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Sullivan-Luzerne-Chester County PA Archives Biographies.....Lawrence, William John 1857 - 
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  Joy Fisher January 28, 2008, 8:10 pm
  Author: Thomas J. Ingham (1899)
  WILLIAM JOHN LAWRENCE is a well-known contractor and builder of Dushore, senior
  member of the firm of Lawrence Brothers, of whose skill and ability many notable
  examples are seen at various points in this region. Thoroughly reliable in all
  things, the quality of his work is a convincing test of his own personal worth,
  and the same admirable trait is shown in his conscientious discharge of the
  duties of the different positions of trust and responsibility to which he has
  been chosen in business and political life. He is now acceptably serving as
  prothonotary, register and recorder, and clerk of the courts of Sullivan county,
  and makes his home in Laporte.
      William Lawrence, our subject's grandfather, was born in Northumberland
  county, Pennsylvania, in 1803, and came to Sullivan county about 1828,
  purchasing a farm in Cherry township, where he was engaged in tilling the soil
  until his death. He took an active part in the organization of the county and
  was one of the commissioners first elected. He married Miss Eliza, daughter of
  Horatio Ladd, and to them were born four children: Ann, who married Andrew
  Jackson, of Dushore, now deceased; Celinda, wife of Freeman Wilcox, of New
  Albany, Bradford county, Pennsylvania; John H., justice of the peace in Dushore;
  and Fidelia, deceased. For his second wife he married Mrs. Ann Gage, daughter of
  Thomas Manley, and to them were born two children: Ida, deceased; and William
  T., of East Canton, Pennsylvania.
      John Horatio Lawrence, our subject's father, was born in Cherry township,
  April 11, 1833, was educated in the district schools, and on attaining his
  majority embarked in mercantile business in Dushore. Two years later, however,
  he sold out and bought a farm in Cherry township, which he has since
  successfully conducted. He has not confined his attention alone to agricultural
  pursuits, but has again engaged in merchandising in Dushore, has engaged in
  lumbering to a considerable extent, and also acted as insurance agent. He has
  taken quite an active and prominent part in political affairs, has held the
  offices of school director, auditor and constable; in 1865 was elected sheriff
  of the county on the Democratic ticket, and was appointed justice of the peace
  in 1893 and again in 1898, being the present incumbent. He married Miss Hannah
  C., daughter of John Dieffenbach, of Cherry township, and they have become the
  parents of twelve children: Elizabeth, Mrs. D. W. Pealer, of Lopez,
  Pennsylvania; Ida E., Mrs. D. H. Larah, of Sonestown, Sullivan county; William
  J., our subject; Clarence, deceased; Charles T., a contractor and builder, of
  Dushore; Clinton E., a contractor and builder of Lopez; Jennie F., Mrs. J. P.
  Little, of California; Howard, deceased; Orville H., a manufacturer, of Waverly,
  New York; Celinda A., a resident of California; Laura, Mrs. A. J. Bradley, of
  Laporte; and Frank W., a journeyman machinist.
      William J. Lawrence was born in Cherry township, Sullivan county, February
  27, 1857, and was there educated in the district schools. At the early age of
  sixteen years he taught one term of school, and in the spring of 1874 secured a
  position in the office of a lumber firm in Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. A year
  later he entered the office of Broderick & Company at Luzerne, Pennsylvania, as
  bookkeeper, remaining in their employ one year. The following two years he
  worked at the carpenter's trade in the summer and in the mines during the
  winter, but being injured in the mines he returned to Sullivan county and worked
  at his trade in Dushore through the summer and taught school during the winter
  for three years. He then moved to Milton, Pennsylvania, and later to Chester,
  but in 1884 returned to Sullivan county, and in the fall of the same year he and
  his brother, Charles T., began contracting and building. In the conduct of this
  business they have been eminently successful and among the prominent buildings
  which they have erected are the Hotel Eaglesmere at Eaglesmere; the Catholic
  church at Overton; the Episcopal church at Laporte; the Catholic churches at
  Wilmot and Laporte; and the court-houses at Troy and Laporte; besides many other
  public buildings and residences in Sullivan and Bradford counties.
      In May, 1877, Mr. Lawrence was united in marriage to Miss Annie B., daughter
  of Mrs. Harriet Baker, of Luzerne, and to them have been born five children:
  Bertha G., a successful teacher, who is a graduate of the Bloomsburg State
  Normal; Eva Blanch; William S.; Hattie Winifred: and John R.
      Mr. Lawrence is a director of the First National Bank of Dushore, and has
  always been counted as one of the representative and most enterprising citizens
  of the place. In the fall of 1889 he was the Republican nominee for sheriff and
  was defeated by a small majority. He was elected school director at Dushore in
  1891, and resigned that position in 1896 on his removal to Laporte. In the fall
  of 1895 he was elected to the offices which he is now so creditably and
  satisfactorily filling. Again in 1898 he was re-elected as prothonotary,
  register and recorder and clerk of the courts. Upright and honorable in all his
  dealings and true to every trust reposed in him, he has the confidence and
  esteem of all with whom he has come in contact either in public or private life,
  and his friends are many throughout Sullivan county.
  Additional Comments:
              Extracted from: 
                History of Sullivan County Pennsylvania
                by Thomas J. Ingham
                   Compendium of Biography
             The Lewis Publishing Company
                Chicago: 1899
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