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Military: CWR: Livingston, William L. of interest in Somerset County, PA

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Keith Petenbrink and 
Meyersdale Public Library.
Transcribed and proofread by: Keith Petenbrink.

Copyright 2011.  All rights reserved.

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Livingston, William L.

* Private Co. A 88th Regiment Pa. Infantry 
* Conemaugh Twp. Somerset Co. Pa. 
* Drafted Mar. 10, 1865 at Chambersburg, Pa. 
* Due to report Mar. 27 - 31, 1865 at Chambersburg, Pa. 
* Mustered in Mar. 11, 1865 at age 22 
* Mustered out June 30, 1865 with company 
* Widow Pension: Applied July 16, 1890, Application #468328, Certificate #365761

* 1906 County History, Somerset Co. Pa. 
* Muster Roster Co. A 
* Somerset Democrat Mar. 15, 1865 
* Military Affairs Register Pa. Volunteers, Roll 295750 [Lists name as Willie]