This is mnoGoSearch's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared during last crawling. The current page could have changed in the meantime.

Last modified: Fri, 27 Jun 2008, 13:47:47 EDT    Size: 197048

	This information was keyed by Judy Huber in 1993 from a microfilm at the 
	State Archives called Land Tract Records.

	Permission is granted to freely copy this information for genealogical 
	purposes, but not may be copied  for commercial or any other paid use.

	Questions regarding this information may be addressed to 
	Judy Huber --

?eeson        John           06      128N       57W     White
?oren         James          02      128N       57W     White
?ormick       Martha         30      128N       57W     White
A??????       Leon           33      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Aadland       Olaus          25      129N       53W     Veblen
Aalmbo        Peter          14      127N       56W     Norland
Aalmbo        Peter          15      127N       56W     Norland
Aasen         Alf            04      127N       54W     Dumarce
Aasen         Severin        08      127N       55W     Dumarce
Aastrom       Charley        23      125N       53W     Buffalo
Aastrom       George         24      125N       53W     Buffalo
Aastrom       Hans           24      125N       53W     Buffalo
Aastrom       Hans           24      125N       53W     Buffalo
Aastrom       Thoams         24      125N       53W     Buffalo
Abel          Alice          17      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Alice          32      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Joseph         20      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Martha         17      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Mary           17      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Mary           29      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Mary           30      127N       53W     McKinley
Abel          Thomas         17      127N       53W     McKinley
Abraham       Charley        09      128N       54W     LaBelle
Abraham       George         15      128N       54W     LaBelle
Abraham       Jacob          11      125N       59W     Newport
Abraham       Jacob          18      125N       57W     Sisseton
Abrahamson    Charles        11      125N       59W     Newport
Achens        Sarah          13      128N       59W     Dayton
Ada-Ya-Hi-Fo-We              12      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Adam          Arthur         09      128N       58W     Newark
Adam          William        06      126N       57W     Waverly
Adams                        17      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams                        24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Adams         David          04      126N       58W     Lowell
Adams         Jane           13      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams         Jane           14      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams         Jane           23      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams         Joseph         21      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Adams         Sameul         30      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams         Samuel         27      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams         William        13      128N       53W     Veblen
Adams         William        24      128N       53W     Veblen
Addenberg     John           15      127N       56W     Norland
Adney         John           03      128N       54W     LaBelle
Adney         John           34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Ager          Andreis        02      128N       58W     Newark
Ahlstrum      Nels           07      125N       56W     Fort
Ainchiksen    Hans           24      127N       58W     Miller
Akers         Sarah          21      128N       58W     Newark
Al-Nas-in     Anna           07      128N       54W     LaBelle
Alexander                    29      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Alexander                    30      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Allen         Frank          03      126N       57W     Waverly
Allen         George         02      128N       57W     White
Allen         James          07      128N       58W     Newark
Allen         Josiah         28      128N       58W     Newark
Allen         Stephen        28      128N       58W     Newark
Allen         Willam         06      128N       58W     Newark
Alley         ?              24      128N       57W     White
Alley         William        34      128N       57W     White
Alspaugh      Stephen        23      127N       59W     Stena
Amphlett      William        23      126N       57W     Waverly
Amund                        11      128N       53W     McKinley
Amundson      Hans           12      127N       53W     McKinley
Amundson      Iver           27      128N       57W     White
Anderson      Aaron          04      128N       53W     Veblen
Anderson      Albert         11      126N       59W     Weston
Anderson      Albert         14      127N       53W     McKinley
Anderson      Andrew         30      129N       53W     Veblen
Anderson      Andrew         36      128N       56W     Victor
Anderson      August         32      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      Benner         21      128N       54W     LaBelle
Anderson      Carri          21      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      Carrie         15      125N       59W     Newport
Anderson      Charles        22      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      Charles        25      125N       53W     Buffalo
Anderson      Charley        31      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      Christian      28      127N       53W     McKinley
Anderson      Christian      34      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Anderson      Elling         03      128N       54W     LaBelle
Anderson      Emma           32      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      Frederick      28      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      George         10      128N       53W     Veblen
Anderson      George         28      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      George         33      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      George         35      125N       59W     Newport
Anderson      Hans           01      127N       53W     McKinley
Anderson      James          21      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      James          27      125N       59W     Newport
Anderson      John           03      127N       54W     Dumarce
Anderson      John           12      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      John           18      127N       56W     Norland
Anderson      John           19      127N       55W     Dumarce
Anderson      John           20      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      John           23      128N       57W     White
Anderson      John           34      128N       54W     LaBelle
Anderson      Louis          13      128N       56W     Victor
Anderson      Lucinda        21      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      Niles          18      125N       56W     Fort
Anderson      Nils           22      128N       54W     LaBelle
Anderson      Ole            30      129N       53W     Veblen
Anderson      Ole            31      129N       53W     Veblen
Anderson      Ole            32      129N       53W     Veblen
Anderson      Oscar          13      125N       53W     Buffalo
Anderson      Oscar          14      125N       53W     Buffalo
Anderson      Otto           03      126N       58W     Lowell
Anderson      Peter          29      127N       53W     McKinley
Anderson      Peter          32      127N       53W     McKinley
Anderson      S. M.          20      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      Sherman        12      127N       58W     Miller
Anderson      Solomon        21      125N       57W     Sisseton
Anderson      William        02      126N       59W     Weston
Anderson      William        26      125N       59W     Newport
Andrus        Francis        11      128N       56W     Victor
Annie                        03      127N       53W     McKinley
Anthuny       Thomas         08      125N       58W     Hickman
Antoine                      02      127N       53W     McKinley
Antoine       Annie          25      128N       53W     Veblen
Antoine       Annie          26      128N       53W     Veblen
Antoine       Paul           04      127N       53W     McKinley
Antoine       Paul           35      128N       53W     Veblen
Antoine       Solomon        24      128N       53W     Veblen
Appleby       James          01      126N       57W     Waverly
Appleby       John           25      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Appleby       John           26      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Appleby       Joseph         23      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Appleby       Jospeh         26      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Appleby       Thomas         23      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Appleby       Thomas         26      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Appleby       William        25      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Archard       John           11      128N       56W     Victor
Archer        Leonard        02      128N       56W     Victor
Archer        Leonard        03      128N       56W     Victor
Ark           Josephine      35      127N       53W     McKinley
Ark           Noah           26      127N       53W     McKinley
Ark           Simon          26      127N       53W     McKinley
Ark           Simon          27      127N       53W     McKinley
Ark           Solomon        35      127N       53W     McKinley
Armison       Levanth        03      126N       57W     Waverly
Arness        Carrie         17      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Arness        Henry          19      128N       53W     Veblen
Arness        Henry          24      127N       58W     Miller
Arnold        Anthony        03      127N       59W     Stena
Arrowsmith    Moses          24      127N       53W     McKinley
Arrowsmith    Robert         15      127N       53W     McKinley
Arrowsmith    Robert         23      127N       53W     McKinley
Ashbaugh      Frederick      03      125N       57W     Sisseton
Ashbaugh      Frederick      10      125N       57W     Sisseton
Ashbough      Frederich      08      128N       59W     Dayton
Ashley        Noah           20      126N       59W     Weston
Aslesm        Reier          18      126N       56W     Hamilton
Atkins        Charles        12      128N       59W     Dayton
Atkinson      Robert         32      125N       58W     Hickman
Ayaas         John           24      128N       56W     Victor
B.            Leo            33      127N       58W     Miller
Babb          Sylvester      06      126N       58W     Lowell
Babcoc        Willie         11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Babcock       George         27      125N       58W     Hickman
Babcock       Marcus         22      125N       58W     Hickman
Bacon         Alner          12      125N       57W     Sisseton
Bacon         Amos           34      127N       58W     Miller
Bacon         Cecil          05      128N       56W     Victor
Bacon         Cecilia        32      129N       54W     LaBelle
Bacon         Edward         15      125N       58W     Hickman
Bacon         George         34      127N       58W     Miller
Bacon         Norris         10      128N       56W     Victor
Bahn          Johannes       35      127N       54W     Dumarce
Bailey        Marril         19      128N       53W     Veblen
Bailey        Robert         03      126N       54W     Lake
Baker         Edwin          06      126N       57W     Waverly
Baker         Samuel         20      127N       58W     Miller
Baker         William        06      127N       58W     Miller
Bakke         Rassmus        26      128N       57W     White
Bakker        John           23      128N       56W     Victor
Bakker        John           24      128N       56W     Victor
Baldwin       Frances        14      126N       54W     Lake
Ball          Francie        35      127N       53W     McKinley
Bannington    Peter          02      128N       58W     Newark
Bargen        Martin         12      127N       53W     McKinley
Barington     Peter          12      128N       58W     Newark
Barker        Richard        28      126N       59W     Weston
Barmes        Milton         33      128N       53W     Veblen
Barmore       Fred           14      126N       58W     Lowell
Barnes        John           10      126N       54W     Lake
Barnes        Milton         27      128N       53W     Veblen
Barry         Homer          07      126N       58W     Lowell
Bartholomy    Charles        17      128N       57W     White
Bartlett      Harmony        09      128N       59W     Dayton
Bartlett      William        35      126N       58W     Lowell
Bartonicel    Frank          24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bass          Justus         09      128N       56W     Victor
Bates         Charles        14      126N       54W     Lake
Bates         Frank          34      127N       54W     Dumarce
Bates         George         10      126N       54W     Lake
Bates         Martin         01      126N       54W     Lake
Bates         Thomas         29      127N       53W     McKinley
Bauer         John           08      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Beach         Bert           18      126N       59W     Weston
Beach         George         09      126N       58W     Lowell
Bearson       Henre          12      125N       58W     Hickman
Beatty        Charlotte      26      125N       59W     Newport
Beatty        James          14      125N       59W     Newport
Beatty        William        27      125N       59W     Newport
Bedell        Martin         35      128N       59W     Dayton
Beebe         E. A.          06      126N       57W     Waverly
Beebe         Henry          29      126N       57W     Waverly
Beebe         Oscar          28      128N       58W     Newark
Beese         Henry          06      128N       57W     White
Begle         Nancy          08      128N       53W     Veblen
Behnke        August         28      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Behtel        Jacob          06      127N       56W     Norland
Beiseurueber  Fred           15      128N       58W     Newark
Bell          Darwin         26      127N       58W     Miller
Bell          Huge           02      127N       58W     Miller
Bell          John           19      126N       58W     Lowell
Bell          Samuel         21      127N       59W     Stena
Bell          Samuel         35      127N       58W     Miller
Bell          Thomas         02      127N       58W     Miller
Belling       Henry          10      128N       56W     Victor
Beloe         Alexander      05      126N       59W     Weston
Belov         Leslie         08      127N       59W     Stena
Ben?endser    Mathias        14      128N       57W     White
Bendickson    Karen          27      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Bennett       Frank          09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Bennett       Frank          11      127N       58W     Miller
Benning       William        35      126N       57W     Waverly
Benolkin      Henry          20      127N       53W     McKinley
Benson        Iver           14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Benson        Iver           23      127N       54W     Dumarce
Benson        Thor           23      127N       54W     Dumarce
Benston       Neil           34      126N       59W     Weston
Berg          Charles        18      125N       59W     Newport
Berg          Ellick         18      127N       55W     Norland
Berg          Fabien         18      125N       59W     Newport
Berg          John           22      125N       58W     Hickman
Berg          Sever          18      128N       58W     Newark
Berg          Thom           11      127N       53W     McKinley
Bergen        Ole            27      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bergheim      Thor           14      128N       53W     Veblen
Berkman       Peter          08      126N       59W     Weston
Betzer        William        32      127N       58W     Miller
Beyland       Herbert        01      128N       58W     Newark
Biechert      Charles        15      127N       58W     Miller
Biechert      William        15      127N       58W     Miller
Bien          Mari           20      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bien          Ole            07      127N       55W     Norland
Bien          Ole            12      127N       56W     Norland
Bierlin       Anna           05      128N       59W     Dayton
Bilot         Joseph         34      125N       53W     Buffalo
Bincher       Henry          06      125N       56W     Fort
Bingham       George         20      128N       59W     Dayton
Bingham       Isaiah         17      126N       58W     Lowell
Bingham       John           05      126N       58W     Lowell
Bingham       Malcom         10      126N       59W     Weston
Bingham       Margaret       17      126N       58W     Lowell
Bingham       Robert         03      126N       59W     Weston
Bingham       Sarah          14      126N       59W     Weston
Bishop        Frank          22      128N       53W     Veblen
Bishop        Frank          28      128N       53W     Veblen
Bixliy        Charles        17      125N       58W     Hickman
Bjertnas      Karl           06      127N       55W     Norland
Bjertnes      Soren          29      129N       53W     Veblen
Bjorgum       Magnus         30      129N       53W     Veblen
Bjork         Charles        26      125N       58W     Hickman
Bjork         Charles        29      128N       59W     Dayton
Blackman      Lester         33      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Blaidsdell    John           24      128N       58W     Newark
Blair         George         02      127N       59W     Stena
Blext         Oscar          26      128N       53W     Veblen
Blixt         Oscar          23      128N       53W     Veblen
Blockman      Lester         12      126N       58W     Lowell
Blood         E?hanau        21      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Blood         Edgar          08      127N       56W     Norland
Blood         Jay            29      128N       53W     Veblen
Blood         Jay            32      128N       53W     Veblen
Blood         Wesley         24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Blood         Willard        14      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bloodough     Charles        22      127N       59W     Stena
Boersnip      Andrew         35      127N       54W     Dumarce
Bonker        Emma           10      126N       59W     Weston
Boostad       Sivert         23      128N       56W     Victor
Booth         John           15      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Boreman       Adelbert       13      126N       58W     Lowell
Boreta        Sam            25      128N       56W     Victor
Bosse         August         13      128N       57W     White
Bosse         Charles        02      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Boswooth      Sophie         09      128N       56W     Victor
Bowe          Robert         34      125N       53W     Buffalo
Boyd          A. R.          29      126N       57W     Waverly
Braaten       John           20      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bracy         Hunseth        03      128N       59W     Dayton
Bradford      Aaron          10      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bradfprd      Aarpm          09      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bradley       Susan          27      128N       56W     Victor
Brady         John           26      128N       59W     Dayton
Brady         Terewe         33      125N       59W     Newport
Brakke        Lars           28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Bralsitto     Ev??           10      128N       57W     White
Brash         Fred           15      126N       59W     Weston
Brayton       Nathaniel      08      126N       59W     Weston
Brehmer       John           12      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Briggs        Benjamin       18      127N       59W     Stena
Briggs        Henry          05      126N       59W     Weston
Briggs        Richard        26      126N       58W     Lowell
Brigham       Lafayette      21      125N       58W     Hickman
Brigham       Lafayette      28      125N       58W     Hickman
Brigham       Nelson         05      126N       58W     Lowell
Brigham       Nelson         06      126N       58W     Lowell
Brigstocvk    Maurice        05      128N       58W     Newark
Brinkman      Henry          10      126N       57W     Waverly
Brolander     Peter          26      127N       54W     Dumarce
Brooberg      Charles        14      125N       59W     Newport
Brooberg      Samuel         23      125N       59W     Newport
Brooks        John           09      128N       58W     Newark
Brooks        Mary           14      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Brown         Charles        07      128N       57W     White
Brown         Edwin          01      125N       53W     Buffalo
Brown         Frank          12      125N       58W     Hickman
Brown         Henry          21      128N       59W     Dayton
Brown         Jennie         21      127N       53W     McKinley
Brown         Jennie         28      127N       53W     McKinley
Brown         Peter          08      127N       55W     Norland
Brown         Peter          27      127N       53W     McKinley
Brown         Peter          28      127N       53W     McKinley
Brown         Wa-Anis-Mni-Ko-22      127N       53W     McKinley
Brown         Warner         04      127N       53W     McKinley
Brown         William        06      125N       56W     Fort
Brown         William        07      125N       59W     Newport
Brown         William        21      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Brown         Wlater         07      126N       59W     Weston
Brownell      Francis        17      126N       59W     Weston
Brownell      Marion         19      126N       59W     Weston
Brownell      Marion         20      126N       59W     Weston
Brubakken     John           20      128N       54W     LaBelle
Brubakken     John           30      128N       55W     Victor
Brubakken     John           32      128N       55W     Norland
Brubakken     Ole            35      128N       56W     Victor
Brubakker     Ole            12      127N       56W     Norland
Brudos        Lewis          05      128N       53W     Veblen
Brudos        Thomas         09      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Brunskill     John           20      126N       57W     Waverly
Buck          Charles, Heirs 11      128N       59W     Dayton
Budd          David          05      127N       59W     Stena
Bueduie       William        21      126N       57W     Waverly
Bugle         Sarah          24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bugle         Sarah          24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bugls         Mary           08      128N       53W     Veblen
Bugls         Samuel         24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Bugls         Sarah          08      128N       53W     Veblen
Buishri       Bert           14      126N       58W     Lowell
Bundrock      August         17      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Bundrock      Caroline       07      127N       58W     Miller
Bundrock      Herman         07      127N       58W     Miller
Bundrock      Julius         07      127N       58W     Miller
Bundy         Allred         03      127N       54W     Dumarce
Burch         Alphonso       09      127N       58W     Miller
Burch         Alva           17      127N       58W     Miller
Burch         Edwin          17      127N       58W     Miller
Burch         Hannah         09      127N       58W     Miller
Burch         William        04      127N       58W     Miller
Burch         William        08      127N       58W     Miller
Burger        Fredich W.     35      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Burger        Goltlut        02      126N       57W     Waverly
Burger        John           01      127N       59W     Stena
Burgoyne      Charles        31      128N       55W     Norland
Bush          Charles        31      126N       59W     Weston
Bush          Joseph         11      127N       59W     Stena
Bush          Joseph         13      127N       59W     Stena
Bush          Joseph         24      127N       59W     Stena
Bush          Wililam        30      126N       59W     Weston
Busta         Frank          10      126N       54W     Lake
Butler        Orin           24      125N       59W     Newport
Butler        Stephen        15      128N       53W     Veblen
Butterfield   Eddy           32      126N       57W     Waverly
Butterfield   John           31      126N       57W     Waverly
Butts         Warren         06      128N       58W     Newark
Cady          Walter         01      128N       58W     Newark
Caelen        David          30      126N       57W     Waverly
Caeler        David          25      126N       58W     Lowell
Cannon        Hirman         17      125N       59W     Newport
Capley        John           21      128N       58W     Newark
Careio        John           12      126N       58W     Lowell
Carleson      John Gust      31      125N       57W     Sisseton
Carlson       Alfred         02      128N       53W     Veblen
Carlson       August         03      127N       54W     Dumarce
Carlson       August         34      128N       54W     LaBelle
Carlson       Charley        03      127N       54W     Dumarce
Carlson       Charley        04      127N       54W     Dumarce
Carlson       Chrestene      23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Carlson       Dave           10      127N       54W     Dumarce
Carlson       Dave           11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Carlson       Emil           30      126N       56W     Hamilton
Carlson       John Gust      31      125N       57W     Sisseton
Carlson       Joseph         18      125N       59W     Newport
Carlson       Joseph         31      126N       56W     Hamilton
Carlson       Leander        33      129N       53W     Veblen
Carlson       Louise         04      127N       54W     Dumarce
Carlson       Otto           02      125N       59W     Newport
Carlson       Sven           27      125N       57W     Sisseton
Carpenter     Florence       34      126N       59W     Weston
Carr          Dalphine       14      126N       58W     Lowell
Carr          Samuel         07      126N       57W     Waverly
Carter        David          24      126N       58W     Lowell
Carter        John           25      126N       58W     Lowell
Carver        Daniel         01      127N       59W     Stena
Carver        Horace         29      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Carver        Horace         30      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Carver        James          13      126N       57W     Waverly
Casanova      Jacob          03      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Case          Edward         34      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Caske         George         29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Caspers       Matt           30      128N       59W     Dayton
Castell       David          01      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Castle        Joseph         24      126N       59W     Weston
Castle        Joseph         24      126N       59W     Weston
Catharine                    08      128N       53W     Veblen
Catherine                    17      128N       53W     Veblen
Catherine                    24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Cavin         Fred           02      127N       59W     Stena
Chadwick      Clark, Jr.     18      128N       59W     Dayton
Chadwick      Henry          25      128N       59W     Dayton
Chadwick      Lyman          35      125N       58W     Hickman
Chaffee       William        13      128N       58W     Newark
Chambers      William        28      126N       57W     Waverly
Chapin        Eliza          17      128N       57W     White
Chapin        Frank          21      128N       57W     White
Chapin        George         20      128N       57W     White
Chapin        Ralph          33      128N       57W     White
Chapin        Roswell        21      128N       57W     White
Charles       Blodgett       34      125N       58W     Hickman
Chase         Alexander      11      126N       58W     Lowell
Chase         Alexander      27      126N       57W     Waverly
Chase         Annie          19      126N       57W     Waverly
Chase         Geo.           18      126N       57W     Waverly
Chase         George         13      126N       58W     Lowell
Chase         Guy            12      125N       53W     Buffalo
Chase         Katie          20      126N       57W     Waverly
Chase         Katie          29      126N       57W     Waverly
Childs        Frank          22      127N       59W     Stena
Chrislock     Rolluf         05      127N       54W     Dumarce
Chrislock     Rolluf         33      128N       54W     LaBelle
Christensen   Kandline       19      125N       56W     Fort
Christensen   Soren          24      125N       57W     Sisseton
Christenson   Amund          22      128N       57W     White
Christenson   Amund          23      128N       57W     White
Christenson   Christen       28      125N       53W     Buffalo
Christenson   Jens           02      128N       57W     White
Christenson   Magnus         25      125N       53W     Buffalo
Christenson   Oley           03      128N       53W     Veblen
Christenson   Soren          28      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Christian     John           30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Christiansen  Lars           23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Christiansen  Lars           24      125N       57W     Sisseton
Christianson  Jens Peter     28      125N       53W     Buffalo
Christopher   Harley         05      127N       58W     Miller
ChristophersonAnne           22      127N       58W     Miller
Chubb         Edwin          26      125N       59W     Newport
Chubb         May            25      125N       59W     Newport
Chubb         May            26      125N       59W     Newport
Churchill     Dewitt         31      126N       58W     Lowell
Clark         Arthur         18      128N       59W     Dayton
Clark         Levi           35      126N       59W     Weston
Clark         Samuel         18      128N       57W     White
Clark         William        18      127N       59W     Stena
Clarke        Louis          34      127N       54W     Dumarce
Clausen       Annie          30      125N       57W     Sisseton
Clausen       Annie          30      125N       57W     Sisseton
Clayson       Charles        02      126N       59W     Weston
Clayson       Charles        04      127N       59W     Stena
Close         J. E.          31      127N       59W     Stena
Cloutier      Geo.           28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Clukkieg      Eli            21      128N       56W     Victor
Cluntier      George         10      128N       56W     Victor
Cohan         John           06      128N       59W     Dayton
Colby         thomas         26      128N       57W     White
Cole          ? F.           28      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Cole          Orson          27      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Coles         George         29      125N       58W     Hickman
Collar        Willaim        30      128N       59W     Dayton
Collins       Amelia         28      127N       58W     Miller
Collins       George         18      126N       59W     Weston
Collins       George         21      126N       59W     Weston
Compton       Albert         01      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Compton       Jasper         27      128N       57W     White
Compton       John           27      128N       57W     White
Comstock      Albert         01      126N       58W     Lowell
Comstock      Cora           29      128N       59W     Dayton
Comstock      Leander        01      126N       58W     Lowell
Conant        Cliemunniic    27      125N       53W     Buffalo
Concanon      William        02      126N       57W     Waverly
Conklin       George         29      128N       57W     White
Conley        James          03      127N       53W     McKinley
Conley        John           21      125N       58W     Hickman
Conser        John           13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Cook          William        11      127N       58W     Miller
Cooley        Martha         10      127N       53W     McKinley
Cooper        Alyn           19      128N       58W     Newark
Cooper        Arthur         07      128N       56W     Victor
Cooper        Arthur         08      128N       56W     Victor
Cooper        Charles        07      128N       56W     Victor
Cooper        Eugene         06      128N       56W     Victor
Cooper        Eugene         07      128N       57W     White
Cooper        James          20      128N       58W     Newark
Cooper        James          21      128N       58W     Newark
Cooper        Miles          09      128N       58W     Newark
Coopoer       George         18      127N       58W     Miller
Coppo         Mathew         05      126N       57W     Waverly
Coppock       Nathan         04      125N       57W     Sisseton
Corlis        Jerome         01      126N       59W     Weston
Corlis        Joseph         34      127N       59W     Stena
Cornell       William        07      128N       58W     Newark
Corrant       Ava            01      125N       53W     Buffalo
Cottrell      William        05      128N       59W     Dayton
Couls         Herman         06      128N       57W     White
Couser        John           19      127N       53W     McKinley
Covart        Earnest        12      128N       58W     Newark
Cowan         Wentworth      29      128N       58W     Newark
Cowell        John           23      127N       59W     Stena
Cowell        Thomas         32      128N       59W     Dayton
Cowin         Fred           06      127N       58W     Miller
Cox           Eugene         04      128N       58W     Newark
Coyle         Edward         02      128N       59W     Dayton
Craft         Charles        04      127N       58W     Miller
Craft         Edwin          03      127N       58W     Miller
Craig         Hans           03      127N       54W     Dumarce
Craig         Hans           04      127N       54W     Dumarce
Craig         Hans           09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Crawford      Henry          18      126N       57W     Waverly
Creaser       Antemas        27      125N       58W     Hickman
Creaser       Philip         12      125N       58W     Hickman
Creaser       Thomas         27      125N       58W     Hickman
Creaser       Thomas         34      125N       58W     Hickman
Crow          James          12      128N       53W     Veblen
Crowell       Frank          07      126N       57W     Waverly
Crowley       Dennis         08      128N       58W     Newark
Crowley       Dennis         18      128N       58W     Newark
Crupton       Vida           13      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Cuff          Robert         05      128N       54W     LaBelle
Cuff          William        05      128N       54W     LaBelle
Culs          Mjol?          27      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Culter        Thomas         02      125N       59W     Newport
Cunn          Robert         03      126N       54W     Lake
Cunningham    Patrick        06      128N       58W     Newark
Cunningham    Thomas         34      128N       58W     Newark
Curr          George         04      125N       59W     Newport
Curr          Thomas         04      125N       59W     Newport
Curtis        George         13      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Curtis        George         18      127N       56W     Norland
Curtis        George         19      127N       56W     Wismer
Curtis        Homer          31      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Cutter        Thomas         27      126N       58W     Lowell
Dahl          Andrew         14      127N       53W     McKinley
Dahl          Mathias        02      128N       54W     LaBelle
Dahl          andrew         11      127N       53W     McKinley
Dahm          Joseph         26      125N       55W     Eden
Dairs         John           20      127N       59W     Stena
Dalage        Martin         25      128N       56W     Victor
Dalberg       Ole            10      127N       58W     Miller
Dalquist      Carl           34      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dalquist      Carl           35      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dalton        Thomas         06      128N       59W     Dayton
Daniels       Richard        21      126N       58W     Lowell
Darland       Alphonso       10      128N       58W     Newark
Darlowe       Louis          34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Darrow        Archer         05      128N       56W     Victor
Davidson      Ida            07      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Davies        John           09      125N       58W     Hickman
Davis         Adelbert       29      128N       56W     Victor
Davis         Dan            15      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Davis         David          15      128N       56W     Victor
Davis         Ferdando       02      126N       54W     Lake
Davis         Francis        05      127N       56W     Norland
Davis         Francis        08      127N       56W     Norland
Davis         George         01      127N       58W     Miller
Davis         John           09      127N       59W     Stena
Dawson        Edith          17      128N       56W     Victor
Dawson        George         08      128N       56W     Victor
Dawson        George         17      128N       56W     Victor
Dawson        George         18      128N       56W     Victor
Dawson        George         18      128N       56W     Victor
DeShong       M. B.          15      128N       58W     Newark
Dean          Henrietta      06      128N       56W     Victor
Dean          S. Eugene      01      128N       58W     Newark
Dean          Seward         06      128N       56W     Victor
Dean          Seward         09      128N       56W     Victor
Dean          Victor, Heirs o06      128N       56W     Victor
Deibel        Peter          08      128N       57W     White
Delafl        Lucinda        34      127N       54W     Dumarce
Delle         Barney         34      129N       53W     Veblen
Demarais      Joseph         30      128N       53W     Veblen
Demarias      John           29      128N       53W     Veblen
Demarias      Joseph, Jr.    19      128N       53W     Veblen
Demarias      Joseph, Jr.    30      128N       53W     Veblen
Denton        Christopher    24      126N       57W     Waverly
Denton        John           31      125N       59W     Newport
Denton        Samuel         05      126N       57W     Waverly
Denton        Samuel         08      126N       57W     Waverly
Denton        William        31      125N       59W     Newport
Derriaus      Joseph         17      128N       53W     Veblen
Deusmore      Mary           03      128N       59W     Dayton
Deutsch       Anton          01      125N       54W     Eden
Deutsch       Louis          02      125N       54W     Eden
Dick          Sophia         34      127N       53W     McKinley
Dick          Zachery        04      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Dickey        John           15      127N       59W     Stena
Diebold       Anten          28      128N       59W     Dayton
Dike          Lewis          17      127N       56W     Norland
Dilley        A.             32      128N       56W     Victor
Dilley        A. C.          34      128N       58W     Newark
Dillon        Adolph         19      128N       53W     Veblen
Dingman       Albert         35      126N       59W     Weston
Dinnetz       Charles        33      127N       54W     Dumarce
Dinnetz       Charles        33      128N       57W     White
Dinnitz       Otto           04      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Dixon         Herbert        11      126N       59W     Weston
Dixon         Herbert        12      126N       59W     Weston
Dixson        William        02      126N       59W     Weston
Dobell        Laura          11      128N       56W     Victor
Dobson        John           33      126N       59W     Weston
Dockeray      Bryant         22      126N       59W     Weston
Dohrman       Chrisopher     28      125N       59W     Newport
Donald        William        23      125N       59W     Newport
Donaldson     Elmer          02      128N       59W     Dayton
Donaldson     William        02      128N       59W     Dayton
Dopersch      Bertholt       24      126N       57W     Waverly
Dosch         George         06      127N       56W     Norland
Douglass      Albion         23      128N       58W     Newark
Douglass      Rufus          23      128N       58W     Newark
Dowd          Katherine      15      126N       59W     Weston
Downing       William        14      125N       59W     Newport
Doyle         Michael        31      127N       56W     Wismer
Drake         James          11      127N       58W     Miller
Draper        Vincent        17      128N       58W     Newark
Draper        Vincent        20      128N       58W     Newark
Drew          Jennie         15      125N       57W     Sisseton
Droyer        Robert         28      128N       58W     Newark
DuMarce       Babtiste       24      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Baptiste, Jr.  26      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Harry          23      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Hazen          25      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Hazen          26      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Hermon         24      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Julia          25      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Julia          26      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Julia          26      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Mabel          25      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Mabel          26      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Samuel         24      127N       54W     Dumarce
DuMarce       Samuel         26      127N       54W     Dumarce
Duffey        Robert         30      127N       59W     Stena
Dumarce       Lydia          19      127N       53W     McKinley
Duncan        David          24      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Dunn          John           18      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dunn          Mary Ellen     07      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dunne         Frank          07      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dunne         Frank          18      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dunne         Richard        07      125N       57W     Sisseton
Dyer          Robert         29      128N       58W     Newark
Dyer          Samuel         32      128N       58W     Newark
Dyer          William        20      128N       58W     Newark
Eaton         Daniel         09      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eaton         George         17      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eaton         John           17      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eaton         LeRoy          03      125N       57W     Sisseton
Eby           Arthur         27      128N       59W     Dayton
Echew         Tavor          06      126N       56W     Hamilton
Eckew         Tavor          07      126N       56W     Hamilton
Edson         Daniel         27      127N       59W     Stena
Edson         Daniel         27      129N       53W     Veblen
Edson         Daniel         28      129N       53W     Veblen
Edson         Daniel         33      127N       59W     Stena
Edwards       Ellis          09      125N       58W     Hickman
Edwards       Mathew         11      127N       59W     Stena
Egger         John           33      127N       53W     McKinley
Eggers        Johan          04      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eklund        C. H.          27      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eklund        John           22      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eldist        Michael        22      127N       53W     McKinley
Elid          Ole            25      128N       56W     Victor
Ellie         Ahmmad         33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Elliot        Ezra           28      127N       59W     Stena
Elliot        John           28      127N       59W     Stena
Ellis         Augustus       13      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ellithorpe    Emily          17      126N       59W     Weston
Ellithorpe    Emily          28      126N       59W     Weston
Ellsworth     Henry          01      128N       56W     Victor
Ellsworth     Henry          06      128N       55W     Victor
Ellsworth     Henry          07      128N       55W     Victor
Ellsworth     Orvia          02      128N       56W     Victor
Ellsworth     Samuel         07      128N       55W     Victor
Elsen         Al             10      128N       54W     LaBelle
Elsen         Charles        17      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Elsner        Wilhelm        07      125N       56W     Fort
Elsner        Wilhelm        12      125N       57W     Sisseton
Elson         George         15      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Elsworth      Charles        32      129N       54W     LaBelle
Elsworth      Henry          15      126N       57W     Waverly
Elsworth      Samuel         03      128N       56W     Victor
Elsworth      Samuel         04      128N       56W     Victor
Elsworth      Samuel         12      128N       56W     Victor
Emerson       Emert          05      126N       59W     Weston
Emerson       John           01      126N       59W     Weston
Emerson       Robert         12      126N       59W     Weston
Emerson       Robert         13      126N       59W     Weston
Emma                         20      127N       53W     McKinley
Endwine       George         12      127N       59W     Stena
Engoarson     Nels           01      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Engoarson     Nels           02      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Engstrom      Johan          12      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ericksen      Nicklas        26      125N       57W     Sisseton
Erickson      John           17      126N       57W     Waverly
Ericson       Sam            17      128N       54W     LaBelle
Erkman        Jacob          15      127N       53W     McKinley
Esberg        August         06      125N       57W     Sisseton
Eskelson      Eskel          35      125N       53W     Buffalo
Estabrook     Charles        31      125N       58W     Hickman
Estefanopoly  Nicholas       17      128N       57W     White
Evans         Ann            30      125N       58W     Hickman
Evans         Wiliam         32      126N       58W     Lowell
Eve                          10      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Eve                          11      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Evens         John           32      126N       58W     Lowell
Evens         Lincoln        15      126N       59W     Weston
Evens         Robert         09      125N       58W     Hickman
Evenson       John           01      128N       54W     LaBelle
Evenson       Sever          02      128N       54W     LaBelle
Everson       Henry          07      126N       59W     Weston
Fa-Ta-Wi-Ca-Wa               23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Fa-Ta-Wi-Ca-Wa               24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Fa-Ta-Wi-Cu-Wa               09      128N       53W     Veblen
Fagerland     Andrew         02      128N       53W     Veblen
Fagerland     Hans           25      125N       57W     Sisseton
Fagerland     Hans           30      125N       56W     Fort
Fanazakan     Essau          30      127N       53W     McKinley
Fanazakan     Essau          31      127N       53W     McKinley
Farge         Kaiser         09      128N       54W     LaBelle
Farley        Charles        06      126N       59W     Weston
Farley        Daniel         06      126N       59W     Weston
Farrar        Frank          04      128N       58W     Newark
Farrell       Charles        12      126N       57W     Waverly
Fastbear      John           14      127N       53W     McKinley
Felton        Edgar          22      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Felton        Edgar          27      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Ferris        Francis        01      125N       57W     Sisseton
Filbert       Mussena        28      128N       56W     Victor
Fisher        George         02      127N       59W     Stena
Fisher        John           32      129N       53W     Veblen
Fisher        Phillip        10      128N       59W     Dayton
Fisher        Phillip        14      128N       59W     Dayton
Fisher        William        03      128N       59W     Dayton
Fitch         Enoch          27      128N       58W     Newark
Fitting       Jennie         11      126N       54W     Lake
Fitting       Mary           11      126N       54W     Lake
Fitting       Peter          11      126N       54W     Lake
Fitting       Rudolph        15      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Fjell         John           19      125N       56W     Fort
Fjell         John           30      125N       56W     Fort
Fjelseth      Nils           29      128N       53W     Veblen
Fladly        Betsy          31      129N       54W     LaBelle
Fladly        John           30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Fladly        Martin         30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Fladly        William        30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Flaherty      William        01      125N       53W     Buffalo
Flatehval     Eric           30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Fletcher      Allie          23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Fletcher      Hamilton       19      127N       59W     Stena
Fletcher      William        31      128N       59W     Dayton
Flexhaug      Syver          17      128N       54W     LaBelle
Flick         George         04      127N       53W     McKinley
Flick         George         05      127N       53W     McKinley
Flick         Jeremiah       20      127N       59W     Stena
Floe          Peter          34      125N       53W     Buffalo
Flood         George         04      128N       58W     Newark
Floyd         Susan          10      126N       58W     Lowell
Flynn         Patrick        31      128N       55W     Norland
Ford          Frank          12      126N       59W     Weston
Ford          Fred           13      126N       59W     Weston
Ford          May            11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Ford          May            14      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Fordyce       Archabald      11      127N       53W     McKinley
Forrester     Martin         33      128N       54W     LaBelle
Forrester     Martin         34      128N       54W     LaBelle
Fouts         George         14      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Fouts         George         23      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Franier       Augustus       23      127N       53W     McKinley
Frank         Andrew         14      126N       59W     Weston
Freeman       David          03      126N       57W     Waverly
Freiss        Fred           08      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Friech        Arthur         35      126N       57W     Waverly
Fritz         George         28      128N       56W     Victor
Fritz         George         29      128N       56W     Victor
Fugate        Joseph         34      128N       57W     White
Fuhlke        Ferdinand      17      127N       58W     Miller
Fuller        Albert         13      128N       59W     Dayton
Fuller        William        09      128N       59W     Dayton
Funston       Ben            14      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Funston       George         23      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Furber        Charles        25      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Furber        Charles        26      127N       58W     Miller
G.            George         30      126N       59W     Weston
G.            William        31      126N       59W     Weston
G?chida       John           08      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Gabrielson    Ellen          31      128N       56W     Victor
Gage          George         19      126N       58W     Lowell
Gallermann    Sophia         18      128N       57W     White
Gallin        Engebert       09      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gamache ?     Joseph         32      125N       58W     Hickman
Gamble        Aaron          23      126N       59W     Weston
Ganeache      Ferdenand      33      125N       58W     Hickman
Gardner       Nilson         12      125N       59W     Newport
Gardner       William        22      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gaston        Annie          31      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gaub          Emma           27      125N       58W     Hickman
Gaylor        Frank          03      127N       58W     Miller
Geberrich     Charles        19      125N       58W     Hickman
Genal         John           15      126N       54W     Lake
Gerberich     Joseph         30      125N       58W     Hickman
Gerberick     Henry          30      125N       58W     Hickman
Gerberick     Henry          31      125N       58W     Hickman
Gerberick     Joseph         31      125N       58W     Hickman
Germanson     Frank          12      125N       58W     Hickman
Gianella      Jacob          15      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Gianella      Jacob          15      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Gibloney      James          32      126N       59W     Weston
Gibson        Anna           34      128N       53W     Veblen
Gilbert       James          17      128N       59W     Dayton
Gilbertsen    Julia          24      125N       53W     Buffalo
Gilbertson    Bell           09      127N       58W     Miller
Gilchrist     Charles        25      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gitting       Walter         11      126N       54W     Lake
Glader        Gustaf         30      125N       57W     Sisseton
Glader        John           14      125N       58W     Hickman
Gleaser       John           35      125N       58W     Hickman
Glommes       Jorgen         35      125N       53W     Buffalo
Glomstad      Hans           11      127N       56W     Norland
Goddard       Alonzo         10      128N       58W     Newark
Goddard       Alonzo         13      128N       58W     Newark
Goddard       Alonzo         22      128N       58W     Newark
Goggin        Timothy        05      127N       55W     Norland
Goggin        Timothy        08      127N       55W     Norland
Goinnes       Fred           14      127N       59W     Stena
Golberg       Ole            01      127N       56W     Norland
Goldsmith     Julius         26      128N       56W     Victor
Goodand       Lucy           03      126N       54W     Lake
Goodbird      Amos           24      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      David          05      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Goodbird      Eliza          33      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Etta           34      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Jacob          27      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Josephine      32      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Louise         34      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Mary           28      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Moses          27      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Moses          34      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Thomas         27      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Titus          32      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodbird      Titus          33      127N       53W     McKinley
Goodrike      Joel A.        02      128N       56W     Victor
Goodsell      Charles        05      127N       58W     Miller
Goolsbey      James          30      128N       56W     Victor
Goolsbey      William        27      128N       56W     Victor
Goolthrite    Amanda         35      126N       59W     Weston
Goolthrite    Charles        34      126N       59W     Weston
Gorey         Owen           33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Goss          Charles        34      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Goudie        John           26      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Gould         Silas          21      126N       59W     Weston
Gould         Silas          28      126N       59W     Weston
Gouldie       Gilbert        25      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Graham        Frank          09      126N       57W     Waverly
Graham        James          04      126N       57W     Waverly
Gran          Fred           29      126N       57W     Waverly
Grant         Alonzo         05      128N       57W     White
Grant         Archie         05      128N       57W     White
Grant         Eliza          08      128N       57W     White
Grant         John           05      128N       57W     White
Grant         Philip         31      125N       58W     Hickman
Gray          Eliza          10      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Gray          Samuel         10      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Grayfoot      Jacob          01      127N       53W     McKinley
Grayfoot      Jacob          13      127N       53W     McKinley
Grayfoot      Jacob          23      127N       53W     McKinley
Greely        Adam           04      128N       54W     LaBelle
Green         D.             22      126N       57W     Waverly
Green         George         29      128N       57W     White
Green         John           29      125N       57W     Sisseton
Green         Theron         18      127N       59W     Stena
Green         Willet         33      127N       59W     Stena
Greenhalph    Daniel         19      126N       57W     Waverly
Greenhalph    Daniel         30      126N       57W     Waverly
Greenwood     William        07      128N       59W     Dayton
Gregory       Hiram          13      127N       58W     Miller
Gregory       Mary           01      125N       57W     Sisseton
Gregory       Sue            11      125N       57W     Sisseton
Gregory       Warner         11      125N       57W     Sisseton
Gregory       Warner         12      125N       57W     Sisseton
Griffeth      Helen          31      127N       59W     Stena
Griffeth      Mary           31      127N       59W     Stena
Griffeth      Mary           31      127N       59W     Stena
Griffin       Almor          13      127N       53W     McKinley
Griffin       May            17      128N       59W     Dayton
Griffis       Orville        09      128N       58W     Newark
Griffiths     William        01      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Grimm         Clarence       15      128N       59W     Dayton
Grimm         Clarence       15      128N       59W     Dayton
Grimserud     John           05      127N       55W     Norland
Grimsrud      Edward         18      128N       55W     Victor
Grimsrud      Edward         19      128N       56W     Victor
Grimsrud      Mads           24      128N       56W     Victor
Grissrud      Otto           20      128N       54W     LaBelle
Grive         William        01      127N       58W     Miller
Gronseth      Ander          15      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gronseth      Anders         10      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gronseth      Forster        07      127N       56W     Norland
Gronseth      K. G.          02      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gronseth      K. G.          04      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gronseth      K. G.          11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gronseth      Toreston       13      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gronseth      Torgus         10      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gruber        Jacob          04      126N       59W     Weston
Grupe         Gustav         03      127N       59W     Stena
Grupe         Gustav         20      127N       58W     Miller
Grupe         Gustave        10      127N       59W     Stena
Grupe         Joseph         06      127N       58W     Miller
Grupe         Joseph         10      127N       59W     Stena
Gullickson    Gilbert        19      125N       59W     Newport
Gullickson    Gust           12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Gundersen     Nels           02      127N       56W     Norland
Gunderson     Gilbert        12      128N       56W     Victor
Gunderson     Gunder         18      127N       56W     Norland
Gunderson     Jacob          33      129N       53W     Veblen
Gunderson     Nels           01      127N       56W     Norland
Gunderson     Ole            10      127N       56W     Norland
Gunderson     Ole            10      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Gundy         Denzil         29      127N       59W     Stena
Gustafson     Andrew         34      128N       57W     White
Gutchell      William        08      128N       53W     Veblen
Gutormson     John           08      128N       54W     LaBelle
Guy           John           35      127N       58W     Miller
H.            Henry          17      125N       59W     Newport
Haag          Henry          12      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Habbell       Elmer          24      127N       59W     Stena
Hachett       Orsemus        04      128N       59W     Dayton
Hackett       Cora           25      126N       57W     Waverly
Haduto        Echa           25      127N       53W     McKinley
Hafland       Christian      17      127N       53W     McKinley
Hafland       Inglebrigt     08      127N       53W     McKinley
Hag??         Ole            15      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Hagen         Ole            04      128N       57W     White
Haggerty      John           02      127N       54W     Dumarce
Haggerty      John           11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Haight        Edward         22      128N       59W     Dayton
Haight        Frank          24      128N       59W     Dayton
Haight        John           11      128N       59W     Dayton
Haight        John           23      128N       59W     Dayton
Haight        Robert         23      128N       59W     Dayton
Haight        William        13      128N       59W     Dayton
Haight        William        23      128N       59W     Dayton
Haines        David          10      128N       59W     Dayton
Hal           Alfred         28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Hal           Alfred         29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Halbauer      John           13      125N       54W     Eden
Halbauer      John           14      125N       54W     Eden
Halbauer      John           26      125N       55W     Eden
Hall          Alexander      08      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Hall          Edwina         12      128N       54W     Lake
Hall          Elisha         22      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hall          George         04      127N       56W     Norland
Hall          George         28      128N       56W     Victor
Hall          John           12      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hall          Osborn         26      125N       58W     Hickman
Hall          Stephen        02      126N       58W     Lowell
Hall\Hull     Nellie         33      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Halle         Fredrick       04      127N       56W     Norland
Halle         Fredrick       05      127N       56W     Norland
Halle         Henry          32      128N       56W     Victor
Halseth       Halvor         32      129N       53W     Veblen
Halvorson     Anna           29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Hamer         John           25      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hamme         Karl           28      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hammer        Andrew         19      125N       56W     Fort
Hammer        Juline         27      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hammer        Juline         34      128N       54W     LaBelle
Han-Ye-Tu                    21      128N       53W     Veblen
Handeland     Lars           31      126N       56W     Hamilton
Handeland     Ole            31      126N       56W     Hamilton
Hangen        Mary           24      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hangs         Aslak          13      127N       56W     Norland
Hanks         Oliver         17      128N       57W     White
Hanner        John Homer or  30      125N       56W     Fort
Hannun        Horace         32      129N       54W     LaBelle
Hanon         Belle          11      125N       58W     Hickman
Hanon         David          11      125N       58W     Hickman
Hanon         Joseph         02      125N       58W     Hickman
Hanon         Lillie         13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hanon         Lillie         14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hansen        Gilbert        01      126N       58W     Lowell
Hansen        Hans           11      127N       56W     Norland
Hansen        Hans           12      127N       56W     Norland
Hansen        Jahanniva      12      127N       56W     Norland
Hansen        Johanniva      11      127N       56W     Norland
Hansen        John           18      127N       53W     McKinley
Hansen        John           30      128N       55W     Victor
Hanson        August         25      129N       53W     Veblen
Hanson        Barney         30      127N       53W     McKinley
Hanson        Carl Oscar     12      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hanson        Carl Oscar     13      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hanson        Christian      27      129N       53W     Veblen
Hanson        Hans           24      127N       58W     Miller
Hanson        Helmar         26      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hanson        Jacob          14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hanson        Jacob          22      128N       57W     White
Hanson        John           07      128N       56W     Victor
Hanson        John           24      128N       56W     Victor
Hanson        John           25      128N       53W     Veblen
Hanson        John           26      128N       53W     Veblen
Hanson        Lars           27      129N       53W     Veblen
Hanson        Ole            32      128N       57W     White
Hanson        Thomas         18      128N       58W     Newark
Hansun        Hans J.        11      128N       53W     Veblen
Hards         Arthur         17      127N       59W     Stena
Hards         Nelson         17      127N       59W     Stena
Harrell       Ann            10      128N       58W     Newark
Harrington    Bert           02      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Harrington    Gervis         12      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Harris        Frank          06      125N       56W     Fort
Hartl         William        31      128N       57W     White
Hartvedt      Mary           32      126N       57W     Waverly
Hastings      David          21      128N       59W     Dayton
Hathaway      Thomas         05      126N       58W     Lowell
Hauer         Charles        21      126N       59W     Weston
Haugen        Math           29      128N       54W     LaBelle
Haustraud     August         19      125N       59W     Newport
Haverly       John           01      128N       57W     White
Haverly       John           14      128N       57W     White
Haverly       John           15      128N       57W     White
Haverly       Severt         10      128N       57W     White
Hawley        Michael        22      128N       53W     Veblen
Hawnem        Ole            01      127N       56W     Norland
Hawthorne     Charles        23      125N       58W     Hickman
Hawthorne     Robert         24      125N       59W     Newport
Hay           Ralph          12      127N       58W     Miller
He-Ca-Pe                     32      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Heath         Arthur         31      129N       54W     LaBelle
Heath         George         30      127N       58W     Miller
Heath         Lafayette      30      127N       58W     Miller
Heath         Royal          03      128N       56W     Victor
Hedger        Joseph         35      128N       59W     Dayton
Hegdahl       Stoley         07      128N       58W     Newark
Heggeset      Margaret       26      128N       54W     LaBelle
Heggeset      Rorgen         25      128N       54W     LaBelle
Heggeset      Sander         22      128N       54W     LaBelle
Heggeset      Sander         23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Heggeset      Torgen         26      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hein          Carl           19      128N       58W     Newark
Hein          Martin         19      128N       58W     Newark
Heinzeire     Michael        14      127N       58W     Miller
Heitman       Nicholas       35      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hellerud      Andrew         15      128N       53W     Veblen
Hellerud      Anna           14      128N       53W     Veblen
Helleson      Anne           22      128N       54W     LaBelle
Helseth       Iver           25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Hemmingson    Gabrial        15      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hemmingson    Gabrial        22      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hemmingson    Hans           32      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hendricksen   M.             32      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hendricksen   M.             33      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hennen        Nick           23      125N       55W     Eden
Henrickson    Hans           34      125N       57W     Sisseton
Henry         Mary           20      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Hepp          Daniel         19      128N       59W     Dayton
Hepp          Daniel         30      128N       59W     Dayton
Herrington    B.             31      128N       58W     Newark
Herritt       John           32      127N       59W     Stena
Herrunau      Herbert        05      125N       59W     Newport
Hersey        Charles        25      125N       58W     Hickman
Hersey        Charles        30      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hertlina      Joseph         31      128N       57W     White
Hethan        Fred           14      128N       56W     Victor
Heydka        Mary           19      127N       53W     McKinley
Heyoke        Moses          06      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Hibner        William        06      125N       59W     Newport
Hibuer        William        31      126N       59W     Weston
Hickman       George         08      125N       58W     Hickman
Hicks         Nelson         33      126N       57W     Waverly
Hildre        Oscar          07      127N       56W     Norland
Hildre        Oscar          18      127N       56W     Norland
Hildreth      Leverett       17      127N       56W     Norland
Hildseth      Oscar          32      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hilernan      Joseph         26      128N       59W     Dayton
Hilestad      Peder          35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Hill          Chester        03      127N       58W     Miller
Hill          John           35      129N       53W     Veblen
Hill          Louis          18      127N       53W     McKinley
Hill          Manta          31      129N       53W     Veblen
Hill          Mary           18      127N       53W     McKinley
Hill          Mary           18      127N       53W     McKinley
Hillestad     Martin         18      128N       53W     Veblen
Hillestad     Peter          02      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hillrey       Stella         06      125N       59W     Newport
Hilstad       Jacob          23      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hilstad       John           22      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hilton        Ruswell        22      126N       59W     Weston
Hilyar        William        13      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Hilyar        William        24      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Hinkley       Henry          26      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Hinkley       William        20      128N       56W     Victor
Ho-Opi-Ro-Te-Wi              12      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Hoaas?        Michael        30      129N       53W     Veblen
Hoen          Theodore       34      126N       58W     Lowell
Hoffman       Peter          12      128N       59W     Dayton
Hoffman       Simon          13      127N       53W     McKinley
Hoffman       Simon          14      127N       53W     McKinley
Hofland       Christine      08      127N       53W     McKinley
Hofland       John           08      127N       53W     McKinley
Hofland       John           09      127N       53W     McKinley
Hofland       Nils           07      127N       53W     McKinley
Hoines        Claus          01      128N       53W     Veblen
Holbrook      Charles        32      129N       54W     LaBelle
Holden        Arthur         14      126N       57W     Waverly
Holden        Arthur         15      126N       57W     Waverly
Holdeuby      Samuel         33      127N       58W     Miller
Holdredge     Adelbert       31      125N       58W     Hickman
Holen         Hans           19      126N       56W     Hamilton
Holen         Ole            23      128N       57W     White
Holen         Ole            24      126N       57W     Waverly
Holland       Gunder         34      125N       57W     Sisseton
Holland       Serner         11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Holland       Serner         14      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Holm          John           22      125N       53W     Buffalo
Holm          John           26      125N       53W     Buffalo
Holm          John           27      125N       53W     Buffalo
Holm          Paul           15      128N       57W     White
Holm          Sara           12      125N       53W     Buffalo
Holm          W. N.          18      125N       56W     Fort
Holman        Edward         34      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Holmes        Sarah          19      125N       56W     Fort
Holmquist     Frank          23      125N       59W     Newport
Holnedeu      Thomas         27      127N       58W     Miller
Holt          Jonas          08      125N       59W     Newport
Homo          Engebright     17      128N       58W     Newark
Hoo?ven       John           10      128N       57W     White
Hooen         John           02      128N       57W     White
Hoof          Enock          10      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hoop          Elizabeth      15      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hoop          Elizabeth      22      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hoop          John           22      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hoop          Louise         14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hoop          Louise         23      127N       54W     Dumarce
Hoop          Phillip        05      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hoover        George, Sr.    24      128N       59W     Dayton
Hopkins       James          14      127N       59W     Stena
Horneland     Michael        13      128N       53W     Veblen
Horton        Abrah          34      125N       59W     Newport
Horton ?      Samuel         32      125N       58W     Hickman
Hough         John           08      126N       57W     Waverly
Hough         William        18      126N       57W     Waverly
Howe          Addie          31      128N       55W     Norland
Howe          Frank          14      125N       59W     Newport
Howe          Samuel         03      125N       59W     Newport
Howe          Samuel         33      125N       59W     Newport
Howell        Peter          03      128N       58W     Newark
Hoyd          Lina           28      125N       59W     Newport
Hubbell       LeRoy          25      127N       59W     Stena
Hubbell       LeRoy          26      127N       59W     Stena
Hubbell       LeRoy          27      127N       58W     Miller
Hubbell       Shadrach       24      127N       59W     Stena
Hudson        George         01      126N       57W     Waverly
Hudson        George         34      127N       58W     Miller
Huet          August         27      125N       57W     Sisseton
Huges         Thomas         19      126N       58W     Lowell
Hughes        Hugh           07      126N       58W     Lowell
Hughes        John           30      128N       58W     Newark
Hughes        Katie          08      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hughes        Mary           09      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hughes        Oliver         30      126N       58W     Lowell
Hughes        Owen           29      126N       58W     Lowell
Hughes        Robert         32      126N       57W     Waverly
Hughes        Sarah          19      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hughes        Thomas         05      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hughes        Thomas         08      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hult          Gustaf         11      125N       58W     Hickman
Hult          Peter          04      125N       57W     Sisseton
Hummell       George         03      125N       53W     Buffalo
Hunt          Allen          26      128N       58W     Newark
Hunt          Alvan          19      127N       59W     Stena
Hunter        Joseph         33      129N       53W     Veblen
Huntley       Charles        05      128N       59W     Dayton
Hurlbert      Florence       11      127N       59W     Stena
Hurlburt      Seth           35      127N       59W     Stena
Husby         Peter          15      127N       56W     Norland
Huvey         Gordon         21      126N       59W     Weston
Huvey         Hiram          22      126N       59W     Weston
Hval          Nels           10      127N       56W     Norland
Icaue         David          20      126N       58W     Lowell
Impekoven     Christian      29      128N       58W     Newark
Impekoven     Henry          30      128N       58W     Newark
Impekoven     Henry          35      128N       59W     Dayton
Ingersoll     Clarence       29      127N       59W     Stena
Inglis        William        27      128N       59W     Dayton
Ireland       Elon           15      125N       59W     Newport
Ireland       Elon           24      125N       59W     Newport
Iverson       Andrew         23      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Iverson       Knud           27      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Iya-Hof-An-Ka Edwin          24      127N       53W     McKinley
JKanssen      S.             12      125N       59W     Newport
Jackam        John           07      125N       56W     Fort
Jackman       Frederick      05      128N       56W     Victor
Jackman       William        04      128N       56W     Victor
Jackson       B.             03      125N       59W     Newport
Jackson       Barnabas       25      126N       59W     Weston
Jackson       Chauncey       23      127N       58W     Miller
Jackson       George         23      126N       59W     Weston
Jackson       Herbert        07      127N       53W     McKinley
Jackson       Herbert        18      127N       53W     McKinley
Jackson       Hugh           11      127N       53W     McKinley
Jackson       Jethro         30      126N       58W     Lowell
Jackson       John           19      127N       53W     McKinley
Jackson       John           25      126N       59W     Weston
Jacobson      Andrew         11      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jacobson      Andrew         14      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jacobson      Elias          14      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jacobson      John           26      129N       53W     Veblen
Jacobson      Lizzie         11      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jacobson      Martin         26      129N       53W     Veblen
Jacobson      Samuel         01      127N       56W     Norland
Jacobson      Samuel         12      127N       56W     Norland
Jacobson      Syver          31      125N       56W     Fort
Jacox         Lyman          22      127N       58W     Miller
Jacox         Lyman          24      126N       59W     Weston
Jahring       Fredrich       14      127N       58W     Miller
James                        25      129N       54W     LaBelle
James         Charley        34      128N       57W     White
James         Porter         25      127N       59W     Stena
Jane                         20      127N       53W     McKinley
Janisch       George         18      125N       53W     Buffalo
Janisch       Henry          12      125N       54W     Eden
Janisch       Joseph         18      125N       53W     Buffalo
Janisch       Michael        10      126N       54W     Lake
Janish        Julius         07      125N       53W     Buffalo
Janish        Michael        07      125N       53W     Buffalo
Janish        Michael        08      125N       53W     Buffalo
Jchwartz      Johann         12      126N       54W     Lake
Jennen        Peter          27      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jennen        Theodore       23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jennen        Theodore       26      128N       54W     LaBelle
Jensen        George         34      128N       56W     Victor
Jensen        Hans           17      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Jensen        Jens           35      125N       57W     Sisseton
Jensen        Nels           13      125N       57W     Sisseton
Jensen        Nels           24      125N       57W     Sisseton
Jensen        Peter          02      127N       56W     Norland
Jenson        Niels          24      125N       57W     Sisseton
Jensvold      Gilbert        33      129N       53W     Veblen
Jewell        Helen          27      126N       59W     Weston
Jewell        Henry          13      126N       59W     Weston
Jewell        Louise         34      126N       59W     Weston
Jewell        Sophia         27      126N       59W     Weston
Johanes       Johanes        12      127N       56W     Norland
Johanes       Johanes        13      127N       56W     Norland
John                         27      127N       53W     McKinley
John                         35      129N       54W     LaBelle
John          Albert         35      128N       53W     Veblen
John          Sarah          35      128N       53W     Veblen
Johnson       Alfred         15      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Alfred         33      128N       57W     White
Johnson       Anna           17      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Carl           28      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Christopher Roo30      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Johnson       Ed             04      127N       54W     Dumarce
Johnson       Ellef          18      127N       55W     Norland
Johnson       Frank          11      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Fred           14      128N       58W     Newark
Johnson       Fred           29      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Fred           34      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Fredrick       29      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Hans           29      125N       59W     Newport
Johnson       Hans           35      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Johnson       Hans           35      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Johnson       Homer          14      128N       58W     Newark
Johnson       Ingeborg       13      127N       56W     Norland
Johnson       Ingeborg       14      127N       56W     Norland
Johnson       J. O.          12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Johnson       John           02      127N       56W     Norland
Johnson       John           03      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       John           03      127N       56W     Norland
Johnson       John           09      125N       59W     Newport
Johnson       John           26      125N       53W     Buffalo
Johnson       John           27      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       John           27      126N       57W     Waverly
Johnson       John           30      126N       56W     Hamilton
Johnson       John           32      126N       57W     Waverly
Johnson       John           35      125N       53W     Buffalo
Johnson       Joseph         02      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Joseph         25      126N       57W     Waverly
Johnson       Lars           22      127N       59W     Stena
Johnson       Marcus         01      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Marcus         26      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Nathan         17      128N       59W     Dayton
Johnson       Ole            13      127N       56W     Norland
Johnson       Ole            15      125N       59W     Newport
Johnson       Oscar          06      125N       59W     Newport
Johnson       Oscar          07      125N       59W     Newport
Johnson       Oscar          07      125N       59W     Newport
Johnson       Peter          24      127N       56W     Wismer
Johnson       Peter          33      128N       54W     LaBelle
Johnson       Sophia         21      127N       53W     McKinley
Johnson       Viola          11      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Johnson       Walter         02      125N       57W     Sisseton
Johnson       Walter         35      126N       57W     Waverly
Johnston      William        01      127N       58W     Miller
Jonassan      Johannes       31      125N       56W     Fort
Jones         David          15      127N       54W     Dumarce
Jones         Edward         02      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Edward         11      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Evan           28      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Evan           29      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Frank          32      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Gomer          15      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Henry          08      128N       58W     Newark
Jones         Hugh           09      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Isaac          07      125N       58W     Hickman
Jones         John           03      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         John           04      125N       58W     Hickman
Jones         John           09      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         John           21      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Kittie         35      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Kittle         05      125N       58W     Hickman
Jones         Maggie         07      125N       58W     Hickman
Jones         Maggie         11      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Mary           32      125N       59W     Newport
Jones         Mary Ann       03      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Richard        02      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Richard        30      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         Richard        35      127N       58W     Miller
Jones         Susie          19      126N       58W     Lowell
Jones         W. J.          29      126N       59W     Weston
Jones         William        12      128N       53W     Veblen
Jones         William        34      126N       58W     Lowell
Jorde         Margit         32      129N       53W     Veblen
Jorde         Ole            28      129N       53W     Veblen
Jorgensberg   Nels           12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Jorgensborg   Nels           07      127N       53W     McKinley
Josefile      Anthony        11      128N       54W     LaBelle
Joseph        Albert         33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Joseph        Joseph         33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Joyce         James          08      128N       56W     Victor
Joyce         William        25      127N       58W     Miller
Judd          Lillian        32      128N       59W     Dayton
Judd          Richard        31      128N       59W     Dayton
Julien        Carl           02      125N       59W     Newport
K.            Charles        03      126N       59W     Weston
Kaas          Johannes       09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Kaas          John           07      128N       58W     Newark
Kaas          Otto           08      127N       54W     Dumarce
Kaderle       Frederick      34      127N       53W     McKinley
Kann          Maylon         24      126N       58W     Lowell
Kann??        Clinton        31      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Kanobbach     Adolph         34      125N       58W     Hickman
Karen         Elizabeth      28      127N       59W     Stena
Karls         Veronica       14      127N       53W     McKinley
Karls         Veronica       23      127N       53W     McKinley
Karn          Edwin          28      127N       59W     Stena
Karn          Ina            33      126N       57W     Waverly
Kay           William        01      128N       59W     Dayton
Kelley        Edward         28      129N       53W     Veblen
Kelley        Peter          29      128N       57W     White
Kelly         Bridgit        22      128N       54W     LaBelle
Kemsem        Christine      10      128N       54W     LaBelle
Kendhouse     Edmund         10      128N       59W     Dayton
Kenner        Christian      15      127N       58W     Miller
Kenner        John           23      126N       57W     Waverly
Kenney        Mortimer       03      128N       58W     Newark
Kenny         Martin         22      126N       59W     Weston
Kerlin        Frank          02      128N       53W     Veblen
Ketchan       Fred           23      128N       56W     Victor
Kettilson     Andrew         23      126N       58W     Lowell
Kilby         Capitola       09      128N       53W     Veblen
Kinajin       Harry          25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Kinajin       Nancy          25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Kinajin       Nancy          36      129N       54W     LaBelle
Kinejin       Viola          05      128N       54W     LaBelle
Kinejin       Viola          06      128N       54W     LaBelle
King          Amos           24      126N       54W     Lake
King          Elias          30      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Elias          30      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Elias          35      126N       54W     Lake
King          Elizabeth      19      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Elizabeth      25      126N       54W     Lake
King          Esther         23      126N       54W     Lake
King          Etta           23      126N       54W     Lake
King          Etta           23      126N       54W     Lake
King          Horace         25      126N       58W     Lowell
King          Horace         30      126N       57W     Waverly
King          James          24      127N       54W     Dumarce
King          Jay            23      126N       58W     Lowell
King          Jay            26      126N       58W     Lowell
King          John           35      126N       54W     Lake
King          Joseph         35      126N       54W     Lake
King          Mary           12      126N       54W     Lake
King          Mary           30      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Nancy          20      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Rebecca        19      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Samuel         19      126N       57W     Waverly
King          Samuel         30      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
King          Sh?m           14      126N       54W     Lake
King          Simon          23      126N       54W     Lake
King          Thom.          23      126N       54W     Lake
King          Wiliam         26      126N       58W     Lowell
King          Wililam        23      126N       58W     Lowell
Kingsbury     Bennie         11      128N       53W     Veblen
Kinjin        Nancy          31      129N       53W     Veblen
Kinneberg     ?ollef         06      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Kinnian       James          13      125N       58W     Hickman
Kintzel       Charles        08      128N       56W     Victor
Kipp          Jacob          11      125N       59W     Newport
Kittelson     Andrew         15      126N       58W     Lowell
Kiwa-Jin      Mary           25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Kjoren        Ole            25      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Klau?i?ter    Fred           04      128N       57W     White
Kle?stad      Christian      22      128N       57W     White
Klepstad      Austin         27      128N       57W     White
Kluchen       John           14      125N       53W     Buffalo
Kluken        John           22      125N       53W     Buffalo
Kndell        Ernest         01      125N       58W     Hickman
Knight        Leonard        33      125N       58W     Hickman
Knudson       John           04      128N       57W     White
Knudson       Lewis          10      128N       53W     Veblen
Knutson       John           06      127N       53W     McKinley
Knutson       Martin         25      129N       53W     Veblen
Koepsel       Frank          13      126N       59W     Weston
Koppi         Martin         33      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Koppy         Joseph         18      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Korsmo        Hans           26      125N       53W     Buffalo
Kostenburger  William        21      127N       59W     Stena
Kotschevan    John           01      125N       54W     Eden
Kraig         Andre          02      127N       54W     Dumarce
Kraig         Andrew         35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Kraig         Louis          35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Kreigir       Andrew         13      126N       57W     Waverly
Kreymer       Cornelius      29      125N       59W     Newport
Kreymer       George         20      125N       59W     Newport
Krieger       Frinse         26      127N       58W     Miller
Kringen       Iver           07      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Krista        Ferdinand      01      125N       54W     Eden
Krista        Ferdinand      35      125N       55W     Eden
Kroening      Otto           25      127N       53W     McKinley
Kruger        George         18      125N       56W     Fort
Kubela        Albert         32      128N       57W     White
Kuck          Jerry          25      127N       53W     McKinley
Kuck          Jerry          26      127N       53W     McKinley
Kuck          Jerry          26      127N       53W     McKinley
Kuck          John           25      127N       53W     McKinley
Kuehl         August         05      127N       56W     Norland
Kuehl         August         35      129N       53W     Veblen
Kuehl         Herman         05      127N       56W     Norland
Kuehl         Hermann        06      127N       56W     Norland
Kurth         Louis          05      128N       57W     White
Kvisle        Ole            34      128N       56W     Victor
LaBelle       Angie          21      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Baptiste       01      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Baptiste       06      128N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Baptiste       11      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Charles        31      129N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Cora           07      128N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Cora           10      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Edward         07      128N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Ella           07      128N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Ellen          25      129N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Emma           12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Frank          11      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Howard         01      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       J.             25      129N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       John           08      128N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Karen          31      129N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       Louis          25      129N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Louis          36      129N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary           10      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary           11      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary           12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary           14      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary           15      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary           15      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Mary Alice     22      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Nancy          11      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Peter          01      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Peter          10      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       Stephan        15      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       William        07      128N       53W     Veblen
LaBelle       William        12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       William        15      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaBelle       William        36      129N       54W     LaBelle
LaBlanc       Nancy          21      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
LaBlance      Joseph White   10      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
LaBlance      Joseph, Jr.    19      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
LaCroix       Alice          05      128N       53W     Veblen
LaCroix       Alice          12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Amelia         12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Amelia         14      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Anna           12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Anna           27      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Anna           28      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Catherine      06      128N       53W     Veblen
LaCroix       Clara          10      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Esther         27      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Esther         28      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Fred           12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Fred           13      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Fred           24      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Hasting        01      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Lewis          11      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Louis          01      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Madeline       11      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Madline        12      128N       54W     LaBelle
LaCroix       Peter          09      127N       53W     McKinley
LaCroix       Sarah          06      128N       53W     Veblen
LaDue         Edwin          31      126N       58W     Lowell
LaFramboise   Alexis         28      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Edward         27      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Glode          27      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Glode          32      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Joseph         27      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Lawrence       23      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Lawrence       26      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Madoline       28      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Sarah          22      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFramboise   Sarah          27      128N       53W     Veblen
LaFromboise   Edward         05      127N       53W     McKinley
LaFromboise   Joseph         06      127N       53W     McKinley
LaFromboise   Joseph         07      127N       53W     McKinley
LaFromboise   Josephine      05      127N       53W     McKinley
LaFromboise   Josephine      06      127N       53W     McKinley
LaLeroix      Albert         05      128N       53W     Veblen
LaLeroix      George         05      128N       53W     Veblen
LaLeroix      Nora           05      128N       53W     Veblen
LaMont        Washington     14      127N       59W     Stena
Ladd          Charles        07      128N       56W     Victor
Ladd          William        03      128N       56W     Victor
Ladue         Frank          22      125N       57W     Sisseton
Lainee        Peter          08      127N       56W     Norland
Laird         William        19      127N       59W     Stena
Lambert       Charles        24      128N       59W     Dayton
Lamberton     Frank          30      125N       58W     Hickman
Lan-Ku-Lo-Pa-Wi              30      127N       53W     McKinley
Lan-Ku-Lo-Pa-Wi              31      127N       53W     McKinley
Lanahan       John           15      127N       59W     Stena
Landdit       Arthur         14      127N       56W     Norland
Landin        August         27      128N       54W     LaBelle
Landro        Nils Jacobsen  31      125N       53W     Buffalo
Langan        John           22      127N       59W     Stena
Langaw        John           35      128N       58W     Newark
Langeberg     albert         33      128N       56W     Victor
Langfeld      Benjamin       12      128N       57W     White
Lanne         John           27      127N       59W     Stena
Lanney        Michael        23      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Lanum         John Anderson  26      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Lanz          Otto           07      128N       59W     Dayton
Larne         John           35      127N       59W     Stena
Larson        Andrew         02      126N       54W     Lake
Larson        Andrew         04      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Larson        Bernt          01      128N       53W     Veblen
Larson        Charles        13      127N       53W     McKinley
Larson        Halivor        15      127N       54W     Dumarce
Larson        Jacob          33      125N       57W     Sisseton
Larson        John           18      128N       58W     Newark
Larson        Lauris         13      128N       53W     Veblen
Larson        Martin         34      125N       57W     Sisseton
Larson        Ole            15      125N       53W     Buffalo
Larson        Ole            22      125N       53W     Buffalo
Lauder        Alexander      05      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Lauder        John           15      128N       56W     Victor
Lawreiz       William        26      128N       58W     Newark
Le??          Stefan         06      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Lea           Gul            11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Lea           John           33      128N       56W     Victor
Leach         Henry          13      128N       58W     Newark
Leavitt       John           35      125N       59W     Newport
Leavitt       John           35      125N       59W     Newport
Lee           John           02      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Lee           William        01      128N       56W     Victor
Lee           William        02      128N       56W     Victor
Leeish        August         26      129N       53W     Veblen
Leffingwell   Uzell          04      128N       56W     Victor
Lehamnn       Frank          30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Lehmann       August         30      129N       54W     LaBelle
Lehmann       Louis          01      128N       56W     Victor
Leland        Mathias        13      128N       57W     White
Leland        Mathias        35      128N       57W     White
Lennox        Henry          08      128N       56W     Victor
Lenssen       Henry          26      128N       54W     LaBelle
Leonard       J. F.          11      128N       58W     Newark
Lesher        Adelbert       29      125N       58W     Hickman
Levin         John           04      126N       58W     Lowell
Levin         John           18      126N       58W     Lowell
Lewis         James          12      127N       59W     Stena
Lewllyn       Elwood         03      125N       58W     Hickman
Lien          Kari           08      126N       59W     Weston
Lien          Kari           19      126N       56W     Hamilton
Lien          Nils           10      126N       58W     Lowell
Lien          Paul           23      127N       54W     Dumarce
Lien          Peter          01      127N       53W     McKinley
Likeness      Erik           11      128N       53W     Veblen
Liknes        Daniel         35      125N       57W     Sisseton
Liknes        Lars           01      128N       53W     Veblen
Likness       Daniel         35      125N       57W     Sisseton
Likness       George         11      128N       53W     Veblen
Lilbert       Fred           18      128N       56W     Victor
Linae         Fred           19      128N       56W     Victor
Lindboe       Edwin          02      127N       59W     Stena
Lindgren      Swen           19      125N       57W     Sisseton
Lindley       Jabes?         32      125N       58W     Hickman
Lindquist     Frank          17      125N       59W     Newport
Lindquist     Gus            31      128N       58W     Newark
Lindquist     John           20      125N       57W     Sisseton
Lindquist     John           29      125N       57W     Sisseton
Lindre        John           20      126N       57W     Waverly
Lindsey       Abraham        27      128N       53W     Veblen
Lindsey       Abraham        34      128N       53W     Veblen
Lineder       Axel           14      125N       58W     Hickman
Linn          Mary           17      125N       59W     Newport
Lins          William        30      128N       56W     Victor
Linse         Henry          26      128N       57W     White
Linse         William        24      128N       57W     White
Linse         Wm. G.         11      128N       57W     White
Linse         Wm. G.         12      128N       57W     White
Litch         Herbert        32      126N       59W     Weston
Liy-Aka       William        10      127N       53W     McKinley
Lobben        Henry          34      125N       53W     Buffalo
Loberg        John           18      127N       55W     Norland
Lockrem       Lauris         03      128N       53W     Veblen
Loeb          Martin         08      125N       53W     Buffalo
Lofquist      Lewis          04      125N       57W     Sisseton
Long          Garris         19      126N       59W     Weston
Long          William        01      125N       53W     Buffalo
Longmore      Samuel         31      126N       57W     Waverly
Loomis        George         04      128N       59W     Dayton
Loomis        Jerome         01      128N       59W     Dayton
Lorens        William        10      125N       59W     Newport
Lovejoy       George         06      126N       59W     Weston
Loveland      Cyrens         25      125N       58W     Hickman
Loveland      Cyreus         30      125N       57W     Sisseton
Loveland      Robert         13      125N       59W     Newport
Lovig         Olaf           25      125N       53W     Buffalo
Luce          Fremont        01      126N       59W     Weston
Luce          Julius         10      126N       59W     Weston
Ludlow        Eugene         07      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Lundaren      Henry          06      127N       59W     Stena
Lundberg      Charles        18      125N       59W     Newport
Lunddit       Arthur         15      127N       56W     Norland
Lunde         Gilbert L.     01      125N       53W     Buffalo
Lunde         Ole            02      125N       53W     Buffalo
Lyers         John           08      127N       59W     Stena
Lyle          George         17      128N       56W     Victor
Lyle          Ralph          20      128N       56W     Victor
Lyle          Ralph          21      128N       56W     Victor
Lyon          Hiram          07      128N       59W     Dayton
Lyon          John           12      128N       56W     Victor
Lyons         Levi           09      125N       59W     Newport
Lyons         Mahlon         01      128N       56W     Victor
Lyons         William        33      125N       59W     Newport
M.            Nancy          04      128N       54W     LaBelle
M.            William        35      128N       58W     Newark
Ma-Ni-Wi-Ya-  Ye-Win         26      129N       54W     LaBelle
Machmiller    Otto           22      125N       58W     Hickman
Madison       Carl           27      129N       53W     Veblen
Madole        Benjamin       32      127N       58W     Miller
Madole        James          32      127N       58W     Miller
Madsen        Lars           13      126N       58W     Lowell
Madsen        Ole            19      128N       55W     Victor
Madsen        Ole            19      128N       58W     Newark
Magenton      H.             18      126N       56W     Hamilton
Maka          John           13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Maka          John           14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Make          Julia          35      129N       54W     LaBelle
Make          Moses          29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Make          Moses          35      129N       54W     LaBelle
Makens        James          27      126N       58W     Lowell
Makuis        Thomas         28      126N       58W     Lowell
Mallinger     Jacob          20      128N       53W     Veblen
Malm          Mary           10      125N       59W     Newport
Malm          Peter          10      125N       59W     Newport
Malthisen     Theodore       03      128N       57W     White
Man-Pei-Ya-   Hu-Tan-Ka      17      128N       53W     Veblen
Man-Pi-Ja-Ho- Tan-Ka         03      128N       54W     LaBelle
Man-Pi-Ya-Ha-TNancy          17      128N       53W     Veblen
Manchaus      Moses          10      128N       56W     Victor
Mansfield     Silas          09      128N       56W     Victor
Marabekh      Joseph         27      128N       54W     LaBelle
Marble        Davis          21      128N       56W     Victor
Marble        Davis          22      128N       56W     Victor
Marble        Truman         04      125N       59W     Newport
Margpipagewin Emma           28      125N       53W     Buffalo
Mari          Napthiah       23      127N       53W     McKinley
Marion        John           27      128N       58W     Newark
Marion        Madison        25      128N       58W     Newark
Marion        Mark           26      128N       58W     Newark
Marion        Mark           27      128N       58W     Newark
Marion        Michael        14      128N       58W     Newark
Marion        Peter          22      128N       58W     Newark
Marion        Peter          25      128N       58W     Newark
Marken        Iver           04      127N       54W     Dumarce
Marlow        Anna           19      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Marlow        George         34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlow        George         34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlow        Louie          26      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlow        Louis          35      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlow        Mary           25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlow        Mary           26      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlow        Solomon        26      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlowe       Emma           26      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlowe       Emma           27      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlowe       Geo.           27      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marlowe       Solomon        34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Marpe         Bernard        13      125N       57W     Sisseton
Marpe         Bernard        13      125N       57W     Sisseton
Marpe         Bernard        13      125N       57W     Sisseton
Marpe         Frederick      14      125N       57W     Sisseton
Marpe         Louie          10      125N       57W     Sisseton
Marsh         George         29      127N       59W     Stena
Marsh         Irving         33      127N       58W     Miller
Marsh         Oliver         33      127N       59W     Stena
Marsh         Sameul         34      127N       59W     Stena
Martin                       13      127N       58W     Miller
Martin        Patrick        20      126N       58W     Lowell
Martinson     Nathaniel      06      126N       56W     Hamilton
Master        Gilbert        33      128N       56W     Victor
Masters       Albert         29      128N       56W     Victor
Masters       Gilbert        21      128N       56W     Victor
Masters       Isabella       29      128N       56W     Victor
Mather        Roy            13      126N       58W     Lowell
Matro         Moses          17      125N       53W     Buffalo
McArthur      Gilbert        21      128N       56W     Victor
McBain        Albert         20      128N       59W     Dayton
McCarthy      John           05      128N       59W     Dayton
McCray        Andy           32      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
McDearmon     Eva            10      127N       59W     Stena
McDermoth     Fred           34      127N       59W     Stena
McDonald      Fredrick       32      127N       53W     McKinley
McDonald      John           35      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
McDonnan      Calvin         08      128N       57W     White
McDonough     Thomas         01      127N       59W     Stena
McDonough     Thomas         12      127N       59W     Stena
McDuffie      Frank          17      125N       58W     Hickman
McEdowney     Augustus       10      127N       58W     Miller
McEldowney    Fred           07      128N       53W     Veblen
McGee         Archibald      12      126N       59W     Weston
McGinnis      Edward         02      127N       58W     Miller
McIntosh      Eliza          05      125N       57W     Sisseton
McIntosh      Eliza          17      125N       57W     Sisseton
McIntosh      George         08      125N       57W     Sisseton
McIntosh      Isabel         17      125N       57W     Sisseton
McIntyre      Dewitt         31      128N       57W     White
McKeil        Alexander      20      127N       53W     McKinley
McKinley      Duncan         20      128N       59W     Dayton
McKinley      Duncan         21      128N       59W     Dayton
McKinley      Duncan         22      128N       59W     Dayton
McKinley      Frank          30      127N       53W     McKinley
McKinley      W. N.          25      127N       54W     Dumarce
McKinney      Aaron          29      126N       59W     Weston
McKinney      Mathew         11      126N       59W     Weston
McLain        Mary           07      128N       53W     Veblen
McLain        Mary           13      128N       54W     LaBelle
McLain        Mary           18      128N       53W     Veblen
McLarron      Andrew         10      126N       57W     Waverly
McLarron      Andrew         11      126N       57W     Waverly
McLarron      John           11      126N       57W     Waverly
McLaughlin    Edwin          17      128N       56W     Victor
McLaughlin    John           20      128N       56W     Victor
McLaughlin    William        20      125N       58W     Hickman
McLean        John           17      127N       55W     Norland
McMichael     George         14      126N       57W     Waverly
McQuillin     Edward         29      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
McTighe       Francis        33      128N       54W     LaBelle
McTighe       John           29      128N       54W     LaBelle
McTighe       Patrick        33      128N       54W     LaBelle
McTighe       Patrick        34      128N       54W     LaBelle
McVean        John           28      128N       59W     Dayton
McVicar       James          06      126N       59W     Weston
McViegh       John           01      126N       59W     Weston
Mead          Oliver         19      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Meeker        Charles        22      128N       53W     Veblen
Mereim        Ole            30      125N       59W     Newport
Merrill       Edward         07      126N       59W     Weston
Merrill       Elsie          31      127N       58W     Miller
Merrill       James          31      127N       58W     Miller
Merritt       Richard        35      128N       57W     White
Mertz         George         18      128N       56W     Victor
Messerschmidt Fred           22      126N       57W     Waverly
Michlisch     Julius         24      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Michlitsch    Frank          12      125N       54W     Eden
Michlitsch    Ignatz         11      125N       54W     Eden
Mickelberg    Ole            35      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Mike          Red Hannded    35      128N       53W     Veblen
Mikkelson     Alick          28      128N       57W     White
Milander      Perry          35      128N       57W     White
Milender      Sarah          03      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Miles         LaMotte        15      128N       58W     Newark
Miles         Samuel         30      127N       58W     Miller
Miller        Alban          30      128N       59W     Dayton
Miller        Anna           29      127N       58W     Miller
Miller        Della          30      127N       59W     Stena
Miller        Dutton         29      127N       58W     Miller
Miller        Franic         24      128N       57W     White
Miller        Franic         25      128N       57W     White
Miller        James          20      127N       59W     Stena
Miller        Joseph         12      125N       57W     Sisseton
Miller        Joseph         29      127N       58W     Miller
Miller        Joseph         32      127N       58W     Miller
Miller        Matilda        01      126N       57W     Waverly
Millett       Fred           09      125N       59W     Newport
Mills         George         15      127N       59W     Stena
Mills         George         34      128N       59W     Dayton
Milner        George         07      126N       58W     Lowell
Mitchell      Charles        05      127N       58W     Miller
Mitchell      George         32      128N       58W     Newark
Mitchell      James          19      128N       56W     Victor
Mitchell      James          30      128N       56W     Victor
Mitchell      Oscar          32      128N       58W     Newark
Mitchell      William        01      128N       59W     Dayton
Mitchell      William        09      128N       59W     Dayton
Mitchlisctch  Stephen        35      125N       55W     Eden
Mitchlistch   Stephen        26      125N       55W     Eden
Mock          Joe            12      128N       58W     Newark
Moe           John           28      125N       57W     Sisseton
Moe           John           30      126N       56W     Hamilton
Moe           John           33      125N       57W     Sisseton
Moe           Martin         25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Moe           Martin         26      129N       54W     LaBelle
Moen          John           22      128N       57W     White
Moger         Albert         09      127N       56W     Norland
Monson        Orville        25      127N       53W     McKinley
Monson        Orville        26      127N       53W     McKinley
Monson        William        13      127N       53W     McKinley
Moon          Collen         32      126N       58W     Lowell
Moore         Charles        12      128N       58W     Newark
Moore         Floyd          20      126N       59W     Weston
Moore         James          29      129N       53W     Veblen
Moore         John           09      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Moore         John           18      127N       58W     Miller
Moore         Virgie         21      125N       59W     Newport
Moore         William        21      125N       57W     Sisseton
Moore         William        22      125N       57W     Sisseton
Moran         John           30      128N       53W     Veblen
Moran         William        07      127N       53W     McKinley
Moreland      John           09      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Moreland      Robert         08      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Moreland      William        09      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Morgan        Vester         26      128N       59W     Dayton
Morgan        William        08      125N       58W     Hickman
Morris        Evan           04      128N       59W     Dayton
Morris        Wiliam         20      125N       58W     Hickman
Morris        William        15      126N       57W     Waverly
Morris        William        22      125N       58W     Hickman
Morrison      Dell           15      127N       53W     McKinley
Morse         Charles        10      127N       56W     Norland
Morse         Henry          14      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Morse         Oliver         31      128N       56W     Victor
Morse         William        24      128N       53W     Veblen
Morstad       CardLine       11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Morstad       Simen          11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Moses                        23      127N       53W     McKinley
Mosimann      Christ         21      128N       57W     White
Mountain      James          31      128N       56W     Victor
Moussi        George         27      129N       54W     LaBelle
Mueller       Franz          13      128N       57W     White
Mullen        Frank          18      126N       58W     Lowell
Mulvenna      Daniel         28      126N       57W     Waverly
Munger        Warren         11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Munson        George         02      128N       53W     Veblen
Munzanieder   John           07      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Murray        John           04      127N       59W     Stena
Muth          John           33      128N       56W     Victor
Muth          Lizzie         32      128N       56W     Victor
Muth          Peter          32      128N       56W     Victor
Myberg        John           11      128N       56W     Victor
Myhren        Helge          23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Na-Pe-Hde-Ska-W              15      128N       53W     Veblen
Nabb          Rowland        09      126N       57W     Waverly
Naddy         Edward         29      128N       58W     Newark
Naflzgen      William        22      128N       58W     Newark
Naftzger      Charles        08      127N       59W     Stena
Naftzger      Josiah         07      127N       59W     Stena
Nah-Be-Za-Win                18      128N       53W     Veblen
Nale          William        28      128N       59W     Dayton
Nallnig       Joseph         33      126N       59W     Weston
Nancy                        23      127N       53W     McKinley
Napeso        Amos           12      127N       53W     McKinley
Narum         Chad           17      128N       54W     LaBelle
Nash          James          04      128N       56W     Victor
Nassif        Jacob          09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Nay           William        31      127N       58W     Miller
Nechas        Frank          27      129N       54W     LaBelle
Neff          Andrew         23      125N       55W     Eden
Neff          Hurbet         14      125N       55W     Eden
Nelson        Albert         26      128N       53W     Veblen
Nelson        Albert         35      128N       53W     Veblen
Nelson        Andrew         14      128N       54W     LaBelle
Nelson        Anna           09      127N       53W     McKinley
Nelson        Charles        08      125N       59W     Newport
Nelson        Charles        21      126N       57W     Waverly
Nelson        Charles        26      128N       56W     Victor
Nelson        Charles        26      129N       53W     Veblen
Nelson        Christian      11      127N       56W     Norland
Nelson        Cornelius      17      128N       58W     Newark
Nelson        Ed             08      125N       59W     Newport
Nelson        Frank          08      125N       59W     Newport
Nelson        Frank          22      128N       59W     Dayton
Nelson        Frank          27      128N       59W     Dayton
Nelson        Henry          30      125N       59W     Newport
Nelson        James          03      127N       53W     McKinley
Nelson        Lizzie         32      129N       53W     Veblen
Nelson        Maria          28      128N       53W     Veblen
Nelson        Martin         29      129N       53W     Veblen
Nelson        Mary           08      127N       53W     McKinley
Nelson        Nancy          08      127N       53W     McKinley
Nelson        Nancy          09      127N       53W     McKinley
Nelson        Nellie         21      126N       57W     Waverly
Nelson        Nicholas       03      128N       54W     LaBelle
Nelson        Ole            09      127N       56W     Norland
Nelson        Osmund         31      125N       56W     Fort
Nelson        P.             03      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Nelson        William        14      128N       59W     Dayton
Nereim        Ole            21      125N       59W     Newport
Neste         Ole Hanson     13      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Neth          Valentine      09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Neuberger     Albert         09      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Neuberger     Andreia        07      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Neuberger     Andreia        08      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Neuberger     Joseph         08      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Neudsnes      Joseph         11      125N       54W     Eden
Newlin        Abner          20      125N       59W     Newport
Newman        Benton         20      127N       56W     Wismer
Newman        Berton         17      127N       56W     Norland
Newman        Francis        06      126N       56W     Hamilton
Newman        Francis        07      126N       56W     Hamilton
Nichelsen     Aron           26      125N       57W     Sisseton
Nichkre       Lars           03      128N       53W     Veblen
Nicholansen   Carl           26      125N       57W     Sisseton
Nicholeson    Alfred         02      127N       54W     Dumarce
Nickelson     Aron           23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Nicol         Wallace        05      127N       59W     Stena
Nielson       Gilbert        18      126N       59W     Weston
Niller        Dutton         07      125N       56W     Fort
Nilson        Alfred         25      125N       57W     Sisseton
Nilson        Alfred         30      125N       56W     Fort
Nilson        John           22      125N       53W     Buffalo
Nilson        Nicklas        25      125N       57W     Sisseton
Nilson        Osmun          01      128N       53W     Veblen
Nipstad       Peter          05      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Noable        Angenetti      23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Non-Pa-I-Cu                  33      127N       53W     McKinley
Noreiu        Iver           22      125N       59W     Newport
Norin         Gustaf         28      128N       57W     White
Norris        James          20      128N       59W     Dayton
Norstad       Simen          14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Norton        Abram          23      126N       59W     Weston
Novotny       James          03      126N       54W     Lake
Nuids         John           05      125N       59W     Newport
Nylander      August         11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Nyquist       Peter          11      128N       57W     White
O?rtle        Conrad         12      128N       57W     White
O?rtle        Conrad         13      128N       57W     White
Oakes         John           25      128N       59W     Dayton
Oakes         Michael        05      127N       58W     Miller
Oakes         Michael        21      128N       58W     Newark
Odell         Frank          07      127N       59W     Stena
Odland        Halvor         06      127N       53W     McKinley
Ogren         Carl           19      125N       57W     Sisseton
Ogren         Carl           21      125N       57W     Sisseton
Ogren         Sven           31      125N       57W     Sisseton
Ogren         Sven           32      125N       57W     Sisseton
Ohi-ti-WaKa                  10      127N       54W     Dumarce
Ohitinaka     Mary           22      127N       54W     Dumarce
Oien          Herman         02      127N       53W     McKinley
Oien          Landrew        23      127N       56W     Wismer
Okre          Ole            03      128N       53W     Veblen
Oland         Hawkin         23      128N       57W     White
Oland         Ole            12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Oliver        Alick          14      128N       53W     Veblen
Olsen         ?              14      128N       57W     White
Olsen         Aksel          18      128N       55W     Victor
Olsen         Ever           02      127N       56W     Norland
Olsen         Ever           09      127N       56W     Norland
Olsen         Raemus         01      126N       58W     Lowell
Olsom         Knute          11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Olson         Anthon         32      125N       53W     Buffalo
Olson         Anthon         32      125N       53W     Buffalo
Olson         Frank          29      128N       53W     Veblen
Olson         Frank          32      128N       53W     Veblen
Olson         Ingebricht     36      127N       58W     Miller
Olson         Ingebrigt      12      126N       58W     Lowell
Olson         Iver           35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Olson         John           01      125N       59W     Newport
Olson         John           15      128N       53W     Veblen
Olson         John           15      128N       57W     White
Olson         John           24      126N       57W     Waverly
Olson         Knute          12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Olson         Lewis          21      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Olson         Martin         11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Olson         Nils           14      128N       57W     White
Olson         Ole            15      128N       57W     White
Olson         Ole            31      128N       53W     Veblen
Olson         Torval         08      128N       58W     Newark
Omerrod       George         30      128N       57W     White
Omite-Ma-Ki   Enos           35      127N       54W     Dumarce
Omite-Mu-Ki   Enos           34      127N       54W     Dumarce
Opitz         Stephen        31      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Oretli?       Arnold         12      128N       57W     White
Ormea?d       Thomas         19      128N       57W     White
Ormond        William        32      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ortley        Henry          13      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ortley        Henry          18      128N       53W     Veblen
Ortley        Margaret       13      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ortley        Margaret       18      128N       53W     Veblen
Ortley        Wallace        13      128N       54W     LaBelle
Orwuhld       John           35      125N       57W     Sisseton
Osborn        Allen          09      127N       59W     Stena
Osborn        Frank          14      125N       58W     Hickman
Osborn        George         13      125N       59W     Newport
Osborn        Walter         07      125N       58W     Hickman
Osborn        Walter         28      126N       57W     Waverly
Oschner       Frank          13      125N       58W     Hickman
Osgood        Carlos         05      128N       58W     Newark
Osnes         Chrish         28      125N       59W     Newport
Osnes         John           28      125N       59W     Newport
Ostgaard      John           12      128N       59W     Dayton
Oswood        Abraham        21      125N       59W     Newport
Oswood        John           21      125N       59W     Newport
Ott           Rudolph        19      128N       56W     Victor
Otto          Albert         01      125N       58W     Hickman
Otto          Albert         35      126N       58W     Lowell
Otto          Fred           01      125N       58W     Hickman
Otto          Frederick      25      127N       53W     McKinley
Otto          Mary           02      125N       58W     Hickman
Otto          Paul           30      126N       59W     Weston
Otto          Rose           02      125N       58W     Hickman
Otto          Rose           28      127N       58W     Miller
Otto          Rose           34      126N       58W     Lowell
Otto          William        24      127N       53W     McKinley
Otto          William        25      127N       53W     McKinley
Ovold         Elling         21      127N       53W     McKinley
Owen          Anenrin        20      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Anenrin        29      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          David          10      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Edward         28      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Evan           29      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Even           22      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Even           27      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Gwen           10      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          John           03      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Richard        21      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Richard        28      126N       58W     Lowell
Owen          Sarah          35      128N       59W     Dayton
Owens         Lizzie         25      125N       59W     Newport
Owens         Robert         25      125N       59W     Newport
P.            James          27      127N       58W     Miller
Paddock       Augustus       35      128N       58W     Newark
Page          John           31      125N       59W     Newport
Page          Wallace        31      125N       59W     Newport
Paine         Robert         11      125N       57W     Sisseton
Palbrey       Burchard       06      127N       59W     Stena
Palm          John           26      125N       53W     Buffalo
Palm          John           27      125N       53W     Buffalo
Palm          Ole            26      125N       53W     Buffalo
Palmer        George         15      128N       59W     Dayton
Palmquist     John           31      125N       57W     Sisseton
Palstin       Paul           26      128N       59W     Dayton
Park          Elizabeth      22      125N       59W     Newport
Parker        Benjamin       09      126N       59W     Weston
Parker        Edgar          06      125N       57W     Sisseton
Parker        Erie           32      125N       59W     Newport
Parker        James          25      127N       58W     Miller
Parks         Frank          17      126N       57W     Waverly
Parmeter      John           11      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Parout        Odile          34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Parry         John           07      126N       58W     Lowell
Patric        Herman         02      126N       59W     Weston
Patrick       Allie          03      125N       59W     Newport
Patrick       Herman         04      127N       59W     Stena
Patsch        Josef          33      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Patsch        Josef          34      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Patsch        Mary           17      127N       56W     Norland
Patsch        Philip         34      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Patsch        Phillip        33      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Pattee        Charles        27      126N       57W     Waverly
Paul          Agnes          33      127N       53W     McKinley
Paul          Charles        14      127N       53W     McKinley
Paul          Isaac          31      127N       53W     McKinley
Paul          Jennie         32      127N       53W     McKinley
Paul          Michael        11      127N       53W     McKinley
Paul          Michael        12      127N       53W     McKinley
Paul          Michael        14      127N       53W     McKinley
Paulson       John           09      128N       57W     White
Payute        Evan           22      126N       57W     Waverly
Pearson       George         21      126N       57W     Waverly
Pearson       Nels           32      125N       59W     Newport
Pederson      Anna           04      127N       53W     McKinley
Pederson      Nellies        18      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Perkins       Almerim        24      125N       58W     Hickman
Perkins       Henry          20      125N       57W     Sisseton
Perrin        William        26      127N       59W     Stena
Perry         Charles        23      125N       58W     Hickman
Perry         Charles        25      125N       58W     Hickman
Perry         George         18      126N       58W     Lowell
Perry         Henry          18      126N       58W     Lowell
Peters        Champlin       12      126N       57W     Waverly
Peters        Champlin       34      127N       58W     Miller
Peters        Christian      25      128N       56W     Victor
Peters        George         35      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Petersen      Peter          34      129N       53W     Veblen
Peterson      August         05      127N       53W     McKinley
Peterson      Henry          17      127N       53W     McKinley
Peterson      Henry          35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Peterson      Mary           09      127N       53W     McKinley
Peterson      Nels           06      125N       57W     Sisseton
Peterson      Perry          07      125N       59W     Newport
Peterson      Peter          03      127N       53W     McKinley
Peterson      Peter          04      127N       53W     McKinley
Peterson      Peter          08      126N       58W     Lowell
Peterson      Peter          25      128N       54W     LaBelle
Peterson      Peter          35      128N       53W     Veblen
Philips       Daniel         08      128N       56W     Victor
Philips       S. S.          17      127N       59W     Stena
Phillips      Daniel         17      128N       56W     Victor
Phlman        Lewis          25      128N       58W     Newark
Pi-Yo-Tun-    Ke-Win         28      128N       54W     LaBelle
Pickett       George         25      125N       59W     Newport
Pierce        Augustus       34      128N       59W     Dayton
Pierce        E. P.          30      128N       58W     Newark
Pierce        Samuel         31      128N       58W     Newark
Pierce        William        02      125N       53W     Buffalo
Pierson       Oscar          01      125N       59W     Newport
Pierson       Samuel         12      125N       59W     Newport
Pipiya        George         20      128N       53W     Veblen
Pipiya        Jacob          24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Pisa          Frank          20      128N       53W     Veblen
Pitkin        Elmer          13      128N       58W     Newark
Pitkin        Elmer          24      128N       58W     Newark
Pitzer        Laura          20      125N       59W     Newport
Place         William        04      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Pladsen       Jacob          05      125N       59W     Newport
Pladsen       Jacob          05      125N       59W     Newport
Plaisted      Harry          25      127N       58W     Miller
Plaisted      Thomas         02      126N       58W     Lowell
Plaisted      William        06      127N       55W     Norland
Plaisted      William        23      127N       58W     Miller
Plaisted      William        35      127N       58W     Miller
Platt         Osborn         23      125N       58W     Hickman
Platt         Osborn         24      125N       58W     Hickman
Plochowietz   Ernet          03      126N       54W     Lake
Plume         Henry          17      128N       53W     Veblen
Plume         Henry          30      128N       53W     Veblen
Plume         Henry, Jr.     17      128N       53W     Veblen
Plume         James          15      128N       53W     Veblen
Poole         Henry          26      127N       59W     Stena
Poor          Albert         22      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Poor          Marlin         22      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Poor          Oscar          23      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Poore         ? A.           27      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Poore         Charles        22      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Poore         Oscar          27      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Porter        Lester         07      127N       59W     Stena
Portes        Russell        17      125N       58W     Hickman
Powers        Marvin         12      128N       56W     Victor
Powers        William        27      125N       59W     Newport
Pratt         Aner           34      127N       59W     Stena
Pratt         George         03      128N       56W     Victor
Preston       Clark          15      125N       58W     Hickman
Preston       Samuel         20      125N       58W     Hickman
Price         David          09      126N       58W     Lowell
Price         Francis        09      125N       57W     Sisseton
Price         Francis        14      125N       57W     Sisseton
Price         Thomas         26      126N       57W     Waverly
Pritchard     William        05      125N       58W     Hickman
Proste        Hans           24      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Proste        Henry          25      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Prutt         Aner           33      127N       59W     Stena
Ptecape       Henry          32      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Ptecape       Jacob          31      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Ptecape       Jacob          32      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Pulver        Clinton        10      128N       58W     Newark
Pulver        John           02      128N       58W     Newark
Pulver        John           03      128N       58W     Newark
Punteney      Weldon         33      128N       58W     Newark
Purchase      Herbert        05      128N       58W     Newark
Purchase      Joshua         05      128N       58W     Newark
Purdy         John           02      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Purdy         John           12      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Purdy         Spencer        18      126N       59W     Weston
Quarve        Knut           19      126N       56W     Hamilton
Quigg         James          20      128N       58W     Newark
Quilty        William        33      128N       53W     Veblen
Quinn         Ellen          30      129N       53W     Veblen
Quinn         Ellen          31      129N       53W     Veblen
Quinn         Samuel         30      129N       53W     Veblen
Quinn         Sarah          31      129N       53W     Veblen
Quist         Gustaf         10      125N       59W     Newport
Ra-Be-Fa-James               09      128N       54W     LaBelle
Rainborg      John           19      125N       59W     Newport
Raise         Andrew         14      127N       56W     Norland
Ramberg       Mollie         02      127N       54W     Dumarce
Ramberg       Oscar          27      127N       53W     McKinley
Ramberg       Oscar          28      127N       53W     McKinley
Ramsdell      Charles        14      125N       58W     Hickman
Randon        Sydney         15      128N       56W     Victor
Ransburg      Bert           18      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rapp          Andrew         30      125N       56W     Fort
Rasaka        Joshua         29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Rasmusen      Peter          10      125N       57W     Sisseton
Rasmuson      Lars           26      128N       56W     Victor
Rasmussen     Peter          09      125N       57W     Sisseton
Rasotonsky    Frederich      19      126N       56W     Hamilton
Rassier       Savetina       13      125N       54W     Eden
Rassmusson    Charley        13      128N       56W     Victor
Rathbun       William        25      127N       59W     Stena
Rather        Rudolph        08      127N       58W     Miller
Rattin        Peter          30      128N       56W     Victor
Recob         Leonidas       18      125N       58W     Hickman
Redday        Abel           15      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Anna           35      129N       54W     LaBelle
Redday        Anna           36      129N       54W     LaBelle
Redday        Augusta        12      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        David          01      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        David          02      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        David          10      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        David          15      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Emma           01      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Emma           15      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Esther         15      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        John           02      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Joseph         15      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Moses          02      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Nancy          01      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Samuel         01      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Samuel         10      127N       53W     McKinley
Redday        Sophia         32      129N       54W     LaBelle
Redday        William        29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Redday        William        36      129N       54W     LaBelle
Reddy         Esther         22      127N       53W     McKinley
Redfield      Calvin         13      127N       59W     Stena
Redfield      Edna           01      127N       54W     Dumarce
Redfield      Edna           02      127N       54W     Dumarce
Redfield      Edna           35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Redstar       Henry          21      125N       53W     Buffalo
Reed          H. J.          14      126N       57W     Waverly
Reed          John           11      126N       57W     Waverly
Reed          Wililam        10      126N       57W     Waverly
Reed          William        15      126N       57W     Waverly
Rein          Julius         06      127N       53W     McKinley
Rein          Julius         08      127N       53W     McKinley
Reiner        John           05      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Reisenweber   Fred           01      128N       58W     Newark
Renermann     Oscar          28      128N       57W     White
Renishey      Frederick      11      125N       59W     Newport
Renquist      Hjalmar        03      127N       53W     McKinley
Resset        Ole            17      128N       53W     Veblen
Resset        Ole            30      128N       53W     Veblen
Ricahewicaya  Daniel         09      125N       53W     Buffalo
Ricahewicoya  Daniel         07      125N       53W     Buffalo
Rice          George         20      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rich          Reuben         33      126N       59W     Weston
Richards      Arthur         34      126N       54W     Lake
Richards      John           03      125N       58W     Hickman
Richards      John           09      125N       58W     Hickman
Richards      Joseph         32      128N       59W     Dayton
Richards      Roger          03      125N       58W     Hickman
Richards      Roger          10      125N       58W     Hickman
Richardson    Eva            32      128N       59W     Dayton
Richardson    Joseph         03      127N       59W     Stena
Richardson    Seth           24      125N       57W     Sisseton
Richardson    Seth           25      125N       57W     Sisseton
Richardson    William        27      126N       59W     Weston
Ricks         Phileron       24      128N       58W     Newark
Riebling      Charles        25      126N       58W     Lowell
Ringer        George         17      126N       57W     Waverly
Ringer        James          08      127N       56W     Norland
Ringer        James          09      126N       57W     Waverly
Ringer        Josephine      06      126N       57W     Waverly
Ringham       Nelson         08      126N       58W     Lowell
Risdall       Johannes       12      128N       53W     Veblen
Risdall       Julia          13      128N       53W     Veblen
Riudenkucht   J. E.          06      127N       59W     Stena
Rmuyan                       10      127N       53W     McKinley
Roach         Adelbert       07      127N       56W     Norland
Robbins       Ebenizer       24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Robbins       Edward         18      128N       59W     Dayton
Robbins       Frederick      32      129N       53W     Veblen
Robert        Orville        04      128N       58W     Newark
Roberts       Asa            20      128N       53W     Veblen
Roberts       Asa            21      128N       53W     Veblen
Roberts       Caleb          06      126N       58W     Lowell
Roberts       David          33      126N       58W     Lowell
Roberts       E.             07      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Roberts       Eddit          11      125N       53W     Buffalo
Roberts       Edgar          13      127N       58W     Miller
Roberts       Edward         18      125N       58W     Hickman
Roberts       Edward         33      126N       58W     Lowell
Roberts       James          14      127N       58W     Miller
Roberts       Moses          04      125N       58W     Hickman
Roberts       Robert         04      125N       58W     Hickman
Roberts       Robert         06      125N       58W     Hickman
Roberts       Sarah          06      125N       58W     Hickman
Roberts       William        05      125N       58W     Hickman
Roberts       William        17      125N       58W     Hickman
Robertson     August         23      127N       53W     McKinley
Robertson     Charles        28      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Charles        30      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Ida            20      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Ida            21      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Ida            28      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Ida            29      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Isal           23      127N       58W     Miller
Robertson     James          28      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Norman         28      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Norman         29      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Robert         29      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Samuel         17      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Samuel         20      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Thomas         09      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     Thomas         29      128N       53W     Veblen
Robertson     William        21      128N       53W     Veblen
Robinson      Asa            29      126N       59W     Weston
Robinson      John           13      127N       59W     Stena
Roche         William        01      125N       59W     Newport
Rock          Edward         29      126N       59W     Weston
Rock          Edward         30      126N       59W     Weston
Rockwell      Arthur         13      128N       58W     Newark
Rockwell      Arthur         24      128N       58W     Newark
Roehr         Carl           34      126N       58W     Lowell
Roehr         Frederick      14      126N       58W     Lowell
Roehr         William        27      126N       58W     Lowell
Roen          Lars           03      127N       56W     Norland
Rogers        Charles        19      126N       59W     Weston
Rolander      Peter          35      127N       54W     Dumarce
Rolsrud       Ole            03      127N       56W     Norland
Rolsrud       Signi          14      127N       56W     Norland
Rool          Laurits larsen 27      129N       54W     LaBelle
Rose          David          02      125N       58W     Hickman
Rose          Ridley         31      126N       58W     Lowell
Rosebach      George         28      125N       58W     Hickman
Ross          Amanda         21      127N       59W     Stena
Rouseau       Angeline       33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Rouseau       Peter          28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Rowland       Richard        06      127N       58W     Miller
Rowland       Richard        19      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rowlands      David          30      126N       58W     Lowell
Roy           Frank          21      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Roy           Julia          19      128N       53W     Veblen
Rozema        Rudolph        09      126N       59W     Weston
Rozema        Rudolph        17      127N       59W     Stena
Rozema        Rudolph        20      127N       59W     Stena
Ruck          Joseph         11      128N       59W     Dayton
Rud           John           01      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rudd          Henry          06      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rudd          Henry          32      128N       57W     White
Rudd          James          05      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rudd          Mac            31      128N       57W     White
Rudgers       Daniel         30      125N       59W     Newport
Ruf           Peter, Jr.     19      128N       59W     Dayton
Rufle         Frederick      32      125N       53W     Buffalo
Ruh           William        01      128N       59W     Dayton
Rumstick      Henry          22      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Rund          Elizabeth      31      128N       53W     Veblen
Rund          Julia          31      128N       53W     Veblen
Runkle        Frederick      05      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Runquist      Hjalmar        02      127N       53W     McKinley
Russell       Charles        01      126N       57W     Waverly
Russell       Ida            18      126N       56W     Hamilton
Rustan        Kettel         03      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rustan        Ole            10      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Rustland      Gullick        18      127N       56W     Norland
Rustland      Gullik         19      127N       56W     Wismer
Ruston        Kittel         34      128N       56W     Victor
Ruswick       Ole            03      128N       57W     White
Ruy           Frank          21      125N       58W     Hickman
Ryan          Austin         17      128N       57W     White
Ryan          James          11      128N       59W     Dayton
Ryse          Richard        36      127N       58W     Miller
S.            Frank          33      125N       59W     Newport
S.            James          12      127N       59W     Stena
S.            Peter          21      128N       56W     Victor
S.            Thomas         29      125N       59W     Newport
Saba          Abraham        25      128N       54W     LaBelle
Saba          Bashara        35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Salzl         Mathias        31      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Samuel                       03      127N       53W     McKinley
Samuel                       24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Sandberg      John           29      125N       57W     Sisseton
Sanderson     Knut           07      127N       53W     McKinley
Sandre        Henry          25      129N       53W     Veblen
Sangrehr      William        06      127N       55W     Norland
Sankey        Charles        27      128N       59W     Dayton
Sargent       Harvey         14      125N       57W     Sisseton
Sarvis        Gus            27      128N       59W     Dayton
Sasse         Gustav         34      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Satinlund     Andrew         32      125N       53W     Buffalo
Satrang       Carl           35      128N       56W     Victor
Sayer         Emmet          35      126N       58W     Lowell
Sayer         Robert         04      127N       58W     Miller
Sayers        Robert         33      128N       58W     Newark
Schad         John           34      125N       58W     Hickman
Schafer       Henry          28      125N       58W     Hickman
Scheidt       John           18      125N       57W     Sisseton
Scheidt       John           19      125N       57W     Sisseton
Scherl        Alexander      22      126N       54W     Lake
Scherl        Alexander      34      126N       55W     Lake
Scherl        Arthur E.      22      126N       54W     Lake
Schinder      Frank          15      125N       58W     Hickman
Schleckewy    Math           18      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schlickening  Frank          35      125N       55W     Eden
Schmidt       Frank          04      126N       57W     Waverly
Schmidt       Frank          15      127N       54W     Dumarce
Schmidt       Michael        05      125N       53W     Buffalo
Schneider     Daniel         01      126N       54W     Lake
Schneider     Daniel         06      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schneider     Joseph         08      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schneider     Paul           19      127N       58W     Miller
Schneider     Rudolph        19      127N       58W     Miller
Schnidt       Stephen        33      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schreier      Martin         07      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schulte       Henry          08      128N       59W     Dayton
Schultz       Herman         22      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schusler      George         07      128N       57W     White
Schussler     Harry          19      128N       57W     White
Schussler     John           18      128N       57W     White
Schvenbarn    Christ         31      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schwartz      Herman         08      127N       58W     Miller
Schwartz      John           07      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Schwash       John           28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Sckerl        Anthur         03      125N       54W     Eden
Scott         Lucy           14      126N       54W     Lake
Scott         Stephen        14      126N       54W     Lake
Scott         Winfield       11      128N       58W     Newark
Se?ey         John           06      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Secord        George         07      127N       58W     Miller
Secord        George         24      127N       59W     Stena
Seks          Ernest         33      126N       57W     Waverly
Sell          Tallmadge      10      128N       56W     Victor
Seroy         John           27      128N       56W     Victor
Sessler       Jacob          34      126N       57W     Waverly
Sevenson      Gunder         21      128N       53W     Veblen
Sevoy         William        22      128N       56W     Victor
Sevy          Edmund         02      126N       57W     Waverly
Shafer        ? J.           33      125N       58W     Hickman
Shaffer       A. B.          20      128N       59W     Dayton
Shagen        John           01      127N       54W     Dumarce
Shaw          Aculy?         32      129N       54W     LaBelle
Shaw          Fred           28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Shaw          Fred           29      129N       54W     LaBelle
Shaw          Lafayette      20      126N       59W     Weston
Shaw          Wilbur         10      126N       57W     Waverly
Shea          Edward         02      128N       54W     LaBelle
Sheehan       Charles        07      128N       57W     White
Sheldon       Bert           13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Shendold      Delora         25      128N       57W     White
Shepard       Jeremiah       30      127N       58W     Miller
Sherburn      Charles        33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Sherburn      Charles        34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Shervey       Peter          22      127N       54W     Dumarce
Shervey       Stener         23      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Shervey       Stener         26      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Sherwood      Samuel         21      127N       59W     Stena
Shinosing     Isaac          02      125N       59W     Newport
Shirk         Jacob          10      127N       53W     McKinley
Shirk         Theodore       09      127N       53W     McKinley
Shirk         Theodore       10      127N       53W     McKinley
Shogen        Ole            25      128N       54W     LaBelle
Shollar       Joseph         01      128N       56W     Victor
Shooter       David          02      128N       54W     LaBelle
Shooter       David          06      128N       53W     Veblen
Shurgis       Norman         17      126N       58W     Lowell
Shusser       Arthur         26      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Silvernail    William        35      129N       54W     LaBelle
Simon         Mary           26      127N       53W     McKinley
Simon         Mary           35      127N       53W     McKinley
Simonds       Henry          28      128N       59W     Dayton
Simons        Emma           31      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Simons        Enoch          03      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Simons        Enoch          04      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Simons        Enoch          23      127N       53W     McKinley
Simons        Enoch          26      127N       53W     McKinley
Simons        Grant          31      126N       57W     Waverly
Simons        Theresa        04      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Simons        Victor         04      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Simons        Winnie         04      127N       53W     McKinley
Simonson      Hans           33      125N       53W     Buffalo
Simson        William        01      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Sintomni      Elizabeth      21      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Sitonni       Elizabeth      01      127N       53W     McKinley
Siuyaka       Annie          12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Siya          Moses          24      128N       54W     LaBelle
Siyaha        Helen          13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Siyaka        Annie          13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Siyaka        Susan          01      127N       54W     Dumarce
Sjoberg       John           23      125N       58W     Hickman
Sjolaas       Edd            11      127N       56W     Norland
Sjurson       Herman         02      127N       56W     Norland
Sjverson      Halvor         13      128N       56W     Victor
Skagen        Andrew         34      125N       53W     Buffalo
Skagen        Edwin          27      125N       53W     Buffalo
Skandal       John           17      128N       54W     LaBelle
Skey          Adelbert       15      125N       57W     Sisseton
Skinner       Richard        03      126N       58W     Lowell
Skjonhals     Anton          35      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Skjonsberg    Syver          33      125N       53W     Buffalo
Skogen        John           12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Slattengren   John           07      125N       58W     Hickman
Slattengren   Nelson         13      125N       59W     Newport
Slembrener    Jacob          32      127N       59W     Stena
Sletkoler     Nels           22      127N       54W     Dumarce
Slevens       George         05      126N       59W     Weston
Sline         Robert         28      125N       57W     Sisseton
Slyaha        Helen          26      128N       54W     LaBelle
Slyaka        Helen          23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Smart         Charles        22      128N       56W     Victor
Smart         Henry          22      128N       56W     Victor
Smith         Albert         24      128N       57W     White
Smith         Albert T.      09      128N       57W     White
Smith         Alexander      14      126N       59W     Weston
Smith         Amos           33      126N       59W     Weston
Smith         Augustus       19      127N       58W     Miller
Smith         Augustus       20      127N       58W     Miller
Smith         Charles        19      127N       58W     Miller
Smith         Charles        30      127N       59W     Stena
Smith         Emma           20      128N       57W     White
Smith         Emma           21      128N       57W     White
Smith         Frank          15      125N       57W     Sisseton
Smith         Harvey         11      125N       57W     Sisseton
Smith         Harvey         12      125N       57W     Sisseton
Smith         Harvey         13      125N       57W     Sisseton
Smith         Hiram          32      127N       59W     Stena
Smith         James          14      126N       59W     Weston
Smith         Jennie         35      126N       54W     Lake
Smith         Jeremiah       08      125N       57W     Sisseton
Smith         John           12      128N       59W     Dayton
Smith         John           23      126N       59W     Weston
Smith         John           24      126N       59W     Weston
Smith         Julia Ann      32      127N       59W     Stena
Smith         Leander        14      127N       59W     Stena
Smith         Lou            23      128N       54W     LaBelle
Smith         Lou            26      128N       54W     LaBelle
Smith         Manning        20      128N       57W     White
Smith         Manning        29      128N       57W     White
Smith         Moses          19      128N       58W     Newark
Smith         Robert         11      127N       59W     Stena
Smith         Samuel         24      128N       53W     Veblen
Smith         Walter         30      128N       58W     Newark
Smith         William        19      128N       57W     White
Smith         William E.     04      125N       57W     Sisseton
Smith         Zella          07      127N       56W     Norland
Smith         Zella          08      127N       56W     Norland
Snorteland    John           09      125N       57W     Sisseton
Snorteland    Ole            32      125N       57W     Sisseton
Snorteland    Ole            33      125N       57W     Sisseton
Snorteland    Peder          08      128N       54W     LaBelle
Snortland     Gertrude       21      128N       54W     LaBelle
Snortland     Ole            28      125N       57W     Sisseton
Snow          Henry          17      126N       59W     Weston
Solberg       Erick          21      125N       53W     Buffalo
Solberg       Erick          28      125N       53W     Buffalo
Solberg       Halvor         13      127N       59W     Stena
Soloman       Mary           33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Solomon       Josefile       05      128N       54W     LaBelle
Sommer        John           31      128N       58W     Newark
Sorensen      Soren C.       23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Sorenson      Nels           18      125N       56W     Fort
Sorenson      Soren          13      125N       57W     Sisseton
Sparks        Stephen        29      127N       59W     Stena
Sparks        Stephen        30      128N       57W     White
Spears        William        21      126N       58W     Lowell
Spencer       Corban         34      128N       58W     Newark
Spencer       Samuel         33      128N       58W     Newark
Spencer       Samuel         35      127N       59W     Stena
Spencer       William        35      127N       59W     Stena
Spethmann     Peter          01      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Spicer        S.             28      128N       56W     Victor
Spiran        Reuben         26      127N       54W     Dumarce
Sproupe       Charles        24      126N       58W     Lowell
Squire        Angelo         24      127N       58W     Miller
Squire        Fred           24      127N       58W     Miller
Squire        Fred           26      127N       58W     Miller
Squire        James          23      127N       58W     Miller
Squire        James          24      127N       58W     Miller
Staael        Anton          34      129N       53W     Veblen
Staael        Christian      34      129N       53W     Veblen
Staael        Soren          35      129N       53W     Veblen
Stabnow       August         02      128N       59W     Dayton
Stabnow       Herman         09      128N       59W     Dayton
Stachuke      Ben            33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Staggs        James          33      128N       59W     Dayton
Standfast     Joseph         25      127N       53W     McKinley
Stanley       John           06      126N       58W     Lowell
Stanley       John           32      128N       53W     Veblen
Stanton       Alfred         26      125N       58W     Hickman
Stanton       William        13      125N       58W     Hickman
Staples       Sevina         30      126N       57W     Waverly
Staples       William        18      127N       59W     Stena
Star                         04      127N       53W     McKinley
Star          David          04      127N       53W     McKinley
Star          David          13      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Emma           08      127N       53W     McKinley
Star          Harriet        34      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Harriet        35      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Ida            34      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Jane           25      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Jane           26      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Jennie         18      127N       53W     McKinley
Star          John           30      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Johnson        25      128N       53W     Veblen
Star          Johnson        26      128N       53W     Veblen
Stark         Howard         19      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Stark         Jof            20      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Stark         John           30      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Starks        Henry          11      128N       56W     Victor
Starks        Nancy          14      128N       56W     Victor
Stavig        Edward         28      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Steadman      Jennie         33      128N       59W     Dayton
Steele        George         10      126N       57W     Waverly
Steen         Will           33      128N       59W     Dayton
Steiner       Frank          02      125N       54W     Eden
Stephens      Orland         36      127N       58W     Miller
Stephenson    James          04      126N       58W     Lowell
Sterri        Knudt          30      127N       53W     McKinley
Stevens       Roy            21      125N       53W     Buffalo
Stewart       Allen          07      127N       56W     Norland
Stewart       John           05      125N       57W     Sisseton
Stewart       Joseph         17      126N       57W     Waverly
Stewart       Lizzie         26      126N       58W     Lowell
Stiansen      Peder          28      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Stianson      Sam            27      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Stiles        Albert         07      126N       56W     Hamilton
Stoa          E. Erickson    30      128N       55W     Victor
Stock         John George    26      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Stocke        Christ         11      128N       57W     White
Stocking      Edwin          22      126N       58W     Lowell
Stocks        Henry          19      127N       59W     Stena
Stoddard      William        32      126N       59W     Weston
Stoker        Don            02      127N       58W     Miller
Stoker        Rudolph        03      127N       58W     Miller
Stokes        Edmund         34      128N       58W     Newark
Stokes        henry          35      128N       58W     Newark
Stone         Anson          30      125N       59W     Newport
Stone         Joseph         17      128N       58W     Newark
Stone         andrew         11      128N       58W     Newark
Stonlan       Iver           12      127N       56W     Norland
Storr         Henry          14      128N       56W     Victor
Stoutland     Olive          04      128N       53W     Veblen
Stowe         I. C.          02      125N       57W     Sisseton
Strand        Carl           21      127N       54W     Dumarce
Strantz       Johan          31      127N       53W     McKinley
Streight      Lola           05      127N       59W     Stena
Streight      Sylvester      05      127N       59W     Stena
Strener       Anselmus       01      125N       54W     Eden
Stronberg     Hagan          06      125N       57W     Sisseton
Strong        Hader          01      128N       56W     Victor
Stuart        Thomas         10      128N       53W     Veblen
Stuck         James          11      125N       58W     Hickman
Studt         Titus          06      125N       59W     Newport
Sturma        Albert         12      127N       53W     McKinley
Suffa         John           12      128N       54W     LaBelle
Sugebo        Kentle         15      126N       58W     Lowell
Sullivan      Daniel         09      127N       59W     Stena
Sullivan      Daniel         10      125N       58W     Hickman
Sullivan      David          25      127N       58W     Miller
Sullivan      James          07      128N       57W     White
Sullivan      James          15      128N       58W     Newark
Sullivan      Joseph         05      126N       57W     Waverly
Sullivan      Michael        06      128N       58W     Newark
Sumner        Ludwig         26      125N       55W     Eden
Sundstrom     Magnus         33      125N       53W     Buffalo
Susemihl      Olive          30      125N       58W     Hickman
Sutherland    John           10      127N       58W     Miller
Suttinger     Gustave        20      126N       57W     Waverly
Svensen       Knudt          12      125N       57W     Sisseton
Swanson       John           03      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Swanson       John           09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Swanson       Otto           21      127N       54W     Dumarce
Swanson       Peter          32      128N       57W     White
Swanson       Sam            03      125N       57W     Sisseton
Swenson       Ed             07      127N       55W     Norland
Swenson       Edward         20      125N       59W     Newport
Swift         James          07      127N       55W     Norland
Swift         James          13      127N       56W     Norland
Swift         Julia          17      127N       55W     Norland
Sy-Ar-Pe-Ya   Agnes          05      128N       54W     LaBelle
Sya-Rpe-Ya    Ellen          06      128N       54W     LaBelle
Synstegaard   Ole            04      128N       53W     Veblen
Syverson      Halvor         19      128N       55W     Victor
Ta-Be-Fa-James               03      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ta-Ma-Za-Kan  Emma           17      127N       53W     McKinley
Ta-Sa-Ka      Emma           07      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ta-Sa-Ka      Emma           08      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ta-Sa-Ka      Walace         08      128N       54W     LaBelle
Ta-Tea-Hi-Ya-YWin            23      128N       53W     Veblen
Ta-Tea-Yan-Hi-Ya-Ye-Win      24      128N       53W     Veblen
Tafte         Anna           35      129N       53W     Veblen
Taggart       Thomas         03      128N       54W     LaBelle
Taggart       Thomas         10      128N       54W     LaBelle
Talge         Peder          25      126N       57W     Waverly
Talgo         Peder          06      125N       56W     Fort
Tama-Az-Kan   Alice          25      127N       54W     Dumarce
Tama-Zak-an   Emma           22      127N       53W     McKinley
Tan-Ka-Win                   09      128N       53W     Veblen
Tank          Ferdinand      18      127N       58W     Miller
Tank          Frank          08      127N       58W     Miller
Tasaka        Joshua         02      128N       54W     LaBelle
Tasaka        Joshua         35      129N       54W     LaBelle
Tasker        William        06      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Taylor        Aaron          06      128N       59W     Dayton
Taylor        Hiram          09      126N       59W     Weston
Taylor        James          14      128N       59W     Dayton
Taylor        James          15      128N       59W     Dayton
Taylor        John           21      128N       59W     Dayton
Taylor        John           34      128N       59W     Dayton
Taylor        Joshua         06      128N       59W     Dayton
Taylor        Martin         15      128N       54W     LaBelle
Taylor        Wesley         11      127N       59W     Stena
Taylor        Wesley         23      128N       59W     Dayton
Teach         Albert         17      127N       58W     Miller
Teigen        Hans           15      127N       54W     Dumarce
Teigen        Iver           28      128N       54W     LaBelle
Teller        James          15      127N       59W     Stena
Teneson       Bernt          14      128N       56W     Victor
Tenold        Edward         17      127N       55W     Norland
Teski         August         35      128N       57W     White
Tha-Ni-Wa-Xte-Win            31      128N       53W     Veblen
Thayer        Carlton        33      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Thayer        Daniel         32      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Thayer        Florence       14      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Thayer        Fred           34      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Thayer        Henry          32      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Theisen       William        25      128N       57W     White
Theiser       William        24      128N       57W     White
Thelson       Ben            22      125N       59W     Newport
Thersitt      Sven           12      125N       59W     Newport
Thieimann     Charles        14      127N       58W     Miller
Thjole        Joseph         23      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Thole         Frank          10      125N       58W     Hickman
Thole         Henry          15      125N       58W     Hickman
Thompson      Andrew         20      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Andrew         28      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Andrew         29      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Carl           22      128N       56W     Victor
Thompson      Carl           23      128N       56W     Victor
Thompson      Edwin          11      128N       58W     Newark
Thompson      Frederick      04      127N       56W     Norland
Thompson      Hannah         28      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Hans           20      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Hans           21      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Hans           23      128N       56W     Victor
Thompson      Horace         28      125N       58W     Hickman
Thompson      Horace         34      125N       59W     Newport
Thompson      Ira            13      128N       54W     LaBelle
Thompson      Margaret       15      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Thompson      Mary           24      128N       56W     Victor
Thompson      Matilda        25      128N       57W     White
Thompson      Robert         26      128N       57W     White
Thompson      William        33      128N       57W     White
Thor          Kalbon         11      127N       56W     Norland
Thorkelson    Ole            03      128N       57W     White
Thornes       Lef            06      128N       55W     Victor
Thorson       Theodor        08      127N       53W     McKinley
Thorson       Theodor        17      127N       53W     McKinley
Thueringer    Mathias        28      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Thule         Joseph         04      125N       58W     Hickman
Thuringen     John           05      125N       53W     Buffalo
Ti-Pi-Ma-Za-Win              13      127N       54W     Dumarce
Tia-O-Ka-Sin                 25      129N       54W     LaBelle
Tibert        George         33      128N       58W     Newark
Tice          Joseph         27      125N       59W     Newport
Tillberg      Ole Olsen      29      128N       59W     Dayton
Tischer       JOhn           34      128N       54W     LaBelle
Tiss          Nicholaus      21      125N       58W     Hickman
Tiss          William        33      125N       58W     Hickman
Tjp,[spm      Ora            12      128N       54W     LaBelle
Tobin         James          26      125N       58W     Hickman
Tobin         James          35      125N       58W     Hickman
Toe           Emma           28      127N       54W     Dumarce
Toe           Moses          11      127N       54W     Dumarce
Toe           Moses          14      127N       54W     Dumarce
Toles         Frank          09      127N       59W     Stena
Tollefson     Andrias        35      125N       53W     Buffalo
Tollefson     Tom            25      125N       53W     Buffalo
Toote         Chester        24      125N       58W     Hickman
Torgenson     Agnes          12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Torkildson    Martin         21      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Tory          Henry          14      128N       56W     Victor
Tory          Henry          23      128N       56W     Victor
Tosmark       Belle          27      129N       54W     LaBelle
Tosmark       Belle          34      129N       54W     LaBelle
Totte         Wililam        24      125N       58W     Hickman
Towen         David          28      126N       59W     Weston
Trachta       Johanna        01      128N       57W     White
Trachta       Laurance       01      128N       57W     White
Trachta       Martin         01      128N       57W     White
Tranier       Baptisto       14      127N       53W     McKinley
Trantner      George         35      125N       55W     Eden
Trantner      Jennie         02      125N       54W     Eden
Traphagen     Samuel         15      127N       56W     Norland
Traphagen     Samuel         22      127N       56W     Wismer
Trask         George         10      128N       59W     Dayton
Trask         Nettie         03      128N       59W     Dayton
Trautner      Francis        31      127N       53W     McKinley
Trautner      Mathias        33      127N       53W     McKinley
Travis        Chauncey       21      125N       57W     Sisseton
Travis        Chauncey       22      125N       57W     Sisseton
Travis        Guffin         10      125N       57W     Sisseton
Tredell       Elof           17      126N       59W     Weston
Treebacs      Matey          20      128N       53W     Veblen
Treebacs      Matey          21      128N       53W     Veblen
Treemont      Henry          23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Treemott      Henry          14      125N       57W     Sisseton
Troelsen      Magens         19      125N       56W     Fort
Trubre        Stephen        15      128N       54W     LaBelle
True          Frank          05      126N       57W     Waverly
True          Frank          08      126N       57W     Waverly
True          Fred           07      126N       57W     Waverly
True          George         25      126N       58W     Lowell
TuKan-Sabi-   Ce-Ye          26      127N       54W     Dumarce
Tuck          Charles        27      127N       59W     Stena
Tuck          Clarence       26      127N       59W     Stena
Tuck          Clarence       27      127N       59W     Stena
Tun-Kan-Rda-Win              35      127N       53W     McKinley
Turner        Harry          26      127N       58W     Miller
Turner        William        21      127N       56W     Wismer
Turnun        Erik           35      128N       56W     Victor
Tyler         Adoff          35      128N       54W     LaBelle
Umberger      James          19      127N       56W     Wismer
Umberger      James          31      127N       56W     Wismer
Underwood     Jennie         11      128N       56W     Victor
Underwood     Jennie         12      128N       56W     Victor
Unger         George         35      125N       55W     Eden
Unise         Mikail         28      129N       54W     LaBelle
Unise         Mikail         33      129N       54W     LaBelle
Valleau       George         25      126N       59W     Weston
Valleau       George         26      126N       59W     Weston
Valleau       Peter          26      126N       59W     Weston
Valleau       Rosalthee      35      126N       59W     Weston
Van Auken     Charles        02      128N       58W     Newark
Van Doran     William        05      127N       53W     McKinley
Van Gunther   Andreus        25      128N       58W     Newark
Van Gunther   Andreus        26      128N       58W     Newark
VanCamp       Elias          27      127N       58W     Miller
VanderHook    Anna           04      126N       57W     Waverly
VanderHook    Charles        04      126N       57W     Waverly
Vanderburgh   Clarasa        07      126N       56W     Hamilton
Vanheel       Jacob          12      125N       53W     Buffalo
Vanna         Joseph         04      127N       53W     McKinley
Vanous        Alois          09      127N       54W     Dumarce
Varian        James          31      128N       59W     Dayton
Vassberg      John           23      125N       53W     Buffalo
Veblen        John E.        23      128N       53W     Veblen
Vibbert       Oswel          18      128N       59W     Dayton
Viburg        John           11      127N       58W     Miller
Vicke?        Armund         10      128N       57W     White
Vickers       Winley         07      125N       59W     Newport
Vieburg       John           03      125N       59W     Newport
Vik           John           18      125N       53W     Buffalo
Vincent       Marshall       01      128N       54W     LaBelle
Vindedah      Peder          05      127N       53W     McKinley
Visger        John           12      127N       58W     Miller
Vo?rchickkh   Joseph         30      128N       57W     White
Vold          Beret          21      127N       53W     McKinley
Vold          Beret          28      127N       53W     McKinley
Vold          Sivert         30      128N       55W     Victor
Vormdal       Berret         25      128N       53W     Veblen
Vrchota       Frank          32      128N       53W     Veblen
Vrchota       Joseph         30      128N       53W     Veblen
Vrchota       Joseph         31      128N       53W     Veblen
Vromdae       John           22      127N       58W     Miller
Wa-Kan-Ju-Ka-HSusan          12      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Wa-Kan-Yu-Ho  Mni-Wni        06      128N       53W     Veblen
Wa-Pi-Ya-Xhan Nancy          13      127N       53W     McKinley
Wa-Ste-Win                   21      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Wa-Ste-Win                   28      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Wa-Ze-Hu-He-WiMary Siyo      01      127N       53W     McKinley
Wachtler      Andrew         12      125N       54W     Eden
Wahl          Olaf           34      125N       53W     Buffalo
Wahl          Olaf           35      125N       53W     Buffalo
Wahlberg      Sam            02      126N       57W     Waverly
Wait          Delos          19      126N       59W     Weston
Waite         Edwin          23      128N       58W     Newark
Waite         Edwin          24      128N       59W     Dayton
Waite         John           21      127N       58W     Miller
Waite         John           22      128N       58W     Newark
Waite         John           23      128N       58W     Newark
Wakfield      Wayne          11      126N       58W     Lowell
Walgren       August         07      125N       57W     Sisseton
Wallace       Thomas         22      126N       57W     Waverly
Wallace       William        05      126N       58W     Lowell
Walts         Egerton        18      128N       57W     White
Wanna         James          09      127N       53W     McKinley
Wanna         Janes          03      127N       53W     McKinley
Wantanyeya    Lucy           28      127N       53W     McKinley
Ward          Finley         27      125N       53W     Buffalo
Warren        Abram          08      126N       58W     Lowell
Warren        William        08      126N       58W     Lowell
Warren        William        17      126N       58W     Lowell
Watenburg     Alex           13      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Watenburg     Alex           24      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Watkins       Chalres        28      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Watkins       Samuel         28      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Watts         John           14      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Watts         John           23      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wayne         Alexander      24      128N       53W     Veblen
We-Yd-Ka      David          03      127N       53W     McKinley
Wedling       Frank          25      127N       59W     Stena
Wegleinter    Kate           01      126N       54W     Lake
Weides        Frank          34      128N       56W     Victor
Weigand       John           06      127N       56W     Norland
Weigand       Mary           05      127N       56W     Norland
Welch         George         34      128N       59W     Dayton
Wellington    Samuel         23      127N       59W     Stena
Wells         Albert         28      127N       54W     Dumarce
Wells         Frances        27      127N       54W     Dumarce
Wells         Helena         25      127N       53W     McKinley
Wells         James          27      127N       54W     Dumarce
Wells         John           27      127N       54W     Dumarce
Wells         Ralph          28      127N       54W     Dumarce
Werner        Ernest         11      127N       56W     Norland
Werner        Fredrich       34      127N       54W     Dumarce
Weslunder     Gustaf         03      127N       54W     Dumarce
Wessell       Orlande        35      125N       58W     Hickman
West          Charles        04      126N       59W     Weston
West          George         09      126N       59W     Weston
West          John           04      126N       59W     Weston
Westphal      William        04      128N       57W     White
Whipple       Edwin          02      125N       57W     Sisseton
Whipple       Frank          23      125N       53W     Buffalo
Whipple       Fred           03      127N       59W     Stena
Whipple       Fred           10      127N       59W     Stena
Whitaker      George         04      127N       56W     Norland
Whitaker      George         19      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Whitcomb      Ana            33      128N       59W     Dayton
White         Amos           21      127N       54W     Dumarce
White         Charles        04      127N       53W     McKinley
White         Charles        35      126N       54W     Lake
White         Elizabeth      35      126N       54W     Lake
White         Etta Felix     21      125N       53W     Buffalo
White         George         20      128N       57W     White
White         Jonah          35      126N       54W     Lake
White         Mary           26      129N       54W     LaBelle
White         Orin           24      127N       53W     McKinley
Whiteford     Joseph         10      125N       57W     Sisseton
Whitford      Levi           34      126N       57W     Waverly
Whitford      Sam            26      126N       57W     Waverly
Whiting       William        08      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wi-Ya         Martha         21      127N       53W     McKinley
Wibert        Simon          23      126N       57W     Waverly
Wickert       Henry          34      126N       57W     Waverly
Wickre        John           12      128N       53W     Veblen
Wikers        Daniel         26      126N       57W     Waverly
Wikert        Edward         35      126N       57W     Waverly
Wikert        John           24      126N       57W     Waverly
Wiko                         20      127N       53W     McKinley
Wilcox        Alex           27      129N       53W     Veblen
Wilcox        Alex           28      129N       53W     Veblen
Wilkins       Richard        01      127N       58W     Miller
Wilkinson     H.             19      126N       57W     Waverly
William       Ezra           04      128N       54W     LaBelle
Williams      David          18      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Dey            29      128N       59W     Dayton
Williams      Elisebeth      35      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Williams      Ezra           05      128N       54W     LaBelle
Williams      Ezra           09      128N       54W     LaBelle
Williams      George         32      126N       59W     Weston
Williams      Henry          05      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Henry          06      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Hugh           24      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      Hugh           25      125N       57W     Sisseton
Williams      Jennie         29      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Jennie         33      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      John           12      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      John           23      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      Nellie         15      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      Orren          19      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Richard        20      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      Rowland        19      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Rowland        29      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      Samuel         22      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      Sizzie         18      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Williams      Sizzie         19      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Williams      William        06      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      William        20      125N       58W     Hickman
Williams      William        22      126N       58W     Lowell
Williams      William        34      125N       59W     Newport
Willimas      Robert         03      125N       58W     Hickman
Wilson        Bert           02      125N       53W     Buffalo
Wilson        George         13      127N       58W     Miller
Wilson        Ole            04      128N       53W     Veblen
Wilson        Victor         18      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wilson        William        34      128N       53W     Veblen
Wilson        William        35      128N       53W     Veblen
Win-Han-Ska-WiAnnie          10      128N       53W     Veblen
Winslow       Niles          07      126N       57W     Waverly
Winslow       William        26      125N       59W     Newport
Wismer        Albert         19      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        Albert         30      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        Annie          30      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        Fred           06      126N       56W     Hamilton
Wismer        Fred           25      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wismer        Fred           30      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        Fred           31      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        Lillie         24      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wismer        Rose           30      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        Tillie         31      127N       56W     Wismer
Wismer        William        31      127N       56W     Wismer
Witham        Charles        25      126N       59W     Weston
Witham        Charles        26      126N       59W     Weston
Witzel        George         07      126N       59W     Weston
Wold          Ole            10      127N       58W     Miller
Wold          Ole            22      128N       53W     Veblen
Wold          Petter         01      127N       54W     Dumarce
Wold          Petter         12      127N       54W     Dumarce
Woler         Elias          08      128N       54W     LaBelle
Wolf          Frederich      27      128N       58W     Newark
Wolfe         Jacob          28      126N       57W     Waverly
Wolfe         Mary           33      126N       57W     Waverly
Wolren        William        15      126N       57W     Waverly
Wolverton     Frank          03      126N       59W     Weston
Wolverton     Stacy          04      126N       59W     Weston
Wood          Charles        18      126N       57W     Waverly
Wood          Charles        31      126N       57W     Waverly
Wood          Fernando       23      128N       53W     Veblen
Wood          James          34      125N       59W     Newport
Wood          Rensselaei     09      126N       57W     Waverly
Woodard       Edward         18      125N       58W     Hickman
Woodard       Edward         20      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Woodard       Jane           30      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Woodard       Lysander       29      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Woodard       Marvin         29      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wooddell      William        14      128N       53W     Veblen
Woodford      Charles        19      125N       58W     Hickman
Woodhouse     Edmund         06      128N       58W     Newark
Woodward      Aloise         30      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Wooford       William        24      125N       59W     Newport
Woulph        John           14      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Woulph        Sam            22      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Woulph        Sam            23      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Wright        DeEstind       35      125N       59W     Newport
Wright        John           09      127N       58W     Miller
Wright        Walter         01      125N       59W     Newport
Wurster       Charley        27      126N       59W     Weston
Wyckoff       Levi           08      127N       59W     Stena
Wyckoff       Sylvester      06      127N       59W     Stena
Wyckoff       William        07      127N       59W     Stena
Y????         William        31      127N       57W     Pleasant Valley
Yader         Lottie         10      128N       53W     Veblen
Yeaman        Frank          25      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Yeates        Christopher    06      126N       56W     Hamilton
Yeats         Christopher    31      127N       56W     Wismer
Yeoman        Frank          02      126N       53W     Red Iron Lake
Yongquist     August         23      125N       57W     Sisseton
Young         Albert         11      126N       59W     Weston
Young         George         22      125N       59W     Newport
Young         Julia          26      126N       59W     Weston
Young         Robert         28      128N       57W     White
Young         William        10      126N       59W     Weston
Yuinen        John           05      125N       57W     Sisseton
Yungquest     Daniel         17      125N       57W     Sisseton
Yungquist     August         22      125N       57W     Sisseton
Zachrison     John           27      125N       57W     Sisseton
Zeigelneis    Theodor        09      125N       57W     Sisseton
Zellmer       Julius         04      127N       58W     Miller
Zimmerman     James          28      126N       57W     Waverly
Zwickl        Sebastian      15      126N       54W     Lake