
102.      Caleb W.               b. Mar 3, 1856          d. May 24, 1869
103.      Lincoln E.               b. May 8, 1861          ref. p. 20
104.      Horace Sumner          b. Dec 27, 1866          ref. p. 20

               THE JOSEPH BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 28, p. 9
28.     Joseph Baker-3 b. Nov 8, 1832 in Montgomery County, OH  m. May 17, 1857      
      to Anna Groves, daughter of Andrew J. Groves, b. in 1812 in West      Virginia.  
      Their Children:
105.     Eliza Jane[known as Alida]b. Feb 25, 1858          ref. p. 20
106.     Sarah Elizabeth          b. Oct 3, 1859          ref. p. 20
107.     Mary Matilda          b. June 11, 1851          See next sheet
108.     Elmer Webster          b. Apr 1, 1863          ref. p. 21
109.     Magdalena Mary          b. Mar 24, 1865          ref. p. 21
110.     Wilson               b. Mar 30, 1867          ref. p. 21
111.     Morris L.               b. April 24, 1870          ref. p. 21

See Next Page

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               THE JOSEPH BAKER FAMILY [Con't.]
112.     Bertha Evalina          b. Nov 7, 1872          ref. p. 21
113.     Rosalind               b. Sept 1875          d. Aug 7, 1882
114.     Lotta Christina          b. June 1880          d. Oct. 1887
     The address of Mary Matilda Baker is 1038 Locust St., Long Beach, CA

               THE ELIZABETH W. GROVES FAMILY          Ref. 29, p. 9
29.     Elizabeth W. Baker-4 b. June 7, 1838  m. to Samuel Groves.  
      Their Children:
115.     Jacob Franklin          b. Jan 6, 1860          ref. p. 21
116.      Janey                                        d. in Infancy
117.      Mary                                        d. in Infancy
118.      Charles               b. Oct 9, 1864          ref. p. 22
119.      John Fremont          b. June 24, 1865          ref. p. 22
120.      Grant Samuel          b. Dec 29, 1869          see below
121.      Nellie
122.      Harry A.
123.      Martha               b. Sept 22, 1875          ref. p. 22
[The 1939] address of Grant S. Groves is Orleans, Nebraska

               THE JOHN F. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 30, p. 9
30.     John F. Baker-4 b. Oct 4, 1839 at East Germantown, Indiana, d. Mar 30,      1875.  
      Marriage date and name of wife unknown.  Their Children:
124.     Jerome Alonzo          b. Nov 27, 1872          note below
125.     Cora
126.      Elmer
Jerome A. Baker-5 married Emma F. Hayes May 8, 1894 but nothing is known of the family 
and nothing is known of the other two children of the John F. Baker family.

               THE JOSEPH F. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 31, p. 9
31.     Joseph F. Baker-4  b. Mar 21, 1841,  m. March 20, 1873 to Mary Gano.       
      Their Children:
127.      Henry                    b. Mar 5, 1874          ref. p. 22
128.      Martin L.               b. Dec 8, 1876          d. Dec 5, 1882
129.      Daniel               b. Mar 15, 1878          ref. p. 22
130.      George W.               b. Feb 6, 1880          d. Dec 2, 1882
131.      Robert               b. Oct 2, 1881          d. Sept 14, 1882
132.      John                    b. Feb 3, 1884          d. Feb 5, 1884

               THE MARY MAGDALENA CLEMENT FAMILY          Ref. 32, p. 9
32.     Mary Magdalena Baker-4  b. Mar 22, 1843, m. May 8, 1861 to David      Clement, 
      d. May 8, 1891 at Colfax, Iowa.  Their Children:
133.      Edward               b. Oct 22, 1863          ref. p. 23
134.      Ella                    b. June 12, 1862          ref. p. 23
135.      Cynthia               b. Oct 15, 1866          ref. p. 23
136.      Myrtle Florata          b. Apr 29, 1868          ref. p. 23
137.      Daniel R.               b. Apr 3, 1870          ref. p. 23
138.      Ernest               b. Mar 30, 1872          see below
139.      Van                                        see below
[In 1939] Ernest and Van Clement are living near to Des Moines, Iowa, but it has been 
impossible to obtain their family records.

               THE LYDIA BAKER KELLY FAMILY               Ref. 33, p. 9
It has been impossible to secure any information about Lydia Baker or her family.

Page 13

               THE SARAH ANN BAKER CLEMENT FAMILY          Ref. 34, p. 9
34.     Sarah Ann Baker-4, b. Mar 12, 1851 at New Columbia, Madison County,      
      Indiana, m. Sept 2, 1869 to Jesse H. Clement, son of James Clement.       
      Their Children:
140.      George Clinton          b. Nov 27, 1870          see below
141.      Albert R.               b. Feb 19, 1875          see below
142.      Benjamin Franklin          b. Aug 24, 1877          see below
It has been impossible to secure any information from the above members of this family.

          THE MARTIN LUTHER BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 35, p. 9
35.     Martin Luther Baker-4, b. June 2, 1854, d. Oct 28, 1935, m1. Oct 4,      
      1877 to Katherine Rudy,   m2. July 2, 1891 to Mary L. Andrews.  
      Their Children:
143.      Clara                    b. Aug 26, 1883          ref. p. 23-24
144.      Myrtle               b. Mar 10, 1893          ref. p. 24
145.      Charles               b. Dec 3, 1897          ref. p. 24
146.      Ernest E.               b. Sept 18, 1899          ref. p. 24
147.      Harvey J.               b. Apr 20, 1902          ref. p. 24

               THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 36, p. 10
36.      George Washington Baker-4, b. Dec 9, 1840 at Hagerstown, Indiana, m.      
      May 20, 1864 to Susan Burns, daughter of Robert and Rebecca Burns, b.      
      July 3, 1844.  They resided in Charleston, Coles County, Illinois.       
      Their Children:
148.      William Luther          b. Mar 30, 1865          ref. p. 24
149.      Oliver Clinton          b. June 7, 1867          ref. p. 24
150.      John Walter               b. Jan 20, 1869          dead

               THE JOHN BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 37, p. 10
37.      John Baker-4, b. Aug 20, 1842, m. Feb 16, 1867 to Mary E. Poole.  
      Their Children:
151.     Minnie Estella          b. Sept 19, 1868          ref. p. 24-25
152.     Anna Grace               b. May 19, 1880          ref. p. 25

               THE SARAH JANE BAKER MAIN FAMILY          Ref. 38, p. 10
38.      Sarah Jane Baker-4, b. Sept 11, 1845, m. to Aaron Main.  Their      Children:
153.     Nelson               b. Nov 4, 1866          ref. p. 26
154.     Francis E.               b. April 14, 1868     d. Dec 9, 1889
155.     Mahlon               b. May 10, 1870          ref. p. 26

               THE WILLIAM BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 39, p. 10
39.      William Baker-4, b. Oct 14, 1847, m1. March 17, 1870 to Sarah Stohler,      
      m2. Jan 30, 1879 to Mary Cox.  Their Children:
156.     Sarah                    b. Dec 1, 1874          ref. p. 26
157.     Luella               b. Dec 9, 1870          ref. p. 26
158.     Loma                    b. Nov 28, 1879          ref. p. 26
159.     John A.               b. Jan 27, 1881          ref. p. 26
160.     Alice M.               b. Dec 24, 1882          ref. p. 27
161.     George               b. Feb 10, 1891          ref. p. 27
162.     Francis Lee               b. Dec 21, 1895          ref. p. 27
163.     Ruth                    b. Sept 4, 1899          ref. p. 27

               THE JEREMIAH BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 40, p. 10
40.      Jeremiah Baker-4, b. Nov 5, 1850, m. Mar 23, 1876 to Sabrina Fesler.       
      Their Children:

See Next Page

Page 14

164.     Bertha M.               b. Sept 17, 1877          ref. p. 25
165.     Charles C.               b. Oct 17, 1883          [d. Feb 1963]
166.     Homer F.               b. Dec 16, 1889          ref. p. 25
167.     Grace M.               b. Dec 23, 1893          ref. p. 25
[1939] Address of Charles C. Baker is R.R. #7, Anderson, Indiana

               THE MARY E. BAKER WALTZ FAMILY          Ref . 41, p. 10
41.      Mary E. Baker-4, b. Nov 5, 1850 in Madison County, Indiana, m. Dec 23,      
      1871 to Eli Waltz, son of Daniel Waltz, b. July 16, 1850.  Residence      
      was Moreland, Henry County, Indiana.  Their Children:
168.     Ed                    b. Dec 23, 1872          ref. p. 25
169.     Ida                    b. Mar 7, 1874          ref. p. 25
170.     Daniel               b. Mar 30, 1880          ref. p. 25
171.     Lena                    b. Dec 26, 1884          ref. p. 26

               THE EMMA BAKER MONEYHUN FAMILY          Ref. 42, p. 10
42.      Emma Baker-4, b. Feb 18, 1864, m. Mar 21, 1888 to James Moneyhun.       
      Their Children:
172.     A Daughter               b. December               d. in Infancy
173.     Addie Lee               b. Jan 9, 1890          d. in Infancy
174.     Lawrence               b. Sept 25, 1891          ref. p. 27
175.     James Dale               b. Dec 16, 1893          d. in Infancy
176.     Gladys M.               b. Apr 2, 1896          d. in Infancy

               THE ELIZABETH WRIGHT ALLEN FAMILY          Ref. 44, p. 10
44.     Elizabeth Wright-4, b. Jan 26, 1837, m. Mar 15, 1855 to James G. Allen.       
      Their Children:
177.     John Graham               b. Feb 6, 1856          ref. p. 27
178.     Martha Sussanna          b. May 15, 1857          ref. p. 27
179.     Emma                    b. Mar 4, 1860          ref. p. 28
180.     David Nelson          b. Nov 1, 1862          ref. p. 28
181.     Samuel               b. Nov 18, 1864          ref. p. 28
182.     Harvey Edmund          b. June 27, 1869          ref. p. 28
183.     Ida May               b. May 16, 1876          ref. p. 28

               THE MARY WRIGHT WISE FAMILY               Ref. 45, p. 10
45.      Mary Wright-4, b. Mar 21, 1838, m. Feb 12, 1857 to Joseph Wise.  
      Their Children:
184.     William Henry          b. Jan 25, 1858          ref. p. 28
185.     David Martin          b. Oct 23, 1860          ref. p. 28
186.     Charley Benton          b. July 18, 1862          ref. p. 28
187.     Phoebe Catherine          b. Dec 7, 1865          d. Young
188.     Margaret Ellen          b. Mar 20, 1868          ref. p. 29
189.     Harvey Daniel          b. Feb 26, 1870          ref. p. 29
190.     Laura Belle               b. Jan 26, 1872          ref. p. 29
191.     Kesiah               b. Feb 25, 1874          ref. p. 29
192.     Emma                    b. Jan 16, 1876          d. Young
193.     Frank Emmet               b. May 3, 1880          ref. p. 29

               THE DAVID WRIGHT FAMILY                    Ref. 46, p. 10
46.      David Wright-4, b. Sept 10, 1839, m. Jan 22, 1853 to Keziah Runyan.       
      Their Children:
194.     Thomas Benton          b. Oct 7, 1863          ref. p. 29
195.     Martha Jane               b. Dec 30, 1867          d. Jan 10, 1917 - No

Page 15

               THE MOSES WRIGHT FAMILY                    Ref. 47, p. 10
47.     Moses Wright-4, b. Jan 13, 1842, m. Oct 19, 1871 to Rachel Wilkinson.       
      Their Children:
196.     Rose                    b. Oct 9, 1872          ref. p. 30
197.     Alta May               b. July 19, 1881          ref. p. 30
198.     Amanda               b. Jan 14, 1874          see below
Miss Amanda Wright, [1939] address:  186 N. 5th St., Middletown, Indiana

               THE MAGDALENA WRIGHT ULRICH FAMILY          Ref. 48, p. 10
48.     Magdalena Wright-4, b. Feb 3, 1843, m. Sept 20, 1860 to Martin Ulrich.       
Their Children:
199.     Sarah                    b. Nov 27, 1861          ref. p. 30
200.     Daniel               b. Mar 31, 1863          d. Feb 8, 1933
201.     Rose                    b. July 11, 1866          ref. p. 30
202.     William               b. Dec 23, 1867          ref. p. 30
203.     Samuel               b. May 18, 1870          ref. p. 30
204.     George               b. Feb 13, 1873          d. Feb 19, 1873
205.     David                    b. July 11, 1874          ref. p. 30

               THE LYDIA ANN WRIGHT SHANLEY FAMILY          Ref. 50, p. 10
50.      Lydia Ann Wright-4, b. Apr 24, 1850, m. Jan 23, 1875 to David Shanley.       
Their Children:
206.     Fatima Elizabeth          b. Nov 15, 1875          ref. p. 30
207.     Barbara Candace          b. May 10, 1881          d. Apr 24, 1904

               THE DANIEL LUTHER WRIGHT FAMILY          Ref. 51, p. 10
51.      Daniel Luther Wright-4, b. July 7, 1853, m. Oct 9, 1878 to Elizabeth      Runyan.  
Their Children:
208.     Maude E.               b. Sept 27, 1880          ref. p. 31
209.     Claude E.               b. Aug 10, 1888          ref. p. 31
210.     Margaret               b. Apr 6, 1892          ref. p. 31

               THE JOHN B. GEBHART FAMILY               Ref. 52, p. 10
52.      John B. Gebhart-4, b. Apr 1, 1835, m1. May 27, 1860 to Susannah Crull,      
      m2. Dec 22, 1895 to Hannah Richart.  Their Children:
211.     Nancy Ellen               b. Apr 22, 1864          ref. p. 31
212.     Phylena B.               b. Sept 2, 1872          ref. p. 31
213.     Nora M.               b. Aug 19, 1879          ref. p. 31
214.     Sylvester A.          b. Dec 6, 1876          ref. p. 31
215.     William Henry          b. Jan 9, 1870          d. July 16, 1871

               THE ELIZABETH ANN GEBHART COVALT FAMILY     Ref. 53, p. 10 
53.      Elizabeth Ann Gebhart-4, b. Aug 7, 1838, m. Nov 18, 1858 to Cheniah      Covalt.  
Their Children:
216.     Harve H.               b. Nov 4, 1872          ref. p. 32
217.     Earl                                        ref. p. 32
218.     Mary Ellen                                   ref. p. 32
219.     Malissa Jane          b. Sept 2, 1864          ref. p. 32
220.     James Lawrence          b. June 14, 1868          ref. p. 32
221.     Child                    d. Young, Do not know name, record lost in fire
222.     Child                    d. Young, Do not know name, record lost in fire

               THE JOSIAH GEBHART FAMILY               Ref. 54, p. 10
54.      Josiah Gebhart-4, b. Nov 4, 1839, m. Sept 18, 1860 to Mary Ann Kutz.       
Their Children:
223.     Ellen Emmaline          b. June 23, 1861          ref. p. 32
224.     George W.               b. Aug 18, 1864          ref. p. 32

Page 16

               THE DAVID GEBHART FAMILY               Ref. 55, p. 10
55.     David Gebhart-4, b. Dec 25, 1851, d. Jan 8, 1936, m. Jan 2, 1876 to      
      Emily M. Crockett.  Their Children:
225.     Oliver C.               b. Jan 14, 1879          ref. p. 32
226.     Ezra                    b. Feb 25, 1887          ref. p. 32

               THE GEORGE W. GEBHART FAMILY               Ref. 57, p. 10
57.     George W. Gebhart-4, b. May 3, 1842, m. Feb 24, 1866 to Christena Replogle.  
Their Children:
227.     Nora C.               b. Nov 18, 1870          d. Feb 4, 1873
228.     Sarah O.               b. Apr 9, 1874          ref. p. 33
229.     Josie M.               b. Nov 21, 1883          ref. p. 33

               THE JOHN G. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 58, p. 10
58.      John G. Baker-4, b. Nov 8, 1838, m. Mar 1, 1860 to Eliza Whetstone.       
Their Children:
230.     Eliza Jane               b. Mar 6, 1861          ref. p. 33
231.     Emma Jeanette          b. Nov 10, 1863          ref. p. 33
232.     Lydia Ann               b. Feb 25, 1866          ref. p. 33
233.     Marion Whetstone          b. Nov 14, 1868          ref. p. 33
234.     Silas Walter          b. Oct 1, 1871          d. Mar 17, 1872
235.     Maggy May               b. Feb 21, 1873          d. Feb 11, 1875
236.     Effa Lovia               b. June 18, 1876          d. Nov 17, 1878
237.     John Ray               b. Apr 29, 1879          ref. p. 33
238.     George Riley          b. Jan 14, 1883          ref. p. 34

               THE JOSIAH BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 60, p. 10
60.     Josiah Baker-4, b. Jan 3, 1842 in Montgomery County, Ohio, d. Feb 11,      
      1933, m1. Sept 27, 1866 to Margaret Harbert, m2.  To Mrs. Mary      
      Elizabeth Chambers Kortz.  Their Children:
239.     John William          b. July 27, 1867          ref. p. 34
240.     Edward               b. Apr 4, 1869          d. Young
241.     Levi Ray               b. June 14, 1870          ref. p. 34
242.     Lotta May               b. Dec 19, 1879          d. Young

               THE LEVI W. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 61, p. 10
61.      Levi W. Baker-4, b. Mar 22, 1844, m. in 1883 to Phoebe King.

               THE SAMUEL SAIFORD BAKER FAMILY          Ref 62, p. 10
62.      Samuel Saiford Baker-4, b. Apr 27, 1847, m. Sept 2, 1875 to Visti      McBride.  
Their Children:
243.     Eli                    b. Mar 25, 1876          ref. p. 34
244.     Hugh Cooper               b. Jan 13, 1879          ref. p. 34
245.     Thomas S.               b. Aug 5, 1881          d. Jan 12, 1894
246.     Ira F.               b. Sept 18, 1885          d. Oct 20, 1918
247.     Clarence O.               b. May 2, 1890          d. Aug 15, 1916 [he and                                              
wife struck and killed                                              
by lightning in                                                   
248.     Bert Hamilton          b. Aug 20, 1892
249.     Lorin C.               b. July 30, 1894          ref. p. 34
250.     Ray H.               b. Apr 12, 1897          ref. p. 34
251.     Guy                    b.                    d. Infant
252.     Earl W.               b. Nov 4, 1903          [d. Feb 1984 Kankakee,                                              
Kankakee, IL]
253.     Rhoda Mae               b. Sept 8, 1888          ref. p. 35

Page 17

64.     Hannah Elizabeth Baker-4, b. Jan 15, 1851, m. June 27, 1868 to Enos      
      Albert Arbogast.  Their Children:
254.     Hannah Etta               b. Aug 23, 1869          ref. p. 35
255.     Ida Belle               b. Oct 7, 1870          ref. p. 35
256.     Nora Edna               b. May 13, 1872          ref. p. 35
257.     Dianna Viola          b. April 14, 1874          See Below
258.     Rolla Neigh               b. Dec 31, 1875          ref. p. 35
259.     Rhoda Maie               b. July 8, 1877          See Below
260.     Carrie Rachel          b. Nov 29, 1878          ref. p. 35
261.     Baker Harvey          b. Sept 23, 1880          ref. p. 35
262.     Kathryn Lee               b. June 9, 1886          ref. p. 36
The [1939] address of Mrs. Arbogast, Dianna Viola, and Rhoda Maie is Saybrook, Illinois.

               THE HARVEY M. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 66, p. 10
66.      Harvey M. Baker-4, b. June 1, 1856, m. Oct 17, 1889 to Rose T. Evoy

               THE AARON C. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 68, p. 10
68.     Aaron C. Baker-4, b. June 30, 1859, m. Aug 4, 1889 to Jennie L.      Follette

               THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 69, p. 10
69.      Abraham Lincoln Baker-4, b. Sept 17, 1860, m. Jan 30, 1894 to Ida M.      Hoover.  
Their Children:
263.     Loren Fairman          b. Nov 11, 1894          ref. p. 36
264.     Harold Hoover          b. Oct 19, 1898          ref. p. 36
265.     George Edward          b. Feb 22, 1906          ref. p. 36
The [1939] address of A.L. Baker is 17104 So. Figuerra St., R.R. #2, Box 240, Gardena, 

               THE ELIZA LENORA BAKER SPOTTS FAMILY     Ref. 72, p. 10
72.      Eliza Lenora Baker-4, b. Sept 19, 1863, m. June 4, 1891 to Samuel      Newton Spotts.
Their Children:
266.     Helen                    b. Sept 16, 1892          See Below
[1939 Address] of Mrs. Spotts and Helen is 3911 Globe Ave., Culver City, California.

               THE ISAAC FUNK BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 73, p. 10
73.      Isaac Funk Baker-4, b. Feb 15, 1865, m. Sept 26, 1906 to Jennie Esther      Tucker.
[1939 Address]:  850 No. Maxson Road, El Monte, Calif.

               THE BENJAMIN F. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 74, p. 10
74.      Benjamin F. Baker-4, b. Oct 19, 1866, m. Mar 5, 1890 to Mary Rush.       
Their Children:
267.     Glenn P.               b. Jan 30, 1891          [d. Jan 1969 Sylmar,                                              
Los Angeles, Calif]
268.     Harry V.               b. Feb 25, 1893          ref. p. 36
[1939] Address of B.F. Baker and Glenn is 11104 Weddington St., North Hollywood, Calif.

               THE DANIEL WEBSTER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 76, p. 10
76.     Daniel Webster Baker-4, b. Feb 14, 1871, m. Sept 7, 1892 to Annie      Josephine Bell.
Their Children:
269.     Thoma Bell               b. Aug 26, 1893          ref. p. 36
[1939 Address]: 612 City Hall, Oakland, Calif.

Page 18

               THE DANIEL W. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 78, p. 11
78.      Daniel W. Baker-4, b. Dec 19, 1893 at Hagerstown, Ind., m. May 19, 1861      
      to Susan W. Briggs.  He died at Benton Barracks, MO, March 10, 1862.       
Their Children:
270.     Fernanda               b. Apr 7, 1862          ref. p. 36

79.      Christina Schultz Baker-4, b. Mar 19, 1841 at Hagerstown, Ind., m1. Dec      
      12, 1860 to William Henry Byerly, d. Apr 6, 1862, m2. Mar 5, 1865 to      
      Franklin Rieman.  Their Children:
271.     William Henry          b. May 2, 1862          ref. p. 36
272.     John Martin               b. Nov 14, 1865          ref. p. 37
273.     Cora E.               b. Dec 13, 1866          ref. p. 37
274.     Hallie L.               b. Nov 12, 1876          d. Feb 3, 1877
275.     Charles Justice          b. Feb 10, 1879          ref. p. 37

               THE JOHN MARTIN BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 80, p. 11
80.      John Martin Baker-4, b. July 5, 1844, m. Mar 3, 1867 to Adelia Esther      Doud.  
Their Children:
276.     Percy B.               b. Dec 5, 1867          ref. p. 37

               THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 81, p. 11
81.      George Washington Baker-4, b. Aug 9, 1849, d. Apr 30, 1921, m. Apr 16,      
1873 to Abbie Melinda Ellis, b. Dec 25, 1850, d. Aug 30, 1928.  
Their      Children:
277.     Claude Milo               b. Feb 3, 1874          ref. p. 37
278.     Ward Ellis               b. June 28, 1877          ref. p. 37
279.     Malcolm Doud          b. Jan 9, 1879          ref. p. 37
280.     George Allen          b. Oct 19, 1882          ref. p. 37
281.     Kate [Kittie] Evaline     b. Apr 27, 1884          ref. p. 38
282.     Dwight Spencer          b. Apr 22, 1893          ref. p. 38

               THE WILLIAM HENRY BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 82, p. 11
82.      William Henry Baker-4, b. Aug 29, 1861, near Greencastle, Iowa, d. June      
21, 1938, m. Sept 30, 1880 to Martha Florence Guild, daughter of Rev.      
Jonathan Ellis Guild and Sarah Ramsey Guild of Carlisle, Iowa, she b.      
Nov 28, 1854, at Martha's Vineyard Island, Mass., d. Aug 25, 1928.       
Their Children:
283.     Juno Georgianna          b. June 24, 1881          ref. p. 38
284.     Wino Elizabeth          b. July 18, 1883          ref. p. 38
285.     Thoreau Butler          b. Jan 18, 1885          ref. p. 38 [Author of
the Book]
286.     Nellie               b. June 28, 1886          d. June 30, 1886
287.     Fern Regis               b. May 15, 1889          ref. p. 38
288.     Henry Guild               b. Apr 1, 1891          ref. p. 38

               THE CATHERINE BAKER AINEY FAMILY          Ref. 83, p. 11
83.      Catherine Baker-4, b. Aug 8, 1865, near Greencastle, Iowa, m. Dec 25,      
1883 to Daniel W. Ainey.  Their Children:
289.     Marcus Tullius          b. Jan 6, 1885          d. Apr 26, 1892
290.     Lenora Gladys          b. Sept 10, 1890          ref. p. 38
291.     Iona Clair               b. Dec 19, 1892          ref. p. 38
292.     Paulina               b. Mar 29, 1895          ref. p. 39

Page 19

               THE JOHN C. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 84, p. 11
84.      John C. Baker-4, b. Apr 12, 1844.  No record has been found of his      
marriage, or their children.  They were the first of all the Baker      
family to move to California and lived for quite a period at Long Beach.

               THE ISAIAH BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 86, p. 11
86.     Isaiah Baker-4, b. Apr 7, 1847, m1. June 7, 1864 to Ruth McClain, m2.      
May 25, 1901 to Nellie Outland.  Address of Mrs. Isaiah Baker:  415 Elm      
Ave., Long Beach, Calif

               THE ELI BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 88, p. 11
88.      Eli Baker-4, b. June 12, 1851, m. May 5, 1878 to Abigail E. Miller.       
Their Children:
293.     Edith Viola               b. Nov 6, 1881          ref. p. 39
294.     Magdalene Matilda          b. Dec 5, 1884          ref. p. 39
295.     Eli Jr.               b. Mar 23, 1886          d. in Infancy
296.     Mary Luella               b. Apr 20, 1888          ref. p. 39

               THE ADAM BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 90, p. 11
90.     Adam Baker-4, b. Dec 5, 1856, m. Mar 24, 1881 to Rebecca Shoff.  
Their      Children:
297.     Loda                    b. Sept 24, 1884          ref. p. 39

               THE JOSEPH MARCUS BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 91, p. 11
91.      Joseph Marcus Baker-4, b. Mar 12, 1860, m1. March 12, 1882 to Emma      
Ladora Shaffer, m2. 1905 to Mary McLennan.  Their Children:
298.     Benjamin Byron          b. Dec 31, 1882          ref. p. 39
299.     Arthur Lewis          b. Apr 11, 1885          ref. p. 39
300.     Bessie Marguerite          b. Feb 2, 1891          ref. p. 39
301.     Florence Shaffer          b. July 26, 1896          ref. p. 40
[In 1939], Mrs. Baker who is now Mrs. Emma McFarlane is at 1544 Pleasant Ave., 
Los Angeles, California

               THE DANIEL LINCOLN BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 92, p. 11
92.      Daniel Lincoln Baker-4, b. Aug 23, 1863, m. Nov 14, 1889 to Flora      
Louise Wuerst, b. Apr 15, 1870.  Their Children:
302.     Dwight Condo          b. Aug 15, 1892          ref. p. 40
303.     Mary Lois               b. Dec 29, 1895          ref. p. 40
[1939 Address]: 695 E. Villa St., Pasadena, California

               THE WILLIAM BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 94, p. 11
94.     William Baker-4, b. Feb 23, 1847, m. Dec 16, 1869 to Lucinda Underwood.       
Their Children:
304.     Mary Bell               b. Dec 21, 1870          d. Young
305.     Andrew J.               b. Dec 17, 1872          ref. p. 40
306.     Oscar                    b. Nov 12, 1877          d. Young
307.     Ira F.               b. Aug 6, 1878          ref. p. 40
308.     Bessie Ann               b. Apr 4, 1881          ref. p. 41
309.     Minnie Viletia          b. Jan 22, 1883          d. Young
310.     Ray                    b. Sept [6], 1888          ref. p. 41
The [1939] address of Mrs. Baker is Eden, Idaho - Box 75

               THE ISAAC BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 95, p. 11
95.     Isaac Baker-4, b. Aug 27, 1849, m. Dec 17, 1874 to Mattie Mishler.       
Their Children:

See Next Page

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               THE ISAAC BAKER FAMILY [Con't.]
311.     William Martin          b. Sept 28, 1875          ref. p. 41
312.     John E.               b. Dec 20, 1877          ref. p. 41
313.     Catherine               b. Mar 12, 1880          ref. p. 41

               THE THEODORE ALEXANDER BAKER FAMILY     Ref. 99, p. 11
99.      Theodore Alexander Baker-4, b. Dec 23, 1847, m. Aug 22, 1867 to Amanda  E. Penquite.
Their Children:
314.     Carrie C.               b. July 30, 1868          ref. p. 41
315.     Hilster M.               b. Aug 19, 1871          ref. p. 41
316.     Charles E.               b. Dec 20, 1873          ref. p. 41
317.     Frank E.               b. Jan 21, 1876          ref. p. 42
318.     Harvey L.               b. June 14, 1878          d. Sept 7, 1879
319.     Lola F.               b. July 5, 1882          ref. p. 42
320.     Ethel E.               b. Mar 12, 1884          ref. p. 42
321.     Nettie Viola          b. Jan 12, 1886          ref. p. 42

               THE MARY C. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 100, p. 11
100.      Mary C. Baker-4, b. Apr 8, 1850, m. Feb 17, 1876 to Robert C. Everett.       
Their Children:
322.     Roy F.               b. Sept 21, 1878          ref. p. 42
323.     Guy E.               b. Dec 21, 1879          ref. p. 42
324.     Lena                    b. Nov 24, 1884          d. Sept 18, 1889
325.     Lloyd                    b. Apr 18, 1890          ref. p. 42

               THE EMMA REBECCA BAKER HARROP FAMILY     Ref. 101, p. 11
101. Emma Rebecca Baker-4, b. Nov 4, 1852, m. Feb 16, 1873 to Charles Harrop.

               THE LINCOLN E. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 103, p. 11
103.     Lincoln E. Baker-4, b. May 8, 1861, m. Mar 11, 1886 to Vina Barker.       
Their Children:
326.     Ray F.               b. Dec 10, 1886          ref. p. 43
327.     Iva P.               b. Apr 25, 1891          ref. p. 43
[1939] Address of Mrs. Baker is Mingo, Iowa

               THE HORACE SUMNER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 104, p. 11
104.     Horace Sumner Baker-4, b. Dec 27, 1866, m. Oct 24, 1888 to Burtress M.      Boyd.  
[1939] Address of Mrs. Baker is 414 E. Howard St., Colfax, Iowa

               THE ALIDA BAKER HAWKS FAMILY               Ref. 105, p. 11
105.      Eliza Jane "Alida" Baker-4, b. Feb 25, 1858, d. Sept 17, 1919, m. Sept 17, 1890 to 
George H. Hawks, b. Mar 10, 1857, d. Oct 18, 1928.  Their      Children:
328.     Georgena               b. July 31, 1891          ref. p. 43
329.     Joseph William          b. Mar 2, 1893          ref. p. 43
330.     Caroline Anna          b. Mar 16, 1895          ref. p. 43
331.     Vincent David Crosby     b. Mar 11, 1897          ref. p. 43

               THE SARAH ELIZABETH BAKER RAMBO FAMILY     Ref. 106, p. 11
106.      Sarah Elizabeth Baker-4, b. Oct 3, 1859, m. June 28, 1882 to John J.      Rambo.  
Their Children:
332.     Joseph Frank          b. June 5, 1883          ref. p. 43
333.     Anna Pearl               b. Nov 6, 1885          d. Apr 27, 1899
334.     Alida Faie               b. Aug 20, 1889          ref. p. 43
335.     Clarkson B.               b. Oct 17, 1892          d. Jan 5, 1893
336.     Foster Leon               b. Aug 19, 1894          d. Sept 29, 1901
337.     Rosa Arminta          b. July 14, 1901          ref. p. 43

Page 21

               THE ELMER WEBSTER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 108, p. 11
108.     Elmer Webster Baker-4, b. Apr 1, 1863, m. Mar 25, 1891 to Mary      Alexander.  
Their Children:
338.     Mary Charlotte          b. Aug 3, 1892          ref. p. 44
339.     Paul W.               b. Nov 11, 1893          ref. p. 44
340.     Harley C.               b. Mar 21, 1895          ref. p. 44
341.     Earl W.               b. Sept 10, 1896          ref. p. 44
342.     Marian Florence          b. Feb 4, 1898          ref. p. 44
343.     Floy E.               b. Dec 20, 1899          ref. p. 44
[1939] Address of Mr. Baker, 2810 University Ave., Des Moines, Iowa.

               THE MAGDALENA MARY BAKER BALE FAMILY     Ref. 109, p. 11
109.      Magdalena Mary Baker-4, b. Mar 24, 1865, m. Sept 25, 1895 to George Arthur Bale.  
Their Children:
344.     Ralph Gordon          b. Oct 16, 1896          ref. p. 44
345.     Mary Herbertina          b. Nov 28, 1899          ref. p. 44
346.     Beatrice Louisa          b. Feb 19, 1901          ref. p. 45
347.     Eunice Baker          b. Aug 13, 1903          ref. p. 45
348.     Douglas Arthur          b. May 1, 1907          ref. p. 45
349.     Walton Jethro          b. Nov 9, 1908          See Below
350.     George Marcus          b. Jan 24, 1910          [d. Apr 18, 1993 Las
Vegas, Clark Co, NV]
[1939 Address]: George M. Bale, 1114 Pine St., San Francisco, Calif.  [1939] 
Address of Mrs. Bale and Walton Jethro Bale, 4129 No. Normandie, Spokane, Washington.

               THE WILSON BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 110, p. 11
110.      Wilson Baker-4, b. Mar 30, 1867, m. Dec 2, 1891 to Bessie Tomley.       
Their Children:
351.     Florence               b. Apr 10, 1894          ref. p. 45
352.     Esther               b. June 28, 1896          ref. p. 45
353.     Dorothy               b. Aug 27, 1899          ref. p. 45
354.     Hazel                    b. Sept 7, 1901          ref. p. 45
355.     Harold               b. Sept 7, 1901          ref. p. 45
356.     Lillian               b. Apr 3, 1904          ref. p. 45
[1939] Address of Mr. Baker, Claremont, California

               THE MORRIS L. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 111, p. 11
111.      Morris L. Baker-4, b. Apr 24, 1870, m. Dec 25, 1892 to Stella Packer.  
Their Children:
357.     Jessie Lora               b. July 24, 1894          ref. p. 46
358.     Agnes Marie               b. Jan 13, 1897          ref. p. 46
359.     Vera Francis          b. Oct 28, 1902          ref. p. 46
[1939] Address Mr. Baker, 444 Belmont Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

               THE BERTHA EVALINA BAKER STEELE FAMILY     Ref. 112, p. 12
112.      Bertha Evalina Baker-4, b. Nov 7, 1872, m. June 27, 1894 to Rev. Joseph      
Steele.  Their Children:
360.     Charles Anson          b. May 10, 1895          ref. p. 46
361.     David Roland          b. July 20, 1897          ref. p. 46
362.     Gladys Elizabeth          b. Oct 28, 1900          ref. p. 46
363.     Martha Josephine          b. Aug 11, 1903          ref. p. 46
364.     Josef Taylor          b. Jan 6, 1907          ref. p. 46
365.     Dwight Wilson B.          b. May 19, 1910          ref. p. 46
[1939 Address]: Mrs. Steele, 2001 Rebecca St., Sioux City, Iowa.

               THE JACOB FRANKLIN GROVES FAMILY          Ref. 115, p. 12
115.      Jacob Franklin Groves-5, b. Jan 6, 1860, m. Mary Ann.  Their Children:

See Next Page

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366.     Sara Jane               b. Oct 8, 1880
367.     Samuel               b. Sept 6, 1881
368.     Lizzie               b.
369.     Etta                    b.
370.     Robert               b.
371.     Florence               b. Nov 8, 1888
372.     Nellie               b. June 11, 1890
373.     Ida May               b. May 2, 1892
374.     Roy Pearl               b. Dec 21, 1894
375.     Eddie Arthur          b. Aug 6, 1896          d. May 7, 1912
376.     Tillie Edith          b. Mar 28, 1898
377.     Arthur               b. Oct 2, 1906

               THE CHARLES GROVES FAMILY               Ref. 118, p. 12
118.      Charles Groves-5, b. Oct 9, 1864, m. to Rosetta Becker Pierce.  Their Children:
378.     Nancy                    b. July 7, 1902          ref. p. 47

               THE JOHN FREMONT GROVES FAMILY          Ref. 119, p. 12
119.      John Fremont Groves-5, b. June 24, 1865, m. Feb 25, 1891 to Nellie      
Emiline Pratt.  Their Children:
379.     Melvin John               b. Sept 7, 1893          ref. p. 47
380.     A Daughter               b. June 17, 1896          d. At Birth
381.     Blanche Bernice          b. Jan 13, 1898          ref. p. 47
382.     Verner Glenn          b. Aug 12, 1901          d. Feb 10, 1907
[1939 Address]: Mrs. Nellie Groves, 1611 So. 6th St., Harlan, Iowa

               THE MARTHA GROVES JOHNSON FAMILY          Ref. 123, p. 12
123.     Martha Groves-5, b. Sept 22, 1875, m. Feb 8, 1894 to Robert Henry      
Johnson.  Their Children:
383.     Carrie               b. Jan 3, 1900          d. Nov 19, 1905
[1939 Address]: 3317 Pratt St., Omaha Nebraska

               THE HENRY BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 127, p. 12
127.      Henry Baker-5, b. Mar 5, 1874, m. Oct 4, 1896 to Dora H. Sander.  Their      
384.     Alexander Sander          b. Aug 7, 1908          d. Aug 11, 1908
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, Barnes, Kansas

               THE DANIEL BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 129, p. 12
129.     Daniel Baker-5, b. Mar 15, 1878, m. June 1, 1904 to Lizzie Pritchard.       
Their Children:
385.     Mary P.               b. May 11, 1906
386.     Joseph E.               b. Oct 15, 1907          ref. p. 47
387.     Sarah M.               b. Aug 6, 1909          ref. p. 47
388.     John H.               b. Apr 24, 1911          ref. p. 47
389.     Nellie R.               b. Mar 16, 1913          ref. p. 47
390.     Martin L.               b. Aug 22, 1915
391.     Lueta L.               b. Sept 9, 1917
392.     Dorothy M.               b. Aug 1, 1919
393.     Betty Ann               b. July 5, 1922
394.     Susie Mae               b. June 9, 1924
395.     Robert E.               b. Apr 1, 1927
396.     Madilene               b. July 27, 1929
397.     Curtis G.               b. July 21, 1933

               THE EDWARD CLEMENT FAMILY               Ref. 133, p. 12
133.      Edward Clement-5, b. Oct 22, 1863, m1. Apr 25, 1888 Mary Blanchard      
Clark, m2. Sept 21, 1934 Dorothy Viola Davis.  Their Children:
398.     Arthur Leroy          b. Apr 29, 1889          ref. p. 47
399.     George E.               b. Sept 5, 1891          ref. p. 48
400.     Lillian Ruth          b. Aug 25, 1894          ref. p. 48
401.     Nina Mae               b. Apr 4, 1897          ref. p. 48
402.     Louis Victor          b. June 20, 1900          ref. p. 48
403.     Raymond E.               b. May 2, 1902          ref. p. 48
404.     Bessie               b. Nov 18, 1905          ref. p. 48
[1939 Address]: 908 W. 9th, Des Moines, Iowa

               THE ELLA CLEMENT ESHELMAN FAMILY          Ref. 134, p. 12
134.      Ella Clement-5, b. June 12, 1864, m. Feb 1, 1880 to John Eshelman.       
Their Children:
405.     Grace                    b. June 9, 1883          ref. p. 48
406.     Bonnie               b. Feb 13, 1887          ref. p. 48
407.     Nellie               b. Aug 1, 1888          ref. p. 49
408.     Naomi                    b. Jan 29, 1898          ref. p. 49
[1939 Address]: 826 E. 25th St. Court, Des Moines, Iowa

               THE CYNTHIA CLEMENT STOCKENBERG FAMILY     Ref. 135, p. 12
135.      Cynthia Clement-5, b. Oct 15, 1866, m. May 23, 1894 to Leonard Adolph      
Stockenberg.  Their Children:
409.     Harold Adolph          b. May 31, 1908          ref. p. 84
[1939 Address]: 430 Magnolia Ave., Long Beach, California

               THE MYRTLE FLORATA CLEMENT LOVE FAMILY     Ref. 136, p. 12
136.      Myrtle Florata Clement-5, b. Apr 29, 1868, m. Aug 18, 1890 to Daniel      
Love.  Their Children:
410.     Arthur Daniel          b. Nov 24, 1891          ref. p. 49
411.     Homer Benjamin          b. Apr 23, 1893          ref. p. 49
412.     Mamie E.               b. Jan 27, 1895          ref. p. 49
413.     Otis Lynch               b. Feb 27, 1901          ref. p. 49
414.     Nellie Floratas          b. Feb 9, 1904          ref. p. 49
415.     James Elmer               b. June 4, 1912          d. Feb 4, 1914
[1939 Address]: 2818 E. Walnut St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE DANIEL R. CLEMENT FAMILY               Ref. 137, p. 12
137.      Daniel R. Clement-5, b. Apr 3, 1870, m. Feb 17, 1897 to Ida E. Shaffer.       
Their Children:
416.     Violet Luella          b. Dec 14, 1897          ref. p. 50
417.     Thelma Irene          b. Oct 2, 1899          ref. p. 50
418.     Cecil E.               b. Aug 18, 1901          ref. p. 50
419.     Grace                    b. May 7, 1904          ref. p. 50
420.     Minnie               b. May 12, 1906          ref. p. 50
421.     Imogene               b. Sept 10, 1908          ref. -
422.     Floma G.               b. Nov 11, 1910          ref. p. 50
423.     Robert D.               b. Sept 6, 1914          [d. Jan 1980 Newton,
Jasper Co, IA]
[1939 Address]: 314 E. 10th St. So., Newton, Iowa

               THE CLARA BAKER ALLISON FAMILY          Ref. 143, p. 13
143.      Clara Baker-5, b. Aug 26, 1883, m. Mar 11, 1901, Harvey Allison at      
Washington, Kansas, d. Dec 24, 1936.  Their Children:

See Next Page

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               THE CLARA BAKER ALLISON FAMILY [Con't.]     
424.     Elmer                    b. June 24, 1903          ref. p. 50
425.     Meda                    b. Jan 3, 1905          ref. p. 50
426.     Virgil               b. Dec 26, 1906          ref. p. 50
427.     Orvil                    b. Apr 24, 1909          ref. p. 51
428.     John                    b. Jan 13, 1911          ref. p. 51
429.     Doris                    b. Sept 19, 1915          ref. p. 51
430.     Agnes                    b. Jan 24, 1922          ref. p. 51

               THE MYRTLE BAKER GILMORE HOUCK FAMILY     Ref. 144, p. 13
144.      Myrtle Baker-5, b. Mar 10, 1893, m1. Feb 26, 1911 Edwin Gilmore, m2.      
Feb 1915 Jacob Houck.  Their Children:
431.     Florence Jane          b. May 31, 1912          ref. p. 51
432.     Melvin               b. Sept 18, 1918          [d. May 1985 Nampa,                                              
Canyon Co, ID]
433.     Glen                    b. Mar 8, 1922
Mrs. Houck deceased; [1939] address of Glen & Melvin Houck, Waterloo, Nebraska

               THE CHARLES BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 145, p. 13
145.      Charles Baker-5, b. Dec 3, 1897, d. May 1984 in Omaha, Douglas Co, NE,      
m. June 27, 1936 to Francis Morris
[1939 Address]: Waterloo, Nebraska

               THE ERNEST E. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 146, p. 13
146.      Ernest E. Baker-5, b. Sept 18, 1899, [d. 10/1986 in Buena Park, Orange      
Co, CA,] m. Sept 24, 1929 Ida Morris.  Their Children:
434.     Edna                    b. Oct 28, 1930
435.     Harvey               b. June 30, 1932          [d. Dec 1980 High Pt,                                              
Guilford Co, NC]
436.     Robert               b. Mar 1, 1935          [d. Aug 2, 1996                                                   
Brownsville, CA]
[1939 Address]: 1491 Ogden St., Omaha, Nebraska

                    THE HARVEY J. BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 147, p. 13
147.      Harvey J. Baker-5, b. Apr 20, 1902, [d. Jan 13, 1990], m1. Mar 24,      
1925, Irene Jackson, m2. Dec 23, 1933, Alice Faetta Armstrong.  Their      Children:
437.     Doris                    b. July 1, 1925
438.     Evelyn Dee               b. Sept 24, 1934
439.     Shirley Rae               b. Feb 20, 1938
[1939 Address]: Either Broadwater or Scotts Bluff, Nebraska

                    THE WILLIAM LUTHER BAKER FAMILY     Ref. 148, p. 13
148.      William Luther Baker-5, b. Mar 30, 1865, m. Dec 23, 1890, Nancy Newell.       
Their Children:
440.     George R.               b. Feb 4, 1893          ref. p. 51
441.     Grace L.               b. Dec 11, 1894          ref. p. 51
[1939 Address]: Arcola, Illinois

                    THE OLIVER CLINTON BAKER FAMILY     Ref. 149, p. 13
149. Oliver Clinton Baker-5, b. June 7, 1867, m. Jan 24, 1894, Daisy Buckler.       
Their Children:
442.     Homer                    b. July 11, 1895          ref. p. 51
443.     Mabel                    b. Feb 17, 1899          ref. p. 51
444.     Mae                    b. Nov 21, 1901          ref. p. 51
[1939 Address]: Bushton, Illinois

               THE MINNIE ESTELLA BAKER CRIM FAMILY     Ref. 151, p. 13
151.     Minnie Estella Baker-5, b. Sept 19, 1868, m. Oct 5, 1887, Otis P. Crim.       
Their Children:

See Next Page

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                    THE MINNIE ESTELLA BAKER CRIM FAMILY [Con't.]
445.     William Baker          b. Mar 31, 1889          d. Apr 3, 1892
446.     Mary                    b. May 24, 1894          d. July 22, 1916
447.     Amelia               b. Dec 2, 1908          ref. p. 52
[1939 Address]: 311 W. 8th St., Anderson, Indiana

                    THE ANNA GRACE BAKER AUSTIN FAMILY     Ref. 152, p. 13
152.     Anna Grace Baker-5, b. May 19, 1880, m. Apr 29, 1903, Dr. Maynard A.      
Austin.  Their Children:
448.     Maynard Baker          b. Feb 5, 1904          [d. Jan 1985 Los                                                   
Angeles, CA]
449.     Thomas Charles          b. Feb 5, 1904          [d. Jun 21, 1990]
450.     John Poole               b. Oct 28, 1907
451.     Eugene William          b. Aug 27, 1913
[1939 Address]: 328 W. 12th St., Anderson, Indiana

                    THE BERTHA M. BAKER MONEYHUN FAMILY     Ref. 164, p. 14
164.      Bertha M. Baker-5, b. Sept 17, 1877, m. June 14, 1900, Carry F.      Moneyhun.  
Their Children:
452.     Wilbur J.               b. June 18, 1904          ref. p. 52
453.     Kathleen Alice          b. Nov 20, 1907          ref. p. 52
[1939 Address]: R.R. #7, Anderson, Indiana

                    THE HOMER F. BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 166, p. 14
166.     Homer F. Baker-5, b. Dec 16, 1889, [d. Feb 1963], m. Apr 2, 1910 to      
Myrtia Bennett.  Their Children:
454.     Thelma M.               b. Feb 26, 1913          ref. p. 52
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, Anderson, Indiana

                    THE GRACE M. BAKER ADAMS FAMILY     Ref. 167, p. 14
167.      Grace M. Baker-5, b. Dec 23, 1893, m. Aug 15, 1925 to Albert Allison      Adams.  
Their Children:
455.     Vada Maree               b. Oct 29, 1926     
456.     Junya May               b. May 12, 1928
457.     Sabrina Alice               b. Mar 11, 1934
[1939 Address]: R.R. #7, Anderson, Indiana

                    THE ED WALTZ FAMILY               Ref. 168, p. 14
168.      Ed Waltz-5, b. Dec 23, 1872, m1. Apr 13, 1890 to Mary Ann Heller, m2. Jan 2, 1909 
to Emma Mate Sarver.  Their Children:
458.     Elmer                    b. Feb [5], 1892          ref. p. 52
459.     Clarence               b. Oct 16, 1894          ref. p. 52
460.     Ernest               b. July 15, 1899          ref. p. 52
461.     Henry                    b. Feb 1, 1904          ref. p. 52
462.     Kathryn Louise          b. Feb 21, 1916          ref. p. 52
[1939 Address]: R.R. #1, Mooreland, Indiana

                    THE IDA WALTZ WRIGHTSMAN FAMILY     Ref. 169, p. 14
169.      Ida Waltz-5, b. Mar 7, 1874, m. Nov 6, 1890 to James Wrightsman.  Their      
463.     Wilbur H.               b. Oct 3, 1892          ref. p. 53
[1939 Address]: Apt 9, Star Building, Muncie, Indiana

               THE DANIEL WALTZ FAMILY                    Ref. 170, p. 14
170.     Daniel Waltz-5, b. Mar [20], 1880, [d. Oct 1970 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS], m. 
June 19, 1901, Emma Nickum.  Their Children:
464.     Lorene               b. Dec 17, 1902          ref. p. 53
465.     Elizabeth               b. Mar 12, 1905          d. June 16, 1920
[1939 Address]: R.R. #1, Moorland, Indiana

Page 26

               THE LENA WALTZ WRIGHT FAMILY               Ref. 171, p. 14
171.     Lena Waltz-5, b. Dec 26, 1884, m. Jan 20, 1902, Orlif F. Wright.  Their      
466.     Theo                    b. July 19, 1902          ref. p. 53
467.     Frank H.               b. Aug 17, 1904          ref. p. 53
468.     Mary                    b. July 1, 1906          ref. p. 53
469.     Ruth Elma               b. May 28, 1923     
[1939 Address]: E. Main St., Troy, Ohio

               THE NELSON MAIN FAMILY                    Ref. 153, p. 13
153.      Nelson Main-5, b. Nov 4, 1866, m. Apr 8, 1885, Emma Ulich.  Their      
470.     May                    b. Aug 10, 1885          ref. p. 53
471.     Ruth                    b. Oct 23, 1887          ref. p. 53
472.     Sarah                    b. Sept 11, 1897     ref. p. 53
473.     Margaret               b. Jan 8, 1900          ref. p. 53
474.     Walter D.               b. Oct 30, 1903          ref. p. 54

               THE MAHLON MAIN FAMILY                    Ref. 155, p. 13
155.     Mahlon Main-5, b. May 10, 1870, m. Mar 8, 1892, Laura Markle.  Their      
475.     Albert               b. Dec 2, 1892          ref. p. 54
476.     Nellie               b. Oct 19, 1898          d. Apr 2, 1900
477.     Laurence               b. Nov 6, 1902          ref. p. 54
478.     Charles               b. Sept 9, 1907          ref. p. 54
479.     Joe V.               b. May 9, 1915          [d. Jul 6, 1991]
[1939 Address]: R.R. #3, Pendleton, Indiana

               THE LUELLA BAKER FOLEY FAMILY               Ref. 157, p. 13
157.      Luella Baker-5, b. Dec 9, 1870, m. Sept 5, 1894, William Wilkinson      
Foley.  Their Children:
480.     Carl Edwin               b. Oct 11, 1895          ref. p. 54
481.     Dora Dean               b. June 1, 1897          ref. p. 54
482.     Clarence Arthur          b. Dec 17, 1903          ref. p. 54
483.     Donald Austin          b. June 9, 1905          ref. p. 54
484.     Scott Emerson          b. Oct 21, 1908          ref. p. 54
[1939 Address]: 1020 Brown St., Dayton, Ohio

               THE SARAH BAKER BENZENBOWER FAMILY          Ref. 156, p. 13
156.      Sarah Baker-5, b. Dec 1, 1874, m. Oct 5, 1893, John Henry Benzenbower.       
Their Children:
485.     Frank Jennings          b. Aug 23, 1896          ref. p. 55
486.     Lester               b. Nov 8, 1898          d. Single

               THE LOMA BAKER FOSTER PINKERTON FAMILY     Ref. 158, p. 13
158.     Loma Baker-5, b. Nov 28, 1879, m1. June 12, 1897 to Sam Foster, d. Dec 26, 1905, 
m2. Nov 29, 1913 to William Pinkerton.  Their Children:
487.     Mary Rebecca          b. Jan 7, 1899          ref. p. 55
488.     Wallace Clifford          b. June 8, 1900          ref. p. 55
[1939 Address]: 561 Turner Ave. NW., Grand Rapids, Michigan

               THE JOHN A. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 159, p. 13
159.     John A. Baker-5, b. Jan 27, 1881, m. Dec 12, 1905, Grace Hirst.  Their Children:
489.     Kenneth               b. Oct 31, 1906          ref. p. 55
[1939 Address]: 1302 Central Ave., Anderson, Indiana

Page 27

               THE ALICE M. BAKER DURBIN WIHEBRINK          Ref. 160, p. 13
160.      Alice M. Baker-5, b. Dec [24], 1882, [d. Nov 1963], m1. Dec 25, 1900 to      
George Durbin, m2. June 8, 1925 to Harry B. Wihebrink.  Their Children:
490.     Virginia L.               b. Feb 11, 1906          ref. p. 55
491.     Mary Anna H.          b. Feb 5, 1910          ref. p. 55
[1939 Address]: 1615 W. 19th St., Anderson, Indiana

               THE GEORGE BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 161, p. 13
161.      George Baker-5, b. Feb 10, 1891, d. Dec 1965, m1. 1916 to Audrey Crull,      
m2. May 24, 1928 to Phyllis E. Hopkins.  Their Children:
492.     Winifred E.               b. Sept 27, 1918
493.     Gloria Ann               b. July 27, 1929
494.     Shirley Jean          b. Nov 20, 1931
[1939 Address]: Winifred E. Baker, 3021 So. Main St., Anderson, Indiana, and George Baker, 
1733 Belden St., Grand Rapids, Michigan

               THE FRANCIS LEE BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 162, p. 13
162.      Francis Lee Baker-5, b. Dec 21, 1895, m. Sept 4, 1916 to Anna L. Smith.       
Their Children:
495.     Francis Lee Jr.          b. Jan 15, 1918     
496.     William Harold          b. Sept 20, 1922
497.     Marjorie Mae          b. July 19, 1925
[1939 Address]: 818 Melrose Ave., Lexington, KY

               THE RUTH BAKER FRICKE FAMILY               Ref. 163, p. 13
163.      Ruth Baker-5, b. Sept 4, 1899, [d. Sep 1986 West Palm Beach, Palm      
Beach, FL], m. June 29, 1916 to Ralph Fricke, [b. Oct 25, 1896, d. Sep      1964].  
Their Children:
498.     Frederick James          b. Dec 5, 1917
499.     Ralph Jr.               b. Sept 19, 1920
[1939 Address]: 1514 Arrow Ave., Anderson, Indiana

               THE LAWRENCE MONEYHUN FAMILY               Ref. 174, p. 14
174.      Lawrence Moneyhun-5, b. Sept 25, 1891, [d. Apr 1970], m. Dec 11, 1910      
to Jewel De Witt.  Their Children:
500.     Wanda C.               b. Aug 10, 1911
501.     Keith                    b. Aug 26, 1913
502.     Bernice               b. Jan 13, 1924
[1939 Address]: 416 N.E. 34th St., Miami, Florida

               THE JOHN GRAHAM ALLEN FAMILY               Ref. 177, p. 14
177.      John Graham Allen-5, b. Feb 6, 1856, m. Oct 19, 1879 to Samantha      Hoover.  
Their Children:
503.     Belva Lockwood          b. Jan 25, 1885          ref. p. 55
504.     Otis                    b. Apr 30, 1892
505.     Wayne                    b. Feb [8], 1895          ref. p. 55
[1939] Address of Otis Allen, 122-130 So. Seventh St., Terre Haute, Indiana

               THE MARTHA SUSSANNA ALLEN CONWAY FAMILY     Ref. 178, p. 14
178.      Martha Sussanna Allen-5, b. May 15, 1857, m. May 4, 1881 to John W.      
Conway.  Their Children:
506.     William C.               b. Nov 1, 1878          ref. p. 55-56
507.     Josephine               b. July 1, 1882          ref. p. 56
508.     Georgia               b. Oct 27, 1883          ref. p. 56
509.     Harvey C.               b. Feb 15, 1886          d. Sept 27, 1918
510.     Florence               b. Sept 2, 1887
511.     Claude C.               b. Nov 22, 1890          ref. p. 56
512.     Stella               b. Sept 15, 1892          ref. p. 56
513.     Frank C.               b. Feb 27, 1895          [d. Jan 1971 Wenatche,                                              
Chelan Co, WA]
Page 28

               THE EMMA ALLEN DAVIS FAMILY               Ref. 179, p. 14
179.     Emma Allen-5, b. Mar 4, 1860, m. Sept 27, 1884 to Rufus Davis.  Their      
514.     Ethel                    b. Apr 18, 1886
515.     Helen                    b. July 24, 1888
516.     Clara                    b. Oct 12, 1890          ref. p. 56
517.     Harry                    b. June 13, 1893          d. Sept 1, 1898
518.     Ruth                    b. Oct 14, 1898          ref. p. 56
[1939 Address]: Miss Ethel and Helen Davis, Box 56, Mooreland, Indiana

               THE DAVID NELSON ALLEN FAMILY               Ref. 180, p. 14
180.      David Nelson Allen-5, b. Nov 1, 1862, d. Oct 16, 1935, m1. Dec 25, 1884      
to Elizabeth Bond, m2. Mar 1, 1922 to Rose Newman.  Their Children:
519.     Nellie               b. Jan 16, 1886          ref. p. 56
520.     Murray               b. Sept [24], 1887     ref. p. 57
521.     Dexter               b. Aug 22, 1896          ref. p. 57

               THE SAMUEL ALLEN FAMILY                    Ref. 181, p. 14
181.      Samuel Allen-5, b. Nov 18, 1864, m. Dec 24, 1894 to Maude Crim.  Their Children:
522.     James Orville          b. Oct 8, 1898          d. Oct 16, 1898
523.     Garrett L.               b. Dec 2, 1899          ref. p. 57
524.     Eugene C.               b. June 9, 1902          ref. p. 57
525.     Elizabeth Lucille          b. Sept 24, 1905          ref. p. 57
[1939 Address]: Sulphur Springs, Indiana

               THE HARVEY EDMUND ALLEN FAMILY          Ref. 182, p. 14
182.      Harvey Edmund Allen-5, b. June 27, 1869, d. Aug 7, 1929, m. April 14,      
1904 to Lillian Bolser

               THE IDA MAY ALLEN GREELEY FAMILY          Ref. 183, p. 14
183.      Ida May Allen-5, b. May 16, 1876, m. Nov 30, 1909 to John Greeley.       
Their Children:
526.     Rosetta               b. Dec 5, 1910
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, New Castle, Indiana

               THE WILLIAM HENRY WISE FAMILY               Ref. 184, p. 14
184.      William Henry Wise-5, b. Jan 25, 1858, m. to Viola Brown.  Their      Children:
527.      Vaughan               [b. Nov 12, 1892]          [d. Aug 1982 Alamo                                              
Gordo, Otero, NM]
[1939] Address of Vaughan Wise, Rochester, Indiana

          THE DAVID MARTIN WISE FAMILY                    Ref. 185, p. 14
185.      David Martin Wise-5, b. Oct 23, 1860, m. to Virsetta Davis.

               THE CHARLEY BENTON WISE FAMILY          Ref. 186, p. 14
186.      Charley Benton Wise-5, b. July 18, 1862, m. Oct 18, 1884 to Vina Adams.       
Their Children:
528.     Walter               b. Mar 11, 1887          ref. p. 57
529.     Iley                    b. Apr 18, 1889          ref. p. 57
530.     Orval B.               b. Aug 30, 1900          ref. p. 57
[1939 Address]: R.R. #1, Mooreland, Indiana

Page 29

               THE MARGARET ELLEN WISE ROSAA FAMILY     Ref. 188, p. 14
188.     Margaret Ellen Wise-5, b. Mar 20, 1868, d. Dec 29, 1938, m. June 12,      
1884 to John Adam Rosaa.  Their Children:
531.     Fannie               b. Jan 7, 1886          ref. p. 57
532.     Otto                    b. Feb 18, 1888          ref. p. 58
533.     Thurman               b. Feb 6, 1890          ref. p. 58
534.     Clara                    b. Jan 30, 1892          ref. p. 58
535.     Orvel                    b. Aug 3, 1893          d. Aug 9, 1893
536.     Phoebe               b. Aug 1, 1895          ref. p. 58
537.     Charles               b. June 13, 1898          ref. p. 58
538.     Wilbur               b. Dec 31, 1899     
539.     Earl                    b. July 23, 1901          [d. Jun 1969 New 
Castle, Henry Co, IN]
540.     Harold               b. Oct 17, 1905          d. Oct 17, 1905
541.     Goldie               b. Mar 28, 1907          d. Mar 28, 1907
[1939] Address of Wilbur and Earl Rosaa is 2609 E. Spring St., New Castle, Indiana

               THE HARVEY DANIEL WISE FAMILY               Ref. 189, p. 14
189.      Harvey Daniel Wise-5, b. Feb 26, 1870, m. Apr 29, 1892 to Ida Mac      
Vicker.  Their Children:
542.     Wilbur               b. Jan 5, 1896          ref. p. 58
543.     Mabel                    b. Feb 27, 1898          ref. p. 59
544.     Thomas               b. Feb 13, 1900          ref. p. 59
545.     Nellie               b. Mar 27, 1904          ref. p. 59
546.     Goldie               b. Jan 9, 1908          ref. p. 59
[1939 Address]: 2431 E. Broad St., New Castle, Indiana

               THE LAURA BELLE WISE WILKINSON FAMILY     Ref. 190, p. 14
190.      Laura Belle Wise-5, b. Jan 26, 1872, m1. May 8, 1888 to Lorenzo      Wilkinson, 
m2. July 25, 1926 to Harry Wilkinson.  Their Children:
547.     Emma                    b. Sept 11, 1888     ref. p. 59
548.     Edna                    b. Feb 18, 1890          ref. p. 59
549.     Fred                    b. Nov 18, 1891          ref. p. 59
550.     Vada                    b. Sept 8, 1894          ref. p. 60
551.     Clarence               b. Sept 28, 1896          ref. p. 60
552.     Lawrence               b. Dec 6, 1898          d. Feb 3, 1899
553.     Florence               b. Dec 6, 1898          d. Feb 3, 1899  [Too                                              
554.     Joseph               b. Nov 15, 1900          ref. p. 60
555.     Ora                    b. Jan 15, 1902          ref. p. 60
556.     Hyla H.               b. Feb 15, 1905          ref. p. 60
557.     Floyd                    b. June 14, 1908          ref. p. 60
558.     Louise Elizabeth          b. Nov 9, 1911          ref. p. 60

               THE KESIAH WISE FAMILY                    Ref. 191, p. 14
191. Kesiah Wise-5, b. Feb 25, 1874, d. June 13, 1926, m. to Francis Talbert

               THE FRANK EMMET WISE FAMILY               Ref. 193, p. 14
193.     Frank Emmet Wise-5, b. May 3, 1880, m. June 16, 1923 to Mariah Brown.
[1939 Address]: R.R. #3, New Castle, Indiana

               THE THOMAS BENTON WRIGHT FAMILY          Ref. 194, p. 14
194.     Thomas Benton Wright-5, b. Oct 7, 1863, m. Apr 18, 1903 to Clara J.      
Dickey.  Their Children:
559.     Clayton R.               b. Apr 26, 1904          ref. p. 61
560.     Ronald D.               b. July 19, 1906          ref. p. 61
561.     Augustus               b. Dec 15, 1908          ref. p. 61

Page 30

               THE ROSE WRIGHT BOWMAN FAMILY               Ref. 196, p. 15
196.     Rose Wright-5, b. Oct 9, 1872, m. June 12, 1892 to Frank Bowman.  Their      
562.     Alfred Joel               b. Dec 14, 1893          ref. p. 61
563.     Ruth Esther               b. Oct 24, 1905          d. Oct 8, 1911
[1939 Address]: 186 N. 5th St., Middletown, Indiana

               THE ALTA MAY WRIGHT BOWERS FAMILY          Ref. 197, p. 15
197.      Alta May Wright-5, b. July 19, 1881, m. Aug 19, 1899 to James Bowers.       
Their Children:
564.     Homer                    b. June 18, 1901          ref. p. 61
565.     Frank                    b. July 2, 1908          ref. p. 61
566.     Clarence               b. July 30, 1910          [d. Mar 1979 Marion,                                              
Grant Co, IN]
567.     Blanche               b. Sept 20, 1913
568.     Cora                    b. Jan 6, 1918
[1939 Address]: R.R. Middletown, Indiana

               THE SARAH ULRICH HOOVER FAMILY          Ref. 199, p. 15
199.     Sarah Ulrich-5, b. Nov 27, 1861, d. Mar 9, 1936, m. Oct 1, 1879 to      
Henry Hoover.  Their Children:
569.     Eva                    b. July 5, 1880          ref. p. 61
570.     Herman               b. Dec 26, 1886          ref. p. 61
571.     Lavina               b. May 2, 1892          ref. p. 61
572.     Glen                    b. 1896               d. in infancy
573.     Cletis               b. Sept 4, 1902          ref. p. 61

               THE ROSE ULRICH KEYS JOHNSTON FAMILY     Ref. 201, p. 15
201.      Rose Ulrich-5, b. July 11, 1866, m1. June 17, 1886 to Frank Keys, m2.      
May 16, 1935 to Charles E. Johnston.
[1939 Address]: 6534 Rita Ave., Huntington Park, Calif.

          THE WILLIAM ULRICH FAMILY                    Ref. 202, p. 15
202.      William Ulrich-5, b. Dec 23, 1867, m. Dec 24, 1898 to Clara Crull.       
Their Children:
574.     Mabel                    b. Sept 17, 1899          ref. p. 62
575.     Herman               b. Jan 21, 1901          d. Feb 12, 1934
576.     Howard               b. Oct 11, 1902          d. May 9, 1918
577.     Mary                    b. Aug 13, 1904          ref. p. 62
578.     Helen                    b. Jan 14, 1906          ref. p. 62
579.     Philena               b. Dec 28, 1907          ref. p. 62
580.     Paul                    b. July 22, 1912          ref. p. 62
[1939 Address]: R.R. #5, Muncie, Indiana

               THE SAMUEL ULRICH FAMILY               Ref. 203, p. 15
203.      Samuel Ulrich-5, b. May 18, 1870, d. May 13, 1930, m. Oct 14, 1905 to      
Viretta Wise.  Their Children:
581.     Wanda                    b. Nov 17, 1906          ref. p. 62

               THE DAVID ULRICH FAMILY                    Ref. 205, p. 15
205.     David Ulrich-5, b. July 11, 1874, m. Mar 8, 1908 to Hattie Crull.
[1939 Address]: R.R. #2, Muncie, Indiana

206.      Fatima Elizabeth Shanley-5, b. Nov 15, 1875, m. Jan 27, 1895 to John N.      
Dormire.  Their Children:
582.     Ruby J.               b. Sept 10, 1895          ref. p. 62
583.     Herman Floyd          b. Feb 7, 1897          ref. p. 62
584.     Foster S.               b. June 22, 1910          d. June 17, 1931

Page 31

               THE MAUDE E. WRIGHT HIATT FAMILY          Ref. 208, p. 21
208.     Maude E. Wright-5, b. Sept 27, 1880, m. Feb 1, 1898 to Frank E. Hiatt.       
Their Children:
585.     Eugene W.               b. Aug 24, 1906          ref. p. 62
586.     Arthur C.               b. July 29, 1914          ref. p. 62
[1939 Address]: R.F.D. #2, Muncie, Indiana

               THE CLAUDE E. WRIGHT FAMILY               Ref. 209, p. 15
209.      Claude E. Wright-5, b. Aug 10, 1888, [d. Mar 1966 in Losantville,      
Randolph Co, IN], m. Sept 16, 1918 to Mary L. Patterson.  Their      Children:
587.     Elizabeth Jane          b. Aug 3, 1919
588.     Marjorie M.               b. Oct 4, 1922
589.     Daniel P.               b. June 17, 1927
[1939 Address]: R.F.D. #2, Muncie, Indiana

               THE MARGARET WRIGHT WESCOTT FAMILY          Ref. 210, p. 15
210.      Margaret Wright-5, b. April 6, 1892, [d. Nov 1977 Muncie, Delaware Co,      IN], 
m. June 20, 1922 to Thomas O. Wescott, [b. Feb 16, 1895, d. Dec      1976 Muncie, 
Delaware Co, IN].  Their Children:
590.     Mary Anne               b. Dec 6, 1925
[1939 Address]: 605 Ashland, Muncie, Indiana

               THE NANCY ELLEN GEBHART CHARLETON FAMILY     Ref. 211, p. 15
211.      Nancy Ellen Gebhart-5, b. Apr 22, 1864, d. May 2, 1938, m. July 25,      
1885 to Samuel Charleton.  Their Children:
591.     William Orlo          b. May 22, 1886          ref. p. 63
592.     Josie May               b. June 15, 1887          d.
593.     Ida Dora               b. July 31, 1888          ref. p. 63
594.     Nellie               b. Sept 2, 1891          ref. p. 63
595.     Ora E.               b. Aug 15, 1896          ref. p. 63
596.     Cora                    b. Aug 15, 1896          ref. p. 63
597.     Florence               b. Feb 11, 1898
598.     Norman               b. Apr 7, 1899          ref. p. 63
599.     Clyde                    b. Sept 15, 1900
600.     Mabel                    b. Apr 23, 1902          ref. p. 63
[1939 Address]: Florence and Clyde Charleton, 2121 E. Vine St., New Castle, Indiana

               THE PHYLENA B. GEBHART HOOVER FAMILY     Ref. 212, p. 15
212.      Phylena B. Gebhart-5, b. Sept 2, 1872, m. Jan 26, 1895 to Edward      Hoover.  
Their Children:
601.     Goldie May               b. July 20, 1895          ref. p. 63
602.     Lura Leona               b. Oct 7, 1897          ref. p. 64
603.     Vearl Monroe          b. Sept 28, 1900          ref. p. 64
604.     Otto Galen               b. June 11, 1907          ref. p. 64
[1939 Address]: Hagerstown, Indiana

               THE NORA M. GEBHART MOTTO FAMILY          Ref. 213, p. 15
213.      Nora M. Gebhart-5, b. Aug 19, 1879, m. Dec 25, 1900 to John Emery      
Motto.  Their Children:
605.     John William          b. Feb 21, 1905          ref. p. 64
606.     Louise               b. Sept 10, 1912          ref. p. 64
[1939 Address]: 910 W. 5th St., Anderson, Indiana

               THE SYLVESTER A. GEBHART FAMILY          Ref. 214, p. 15
214.      Sylvester A. Gebhart-5, b. Dec 6, 1876, m. Feb 13, 1908 to Bertha Sand.       
Their Children:
607.     Albert               b. Nov 19, 1908
608.     Lou Ella               b. Nov 19, 1911          ref. p. 64
609.     John                    b. Jan 25, 1923          [d. Apr 1965                                                   
Indianapolis, Marion                                              
Co, IN]
[1939 Address]: R.R. Sanger, California

Page 32

               THE HARVE H. COVALT FAMILY               Ref. 216, p. 15
216.     Harve H. Covalt-5, b. Nov 4, 1872 , m. June 9, 1898 to Carrie Dell      
Beall.  Their Children:
610.     Ruth Ellen               b. May 4, 1900          ref. p. 64
     [1939 Address]: R.R. #1, Mooreland, Indiana

               THE EARL COVALT FAMILY                    Ref. 217, p. 15
217.      Earl Covalt-5, b. ?, d. May 25, 1900, m. to Emma Healton.  Their      Children:
611.     Elsie                    b.                    ref. p. 64

               THE MARY ELLEN COVALT CONWAY FAMILY          Ref. 218, p. 15
218.      Mary Ellen Covalt-5, b. ?, d. Mar 1901, m. to James Conway.  Their      
612.      d. March 1901
613.      d. March 1901

               THE MALISSA JANE COVALT FOX FAMILY          Ref. 219, p. 15
219.      Malissa Jane Covalt-5, b. Sept 2, 1864, d. Mar 13, 1931, m. July 26,      
1883 to Allison Fox.  Their Children:
614.     Josie                    b. Oct. 5, 1887          ref. p. 64
615.      Orval                    b. May 23, 1889
[1939 Address]: New Lisbon, Indiana

               THE JAMES LAWRENCE COVALT FAMILY          Ref. 220, p. 15
220.      James Lawrence Covalt-5, b. June 14, 1868, m1. July 21, 1888 to      
Alviretta Van Fleet, m2. Nov 11, 1923 to Marinda Hill.  Their Children:
616.     Gertie               b. June 21, 1889     d. Aug 1890
617.     Florence               b. Oct 30, 1892          ref. p. 64
618.     Ida May               b. May 2, 1899          ref. p. 65
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, New Castle, Indiana

223.      Ellen Emmaline Gebhart-5, b. June 23, 1861, d. Nov 5, 1897, m. 1881 to      
Michael K. Manning.  Their Children:
619.     Ora                    b. Jan 2, 1881          d. Jan 2, 1881
620.     Elsie                    b. Oct 23, 1882          d. Mar 23, 1934
621.     Audrey B.               b. Feb 24, 1884     
622.     Joseph Crockett          b. Nov 21, 1885          ref. p. 65
623.     Aftell Leota          b. Mar 27, 1888          ref. p. 65
624.     Loah May               b. Apr 1, 1891
625.     George W.               b. Nov 13, 1895          ref. p. 65
626.     Beaulah               b. Mar 3, 1893          d. Nov 9, 1895

               THE GEORGE W. GEBHART FAMILY               Ref. 224, p. 15
224.      George W. Gebhart-5, b. Aug 18, 1864, m. Feb 27, 1887 to Louie Hickey.       
Their Children:
627.     Vernie               b. Jan 27, 1888          d. In Infancy
[1939 Address]: Bolckow, MO

               THE OLIVER C. GEBHART FAMILY               Ref. 225, p. 16
225.      Oliver C. Gebhart-5, b. Jan 14, 1879, m. April 19, 1916 to Emily Davis.       
Their Children:
628.     W.F. Davis               b. Feb 25, 1917
[1939 Address]: Oregon, MO

               THE EZRA GEBHART FAMILY                    Ref. 226, p. 16
226.      Ezra Gebhart-5, b. Feb 25, 1887, m. Sept 1, 1909 to Nelle Howitt.       
Their Children:
629.     Helen E.               b. Feb 10, 1912          ref. p. 65
630.     David                    b. May 24, 1918
631.     Charles               b. May 8, 1923
[1939 Address]: St. Joseph, MO

Page 33

               THE SARAH O. GEBHART HATFIELD FAMILY     Ref. 228, p. 16
228.     Sarah C. Gebhart-5, b. April 9, 1874, m. Jan 24, 1895 to Pearl A.      
Hatfield.  Their Children:
632.     Helen Naomi               b. May 31, 1904          ref. p. 65
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, Wenatchee, Washington

               THE JOSIE M. GEBHART MENTZER FAMILY          Ref. 229, p. 16
229.      Josie M. Gebhart-5, b. Nov 21, 1883, m. June 30, 1912 to David P.      
Mentzer.  Their Children:
633.     Wilfred George               b. Mar [1], 1921          [d. Jan 1986                                                   
Langley Island,                                                   WA]
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, Wenatchee, Washington

               THE ELIZA JANE BAKER CORNS WARREN FAMILY     Ref. 230, p. 16
230.      Eliza Jane Baker-5, b. Mar 6, 1861, m1. Feb 10, 1888 to Joseph F.      
Corns, m2. Apr 4, 1897 to Geo. W. Warren.  Their Children:
634.     Emil Shurman          b. Nov 21, 1889          d. Oct 23, 1897
635.     Ared Walter               b. Aug 23, 1898          ref. p. 65
[1939 Address]: R.R. #4, Box 138, Bloomfield, Indiana

               THE EMMA JEANETTE BAKER CARR FAMILY          Ref. 231, p. 16
231.      Emma Jeanette Baker-5, b. Nov 10, 1863, m. Nov 7, 1886 to Walter Bruce      

               THE LYDIA ANN BAKER GARRIGUS FAMILY          Ref. 232, p. 16
232.      Lydia Ann Baker-5, b. Feb 25, 1866, m. May 30, 1893 to Ared Simpson      
Garrigus.  Their Children:
636.     S. Wayne               b. Feb 2, 1903          ref. p. 65

               THE MARION WHETSTONE BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 233, p. 16
233.      Marion Whetstone Baker-5, b. Nov 14, 1868, [d. after 1940], m. Sept 5,      
1894 to Emma Zetta James.  Their Children:
637.     Milford James          b. Sept 4, 1895          ref. p. 65
638.     Gladden Whetstone          b. Jan 11, 1898          ref. p. 66
639.     Robert Marion          b. Apr 23, 1905          ref. p. 66
[1939 Address]: 1800 Washburn Ave., Topeka, Kansas

               THE JOHN RAY BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 237, p. 16
237.      John Ray Baker-5, b. April 29, 1879, m. Sept 10, 1904 to Altona Osburn.       
Their Children:
640.     John Delmar               b. Apr 22, 1905          [d. Dec 1977 Schuyler,                                              
Colfax Co, NE]
641.     Mildred Elizabeth          b. June 27, 1906          ref. p. 66
642.     Elnora Lucille          b. July 30, 1907          ref. p. 66
643.     Marion Dorris          b. June 18, 1909          ref. p. 66
644.     Dorothy Madaline          b. June 18, 1909          ref. p. 66
645.     Lyle Burton               b. Apr 22, 1911          ref. p. 66
646.     Emma Irene               b. Feb 23, 1913          ref. p. 84
647.     Nicholas Walter          b. Jan 18, 1915          ref. p. 66
648.     Raymond Frederick          b. Apr 24, 1917          [d. Jun 1972]
[1939 Address]: John D. Baker, Sioux Falls Co. Farm, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  
Emma Irene Baker, 620 E. Second St., Casper, Wyoming.  Raymond Frederick Baker, 
812 Steele St., Laramie, Wyoming.

Page 34

               THE GEORGE RILEY BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 238, p. 16
238.      George Riley Baker-5, b. Jan 14, 1883, m. Nov 29, 1906 to Martha Hanna.       
Their Children:
649.     Della Mae               b. May 17, 1907          ref. p. 67
650.     Maurine               b. Nov 7, 1912
651.     Rex Rupert               b. Jan 29, 1916          [d. Jul 1969]
652.     Dale Claude               b. June 25, 1921
[1939 Address]: Box 44, Ridgefarm, Illinois.
Maurine Baker, 736 22nd St., N.W., Flagler Apts 304, Washington, DC

               THE JOHN WILLIAM BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 239, p. 16
239.      John William Baker-5, b. July 27, 1867, m. Sept 14, 1892 to Lucretia      
Neal.  Their Children:
653.     George W.               b. July 22, 1894          ref. p. 67
654.     Ellen Pearl               b. July 13, 1896          ref. p. 67
655.     Levi                    b. June 16, 1899          d. Sept 5, 1916
656.     Nora Fern               b. June 9, 1902          ref. p. 67
657.     Irvin Earl               b. Nov 15, 1904          ref. p. 67
658.     Lucille               b. Aug 28, 1908          ref. p. 67
659.     Sewell Josiah          b. Aug 3, 1910          ref. p. 67
[1939 Address]: Sloan, Iowa

               THE LEVI RAY BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 241, p. 16
241.     Levi Ray Baker-5, b. June 14, 1870, m. Dec 19, 1889 to Celestina Adeline Alexander, 
b. Dec 20, 1871.  Their Children:
660.     Ray Marion               b. Apr 27, 1893          ref. p. 68
661.     Ralph Alexander          b. Oct 2, 1895          ref. p. 68
662.     Elsie B.               b. July 22, 1897          ref. p. 68
663.     Ruth Celestina          b. Mar 15, 1899          ref. p. 68
664.     Howard Carter          b. Dec 19, 1901          [d. Oct 1977 Mesa,                                              
Maricopa Co, AZ]
[1939] Address of Howard C. Baker, 213 Oak St., Gordon, Nebraska

               THE ELI BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 243, p. 16
243.      Eli Baker-5, b. Mar 25, 1876 [in Hoopeston, IL, d. Oct 1, 1958 in Eads,      
Colorado], m. Oct 21, 1908 to Myra Murray.  Their Children:
665.     Elton Murray          b. July 30, 1911          ref. p. 68
[1939 Address]: Haswell, Colorado

               THE HUGH [COOPER] BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 244, p. 16
244.      Hugh [Cooper] Baker-5, b. Jan 13, 1879, [d. Nov 14, 1952], m. May 6,      
1908      to Jennie [Belle] Goudy Frederick, [b. Aug 5, 1885, d. Oct      5,1958].  
Their Children:
666.     Ralph Raymond          b. June 20, 1909          [Farmer, never married,                                              
d of Heart Attack]
667.     Harry Lee               b. Feb 23, 1911          [ref. p. 68 Farmer]
668.     Doris Arlene          b. Oct 24, 1913          [ref. p. 68]
669.     Hazel Ruth               b. Aug [19], 1919          [ref. p. 68]
[1939 Address]: Plains, Kansas

               THE LORIN C. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 249, p. 16
249.      Lorin C. Baker-5, b. July 30, 1894, [d. Apr 1967 Alva, Woods Co, OK],      
m. Sept 9, 1922 to Bertha Fargo.  Their Children:
670.     Laura Lorraine          b. Oct 30, 1928
[1939 Address]: 105 Center St., Alva, Oklahoma

               THE RAY H. BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 250, p. 16
250.     Ray H. Baker-5, b. April 12, 1897, [d. Jul 1979 in Lake Ozark, Camden      
Co, MO, m1. Mina O. Baker, b. Aug 31, 1891, who committed suicide      
6/1932 by drowning in Big Arkansas River], m2. June 30, 1935 to Lockie      Delila Branum

Page 35

               THE RHODA MAE BAKER NEWFER FAMILY          Ref. 253, p. 16
253.     Rhoda Mae Baker-5, b. Sept 8, 1888, [d. Feb 11, 1971 Los Angeles, CA],      
m. May 18, 1912 to Frederick Calvin Newfer, [b. Mar 25, 1885 in Kansas,      
divorced Nov 9, 1939].  Their Children:
671.     Louis                    b. June 1, 1914          ref. p. 69
672.     Raymond [Ira]          b. Mar 12, 1916          ref. p. 69
[1939 Address]: 1102 So. Market St., Wichita, Kansas

254.      Hannah Etta Arbogast-5, b. Aug 23, 1869, d. Nov 3, 1931, m. Dec 10,      
1890 to Henry Richard Fenstermaker.  Their Children:
673.     Verna Pearl               b. Aug 8, 1892          [d. Aug 1974 Washington 
[1939 Address]: Verna Pearl Fenstermaker, 1833 New Hampshire Ave. N.W., Washington, DC

               THE IDA BELLE ARBOGAST BEAN FAMILY          Ref. 255, p. 17
255.      Ida Belle Arbogast-5, b. Oct 7, 1870, d. Feb 23, 1895, m. Feb 5, 1890      
to Dora Perkerson Bean.  Their Children:
674.     Ora Cleo               b. Jan 28, 1891          ref. p. 69
675.     Daniel Jette          b. Oct 18, 1893          ref. p. 69

               THE NORA EDNA ARBOGAST DOTSON FAMILY     Ref. 256, p. 17
256.      Nora Edna Arbogast-5, b. May 13, 1872, m. Dec 31, 1890 to Albert A.      
Dotson.  Their Children:
676.     Alice Vallette          b. Dec 9, 1891          ref. p. 69
677.     Roy Lee               b. Sept 23, 1893          ref. p. 69
678.     Clem Orval               b. May 28, 1895          ref. p. 70
679.     Seibert Harvey          b. Oct 21, 1897          ref. p. 70
680.     Gretchen Vernell          b. Sept 13, 1908
[1939 Address]: Gretchen Vernell Dotson, 301 Mason St., Normal, Illinois

               THE ROLLA NEIGH ARBOGAST FAMILY          Ref. 258, p. 17
258.     Rolla Neigh Arbogast-5, b. Dec 31, 1875, m. Oct 10, 1900 to Etta      Williams.  
Their Children:
681.     Ivan Paul               b. Mar 27, 1902          ref. p. 70
682.     Naomi Ines               b. Sept 3, 1903          ref. p. 70
683.     Evelyn               b. Jan 29, 1905          ref. p. 70
684.     Syndon Vance          b. Mar 6, 1910          ref. p. 70
685.     Page Nolan               b. May 23, 1913
[1939 Address]: Arrowsmith, Illinois

               THE CARRIE RACHEL ARBOGAST BISHOP FAMILY     Ref. 260, p. 17
260.      Carrie Rachel Arbogast-5, b. Nov 29, 1878, m. Feb 27, 1902 to W. Clair      Bishop.  
Their Children:
686.     Bell Bernadine          b. Feb. 27, 1904          ref. p. 70
687.     Chalmer Clair          b. June [25], 1905     ref. p. 70
688.     Enos Eugene               b. Nov 19, 1907          ref. p. 70
689.     Bertha Bonnett          b. Mar 27, 1910          d. May 8, 1934
[1939 Address]: Delavan, Illinois

               THE BAKER HARVEY ARBOGAST FAMILY          Ref. 261, p. 17
261.      Baker Harvey Arbogast-5, b. Sept 23, 1880, d. Sept 4, 1925, m. Dec 18,      1901 to 
Nancy Jane Williams.  Their Children:
690.     Russell Richard          b. Jan 26, 1903          ref. p. 71
691.     Edgar Archibald          b. July 4, 1905          ref. p. 71
692.     Dorothy Wilhamene          b. March 20, 1908
693.     Carolyn Lenora          b. Apr 3, 1910
694.     Loriston Harvey          b. Mar 25, 1913          d. Apr 3, 1913
695.     Dean Oris               b. July 23, 1922
[1939 Address]: 617 E. Chestnut St., Bloomington, Ill.

Page 36

               THE KATHRYN LEE ARBOGAST MCMACKIN FAMILY     Ref. 262, p. 17
262.      Kathryn Lee Arbogast-5, b. June 9, 1886, m. Oct 23, 1907 to Oliver Ur.      McMackin.  
Their Children:
696.     Dena Luverne          b. Aug 27, 1908
697.     Ur. Dale               b. Mar 13, 1910          [d. Jan 5, 1999 Troy,                                              
Madison Co, IL]
[1939 Address]: 1919 E. Taylor St., Bloomington, Ill.

               THE LOREN FAIRMAN BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 263, p. 17
263.      Loren Fairman Baker-5, b. Nov 11, 1894, m1. March 1915 to Lenna Coomer,      
m2. Nov 6, 1922 to Josephine Wing.  Their Children:
698.     Lorna M.               b. Jan 1916               d. Apr 1918
[1939 Address]: 17104 So. Figuerroa St., R.R. #2, Box 240, Gardena, California

               THE HAROLD HOOVER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 264, p. 17
264.      Harold Hoover Baker-5, b. Oct 19, 1898, [d. Apr 1987 in Tempe, Maricopa      
Co, AZ], m. Nov 24, 1928 to Mae L. Warner.
[1939 Address]: 17104 So. Figuerroa St., R.R. #2, Box 240, Gardena, California

          THE GEORGE EDWARD BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 265, p. 17
265.      George Edward Baker-5, b. Feb 22, 1906, m. Aug 24, 1926 to Gladys M.      
Walling.  Their Children:
699.     Rose Allee               b. May 25, 1930          d. May 29, 1930
700.     Dean Walling          b. July 10, 1932          d. Apr 24, 1933
[1939 Address]: 1006 Sartori St., Torrance, Calif.

               THE HARRY V. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 268, p. 17
268.      Harry V. Baker-5, b. Feb 25, 1893, [d. Mar 1976 in Los Altos, Santa      
Clara Co, CA], m. Jan 1, 1938 to Louise Hurley.
[1939 Address]: 11 Califa St., North Hollywood, Calif.

          THE THOMA BELL BAKER MORAN FAMILY          Ref. 269, p. 17
269.      Thoma Bell Baker-5, b. Aug 26, 1893, [d. May 1970 Oakland, Alameda Co,      
CA], m. June 21, 1911 to William Thomas Moran.  Their Children:
701.     Kathleen "Kay" Lillian     b. Feb 9, 1916          ref. p. 84
[1939 Address]: Apt. 14, 1416 Que St., Sacramento, Calif.

               THE FERNANDA BAKER DOTSON FAMILY          Ref. 270, p. 18
270.      Fernanda Baker-5, b. Apr 7, 1862, d. Feb 25, 1920, m. Chas. L. Dotson,      
Dec 31, 1882.  Their Children:
702.     Carrol Baker          b. Oct 1, 1883          ref. p. 71
703.     Minnie Ardelle          b. Sept 21, 1884          ref. p. 71
704.     Hazel Kirk               b. June 20, 1889          ref. p. 71
705.     Russel A.               b. Mar 19, 1892          ref. p. 71
706.     Craig Y.               b. Nov 8, 1896          d. May 14, 1925

               THE WILLIAM HENRY BYERLY FAMILY          Ref. 271, p. 18
271.      William Henry Byerly-5, b. May 2, 1862, m. Feb 8, 1882 to Lulu M.      
Crooke.  Their Children:
707.     Hallie T.               b. Jan 14, 1883          ref. p. 71
708.     John Raymond          b. Apr 25, 1885          ref. p. 72
709.     Cora E.               b. Apr 13, 1887          d. Oct 18, 1891
710.     Noble D.               b. Jul 20, 1889          d. Oct 29, 1891
711.     Beatrice               b. Oct 8, 1892          ref. p. 72
712.     Fanny M.               b. Mar 30, 1894          d. June 6, 1897
713.     Charles W.               b. Dec 17, 1898          ref. p. 72
714.     Theodore Carroll          b. May 3, 1902          ref. p. 72
715.     William Henry, Jr.     b. July 9, 1911          ref. p. 72
[1939] Mrs. Byerly living with Mrs. Ralph E. Ball in Nevada, Iowa

Page 37

               THE JOHN MARTIN RIEMAN FAMILY               Ref. 272, p. 18
272.      John Martin Rieman-5, b. Nov 14, 1865, m. Sept 29, 1900 to Daisy      Myrtille Dexter.  
Their Children:
716.     Dexter Franklin          b. May 11, 1905          ref. p. 72
[1939 Address]: 601 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon

               THE CORA E. RIEMAN RIDER FAMILY          Ref. 273, p. 18
273.      Cora E. Rieman-5, b. Dec 13, 1866, m. Feb 18, 1885 to John Wesley      
Rider.  Their Children:
717.     Glen Allen               b. Dec 9, 1885          ref. p. 72
718.     Lena                    b. Apr 27, 1887          d. June 18, 1887
719.     Franklin Harrison          b. July 11, 1888          ref. p. 73
720.     Allene               b. Oct 31, 1892          ref. p. 73
721.     Christena               b. Nov 11, 1898          d. May 9, 1900
722.     Mary                    b. Oct 15, 1900          ref. p. 73
723.     John Wesley               b. Aug 7, 1904          ref. p. 73
724.     Charles Rieman          b. Nov 8, 1906          ref. p. 73
[1939 Address]: Mrs. Rider, 1413 Burlington Terrace, Des Moines, Iowa

               THE CHARLES JUSTICE RIEMAN FAMILY          Ref. 275, p. 18
275.     Charles Justice Rieman-5, b. Feb 10, 1879, d. June 6, 1939, m. Dec 25,      
1906 to Florence Olice Shafer.  Their Children:
725.     Charles Franklin          b. Sept 14, 1909          ref. p. 73
726.     Paul Emmanuel          b. Nov 18, 1911          ref. p. 73
727.     Pauline Elizabeth          b. Nov 18, 1911          ref. p. 73
[1939 Address]: Altoona, Iowa

               THE PERCY B. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 276, p. 18
276.      Percy B. Baker-5, b. Dec 5, 1867, d. Apr 8, 1928, m. Nov 28, 1889 to      
Anna E. Johnson.  Their Children:
728.     Gretchen H.               b. Nov 19, 1890          ref. p. 73
729.     Clifford P.               b. Apr 14, 1893          ref. p. 73

               THE CLAUDE MILO BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 277, p. 18
277.      Claude Milo Baker-5, b. Feb 3, 1874, m. July 3, 1906 to Nellie Alice      
Parsons.  Their Children:
730.     Betty Alice               b. Feb 25, 1921
[1939 Address]: 212 Green Bay Road, Winnetka, Illinois

               THE WARD ELLIS BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 278, p. 18
278.      Ward Ellis Baker-5, b. June 28, 1877, m. Nov 27, 1902 to Blanche Glee      
[1939 Address]: Box 537, Clear Lake, Iowa, and R. #2 Homestead, Florida

               THE MALCOLM DOUD BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 279, p. 18
279.      Malcolm Doud Baker-5, b. Jan 9, 1879, m. Sept 2, 1902 to Bess Erie      
Ritnour.  Their Children:
731.     Helen Burdette          b. May 1, 1906          ref. p. 74
732.     Mary Jane               b. Nov 16, 1921     
[1939 Address]: Igo, Calif

               THE GEORGE ALLEN BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 280, p. 18
280.      George Allen Baker-5, b. Oct 19, 1882, d. Jan 25, 1936, m. June 8, 1907      
to Mary Josephine Myers

Page 38

               THE KITTIE EVALINE BAKER VENABLE FAMILY     Ref. 281, p. 18
281.      Kittie Evaline Baker-5, b. Apr 27 1884, m. Dec 29, 1903 to Earl      Venable.  
Their Children:
733.     Virginia Mary          b. May 21, 1914          ref. p. 74
[1939 Address]: 1641 Madison St., N.W. Washington, DC

               THE DWIGHT SPENCER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 282, p. 18
282.      Dwight Spencer Baker-5, b. Apr 22, 1893, [d. Jan 1968 Pasadena, Los      
Angeles Co, CA], m. May 30, 1918 to Mildred Mary Gregory.  Their      Children:
734.     Claude Gregory          b. May 29, 1919

               THE JUNO GEORGIANNA BAKER HOYT FAMILY     Ref. 283, p. 18
283.      Juno Georgianna Baker-5, b. June 24, 1881, m. Dec 28, 1924 to Orville      
Earl Hoyt
[1939 Address]: Kamrar, Iowa

               THE WINO ELIZABETH BAKER HAYNIE FAMILY     Ref. 284, p. 18
284.      Wino Elizabeth Baker Haynie-5, b. July 18, 1883, m. Apr 15, 1906 to      
Charles E. Haynie
[1939 Address]: 1036 22nd St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE THOREAU BUTLER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 285, p. 18
285.      Thoreau Butler Baker-5, b. Jan 18, 1885, [d. Nov 1966], m. July 3, 1908      
to Emily Alvira Brandt.  Their Children:
735.     Henry Brandt          b. June 19, 1909          ref. p. 74
736.     Emily Bernice          b. Dec 24, 1910          ref. p. 74
737.     Martha Guild          b. July 29, 1913          ref. p. 74
738.     Thoreen Beth          b. June 25, 1916
[1939 Address]: 695 25th Street, Des Moines, Iowa.....[Thoreau Baker is the 
compiler of this book.]

               THE FERN REGIS BAKER DRAKE FAMILY          Ref. 287, p. 18
287.     Fern Regis Baker-5, b. May 15, 1889, [d. March 1971 East Setauket,      
Suffolk Co, NY], m. July 8, 1909 to Henry Grant Drake.  Their Children:
739.     John Edwin               b. Mar 24, 1910          ref. p. 74
740.     Helen Elizabeth          b. May 8, 1911          ref. p. 74
741.     William Baker          b. Jan 7, 1913          ref. p. 74
742.     Dorothy Regis          b. May 5, 1915
[1939 Address]: 1405 23rd St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE HENRY GUILD BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 288, p. 18
288.      Henry Guild Baker-5, b. April 1, 1891, [d. Oct 1971 Des Moines, Polk      
Co, IA], m. Feb 21, 1908 to Pearl McCurdy.  Their Children:
743.     Marguerite Myrtille     b. Dec 8, 1908          ref. p. 74
[1939 Address]: 960 25th St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE LENORA GLADYS AINEY FRANCIS FAMILY     Ref. 290, p. 18
290.     Lenora Gladys Ainey-5, b. Sept 10, 1890, m. June 13, 1936 to Glenn      
[1939 Address]: 1924 Comax St., Vancouver, B.C.

               THE IONE CLAIR AINEY WHALEN FAMILY          Ref. 291, p. 18
291.      Ione Clair Ainey-5, b. Dec 19, 1892, [d. Dec 1971 Payette, Payette Co,      
SD], m. Dec 22, 1914 to John F. Whalen.  Their Children:
744.     Mary Kathryn          b. Mar 11, 1917
745.     John Dexter               b. Apr [19], 1919          [d. Sep 4, 1990]
[1939 Address]: Payette, Idaho

Page 39

292.      Paulina Ainey-5, b. Mar 29, 1895, m1. 1914 to George Arnspiger, m2. to      
Peterson, m3. to Peck.  Their Children:
746.     Phyllis Arnspiger 
     Peterson          b. Feb 20, 1915
[1939 Address]: Payette, Idaho

               THE EDITH VIOLA BAKER CAIN FAMILY          Ref. 293, p. 19
293.      Edith Viola Baker-5, b. Nov 6, 1881, m. Mar 12, 1913 to Edward Mitchell      
Cain.  Their Children:
747.     Alice Edith               b. Feb 26, 1914          ref. p. 74
[1939 Address]: Patton, California

               THE MAGDALENE MATILDA BAKER FORD FAMILY     Ref. 294, p. 19
294.      Magdalene Matilda Baker-5, b. Dec 5, 1884, m. May 23, 1908 to Oscar      
Anderson Ford.
[1939 Address]: Yucaipa, California

          THE MARY LUELLA BAKER HANLEY FAMILY          Ref. 296, p. 19
296.     Mary Luella Baker-5, b. April 20, 1888, m. March 18, 1909 to John C.      
Hanley.  Their Children:
748.     Mary Margaret          b. May 6, 1911          ref. p. 74
749.     Edith Louise          b. Oct 8, 1912          ref. p. 75
750.     Oscar                    b. Sept 17, 1914          ref. p. 75
751.     John Jack, Jr.          b. Mar 30, 1916
752.     Archibald               b. Dec 30, 1918
753.     Dorothy Madge          b. Jan 29, 1920
[1939 Address]: Oakdale, California

               THE LODA BAKER SHEPARD FAMILY               Ref. 297, p. 19
297.      Loda Baker-5, b. Sept 24, 1884, m. July 27, 1922 to Charles F. Shepard.       
Their Children:
754.     Laura Rebecca          b. Aug 17, 1914
[1939 Address]: Box 72, Oilfields, California

               THE BENJAMIN BYRON BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 298, p. 19
298.      Benjamin Byron Baker-5, b. Dec 31, 1882, m1. May 31, 1906 to Edith      
Mabel Houlsby, m2. Feb 22, 1913 to Edith Mary Chamberlain, m3. May 29,      1935 to Clara Allen.  
Their Children:
755.      A Child Not Reported
756.      Marjorie Edith          b. Apr 20, 1920
[1939 Address]:  912 Hoyt Road, El Monte, Calif

          THE ARTHUR LEWIS BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 299, p. 19
299.      Arthur Lewis Baker-5, b. April 11, 1885, [d. Apr 1968 Newport Beach,      
Orange Co, CA], m1. Jan 18, 1907 to Grace Weaver, m2. May 2, 1928 to      
Ann Catherine Schmitt.  Their Children:
757.     Patricia Ann          b. Oct 10, 1930
[1939 Address]: 325 S. Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif

               THE BESSIE MARGUERITE BAKER RICKS FAMILY     Ref. 300, p. 19
300.      Bessie Marguerite Baker-5, b. Feb 2, 1891, m. June 22, 1911 to Walter      
L. Ricks.  Their Children:
758.     Jack L.               b. Feb 6, 1914          ref. p. 75
759.     David Edward          b. Dec 31, 1928
[1939 Address]: c/o 1544 Pleasant Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Or Downey, Calif.

Page 40

               THE FLORENCE SHAFFER BAKER KEACH FAMILY     Ref. 301, p. 19
301.      Florence Shaffer Baker-5, b. July 26, 1896, m. March 2, 1921 to Russell      
Daniel Keach.  Their Children:
760.     William Russell          b. Jan 13, 1922
[1939 Address]: 918 Lexington Road, El Monte, Calif

               THE DWIGHT CONDO BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 302, p. 19
302.      Dwight Condo Baker-5, b. Aug 15, 1892, [d. Dec 1971 Santa Rosa, Sonoma      Co, CA], 
m. Aug 12, 1918 to Retta Cormack.  Their Children:
761.     Anne Lois               b. Dec 21, 1920
762.     Dwight Cormack          b. Sept 15, 1922
763.     Margaretta               b. Nov 6, 1928
[1939 Address]: 509 Myrtle Ave., Modesto, Calif

               THE MARY LOIS BAKER CAMPBELL FAMILY          Ref. 303, p. 19
303.      Mary Lois Baker-5, b. Dec 29, 1895, [d. Jul 29, 1990], m. June 1, 1920      
to George Brodhead Campbell.  Their Children:
764.     George Baker          b. Mar 25, 1921          [d. Apr 14, 1993]
765.     Herbert Bradley          b. July 3, 1922
766.     John Daniel               b. June 29, 1929          [d. Apr 25, 1997                                                   
Arcata, Humboldt, CA]
[1939 Address]: 695 E. Villa St., Pasadena, Calif, or c/o The Standard Vacuum Oil Co., 
Shanghai, China

               THE ANDREW J. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 305, p. 19
305.     Andrew J. Baker-5, b. Dec 17, 1872, m1. Nov 25, 1902 to Mary Lee, m2.      
Sept 15, 1916 to Lulu Banning.  Their Children:
767.     Henry                    b. Dec 12, 1903
768.     Harvey               b. Feb 14, 1905
769.     Leone                    b. Aug 2, 1917
770.     Minnie               b. July 25, 1919          d. Mar 26, 1936
771.     Arthur               b. Aug 27, 1922          [d. May 31, 1989                                                   
Harpers Ferry,                                                   
Allamakee, IA]
[1939 Addresses]: Arthur Baker, c/o Fred Winn, Ossian, Iowa, Leone Baker, 2751 E. 
Fourth St., Waterloo, Iowa.  Nothing is known of Henry and Harvey Baker.

               THE IRA F. BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 307, p. 19
307.      Ira F. Baker-5, b. Aug 6, 1878, m1. Jan 10, 1900 to Lillian Vierson,      
m2. Mar 18, 1919 to Ruth Higginson.  Their Children:
772.     Audrey               b. Oct 9, 1900          ref. p. 75
773.     Orval V.               b. Aug 3, 1902          ref. p. 75
774.     Clara Arvilla          b. Nov 9, 1904          ref. p. 75
775.     Lovell               b. Jan 1, 1906          ref. p. 75
776.     William               b. Jan 26, 1910          ref. p. 75
777.     Ira Donald               b. May 6, 1914          ref. p. 75
778.     Ada                    b. Aug 30, 1916          ref. p. 76
779.     Edna                    b. Feb 6, 1922
780.     Dale                    b. Mar 19, 1924
781.     Bonnie Dee               b. Dec 1, 1925
782.     Bennie               b. Nov 19, 1926
783.     Glenn                    b. Feb 17, 1930
784.     Violet               b. June 6, 1932
785.     Rosalie               b. Aug 20, 1935
[1939 Address]: 1130 So. Lincoln St., Denver, Colo.

Page 41

               THE BESSIE ANN BAKER SHARP FAMILY          Ref. 308, p. 19
308.      Bessie Ann Baker-5, b. April 4, 1881, m. Feb 26, 1902 to Henry Edward      
Sharp.  Their Children:
786.     Delbert Leroy          b. May 15, 1907          ref. p. 76
[1939 Address]: 1129 No. Serrano Ave., Hollywood, Calif.

               THE RAY BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 310, p. 19
310.     Ray Baker-5, b. Sept [16], 1888, [d. Jun 1976 Damascus, Mahoning Co,      
OH],      m. Sept 12, 1927 to Hazel E. Scofield.
[1939 Address]: Box 75, Eden, Idaho

               THE WILLIAM MARTIN BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 311, p. 20
311.      William Martin Baker-5, b. Sept 28, 1875, m. March 17, 1904 to Mary L.      
Flowerdew.  Their Children:
787.     Charles Edward          b. Dec 30, 1904          ref. p. 76
788.     Lois Marguerite          b. Apr 18, 1906
789.     Hubert Quinton          b. June 1, 1907          d. Mar 8, 1914
790.     Paul William          b. Jul 20, 1909          ref. p. 76
791.     Carrol Francis          b. Mar 24, 1911          ref. p. 76
[1939 Address]: R.R. #3, Twin Falls, Idaho

               THE JOHN E. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 312, p. 20
312.      John E. Baker-5, b. Dec [20], 1877, [d. Oct 1965],  m. June 8, 1904 to      
Anna M. Jones.  Their Children:
792.     Margaret Doris          b. Mar 14, 1905          ref. p. 76
[1939 Address]: 113 West St., Iola, Kansas

               THE CATHERINE BAKER LASELL FAMILY          Ref. 313, p. 20
313.      Catherine Baker-5, b. Mar 12, 1880, m. March 1895 to James Lasell.       
Their Children:
793.     Joseph William          b. Sept 16, 1897          ref. p. 76
794.     Harold               b. Dec 6, 1901          ref. p. 76
[1939 Address]: 1316 33rd St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE CARRIE C. BAKER STAKER FAMILY          Ref. 314, p. 20
314.      Carrie C. Baker-5, b. July 30, 1868, d. Apr 3, 1939, m. March 1, 1893      
to Frank Staker.  Their Children:
795.     Earl Lionel               b. Feb 5, 1894          ref. p. 77
796.     Carl Victor               b. May 27, 1895          ref. p. 77
797.     Charlie McKinley          b. Nov 2, 1898          ref. p. 77
798.     John Theodore          b. Sept 2, 1901          ref. p. 77
799.     Lois                    b. Dec 14, 1903
[1939 Address]: Mingo, Iowa

               THE HILSTER M. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 315, p. 20
315.      Hilster M. Baker-5, b. Aug 19, 1871, m1. Dec 18, 1895 to Effie Day, m2.      
Flora Stansbury.  Their Children:
800.     Claude D.               b. Nov 19, 1896          ref. p. 77
801.     Lena                    b. Feb 20, 1909          ref. p. 77
802.     Harry H.               b. Apr 16, 1910          ref. p. 77
[1939 Address]: Mingo, Iowa

               THE CHARLES E. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 316, p. 20
316.      Charles E. Baker-5, b. Dec 20, 1873, [d. Sep 1965], m. Nov 26, 1907 to      
Etta M. Baker.  Their Children:
803.     Leland S.               b. May 4, 1903          ref. p. 77
804.     Loraine                                   ref. p. 77
[1939 Address]: 736 No. 2nd Ave. W., Newton, Iowa

Page 42

               THE FRANK E. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 317, p. 20
317.      Frank E. Baker-5, b. Jan 21, 1876, m. Oct 11, 1898 to Flora Stansbury.       
Their Children:
805.     Everett T.               b. Oct 16, 1900          ref. p. 78
806.     Maude Mae               b. June 7, 1902          d. 1918

               THE LOLA F. BAKER FREY FAMILY               Ref. 319, p. 20
319.     Lola F. Baker-5, b. July 5, 1882, m. Feb 22, 1899 to Allen W. Frey.       
Their Children:
807.     Florence B.               b. Dec 4, 1899
808.     Bertha B.               b. Jan 13, 1901          ref. p. 78
809.     Clarence W.               b. Mar 5, 1902          ref. p. 78
810.     Grace J.               b. Sept 1, 1903          ref. p. 78
811.     Morris E.               b. Oct 14, 1905          [d. May 1983 Mingo,                                              
Jasper Co, IA]
812.     Roy T.               b. Dec 31, 1907          ref. p. 78
813.     Harold B.               b. Feb 8, 1910          ref. p. 78
814.     Harry A.               b. Feb 8, 1911          [d. Feb 1960]
815.     Burtis L.               b. May 27, 1914
816.     Paul A.               b. July 27, 1916          d. June 6, 1936
[1939 Address]: Mingo, Iowa

               THE ETHEL E. BAKER SOUTHERN FAMILY          Ref. 320, p. 20
320.      Ethel E. Baker-5, b. Mar 12, 1884, [d. Aug 1978 Dallas, Dallas Co, TX],      
m. Feb 2,1908 to Earnest C. Southern.  Their Children:
817.     Donovan Earnest          b. Feb 4, 1909          ref. p. 78
818.     Diane Mercedes          b. Apr 3, 1910          ref. p. 78
819.     Dorothy Lucille          b. July 15, 1911          ref. p. 79
820.     Darrell Baker          b. Apr 26, 1913          ref. p. 79
[1939 Address]: 3218 7th St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE NETTIE VIOLA BAKER BAKER FAMILY          Ref. 321, p. 20
321.      Nettie Viola Baker-5, b. Jan 12, 1886, [d. Jul 1968 Portland, Multnomah      
Co, OR], m. Sept 22, 1907 to Bert Baker.  Their Children:
821.     Delmar               b. July 3, 1909          ref. p. 79
822.     Dolores               b. July 3, 1911          ref. p. 79
823.     Dwight               b. Nov 23, 1917
824.     Arlo                    b. Oct 20, 1920
[1939 Address]: Gresham, Oregon

               THE ROY F. EVERETT FAMILY               Ref. 322, p. 20
322.      Roy F. Everett-5, b. Sept 21, 1878, m. Aug 21, 1902 to Jennie Maxon.       
Their Children:
825.     Grace Irene               b. June 30, 1904          ref. p. 79
826.     Max  Eldred               b. Apr 25, 1906          [d. Nov 1980 Conover,                                              
827.     Mona Louise               b. Sept 22, 1908          ref. p. 79
828.     Robert Oliver          b. Feb 7, 1910          ref. p. 79
829.     Ruth Elizabeth          b. Jan 7, 1913          ref. p. 79
[1939 Address]: 211 Warren Ave., Seattle Washington

               THE GUY E. EVERETT FAMILY               Ref. 323, p. 20
323.      Guy E. Everett-5, b. Dec 21, 1879, m. July 21, 1902 to Della Hulse.       
Their Children:
830.     Charles H.               b. Aug 20, 1903          ref. p. 79
[1939 Address]: Colo, Iowa

               THE LLOYD EVERETT FAMILY               Ref. 325, p. 20
325.     Lloyd Everett-5, b. Apr 18, 1890, m. Dec 23, 1914 to Mary Boyd.  Their      
831.     Clyde Edward          b. Sept 5, 1918
[1939 Address]: Colfax, Iowa

Page 43

               THE RAY F. BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 326, p. 20
326.      Ray F. Baker-5, b. Dec 10, 1886, m. March 10, 1915 to Hattie Leach.       
Their Children:
832.     Glenn F.               b. Mar 31, 1917
[1939 Address]: Mingo, Iowa

               THE IVA BAKER MC CLAY FAMILY               Ref. 327, p. 20
327.      Iva P. Baker-5, b. April 25, 1891, [d. Feb 1967 Altoona, Polk Co, IA],      
m. Nov 4,1914 to George McClay.  Their Children:
833.     Harold               b. Dec 29, 1916
834.     Morris               b. Dec 20, 1926
[1939 Address]: Bondurant, Iowa

               THE GEORGENA HAWKS WATERMAN FAMILY     Ref. 328, p. 20
328.      Georgena Hawks-5, b. July 31, 1891, [d. Apr 1975 Des Moines, Polk Co,      
IA], m. March 10, 1915 to Charles Root Waterman.  Their Children:
835.     Charles Baker          b. Jan 14, 1917
836.     Janis                    b. Apr 29, 1924
[1939 Address]: 4100 Forest Ave., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE JOSEPH WILLIAM HAWKS FAMILY          Ref. 329, p. 20
329.      Joseph William Hawks-5, b. Mar 2, 1893, d. May 10, 1935, m. Aug 17,      
1917 to Hazel Marie DeHaan.  Their Children:
837.     Joseph William, Jr.     b. July 8, 1920
[1939 Address]:     7300 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

               THE CAROLINE ANNA HAWKS HULSE ROUSE FAMILY  Ref. 330, p. 20
330.      Caroline Anna Hawks-5, b. Mar 16, 1895, m1. June 2, 1917 to Floyd      
Hulse, m2. Sept 24, 1925 to Allison Henry Rouse.  Their Children:
838.     George Alfred          b. June 9, 1918
839.     Richard Kenneth          b. Jan 26, 1929
840.     Joan Allison          b. Nov 30, 1930
[1939 Address]: R.F.D., Elkhart, Iowa

               THE VINCENT DAVID CROSBY HAWKS FAMILY     Ref. 331, p. 20
331.      Vincent David Crosby Hawks-5, b. Mar 11, 1897, [d. Mar 16, 1989 Duncan,      
OK], m. Sept 6, 1930 to Opal Fay Johnson
[1939 Address]: Duncan, Oklahoma

          THE JOSEPH F. RAMBO FAMILY               Ref. 332, p. 20
332. Joseph Frank Rambo-5, b. June 5, 1893, m. Aug 10, 1910 to Winnifred Lillian Passmore.  
Their Children:
841.     Shirley Mae               b. June 8, 1925
     [1939 Address]: 734 No. Ramona Ave., Pomona, Calif.

               THE ALIDA FAIE RAMBO THOMAS FAMILY          Ref. 334, p. 20
334.     Alida Faie Rambo-5, b. Aug 20, 1889, m. June 3, 1919 to Howard J.      
Thomas.  Their Children:
842.     John Howard               b. Mar 27, 1920          [d. Jul 1981]
843.     Sarah Marie               b. Oct 2, 1922
844.     Alice Faie               b. Feb 2, 1926
845.     Elizabeth May          b. Nov 3, 1931
[1939 Address]: Paso Robles, Calif., R.R. Shandon Star Route

               THE ROSA ARMINTA RAMBO FACKLER FAMILY     Ref. 337, p. 20
337.      Rosa Arminta Rambo-5, b. July 14, 1901, [d. Jun 1972 Chino, San      Bernardino Co, 
CA], m. Jan 13, 1932 to Walter Clarence Fackler, [b. Dec      5, 1889, d. Apr 1972 Chino, 
San Bernardino Co, CA]
[1939 Address]: 318 E. 11th St., Pomona, Calif.

Page 44

          THE MARY CHARLOTTE BAKER ESHELMAN FAMILY          Ref. 338, p. 21
338.      Mary Charlotte Baker-5, b. Aug 3, 1892, m. Mar 14,1916 to Ed Eshelman.       
Their Children:
846.     Mary Rose               b. Dec 26, 1916
847.     Margaret Charlotte     b. Aug 28, 1919
[1939 Address]: Mitchellville, Iowa

               THE PAUL W. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 339, p. 21
339.      Paul W. Baker-5, b. Nov 11, 1893, m. July 11, 1918 to Mildred Cressap.       
Their Children:
848.     Joseph Roswell          b. Feb 22, 1920     
849.     Marjorie Lois          b. Feb 14, 1921
850.     Gailon Wilner          b. Oct 12, 1922          [d. Aug 1983]
[1939 Address]: R.F.D. #5, Longmont, Colo.

               THE HARLEY C. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 340, p. 21
340.      Harley C. Baker-5, b. Mar 21, 1895, [d. Aug 1962], m. April 15, 1917 to      
Stella Gardner.  Their Children:
851.     Duane                    b. Mar 30, 1918
[1939 Address]: Otley & First Ave., Perry, Iowa

               THE EARL W. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 341, p. 21
341.      Earl W. Baker-5, b. Sept 10, 1896, [d. Feb 1978 Oakland, PA], m. June      
5, 1924 to Marjorie Sanderson.  Their Children:
852.     Richard Eugene          b. May 10, 1925
[1939 Address]: R.R. #3, Littleton, Colo.

               THE MARIAN FLORENCE BAKER PEARSON FAMILY     Ref. 342, p. 21
342.      Marian Florence Baker-5, b. Feb 4, 1898, d. July 22, 1924, m. Feb 11,      
1919 to Melvin Pearson.  Their Children:
853.     Mary Eleanor          b. Aug 2, 1922
[1939 Address]: Mary Eleanor Pearson, 2810 University Ave., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE FLOY E. BAKER PEARSON FAMILY          Ref. 343, p. 21
343.      Floy E. Baker-5, b. Dec 20, 1899, [d. Jun 1986 Siloam Springs, Benton      
Co, IA], m. March 10, 1925 to Melvin Pearson.  Their Children:
854.     Melvin Cleoton          b. Nov 1, 1929          d. May 11, 1930
855.     Roger Hale               b. Apr 6, 1931
856.     Ann Arlene               b. May 30, 1934
[1939 Address]: 2416 Lyon St., Des Moines, Iowa

               THE RALPH GORDON BALE FAMILY               Ref. 344, p. 21
344.      Ralph Gordon Bale-5, b. Oct 16, 1896, [d. Nov 1974 Fort Payne, DeKalb      
Co, AZ], m. Oct 25, 1921 to Josephine More.  Their Children:
857.     Floy Magdalena          b. July 15, 1922
858.     Beatrice Josephine     b. Sept 17, 1924
[1939 Address]: 2618 N. Normandie, Spokane, Wash.

               THE MARY HERBERTINA BALE GARIG FAMILY     Ref. 345, p. 21
345. Mary Herbertina Bale-5, b. Nov 28, 1899, [d. May 1980 Placerville, CO],      
m. Dec 24, 1921 to Rukins Robroy McGregor Garig.  Their Children:
859.     William Freeman          b. Feb 5, 1923          [d. Dec 12, 1997 San                                              
Leandro, CA]
860.     Rukins Bale               b. May 18, 1924          [d. Jan 16, 1995 San                                              
Fernando, CA]
861.     Eunice Mary               b. Dec 16, 1927
862.     George Douglas          b. Jan 10, 1929
863.     Franklin Robroy          b. May 4, 1930
864.     Ralph Walton          b. Aug 5, 1935
[1939 Address]: 3985 Rhoda Ave., Oakland, Calif

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               THE BEATRICE LOUISA BALE STARKEY FAMILY     Ref. 346, p. 21
346.      Beatrice Louisa Bale-5, b. Feb 19, 1901, m. Dec 8, 1925 to Fred E.      
Starkey.  Their Children:
865.     Fred E. Jr.               b. Oct 17, 1926
[1939 Address]: 4129 N. Normandie, Spokane, Wash.

               THE EUNICE BAKER BALE DAVENPORT FAMILY     Ref. 347, p. 21
347.      Eunice Baker Bale-5, b. Aug 13, 1903, [d. Dec 1973 Auburn, Placer Co,      
CA], m. Nov 5, 1934 to Whitley Lee Davenport.  Their Children:
866.     Whitley Lee, Jr.          b. Nov 20, 1935
[1939 Address]: 3001 Franklin Blvd., Sacramento, Calif.

               THE DOUGLAS ARTHUR BALE FAMILY          Ref. 348, p. 21
348.     Douglas Arthur Bale-5, b. May 1, 1907, [d. Jun 1975 Little Rock,      Pulaski 
Co, AR], m. Aug 27, 1931 to Susan Francis White.  Their      Children:
867.     Douglas Nathan          b. Apr 2, 1934          [d. May 1975]
[1939 Address]: 272 Lucas St., Los Angeles, Calif.

               THE FLORENCE BAKER CURTIS FAMILY          Ref. 351, p. 21
351.      Florence Baker-5, b. April 10, 1894, [d. Feb 1978, Long Beach, CA], m.      
April 5, 1919 to L.L. Curtis.  Their Children:
868.     Robert L.               b. May 19, 1922
867a.     Richard B.               b. Mar 28, 1925          [d. Nov 29, 1998                                                   
Wilsonville, OR]
[1939 Address]: 2326 Alameda St., Portland, Oregon

               THE ESTHER BAKER WRIGHT FAMILY          Ref. 352, p. 21
352.      Esther Baker-5, b. June 28, 1896, [d. Nov 26, 1989 Riverside, Riverside      
Co, CA], m. Dec 29, 1920 to Ross J. Wright.  Their Children:
868a.     Mary                    b. June 28, 1922
869.     Virginia               b. Dec 11, 1924
[1939 Address]: 909 S. Grand Ave., Glendora, Calif.

               THE DOROTHY BAKER SPENCE FAMILY          Ref. 353, p. 21
353.      Dorothy Baker-5, b. Aug 27, 1899, [d. Jan 1991 Cerritos, Los Angeles      
Co, CA], m. July 24, 1925 to Jack Spence.  Their Children:
870.     Jack B.               b. Dec 23, 1928
871.     Dian                    b. May 30, 1930
[1939 Address]: 1090 Armada St., Pasadena, Calif.

               THE HAZEL BAKER POWELL FAMILY               Ref. 354, p. 21
354.      Hazel Baker-5, b. Sept 7, 1901, [d. Mar 1984 Brea, Orange Co, CA], m.      
Aug 9, 1930 to J.E. Powell.  Their Children:
872.     Lucinda A.               b. Sept 19, 1931
[1939 Address]: Webb School, Claremont, Calif.

               THE HAROLD BAKER FAMILY                    Ref. 355, p. 21
355.      Harold Baker-5, b. Sept 7, 1901, [d. Sep 2, 1987 Claremont, Los Angeles      
Co, CA], m. Feb 13, 1928 to Helen Barry.  Their Children:
873.     Elizabeth B.          b. Sept 13, 1931
[1939 Address]: Marion Road, Redlands, Calif.

               THE LILLIAN BAKER KEISER FAMILY          Ref. 356, p. 21
356.      Lillian Baker-5, b. April 3, 1904, m. Mar 29, 1928 to Terrence Keiser.       
Their Children:
874.     Sarah Lue               b. May 11, 1933
[1939 Address]: No. San Antonio Ave., Pomona, Calif.

Page 46

               THE JESSIE LORA BAKER TADLOCK FAMILY     Ref. 357, p. 21
357.      Jessie Lora Baker-5, b. July 24, 1894, [d. Aug 1972 Irvine, Orange Co,      
CA], m. Nov 24, 1915 to J.C. Tadlock.  Their Children:
875.     Dorothy Mae               b. Oct 4, 1918
876.     Phyllis Lorraine          b. Aug 19, 1920
[1939 Address]: 231 Forest Ave., Lagoona Beach, Calif.

               THE AGNES MARIE BAKER REEDER FAMILY          Ref. 358, p. 21
358.      Agnes Marie Baker-5, b. Jan 13, 1897, [d. Dec 1966 Anaheim, Orange Co,      
CA], m. Sept 12, 1920 to Paul Hugh Reeder.  Their Children:
877.     Pauline Agnes          b. July 27, 1921
878.     Clarence Baker          b. Dec 4, 1922          [d. Jan 13, 1995                                                   
Upland, CA]
879.     Glenn Morris          b. Mar 23, 1926
880.     Marjorie Marie          b. Feb 2, 1928
[1939 Address]: R.R. #1, Ontario, Calif.

               THE VERA FRANCES BAKER YORK FAMILY          Ref. 359, p. 21
359.      Vera Frances Baker-5, b. Oct 28, 1902, [d. Jan 1986 Irvine, Orange Co,      
CA], m. Oct 20, 1925 to C.H. York.  Their Children:
881.     Barbara Jean          b. Sept 4, 1931
[1939 Address]: 221 Meda St., Glendora, Calif.

               THE CHARLES ANSON STEELE FAMILY          Ref. 360, p. 21
360.      Charles Anson Steele-5, b. May 10, 1895, m. Apr 2, 1932 to Mae Surey.       
Their Children:
882.     Richard               b. July 31, 1934
     [1939 Address]: 1105 N. Menard Ave., Chicago, Ill.

               THE DAVID ROLAND STEELE FAMILY          Ref. 361, p. 21
361.      David Roland Steele-5, b. July 20, 1897, m. Oct 20, 1923 to Hazel      
Kliebenstein.  Their Children:
883.     Donald Baker          b. Jan 29, 1928
[1939 Address]: W 21 St., Sioux City, Iowa

362.      Gladys Elizabeth Steele-5, b. Oct 28, 1900, m. June 14, 1934 to George      D. 
Westerfield.  Their Children:
884.     Anne Elizabeth          b. Aug 28, 1935
[1939 Address]: 3715 84th St., Jackson Heights, Long Island

               THE MARTHA JOSEPHINE STEELE RECAUT FAMILY     Ref. 363, p. 21
363.      Martha Josephine Steele-5, b. Aug 11, 1903, m. June 15, 1927 to Russell      
B. Pecaut.  Their Children:
885.     Elizabeth Ann          b. July 17, 1929
886.     Richard A.               b. Nov 21, 1930
887.     Jackson Steele          b. Dec 12, 1935
888.     Judith Ann               b. Dec 12, 1935          d. Jan 13, 1936
[1939 Address]: 2201 George St., Sioux City, Iowa

               THE JOSEF TAYLOR STEELE FAMILY          Ref. 364, p. 21
364.      Josef Taylor Steele-5, b. Jan 6, 1907, m. May 15, 1926 to Eva Carrier.       
Their Children:
889.     Beverly Jean          b. Sept 26, 1930
890.     Robert Anson          b. June [26], 1932     [d. Jul 31, 1985]
[1939 Address]: Sioux City, Iowa

               THE DWIGHT WILSON BAKER STEELE FAMILY     Ref. 365, p. 21
365.      Dwight Wilson Baker Steele-5, b. May 19, 1920, [d. Dec 16, 1997 Poway,      
San Diego Co, CA], m. Sept 19, 1936 to Mildred Christensen.
[1939 Address]: 1909 Jackson St., Sioux City, Iowa

Page 47

          THE NANCY GROVES ETTER FAMILY               Ref. 378, p. 22
378.      Nancy Groves-6, b. July 7, 1902,  m. Oct 17, 1917 to Frederick William      Etter.  
Their Children:
891.     Charles                b. Sept 13, 1918          [d. Aug 1984]
892.     Fred Jr.               b. July 4, 1920          [d. May 19, 1990]
893.     Bulah May               b. Mar 13, 1922
894.     Carl Richard          b. Oct 12, 1923
895.     Robert Lee               b. Sept 14, 1928
[1939 Address]: R.R. #1, Melrose, Iowa

               THE MELVIN JOHN GROVES FAMILY               Ref. 379, p. 22
379.     Melvin John Groves-6, Sept 7, 1893, m. Jan 12, 1921 to Ethel M.      Lessenger.  
Their Children:
896.     Ahlene Ruth               b. Feb 21, 1924
897.     Mary Evelyn               b. Sept 19, 1932
[1939 Address]: Harlan, Iowa

               THE BLANCHE BERNICE GROVES JONES FAMILY     Ref. 381, p. 22
381.      Blanche Bernice Groves-6, b. Jan 13, 1898, m. June 9, 1928 to Russell      Jones
[1939 Address]: 1727 P St., N.W. Washington DC

               THE JOSEPH E. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 386, p. 22
386.      Joseph E. Baker-6, b. Oct 15, 1907, [d. Sep 1, 1994 Clearwater,      Pinellas Co, FL], 
m. Oct 3, 1934 to Bernice Berry.  Their Children:
898.     Paul Lynn               b. June 2, 1938
[1939 Address]: 202 61st St., Niagara Falls, New York

               THE SARAH M. BAKER PARKERSON FAMILY          Ref. 387, p. 22
387.      Sarah M. Baker-6, b. Aug 6, 1909, m. Nov 9, 1932 to Curtis Parkerson.       
Their Children:
899.     John Albert               b. Nov 6, 1934
1471.     William Allen          b. Jan 24, 1938
[1939 Address]: Highmore, South Dakota

               THE JOHN H. BAKER FAMILY               Ref. 388, p. 22
388.      John H. Baker-6, b. April 24, 1911, m. Nov 9, 1933 to Margery Murrow.       
Their Children:
900.     Carroll Harrison          b. Dec 12, 1934
901.     Gordon Dale               b. Aug 3, 1937
[1939 Address]: DeSoto, Iowa

               THE NELLIE R. BAKER PROHASKA FAMILY          Ref. 389, p. 22
389.      Nellie R. Baker-6, b. Mar 16, 1913, m. Nov 30, 1935 to Frederick G.      
Prohaska.  Their Children:
902.     Lucia Ruth               b. June 19, 1936
903.     Lucian Frederick          b. Feb 19, 1938
[1939 Address]: Earlham, Iowa

               THE ARTHUR LEROY CLEMENT FAMILY          Ref. 398, p. 23
398. Arthur Leroy Clement-6, b. Apr 29, 1889, [d. Aug 1962], m. Sept 14, 1913      
to Lavona M. Robinson.  Their Children:
904.     Clayton Charles          b. July 25, 1915          ref. p. 80
905.     Janet Ruth               b. Mar 16, 1922
906.     Marian Jean               b. Oct 27, 1926
[1939 Address]: 3915 Campbell, Kansas City, Missouri

Page 48

               THE GEORGE E. CLEMENT FAMILY               Ref. 399, p. 23
399.      George E. Clement-6, b. Sept 5, 1891, [d. Mar 1984 Joliet, IL], m1. Oct      
26, 1911 to Marie Helen Boller, m2. May 11, 1925 to Mrs. Earnstine S.      
Vance.  Their Children:
907.     Dorothy May               b. Feb 12, 1913
908.     Donald Raymond          b. Feb 8, 1916
909.     Walter George          b. June 28, 1918
910.     Ione Verna               b. Oct 9, 1919
911.     Leroy Clayton          b. July 19, 1925
[1939 Address]: 101 Argyle Ave., Joliet, Ill.

               THE LILLIAN RUTH CLEMENT SCHULTZ FAMILY     Ref. 400, p. 23
400.      Lillian Ruth Clement-6, b. Aug 25, 1894, m. Oct 3, 1923 to John W.      
Schultz.  Their Children:
912.     John William, Jr.          b. June 28, 1925
913.     Robert Duncan          b. Mar 7, 1928
914.     Richard Wallace          b. June 25,1931          [d. Nov 1980 Ft. Worth,                                              
Tarrant, TX]
915.     James Clement          b. Nov 24, 1934
[1939 Address]: 2922 Ave. C., Council Bluffs, Iowa

               THE NINA MAE CLEMENT PAYNE FAMILY          Ref. 401, p. 23
401.      Nina Mae Clement-6, b. Apr 4, 1897, m. Dec 23, 1917 to Earl E. Payne.       
Their Children:
916.     Marilyn Ruth          b. Sept 9, 1919
917.     William Douglas          b. June 12, 1921          [d. Mar 24, 1991                                                   
Colton, CA]
918.     John Earl, Jr.          b. May 17, 1923          [d. Jul 28, 1992 Lake                                              
Isabella, CA]
919.     Betty May               b. May 24, 1925
920.     Donald Dean               b. Feb 24, 1928
[1939 Address]: 4543 E. 60th St., Maywood, Calif

               THE LOUIS VICTOR CLEMENT FAMILY          Ref. 402, p. 23
402.      Louis Victor Clement-6, b. June 20, 1900
[1939 Address]: 1323 W. 90th St., Los Angeles, Calif

               THE RAYMOND E. CLEMENT FAMILY               Ref. 403, p. 23
403.      Raymond E. Clement-6, b. May 2, 1902
[1939 Address]: 4646 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska

               THE BESSIE CLEMENT SCHEMMER FAMILY          Ref. 404, p. 23
404.      Bessie Clement-6, b. Nov 18, 1905, m. Sept 22, 1927 to Daniel Schemmer.       
Their Children:
921.     Joyce Elaine          b. Oct 15, 1931
922.     Daniel Lloyd          b. Jan 3, 1935
923.     Kenneth Edwin          b. March 11, 1936
[1939 Address]: 114 Jenkins Ave., Lansdale, Pennsylvania

               THE GRACE ESHELMAN MCKEEVER FAMILY          Ref. 405, p. 23
405.      Grace Eshelman-6, b. June 9, 1883, m. June 20, 1906 to Lee McKeever.       
Their Children:
924.     David                    b. March 19, 1909          [d. May 1983                                                   
Independence, IA]
[1939 Address]: Mingo, Iowa

               THE BONNIE ESHELMAN JONES FAMILY          Ref. 406, p. 23
406.      Bonnie Eshelman-6, b. Feb 13, 1887, d. 1934, m. Mar 24, 1907 to R.G.      
Jones.  Their Children:
925.     Richard               b. Jan 27, 1909          ref. p. 80
926.     Harold               b. June 22, 1912          ref. p. 80
927.     Bernice               b. Jan 22, 1917          ref. p. 80