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Part VI [pp 89-100]: History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 COMPILED BY WICK W. WOOD.

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    History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887
  [p. 89]
  Hillsville is located in Mahoning township. The first settler on the
  ground where Hillsville stands was probably a man named DONOT, and he
  sold the land to Peter or Abraham HOOVER, who in turn sold it to John
  HILL, and the town was laid out October 15, 1824, and at first called
  Hillsburg, which name has been changed to Hillsville, although nearly
  every citizen in that neighborhood calls it "Hill Town." The first
  physician was Dr. DAVIS. The first house put up in the town plot was
  erected by a man named MCGOWN. The building was a frame, and MCGOWN kept
  the first store in the place. Some time before the town was laid out a
  log school was erected about a half mile east of town. Christopher
  RUMMELL opened the first blacksmith shop in Hillsville. The first wagon
  ship was opened by George SELL in 1832. David STEVENS was the first
  shoemaker. A postoffice was established soon after the town was laid
  out, and David STEVENS was probably the first postmaster. After him came
  James WALLACE and James CALDERWOOD, and then David MCBRIDE, David
  MCCREAN, William DUFF, William MITCHELL, Chauncey MEEKER, Jacob BURK
  followed in the succession named. Mrs. PATDEN is the present incumbent.
  The Methodist Episcopal faith organized a congregation in Hillsville as
  early as 1820, and a church building was erected out of logs in 1824. It
  stood in the same lot the present M.E. church building now stands, the
  lot being donated by John ZERVER. Rev. B.O. PLYMPTON was the pastor. He
  also preached at Edenburg. The church was originally on the New Castle
  circuit. The present frame church was erected in 1869. The Zoar Baptist
  church of Hillsville was organized January 17, 1842, with thirteen
  members. The first pastor was Rev. R. DAVIS. From its organization the
  congregation worshipped for some three years in various places, in
  private residences, at one time in a barn, at another in a wagon shop,
  in the school house and in an old church near Hillsville. In [p. 90]
  1845 the society erected the church building they now occupy at a cost
  of $2,000. Hillsville is situated in the midst of a comparatively level
  country, covered with fine improvements and populated by a wealthy,
  intelligent and progressive people. The town does considerable business
  for a place of its size. The extensive limestone quarries around
  Hillsville are all being operated, and a large number of hands are
  employed. The Lawrence branch of the Pennsylvania Company's lines run
  within a mile of Hillsville, and the station is a regular stopping place
  for trains. The town has a population of over two hundred, and there is
  not a town of its size in the State that does more business.
          HENRY SMITH
  The general merchant, was born August 14, 1831, near York, Pa., on the
  farm of his father, Jacob SMITH, who died in 1880, at the age of 84.
  When Henry SMITH was about three years of age his parents moved to this
  part of the country, and young Henry attended the schools of the
  neighborhood and secured a common school education. About 1848 he
  connected himself with a carpenter and learned that trade, after which
  he worked as a journeyman for a number of years. He then went into the
  business of carpenter and contractor. In 1864 he enlisted in the Fifth
  Heavy Artillery, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served with the regiment
  until the close of the war. During the war he contracted sickness from
  which he has never fully recovered. In 1875 he opened a general store in
  Hillsville, which he has successfully run ever since. Mr. SMITH
  endeavors to please his customers by giving them good goods at the
  lowest possible prices. He was married to Saloma MYERS, daughter of
  Henry MYERS, of Ohio, January 11, 1855, and is the father of six
  children, the living being: Mrs. Eunice SPANGLEHOUR, of Hillsville; Mrs.
  Allie HARMON, of Hillsville; Frank SMITH, at home; Samuel S. SMITH, at
  home. The following are the names of the children deceased: Mary Ann E.
  and Henry E. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are enjoying good health and are among
  the best citizens of the place. Mrs. SMITH's father and mother, Mr. and
  Mrs. Henry MYERS, died within a year of each other. Mr. MYERS in 1885 at
  the age of 85 years, and Mrs. MYERS in 1886 at the same age. Mr. SMITH's
  mother is living in Ohio at the age of 86.
          E.M. BURK
  The general merchant, is the only son of Jacob BURK, of Hillsville. He
  was born in West Middlesex, Mercer county, Pa., September 10, 1863, and
  attended school in Poland, O., and also at Eastman's business College
  Poughkeepsie, New York. He thus received a fine business education. In
  1869, Jacob BURK, the father of the subject of this sketch, came to
  Hillsville and opened a general merchandise store. E.M. assisted him I
  the store the greater part of the time until February, 1886, when Mr.
  BURK, senior, turned the business over to E.M. BURK, who has
  successfully managed and run it ever since. The store building is a
  two-story frame structure 65 feet long by 20 feet wide, and is well
  filled with a large and complete stock of general merchandise. E.M. BURK
  still retains the patronage which his father secured, and by close
  attention to business [p. 91] is building up a business which any store
  in the county might be proud of. Jacob BURK was born May 13, 1826, near
  Kurtztown, Berks county, Pa., and came to this part of the country in
  1843. He located in Middlesex and worked at his trade (that of miller)
  there. He was married to Miss Mary A. MCBRIDE, February 8, 1848, and is
  the father of three children, all living as follows: Mrs. Hattie BAIRD,
  Mrs. Rilla MAYBERRY, residing in Hillsville, and E.M. BURK who was
  married to Miss Emma MILLER, of Ohio, July 20, 1886.
          GEORGE SELL
  Was born in Lancaster county, this state, January 12, 1803, on the farm
  of his father, John SELL, who died forty years ago in Poland, Ohio.
  George SELL attended school in Poland, Ohio and received a common school
  education. When he was about eighteen years of age he went to learn the
  trade of a wagon maker, in Springfield township, Columbiana county,
  Ohio, and served three years at his trade. After serving his time as an
  apprentice he worked as a journeyman for several wagon makers, and in
  1827 he came to Hillsville and opened a wagon shop. Mr. SELL is still at
  the business. Over sixty years in one business. He has seen his old
  friends pass away into the great beyond, and the place grow from one or
  two houses into a pleasant village. He was the first wagon maker in this
  part of the country, and has made wagons for more than two generations.
  he was married to Miss Rebecca SIMONTON, of near Clarksville, Mercer
  county, Pa., in 1828. Mrs. SELL died in 1862. Mr. SELL was married a
  second time to Miss Anna CLARK, of near Mt. Jackson, who died in 1874.
  Mr. SELL is the father of eleven children, two of whom are living as
  follows: Miss Sallie SELL, at home with her father, and Mrs. Elivina
  PORTER, wife of Ambrose PORTER, of Wellsville. Mr. SELL is enjoying the
  best of health and bears his age well. He is one of Hillsville's best
  citizens and a man well thought of by all who know him.
  Was born in Hillsville, February 28, 1845, and is a son of George
  SHINDLEDECKER, who came to this place in the year 1830, and died 14
  years ago at the age of 72 years. Seaton SHINDLEDECKER attended the
  public school at Hillsville where he received a common school education.
  In 1863 he entered the blacksmith shop of his father and learned the
  trade. He worked for his father as a journeyman up until the time of his
  father's death, when he succeeded to the business. Mr. SHINDLEDECKER is
  a first-class general blacksmith and pays close attention to the horse
  shoeing department. He keeps one but the best of workmen in his employ.
  The SHINDLEDECKER blacksmith shop in Hillsville has been in existence
  the past fifty-seven years. By close attention to business he has done
  well. January 2, 1865, Mr. SHINDLEDECKER was married to Miss Lydia M.
  JOHNSTON, daughter of George JOHNSTON, of Hillsville, and one child is
  the result of the union.
  [p. 92]
  The business of this place is limestone mining and shipping. The town is
  situated just on the border of the Ohio State Line. The postoffice name
  of the place is Reeves. In the immediate vicinity of Carbon there are
  six limestone quarries, each employing in the neighborhood of sixty
  hands. The companies operating the quarries are: The Carbon Limestone
  Company operating four of the quarries, two on each side of the river.
  Greist & Graham operate the lower quarry on the north side of the river,
  while Marquis & Johnston, of New Castle, control the sixth on the
  Hillsville side of the river. Carbon has one store, owned by the Carbon
  Limestone Company. The store is managed by S.P. JENKSNS, with C.W.
  ASHTON as clerk. The store as a matter of course does an excellent
  business and is well managed by Mr. JENKINS. The company is mostly
  composed of Youngstown men. In the neighborhood of 200 cars of limestone
  are shipped from both sides of the river in one day, which is shipped to
  all parts of the country. A large number of houses have been built
  around Carbon for the accommodation of the workmen and their families.
  William MCINTOSH is the foreman of the quarries on the Carbon side of
  the river, while John REAL has charge of the quarries on the Hillsville
  side. The entire business at Carbon is superintended by Dal. PARKS, of
        MT. JACKSON
  The town was laid out by John NESBIT on his share of a farm, about 1815.
  It was named in honor of Gen. Andrew JACKSON. The first house on the
  town plot was built by William HENRY, who had been living on Hickory
  Creek, a short distance from town. George ECKLES was the first
  blacksmith in the place. Joseph HUGHES opened the first wagon shop.
  Benjamin WELLS was the first shoemaker. Matthew CALVIN built the second
  house in the town, and used it as a tavern or inn. Robert TAIT came to
  Mt. Jackson about 1831, and opened a tavern as well as running a hat
  factory. The Mt. Jackson postoffice was created in 1817 with Wm. HENRY
  as the first postmaster. The first physician in the place was Dr. Robert
  SMITH. Dr. Robert MCCLELLAND was the second physician. A log school
  house was built in 1815. The first tannery built was erected about
  [p. 93] a half a mile south in 1822. It was erected by John JUSTICE.
  John CAMBLIN, who recently moved his planing mill to New Castle, built
  the only institution of the kind in Mt. Jackson. The mill was built in
  1875. In 1876 the population of Mt. Jackson was about 159. It has not
  increased much since that date. During the spring of 1825 the first
  church building was erected. It was used by the United Presbyterian
  church. The congregation was then called the "Associate Reformed
  Presbyterian church." The church at that time numbered about thirty
  regular communicants. Rev. John NORWOOD, was the first regular pastor,
  and he remained with the church until 1833, when he resigned. In 1857
  the congregation erected a new frame building. The Free Presbyterian
  church was organized in 1846. The organization numbered about fifty
  persons at the time of its formation. Through the efforts of Mr. Jacob
  BEAR, a Methodist Episcopal class or church was organized at Mt. Jackson
  in 1838 by Rev. Rufus PARKER. Previous to the organization, meetings
  were held in Mr. BEAR's house. The church, a frame building, was erected
  in 1842 on land purchased from John NESBIT. Four ministers have gone
  forth from the original membership of the class - Revs. Wm. R., Richard
  and Charles BEAR, and T.B. TAIT. Mt. Jackson is a pleasant little
  village and rests on a hill. The town is about three miles distant from
  the Pennsylvania Co.'s lines of railroads which traverse Lawrence
  county. There are no manufacturing establishments to speak of yet the
  town has a large trade from farmers who reside in the immediate
  neighborhood. Marietta Lodge Knights of Pythias, with nearly one hundred
  members, represents the secret societies of the world in Mt. Jackson.
  The people of Mt. Jackson are industrious and there are no better
  citizens in the county than can be found there.
          DAVID O. WILSON
  Was born October 20, 1849, within sight of New Wilmington, on the farm
  of his father, Marmaduke WILSON, deceased at the age of 67 years. David
  O. WILSON attended schools of New Wilmington and received a common
  school education. In 1857 Mr. WILSON's father removed to New Wilmington
  and ran the hotel there for a year, when he became interested in the old
  furnace near New Wilmington, and ran the furnace in 1858 and 1859. In
  1867 D.O. WILSON left home to learn the harness making trade at Salem,
  Ohio. He served as an apprenticeship at the business, after which he
  worked as a journeyman for some years in different places. In 1880 he
  came to Mt. Jackson and worked for Pitts Bros. He remained with the firm
  three years when he opened an establishment of his own. Mr. WILSON is
  located on the New Castle road and has a neat, pleasant harness shop. He
  is a first-class workman and finds plenty to do. He has a good trade,
  and by close attention to business has built up a good custom. He was
  married to Miss Eva CAMBLIN, April 29, 1884. In addition to the harness
  business Mr. WILSON does all kinds of carriage trimming, and makes a
  success of this branch of his business.
          E.C. WEDDELL
  The groceryman, opened his store in Mt. Jackson in the spring of 1887.
  He came to this county from New Brighton, Beaver county, in 1876, and
  [p. 94] located at Edenburg, where he went into the husckster business.
  From there he came to Mt. Jackson in 1880 and continued in the same
  business until he started his store as above stated. Mr. WEDDELL has
  repainted and repaired his store-room until it presents a handsome
  appearance, and a neater store is not found in the county outside the
  city of New Castle. He handles the very best brands of choice family
  groceries which he sells at the lowest possible prices. He carries a
  complete stock of groceries and sells novelties of all kinds. Mr.
  WEDDELL has the confidence of the people of this neighborhood and does a
  good business.
  The firm of Pitts Brothers was organized in 1884, when J.F. PITTS took
  into partnership Louis H. PITTS. J.F. PITTS has been in the carriage and
  wagon making business in Mt. Jackson some years previous to the
  formation of the present firm. He learned his trade in Canfield, O.,
  with Swank & Son, in 1875, and has worked at it the greater part of the
  time since. Pitts Brothers occupy a large two story frame building with
  a basement cellar, and the wagons, carriages and buggies manufactured by
  them have a reputation second to none in this part of the country. The
  firm employs none but the very best of workmen, and use the very best of
  stock, so that their work will compare favorably with any in the State.
  In addition to the carriage and wagon works Pitts Brothers own and
  operate a large planing mill, which is connected with their
  establishment, and they do a general planing mill business. They have
  the most modern machinery, and do work in the best of style, at the
  lowest possible prices. You can always depend on getting good work at
  Pitts Brothers.
  Was born October 27th, 1859, two miles and a half from Mt. Jackson, on
  the farm of his father, William MCCREARY. Living on the homestead, Mr.
  MCCREARY attended the Brewster school and received a common school
  education. He worked on his father's farm until 1880, when he entered
  the shop of Patterson MCWILLIAMS and learned the blacksmith trade. In
  1883 he bought the shop of MCWILLIAMS and has run it himself since then.
  Mr. MCCREARY is located in the Pitts Brothers' building and is a
  first-class workman. He does a good carriage blacksmith business. In
  May, 1887, John DOUTHITT, of New Castle, a first-class horseshoer and
  general blacksmith, purchased a half interest in the business, and the
  firm will hereafter be known as E.H. MCCREARY & Co. The very best of
  work is done here, and the young men deserve the patronage of the people
  of Mt. Jackson.
  [p. 95]
  This town was laid out by Benjamin CHEW, Jr., about 1830-21, Mr. CHEW
  himself assisting in the work. It includes all the territory comprised
  in what are now commonly known as "Upper" and "Lower" Chewton - in all
  about 100 acres, but a comparatively small portion of which has been
  built up. The first house was built by Hon. J.T. CUNNINGHAM. But one log
  house was ever raised in Lower Chewton and that was by some of the
  RHODES family. It stood on the lot where Kirkland, Fisher & Marshall's
  store now stands. Fulton REED opened the first store here in 1835, and
  John WALLACE opened another store ten years later. In Upper Chewton,
  Jacob LIGHTNER built a log house, which has since fallen down.
  The town was laid out by James DAVIDSON about 1830. The original number
  of lots was small, and Mr. DAVIDSON's house was small. A crockery
  manufactory was established by Sanger & Nesbit, and afterwards became
  the property of A. DAVIDSON. The village also contained a store and a
  blacksmith shop. Possum Hollow is also a part of Clinton proper, and the
  entire business of both places is coal mining. As will be seen below
  there are three large coal companies in operation at Clinton and the
  banks are within a short distance of each other. The output of coal per
  day will reach nearly 800 tons, and nearly $20,000 are paid the hands
  there each month. The cola of Clinton and "Possum Hollow" is considered
  by experts to be the very best quality, and from the time the coal banks
  were first opened there the town grew rapidly. A Methodist Episcopal
  Church was organized about 1823 by Rev. John SOMMERVILLE, who became the
  first pastor. A frame church was built in 1834 on land donated by James
  DAVIDSON. The graveyard was laid out about the same time although it has
  since been enlarged. The works at Clinton and "Possum Hollow" are
  running full time, and miners can always find work there. The postoffice
  at Clinton is called Rock Point. The following history of the different
  coal companies contain interesting facts:
  Composed of James PIERCE, of Sharpsville, D.M. COURTNEY and W.C.
  HARBISON, of New Castle, John MCCLEARY, of Shenango township, and
  [p. 96] Charles HARMONY, was organized in 1866. Charles HARMONY was the
  first superintendent, and he acted in that capacity until he sold out to
  A.W. HARBISON, Esq., December 12th, 1862. Mr. HARMONY died in January,
  1883. Mr. HARMONY had been connected with the works as book keeper, bank
  boss and storekeeper since '56. The coal was first shipped to Erie by
  canal, then the company built a tram road and made first connection with
  the Beaver Valley road in 1866. John W. KNOX and A.W. HARBISON are the
  new material in the Clinton Coal Company, other than the heirs of the
  original company. The shipping station is called Rockford station, and
  Charles HARMONY and Albert W. HARBISON have been shipping agents for the
  Pennsylvania Company since the station was made. Mr. HARBISON still
  retains the position. When connection was first made with the railroad,
  coal shutes had been made and the company furnished all the coal for the
  railroad company. The road which the Clinton Cola Company made was
  afterwards sold so that Lee & Patterson's coal could be shipped over it.
  It was run in that way until '83 when steel rails were bought and laid,
  and a first-class locomotive purchased and the coal is now loaded on the
  grounds at the banks. The company has about fifty miner's houses, a
  large store room 50 X 40 feet, one of the best in the county outside of
  New Castle. The store was started in 1866 by the Clinton Coal Company,
  and is two stories high, the I.O.O.F. meets in the second story or hall,
  and a large wareroom is attached to the building. Mr. HARMONY was the
  first storekeeper and since his death Mr. A.W. HARBISON has filled the
  place. There are 160 hands employed, which mine about 150 tons of coal
  per day, although the mines claim a capacity of 350 tons. The coal is
  sold to the railroads, mills, furnaces, etc. About $6,000 is distributed
  to the miners each month. James CRAIG was the bank boss over this mine
  for a number of years and was an efficient and a good man. He died in
  1885 and was well known in the county. He was succeeded by W.G. CRAIG
  for a short time. The present boss is Nathan BALL, of Mercer county, at
  one time boss of the famous State Line Bank at Palestine. W.W. RITCHIE
  has been here over nine years in the capacity of book keeper and clerk,
  and is the right man for the right place. A.W. HARBISON, the present
  manager and superintendent, was born in New Castle, January 20th, 1851.
  He attended school in New Castle until he studied law with Dana & Long,
  of New Castle, and was appointed Deputy Sheriff under Wm. DAVIS. He
  taught school three years, was admitted to the bar in 1878, and formed a
  partnership with D.S. MORRIS, Esq., in the law office where he remained
  until '82 when he accepted his present position. He was appointed
  District Attorney to serve out the time of J.S. IRVINE, Esq., and served
  the county with credit to himself and the people. He lived the life of a
  bachelor until November 18th, 1886, when he was married to Miss SWORD,
  of Mahoningtown. Mr. HARBISON is a young man of ability and is making a
  success of his business.
          SCOTT & CO.
  Who operate the extensive coal works at Clinton, Beaver county, just on
  the edge of Lawrence, are represented by L.S. HOYT, one of the partners
  [p. 97] of the firm. Mr. HOYT took charge of the works here in May,
  1876. The works had been idle for about three years previous and he
  immediately started them up with a full set of miners and other workmen.
  He was successful in his efforts to make the business pay, and has since
  run the works to their fullest capacity. The pay roll averages since he
  took charge about $6,000 a month. He is now running about 175 hands per
  day. Mr. HOYT was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, June 27, 1840, on
  the extensive farm of his father, John HOYT. In his father's family were
  seven boys and three girls, all living but one. From 1858 to 1861 Mr.
  HOYT was in the grocery business in Jersey City, and fro there he went
  to Jamestown, N.Y., and clerked in a dry goods store. In 1865 he came to
  New Castle and bought out the store of Weld & Andrews, which was located
  on the corner of Jefferson street and the Diamond, in the room now
  occupied by J.B. NESSIE. After two years the firm changed to Hoyt &
  Raymond, and after one year became L.S. Hoyt & Co. Mr. HOYT continued in
  business for some time when he went into the Knox building, and the firm
  continued as above until 1875, when he sold out and went to California,
  and came back here and started the coal works and store as stated above,
  May 5, 1876. In addition to his connection with the above business, Mr.
  HOYT has an extensive stock farm of 500 acres, on which are about
  forty-five head of pure bred short horn and Durham. There are calves on
  the farm which cost $100 each. He is a stockholder in the New Castle
  Park Opera House, has a large interest in 40,000 acres of timber land in
  Tennessee, has stock in the Gadsden Iron C., of Alabama, stock in the
  Vigo Iron Co., and the Wabash Iron Co., of Terre Haute, Ind., stock in
  the Crawford Steel and Iron Co., of New Castle, and owns a farm in New
  Jersey. His father died in 1848, aged 65 years, his mother died last
  April, and her six sons bore her to her last resting place. December 12,
  1872, L.S. HOYT married Miss Anna J. CRAWFORD, daughter of Alex.
  Crawford, of New Castle, were united in marriage, and by the marriage
  three children were born, two boys and one girl, all living. Mr. HOYT
  has one of the finest residences in the city on the corner of North and
  Jefferson streets on the property formerly owned by Cyrus CLARKE. Mr.
  HOYT is a good business man and in the time he has run the Scott & Co.'s
  mines has paid out at least $1,000,000 to his employees in wages alone.
  About 2,500 men are employed by the works in which Mr. HOYT is
  interested. Scott & Co.'s works has a capacity of about 350 tons of coal
  a day, which is shipped by railroad to Sharon, Youngstown and to the Lakes.
          LEE & PATTERSON
  A.R. LEE, of Erie, and William PATTERSON, of New Castle. The coal works
  of this firm is situated at what is known as 'Possum Hollow, in Lawrence
  county, just on the edge of Beaver county, and the postoffice address is
  Rock Point, while the station on the E. & P.R.R. is Clinton. From J.P.
  MATHENY we learn the following short history: The bank was opened in
  1864 by Michael SCOTT and Wm. TAIT, both of that place. They ran the
  banks about one year, then Lowery & Kennedy took charge I Sept., 1856,
  Lowery being the superintendent. A short time after, [p. 98] Wm. FRUIT,
  of Mercer county, and his son took stock in the works and ran the banks,
  employing about 30 hands. They continued the business under the firm
  name of Fruit & Son, until 1858, when John H. WILSON, of Clarksville,
  Mercer county, bought into the company, and he employed William
  WILLIAMSON, of Lawrence county, as superintendent for him. James DUNCAN,
  of Beaver county furnished goods to the men, and he became possessed of
  stock in the mines about this time. About 1858 Edward FANCHIER, of
  Warren, Ohio, took charge of the banks, and William WILLIAMSON ran the
  store. The company store was started by Wm. THOMPSON in 1857. WILLIAMSON
  ran it until 1861, then A.R. LEE came here as superintendent. In 1863
  LEE bought into the firm, and Wm. PATTERSON became interested and he
  took stock and the two finally purchased the entire works and ran them
  under the firm name of Wilson, Lee & Patterson until 1868, when Mr.
  WILSON withdrew and the firm became Lee & Patterson. They then employed
  about 75 men. Geo. W. JOHNSTON, of New Castle, took charge of the works
  at that time as manager. W.B. ENOS succeeded Mr. JOHNSTON after a short
  time and ran the business until 1869, when William HAMILTON, of New
  Castle, took charge as manager and ran the works and store for seven or
  eight years and died. The present superintendent is Hiram K. HARTSUFF, a
  son of Hiram HARTSUFF of near Croton. He came to the banks about 11
  years ago as clerk in the store. In a short time he was promoted to the
  position of manager, and has successfully held the position ever since.
  H.K. HARSUFF was born in New Castle, August 17, 1854, and was married to
  Miss Lizzie BECKER, daughter of Wm. BECKER, of New Castle, in March,
  1880. He s the father of two children. Frank FINSWAITE, formerly of New
  Castle, bought the store from Lee & Patterson in 1877 and he sold it to
  Wm. Hamilton & Co., and this firm in turn sold it to Hartsuff & Co. Coal
  was shipped by canal until 1863, when the Beaver Valley R.R. was
  constructed and since that time the coal has been shipped by rail. When
  running full about 160 hands are employed. The largest number ever
  employed was 178. The company pays out about $7,000 per month, and the
  banks have a capacity of 350 tons per day. The coal is shipped to R.R.
  companies, Sharon, Youngstown and New Castle. J.P. MATHENY, aged 62
  years, is the only workman employed who was with the first company to
  open the bank. Leonard SIGLER and Reuben FRY were also here soon after.
  The present foreman is Samuel GRAHAM. The first locomotive, about 42
  houses and 140 acres of land, and the works here are worth about
  $200,000. The New Castle coke ovens have been started by this firm and
  an excellent quality of coke produced which is sold to the furnaces of
  New Castle. Mr. H.K. HARTSUFF manages the coke business as well as
  attending to his other duties.
  [p. 99]
  The village of Newport is located about a mile north of Wampum on the
  West side of the Beaver river. The tract of land occupied by Newport was
  settled by Conrad COON, who came from Lancaster, Pa., with his wife and
  three children. Forty acres of land were laid out in town lots by John
  COON in 1883. A number of small houses were erected soon after this,
  some of which are now standing. James NORRIS and John NOGGLE built the
  first frame houses in the upper part of the place. The first store was
  opened by Cyrus SAVERS soon after the town was laid out, and Samuel
  SMITH opened the second store. Aaron REED was the first blacksmith,
  Joshua PIERCE erected the first wagon shop and William MCCLEARY opened a
  tailor shop. The Newport Presbyterian church was organized in 1846 by
  Rev Samuel HENDERSON, who was its first pastor. The present building was
  erected in 1848 on land donated by Robert DAVIDSON. The first
  superintendent of the Sunday School was David S. POLLOCK. The postoffice
  at Newport is called Irish Ripple, which name is taken form the rapids
  in the Beaver river. Newport also has an Indian history. Old citizens of
  the place can yet point out paths that the red man traveled on his way
  from Pittsburgh to the Moravian settlement.
          EDWARD YOHO, ESQ.
  Was born in North Sewickley township, Beaver county, June 26th, 1834, on
  the farm of his father, John YOHO, still living at the age of 88 years.
  He lived on the farm until he was about 12 years of age, when his
  parents moved to Evansville, Ind., taking young Edward with them, where
  they engaged in farming for about three years and then came back to the
  same township in Beaver county. Mr. YOHO remained on the farm with his
  father until he was about 18 years old, when he went to learn the
  carpenter trade with 'Squire William FOSTER, deceased, formerly of
  Homewood, Jacob YOHO, deceased, and Frederick GRAHAM, of Homewood. After
  he served them three years he worked with the above firm for seven
  years. After that time he worked at his trade, making contracts for
  himself in Beaver Falls and Beaver and Lawrence counties. August 24th,
  1864, he enrolled as a member of Co. B, 5th Reg't P.V. and served with
  the regiment until he was mustered out at the close of the war, June
  30th, 1865. He was a good soldier and did his duty. After the war was
  over he returned to his trade, but owing to disabilities received during
  the war he was in a short time obliged to desist. He moved back to Wayne
  township after the war, and then from there to Beaver Falls. He came to
  Newport in 1875, worked in a shop until the spring of 1878, when he
  received his commission as Justice of the Peace. At the close of his
  first term he was elected a second time and is now serving his second
  term in that office. He was married in March, 1858, to Mary SMILEY, of
  Wayne township, and to the couple six children were born, one deceased.
  They are as follows: Belle E. NAUGLE, of Newport; Eldridge E., at home,
  married; Alice, deceased; Anna, at home; Willis [p. 100] E.; at home,
  and Lorena Maud, at home. The 'Squire has made an excellent officer and
  is much thought of by all who know him.
          SAMUEL A. NAUGLE
  Was born in Big Beaver township, March 4th, 1827, on the farm of his
  father, John NAUGLE, who came to the farm in 1810 from Kentucky. His
  mother's maiden name was Elizabeth HUDSON, of Ohio. Samuel NAUGLE's
  father came to Newport in 1827, and young Samuel came there when he was
  about 17 years of age. His father resided at Newport until the time of
  his death, which occurred at the age of 86. The mother died at the same
  age. Mr. NAUGLE has been a successful farmer all his life. His farm is
  located a short distance north of Newport. Mr. NAUGLE has been a school
  director the past nine years and is still holding the same position. He
  has also held other township offices. He was married September 19th,
  1850, to Isaphena CAMERON, of Taylor township, and is the father of
  eleven children, eight of whom are living, as follows: John C. married,
  lives in Michigan; Parker, married, of Second ward, New Castle; George,
  teacher of Clinton school, married; Mrs. Dana GILLESPIE, of Nebraska;
  Mrs. Lizzie GROVE, of Steubenville; Mary C., Nannie and Mabel, at home.
  Louisa, Josephine and Emma are dead. Mr. and Mrs. NAUGLE are enjoying
  the best of health. His great-grandfather, grandfather and father were
  straight old line Whigs, and Samuel is a good honest Republican dyed in
  the wool. Mr. NAUGLE has never paid as much as six cents to a doctor for
  medicine for himself. He is a vegetarian of the strictest sort; never
  eats meat, butter, etc., but it is always to be found on his table, and
  he attributes his good health to his ideas of diet. Mr. NAUGLE is a good
  neighbor and a first-class citizen.
          EDRIDGE E. YOHO
  Was born March 14, 1861, in Slipperyrock township, and is a son of
  'Squire YOHO, of Newport. He was born on a farm and remained there about
  a year when his parents moved to Wayne township. They remained there
  about three years when they moved to Beaver Falls. He attended school at
  Beaver Falls, and received a common education. In 1875 he came to
  Newport with his parents and worked with his father in the carpenter
  shop until about 1878, when he commenced doing business for himself. Mr.
  YOHO is a contractor and builder of wood and frame buildings, and has
  erected many buildings in this part of the country Mr. YOHO is a
  first-class workman and employs none but the very best mechanics. When a
  contract for a building is given him it is a guarantee that the work
  will be well done. He was married to Jessie A. NOGGLE, December 27,
  1883. Mrs. YOHO is a daughter of D.S. NOGGLE, who resides near here. Two
  children, both girls, are the result of the marriage.
  Was born in North Beaver, June 12, 1826, on the farm of his father,
  James R. PATTERSON, who died in 1887. He was married to Mary E.
  HARBISON, in 1849. In 1852 he bought out John L. HAYES' general store in
  Mt. Jackson and did a good business there until 1854, when he went to
  Enon Valley and put up buildings and opened a general store, which he
  ran from 1854 [p. 101] to 1861. From there he went to East Liverpool and
  opened a store, buying real estate and erected two buildings. he was
  there until 1864. From there he went to Homewood, erected two buildings
  and established a store. He went to Cleveland in 1867 and went into the
  shoe trade as well as erecting several buildings. In 1881 Mr. P. went to
  Ashtabula county and bought a farm on which he lived until the winter of
  1884, when he moved to Cleveland and from there came to Newport in 1885
  and opened a store. Mr. PATTERSON has a first-class stock of general
  merchandise which he sells cheap. He is also agent for the P. & L. E. R.
  R. as well as for the American Express Co. He is a good business man and
  has many friends here. He is the father of six children, three of whom
  are deceased.
          J.C. MORROW
  Was born in Shenango township, Lawrence county, on the farm of his
  father, May 1, 1836, and was raised on the farm. At the age of 20 years
  he went to learn his trade with Thomas MORROW. After he learned his
  trade he went to Pittsburg and worked there. Since then (1859) he has
  worked for himself at Newport and different places. He enlisted in the
  Union army the year of '65 and was mustered out at the close of the war.
  He was married to Margaret MORROW in 1866 and by the marriage five
  children were born. A few weeks since he opened a carpenter and joining
  shop at Newport and does all kinds of work in that line. Mr. MORROW is a
  contractor and builder of all kinds of frame buildings. He also makes
  stairs, doors, sash, etc. Mr. MORROW has been in the carpenter business
  for the past 30 years and thoroughly understands his business. A
  contract is always safe with him. He worked in New Castle at his trade
  for over five years.

  Transcribed by: Tami McConahy 
  Updated 23 Feb 2000