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Misc: CHEW in Philadelphia City Directories (1785-1921);
Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania 

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NOTE: Square brackets mine [].- Vince

1785: Chew Edward, Ship builder, Water, b[etween] South and 
      Chew Benjamin, Esq[uire], gentleman, Third b[etween] Walnut and 
1791: Chew Benjamin, Esq[uire], 110, So. Third St.
      Chew Benjamin, jun[ior] Esq[uire], attorney at law, 68, Walnut 
1793: Chew Benjamin, Esq[uire], judge of the high court of errors and 
                                           appeals, 110, So. Third St.
      Chew Benjamin, jun[ior] Esq[uire], 68, Walnut St.
      Chew Dorcas, widow, head of Lowne's or Elsmie's alley
1797: Benjamin Chew, president of the high court of errors and appeals, 
                                                 110 south third street
      Benjamin Chew, Jr., attorney at law  68 Walnut Street
      Jeffrey Chew, carter, Grant St. bet[ween] third and fourth
      Joseph Chew, labourer, Plumb bet[ween] third and fourth
1799: Chew Benjamin, sen[io]r, gent[leman], 110 south third st.
1800: Chew William, carter between Second and Third in Catherine st
      Chew Jeffery, carter between Second and Third in Catharine st
      Chew Benjamin, senior gentleman, 110 south Third st
1805: Chew Benjamin, sen[ior], gentleman 110 S 3d
      Chew Jeffery, carter 258 S 5th
      Chew widow of William, boarding house 46 Spruce
1810: Chew Richard, porter 462 north Front
      Chew Benjamin, jun[ior] councellor at law, 112 Spruce
      Chew Jeffery, carter 262 south Fifth
      Chew Joseph, porter 41 Prime
      Chew Mrs. of William, grocer Spruce above Eighth
1816: Chew Benjamin, counsellor at law 87 S. Fourth
      Chew Elizabeth, widow 110 south Third
      Chew Isaac, shoemaker 85 Coates
      Chew Jacob, baker 85 Sassafras
      Chew Jeffery, confectioner 262 south Fifth
      Chew Joseph, ladies shoemaker 208 S. Sixth
      Chew Richard, drayman 452 north Front
      Chew Wm. Bricklayer 65th near Fitzwalter
      Chew W. dealer 98 S. Second and 179 Lombard
1820: Chew Benjamin, counsellor at law, 87 south Fourth
      Chew Henry, grocer Camden (N.J.)
      Chew Isaac, ladies' shoemaker Taper alley
      Chew Jeffry, confectioner 262 south Fifth
      Chew Jeffry, jun[ior] confectioner back 107 Catharine
      Chew Joseph, ladies' shoemaker 223 Chesnut
      Chew Joseph, drayman Germantown r[ear] ab[ove] Laurel
      Chew Richard, innkeeper cor[ner] Laurel and Front N. L.
      Chew William, dealer 249 south Sixth
      Chew Wm. Dealer 98 south Second and 245 Spruce
1825: Chew Benjamin, gent[leman], 87 s 4th
      Chew Benjamin B., merchant 21 Chesnut, d. h. 87 s 4th
      Chew James, chair-maker 14, d. h. 16 Catharine
      Chew J, confectioner 262 s 5th
      Chew Jeffrey, jun[ior], confectioner 301 s 5th
      Chew Joseph, ladies' shoemaker 223 Chesnut
      Chew Isaac A., shoemak[er], 48 Frankford road
      Chew the Misses, gentlewomen, Walnut first door bel[ow] s 11th 
                                                           s[outh] side
      Chew Samuel, att[orne]y at law 114 d. h. 87 s 4th
      Chew Wm, dealer in 2d hand clothes under 71 s 2d, d. h. 187 s 7th
1830: Chew Benj[a]man, counseller at law 87 S 4th
      Chew Benjamin, jr counseller at law 87 S 4th
      Chew Isaac A, shoem[ake]r Queen n[ear] Frankford r[ear]
      Chew Jeffery, confectioner 301 S 5th
      Chew John, blacksmith 10 Kesslers al[ley]
      Chew Jonathan, shoe store 281 S 5th
      Chew Joseph, ladies shoemaker 223 Chesnut
      Chew J T, att[orne]y at law 70 S 4th
      Chew ---, ladies shoe ma[ker] 2d n[ear] German
      Chew Misses, gent[le]w[omen] Walnut 1st door bel[ow] 11th
      Chew Samuel, att[orne]y at law 90 d h 87 S 4th
      Chew Wm, clothier 191 S 7th
      Chew William, 87 S 4th
      Chew Wisley, cordwainer 33 Almond
      Chew widow Mary, 91 N 2d
1835: Chew James, chair painter 31 Harmony
      Chew Jeffery, confectioner 328 S 4th
      Chew Jeffery jr, confect[ioner] 301 S 5th
      Chew Jonathan, shoe store 281 S 5th
      Chew Joseph, ladies shoe m[ake]r Chesnut ab[ove] 8th
      Chew Joseph, shoe m[ake]r c[orner] 13th & Mifflin
      Chew Samuel, att[orne]y at law Walnut bel[ow] 4th
      Chew W W, vice con[sul] of Columbia 35 Dock
1837: Colwell Chew, confect[ioner] Beach n[ear] Maiden
      Elias Chew, hatter 1 Bickhams c[our]t
      Miss Henrietta Chew, 286 Walnut
      James Chew, chair painter 31 Harmony
      James A Chew, cordw[ainer] George ab[ove] Otter
      John P Chew, cord Robeson's al[ley] n[ear] Penn st[reet] 
      Jeffery Chew, confectioner 328 S 4th
      Jeffery jr Chew, bottling cellar 301 S 5th
      Jonathan Chew, shoe store 281 S 5th
      Jos Chew, ladies shoe m[ake]r 204 Chestnut
      Joseph Chew, shoe m[ake]r c[orner] 13th & Mifflin
      Joseph Chew, waterman 14 Mary ? S
      Samuel Chew, att[orne]y at law 80 Walnut
      Wm Chew, hair cutter 36 S 4th
      W W Chew, vice consul for Columbia 
1839: F. & J. Chew, hair dressers & wigm[ake]rs, 36 S. 4th
      H. S. Chew, tavern, c[orner] Cedar & Vernon
      Isaac Chew, cordwainer, 1 Dungan Av[enue]
      James Chew, chairmaker, 31 Harmony
      Jeffrey Chew, bottler, 301 S 5th
      John P. Chew, cordwainer, Querville's c[our]t
      Jonathan Chew, cordwainer, 281 S 5th
      Joseph Chew, cordwainer, 13th ab[ove] Lombard
      Joseph Chew, ladies shoemaker, 204 Chestnut
      Joseph Chew, packer, 68 German
      Maria Chew, 286 Walnut
      Samuel Chew, att[orne]y & coun[selor], 80 Walnut
      Westley Chew, cordwainer, 328 S 4th
      William Chew, clothes, N E 2nd & Walnut, h 36 S 4th
1840: Chew F. & J. hairdressers & wigm[ake]rs., 36 S 4th.
      Chew H. S., tavern, c[orner] Cedar & Vernon.
      Chew James, hatter, 357 S 2d.
      Chew Jeffrey, bottler, Catharine bel[ow] 7th.
      Chew Jeffrey, mariner, 22 Mead.
      Chew Jonathan, cordwainer, 281 S 5th.
      Chew Joseph, ladies' shoemaker, 204 Chestnut.
      Chew Maria, 286 Walnut.
      Chew Samuel, att[orne]y & coun[sellor], 80 Walnut
      Chew Totten, carter, rear 298 S 45h.
      Chew Westley, cordwainer, 328 S 4th.
      Chew William, clothes, N E 2nd & Walnut, h 36 S 4th.
1851: Chew Catharine, Watson al[ley]
      Chew Harvey S., tavern, 6 Vernon
      Chew James, chairm[ake]r, Harmony bel[ow] 4th
      Chew Jeffry, stevedore, rear 74 Christian
      Chew John, hairdr[esser] & wigm[ake]r, 199 Chestnut, h 16 Powell
      Chew John F., shoem[ake]r, P road bel[ow] 8th
      Chew John R., cordw[ainer], 11th bel[ow] Girard av[enue]
      Chew Joseph, ladies' shoem[ake]r, 39 S 8th, h 572 Poplar
      Chew Joseph, clerk, Broad and Parrish
      Chew Joseph D., shoem[ake]r, 281 S 5th
      Chew Keziah, 328 S 4th
      Chew Nathan, buttonm[ake]r, Charles ab[out] Federal
      Chew Totten, carter, 2d ab[ove] Greenwich
      Chew Wm., clothes, N E 2d and Walnut, h 16 Powell
      Chew Wm., lab[orer], rear Lancaster ab[ove] Reed
1859: Chew Andrew, lab[orer], Otsego bel[ow] Morris
      Chew Catharine, washw[oman], 240 Watson's al[ley]
      Chew Harvey S., livery stable, 523 S 4th, h 127 Shippen
      Chew Jas M., 926 S 4th 
      Chew Jeffery, salesman, N W 2d & South, h 624 Catharine
      Chew John, provisions, 907 New Market
      Chew John, hairdr[esser] and wigmaker, 37 S 6th, h 749 S 9th
      Chew Jos., jr., merchant, 21 N 4th, h 821 N Broad
      Chew Jos., sr., gent[leman], 1528 Poplar
      Chew Julia, 3 Rose al[ley]
      Chew K., 1313 S 4th
      Chew Nathan, button m[ake]r, 1004 S 8th
      CHEW SAM'L, att[orne]y at law, office 1 Mercantile Library 
          Building, 123 S 5th, h Johnson (G[erman] Town)
      Chew Totten, carter, Morris bel[ow] 2d
      Chew Wm., segar m[ake]r, rear 1012 Crease
1860: Chew Andrew S., carter, Otsego near Morris
      Chew Ann, Johnson near G[erman]t[ow]n avenue (G[erman]t[ow]n)
      Chew Arthur H., shipcarpenter, Caruth place near Borden
      Chew Benjamin, Hermit's lane (Rox[boro])
      Chew Benj. R., tinsmith, 213 Washington av[enue]
      Chew Charles W., jeweler, 926 S 4th
      Chew Edward, carpenter, Oak n[ear] Rose (W[est] P[hiladelphia])
      Chew Elisha, farmer, 46 Shippen st market, h Carpenter's landing 
                                              Gloucester co[unty], N J
      Chew Elizabeth, widow, rear 748 S 2d
      Chew Harvey S., livery stable, 523 S 4th, h 127 Shippen
      Chew James, cakes, 926 S 4th
      Chew Jeffery, clerk, 624 Catharine
      Chew Jesse, shoemaker, 31 Campbell
      Chew Job, clerk, 244 Christian
      Chew John, (colored) hairdresser, 37 S 6th, h 749 S 9th
      Chew John P., shoemaker, 907 New Market 
      Chew Joseph, late shoe manufacturer, Broad c[orner] Berks avenue
      Chew Joseph, Broad opp[osite] Monument Cemetery
      Chew Jos., jr., china, 21 N 4th, h 821 N Broad
      Chew Joseph D., shoemaker, 731 South
      Chew Keziah, wid[ow] of Wesley, 1313 S 4th
      Chew Martha, dressmaker, Emerald near Cumberland
      Chew Nathan C., turner, 1004 S 8th
      Chew Nathaniel, farmer, 30 Shippen st market,[rest missing- VES.]
      Chew Samuel, lawyer, 424 Library, h Main (G[erman]t[ow]n)
      Chew Totten, carter, 122 Morris
      Chew William, farmer, r[ear] 620 Washington av[enue]
      Chew William, segarmaker, rear 1012 Crease
1861: Chew Andrew J., shoemaker, S 2d n[ear] Morris
      Chew Charles W., jeweler, 926 S 4th
      Chew Edward, carpenter, Oak n[ear] 41st
      Chew Elisha, farmer, 46, sec 3, Shippen Market, h Gloucester 
                                                          Co[unty], N J
      Chew Harvey S., livery stable, 523 S 4th, h 127 Shippen
      Chew James M., chairmaker, 926 S 4th
      Chew Jeffries, clerk, 624 Catharine
      Chew Jesse S., farmer, 64, sec 3, Shippen Market, h Gloucester 
                                                          Co[unty], N J
      Chew Job, milkman, 244 Christian
      Chew John, wig maker and haircutter, 37 S 6th, h 749 S 9th
      Chew John, baker, G[erman] T[own] av[enue] ab[ove] Montgomery
      Chew John P., produce, 344 N 2d, h 128 Nagle
      Chew Joseph jr., chinaware, 21 N 4th, h 821 N Broad
      Chew Joseph sr., gentleman, 821 N Broad
      Chew Kezeiah D., widow Wesley, 1313 S 4th
      Chew Nathan C., turner, 1004 S 8th
      Chew Rachel Mrs., dealer, 30 sec 3 Shippen st Market, h N J
      CHEW SAMUEL, att[orne]y at law, 204 S 4th, h Germantown av[enue] 
                                                       ab[ove] Johnson
      Chew Wesley W., clerk, 1313 S 4th
      Chew William, segarmaker, 1012 Crease 
1862: Chew & Beckett (H. S. Chew, Samuel Beckett), Farmers' Hotel, 
                                                          610 Annapolis
      Chew Catharine (c[olored]), washerw[oman], 259 Raspberry
      Chew Elijah H., painter, 426 German
      Chew George W., shoe store, 1020 S 4th, Camden
      Chew H. S., hotel, 610 Annapolis
      Chew James, chairmaker, 926 S 4th
      Chew Jeffrey, salesman, 624 Catharine
      Chew Job, gentleman, 244 Christian
      Chew John, hairdresser, 37 S 6th, h 749 S 9th
      Chew John A., hairdresser, 749 S 9th
      Chew John F., boot and shoe store, 402 Market, Camden
      Chew John P., provisions, 324 N 15th
      Chew Joseph, gent[leman], N Broad ab[ove] Montgomery av[enue]
      Chew Joseph, Jr., china and glass, 21 N 4th, h 821 N Broad
      Chew Joseph D., cordwainer, 409 German
      Chew Mary Ann, r[ear] Moore ab[ove] 2d
      Chew Martin C., turner, 335 Jarvis
      Chew Phoebe, wid[ow] David, 1219 Palethorp
      Chew Kechiah, wid[ow] Wesley, 541 Wharton
      Chew Samuel, att[orne]y, at law, 204 S 4th, h G[erman] T[own] 
                                               av[enue] ab[ove] Johnson
      Chew Totten, carter, 122 Morris
      Chew Wesley, clerk, 541 Wharton
      Chew William W., segarmaker, 1012 Crease 
1863: Chew & Beckett (Harvey S. Chew & Samuel Beckett), Farmers' hotel, 
                                                          610 Annapolis
      Chew Charles W., jeweller, 926 S 4th
      Chew Catharine, washing & ironing, 259 Raspberry
      Chew Elijah, dealer, 417 S 2d
      Chew Harvey S., hotel, 610 Annapolis
      Chew Henry B., attorney-at-law, 204 S 4th, h G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew James, chairmaker, 926 S 4th
      Chew Jeffry, clerk, 624 Catharine
      Chew Job, dealer, 417 S 2d
      Chew John (c[olored]), hairdresser, 37 S 6th, h 749 S 9th
      Chew John P., provisions, 502 Dillwyn
      Chew John P., provision dealer, Callowhill ab[ove] Broad, h 527 
      Chew Joseph, Jr., merchant, 21 N 4th, h 821 N Broad
      Chew Joseph D., shoemaker, 409 German
      Chew Margaret, 244 Christian
      Chew Phoebe, washerwoman, 2 Calvin pl
      Chew Samuel, att[orne]y-at-law, 204 S 4th, h Johnson & Main, 
      Chew Annie S. P., gentlewoman, Johnson & Main, G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Totten, carter, 122 Morris
      Chew Wesley W., clerk, 541 Wharton
      Chew William, farmer, r[ear] 620 Washington av[enue]
      Chew William, segarmaker, 1912 Crease
1864: Chew Andrew, driver, 122 Morris
      Chew Andrew, shoemaker, 348 N 3d
      Chew Arthur, shipcarpenter, b[oar]ds 3 Rule
      Chew & Beckett (Harvey S. Chew & Samuel Beckett), Farmers' Hotel, 
                                                          610 Annapolis
      Chew Catharine (c[olored]), laundress, 259 Raspberry al[ley]
      Chew Charles W., jeweller, 926 S 4th
      Chew Harvey, hotel, 610 Annapolis
      Chew Henry B., gentleman, 204 S 4th, h Germantown av[enue] 
                                              & Johnson, G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Henry K., salesman, 1204 Chestnut, h 921 Sergeant
      Chew John, wigmaker, 37 S 6th, h 749 S 9th
      Chew John C., hairdresser, 749 S 9th
      Chew John P., clerk, 1014 Market, h 502 Dillwyn
      Chew Joseph, sailor, 122 Morris
      Chew Joseph, Jr., china, &c., 21 N 4th, h 821 N Broad
      Chew James M., chairmaker, 926 S 4th
      Chew Margaret, 244 Christian
      Chew Nathan C., sawyer, 335 Jarvis
      Chew Phebe, gentlewoman, Calvin pl
      CHEW SAMUEL, attorney-at-law, 204 S 4th, h Germantown av[enue] 
                                             & Johnson, G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Totan, driver, 122 Morris
      Chew William, cigarmaker, 1012 Crease
      Chew W. W., clerk, 541 Wharton
1870: Chew Andrew J., boatman, h 2 Gloucester pl
      Chew Andrew J., shoes, 932-1/2 Jefferson av[enue], h 216 Marriott
      Chew Benjamin, sec[retary], 104 Chestnut, h G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Edward, carpenter, h N 42d n[ear] Transcript
      Chew Edward, driver, h r[ear] 625 Minster
      Chew Elijah H., painter, h 4092, Mary, W[est] P[hiladelphia]
      Chew Henry K., clerk, h 2220 Lombard
      Chew Hiram, moulder, h 140 McClellan
      Chew Jeffry, laborer, h 624 Catharine
      Chew John E. (Hope & Chew), h 1719 Montrose
      Chew John P., salesman, 416 S 2d, h 907 Hutchinson
      Chew Joseph, Jr. (Cauffman & Chew), h 821 N Broad
      Chew Joseph D., printer, h 907 Auburn
      Chew Nathan, h 1016 S 5th
      Chew Nathan C., sawyer, h 335 Jarvis
      Chew Robert W., clerk, 1003 Market, h 1020 Race
      Chew Samuel (David S. Brown & Co[mpany]), h G[erman]t[ow]n 
                                              av[enue] c[orner] Johnson
      Chew Sylvester N. (Rev.), h 1215 Hancock
      Chew William, barber, 37 S 6th, h 906 Rodman
      Chew William, butcher, h r[ear] 620 Wash[ingto]n av[enue]
      Chew William W., segarmaker, h 1012 Crease
      Chew W. Wesley (William S. Souder), h 541 Wharton
1875: Chew & Saunders (William H. Chew & Singleton T. Saunders), 
                                                    barbers, 1010 South
      Chew Amanda, boarding, 1012 Crease
      Chew Benjamin, treas[urer], 6 N 7th, h Main c[orner] Johnson, 
      Chew Charles, laborer, h 788 S 2d
      Chew Charles S., printer, h 427 Wharton
      Chew Edward, driver, h r[ear] 625 Minster
      Chew Edward, laborer, h 1132 Kater
      Chew E. Henry B. (E Henry B. Chew & Son), h 1228 N 16th
      Chew E. Henry B., Jr. (E. Henry B. Chew & Son), h 1228 N 16th
      Chew E. Henry B. & Son (E. Henry B. & E. Henry B. Chew, Jr.), 
                                              upholsterers, 1228 N 16th
      Chew Harvey S., horse dealer, h 1345 S 4th
      Chew Henry, weaver, h 402 Norris
      Chew Henry K., grocer, 129 N 12th, h 1701 Arch
      Chew James S. (Anthony, Chew & Gerrish), h N Y
      Chew Jeannette, wid[ow] Jeffrey, h 624 Catharine
      Chew John E. (Aiken & Chew), h 925 S 23d
      Chew John W., filer, h 1 Cunningham's av[enue]
      Chew Joseph, h 821 N Broad
      Chew Joseph, butcher, h r[ear] Washington av[enue]
      Chew Joseph D., printer, h 907 Auburn
      Chew Kendall, woolsorter, h 402 Norris
      Chew Margaret, wid[ow] Joseph, h 801 S 4th
      Chew Mary, widow, h 1418 Randolph
      Chew Mary, trimmings, 932-1/2 Moyamensing av[enue]
      Chew Nathan, h 324 Federal
      Chew Nathan C., sawyer, h 427 Wharton
      Chew Nathaniel F., salesman, h 2327 St Alban's pl
      Chew Rachel H., dressmaker, 427 Wharton
      Chew Robert, sexton, h Passyunk av[enue] n[ear] Rope Ferry r[oa]d
      Chew Robert W., clerk, h 1131 Parrish
      Chew Samuel (David S. Brown & Co[mpany]), h G[erman]t[ow]n 
                                av[enue] n[ear] Johnson, G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Sylvester N. (Rev), h 252 N 13th
      Chew Totten, clerk, h 120 Greenwich
      Chew William, tinsmith, h 907 Auburn
      Chew William H. (Chew & Saunders), & barber, 120 S 10th, 
                                                       h 1116 Fitzwater
      Chew W. Wes. (Rowley & Chew), h Camden
1890: Chew Adam, mason, h 225 N 62-1/2
      Chew Albert S., carpenter, h 1406 S 7th
      Chew Alfonso, salesman, h 627 Forbes
      Chew Amanda, wid[ow] William, h 1012 Crease
      Chew Ann S. P., h G[erman]t[ow]n av[enue] c[orner] E Johnson, 
      Chew Annie, wid[ow] Elijah, h 410 Sloan
      Chew Charles, waiter, h 711 Doak
      Chew Charles A., clerk, h 906 Moore
      Chew Charles F., poultry, h 338 German
      Chew Charles F., waiter, h 759 S 13th
      Chew David S. B., treas[urer], Bullitt B[ui]ld[in]g, 
                                                          h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Emanuel, engineer, h 2312 Philadelphia
      Chew Emanuel, flame boss, h Lombard n[ear] S 61st
      Chew Emanuel, weaver, h 6025 Hazel
      Chew George M.,, printer, h 1720 S 16th
      Chew Henry, laborer, h 3381 Agate
      Chew Henry, polisher, h 1006 Moyam[ensin]g av[enue]
      Chew Henry B., h G[erman]t[ow]n av[enue] c[orner] E Johnson, 
      Chew Hiram F., mariner, h 140 Trellis
      Chew Ira (I. Chew & Bro[ther]), h Camden
      Chew I. & Bro. (Ira Chew), com[mission] mer[chant]s, 345 S Front
      Chew Jennie, dreessm[a]k[e]r, 301 N 41st
      Chew John, salesman, h 1012 Crease
      Chew John A., compositor, h 1311 S 9th
      Chew John E., undertaker, 1703 Passy[un]k av[enue], 
                                                       h 2031 Ellsworth
      Chew John W., carver, h 520 Greenwich
      Chew Joseph D., paperh[an]g[e]r, h 1013 Tasker
      Chew Joseph H., driver, h 602 N 23d
      Chew Lorenzo, driver, h 1335 Hutchinson
      Chew Mary, widow, h 1836 Woodstock
      Chew Mary J., wid[ow] Samuel, h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Nathan C., sawyer, h 427 Wharton
      Chew Nathaniel F., h 2327 St Alban's pl
      Chew Oliver, com[mission] mer[chant], h 815 Holly
      Chew Phoebe, wid[ow] Daniel, h 728 Shirley
      Chew Rachel, dressm[a]k[e]r, 427 Wharton
      Chew Rebecca, widow, h 3916 Brown
      Chew Robert W., salesman, h 2444 Turner
      Chew Thomas H., undertaker, h 1940 S 12th
      Chew Totten, h 1612 S 2d
      Chew William, driver, h 2649 Almond
      Chew William A., ironw[or]k[e]r, h 1628 S 11th
      Chew William R., painter, h 1425 Raggio
      Chew William S., oysters, Susq[ueh]ana av[enue] c[orner] Ridge 
                                               av[enue], h 3020 Dauphin
      Chew W. Wesley, printer, 712 Chestnut, h Camden  
1895: Chew Albert S., carpenter, h 164 Siegel
      Chew Anne S. P., h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Annie, wid[ow] Eli J., h 3726 Locust
      Chew Bertha E., h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Chas, upholsterer, h 1116 Fitzwater
      Chew Chas A., clerk, h 906 Moore
      Chew Chas B., conductor, h 4106 Filbert
      Chew Chas F., oysters, 1202 Mifflin
      Chew Chas F., produce, h 338 German
      Chew Danl J., laborer, h 2719 Herman
      Chew David S. B., h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Edgar, electrician, h 2940 N 15th
      Chew Edgar H. B., upholsterer, h 406 N 18th
      Chew Elizabeth B., h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Emanuel, police, h 2312 Philadelphia
      Chew Emanuel, weaver, h 6107 Lombard
      Chew Frank, electrician, h 1737 N 21st
      Chew Geo H., waiter, h 3381 Agate
      Chew Geo M. C., printer, h 2029 N 32d
      Chew Henry E., conductor, h 4106 Filbert
      Chew Ira, salesman, h 413 Dudley
      Chew Jas W., waiter, h 1013 S 17th
      Chew Jno A., printer, h 1611 S 15th
      Chew Jno M., salesman, h 1012 Crease
      Chew Jno W., carver, h 520 Greenwich
      Chew Jno W., packer, h 2134 S 7th
      Chew Jos A., driver, h 2034 Fitzwater
      Chew Jos B., printer, h 1720 S 16th
      Chew J. Lorenzo, coachman, h 726 Lydia
      Chew Mary J. B., wid[ow] Saml, h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Mitchell, laborer, h 208 N 62d
      Chew Nathan C., h 427 Wharton
      Chew Phoebe A., wid[ow] Danl, h 1819 Bouvier av[enue]
      Chew Rebecca, wid[ow] Jno, h 3916 Brown
      Chew Richd, student, h 1116 Fitzwater
      Chew Saml, student, h 1716 Chestnut
      Chew Stephen, janitor, h 732 Lydia
      Chew Thos, h 2860 Leithgow
      Chew Thos H., undertaker, 1800 S 13th
      Chew Thos P. (Cope Bros.), h Chew n[ear] E Walnut la[ne], 
      Chew Totten, h 1612 S 2d
      Chew Wilbur, laborer, h Fountain n[ear] Ridge av[enue], 
      Chew Wm A., roofer, h 1720 S 16th
      Chew Wm H., laborer, h 3381 Agate
      Chew Wm H., moulder, h 411 Emily
      Chew Wm S., barber, 3045 Ridge av[enue]
      Chew Wm S. Jr., barber, h 3045 Ridge av[enue]
      Chew W. Henry, weaver, h 2930 Reese
      Chew W. Wesley, printer, 712 Chestnut, h Camden
1900: Chew Albert, carpenter, h 425 Emily
      Chew Alphonso T., janitor, h 4108 Filbert
      Chew Amanda, wid[ow] Wm W., h 1012 Crease
      Chew Benj, h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Chas, barber, h 1119 Christian
      Chew Chas, moulder, h 135 Pierce
      Chew Chas A., paper bags, 139 S Front, h 3242 N 13th
      Chew Chas B., laborer, h 4108 Filbert
      Chew Chas F., butter, 1705 S 2d
      Chew Chas F., salesman, h 2046 Turner
      Chew Chong Wo & Co., silk g[oo]ds, 937 Race
      Chew C. T., fireman, h 2034 Oxford
      Chew David S. B., treas[urer], 505 Chestnut, h 1716 Walnut
      Chew S. B. Club, 1004 Sansom
      Chew Edgar H. B., upholsterer, h 2112 Bainbridge
      Chew Edwd, butcher, h 4313 Fleming, M[ana]y[un]k
      Chew Edwd, carpenter, h 5360 Tacony, F[ran]k[for]d
      Chew Elmer H. (Lawrence & Chew), h 1512 Willington
      Chew Elwood R., clerk, h 1252 S 26th
      Chew Emanuel, engineer, h 2320 N 12th
      Chew Emanuel, foreman, h 6105 Lombard
      Chew Emanuel, Jr., weaver, h 6109 Lombard
      Chew Frances A., wid[ow] Jos D., h 1122 Ritner
      Chew Frank, operator, h 513 Spruce
      Chew Geo M., printer, h 2404 N 31st
      Chew Ira, salesman, h 1532 Ritner
      Chew Jennie D., dressm[a]k[e]r, 1320 Arch
      Chew Jno A., compositor, h 2441 S 13th
      Chew Jno H., messenger, h 301 S Fawn
      Chew Jno M., salesman, h 1012 Crease
      Chew Jno W., buffer, h 2221 S Mildred
      Chew Jno W., carver, h 3954 Wyalusing
      Chew Jonas C., undertaker, 2218 Ellsworth
      Chew Jos, driver, h 1019 Waverly
      Chew Jos A., driver, h 1841 Marston
      Chew J. Lorenzo, driver, h 3926 Wallace
      Chew Lillian, dressm[a]k[e]r, 1819 N Bouvier
      Chew Martha, wid[ow] Saml, h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Mary A., wid[ow] Wm, h 3242 N 13th
      Chew Mitchell, laborer, h 5442 Ludlow
      Chew Nathaniel F., h 2230 Fitzwater
      Chew Oliver, bartender, h 1801 N 13th
      Chew Phoebe, widow, h 1819 N Bouvier
      Chew Printing House, 712 Chestnut
      Chew Richd S., civ[il] engineer, h 2356 N Lambert
      Chew Robt (Rev.), h 5360 Tacony, F[ran]k[for]d
      Chew Robt W., salesman, h 2444 Turner
      Chew Sallie M., governess, h Girard College
      Chew Saml, lawyer, 1318 Stephen Girard B[ui]ld[in]g, 
                                                          h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Saml, sup[erintendent], h 1708 Tioga
      Chew Stephen, laborer, h 4133 Warren
      Chew Thos H., undertaker, 1515 Morris
      Chew Totten, h 1610 S 2d
      Chew Wm, driver, h 2649 Almond
      Chew Wm, moulder, h 411 Emily
      Chew Wm A. (F. McCarthy & Son), h 1720 S 16th
      Chew Wm H., barber, 2300 Nicholas
      Chew Wm S., barber, 3045 Ridge av[enue]
      Chew W. Wesley (Chew Printing House), h Camden
1910: Chew Albert S carp[enter] h 1808 S Hicks
      Chew Alphonso T janitor h 4239 Market
      Chew Alphonso T jr salesman h 4239 Market
      Chew Amanda wid[ow] Melvin h 1737 N Camac
      Chew Anna H dressm[a]k[e]r 5429 Spruce
      Chew Arthur C civ[il] eng[inee]r h 5614 Stokes G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Benj 812 Arcade b[ui]ld[in]g h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Benj cl[er]k h 921 Locust
      Chew Chas helper Phila[delphia] Hospital
      Chew Chas lab[orer] h 3604 Market
      Chew Chas molder h 626 Ritner
      Chew Chas A cl[er]k h 3242 N 13th
      Chew Chas F h 2330 N 21st
      Chew Chas F butter 1705 S 2d
      Chew Chas F piano tuner 5849 G[erman]t[ow]n av[enue] 
                                          h 37 Pastorius G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Chas F jr foreman h 142 Fernon
      Chew Chas S (Williams & Chew) h 2106 Fitzwater
      Chew Danl lab[orer] h 2308 N Fawn
      CHEW DAVID S B, real est[ate], 812 Arcade b[ui]ld[in]g, 
                                                            h 19 S 21st
      Chew David S B jr h 19 S 21st
      Chew Edw H br[a]k[e]man h 4346 Freeland av[enue] Rox[boro]
      Chew Elmer H salesman h 5238 Larchwood
      Chew Emanuel weaver h 6006 Lombard
      Chew Ethel cl[er]k h 2330 N 21st
      Chew Flora F h 3726 Locust
      Chew Geo lab[orer] h 1916 N Alder
      Chew Geo M printer h 5429 Spruce
      Chew Hannah wid[ow] Emanuel h 3124 N 7th
      Chew Harry carp[enter] h 5717 DeLancey
      Chew Harry weaver h 149 Cumberland
      Chew Harry E v[ice]-pres[ident] & treas[urer] Chew & Asnip 
                                                    Co[mpany] h Camden
      Chew Harry H lab[orer] h 6006 Lombard
      Chew Hiram h 626 Ritner
      Chew Howard G salesman h 2026 N Stillman
      Chew Irving p[l]umber h 4239 Market
      Chew Jas lab[orer] h 1917 Brandywine
      Chew Jas W h 911 S 19th
      Chew Jno lab[orer] h 1225 Panama
      Chew Jno A printer h 5456 Pine
      Chew Jno A jr cl[er]k h 5456 Pine
      Chew Jno M salesman h 1029 Marlborough
      Chew Jno W carver h 2005 E Chelten av[enue] Pville
      Chew Jos driver h 1225 Stiles
      Chew Jos lab[orer] h 2305 Stewart
      Chew J C (Sarah E Chew) undert[a]k[e]r 2218 Elsworth
      Chew J Weer salesman h 2444 Turner
      Chew Kate h 1015 Dauphin
      Chew Lily dressm[a]k[e]r h 1819 N Bouvier
      Chew Louis D m[ana]g[e]r Elliott Addressing Machine Co[mpany] 
                                h 663 E Penn[sylvania] G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Margaret librarian h 2421 N 21st
      Chew Mary wid[ow] Jos h 4074 Warren
      Chew Mary wid[ow] Saml h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Mary C wid[ow] Wm H h 3571 Mercer
      Chew Mary V nurse 305 E Girard av[enue]
      Chew Mitchell foreman h 5628 Summer
      Chew Nathaniel F (City & County Local Express) h 5254 Larchwood
      Chew Olive B elecutionist 1515 Morris
      Chew Oswald lawyer 119 S 4th h Radnor
      Chew Printing House (Walter W Chew) 712 Chestnut
      Chew Robt H finisher h 3124 N 7th
      Chew Robt W m[ana]g[e]r h 2444 Turner
      Chew Saml lawyer 711 Arcade b[ui]ld[in]g h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Saml L sup[erintenden]t h 3404 N 17th
      Chew Sarah wid[ow] h 1315 Lippincott
      Chew Sarah E (J C Chew) h 2218 Ellsworth
      Chew Sarah H h 1315 Lippincott
      Chew Thos H undert[a]k[e]r 1515 Morris
      Chew Virginia D h 1518 Green
      Chew Walter W (Chew Printing House) h Melrose
      Chew Warren R motorman h 5017 Jackson F[ran]k[for]d
      Chew Wm engineer h 911 S 19th
      Chew Wm A tinsmith 306 S 4th h 5033 Hazel av[enue]
      Chew Wm E h 177[6?] N Newkirk
      Chew Wm H cl[er]k P[ost]O[ffice] h 5228 Reinhard
      Chew Wm H ins[urance] h 2130 Sedgeley
      Chew Wm H undert[a]k[e]r 1928 Federal
      Chew Wm S cigars 3045 Ridge av[enue]
      Chew Wilma stenogr[aphe]r h 305 E Girard av[enue]
      Chew & Asnip Co[mpany] printers 914 Filbert W Davis Asnip 
        pres[ident], Harry E Chew v[ice]-pres[ident] & treas[urer], 
                                           Arthur S MacNair sec[retary]
1917: Chew Abbie C wid[ow] Nathaniel h 5254 Larchwood
      Chew Anna h 438 E Wildey
      Chew Anna dressmaker h 227 S 45th
      Chew Benj 826 Commercial Tr[ust] bl h Radnor
      Chew Chas barber h 1219 N 15th
      Chew Chas lab[orer] h 3604 Market
      Chew Chas A sup[erintenden]t h 3242 N 13th
      Chew Chas F h Hayes Mechanics Home
      Chew Chas F fireman h 229 Gerritt
      Chew Chas F molder h 626 Ritner
      Chew Chas S (Williams & Chew) h 2116 Fitzwater
      Chew Danl (Kee Apts) h 1714 Cambridge
      Chew David S B real est[ate] 826 Commercial Tr[ust] bl 
                                                            h 19 S 21st
      Chew Edw carp[enter] h 658 N 11th
      Chew Edw H br[a]k[e]man h 538 Martin Rox[boro]
      Chew Elizabeth B h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Elsie R wid[ow] Arthur C h 4413 Sansom
      Chew Emanuel Jr weaver h 6010 Larchwood
      Chew Ernest I confect[ione]r h 2412 Toronto
      Chew Eustis lab[orer] h 1733 N Camac
      Chew Geo H undert[a]k[e]r 2511 S 15th
      Chew Geo M printer h 5429 Spruce
      Chew Hannah wid[ow] Emanuel h 3124 N 7th
      Chew Harry E sec[retary] & treas[urer] Chew & Asnip Co[mpany] 
                                                              h Camden
      Chew Harry H carder h 6010 Larchwood
      Chew Jas T driver h 6010 Larchwood
      Chew Jesse L attendant Phila[delphia] Hospital
      Chew Jno chauffeur h 1248 S 28th
      Chew Jno A printer h 5456 Pine
      Chew Jno A Jr sec h 5456 Pine
      Chew Jno H janitor h 4111 Chestnut
      Chew Jno W dispatcher h 907 Lindley av[enue]
      Chew Jno W salesman h 438 E Wildey
      Chew J Weir salesman h 3106 N 25th
      Chew Lewis S janitor h 1309 Walnut
      Chew Lillie h 1819 N Bouvier
      Chew Martha stenogr[apher] h 227 S 45th
      Chew Mary wid[ow] Saml h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Mary V nurse 305 E Girard av[enue]
      Chew Oswald lawyer 826 Commercial Tr[ust] bl h Radnor
      Chew Printing House (Walter W Chew) 712 Chestnut
      Chew Rebecca h 5714 DeLancey
      Chew Richd lab[orer] h 2708 Fletcher
      Chew Robt B sec[retary] American Finance & Securities Co[mpany] 
                                                         701 Drexel bl
      Chew Robt S hatter h 3124 N 7th
      Chew Robt W engineer h 1628 N 26th
      Chew Saml h 6401 G[erman]t[ow]n av[enue]
      Chew Saml lawyer 826 Commercial Tr[ust] bl h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Saml L supervising prin h 8645 N 19th
      Chew Saml W packer h 1726 Titan
      Chew Sarah M governess Girard College
      Chew S Helen purch[asing] ag[en]t 3242 N 13th
      Chew Thos lab[orer] h 1733 N Camac
      Chew Thos H undert[a]k[e]r 1728 Snyder av[enue]
      Chew Walter W (Chew Printing House) h Melrose Park
      Chew Wm lab[orer] h 3849 Haverford av[enue]
      Chew Wm lab[orer] h 1733 N Camac
      Chew Wm mach[ini]st h 5572 Ludlow
      Chew Wm painter h 6010 Larchwood
      Chew Wm A cl[er]k h 5456 Pine
      Chew Wm A v[ice]-pres[ident] Loan Society of Phila[elphia] 
                                                         h The Powelton
      Chew Wm E lab[orer] h 2407 Clifford
      Chew Wm H cl[er]k h 718 S 55th
      Chew Wm H ins[urance] ag[en]t h 3034 N Bailey
      Chew Wm H undert[a]k[e]r 1928 Federal
      Chew Wilmer stenogr[apher] h 305 E Girard av[enue]
      Chew & Asnip Co[mpany] printers 223 S 5th Arthur S MacNair 
                     pres[ident] Harry E Chew sec[retary] & treas[urer]
1921: Chew Abbie C wid[ow] Nathaniel F h 5254 Larchwood
      Chew Alice cl[er]k h 1108 Johnston
      Chew Alice E wid[ow] Jas h 1725 N Woodstock
      Chew Amanda wid[ow] Melvin h 1733 N Camac
      Chew Anna wid[ow] Emanuel h 3124 N 7th
      Chew Benj pres[ident] Radnor Realty Co[mpany] & Ancona Printing 
                           Co[mpany  826 Commercial Tr[ust] bl h Radnor
      Chew Bessie h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Calvin P chauffeur h 1725 N Woodstock
      Chew Catharine h 5918 N 13th
      Chew Chas salesman h 1215 N 15th
      Chew Chas A clerk h 3242 N 13th
      Chew Chas F h Hayes Mechanics Home
      Chew Chas R lab h 1108 Johnston
      Chew Chas S (Williams & Chew) h 2116 Fitzwater
      Chew Clarence E photogr[apher] h 1442 N Felton
      CHEW DAVID S B pres[ident] M[anu]f[acture]rs' Land & Improvement 
        Co[mpany] & treas[urer] Anacona Printing Co[mpany] & Gloucester 
                 Land Co[mpany] & real est[ate] 826 Commercial Trust bl 
                                                            h 19 S 21st
      Chew Edw carp[enter] h 1005 Mollbore ter[race]
      Chew Edw H trainman h 538 Martin Rox[boro]
      Chew Elsie R wid[ow] Arthur C h 4413 Sansom
      Chew Emanuel weaver h 6108 Cedar av[enue]
      Chew Geo H undert[a]k[e]r 2511 S 15th
      Chew Geo M printer h 5112 Larchwood
      Chew Geo M sales m[ana]g[e]r Chas D Norton Coal Co[mpany] 
                                                              h Camden
      Chew Harry U[nited] S[tates] A[rmy] h 6108 Cedar av[enue]
      Chew Jas baker h 6108 Cedar av[enue]
      Chew Jno lab[orer] h 1014 Shackamaxon
      Chew Jno A Jr ins[urance] ag[en]t h 4136 Parrish
      Chew Jno H driver h 1317 Myrtle
      CHEW LENOX C sales m[ana]g[e]r U[nited] S[tates] Copper Products 
                   Corporation Bell Phone Locust 2842 h 6025 Carpenter
      Chew Lillian H 1819 N Bouvier
      Chew Louis S police h 1837 N 25th
      Chew Martin F mach[ini]st h 323 E Rittenhouse G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Mary maid h 4940 Royal G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Mary J wid[ow] Lorenzo h 3913 Melon
      Chew Mary J B wid[ow] Saml h 1716 Walnut
      Chew Mary V wid[ow] Wm h 1135 E Palmer
      Chew Oswald lawyer 826 Commercial Trust bl h Radnor
      Chew Richd engineer h 2024 Westmoreland
      Chew Richd S real est[ate] h 1924 Chestnut
      Chew Robt printer h 212 W Penn G[erman]t[ow]n
      Chew Robt B sec[retary] American Finance & Securities Co[mpany] 
                   & Empire Lumber Co[mpany] h 6212 Bellfield av[enue] 
      Chew Robt S hatter h 3124 N 7th
      Chew Saml police 1838 N 13th
      Chew Stephen lab[orer] h 3913 Melon
      Chew S Allan steamf[it]t[e]r h 610 S 55th
      Chew S Helen buyer h 3242 N 13th
      Chew Thos plumber h 2807 Sharswood
      Chew Thos H undert[a]k[e]r 1728 Snyder av[enue]
      Chew Wm h 5572 Ludlow
      Chew Wm salesman h 6108 Cedar av[enue]
      Chew Wm E stockk[ee]p[e]r h 2407 Clifford
      Chew Wm H cl[er]k h 1937 S Ithan
      Chew Wm H undert[a]k[e]r h 3913 Melon
      Chew W A h N[orth]E[ast] c[orner] 51st & Locust