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Northumberland County  Wills

Lower Augusta Township, Northumberland County

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by John Paul Deeben.

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I George Savidge of Lower Augusta Township, Northumberland County
and State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory, and
understanding, do make and publish this my last will and testament,
hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time
heretofore made.

And first, I direct that my body be decently interred and that my
funeral be conducted in a manner corresponding with my estate and
situation in life.

As to such estate it hath pleased God to interest me with I dispose
of the same as follows viz:

Item first, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Catherine Savidge
for her own use during her natural life as much of my house hold and 
personal property as she may choose to keep or take after my death.

I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife Catherine Savidge the use
improvement and income of the following described real estate or pieces
of land on which my dwelling house is situate and I now reside viz:
the piece of land that I purchased of my father George Savidge Sr. 
containing eleven acres and twelve perches strict measure Also another
piece of land I purchased of my father George Savidge Sr. containing
two Acres and thirteen perches strict measure, Also another piece of
land I purchased from Valentine Hanabach containing seventeen acres 
one hundred and nine perches and allowance and the three pieces 
together contains thirty acres one hundred and thirty perches more or
less all situate in the County and state aforesaid to have and to hold
the said several messuages above described and appertenances for and
during her natural life or as long as she remains my widow.

The real and personal estate devised and bequeathed to my wife to be
in lieu of her dower at common law.

I give and bequeath to my son Henry Savidge his heirs and assigns
for ever the Eastern half of the tract of land I purchased of John
Miller whereon he now resides with the appertenancesto be as measured
off and marked on the ground by myself and my son Lafayette Savidge 
containing forty nine acres more or less, which I value at twenty five
dollars per acre to be on his share of my estate and if his share 
should not amount to so much then he to pay out to my estate the balance.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Savidge and to her heirs and 
assigns forever, the western part of the tract of land with the
appertenances that I purchased of John Miller to be as marked off by
myself and my son Lafayette Savidge on the ground containing forty nine
acres more or less, which I value at twenty two dollars per acre to be
on her share of my estate, and if the share should not amount to so 
much she to pay out the balance to my estate.

I give and bequeath to my son Hiram Savidge his heirs and assigns
forever the west half of the tract of land with the appertenances that
I purchased of Conrad Raker to be as marked off by myself and my son
Lafayette Savidge on the ground, containing forty one acres more or
less which I value at twenty five dollars per acre and one hundred
dollars to be first deducted from the whole amount which he paid me
and the balance to be on his share of my estate and if the share 
should not amount to so much then he to pay out the balance to my

I give and bequeath to my son Lafayette Savidge his heirs and assigns
forever, the East half of the tract of land with the appertenances 
that I purchased of Conrad Raker to be marked off by myself and my
said son Lafayette Savidge on the ground Containing forty one acres
more or less, which I value at twenty five dollars per acre and one
hundred dollars to be first deducted from the whole amount which he
paid me and the balance to be on his share of my estate and if the
share should not amount to so much then he to pay the balance to my

And further my will is that my son Henry Savidge, my son Aaron Savidge,
the heirs of my daughter Barbara Ann who was married to Samuel Keefer
and now deceased, my son Hiram Savidge, my son Lafayette Savidge and
my daugher Mary Savidge each to have an equal part of my estate 
share and share alike to them or their heirs.

Six hundred and sixty five Dollars and sixty cents which I have 
already given to my son Aaron Savidge to be counted as part of my
estate and that amount to be deducted from my son Aaron's share of 
my estate.

Also one hundred Dollars which I gave to my daughter Barbara Ann in 
her lifetime to be counted as part of my estate and to be deducted
from the share of her heirs, and the balance of the share of my son
Aaron and the balance of the share of the heirs of my daughter
Barbara Ann to be paid out of the property that I have willed to my
wife in one year after the death of my said wife if that holds out,
if not the balance to be paid out of the funds of the land
bequeathed to my sons.

And further my will is that my Executor herein after named shall 
sell at public sale immediately after my death the balance of my
personal property that my wife does not choose to keep and the
proceeds to go to pay funeral expenses and the balance if any to 
be divided among my heirs.

And further my will is that my Executor herein after named shall
sell the real and personal property willed to my wife at public
sale as soon after her death as convenient And I do hereby 
authorize and empower my said executor to sign, seal, execute
and acknowledge all such Deed or Deeds of conveyance as may be
necessary to the purchases thereof in fee simple.

And I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Lafayette Savidge
sole Executor of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I George Savidge, the testator, have to this,
my will written on one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this 
twenty fourth day of April A.D. one thousand eight hundredd and
sixty six.

Signed, sealed, published and declared }
by the above named George Savidge, as  }
and for his last will and testament in }  George Savidge (seal)
the presence of us, who have hereunto  }
subscribed our names as witnesses, in  }
the presents of the said testator, and }
each other,

Abraham Shipman
Lemuel Shipman

Northumberland County ss:

	Be if remembered that on the 23rd day of October A.D. 1867
before me J.A.J. Cummings Register Etc. in and for said county, 
personally appeared Abm. Shipman and Leml. Shipman, the subscribing
witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be
the last will and testament of George Savidge, late of Lower Augusta
township in said county deceased, who being duly sworn according to 
law declare and say, that they were personally present and did see
and hear the testator therein named sign seal publish pronounce and
declare the same as and for his last will and testament, and at the
time of so doing he was of sound and disposing mind memory and 
understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief,

Sworn and subscribed before me,

J.P. Fausold   }		Abraham Shipman
Deputy Register}		Lemuel Shipman

Northumberland County ss:

	Lafayette Savidge being duly sworn according to law declares
and says that the Estate of George Savidge deceased will not exceed
the sum of $7000.00 to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Sworn and subscribed before me,
October 23, 1867
J.P. Fausold, Deputy Register}	Lafayette Savidge