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		Thomas James Law Biography

	This biography appears on pages 1526 in "History of South 
	Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, 
	OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger,

	This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit 
	organizations for their private use. 

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.

	THOMAS JAMES LAW, the able and popular young state's attorney of 
Deuel county, was born in the city of Chicago, Illinois, on the 17th of 
January, 1870, and is a son of Thomas J. and Josephine (Stanley) Law, 
the former of whom was born in the dominion of Canada and the latter in 
Wisconsin. The paternal grandfather of the subject came from the north 
of Ireland to America and settled in the province of Ontario, Canada, 
where he married, his wife being a native of that section. The maternal 
grandfather was a native of New York and a descendant of staunch old New 
England stock, while his wife was of German extraction and was likewise 
born in the old Empire state. When the subject was a child of two years 
his parents removed to Lafayette county, Wisconsin, where his father 
engaged in the practice of law, and the latter and his wife now reside 
in Shullsburg, Wisconsin. After completing the curriculum of the high 
school in Shullsburg, Lafayette county, Wisconsin, in which he was 
graduated as a member of the class of 1887. Mr. Shaw entered the law 
department of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, where he 
completed the prescribed course and was graduated on the 1st of July, 
1891, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, while he was also admitted to 
the bar of the state. On the 28th of the following October he located at 
Clear Lake, the judicial center of Deuel county, South Dakota, where he 
has since been engaged in the practice of his profession and where he 
has gained prestige as an able trial lawyer and counselor, while he has 
proved a most efficient and discriminating public prosecutor. He is a 
staunch advocate of the principles and policies of the Republican party 
and has been a zealous worker in its local ranks. In 1894 he was elected 
state's attorney of Deuel county and was chosen as his own successor in 
1896, while in 1900 he was again elected to this office, as was he also 
in 1902, his second term expiring January 1, 1905. In 1891 Mr. Law was 
raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Amicitia Lodge, No. 25, 
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Shullsburg, Wisconsin, and he was 
one of the charter members of Phoenix Lodge, No. 129, of Clear Lake, 
with which he is still affiliated. He is also a charter member of Clear 
Lake Camp, No. 1981, Modern Woodmen of America, and of Watertown Lodge, 
No. 838, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, at Watertown, this 

	On the 10th of October, 1894, Mr. Law was united in marriage to 
Miss Ethel M. Roberts, who was born at Emsdale, province of Ontario, 
Canada, on the 8th of September, 1877, being a daughter of William and 
Elizabeth Roberts, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Law have 
two children, Elsie M. and Stanley R.