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Obits: MARSHALL, David M. 1937 & Mrs David 1931 : Wampum, Lawrence Co, PA

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OBITUARY: ["New Castle News", December 16, 1931]
Mrs. David M. Marshall
     "Mrs. Genevieve Cunninhgam Marshall, wife of David M. Marshall, one of
the best loved women of Lawrence County, passed from this life this
morningat 3:40 o'clock at her home in Wampum, following an illness of some
time.  While not unexpected for some time, her death comes as a shock not
only to the members of her family, but to the entire community in which she
resided and to the many friends that she had throught Lawrence county.
     Mrs. Marshall was borin in New Castle, March 16, 1866, the daughter of
James W. and Angeline Myers Cunningham, and was 65 years of age.  Her family
was on of the more prominent of the county, her father being county
treasurer for a period of time.
     She and Mr. Marshall had been married forty-two years and had been
residents of Wampum for the past thirty-five years.  Mrs. Marshall had spent
her entire life in Lawrence county.
     As a member of the Presbyterian church she was associated with the
congreation of the Wampum Presbyterian church, practially all her life.  She
was most active in all phases of the work of the Wampum Presbyterian church,
being untiring in her efforts to advance the interests of the congreation of
which she was a member.  When her health became such as to prevent her
active attendance in meetings held at the church, the hospitality of her
home was extended and ofther the meetings were held at her home on Beaver
street, Wampum, that she might be with her friends and co-workers in the
church.  She was also a member of New Castle Chapter No. 105, Order of
Eastern Star.
     Her death leaves a vacancy in the life of Wampum that will be hard to
fill, as she was known for her kindly smile and helpful words by all, and
especially for children whom she loved and made much of.
     She was the last surviving member of the family of the late James W.
Cunningham.  Besides her husband, she leaves the following children:  Mrs.
Lulu Marshall Davis and Mrs. Margaret Marshall Dahl, both of Ellwood City,
Mrs. Emma Marshall McIllvenny, of Bessemer, Charles Marshall of Sharon, and
Harold Marshall of Wampum, also eleven grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held Friday, December 18, 1831 at 2 p.m. in
the Wampum Presbyterian church with her pastor, Rev. J. G. Bingham in
charge.  Burial will be made in Oak Park cemetery."


OBITUARY: ["New Castle News", June 12, 1937]
     "D. M. Marshall Taken By Death During Morning
     At half past ten o'clock this morning one of the oldest and most highly
regarded members of the Lawrence County Funeral Directors Association, David
M. Marshall, died at his home in Wampum.  He had reached his 71st year on
Monday of this week.
     Members of his profession in all parts of Western Pennsylvania, many of
them who knew him intimately, will mourn his passing for he was a man of
admirable character who never forgot his noble principles during over 30
years as a funeral director.  He was an active churchman, a Mason, and he
had a great host of friends.
     For many months his health had been poor but he was cheerful to the
last, constantly assuring his friends that he would be all right before
long.  He must have known, as his physicians knew, that his death was only a
matter of a short time.  He had taken treatment for his throat trouble at
Clevland Clinic and at various other health centers but had received little
relief.  For the past three weeks he was confined to the upstairs of his
home and several days ago became weaker and from then on was confined to
     He was born in Lawrence county, near Rock Point, on the 7th of June,
1866, son of John and Mary Jane Cole Marshall.  His parents, descended from
early settlers here, had both been born in this county.
     Mr. Marshall married Genevieve Cunningham and he lost her by death five
years ago last December.  He was also preceded in death by his sister, Mrs.
Margaret Hazen, of Frisco, Beaver County, a year ago last January.
     Surviving are two sons, Harold, who resides in Wampum and who has for
some years been a partner with his father in their undertaking business, and
Charles, of Sharon, three daughters, Mrs. Joseph McIlvenny, of Bessemer,
Mrs. Oscar Dahl, of Wayne avenue, Ellwood City, and Mrs. H. H. Davis, of
Fifth street, Ellwood City, and thirteen grandchildren.
     It was nearly 33 years ago that Mr. Marshall bought the old Buchanan
property in Wampum and went into the furniture and undertaking business.  A
few years later there was a series of disastrous fires in that community and
Mr. Marshall first lost his stables then his furniture store.  From that
time since he confined his activities to funeral directing and built up an
enviable reputation for ability and honesty.
     He was a member of the Frist Presbyterian church of Wampum and served
as an elder for many years.  He was active in Sunday shcool work in his
church and in the county, having served as president of the Lawrence County
Sabbath School Association and as vice president.
     He was a charter member of the Lawrence County Funeral Directors
Association.  Previous to going into that profession in 1905 he was in the
hardware business at Wampum.  The community had great respect for him during
all of his long years of residence there and he was a member of the Borough
Council when he died.  He had been on the council sixteen years.
     He was a member of Meridian Lodge No. 411, F. & A. M., of Enon Valley,
the New Castle Consistory and the Pittsburgh Shrine.
     The body will be at the home of his son, Harold Marshall, in Wampum,
over Sunday, it is announced, but funeral arrangements are as yet imcomplete
and will be announced in Monday's news."
OBITUARY: ["New Castle News", June 16, 1937]
     "Marshall Services
     Wampum suspended most of its activity from 1:30 to 3 o'clock on Tuesday
afternoon while funeral services were conducted in the Wampum Presbyterian
church for David M. Marshall, one of the town's most beloved residents and
prominent as a funeral director in this district for over 30 years.
     The stores of the district were closed during the services.
     Throngs gathered early at the church and when the hour of service
arrived the crowd was too great to be accomodated.
     The rites were most impressive.........
     Interment was made in Oak Park cemetery in New Castle."