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Last modified: Fri, 27 Jun 2008, 07:58:54 EDT    Size: 2076

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 Mary Edith Wood    <>
 7 Feb 1999 


I dont know if this cemetery has a name or not? This Tombstone is located
on Pelham Road on the property of Sagem, Inc.Directly behind the plant. It
is a small family Cemetery enclosed by a small Rock Wall. This is in
Greenville, County.

Here is the names of those buried there.

Reubin Smith  died Sept 22, 1810
Sylvia Smith  died Nov 25, 1807
Elizabeth Smith w/o J. B. Smith born Oct 23, 1796 died June 14, 1862
Louisa P. Smith born April 7, 1851 died Apr----?
Sylvia E. Walker born Jan 8, 1814 died------?
W. B. Walker born Mar 25, 1763 died Feb 19, 1805

Transcribed by Mary Edith Wood on April 10, 1997


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